r , IRWIN BM, NO. 80 POUIEtTIf A M"'"ii!ri!7ri CASIR OAP/MAL 11:1410.4100 Stockholders Individually Liable. iuum OF DIISOOUNT ANDS:WPC/IUL JOICII MTD 1,11.120 T D. Ideac. ' Clailger. imisoross. . . Ve 4 . T 11 .6.. 11 I .I°,ITL4= norAl W. Alma. D. Z.D r• Chu. O. • 11 ‘ 14 . Jolts nom Tata Bank op ow., foltr ontaalsoll sad plopors4 toOo • .eneral Bonet., Wanes& JelOou . GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, Bought at Highui Prices. B. ILEBTZ, Banker, Cor. Wood St. and sth Avenue 3Es . T.. LAM 8c Co., m.earo et. sons a oo Comer Riartb Avenue 001 Wood St., 13.A.IN'ECEIR safina Neu sa idado or aonmtiliOr webith'ik‘ GOLD, SILVER AND coupons, ON mar FANCIIIABLX 'rim. er hitered Allowed ow peiwello. ilErit= n bra L d as lioyancest Draft at Orders emiersted for lb. rare)lap sad Mato of MOORS, BONDS sad ZUCCS "I":l3Ot&Tirtco - Rittsignit &Mk [ FINANCE AND TRADE. , 3 011FIC) or Pavan:mow (harm / . x Want:sear, Novirather 24, '12M. 1 A downward, movement In gold coin. manned to-der. although the market opened firm MIN% bat Itra4Oldir . .old . down to 125%, the lowest point touched . 1 Glom 1885. The apparent tirM tone of the market eines gold touched 126% thel first time this season was the resell of tlut!Cliquet In siocks, : who tiled their best to matain high; quotations no the mop:sea advancing Stook quotations, 1 and have no far well tracceedal, but .11 BOOMS they are at an end now. The do. cline close on 125 has been expected some weeks ainoe, 'and prices of all com modities that are not actually I down are Lending to this buts for the pre sent. Tbilidminharation In support of • its policy of early resumption of specie payments will endesior its beat to force down gold before the.. next Congress ~ meets. The measures illiely tone resorted to lie bring !bout en early resumption are iidnted'to In the withdrawal - of the balance of Qv:three i per cent. erertni cates now amounting to shout Loyola millions yet outalandincll a gradual withdrawal of,„ greenbacks during the, dull lesson of the winter; and a free banking law tamed on: _Government Donde as security for. circulation „by the ervestrfeut. Tithr, would enable the Government' to Withdrew an eq ual . amountof greenback. for all back ant. I ream' nisei the price of '. era bond* hero and abroad fantrad' See._ • lag them go loWer'in eunency quota baton Just inpreporthe =gold es. and, mild give. the Gov t the power. to subantrite bonds a p l heune lower tate or Inteavat than t• ' paid. Astor the practicabty of tids three Is no doubt th at the Inuits with • redeeming agenor at soma ply New York, and at their - connter.i . wo isi n i l e : be enabled to resume on • spode reserve titan thel,Goverrimear. Greenbacks could bop:ramrod In guanth flea and flui gold , drawn from the National Treasury, but ga IV of hank motor of didereat banks Id bellow and expands*. end not Iced to any disturbers* In the market. If itte the purpose of the don te - pursue - antsb A ontrecf, dla aintallythrar at =end It let ,Mar . ka wondered at why the entire, . Cone of tint' goal rei6A g aits' suntiunted to about live milieu , nazi In [tad; thiftr,Or ihaiordilant - ': ' tormenty comddered small bans Government bonds - were sym a ing with gold, and gradually dee ed, drab* far abovelhe highest asimulation.tlas day,':, under huge, on . clocks continue, strew and ; but the decline in reolC and the • ut. outside support. will rno doubt use a very sudden andheavy.lhil of ell ues at the stock exchom. , money is eery seared In the open mar: ket, bra thebankastal ;banker* UP leg tosinTort tPeirrultOlueri *- quotations as ...rsiteivetb . Pb. N. . kfertm Gold, 125%; Silveri :/a. : MlMl tvisika. one's. 117 i five Ilsentletalnk Lout -doWA ' . dollars 1124 8 :: IM, Consols. II ,t. do liktf, ;do Me% ChM Ten . 1017 X; Nt. r . press C4 = s 4_, 34 . -E-1-4 3[11 7 1" nseiltan a Unioa rtr: prem 'Coat ss ; tier Telegraph, I WN ew lin* Central, hityg_Plitasugh„ Tut. Wane A Gioac t , u B634l OMR, a ~,lanals, sippl. • ::. •; ; M.lth. , 8011911011% 89%; Cleve A - -Pitisitt, , et; Chicago!" Rook /dead - d 102%; Chicago - A-, • North W as ters,. 24: =:a, Nceth Wester*, Prefernsl 41.225iV,'-'' - likoatrom. '.-- ' ''•:••..„-',' - - LOMA .......... London, Pods. per2s,3i klmilts, thaer.....1.....,-.;rw '.- 953‘, Frankfort, n0tirte.;.,,,.."....r." 54 ... ' 55,3‘. „ , . , , . . . .. 4a:treks-Me to the retistreei,eastad ::-• 1 4 31. .-Y"/ 4 2 rtnettlber 21) (ha, The Protium gtetianips'fod a y,,,,i m i affected by tho"roPltrall'Olialte On the other side, - Am thereto= that !Slimed, writing there is • speculative morays= going tra In the wheat market , herkene ; speculakee today , ik,i nyukiit up . in order to convince the pallor that there was no - demmaton. In the grab markar. la -.guidon& ;.. - Ifikther 'Alaska" from Noitlend fa regard- to the riant . m are atripted with much Interest. A meettog of the stockhoichent tithe Wells Fargerlepreits..oompamr wilt.bei held to morrow pear upon 'the qui& tan of more sing the mast stock to onev steady st litatil ammo:oA .h. eutd NW to sleek brokers. : Diacountsun- Golif Merlins weak 11309: ' c." war. o at MX and-eke. tog - at 4 26% X: e weidniese,was Incrented Sty .rOmore, from W ashi ngton " op te Tressuoltepartatent would 10. la mks. of gold weal month to . g 2,500,000; and Inereasei Inv bond Apar climes ,In the' samirmailo. Then' growing tellerthat . -, the . will increase his salsa natoorrawand ilsUb i n view of the fist that its r....,...... inereseed his bond purolustelltaday.--', rates. 645 per aria. anti? thalTetWper a. thearances under gAigsugg v , GOVDIUMentiI hemp ned liliSer:6,-.tie purchase of altextra tolUksibartends by Government today gavaAelight Inc: ..frus to the Market, and Ogg ea eluse m f +r aisialsmecilbX.-.Thia 'dna* Icronekt out a liberal supply of bonds, Anta - ii very abort :lime toe Impamtment watt lost, the eicalaginieall, bidaztlok wiet of the day.. coupon" 'Ai 11 N0 118 4d0. -. 412.-usc4 KW; do. 'lll, 1123561112Nt do, Am. 61113Nt do. mew.. 11004INAINdo,-.41. Negellehl d0;•69, 1143‘9. 11040 1 :- larva lerev Carrettc, 'alseer - lafigat ugly. Sub Treasury._ bought ihatebat at IL2 a-zao@us twoo azinterw, . .. mato bonds MID; Ifiwouris 91; Old Tonneaus*, /Op new. 52; Old VI (.0 - new. fa: Old Noah Oartalluts, 44 u new, UM Special Tax, 54%. Spear alive Intoned in the Railway Market this afternoon asatared 119147 . , ' - • In Northwestern shares, to tie detriment of the balance of the nat. Pluommtlans In the Northwestern were frequent, and the market , on the whole weaker than during the morning. Stock nunpsd be. temen 74%(870%, elating ii 74, and pro faned WQ18854, absdng et 88%. Other Lakeshares generally [Wand lower, Lake Shore showing •• . • weakness In coasequenos of d • • earnings ; New York Central and Ha. • a River lower, with little activity. In' miscellaneous • ea Paid& Mall was the only feature, ad • ring to 52%. Empress/num dull and • out marked change. The sum paid • the Union Pe. MSc by the Central •,• la 08,000,000, half In U. 8. bonds and • •nds In Central Pacific, which are now I Boston. nossTitirig /Niece r 0. 