El ttg.littsburgt Gkttti: CITY .- 2SI) SIIBURBAS Tad Gaarrrn is furnished in the any for e= days of As wok for 16 anus per souk ; 8 3/ snag, Pi per annum : 8 mos., 88. Allegheny Councils hold a regular meeting to night. The auditorium of the new Uhrary Hall. It le eatimatrd, will comfortably aeat tifteen hundred pebble. Painanea Monthly for December: with rich and rprio..l contents. for sole by R- S. Darts & 103 Liberty street. Basteees In A Ilewhsoy must be brink, If the alterstlons and improvements In the basinese beetles he any criterion. The drunks received their duce ai the Allegheny Mayor's office yesterday. which constituted the business of the day. tttr•ngeea In Plttaburgh should net forget 1p take • look at that chest& mound Ophothe the grain elevator. LSD nrty,ktreet. Pittsburgh, with threB lectures, a oon rert, a nestling, and the, usual thestrl.l entertainments, In one week, is Pratt.? well euPPLIed with amusements. The Pittsburgh Gas Company have per Chased a new borne nn Sixth avenue. and intend erecting a hand , o - ne build log. They will commence work atones. Another Defendant —ln the MAP 0: Zechariah I.aac, •calas - Sarah Lawson, repnrtel v+'erday, the defendant • name ehouid have appeared on Sanh Lovett !nettled of Lawson. The pald fire department question cnmearnp in the firilect branch of Alle gheny Ocinneils to-nig ht. The ordinanee establishing the department will likely pass finally without opposition. Teachers appuntert.—Misaea Mary rirahard and Touophine 0. Lindsey were on Tuesday evening appointed to the Primary Department or the Washington (Seventeenth ward) Schools. False Pretenre--Yesterday Charles W•iters made Information before Alder. Marl Koenig eigslost Thomas Dinliesin charging him with obtaining POO b 3 false pretence. Warrant Inasuod. Yesterday J. R. tiormsn, formerly barkeeper at a tavern In this olio, was arrested by Chief Hague se a "profes sional." He was released upon prom laing to leave town In twenty-four hours A Correspondent, who has been doing Pittsburgh, Allegheny and aarroondln oo for lho New York Evcning Ova, flews the cost of the Allegheny Pork Improve ment., entire, at two million dollars. Oo from horns mr news. Kicked kilm.—Lease Knapp, a hoc about eighteen years of age, stated to Alderman Arent, yesterday, that Thos. Oorhne, his employer, had kicked and abused him Itt the .hop in winch tbr, are both engaged, In the Eighth ward. Warrant issued. Grimm Attach.—Yeaterdny Jullue limo. complained to Alderman Mullen, of ill. Fourth ward, Allegheny. that 1-Liigtna Rode had gromaly aiolioulted hi• wife nil threatened to pitch her down lit sirs. The Parties 'occupy a hone...jointly, in the Eighth ward. Warrant or nod. • Oaken Elected.—Last ereolmr. at 11 regular meeting of L xigs 45, A. Y. M.. the following officers were elected for the ensulrof year: W. M., James Taylor K. W., C. Rennet J. W., A. W. P. , ' ',wk. Beeret ary, T. P. Wright:Treasurer, Wto. Knott; Delegate to Grand L/dge, D. P. Eatep. Discharged.—Lawrence Pur,el I. con victed over a year since In the (), , tarter Someone Court, of obtaining gt.ta under false pretence, and sentenced to pay a fine of :All and imprisonment, wan >ea terday discharged by His Honer Judge Stowe, under the insolvent art. lie bad been In jail over thirteen months. Pocket Picked.—Yesterday morning Thome. Lawdon made information be fore Alderman Taylor charging John Caughey with picking hi+ pocket Tueea day evening, near the 1 , , f,ll Ward Mar ket House, and taking therefrom a silver watch Valued at one hundred dollars. The accused was arrested and jailed for a hearing. . The Medical Protesston are Incited to Dr. Banning. of the Banning Institute o! New 1 - ..)rk, to meet him at the Monona+• bola House during thu day and cren.n, only, for an o.l.lllllLiition of his epiPetn of Spinal, Abdominal, Infra peinic, Her Mal and Hemorrhoidal Supports, which are prepared and kept especially for pot. fesalenuM application. Threatened Her ituseand.—Elizabeth Harrison sought the legal protection of Alderman Mullen yesterday, to behalf ci her husband, whom Thomas Harrison, relative, had threatened t, 1011. The Alderman issued a warrant on I.til . P Information and bad Thomas sr. rested, when the case was amicably com promised. Collide.'.—Car No. L on the Pitts burgh dt Birmingham Peasmger Rail way, yesterday evening collided with an oil wagon at the corner of Smiihtleld street apd Sec and avenue. The car wan en - swing the avenue when the wagon drove from the avenue out SmUhfiettl street end the tongue crushed through the ear vrinl')wa, breaking three or four of thetti. N parson wan Injured. Diaerderty.-/Henry Dover, on Toes. day eSenlnc. while on car N. 7, Bir mingham P. R. W ,ac'ed In a disorderly manner and was pat off the car at the office of JlVltiet B A iker, and taken be. tore that magistrate, who allowed hint to depart no oanditlon that he would att home. He then got on car No. 14, agate acted In a disorderly manner and war taken before inane. Schmotre, of Ormie by, who liueceblm tire dollars and costs. Disorderly Paaaroger—Tuseday night John Dorer became disorderly, through intoxication, on a Birmingham passen ger ear. Lie was put off, but got on the next car and rode to the end of [harped,. By this time be was asleep in the osr . When awakened he pitched into the Conductor in puicliistle style, and heat him badly. Yesterday complaint was main against him before Justice Small. of Ormsby borough, and he au fined Bee dollars for his conduct. Virological utaagreement.