The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 23, 1869, Image 2

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• • -'Ollll/WIAL !APED
Vi a! situbsysli. AIIKIFIbIair as& Att..
; Visa, orasur.
NOV. 23, 188 D.
u. araospsw
Prirsiff.strx it Antwerp, dm RIL
• 4WD eland , la, literw Tozk yesterday
COALiilitea—le not the time fart air
piteetdag *US the coat trade of each
gle:-ToVlOttmai and the
74:1 1111114 4_ .*Mhita to have special rail
'grlidai-lor-ittathiseportatloa, With tor
chliterind applimees gretally adapted
balm? Soehenormaustarmage
Li:,feau4dd .10 be aurae it compuittvely
ilowipeed, iad that epeed be is uniform
Things will come tribal by
wed by; and =eh great thoroughfares=
the Peansybranta Cautral now lit and Is
---tbetkuusellnille road will be when co=
1 * :141111Witill be =Vend from till Iowa
" 'gm= bade&
Warm: gas bodied sympathizers, el
Lek* 'agree :11'reedotit sleeks. at
3 : 4 %M jar' rbdelqUon Itain
ozneadon. Alas, our
-TV'Maillana heir the &spatting ory and won't
boo bib. That is a wretebedly
told tie* iutd there would be - no fan
: is *Wing the green in the race of a
1: - : . .Nerthirai Tinter. No, decidedly: that
ba the way to wake Ireland
The channlairsolt will be
,r,isehels if at ell, moth maze safely and
annfortaNY by peaceful! pandas at a pm
dint distance from the perlioushoehtf,
gait:oats of ontreldes, handyto warm
- Ares, with a saloon at each corner and
- the'titlght.eyei and admiring &Li who
_ are sotto , be left bedded, tiling the win
-201011t4 abbasralta, What the •
..-.Tan MOP= of New York have
. . ,
antsoded their Judiciary system at the
-Malt election; Tips new system
:irldasibr Isms Appeal Judges holding
oattlfar trurtelm years. The editing
•Shprions Court, lite Judicial districts and
__..the number of Justices as fixed by law,
• are continued. Eksierisi Tends of this
Corot Grew:WM tor, but no Justice shall
sit therein, or In the Appeals, In review
of ideoltimi outdo by himself, or by any
...--.-Court of which he was at the time a sit
ting member below. The local courts
ht the °cordial of New York, Hinge arid
';. - 11rhitsre. es:abased is at present; the
40beintjannti throughout the State. No
,-;ll4raorjusilat tan hold omee after his
This judges In arm.
.t ,- -ttertd , leis that/ fotty Wilma populs.
_-!-Jkaturialsoftrserst_ Etamextm - The
Caostitutkov_provides tor three years'
Vitae. tee the gars =
9Er iltlit; tilCltte& la tali people itj 1878
Abe. &ell oan
ilootelictlow, or be llne4 bj appointment:
VW me told that PCOPiaire getting to
Of. PDX, WO 51f taltlathlg about' the in %
• comeau, which they. propose to' have
totally mewled. If this be wit is rally
z litifortitaxte - that the:won
•••r• *oludnutotease the Magi , eitnalketi•
The' Praident, with Nam Bout&
• end Delano, are sadly obtuse to the
aro! ail one wealthy tammats.-43omm•
thimg ibenbi be &ewe about it, before
Congress Meets, or those misguided
deb will re wa sorateed_thoaa
of thie tax, sad'that tee. coffee,
. Aga ,rtrid.ealt., tied each little Wee r
tirst - ekccwhxt from anystutre
Of the public tnrehess Mopping:name,
• ieet It; this which all the "press Ind the
pm:oV' Tut? Let off the rich either=
--wtho hale 'such a dreadtbnyjsoneat way .
ct Mande: the task penny of their
'manes, hemp up the tax on tansy week
4fleieteteee*ti. for the V= as we
1 0 thksiski.anol Itn7 Silty talllioni there
orthrtleanyenforelgaimPoatadens I And
wheels What "A wise mama
' anent ihe qtantleza" or Om= It Ia
• lkali to bit *ram but why don't the
Attidn*tre,that fee Itt
A . ..,
1ME.Z:9• 21 M 6 • . ,
- work, mid& OPCIL
.. ,_lr a er.
. " !Ibis greal., - - .A i die Avow*
.-.r',;.";.jOefiefirui..rPotl.l,ol3oi7; eveer. - ace*
1 , 4:1 nun=
. 4 - telehteftbe•
!.! eadliiiiiiiiforth Or !!" 411 r ~b i a reed
-•' ;: iiiiilruiPP! a • d Bala will
.- - i i i w o o ed the pipe
''' '" •biti.ititte instead • ,.
t ' .keralteeel .d°
Viich 4Psiwclgaid-of ArdelF„
itsopevsils- made -in del bs
-- - I. easel> sorr?lo2
t.. = l ce it . w Lab= 04 BIM*
~- inixt..!;: 174 .rt r wr i ," the eretoe-if*the
.1 t`'liiiiitC,l#PT.42o4cialy t o th e ogled 144
j'!ll4-51* mils of the reciall4 thane
~ ;.:IP,l!* . ' bays bPenirdl in.
tig' *0 .. • „ zi t, ora t e most
-,; dinriOgetherscnr -ad dome tacks
- - katestit!!!-- . --
` ' 4 2 * 4kC1465-
zooming oat irsdasta
4 ' - ,__..;YOskolai' bibiaspacitrfoni
:- - therilit tables.
- ' lit#, - 4tholislict,...C 4 O il • rarartain
i,(4lLifigs riii7Phoi"—", that em, ibtod
• ,- A res of LOW Ziliokit isinid,
~ i t ‘ 114112 • 11 - 1 1 1 . 1 . 4 .- ,45--! t a r n which th e 11140
L "-
.bir,Skribiogii4chidat. tr;
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viii' tiai-,P,Oz.Litflji net
- 1161 riaelo a r c l u :t'likego`it the'ileet
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' . . ItrotA_______..-4',,'"lngiiiieigtborboodboPod
!eid•sooossoo l,l4,ofmutt
co t eo nearrel
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kin it to Ic a ..s. Peck .. ... 04 ; 4 `t n
~:.-...., run. „ a w , "" titei timmes b o d - - igiuthugal
_. , o n
4214 th is affair did tab Pacru:
L . •,"' 11454314144.,m; c074-14eagT,4 by
' ' . •' . our ille t..- --, - - • . big- low. or: an
1 6 . '*.itsitiiiiiikl(ll"l47'-to Einos-AA
ineaf, from her e '
Vl, • , - low at rir• u _ to Dome of the villrs,.
