The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 30, 1869, Image 1

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Offlee, 84 and 86 Fifth Avenue.
Joeux 111
J. P. =ED.
T. P. 130138T011,
II - mall. per year'.
P anted b 7 carriera, por !bet
1 nterviewing Grant Members
Arrivitig—Official Reports— Ap
pointments—Counterfeits— Mr.
Mu rl i nmune's Statement—D
patch from Minister Sickles—
MI nekly Again SOpreme
Judgeship Reciprocity with
s and Tari ff
Modtiltattions— Postal Treat"
ti ith France to Cease.
WA ma INUTON, November 29, 1869
From conversations with members of
the Wei s and Means Committee It is evi
dent that there will be an effort made at
the oncoming easelou of Congress to mod
ify 1,0143 the Intarnal revenue and tariff
lairs, notwithstanding the announced
purpose of Secretary BoUtwell and Com
missioner Malmo to advise that the for
mer law be permitted to remain intact,
in all material features, for one Year
more. Aa! to the tariff lawa, there will
certainly be name Important modifica
tions, es t la understood that one of the
Committee, Judea Kelley,kaa submitted
propcoillons that are approved by hi.
colleagues generally, where b y provision
Is to los made for the removal of duties
from a large number of article. we do
not produce In this country; In the ag
gregate making a reduction of tariff In
come of about seventy millions of dollars
In this direr-lhue,
an, ntraLlllo,ll.ltletiarraminsarr.
Mr. Burlingame several weeks ago
authorized a gentleman who had Just
returned from Europeto make the state•
moot, that the constant reports of the
dleaatiefartlon of the Chinese govern
moUt with his mink:lElO4OlMM MUM=
among those who are Opposed, on cnm:
mercial and other grounds. to the policy
of that government. Hie diplomatic
conduct Mas been to entire accord with
It, and has therefore received ita entire
approval. Lila mission will be ex
tended beyond two year*. In Feb
mail, be will probably proceed
from Berl In to St. Petersburg.
He also stated that the results of his
mission would he a complete Interns
Lionel triumph for China, and place
• her among the first commercial nations
of themorld.
Edward R. Ryan has been appointed
Amietant Amman. of Internal Revenue
for the Second district of New York, vim
D. McFarland. the perigee who recently
ahot Mrs Riebarctson. The following
A/Indent Ara have alao bermap.
pointed: Wm. H. Herr, Fourth Matelot
of Pentusyl3rants, and Wm. A. Herron,
Twenty...second district of Penuaylvaals.
Acting Commissioner Dough's* tcsday
appointed Jcusepb W. Dwyer, Supervisor
of•biterrnat Beyenue toe the northern
district of Ohlo in place of Hedges, dr
eamed. Mr. Dwyer bee been on duty
several months in the Internal Revenue
office irttb;* city: 1 , " 7
Minister Sickles, under date of -
2t3th. telegniphe Secretary Pith as fol
el eat authorized by the Miulater
of tne Colonlee to inform you that -the
Government messuree for Porto Moe
will includo beta wiltgovernment, deo
preseintibilfachoohi, jrnmatiereuirrnm;
the. gradual' but speadlrliktgattOn‘
slavery and civil politica rights without
distinction of color; domiellitated for.
el&ralr to vote:after six months nallt
demo, Three reforms are In good Mb.
to bitentended to Cute when nostllltlse
ettma.strd deputies sreebosen In Word.
IMO wit!" the provisions of. Article ifith
of Jim tiptinielt Gcniatitution."
I 11, NI 134
Thinrispreastbla Btnektey. tkoweimm
tertemildenes in Baltimore. calmed - Lbw
street: - , of Ex-Raceme , Ltartorionaner
Ranh* in -atm' city. au
Saturday. for
II todiliariDge taii damages at 1.50.004 for .
Mien to character- W. Bollinidetened
,thoraer n certain latter be had
wrßten,in which Bitichlty 'nu spoken
or utifetnrablY. Mr. Roffine FtelPitY
g a r! b/41'
Ponnterfoli ..throo dollar coupons or
bonds or 'tit, the first 5-20 norm, was
reected at thg Treasury today, having
been paid' 'Bosthn 'and tbrwarded to
Virashingtoh. fittest:l cent rota sad
twotwanty-five bent norm were alio re.
oeditil, Iran not ramped with
thirscattequlred to , t put 031 it the
lorrolumr oslnnear.--uosit
It stated that AttOrrtilly Gentirld Scan ,
v itt reehtti hla °dice seed ethethe
Wag of Congress, and Ida name will
forewith besept to the Senate for the va•
cant fhtpremellcantatid'
B. 11.7ltawater, of Peuidqinnia. tit a
prOselneht eendittate ,far. the 4ttoreei
Mar mamben at .lecontenso who-hive
witived here hero econddereble Wane=
to jatend teat the various deParttoonti
A.--lerge proportion bare already bed
interviews with Be3retery Boutwell, the
aunrolsaloner of Internal Beranint.
Ttasrarer q_o nner, sod other protairorot
treason' officials.
Mtn. 1340471110 T 70 CEASE.
silo and sitar Jahuary let, 1870, the ea
change of mails between the United
Sudan and -France will cease mum
once of the abrogation or the present
ftigal Convention between the two roan.
'Senator Edmonds at Vermont bad en
Idtervteri with the Pneildent tbu morn
ing, Enbeennently Secretaries Flab and
Se trap end Attorney general Hoar
mars in consultation irlth the PMaldont.
azozrzociry WITS CANADA.
U aseartatned, from CClagreiramea
zahrritavaalrestly arrtvad. ;hp the pro.
alma taatpructlty tregl with 01=liftwi
that but hula favor in the Bann at &ha
cruntagauattort. 7 • '
emotes 01 ouuttiterr.
Meese le mineral trieltruakm to to
rierreir to volume of currency , In the
Heath end West; probably through the
retstOdinevat at additiouel *atonal
nogg fa thee* sodium' -
175 x 077,1C1AL !CiroMM.
4MP - 641 4 e7 8111 7 'itir If in gull
agotad Sa Lte pfspangan or la report.
Gmyo.ca6twor Dotagooro - topoot wt
'anew; it,,,,orscorlnroetirou.i.eqoorebw.
iAxion , er twlrrat has IXlratiled the
goTrosivi Mmtliqemee.,
#404 roma Of 11.4 KW, Crosty—Th•
forarrtrikr 1,111 1 fila• • Crniard,
tlirreirerrtOrro at. psumovilosLootswi
'14 , 100#0 9 , , ikaluoto.te - alvefiti
Adtart4i frAtgi earyiss
Iran, Ponthivict, Aougaad Alitar&itligta,
0.0...v4 that rito ivornYirMita arb amogang
trrAtt ,i , r4sll.lV t•lorroettntaliew ludo
t dltroforit Alorrlofrr, t# ormarkr Use
40 4 i cno.rouritry, - •114, 00. dr
firtqrrr Orion.
Gorrod*r• stfrovirfr it vory woar.
4,6P;rit6f Mollottzol Otin a Pin»
Altifirf .1, 0731(f, ea* siso. /war keitiki,
taftiserl orAorrlitidef friirraditk,r.r.
r -...
011' Li , Tri-ii. , ii.witlit.sitidYiusi , o 4 1 ., 1
oti.`,t`stv,;P:e.i.v. li- &di iiiisVs4 ,
i.v.isoli, with st>fifiexhilV kisf siiifer , 1*
ow; rl4tifia. galtllii* i t tidrefitHiOtie ,
tntii-dAt ekrilaid 4 it st: '
,7 I V . OH . tit'
rltathf ill,P,K)j. 111}:Afit",„.7)fxr of
, g
Mk ,ciilsrotel. Mortatte - 0 0, y, it,
~ , ,,,d i t e' 4 ,Cii of
,f; ifxr , r TY. 1 , I f 'Vigaiit .edirtiso4ll(
noifpiPo• lAP , i 'p ,W, *
ii fillni 6 r Ifairi Y,sll i A ii - 1 to . . ,„,•c . , . i
Irpisc f sii,iisi,f.”( Roti.o , s 4griso id is
F. g
iti4. xo UXA• i 7 ,.,.i. .k/Zyttte:
1...- ,
The Drawback Rascality—New
Set oiTniprits —"T rn PS" on the
Alabama Claims, and the "Tri
bune" on the Spanish War
Fleet—Laborers Swindled by
Sharpers—French Request Pos
itively Declined—A Shocking
Murder—The Erie Rail way -
Vanderbilt Suit Honorably
Discharged Sea Serpents—
Railroad Accidents—Death of a
Comedian Situation of Mr.
