FINANCIAL. AMERICAN BANK, NO. 80 'FOURTH AVENUE!, rtTTSBI7I3OII. CAMII CAPITAL - . 11410 M 000 Stovldolders Individually Liable. HA 111 It OF DIMIXOL/ ST ♦MD DEPOIIT , WM. /LOT D. j"" Preel.leal ex/TOY. Timm. W. Msnhall, John K. Vertland, Wm. ...he ..e, A rtl.lhall Walleye, James W Jm. Nally, than it. ' Len b. Wm. Floyd. - John Viose, Thia 'lank Ai bow gellr organised and prepare.] WAA s. t" rm 4.1 GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, Bought at Bobcat Prices. Pit. B. MERTZ, Banker, ('or. Wood St. and sth Avenue t 11) JAMES T. BRADY & CO., (,utvessors to is, JONES • CO Coiner Fourth Avenue and Wood St. I;ANIi T ns. Boy tad .11.11 Mode of GOV MOMENT SECURITIES, HOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, I=l CZ" Interest Allowed on Deposita. Sir Lon, loaned on Government lk.ndo St lo.• merle• rates. Orden axonal." for Ike Purchase owl Male of imams, BONDS and 001. D. JAMES T. BRADY & CO pittsintrg4 GayttE. FINANCE AND TRADE. OVrm ow P1TT513171113/1 GUESTS'S, SATURDAY. Nov. 27, 12/39. The declinhig tendency of gold below PM has attracted a great deal of atten tion among those who regarded 1515 as the lowest point gold would likely touch before the meeting of Congrees, and before a very considerable resetioil would take place. When we consider, however, that everybody who has an intermit in the rapid decline of gold has contributed hie_wright to force down thespromlum to its lowest point, we must soon look for a reactionary m ove tnent, oven If only for speculative our es. One thing, however, should not be lost right of. that Is that not only the whole population, every commercial In terest and the speculators themselves have joined in bringing all their power Into play to lead us by the the moat direct road Lean early resumption. The power of the cliques, and what le worse, the prestige of the leaders, le gone by the great fiasco they made In September last, and the leases they hive sustained. Government bonds are :gradually yielding under large sales by former In vestors, and by imam/adorn who look upon the movement towers' specie pay. mem a as a of lower to rancy. quo tations for binds. Peeter and more re numerative Investments are also tempt- Ingmany to well out their bonds and await lower quotations. Stocks are strong tinder easy money, but present prices are untenable, al though higher quotatituutaray ensue for the immediate future. Money in the open market commands from 12 to 15 per cent under a dull and unprofitable business. Quotations as received by Ph. It Mertz: Gold, 124; Silver. 1201 Eighty one'aCliflNi Five Twenties, Ife32, 112 X; do IW./, 1113 :- do 1864 112%: do 1886, Console, 114%; do 18b7, 114%; do 1868, 234%; Ton Forties, 107%; Adams Ex. preen romPetuy 57%; Merchants Union express% Company. 9%; American Ex press Company, 15; Western Union Telegraph. Reading, 99; New York Central, 74: Pletsburgb, Fort Wayne Chicago, 87%, Ohio tt 25%; Michigan Southern, ES; Cleveland tft. Pittsburgh, '81; Chicago, Hook In land .8 Pacific, 104%; .Chicago de North Western. 75%; Chicago .5 North Western Preferred S 9; Erie, Large. &mall. 'London, per 2 8 6 , 2 ( 8 6 . 30 PSZiel, per franc 25 26 Berlin, Thaler 93 94 Frankfort, florins 53% 65 toy Telerraph to the Nusbaum meets.) New YORIK. November 27. 1869. Money essay, 5(G7 per cent. on call. Rank statement favorable; excess over legal reaerve increased one million and • heir: loans. $252,629,474; decree*, 1389,134; specie, $29,681,896; Increase, 11,753,825; circulation, 1111,155,838; de crease, 1138,795; legal tenders, i 148,181,. 1910; decrease, $273,231; sterling quiet, 0 .54@t 9 . Gold lower; opened at 125, and under increased pressure to sell fell to 1521%. cloning 124%. Carrying rates 4@7 per cent- Clearances, 817.764001 Fame. during the week $161,704. Governments are lower and heavy. Coupons of 'Bl, 116%@116,%. do, '62• 113%@113K; do. 'B4, 111%®11% do. '65, 112%®112%; do. new, 114%@114%; do. '6B, 114%®114%; 1010's, 107®107%; cur rency-sixes, 107%®107%. State tends active; North Carolina special tax sold ma low as 27; Tennessee weak; rest steady. Missouria, 91: old Tenneassed, 56%; new, 60%; old North Gangling, 40351 new,27 si; special tax 29%. Rolinoad and OM* Stooks-Active and strong on western shares, and dull on Vanderbilt'. roads. Canton, 5%; them berland, 16; Western Union Telegraph, 84%: quicksilver, 14; Mariposa, 7%: do. preferred, 1634; Hartford and Erie, 10; Adams Express, 57%; Wells Fargo. 17%; American, 35%; United Staten, 62%1 Pa cific Mail, 727‘. New York Central, 174%; Consolidated, 84; Scrip, 78: Harlem, 131; Hudson, 155; Reeding, 99%; kilobit's° Csutral, 120; MI Won Southern, 88%; Illinois Central, 137; Pittsburgh, 8834; Northweatern, 75%; do. preferred, 89; aevelartd. C 'lambus and Indians Cen tral, 32; Rock Idasd, 10534; St. Paul, 68%; do refer/et-84; Wabush, 54%; preferred, 7534; Fort Wayne, 87%: Ter.