ittsh* tats. CITY AND SIIBUBBA.N TRH OhisTri 4 f hi Um claY for els days of the week for lb woo per week ;by maa, $l3 per COMM mos., V.. Cattle Stolen.—Eight head or cattle were stolen from the farm Of William Hall, in Robinson township, on Sunday night. The cattle have not been recov ered and no clue has been found to the robbers. ----me-- Beater.—Msrgaret Jacob made litformetlou before Justice Helsel charg. tug her htusband, George Jscob, with eessult sod battery. She alleges that the accused best and abused her. The ens was waned. Abused Him.—Frederick Holmes was arrested yesterday morning by Alder man Taylor's polio°, charged with enter ing the shop where Frederick D. Hoffner was 9toplo,yed and beating that individ ual severely. Held for s hearing. Break Dove.--Yesterday morning a milk wagon broke down on Liberty street near the Dow:Lame Depot. The driver, Frederick Jemker, was thrown oal and 'Lightly Injured. lie meived medical attention from Dr. Stoneroad. litected.,—Yeaterday a special election lb, onemember of Select Council to till the vsesnoy ocouloned by the death of Mr. David Holmes, was held in the Elghteemth ward, and resulted in the election of Mr. J. H. Bissell, he having no opposition. Alleged False Pretence.—Yesterday morning Daniel White made information hakes Alderman Taylor charging John Wien, Frank Harvey and Mrs. Harvey , reddencs of Birmingham, wit h obtaining a quantity of household goods from him by ;aloe representation. Warrant leaned. Stock Sales.—The following titmice ewe mid on Tuesday evening, Nov. 16tb. On the second floor of the Commer cial Sale ROOMS, 106 Smithfield weal, by A.. hiallwalne, auctioneer ; Mae= National Bank BL & M. " " ♦ inget.—Jacob IL Growl and John McClure, maidanta of the Itionth Side, got Into an altercation yesterday, when the latter It is alleged knocked Gross down. Information was made before Justice Helsel charging McClure with malt and battery. A warrant was Muted. • Selene Throwing.—Ann Brielet alleged tadbrs Aldermem Shore yesterday that James White, a "warty malicious boy," bad been annoying her family by throw ing -stones through the dining room IrinaoW while they were at meals. The Alderman leaned a warrant for the arrest of the boy. Manama Mischtet—Etenry Pollock trade information before Juatlee Salis bury of Birmingham, yesterday, charg ing Martin Peiffer with malicious tots. abler. Be alleges that Pottier amused himself by throwing brickbats through deponent's window. A warrant was lamed. Lawrenceville la a quiet place. It has tarnished but four cases for the magis terial contdderatlou of Deputy Mayor Nichols educe Sunday. They had all been undulging In the "tools bowl" and allowed the bowl to dow too much. Thirty dollars flowed from the Foca ef:; , ." book of each. which secured o release. Dtserderly.--H. t ton before t t:neubac May or. k y mad3 a l v n- Ncharging Wm." L Ice with disorderly oonduct. He alleges that the amused came into his saloon and acted In a die. - orderly manner. James Smith also made information, at the same Ume and •Le place, charging Lee with assault and * - battery. Both cases were compromised. j Committed for Twenty Days .— Daviel .11, Twelfth ward, on Monday evening, on • c_o_ charge of disorderly conduct, and taken to the Twelfth ward Station House, where he remained until yesterday morning, when he was brought before the hia::w, who, attar bearing the caws, imppomd • fine of CO on Jenklm, who, to default of payment, was committed to Jail for twenty days. ..i.,' Assault and Battery.-John Robinson : 1 6— and ;scot, Staniar, residing In Birming kt ham, while in conversation yesterday, ~.. quarreled, whereupon Slender, it to I. ~', # lased, attempted to convince Robinson • of the correctness of his opinion by • b knocking him down. Robinson Wu not ~.! convinced, however, and appealed to Jos ..tics .. Son Salisbury, who issued • warrant for 5,,11- the arrest of Meader on a charge of as `, 7.!: mat and battery. • A Knock Dowu.