62 34; Coro berland, 20 34; West. Union, 35%; Quiekalleer, MX; Marl • 8; do. ferred, Ezp 18; Adamreq 1 s Ezp 644: eellsis, novo mu Ez 18%; United :ft Ain atee • • 52; .410 Mall, 52%; New York ntral, 1824: Erie, 28%; do. prered, 47, Harlem, 1112%; do. preye d, 184; Haden, 81%: Beading, 93%; Michigan Central, 121 k Lake Shore 88 k: Illinois Central, 107 i Pittsburgh, 84; North Western, 74%; preferred, 89%; Rock Island, 103% ; St Paul, 89%; pre• (erred. 84%; 58: nreferred, 70; Fort Wayne, 88%; Terre Haute, 25; pro• fernid, 57; Chic ago and Altonsl4B34;re* (erred. 14834; Ohio, and Mhztasippl, 26 %; N. T. Central scrip, 82%; do. oonaolldat- • ed 6 11 134; Burlington and Quincy, 151. Oeirger i t 51; Cr i.s. 740. - Mcy' , 20; Sub-TresaluT balance. ; 89 . - 828, PITTSBURGH lIAIIRETS. Orfral or PrerTasr neon Ciagerre, Werreasear, November 24,15R8. Busdnees, generally, matinee' dna, and then Is not much prospect of any immediate improvement. The strin gency In money matters has a tendency to retard anything of a speculative 1-movement, and ar:etasters, even If they had the itieins„ would be timid about taking, ass it is termed, "a fly" In aim or grans, ad the steady decline In prices has rendered ft very improbable, as there helmet been • time within the past two or three menthe, but what those who bought In anticipation of an advance lost money. and In some in stance" heavily, as the more they bought the worse it was for them. There Is s e general complaint in almost every branch of Mallen about small mar gins. whiCh is owing to a strong com petition for local trade; In some instances ,the competition Is sit strong that goods are about sold at cost Thls is all very well an retailers and consumers, lent it ta hard on somebody, especially those who have big rents and heavy taxes of one kind and another hanging over them. We are In hopes, however, that the effects of the Clammittee now In Phila. deaphlein canduenes with the Pane, aylvanla Railroad Company will remit astiallsotortly and amicably, and that the restrictions whkh have heretofore been placed on bealeate- bers will be re moved. If ea, our merchants will have a chance to extend their trade, and as • consequence, Itszthat there will be lees , coa on err local bud nem alt afidthatwill al least be aftbred ed an opportunity &Quake s & living. A good navigable river would help buidnese very much Just now, and while the prospects for tills are favorable, the weathering" been very deceitful of late, I that IS is not safe to venture any pre dictions In regard to • rise. APPLES—In good supply and rather dell. but enchan fa 20 per eta. APPLE B at 33(5190. BUTTER—Thereals • moderate de mand e with melee of 3.3®35, and choic at 32037. :- BROOM CORN—Hales at 12@i1 ate. 7 REANS—Eiteedy at UMW. BUCIIWREAT FLOUR—Baler, 4,stO ' 4 / 4 cHESEners—Dall; 14„901g.i. CRANBERRIES—Quoted at =GU per bbl,.as quality and condition. CARBON OlL—Quiet but firm; stan dard way s tran d s may he quoted in „lobbing 031)4. OMER—Bales all the way from It to fl per bbL CREEEIIi—Is quoted from 17 to 12 for Western Reeterre; 19 for Factory: 20 for Ohio and 21 for New York Goshen. DRIED FRUlT—Demand is rather better, but prime are unchanged. Ape , 'Mee 768 e. Paschen 1019 for quarters, and 12011214 for halve& DRESECED BOOS—Bales at 12(a)13. EOO/3—Fresh packed Scarce and hirffwith sales at 3116410. OR—The market mertinnee very quiet and dull and devoid of any new features worthy of notice. We con- I times to quote winter wheat brands at 35,76@1,23„ and spring wheat brands at 115,15003,75. By. flour nominal at 14,10 sat& FEATHERS—hi better demand and higher, 1W we now quote at 85490 to the trade - and the tonal advance for email lota britore. GRAlN—Wheat to quiet and no changed--31.K01,13 for fair to prime Red; sale of 300 choice Kenck white ,at 11,30. Oa b ts p In steady dem tu and y with ease al 47 on wharf and track, and 481320 I nn n stare. New Own is being sold at 70aold at 90G&I. Rye in either better demand and le reporte d higher, and we now advance our (potations to 95€0 11,00-some holders making 31,03(§1.C1 It has advanced sharply in the west. Barley is dell and irregular with but little offering and, apparentle, not much wanted. Buyers generally appear to be bolding off expecting lower pricer, while sellers on the other hand, are not td=sell, and predkr to hold In an to of. higher prices G market continues delloshefcilly 10, but with a rosunip don ef navigation, and easing up in money.mattere, business would probs. -bly look up again—until then, however, ian improvement cannot Reasonably be expected: _ bIIOAIM-Ei H, 11(41130 - A • 1230 Ha sun 12 304181 cubs. MAO Porto 800, kons!krars, 11 01830 ow Crop New Or goon 143 i lbr &clan Be. dried En. 0, Thip Hard, llorrencs-New Drop New Orleans Molasses, 90e: Porto Him, Of" Brims-Whit* Honey Drips, ll,l t. Minn' DAM, 90c4roniey, 90r., Lovering. 90; Golden 714 aniber, Onrunon, 60; Booth & EON &Pay 11,1 a, COI/M-Ylif 10 kir 21 Prline t 30:526.. Ban i 1,9001,8 00 , , pon. 34e. Wasik-Young 81,0001 8 ,80, a. P,P..11/ Ps 1,14 ImperLl, $1,40 to 1 ,ao• 001 9.14416 6,9 0h45.. BOU Chang, act to&140. • • Bruax-Pearl.it Mbar G10rm,11350, and Own Starch, 20. Cosaineutarno L 25 par ease. Fawns box: PrunusNow Layer , Mc; Currants item eta Itaritidna 17018 tag. Mo • artame-Osseia, 70q ra, Me wan .I•Zlatt_ea; Eatega, 51,50. Boars-"Babblt's,"°jam 'KZ:Obli! Me ,Basin. to 7.4 uDobbin'a,” • Wad, 535 e; Cham.ollTe, Ctaninant-Mould, 15e; ME.,2lte. Br Casa Lion.-403‘ per 100. Fian-Lake Herring per half bbl 5,05; IWhlta Flab do do, 7,00; No. 1 Nadu's! Shore In bb1a153.00; Rn. 3 do Bay, bblo, 117,00; No. Al slo Large bb1,514.00: 8a1t Ws EN adAttlonal; • Labrador Her. ring 11030111. SAY-Serin at Allegheny-Diamond 1 Boded or 45 loads, at 114= per ton. BUSKS-liales Anil emus -pound. BOMLNY-bales at per RI L120L1K 2 E 45 -Atalaa of Oleyaland white 4 per bbl. 0511015/5-Bales ta the mud& at 52,00 par bbl. Ban 1/ LARD-Is firmer tar and avandatri we quote at 1831013,_ in Items for prima YeadatOlL LABDOM—AIIIO la firm and tending opened; No. Ila now quoted at 51450 • POTATOM.Iir far drama wi th Wes Ay the eat lead at 65, -for prima Lrk•Bborra POULT_ _lr.-Bearee and' 121_ igood de tawalturmok Wakens at colot4a per pound; Mails a rfel& Lira thickens, at ado Per gab, by. the coop. PRAZWIW-adee at 10 eta. PEAR-:-Dant Mew bushaL BEEDSLaioddag doing in either eloyez or Ilmothy ram. Baler of • flax -Wed al f340.,,,aa ; vim figure It is warded. • to siva brands quoted' ii; guar small lots store. ElTRAW—fislor atllsl tom i:m ll .°Lmie auma. ;Oman ow Ponsauaror Gazirpna; 'WsuriatotaT. Norm* 24 , if 9 . A. pizapm . IN, la tbe 'epee of mos putbiiro z e *limbo iPpeaditaa coap protadzOltb an oil moth radicals:arta the primal condition Of tOralm, we 'wit make Won Tali brief 047, ibr etii 0123141,11:notsathdhetiorynamon thetas 's elm raatarial °Sorel to work oPt ..t4laieeluta been' the' mono* kr tioctrArai . aar, was !cry oulett btO Yet Viet Wee ata,idd . Est ifithOtit o Plerele : /1 deft canamati In -the market, which. 'es Oared natundly bs expected, kcal* the bade bi •a =imam oats of agitation, a adienesiarymath to retard business atittristdot opirertanik Iris Ikea, also, .