--Tenterday r...prrmilawn.apprared before Alderman Boil -Inca o fmod information ageism F. Taylor. • ewt In the Theological Seminary, for assault and battery. The pair, according to the In• formation, bad a slight misunderstand ing. which the accused attempted to ad juittOhla own amtlatactkm by plumping the other on the noes, musing the blood to Bow. At the Magistrate'. office, how ever. the affair was amicably arranged. Without farther litigation. i % ii Crewe qnsrrel occurred yes. tarthittnurnttig op Penn street which wa it e occasion or MIMI suit before Alderman Koenig. W. S. Graham and Charles Lamm were the parties engaged, Graham Charged as with breaking a wheelbarrow and destroying a lota lime at s new building. Faces. on the other hand.• charged Graham with striking his benison the herd with I shovel. be drat wan was malicious mfachiet and the list assault and battery. The parties gainereittor hearings when their wrath had cooled. , Alleged Disorderly David climates', mall terrier between Plink burgh andludeps.udencs, West Virginia, alleged, before ...Mderman , MoMasters, yesterday, that he was Induced to visit thebouseof Mrs. Douglas, 'Virgin alley, Tuesday Med, that when he discovered It to be an impropar place be attempted to Imre but was prevented, and only secured& release by raising an alarm .; which aismadad atttion of WNW* • by. who brobso the pen thedoor and lid him out. A variant for the arrest .of the socuseilwas tuned. 'A Grand Affair. TIM lwilles of Christ, Episcopal Olairoil. in /llleB , are, proposing to hold a fraid filr; tt Einelakw Ball, Federal stroot,'Allegheny. commeateing west Tosmidai,to continues week crisis days. nom OW itirsotar of the . ladlee the ggo . 2agetassia. - 'estmotildni silina' - of betstAlied say. and the value, beauty end niefolnewsof the. snidest* be - offer. ad:meals, we' anticipate Ms affair will - he aeonapiete%loColllllill etari- sopa. As an- laS.flulizeti • to =JANI6I4_IIIO toire be topatag off indOtedness of theWounds:l=4 se ame q to ihbfairi Gar sk Idiot strung* a nd • .7-131wAllassitat5tamoi will. be given bi the putts and graduates of tdr.and Kee Eluismo •Acidsuw; • of • hfseemitinallif Uwilalsl4 2 o* .ll " l4 I la Sad tbaehmub., • ."` - ...4 . -. : •,-...,.:,,,,..1-y : , • .::. -..,:z.'i . :, !/ ; 7 li. \.4.7', - ' : :T.,:. - .X Z-'; .- -7' . -'‘ -. _! J .a''' RELIEF OF THE root!. ADOUIII Report 01 lilt' Ladles' Rene( Sar ritt) 01 .tlle gitri..) CI 3. With a benevolent dispctition, every 'p - eme,lilt i t , A. , resent a state of life will afford son,% opportunity f u ll lunch. The of contributing to the welfare of wan. transacted: kind. Wealth sod bancticence are •hie National Newark Rank•ng ,nmpani to dispel the rims lof olversity, to dry I ma. ltAnk r.--. A op the tears of the 'a How and orphan, err., and r , !" rttrl " for Utsintllf tll anti to it:term...A the fe.tLity or all around thorn. tinned end ..rde,4 t 1,41 Such are the aentiments char.:tied by W. K !- the members of the Aestociation, In per .."' senAng this, thclr annual ;upon, to a goner , u.t purtltc, who have to,led, tot, 11. ,,, 1 hitherto, to respond Ittrttrally to the tat: , • .„., t A k,,,, up (Or.mtld and support on this twliti'f. It may %clout almost nu per flu. us to en. Kpq„,Pu.t ra w ,rd v prt ter into the usual detail of re.. ,„ ' „ ;,,.. , , , 1„.! kind, hut the conalltu ton of the n I . thorn of Jr' demand. it. . •t t :t.• v. Tot. eVtnt.lf of another year have been !.er ..0 Mr. SlJ:ran, t••.,:: c,op added to the long rats) tulle of I ht, pa., pa: pat:, a.171 , 1 , it-ct en per .1•t opening the way, doubtless. to a ot.lre . •,.•• xrg r eventful future, with all us ioreased I ~„, ~ • • - - and diveratfied respor.n.tolicea T mend,. The its.l denial exercised by the them hers of the Sifmeiv, at ti thesijght of C, is Care and anxiety Bitod itien end orphans, ri•lieveil by our coOtr.: u ; A cone, e.aunot be adequately appreciated ''`"! ny the public. In eternity a.onsr tne record tie ful y mole , raicii. seem :non that Isom rty •rinie are on tat. Ill,oane,•it Wino( be dented that the means tor ambhora Ong ttte c inelmon .•f the destnule ar , riptly extend/ d. and !hat the disposit. ,e I on the pert .4 Moat, aho are able to ex et - rise:heir philanthropy, in more clearly dtantfest titan heretofore. Since the last annual meeting, the S. , tiely has lost one of ita oldest and neAr. esteemed members, Mr.. C. J. Pea,- non. One of the founders• benefactors of the Sects[ y, has leg spent her life In Its sealoile service, arid at death bequeathed tics hundred dollars to its funds. Like the grain fully ripe fir the harvest, she tlo+ 'seen takiirn to her rest, with the blessed bors of iturnortElty, and her • works d•• follow her." The Society In fres from debt, lout the treasury leen:lply end the priest early seftmg In of a severe winter. makes an Appeal to the put•lic for addit.o.lai Aid ;tie more imperative. The following in an account of the die trthution of articles dui ing the , past siu• ter Coal. mine:, II oei iounds; tea, lit pounni, ci.free, Yt p sugar, toned, rice, Yt p Itmle. sdap. 32 couods; potatoes le bushels; not.assee. 36 quartz, flannel, 949 yards; Innshn, 314 'arcs: calico, 813 yards; jeers., 138 yards, etpars. 21 yard.: shoes, 2:.0 pairs, &v. Tne tuaungers-gratesfuliy aoknow ledge the receipt of coal from the Brewerstud. The renters of the Cornsirecio/, t••• xtrirret, Dtspotra, Phst sod Chronic/a will please accept.t4o thanks of tun managers r gratuttoua 3031„ttirattott of articles Nebell of the AssoNatim. itor thank., also, are due to 11.1115, ,, f our trlent.l3 Ali have aided us in i•uritlork. Of the 316 ftmnilieeveiieved during the past winter, more , than two nuteired were widows tolling 141 support dttle ones dependent, on them. Lot us enter upon aneither year's labor in Mould° reliance on a morello) the giver of all k r.. sl, hopto 4 . to Impart Joy and gladness to sorrowful and stricken h• arts, and tiring home gdork HMI who, when op In earth, sent tacit'. I loins good OVVICSIM AND MANAC,II-N. .Pre.orfent—Mre. I.r. Trevor. / I vr.Tubstr.r—Mrs. F. F.. !Iron. .1. Herron. er 1,14 rel.