RE® & CO, 0 - ffee, 11 and 86 IVth Avenue. 101310 1110. N. P. UFA P. B. MI MI. T. Y. 10011 TON, ZDITOES MIT. PROVIIIITOZO TIMES OP THZ DAILY. By mall. par par,. p.Uvend culla% Prrmsk • • ••••15 FIRST MOIL MEDXI6II7. NEW, YORK CITY. Railroad King a n the W . ibiata Stand . 7 :Chaeloa oicanniciLThe'4lineasAMs to Snation,liii,NeandzirtAkiii otlds,loll'.4lniits his MTh r and Child 48 9 c!li a B.M llll o 3llll ding and are-ifilled-Jaffeot of tt43torm -Sinda'r ialt—Fifik Army Corps —Shoemakes on a Strike- Thor ough IhneaSold &a., ie. Sr Veraniria tbirrusbareti estate New ;Vasa, November 20, 1868. The examination of Cornelius Vander bilt, In the omit of the Erie Railway against Mr. Vanderbilt, on a charge of having defrauded the Erie Railway Com pany out of $5,000,000, wee taken up to. day. Mr. Vanderbilt testified se follows I received In July 1868, a certified check from Air. Gould for $ 1 . 000 ,0 00 ens bond of the Edo and Hartford Road for 11,260 000; that was on a contract with Mr. thew for selling twenty thousand shoal of Erfe at 80: I can't say whether that was the price of Erie then or not; 1 could no t have purchased so large a "blnalt" with out running up the stock; I can't say whither that parchsne was made at the time of the litigation; IthOught it,then good stock-to-hold; I sold it to Mr. Drew for himself; I made lap toy m a d I-would have nothing to do with the Erie road; I did not suspect ne was acting for the Erie Railway; how it came that Gould filled his contract I don't know; It was some arrangement between Gould, Drew and Eldridge; Mr. Drew was to ray mean money, and Mr. Eldridge had a good manger the Erie and Hartford bonds, and I suppose wanted seine of Mr. Drew's money. The Erie abases were paid in six hundred and twenty five bonds of the Erie and Hartford Railroad, at half a million; Mr. Gould paid me a certified chock fora million, and told ma If I would send the stockdown to Work, Barton & Co.. they would give roe two and a half million for itt I sent it down to them, and they posed the amount to my - eredit, I have ne doubt; I heard of the settlement of the Erte litigation, put I bad nothing to dowith the litigation In any shape; part of the arrangement was I that I should give an option to purchase five millions' of mock of the Erie Railway Company; it was not made with the Erie Railway Company. Mr. Field read an agreement of the Commodore to deliver 20,000 shame of stock of the Erie Railroad, • The Commodore stated be had not sup posed this was with the Erie Cothpany; be had supposed ho was selling a call at 70. He had heard nothing further from thecontract. He did not know or believe when he received the check for a million that It eame from the Erie Railway Com •ny; he only looked at the certification. Bethought there was but one check in this transaction. The check was ahown. Mr. Vanderbilt—l don't remember what this cheek was given me fin. Another check was shown him, which be could not tell whether It was hie or not. He could not recollect the check, and would not swear to It without Inns. us at Ida bank book I be could inn tell wolther the signature on the back was Worki.„ Davis & Barton; he was a very p oor b a ,:d at recognizing aignatures. The a b ao lt was one for fortyaix thou land! dollars, , 1 11111/1 by the officers of the E r i e R a i lway to Jay Uould's order, and endorsed over to by Vanderbilt. The wilneo could -1 1 0 i remember the check or transaction w."hOutreference to his .0 oo , . tell Whether • •"'s mark on the Mt was earth. mitten or not. - To another check shown ee Wee& the same answers. This secre.'d check was for fifty-four thousand dollars.. Mr. Vanderbilt said It was loapcnallilel there were two checks instead of mil.; his impression Mill was there was , but ono A third check f0r18.,600. 00 0 was pro- duced, drawn to the order of Work, Davis & Barton, but Vanderbilt had never seen it; be bad seen Gould several times, he thought, but did not remem ber any matters of badness; he never bad anything to do with mita manna the Erie Railway Company while Mr. Drew was ha New Jersey: he came once or twice to visit him; kis gave him no ad vice; he did not say if he was relieved of the twenty thousand shares of stock the litigation could be settled; ha did not want to be relieved of it; he would not have told it for a dollar less than he gave for . it; he had some stock afterwards of the Ede Rallwayeatopany, but its astaliant was a matter to- be kept to himeel; he did not know what so , irsngements were made between Draw, Gould and Eldridge; be did naturist on approl by the Brie Board Ar the rangement; ra ho tthinrit know they h of ad sp. - proved It; be_hed received six hundred and tweet more of the bonds of the rd and Erie Hoed: thia Wasin payment for the call for twenty thousand shares of Erie, and a pretty cheap all took he had bad nothing to do with Edo. He had trot examined toe checks, for he Will believed there weal but one, as he had suffixient security In his hands If they went wrong. M. Field proposed to 'impend the ex amination till r. Vanderbilt could en touize-his books. To Mr. floatib—These checks are sign edemas' the CaCe by Mr. Altair, milli; tiller of thrr Itiellartark Bank; at the foot of Uns'agreamo sn sashinment.tat -a - from Mr. Eithidge to At taro waxier Mr. Vanderbilt's esournration wastrel:mad, and he slat that he ban been Mistaken shml4 the 000 • cheek; those well Cheekg 'and the • twooluscire produced were them% Be iehllowned aportionof the Boatorvilart . Sbrd And We bond& He did not it. 'Mutter how much. He gm ased ;ow/ el ant lion of.them. Thisonatdtheeraudnition. It bwrittr, litrea4urnagedthst Mr.--Vanderbiltalwx6d teptihe ex,mbassicni wilim writteW r istut VII* stenographer, sad mar to tearetbaltidge• ilire'm'o sin this morning in Übe white lead werks of Pier" Antler. 1/0011 and Dangles. u 3 and as Persian Letreet, itztoklyn, the same bulletin! in vitiate fow years since s fire occurred by which Ave firemen lost thole Eves. Wallace,_ with his wife and Mind, °dinged the u pper , part • of 'the e.taididbig. The Are emelt hetwern the seoond and third floors " 7 and Olreadridrapldly that the escape of the ptmil7 was cut oft In this mse. !may Wallace came to the demrate re solve of Jumping from the t 4 to the ground, and took his child It a ig sans and his wife's band; and together .