„._ . • that crude Leo much higher relatively than refined, I. looked upon as a bad cumin, and, as we remarked, yesterday, Ude explains why refiners are selling their crude. The only consolation that can be offered le that Pittsburgh is not alone la this respect as Cleveland and New ..Tork, so we are Informed, are Simi larly situated, and the refiners at both of these places are Dunning a similar pot. icy with our own—that is where It can be done. At preaerit prices of crude it le allemelthat refined should be worth 87 or 88. EXtl2fliD. But two sales reported, 1,000 bbl. No vember at 3454 and 600 December at 84%, Later In the day, November was quoted wealtat straw, while Dews.. ber wee strong at 84X; January to !Carob may be quoted at 83, the last sale reported having been made at that CALM& Beller optton's this year t are still quoted firm at 111%, with a sale of 1.000 blabs at that figure. but at the dose, there were but few If any sellers below 17. It Is hardly fair, perhaps, to conjec ture In regard to the future, out the gen eral luspeeselon seems to be that tae seller option's will tend to keep the market unsettled and somewhat excited during the bele:floe of the year, se It la not likely that they will all be settled, until the last day of gram. There seems to be little or no Inquiry for any other deliveries at present. SHITIIIERTS 0/ OIL DT A. T. I. Z. 1). Ely it Oa, 50 bids tar to W. G. Laird. Philaiielphba Livingston Bro., 49 bbla reined oil to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Forsyth & Bro., 460 bbls refined to Warden, Frew a Co., Philadelphia. Citizens Oil Co. 650;bbla relined 01l to Tack Bro. Philadelphia. Fawcett. L. & fi. 160 bbl, ref. oil to W. P. & Bro., Philadelphia. hicKelvy Brea., 4711 bbl, reflood all to W. P. Logan Bro., Philadelphia. OIL SHIPP= BAST DIAIVXMDA =TOT. Hutchinson Oil & Refining Ce. 6811 bbla ref. to Warden, Frew & Phila. Fleming & Co. 118 bbla refined oil to Warden. Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Brooks, Ballentine & Co. 40 MIN rat to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Le Eureka 011 Works 4 bb bbl. relined wis Danfilla, H. Sweuary 10 bbla lubricating oil to Hubbard & Co., Phil's OIL SHIPPZO ZADT By MDT PINS IL a A. Harts 700 bbl. refined to ()Leon* Philadelphia, Mentzer, a. & Co 160 ads refined to Waring . Ftn Da, Phila. Kirk & Lyons, 231 blds to W. P. & Eno., Phila. Union ing end Storing Cbas. min" 147 bids refined oil to W. P. Loges, A Bro.. Philadelphia. A. D, Miller 172 bbls refined 01l to Wertz King .8 Co., Phila. MaII"LETS BY TEIRCRAPEI. New Yong, November 24.—Cottue opened firm and closed heavy and In favor of buyers; Wes of 3,400 bales at 250 for middling uplands. Flour: re ceipts, 28,000 Ma; rather more active at prices favoring buyers, with an Increased demand, chiefly speculative; sales of 13,600 Dbl. at $4,4561,95 for superfine State and western, $3,10(111,00 fur extra I State 149568,00 for extra western, $5,90 63,35 for white wheat extra. 16,2568,00 for R, H. 0., $5,7566,00 for extra St. Lou* $6,5069,00 for good to choice do; closin g quiet. Rye Flour in moderate request and heavy; sates of 800 bbhe at I 114,5065.90. Corn Mate quiet. Whisky heavy and decidedly lower; aalea2oo Dbl. western 11,0461,0554; closing with @ellen at inside price. Receipts of wheat, 163,- 602. Wheat 11:420 better, with a limited export and moderate speculative de. mend; sales of 37.002 bus at $1,2401.26 1 fbr No. 9 spring, 11431 for No. 1 do, $1,20 for western and red Illinois, $1,r..61,36 for winter red and amber western, and $1,65 for choice white. Rye quiet. Bar ley very dull at 15,60 per boa; two towed State, 1161,05. Barley nail quiet, I with sales of 7300 boa Canada on private terms. Receipt. of cora, 16.253 bus. Corn opened dull and closed heavy land a shade lower; sale. of 41,000 bus at 11413 01,160 for unsound mixed western, 11410 61,18 fix sound do. Receipts of oats, 143,987 boa. Oats heavy and a shade lower, with melee of 62,000 bush, at 630660 for western, 61668 e for State. Rice dull; eale•2s tierces Ctuolins et ex(ii.7.4tt. Coffee firm and quiet; sales 750 lags Rio on private terms. steady; sales of 400 Muhl at 1161134 8 M; I Cuba, 111612 c for Porto Rico. Malawi dull. Rope doll at 204623 e for American. Petroleum dull,=2o=Crude, 1354@33140 for look ado steady, at 306310 for Buenos arand Rio Grande. Wool quiet; to e .0 7 MAX Pounds, at 4511620 Ito do. amok fleece, ale for unwashed. 3.56360 for pulled. Coal; domestic lower: the I salees by auction today were 70,0121 to nn. at 14.0764.50 for lump, s4,fuyi I 4,26 for steamboat. 54.2064.35 tor grate. $ 5 . 7 ' 4 6%_ 7 2% far on, 17,30024 atone; 114.1604,16234 Mr chestnut, show ing a decline of about 11 per ton. Lin. seed all dull at 9.56980. Pork firm and I quiet; alias 300 bble at 1 19 ,30 , 341 for new meta; $33,76 for old do.; 823,604324,50 for prime; 1M630,60 for prime mega Beef steed); salts 150 bins at 113 for ei Lip I MOW 1106/7 for new extra num. 17 beef quiet; sales 260 WI at 530 for palms men; 130031 for India mem. Beef hints gal t; 60 this at 116621 for old: for new,C4meate caftan. red; sales 60 Mtge at 130 for shoul ders, 7761750 for hams. Middle* quiet and heavy. Laid scares and firmer mho 370 tos at / B CO/ 9 34 . 0 for IMAM: 11 4 i 61.954 e for kettle rendered; abet, 760 Semen seller Jan . and Feby. at 18340. Butter q_inet id 339 Mr Ohlo. Cheese dull at /261110, lets turpentine quiet at 476010. Sheet Mg copper deeds ft, Ingot do.quiet at =go for B a ltimore and 3213‘162.210 for Detroit and Lake. 1 Pig iron ygales at 134,500;37 for Beach. land PT@ 41 for American. Bar quietat 850 for refined English and American, 'Sheet doll at 10%011M gold for Remain Nails at Ste for cut, 40 kw clinch Rod ihr liar" eAre. Frultillge to Leapt') doll and heavy. jostext,.Fteur market closed 'lightly 1 In buyers favor, with a felr speculative 1 and limited exvort demand. Wheat arm; alight supply ofhtring, and • fair I demand, chiefly ispeentathre. Rye dull land heavy. Ora quiet at 6334(364.3 Mr *editol4o fo riotiturmixed w Pora /nen 10d ersi 11li entlll PIP B or kgamier unsettled; old tome 1913.75, and new $33,30 83,60 for future delivery. Beef dull and Unchanged. Cut meats quiet and unchanged. Bacon VI and nominal. Lard OM at 141413 I; for good to prime steam. Fern qui at 37 (539, For weeteru hwatt and 4030 v (orlimed. cmcaoo, November 94.—Eastern ex change doll at par selling, and 1-16 off buylag. Flour a shade Miner end more active at 1 8 ,273440,80 for spring axles. Wheat moderately active aid steady: No. I quiet at 9330394 e seller: No. 2 at 901:300.10 regular. and 9169140 for win ter; receipts clewing at eoggsho ear No. 2. This affornoen the market wu lire. gular mid mitime at 131689 seller Nov ember; 900 sellerDeorobe 3o r; 02340 seller Joinery for NA it. awn dud and 162 e lower; Nu. 2 opened at lMe, advanced to s2o, and closed dull of 806210, and rejected at 790800. This 'Sterne= mar. inn &diet, 800 kW N 0.2 seller Nov, Oats in moderate request at 111441/3153 „ Dir No. 2. and rejected at - 37438 a, , • -•4 ial • 41304190 for No. 2; this afternoon the market la dull and nominal at 800, and rejected 74e, elate % unchatwed. Barley dull and firm at 11,05637 N 0 .2, buyer yaoember. aighwlpes dull and weak lat 056920, closing with sailors at au. Sugar 1234014%e ibr common prime Cuba. Provisions Moderately to scum Mesa pork Mid et no buyer, and 222,25 1 seller February, Lard at 17)40 seder f or January and February. Shan ribs sh(cs rough aides In salt ls daYll 1461 14yZo. Green Bides uoia. Green Shout. deli 10 (01034 a. Green Hums 1444616 A Nolo; in fair demand and steady at 111,50012,00, dividing on 200. Re ceipts for the put taremty.four hours-- 8,152 bbl. flour, 45,125 bush wheat, 24,440 bush corn, 27,144 bul tari boats,.. 