Richardson, &c., &c.
(137 Telegraph to the Putsbarst,Ossetuto
New Yona, November 29, 1869.
Another phase of the drawback ras
calityln the Custom House Is now under
investigation by the District Attorney.
These new frauds differ from those
previously diersocered. In foot the
goods on which the drawback were
claimed were ostensibly shipped, al
though the packages were lu reality
bogus, barrels of water, for instance,
being substituted for barrels 01 oil.
The culprits seem to be a different set of
offenders from those concerned in
previous frauds, and so far as is known
no ofildals are Implicated. Their extent
has not been fully ascertained. No ar
rest, have yet been made.
The Times urges the transfer of the
negotiations - relative to the Alabama
claims to Washington. It doubts the
report that negotiations have been re
opened by Weider Motley. is says,
however, that we have reason to be
lieve that the British Government wall
ready to receive any new proposition
which, the British Cabinet tniffirtehoose
to submit. This was a mere formal twit
fleation, but certainly not a reepening
of it. It was simply a necessary
'lty In any event.
The Tribune says that In spite of the
representation. •of the Captaln.llenerel,
a questitmable orgen,tt Is reasserted that
the Spanish Admiral Maleomro did
Intend to make reprisal of the whole
'American commerce in the event that
Mulder Roberta bas not changed the
' demonstrative tone of his diplomacy.
Both Admiral bialeanopo and Minister
Roberta willhow perforce await the Wane
of the gunboat litigation and the action
of Colognes- If by that Uwe they wish
to sell out or wake war they will be bo
A set of sharpers calling thetneelves
Totten Jr Co.,,haVitier an office In Mi
ami street, entmeeded in swindling about
one. hundred and fifty laborers mat of
five dollars each under pretense of fur
Hashing them page to New Orleans, as
which place they were to be set to work
at SIM per day. On Saturday they
called, but their office was closed, and
Totten St Co. failed to put In an appears
MOB. •
It that the French govern
ment, which rerdked to negotiate a new
postal treaty with Senator Ramsey on a
more liberal basis, has 'naked that the
present treaty, which °soiree the first of
February, 1870, be renewed for one year.
This request our government tuts poet-
Lively declined.
Early yesterday morning, Cornelius
Stahl, • German, was murdered in •
chocking manner at Newark. N. J. Five
persons are in custody. It le supposed
the real murderer has escaped. The
affair in a mystery.
The suit of the Erie Railway Company
vs. Commodore Vanderbilt was resumed
before Judge Barnard to-day. Mr. Al
lele, paying teller of the 'daubs! tan
Oompany, testified the 11480,000 and
554.0,018/ checks were paid out of the Erie
moneys. Judge Beach moved to dismiss
the complaint on the ground that no
cause of action was made out, no proof
of fraud and conspiracy given. and If,
'ln fact. the. Erie Railway had fraudu.
leutly paid out money, It mold not sue
to recover back Its money. He could
not see wberestbare was any evidence to
support the claim.
Mr. Feud, for the Erie Clompany, re
plitektbsi Cher defendant bad, anti ye._
m ug erhablef the affiedouiroca pe
ay ed him
nothing ; that he had no claim on them ;
he got from Drew, $500,000 more than
the stock. wasisortb, and ;2004000 of the
payment for li, from the funds of the
Mmpany. What plaintiff now (misted
on was that their money, unlawfully
rid oat, should be returned to them.
tier farther argument, Judge Barnard
said the only gycand on which the
cue could be maintained was that
of- :fraud and collusion between Vardar-
Mit and the officer. of the company. It
seemed to him.the company's remedy
was against Drew. If they bad no far
' ther evidence, the complaint must be dia
muted, Mr. Field then ,called David
MeV, who testified that In July, 1808, he
was • director and Treasurer of the
Erie Inbreed Oinupany. At`that time
there were • eerier of litigations
against the Company. He had no nego
t ,, ..0ri with Vanderblltrelaivekseon
ni=boug 50,000
htformt=oJ Be told
the Commodore he ioaid -buy Awn
share Of his stack Fire would consent to
hold the ot h er alutrissof 'Monk be had.
and he dill consent Be agreed to pay
him (Vanderbilt) $4,,000,000 for the 10,000
shares •of stock. Mr. Eldridge at
MAl:imp hed,beee suspended from th e
Board, and
lie (Drew) made up his
mind to buy the Commodore'. stock
for the nurpose of obtaining control of
the Erie Wad. At that time be was re
siding in Jersey City. The Commodore
Always told him that he acted wrongly
Jersey City. brew farther
'Ng Eldridge, on being restored
kl lals plialtion as director, celled
upon him and asked him if he
would be satisfied to have him (rte
ridge) and Gould buy the stock from
the Commodore, end he said he would,
provided the Commodore could be sada.
lied. All the arrangemesus ware ac
cordingly efilemed between Eldridge and
' Gould and the Commodore. The fur•
' ther hearing was adjourned until to-poor
The complaint against H. A. Smalley,
OOP of Judge Smalley, of the U. S.
District Court of Vermont, wbb baa been
charged with complicity ill tbe Cpatom
Roues weigher Irate* has boerthouor
ably discharged.
On Thursday afternoon • motion to
'ffieellaigel theß=ltt guabotte from the
custody of the bal, on the grounds
that no funned between. Spain and .
Fero, and lbet ne jirofiferists of the gun.,
boats being Wended to act offereive
against Peru, will be argued before Judge
flffitffiffinst. , DiatrictAtlarneyrirdrenottf .
Moe It as his pinion the motion will be
The berJr. Scottish Bride, - from Dor
derma, at ibis port, report. that In Wi
lted* tblipjaeight Opole sixteen mho•
oltria kffigitude-'adlititY to.r deduct
eight minutes, alio saw two ma serpents
one stout Charm in twenty feat Long and
Ida w algid 11.1 thtslineee. ?he ether
about Ore tem. 44*. 'frir.r.y Waked shout
the sours Of • Mieti 444 *aka.
The owe /?.o,W toe Oe , tto of the
:Erie ildiP744, km , ~ .rreiteeerieris
of the A510441* . :40 .- . .. , 'P'' if )5 0 "
I t
the extra ftgorpt, , ~. Rea $4 , meet
Hopes/ Mb* , Isirrp,Oleey, Vail errata
ellxi‘ e t • • .
The t efe h_Mlirb 4irele ff9fle. Wit Jet
as the , flair , LisfeeY goovii6 riesq
with a freight train sieediee MI Ibri
tralt i "Prlnceton, yotiord*, oNortotifif ,
e damage Wee tirrtra, WO Milt'
me person, a breastpin, was lepirsoft.
James B. Browne', the yiBpyth ,
Manadiansfficil yester day, egad molt;
; -- yetria. y. , ..---- .
go, C4estirgl Committee appointed hr the
extreme Xer4oll4ll Temperance Convon•
L grew, Ma gelled a sum convention el
M gyretweitots the Yid of December, Oh
5 et 44 of telotztig a Political orgaul.
ye ' e n ternamwemettea 1134ffis State.
- weeetteible arrived
-7 "444*1 = 1. io &rut bett • to.
I'' O h =I:M,,,,L*F idly
°'4a i..7 l s ' tit amps
k! kfaZrablanrn,ine
Ipp,h, %eye were baps than ever
i: ,t,wrot:f.tofostmcf, 6 l tkoin4 groa,
ii.,."0.i.0 Miew oftrito , l4l /rine itireet-
I.hir, Peortriirektret, sad tsar lab kw
l! OtA lr
. r !.,,5' f
rw4s*Z7* 461t V -
r g Em r " 9 de ,. fao
4hle9rt N o ,
r t is O m
,M W t *i 67g , f lt=
SECOIII 011101.
Opening of the French Chambers .