• Haute, 26: do. preferred, 6% Chicago and *lcon, 148%; Ohio and kilealsalppl,26%; at.. Jo preferred, Mining Sharea. lir tlosion prime-Cale, met, 64; Franklin, 8.; Hanky, go. Ito. ports for the week - alrygooda,111,188,1117; general luerenenelae, IltoiNgso. PETROLEUM ALUMS:Z. Orrtcr. or PirreeoßOW °Antrim, 1 &hiII:DAY, November 27,11169. RFI'LEAV YOU 'MB WEEK. The excitement which has becorthe leading characteristic of the oil market for revere! wsoke past, lour abated tome. what, though the trade la still consider. fultated, and is likely to continue po during the balance of the year. The sties have been tunch larger this week, mainly (:rude, aggregating over seventy tbow.met barrels, while the eporations In It tined have again been light. Color pared with teat week refined has de. Mined very materially, and Crude, haring teller options title year, la also lewd, !tad at the close to- isythe market wee very du:: 67' 41 very weak, with but very few buyers even at ceneessions. We do not like to complain of the P. ninuivante Company, as It has done more tor tbPoll trade of Pittsburgh this year than ev,r before, probably, In the history of the trade. and, wo might say, Worn than wan generally expected, but the course of that corporation in receipt leg. relined ell through from Cleveland t o philadelphia at the same rate that is charged from Pittsburgh, b certainly, to Nay the land. =put app are and anfaly. e o re glad to see the Central wearing the t,„,,,,ugretation of Ow Cleveland oil, but sa•Chrveland Is Ittatilt. iho .41fle. Wost, or here, it follow; that Cleveland should pay more or Pittsburgh hunt, than the present rate, It makes little or no differ ence which. We can hardly whet, that it la the intention of this trorp,eut o , to discriminate againin'Plttabnrgh in favor of Cleveland, yet such la the case, tits the matter now stands. Receipts crude tide week, 25,024- hut Wish , 18 . 53 E4 hintisrY Jet td date, 824. fat; aame time lo 1803, 1,025,682. Ex ports renned this week, 20,171; lasi wor k, 11,538; January let to date, 619,9 a; name time last year, 651,330. Hales this week. 65,888 bbln crude, 1.5400 refined; last week, 8,600 bble crude, and 7.000 refined. As will be soen from the • above stelstlon, we aro largely behind the name time lax/ year, end thia year la so nearly out that there Is no chance to make It C 11). ELMO The crude market Is dull and un- changed. Seller option. this year still commence 16 X. cud this seems to be about the only delivery that ran be wad. Spot oil is dull and neglected, with a small sale at 18%, and December Is re ported as having been cold at 18.,, Sala 1,000 bbls seller this year at 18S, and 2,000 nailer January to Juno at 144. Private advice, report the market very dull above, and drooping. 1=1:111 • . Not a tangle tale reported—market I very dull and prices lower. November I closed at 92 bid and 323 d asked; Deceit,- : bar In quoted down to 33k. 1.411011 for neat year, in the absence of sales, may also be quoted lower and very dull. indeed there seems to be a thapoaltion manifested by opelators generally to do Just as little as possible until matters necome me re settled. ItZCILIPTS OF CRIME DT A. V. R. B. II Brilliant Oil Works 960, on 1101,011131 Lockintrt, F. 6i On; Waring, King a CY., 930, on account klawhlnney Bro; A. B. Mills 80, on account W. Bartle, Brilliant NJ Works 498, on account Fisher Bro, teilluu3t Oil Works 80, on amount (1 . S. Thomas; /as. Wilkins 80, on account McDonough 3 Co, Eagle Oil Works 120, an amount H. S. Duncan; UlSkon Ref. Co. 100, on account Onion .4 Sowers; name 246, on amount Fisher tiro; Kirkpatrick Lyons 80, on amount same. 2,658 bbla =MEI Lockhart, Prow R Co. 660 Cilia ref. oil to Warden, F. dr. Co., Phila. Liberty Oil Worke 607 bills refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Keystone Oil Works 100 bbls refined to Warden, Frew Philadelphia. Forsyth & Bro. 416 bbls refined to Warden, Frew & GI, Philadelphia. B. W. Morgan & Co., 204 tibia ref. oil to Warden, Frew di Co., Philadelphia. MoKelvy Brae., 635 tibia refined oil to W. P. Logan Bro., Philadelphia. Fawcett, 1.. t H. Ifai bide ref. oil to W. P. I,gati dr. Bro., Philadelphia. Fulton, Marvin .t Co., 202 tibia oil to W. P. Logan ttr. Bro., Philadelphia. 2dentaheuner. Koehler it Co. 200 libis ref. to Waring, King & Co., Phila. H. Koehler & Co., 100 barrels ref. oil to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. OIL SHIPPED EAST DINH/STIR DEPOT. Hombimon Oil Q Refining Co. 16 bb ref. to Warder', Frew & Co., Phila. Fleming dt lb. *4 bbts relined oil to Warden. Frew tit Lb, Philadelphia. Total shipments . 813 OIL SHIPPED EAST ST WEST PENN A II Mentzer, B.& 0°,215 Mils refiued to Waring King & Co., Liol&hip dr. Co., 120 bbla refined oil to Waring King dr. Co., Phil. A. Hertz 100 bbls refined to C l.ennlg Philadelphia. Total 475 bblet GE= 011/1071 OF PITTISBOROFf (imam - FL EIAttIII.DAY, November E . . 