' •- - ' quite til - s.nAs of OW Pour,T' w '
•- • *m i . the .-----7' Y t i me tire
. ' '' ' naturally igr,iti ink Aereiopeil th!!ti'
" _ ...:.sadersonas' of IideIICS
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The entire *utak% Of • large city,
In one of one adjoining State% were
shoethed, a weak since, by the announce
ment that • well-known and highly
esteemed young citizen had that morning
committed • deliberate suicide, In the
midst of his family. It was at the game
moment whispered about, and then openly
talked. Of, that -the self.murderer had
aongist,this -way' to escape the odium of
anotheir.....crings. .The _trusteglofficee of a
financial corporation, he bhd, for weeks,
perhaps months, been iteadily betraying
the confidence .othis employer% prefer
ring at last tltp suicide's grave to the
' shame of his envied "deltic:attune"
ficansely yet in the prime of life, this
risen; by Military, intelligence
and an Integrity which was never before
doubted, from a boyhood of the humblest
poverty, until he had been made the
enstodfen of the vast wealth of employ.
ers who supposed uncounted mWlores to
be safe to his hands. Two days Wars
the perpetration of his culminating crime,
he found that, as a matter of form, the
periodical e.gges egtion of his amounts
would take place. That the formality
would be thorough in its quest, be knew
to be the business habil, of hisAofticial ea
pericers, and that, in two days more, an
inevitable, exposure of his misconduct
Weald lane no longer a place for him in
the world's esteem. The cashier who had
,weakly yielded to one temptation had not
the nianhood to resist another, and so he
tit, like a craven, the wife and children
whose good name he had already wronged
enough, to face the exposure alone, and
shot Ifittnelf dead, that he might alone
escape the scorn of the world.
When the cashier abused his trust, and
stole the money which no suspected thief
could have touched, he did not think of
the act as either a defalcation or ember,
element, inch less that It was the mean
est and most contemptible of larcenies.
No doubt, he persuaded himself that it
was merely an irregular loan, which he
was lure to be able to repay, with
abundant interest, and without the trans
action being known beyond his owe
tient :He wae in haste to get rich, and
he beheld the ready means to that end
waiting hie aisle. How little he then
realized the delusion which came to
crush hire, ere long, into a miserable
grave I When the blow of retribution
himg over bighead, then he terribly under.
stood that his breach of trust, call It by
what name the world might, wu the
most contemptible and criminal of
thefts. Society guards against the poen
mon and vulgar forms of that crime, but
erects no barriensto withstand a simple
breach of trust. Hence this latter phase
of the offenses, being the more dangerous,
is morally the more criminaL
We wish It could be seen, by every one
who is trusted by others, whether as
clerk, cashier, or guardian of individual
or of corporate (undo, that this form of
stealing, which a mock delicacy some
times calls a misappropriation or a defal
cation, us really the most sly and sneak
the- most cowardly, the most
abject lariumies, certainly the
lend manly
~ ,and Inficitely less ca
red& of even a show of justification
than the open violence of the footpad
or the reckless . dash of the petty
thief, - who show 'a shadow of manly
courage in taking their risks. And we
wish this truth could be appreciated, by
every one act traded, with 'perception
as aim and as enrol, convincing as it
Onslarket) came to the brain and heart of
thaVviretch‘l suicide, in the two days
which intervened between his first con
scbottioess of the impending exposure and
its last look upon the light of esrth.
. • se IWe too ,
. .
common crimes were known by their
right names. Words too often take the
place and confuse =ideas of things. A
clearer perception of the thing and less '
of yesdiness to be deluded by et merely
conventional phrase, which represents
too often a thief's encase and society's
apology, would certainly have saved •
nun of naturally, honorable impulses
from the ono fatal error Which
has blackened the record of e life and
filled a dishonored graee. The press
Cll3 •no better do Its duty now,
than by Loxitrog Ike attellUon of all
whoa{ ltmay once= to the teat gravity
- "of Ma edema's. This will effect far mare of
pnble good, and perhaps of Individual
profit for the livingohan to quicken still
more a Mew' public sentiunaY by Its,
=wads, sympathies for a dead criminal,
who has &wet himself false to every
duty, of bitilmiti,^ tof society or of the
Ix vas Philadelphia Court of Quarter
Sessions, an Saturday, Judge Ludlow
delivered as opinion in the ease of Hugh
blanow zed James Dougherty, the par
ties convicted of en attempt to seraxibiate
Revenue Officer James Brooks. nSep
tember hat. The Bawls says, mat
ing by the aMeriente maned Wagger
tyWirAwthe two prisoners werepieced first
, sm, mut then
ter pri company Withwar e
=Mem= When they reached the
Court they were received at the entrance
by mad= guard of policemen, wbelethe
1 MMt Woke ifaelf was iilled with the blue
amts, who aeciirded positions in various
pats of ,the room . to be prepared for any
outbreak or attempt at rescue" The
motinutnearserW trial was overruled, and.
each of the prime= sentenced to pay a
fine of $lOOO and to undergo, enteupris
=meet in the Eastern* Penitentiary of
Mumma, eleven montim esultrrysftm
di'' They Were Mei mtvey 16 the
van, undernstreng guard,to the Peniten-
Mu,: end when delivered into the heads
of ,W 4 Wardeni both .remarked„ "these
fellows tome gam hack on net"
Judge Ludlow, in pwasouncing • sea
teuce„ commented with severity upon the
enormity alba offen=tnd dedated from
the trial thus ended, theiwholesome lesson
that "no asuman ma live In Pennaylva
nisi outride of the Penitentiary." The
W7slla comments those '"ltut must jaw
goo Om htem Tbea meawcze tat the
villaurtools of a desperate comtdnetion
of lawilefyiug lootiudrels, mune of whom
are kild lb be den of bossiderable mo o n
and even of prominence in .the comm.
Ally:: Can none of three men be reach
:V.' Mit eaimmo &lannent tont=mei wielk
liberality in hunting down
they' Waal to assituu it wM do - well to
spend more; if s tn ferreting out
and-,.exposing and, punishing Liu, whole
intarfonsaddakyriny. , . The sentence of
Yarowind DoWlybelled-wkieln-
Vera every:daunt Milken
'of Philedelphim blit the eyes of thepaiph
"look eagerly homadtbess two hired iniV
lieu 'Winn Unsatisfied desire 10 sea the
lawlaket hold •of thaw who are as yet
mmened.frollt the area of Odom and the
witherbag sawn and reprobation of aiir
,tlPl,lllll4.d law , louing parole." _
pads 1i Codified
rezOkkik the' nintdereki 8t the
fey. :Li Mal an Gros% near
Hontingdoni,nas week, Win autztaciee:
thatthemkunimaii Sea suggested by Ids
-companion, Bordenimrg, at Altoona, is
keptetstsalluit.they went to Hunting.
don, from on Monday, the 15th; .