• made the tearful leap. Waller:nand the child were.botantly killed. airs. Wal lace had both leis broken su r vive skull . fractured, andiroo cannot The report that additional persons, In cluding Samuel T. Blatchford, heyebeen indicted by the Grand Jury, is prams two. The Grand Jury bestrode no pre• - ointment in relation td the gold cornet. . 'and has requested that tact of the kali. loony be published, which probably will -be done The storm of lot . wsa,mry heavy • and °ecotone .. cb damage to lionse% . ire • . Brooklin, Jersey City and o • - bereabonUs. In cones pumice of the gale there was hymen ,dons high tide this morning. which In :undated many cellars along the docks, /wad...-•ed the Jersey meadows with 'Water. TO damage in Hudson county, NOW Jersey atone b y the gale and dead _ soseisle Iff o , ooo . Nave-YOES, Nov. 21.—A snit for elan der has been commenced In the Supreme Mart of Oneida county, by Mr. Pant Gerard, of Washington. D. C., "dr James Gordon Bennett, Jr., Doug A. Leven, Samuel Glenn and John Dis. er the Einuiny Telegraph, of thin Mil. II; Lig his demons& at 081,000. The Wand allabowasted in connecting him disrespect fully with an Orem° in, named Made. molselle Belle, who, ho alleges. Is bis. silisnced wife. Mr. Glenn was arrested And nava ball. , Thee Woman's Parliament holds meet. ay afternoon, The prin ragera dos) jamas was the-dlscussion of • project $r the nowsPaPer -- Thr Mama" 'We ' ria ' A letter from Mrs. Plerolhor Cambridge' ,- , . . . .. . • .1. ill . . THE WEEKLY GAZETIII , i - . ) 41 • , .. \ , . kr , . !., I. the las gad Obeyer: proamorriol lad Ibitlif 1 Ni \ • . . . 71111, ( ji: k z, J ett r . .....„...,, pub/lard Is Waders Penna hurls. ,L lato No Darner. troctunala or soortiklut without IL TIMM, t 7 1 ---_, lr ‘6lllll4 r; -.‘ • . Mule tabaulbers COO:oaf lee $1 IS 118 Cleat of tea 1 IS • eol/T ta famished gratatteady to tat; WIMP s • op et a dab of tea. rasataastan ate reateestai -:' = VOL. LX7CXTV. Masa, announcing that a • •• lar Council would be formed In Bosto , was received with great enthusiasm. A second meeting In .lation to the Maz a l Bee n thove lug a r t i tfi) ft e .•g ven ariwea ue Hotel. The committee a; • • toted at the previous towitlug .• • • names of mu m s' an C. d Brylint-le Sieb r • reel Presi ts nt, Dr. Dore. DEr , Col. Frank N. Rowe for . , den And Henu Clews fu Treasurer. Theewere unsmottsly elected. &Ward of Man agers, embracing the mutes hr eight of the principal newspaper editors of this dal', add a%ti . se Egi w s Ni coorubs here, OW:, were polo was decided that theßwirdlif should mi shit of etetiadmikeve , ._,.....c , ' A •• • - • 'BelkialliOloll and soldiers of the : . of the Army of the • • aid on Wedrres day, 16th; act on the report of th f2:l • oonstltntloo' and to make prong fur the first annual banque4 The men.Atumad In the aboe =aurae. tory of Graff Brothers, at Newark. N. J., have mania struck. They are sardstad by the Heights of St. Crispin. Nearly all Of the thorough breds be longing in Jacob Eekemon were sold at auction yesterday., bringing the follow lag Prices: Flora Mclver, I 12.000; San ford, 111,075; Maitre, Tammany, TNIO, Bev Colt, by Breckenridge, I1e0; Zigzag. 1110; Jabal, Lies: Simple Simon. tem Aldebenaw and Adelgazing, drawn. THE HURRCIANI. Norther Reports of the Destruction by the Late Ilerrtctims. Teleirrott to the Pliteburgb Gasetee.) New YoRY, November Dl—The bur. Amine vas disastrous in its effects here. It was the heaviest blow experienced In thirty years. The steamer Syracuse, with twenty. eight boats in tow, dragged anchors, and much of the lumber On the home was swept overboard. Seven yen. eels were sank at the wharf. The dam age to the Washington Iron works amounts to $5,060. The flagstaff at Washington Headquarters was blown down. Calden street, between Pixel and Olbeatern avenue, was completely block ed by the roofs torn from buildings. The tower of the Second. Methodist church swayed fearfully, bat did not fall. The brink walls of anew building on Third street was blown down. As yet no re. porta have been received of injuries to persons. The river throughout the day was filled with lumber. A dozen of houses 'were unroofed in an instant, and build ings shaken to the foundation. -....,Ltaraty, November 20.—The storm reached its severest jpoint between seven and eight o'clook this morning, and at ten o'clock had entirely ceased. The damage was sustained t e res E end's foundry, located on Elk and Hawk streets. ' Not only the roof but the walls of the fifth story were blown down. The lower portion of the dam aged building was used as a machine shop. The workmen were all at work, and the crashing of the timber and walls created quite a peaks, wising a hasty exit. The upper story for the Storage ofy , no per sona were patterns. the time. The patterns were more or less damaged. Total loss, $6,00P. Several buildings on the pier were on. roofed, the tin being torn bff as com pletely as If done by the band of an ex =cod roofer. -The roofs of four Dr. ikih r. on 2° teron - gt.g.° — . Alcißeady's malt hOllllB. Taylor's brew ery, Ransom's foundry, Co-operative foundry, Argentine Works, and a large number of other buildings. were Mon- Tocrongwerern, November 20.—More damage reported from the hurricane. The adamblaville bridge. In Collo:Oda county. Is gone. Low $lO,OOO. The root of the lkindion River Railroad Machine Shop, at East Albany, was destroyed. STILL. ANOTITER STORM. Drums, Cox. November 19.—The nod severe wind storm ever known to this part of the country lamed over this city on Thunder morning.._ Many large buildings were unroofed, chit:miles blown down , and telegraph lines and fences prostrated. The damage in this _city is estimated at from 810,000 to $12,.. ISO. At Golden City the new Episcopal seminary was prostrated; sod Many chitunles blown down. As far as heard from, the storm extended went to Cen tral City, north to . Meyer:m.o l / 4 1nd south .to Banta Fe. AiD TES ANC:TIME STORM Oroncurrowa, Cat-, November 20.