1869. Business, generally, hex bean very quiet during the past week, but with a resumption of navigation, of which there Is a very gond prospect at present, and an easing ep In money matters, the Indications for so improvement are more encouraging then for home time past. Moreover, the fact that the Penneyi- Vatlia Railroad Company has promised to discontinue the diecriminatlon which has en long existed against this city, and to plaosour merchants on an equal footing with western shippers over .that road; this, too, will tend very materi ally to improve trade here, and wit/ en able our merehanta to build up an eastern business, of which they have been heretofore deprived. APPLES—DuII with a supply largely exccss of the demaud, but prices are unchanged—we caw report regular sales at r2.60@3,50 per bbl. APPLE BUTTER—Quoted at 80(435. BU ITER —ls quiet with a supply fully up to the demand, prime roll may be quoted at 3'€) , -5, and choice at 37. • BROOM CoßN—Sales at 12(313 rtr. BEANS—Steady at $2,6.43. BUCK WHEAT FLOUR—Sales; 4.14 ete. CHEST NUTS—DoII; ii 4 . so C* s . CRANBERRIES—quoted at 1112@t1e per bbl. as to quality and condition. CARBON 01L—Frut but onchanged; standard brands may be (mated in a Job bing sway at 31031%. CIDEH—Salea all the way front to p per bbl. CREME—Ie quoted from-17 to 111 lot Western Reserve; 19 for Factory, YO for Ohio and 21. for New lork tiotthen. DRIED FRU - Er—Quiet and unchanged. Apples 7(4 tla. Peaches 9(0)I0 for gunners, and 12.(gi12) fur halves. Blackberries 15(016. DILFS4RED BOGS—Sales at 12®13. I GS—Fresh parked at .2%. FEATHERS—In better demand and higher, and we now quote at 85(0.91.1 to the trade and the wand advance for email loth In store. FLOUR—There Is • moderate' local demand. but prices are unchanged. We continue to quote winter wheat flours at 3.5,76@11,25, and spring wheat mends at $5,50(86. Rve fluor $5:5043,73. GRAlN—Wheat la In steady demand at fi1,1641.13 for good to prime Red. Salem of new Corn at 70475 and old at 90 WIN and the latter L scaros. tleta steady but unchanged--47 on wharf acid track and 48®b0 in store. Rye is anset• Sod, and may be fairly quoted at 9501 I, with but few cashbuyeraat ova Elo. Bar. ley to dull and State Is quoted at 11,04 $l,lO, and Canada at $1,13(41.20. HAY—Sales at Allegheny Diamond Scales at glf@j22 per tau. HUSRS—SaIes at 3 cents per pound. HOMINY—SaIes at 113,00Q8,50 per bbl. LlME—Sales of Cleyelamt white lime at tf2(42.25 Der bbl. ONlONS—thiles at p,boco,c4 per bbl the outside figure for choice. LARD—Ia firmer and tending upward, prime new kettle rendered being quote at uty,ol9. LARD OlL—Firm at 11.45(41,413 for Extra No. I. POULTRY—In good enmity and vary dull. Dressed Chickens 66060 ma. per pair, and dregged Turkeys. 10(0117 ate. per pound. POTATOFIIiett . fair demand with sales by the car load at 55, for prime Lake Shores. PEANUTS—Sides at 10 eta. PEAS—DoII; 8450 per brothel. ElNElX3—Clover reed hi quoted at 117(49 8, and considerable offering. Flaxseed, it is said, cannot be sold to the mills above 8480. No movement In Timothy seed. BALT—Allegheny river brands quoted at T 2 for small lot. in ■tore. BTHAW--Sales at st 2 per Inn. WHISK Y—A shade Basler. 13 I gh. wines, .1,05; Common Hectilltal $1,06: and Proof, do, 11,16. MARKET BY TELEGRAPH New Yoaa, November 27.—Cotton farmer, closing quiet; sales of 3,900 bales at 251 tie for middling upland. Flour: re. oelpts of 27,500 bbls; 10®15c lower: fair demand, pert for export and tqx ciliation; sales of 15,000 bbl. at 61,75E45,10 for su perfine State western, is for western, $3,2546.50 for good choice wheat extra, 15,50@8,60 for R. H. 0., 68@5,25 for extra Bt. Louis, 14,60@7 for good choice do., claming firm for low grades. Rye floor quiet; sales of 300 bbls at 1 , 1. 90( Ne Corn weal quiet. Whisky hoary; sales of .I,ro tails western at .1,06@1.0731 free, clotting at inside price. Wheat: receipts 0(7.342 bush; 1(52c better; moderate demand; limited speculative demand; sales of 85,- 000 bush at 11,10 for rejected spring, 111.26®1,30,4 Tor No. 2 spring, 11,35 for No. t do, 31,3341,23 for inferior to fair winter red and amber western, $1,20 for very common do, • Rye dull; sales of 2,0N1 bush wern 31,05. Barle quiet; Wes o f 1 3,000 a st 13,000 at bush at ;405 for y twarowed State, 11,2500,27 for Canitd4 est. !Imlay malt dull. Corn: receipts . 2 30 .682 sh; less active and scarcely so i t s of line Int 41 et it,p; {1,06®1,1074 for d Sound uu m d i er d w lteeor t pte r' o ' f oats, 5 0 . 3 33. tlata Orly, but blot active. with sales of 52,000 bus at Gbabilc for ' western or litate—latter very cuoice. Rice quiet, vntliialea of 121 tierces Caro. tins at 0 %13.734c. Coffee moderately active, with sales MO lbs Rlo on private terms. Sepr quiet, with sales of 100 hbds at 11(0H1Nc. Cuba molarsea dull. Hops quiet at 9,0, 3 9,6 . American pear°. lean 10C*20.40 for crude, and 331403.4 c for relined. Coal quiet- leather—hem lock sole atesoy at 301531 c for Buenos 4.3 me gni] ItiP Qrande, Wco is {ably cadre s Fitti Oa" or 1.e0;000 Re it 1451 c for domestic - fleece, 33c for unwashed, sod 37®4254 0 for pulled. Linseed. oi l .o_ol V 99c ' B r it s iVirpoptino Rye, @A I " copper atesoy at 32e, lbws copper quiet at 223 , 40 for Lake Superior. Pig iron letia firm, et .41,0@i640 fur Elowph, aad ;,4 60 for Ameripan; bar is quiet k 25 for refined English Ind A.cic.e, Sheet dull at Bi Hp gold for Rants, Nailsst c for Ord, 1e for c li nch sad 300 3for eras shoe. Pork steady and q uiet with sales of 100 bids at 63200 f s2 4 4 noerw mes, 13n3d,61 04233 g 3. 