—Mrs. R. D. Thompson. .s.errt...lo,l.lre. 11. Fe ..r .vl an,,eje —Mr., R. S. H.tve, I.lre II 11 Pct.,. Mr.. W Nlre. Cooe-en. M.,. II •14T, Sirs. S t-r, 11.ior, rlrr, flirt Meerll, Eitr.l, Mr.. M. Swer z Mr,. It, N. i'•..L 1-xler. nl. HT 4,1 .~.~,~ ~ INAMIIIIII HE " r , . == WHO Obi?, Tilt M Myttertnua Package. are n t le be k.ule u- F. Hundred Dollars ta eritt. Setup time 111 tt, Vh,y haat ..erne person ot.kttoa tt u t ztt• trunk and a large not to tbat.tli•a t Patalturgh l.rCai I..xprtaa, F.:it. tv,l gad ate, deroaitMg thew na• without labelli n g or giving any direetiin where 'they ebould h.,are:. The en: pinyon oleo:reed the packages and am p postug that the owner Ol1.1: ran again. had them iiwed in a n.Pnt place to await ahlplrlPnt. Pay after day d and no call was made fin - the packet: ea Ffttally fichango win. made 11l 111, 11011/- .igvainnt of the Entire., the forn.• r agent, Mr S. Gilleland retiring. All the old «twit: was taken away. an, - 1111011 g other thing* the invateiiiiiiia trunk and bin, which vroire attired White Brea ' . weal:Rahn/eat, tin eVenth PCIIIII.I. In moviag thou. from their great weight staiplet i he wan entertaihed that they ffitite.ried good. According y Mr. Tatiailay, obtained a auirch warrant from Alderman Raffle, of A liegheny. and had theta opened by iirlieer 'swain, when a 1. t .if htiverware and Mali, r tutting Ana discovered, in all Went live bowies. , dollars ' worth. ti me of the rialvew was marked J. F.. CRldwr: .'hiastnut street, Ph:lain-1110, The tail wan marked °untidy Rev. II J. W. A l'en, while a pair of pantabwine found in the truck contained aal collar mark. Further Chian lb., there IA no Hue to the The Alderman has written to the Pni la delphia parties, and ww i titily may Minna 40,00 light from them. In the meantime, the articles may he examined by parin hereaboutn who have lost anything ol the kind. Real I::,.tale rnsnafera. The following deeds were flied n record In the °Mee of U. Sinisvely, it' carder for Allegheny enunty,Wednesday November 21, 1569: . . It'chard Peeve.. to Wm. and 11. Welter, No. it, oleo; lots No. St fit and 40 In Yo•go .. .. ISM: two ot s lo ty Jr•ste Nerd to J. 04,•.. Jon••• c serail .4044, IL , st throning neon. dt by IS , tn•t Joe. nn Herd t Wm lolworth. • No•. .4. lot at corner of But.er end • d win itoll ward. 72 by ISO feet ........ 41 J. S. IlLorel•os, 'n ate, to Ittc mrd •001 , %It, lOWA tots St •nd :u Yerge ,o, • VI.. Stew,. toornshlo. ...... • ••• Zlinto rhino to John ['entre.. N P.M lot on N Mat (ton street. Itrozdnemen , 9 b( , O mot 12 01. Veoseitur Trent, to Mon. Ills.. J. ly Ivet. 1.4 on riart.2ll, 91 br W Let ....... . Inn debt tsrv , h to Jatee• !tenet, Angest I. 10+3 tract of tend 1.. Sewickley tormostitp runt:tows Isere and 54.'4 , 44144 Jobe flog nIO John ttlt• . s , skost hi I Idr: 'tl n i r ir g r , altjir „ ..l . , l4t , stro . • 4 Tw int. ward. rit , ! , ;• ,, lobe Kr ck et to Juts* 414.,44. No.. .0... on 14.0,- 400 street. hoseer et r towesblp. 00 by ter.. Ha , n C. Testis .0 root. ,fQ; two iota oa Yortres street, ruorteewn . ......... . kG7.I rblllip o IN Cooper t . .0. Algeo. et el. No•. 4, IND; 1 , 441= and 2.4, (Marilee. street, sixth .ro. AUtiken7 . 11.2,0 Our readers will be pleased to learn that they are soon to have an opportunity of attending another of thaw pleasing and Interesting entertainments given by the Browning Association at the Pitts. burgh Female College. These entertain ments, since Dr. Pershing'■ administra tion, like every other attractive and nee fed feature connected with the Instito lion, have been wonderfully improved, as all who have attended them can freely testify. The present term of the College, which has been an unusually prosper ous one, will Close December Ed, Mod the winter term opens December 6th. The entertainment will be given on Friday evening, the Sd proximo, =din addition to a number of 6.ns essays these wilt be an aboxid puce of excellent instrumental and 'Dal Mudd and tableaux to enliven the occasion. Tickets for sale at Mellor & lioenes amain store. Alleged Larceny. Some weeks sloe an informedly° wee made at the Maces office by Bohan Hush*, • Warn . keeper of this My, against three young teen named BM SOO. Biiiiitdlll2l2 and others, charsincthem with Weeny. It aware that on !CM Welt at - Nov. 4th a nartLet young men tame'' loin Iluston's saloon. the accused being SIMMS them. and that erenetheyetere there unstop. Who ail Weis oleo on a bench or table. had hi. part:Waled 01140. The partiee'were 'And:bad • "hogicit ysitudikr. 'the Mayor tweensii Lis deceatoth- .. - , :- & , , ,,, , ,,- !.t ,-,, , ,- '-;4 . i - '.., - .... . _ ..„. .. =;-_ , 1 , 43- ~-....!, 17.,,'c:-..'17--A•f: , „%f - 04. , 3 Pityrrur, t tts. t fl urn. WEDS ..DAY, Nov,tnt,r 24—The ~ / ne I,leter', furn—.llo 1 Ili the ,, ll- I wrt.z.••. , I In the Twelfth' . . Leo Potat,orgh, Fnrt Wayno and 1 Ctocatr, {:any nl. Ar. tlon tor wages alleged to undue for work I , li trial. =I 11.‘It'k .11 U V. ihm ca Al.lls, 39 R'•wt 3lrrinv ve. S,...amoat Sittotrot.. - mt bee.. Jiro, v.. is trnish,, of Cr°. 01. Strinaeller R Si verm Mogrww• MIMBEEC=I9 c mmon Plr.•—Judge >•:owe =I j tier. “( ,oatt,k.tit rtipnrud Ix. re -1111.,1. and 1,4,1 tinthreql utt: ~1111”,1. 11=21111 I ...ng s . • Bersrer ...111 •rt• ,4 rt vn. rza IT. T. AIRPN, 71. lirlinr Vh. 74. 