• d wined' &ear to Felipe% at Plea&
ant Grove, sleeping thsl3llgAt. Alt the
194940Pmb0s for
; thot da7
mmzw'' id l -stidgli
murk, and that night 'slept 'ln S kink;
Wodnuida. that went to Huntingdon,
and Bonner espmfts desire to yar.
Waste AO Wt,. PS desistaAorM•
burg threatened US shbothim tt his did not
go back to -Pkightaks; Ake" - went back,
miring* stoat sum o'clock. Bonner
Ur he relUelned on the 'railroad; nape
Boxdunburrtient to the tbe bow.- end
Wake *aid l es/7 One aligefikal
den.bucg recostiedin the house stint in
ghat. whoa he• ClUEge out be iambs
twu.lisipt oficgd. and kiting one to Um '
thenfuni.rennickel:: bra ko.”
Scsilindumlt is- stated, , corroborates
ttdilltaktnestitilittbe exteption that he
awe on the Wind whElo
BMW went to the bona
"Truth Stranger than Fiction."
In San Francisco, on the north aide of
Fohwm street, overlooking Mission Bay,
stands a palatial residence.
The Interior of this home Is even more
beautiful than ha exterior, every apart-
went being in ita way a gent of magnifi
cence and refinement.
The library especially realizes the most
perfect Ideal of an elegant and cultured
And yet, at the moment we look in
upon him—one August afternoon, as he
occupied his library—the proprietor of all
this wealth appeared of all men the most
He was Mr. Morton Preble, for may
years • leading banker of Ban Francisco.
It wu to rain that the broad bay-
window:st the south end of the room had
been opened. giving Ingren to the sun
shine and the fragrance of rare flowers
—in train that the walls were lined with
richly carved book•oues and paintings—
in vain that soft couches and luxurious
chain had been gathered around him.
He was wretched.
Ha lay on a sofa, In the depths of the
great be window the wreck of a once
powerful man- WS apse was thin and
pant; his face white rut marble; his
eyes having an expression of wofol ap
prehension, of harrowing aaxiety, of
dreadful expectancy.
It was evident at a glance that no
merely physical ailment had made him
what he was,
By what withering secret, by what de
stroying affliction, had he been thus ago
nized? thus haunted? thus hunted? he
so noble and good? he so wealthy and
As he moved restlessly upon his lazy-
Tinos cushions the pretty clock on the
mantel-piece struck five, 'every stroke
seeming to fall like a hammer upon the
heart of the nervous invalid. Re aroused
himself, straggling feebly to a sitting
"Oh, will this fatal day never, never
gmAf:: he murmured, "nor bring in re
Noticing with a nervous start that he
was alone, he touched a bell upon a table
before him, and called:
"Helen,Helen! when) are your
Before te echoes of his voice had died
out a step wee heard, and his wife enter
ed his presence.
"I you only for a moment, Mor•
ton," she said, advancing to the banker's
side. "You were dozing, I think. I
wished so send for the doctor!"
She was a beautiful woman, of some
six and thirty years, graceful, with
broad white brows, and loving eyes, In
which the brightness and sweetness of a
sunshiny nature were still perceptible,
nudes a grief and anxiety no less poign
ant than that evinced by her husband.
"The doctor!" he echoed, halt re
"Yea, dear," she said, In a calm and
cheerful voice, as she drew a chair to the
side of the sofa, and sat down, stroking
the corrugated forehead of the invalid
with a magnetic touch. "Ile will be
here immediately. Your last nervous
crisis alarmed me. You may become se
riously Ill!"
Mr. Preble bestowed an affectionate
look upon his wife, but said despond.
ently :
"The doctor! He cannot 'minister to
mind diseased.' Oh, if these long hours
would only pass! If I only knew what
the day has yet in More for us!"
"Look up, Morton !" enjoined Mrs. Pre-
We, with a reverently trustful glance
upward through the open window at the
blue sky, and as if looking beyond the
azure clouds therein. "Let us appeal
from the injustice and wickedness of earth
to the goodness and mercy of Heaven I"
The banker gave a low sobbing sigh.
eanttot look up, Helen," he answer.
ed, with &passionate tremor In his voice
—"only down, down at the grave that Is
opening before me I"
Mn. - Preble continued to stroke his fore
head softly, while she lifted her pale lice
to the sunlight atresuaing into the apart.
"Look up, Morton—always look up'
she-main enjoined upon - the
"Dmbg these fourteen years of agony,
I have not once doubted either the good
ness or the jostle° of Heaven. `l3leraul
comfort behave that we '
shall yet
rejoicemare keenly than we have mourn
ed. and we shall come to a glorious day of
Joy beyond all this long night of sorrow 1"
The face of the invalid lighted up with
an answering glow, and he miummid :
"Glorious faith IMy wife. you are in.
deed a blessed comforter Pezhapa, after
all, you are right I" - -
-A. knock mounded on a aide door at
this juncture, and the next moment Dr.
Hutton, the family physician, for whom
Mrs. Preble had seat, entered the room.
He was an old man, portly In figure,
with white hair and beard, but with a
fresh and - ruddy complexion, a pair of
shrewd blue eyes, and with an exuberant
boyishness of manner that sat well Men
him. He had a kind heart -and a clear
head. He approached the sob, After
greeting the husband and wife, and lifted
the than restless hand of the invalid, feel
ing Wapiti's.
"Quits a hig! l fi i s r ver,'Llte g mi n d : after a .
b]et You are wearing yourself out.
Medicine will do you no good so long as
your mind fs in its present condition. I
must give you an opiate—"
"Hot now, doctor," Interpreted the
banker. "I cannot—must not—sleep to
day-1 I need to be broad awake now, for
I cannot tell at any moment what the
neat may bring forth. lam looking for
the culmination of all my years of an
gnlsh—for the crowning agony of the
whole. Perhaps even now— Air, what
was their
He Matted up wildly, and then, as the
sound that had disturbed him was noT re•
pertted,te sank back again on his mush.
ions, pallid and panting.
The doctor looked at Mrs. Pablo with
an anxious, questioning glance.
'"lt lathe anniversary," she replied to
his unspoken inquiry—"the anniversary
of our "
".Ih, yes," maid the doctor. I remcm.