—Speech of the Emperor Napo.
leon—Outline of Intended Re
forms— London '''lltues" on the
Situation in France—Death of
au Italian Sonptress—Parlia
ruentary Candidates—Pastoral
Letter—How the Emperor's
Speech was Reeelyed—Qtdet In
Paris—Markets, Reline News,
By Tele/MOO to the Pittsburgh kl &tette. )
PARIS, November 29.—The seartion of
the Senate and Corps begialatiff was re
opened to-day with great ceremony hV
the Emperor, who delivered a speech
frum the throne.
It was hoped the Emit:deem might possi
bly return to time to take part In the
reremonlea, but ahe has not yet reached
The Emperor said. "IL la not easy to
establiah a regular and peaceful liberty
In France. For months past society
Beet:nett to be menaced by subversive
passions, and freedom was compromised
by excessea of the press and of public as
semblages; bet common 1181120 has already
properly Judged these culpable exagger
ations, which, after all, have served but
to prove the solidity of the edifice
founded by popular suffrage. But this
uncertainty and trouble must last
no longer. The will of the people
meet be made known. Fromm wants
liberty, with order. Order, I answer,
for help me Movaietint to secure liberty
between those who would change all,
and those who would grant nothing, a
glorious course may be chosen.
The Emperor then referred to the Hon.
clue Commnum of September Mat.
which, he mid, he had proposed with the
purpose of inaugurating a now ors of
etIOCIHRLiOLI and program. It mot the
task of the Chambers to aid him in car
rying out the plan. He proceeded to
enumerate the municipal reforms which
were to be made. He pronounced the
actuation of the country astiefactory, and
declared toot the more he was ready,
however, to grant reforms, the more
decided he was to maintain the princi
ples of the Conetitution.
The relations of France with foreign
poweba were friendly. Sovereigns and
people desired pesos The Emperor
continued an foliose
We have reason to be proud of our
epoch. The New World suppress.
aSvary. Rinds frees the esti England
renders Justice to Ireland; the Bishop.
are meeting at Rome for wise and con•
oblatory purposes; the progress of
science draws nations closer to
each other, while America united
the s tlantic and Pacific. Everywhere
oapitat and intelligence combine to con
nect, by the electric edict, all nation.
France and Italy will soon be Joined by
a tunnel through the Alpe, and the Sees
canal has already united the Siediterran.
eau and ‘ Red Sec,Rute Empress la not
present to-day, bece desired her to
testily the sympathy of Frans with the
wonderful genius and perseverance of s
The tUnparor concluded In the follow
ing :
Messieurs—You resume your labors
after an unusual Interruption of the tee
Mon. I hope both bodies &that - Aare will
apply loyalty to the modifications lately
made In the constitution. There is to be
a more direct
_participation of the nation
in Its own SWIIL Thin will be a new
force for the Empire. May the Chart.
`ben prove that without lolling into re.
grettable excesses France can support
free institutions which honor civilised
PARIS, November 'A 8 o'clock P. Y.— I
Large crowds were collected around the
Hall of the Corps LeiriaLent to day, but
no distarbanoe 'secured. Within the
Chamber the wane was one of great to.
toren. The Emperor's address wax
listened to with the deepest attention,
and frequently applauded. At that point
where the Emperor declared he would
answer for the preservation of order, the
applause became enthuelastic- Roche
fort was not present. ER. name, when
celled was received with Mmes. The
official journals this evening praise the
apesch. The opposition prase complain
that the Emperor does not promise the
reforms which France needs.
LONDON, November V.—The nines, In
an article on French politica, says:
Whatever -divergence of opinion may
weaken the members of the opposition In
the corps legiguatif, they should work
together to overthrow the men who have
brought the Government into discredit.
There ought to be no compromise with
the passive Instrument, of the present
rule. Possibly the present ministers
may still be at the head, but the Em.
peror b accustomed to look upon hie
Power is built On edda of * bubfted to
one. Fat many years the opposition In
the chamber was composed of Faurre and
todtotbera. In the face of one hundred
and sixteen opposition votes, the Em.
perces position la already, untenable.
BILII.LIN, November W.—Giulia Grid.
the eminent Italian singer. died to-day
aged efty-tieven.
DUBLIN. November 29.—Mt. Kit.khaw
Is a candidate for Parliament for the
Mallow cud Mr. Mackay ;tom county
1.401110 3 14.
Arch Bishop Callen bee issubd a paw
torsi letter wicket, Peniardam" In the
ileums of which he asps the alliance of
Orangemen and Land Agents prevent
useful legislation.
Holmium "vox, November 29.—The
steamer Letpetg, from Haltimore, am ■r
LON DOS, November 2/I.—Cocueobs 93%
@MM. American Securities Aron '6.*
841(,: '66.. 883 ii '67111, OW t 1 0 , 4 05 . 7 2 %1
Erie*, 21 , 4 ; Illinois, 99y, ; Atlantic, and
Greet Western, 26. Liverpool cotton
market firm: middling uplands 11%@
1114 d; Orleans 12(4;124; melee of 14,060
bales. California white wheat 9e 6d; red
western No. 2, Saadi red winter 8m 10d.
Witten) Flockr-22a , Corn_, N. 2 M 160416:
Lardpot. s. 6d. Peas Stal. Beef 136 a.
Lard Ult 64. CbeemellEi. Bacon 67s 4d.
Spirits of Petroleum is ;(11 reig . ed
9M4& Tallow 46a. Turpentine Lin.
Pod 011 111. London Tallow 47..
war Head 445. Sugar 39a6(ES6d and firmer.
tr fats Linseed Ws fk. Unseodouras
Panic Nogawkier Z.—Mgme Ltd.
Attrum 711W2e.
liAtetio,November quieti
etfp *Wt. MN bones; afloat, LW franca.
AO - twiny, November W.—Petroleum
Or/ft el MN franca.
rkkouttrwr, November 29.—80nd.
pow y Atlpopiox,
Casiotioff64-401gtiwey Slobbery-00UB
teifplortatiNes, •
1114 Twisil/11011 w ON I . lolWirgo Ussintal
WAVIIt iMvettiber c9.—Oonntartsit
cud %Mee IMI &Hsi biUP tikve Ed_
made Web appearrino, slid are eiPimms
In Peabody . = fiatiisday evening, Nu
Mane] Lord, a wAll known citizen, was
down an the road and robbed.
tifV d tesred kla 'oyles are Mai. The
robbers wi V
Vary. this morning the boiler in the
',:•tr.taltentisidurr'of 7010 COW at
W -WWI; 413normstr' sod&
4*.the . . -sianyd: Baroesi. JOd
mew two other , ImPiO silcsyMit
Ike Oathollo Oink; to Weptointi
wee destroyed 1.7 are Slatardsy. Ito in ,
iiiireaseon the property.
j' - - ' 77 -'
Letter Prom Ceptste General De Hodes.
Another Eartitement— I uttarrents De
ICY Trleirap4 l'itt.bu ra 4 °tune 1
HAVANA, November 29.—A battalliorl
or Matanzas volunteers have gone to
Bolonderon, whore they-will remain a
month, at the expiration of which they
will be relieved by other volunteers.
Au engagement lately took plane at San
Jose, on the Puerto Frill(Ape and Suer.
vitae Railroad. Tho town was garrisoned
by eighty Catalan volunteers. lam In
surgents were commanded by Bemheta
Queeada. The insurgents made an at
tack on the Spanish fort. Eighteen vol
unteere advanced to meet them and
were captured. The insurgents num
bered 1.500, but foiled to capture the
fort. The reported lose is thirty-four
Cabana and several tattaltuta killed.
Ravwew, November VS.—Captain Gen
eral De Rodae, in a Jetta' to the Havana
agent of the Artsolated Press, eays, the
Havana and American Journals are
speaking Of a project of Spain. to sand •
Cleat of war verwebs to New York, and as
such rumors might create 111-feeling and
trouble, I hereby notify you that such a
project does not, and never did exist.
The report was probably caused by the
fact that the Spanish frigate, Lealead, is
going to Brooklyn to atop • leak, and the
Victoria to clear her bottom.
Otte thousand toldieni arrived yeater
day, by steamer, from Cadiz.
Awl yet Another Hettread Meddle In
487 Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Outfits.)
Roentorrsn, November 29.—The im
portant action rotnmenced by the Attor
ney General In the nau,e of the people
against the Albany and Susquehanna
Railroad Dompany and Joseph H. Ram
say, James Fisk, Jr., Jay Gorda, and
forty-two other persona. as defendants,
for the purposeof determining who were
legally elected Threat:into( said company
In August last, wee to-day moved
for trial before Honorable E. Dee.
win Smith now holding an adjourned
Circuit Wart In this city. The people
were represented by Attorney General
Champlain and his Deputy Hammond.