3 700 , 50 f o r te r e A t m eprime, a . li Wesel also 500 bbls new mss seller Fe 4. roary at /3050. Beef steady, with salon of 480 hi.. at 15413 fur new plain Mann, and /10%17 for new extra mess. Tierce beef dull, with mules of 75 tier.. at Sal@, .28 for prime menu, and 1130431 for Ind. menu Inset. Hants quiet,with tales of 12.5 Ws et 115421 for old sod 1e2(4,33 for new. Middle,. quiet and unchanged. l'ut moat. quiet, with W. of ell pkga at 12 , ,13e for shoulder.. 17®17tic for hailla. Lind tine anti quiet, with males of 315 tien.a at 18(h lee for steam and 10(4193.ic for kettle rendered; al. 250 tierces ',team seller February at Pi yin. Butter cloudy and quint at 20(ay39c for Ohio. dull at 17(91.. Freight. to Llv. erpool more steady, with ahipmente of of 40,00 u Luau wneat oar steam at 5d and 000 bids (tour per steam at 25d. Lefau.—Flour closed Eic better on com mon cud 11104 - 1111U11, With a fair export ar.ii speculative demand. Wheat very firm and quiet; light offeriogn; limited OSIXIOI elm speculative demand. Rye dull at 11541,05 for western. Uste firm at ilri(gats 5.,e (or western. Corn dull at /1,09(91,10 for tamed mixed western. Pork quiet, at /33,60 for old mesa, 112,50 for new mesa and 130,50 for future do livery. Beef dull and unchanged. Cut ?dente and Baron quiet and without de sided change. Lard quiet at Pic for I prime steam. Fore rather dull. at 364 38c for western fresh and 214(gi30e for Il mod. theicsito. November 27.—Eastern chatige dull at 1-IU elf buying and 1.10 promllllll tolling. Flour very quiet and Weedy at 13.7545,2.5 for spring extra.. 15' heat 'Mien and steady, with sales No. 1 at and No. 2 at ti0449 , .4 for No. 2, cloung steady and firm at 1191, (s4SII I ,C: 1111 u afternoon market very dull at 89 , ,(44. , for No, 2 seller Deeem• bor. Core very -dull and 2(43e lower, with eel. No. 2 at 7eN4 . 79,5,e, and re jected at 77478, closing at 78..,e for No. 2; this afternoon market dull at 78®78i,c seller December for No. '2. Oita very dull and almost noun eel at 415( 0.3,42 c fur No. 2 and 37c for rejected, cloning at 115,541i.,c for No. 2. Rye dull and almost nominal at 72ii(7573 5,4 for No. 2; doming et 73e Barley dull at 941, for No. 2. klighwines firm but quiet at 994@11,011. Sugar 13i, ®l4)ic for cone moo to prime Cabo. Provisions leas sk live and odder. Mesa Pork 11,37 , ..(gi 29,50 matt, 130 miller, /30,50 buyer Feb ruary. and 1211,112i.i seller last half Jan uary. 'Lard 17!4(0184. Rough aid. 14e for loose; green shoulders 10i4ci “wl.l pickled hares green hams 10. c. Dressed Bogs moderately active at 011.50a12, dividing on 200. fetselee-112 the afternoon the wheat market was somewhat excited and prima ruled lower; No 2 sold at 89 5;4004, sel ler December. and closed dull; no buy ers at over liet(e. Ohm weak and lower, selling in email way at 784, seller December. At the evening board the grain market was Weide. Provide' quiet and firm; sale. Moos Pork at $20.50, seller December, and at PO, seller Feb ruary. CIN , INN ATI', Nov. 27.—Flour and I Wheat—no change. Corn Pearce and firm at al for old, and Eti(s.abe for new. Oat. at 48@55e, the latter rate for ebol. white. Cotton firmer and more doing; middling 24e. Whisky steady at 11. Hoge firm and In good demand at 89,75 for light to aura large; receipt. of soh.) head. flreen meanie/Geed arm; hales at 11.,((.11?,,e for shoulders; 14 t(c.:i for aides, and 1.54,;(4,15 .yo for hams, the latter rate to be deliver ed . on Monday. Bulk mews nominally un changed; shoulders alder packed for twenty days In salt. Baron In light demand. aboulders 1.5.V4i100 on the moot, the to wine oat of smoke neat week, aides 1.(9183.0 for clear rib and clear. Lard In demand • 1ieg,183.4c, but now held at Feta. et 3804.390, and supply butter. But ter firm at 110(9.15c for fresh. Cheese un changed at 175(@/9c. No change to oil. Clover seed advanced to 14c per pound, and Timothy to f 3,564.1,75 per bushel. Beef tattle unchanged and quiet. eI.E76LA n, November 7.—rlour steady and unchanged. Wheat quiet and decidedly firmer and 2.c Dauer; No. I red firm at 11,18; No. 2 do held at $l,ll Corn firmer and Letter, with No. 1 mined at 1,7 e, and Nn. 2 do 95e; No. I yellow, nominal at 9de. Osta In fair demand but lower: No. 1 State void at ble. Rya dull and notional at 4,5e(6141 for No. 1, and We for No. 2. 11.trlay dull, bear 7 nod nominal at ;1000 fur State and Canada. Petroleum quiet and easier, with relined at 30(4410Ne for large Iota; trade lota stqvx; crude lower and !geld nl jt1,05 per barrel. Now On 1.K.4 NS, November 27, - -Cottnn arrive and firmer, middling 2.4g24,,,e; sales of 1:1,8ni . 1 rooolpta of 3uW2 halo, eat irt• to Liverp - -,n 6,107 bales, do to Havre 2,412 bales: Colon lir me =4347 bales. Sugar prime at I 1 +,c. Idols at 64 Ca,lklr, eL o 6;(4.7, v dull at $1.15 Coffee dull, fair at 15641:0..c, prime at liP,@l7r. • RA L•T N , ,vontia, 27. —Flour t. firmer, with an improved dotuand; west- ern ISO Mr firlii 14 75(41.02, extra 35;1'45 d.O l . family 3d,2547,0U. Corn arm: now whtte 82(66.5c, and yellow 1:15®97e. Oats 56457 c. Rye and Prodialona unchanged, and atook light. Whisky In good de. mand and with en Improved feeling at $1,67(4,1,08. Bi•PV, gm, November 27 —Flour la no , glerted. When at 51,13 far No. 1 Mil waukee: ji trt far N 0.2 Milwaukee, lamb arrive; Port Washington Club 11,12.41; 114. Corn firm and ,miet at 1 1 744498, Oats nominal at 520. Rye-450 bomb at 115 c. Pork firm at 5.12. Lard firm 1834 c. lilt:burble. nominal at 31,03. NAyinvti.t.E, November 27.