—Frank Buchanan and 3 Henry PM, while Indulging lu numerous eases of Isotonic beverageln a saloon on the South Sider,yesterdayeeitabodr pace akutaxtuttter,sm:td lo' — sit al , .;,,tte rasi in gi Xs Ina knock • Pitt came off victor. "Buchanan wax hot sathdled with the re. • s awn. and appealed to Justice Sallabury, g Pit t w. with tzr ult and battery. A warrant ri DetsPerate Attempt at Mall Robbery.— Last Friday an one of the mail minters t.. - the route between Pittaburgh nd ;of' Stenbenvi)le, was passing alon a g the pike .I' between the above mentioned maoss, he iris attacked in • place known as nighort's Woods," near Shirland, and a desperate struggle ensued. One of the 4, carrier's hands wee badlY cut, but he smcoeeded In keeping possession of the mail bag and driving off the would-be '..,fir-ribber. • 4 Concert.—A grand musical concert will be given in U: P. Church, Noblea town, on Thursday evening. the 18th het The almple announcement that 1:1 that great *Singlet" and teacher of mu ale, Prot EL J. Byers, will lead the onn ',., . - cart is sufficient to bring out • crowd. sq The Professor never does anything by f i t halves. and never geta op anything Out Igo. 1 concerts; and thepeople of Noble.- Oakdale.Havelock and Nebo an ,. d this and will turnout In goodly lumbar' • _ Grape Cs'tare. 1;•••• We drake grateful acknowledgment umpire of very delicious Catawba, ••- ••1971ans and other grapes, sent us by Mr. ', •. P. Marshall, of this city, from whom learn_thst they were grown upon the •• • • • .1 . the Dover Bay Grape and Wow ~ 'cba six t managed some ten or twelve went of Cleveland, on the shore of g.ake Erie. Of 210 acres belonging to the Company. 73 acres were In bearing thia year. ,gat 1 ;71 intent ton, 70 A. t o l f ie g ; a ir es vanes in sae, the yield will Increase, • even without such increase, the crop estate, when the whole shall be • .111 bearing, will exceed two hundred tons '"r•.• •f annum, and be worth about 25,000 eoniferslon into wine. This is one 11004 Indications that vinous Dever •.;•,: 'res are destined to bOCOMO nationalised, . • sleolaolio, to be denationalized. .•" • • 1 ,"*.. ....".,I Dtrided the Money. ';, - ....ii." --;, , .- ‘ 49vss time since we stated the Hope piny, of Allegheny, in send. •:' 7 n :if the Paid Fire Department had ` : 'Li:,i , • ' cid the money in the Treasury. ej"-: . !:, - 11 , .. the passage of the recent ozdi e.:-"-:',r; . ettabltshing the department by the "....'.F L illiiirdigm 13raiseti of Oeunclls, another :i' *Win/ has followed suit. We are In ." of that b en. y night the mem ;Al - of the Orant" held a meet - "'''' ' and made a similar disposition of .'..,; ' • yds In the Treasny, ammmting to ~ .b. ,, ,, .. t 11,200, Dle olio proposed to die. ',..,;•'. '''. of the pronerty in the engine house, 1 ' • vidtutily. The other companies are . i to do likewise. Whig remaina :' - i then belong to the city, and no dile .- - -... ty will arise in the settlement of .i claims by ;be change in the system. . i i - p reuips, the meat uitable and , to adopt, and-c a nnot but be . •.‘ i . - . .ry to both aides. The Paid i• ^. .. ent system has met with an ', .ed favor amoeg the "boys," not " against whom, it. 110 far ste we could learn, .„, • :.l. . Great 8474[114/ in altillinery. Hebb, the fashicusableand popular e‘ 'i, . .. , No. 91 Federal street, Alio ", .... 4 „,. ~ who enjoys the very highest -- ' s ii. - in her line of business, an• elsewhere this morning extra "; "'.- bargains. which defy oompeti. • d which merit the attentlonof the ... ' mice. Look at the figures: Fifty will laic a velvet hat; i i; i lo t tlar ''. tiltilnli; ten cents will buy a pal l ; tztolets; one dollar will pay •1 , e, lining and making a velvet . et,old or now. Fail snits for ladles _made to order and handsomely at from Aye to six dollars. tames are sold 'WOO cents. These will give the reader an ides pf Vt,bargains prevailing . at thls ed t retail millinery horse, and ii readers should not fail to pay • , ging OM. Mrs. Bobb is • lady worthy patronage, and we -at- her that large share of her energy and enterprise war. , I , 4, .4„, 112 =EI GZI r~ ; r ~: . 4' ?.