The Interest of the numerous defendants
being conflicting, they appeared by mayo
ral different attorneys. Gould was un
able to attend in °onset/nem* illness,
and Flak becanse he was a necessary
ness In a case on trial in the New York.
The Court refused a posponement, and
trial onnimanced. The complaint and
angrien of the oulous defendant.. were
then read and Court adjourned till to.
General *plod •f the Reformed Chareb
—Fourth Day.
PnILADELPfIis., November Mi —ln the
General Synod of the Reformed Church
to-day, the presence of R.I. Ds. Stork,
Commissioner from the Lutheran Gene
ral Synod, was announced. In the
alternoon session much of the time was
occupied in the dismission of the proper
disposal of other items of the report of
the Committee ori Minutes of District
Synod.. The occasion of prolonged
discussion was the ease of a certain mem
ber who believed himself wronged by
Dlattict Synod, which was finally
referred to a special committee. Raw.
Dr. Stork addreased the St nod as a del
egate from the Lutheran General Synod,
expressing the kind wish.. of that body.
S. S. Cox drll•ered a lecture this even.
Inn at the Academy an Programs In
Spain to a Very large attendance.
Proceedings of the Loglsistore.
illy TeLegroph to tb• PlttsOor.b xsvn.. •
l'ot.t . mniA, Nov. -A Lill Was In-
troduced In the House to-day to pay the
principal and interest of the State bonds
and stock' In coin.
A resolution wOO% Introduced by Mr.
Elliott, colored, favoring the reooguitleti
o( Cuba, and pledging tho aid of the
State to the General Uovern went in can.
of war wills Spain. 'rhn rr.olutton was
made the aperial order for NV ednoaday.
—The Rlckble Block. In Topeka, Kan
sas, was burned last night. 1.3 e &boat
020,000—partially Ineured.
—Thomas Kingsford, founder of the
celebrated March manufactory of Klngs•
ford dt Son, Oswego, died Sunday, aged
70 years.
—Judge S. H Nicholas, formerly Chan.
minor, and a prominent and wealthy cit.
leen of Louisville, died on Saturday
—l4:te Bangor, Old Town and Milford
Railroad Company have wild their road
to the European and North American
Company. .
—Alexander McConnell, who was
kicked tn the abdomen • few days since
by Lorerfko Murphy, died Sunday night.
Murphy L under arrest In Albany.
—Joseph Williams was knocked down
last, night la St. Joseph, Mo., while go.
logiVotri the depot to s hotel, and robbed
of 118,000. No clue to the robbers.
—Henry M. Dunn, who was bitten by
dog in August last, at ,A tinny, N. T.,
was taken with hydrophobia on Thurs
day, and after much suffering died Sun
—Joe Coburn challenges Tom Allen to
tight him for tan thousand and not lets
than twenty-live hundred dollars, and
pay Allen'e travelling expenses te..046
—Paymaster W. G. Murry, of the Mare
Island Navy Yard, It Is estimated ts ads
faaltai. to the amount of sl4o,ooti. Hs
turned Ids property over to the Govern
ment but It by no means covers 6Ln de
—Private advice, state that the Colum
bus, Hillsboro and Maysville Railroad
Company will be incorporated in • few
days. A meeting will bo held at the
Burnett Hoene, Cincinnati, on Wednes
day, of perwsus there and abroad inter-
Wed In the road.
Court or Common Pleas-4 ad ire. !Until
tdorrosr, November 2U . —The case of
Patteroon vs. Gillespie. previously re
ported, was resumed sod submitted to
the Jury.
Glenn vs. Gormley; action to remover
for scrap tobacco sold and delivered. On
HaUrged Freight Rate..
ke the result of the negotiations be
tween the managers of the Mona and
Hudson River, the Erie and the Pennsyl
vania Central Railroad for an Increase of
the rates of different kinds of freights to
all points West, It has been Madded to
advance the rates on first-class freight ten
cents on the one hundred pounds, and on
second-clue five cents. It has 111$0 been
determined to place certain kinds of
gar, coffee, molasses„ crockery
sod*- im nah—ibien have heretofore
been ranked sa ospesiai,i' among the
fourtirciass freight, as the transportation
of these goods comes largely in competi
tion with the Baltimore and Ohio Roads.
The increase, If any, that shall be made
on other kind; of ',special" freight as
well as on freight of the regular thud
and fourth chases, bu not yet been y
agreed upon.
Notwithstueling the advance in the
prices, the rates of transportation wlßbe
coneiderably less this winter than last.
First class freight, for Instance, will. nn
tier the adminced rates, he $1,50 per hi n
dred pounds (roes New keNf eotihieagoi
wh`walitil , year. at this time, It sus
$2,02, Thbi deifiand foe an increase
comes from the managers of the Central,
pen Elver end the Erie Eoadei—the
Poptral tiiktag pc s i e rn IP
ncgousuons fur th er than to dame
In *isomer prropeomeete may be agreed
utast by the teettesere of the ether rade,
provided the rates are not Axed at a prise
*low what ltdeatns to-be living nun.-
As elopotly dreamt lody itfotoiLly
ptpoontotl Itoretf to ono 'al Ilto
moitlitf atm In polo owl polltolitflosoutti.
Itoroolf IA the nuirdrrvis of oleffol
;SWIM , 'tsvoollmotlon Would,
topsoil NO oho WU 1664104 UM*. Is
Of htptUliaktion ostifiod tha itutturs of
Oa I wills Ifogoo7,
-V - -
Tan Supreme Court at Washington Is
said to be two years behind In 114 bual•
Bonita THIIIVES hang by the neck are
more plenty than milestones, along Texas
Ix Virginia, a will "written wholly by
the testator," requires no subscribing wit
Turenta In New York now dress up
as policemen, with exoelleut effect In fa•
ditty:Mg businem
Tna latest alathler In Trenton In that
twenty.tive Mimi* much money IN +pent
in bar rooms than as In supporting the
public schools ',,•
Sous of thalkiton banks have eon.
eluded nottokwairivate 'oozes of bonds,
dte, in their hereafter, Thieves
break through an Meal.
Pus Episcopalians have preaching in
a large hall in Salt Lake City, and a One
school with 100 acholan, some of them
the children of Mormons.
CHICAOO has a mystery. In a neigh
boring town romother was found dead,
kneeling by the side of the bed in which
lay her childalso dead.
O the IsM,January, 1869, there were
550 mile. of railroad in operation in Min.
nesota, distributed among different coin
panics. During the year, 244 mile. have
been built, and now there are 794 in the
Tue. Coroner of Bea Francisco reports
seventy air cases of suicide, forty-four or
drowning and thirty-flee of homicide In
that city since December 1, 1866. Only
one of the murderers was sentenced to
be hanged, and he committed suicide in
his cell,
Tam banks and Insurance offices of
Hartford, representing over $100,000,000
assets, have united in the employment of
three trusty men to watch their vaults
and offices during the night. Each bank
and office is to be visited every ten or fit
teen minutes.
Hens is the way live yankees settle in
the West A man recently arrived is a
town In Minns sots, bought ► lot, built a
house, and set up Jionse-keeping within
the space of forty.eight hours, and had a
.on and heir born to him before the first
meal was eaten in the house.
Tat largest hog In the country, it is
said, Is possessed by Mr. Robert Hering
ton, 1n Holmes county, Ohio. It is three
years old, mesimres nine feet in length,
font feet In height, ait feet and four
Inches around the heart and weighs
twelve hundred pounds. Mr. Bevington
has refused $l2O for It.
Tait dangerous Crudderfelts of rive
twenty coupons continue to be received
at the Treasury Department. It Is as
yet impassible to form asy idea of the
amount out, bat It does not appear that
any have been pat In circulation In this
country, as all those hitherto received
come from Germans.
Ls oil spring has been discovered In
Wyoming Territory, about five miles
north of Aspen fitatkm, on the ijaion
Pacific Railroad, and a well has been
bored to the depth of PIM feet. Three
small leaders of oil have already been
struck, and the Indications are very
favorable for a rich vein.