"Yea, It's another of those terrible
days," cried the banker. in a hollow
whisper. "Sit down, doctor, and I will
tell you.the whole d ory. I min think of
nothing else today, and am almost wild
with apprehension and anzlety. Sit
Dr. Hatton drew up a chair and seated
himself, his face expressing Vie double
solicitude ofst friend and physician.
"You anew us fourteen yeses ago,
doctor," said Mr. Feeble. "WO lived
then where we do now, in a cottage on
the sight of this greet mansion. There
were but QM 'three of ft —Helen and I,
and our thnoyear old Joule. And Ir
was fourteen peen ago today' that our
little Jessie was stolen from us."
"I remember It," said the doctor softly.
"Yet might shenot have been lost Mr.
Feeble? She went out to May la the
'mien. If (remember. . rightly, .end wee
never seen by you spin. She might
have strayed away—"
"So we thought for a whole year, doe.
tor," the banker. "We never
dreamed that she'bad berskstolen. We
earthed everywhere for her and offered
nomense rewords for Ur recovery. 1
employed .detectives, but. all to no Few.
Wee; When ourlittle Jessie tan down
i= hit° that floWermude o," and he
the front of the hones. "as If
theauth had opened and swallowed her
up, we never saw her 'ma:W.., -.
"She Mint bore toned,tho gate ,
and wandered of t," suggiatad Dr.
te n . "She might arcdled down to
the waters and drowned."
The banker tixed hisburnlngeyes anon
the physician's face, and whisper:al
said we liner Ant the poor Child
again. I did not say we tual-not haw
other. She was lost On - the eth of Itn.
intsklBs4. Fora rear tee thettght her
dead. Bat on the undversayer our lop.
we received a written memsgerancendng
. "A. nensagel" cried Dr. Huttoi, mart.
I. A
mere scrawl—a single fine le a
hand evidently disguised," said the bank.
tr. "Here it is."
He produced a dingy scrape Of paper
from' adman in the table, and held It tip
to the view of the physician, who mad u
follows: •
"August 8,1855. dot Jessie"
Dr. Hutton looked, with a muctiod air
from the smapoi gaper, which be tonal
inerand over, to the cbtintanatme of the
"I can make nothLag of Ma," he . de.
eland. - ,
merely a date, whit the name of
your bst daughter. M tells me as*deg."
"Nor dist itundlirst," reddldr. rreble.
"Then that name and date, with the
demon laugh lionnaahtg them, set us to
rAV44 - 1i044 , "
.M 2
•banking A whole year we 'pulsed
over the dreadful problem, and then be
received another message, which you
shall see."
Bothnia a second allp of paper, Iden
tical In dupe and appearance with the
first, before the gaze of Dr. Hutton, who
read It aloud:
"August 9, 1858. Your Jessie ttfii
The physician started as if electri fi ed.
"AI, I this is something del:Wt.-110Mb
thing decisive," he muttered. "It
convinced you that your daughter was
still flying."
"Yes, doctor," said Mr. Preble, "and
every anniversary of that day has brought
us some message. The disappearance of
the child, mysterious as it is, does not
seem to me half so strange as that the
villian who took her away could contrive '
to communicate with us every year
since, and always oa a particular day—
the anniversary if that on which she was
stolen—without our being able to discover
who be is. And a still greater wonder
to me is what can be hie motive. It
seems incredible. If It was stated in a
novel many people would not believe it.
But 'truth is stranger than diction.' "
Mrs. Preble drew ftom her husband's
breast-pocket his notebeok, opened It to
the proper page, and presented It to the
Dr. Hutton adjusted his spectacles,
glanced over the page, and then slowly
read the group of entries aloud. The
entry the first year Is as follows:
• •nrest 0, 1853. Jestis. As, ha! "
And Use neat year It let—
... August 0, ISM. l'oeir J,..4 11vt. , "
And ine Dent—
••Aaopt 9, 1939. I ego ter o•dterdad'
And tne next—
..llsdrust 9. 1860. proving rapidly.
And the next—
•Alowast 9,1961. EU continuos to do mei/
And toe nein—
••4,!..tast D. 1669. tor *ors her [watts,
Andigt, twit—
w t 9, 1863. Mlor . theeemils a 'comas
And ibe as
Aswast 9. 111811. /ear child Is aliTurn
And we mit—
•.4.9ran D, !Sta. net :owner !Ana red,'
And too neif--
"An g sof• q 1860. VW. moot charm's,.
And but year It to—
•itttiratit 0 . 11161. X, moan( 4at kaa.l.
Ana ii;ia igrAV•ia - t,;:iiiii
The physician looked up and axed his
thoughtfel gaze upon the bereaved bus•
band and wife.
"How did those messages come to you
he demandpd.
"Ihrrartably by poet," replied Mr. Pre.
Me. "Usually to the home, but some
times to the offioel"
"And you have never seen their au
"The last of them la dated, 1 Bee,
year ago to
"Yea, yes," faltered the banker, "and
the time has come for another message.
This is the 9th of August, 186 8 !"
"I see," said Dr. Hutton. "And tide
Is the secret of your terrible excitemeatl
You are expecting to receive to-day an
other of these strange messages!"
There was a brief silence. Hrs. Pre
hie's hand fluttered In its task, and her
face grew very pale. The banker
breathed gaspingly. The physician ns.
graded them both In friendly sympathy.
"We shall hear of her again to-day,"
said Mr. Preble; "and what will the
message be?"
The mother averted her face. Her
brave heart faltered as that question
echoed In her rout.
"The writer of these letters is endues.
ticmably the abductor of your child!" end
Dr Hutton. "Have you any suspicion
as to his identity?"
"Not the slightest," said Mr. Prehle.
"We have puzzled over the problem for
many years, but we cannot guess who he
"Think," said the doctor. "Have you
no enemy! I do not mean people with
whom you axe not friendly—every stir
ring man has plenty of these—but a
downright enemy] is there no man
whomyon knew in the East who hated
you? No one- against whom you were
called awn to testify—no one whom you
possibly inland?"
The hanker shook his head. He had
asked latueelf all these questions repeat
"I have no such ememy," doctor, he
answered with sincerity of voice and
"And Mrs. Prebie?" suggested the
doctor, turning to her. "Have you no
enough to desolate your home?"
"No," said the lady. "I was married
early. Morton was my first lover!"
"This IS strange—very Arundel" mut
tered the doctor. "You are not conscious
of having an enemy in the world, and
yet you have en enemy—a hidden foe—
s flendin human form—who is working
out against you a fearful haired! And
you have not the slightest suspicion as to
whom he is?"