1,4. !,:ktthy ithpreciell auttienee, at th yera 11 uht , evt thug. W nether s W-st,•rtl's supo•rl, 14,111 Ile "r the Inh.rest the I jilt art, ntgb , Nn Art• preogred.rty I.,ftrAve ) • n,10pr.,.1: Z!iii. It, former ••I•:%mt uno • 0,1 I.J It .it 11 t 11 ‘4,04 3114 ‘,% ho :ayed It. Her rendtt,ll ,l f the Una Kti•l . - ornarnt Is llnearey,,n. Ito t:•.'oet.t .I:.• v - t, It p wov. El IsF ler F •I, , F A F: , Fr .1 TI,••• 11 111" „.•,y,. -r. , . A. M.. P. m MA AP , 114 t••• A ur. • Wt. f ,, r N,l tr ta, Panic) Nll IAUIA. Vre h.tv. , 1 the f ,w!Pg r-otrd F. an , l ming N pv: u 111 ,ur •.h. (.14.h ,rinorit.n r.ovsirt to thi untry. , •Alit Man ..p.r mg fr ttio);l3, c. 1., o.n.o.',itt 11.1%, To M r RIENIO, ti :-otoP ur Rp*kx ngo :he Ihiv-1 , 11:e. a 01, (Opera blue- Itunniu,...l •ti gvnernent of my wile slid Neff, prior 10 our .I•:.ur err fir Europe. 'fire an nulleN.Lnent won lunde in gmed faith, but r.rntrinLaeea over which 1 lint nn e.n• trot, have entirely changed my route fir •lie meson , . Upon our arrival in St. I, iotawhe nreoll..ly informed that the trip to I allfort . where we were •n -gaged to play eight weeks, i at this nee. ism of I tio year, woo Id Involve groat per eons! ripk and an almost absolute tine, tolnty of arriving to San Franeiamst arty ..pee;no..le•e, ow tug to ((to prof unie bloyk ado of the road by nn ,w. ader the itlrviiimt.tieen, I •eliagraphral Memire. Barrett it Mei'ullough, Managers I of the Thi wt., San Fr.inria , i, asking it 110. n ponernent of MY engagfe merit, which, kit full well tho gib naeloll to be enimuntorod on the Journey, noup'ed great n•leertalu:y of ar• riving at any npeeined time. tney courts cutely cr inpbed with Try request. I deem titm expkostOin ueceasary, as during my entire professional career I have never broken an engagement when It has been in my power to keep it. Treating the tIEI explanation wid prove sitisfacory to my numerous friends and the dramatic public of ?Ma burgh, I am, their devoted servant, ExickEY WiLLtaka. Tuesday evening a very pleasant sur prise party occurred at Bev. Dr. Clerk's church, corner tiandualcy street and Stockton avenue, Allegheny. The Bob bath providing the reverend gentleman had announced from the pulpit that he wished to meet the teachers of the Sun day school in the lecture room, and In response to the Invitation over one bun dred hellos and gentlemen at the ap pointed time found their way to the place &al.:mated. They expected mere ly a meet; ue connected with the buminess interests of the school, and were com pletely surprised to Mid the cheerful room vacated of Its chain and occupied in the centre with a capaciona table, up on which wire spread delicacies In every branch of the culinary art, In quantity and quality .amply sufficient for a royal [east. The tempting appear sues of the appetizing viands, however, soon dispelled surprise for more agreeable reeling, which was man ifested in the rapid diaappearance of the edibles. After supper is couple of hours wenkawlftlyby In friendly conversation, Interspersed with delightful romio, Which was conducted by Mr. snd Mrs. C.Mcdlor and, Mr. and Ma: Flury Bonier, 'together with other' mualoal people In attendance. The affair was ar ranged by Bev. Clark himself excludes. ly for his Sunday. school teachers, and reflected credit upon his klndly.enter prieektid tact, while - It abided an et- ceedinglyy enjoyable!:. entertainment, whlch.wlll be a pleasant memory to W who bad six p 1 iw, of attend. • Female Coll4e Plurooleigy.—Ttee rooms of Fowler & Lefefetle Bab are thronged day and everiltig. EXlMlnsticins.wlttiebarts and WI Wilton delarlptione, faring advice as la health. melt culture, bat tosinva, imlacilou of c9znPailrillittc• ME HE ~~ PITTSBURGH I 'GA FITT'. • : • c • "G NOVEMB 'R 25 ;:• I Ile Great ttl‘•goscr , ..1 Purr lia•lug u: uki,,u Fi. Enlug (.rt at lit ' , lrv. plat" , Fur Iluutr 139 irt uuu v re, , I ru- TEE'' ( 01:RTS Ires 15 to 25 per nut. 1“e Ulan s tr'n4g°ll 74 P.".r : M1e57rne W s uded yeg , nnisY , b 4 t "'”ilahinl;i:t iiliihlsl - i itrei gar.: an d pain..! naienronn \*Width one, .h p aym en t , re A. were daily tit rongod with funned, tie alinonc- of the c. In In edntd.nors, Rod :lon the amount • f antia han•l. Tor c mat :n der , u . V thin voar norpnsnod that of any prov:oun tC tie rows .n 1,1,h htrt'Uilt' ett iti . year. .n 1.11 _ _ o. f •untl In lb , : graat r prawno 1. r. • a,ra r Ilte rap f ll 1411-10 th 0.1.--.: au:. .1 h., tar, idrgw • all.ek 11 , 11 , 0 .f \l.l . ••• 'l. 1 r•• , ;!:•• r n*:. „ nal ""' 11 01: 14. ', ; ', -r ' t r . ' : T o ' r.t ""1' ,.... " a, i .ra7.•:l " na ' for: •1 f.. 1.• • - k a• 0101 ` tha :••wn. 1 1 ..'a•r• 3:1•1 nftren of Ina .d •I.IIY arr.. 11 “ 1111 h" 11:1 ` 1 haraton o.•ticta• r• fry-.n Panrd Ills 1.5 . 11. Inala 0 , :: 0 10. f •o::•1 I n. l 1,4111 r .tanlnor I'hert: l .. fp , . arm, not gr .", !.-.lthrtn Untli 11... N. M1,40[1 , 0 In 5:50 1..), 111 , . prune.: I.kina. ar ,,, A A waaar,,rwar . a Hay 1 . 1•1110., ,:artnan ,he -..barran STP•rral, NS star ).1.1,k, filank and and Itn.w. Salina. A..tra..an an 1 1'ar....11 1.....!.. !dudsaaa,:p.a, I.erttna., tbay are triad rnllar , „ u1f.1.1,1 to” 11, 111,, Is 111.1.11'h it VAAL .01,,Elliy atltiAAalt lxo al Martel. h 7 Tatrg.r.pn, anrn itNnr,.•'y 111 Path ..tVI". .14 , LI at no one r :or ta, p.anta.l. at. r x . n I awol.:1 gran. a:f ~„ .fans • 4 , , rana,pg h., r, 1.0 n'. ta at..o the , 1.• t•• I.or 1 0 . 1 11.1.1. , . • " ~r. erlitt{r • • , ITI lA ' : r1 " 11 ' 'P 1 . 1 4,‘ , 11,:i Nov”tr. l •er 1 .11 1 1, :lton 111., 21.• Wlfll .milnwry are era: . made, 1.1.1 a t Intl. lb.. 1,11.111.4 t. CO",vial. tiny ••1 T , I1,•s1• 1155 Apra:o,l,lll " • . •1 11.11° 15511 r iti ,11,. Inenianlvas nf tr.th , Ilta.r,a yar n:. ior - r 11011 ~. ,i, ".r r ME =rim= -Judge Mr= IMMEM MEE= IM!MMIN:i I= .