Tux Milwaukee Wireensia errs a list
of over seventy vessels driven ashore or
lost in the tut gale, and says that at least
thirty other vessels were driven ashore at
different points on the lakes, whose names
had not been received. Several lives
were lost, and the lake marine never
before suffered so severe a blow.l
Ix a steep rock, 111 mars south of Du
buque, lowa, an easentric Englishman
has excavated a dwelling. It has three
rooms with seats, 'psi:tubes, fire-places,
tines and el the conveniences carved in
the living rock. The occupant spends
his time in studying botany and etymol.
ogy. Ills museum occupies one room.
Pawnee in New York, representing
themselves to be authorized by the Gov.
moment, are calling on the mercantile
houses and examining receipt books and
hills to see how many receipts they can
find without the two cent revenue stamp
canceled, for all amounts of 120 and
over. The flee is supposed übe 650 for
each neglect.
INA letter written October 21, 1801, in
response to a request for his autograph,
Ex-President Buchanan mid: "In the
various public positions which I him
occupied, I have always endeavored to
do my duty to my Country, and upon •
careful review of my conduet I am coo.
slimed it will ere long receive the appro
bation of my countrymen."
SEVERAL clergymen in Bucyrus, Ohio,
who bented • recent manifesto against
dancing, says in • subsequent, card:
"Our 'earnest protest,' you will please
bear In mind, Is against 'promiscuous
dancing.' i. a the dancing of the sexes
together, 'at any time or anywhere.'
Men may dance together, if they wish;
women may do the same, LI so disposed.
We do not protest against such dancing."
Tuz notorious leader of Trades Unions
at Sheffield is coming to America, the
authorities having rehmed to grant him •
public house license since complicity In
several "Union" ontragas was proven
Against him. This man 's name Is Broad
head, which Mr. Charles Meade has
translated "Orostait" in his last story,
the scene of which is laid in Sheffield or
A. tun' Widen of San Francisco uks
120,000 damages from two citizens for
divers grievous injuries received while
witnessing s display of fireworks on the
night o: July 4th, in consequence, it is
alleged, of the negligent and unskilful
discharge of a rocket by the defendants.
Hers left eye was gouged oat, her left
cheek punctured, and her neck and feel
ings larcersted.
No nausea of business in Boston
shows more activity than the oyster trade.
The price has bees reduced to 51,50.
The decline last year wss to 51,00 per
anion. The wholesale trade is very se
dye, and until the middle of hey some
lbrty.tive' oyster vessels will run between
Boston and Virginia. Between three
and four thouassid bushels Is the average
amount of each cargo.
That manage mailers In Bt. Petersburg
rather more curiously than elsewhere. In
srecentforgery trial, involving some mil
lions of rubles, and requiring some two
handsel witnesses, the tftgiwny of a
Elenstor was needed. He objected to go
ing 10 the onset when "PRI° Ilitrd. The ro.
spit was that the "MP" pourt had to pro
ceed to his residenps to U'e his testimony,
which he gracionly consented to give.
Tag Feast of Dedication, which vele •
ton of
es thenresen th e neticood ex .
istence add the liberation of Inure race
from oppression, commenced on Thar,
day of last week. and sill tontines for
eight successive days. To the Jews this
Is a period of hilarity. Additional praise
and thanksgiving are offered la the ye
eons churches, and Ismily otherinp
yiltb &se is bower of the °mural" The
festival has been observed by these people
for ;pintas of 2,000 yeses.
Bata time back the Brazilian Govern.
mad °feted a prize of $B,OOO in gold for
ilia best method of preserving inept for ,
exportation, thirty. live competitors CUM
forward in the shape of th irst tina
from various parts of the world. These
were opened on the lit inst., and of the
contents of the whole number only those
of six wore found at all pew:nal. Of
the six the beet wu from 'Glasgow itim i
mud chi willwg_ 41117 RIR tia
irtlicktowovol, 1 14(12 01 Pit been IMO,
An old nun, named Lyman Allen, wan
found newt in bb room, In the klihrist
WI of a Wel in jersey alt but week.
i t i
Far vs ar .4 Tell" be "sled in th° 1
sou gurftenta, arni el dicta to
144 oni : bIll MOS 1/11bont
Mien n, no one knowing or = ou
know his oampstion. An Cla
of hit room bmnight to nsbtproperty rai
ned Jil out sooo,oo% t ridell miritial
for vast sums °lsm A will was
fonpd, executed 'fleas IMO me,. ke
questhips the antJp Proio,nri° 1 45 id g er
Mt phildten, In newton. wabilectictu.
APunitan In Cincinnati Incently con
mired tits Idea of sawing a roansp 'tithe
olds of s ..srlsaly," and oendfng his
bear man out to distribute shophllls. As
the "animal" proceeded down the greet,
with a club in one paw and a handle of
circulars in the other, children tied, wo.
men screamed, dogs barked, horse , reared,
a milk-cart was demolished, the police
rushed to the rescue, the bear was march
ed to the Mayor's office, and the enter.
prising dealer in skins found himsell
most gratuitously advertised in al, the
newspapers next morning
AstoNo the sufferers by the Boylston
(Boston) bank robbery, was a young
gentleman who was married a few days
ago. His earnings for years—some 47,000
—were in the bank, and when he went to
the bank to draw therefrom funds sufli
dent for a bridal.tour, hi■ feelinge may
be Imagined as We learned he had noth
ing there. The bride was a true woman,
however, and accepted the situation
bravely, saying she had taken him "for
better on worse," and as the worse bad
come drat, One would help him bear the
burden. lan't the young man richer now
than he was a week ago?
Tax personal appearance of the lady
mixed up in the Richardson-McFarland
scandal is thus described . Shit la slightly
above the middle size. She has light
hair, a fair complexion, and the rosy hue
of vivid health. Her head displays fine
phrenological developments, and her
whole aspect suggests a high tone of
mental and physical harmony. Her
voice and expression denote exceeding
gentleness and modesty, and she shrinks
with pain from the publicity to which
she has been.rdbJected. She at once im
presses a beholder so possessing a lovely
and Interesting character.
recently performed in New York city,
noon a little boy who had become de
formed by a burning accident. The
dratrix drew the chin down to the chest,
and the lower lip adhering thereto, all
!semblance of a neck or chin was des
troyed. The sufferer could not raise his
head and hie mouth was constantly open.
lii■ head has been restored to Its natural
position, by dissecting the flesh from the
chest and forming a flap under the chin,
the operation, which occupied two hours,
proving entirely successful; and the
patient at last accounts In a fair way of
Tits question of consolidating the cities
of New York and Brooklyn is being
agitated by prominent men on both sides
of the river, and is believed to be • cart
of • programme to be submitted to the
new Democratic Legislature for the re
construction of the municipal govern
ment of the metropolis. It is rumored
that Governor Hoffman will, in his an
nual message, recommend consolidation
and propose a scheme for one responsible
municipal government baying.' uriallction
over what Is now called the Metropolitan
Police District, comprising the counties
of New York, Kings, Richmond and
West Chester.
Tug Hassachuaetts newspapers men
tion n melancholy case of insanity from
overwork which has Just occurred at
Worcester. James Preston, aged about
15, was employed in "the Qokudgamond
Wire-Works." For two years he has
worked regularly eleven hours a day,
and each alternate week the acme number
of hours at night. He did not attend
school at all, and his employer was thus
guilty of a violation of statute law, for
which he Is to be Indietml. The poor
boy had parents, but they did not utter.
fere. The mania of the lad is said b. be
of • hopeless Character; and altogether •
worse case of cruelty to s child we do not
remember to have heard of.
'rue report of the committee appointed
to investigate the drain of the Methodist
Book Concern at New York, fails to give ,
satisfaction, and there are many who do
not hesitate to call it a "whitewashing"
report. It is noted that it lacks this ale.
names of the. ~b.in0.03 of the scab coin.
mittee appointed to make the special in.
vestigatlon, and also that it condemns in
two resolutions what it praises in one. It
Is not unlikely, from the feeling mani
fested, that Dr. Lusatian, who made the
allegations of misconduct, waste and
steaUng, will feel compelled to seek a
public Investigation in the courts of jus
tice, and the arrest of one or two per
sons concerned In the Book Room affairs
is probable.