"Not the slightest," declared the
"Not the ellghtear echoed Mrs. Pre.
ble. "My busload' bad a step-brother
who might have been gamble of this W-
I famy—hut he is dead!"
"The handwriting is not familiar
"No. It is merely a rude ••scrawl, as
you see," said the banker. "ItWs
nothing—except that it b evidently dis
Again there was a profound
"Oar child isseventeen years old now "
at length murmured' Mrs. Pablo?, her
voice trembling. "Ma is on the threshold
of womanh oo d No doubt, during all
these years, she has yearned for us,
wherever she may be, saws hays yarned
for her I"
"Hut whale is she t" asked the Op
sician—sad now his voice was broken by
his deep sympathy with the agonized
parents. "Where can she bet"
"Heaven only knows," answered the
mother. "Papti In Ban Francisco—
perhaps in some rude hut In the Interior,
with some obscure fumes, end under a
name that Is not hers I I think her ah•
doctor would have carried her to some
lonely region of the intake, among the
valleys and mountains. Yet I never see
• young gill in the streets without turn.
Mg to look at her. I never hear a girl
ish voids without listening eagerly half
fancying that It may prove the voice of
my lest de:Kiel"
I, ob, pitying heaven !" sighed Dr.
Hutton, dashing a flood of tears from his
eyes. "Will this long agony never be
over r'
"We bop so.. and even believe se,"
answered Mrs Preble, with the dimness
of an unfaltering trust In God's mercy.
"The bur message we received from our
enemy seems to point to some kind of
a change."
"Tnie," assented Dr. Hatton, looking
at the message In question. "It Is an.
like the others. It says that his reward
Is at hand.' He means either that he In
tends to marry your daughter, or that ha
Intends to demand money_ of you far
bringing her back—or both."
"We shall soon know," said Mrs. Am
ble, with forced calmness,, " we
shall have another, message, no doubt.
Whet wW it be 1"
The 'banker turned restlessly on his
soft, and his flee grew even paler.
"Whatever It It It come I" he mur.
mired. "Anything can be borne better
than this awful suspense. Let it comet"
As if his Impatient words bad credo!.
tated a aisle, a dap was beard on the
walk at this moment, and a ring at the
front door followed.
"Another message I" breathed the
hai A ku.
servant loan entered, bearing a let
ter, which be extended to Mr. Praia,
saying :
"The bearer is In the hall."
With - an eager gaze, the banker glum.
ed at the impeno4 ellen of the udedv.
• "It Is from Aim!" he faltered.
Hetorethe envelope open.
It contained a slip of paper, of well.
known stutpe and appeal. summon which
wasscrawled a single line, in an equally
wellAmowts handwriting, which the bank
er exhibited to-Ma wife and the physlcbut
Tldsilhe was as fellows
"August 0, 1868, — At sia telll Tall."
shriek of Wonder and horror shook
the this; simultanontsly. '
- "Will tudll" Med Mr. Pre*, starting
to his feet, and glazing wildlraround.
"Is coming beret" cried Hrs. Preble,
also arising;
"It seems so," said Dr. Hatton, his
eyes again reverting to themessage. "He
will be here at six o'clock, 'andseel Iris
aLt already!" t - _ .•
Even as , he spolut; the clock on the
mantelniecaz commenced striking the ap.
pointed hour and at that hudant heavy
fuotfittToresoitudol bribe hal/i !prow*.
bog the litivoy. •
"It le haf" Cried the &dor, also -lilt.
Au Dts last *eke of the bum resouidedi
the dour leading item the lal/ I€l Bl #'
One/an IMil hortided earn* Cat the
baPker and his Wife In that direction, and
then she Pill heavily tome floor.
• .1 .1 The dimwit
publish u a iced= chapter' ; bed the 1
CULltinustion of this story will te brand
only In the N. Y. Ledger. Ask ft the
number dated December 4th, which
be had at any news office or bookstore,
if you are not within Teich of a new('
office, you can have the Ledger mailed to
' you for one year by sending three dollars
to Robert Bonner, publisher, 182 William
street, New York. The Ledger pays
more for original contributions than any
other perio di cal In the world. It will
publish none but the very, very best. Its
moral tone is the purest, and its circula
tion the largest. Every body who takes
It is happier for 'having it. Leon Lewis,
Mrs. Harriet Lewis, Mrs. Bouthworth,
Mr. Cobb, Professor Peck, Mary Kyle
Dallas, Fanny Fern and MIN=
will *rite only for the
Mt. Bonner, like oth L eVreadlng pub:
Wens, might lane three or dye papers
and magazines; bat he prefers to concen
trate all his energies upon one, and In
that way to make It the best. One Dex
ter la worth more than three or five or
dlnon, horses.
nril": 4 'lT,=,: f= AIL
I 333=0
11.7 aa•aasaltad every day aeUl I o•e'oek I. N.
at Ida Great Mello. Blom f 67 LibenT
and trout • to II mad 'I 10 9 .1 .aght.
Bnadsis wzd
of W. Head.
el the Heart pad
U.. DI/*Wee
♦il the Maas of tae body err ea to speak,
the peasloners of the otomach. In that living
lab maw, le prepared toe nouhlhatial notilred
.010010 haat old by the veletas ad duct.
0• mewled w.tb the digestive egoaratir that
noontime.% I. conveyed to every pat of the
Sheol. • the. Lae quality Lee 4he 100 7 of tlas
element of Ilfe, and apes the maniac,. It la dl..
tributed and app Monad. physical health mainly
depends, sad a the mind Inevitably nape•
hash with the body. he vigor of the ewe Is ab
solute' y nocaseat y to the wairaelas of the other.
Its bros.. BV e rrairrays OTOMACU BIT
TY/RS scoomplithen this oho bi• *hot that It al
loy. a yeattaloa as a P.O Tenth* had enrathe
•.r b rattler. attahed by soy medloW2 Peen .
melon. Dot its direct benelciel opera len upon
the weak or disordered etetaah is not Its
sole heonteseradatlent. It to the most romper
, baolve of all knows remedies. It bear
areastbens wed repartee the discharging as well
Le ter assissalatlng organs: gently movies the
Dennis. prontetiag healthfnl evaporate.
through the pores. roweled the Inert liver tram
Ita tower. and tedaelng barlbentea and nata
nt .0110. 00 the Chet - marble. h. T►s
0. alga resell le as produced by any nactichary
drug. able*. an sad to laelahly lathe ad atone
yeacttor headed by Parahloool bet by ass
safe sad agreeeble vegehtde Main thlaulned
01m • par* sad mellow alsorient akin. WIWI.
their 1111151111011 tbronah tea net•m sad readers
tear sultan peoperties settee and et:totem
!del (i):":11
01,7192 AMDESIZUM/11.11
li, COIIII,IT • T 1111.1.0111.