‘.: , '‘'; - e,g..,1 , '-•'' - 'i:,.;qf:i.7,•,,,*-" -~ __2 eft , 41k, At BOi NAECEIEI A Fashionable Era Marled—Opening of the •'Good Vahte" !NlWorry Es tablisbnient, No. 101 Morse. %Erect— Vine Exp. Mon of Fresh and Fuh lonable Goods—Gteat Attraction for the Ladies. Pittsburgh Is assuming gradually, all the proportion., characteristics and attri butes ors metropolitan city. Despite the gloominess of our atmosphere, the con firmed and incessant industry of our people, and the coursing In our body, as commutlity, of an arterial vein of reli gious strletneas and austere morality, we still manage to keep pace with the age, and progressively develop as rapidly In all directions as contemporary mantel oalltlea. A love for the tine arts, a taste for literature, a devotion to genies and a rigid loyalty to " Dame Furl:don" are a few of/the more prominent Indexes or gigue Of our breaking away from the old fogy Ideas and notions which made our city conspicuous a few years ago. Indeed, Just I 3 proportion as the people advance In fashionable matter. they mentally, sods ly and morally improve. Hence II le with great pleanure we announce that in tb'a direction yesterday was marked an era by the oft.tntng to the Inspection of the public- at No. lei Market Street, one of the finest, neatest and beat ap. pointed millinery furnishing establish menta west of New York; and the elabo rate golden sign placed over the entrance, "Au boo marche" (Hood value] is significant of the business system Inaugurated, and develops, the policy of the enterprising proprietor. in the selling of superior goods at price. as reasonable and inducing as possible. The store rooms are fitted out in most elegant manner and stand in strange contrast with the dingy, dirty and shab bily furnished little store. where our mothers were wont to repair to select goods in the same line, or to take their accustomed lessens in varying fashion able matters. The house is itself an old one, but painter, carpenter, paper hanger and upholsterer have converted it into one of the coolest and moat palatial of . . our bush:lees eatabllehmenta, and we can Imagine no place more attractive or in viting. - - - ....69 00 ._..69 60 The An bon march." opens with one of the largest and moat judiciously as. sorted stooks of millinery gouda ever oxposed for sale In this city. The pur. obases,were made with a view of meeting I the full demands and expectations of the trade, and the visitor to the house will be aingulariy impressed with the variety and extent of the stock, welch embrtuses Important novelties never before Intro duced here. We feel that it In only a question of time for the "Good Value" house to attain a first and foremoat pool. tion In the estimation of the perchaeing community. The visitor will fled ribbons of all grades, qualities, colors, widths and varieties, pkipwL vans MCP agirs, bonnets and hate in every style to suit the Carden of pur. chasers. Artificial flowers dtrect from Paris, which vie with the natural floral beauties of the garden, magnificent bon net sulks and satins, bonnet trimmings, orange wreaths, boquela and all other description. of goods peculiar to the mil. finery business., Including buckles, but tone, fruit imitations, birds, plumes, and the other Items so tamiliar to our wives and daughters. The wholesale and re. tall departments are presided over by courteous and sco.mmodating ladies and gentlemen, and we earnestly urge and advise our readers to bestow a liberal share of their patronage on this new and model house. A visit will satiety the most exacting that the opening of such a first class establishment marks a new era la the millinery business of the city. Imposing IV ed ding Last evening, at hall-past seven o'clock, a brilliant wedding was consummated at the Synagogue on Eighth atreot. Miss Peanut:6 the highly gifted and iscorun pllalied daughter of L. Hetibroner, Esq., was united In the holy bonds of wed lock to Mr. Emanuel Weiler, of this city. The . marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. L. Naomburg in his usual Impressive manner. He made a few brief remarks in regard to the so. lemnity of the occasion. The bride was accompanied to the altar by Mrs. W. followed by the bridesmaid. and grooms. men In the order prescribed by their customs. The