The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 18, 1869, Image 1

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PENNTKIN, Pia & 00,
Office, 84 and 86 Flfth Avenue.
/08111 t 11:110.
1. P UD,
LOrrow AND rnorucroar
ST Malt. per year
Delivered tiy carrier, per week
Soldiert: Reunion Dietingnished
Offtcers in Attendance—A Heavy
:Hale—Pittsburgh Coal Merchants
Lou stryttaz, November 17.—The spe
cial train having on board Generals
Sherman, Parker and others, from Wash
ington and Baltimore, baying Word
connection at come point rust of Ulna
bridge Cay, Indiana, will not arrive
until I - alpaat two o'clock Gala after
' The MIA brat from Uric-Irmall with
General Popo and about filly other offi
cers, grounded at alung Sun bar, and
will not reach the city before dark.
Generals Sheridan, Schofield, and
Other., from Chicago, St. Louis, nod
other restern point., have arrived. The
GOttety will meet for Muni:few at one
o'clock, e. 31.. at Weiaegcr's Hall.
The gale last night wee general through
out Kentucky. All -the telegraph linen
Wroth of thin point are prostrated.
Thirteen barges and two hosts, laden
with 175,000 Mud:fele of coal, were torn
from their moorings above Jeffersonville,
Ind., dashed against each other and the
Whore, and completely submerged. The
the greater part of the coal was owned In
Pittsburgh, and valued at fr 75,000.
The Society of the Army of the Tennes.
see met at half past one o'clock to day.
The meeting was called to order by Gen.
O. M. Dodge. First Vice President.
Generals Sheridan, Weitrii, Wilson,
Meredith, and Corse, of other depart.
men% were present, end, upon motion,
Invited to take seats upon the stage.
As they appeared they were greeted
with vociferous applause. Ex Governor
Bramlett, of Kentucky, was also invited
to a seat on the stage. Gen. J. W. Lan
drum wax introduced, and in the name
of the executive committee and citizens
of Louisville he welcomed the members
to Lantern to. In nispopee to the inquiry
which might be made why they swam
tileyearly, he said:
”Men by nature lea social being. In
the cultivation of friendly relations and
reedprocating kind offices, all good men
experience the greatest amount of hap
piness. And as the coneciomines• of a
discharge of a duty is • oonsola.
Lion to the soldier, so we re
•joiee In the rillectlon that to the
valor of the soldiers of the army of
'the Tennessee, we are Indebted for the
blessings of Treace ant a united country.
'These being the objects of the socie
ty, a cordial welcome must ever
await its gallant Member.. The first
In the field and the last to
return to your homes, welcomed to
Peace and In War. Welcomed by the
forces in Mirsaburi ; by Porter, when
struggling for relief at Red raver; by
that noble chtefai u, Thomas, when our
Own ilitisthions'ebmirander led us into
the fateArie.atricksn lines of Chattanoo
fie next spoke eloquently of the say
' era compaigne of the army, from item
ganization to the close of the war. 'Then
referred, in totichiog terms, to the death
of General Rawlins, and concluded by
'ooing the meeting would carry home
Joyous recollections of their Galt to this
- nourishing city of the Watt.
At the conclusion of Gee. Landrum's
remarks Gan. Ell H. Murray was intro.
timed. It was with pride and satisfy,
don he hell the pleasure of extending
the Salutation of the at:Adler& cavalry of
thereat. They were here as comrades
in war—ln peace, friends. In their re•
„pnions he would have them continue,
and renew the assocciatiomi brought Into
existence around comp Sros, on the
march, and in the midst of battles. He
referred sympathetically tothe dead, and
spoke In nein-giallo terms of the army,
and In the name of Kentucky welcomed
them. •
_ The Society of the Army of the Ten.
weesee then proceeded to builders. The
following Committees were appointed:
On nomlostiorrof officers far tae ensuing
year, Gen. Sprague, Cola. Reynold,. HA
zeta and Rice. Oa time and place of
Wilding the next meeting, Gene. Febring.
-Landrum, Wale. Loomis, Hartland and
General Sheridan was called upon to
and reluctantly came forward and
thanked the Society for the gratification
they_frd afforded him in Inviting him
to be present. He bad always been la
sympathy with the Army of the Ten
nessee. He wild the first star was put
Oh his shoulders by that arms
Gen. Schofield was called upon and
responded brtedy. He said It afforded
him great oleasnre to meet with the
"member of that society. Be did nut
have 'the honor of belohging to that
army but ho would always be glad to
meat thoao who did.
Generals Wilson. Hazen, Corbs, Mere
dith end Governor Bramtette responded
to calls, and replied respectfully by
thanking the Society for, the bosom con
ferred on them In Inviting them to be
present, and showing them such die-
Unction, end they congratulated the
members upon the pleasant reunion.
The audience then adjourned until ten
O'clock to-morrow.
Weizeger nail. In which she meetings
are - held, is gorgeously decorated. Prom
inent upon the stage is placed a large
vacant chair, which is draped in mourn
ing, reminding members of the late
President of the Society. On the
right of the stage, facing the
audience lea life 1e.7.3 portrait of Presi
dent Lincoln, and Ina corresponding po
sition upon the left In a similar portrait
of. Gen. Rawlins. Above the heads of
•- • .
lb officers, as the alt upon
th stage, is suspended a medallion
slimmed with evergreen ',with the
E: , rude of Gen Grant inscribed upon
tt;,td upon the other aide of the stage
are 2,pended elmilar medallions bear
' - ,
11tit le names of the Generals who have
commuted the Army of the Tennessee.
Abut he arch, and reaching from one
aide I the stage to tne other, are
the N of Gen. 'Rawlins, on white
• Catiot us meet together and have
ague' Every pordonoftbewails
that,„able, and the balcony, is ix
emPlo. Ipictures, mottoes, battle
. fleVir kr”' Ilcs, an.l Making a disp lay
• winch wildona., been eq ualled
in l afatilitacgazjThe gags of ev
and brigade
thatiermy and - the cavalry of theatres:
' 'am here In great numbers, while eidOsen
or more of large data mule a neat and
beautiful drapery. frr the lower walls.
The de.oration has been done to a style
that could hardly have been Intrpaised.
The headquarters of the Society at the
Galt House ~ r e also decorated.
The Glocinnati delegetlon arrived at
• nine o'clock to night, and marched to
the Hail, preceeded by the Newport
band, but foaled no roasting, and mares
. ed them* to the Galt Home. The special
train with Gen. Sherman and others
from Washington and Baltimore will
not he here till midnight, another
dent having delayed it.
r. at —Gems. Sherman, Parker
and others, who were delayed so long on
the route, have Just arrived. •
Order for the Arrest of Gen. Butler
13utterflehf has formally
Transferred the Sub-Treasury to
his Sncessor— Thanksgiving Day.
137 Telegraph Willa rutile , =lib
Now Yong., Nov. 17, 1569.
An order of arrest was issued by Judge
Jams, of the Supreme Wart, against
General Ben) F. Butler, at the snit of the
Mm. Florence, of New Orleans, charging
WM With felonsnaly appropriating three
jewelled gold-bitted swords, tarn:MlT ,
• the PmnertY of General - Twiggs, and
worth PAK and a box of saverwere
valued .at $2,000. gall was 'Axed at
114000. to be furnished on. Friday. The
Generr.t was permuted to go on parole.
The formal transfer of the gab Tress.
u ry by Gen. Butteigald to his successor
t o ok plans this morning.
TO morrow will be genera* observed
as thanksgiving day. Business will be
The steamer Lafayette, from Havre,
has arrived. •
I \z ''' It \ • Ittr, , Almkpr
- 41 4
Heavy Cale—Coyalug Meeting of the
Western Aamleaaied Press—Railroad
Ate-Merit—Railroad Bridge Drstroyrd
by Fire--luqueSt.
(By Teletrapb to the Pittsburg/1 (1nte1...)
( LAND, ()Brio, November 17.—A
very high wind from the south has pre
vailed here for twelve henna the walla
of the Rink were blown down. Lrie over
twelve thousand dollars.