—Cotton fa active: low middling 23c: good ordinary 22 , ,e. Wheat—red j 1,10; amber 51,16; wime $1,20. nits 70e. Corn 51,0 N. Rye $950. Baxley 51. Floor ;5(07 for super. One to fancy. Bulk Mfata—clear olden 17ya.1764c: ribbed 17%17t 1 e; shottlder. 13,413 , 4'c. Lard 120. Kan, November V.—Flour etoady and unchanged. Wheat doll and eloaed triter, with .ale. of 3.000 Lbla No. 2 Cheago aprlrg at $1,14i. Corn firm' but doll, lelth maim nt 1,000 bush $1,05, and at the clone held higher. Barley nominally unchanged. Rye and pea. nominal. Tobxoo, November 27.—Flour steady. Wheat a shade lower; No. 2 white Wabash 11,28, amber $1,13,..; No. 1 red 11,25 and No. 2 do. 11,10. awn steady; No. 1 03c and No. 2 87. e. Oats I®2, lower; No. 1 610. Clover Mood quiet at 18,75. Dressed Hogs active at 11;4012,4u Cli !CM.. November 27.—Live hop quiet at $9,16@9,25 for common: $9,85® SAS for fair to medium, and fjo®lo,2b for good to choice. Cattle quiet at no 44,86 for common to gcod cows, and 83 46.80 for fair to medium., Nov. 27.—Cotton quiet; middling MNe. Flour •ieady; extra tamely 25,2,5. Loaf Tobacco • shade weaken salmi of 48 hhdii, at ge (or lugs and 7(16,76 for manufacturing leaf. Whls• ky declined to DSc. PLITLADELPHIA, November 27.--Flour firmer, with males extras at 115,37;445,44. Uort, !Wady ; mixed western 11149(411. Oat., unchanged. Provisions, small owluaaa Whisky advanced to fi,lof4l ST. Lunn., November 27.—Tobsoco Le •toady and Ortn. and no One qualitlea on he market. Cotton quiet. Cattle la Ight demand; average rates 2.4@b3.0 • oaa. NCH FRANCISCO, November 20.—Flour dull and unehenged. Wheat: sales of ebolee at #1,60. Legal Tenders SO. Dry Good• Market Nsor, Norm, Nov. 27.—The markoi Is Inactive and prices are without material alteration, the only changes of Import anco being a rednutlon In the price of Canoatoga H Brown Cottons from it to 10Se, Harrisburg 0 do. from 12 to 114 c, and Harrisburg H do. from 11 to I:022131=13 PITT Boa, CINCINNATI AND ST. 14471118 RAILROAD. November Z 7.-5 bbla whlaky. W Sodden; 17 do do. John Haifroth; 280 kgs :soda, POOOlll Bull 00; 3 hhde tobacco. A Schaub; 3 eke nhouiderk 3 tea do, F Seller, A Co., 28 bale. notion, A 0 Franco; 8 hlsda tobacco, W & D Bloat:art; 8 bales cotton, Holmes, Bell A 260 half bbl. herring. J. (Ammar; 1 car grain. 27 aka barley, 1 , Shield; 2 care ataves, 11aatingst, & Davis: 2 do do, J Painter A Co; 2 bge Dammed, Head & Metzgar; 34 do wheat, McHenry A Hood; 2 bbl, tallow, W Flacons ,k Son; 24 bga raga, 11 Chrinty; 4 bids eggs, W H Graff A Ca; 33 bge barley, Semi Hood; 25 do do, Meador A Harper; 187 elks calk 68 do wheat, 26 do cons. I' Duff A Son; 8 nazi hurley, Gilmore, Straub & Co; 26 No wbent, I S IJggalt A Co; 30 do oats, Robb dt Herron; bbl, bighwinea, S H Wat eon; 26 do do, Shipton A Wallace, 26 do &i, Win Millar & Co; 76 pkgs lard, Dal rote Ar. Townsend: 3do do, 26 do soap, Ace Diarrlngton; 16 bbl, hominy, Vaasa?. dor ,k Shepard; 10 do do. .1 II Lippincott; 2i do do, Watt, Lang & Co; 1 car wheat, W Butrigorder; 28 tra lard, W 13 Hay. & Son; I ear mtilfeed, Gro Stewart; 16 bbla whisky, J Selfretti; 7 do do, N Orosaor. CLIP:ISLAND AND PITTSDURCIH RAIL. Nosy eloromber 27.-2 cairn ore, Zug dt Co; 2 cake con,Brady's Bend Iron las; 2 oars ll.= "" Por CIE 3 do w do, Bryan ugbey; ore, .1 Beaman Gods billetta, J W tor; 2do 1 a ore, J Wood 4 Co; 4 do do. Idepight co; z do, Rees, ore im; 1 do do, Brown 4 CO: 2 oars barley, .1 Modes, 1 do lumber. ig A Clera 4 Co; 100 bbla apples, Ripley 4 Co; 02 bola oil, .1 spear, 1 car grain 134 blob! apples, P Doff do Son; 1 car _patio to, 11l bbla dder, 63 do .10004 Vo i r 5 4 4 Co; 10 bbla beer, .1 Howler, 56_ Is dour, H fichnelback; 6 bbla tallow, Vangordor di 8; d chordate. W H Gra& A Co; 47 tots butter, 25 bbl, cider, 15 Rea Jr; 10 bbLe copies, J M Mont 11010arYi 7 MIL Lather, LI Chestnut PITTSBURGH P, 'GA :OW: )X , • 1 : 1 3; 0o; 30 Wig vltalrs, 'l' B do do. 27 do roakeni, Redford et.l, 3 bble elder, D W Turner: 70 brim ement, Geo Morton; 20 kg. Leiria, Oliver dt Co; 3 bble eider. H Rid dle; 2 do do, Dar dE Co.. 2 do do, B Devol; 66 Shia applen, J A tired. PITTORT Ra el FORT WA yTill AND CINT• CAW RAILROAD. November 27.-3 ears fertilizer, Seward .0 Emerson: 2 hole broom corn, W S Hublex 2 bhla sic°. boI, Harris& Ewing; b do do, b do spirits, McCullough. & 100 green salted bides, N Hoffstott; 1 On. noon Wars, 10 bbis oil, 140 pkgn lord, J 11 Parker; 1 car mlddliogn , H lietinelbseb; 100 bble floor, eletiomsker L; sits wheat. Si. Paul's Moniuurv; b kw+ while load, W R Rogge 8. CO, 45 baled out ton, li.NULIOCIF: Cl.ll Ids & 00; 100 bbl. floor, Sergbinyer & V; AO Los cheese, N J Braden; 60 do do, K Hse!eton; 10.10 do. S P Mbriver; 20 do do, Jooklnti 11ro; 30 dos brooms, W3l I lormlyi 30 bides, N Hoftstott; 13 lolls broom handles. W MardorP 95 Obi. dour.. iranam & Marshall; 100 ski. 25 bbis flour, eklboinaker I car bar- ley. J ALLimeßrir liTarlolN November r.