bride was handsomely attired In a white Rep silk. with Empress trail and low corsage, with orange blowome taste. fully arranged In , ber hair, and wore a white illneion Nell. She was attended by six brideemsids in the foll"wing ardor: Mica Pauline W—, who wore a white crepe do easing dress and lace overskirt, wearing white kids and hair ornamented withtlowera. Miss Henrietta W— was attired In • white alpaca, with emir' overskirt and puffed Mlea esview, K with IN7,l.o r n e ci a X l ' ..h is i tss te berth.. ht.. 0— `,e ns drowsed In Mies P-41 silfwitileci in a white swiss. and all wore white kid gloves. The groom and groomsmen dressed in good taste, the former wearing black dress coat, black pants, white vest and I gloves. The groomsmen were similarly dressed. After the intersecting ceremo. Weir were concluded the friend. and in vited guests repaired to Turner Hall, on Sixth avenue, where a grand ball was Inaugurated. The supper on the oeca Won, was gotten op regardless of expense and afforded general aatiefactlon. Atter the-1510th was removed, eloquent im promptu speeches were made by Rev. L. Professor Cohen, Professor Newell. and Messrs. Purviews°, Jonas, Murray, Pittock and others, atter which the party returned to the ball room and the festivities were kept up till near the morning dawn. We would be pleased to describe some of the dresses worn by the ladies, but as nearly ell were taste fully attired it would be not only imam eible but unfair to particularize any one. The bride and groom were the recipient. of some very handsome and valuable Presents, amounting in value to over twenty-five hundred dollars. The happy couple left on the early morning train, intending to make an extended bridal tow through the eastern cities. We wish them much pleasure, long life and prosperity. Mysterimms—Veryl East Liberty was the scene of a mye terlous circumstance Monday. The par ticular locality was a dwelling house near . police headquarters. The time about three o'clock In the afternoon, and of course broad daylight. The details are very singular. About the time des. !slanted, It le said, a seedy loosing man, apparently lhirtirilve years of age, and, from the description, not unlike Jean Valjean, entered the house through the front door, carrying a large bundle with him. He proceeded immediately up ataire, took possession of one of the bed. rooms by locking the door. The ladles about the house, as was natural, were frightened beyond measure at this sin gular apparition, but, after recovering somewhat, managed to secure the servi ces of a couple of the male sex who hap pened to be passing at the time. Tee gentlemen reconnoitered the premise., and finally brought en aye down to the keyhole of the door, from which a survey of the interior of the room could be obtained. Thera was nothing startling there. Only the man was observed stand log in the centre of the room and I quietly disrobing. His seedy garments soon gave plane to a handsome suit of broadcloth. The seedy garments were carefully wrapped up in a newspaper, and the mysterious &ranger emerged from the room. In answer to Inquiries he only replied, that he wished tochauge his clothing and being • stranger in the land, thought this about the beat method to adopt. He wasallowed to depart. In passing out of the yard, he threw the bundle under a porch and then rapidly disappeared. Subsequent examination of the discarded garments revealed • mystery, ail of them were etalned with blood. Not small spots but great hint...hes as though the owner had been ins bloody business. It seemed fresh too which only deepened the mystery. They were gathered up and carefully preserved, as a relic we suppose. So runs the story. The Organ Concert and exhibition of the new organ at the First English Evan gelical Lutheran Church, Seventh ave nue, last evening, was a rich treat to the tavern of line music. The programme comprised selections from same of the loading composers of both yoga) and in strumental music. Mr. C. C. Mellor, Prof. James Giles and Mr. H. Knead* presided at the organ, and Mrs. C. C. Mellor and Miss Benham In vocal duettos and solos. The