The City Council teat night passed a
resolution tendering the use of COULI,I
Hall to the Western amociated Nee,'
miming sessions en Wl:ohrliday and
Thursday, 24th and isth, next week.
The Cincinnati express on the Cleve
land. lkilumbus and Cincinnati railway,
due here this morning at seven o'cluck,
met with a serious accident near Shiloh,
at half-past five o'clock. The wind had
dri yen a freight car from the side track
at Shelby, some six miles down the road,
and the express train, running at the
rate of tirenty.five lulles an hour, ran
tub it, throwing the engine and two bag
gage cars from the track, and tearing up
the rails In a fearful manner. Lswreurri
Martin, engineer, was found by the aide
of the boiler,lhsensible His head am
tint, and hi body badly bruised. The
fireman wee found beneath the °virtue,
with his leg broken and head cut. These
wore all the persons seriously injured.
Superintendent Flint fitted out a re.
lief train and, accompanied by nlaval-
ChM., went to the aceuo of diameter and
rendered away malatence.
The track waa cleared of the wreck
during the day, ao that trains can now
paws. _
The bridge on the Sandusky division
of the Lsbe Shore Railroad which imams
Pipe creek, between Huron and San
dusky, was totally destroyed by fire this
morning soon after the passage of the
east bound accommodation train. It is
summed that the structure caught fire
from a spark- of the locomotive. Trains
on the road will run only as far ea Heron
Stetson until the bridge is rebuilt.
Workmen will commence operations Im
mediately, and trams will be delayed
but a few days.
An inquest of the Corotier on the body
of Ferdinand Sesssr, killed bear Five
Mile Lyck, shows that he hid quarrelled
with a fellow workman. Charles Feller,
and during the altercation was struck by
Feller with • stub. feller has been
bound over for manslaughter, and has
given ball in the sum of 110,000 for his
Injunction Against the County Court Re-
Sy Telerrspia to the nue,. rgb cea.etr
Sr. Louie, Nov. 17.—Judge Knight de
cided to-day that the Circuit Court had
no authority to grant en injunction
against the County Court In the matter
of the sale of the Pacific Railroad stock
to Itudeon E. Bridge. The petition was,
therefore, dismissed.
The floating debt of this city, exclu
sive of Treasury warrant. Issued as cur
rency, Is 11,089,000 t bonded debt,' ;335,-
.The estimated revenue for next
year will exceed the expenditu:ea 524,000.
To-morrow will be generally observed
ne a holiday.
The sulta entered a few daps agoky
parties previously mentioned for damage
against F. A. Dick, for the forelbla col
-I,ction of inierusinenta levied on thou, by
Gen. Halleck, during the war, have been
tlchdrawo, and BUIL attachments filed In
The Accommodation Bank of thin ray
bas:-seed the MN. relppi Valley Tele.
itrartittVompany for 19,000.
Jaii,L.l3. Sickles, a prominent and
wealtility merchant of St. Lords, died this
eft n.
8e..) Sheldowne and John Walla have
Instituted sun against Hobert Croat hers,
Jack Allen and Moven others, claiming
eizty thousand dollars dameges. The
plamtilTsetate that defendants, acting art
a Vigilance Committee, in order to ez.
tort some 0013f1M111013 regarding Crimea
committed m Jefferson and Spencer
counties, hung them till almost dead,
and refusing tooomply with the demand
were ordered to leave the county under
penalty of death. Hence the suit.
Tlie VI cattker, Btulnns. Ttiantegivieg.
Cluscisureri, Nov. 17.—The weather
was nearly clear for ha lan hour at mid
night last night, then It clouded end no
continued since, growing colder all the
Comparatively little damage was done
by the wind storm here. The direction
of the wind made the hosts hug the
shore on the Ohio side.
Two eteamers were torn loose on the
Kentucky shore and driven from below
the bridge and lodged on Llcirilig bar
above, the Midge.
Thelioometer this evening 40 and
higher wind.
• - ••
The Thanksgiving will be generally
olotteried by the Churches.
Leonard Seeley and Allison, of the
Red Stockings, alerted east to-day.
—The Tennessee Legislature on Tues
day, elected W. H. Whartele, of David
son county, State Liberian.
--liteveral cabmen In Boston hsve been
arrested for exteneive depredatlou upon
the freight of the Boston and Albany
—At NastivUle, Tuesday night, there
was • fierce wind storm, but no damage
wu done beyond blowing down fences
and trees.
—Yesterday the woriroien struck 11gb
In the tunnel between White Sulphur
Springs and Covington, on the Chau.
peak. and Ohlo Railroad Tunnel, which
will be comkileted in a few days. •
—Yesterday the Superior Court at At.
tants, Oa., rendered a decision in the
case of Odell vs the Western Union
Telegraph Company; giving the plaintiff
sixteen dollars damages. The damages
claimed were 020,000, for an error in the
transmission of a telegraphic message.
A sorsa horse, ..Mez." presented to
Wm. W. Smith, of Washington county,
in the spring of 1807, by Gen. Grant,
died recently. -
Tan Lehigh Coal and Navigation Com
pany will commence this week a road
over the mountain between Mauch Chunk
and Lehighton.
_ Tnz Altoona authorities are looking
about fora new warm of water supply,
and bate discovered that they can ob•
tain It from the vicinity of Kittanning
Tun Treasurer of the Avondale relief
fund acknowledges the receipt fo Nov.
sth, of $81,2Z9, of which 010,000 bas
been paid to widows and orphans, and
the remainder deposited and invested.
Fos thirty ars Mr. John F. McDon.
&abashed the ye office of Prothonotary of
Tiops county, and in October was elected
to serve for another term of three years.
Ile was first appointed the office in 1889.
Ma Jotter SIMKPATIticK, Of Brighton
township, Beaver county, last spring pro.
cored and sowed three.fotratis of a pound
of Norway oats. In the fall he gathered
his crop, and on threshing it he bad sixty.
two pounds.
TIM Postmaster General has made the
following postal du:Logan Jackson tits.
Erie county—Mrs S. A. RIM TICS
William J. Whiteford. resigned. Rave
kelt, Washington county—J. B. Fife,
vice Joseph Ewer, resigned. Chenango,
Lawrence county—A. P. Shaffer, TICO E.
Carpenter, resigned.
Acconunia to the Penrusylvania &foot
Journal, none of the School Directors
elected at the last (October) election can
take their seals before the time fixed by
law for the reorganization of the Boards,
viz: "the first Monday of June, 1870."
Superintendent Wickersham has demand
ed that the County CoMmissioners of
earls county in the State furnish an office
at the county seat for the accommodation
of the County Superintendent of the
Public Schools. W. W. says that the
Commissioners "have full rower to do
se, does not admit of a doubt, and the
spirit of the statue concerning their duty
to provide zooms for othar alters would,
at least Atli,' them, if its force Is not
more binding, in providing ono for the
County Superintendent." '
Londpn 'Times" onthe Opening of the
Enez Canal, and on the Movement
of American ponds to Europe—Re
ligious Ceremonies in Cennection
with the Opening of the Suez
Canal—Laws Centrolltugthe Press
to be Reformed—Vessels Wrecked
—A Belligerent Editor—Detention
of the Bishop of Navas.
By I elevaph to the I'lltsbarwh liasettt
LNI ., DON , November 1..--The Tonal,
considering the effect of the Suez Canal
will hare on British Interests, say,
We are aware that in Park and Ploronce
and even In St. Petereburg therein great
exultation of the nation, that by the
opening of the Canal, trade may bo
turned Into new channels, and k
heavy blew dealt to the nation
which mode the heat of the old once. We
will not allow ourselves to be Macon:me.
tied by these illiberal prognostication.