•ui h , ~„ , 1. , re.• s‘,4 ME .. ; u r.. K ..r.n w ,I r I IM zz,• ,, • hAvo m. f •'• =MO =MI ME I,flT, 'I 0 ., ' If Sr IPCIN, Novo•nlhor Edjoy.bic 0CG8.41011 =ZEE WW2 14. e VA...IN lu MEM@ 0 , ..1.1t•rn , 0,1 :t 14 F . , 1111,• ,t; ni OA . Pennollyanla Kalil .sae Ft irghts Ed, , :nze . , In rf•W uuttly 111 Ado r..p..,F.g .4 ,, 0u "I A ' : Is ' ral,rosik.l toltimgurs in ro,aril z.,,,iir t,trd ,,, , I w,ud URI ARV ! tb.! !!!!!!!!,,,, g , •veri! u.l",'s TuAtter 11A . Ettadt , t4. \ 41 La 4141.,! 41/11 • 11110 vr,!,l y. 'rho CLit,t,in, k. v. w.li I, Ildn, 1,, a , ow d 4).., and w,tl make trui•. 'MII.IIT. I CA'''‘ t'niversal I , lmlrurton haft re , trA ,„. ' • to MI , : ('f .1••,..% the !vo.' ,Kw nn,thetio rpr , d1)..,1, ILA r • triao 4m•iler.l : 555. 5 5 . 5,5. " . 5 55 , 5 5, 5 ; 5 5' 7 5 5' A.: drugalstet. V. \V. Itr.ilclo.rl,-11, msg. neral "Tr•"". nc- : . AY, 1 . 11, ljlTT~ tisn\ h uI LILA ns, IM r ~ 1 11 !t t.'"' 1 1 ✓ A' ;NE. 'ltismlllvoz M. , h. " MIMEO ( ourdliutto , t N tarl' IP run , fly wit.l tli•xa 01 kn. F•d• f‘qi-4141•EN (.V• trk it riVyR. F r 6ot;ztt THE tip, ME n.. ik••w.U. MIME ==ilf ism xl i Milli lEEE A i•Ait 1 7.,psr NN - El ,11;1“), LIN% .rk ,r.rk 6ncwn ll=9 1 lb , :11,11 : 1 , i and Mr ( Am' r.(rl =IIIE=MI 12111=111111 .n,,trflh , .rsc Lret..!r 1)1'a1H'; the year enqlurg Oct. ',er 31.1, tyro witeln d 1341 u.orreeh Irrl , rlp wen 'MTV utd by . Ilre 1„: utulls,U-nern , .! I. ;us ey at aan F 11,14 number three WI-ll' .i..•chn[ke,l at ,nee, se, ell Were tent to ‘he Home for the Inchraten, Will to Ihe A'rns h and the balance to the famine A•rinm at rit,kum I tire wire r•p-,rted are , : In, and ed from, that estal...hment. (If the one huudis.tl and um. Iy n.. 1 ut t” the Any oue hundred and eijl.ter•n were males Tat tchool system in Vermont is un satisfactory. To ,. litir . ington Fre. Pres. says. "(here are 2,19? organ.zed thstncts in the Rtate, and 2 c 24 different F , +"(litt DICS., have tern knit by 4.269 ti.ir rrni teachers, of srla. m 2.943 hail taught lie fore, and b,3 only have taught ta•forr In the same &stria.; 1,329 school keepers en' i rely new to the business, or about half 05 many wholly inexperieurwri teachers as schen'', ! Thirty^tour fresh teachers in every twenty tight Fehr' , le in a s'ngle year. Does any one wonder that V.,• moot lags terribly In the educational race ? " Tim finding of the Court martial In the case of Lieutenant Commander Seely, tried la Barton for cruel treatment to non commissioned officers and privates in the marine corps, has been reorlved at the Navy Department; and, while no official prornialgatioa of the verdict has bass made, it seems to be well understood that It is guilty, as charged. It is expiieted that the Secretary of the Navy'vr ill make an example of this officer by promptly approving of the sentence. At lea , t, it Is known that he said be should make an example of the first officer convicted of cruelty to men in the marine or naval service. Tux Sub-Committee of the Reese Ju diciary Committee will meet at Washing ton city the latter part of next week to make up their finding, and to hear addl. Lionel evidence, if any is presented, in the matter of the Impeachment of Judge Busteed, United States District Judge for Alabama. This matter hits been pending for nearly two years, its b be dis posed of at the coming session. If the Committee repent and the House adopt articles of Impeachment, the trial will have to proceed before the Senate in the same manner as In the cue of Andrew Johnson. The principal charges against Butted are those of Ignorance of the laws and corruption In office. Tns Phiflidelptds Ledgers money arti cle says: There isanquestlonably I grow ing feeling In favor of a return to specie payments, but that desirable event Is not here just yet, and much oppeeddon from the banks and other-:quartets le to be overcome, and much otherwise to be done, heroes the thing Is ready for each an accomplishment as will bold- paws randy. Spauldingvand Hoar and Sum ner, and the others Acting wial them, there is no tenon to suppose, contem plate the proapectof legislating t Insect's; try into resumptlonat once-4ho avowals to that effect, now circulating , through the nerittpisporsi'Lare so many tabs ,to Vie lel mi c," 4lnemn ll b there'll so much of • 4: Itemtitt: rta , , , aragement n the pr.hea• mensures m w g,•. tag 1.. T etr.l t ll IC ft 11, ll•ltifltril .lete that rein rmymflvn mar eventuatty r'me rtterhi TIPo re la Itt , tre ID the po.try •••••er•-ttary the Tressltry, an , : In the lan:hates ~ t the h•reign exc.laiagre• t • cann"t rhPsi EZIIIIIII P• 1 1,,, , ' , IN 1,11! •••• rattvr 4:1.1 at tht. 011311 .m ,~. ~. ~~ ~sn .. ,~,. , • At, inoL • • UNDERTAKERS EEO , Jol4l'l'll Ell EH I,I:IL'I'A '''' '"u""' "'" HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, \V AG( )1\ s, AUCTION SALES. )( ) . ALLEGHENY CAS STOCK BR ('1 14,N, BON DS FOB SA LE $4500 A All.OOO \ I \ I'l'll ( 1 \ 1 I ATI Wl' 011. STKIKIL. ; l• S.lll ',NOP Ira • rr m• u• ..m.l • I ..V I • 1 ?.. tptl. fr4o. p• 511 n. t. ENE S. CIIESTMI TWELFIII STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. 13 A. 1 1.: X" &e. Jewelers. GRAND OPENING!! F. , It, re L.I •ra HA I, a n IlAt, I rl , r Hatchet, Jewett) and tllttrware FANOY GOODS. &C. liritlal (;1116 , a -p(Clnit y. 11..11..1 t . 41. 11,111 . ta. atyr. lu th• .• ad al.: ,t •Il Nia• • VI. as. , l aa.l ea fl u. ri...t. thtou. La var. 11..k11-.1.11" Cr. CO.. NEW IFIANBLE sTORB, CHELT NUT AND TWELFTH STREETS, oe:relo roar • _ APPLE PARERS.