organ was built by Messrs. H. Extend & Son, and for its ales Is beyond question the finest Instru ment in the city. The instrument is oom paratively small, having a front of only 12 feet, a depth of 8 foot, and being 13 high; but for sweetness, richness and fullness of tone, It Is a model instru ment. There is one feature oonnected with Knautra Instruments which gives them an advantage over all others, and that is the perfect combination of the Several stops, each giving power and VOltime to the Wier. We regret that a Want of apace preventa a more extended police of this model instrument. MEI "THE BYRON MYSTERY:" Lecture Last Night—Views of an Eng. !Iceman—A Few Points Additional— What Jaattn McCarthy, Faq Say.. Last evening, Justin Mceanthy, E•q., late editor of the London Me-mom Star, lectured at the Academy of Must , on "The Byron Mystery." The audience n attendance w. not RA large an had been anticipated, which wan owing to the exceedingly dl.greeattle state of the weather, and perhaps In a measure to fear on the part of sonic, of our lecture goers that the delicate subject might not be treated in a manner void of Mien. If such an idea ware entertained, It was altogether a mistake, for rarely has a no bject engrossing the attention of the literary world been handled with more delicate tact, or COttetininiate scholarly ability than thin "mystery'' In the bands of Mr. McCarthy. Those who did attend and thus placed confidence In the rept, union of the distinguished 'enterer, were amply repaid In the enjoyment of orient the Mime literary treats of the aenson. The audience, however, though not an large as. nnder other eitounißtanct o It would have been, fully made up In quality what it larked In quantity, and was one of the moat appreciative we have ever wen tratnered at the Academy. At eight o'clock Captain MoLauahan introduced the lecturer, who commenced by saying that the title, "Byron Mys tery," given to his lecture was not of his own choosing. hut ,he thought It very appropriate. The , maystery" thin arrange affair would ever be, the physcologi.l mystery of the age. He hoped to prove in his remarks that there was, however, not so much In it as tad been thought, and especially that is state ments made by Mrs. Stowe inkier article had not an atom of foundalloi In fact. That it wasyi mere theme from n addled brain, and disproved and unsubstantiated by the farther bletory. lie admitted that, as some had Raid, this matter should never have been stirred up. It had laid quiet for yearn. It was of no special Importance as an easential fart In history. Rut it wan not for thorn who time talked to answer the question why It was un earthed. Sauce It had mom up, the re. enonalbility, the unenviable notoriety, was for those who wore instrumental in exhuming It. It should now be Investi gated, rigidly and thoroughly, first be name of the home end genius of the man with whom it was connected and then in behalf of the movements with which be wan associated The statement lied been made and the slander should be refuted. Ity ron was one of the greatoet, If not the greatest English poet of hiii egg, He won tne poet of freedom and of humanity. In contrast with him all the othbre of his day were but ax servants tmund to It Master. There were many and bright names on the roll of fame of that day, but none like him had discarded the fashionable ideas and movemonta of the times to assert hie own independence and favor the rights of humanity. Many movemenso and many Idea. which had gained mince bit, day had been strongly advocated by him long before they heti become at all fientottabie 01 popular. In fart throughout his whole career. whatever might he hie oilier falling, these prominent char•cteristlen were de veloped, his great zeal In the rause of Ireedom everywhere spill:intuit... love for the rights man, It then became a duty of those whom he had favored, and of ail who loved fair play, t hat his mite of this dark story should ho hear,i and his naMe relieved of that dark stain which, otherwise, would blot It forever. Posterity abound never have ouch a Stigma handed down to It, unison the