It was not the Rog Nil who firm stilled
around Africa or made settlements In
India. No better fair la needed at Port
Bald than the free compels 100 which
swelled on no well et the Cape of ti0.,4
The 7Yines' money article to day re
ferring to the movement of the Amon
can bonds to Enrene, olaerves that it Ia
!re sea r"c°Li st ee pt ' t t o b " com a pe ple
f a te
burthena, forgetting the I - earths It
brought them. Au annual heavy pay
meet made to foreigner. has a m - ire
dangerous element of unpopularity than
would natal In sane of liabilltice bold at
Pont' eAar., November Ij.—To-day was
devoted to rellgioun ceretdoniea In con
nection with the opening of the canal..
The solemn hies :dug of the canal wee
given by Pere itiner ' the almoner of the
Empress Eugenie. He preached a nor
mon. In which he congratulated the 1
world on the encores of thin grand
enterprise, and thanked Ihe Khedine,
who, herald, had irumerLdited his name
and reign by his co-operation In one of
the greatest undertakings of modern
time. He dwelt in terms of lively gran
notation on the liberty of worship a bleb
had been wanted to Christiana, and
thanked the Santorets for the a3nirrathy
she bad eke. n, and hi. Ile beamia
for the ere riot)e he had toads to
bring the 'fork to completion. He.
alto returned thanks to ell other:,
illuntrione personages. who had
thin occasion with their prepare,. The •
Emperor of Austria, Empress Eugenie..
Viceroy of Egypt, Pets ens of Prir-las ands;
Holland, and many fors:go envoys, as
elated st the oeremont,, and theainuiti
tude of spectators was immense. Tee
greatest enthusiasm wan mantlested.
PA R IS, November 17 —Ti. ). , uritals
oublirli a communication 1r.q.1 Lstiro
Rollin, withdrawing :ts a cst,old.t..
the Corps Legullatiti, for tha lesson thin
he don't desire to cause division In the
liberal party.
The repined edltor of the Le Pay has
challenged Rochefort for ao•us,og ban of
collusion with the police.
Rochefort Is about to commence the
publication of a now journal entitled La
MADRID, November 17—Five steamer.
have sailed for Havana since Sunday.,
carrying from 3,00 to 4,00 volunteer.,
The Republican Committee have re,
monetrated with General Print against
sending Republican prisoners for Cube.
The Bishop of Havana on arriving at '
C'sdis embarked for Gibralter, but was
arrested on board the steamer, taken
ashore and la now detained at the palace
Of the Governor of Cants.
LIIIWON, November 17.—Advicen from
kilontevklest reparte ■ violent morn, at
the mouth dr I..splata. Eighteen vermin
were wrecked. Names unswertained.
Dentate, November 17. —tiorarnment
announces an Intention of reforming the
bins controlling the public press.
LON Dol. DE Ft RT. November 17.—The
steamer India, from Nee York, has ar
Lorimer, Nov, 17.—Evening.—Console
at 9234. Ronda '62, 83%; '66, itiq;
83%; 10-46, 77%; Erie, 2 t ..; psq4.
lAvEnvooc, November 17.—Cotton
Arm; uplands 11,4411%. Bales 15,000
Mil red western wheat at In ad. winter
es 10d. Other breadetufie unchanged.
Lard.73a 6d. Other provision. un
changed. Produce unaltered.
Lowisow, November 15.—Redned pe
troleum Is B‘d. Linseed oil; eaten ZS
lbs at 17a. L11310301:1 file 6dgllli ttd. Com
mon rosin Be Made 6d.
Raxnuno, November 17.—Petroleum
dull at 7 [haler.
,A.Tcrarsisv, November 17.—Petroleum,
60 , /v.
Pawns, November 17.—Bourse quiet at
FILLIMPOET, November 17.—Hoods 89
LONDONDERIRY, November 17r—Aril•
vedAteetner Nova Se Lam
Terrific Meow Fiona—tic:nage to Tele
(*rapt' Vitres—Trlat or rec. Chas. E.
Coerce,' &c.
(By Telegrspb to the Plttalmrgh liss•tte.
Cu Irmo°, November 17.—A tierce
dorm has prevailed with tittle Interrup
tion for the past fbrty hours, and It
apparently extends throughout the
northwest. In Chicago It has obstructed
the highways, and the horse railway.
with BLOW end slush. and rendered all
lexmotion unoonifortable and difficult.
It has also done .rions damage to the
telegraph wire% at times nearly cutting
off all telegraphic communication. No
serious interruption occurred to the vs.
110111 railroads that have ben beard of.
No bedew, disasters on the lake, al
, though • huge number of minor Jaipur.
tepee are reported. The dorm on the
lake has never been exceeded in fury.
The sea ran awfully high and the snow
and sleet was blinding. At this hour,
ale e. X., snowing has ceased, but the
wind blows brain from the ROM.
„There will be a general observance of
'Thanksgiving day in thin oily to mor
row, The Poetoffice, Custom House,
banks, &0., will be closed, and all daily
papers will suspend publication.
The Coroner's Inquest this morning
on tbe body of Theodolite Patterson. alias
Lusby Kelly, who died from the effects
of an abortion produced by Dr. H. K.
stpattbrd, brought Ina verdict implica
ting the doctor in the strongest manner. I
A warrant waist once Issued, and Strat
ford was arrested and locked up on a
charge of murder. The details of the
crime by the witnesses proves It to be of
the most revolting character.
The Supreme Court of Ilitnolanot hav
ing yet pureed upon the legality of the
Episcopal Ectelistical Court to try Rev.
I - Jrles E. Cheney. of Christ Church, the
trial of which was to have been recom
menced today, has been postponed until
February 17th. 1870, and the injunction
will remain In force till that. time.
Meeting of the Legislature—Governer , '
tßvleirmak to tb, Irttistntrirb (watts.,
Ratan's. November I7.—A quorum
of the Leghilature was present
The Governor's menage puts the total
State debt at $29.1316,0tb. It will be neon
nary to fund the Interest on • tho old
bonds. The message opposes repudiation
and farther lacrosse of the public debt,
and favors is liberal system of common
schools, and recommends ti Change is the
sallltis laws.
liaeesii., the red republican of Owls,
Order of Chief Justice Chase—Daniel has been in prison ten years and in exile
littix•n, has been shot through the neck in
N. Tompkins Appointed Deputy • a duel, invented a thicroacope, and done
: and antlered many , other wonderful
Collector of Customs at , New York. things,
Vice J. T Blatchford. Resigned. , use. Pita RODS is the Brat philanthro•
(117 Telegraph ha tee l'A.aburgh liaaetla.' , plat who has been honored with a niche
Otllnfl HT 11.11/Ole CHAIM. hin Wee , minster Abbey, this disUnetlon
Wsnxixorox, November 17,1869.
Justice Chase, In the Supreme having even been withheld from John
, Howard, though a marble Statue of him
af w,,,,, erected in St. raul's Cathedral.
Court to-day announced the following :
THE "White Cat," a new theatrical
order: All causes hereafter continued at
[ nonsenslty, is now being prepared for a
this term shall be put at the foot of the Paris stage, at a goat of three hundred
calendar of the next term, unless, other. thousand francs; and, machinists, tailors,
decorators, $c , included, it will require
wine specially ordered by the Court. It
is understood the causes sent to the foot one thousand persons to bring it lorward.
of the calendar will be delayed about a ,
year. Titorrxtsx, the notorious perpetrator
- •
Daniel N. Thompkins has been appoint
ed deputy o 'Hector of tho Now York
custom house. vice J. T. Flintehford, re.
Thanlnks - lug liluoi r
The Cincinnati Chronicle gives the fol.