Ilaramber I trim
co Y hareby alma that Ma ho
lm! Montag of at. ISW*III of the Pitt.
baulk .ad Cons Manta Mahood Illotatool.
tho pare*. of aleettag a Spare of Ulreatoro fot
tW earatze mt. trt I be MN alTj , r , 020 e,
ear or of Want sad. o , afar oft', tfon&,
oo Ida /INS MUNI:4O MD& tor ps,
mama MST. •
ao ree.mta;7.
INtar:affAlkin:Vyo 3l ‘' ,B :”±toti:l
d0rt201.1.2311 . • OPPICA
CITY OP AILZ9IiINT, Nov. LP. 1150.
In puniesnee of as Let of Amenably authorising
the lune of Sewerage Roads. Coussells. by outs
arCleibeer 14, lin. aelhortred the eal4 Issaa.
lad Reeds Ilse Wei pelpind 0 . 4 to 100 ,
nsall7 tarsal.
Sum Ikeda an otlli dosoattaattoo or
$5OO AND $l,OOO,
nag lan Iska flan fa nay Imut.g
'Mu undlizeraally al Ow Tr
w•. 00n. The talti groat sad groom%) of
tl. oily le Wedged Rithatir rodompttos. re.-
t 1•• I•••ssagst &ad Lids s good
ODOoKaattg. Aged) 40
. 1. 11.• rot mad mies m,udl arum rm
13trtUtO WEIL! !IL
Jut ramilvat dislies twortmilea tnx• amp
Ot lb. bunt 111441 la r g e " WM" '
23 RUth Avenue.
Oil Oloths, Widow Shades,
Ingrain Carpets,
At the Lowest !tees or Ofered.
Firn• IIitINUE.
The MUCK &
-"` was i ii4azaks•rsour
swot= innti:ixwai" "1"112.-
TIIO UP micromw.
Car. 1711 asetilielftantsburith Pa
i•Ltryf trulp iakt
time INZ,Oggalms
t u, .17= t o City., =7, «, ar
Mtge& us tad •
gas' mut* sad CIA Wi t -,lvreaL
a k ep . .k .1.4. V.... ) A.z tim
THEM 1119111111:
mnitta ADD sosumn. '
montotto to stohowkootoiliiiu:too!. out.
M. rasa*
• 81 PHILIMII4 • -
eon la sal 11111111120
4 1mi n t i t u bily s = Dsowais
Bankers and Dealers in
No. 5 Nassau Street, N. Y.
TO OW Curiomers and Corrupsndents
AMfliegAg affV•l2lMeZt or ow, uu...1
• • . • tbd tb• "flyleaf .11k which th•
mull L. mom rastskel to red.., Its ustionsl
de 0.. to weakly porclons, natter It appasost
Mot the Ilao I. approsettlag won tho rlvo.
Twenty toads my to tutted as sot coos Soar
ear and • bait be, end. tabooed.
Mooo.Olio (belt ktgl Piles. so aomporod vita
other eooso.s of oorarlttoo. pot.,
of Inmost, to Moltas to go .003 Wi101 , 7 for
more prottiblo form of taitotmosot to mOlott
army say to softly 00.0.104.
lbartztj tba max the satmaatt lea gad poll of W.
Govvanest. laid tIIIP SO
. 21 , 41grati eillill.A l of
nadand ibis Oa =Waive WI
Irma tab cubs, art lased with tbs patriotic
faith of the potpie la Uttar nattily. Lacy absorbed
alaast ILe oath coatis[ capital of tits coastal.
cad Uvetted attastlos from talker claws al
rill. ',Mel bad -Was briar* detlied
deafly cocoa:natty* oad oosoo to seat tit
As oat cantle. Ismael".
TM emersatest la to Sayer a borrower. It
so loser ewe the cossure medal. at draw
grutattllT esd iaorebl7 to ram It.
The nipte acomielall .• or raphel tor threat
mat, sue the redmeres tlee salami debt
aid tetpremaest of the &SUMO N edit—nedu
tat it arras that bersetter bet • eompar•useir
low rate of !Mama eases dulowl from laweet•
I. leourutul bowie. la elm ulna/ %
aurae for °tear safe ud well mauled annuals
lab vales upllal set ammlolad la be. 1een...7
Wiggly Maw.
TS. eeterorlaes of Pbers, se less mandrel Is
Mir time and Om, for the soma. welfare,
Asa were the yeast awl oast of War, sow call
for ihe eapttal %blab tile Goverment so longer
seed., and over for It a mastasUos which the
lieeeraielt. need an WWI , W. lend la • 0 •
um. suutty o atatu ud ludarlas uth
?Udall.. to capitate. the presses. millet teal
so. be otahoed epos Ple,Teresty bowie. wed
which • tastmriot devithe la thole teemed par, ram
the sthhty of the 00M1116111i1 to Dud then et a
lower mut of latarmt, may as say time •atts
aslss, Is Ist Id by essay boldera who Cease acme
satisfactory smarm. as to •bicls of Ma essay
lob sirlead secarltlea la tim mortal wasald same
tha seaman prosy 41 Dutch a...mahatma.
The appltaatto. Dar halartnaUna and alb
►le► are addressed to as dills. s►oe bow .01
anal Is the Iran for this soar... se to Irbal
Cows of Westmont son goult►Mf Wu Gov
• - t esestiolos at proses!, nyket este.