24 5400 both he, 800 • bMh hms. Shipments- 5.2 1 10 bhla 80n:, h 82, W 0 btotb wheat, 5,412 bush cent, 9,228 bosh on% 1,197 bush rye, 1.260 bush du ly, ntire 5,017 bead hogs. I . ghts dull and ely nominal. Cisonewen, November St —Flour gWat and unchanged. Wheat held at IMO for for No. I. Oorn firm but4l2 sales ear at 83@850 for now and 0 for old. Tobacco active; mho 105 lads at 1e3,25@1460. Whiney_ dull at 11,01E0 142. Hugs dull at 110010,5 Ce receipts ewe Luta bead. Olean Mods dUltezd nominal at lige and ISM; males could not bat" beenmadennleayjo lower would be aeneptad. bletarork bald at Ire. and Bulk Ideate at 11110, Alio and Ceatv Norambar 24. —"lours preemie are wf ut attar Bookwhast Floor: deauuld good 8. Wheat: sales of No. 1 red winter at .411 and No. 2 red wad awn: Wes alio. I mined at No.2 do. at 036„,actiateld at 62a fitte.-No. L.,-Patra , . . lamb qulatand steady. held at IllettlUa fat p mts light strvvr Pi !bits; lad 11 . / gaza fbr faanthil In large Wag room Ws are bold at 24P0 Mmes. Craft" lower at 17 bbL Etr. toms, November 14.—Tbe market tbm and oactumpd. Cotton Is mosUT PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE: THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 25, 1869: - - held above current prima. Vtrtilairy heavy at 11.05. Coffee arm. but not mach doing; prices range at 20®241.0. Sugar hi light demand, but firmer feeling: common to good fair new Louisiana 11(4 13c; prime to choice 1314 ®l4e. Molasses: good to prime new plantation 764213110. BA LTlmoite. November 24.—Flour Cl 15(45,25 fin western puperfine; 1.3.25@i1 foraxtra, and $3,50q7 for family. Wheat needy at 11,20(4.1,13 for red. Corn 95(4. 170 for new, and 1 1,05 for old. Oats 65(4 67a. Rye 11@,103. Provbilone are un changed. Wtilaky dull 1 1 , 05 E4460, lat ter the extreme. •- •• Lburrearr•Ln, November 24.—Cotton quiet, with sales of middlioge at Z , lxo. Tobacco active. with nal. of 60 Mide at auction .od 35 bhda at private tale; 1 tip fiS•®fii.., , C and low to Komi leaf at N@l, 1601 130 hhela redried sold yesterday at 140. PITI4DELPHTA, Nov. 24.—Flour very dull; family lowa and hilt:meat** W76® (3.10; °UMW:4mb. Wheat dull and low er; red /1,34@1.45. Petroleum 'toady 08® 01 and nn i rtamited. Whisky declined to , 10. Live Stock Martet. Nmy Vane, November 14.-4010 fresh with 360 anal cattle made offerings to day, and but for the rain storm yto ad vance could be reported; the beat cattle are that much higher, a few vary extra Dolling at 17e, and quito a number at 16,4 e. Fat cattle are scarce; about all have been sold. A drove, 5.4 owt, Illinois steers, brought r. 2 },ps ; 50 Ky. stems, 7 owl., brought $104; 30 extra tine Permaylvania fed Kentucky Durham; 9 owl, sold at 16017 e; 69 fat Ohio steers, 8 owl, 11530, with 85 thin Illinois, cwt, at Ito. Sheep is scarcely selling as well, and there are too many thin Iota; butchers want more fat mutton sheep, and would pay good prima - for them. Ar rivals to day 4,700; mostly selling thin lota at 4 , (01,44c; fair sheep at 609ti0, with wod to prime at 80,6,tic; car Michigan, of 77 winds. brought 4,i40; car Ohio, 78 pounds, tilgm car 80 pound, 5o and Car 103 petunia Mazda 1330. Mtge quo ted et 10,101194 with :14 cars arrived riathir. lake Car Ohio. 153 mum* at 101 , , , ,q Car Michigan, IMI pounds, 11,40, and mr Ma d& 203 pounds, 11 6.18 m city drowsed sell at 11101451 e. A car of choice Chicago drawled Drought Clumuito, Nov, It —Cattle dull, at 15,75 ®4.90 car 'Caul and light butchers' steam aud 18p11,80 for good shipping steam Hogs dull; common f 9 , 1 9.2k good grades 1001150 lower; sales at 1 9 .254a9.50 far comman. $9.6009,80 for fair to medi um and .9,00010,56 for good to tholes. Sr. Lome, November la—Cattle are steady and unchanged atsolst(c. Hogs lower 93‘0104c, and at the 'Mae only 10e amid be VS for the beet. LOUINVILLII, November I.l.—Haam Ire• ra of 5•0 0 (k 5,260; killed dazing the season. 88.007 head; market steady at 110010,45 gross. hiltxTute, November 21.—Cottoo: high grade, soiree arid very arm, re. oegpte balm exports 711 bales. _... 1,461 bbl. Dry Gera Market New YORE, November 21.—Inectivity continues the predominant fastens. There is no change in prices. IMPORTS BY HAILIIOALk - - --- Cur:swum AND Pirmatmou RAIL ROAD November 24.-3 cars pig Iron. Grad. Bennett a (kt; 1 do lake :nap ore, Rees; Graff & Dull; Ido do, McKnight, Pa Co; Ido do, Coleman, Rahm & Lb; 1 dodo, Hussey, Went & Lka Ido west: ore, Brady* Bend Iron Co; I do mods ore, Hutchinson, O & Co; I Car lumber. Mcguswan & D; 100 bbla lime, Adams & Co; 100 do do, Fabnestock, F & Co; 1 car potatoes, 3 bbl. cider, 10 do apples, Volgt, Mahood & Co; 2 cars plg Iron, Ntrulek & U.; 159 bgs wheat, 14 do clover seed, 66 bbls eider, P Duff & Son; 2 maks slim, Park & Co; 29 radiator; care Tate Menden et Tate; 13 pm warble, Wallace, Slceleau & Lkl; 6do do, .1 Evans; 10 baa shoulder., Townsend &. D; 8 bbl. tipples, Carter, Mc(l & Co; 10 bg. barley Jul Kennedy; 23 eke Rehr, Ales Black; 4 bbla buckwheat dour, Totten & Co; 20 ko, 3 bbl. pearl barley, Arbuckle. & Co; 4 bbla oat meal, Umbra a MO): 6 do do, 4kga de, Seghmver & V; 2 bbl. oat meal, 20 kegs p barley, Watt, Lang h 00; 16 kgs pearl barley, Rinehart &5; 5 bbl. cat meal, 6 do; 0 kgs p barley, Strickler & 83; 404 Was apples, 8 do cider, 5 do on ion., Bruggormen & Olt; 4 bbl. dried apples, U cider, LI Re. Jr; 60 bbls oil, Wesley Wilma & Co; lue 01l bbl,, C A Wortnouale; 150 bbls apples, 21 do cider, H Riddle; 420 tiga corn, Mcßane & Ani•r; 40 f platy, Fleming. A & OR 10 kegs riv ets, I Oliver & Pi 25 nag paper, J worth; 8 :Ms rags, Christy & Co; 3 bbl. cider. Day & 30 bbl. apples, W H Grate& Co; 3 bbl. cider, W C Armstrong. PCTINIMILOS, CINCINNATI AND BT. Lome Ratshoup, November boa candles Araucklea & Co; 28 do do, B Ca J H Sawyer; 3 tcs ”reage, J H Par ker, 100 ban. cotton, Bel wee, B a Co; 34 do do, Kennedy, Li & Co; 6 do do, E Hyde & Son: 5 bbl, oil, W Haulage; 25 do hominy, Voigt, M et Co; 16 to lard, E H ?dyers; 3 liken' drugs, Harris a E: 23 pkgs. totecco, R W Janklimon; 20 do do. O D Arnetbal; 60 bbl. hominy. Bruggerman et 0; 100 do dour, Saw:oyez aVI 100 do do, I) Wallace; 50 do do, El Lindazy; 8 kgs a butter, 144 Lail* apple; W H Gralll 9do apples, W J Steel & Bra 19 do do, Meanor & H: 5 do vinegar, Day a an 6Ma enlist, McKee tk Bra 6 do onions. Robb di Herron; 16 by po tatoes:, Mitchell &13; 1 car oat., J & Pairist c ;l . box lanterns, Waltzes 0 a 0.:0 19 raga, R Christy. PITININITION FORT WAT?fli AND Cm. asqo Bertatoap. November 24.--1 on hams, ffi Walyers & Co; 100 ails hour, Linelw Jr 4. co; 45 bbla 014 126 pkge lard, J H Parker; 4 has bwvot, J P Han• us & Co; 6 bbla alcohol, B L Fahneatock & Co; 150 bbla flour, Segtunyer di Vow. tamp; 800 btds Sour. owner: 60 INNINV machines, W Sumner dr. Co; 277 galls Conaway), J P. Brown; 1 car barley, Culp & Shepard; 64 bdls shovels, Myer. tt Armour; 45 by oats, 2 care barley, W Meek; 30 by potatoes, LI Rea Jr; sp Ina candles, 16 do coop, Johnston & Colvin; 10 dp do, blunholl Et Mr;Q bola rye flour, Wads orth P; 12 bbla vinegar, g P Shriver & Cu ; alo bhla flour,Watt, Lang & Co 3 cars WHO'. IVDDCIN McKay; Ido d o , Smitn & Co; 25 bbl. hlghwlnse, John Sulbreth Atssatigar lirsTroir November 24.