Tue. direct loss of life by accidents in
the English coal mines, according to a
report made In 1866, by a Committee of
Parliament, amounts to one for every
67,877 tone of coal raised. The loss In
Yorkshire, however, la much larger, be
ing one life to every 22,233 tons. The
casualties in the coal regions of Schuyl
kill county, Pa., have been calculated to
amount to one life !or every 33,000 tons,
being twice as grad u in England.
Prom these statistics It is argued that, as
It is much more dangerous to mine bitn
minus than anthracite coal, the careless
ness In the Pennsylvania coal mines must
be excessive. It is thither estimated the
annual coal mop of the United States in
volves a loss of 442 lives, besides 287
severe Injuries.
Tug House Census Committee have
agreed upon a bill, and directed it to be
printed end ready for Congress upon its
assembling. It provides ter one commis.
stoner of census, who shall be appointed
by the President, and confirmed by the
Serrate, as soon as the bill becomes a law.
The commissioner shall appoint i deputy
commissioner in each Congressional dis
trict, who shall appoint as many enumer
ators as he may deem expedient. The
deputy commissioner shall receive eight,
and the enumerators five dollars per day.
On the Ist of June, 1870, everything
shall be in readiness, and the work of the
deputies and their subordinates shall all
be completed by July 1. The tables are
more comprehensive, and go more Into
details than any ever yet taken.
Toe "Cardiff Giant" Is about being
taken to New York. The Albany Jour
nal says: "Whatever may be the ultimate
solution of the contradictory theories
relative to Its origin, its antiquity or Its
purpose, one fact seems evident from the
testimony of all who have seen It—that
It 4 an object of uncommon Inlere
calling forth emotions. not experienced
by the viewing of even highly wrought
miasma statuary fresh from the hands.-of
the great =stem The figure 4 ten feet
four and a half Inches In height, and
weighs 2,990 pounds. It la equally per
fect in every part, the posterior portion
having the sameappearance =its surface
as the anterior. There 4no represents
lion of hair upon any portion of the
body, nor has It any provision for lying
down or standing erect, having neither
tahlet or pedestaL If viewed as a statue,
theie facts render It • most strange piece
of sculpture,"
Influence al tieing In Love
Every one know. how being in love
changes for the tome a MIN spiritual
athx6Phere' en brso d yari the cL em wh .j er t e d on t,ef ula :ctre msy there aninuiti ev :i n as:fla y ta tt l a ew,
this is the reason why being In love Is so
popular with the wit* human race—
It relies in so InadMikle and de.
lightlbl a manner the tedium or
of commonplace human lite. rod rot
only does It change the atmosphere. . of our
*trite, making air, PIP anti movement
where before in" stagnstion and gloom,
but it also sensibly , and powerfully in
creases our faculties of action. It is I
matter of the commonest remark how
timid man who is In love will show
courage, or an indolent moo will
show diligerpt. list' , a timid man who
would be only ths mire paralysed in a
motet% of 'danger by being tuld that It
bla bounden duty u a man to akar'
sad that be mrult 11111M 1 sod
i rs= moray lf he does will
show Armen quite easily from Wag In
love. An Indolent man who *rinks
back from the vtgrtrous eilrot oqiy the
more because be Is told and knows that
It Is • oire's business to show emu,
end the it Is shoniefoi le hiln if to ami
WA will show energy quite easily tram
being In love. This, 1 learn
the analogy of the CMS UM , di]
soperience—thars p , 11 ir
l eErflil 11140ChMegt
willeh t hecouldby .. ll l liner l y;
collapsed of hintaelf, and that in thus
mood ha an do wonders 'which would
not be possible toot without It.—Corn.
/dl7 Maymins.
My readers, if 1 have any, will have
oqserved that I never allow anybody but
myself to berate women. Of course, like
the philanthropist, who would settle mat
ters amicably between conjure' parties, 1
:have to take blows from both sides. That
I don't mind, as I never believed in "the
outside dog In the fight." Not to digress
farther, the sell-immolation of New York
women is to me a constant theme of
wonder. Now yesterday was a cold,
gusty, nipping day. Even the blithe
I little children were bxi cowed by it to
I play hall when dismissed from school,
but ran home quickly to their mothers.
Cartmen slapped the numb hand that was
; off duty into their pockets, or held It over
1 a red ear. Male pedestrians put on their
1 thickest boots and overcoats", and their
warmest flannels, and disdained not to
make themselves Into temporary loafers,
by that sovereign recipe of turning their
coateollans over their ears. Women
went out to walk, in ridiculous little
jackets, open at the throat and bosom,
1 and a gold locket where a fur collar
should be. Muffs were left at home, If
they had any, and tight kid gloves, to
I stop the circulation, were worn Instead.
The wind—that saucy tell tale—informed
me also, that cambric, with many nifll es,
were in the place that should be recopied
by flannels. (I trust this is delicately
expfnased, so that no moralist will stig
matize my article as 'unfit for family
The result of this style of dress, on 1
their part, was a curious displacement of
color In their complexions The azure,
which should have been In their eyes,
was on their lips and noses. The red,
which should have been in their cheeks,
was on their ears and eyes. Then, ow.
ing to boots too short, and heels too high,
their gait was like that of a disconsolate
duck, waddling to a far. off mod paddle
for comfort. Tole to me was not an in
spiring sight. These women evidently
corffd never get to the polls in time to
vote, or have warmth enough left, If they
got there, to ballot with any enthusiasm.
That was very clear, even to a fibrosis.
lan! They were suffering undeniable
torments, with not even the reward dear
to the female heart—of exciting admira
tion. Pitying eyes followed them as they
toddled by, doing their best—poor dears!
—to brave It out. Physicians laughed in
their sleeves, as a long hill loomed up in
their future. Even their admirers `mould
hardly believe that Mary inn could have
looked very plain."
But the agony to me is thin that the
same amount of endurance, worse than
thrown away here, would, in the right
direction, acomplish Inch marvels for
themselves and others! That is the
thought uppermost In my mind when 1
parts these female martyr. I might say
tomatoes, But then again, I say to my.
self, Nay, but it is well for folly of all
sobta to reach its climax, and do its pal
pable worst, that a reform may oome all
the sootier, And as lam not an under.
taker, and - cannot, therefore, be supposed
todsave an eye to business, 1 will ven
ture to remark that it Is perhaps a benefi
cent provision, that fools should kill
themselves off as speedily as possible, and
mike way for their betters, who will in
trolince Into the world vigor and strength,
both physical and moral.
But is it not deheioury when inc‘ does
meet a woman who can`step off' A wo.
win dressed for the weather! A woman
with a broad cheat and a healthy cheek
as@ a bright eye, who looks as it sheen
joyed the kee air, and was ready Mr •
slice of honest at' beef on her return,
Instead of • men pie
pie! Dear I dear !
how mistaken women are, when they
imagine pallor and fragility to be beauty,
and health and vigor to be coarseness.
Tney are learning better, I think; but
two... is so very cloy. *rad milky
many fools about, and there is
elevating and reformatory work to be
dope I
Why a bone, or a dog, or a nit Is con
sidered by Mr. Bergh to be more valuable
than a woman turned to good account, I
fall to see. I move for a hospital for
crippled girls, who toddle round on
French heels, and wear lockets to keep
their throats warm. Caleb them and
shut them up, good Mr. Bergh; for this
public killing off process is painful to my
humanitarian sensibllitlea, and demomliz
lag to your sex, who have, as It Is, little
enough reverence for womanhood. Men
are precious fools sometimes, but I'll do
them the Justice to say that they general
ly give their toes room enough, and know
when It Is cold. FARNY FERN.