.51.11144 to the eeshtleace of the tavestoss
M00...0n0 of OM mount low 101 as to fool Uko
InDortanc• of Alrootlai olor avra attastlou
beak.. ova lute es periesee mad oar lbellitle
for obtaistnw rollobto lakorwiatlow—to tbo work
off soppaltag It Is Mono MauVot, and 1.0 offer UN
moult of Dor tattalrtoll to Ikaoto who esay be Qt.
w• .. ...lw , gl of. t.M .4 tw
Im ply a.stblyg lebleb moccorditi to alar best
tog/mat be ..t .e mean se *b. abilosal @bliss-
Yew theltinlngs. , ettb .idea see base bltbeate
prbselpsall Mrstiled osesslyss,
MM. amity am asmer curium "'Amu,
AbILSOAD LO.Lb. wale! watts W tape rr
qatarawata.pre bars trashily matted man
.pyre, bat Ors lbaad ao alms track woad
nny eta ao, salt tba balwartag alla Pawed a act
Six. Per Cent. Gold Bonds
Et 779
TM. Wester& Peelle liatoodi eesesetlag &te
mente .1111 Max hemLoh terelekr the teal
Halt t. Ole extztardlane Let of ea ehheehee
Use of nil ilea Weems et the Atisette to teat
at the P.S.erA
11 to 1.10 NOM IS bulb, ladadtag I poet
al she Pacific Coda.
tausettur Its ebbrf 11L11, lad Murata, Ike
Mani at as nail owl aut./ Mats ofCantar-
W. tuattlag. 1. &Ml= t• al tams. sad
Issrattv• local Vaal. Ur tkuakk tutus* eau
aka I:Wound Central hatki•ll
tkl Labia Slain sad Ilsorlausata.
It is eassplatea s f. 11710000014. 01400 •••••..
td •P•2•P•ah sad tb ausaus h• Ofteter, Us
int ratii=amited klhalglbeitlk o. Tts 11.
ut la by • autsauta astbuts,
smut se 000,400 Mr aaluN 11 ..b aaktla
*OO Mama 00 Its Suds .I 1 to bet 51411011.
valimat Sts property 005 !twits'. 00 INA
bus Mu
TriiUlions of Diollar
sad tho moult of Oh moarldrage
n• Bawls an SIAM eta. km Wed Min
lILS. awl .Vin 111 , 0 ISM SI •
Ninety, and Anemia! Interest,
eanncf. Tray &milks& Vitiate. illlct
LID min= im.saLik CiOnLie. .
Me dip at New Taft. Pow as Jowly!
as& Jer 2•L
TO. oitoroseli of Oa am Wiwi She Maud
maw easi vicinity gram UN& of
flomo Pt: 00111. OM. O . W w ind), ciawsz led.
ON! out, time at lwresi wile% wal it
and Oaalfoean7 1101000 Tab la. ..s MN of
latumsl, TSa. Wartilaal PAM/10 RAU:, •
Rasp acIXDI new is. a&
aialawiashistiiiewie W elatTiNtearalas bead
Nioos loostf lank/ lisoomiotal falls ort.siof
fur b. Wilma maw& maims, &NORDIN.
0,1 1010. 00 lasiwass. M.llpp. is New
TOftatY.o ll ooo.
Thi Ism Is coin twawarii, shade:ow Os can -
ilium moiwwww, II via bo madly Woo
Smola will ififtortif Ostia waifs aro nowt, oil.
liorinnorOf Sub milli* al Mitt fill mi
tit tu'ezeisagi..
We buy ud sell Gevenwit
Nadi lad =lvo thi item& of
Bade; : C09111t10114 Sig
of a% stied to deck at sight,
al allow Wend ea idly bWcea.
Nos, 180 and 182 Federal Street,
•L.L.Le 111 NY CWT
Another Lot of those Superior
At GO Cents,
lie Beet Dreu Goode it the Mee littered
Tkis lama
At A 5 Cents,
At 12 1-2 Cents,
At 87 1- Cents,
At $l,OO.
Waterproof Cloth.
tIHIRT[IO rtiA Nrx xya,
Wholesale and Retail.
la. 180 sad 1U Federal Strad.
For Shawls.
For Cloaks.
For Plaids.
For Blankets.
For Velveteens.
For Silk Velvets.
For Cloahings.
-- 81 Fifth Avenue.
a:V i reltakinr=guA
: auzinsas OP com
ita. alai to New and Cbuspiets,
Sib, Slick aldVila, M*4
/Ism, NOW,
Slut Clink Outlay,
Sall nub, 011611 MS,
Ad *Fon Llas at Domesildheds,it
J, Us 11110111111& GU,
FOB rzaszarzw.
, L Yt3.o
crulaceigntant c*,
hrells Dry eseri,
god age simie Demmail OW.
Nos. 180 and 182 Federal Street,
Striped ,Woolen ihawla,
Plaid Woolen !bawls,
Ptlseley Shawls,
Thibtt rhawls,
Chlldsen's Shawls,
Ladies' and Children's Underwear,
Men's Undershirts and Drawers,
Stockings and Gloves,
Handkerchlell and Callas,
Cloth and Balmoral Skirts,
Hoop Skirts and Corsets.
Ladies' and Children's Has,
Ribbons, Flames and Flowers,
I'mbrolderies and Laces.
Trimmings and Buttons,
• Bali Swi!the.% &e., &e ,
Wholesale and Retail
NIL 180 Lad 182 Federal Street,
: :11 :is ; & O.
Woolen Goods.
BHAW 1.8.
1117111, LIAO 1.14 OS,
sad WEL!! LiTel.
All Maw and shanties WOOL AND MERINO
eiLdinErts HNIP 90C13J6.
111:1511 TOFFZ) c.P
.I ° th aEltr e' .. WEBER •NI4 BOW GLOVE& of
Wholesale Booms up Stake..
77 and 79 WHET STRUT.
Direct Importatious,
.r.. Di MIME Jrarin4
li. 110 4, 21, 3. 31. 31 and 3
.)>1:11:1.11:in s.f1:11
Suitable ter Parlors.
Woolen. Linen and Cone. '
71 and 73 Fin TOM.
313.A:rumr , -&:
It or sir •VASS sae Inlaing.4ll ;RADII at a
it Asa ,Oa mroltln to
'WA 'nary vidillromn.
l'az e7
Bridal Giito a Specialty.
t z ..tricLZl
',Alia= At. CO..
sena van
113 It M Sll5 .
33A1: 43126 .
~a ~~q
..... ~ .
Delaware Mutual Safety
PhiladelDhia, Nov. 10, 1869.
The Gila - tried Statement of she eitales of the
Compaay to published la conformity etre • pro
vision of Its charter:
3111311T119 szczn - ao /ROW NOV 1.31134
I .
1141, Tt) 00T01139 31, 1369,
01 Mulue994llll.
Mad Risks ..... 4943,393 34
01149 Hula 1113.903 911
Prenalam* on Pennies not mart
Rd on November I, .....
POrmlomr mar 6 sr tamed
from Nor : 1868. Uosbor
1/4 31 aLleor Sod Is
-Isad Maks 6.61. 69
Os TO. Rinks. 149.699 90
--61,062.991 61
talons% during .so. period
—Salvages to
tau. wed expense. dorthir lb.
