' 2.1'2 ;. x ._ -. Sgt€. arms/ DIEM UMW% 84 in 81 ivni 11. PAPER pr.Piti Rib. Alltairluray .ad MU.. • . 1111011111 DAY NOV 15 1800 . gaioni itsukket , 891(489i • Psisounnt at Wimp, firm at 61E ' dour deed is taw Tea yesterday 1114401151,, *li!Ul****lvis of trouble among miners coin ,pltittdoithit the operators do not adhere with toga faith to the terms of the remit adpelitertnit i Tag lege] proceedings which have been .. Instituted, at New York , by the Federal 5 autbolties spinet the Spanish grm.boras, porn to be, owe supposed, hued wholly 11. UP= the objections made by the Brod. t:an Vesta to their 'departure. Upon ii: their face, these proceeding , show no re -5,..', - lotion to the Cabot question. The rep rt resentative of Penh • recognised and friendly porch ported* that these vessels, biting Intended for .ants on the Cuban cp , toast, wUI lat eflled relate other Spanish , - vessels Item that station, the latter pro. eledieg Gatlrwlth In offensive operations whit ' , Pm. This objection is more gdsnsiblithan substantial, bat the Govern. . ment Kee properly prefers to submit the 4 , . affair to jeidicial investigation, when the .5 . vowels will be discharged unless the Pe ruvian agent makes good he allegations. We can judge of the probable result or this enquiry, when we remember that leis : bat • few Wade dace we sold served of ithe Pablio Yelleeler monitors, then lying at ' IliOtindritY,lo tho Peruvian authorities, a soorligleilihdr departure by way of New tennis, the oldecticats of the Span. .I. labildidateit being then met by the solemn ostiranded of the Peruvian Government that actual Ihostildlea between that country:ilia Spills were at an end. It l. ... ..":01eo'—dlt, tienSare, that the Pemba . . . portotOpon which the oiling of these -"--IVehaft-ossels Is now delayed, cannot be piese*ed in good lkith. It Is clearly 2 4 onliek blind, resorted to for this one? :I 'pawls tie Interest of the Cuban revolt, I and width will Ail to bear the innings -1 ' 101/011110111 to be made. It is wily the merits of the Peruvian awe which can ir considered. The orgthimden of the Pennsylvania Legslab" It ill approsching session, privierdernatter for ride and interesting speculatioes in every part of the Com monwesith. The Republican party her elected reissjetity of the menilsers to either Hoarse, and upon that party will mean th is re:Tonsil:Mr in the premises The fame yeable of Republicanism among the people of Pennsylvania will War 38 41 4 Y1 M tg. aoChiTelis rest upon the' 'wisdom and rectitude with width its Smarms and Representatives shall wraith and perk= all their ler Weave duties. The poblie wrathy of their proceedingsr Ida be more vigilant end searching in pis cheracier than ever before, perhaps, in the legislative history of thili State; a more absolute fidelity to the public Interests will be Insisted upon; less charitY need belooked for to palliate theenors or excuse the delinquencies al individual members; the shadow of a sus peeled corsoption will be acoeptedssproof of a fact, by a people whichis more likely to be in the temper for holding the summesdi rainy, until he proves his awn innocence, than for adhering to the older and sounder maxim of the law. Why it happens that this jealousy of observation is to le =meted ewe:arising the proceed tugs of the coming session, Ina degree so . much greater than heretofore, it is not - necessary to explain In detail. it I enough to know that the pall press, slam the close of the lest session, humid so much to familiarise the people with the Idea of leghlatiee corruption, as one of something mare than a mere possibil ity In fact, that the wisest coarse 63r 1 member' of both parties, at the mien coining, will be to tab it far granted that their official and individual retools at Harrisburg mud be entirely clear of mash .or 4111 offenders, be they whom they nutv. will inevitably be exposed to the merciless judgment of their consilta enta. We have not eredlted the one-fourth part isithe impeded= which a portion of therm have brought easiest mem bers an body. without specifying the indlvidsialedmiemla. We haveerabeen fad, to soothe end to smite in present. :... ',:tg,. lag to the public such particular access. ;:', .". tionikaatheeddrest upon any responsible '.', : • authority. The entire absence of such specific ~ions has not, however. had the .4iilia At quieting the public, ear . , pledoine. It is true that certain members, whowernrigni* indicated as guilty of ltaidoPtittla last winter, have been dropped from the {confidence of their connitnints, but i