- 1 ear barley, Reekshalm; 2do cooper age, # Robertson; 5 do metal, Graff, Bennett & Co; 15 sks oats, J B Mo. Her ; 8 bbls whisky, J W Muller, 105alte; flour VoegbUy & Kopp; 6 cars metal, Lewis,Balley & Dairen; 6 de limoetone, Bope r Iron 00; 60 bga Ws, 63 do rye. El do buckwheat flour, 93 do flaxseed, Ii Knox & Son; 2 tun ore, Lewis, Bailey & Damn; 5 Nip tobacco, W Redden; 900 gallons stone were, Backfield & Nis bolus; 6 bbls flour Morley & Beckon; 80 bblit apples , 88 10 oats, 96 ski corn, Bose & Ewing. ALLZONSIST Yzi&rr Rzumozn, No. yeenbx_r 11 1 -1 mr brick, Coleman R & Oar Ido , Ditbridge & Bon; 13 eke oata , oda, W Lie newton; 1 ear lumber, Hier, Pustar ItCbt Wks es" i M Bimmonet 1 bbl o mita, Eno: & Orr; 2 bus rage, W 21 ticrmly; 1 box Mater, W H Holt man; Ido do, 2 aka been', 1 box chick ens' H Freese: 3 ekes poultry, L Blaitchardt 4 bbl. a nuts, 2 bide eggs. 6 eke flour, B Hazleton; 9 can metal, Mn. Knight & Cb; tulle sheep pelts, J Y McLaughlin & Son. 1:14,vai:01 AND LOIVISViL&P, VOIIIDINCLIIR ATI andjar e t LOUIFIVILLZ.—The I. par :iremarr Capt. T ()Amain. . 21017 XT? ' . ' f i re. b ?eges ' . 'd I"4IILUTIMin grt.. 14vaki , `,1z4:si;/:11 TO LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTO W N. TIM INMAN MIL STRARonipc attvsi.ert -- "ns maw% t£llfsitir OP L~INMIh. 4 7 4 ... a r ipr, 4 01 k. /or Dusan WILLUR BINGHAM, Jr., 11113=11117111LD BUM'. Pitts • . TEWAR A Safe and Spead7 Cure for Cougha,Coldt, /Wham Bronclutit, Hoarteneu . Croup, Influenza, Whooping - Cough, Inciptent. Conomption, and all. Diseases of the Throat and Longa-- Don't aegiect a swan Cough; or throw away mono, on a worthless medicii;e. PRICE PIPET RENTS PER BOTTLIf Pfttered •" BENTLEY- k , csNrx , Linizellts•Digraaitt &Id -' ~Mk Arout•—eeTIWARTZ mistrrr. Wane U9lll-200bbh East. FAN we•rug bbiselnalaala doh. bra, SIDI fltss antaNnELD. RIVER NEWS The prospects for a rice were not to encouraging bust evening as the even ing before, the weather being Math colder and the rain, to no. • common phrase, having played out again. The Monongahela marks Indicated three feet eight lecher, and 'Ming slowly. Mer cury at 4 P. Y. 30. The Belle for Parkenburgh departed. No arrivals. The Maggie Hays from Cincinnati Is due to-day, having, we believe, left there on Saturday. The Wild Dock and barges, are also, It is understood, enema from Cincin nati to this port. We aro In hopes that there will be water enough to let loth of these baste up. —The Only Chance has entered the Pine Bluff and Napoleon trade. —The towboats H. Clay Witaon and Charley Bowen suited at Cho:Lined on Monday. —A line of try-weekly steamers will perhaps soon be Inaugurated between Cairo and New Orleans. —ln the Idisalasippi River trade, them are WO steamers, with a capacity of 292,- 176 tons, and raised at 024,664,000. —The Flirt has entered the New Or leans and Red River and abandosed the Shreveport nt. and Jefferson trade for the prese —The towboat Tom Roes left Main nail for Pittabargh on Monday with seven barges. i One of her pi Is. Thom,, —There are now 22,000 barrels Moll as Burning Springs, West Wren* ready for shipment on the Seat rise In the Lit tle Kanawha River. —The contractors for the dam across, the head of Rising Hun bar have cam minced hauling stone to the Eentecky shore, where the dam la to be built from to extend to the channel in the upper chute. The construction of the dam will commence early In the spring. —The North Alabama arrived at Sioux , City from Fort Buford, on the 13th, after , hard work, (breaking through five Ice gorge,) where the will winter. One of; her colored deck hands, mined Abe Hughes, was drowned while the boat was working through one of the Ice gorges The North Alabama le coca minded by CapL Grant Blank sad Cal, I ' W. Bennet is clerk. —The Surveyor at St. LOON in cola neaten with the Supervising Isotor of the Fourth Dlstriat. pubilee • j notification to ateamboatmen that strict csanpllanee with the law regulating the I transportation of cotton, hemp, - hay, straw, coal oil, crude petroleum, and other madly Ignitable articles on pass anger carrybug ftr. steamrs, will be strictly mewed herea —A St. lords televise, under data of Monday, says: The navigeticut of the upper Miesiseippl Is rapidly drawing to • close. The Northern Luse fa already j laid up. Many of its boats ham, and others will go Into winter Tuarters as fait as they arrive here. Freight' to the South declined five °ants to day Flour to New Orleans, Nen pound freight rile. There Is still a good stage of water below, and shipments South are large. —The suit of the St. Louie and nil nob Bridge Company, on appeal from the award of the eouunimioners who the value of the land an the appraised shore, opeaslie Si. Lou* be longing to the Wiggle's Ferry Company, and condemned Ibr theme of the bridge company, which has been belbre the Cheat tlourt, at Belleville, Illinois, several dam ago, was decided by the o.7awarding the Ferry Comm:ly 200. This is • smaller valuation than Ufa ferry company claimed. —The contract which WWI to orgauha the Cincinnati ,t New Orleans Packet Use for the coming moon was thrmally Mimed, yeaterday, by the coMMandera of I four boa:a—Captain Batchelor, of the Swallow; Capt. Oakes et the Alaska: Captain Ransom, of the John H. Gros beok; and Captain M. Marsha, of the Emma No. a pt ain Oakes we understand, also signed the document for Captain .1. J. Darragh, of the Belle ' Verne, under • power of attorney. Captain John I. Rhodes, for the Leoni des, and Captain Patterson, of the Silver Spray, may else hereafter.—Ote. Gcuerte —We clip the, following from the Mena Phis Armhole/4e of Saturday: The col. ored porter of the Leonldaa, on the way up, meted the safe of a thousaittl dot- Ism The clerk left his key in the safe, and the porter seeing an opportunity to enrich himself, opened the safe std took out • thomanddollars from • package of four thomand dollars. Late In the night the clerk missed the money. The" par- I ter was accused etas theft, but he pm elated that he was Innocent, end would never do each a thing. He was finally taken In charge, UM, and placed In • stasaroom, sod every WIWI used to make him omens, and produce the money, which he had sewed up In mattress He was letbratel by the pan engem, after the boat left Helena, Gum unless he would produce the mousy he would be given In charge of the Ku. Klux at Memphis, who would burn him Mclean'. So lasi night he bed horrible dreams of the Rn-Klux and how he would appear before that engem bXly Ile dreamed of seeing his collie brought. In his atate.soom, and white under the tellurium of the nightmare and his terri ble dream., he called to the clerk of the mat and infOrmed him where the money was. After the money was recovered he was released, bat the police euthoritlea here were mul4e4 by telegraph to be on board to armed him. The detectives were on the boat as soon as eh* arrived, bat the culprit managed , to make his escape. Filiviki4,)To l l MI EMI! DILWORTH, IMP NI & CO. Wholesale Grocers, Na 243 LIBERTY STERN, Oppodt• u 4 et Wood sine t, MtUb r 1 lIAVII UTWM WITH A Very Large and Complete Sleek o GROCERIES, - TO WUIOII Tier Itspectfilly laths the Alkalis Sall PURCHASERS. EgTABLISHED BY & T. 0011,11 LY, IEO2. W. X