—A tornado occurred 'here on the Sth. A heavy wind-arose about five in the morn ing, increasing th strength, and almost totally destroyed a portion of the city, *mown as Lower Georgetown. Goutss were detnollshed In almost, every direr.- tion. During the heavirertAdow the air was completely filled with tress, lumber, "moll cones, and articles of most every description. Among the Prominent buildings destroyed is the new Episco• pal Church: Old and hardy pines which have weathered the storms for years, were uprooted and in many macs hurled the The lower p distance o f! several hundred yards. oon of ;h. city present, a hard-looking wreck, and a number of laminas are left homeless. One life was lost. and Wield veneers were lterlautly Injured. The loss of property I. eat]. mated at fifty thousand dollars. ST. LOUIS Use Wonsan-eat Meecepra,...ft, Pork fiderebants tmeliudea uto What course to Forme—Law Report an the stenessallx mimmter, tee Teleirapik to the Sr. Loots. NOV. Np om w s !Marotta Assordailar. held a Iliemid Pall Session this eventr, g . *man ell at tended. Letter • were revel from savors' Prorld'd ent ladles in a 4 l‘ parts or DAV mos, expressing a d to pientif7 themselves with tSp move , and do e, possible forth• advancemez ‘ of if ' M dense. The Constitution of t "WV dtton was amended so as to make, soar ,re perfect organization, and enable Mr_ m to extend their influence and labors ito various , parts of the State. The iambus "Committee was Instrocted to correspond with Elisabeth Cady Stanton, , Hate Field, Lucy Stone, Anna Dickinson, Mrs. Livermore and Wendell Phillips, , with s view ef manning their settees 'to lectors be the Association this winter. Or. LOO fore M% Nov 21.—Orsne d Oa's. ,provisdonaimulactodlay ma: The pro.' vision market for Shepard waskattracted much attention. Probably in no prsyri ous time has thete been Mare &MeV *Mkt the uncestay m of the future than at present. It la d It to decide which naming th e 'n erve , to continue slaughtering at present prices, or Biwa. don killing and trust to the chances of buying meat of other* for the future of IhoseasoM One of our oldest andhasv• teat - `packing firms had determined to close slaughtering at mead Prices. but they have not yet determined what counsel° pursue. The condition of the market is without presedent. The com• wison of present idiom with those of lass year for the' same time shows that thenig pr . odnet, has nut - advanced In val. ne in prOPOrtion to the prices of hogs. The latter aws forty per cent. higher now than then, while sls but 25 r cent., laid 20 to 25, Ind dry par salt meats pe 24 to 25 per amt. higher. This is regarded as Worthy of salons wansddruallon.. ,The 'United &Maniocs' inmaietors have made a report to the supervising hippo. tors of steamboats of this district on the Stonewall disaster. They say nothing new, but close their report with the fol. lowing recommendations: First. That all hay should be carried In the hold of steamers, or If on deck, should be secured, and baled covered with tarpaulins. Second. Them should be on all steurt. em whilst under way or loading in add'- , Lion to the ordinary watchman, a special ..pollee Mr the actain deck flay and night, speidalitcharged to guard against nte. Third. All steamers corig pitmen. gees should be required to leave a own , pieta regieter of all persona on based before leaving wt. The labor of removing the debris of thaflrtfth street building was continued all laseluight and to Thi s afternoon two more bodies were , but us the removatof timberanecesaary to their extrication would probably result In bringing downa i portlon of the wall, the work was 'onsiesedaditeraPerarily and the wall braced out. The erection of * scaffold In front of the !11th street wall progressed day and nigh*, eau u m , *yak of ably begin todno taki no wail ng the down Will prob. w.. Snit EDITIOI. POUR 0 5 °LOCAL', 4. TIES CAPITAL. Pight With the Indians—Money Mat ters—Misstatement of Puts—lm portant to Importers of Lumber, .Plows, Unwashed Wool and Sheep Skins—An Interesting Publidation —Another Report Contradicted. (By Telesrapb to tbe Platborgh Gaud.) WARRINGTON, Nov. 2a, 1869. MILT WITM THE INDTANS. Information received from San Antco nia, Terse, Nov. 10th, states that Captain Trainer had arrived from the frontier and reports that Gen. Mackenzie had sent two hundred cavalry, under Major Bacon and Lien. Bean, who met on the Upper Brazos four hundred hostile ova. yes coming down on the frontier from the reserve. After two days' fighting the Indians fled, leaving forty dead and many more wounded. The camp bonne and precisions were all taken. Captain Hooker Is badly wounded, and eight men hurt, but none killed. INTZBESTING PUBLICATION. . A pamphlet has Just appeared entitled "Remarks Concerning the Means to Re establish the Declining State of Com merce Between the United Mates and the Argentine Republic, by the Proper 1 liedact=n of the Prment - Tariffa" The fact is stated that the quantity of Argen tine wool pprchased by therUnited States was only 1,800,000 pounds in 1881, having been nearly 28,500,000 previous to the • doption of the new tariff. The pamphlet conclude, by preening' upon Congress the necessity and pro. priety of a reduction of some of the rates of duty on the ground that are Mellon of Import duties on wool end bides will be preamble to everybody in terested In the commercial email:silty of the American manufactured and trade, as wall an beneficial to the reticle' W eems and the Argentine produce ra and consumers of American oomso ,ditto. ANOTILSR REPORT CONTRADICTID. A telegram from Ottawa dated Novem ber 18th states on what ISI termed good authority, that there is no truth In the report from Wsalfington that the Govern ment of the Dominion had threatened retaliatory measures if the present re. 