facts were proven and the vile crime clearly shown. he lecturer then stated, that in order to view the matter fairly It would to necessary to briefly review ityruna life. in doing which M. referred to the prim liar position . the centre Of attraction the literary world at the time of ti. mart lap*, as the hen, of the day —the moat talked of, one of the 001st the flout et, led man ,if the 11111.1. I n at evil hour, with • lado wed MIAs Milli , et k. of her ottthon: weld be saki up to the revels dons which had but recently been developed by her would-ho defenders andl riondsliNo fault could b• P and her, nod it ass thought that nothing but happiness could he the result of such en union. But the remelt did not gust fy these expectations. Almost the firm day of wedlock dissimitar traits, if their car toter began to be manifeauei, and that 'mettle' aversion," as It was pet, was seen. Byron seemed to have regretted the manage before the first dsv of the honeymoon was over. in looking fur an answer for this peculiar change, It WI. seen in the characterietlea of the two. Lady Byron seemed to be of a staid, re. Elective, &erten , tilHoositltto, kind heart ed and distmeed to teat ore earl v. Byron 443(q11.i J text the re, er.e. eerentrle. , its posed to treat the world pot, acorn, and to maks himaelf villain deeper than he really was Her's all sermon neteßiate all levity, with a disposition to Sievert his grid quaint., and make ow pear worse hie had one. As might be expected, their union wax short, and a year after their marriage day, Just following the birth of their first child, the left bin house, sad went to her tether's, but at the time never Hooke of the separation as final nor mentioned it es much to her parents. The next day after she wr - to him a letter ful, of ten dermas and love. Leigh Hunt saw It and thought it only linen a letter as a loving wife could write. Ni, mention wan made In It to the separation as final, but the day following another letter wan sent in wllich this fact wan lutiumied. She then told her parents. She declared sheo-mld not live with her husband. Stated she tirst thought him Insane, but subsequently changed her opinion. Finding her inexorable, her parents consulted a lawyer, Ur. Lush. legion, then a young man, just tom. mencing hie practice. What represea• Wimn were then laid before hem was ant known, but hit opinion wag that the husband had done nothing to warrant a setaration. The answer was given to Lady Byron, but Rho still per sisted, and then the strange dis closure was moue to Min by her, of the reason of her persistence, and the secret which the modest woman could not communicate to her own parents, wan thus revealed a lo a young Ulan, who was made her note confidant. tinder such circumstances Dr. Lushington gave the letter to her parents, recommending the separation, but refusing to n by 10 de•D to an alley,sl.3oo. f..• on Ledlle Pt.. 0 1 . 400 . rholra lots each AS by 170. Lana In MlS smart. Artaconsta awl Virginia 5. OUTIan RTa WAN, norl 30 !Oath avenue. SALE.. Onv •• o Horse Sorts, ag bl on. nolta• for • gardener, brewer or glans W works. One Covered Ambulant.... 600 empty Packing B•rreL• for glass war, GOO empty Whl•kr barrels. Apple at W• 31.013., D • oproo•Ite the Pearl klieg? WASHINGTON STREET PI IR RA I, C.—, I. 101 •sd 103 Wublogton 41 I , et (root a./ 90 feet dpap, Improved I. U • mo.erp millt TWO FT ICY 1101i.K TIOUSZ, s, 11.0 Roos, tc. Por terms apply to RLI gllll - 17N1 , 04/40, nell:p73 90 tod 90 Third owes., THE VICTORY, New Collection of Church Music ontalnl nit the tint composition. ea WM. B. I3R A DIRRY. dust Outand for pale by JOSEPH HORNER, blt 129 1 , 1111 . 11 FIELD NTRIZT, I_)EGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice A.,a, is to reby given thst toe follosstr4nd 4 .t.o• AI seen.. e will he presented to the Orphans Court for randrinstion en.teltovrastee on DAY. nta, MP. No. 0. The nom aetrunt or Jin.. •uardlan of Mrs. Morearrtta MeV.. f Inn Edear). ore of the bole. of Wllllath M , deed. Theft Not. 9th. 1009. . . . .. • • No 70. The 11011 .seconof of iv," veeep goanliao of Witham M. 1,1” e, 00' of the te. f Witham M. Noe. oLti. of No 76. The final a , ..ontit of Jet... Veeeh, M. t arc P" .7. F' Dil k" ..l ° ?l7,:fieg,VVo a . 