As the night-season of the natural year
has again come round to us—the time
when her fruits have been gathered up,
and man snatches eagerly to score for
himself so much as he can of her boon.
tiful giftsit is fitting that we should re
turn thanks to the Dispenser of all Uood
for past blessings. In what more appro
priate manner can this be accomplished
than in the good old Puritan custom of
attending church in the morning, and
then going home, feeling all the better for
an hour thus spent in Divine worship, to
one of those primitive dinners where the
proverbial roast turkey, smoking hot, cc
espies a conspicuous place among other
popular edibles f In this connection,
having the approaching Thanksgiving
Day in our minu's eye—with visions of
all manner of good things taunting she
inner man—we propose to offer a few dis
connected suggi silos. In regard to the
Leming up of a genuine New England
Tnanitegiviug dinner. Almost every one
accustomed to the cares of a household,
has some method of her own by which
to roast a turkey; to those of our female
readers unacquainted with such &Hiss we
would suggest the following recipe
Take a tine, large turkey, lull-grown
and lat, draw and singe him carefully,
stuff with oysters or with chestnuts boil.
id, peeled and mashed with butter. Roast
it before a clear and substantial fire, best.
mg it well with fresh butter. When done
take it up and keep it hot., pouring on the
gravy, which 'tumid be Made of the gib
lets cut into small pieces. Accompany
ing the turkey should be a dish of cran.
berry sauce made very sweet.
The hest reonma cort♦i Is made fresh
Letts tongue boiled, peeled, and when
quite cold, chopped very Aim. A good
article is made of tooCs heart boiled and
chopped. All the meat must he fresh and
not minced until entirely cold. The
other ingredients should be pure and
fresh, to lusures plcvsant sod delicious
It one of the anst popular of the class
known as salad plants, and to such no
skirt:ll)r •ss taste of good it.
111. ell who iv
fut Towed stock, producing greenish now
rs in August. fly cultivation it Is
brim, tit to that crisp, white tenderness
w hick makes It so palatable, and al the
aims time It affords a redly handsome
ornament to a well arranged table.
olngular Docovery of npanish Coln Moot
The antiquarians of Newburgh, New
York, sod vicinity, are as much excited
over a singular discovery In the vllLage
..t New Windsor, two miles vintki of
Newburg, on the llodson, Ss the srela
ologists of Onondaga county are Over
their trig 100011 giant. The discovery st
Ncw Windsor is of s pot of Sparoati ail.
ver ddrisra, in namber. It was made
In this wise.
On Fnda• afternoon °nest week as the
laborers in Mr. F t - orwln's brickyard,
rituated In the village named, and close
to the nver's edge, were getting out clay t
from a bank In the rear of the yard, Mr.
Silas Corwin, an old gentleman of eighty
three ream of age, and lather of the pro-
pnetor of the yard, thought to amass
bimetal( by 'mitering the Laborers, using a
pickax In hi. work. As he wee prodding
sway on the top of the bank
with his ptcleas, he rolled out an
earthen jar, made a marling after the
manner of the water jars in com
mon use In Mexico—round on the
bottom with a narrow neck, and opening
out at the top. The old gentleman picked
up the jar, which was about a foot in
length, and found that it was very heavy.
(to examining it he found no leas than
OW large silver coins, all but a few of
which were Spanish silver dollars, bear.
• ing dates ranging from 1720 to 1773,
Most of the coins seems never to have
been In circulation, as they have &bright,
fresh, unworn appearance. The month
of the jar was covered with a fiat stone
I when, found.
Op!nions, of course, vary as to the man
ner of the secreting of this treasure trove.
Boma suppose that this is a part of Cap.
tam Kyd's cash, which has been reported
stowed away at so many different points
slop the Hudson, and for which so
many unsuccessful searches have been
made. Others think, and their theory is
more reasonable, that the treasure was
secreted by some soldier or officer of the
Hevointinkary army. which was en.
mimPedjy ; this vety.oneighborhoal for
the last year and alai( of the war. In
fact., the Continental army storehouses
were located only a few paces from where
the pot of treasure:the; been found. In
-this immediate neighborhood, also, was
the old Ellison House. used by General
Washington as his headquarters alter
nately with the Hasbrouck Mansion, at
Newburg, while the army lay encamped
Sun Against . Gen. B. ler satier—lM
General B. F. Butler has been cued at
New York by Rowena Florence, niece of
the late General Twigs', to recover arti
cles of silverware. and the three gold.
hilted Jeweled swords presented to Gen.
eral Twiggs by the United States Gov
ernment, and the States of Georgia and
Texas, fos.sneritorions services rendered
by him In the Mexican war. These
swards, valued at $85,000 In gold, and
the silverware and table furniture, worth
$20,000 in -sold, Mrs. Florence avers
were taken and appropriated to his own
use by General Butler, while he corn.
mended at New Orleans, In the spring of
Mrs. Florence says that when her goods
were seized she was living in privacy and
retirement, and was not In arms, or an
alder or abettor of persons in arms
against the United States Government,
bhe further says that the swords were
family heirlooms, not used or designed to
be used In any Military enterprise what
ever, but had been given to her by Gen.
General Butler,Kra. Florence says,
bait given out that the swords had been
deposited in the Treasury Department;
but be bad never accounted for the silver
ware at aIL Inquiries had been made on
her behalf at the Treasury Department,
and a verbal order bad been obtained
from ez•President Johnson for their re.
turn; but after diligent search they could
not ha found.
Rodway May, Mrs. Flounce's attor
ney, at New Orleans, makes affidavit that
the snit is instituted in good faith, and
the facts ae complained of were matters
of pnbllc notoriety at New Orleans.
Judge Junes hu granted an order of ar-
rest, fixing bail at 415,000.
Mit Prealdent is represented to have
said to Senator Wilson that he should ad.
vise, In UR annual message, the consoli
dation of the debt telt° a font and a half
par cent loan, and recommend that Con
gress do not change the present rates of
YultlatiN tress.
of tharantin murder, is accused of an
other crime. It isAkted that he murdered
a young clerk in the north of France for
the beggarly sum 01 two hundred francs.
The carpet bag of the clerk has been
found In Troppman's pessession.
LETTERS' which, have been received
from It ,me speak of the influx of strait.
gem in Wet capital as being very large,
and the gatherings(' Americans there as
being among the largest The prices
demanded fur accommodations by the
lodging house keeper' are enormous, and
every day they am rising In their eX.A.C.
Tonto MOILTASIA, the young Jew,
whose forcible abduction by Catholic
priests and detention In a convent, cre
ated so much uncap:nem several years
ago, displays the gfeatest ability. He re.
calved a rigorous education in a Rowan
convent, and an ailitton which he deliv
ered before an assembly of prelates, on
the triumph of this Church, was received
with rapturous applause.
Au Italian officer is reported to have
made a discovery by means 01 which
any private soldier In enabled to measure
the distance or any Object within range,
instantly, and at the same time to aim a
gun or cannon with unerring accuracy.
This would (make all firearms such mur
demons weapons, that two detachments
of troops within range would be enabled
to btr.y destroy one another.
Tuts Russian papers announce that •
slick of an cartn.tuske, • hitt lasted
ist octal seconds, took plat- at tatdristopol
on the afternoon of the 12M nIL Tahlt
and other articles of furniture were
shaken trom their plea., and many pro
ple wrre seized with dlzklneaa. In the
centre of the city the shooks were so
volent that& large_number of the mnab•
iiant% left their house, and rushed with
ternn Into the streets.
Da disc, Iveries in A In
Ca ►re still the subject of speculalt,,,,
with no resent means of ernf)ing them,
Nor is It positively known that he is
sites. A letter tian-,1 at lmr:bar, S-p
?ember li, reports that letters In•m the
Doctor up to August 8, ;sr,. have been
received, from which It apptarn that for
a year prev,ows lit had been espluring a
eCIIIInti of country to the , o ath ut the
Tanganyika Lake, which contained
ny small lakes, which he claims I be the
true source of the ?file.
A conrannnea of the Frne Religious
Societies of Northern Germany was ht ld
at Brunswick ..n the Inth Out., which was
- . 5 - 1 by the rehrt-sentatlvaiol twenty•
„n lu
don of the backward
mime of the people, the ',morns of re
Itirtotui reform must be moderated.
A t chrome event was connected with
the dniwlng of the hut Prussian lottery.
The first prize 'win lorty thousand
timbers, and thei ng number (91,'903)
bad been a - peasant of Dem.
mix, in Pomerania, who got Into money
dlificulnes before the time of dTSIViDg,
and wished, to sellout hia chance. On the
day of s the drawing he had almost given
op the hope of disposing of it, and
offered it at a very reduced rate, when it
was purchased by a party of fire, one of
whom was a very poor school teacher.