'friction on commercial Intercourse was continued by the United States. In a despatch of the 14th DMA, referred to, no such words as threatened' or retaliation were used. The statements made In that deirpateh are amply subatentiated by a speech o the Budget by the Finance Minister In May last, and by other pub. lic document'. of the Dominion, and are folly endorsed by the Privy Council. ISISSTATIBILKST OF PACTS. It has been ascertained from an official source that the report recently published concerning the English claim ermine the Argentine Republic is a misstatement of the facts . The truth la that time was no confiscation of British property, and no' menace of force on the part or the Bri tish government against the Argentine Republic. The question at hem was deemed solely through diplornaticz. notes. and la merely of claim. for dam age preferred by a coal dealer in a ship ment of cowl. The Hon. Reverdy John son, It Is true, ha. been selected as the arbitrator In the amto. IMPORTANT TO IMPoRTERs OP LUMBRIt Allo PLONK. The Argentine custom law reduces the Tariff on son= of the Aimed= tin . • ' and exports for 1870. Importers of em ber and plows to the Argentineßepuhlic Wilt be Interested to learn that the rade,- lion of duties on those article. is from ES. to 15 per cent., a reduction equal to an Pvmago of lit In gold on • plow. The et eet- leson unwashed wool and three has also been reduced from a to 2% per cent. for 1870. arostras—ararauwar..-ogereoggp. Racelits of fractional currency sae week, 1,000,000. Shipments, $643,1100. Amount destroyed, $350,990. EOM'S AIffERIOA, Capes Stilt to the Field—The Attire Moringrat 018 reattlem—Mnprerezt itainaVeNs Sleet Trusty Generate Desert 111. m. the Telegraph he the rtuatenre easettel New YoRK, November 21.--Theateam. er Colon, from Bremen, and the Spanish war steamer. Pizarro, from Havers, ar rived yesterday. The North America, from Rio Janeiro, brings • htelenhene that assentors report lance hag gent thousand men and twenty cannon at Caragnsty. The Mins are moving to- wards that point. Advises nom J'.cmel to the loth Met date that rho P,,surgents in the south of Pupil ereptorious. Elainave'S most trusted 0 e vials and deserted him. and Joined the ' ies urgeras, who gametal/Om ( Httlit to 'Dime his abdication. 1 Metaeur news to that the Govern ment forme occupied Maracaibo, and that ger the leader of the- reVnlatiordit a', 4 taken refuge on the English Imo. Jost& The English ship Royal Standard was wrecked off Rio Jsneire, and eight Me ' sermon drowned and seventy-tbree saved. Pr. Llvingrion'aveport .of his discos , mice In Africa up to July. 1188, is pub. Halted. HAVANA, --411, Contraband MGM. of War • Wound —Campalgisnoded—Chinames Organ. Ire an Independent Government, and are Amsted. My rememee m Lila Pittsburgh 0 figeti46l Havens, Navember 20.—1 n Mariana an incondbiry proclamation and large limber of Vermilion caps Ware !bend '.',...the Spanish authorities. and a num owlet Individuals were arrested on sus. Nof bean coneerned In the. plot. campaign in Moms de Elevate Is °° D ea. The Inaments escaped to CM N „a thousand Chinaman were reund Cloned% who bad organised an Indtak u s en t government.. 'May were am... btarEPECR. • Truth Off the itratk—Drorer Murdered. ter rshroLas ro thaltturquas starsua.l MEILFAM lihvetther Dein on the hfighttaiPPl ceitm. Railroad ran eff the track at Duck Rill on 'Friday night. emsahlna the oars sad y.,maktinit the ltmba of a number of : baraengere. Yo further particulars. Weal. a drovailkom Madison county. Ky., was murdered by O. R. Moore, an employe of his, lalhllattatehie county, Min.,' tad week. Wants body was found by some hunters In a swamp. Moore wan arrested on suspkkat. and confessed 'lds guilt. Ha Is In jail at Chariestra. ?be Late,Gale tberLatos. renaresti to um Yinsteretieuvue. , • OILIOAGO, November 211—Tbe Ole WhiCh was renewed tut evening 'con tinua &trine the . raght" what unewated ru l 7, end baaconttnund tat del to mod. !fled degree. No more 9609111 dbunders on hot or wider are yet 11Partad_ to rertdt. The lake &waters report.. to last evening nuester about sweaty. but none remittal; to Wirr of lift' save one IMMO One, the sehotwor Arrow. • Reporter Malletsßurp" ( ft /*IMMO to tro Pittsburgh ductso.; Bosrom, NOirerelber M.—Latent mot • nowemper reporter whlle..tri home lastinalvorde career* who robbed the atom of C. A. Hastlnp, on Milk streel, .dt several thonasod dollar' worth or silk velvet'. The thieves dropped meet or their plunder and ded. Omar the party giving the name of Henry Carleton, wu arrested. Sfttelitelit 'UMW.; • aty T.tempts (0 the Pittaborgo aszotte.) Tottonvo, November . 20.—T. J, R ' Inspector of Peniteethrlearicia authori tatively contradicted Father MeldahonM stories of his treatment while In King. stow ather's pre emi N Peulteuttsry. Mr. O'eilarma that the F e artlateP far him epode mouth:ma. . • PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1869. Pa BYCABLE. The Suez Canal—The Fleet Pass Through in Safety-Closing Cere monies—Enaltrng 'Boat Race—ln surrection 4n pal matia—Spainsh Republican 'Mite:it—More TrOups for Cuba—Fratuth Eloctions--Cath ' ones of Rusaia,--Foraign Markets, acc., dtc. CB7 Tolooraph to the Plltaborgh liazetto.) THE etIEA CANAL. 1 Suez, Sunday, November ill.tria Lalex. sadria—The fiiangurntion fleet, cons le. log of forty-five steamers, has arrived here. None were obliged to employ pilots. The only difficulty they halves owing, to their numbers. Some were crowded upon the banks of the canal several times, but they got off without trottide, the sandy bottqoi neither 'holding nor hurting them, On hating Ismailia, several Waimars timbal with sash • other, but no serious damage was done. The water In the Canal between this point and lamella I. full twenty feet deep at the iffiziloweid size, and In several parts It Is law than twenty-the feet in depth. but at all time points the bottom can be easily deepen ed. Steamers drawing fifteen feat ran ttavittlita from Plan SAW to Suez With easeln Mean boars. The water does not wash away toe banks as much es was apprehended. The complete MIMs of the great work exceeds all expectation. The arrangements for transporting and Meng mire of the visitors here are gen eraltr ateelleut. All the waling meek on the Alexandria, Cairo and Suez Rail. road ha. men brought Into requisition to transport the Immense crowds of vit. hors. The malls to and from India have been much delayed In consequence. The canal is now clear. Of shipping, the entitle fleet having anchored in the har bor of Suez. Tomorrow the etatueof Wsghons, the Englishman who first proposed the building of the canal, will be erected here, and on Tuesday the fleet will mart on Ira return to Pert Said. There aatatne of Ferdinand de Lessepa, the bundles and President Director of the canal wf)l be raised. With title last ceremony the fete. of the Inauguration will probably terminate. The Empress Eugenie will return through the canal with the fleet, Der yacht, the eigle, taking the lead, NA on the downeurd trip. =I Lummox, November Z3.