- I can Metal, Graff, Bennett .8 Co; I Car barley, Smith ,4 Co; 1 do metal, Lindsay dr MeCutcheon; bi green hides, Graham dr Spongier: 218 bye oat., rf. Knox dt Son; 1 car lime, Simon Bram; T.l bales cotton, Kennedy, Child. dt Co; I ear day, Pgh Forge a. Iron Cu; 2i bbla flour, (leo Stewart; 100 eke bran, hi Steel dt Bon; 2 eke cbecoe, J Bab:Boger; 2 do do, B Jenny; 27 aka 1ia1.196(1. hi B Soydam: 110 eke corn, Bone Jo Ewing. A I.l.giiH MAY VALLKT RAILROAD, No• voinlrer 27.-62 ear. coal, Kier, Foster it It ler; 43 do dn, Armstrong. Dickson dr. lb: 18 do do, tblenian, itahna Q lb; 3 bbla vinegar, Pool di ilibson; 2 baa but ter, 1 do poultry, Volgt, Mahood dt pkg. eheanula, 4 aka raga, Little it Baird: 51 bite oath, Graham &Marshall. RIVER NEWS. The river WILS rlsing slowly yesterday with four feet eight illeilf n the channel by the; Monongahela marks at 2 P. S. Weather mild, (near and pleaaanL No arrivals. The Maggie Flays from Cincinnati, and Julia No. 2, from Zanes ville are due here thin morning. The iilsagow, also, will probably get in to. day. The Belle arrived and departed on Saturday for Hrkersburg. —The Sallie arrived at ',uterine on Friday. The Mollie Ebert, Capt. U. W Ebert, take. her departure lot Cincinnati to day, and passengers and Rhlppers should bear this In mind. The Mollie may be regarded as a permanent ituditution in Pittsburgh and Cincinnati trade. (apt. Standieb Poppard will he found In the calm — John uiroonough he in No York. —The °smells we nl I...oulavlile o. Thureday, —Alabama River wax high and rising rapidly at Montgomery on Saturday. —The Argoey wax advertheel for Pltta burgh In the Clnelnnall paper. o Friday, —A. will be amen by card, the Cilia now, Capt. Andrew noblemau, la up to N.hvlllo. —The !dame/mar, Capt.. Jesse Dean, with John Fisher in the office, will leave for New Orleans forthwith. —The Lilsagow left Cincinnati fi.r Pitts burgh on Wednesday. Thomas Morris and Thomas Javons are her pilots. —The now W. S. Pike made s trial trip at Inuisrille, Thursday. She was built fur the New Orleans and Baton Rouge trade. —Mr. Van Sant proposals to furnish the greater amount of the capital re quired to build a marine railway at Du. bull ue. —The Sallie arrived at (ti uelunatl on Thursday, and 101 l for I.mlarille the unto night. Rhe will at Inuit, vide for Pittsburgh. —The high bonded Capt. J. M. tiara. with the Vetran Copt. J. Mel ton in the i.dice, la announcod to take her departure for Ht. (pals to-day. —Col. Bart ti. Leiir.r. en old and well-known steam boat clerk and Captain, dled suddenly on WI. plantation In Ma shodppl, on the 10 inst.. of nateuntonts , —lt wee the Kenton and not the l.o• tuna, that bursted hor , mpoly pipe thirty mil. ahoy° New (Thelma, and le obliged to "'turn Lll that city for repairs. —The owners of the •neuter Ilea Are have entered aim fur et Memphis, against the Metlhil for two and a half hours labor in pulilmr her oil the bar in Council Rend. —The Ida Stockclalo, Captain J. W. Janoba, left Sow Orl.wes for CI tlttilltlati, Pill/11W rg b anti way 1a...1 inga GO the 241 b mat., at b r. It. Mr. W. Akan ham charge of the °M.o. —Wm. P. Dunlap, on will and kr — ;steamboat clerk, Meal at ht. rw- .11.4 - .C.Dagibealt sled at his real dance fa Otneinnati on Friday. after an Moues of Noma ten daym. lie was about forty live year. of ago, and leave. a wife sod six children. —The 11fiadeaippl Valles Transports Lion Company, otherwise the Mt. louts Berge Compeey, hex mot rseted to bring up from New Oriesoa next spring 10, 000 tone of railroad Iron for Um Youth Pacific KIM road, —The etoamer Only Chem" mink In the Aarkansaa river, wan owned at St. Louie by Capt. Oonestlee and Mr. lea inau, her clerk, and valued at ;10,010; Insured for $6,000. She waft under char ter to McDowell St Co., Little Rock. —Joseph F. Baudleld, of titileatto—tiot Capt. Joe Banda. of Memphis—la the party who c .wee In post...aloe of $.37,- 500 by tite death of Lentil C. ionise, re. newly at St. Paul. Mr. Bontiold In at present In St. Paul probating Jones,' will. —The Tom Jasper and horse en routs =:M= • • of her barges against a pier of the Quincy bridge, causing the aforesaid barge to sink Immediately. It wax laden with barley, and the loss will be pretty heavy. A dispatch from Quincy gives some hope of tho barge being raised. —We learn that the little towboat Arial, belonging to the Northwestern Union Packet Company, sunk near Clin ton, Iforiday morning, In twenty three feet of water. She was a small ;Total, need exclusively for towing freight and wheat barges. The reports received here did not indicate that au y lives were lam She was out down by the toe. Capt. D. Llettavou. who for several yearn been engaged In building a won derful steamboat, sad Is intimately con nected with a widely.hersided company known by some such high sounding r title no the "Mis sissippi Valley Navigation o:im. pany," wan In Madison, last Tuesday. Ins theories may all be very good, but it seems to ns that the work lags. No says the Cincinnati flasenc. —A St. Loina telegram under date of Thursday says: The ateamer Noble Able was sold to-day by D. R. Pierce, of this city, and Hemming & Pierce, New York, to liouthwell Jt Powell, T. Laverne and John N. Bolinger. The pries has not transpired, but in tomposed to be fifty thousand d011ar5.......0ne half the Minnie, owned by Captain John Doyle and A. M. Ohenlauder, was :told to Ryan for $3,600. RIVER PACKETS ==Z=3 PTASILIYILLE PACK IT —rug IVANSVILLIG lAIII —rug TILLK AND NA:IIIVLLLI —The ateaater VLASUIJW.. ...... Capt. A N PT ROM Ja., Wm. Drava I it, will le•re for the ati,v• hitermediata p.tUou DAY. Lieemater Ist tor freight or paw an. a 0 If an board or to JAM • 6 COLLINS. • irllta. dot ag nero N. B.