— have a NIS amortm.nt of Applr Paria[. , :orlnt and SIMIng Machlora, +barb I matte mi to em, mot me teem tried. Tbr AKINN. C , lurNli AND SLICING NI A,ITIN EN taker only three tor. o (be crank to parr. rove. and Mlce cooltnark .teed apple. It WIN krllbout 'Doing or comng required. linen AppN, seo muck. blabrr .rbro .herd with this macula. than when qUartersd by We 'lgo, eamertment of Lightning & Turn Table Apple Parers. /or sale. vorbolt•sle *ad 'lbw!, by JAMES SOWN, '1.186 WOOD STREET. DREKA Importer and retell dealer la FTtrE ERTATTOINI.EirIr. WEDDING, VISITING. PARTY AND BUSINESS C mosoolLues, LEKI. merre pt att m entio mr n. e Mead Orders by mall melee prom Car eareplta. LOSS Cheetmmt AL. Pm)... DARE AND FASHIONABLE CONFECTIONS FOB PRESENT& no ILDRItAL InILSICT. AlleattanyClty eaItBUCANDLESS & 4300, UALS WIWI. Carr et../ witauxua Pumas ix Toselgo se Domestic Dry Oak No. NI WOOD Ma= Thud dear OM DAL 2114.11117• lL„ • . 1;1,, ,k;. -iv VINE! I AN TILE PIrIMS Itti \ 1)17 ( 1 \i l 11 (11)11\, BALLOU & ADAMS, 167, 169 and 110 SECOND AVENUE., T y•r• Are pr,va -, 1 , fl A it 10111 Ii 00 0 tiT RE ET NEW GOODS. FINE VASES, HOSICATIAN AND IHIS♦ .NI ER( AI ANT TAILOR, vain 2,T11. ,. . I , :NNYL - NT . , : INy -YIN, t' I rr '-um . 7 Cloth/1, Ca sin yne - reti and P e e lings. , 4. 4 nyt.1i1 , ..1 :CI, . T.. . , 4.1,n iOi '' 1.• 0L,T1.X51Y.!.. , ri H.SI,IIINGG 4 N . DS .r i Z SILVER. PLATED DODDS 'L.! No 93 1-2 Srnltl,lleld Street, :."..., on:: dercripuovs. PITTSBURGH. P.... ,r •th•”,' a." OnnalllK m.n.r orArt LI, C.:. awl r lamina oat land are NEW FA LL GOODS. ' a. E. BREED & CO.: A a:- t=il, Ltyr 00,1 ai 104) soon % - ria EEr. • ' CLOTH:3, CASSIMEIiES, 3f0., MCI CALL AND SEE China Sets, Parian Statuette, Vsses as, rv: • og for •Jat Dn..' F.N EA CI !IST H. HIGBY & COS 149 LIBERTY STREET WILLIAM F. ROBB, °TAME PC 9L C AND IlliiktleSlONEJl LIVNIRY & SALE STABLES. 1013EliT B. PATTEV,SON Si C 0,,. _o. Avt.l,uo,, 01CIECII UY N.tenth Avenue and Lihtrt PITTSEIGROEI F'd WI1( nn Er. r - L/ urelizy Hold H Dr( .4 .4I P G. AN At CI lON SALE A"ORME , f AYD COL , TSTLLOR AT LAW J1)11‘ H. .N 1 1.. IN A HT, A 1,1 loneer It °HT.Ji. FA, I 0 &lit hL. ilt COMMISSION STABLE,b 6Flrllil 101 FITT5:131:11108. F&. LIQt;oRs ~CHNIIDT 1 RIDAY, \IMF, \, Sil„ Itfl=lLl FIRE it\ E I. I *" `"1" 409 2.£14 - 1C STREET DV al e Detoot eel to M. M IMIIIT iit NOS. r/ 3..41 I . IEN 7i, Y.11.611"!+ I IN( II N.( an.. ta.S. 1%;.1..x. 191. 197 and 190 PtTI r•ts.% Capper 1)1..ti 4 re Rye hlpley .” lIIMEI4, WIN. Mid LI ISM lIIIIII,EN II IVISTRONG. =MB You.zhkhrn an,l Connell , lille Coal FLAG RIZED CHF. liEl ME! . ', 041.:! COAL!!! DICICAN, TENVAIIT & C)., H. flu, remove. ..Pit voce so O. 567 LIBERTY STREET, Or/ •I,ar Yllll . 1t 1 (1111) r tre..V; P. 174 1 17 1, V... LI. All uFf tr! , V Jelr, Itl.lnuewd " •-• "''" " Wl'lf •1; To FI,OU It DEALERSA 15 LA /Ito SF/et: o 1. e tow recte t , allot of •0,04/0 Italsela •••rel ally 'elected W WTI/ ANTI //Hitt ti ANL/ TIRNNICSoIf.g N NEAT, putt/Luta In litbaon. Carte. tirret awl /do,. • c.0./lea Inobano. lilt" lot ta( V. tea la tbc very beat t• ta/ found and cannot be lorpeaecal t y •ny in the United State.. We tire elan totalled our Imitortt Went* It llach•nery. Molt oe lotb" and Coultas Rooms. and err no e. oretured to fornl.o tbe beat /tom ore bate tnede fur teo yeer• 51 Price. Mt/ o .rl turopeUUou the watne ermatea of flour. IL. T. 1LEN:111LOV L 3 1 11 3. Peel meant 1/111. Allegheny Il.meerenber 13. 130 v. FLOUR 1 FLOUR I FLOUR! MINNESOTA BAKERS /LOURS, 1110 Le al Testier. 347 Was Na Na, TOT bbi• EiTIMPO, ITO WO Summit Mllis STO 501, W loons C0..1100 bOl• Kra Rlver. 133 501. May Day. CIIVICIL WISCONSIN /GOMM 000 bbl; Itlvereide, 404 bble various brands Spring W beat neat. W1N71.11 WLINAT FAMILY ',LODE. City WIN of Ppringflell. Ohio• Pride o 14" r the {Peet, Depot 11111, Musilon Pup,m Ringleader and Crew, . choice At. Long . a tor We thew than can be broughtfroth the Wee, WATT, LANG CO.. 1171 071 arid 174 Wood Pelmet. ASSESSIEEIN'rB. CITY Me011.”11•11 Orrice, LLLILOtliel CITY, 1.... Nov. 23. 1809. ( N OTICE.—The neseument for Grading and Paving Fayette Street, Tram Fulton street to Beaver av“ne, L now ready for CO.lntention 404 me be see. at LSD aloe until TUESDAY, Nov. Bath, 1169, Whoa It will ts, placed to the Land. of the City Treas urer far rotleetto. CHATILES r=1:1 Cm IYaantes'. Chrrlbn. arzsa awry Cr r, Pe.. bor. 19,1869. NOTICE. --The Assesantent for the Grading and Pang of Race Alley Bose Why to Meer avenue re ewer reedy for examination, and am be etch et Ills dike with ILTURDLY, 11.V1111148 WM. 1861, 'm they will be placed in the heeds of the Clly Trsiserer rIPT ddlestioa. Ina. BEATEN MMI QODA . A 611.-100 tons Prim 17 lUD& AM. far nUi J. 11. 111,11T16•1". , MERCHANT TAILORS. - -• lc ` I T . IS7O. , CONTINENTAL. r. - r t—NEW OPER% TIOUSI. ' 1.. l a.e,a; ~,,.•11,..”•ni •,•',, • LIICELLE WESTERN. \ E \\ 61)111): \E\I t i tHillS! Fire Insurance Company, ..,,,„—..,--- ... JANIE% x. 11,0, UrtNitly Reduced Prices!, TII,N.SDAT 1 6 •ItNns.:, w..,.,,, ~,,,,, No. 102 BRo.-IDIY.kY, N. Y. ' '-,'*„'''',.`'.7'„",°,.,`..;•."'"''''":"'""'"`""l - HOUSTON di SON, ~..,,,,A , ...T , ,,, . , „,„).0„,0u..-,-..,,:,..,,,,,_,;,,,,..,.z,,,,,....,ar.,:17:. ... " 1..,11• Welter, Fal.lll ,, llail'e lifrtrniCi Tailors li Clothiert. I.lu .In 1 75‘1 130 15 i., ..h.r, , ( . „4 „ , . Hr ~,,,, ~,,... re,d , 1 feit.l-1 ~, Il,,eorit of L., Ile Wl..:!1":. I ; t, IV•t.c..- at T,1., T HIRD AIINIi.4L OF WINTER GOODS I GRAY & LOGAN, N 9 Fifth Avenue, 47 Sixth At. 1_ I'. 11",11 1 ).L.E.I, r 11 IC N T ues ea IZEIMI :Yi :I A'.'ENCK I=l •• i Coral COAL ANI , CokiJl ME BE 11 1 • u R ram. • I< lil'•rrc.l FLOUP EffiTM 01W. DAVce, el 1' FASIIIONABLEI PROFESnIONAL GERMAN PHYSICIAN A y r To:. Ls a a.... t•o,rut.tts , • rya. LLP ER ••T • 0/ C A"'" INSURANCE. COMPANY. PITELANAS BUILDING, No. as lonia r.cood rieer. TA/ K nictrrnEu.s. • :11,1t. r Capital All rata tip. COMNIFC.!ON N. :..A A... • ti ts sn :ArrlNrs. .1“.