—Tbe double shelling match at Newcastle to-day, be tween Kelley and fsaddler cu one aids, and Renfortb and Taylor on the other. was won by the former by a length. It mu a very exciting and well contineed race, and was witnessed by a great crowd. The recent dispatches IMMOIII3O/01r the ruppreisdon of the Delamailem linurrom den were premature. News jut re ceived state that the Austrian faros* have captured a dello heretofore bald by the Insurgents, near fort Drogoly, with the loss of only thirty men. laviticroot. November 23.—The gales still'oemtinne around the coast and ship wrecks are numerous. The ship Medea, hoer Hafting for Liverpool with Nagar, Went seta* at Yarmouth and Was ahem domed. No Dm lan. The Pilgrim, from Quebec for Liverpool, was abandoned at sea. No date. The crew were saved. liri33 Paste, November 21.—The supplemen tary election. for members of the Corr, Igglilattf front thla city oernneenoted to, ViitykuldiliterprOffnereing notary. Up to thhi hour, five o'clock, r. it., there has been no disturbance* In any (outer of the city. The Emperor left Compiegne then warning by; "pedal train for Paris and arrived at Like Tuafterlos at noon. • M da Leal lops hie been decorated with the Oruod Coese of the Legion of Honor. A despatch from turnstile annonnom that the Emperor of Austria has set out on his return hewn Bar. MAbatq Now. 21.--In the yea' terday, Admiral %vote prodding, the members of the Republican minority presented a prudent declaring there was bo truth in *Si reports that they were Implicated in s oimspiraey with the fo 'magenta In tbt island of Cuba. Additional reinforcements of volun teers for aeritce left 'Madrid during the latter part of - last week for Havana. The neWly' apixdmed Amtearador from Portugal was renedred to-day by the Regent with greet ceremony. ItUlg.4llA er. PsTgaantrae, November 91-11 m Pope has ininen to the Gravid Duchess. Olga, taking her to intercede with the OW in behalf of the Catholics of Russia. VINANCIAL ART) COMMERCIAL. Loam: a, November 20.--Conavls, 92%. Men Twenty bonds. ,Nl2. mg; 'U. 82%; 'B7, 84; 10 Er, 7& Erie., 20q. 993 i. AMAMI° a Great Western, M. PASTS. November .20.—Bourse quiet. Bents. 10 060. Lreassooa, November 28.--Cotton steady; middling uplands 11,0; Or leans 11%; Woe 10000 bates. California eddte wheat 9a 9d; red western No. 2 ea 4d; winter S. Cki. Flour 225. Onn2. mixed, 28. Sd. Oata Se Bd. Per 41.. Pork 1128 Bd. Beef 881. Lard Tea ad. Meese &ea Bacon 87. Bd, new. Spirits petroleum, Is 2d; redned 1. 10d. FILLNYIVIer, November 20.--54VI:enda "dosed-ad at 1395(. Naval. November 20.-oMton, d 189 on spot and 08 Min a& Aserwenr. November 20.—Petralaum dosed firm at OM ,bII.4IIILVORT. November N. -.Ai. bond are don and quotations unchanged. Letter Iron Senator Johnson-91i views ea National and State Pollan. tsr Terernee to the rlttoborgb o.otte. , B.IOIIYOND, Nov, 20.—Judge Johnson In aaknewledgln6 the receipt of ids coo dentist!' as U. S. Senator, writes to Gov. Walker, ',adorning the principle of the Fifteenth Amendment, and hoping it will noon become part of the Comfit*. lion; silingeihne the otwarvence of exact and complete good faith' la the payment ofthe public debt, deedvising the eat ing behind us of aWittier,. _Thanksgiving demerits celebrated by 1 the American residents of Hamburg and the 01111M1711 Wrmerly residents of the m i lt e d states, by a ((inner at the Miter litoteL The /Weems Omni, Ur. Reto. Moon, propered the toast: "The North Gamin Band and the Hsmburg Sen ate," to which Stmstorlitellit or Medal. ter body, responded with a tout to the United States. The Bremen Consul. Kerr Jauairde. Wowed, with hee of President Grant Various otber l i= were &won, Loehiding the memory cf President lancoln, the Washington Club of Hamburg, god Americas: Enterprise itatable% —The Commission which a short time since examined tha case of Capt. Wash. Lofton in ccenection with the waling of the dame' Stonewall without stopping while that steamer was burning, have mated lhat after duly weighing the widen°, we think that Captain Wash. Ofirtfitt committed • grave error, not eharacteristio of oar western boatmen ilinise slitting • cirodhooteigas. Jo failing his boat, as he wad undonbtad , have rendared great sasiatanoe to those m the water, and others who had woe. olisded lagettingeabore. • • iatoster Scinaner, In a lecture In batty IP, J., Saturday night, said the @d guard= must meetthe t" ... ..'" WA once attracted to the INV?. 