There Is one peculiar form of danger
to which I would specially direct your
attention. There is one nation In Europe
which, more than any other, lass been
subjected to these Influences. ln ages of
revolution, nations live fast; centuries of
life are passed In fifty years of time. In
such a state individuals become subjected
more or list to influences which are work
ing around them. Scarcely an enjoyment
or a book can be met with which does not
bear the impress of this Intensity. Now
the particular to which I allude is French
novels, French romances and French
plays. The overflowing, of that cup of
excitement have reached our shores. Ido
not say these works contain anything
coarse or gross—better if it were so; evil
which comes Ina form of grossness, la
not nearly so dangerous as that which
comes veiled in gracefulness and senti
meat. Subjects which are not better
touched upon at all are dismissed, exam
inediand exhibited In all:the most seductive
forms of Imagery. You would be shocked
at being your son in a fit of intoxication;
yet I say solemnly, better that your son
gouda reel through the streets in a fit of
drunkenness., than that the delicacy of
yaw daughter's mind should be injured,
and her imagination Inflamed with false
tire. Twenty-four hours will terminate
the evil in the one case. Twenty-four
hours will not exhaust the effects of the
other;you must seek the consequences at
the end of many, many years. I speak
that which I do know; and if the earnest
warning of one who has seen the dangers
of which he speaks realised can reach the
heart of one Christsin parent, he will put
a ban on all such works, and not suffer
his children's hearts to be excited by
drunkenness which Is far worse than that
of wine. For the worst of it is, that the
men of cur time are not yet alive to this
growing evil; they are elsewhere—ln
their studies, counting.honses, professions
—not knowing the food, or rather poison,
on which their wives' and daughters' In
tellectual life is =stained. It is precisely
those Wm Us most unfitted to =stain the
are re strai n t
iedfsrwhte Taws
are mo st I nflam mab l e,
iL w Be
Iltra nor
R ow to keep the doing generation of
q t iktiko: der wh a ich wir . whol esome discipline, d w iam bui plin n e, g b ib. '
wits of yarents and %ambers. The
o f
the period outainly hu a license and
liberty of action which his father never
had. He nun in the street, (looses ha
own associates, worries his sisters, playa
trnant, harasses his teachers, and Indulges
In mealy dissipation and vices on the
and yet his beck and the calves °fhb,
legs are Innocent of the birch. lle has an
acetunnlated wore of back rations which
be has never drawn and often deserves.
His father controls him but little, his
mother indulges him, and the teacher
reaps the homed% of his bad temper, ill
manners and spoilt tantrums. do young
hePehll Progragica. ammo day be be.
have outlive:end). then comes the cll."'
tics, who la to punish him? Into teach ,
et does, newer somildly, and although the
boy deserves more than he seta, the
youngegoothe runs home whinthg and
whim g about hwriug been otheatett,' '
Ind abets' to his Maher 'Omit is
' , undeserved" pualshment. Then comes
a scene between the parent and teacher,
and all about tidal:tie reprobate, who
has probably not gotten half he deameek
The question Is, what's to bedonet Why,
this; When a boy does anything mean,
false, or dirty, let him be thrsaW , sound•
ly in presence of the whole school, at
We shall hart all the better
generation of men In forty years if the
rod, Instead of being put away to nit,
is taken down and used wisely and etl/'
NO. 277.
A New i,aplosire Agent
Danline Is a coarse powder 01 • light
brown color, looking very much like saw.
dust, or like Virginia , cooking Lob., t.
It will neither decompose ',even by being
accidentally bought In contact with
acids), nor c)ngetal, nor pack together,
nor lose any of lta properties during a
spell of cold or hot weather. It is imma
terial whether the magazine In which
danitne is kept be dry or damp, hot or
Danline, if tired by a flame or coal, will
burn in the open air without exploding.
Twenty live pounds of duallne, contained
in a strongly made her, over which a
large tire was built, commenced burning
rather slowly only after the staves had
been burned through. Lint, if confined
In a strong inclosure, OA in a well.tamped
blast-bole, in the box of a mine, In a tor
pedo, &c., dualine can be exploded like
powder by a fnse or spark. The stronger
the inclosure is the greater is the effect of
the expli •ion. In the open air, or with
a tamping of lot', wand, or under water,
it is netwasary to use a cap in order to
cause the dualine to explode.
Dualine is so little sensitive to concus
'ion that it may, without any danger of
premature explosion, be used for the burst.
Ing charge 01 shells.
Dualine acts on coal and rock less vio
lently than nitroglycerine and dynamite
do, its explosion produces in coal a
larger quantity of lumps and round coal
than even a corresponding charge of pow
der would produce.
Absolutely cheaper than either nitro
glycerine or dynamite, it Is also rela
tively cheaper than common bleating pow.
der; for hardly one-fifth of the work and
time required (nosing the latter is needed
for successfully operating with dualism.
The explosion of dualine does not cause
the development of any noxious gems, I
and miners may resume their work Immo
diately after a blast has been fired. In
the Dudweiler mine, for instance, a mine
that Is not well ventilated, five blunt were
made In quick succession, yet the miners
were not in the least molested by the
gases developed by the combustion of ten
ounces of dualine used for the charges of
these blasts. At another much better part
of the mane mine, a charge of only two
ounces of dynamite was fired ; its explo-
Ilion filled the shalt with nitric acid gases
that were insupportable to the men in the
Dual lite combining strength with safety,
and certainty of action with considerable
s.sving of expenses, may therefore be des
tined to occupy, ere long, In mining op.
orations on this continent, the mane place
which It has obtained In Europe since Mat
May, when the first trials with It were
II uobands, AttenUon.
The duties of husbands are thus laid
down in a dlsixmise by Rev. Dr. Wm.
kiltman: The first duty of husbands is
to sympathize with their wives in all
their cares and labors Men are apt to
forget, In the perplexities and annoy
ances of business, that home cares are also
annoying and try the patience and the
strength of thei • Thr •ne hot-
at. 01 1r wives. They come home
expecting sympathy and attention, but
are too apt to have none to give. A sin
gle kindly word or look that tells his
thought of her and her troubles, would
lon hall the weight of care from her
heart. Secondly, husbands should make
confidants of their wives, consulting them
on their business plans and prospects,
and especially on their troubles and
embarrassments. A woman's intuition
in often better than all his wisdom
and shrowdrit,s, and her ready symp-^'
..ady sympathy
and interest is • powerful aid for his
efforts, for their mutual welfare. Thirdly,
men should show their love (or their
wives In constant attention', in their
manner of treating them, and in the
thomiand md ne erlB
__l>g o n ft3Wes
wince rnar
which makes all the difference between a
life of Mid and undefined longing, and
cheery, happy existence. Above all,
men should beware of treating their
wives with rudeness and Incivility, as ft
they were the only persons not entitled
to their consideration and respect. They
should think of their sensitive feelings
and their need of sympathy, and never
kt the fire of love go out or cease to show
that the flame is burning with unabated
IN Amesbury, Maas., George F. Good
soe and Charles H. Lowell, some time
since exchanged wives, with the entire
consent of all parties, Mrs. Lowell be
coming, by formal marine, the wife at
Mr. Goodsoe., and Mr; Goodsoe the wife
of Mr. Lowell. The two couples lived
together under the new deal for some
time before any one Interfered with
them, and as far as can be ascertained,
Istisfactorily an pleasantly, but people in
that part of the country are somewhat
prejudiced against these little arrange
menta, and somehow the case got before
the Grand Jury. The parties were chin.
ed with polygamy, and last week the
cases came before the Superior Court at
Lawrence. Mr. Lowell plead guilty, and
the others, who were on ball, not guilty.
By consent of counsel, the jury, by
direction of the Court, brought In a pro
forma verdict of guilty, the facts in the
case, all that the jury could try, being
admitted. The ease will be taken to the
Supreme Court tut points of law.
ligr MORI ceramic
Iloder t►r *umpire. of tbv LADIES' 1101112 f
City HMI. comma tici•A Decrisiber it►. Open
from It K. to II i.
Dinner every day from LA 1,3 tridoell.
AdmLsloa . 115 A
Dioaer sad Admission. ....... 3.0 e.
• lamas tad sampled sAsartysinst of MadMs
sad flat tioads. at tla barest papas.
4 Sixth St,B9 Filth Avenue,
(Late at. Malt.) ao3o
Corner of Penn and Sixth Streets
NO. IT TOOUTII rrrnaustia
OPIN DULY from t to • ivent i sad ea
BATIZr I ty tie d 7‘,T , sc .
ti. 1.1 r .
amber at ta May ht. •to to Werra
rald Om ins of dm pa mat.. of iss.and
If aos attlahava comporads aliml.aaasally.
January and .1 aly. Books of Ity.Lawa. La. 11 , .•
alea altb calm • •
of KaasiafrOtal. Berfy„Ad=
S. 11. Venom.. Jaa. Mt. Jr. s a vg.
D i.'13.2r7:1..e.m.,.. ih
Ult . ;
In T.. b r►a ilf .
Vi Bell. Sollellors •:-loßales
This k etiristlas Nome, tad •My &altered
twi e w titr af ir VP4l2,:trgrel
=i t l ouLtraixt '" AmiL3,` ICI or jlCart
-1:31,a umpansests.