The live divided the prize.
WHEN Eugenia visited Constantinople
she went to hear main at the Armenian
church. Toll church had been magniti
needy decorated at the expense of the
Sultan, and strange to say, the decoration
had been performed ander the immediate
supervision of the Sultana V alide
Throngs of enthusiastic spectators hued
the roads over which the Empress passed,
and when she reached the church she was
caromed to a magnificent throne. A
French writer observes on this occasion,
DIM this viait will protsibly be of the ut
most importance to the Turkish people.
Seeing an Infidel woman treatod with so
much respect, .yd even theta great Padis
halt bowing before her, the natrve wi men
threw off their reserve and were the most
eager to press forward, a good many even
dropping their veils, and it was evident
that the spectacle inspired them with a
sentiment of the dignity of their sex.
The Fret seems to shake off its torpor
and awake to a new life.
Ton storms which wen for
the first weak in ectot” • „
did not occur, but i mon • . . .+. • • •
dinary tides caused meal in
erty. The Thames has' • r .
lie mouth to Teddingith
wave such as very seldom vis.ta
rime. AU the way from Greenwich to
London the tower rooms and floors of
wharves and warehouses were flooded.
aligner up the height of the tide produced
yet more unusual effects. The towing
path along the reaches. Ogre Batteries,
although it has rerse pl):f peen Improved,
andeliaii thought to Dis ,high" enough to
reslikany ',refs completely
submerged, and the Witer lay in great
lakes In the private grounds near Barnes.
For the first time, in the history of
Thames racing, the steamboat carrying
a referee mu enable to pass under Him
mersmith Bridge, her funnel being stove
in the attempt and the referee having to
be sent on In a steam launch.
Mini are the anecdotes being told of
the famous French academician Sainte•
Bence, recently deceased in Paris. He
was supping one evening at a restaurant,
end close by him the great friar Lacor•
daire wee seated. Perhaps it was malice,
or perhaps he did not see the latter, but
Sainte Bence, who waa conversing on the
subject or religion with a friend, dropped
the remark that he could not believe In
God because it went beyond his under.
standing. Ile bad scarcely spoken this
when Lacordaire rose up to his full
height, and, pointing toward heaven, es
claimed "AL Sainto-Beuve, you say
you do not believe in God because you
can not understand him. But can you
understand why the same are will melt
butter and harden eggs t And neverthe
less you are esiing ,, yott omelette!"
Sainte Berme, struck at this remark, re
mained silent for,a moment, but then he
rose likewise, pressed the hand of the ar
dent Dominican, and they remained
warm s (riends ever afterward.
ST. PETISIUMURCI V threatened with
total inundation. At the last advice' the
Neva had already overflowed the banks,
and guns were aringtOwarn the tenants
of ground fluent to remove themselves
and their families to higher stories, or
else to abandon the city. In the lower
quarters the inhabitants were rapidly de.
setting. This is the first flood that has
taken place at. St. Petersburg for four
and•fOrty•years. The last was in 1824,
when 402 houses were destroyed, and
3,600 seriously damaged; Nl,OOO people
were then left nitbont shelter, and 600
were drowned. It is Impossible to over
estimate the mi .sery produced by catastro
phes of this kind. In 1824 it was as
though the whole city had gone Into
mourning. Festivals - were everywhere
suspended, and the money destined for
the usual round of winter amusenients all
went to relieve the thousands of unhappy
people whom the inundation bad either
thrown out of work or turned out of
doors. To make matters worse, the
cessation of balls and parties caused a
stagnation In .trade and Innumerable
bankruptcies, so that to all classes the
trial was a long and a cruel one. The
municipal administration of the city Is,
however, better now than It was then.
tiEIE6IL NE% is.
Cut AG) IS overrun with mendicants.
Cmcsoo wen,. ten I hou&and Chinamen
to act toi domt Ft cs.
tz.tancn, U., has decided to have the
, Holly water.worka, at a coat of '270,000.
THE National Hoard of Trade will
meet at Richmond, Va., on the trot of
SIN FRANCISCO, with a population of
about 180,000, last year expended 1400,.
7-12 icr its schools.
Emoury ONs naval veaaela have been
repaired and placed in sea going order
since the Brat of May laist.
Too Bennett testimonial fund, in On
clnnati, amounts to $1,218, with $325
Bubscrbed but not yet paid In.
Ton number of effective lodges of (hid
Fellows in the State of Indiana is :100.
contributing members, 17,065.
Tun Freedmen't. Baying, Bank, at
Wakhinkt in, In tt• fotelcomang repot.
will show delv,tt• amountlng to 41,3 , 10,
ALL the fast passenger trains between
Chicago and New York, on all the roads,
will be taken off on Monday next, for the.
winter =aths.
AT Indianapolis, on Tuesday, Thomas
Fanning, convicted of the murder of
Richard Dorsey, was sentenced- ti the
Scale Prison for life.
TETE Catholic institution. in New York
City received •216,0(4) out of $265,000
appropriated by the state Legtalature to
vat ions denomination..
VEIIT elaborately written arguments
for and against reciprocity with Canada
have been aulanltted w the President by
sheens nt both conutriea.
Tux United titates Marshal at New
York has established We rule that no ar
rests shall be made after three o'clock r.
, except in extraordinary cases.
Ar Ftvr-mile Lock, Cuyahola CoElpty,
Obl , s, Monday evening, Charles. Feller
killed Ferdinand I.lleaser, oy striking him
with a club, They had quarreled.
A CCORDINO to the assessment returns
Gar It+69, the total number ot hogs in lih.
Dols Is 2 036,304; in 1668 the is umher was
1,2112,82 N, teeing a decrease el
Tim common kind of wild durks are a
drug in the eastern markets. They are
so plentitul this season that the sport of
shooting them is without the usual zest.
AT a recent ineettng of the LouisTille
Ky.) School Heard, a resolution to ahoi
lab the rule requtring the reading of the
Bible ,u the pubhc school• wee lard oo
the table.
ly two hundred and thy Inc m•
Get. of Ile Vermont Leg•• at ire, only
nine were born out of New England, and
two hundred and folly four are palm hh of
the hate. b
Tue mother of Pike, the murderer,
ben.: at tjtnehird, N H., last week, han
la" n kept :a hi„u trance -of his where's
tan, for more than a year, and Oa
he I. at Bea.
Amos° the letters left by Buell, the
Cleveland suicde, was one to bla > oung
son, to be read a hen he arrives at the
agc of twenty Atte, counseling him to
avoid speculat on, Ike,
TITIL horse Major Winfield has tx,ru
purchase," by It-avert f. ,r $20,000
❑e Is the rirt of Conau..Klore .n 3erbdis
Muuntatu Boy an 1 of Mr A urp.l
.Ice E 1,011.
SINCE the discover) that an el-convict
was a patrolman, the New York PoMs
Corm='almonere have taken atepa for a
more careful Inventleallon Into the char
acters 01 ipplmanta for appointment ou
the force.
Tng. amount o' gold in the huh.Tressu•
ry at New York la $90,000,000, and this
was counted, dollar by dollar, on Mon•
day and Tucad..y, by twenty expert
counters from the Treasury Department
at Washington.
IT Is positively Mated that • oonven
thin of Fenians will shortly be held In
New York, and that Horace crreeley,
Wm. Tweed and John Mitchell will be
appointed to settle the difficulties between
the rival factions,
A P ant organization, known u the
"I S. M. R L ," which is Bald to Mg
atfy the "Independent Society Municipal
Reform League," numbering upwards of
a thousand members, has been formed in
Providence, It L
Pc nue improvements valued at
009,0 W are now in proves. in New
Tot k. They embrace a new hotel to
cost $1,600,000, and two yaw residences
for Geo. Opdyke and Peter Lorillard,
costing $12f1,000 each.