'Volt It -Is the (phase who de mind- ft 4 ertlon., tiotlnnu can be W _ - eed not right. This question at/ airwttled„„ in harmony with the fettle fathers, and in me and Indio° des moms. have equal cowl henerdbev4OP-ft A ll ialatja Mohan poStlY sod P12011°N.4',.. Itls weld thataa, trestles with ell the astredUlon United Slates countries the jurtedictiAn La the ars, have °triads, offorelaw rendition that the pc 'lee who hassrs, do. and French sarbors wed des..._"eateeso me steamer VI, Wigs haw, beitak from the MaPping ON Frllllth .. i lleL 4 4.y or kid. MEM BRIEF TELEGILUM —The steam: Oslosloals. from Was bassrrived - at r2llsr York. —The cetholle Chinch et Biloxi, Mir siolppl, was ed by • recent storm. —Pere Hyacinthe ved In Boston Friday, and Is tbag of Hon. Bobt. C. Winthrop —Pere Hy acin ths lityamis to deliver • lecture In FreoM, at Cooper Institute, New York, gook. ; —Burbank's new • tfptel at Pittsfield, Mesa. AI stories bkiln wu blown down Saturday morning. , —The billiard rortahlfar the champion- , * ship of IlDoom waa wen by Frank Par ker by a wore of 1,200 to au. —Jeff Davis hawlst elected President of the Carolina Its co Company of Mempals. Ha will rope there. —Anse Annie Lockhart, the soirees. died in Salt Lake City Saturday morn ing. She had been lick some time. —The Pre ddent had recognised Carl Augustus Christian Ohtani:mg as Consul fbFrur the Grand Duch; of Howe, at San imeo. —Governor Merrill( lowa, will have the Lltialature elect altuicessor to Sena. tor G mas—the Govlnce declining to appoint one. —The machine tugt Mel:trued.' lino of steamers at t, N. V., were destroyed by fire Sattikday night. Loss 015.000; no inasuuncey —Red River advic4 to November oth state that Governor kliTiougaU will go into winter quarters' Pembina until the difficulty is settled, —Hon. E. Rimtsell a W; has received his commtsaion as to Ecuador. and leaves Louisville Washington la • O,O F days for —The Grand Jiiry New Orleans has =Wed five bills of otnientagehrst Auditor W for auditing fraudulent veteran ta. —The anti-contedende paper. In Hall. fax are exalting o l vo=naniution favor able to the repeal by the foreign affairs committee u IfOgland. —The case of AA* Webb, charged with oempUcity in itakfrands redwing to the New York Cuitegkiligurs pay rolls, the ham gone before Jury. —Commissioner o will not return to Washington anti latter part of next week. He tell Georgia, for Jacksonville, Florid ' urnay. —The wind storm ad upward of twenty houses at wn, OW fonds, on Friday. One little was killed and n. f ia a man seriously inj . Loss $50,000. —No complete of the New Fbandland electbn yet been re ceived, but it le thou the anticonfed erates have emu *good majority in the Anerobly. —During the month eliding Novemleer 6th, the gold exported from Havana Amounted to Maud In the ten mouths ending Octooer 10th Ltd amount neat out was 112,031,73 L —Advice. from Alexandria contain the Intelligence that the "Buss Canal is a •UOMMiql• The Imperbd i acht Mile with the &Crises on boor has arritea at Hoes without aorlden —The daughter and irand-daughter of an old lady who lived alone with them, In the DM, lawn of Addison, near Chi cago, were found dead on Betnielay. Cense unknown. Murder ta suspected. —Private advice received In Wash ington say the ougareane emitting In Cuba Is much more erterudve than the Havana anthorltlee has yet admitted. The work, It is added, Ls to be made general. —The freeze of Saturday night in Cin cinnati wine the @severed of the eenoon. The thermometer Haturday 3:1301,11:4 stood at thirty degree", and in the even. log at thirty.even. The day wee Wendy and the night clear. —District AttortiopPierepont, of New York, has had SO 101 , 1litaW with Preit. dent Grant, It is said, on Cuban affairs, and report■ that the ithrtinlatrattoti hes aims to the determination. to du moms thing relative thereto. —The Kingaland Irvin Company at Carondolet, Idlaouri, have wad 2,2100t0ns of plot Iron to Girard Balton, to be manu factured Unto railroad hum nil. Is odd to be the Largest single wile of iron ever made west of the Allegherilea. —Dr. Denton . . of the Chloe. '• • - very strong, and the doctor was core tot to jail ono chum of murder. —The question of grunting the right of way through Loalertlle to various rail roads centering there. after being dis cussed over a year In (oeant, promisee an early wittlement, and connection will be made by the opening of the new year. —lt is stated that the subject of the re nunption of specie payments i• being boldly advocated by General Gardekl and other Western members of the House, and it le considered probable that the Macedon will be opened In Cari gnan. —There le • scaratY cd seamen for the United States Berrien K preload, so much so that great difficult) , JAI experienced In finding men to enlist. In CatOeqUen oo of this the Secretary of the Navy has Wired an order nrovldlerg for the pay ment of • bounty to men Waling to eater the naval service. —An Havana letter to the World dies that the French bark Tanrani recently arrived there with only Mary-eight coo lies on board from Macao. Daring the voyage the coolies committed suicide by cutting their throats or jumping aver , board to each an extent only-this num• bar remained ns her arrival. —A dispatch from Trinidad says that General De Rode*, on his late visit to that city, shot Colonel De Brava. killing him Instantly. The reason amegned for the act was that Colonel De Beath, ann. mender of the battalion of 1.000 men re cently sent from Spain, was detected to the act of communicating with the revs. lutlantats. —The loomontive Adams, which left Oswego at 8.10 Saturday morning, on the Rome and Oswego Railroad, with the Express train, exploded her boiler near Pulaski. The e=ineer, Louis Bouverine, was Matronly killed, and the fireman, Thomas, and a . rger named McCor mick. were hay wounded. The baggage car was ern trona the tragic. The locomotive is a emirate wreck. —A pulsate letter hem Jamaica under date of the 25th of OCtober, Mates that Consul Oregg declares that the report of his speech at the Cuban banquet, as fur nished by the Jamaica prewa r was incur. root. Mr. Oreeg saserta that be limply expressed his belief that Oohs *mild MUM ber freedom, and that in,his io opinn, one of the first acts of Congsita Would be the recogaitionot Otbanrighia. A 110IIIIIBL1 STORY of a Inge' fly at sea is told by a Ban FRIICUICO plarPs7. About de months ago the Tahiti Cotten Com pany sent th e bark Margaret Brander to the - CHibert Island, for a cargo of coolies. The complement *u obtained and the vessel sailed away from the blends with three hundred men and women. The coolies discovered on the voyage that they were to be subjected to slavery, and their conduct subsequently excited ,the suspicion of the Captain of the vessel. Ms fears were not groundless, for, when the vessel