77.N0 . The to.! ecount of Jame. Veeeh, jaardlan of Cora end Mortimer V. Edgar, two of he heirs ••r William M. Edgar, dee•d. Plied November Mk. 1 5 60. oo10:019•W JOlllOll 11. GILA Y. Etegleter._ 11 TRADE MARK. DITEDGET FIRE-PROOF Lamp t I.' CA BEY& ,I I= THE PITTSBURGH VINEGAR lit'utt&). BALLOU & ADAMS, 167, 168, 169 and 170 SECOND AVENUE, Aro how orroarett tofurutst, VINE° Ail At the lAMEST MARK ET RATES. Attrulloo 1, tur ticolartv Lel ILe•l. bidder or ladders. at their tllto retion. 811. T.( L.• A. ill. I a 4.1 e•,L. ate• of salt, hewer obeli he fn.t.erttlnt d. the onint. shall he little al d And eollect. .1 tts pros, ded far, hy net of A. et natty of the t ovanota • ' wealth of Peons)lvab ettaste4 snl , Pler."t •vPhlentent of the Itturth oectto• of an net att • tct releitlLLle Ailelol4oy Ct 1.7 .• aV prof ett March V 4, A. 1,.114E19. tot. 3. that ott nett of any or:II - haven As tosy Yonittet with. or ne %applied by the forevolutf. he the eaute Is herebt revealed. Ordained and totart• I I tot. • law, thls the 11th day of No•ctuber. A. 1 11 69. .10 MIES Sit 3111160. Pm-olden, of heloort Council. Attest: Cleft of twit Cl (tn - hell. A I. V KED 51.A1'K. Preolftent of loop:bon Count,. ALP'S!: A I,tbwo{trif, Clerk of lA:nylon Conbell AN 01IDLNANCE = To Authorize the of • lateral Sewer lo tomtit-orlion the First w ord. Sgthrtuv 1. Ihr It or.l•lned and • nact.l by the twice 1 mot COllOlllll l .01111,1 11, 4 111 r 1 • 11 T a( Atte - ' mission and the n .hortl/ of y are ere,' au ' h snit insects. to Int Ite 1.1 receive Pro. posala lor the consirurtion of a r. located as ha 10... villa,. .t west Ithe 11.1.1 aloug said i.reet to l'or y met,. down o forry •treet In Awn Ann street e....ttiy o Isabella enir and 10 000 US. therrfet telt, the 10w... anal hest Wilder or hlthlerw. their isocretiott. Ott . 1 u = hat soow the eit. an. Ihen l e• or said atwer tw. full, •wo.ristnett.the tanae he ...... h. le. Is writ au set, A.eniii 1 11/0 1 oralloia• wealth of rewroiyivantw ent., it mewl ••ii hp...A of the fou-ch el entilotl 1111 . .11.01 relating to A irati.J. St a . •ti 0r0..•.1 March 24. A 10110 3. 4 . 111 010111111, 11 0 . 1 ron l ihrt wlth. or 1 0 . 111.1/10.1 110 . r 011 ,01, 1 1 1. he and the satur It her. r• t• a... 1 Ortlatrool •nil law inis the 111. 4.1 Cl A. II 1.111. J A NI Mi 11111V.E. Prehhient .4,1, 5.1., I 4... 11. Attest .1 I, I.a. , hl h h., Atte. }1 , .1.1“1 IPIL.W O I. III . flats• AN ORDINANCE Relall.r to Gala. and Fences 00 Rail way Track. la city of All NU nn.l rartrted r.vr%e Be 14,1 111 ear , Iv r l va • /ma 1 hat 11. if nrne , more c. ctn.! ly to guard aa•oot , armdents to life and prom ro. Itshaw he the duty a ra I/ ant romnanies their traet• In he It of Aa, erect DIM 111.atalll gates tte tame to te tee Parallel al. the m ro. a line soh the abutting nn., IT) 1 I, nand u• ke. An. t rao, Vederal and l'heonto &tree" and M• ".°""'"" nl7. ' ; ', etllll 4 n ‘ sal:l [it ' d P 12•141.01 " a n d my . Y. and main. afort hone, tlti , a of their track et asc ur ii arati In came of tie ge"7len'vt• i*rnstrtild 11 lee 11h Yeti and pay. to the.. Yeah e0.t...• due of not lea. than nar mor-11mo neS for eacn e•ei y day of mach refo•alar negact, the mine to he rim covered summarily; Pe, 9. That .0 Enoch of any ordinance la ma) mullet velth or te pa nY the foteitotog. and the same heenoy revealed. he Ordained and ect., into • lam this the I Ith day of Noveutter. na •• ttIES yn.sidolt of :etre, Council Attest John', IL o tt.. ell A 1.1 , n Eli , of utt I.mon Connell Attest {tonal, t R ESOLETION Ye Open Certain fitreet• In the Eirmt Ward. to the Fen, •u•I t 06.n.0L of the t Ite o, A ies r that tk bit e •11..arlug str. eta be °perm., utve &vet... (along • ate r I ne) from O. no., etre, to I.lnutht.lstre.t. alto 5051 aeon etrt et from present term hoe to litter avenue. also a I thy cross streets from Ltehth It to nenool turrets,Peet... , term , ' nut to River avenue, and that Ar thur !totem, J. J. Hermann and lit obey r.. ?rec hol ten. be and they •ee ht retie •OPolnte r , eta• ere to ire, and .es the damages end e n e tt I.