By maims of General Ames, no whisky
or intoxicating liquors will be sold In
Mississippi "lronii sunset on the evening
of November 29th, until sunrise on the
morning of December 2d," the election
being held during that time.
ins recently appointed Minlater to
Ecuador, dames 11. Embry, 01 Kentucky,
! , cnot-1 Another appointment .111
day. he agr,
wife . ' sixtraerven. They hare tamre
children living, forty.eight grandchild.
yen, and tour great grandchildren.
METEnun Commissional' Delano's re
port will be the shortest which has yet
been seat to congress. It covers but fifty
pages of foolscap, including figures and
tables. It leknown that he will recom•
mend no change In the whisky tax.
warrant: Congressmen, it is said, will
bo united In asking the increase of Na
tional bank circulation, and declare than
if this is not dune western men will net
vote for any proposition to consolidate
the debt, with a lower rate of interest.
Tun grape crop in New Mexico this
year will far exceed that of any former
season, not only In quantity but In quail.
ty. During the last season more than
half a million vines were set up, and
many of them bore crops the first year.
kr attempt was made to burn the city
olKenkakee, 111., on the evening of Fri.
day week. Fires were lighted In three
different parte of the city at the same
time, but fortunately they were discover.
cd and an extensive conflagration pre:
IN the caw of a wife against her hus
band, Judge Barnard has decided that the
latter having Hired with and claimed the
plaintiff as Ids wife, although no cere
mony was performed, they were legally
married, and she entitled to divorce and
EMMA HASIDIIIO, who, a few days since,
palmed herself off on the citizens of Nor
wich as the widow of a soldier, and sold
them fictitious autographs of Washington
and other celebrities., has been committed
to Jail at Philadelphia, and turns ou‘,to
be a man.
Towle on the Kansas Pacific Railroad
aro running to Wallace, thirteen miles
west of Sheridan. The grading Is also
completed slaty miles further toward
Denver, and large additions of laborers,
to the force already employed, are being
made freqeently.
PRIVATE iettal report that Senator
Grimes his ant unproved iii health by.
his summer in Europe. The ..nd par
alytic shock was not so severe "alba first,
but it has left him In a feeble condition
At last ikCOIIIIIS he was getting ready for
an extended trip op the Mediterranean.
Tux new tITIS dollar legal tender notes,
it is expected, . wilt be ready for Inane
1 early next week. The new intim will be
ready about the fat of December, and the
balance of the 'memof twenties and one
hunched, five hundred and one thousand
dollar notes will be ready about the-16th
of December.
Ix 1830, Boston, with a population of
sixty thousand, seat seventy-two
i r=
isentatives to the Legislature. The l
were then written, and two years later a
man with a printed ballot was refused his
vote. The case was takento thefiapreme
Court, however, where prinked Lmltoti
were declared legal. •
Tru. anthorete of "Evit Lynne' tre.
!leery Wood) her lag novel,
"Boland Yorke," -Inc mit attempted
to be•conceriled care" of Rikod's Pr e,
which brings to ruled Miss lb truei's re•
tuarke nn “the•sudderi at•the-moment.
though from lingerinir • filler si ofieri • pre•
vioualy•expectekl death of Mr. Barney's
BcRIED treasure has been found by Mr.
its Corwin, on old gentleman living at
New W:h•lp it, on the stubs d the Hod
snn It.vor, %%1, .- i i 'ay in the
Turd attn,bed Li- house_ llr dicov.
t red an earthen ytr, cover, d n flat
alma.., containing slx hundr,d nail tiny
Spanish d artng dates rim 172 , 1
to 1773.
A SILALI u by auctdent, was recently
abut up iu n church in Boone county,
near Ashland Mo , where it remained fur
""htY - fout dap., withont food or water.
tin the kb., being opened, It manifeated
great friendblop, but ran ,ut of the
church, and, alter going about forty rods,
fell deed. This statement is male on the
authority of a preacher.
IN TOE Supreme Court or the e'rict
of Columbia, obj•ction was made to an
interlineation lu an Indittment, the In
strument having Loon written in black
ink, and the Interpolation in blue ink.
Judge Carter said "Now, in thin period
ot the audition of al; dtatinction on ac
count of color, It appears to me that th: '
cra.c:mn IP
No trouble or intr rrnption from snow
antletpated do the i'vrllt Railroads
durinethe winter months, precautions
having bet n tak.h to provide against a
Was in of three ihe severity of Iry win.
ter. The real 1100 W scones in that rettion ,
does not commence until about the brat
of February and ht. s until nteuut the 20th
of March or the drat oi April.
CIIAILLOTTY. I...l.`bObirtr, is reeoverme,
and aspect= sio , it:y to go to Rom, She
rites trot. Itut.urgh am, thank
slit uht DO hour each day
itt the bon, w itch feels very grateint to
me—each day suave I have Loud permit
shin. lam gradually picking up under
tilt indurate' of the air, from which I have
Lien tout out for eidla weeks—and eight
wt..ekt. of s sch surf-ring
Is La CrOt , alf, WlSCottaln, thetemer day,
get:lea:man euFp,:cting that some person
or parsons were sualmg its wood,
charged a few sucks with gunpowder, bu
toe wood pile fell down and mined ihe g
want so that one 01 the marked sticks got
Irla, his own stove. Ile don't know who
elute the wood, hot he is entietied &Wet
the way it ''gves oft lie bought a new
move, and will burn coat after this.
A. DETROIT constable Otscovered a par
belly imostcated colored man who was
carrying a naked yellow male baby, three
or four days old, rolled up in the skirt of
his coat. Being arrested, the man de.
clared he had found the Infant throws
out into the aired, and he was taking it
home to his wife, who was entirely out of
that household convenience, and "wanted
one the best sue anew how." An invests•
gat , oti allowed that the story was true.
A JEaren Bann, now lecturing in
li'ashington, says the American colony
in Palestine look to the Coiled States to
protect their interest. The Rabin, In
,mplianos alit] the WlllllOl ,p 1 these
people, wall ask the President to nor his
influence toward securing the appoint
went and wutirmatom of a consular
"..ale utherr, alto slid see
Iron ore. SJ far it is known to cover
ever ft,ur hundred sins, and has been
penetrated to a depth of sixteen and a
half feet, without going through the vein.
The ore yields tifty-six per cent. of pure
iron. The deposit fs considered one of
the most valuable dtscoveriew ever made
in Wisconsin.
A mu. has been prepared by represen
tatives of Trades' and Workingmen's
Unions, for presentation to Congress,
providing for the amendment of the
Eight hour law so that laborers employed
by Government contractors shall not be
excluded from Its benedia. The suthori•
ties seem unwilling to construe the law to
cover the difftculty which has arisen in
the case of the new rostettice building in
New York, where the contractors are ex
acting ten hours as a day's labor.
Tun day of the year on which the grand
displays of November meteors taxes place
gradually becomes later and later. In
Itt67, and 1345 s it was the tilt. In
143.3 i'. was the 13. L; in ITifti It was the
12th; in centuries further back the dis.
plays .occurred in i ictober. The display
of 1832 was the most brilliant recorded.
Many astronomers watch for these mete
, ore from the 12th to the nth. and even
18th of Ncvember. An old German rule
was to watch from the Ist to the 181. h.