• 14 I=l A.ftlfl.4.l♦ VAL ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. r , ^ci•Ni INSURANCE COMPANY. HERBERT W. C. TWEDDLE, Cot% pedrral Ft. and Diamond. Allq.neny A I.I)I:11 :11 A:V 11111F111.1) 111..41KELEY, - A-r 12EMIII=1 MIME I 'a. 1069 %% 1,•41 MESMEE=:I N 11E-WIDENING OF ERIN pu,lll toun.f U. rr.si.u. 1100. J. n.(01.1r.. CO. Atl.Orne, NO. •Irt. 11C 0.166 DEC. TERNI, 1569. Polk: oo:tee I. hen., [taro that NATRONA & TARENTUM Beneficial Society HA,. applied to the 1 our, of Common Pleas of A 11. 'hen,Coe for • barter. and timt the et ol C. urt ma de.n order in the eas• to the er lbet raid Pha-ter Out he rranteat at then . ro tr•ro unl• ea tsecollon.lher , to •11. be filed In the meat...ne. J. W. V. , LTILEL. TAT OTIC E.—Letters testamen ta - KY on thee town o /1 f K. ”Itinos, tlev•d. .• het. Nr.14304 tO the , wont rstezneel by lb. Ile,lst, of Ali...awn, county. •I 1 be." me isb d.bted to salt rob,* •se test not,fi. d male velment and ttose h set, Halms asralmat , n• walkouts re,tiestFd to ore... them Si'? paps.. delay. SL •I. A. 110 hlntlB, tjuisey A set:l3C, [aerators, hn. 514/1 Liberty Ft. ESTATE OF PARKER HINDI% 1.6 , Y ASF.I k—]otice Leeehe {le en tn. t nt ie re, ' ,TrT . ated.b n ise n ::: 73l gran tes r i P UNIC. Ilan, Hinds. All beraene hereto, 1.•rlog eta.. or bland. meal., the este eof the raid deee dsot • quested to mate the Puna k .•••• wlta oat deI.F WM. 111Sns Admlnlstea , or, Corner $12,1 and Liberty street, trettl:ls 711 Pittsburgh. LITTERS TESTAMENTARY ►Aetna been granted to the una•nlrned on the ecate of I. (I. PENNIT, persons timing ululate against .014 estate will present taus .roped) sothentleattd for matey:mot. oct , :qo-rn THOB. PENN ES, NAomori- V X ECUTR IX'S NOTICE.— J_lo7llenrou. I. tten testamentary have been granted the and. Wined se tzemarta of the ea tate of V. DU el, dreamed. allperm. havlag Menne &Tatar% tn. tald estate are lteryhy heed to preve ed nt the mom without delay, and parson. ExecatMat or to WM. H. DUTTY. Do. h Lemma. LARGE SHIPMENTS OF ALL Sleds of 'resin lake enb are renewed dally Clny Stsud, AlleybanY MY. oomoj of f olaral 1 10 at !Ado etreeta. Our !Moe ealannune• Is IN. bunluess roe' In to plopychare on Suds GYM Clam uniele, and asu anti WM. VMS. dam... pro. Amok Um, and Wblne r•ra •ll at very long prices. otue o rscall, me will d ins Wbolmale Walt. All . 04 005 Clod promptly. KEYSTONE POTTERY. 112 N. HIM & CO" /. 7 * itsmusetarirs OVINIUMIOIII. lismirroL wiisa alb pita sad Woe/1m" Sea LIMO= MOM /PAU ardor orommly . aStesdadl BA UM & moms, Mt= EOM ABIIMX=7OII zroumurce, VW. ald•lSt. 0111 i Stmt. Atioboxik. special toatioa given to Om &Again sad bows' o otf OMIT ROM= sad EOll4 O smwrams MOON Lk BROTHERS, Ltharth=id. Desiasta W o r i . .33 asahteas INSURANCE $41154.u30 ID liElli 13= .. " to r I4Ir—PITTSI3I" 4:11 TII LATHE ,i. s, .11 1, -..• n ter - Pan rnn •nr, A ..I 0 ,r 1,:• A H. 'Tr r l; 1 2 0 f. ~,14 - 4,r, 1,1 1, wnr , J 1 , 11 rA N yr, ,r. re a' ''''' "''' " ' '". ''''" ' "' '''"'".i'r Prir:d.l%:t7f NV. ' r.1..n ~• r ,t,13 iLu rnr . v.,. nr - • nar ...w.. al< I , n.. -r ' it '7 . ‘ : r n , ~. , .. ,' .. ,,,,,,P4 . nmr , ..13. rn I-- .4, I hrrx, ..1 - ..1r nn c.r.-¢,- ~1,.....'::,":,ie,:,:7„ I i "% ' ' 'Y . 0..... "-EILOM tna . 1 4, 4 r Mr ANY I=l =I 10 =MEE 04 66.416. 6T.,4 64 rta•abie In es, nertr/v . . , •erin n .// /Bp r.r rrnL B 1 B/11 T Itme •••1, rrar •e •• b•.• ••• /Lett •pd • .v.uturs/ / • War I ott e•rse.l ttruculusn. of ~ .t•tpters tut n the :m t rilpart) la ~ay tkoltb at Lb ottlre of Lb. Company. No. itgag of 4 o mmer, Katldtog. tICKJ T to toe pi ••yopt• boo I got opt,. Kme Into kyypt. y arum. .tes nr Flr• 00 TICK ET, SO eents. To two ..sta the ‘ ,„j„ p.m Yrlza , ta. R.wk and Moak •n.l •t I,re .`oot. DDo-•n. n o ..pen NA T. Mr. !with tornmenre Uvrct.arollse 1 Jfulo.lre, I Property •2.•1 • rt•.• . , I • .1. rat.• pr• n-.. s M. La. rLtca. sc. Wi'ACADEMY OF 511:11( JANES W. ARROTT. General Insurance Agent, No. 167 WOOD STREET, VITT:aII !Hon. rA. Ts s A rsrlsteed Ten H urn dreS Veto-rhos And rift.Sts t I es , the ..tt , sass. the sa.n•a H Al3ll • At THE IRON CITY 3 r 1 151. A. K. for the all k • r SI , VLITLAL LIFE INSLIt.tNCE CO. IWIS. Ars .lAsl HAI I. 4Alt AMP , - sh 1111 31. t + 1 Is. , st .1 I t.r tiS t It s , sts.,l6S. As. r . ()t Pt lvania. " `, `;'...,T1. " iyi Office, 75 Fe6 ,- al I.,.kllezbeny City. LIIILASS.CTORSI r. e • ' TI. thee ts .,= Hsn. I. t•HAIINIA. Her J A : ASK . ss. It Hi.V.lssttS. IL., A H HVI I. II I/. Hes, s. H- • EsItIT Ir. W. A HAY) , ••11.er A en/ Co. J At .•ft HS -11, Stea.l Hats , Arent-. SINIt Ittil H. Ktri.tr A ...Ahrsl. W HSI v>l. Hatter A. S. 11E11., Attsrurs It. I. t I HILT th ser M rtehans, sWts•le.ll.. Insurance Aseut. C•pll. HOIST. 11.0131040PrasId•al. • Ha •. J. 0 CI. A ILK, 0 0.. I, Ica Pra•ldam.. • JAI:00 HI S'ecrvlary, HICNIV To rrrrr ar. W.4.1113(i es RUNG, y. A . %HITE.. Hauls At. A3,16a. SWINEII, 14en't kgrut ,71 7I Ft rt./. a./1 171.13, ~ornr""'rf " er •y wer, Ylur,l •d•lph 'Mc< 137 WALNUT ST the e1f.4x , 1l N•TIVNAL BANK Ell ,N 11A ::'.:S i :-2M3 LIT YiRA 1:1=1 IZIECIEES OFTI. IC.11:3 2 417, ,r•at Ku • =SEE • . HAV.I W. .1 o-tt rmt . 1 . r 1 Nv t:rrEnN INSURANCE COM ATEIANI , FIi SIM. • k 1 -. T. ra Teri:, a %VT ••• - •cr , rca:. ors,. Vft Rlvr et., a tk. . Rarer 11, a. e• Tire and Ma rakr Wats. A eon.;••tktetien. be 111. rect. robe recorce.crty. •••1 L., • • Ictera:.l: - ..a.{•Deas •I•ll::ber sTtr •.. •14.;...,r1t.Ar r•tararTer 'cat ~ thee DIM' 24•61.11,1 I of rt, 0, Ow tlit pinAcre..J.on to . 