had been some two weeks out. the coolies rebelled in the night, killed three officers, Including the Captain, and severaluem, and char Tout the ves ad with the wildest elr dolmadolmaln the most thilbacking manntha. The mate meanwhile secreted him self below, but his absence was discov ered and the Ulf-crazed savages set to work to discover his wbereehouts. MW trusting their Intention, and with a prep. ence of mind seldom equalled, be placed a keg of powder under tbe maln and arranged the Mae. Then niling out to the coolies above, be scampered back from the powder as far as possible. Wiled the fellows had crowded around the hatchway, gnawers peering down to see him, he fired his hue, and the explo sion which followed killed nearly all - on board. The rest were so desuirallzed that they jumped overboard or fell easy victims in the remorseless warfare waged by the mate and a few remaining men. Singular as may seem, the vessel was not so badly damaged that she would sot float, and the mate succeeded in taking her back to Tahiti. Tux Becond Auditor of the Tressury. In ble report, 1171 the clams of col ored soldiers' heirs are extremely en hamming, m sometimes font or Ave women will appear, all claming tole widows of the same haband. _ SLUE ITEI& THIES are now over six Millions bushels of coal In the Monongsbel. IvPr awaiting a rise. A B weighing -pounds RAD was killed a few drys ago near Tompkinsville, Monroe county, by Mr. David Want. A two belonging to John Mead, of Pittsfield, Warren county, recently killed In one night forty-eight sheep, the property of N. H. Paine. Toe extensive tannery of Meant. Decker & Dunn, at Spraguerille, Monroe county, was destroyed by fire on the night of the lath instant. Loss heavy. •I'tlstts igen who were exhibiting a brace of beam in the streets of Phl phis, were arrested and held to =term a charge of maintaining a naimace. Tux flouring mill and tin shop con nected with the railroad shops at Holli daysburg were destroyed by flee on Toes (ley night of list week, resulting in s lints of about .25.000. Branvona Cnata, a well known cattle buyeroicsidLug near Uniontown, Fayette county, died on the 16th of lack. Jaw, re. salting from an Injury received by being thrown from his hone about a week pre vious. TIIII Principal of the Middlesex sehool, Herter county, tendered We resignation, for the Towne' that the board of Mentors did not sustain his action in dismissing lmpll for drunkenness and bringing a bottle of whisky to the school, inviting others to imbiba Tins citizens of Uniontown complain that the water of Redstone creek is ten dried midi for domestic prirposes by the =lobar water pumped Into it from the coal pit near Monroe. „ The creek tux be come so impregnated with sulphur that all the fish have been killed. Potrrit.sersn-0 races Canasweu. has made the following postal changes: Brady, Indiana county, John A. Mote:, vice John H. Rochester, removed; Hiliville, Lawrence county, William Mitchell, vice 0. Meeker, /aligned; Amity, Wishing. ton county, James A. Jackson, vice F.. J. I3ebout, resigned. A raasacmt named McWilliams was arrested In Schuylkill county some months since for horse stealing, and his congregation at Centralia deposed him. Last week his successor to the pulpit, named Samuel Ninwekes, was arrested for child murder. The evidence against the latter, who is an Englishman, Is very strong. Two children in Prospect Borough. adjoining Johnstown, one a boy, the other a girl, one day a couple of weeks aso, dining the absence of their parents from home, got kold of their father's whisky jug and drank of the contents so freely that the boy was never roused from his stupor and the life of the little girl was saved with difficulty. Pennons are now being circulated throughout the State by the Good Tem pters and other friends of tem. -pounce, which aro to be presented to the next Legislature, asking fora very important change in the laws relating to the sale of intoxicating liquors. The legislation de sired by than is a law giving the citizens in the several election dialects In the Bute the right to decide by vote, whether the sale of intoxicating drinks be prohibi ted, or whether licences may be granted under existing lews. Toe Meadville Rstrublison says . The old Ilarmonial well ho. 9, 011 the Arm• strong farm„ Pleasantville, which was drilled Into the sixth sand rock a year ago, and which produced a small quantity of green oil for sometime, was recently drilled deeper and torpedoed. It Is now yielding ten barrels of green oil daily. The success which has attended the late operate:m*oll this wail pwsuaconclusive ly that a green oil belt underlies the Pleasantrllle black oil producing rock. This well la located about a mile north of the large green oil well on the Indepen dent but, and is of much Importance, u it indicates the course taken by the green oil. A COttAILePONDIterT of the Ch lmgo Tribune Um writes: "When I was in Pk • . t saw the handshake Colonel Curtin was heartily 6 lff"'l7'77 , although he had not yet been presented to the Czar. I asked what Curtin wu weary of, and ascertained that•lt was the lack of adequate excitement In the Old World for a blooming Pennsylvania pol— itician. 