AT Lebanon, Ohio, on Tuesday, dur
lug the trial of Thomas O'Donnell, in.
diet , al for bigamy, and while the counsel
tor the State were arguing, the reputed
first wile arose from her seat, drew a re
volver, walked to sa,tuin a few feet of
the prisoner, and discharged It, hut for.
hrr victim. The greatest
CS EL Cunard claim d damagesol Edwin
Runnels for having sold him cheep affect
ed with the loot rot, and in which, on a
former trial, the plaintiff was awarded
two hundredllanAi; forty dollars damages,
came up forlizew trial, at Newark, last
week; eighty witnesses were suhpenaed,
and, after a week's time, the damages
were put at one thousand six hundred
dollars. It Is thought the case will go to
the Supreme CocuL
Tus estimated supply of coal In the
hands of dealers in Cincinnati at present
is estimated at 2,355,000 bushels, and the
consumption, including shipments, at
30,000 bushels per day. If these figures
he correct, the supply will be exhausted
within one month. The Commercial of
that city, however, thinks the rate of con
sumption over estimated; also that there
can not be less than 1,500,000 bushels
stored by families for winter use, in
addition to the quantity in the hands of
dealers, which would swell the amount on
hand to four million boatels in round
GEN. MCMAEoN beatified before the'
House Committee on Foreign Affatrs, in
relation to the Paraguayan matter, de.
daring it to be bb opinion, from evidence
obtained on the spot, that Bliss and Mas
tetman were at least the agents of the
conspirators against Lopez, and were
use d by then, to convey messages by
means of Minister Washburne's liege of
trace. He else testified that Washburn()
himself admitted the existence of the
co nspiracy, and congratulated Lopez on
his escape from assassination. It is prob.
able that the report of the Committee will
confirm his testimony regardm_x_ the con
epiracy, but will exculpate lYtuthburne
from complicity in it.
A cordons will case is before the Con•
necticut worts. The will was made
twenty years ago, by Mrs. Jane Pease,
first wife of Kellogg Pease, of Enfield.
She made several wills, which varied cc.
cording to the humor she happened to be
in. The last one gave her husband the
use of all her property during his lifetime,
and bequeathed it, et hit decease, to Yale
College. Her estate consisted of Spring
field bank stock and a tine farm, which
she provided should not be sold fora hun
dred-years, and no one should Wallowed
to Lire on it who supported in any way
the First Eccleshietical Society, as this
society had not done unto her as they
would be done by. She directed the
President of the College to have -all the
provisions carried out s but affixed no pen
alty. Able couoael have instructed the
college cm poration that, u there is no
penalty, it can realize on the farm at
once, now that Mr. Paula to dead. Ac
cordingly negotiations have already be
gunfor its sale. Mrs. Pease left oo nearer
blood relation' than nomerona cousins,
widely scattered.
t 4,
NO. 268.
Barbaric Pplendor
An innocent rural reader writes to know
what Is meant by this phrase, and to en
' lighten the atygian darknees of her un
sophisticated mood on the subject., it is
tined as wearing in the Street lac@ tlow•
els upon satin dresses, diamonds In the
hair and on the neck; it is the anpardon•
ali.e vulgarity of being overdressed; it is
wear glaring, flaming colors trimmed
with cheap finery and flaming Jewels; it
is to be dressed so much like one of the
deed monies as not to be distinguished
, from them across the street; It Is to dress
beyond your means or station in life;-41
Is to be overloadid with silks, lam, din
monde, tease hair, and paint, and at the
some time to laugh and talk loud, use
slung and permit yourself any familiarity
01 manner toward men; it is to be always
hitching at the shoulders of your dress
while ogling the people about you; it is
t wear your dresses disgustingly and in.
decently low, and daring to call your
self a modest woman and expect
ing men to think you so meanwhile.
That is what is called "barbaric splen
dor," thou innocent dove that asketh us
the meaning of the phrase. The term Is
applicable to men when they wear a pro.
fusion of cheap PrWelry, si O P-shop
clothes, loud ties, dirty nails, smell ha
bitually Of whisky and cloves, and are
given to getting drunk at parties and
being surreptitiously smuggled out of the
house and home by Their friend'. It le
to have only the material of the clothing
of which gentlemen's garments are made,
cut in an exploded fashion. It is to have
the money and position of a gentleman,
with the manners of a deckhand and I'
I'a,Thrt" combined. This is what is meat
by "burhuric splendor." And let as 1
ihankiul that it is dying nut In our I ,
public, and will be found in a few yen
only within the Kingdom of Dahomey or
the Sandwich Islands.—LouisriUs Jour,
The Legal Tender Caw.
A Washington special states Enqturies
haying been made by telegraph as to
rumors that the Supreme Court would
decide the legal lender cases next Mon
day, they may be answered that there is
n• intimation of the kind among the
Judges or other Supreme Court oft:bifida
The Inherence that, because these impor
tant cases were argued last January, a
decision, if favorable, would have been
rendered months ago, does not bold good,
for the reason that there are a dozen
other mules on the calendar on which a
derision has been delayed for the same
length of time. The general belief, how
ever, among lawyers and others le that
the decision of the Court Is adverse to the
constitutionality of the legal tender act,
but that its opinion is not written out,
and will not be for some time to come.
Tux Superintendent of Public Instrnc
don in Tennessee, John Eaton, Jr., has
tuned his first report for the year ending
ictober 7th, 1869. The report, with Ole
appendix, tills 860 pages, and though
principally made up of a selection of the
opinions of distinguished men on the
subject of common school education,
will be exceedingly useful in overcoming
the hostility to free schools In Tennessee.
The following interesting statistics sire
given. School bounce built, OA
secured, 289; schools °potted
-v4 e
, t-t,
teachers employed one ses s ion
mouths, 4814; pupils in actrial,o
once, 185,844; annual expenditzuls• •
the State $290,641; average coat - •
Lion per scholar for nesslon of thiliadritlf
In (rye xclioolr, /7 :i0; in other Alhbob n
e" sverage pay of tw.herifpeir
b, melee , $l6 to s9o;iticalles 410
• • • •'
triurd• .
. • r, 9!
ty, Pv” , .-71vania limner
at Steetes house, and being unable to
get a seat at the first table got angry and
corned the landlord. lila money was re
funded, and he left. Returning won af
ter with a borrowed revoker. he shot
Stiele In the ear, causing Instant death.
The murderer attempted to escape. but
was captured. A jury of twelve men
was impanneled, counsel for defense al
lowed, and statements from witnesses re
ceived. The Jury returned a verdict of
guilty of murder in the brat degree. The
murderer was then taken charge of by
the people and hung to the ant tree till
JOHN Bunyak's tomb, In Bann•Bill
deld Cemetery, in London, is thus de
scribed by a Late visitor at the recent re
opening of the burial place: 'But one
tomb there was to which above all others
the crowd pressed. A large, gray, sguars
tomb or monument it la. On one side
there is carved a pilgrim leaning on his
staff, bent beneath a burthen tied upon
his back. Oa the other aide Is the pilgrim
kneeling, his arms flung round the post
of a wayside cross, his burthen Mlle' to
the earth behind him. On the top of it
reclines the form end the heavenward.
looking face of John Banyan."
P.U.Ion to Tan.* • pan of . eartall Streit gad
rennin ye In Allnoto.n. In Lower SL Calf
Township. Allegheny coon 4.
fl. ....r anisl-an. of Aline... 7
• •.• N - •cn ct•tv , .
Ilea avec lie and extending iinvenly-throa fret to
the lottnection wth and termini. of 11111
sod ,111:1 alley. beginning at the termites. of
Nartb "'et( aforesaid and extending along H.lll
allay about t lefty feet; ntraartierty all,. begin-
nod extending to hoe of Lot owned and held by
s.tioot Directors of Lower ht. Clair township
laterroottoo with Orchard aUrr, Ord.
berumator at tho p..10t of late. ilal
inb fitraw refry alley nod extrodlor fo r
street, to appear In said Coon on 54 . /lIRD•T.
the 1 of Lien.... A.D. 1009, at 10 o•cloet
it.. and .boy. eau.. If any tbey hava. by
said part of told street and said alleys should nal
be el oseel up sad vacated according to the prayer
of che
Noe Mesa 17:11. 1069. 0011ig74-111,
Woolen Goode,
AU stave and daalltin WOOL AND MERINO
o A
II lands,
Wholesale Booms up Stairs.
77 and 79 ILARKET STREEr
Repaired and Repohited,
0179.11.1 Yuma H
PP Aloe stook of MOW, Todd &Co.'s
Peas always cm osad—the best MO. • • •
Ewa" rce ........i..4
Is ../Is Wes sse a /naps. Cessamosetal sad OmSly
....P.P. put. isa...l In Western P.ungl.pL
N toodiaalc: 13242<ftat . •
Single mabottribors
" of !h.... .