EMILY, WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, MillsonT Oar, Luna HMSO Y. OTIALII J A. MITILZLII M . STEELE & SON, Cbnanieskon Merchant. /MD MALMO 171 E v X , OtTn.iniAJI2V, N. 96 OHIO MUM, ma Eut Oaounos, ♦I.LIBHiIT CITY. Ps. Mica iu:n. /AIM RICHAIrr REM & 111011ABT, -- acusatunio ri t iILEIRCULINTS, boos, GUM, USD% 11111 A to aV Übe&illaru., rittabourga. REARM & HARPER, ILOUD, OLLIE AID PRAM= Commission Merchants, .11.. W LlSEilll W. C. ARMSTRONG, Ottooroot to /sum • •rautroag, PRODUCE COICEDERO3 REIXRCIT ! lil• 211arkot Strewn. moil Ll' 1, 131.4113C11A8D, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, ... sasci .No. NS SWIM efitill? L TITLE. Dunn a PA TON wbat•auna prortirgilling. Ml. IliCadman *** 43 . l7 4 coma ns t :M TAn l te l .11 u il rti stA.O/ Dmnahm%t ST/ULLT. nalif L litOttilL...llllL X 0171116 Bitol4 . ewer irm amotsu JOHN L HOLrf _IC di CO., ug*. vie OromegAuse Innututoasitarchaat4Corser sad Water stivrtL mut warrscar...... Iliaitaeli §:UPTON &WALLACEOPIVhoIe. SALM 0104711:1011 MID ITUDUCS DIAL. ISt II lEULTIS RUST, Manz% REl=a SPECIAL NOTICES fax SCHENCK'S PIILMONIC ISY ALP, AEA WILD TONIC AND ANDDAIX PILLS Inn mire Colummpthon. Liver Complain and Intheo, lf taken accull to direalo at la t Rey:re , allme pe mpg ! /az the liver and put Ai work; tee. the appetite H t good; the fixed Musts and makes good blood; the patient begin to grow In Beth; the dimmer:l matter ripen', Into the longs, and the patient and the disease and gem well. Ms Is the only way to cure count:option. To them three medicines Dr. J. H. Babenck, of phindeiptde, own him unrivaled mere In the trestm eu t of pulmonary Comiomption. The Pd. monk lineup ripens the morbid - matter In the I I tro n u F ,.io r r o fte . :t '' t7rphie of elo by ortra:te; Wiroe '* ; theta nortie w b will theme it off. an the patient has rent and the lunge hen. lo T o c o M.; Sraw•ra Tonle and Mandrake Pill, nowt be lent! used to cleaners the moment and liver, A that the Pula:male illynap and the God will mete good blood. !Minn `a Mandrake Pills act o the Liver, removt R all obstruction.. relax the duct. of the gall bladder. the bin Mans freely , and the liver la mon reined; the stools will show what the Pills em ao nothing has ever nee■ invented ex cept calom ors lmidly pedeon whin is ven tail. iera to lie us with great caeca that will slorlt the gall bladder and st Pt the sear/Woos of the liver like Belmont's /dendrites Pill, Liver complaint lo one of the meat prom Seven Consunarao.. n's Pestered Tonic is • (Stale stimulant and alterative, and the anti] M the Seaweed, width preparation is mode of, anima the epoi ssc h throw mit the gutne josse to dissolve the fbod with the Pulmula syrup, Led it b mule Into good blood without rermeataltho or auxin( In the stomach. The great reason why phydnans do net nom Consumption La, tbey try to do toe nionA thel ore medians to &teethe eolith, is atop to atop night sweats, Memo Myer, mid by so dolog they derange th e whole definitive Pun.. lean: Mu up th thd die mentions, es. and nenteally the patient le Dr. debencl. In his treatment, does not try to mope cough, night 'wean , chills or fever. Bo u. the cum, and ty ail stop of their own accord. Noone e on be eared of (thasempt Hon. Liver Complaint, Intheriala, intern., Fakzi UleersVatT, ulna to liver ta d If • person nu coneumptlon, of th erm tee lanes in mime any are dimmed, ei th er tubereles, shrew, bronchial Initatlon, plena adhesion, or the ling. are a mass Milieu/nation and b o at[ denyine. In nth oases what mum be done? It In not only the luxe that ore wasting. bat It In lee whole ton. The stomach and liver have lost their power to matte blood out of food. Now the only choose Is to tate Dr. /Scheme'. th ree medi eines, wince being op a teas to the stomach eteriatro. '" al l e b gcl td * oliTtht d itt l c, rTagree Om to goo: • nod mi loon as the beby be- Mee o the lungs commence to heal up, alto the pat.., get. Pretty and well. TUt Is the only way to um Consenution. M ban there ls lug disease mad Dun Ltver pemoimet ud D, themia, Be '• Bealreed Toni, and Mandrake pflie are andlclent. withom "he Tine Mudrake PILL freely is a/1 Milne ocandalua, u Mayan per nen harmless. Lir. Beheock, who has enomai innate health for mu, nem Ont. Mid now wale . = spends, was wasted sway to • mere sermon. la Um Ivry Wit emu of Penniman C. nmbs. his ohmicMu bevies pronoused his eau hope, less and aendored him to Manic He wasenred by the aforeend medicines, and Maar Ida none. 4.7 moor Ihnoraad. anal.", a/la ht. ',. need r. AP=.ll. with remarkable 1101. • aeon:pas, each bottle, mating It not abooletely Btrotelater to pentosatty Dr. Selman, nine patient wish their Dun" exaselaed, and forthinporpote ke is h t. zPlren a 1 I .i drew& no to Lis let t proZtogiall ' at re. 79 Dbod Oren, New York. every otti v er Tuesday, mid at No. 33 Honorer Mum. Boum, every ether Weduci day. H. gives hie'adv fin, bat tor lthorough en:Mauna with Nevin:neer! b. prioals Once boars al can Untrue 9 a. •. toy r. r. Price o the Pulmonle Syrup and Seaweed Tan k eachBl.so per bottle. or 29,50 • half dun. Mudrakii Pllla 315 outs I box. For tale by all &define. ntylatial-dAP Or' 'DOCTOR \WHITTIER CON. TIND® TRILAT ALL PRIVATI DISIABRA. 1 hat mosey.. tass et eases manil las from self-abeam prceracing 11.1.11nert. servo. debtilty, IrrOstt), seminal .d Inally Impotency 1m0... tOr cared. Perseus afflicted so. dell 0., Intricate and long at.ding tannins... conspisi. ta are politely hit Iced so casl congnitathm. Ahlen asnos n n g. intmelenve, the ban oltaaniners. has ...led him to pntect remedies at one. ell en.), sans, permanent. and which le most ca.* ran ne nod without handranas to hansom. Med ina. prepared In the estatslanment. which ern, bran. ankle, reception and rms..; also I board.. and alnplag par. erns for patient. Peyote!. daisy pe rsonal antennae, and vapor and chemical nanotiag the famed nal:send springs. N a o enattar mho have tailed, slug poor ram. Read what he says In lila pam phlet of Mr pages, sent to any address for two stamps In sealed enve/ope. Tb.sands of earn treated annuity. at offee and all ova, the e .oaa Plttaborgb, Pa. Haan •s . to 11. 0. sair gay. 19 to 11 r. Ir. Pamphlet east any ad dress ror hew atemnsin d so arCA NCERH, TUMORS, VI.. MRS. 4. — A.rtoalshlag and =wet lelrasuloae wee of °ewer an being dally made by Dm L H. &LINZ • CO.. at the PhllarlelpOle Cancer llograntry. 931 &rob &sew, Phtlatleighla. Pena.. =II a 1 the bran= a , One In War= of Prague= Z. GI: DALTON. INN XI. gl, Clantuaatl, 0110. The treatments awe are Cancer •atHeoles. the =et equal= wee =maser= karma to Ike atelttged world. They are awl nestle. =gag or berate, naerLl. elect. They glee HU ear = palls. They an or. dorseg by Wee t surgeons et sin ape. No 'lbur persons Its= =eft =litotes. Ito outer moot =own be used. Pot partlealare evil eterolla P.S. = rgErMANOOOD: 110 A LOST! HOW HEITOICEDI—Jest rabllrmis I.l , lll4Pir.ArE, ft rItrATME . N 1 , 74 - Iv•PC:EZPLVei: t.otW. . Ella?. J. GULyiliW rh i o h ale 0"k a; 11.71 '" I ' s " t. ; It. 4er ..A setnet Okla te•elopa. &ay Auldsesa. p. 11.14. ma ni- N176.1' " Z. 7CrAte Irl tort. .Yostagges Hoz LEER. •.se cal., •Hania.v. (kid, • mum ZS *eat.w dP arJUST OUT. •• CIICIDIT PrODOIIAL TROCOCA MB COLD& COMMA . RONA TDILOAT AND NACINL.NITOL Rose me reed. Here so pleasant. rose Clue utValet. QUetilrON .11 CO., to Arta, HOY, Neer Vert QrDATCFEELORIII HAIR DYE, TAI. r9'es,llo Hair DreUlm bents the vrot/43 Ito ou t tn. mai , . Dr.; html.,., reu.. !de, Inawasneoos; no dl.appotateent; ao et. bac remedloa tea W *Zoom et tow dye.; forlsorate. awl leaves the liar oat sad boast/NI. Iktol *owl, bed Iry all Mycosis far. 3 Souk. atasel. Tanr loft. ,a 711,10 • garTUE LIEALING POOL._ LIM TM FUR TOUNU MIN who bey. hue.,. oes h shwa, sad now dear* • Mew hew era • Omar II A N hOup, Win vermin Nieman; wr to , th• •th.Ctoot Lost ha se•lod lottor w is e= „Vet .lormiat,otkimaitt‘ •152413.44 Y. lIALLROADf3 p Emir YL V Agaming ° jel l % e. 11.. leader NOV. late. .1141. Trel n • a .111 anins.r.