TZILII6-1/aohe expran Tultkul:
=Mom to.reillall ver — ia
sewn mums& Athaiess,
KM A. W. comas, D.D ,
•%; - -v -•
- -
••n+w published In .W.l.Oris rizmmal.
lagle nbeADen
Clabe of aye....... .
Club. of u.O .
N 0 T/CES—"2b-Lee," "kb , 00.4.4.
"L.; If - ants," ...Pound," ..Boardiv,"
•0t exeregime FOUR LIN BLY, tea/
be mu-tied r tbese bolusnlU mot •
rwEN T ( 'EN TS; cad, adrlF
to a[ !Ow F I K C'A'S TA.
14..1 l'reisman.
R. 0. • •LX
Fe/e12411 for NV. U. JoAkar.= 4Do.
A'VTED--A Gentleman and
AL DV BOAR tto occupy • ectithpal
ml.l• n. peco od dna', nn .boani ' but I&
r. rat., lo • e,y
.piessut lotraltt7.
• 11.. b., y Addreu C U.. o.tilenv UP.
WANTED.—A few lint- chi.*
Bunn P.* 556 Penn sesame. Nose
others nerd apply.
lir A RV' ED--A G ENTB .—To pkig.
Y V V,ln coir•s111 for Idao date of a 04.7
laym•.d tew.l• a mo
nu y di. h• • for tf.1.0131.1241141/6•8
of Nte...soles. .aquir• at More. nom"
w. rd. At . vahont ear' of I. ALLRIS.
• vtral Aro, :•tt tit N Vit,ITOILS
meal..., /it ttle 12 • PATCH OPIIOC
Hlgbelt wye• tll,m.
PROP NI ZTollel LI. PAT(' B. Pittabosgh,
Wlll nod pleasant quartets, eotuttaat ea;ploy
meet .d lO , Od hire. at the tlines of Ile
Mercer Iron and Coal Co.)'
nton:born, on the J amain:mu and hantlil.
Railway, Mer,. All fall from PlAL
burgh. Apply no
H. 13. BLOOD,
4-q HRN[HIf. AtiIENT, El!al:mbar°.
A v ANTED. - AGENTS. -iritalo
Ilrrermoo, to tell tk e only tinitralel IM
-I.llOlrlW 120.11111mS 6V.K etWING MA
CHINE rttee only 111. Great lateen:mats to
icgr lats. Tots la the mmy popular %Mb=
Ltithe of the Oak—mates the "
ock 9tlkela , •—,ll do env Itlagl of wort that pea
be done GU any machtn. — 100,090 sold awl the
demand eonetaotly Ineasaatng. Now la the thee
to take an Agency.head toe clrem/gll. 114.94.
ware of totringers.lßll Addy.. ISKCOgi• •
Ltoeton. kaga., lquabarab, ar
L•eata 110.
.110,000 to Loan in Ivan or Lean astaanna
Bill, Bond and Heal Cala. Thelma
No. 179 tlar Enfield stmt.
Wk RR to .11 the AIIaRIDAN _
MAeHINE, only 01.11eal /Ps=
Dolton. Machine erer Invented.
Wlll trilt PO. 000 stivarn per =AV:. ad
Bosu, Mats., or 01. Loot, Mo.
lt) to .11 the celebrated HOLMIUM •
here,. more Ilbe_rel than say othereoms667.
Call nod examine at 161 Wood street.
H. C. WILL uX., TrareLLll/ AVM.
WANTED--1111ELPe.--AT /1311.
PLOYILENT 011PICN, No. 1 11t 2. 1:=
dareet, BOYe 0101.9 sod W e for
Wide of eteployeceut. Pomona wartstagirtp
of all Mods eon be Imo, Hod on abort
v /MUNE, AGENT fol. • Cluallg•
Hardarary LLAirr. to travel ha Teekscga. and
1 .• , •• PDI. Brat of city reflewmo.e maven. Well
11,1•10 a Iv the. nouttern Mater. .4drese
. Hi Allegtarny City, P.
WANTED.—A gU autitl
(. ! , 7 1. ctlr o C.LEZE, pr., -4114
Thlmeentb st rl4• A be ß r i tt. t WIAVER.
UT ANTED—Ain active Partner
intha ATM rAlt - ztte
In Alltotny Addreu C., Allesbany Cl 4:
elAr."ltelureuces required. t•alt
IWO ...rale ford etre....
OST. —Yesterday siternoom,
Xo j ta elltgo to Itrowonowo. A Übeerd
wUt ee elven i f left at 143 Linutt atzwes.
~,,,,, „. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,
-TwO ru est/Imm
L IPI ROOll4. Yuqulre at 254 helm
tr.,. L.
r3PILET. -0 0 11.—A rurnlth.
THON r ROOM, very 41calrable.
STlitg one or two centlosools. twat...v.121
A A. L A ROE 60031, Ude, the PIA,
leelir vrl , er without an beldlsloostsbew
rho.. h °STA( •triNIJIL
FOR 5.,U.11L
owehlog. No. LI mule/you .4.1. tat
ao.ov Th. JO( 1 • SI het o• Andantoll Wawa*.
ex - tenant. back 144 leo to Cl_tat.• oy which o• ttoottd • Tnittt hTUBT 81141 S.
BOU.SE CaPtailing Inlet Wan
Imo bath too. Then la hot sad col/wawa m Utah h ouse and bath room. tor tants,
atomize o f ash W. Y. BLACILITOOL.
if &CHIN E. bum., Iriittffeeta twillaleg for
g 11111 workvtd good trade estabilabed.
Addrag. • •. / 01 311DUY," Ai Ude Ogler.
11011.71.63.,L1 and 0nc005043024.
etantly on band . rid E on. ht. .
.... - ws-
Corer Seventeetr ie"
sOLI:tf ritut="k.
Flea BALE.--Enrinesand HeEl.•
n, Nam sad &woad Hoak a at MIA
eouslaptly on nand.
(Wars from all parts a Ilia Caglaals7 proaall
J AYES HILL • 01)..
Omar Marton Avenue & P. P. W.£ 0. LW
Larshasy, Pa. .
eH,, OU r E Bo il er
. L e O n PletuvtrT
ineenea. In plasma= eul4
nolArb=c , n , L b A neteman . Val .4. cosivenles=
IL 1.1,. If one eon, will be res i gn. AL g
ForeN-SesS eDeet. A 1... weber of 0411.2
IloUnts anD LOIN for oak,
FLED, We nale. WIN In Illoolnlebi Onisele.
a lr3 0 7 41Vol n In d I.a utat.
Insamen• AaelkL. be•enteentb Rud e numb. a.. appnalte Sc. &tors lishatinni
Thos. d Lots °naming 910,-B.lralli van&
rt. 45,5 . 00; 161‘ mres sear nestsa { narks,
54)01 I 5" otua std Let,
homes os 71.1a .4 leek
nobs II M.. sad 3 lots la elnts
ha 300: 6 sans toveshlp at In..
ros4 66,090: as Ftemesterresh,
,000. or and lot In halm. littUrl L M
sere (woad 1n Herlene Bon:4W
sad lota, Mad at Beans strest.oo.ll3o; treara
sad 9 acres Is Elisabeth Soso, *LIM; ltbast
sad lot In Bo
l ot asares eariai k _nnes
sonatas II root.. lot 00 0 7 170 in AtitAl
farm at Pair Data Stiarkia..97.-aesser
PERSONAL—AIII parsons semi^ :
INO HOMI3, or lavaatasaata to Mal rt
will we Ulm tremble and
earls a copy of Um .. PlPTan= iLL
ILSTM. lila /Maws/ 111111 1 / 1 11 , .
at .111 ba gaat b rata taw
frircaa= l.l 4l/4 Wig! " alfa t'l.
liana sad Baal Baal& Asaals; so;
• . .
JOHN M. COOPER is 004=.6.151
Bell and Brass Founders,
.lade prompt/IF to Order
Made and Kept on Hand.
Nows.sees nail MaasLwow= it
Palm 882 PENN BT EET.: . :
- rm./mama
itepatroi xnaßepontedt.•
eff xsuiTaescapig
rw lawns az land-tba ben Or mots
lbws rim ounateely
and Wally