111.01, Po. p .0., 0 h •iti•naer klillrr. Jr . . J • 1. • leu 211, • Ds'. L. 4 NIA INSURANCE CONPAMY OF PIITTIMUROII4 OFPILY Nu. eTKIEET. BARB OP uumvtucir. r 41.1 2 • Ho...te Lad 10.. L10..4,1111 1 Vie...let . - 14 , 1t.VV1 "A rlc. , Hwom Leonard t. meter, tit .. ., gr W 11.11., C C. R •,, ii.. 'W. F ru. ito.ert. l'airwl, J. ' • I ..PPT. J scut. Vs,ter, J.'s.ll 11,,, , it.,:t V t .... ;..j. J.. H. li wok., 1 • . • r. , mon ' . - . Hour, Syr.... I 1101 , A)P LES , LISUELAYWE COMI =I I=l WID. J st, J nu , • • -, C Loy , jal - C4l f1r9.14 Wm• s h . rt, ru Ito , D. V,..rxer, I ma, uel WM. 1 . 1111.1.1 M, MN WATT, VI. i'rraldent. W. F. GART,ISKIL.ie•-r,•,, LLEe,MENY INSURANCE COMPANY OP PITTYBUKUH. . No. 17 1 , 1 FT . ! KT, HAIM ELOCZ [he . against all Lthdo of I/L.-v And Muth. ilashr JOHN IRW.V. Jb. Pre4l.lcnt. T. J. HONIXINNON, Viet Prealdent. eieenqA , l• CAXT. Wll. WEAN. Omani yetL IHnsCronA: John Irnta, Jr.. U. L. Varner ce.l T. J. 11.11/21/oh. W. 11. Erhrson, C. O. Hcuc Ruben H. Davis,' HArr Prnne.JA tfe Nen, tcr.Adala. •At. , I T.N. Nevi,. COTTON NULLS 110LIILES, BELL a CO., ANCHOR COTTON MILLS *Axonal - urn of REA VI MEDIUM Lad MOM ancitos MID MAIIiIIIOLILL =I PROPOSALS Orr scs err radon= &In, titraraTea. I PlUabizsgek. Now. Sib. life% IVOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. 1.1 —Bided Prop.mals for the sonstrueUea of • rxrnmac • Fronk eta awned sod Wood streat to &meat!. gl[Taltrt d di P t;2ll. " 4 947 a r> 4 4 1 ;tb I r W r. p-Irdd at this oak.,atoll Id =NIPS. DAY. Ureant'er 1169. A. 2 e. No bids edit be rdaetred unless nude ant on tba F roper an. -• • • dpeettleatlona and bLsoka for bidding gobs tuna at Ude *Mee. TO. light 6 reverend to retort dudy and art Idda. noW H. J. IIODP.L. CRT ZlLldnier. iTRADE MARK.. Dmffimcn irman - Emooir Lamp .CHDENEY& AMUSEMENTS I=IEZIEI NEW YORK TO JERUSALEM ACADEMY OF MI:91( Tiro Lletursa by J. lIYAIIT Thursday Evening, NOT. 25 Friday Evening. 'NOY. 26 ONF. ',EA! 30111 TNO PRIDAY. V 6.5 “111.8 . The Grand Military Allegory, DRUMMER BOY Olt. .111A - 1 - TI E 4..1E F. 1111,011 IiIAYIOND OIL WORKS, H. M. LONG & CO., ,f 5..•, lICILUISG Ms, Vttubargb. IM==ll Petroleum and vrntn.rnt cb ra '"n"" AI,I,HIMS. DALZELL S BLOCK. DUQUESNE WAY Boom I 7, Chamber of Commeroe, 133 " , l'T❑ MK( k/Sl/ 4711EY.T .-"IP--.1n.ra. Petroleum and its Products. =I Lubricating & Ili; h Test Burning Ohs. Railroad x.lo 011, . ,‘• . ..1 um,* . .• •. ,• at .1 • • ••••••‘ a. oli lOr >Tr., Mill awl l'lmiaing XIII Oils. .nlul,lr. Oil. Head-light Oil. Oil "Inian.,••••inll, Deva.ble, log and l'inl•h.atg I:ftwolitat, 011.11.6r15e•.(t I I•grarlie.r. Hffx Att , l7ll 1. , pr. s. rve xrlthl IM rkl t1,F.. , from Hu.i. I.ori.mtvi Iv r• k nine ll•chine Shop, 1 con • r Dr. [...am oro tog Tog g •dla ole •=d oo; 0n . 0 . 1 • 114 WOOD ...gg.o.!T "" A co%! argwourg Brodir.• En WALL PAPERS A& KITT, ovaetrre.. E LEGANT PAPER HANGINUS W• 11 ra,ro In plaln tune s s Imp,- to ..00t •n.I amok ..rna.l 1111 .. b an.t ne r. M114..-,IISI/ LII A 1 A1 . 1....1 1 1.11. AHEAK 2, NIELS I an t (ono, elaaiabers In :14., counto. V.r at W. P. IiIitRSHALL'S 11. McCnre, pe , rta. t !,11 I L l s tezt , 4;r: NEW WALL PAPER STORE, 191 Liberty Street I 1E COR AT I 0 Wood, 11 M r an, r. r fur W Nodg Rooms, 1.1 n 4115, 107 Markt, Farr., 111, .1,, I'M R. 1-11 . “1.11ES O BRo. QTAMPED HOLD PAPEIIe for " ,` . .-, u i.I4V4TNIV's ", . BRO. lITEE%TII LIST, 1'69. AP r.7 I.lqt,Ars. n .•l 04 Jerk, VOlce, m nttt mbar. Isoll. Fatn•l YsIL •stlng onsloe. Sib ward. 3dcWllllam 8 ward. Caar. c. 111 nal a. r 9tlit ward m lta ward: Amu tAid.vau. t r•. Ida. ward. Iloroortlis John rt.nar, ta•• rn. It.et Bl•mhveam Grit a., •ai mg eua«, a cat Plttsuurgla Towrai•blllaw. Cricks. t Kir b.and, Datiel tuns, to.cra. ia na. It. Lice... Row. will sit R.r h.rarlag minpi watt°. au w YDS Etb•Y Novaxaber )114. 111110. at 9 o'clock U. r. Capt. Jots 1 4 . tlbizada. [Wm,: r. tthnver, Crmrtta Arndt le, ITTS#L'EIGH, aillijanga t .L ogrntr4 A 47 1%415 HAM% ROITIT. CHANOZ TTILIC.-05 and after SUNDA; Nov 41P,1469, tralv• 1511 leave oss only. *I PlPLoblzgh, Pittsburgh ?Iwo. 15. 1.4•77 P Boallere 9:959 ID. 5:00 a. la. rut. Uno. 9 45 a on. 7 15 p Iffized .5 144 J. a. 5413 t..M Arc,o,No,l 11:14 ro. 1:334 t.. s.abouvtlie Aceoross4. 3:43 p. m. 9••115. 11151.555:154 Arc'e. No.: 554 p.m. 797^ • 555•111•Croreb 'Erato.. 19:55 p. m• 9:55 a. 5. Wira,s2 r. a. I: son ra 1c1•41555, la:13 r. Ma I will ant.. tlaly 11. 7.5 C General Tato% I get 7. Cplow i t. W. W. CARD. Bap•t., Denniros. 0154 noLII ITTOBIIBIGH & OUNITZLLEI VILL Oa and attar TIIISLAT. 'faraway, UM, Oaths win antra at marl depart from t prime Carla at thane a.' Water etneste. fellays, Zanaarf. /Mr.. =MC! sowa. 100 a. 11:00 NU. UaLeuutortAtecmadVA D-00 u. MOS .al WienAM tram Ovt.u. LOD r. 1010 A. VA Reuses 4:10 r. .23 A. 1111. Braddock.. A.:and:4l. r.. 1:110 K Men At. Udiet=o.4o:/0 e. II:44 A.lll iniday Church 10 and Dm Wm; Newton 1:00 f. K. 10110 x. la Oast. apply Y.. la N. RAYMOND. Agrtri• K.N.MORT. Nwerfuteueleat. LLPERT & KOHLKII, and Ureters to zoons. man LND g tartans, No. as Mutat .deal. PM. b ugh. 0. 7. Me b e g tter Annum ri m to tweet m to C.nea Wort. te the estesticto tabile to gat feet neats me arc mom prega ef me to— nuatelhalses Beata end Der imaged 'mat Dome, Lanlmahboea or desoroud Per g seem tsar_ nom Mos of oar Yr. temmA PIUT I =7:llll4 "'d cmelerm i re ( ig ,. .. 6,7, TVA Mottled t. AVM raa hi 'S m reht to ode of ne lresma ttee ssateg• roo by Kr. tatom`-- sad comfortable Root, aid ahem for the CAMP feet. Otte Se atrial w a d be easelseett. ALT aw!". We.= 31111Iorket street. Pe t miaartilaSe LTA ELIW. srma Ira& cum Mit;i64,l=l . mellinrut=t4i Co;Dcwqruu. raw am . adoWoliCiesga, • A PPLEI4-200 'lds Choice jos. warrraprnsi•raiszio, =MO OILS its Products, I=;1 Pittsburgh MB= II