=7.4 ladLltirtyrAte. Nal Tn.ta "ftk .... 111110 ese •FoxtberWe. lea I. as •Peteot.. Ne. 1.. • SO Ls 30.1 • no. as EritteeM 1ei ..g50 ma men ?Wu.... 11119 gutiMitr!i NI 11:11WA. is t"""Thlregt 11 Dat realms 4 .4 R 'ell N Ds in a ! Vr e r pa ...! en 4.: 'mill,. Kr Went, Nelitillj Poe qvibet T.Ll_O fgra OgA al= "alf"etrattegl Wei.ra in( vale Matthews., .oath/ .t NMI 1. ntOberrb to Cs) !ram, RAO . la. rircia= ZPitTa. Amt. Ten .renejklm . ... l4 Co/ will sot 6m" PerelaiNrthiripeop (=WI. dmi valfs. al , Defier Mei mewl is ' , Nibs • rya e iri l d M new. Wan tall ISIS Onquel biondataadesi. XOE 8 T EU Niiiime r it= r uiVrigov. IL /Mk tin Mmeg 7 .111 t. pa Wortars rtantylviudi . m U t l i= 24 h i i t . 4 vwtty, fizetrup.ti: itMnharpljb: Ai • i: °VillalE :P :I:R W lOttijaii MOOCH polN=..t.r A• i l l lt l le iollthi ia Da tiaLuvr% Itlnt—MlAmewatlet g!it gluTillty at 1 0 . 0% . us p m ttorLlrazigli at it argn t arvvia=.ipit. cialre:;l4ll47; at NI pt: SS VS 00. I . I lit. Utah. atrar the pumstrobt" DetictEZat T. A8. , -1NE......mt,. WITPW4Irn g i ff i er """ :4ll .t 4 ursatg d , and Ithat thAti..,olllty to tt . g reeellag th is man .t la vats 411141Ving: 41/ Me :mm itittaktuAZlpiellal entritot. son outetal trittrtUtts4tult 1 1 V .1"1 —___________ MIMI lir inang ----- I;DMAIMISZT sli. Sista' elll lons gran 4DOS. Milk side, pstg.. : Snlllo4l. . . ZeitloZ: 5 a I: War in Mihr 01 a L. 1 1 4.4411: ac.. A ,74 Pll 1 4.1.01. ;Tr WA:l4' •• 2, 'M nu ow 4.1 " . 1 0 ang. s . OA S ICIS is MIMI* lases li ti lattrea s M 111141, I glal a sapjrga ini: SIM xi zawr: r r s iiiiii $s Walfam°1111:1 tztadale :41ID enrjr llo LIB _ Dui ar sk, a. ai , laPs I, .414 p a rin•NGE Op _ - astatannalnusEriuuza6ms. rrs I li l a ala d e 11 . aloam. f .. gr c ali s , %%sgsrlf i llaArroi. Sa. isa.,Tw o Zo. uel m =vii al . ar Dy e 5=......: .1:43;: r az.7 17 t ark...tu:: 0 111 4 ., itait...itantit...4 l : : ~;..„4 4 ..L a : •., -.. Warta alias V Ca alt: Mrs tA: Hat: ChN , Ch Cile Plil CAM1TA , ..... • iOga: XXOTIIIII than Eton oak, a$ wt.. ' ' ttetas ati:Wirrale . f, FINANCIAL. TR.4BESIEI'S lATU►IAL BANK Wood St, tor. Second Avelßie. BEST PAID ON DEPOSITS. Gold, Coupons, Bonds and Stooks DOVOFIT AND SOLD A. BILADLACT, PlestdanA W. VANKIRK. Vice President, aef dA■ CYIIIM ()LAMM, Ja.. Callum N. HOLM= & SON& RA .. Di : 57 MARKET STREET PETTABIIIIMA PA. Oogroticnis Asada on ell Ms principal paint. of the United States and Canada. Stoeks,Bonds and other Securities BODONI' AND IKILD ON 001ININNUON We i hrt.laulat alkeiktloa paid o 1.11. ??...b....ad et Valijed States Securities HAS T, CAVGIIIST & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS Corner Third and Wood Bireeb, orooosseola TO HATINA, HART • CO. =ll3 Exchange, Coin, Coupons, /ad partlnalas anenua• paid lo Ike pateliage of COVERNMENT RONDO Sight Drafts on London. CITY RANEE, 2 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa, carnal, sies.oo4l. ITOCIBOLDBU INDITIDOIRY LILILE. INIUNRT PAID ON DEPOSITS. POHILION EXCHAREIII Bonen And rola. And vb.. terlrerl trained a Ineore. Co!ler-Urals mad. es All U. Prladval polars of the thaw ALMA. rad Ousels. DOMICT lartasA. 1...14...L A. l / 1 11)100Aaa. Vier Prreldear. . Y. WoltuArr, Cruller. DIRACTOM P. Iik1.11; Junes likerbe, Mostar Barrie, Hug IllcatrAs, J. Orator,. Jr., ?ver lr ve CAmbalt, Paula Isar, Juan Marls; r w r a o 51W Yarn , ThmTg Yas. )Or. kesa3o:3 JO n Y. FIAZZAY, liorlsitor. MK AVENUE BANK Of Pittsburgh, Is Ism Osos ler Booking Swans Diatom, Doposh sad Goooral Ally Sala neosProo Dom Ono Dolisr towards. Isurrort sr the rat.. of six pros emu. sold Go Una deposits. ==ll cD DITHILIDDL P. WI"1111+ FRAN AIDDr. IT. It In c h xBO7. DA/94 , DAR. 1.11111%. roairratelULD/L ED. DITMaDeg, • F. F. SOINIENOX. gyp• THE SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY or PrrIrO3I3ITRGILI Gooonooratod hi lb. Lowslours of Pootayt••• am, Jos . o . az 11 , 4, ISO o. oho yfo-komolag drh.:41`.17.`=.°.4 1.717:4 V id•ablea of ell cam/ 4 PM.... salsr sod for t►. moans of say la 114 mynas-proof Tulsa. Bonding mod Mien Aro. Se FOURTH a rz.ruE, PI7TERIntOII, Pd raunmon — WlLLlAll( MULL, pi. Vlcz rassuazaT—lMlßt LIATD. pThiLLIPs. , JAltitel I. RINNITT. Nanny LAA,TD, layituN H. PAINTER. WILLLANt REA. IJOB. R.llolther, WILLIAM Mahar leitoßat R 4. LIRSILT. .13:0/1 /MOUNT OF THE 7-40 GOLD BONDS Of the CHICAGO, DANVILLE AND VIRCEXRIES RAILROAD say mused lbw sale by Hamm W. BAILEY LANG 41; Co., lieratuati, 64 CHI Street, Neer Vert, Tkt7 us 11,000 Baod1„ laud alma a Railroad Dearly ea...bait odompleted atart/ng as Cllkage aad traveratag a =Nutty anaurpateed by any In the drat esetoilllala *1 • large and profitable boll. nay wre assorad by Pinar 11110111... CAGE ea 140 ogles et Mb Orsteelaas road, It. Gann aad an prawn* and ratan) &equine property of the Compaq. They boar a high nits of tatered fbr a Lai period of tlas-7 Per tont. gold dor 40 plan--site a =tall ratio to the cash vitas of the Beatty 44 1 1 I thha they In Qi ?turf amigo a latareat nabnity at Lba Compsay of way $1,140 PE MILlj, or am thaa asarlldrd that of await real roads of tho ossuary abase Bands base maid very 61gb. Theme butt% added to the oofle.goonts ttumns around each and every Bald combine to render theit, UNEQUALL. ED NECURI77EII, and realty the meet dedrafile In the market fbr hrreetztent. Prism OS Ina accrued Interest la cur- mac', thit right being reserved to ed nate, upon duo mete. rwinphiww, with maps i WI !stall lent boo as oppltaatioa to our IPlttabargt. a. NPCLEAN ei CO.. 78 1',0171111T111 A.V111N17112 linty lognmlaU, aumuid OW entire Itaa of mod. Safsho4 at lorfolud. olf ooal do um • , ...tri am" uhfok II rem, mit .1.• Shea 404 . 6 Vga am" oVidase• fa ikstr AU *l4 essadamet. W. BAILEY LARD & 0,04 IE7 Sale of- dm Boils. ZDIICAT/9NAL. IMMIA. MULE COLLEOB, sixon OP 4.IEZMEA. Ala i - Tlllittlitibistlainatuticiadsiaa r ing s awbera74:2lsdintsy tiOuLlant ACCIMMIUIvAW Tattles, mama sad Modem paw/Ewes, .1 , 11 DoksW, tunnelled roes. Walt Rea MI:1w salt natty sualsa. AlfkinaN MIV. L m T 0011111211, sus . OM IRON AUD STEIIIL. DUQUESNE WORKS. COLEMAN, & 00 IRON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS DUQUENIr., L I ANDJUNIATA. FL Vl' RAIL 1:., , •ND A VG . 1,IIIAR• IRON RANO, Hoot. 11... r ANO 'ARK IRON, Bou.i nt lßON. 1 . 1.47 Ls AND OR GUARD AnJ k PIPER RA Pt...ANGIER, CUTTER BARN, IRON, T N FLAT RAIL, for C.AI Road, CROW OW 4•10. WEDGE+d HARROW ?ZETA. SPRING. PLOW ANDCULTIVAToIISiNNL. STYE.. WINGS AND 1 1001... 