—The Olaagow wIU remuo In We WO/ IIIEIMPOII4 ARID NMI OrtLEANII NVII CUM:lMAM'ands id dr i g LUUltlV[LLY.—TheOncpu nn~~eer VIEW Coot. U. W. two. Clark S. Prppard, wag les. for Wenon ..1 Into. ..dims o r on 110.111. Y. Yul ehatt• Yor 0004 orratre apply on .mO4 or to I. Atli 4 • trW.I NU N.M. AMMO!.....U. MT. • EVANINVILLILI dc CAIRO. 14 -1 0 it NT. Lollllll,agge r. ILV•333ILLZ AND CAHN). 0 n 1 . 71 :5ttr ". 1 " 11 ".. 11Ta . . Commander Junco Pie Clem will leave s• announced anon, on TO mai/a. Nov. 30srat 3 r tt°177(111.1,P1V4 41;u0rAOIrr":1... . _ _ DlENiifil4 Alin 9Eq (71ILEMIS: = AN c ad Att=4, --- ' Oili..4.ANlll—The .mom.i• . .• . • .. a aaYt. ht. Uaan. 11l es * vt l ; or 11)1 :boys oa inter...We yarn TR . , : . N o r• U. al 12 L. / I ( tit tmir gotat i .optl y ou boattlor to o/U PLACA; 11 tt.1..1.114.Wb0D. A, KEYSTONE POTTERY. S . IL KUM & Auxiitactarto .I QUEZNIIIIIMELL ILIUMTUL WAR& &a. an.Waralsoass. LIBAILTY aTuJin zr4ii wwnamtloctr C 1 1..,&.11.A. LIS rinaries THE BLOOD. Ma BALI BY DILUEIOI9TS IVISYWHIria =1 SPECIAL NOTICES ACIFIENCIPS PtILMONIC ISYIIL P. SIAWKICIa TUNIC AND IktANDMAN.P. PILLSwiII curs Couumptiots. Liver Connie.. and LiPsPet= . talten socord.. M late, Ante. l un.. T h b geleaue the stoma . re lax the liver and put it to wore, then the aPPelite b100m..0..1; the food diges. and males truod blood: the paUent begin. to grow In Sent. t he diseued matter ripen'. into the longs, and the pa lien} oalfrows dioeue and fats Thla is We only threeto cure consumptin. To them medicine. Dr. J. IL Schenck, of Phnadelphim owes hlsunriuded some. in eh. treatment or pulmonary Coeumptioh. The Pol. monk Syrup ripen. the Morbid - Matter la the abl a te '.."ljerl;tirphle'ettitl'yo;nuestacr ;lllir;l'noer% alleht rough wld throw It on. and the patient La.. reel and the lungs h. gln io heal. To or, lel, the heaweed T"llif and . 1 Pill. mu be ireely umd •ociestnew the stomach and liver,. the. the Pulmohic Syrup aud the toed sent make good blood. Debeeet '6 Mandrake Palle act Maoe the liver, lemong all obatructlons, retell the duets of lb* [ell bladder, tin, bile Starts !redly , and the liver l e auog reileved; the Mools will Wow what th Pins cm do: nutbinf ha. e•er We turreted ea. e lop! calumet in deadly pobson which I. very den• tern. the m un eas with great eare, •nlorit .all bladder and st r. the a c cre t ions of the itym litc hcbenck's Mandrake Pills. Liver complaint 1. 00. of the Most prominent Wtmes of nonutopilou. Schenck, m-awerel 1 only Is • ge mile stimalut end %Iterative, and We alkyll I. the neureml, which this preparation med. of. amis. the sVimaeb to throw out the gastrte Mice to dimulse the food with the Pe insopic • y rep, nod It la made Into tom! blood without feruseinatitin or to In the Mumach. The great reason why physlelins not Wee COnsumption la, the tr du too much, they give medicine to slop the ca h. to top china, to Mop night sweats, lion, lever, arid by eo dolga they dm name lite whole dhreati yepowers, lore Oaf •p the and eventuiny the panel( aloes and dna Dr. believed, In hi. treatuar•t, does vent try to stop • cough, night sweats, anis ur frver. kw move the rm.., and they will a.I stop of their ow 0 SOCOrti. Noun, eau be .1 ured of Consens lion. Liver Complaint.. Lry uvula, cum, Canker, Ule ..... Throat. noir. 4e liver anal stomach me merle healthy. if • Pat wo One rOn•Limptlon, of emir. the lunge In aome wey are diseased, either tubercle, sheen..., bronchial Irritation. pleur• adhesion or the longs an • mu. of In diumniation and fu n decayitg In such cases what meat be Elven? II 1. on , only the longs that are wasting. bat It la the whole lowly. The atomarb and It ear have ion their power to male blood out of fowl. Now the only chance la to take lie. Schenck'. theee medi cine., which will tonne up • you to the stumech, the patient will beeln to went Iood, 1101,141,0 M gutty mad make ems,' blood. then the pollen( be ins tO gain In nosh, and as woo as the hob, he • gin. to g.usw, the limas connwente to heal up, and the patient gem fleshy nod well. This lathe only •ay cure , onsunentlon. VI hen there I. no mug disease and only Liver Contolann and D. apep•la. Schenck's thmereed Toni • and /d•odrake Plas are suflicleot, without th e puimonic syrup. Take the kludr•ke Pills (reel, In all Idllous coinplaltita, a. they are per fectly harmless, Or. Scheock, who hetienloYed ~a nent, health for many year. pu t , mid now weighs bill pounds. wu sweated away to a mere skeleton, la the very tot stage of Pulmoury 0, case his physician. Itaviag pr0m...x.1 his case lupe. leas and shandotted a i m to his fete. He v.. enred Sy the aforesaid medicine.. and mince hi. nee., •ry mane thousand. alnallarte minted lave need Dr. /inherit.... preparation gni• reMarkalde We new. Pell directions mometpany each Mottle, making It not abealutoly neees to peramall, we De Sehenek, pale.. panels. ea whit then. leng. examined, and for thls per rhe Is profeulon• mly n 1 hi. Priori al Ohoe, Phitedelohim every Saturday,where MI 'elvers for ...iceman be ad. .tressed. Ike Is airs ,roteastottall• al No. 31 Bond Nets York. every mher Tuesday, nod at No. SS Hanover street. Doman. every other Wedee, day. Ile gnu •dr,re tree, bill fur • thercegh amlnetleu with his Huplrometer .herrice I. SO. °Mee boars at each city from.) r emeu 1.50 p, rmn.ult Sr u r uad. awetul oTzo e 1114 1 15 uvula • r 76 o or feb aldrueees. 1L .. 3r" DOCTOR WHITTIER CON TIN UlLi TO Tilit•T ALL V•T9 DI/MANIC& 1 last samerow. law .f twee ...Dit tos Ohm self-Wm., pro win. anawallsew sermitim Writahtllty, eruptions, teminal etoLulaos. and imporceev permaneat. cured. Peewit.. Wllicted with delicate, Intricate and luo• wandlo• waathothsta complat la are politely Ito Ite.l io ea l fur consal.ttoo, which cwt. Ezheriance. tbe heft of %sachem, lbw etatit• bhp to periect remedies at um: • ll cirri!. tale. pert:name. sod which la must caws can be wed wither. hindrance . tmon sac Med ic.. pith...rat to the estatilidispent. which e praer. pl Ake, reception sod cattle; room., •lw dwedloc mad slecping apart, wits fur patte•t. reeptirlas daily persechl •Wetiti... and vapnr and chemical hat!, ta w worwatrallei the hinted poluers.l swing, ho matter who have fatted. eh. your raw. Read • hat he saw la Oh pam phlet of taw pyre.. wat we addrew far twu te •eishul eavelope. Thousands of ewe. twitted miutaally. at °Me and all twee the cut.. 4hr 'l:l T. '" lii ' % V . PlaVe . eer7; '^ r " i':l•rAi m ott a w n ; Pituborgh. Pa , Howe 9 0, la sr, .. day. II a to r. at. Pamphlet sent to wy ad. drew for too ap, Or MANHOOD: HOW LOST ! 11014 , RIChTORLDI—Jetet Publisbed, . • waled worelope. tin wt. A Lith r ufir. 0)1 TU. ii•TUSI TI ILATUIVIT, atui limb. Cure Wer•••••••• Con...notice. rpliepay P.: Men., and Physical Imes reach,.b . CULVER ultior f lb.. • •hreeu hoot. • • do. •.• boost to Tbon•an o cla of Modeler. •• Fent nailer seal. In • plain e nvel op`nvel to any uldreas, poetinald. nit 'c retin .o Ar two poetwe etasan• CHAS. J t'. K LINX • Ct.. , iST flowery, tio• Vert. Piudeinhe Rut 43/91. •ten e•lver. Cell• • • • 9 amate hold," pr Itd rapt! j.4*-"JusT-ouT. • ..11ILKIIT PR.:TWILL •. PAIR COUR,. UUUNNK MORA THROAT AND BRONCHITIS. Nu.. on goal. None so pleasant. booe Care as Quiet. 00 111 A 10 •ilias !1a..... New 1 tat Fir DATt 7 HELOWIII HAIR DYE. Ttas tau, Dr< la lb. Doot a.• nld ot ty tau. at,d part.. L. 17.• &armless. maw tanLanco4C no diaappolermrst: rl ,• we; re medlea Lae 111 effects of bed ea In•tgerates and Leas" t. Hair sort and Life: b.,* orbrrana. Said 1. all Linty.. And Perturnert; and property applied at Batbe or.• Wit ructurr. IS Lond strao, Nnto Yort.. eartl.:o3 IgErTIIE HEALING POOL, -- E.t4f , Yel 1rt.13 YOUllfal Si ON gelio bllea lota •loona earn., wet now ...ire a hinae• lifeLod a better 1.1 A NHOOD. With err...ea. of reit. 1 for the adlirted. Sent In sealed letter rarriopr, Iree of d omega. • dd, BD A.*. I A TION. Y. Yettaitelptila, Yew.. r 01L8. „„. DIAMOND OIL WORK% H. M. LONC & CO., =I rel. 13.... u. W.r, rittaburgt, Pa WA B INC! t KING, Coromi.on Ilercbaole and Broken Is Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY NIVADZI.YIIIA A111,1MS: Room 17, Chamber of Commerce, I= TACK BROTHERS, =IEt2I COMMISSION MERCHANTS I=l Petroleum and Ifii Products. Plttanuryh DOILDINU rmer of Dunn.. Way and Irwin Wyatt rci .delphla OClce 137 w.LN LIT IT CLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY HEUBERT W. C. TWEDDLE, I=l=3 'Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. Eclipse Railroad • mi. Oil, Plana. gr. at beat wtWuat enmige; 11113.11ELA af limpid L, lowest le peisaan ilpeelal tar teilialcal climate. cit hat Ir. aiber. Locomotive. Radius, Illageblas Blom. Will oat • elves.. CO:=1 •dapted for blab Apard. Molo4lle 011. WOOl 11001-Llghl 011, 011,T•000108 . 40.0. 1160201.6, lay, wad Flatubing daseilhae, tt Ilsursom• 0.1. raooooo. •R MOB Bright Dos Wort and Ilacelecm from Them pmductaara manufactured germ. Dr. laroddlo's patrol by Sew heated !Imam le Vac pThe Imbricating Otte aro almost odoelem. fm ly pure, mutter., and muaTly I.ght ma , umd, stand • blab temperature unchanged, aad mumps limpid daring Va •al r. d el.l. Th. Dan rout le am unequalled, an Ara is constant am au maw of i o n.rincipal thdlroada. Kuehl. oar no examined at lan at 114 WOOD ireltuX.T. Worm at nee STEAISIEHIPB FOR NEW ORLEANS The Steamship "Yazoo," Of •' la .4 Southern Mall Et amablp I.lue.'• 1350100, relater. mlll tall from MOM. =I Thursday, December 2d, at 8 A. M Throurb raler of from Pittsburg I;