'llea lick of it,' maid McClure. was tired of It before he got it. Bt. Petersburg is nothing to the Governor compared with Ilarriabarg. Berlin is • one-horse place to Bellefonte.' Now I was aorry to hear this, because Curtin has a beautiful head, and he Is a COSIIaCk with a whist pack. martin:zing' winning wapt. and he la beloved by everybody, and while he is away his daughter has been getting mar ried to a doctor at Bellefonte.' le the Bedford county Court room, on Monday of last week, an exciting were occurred. Wm. Y. Taylor had been con victed of the seduction of Mary Jane Keating, and was sentenced to pay a fine to undergo imprisonment. Having mi ey er *l the t h ee put in the plea of b,, o i Te cy as to h former, and while d. m u.. was being arranged the muss cutrlx, who v'ea in Court with her child, signified a desire to speak with h e The request wu gru md, sad Taylor walked across the room to whet'' , she was seated, stooping down ea he ciame uP to bet to hear what she might hue fo 557. Quick as thought she dashed luitlai.the an ounce of vitriol. which she had In • portion of It dropping in her child's , "-. Taylor and the child sr-seamed, the young woman fainted, and others In the CUM room became greatly excited„ at Mats posing that& homicide had been wm=t. ted, the seducer slain by the Wooed. The true state, of affairs having at , Mi Seeding was committed to jai whi le Taylor and the baby were con veyed sway to receive medical attention. Tun question of raising teachers' sal aries was before the Philadelphia Baud of Education recently, a committee bay ing made a report on the subject, wine, among other things: ", Of twenty-four cities of the- Union, comm-wens with Ban Panda= and ending with Dque, seventeen cities, including all ual ther.l pal cities and our own Pi c ry Win eateries than thole staid (Philadelphia), while the average atte nd nee of ech o in daily attendance on each teacher la larger in our city than in the twenty-four referred to. Teacher are constantly leaving us, because the wants of thermelves and !amities demand more eampenntion, and other ceilings and oasts cities pay them better." Mt committee say fha , : Our city has been paytog less to the teachers tan is paid to the cooks In our kitchens, to the ceectutian who &hes, our limes, or 'to the laborers stn the public streets," and demand:ale the feet by figures Mao, that " or tha same time occupied. there Is gives f in Boston, New Orleans. Eh. LOWS, Chicago, lary Washin gto n, Saner Fran no sa undO p annum, wcisco , hile , in the city of er New W York, where but ace anion a day Is held, ending at two o'clock In the aftanoon, the lowest salary Is $4OO, and the average salaries to undone Is over 11600." ,The estimate made for salaries for 1870 Is $016,008, but the committee reported favoring an li lion to that rim of $17%862. re port was adopted, but It remains for amens to sanction aka increase, 'inane is now residing in Delaware City, Daman, • woman =Med liaanah Bigger, who was born December 11th, 1781, at Amsterdam. Sher first lived In the Random of Holland eight years from the time of her bhih, to 1789; then In the British colonies, under the reign o f KlEg G eo rge, e Jecdod oi i s le rg= until the Derhirla= ofn when the colonies became • free and fn. dependent nation, under which she has e ver since resided. She was fourteen pea old when the battle of took ohm, and twenty.orte at the close of the Resolution. She with Charles C. Bigger, the except one, of eleven dr tier, and whose sp Is sixty4hree years. Her eldestehild, living, would have been eight:y.6re. REFEBAL A 8 WS. CLAIM, Biwa. & Co., of Bt. Louis, one of the oldest banking firms of the West, have mrpended. A oartr normal school for females about being established In New York city, by the Board of Education. IT is rumored that the Bpi.lA flotilla moored in the Hudson Is to be bprned and wattled by the enemies of Spain: THE 01l refinery of J. T. Good & Co., at Akron, Ohio, was burned on the morn ing of the IBM. Lon 115,000; no M annar*. Twit Palo Alto county ( Iowa) court house le one story high, thirty by forty feet in size, and there is not another house within three miles. Ix Baltimore, recently, a young woman died of hydrophobia. Twenty-two months previously she was severely bit ten on the thigh by a dog. Tux price of wheat in lowa at present ranges from 30 to 65 «ma, an average of fitly per cent less than it Commanded in gold Macs before the war. IT appends likely from inch filmes u have than far been made public that the scheme of annexing Western Florida to Alabama has been defeated. Tnz basses by Are In the United States. reckoning only those Ores wterethe damage reached mow, amount during th• first ten months of the year to 438, 584,000, Geonos d HLLIZT, of Newark, is understood to be &mem BontwelPs choice for Collector of the Port of New York, to place of Mr. Grinnell, who; it Is reportM, desires to resign. Tun receipts of the Ohio State Trea sury for the fiscal year eruinut November 15, 1869, were $5,851,735, and the dis bursements $4,018.075, leaving the bal ance In the Treasury $438,060. A rast of the library of one of the treasury bureaus at Washington has been discovered for sale in a book store in that city. Somebody has been stealing It a little at a time, and selling It low. Tux Mobile Register compliments the negroes very highly for their good be havior at the election In that city last Tuesday. The black voters are all right whin they vote the Democratic ticket ! Curcaoo will soon have no chance for the oldtime sneers of Pittsburgh for the blackness and dirt and filthiness which Its universal use of soft coal has given, for Chicago is growing Into the same condition. HON. E. Rumssrr Wrao,of •Kentocky, has been appointed Moister to Ecuador site Judge Embrey declined. Mr. Wing was the Republican candidate for Secre tary of State In the last election contest In 'Kentucky. PARTOX Ws, In the Atlantic Monthly, that the Isyyers who practice In the Su preme Court at Washingtcui, drive to the Hoes get out of the stieet cars, or trudge up the hill on foot. Tux verdict of acquittal In the cue of Bev. Isaac B. Smith, tried la Sane county, Illinois. on the charge of murder ing his wife, did not excite much ssuprise. The evidence was entirely circnatstuatial and by no means strong. POLJCE discipline in New York city SOMA to be rigorous. No lent than thir. tr rive of the force were arraigned on the 17th for various infractions of rules and acts of misconduct, the meet seem', of which were cases of alleged intoxication. POOOEIENSPEIR will hereafter be given a wide berth by safe brushes. On Mon day lest a safe e blow. -- Tom" tut • SOB war blown open; Tuesday the burster was captured, and on Thurs day he was sentenced to five years le:l3lng 81/A . when be began hle regdg %It Tux Internal Revenue receipts are now running from a quarter to • half a million per day. If they keep up for the rest of the decal year In the same ratio per