11 ant to ;utters.. STEEL STEEL lILIA.rrINtI, A. B. •TILFL. COACH, BUGGY And WAGON sraLves sad LES. CrU NAIL! AND SPIRRA. All Goods First Glass and Warranted. °terms AN D. WORN. - • • • ' '• SLateenth Street and Allegheny RI maiawl TT Water SUWO N Plttetergla. MILLEB, MR & PARKIN Fl WY. lIIKTCA jigry Bea a , MILLW.II, CRAB. ?LRICIN. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, BILLER, BARR ,t PARKIN, OFFICE. No. 130 MI MI Meet, PITTSBURGH, PA. =I DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLIAM MILLEII, (Suceeuor to JOB. HAIGH t (10.0 Mar actll , les presurtialv• a,lt tl. leadteron. 074 °IIkEAP.P")IKBk PlfiToN OODO. L. BS. PlTlem4yltalrE RAIL , WPAU AXLMs, 4.21pU0s of eIIiAPZ and Lep Cover if Daqaeine Way ud lint Wed ama:be prrrsounan STEEL WORSE. =I ANDERSON 4 WOODS, 11AWLIF•CTLIM26/ Of DEBT REFINED CAST STEEL Of every desertptlea. A 1... b kilned German Plow and Spring Me tlcti ELLMISILUSBN PROCESS. Tao Thome. are 41. enuared bp mai Iless ors far tras Y. of I. EL L.Zllll}/aUdid /110- 47SELS. Tl.'"‘l."‘ Paig VP t k. framprovele. od tt I. 1 . 0111. Yd Ilea,. amtadrift/ tom It eau &mats Liman bp ytad to JAMES P. SPEER, £OOllll 1 ard A ltirtial , . ratrktoraM Pauth ammo. BEINMIXTIMOZCS. ,•=tgo*pil arm 4 impa44.l operatiost frikda7 : lELD STEEL WODK& SINGER, NIMICK & CO, P1T111131711011, PA, Ilanataetarers •f •teed Oeserlptleu •( CAST AND GERMAN STEEL. R"ZILLYT7PATin.I...T7out 15rRUfgat ASIXS, TEL TIME, &O. Warehouse, Sit Water and 100 kW Ste. BLACK DIAUOND STEEL WORMS. PARE, BROTHER & CO., Illastahetarers or all descrtptialks of El 'll%Ere3Cr.ah, ai m eerZare ha Va.*. THUM LYOAD STRZZIK ROBINSON, BE& & CO., Itaosasous to Ilosarsoa, Kura & MELLIVS, WASHINGTON WORKS. rouniEss Ala• riconnsis. mums% Nanafanta , ers of Boot and iNallonary Mean In- Llar i t. Maas runerua. Ildlohlaart. Goma awl rt.ti.,"getil=lvtiOu No. In, oornar llssa and ealLkllad f 4` :ra f0ra1.3117..A.1L1P1 PATINT ENSICOTOM THOMAS CAULIN £ CO., hank Ward Fanadrr and ■uhlu Worb, easpuscr f 1.... A.LLZekHZIFY (arr. r..... lhaoActurns of Staxlamart and Partabla Mem tsetse', oil Pmeask Po RUM.. and gal ea. /11111 Work. tolll.g Wm and Yamu• OWL" kinte Ham Welalta. Waroa 1•:ee •a. hall' border nod tureen Mad tutu.. of all Oa.. STOVES. CASTINGS, ao. °Goa wroiii: CET THE BEST. BISSELL & CO'S TRIUMPH, FOB BITI7MINOI7B COAL, Warranted to Cook, Bake or Road as well u sal other Store la the Usfeu RESELL & 00, No. 3;1815 Liberty Street. Up oa hood and tor aola. • NMILOI OIONES, HILIING MOM. PRONTO. PllOlll. COOKING LIMN. Go. ORM HUGUS & CO. icnalgraorcrizas inratT wiatirry STOVES, BOSTON cooKrsa RArraz, 'THE FIRM FORNACGI3," na IrAainx• Bortmnrcis TAR RZW •NTI.DIDIT 000X1Ara el V IMRE, .surinFLATOR." CuLUAIniA rallo% c2llll4.llAraline WMASII anTrabal:Mgia hr.djziazd 208 and 208 Liberty Street, ITIVISIMAniI. PA. MEI A. BRADLEY & CO., 30. 10 WOOD STREW. llanalietentis of the Orolnt Vattetree Cook, Parlor and Heating /MT. 1.0 RI TOVID la ear arsartamt 'bear fat ta• 'FAITS? PATTERNS AND INTRA/VANENT AR" Ths =Duos of oar Roves Is swat MD *sr ass la lag ii f tt=4e b r o ji=vilfl I/Vget tag mast aortae as wan ma swolessest. Wosls esll pTrUcßar sAstallea Dour stir 'VOLCANO Mr% eharches. MD sad Nara& Oro see sel4ls Nuys looslas. later Ase without esslas. Alt Ism Mrs Aped wens ss salswor elbsraSSl b teaeeN .Wri/j: - sr. read tar Cualoras sad illes „ FRUIT, CAW- TOPS; LING 7-'erSED T ,. . L .• I' • - ''l. I.lt F lrJ; '..- LA A: ' 1'1)1). I :t. 't ..1 1‘ - 1 ......ti,..7,i.vit.,..:.. 0 -... Il= 4, 'I? IiTSISIL.7it.GII,II' A . 5 . ,.,,,... ' i - .... , • . :"''.-- z ' I it;r:ANigßgaianinS gi -uragpo, um, AT' the boa' Cm miser sea 'atlas* orpeit: lib mirth rettieuy sad Perassaeigr . . . _ _ Inr planbly ab plaelan‘tbs ram Of lie Mlt t o eta amuse appea tbajablataraaaabgbut tba outman MX6llldrer .119 Or MK Of geed boaabfrabbboillit eabaranseabal Alcaohotoren of w. J. Anubvi. MONONGJEJ FOUNDRY, kl.a fu Mt. r,rl of IRO VY LI r asKl N tlas. 'll' lLA4 6 1111 W-3116. -3116. IttreTANT:=4/rgatiznNle"= tlizza Houses. 1./FF . l4:z •:41, F Oommtl . -15•. 150 eIT/LIXT, plusher.. P. IMP FORT PH? FOUNDRY COMPANY. i TWELFTH STREET. Eir Engines, Rolling ffitll Na. ebinery, Nail illitehinfa, torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOIINDRI AND PIPE WORKS. IDerfer email sad SeasnosaaStiellBll4 (21)21TH WARR) • PITTSBURG'''. P.A. . WILLIAM . / 1 1A.ROINLCTU6IR Of CAST IRON BOWL PrEle PUa eos Lao WLTK lay Plpes ara all alit. hive/WAY 1 . -1 114 ta akal ud LS Dent laszlha. ALIN ANIL irseltel.V of Itt.llll Castings for Gas A Water Worth weald al. call the atUatlaa eagastallge O. work. t my mot. AIIID !Tan ♦YINUL Litz.- BNGnirs, ESOMiM%'4I! poor prrr - BDILEfI, S` LL AND ThU CARROLL AND EINYDERi PITTLTA D TADIEN gatinu AN rre, BaiN OIL CHTNO ANDPAM NNTTLINO PAM, BALT YANII a nD 0: DUNS'?" ere AK GABOXCINIZI AND /SIND MOGAN DIMON . DOOMA AND COALINOTNIL4 Ogles wad Warebolum a rj w lser Tatra, Mural amd Iltrest Car. Poled Alley and Daqaemeni Engine Builders. Pourkkre aml ifachintsts. Ilaaahater• GTXAMIMULT ENGEM= NO - I rr tr A.l. l7 l . l .l ll 7 2 3l ,GAN trt ilv i llitsi tiritai BOILYIR.,h(Illi hone 'eer. . . • • ' VOABTLWNt in tengkeyNa ri l bt e r l ihAlr . eribrOlt Well., istruk . No roc . L A TINNEMIIeis a =re m mule to order, at the PTTIBUUOU. INDUSTRIAL WORKIIi Inontlas on the .trit Itlvir, sea CM Mit. PITT BUIuH. PA. iirAuard&rs prueoptty Md. TAT O'HARA BOILER WORKS F. REPHAN & , CO., • el ' MILAN BOILIVZOIL TANIOIk_BIR O Totiak ISATORS, _SAT PANS, .ILeumg•T o m inrs 8.10 : TiatiG Pai . _ s ByallsON D0 8.1011.88.1011.8 ra L ,T,llll, te., Ur. et Second [Tonne Ind Ltherly - IL,. PTMIS3I:II,OEt. Wearing dorm reatet*.--Orders ebovesells lospree34l7 egeel.d •••• - • e. • aNT• F. llKru.*2l. !amply meaner et 0 L. WIL SHILL & saturtimAxEns AND SHEET OWN RPOELNIBIA„ • 000. so. sa. sto AAA se rosin. •. .u. tarn t m im on m ap a p i syw h e r d w _ m -aulsu4lb.are- MAUea t l2l =7 " l444 41=11148.M. p O a o m antsm... ksM --. k Oti at 7 '.' *eta. " se aukaataciarces am instrined•asionAostert imottos. s, WV It. LIMA. .. .11:1117XD JA2ED IL 11 211111/11001% Malt°lA ° 2 ° lll ° l °P Steam BolleMolll,2tille.l%mka.- hoar Wogs; as 61 Peui ttree4, i'lUiotSurg RRA - SS FOUTID-11E-1, atm aus,. .... - HENRY '.BIER eneezeseneu nt. omens & Bell and BrutPenedo% Immo EaluirOtiik:: NAM TEOMPTLY TO MAW - Rateable and Grey Iron GAS PIPE AND TIIDING, - unietni, 11161 X IND met ALL GLOBE PATTERN.;-: , . IRON : cocrivis',:,: Brass Work of everydesertptioli for Steam, Water, and wearrnonnies or eeir..xiarsia row. Imparral Itahno-Ined tem_ Agents for .Drozfloo , slums ‘ffire,,s Oro, Me bast to tho /forked. • Met tie Waits:venire =Main, AT‘FOOD £ MeC/FIFIREIf•- - cumisiuhartystira azoutiarcmgo4-''.' rusaborsa, ea.; " elms roams: AID IRON YIPS AOZW/2 forJl..a. Caltallea 0:4: ITIAXPOIIPSAILIIDDLOWaat.":, l iLj.~g~ y . ~..[.3'i~.-T@ NOVELTY * A. A. *R. iio;aas t - ttirgamik : -. l . 2l M in trtrani /ni ZlUMak f ,„ • jinn ratit tYsa mitt leak, ;AIM 13 1 r!!!! - • 1 1 • , r ,- AVM:ft ORNAMENT IL U Indust). AtiMuts""mt isagramion EZEES •=mAi f FOUNDERS, MAWEIMBIII. CENTRAL FOONVIIT AND ROLL WORKS. anSO Penn illeteopt. BOLLMAN & BAGALEY, Cull/ Ron% ulll Cuu." IL.lL•lbea.te U. A. ►uZLVOOLI. W. J. ANDERSON & CO.,' Castings or all Description. OFFICIO AIM WOMIII. PI TTSBU FIG H. PA. WCPBXK.S. 11 • 14 1 1 7.4.011/113.1131 ETITSEZMOZI, PA. (Sue Tel POrrr 2 EZ2 lake " EISI WM ME 1 4!4 1 x.1 t LVARVERS7 ,Alrel4loll Pom . INIE -;_ ' - T'' ' ' . ....#