• ecler n mr•it - hed snsmxws t tbs ans.
tam j"7o2.artert n• morals"
FITIWT/L^SS—“7b-Let," ...fibre/Owe
"Lost,"“Warsti," "Amur," ...rtoardiPp."
&e., net exceeding FOUR LINES, re
De nurcrted in arse columns ones Ar
lumni hue FIVE CENTS.
Vir A 14PTED—A PAI 11 TN ER witia
43.000 to *usage In a neer towsle•••
certale to prove eery prtetabla sod destlardlib
• rep'.l growth. •d4reu .11AJNUFACTU
REEL ('tilt..
1 , o• 0311.0 f,as bad .C.lliket •Y Ma War
sang:wan, rerence. Add 1 . .. ''' '
iv ANTED. - BO 4BDING. - i
9 e Toting veil,- ert dlelge rca•la
• plea. tame', with cr vettbant ba
Be.t. 01* raf CII qt•en. ddlr•-• J. ir:, " a
WANTED —By a small tam-
,Ls, • 1+1.8L• to d.saarsi beausaypt,
Mast COOle laqUire a% 111
IduNTICKI.T erTßlek T.
•play at 37 Ttart..-uttx street.
• •,• rh , •.. ina or Allebony. Addret•li..
G•zerre ~
atattLi rent sad ;reality.
Street, BOYD OLELZ and MEN, for MAISMS
Sledsof employment. Persons wan
of all kinds eon be soonlled sn ort
T w .11 aw celebrated BilerltAll •
Ta iirON 86W Ifikl MAULS! In X. on FEIN
offer terms more Itherai testiany etber coninala•
Call and examine at tel Wood ttrast.
H. C. WILLOS. Travails., •vorat.
-• ),
• Me..,
, or 3s, both, M.
4 .4 -
$llO.OllO to Loan In large or mull
8111. Bond and Heal Estate Broker,
pce /nowt to se ll tar .ly kIIGNOIN/LANI.
PROVE 1,11311)N ,ILN d•WINU KJ,
CiiiNE.-Prceoniy Great Indium:motto to.
WhA,sata. Tat. Is the most Dolt, e..nnff Mr
ine or Or day—make. Ike laments
Let BlItch`•—.011 do any dor work lltareraT
na down an any mac —100,090 sold and tbs.
.letekand conetaolly luereaslOX. Now Is tballe
t..katarakeunalr t ot of
ttoato. ' ti, Pltuboritt, Pa.. wy
L..nts, Mo.
vttboot DUElltily
n= both
n pr . leit aria:
T --- •
0.1.1,T —TWO runivisarm
SLE3PIIIO 300111, 114913 re at 314 14241
A. An Pi. LA Ha lt , X3M.fnelpe th e Past.
an Ant II ,or non o. .tthnu 1.24=1mm/1.14M010g
log room. iii NORTH AVENUIto Allegbeity
t .
BERT—Until the ant
rd" of eons ileSt , the mo rtarted Mad
chlng Hoy., comer:dos twelve rorhas, i
at, on the corner of atockton arum* and Wed.
star •treit t. with waolwattwetked. To &good tea
sat taaus pre:aro:a wUI bal.% waw. Lyywin
— WI
009 reawer Avenue, A.U.Ggbajli•
114CIIINK roHOP. wtb j 1 toollltloglbrt
tog 11111 god • rood teal estatelltbad. '
— rONIALY.•• ssitaguntes..
Veil SA f."6 - G14T. , 4 AMC.
4 . .175r8 A Pt.
_ , ,
1'70:1 G - I"! 14- - •
' en, - r.4..t
00l Criler, Gas Fixture*, ll•aratt and
f Water. Lot Menu feet front C L AM.,
street try one bundled ae. 14.011.3:
Tete. 0ne.4.4 - cost, rrreatn4r:r In one .4 tee
rev*. CUTLLEGLET 6UNd, 39 31.3th's.N.
MOIR SALE.—En lanes &lad Boil-
AL - en, Hew sad &mond Hand, of all Ueda
momently cu balsa.
from all parts or the Countrr.Oro=l7o7
Coral r Marlon ♦venue & P. P. W. • C. 8...,11N
•Itotheny, Pa.
ROIL SALF.—A LARGE .1111111/
74'4 1 1:,",r14,1.11` r:16117.12dt." --
netgbtoortso. dell.. nollt,
on inn
vool Salons Yoseeteles Wen bun.
0001, If nos .44 .111 be rent , N. Abe, II
inn BRICK RBRIDENCR on Prod ct event.
roryy-Orst/Ono_ •Iso. a enemlter otter
10/unkli A. 31) LOTH for Ws.
• [Jot ease LOTH la Bloom/kid kook.
e years allowed for pays:vat.
loqulro of U. S. WILLIAMS, Beal mats
yaaur•aoa Agoras, Nivl/tee/La won& Mo.
bona, I e
ooGoolio loon/. Zoboopod - ---
, ho'ob.
loom aed Lom on Spring MIL harenth ward s
no *3.600; 16St acres near Irlsatus titslikna
11 3 .000, Hansa and Loa 66 James Moat_ _
3.600; SI hotmes on III•mlaiL atm& WOOD
4ch: 3 / 1 houses and 3 lota In Pleaanst V01.,,o l.,,
.300: 6 acres I. Reserve Loarnaldp on tears
. Teen road. 66,000: 11 IoM on Fremont stmesa
ela 000. house and lot In SWUM: fahlta MOM
1 acre (roast! In Dallasite Sorg, i s t.. 600. b____, 01.10
and lota. Pend of Eraser Keret. .00 , 31 hemal
and SI &area In Iltaabeth 0000, /.04101 home '
and 14. In - 13rIderarater. Braver 1.917iir•
contains latroorna Lot 63 b SILO fent Wei 0 :
farm at Pair CPUs hasthma 34 ants. imr . '
• •
sere. lug.. 01
Beal pe : carne. Agea- Üblo -sad iiinetal4
• lota 1151131 feet. "ratted, oaly
%,,st 7 arax.pp.
1.11;a •Ir, %Ty:: ..7, -.- !""
= •' il 4Lat
ta..). by., • ztig,-11.-
tot) -1,15•1,0 ,T.,{ se e.•
seven roomed loom e nd 11111.114.4. ' -
re t .34Tllo. 11,13 . 0WM0 embl i nd ta/army — fin
an. II years. SI lots on Wytle nolo 11141110 t
.950. I lot on Wylie eireet3ll6ellS: *LOG&
11 lots an Centse Amalie IMIlix15111; 4000 MO.
150 feet front on Centro avenue by 150 PM+
deep, emll divide to oh. 6 lotro• Contentflothel
from 4300 O. The em1=1 , .. 1 11. ,
lowed ann . 11 11010 to IS minu te OF al
Court Homo, anon , Sew (Antra l'isolee •
B. H. SO ocrermt Western Penns. II • • •
miles from the clty. SO boom on • • i ,-
1f...111004. • miles from dry. New • ;. .
boom 1 m 1.1.3 Cram Coolt . 028 110314. - --
MLiloortinAd. •
Fermata d• arias •• e' • a home or Milm_e:., end Mom olatlmg to sell, pla%/1 , ;:l
""""" teeiTelkfi a tummy.
au3o Nom 195 IfhT sad 1.99 beetresmeMl6.-y
DIEHHONAL.—AII persons seekks
nio 110)1111, or Investments /a Beal 04 ,
tate, will saes thee, tsrele sad more
WWI Maiz u ir....iir,girgs • lA':
' l l:74:ta b ralt i m n `ltruNtlfaults...„ u '
ita It , ulste. asurr.a P
Luken ..a-zem Emu. AsefthilureLitoia
$3.000 "
Bell and Brass FonMeL;;;_f:
BaaisEs -
Made Promptly to Orden
Made and Kept on Er l .and.
Pros4l.4ors .4 - ot
J. H. Coopefalmprovedikkall
Mee, 882 PEI
Feendey, Con
Cow . at -kqui