0410,100 39
1 1
04.0•0 01
tin L 01.4.1
ihmarn Presaysas •9.01111 10
411 b•
a..ncy CI1•290,
TrrinttltaYsa dc.... BI,DYI ID
62"410klittkre: 511,390 1%4
''' "•.
- $744.5184 01
tsa saithalalshipd Lull
rot Entirely New
.1.568,13 3 31
November tat. 1669
10100,000 Donee Stases 0 per
cont. Loss, [su
f./ aim.l -- 121"G° 00
pet dent. " Loas.
11...111 Money). 101.110 0*
4431:910-.J Buttaa 6 per
resit. Lou>, 1611 60.000 00
*OO,OOO Btal•of9ennell•o
-.,• 6 per 6ent.
013.960 00
500,000 CR7 of Fhliedek
=i, .Pt=
100,000 Itati a of 900 * 025 "
•e , 6 per eent•
to on 109,000 00
50,000 Postrterleonls
Vine 161, rigoge
per cent. 80nd5.. 6
IV. •
69,0 00 P....) leciells LL
'mond Monogr.
6 r conk •0r..1
/114.01.0 Weston. Pe Pe o 6°ol
Idor l looe • per
Opal. IPannorl
30,000 Bute of Trunrosee
1.0- 0 Blour' Cantar 10.000
4 '" °
eboree stock. .... 14,000 00
11,000 Borth Pennsylv, -
.1a R.. B. Cum
%eh t, 100 thank
10.000 ''' 3,000 oo
Booth ra 0.11
Burarnoslp C0..60
AIMS .koet
146,900 Loons on Bond sod ir ‘ V" V°
Btoogorl. et
Bons on Otty
Pert/lok *46.100 04/
41,031.400 Par.
llarket value, 41.055,070 00
000, 01.415,690 ST.
Sgal Loafs
. .
bl.llO /114.04Vaioletor Insuranbed
aude 330,700 75
tams.. dm .1
saw. GU Mari Moodol/Le
aned Inure. ot her debt..
Mock ,
S c Company ..... 65,007 VS
Mock Scrip, ie.. ot sundry cnr
poraaum, 647071.
rata. . 8,140 SD
Caen .
Cub 15 Drawer . 5166 8 1 19 80
169.291 14
PurlADALrail, November 10, BASIL
' The Board of Drreethrs bare lels dry declared
Waved or the SCRIP of the Comproy, Or)thie
=mid &Der the Ist of December proximo, tree
Of Nellosel red stale Taxer.
Thal have also deeleroe a *IMP DIVIDEND
RD PREMIUM for the year mays October 31.
1116f1, s of which ertll be bead to
lb. pante. wattled to the met, as sod slur the
Id or December prattle*, tM or Mama and
awe Taxes.
Tam bare ordered. also, Mat de Bede CerCe
mita et Proem of me Company. for Um Fehr
mated October In. 111155. be rodemsad la Cads.
the Mace of Um Company,*nand liter Um In
of December prOxlme, all Meted theism to
cede en Mat day. By aceedakes of the
desintios within live year. alter prank nonce
that they will be redeemed. shall be royfelted
and mtweelled oa the Woke of the Company.
No certificate of profit teamed ander iii. By
the act of Ince porallen, ••no °extricate anal
fuse amine claimed within two yes. after the
dorlaranon el Um drib:tend vieersof tt to
Thomas C. 11004, liamnal K. In kw,
John C. Darla. Wllltan U. Boolwo,
W.Wesad A. Voudri, Zdward D_,llo.ooa.
Tbecybrus Pa...010g,
James Traquatr,
Hew) 80... J• 000 Illew.l. ..__
11. an C. /Walt, Jr., Jazob B. Jaws-
Jaseoo B. Derarland.
Jamas C. Hand,
Whluso C. Lod wig, e ta
C. /Lyn..
A= 0 11. but. we. IleDvalw,
0 , 018. 7 B. Hesple. 0 . 1[4.0•1.
Job. D. Taylor. A. B. Server. .•
130ww• W. kkr••000, D. S. Morgan. ••
Wlllust U. 13.40.1000.
?ROW Q. MSD, President.
JOUR 0. DAVIS Vice President
FIXIIBT BALL. Acetate?. Secretary.
Branch oMce, 68 Fourth Arcane,
P. A. MADEIRA, Agent.
la el Its bra. al •
wean: d' Obasa . tts i 'n ‘r i er m j .w. eur og te lor In= •
I . aasesr oat Isrootawa, rum= ram
tall or other mu= a= =Joh arodwor
moo at Ow tato.= Mats, as Moira. bodily
Wt.= lanarine.ooastoo.l=, oranloa 10
atanisitara, Oro= or la.=
Um of wanly, =dolga= nortarnal
rad many . tuoulia.CL o
calor Bunton lottery. Inaiala
aro pero
otba cared.
EA thooo=r dVlti
Oro Sho=ra Wan ba arra
• patteolor -I.olowarrat to al ants ea. •
Was Lasearbroor ttoa s Tallaa Maw
MU= =
or Olawatloar trio Wroaa•
isoraorrhot‘ IWetiontiagla,
wad tOrZlitj r Bananas, tee=
I= l . olnliatetaa tato waft.
atiltr "ir : tot= nods. a cortato Waal
or =tam aid SUMO Wawa. of man ••
mg nut 54:4011 . • gnat= Okla Li tam
Itaa Cala moral pro.=
Tlia Doctor =anew • malleal pus
old =
t n t
.ori= ra tcWs
or isall lor two rtaan. ta tia.4 arrolopra
limn amt.. amt.. to too as
alottztaloeaing Us= to lataractas the pea
attat, eanjoidait tea mint.
E."! ein.tenl. Wnea it ala mare/eat to
TULL the -D•norfl =Worn brola
tan tit glirlas • *Min ilialelitennlot
sad lea.asai can be Onward. =mat or ica
Draw la bowie Lanai= bow= a parson.
p o i N taal , g . m.vjartrnar ai a
aoartomots ocaseeted
roots= thai i otta I= ones that on paw:
road wttli =us =latal la
reactors, 4aelaitag
proaertotioas aro gam= tr=
Donalr, ems laborato27. •:•• Ms p us alm. so-
ath. attott or op
by =II t a t two atioom /tot who haw
anal. Ana . LIT:, 14.1 1 4.7 1 Itt o ktu .
Omit %MM.) Mk. • •
terporto astretall dealer is
WORK vismie. run MD !RUMS
11011001 A" ILLlnamerniq
Ordareemati readvorpramptottanUos.
*a maim
and Fashionable
cb, c•
311.1:11. felb COVES.
; - Yt4;lll 47 ' ° "'