‘ Neeordance with the prontalone of the Act of Aesernbly approved Slay Ist. A. D. Vial, and t rks of Connelle notify them. of their appointment- CITY or A t.traninY november Is. Vaal/. We el., hereby certify that the borer Inn • true S e lectrect catty of the reandntton 0a... , by the nd toutont:ottnelle of said cloy, at a stated n.sellog. held on Thursday, the lath lust. Attest: J. F. OXLIP. tlerk of beleet Connell. Atte.t: P. ill LWURTII, 0015 nem of Commot Council. R ESOLUTION 're 0pe0 n 61 , 717 , 14 . 11i en • from Car areolved, by the Sciect nen Common Council. of the City or Allegheny. That Monterey It,el be opened .to•intelleirte present width , front the bomb tido of l'arroll meet to the • orth aide of Jenenon street. and that Andre. Davidson. el. W. McGinnis* sea James Graham. freeholders, be m3dth yore n•re to, appointed viewers to ate. and motets the da.nagea and benefits lu an.ord. Council, 14 ' I P WC: ; . I(4l. ' a r ta h : fat h. v (:ter4 of coun ' etta d ool ^ tiy them of their appointment. ur Attantlnn Y. November Inith. 1880. We do hereby certify that the foreeointt le • tree mod correct r o ok of the re lotion ward by the eel,. and Commo• ConnelJa of Dahl WT, at a atat,d me, Dug, held on Thurulay, the 11th Inst. Attest: J. IL OXI.F.T. Clerk or Select Connell. Attest: IL DILWOR en, not ( ler kof Common ounell. NOTICE TO FLOUR DEA LURE! •N CONSUNIERP.—We ore nu. racer. ; a lot of 40,004.1 bushels carelulli selected WHITE AND ASIBILU AND 'ILI:MI:SCES WHEAT. purchased to Gibs°. Parse. Ocean Wheat!dor/gas COLLlud.sou lials lot of Wheat Is the ten ' best to he found and cannot be4trms: e ed2y Cetlod lfaehtnery. Aott. ed ' s 'u LA n O ' cu. m gr rflo " bu l a n and are now prepared to 'lumen the best Flour we have made for ton years at prices that defy competition on the same acade , of flour. H. T. KENNEDY &. DUO.. PCILIi HUMID 11111. Allegheny. September 13, 11169. FLOURS FLOUR! FLODU ! MINNEML/TA BAKERS TLOUPZ. 460 Lbln Leal Tender, 347 bids H. Ha. 167 bbl. Ermine, 1 g 7O bids enmenit Ml!'. 470 bbl. Winona Co., 460 bbl. Red River. 133 bills May Day, CHOICE WISCONSIN PLOIIIISS. SOO Mg. Riverside, SOO We White Star, SOO lob la earions. brands Spring W heat Pion, WINTER WHEAT FAMILY SLAKrII. Oily De po t Springfield. OM, Pride of the West RM., Massilon A, Paragon Mills Illngleader and Crown, ehol. Loots. /or We lower th an eon h o brongto from the West. W•TT. LANG & CO., 113 .711 and 174 Wood Street. 1Z211:= EMS;Za (ITT OTFICS, A.1.1.x.02iNT OTT, CA., NOT. 12, 1202. N writ E. TO SEWER CONTRACTORS. The P. wersge Caen=lesion of the city of •Ile- Omar re prepared to receive pn.poul• for the f hewing "ewe re with their •rpurteaahee., ID. ices manhole , ae. Coatorteltm alp a• TOO re t LI 18 inch Vitrified Plea newer, 00 C.• 1 7 -1 and A PlllHnat., riVS, Ward. Com•rLloll about SOO feel of 151• gib .1111.4114 , 1 ► 111.1,1./c fr..ta btrect .orth ♦venue ',met a gird an.l.prllleu on can tie roma a54 Cu I toformatla.n ort at i ht. Ils must be • miurued •' rr rr ~ .V• .a.^ •n 6 o • or be:ore 3 r. It. W0r.190, INGO. • rornee of Provo - eh, on nhieh forme atane bids .111• e .111 be forntal.e.l •t the City NO eriter, (.03re. The comma lort do 101 l 1,1,1 rept the :ooett or • 1.17 htd. FS, order of tbeCoa MISSIO[I. TO BUILDERS! 100 1 .000 feet Dry Pl. Boards, I• 000 0.10 it CR. Plana; nen,ll4/0 feet tia In. Common Plank; 00,000 feet Dry 1 .4 I leen 03,000 fl. IL in and 3 In. Foyle, 10.01 M leet 107 poidar ocantlinat 10,000 feet Dry Yellow am ine Boards; 100,000 feet Hemlock nr.tlinii• raa.aoo feet No. 1 Mtn. Ruin. Rita -100,000 Yrnl3-Isich ow No. 1 16-Iten cnlnitot, sosTe't 10.000 Into Una: 1.000 Put e. 100 Tons P Til m Clay: Alm, Day MU Lumber, Locust sad estrat Ponta. and all articles In the line. band and for No.tiy ALEXANDER YAI - IEILSON. No. 1$? Rebecca atreet arist conics of Plante and ul=sum w.nd.Allegtiell. IsS• bOs. most of wol ARCHITECTS - - , = FLOUR PROPOSALS CONTRACT NO. 1 CONTRACT NO. 4 HAL DAVIS'. City Engineer. I=3 LUMBER O'NEW OPERA no .10IFS A. 111.0\Y W1C.11,..N+1,AY70• 7. 1,1011 W. TWeore•oe..letrated adaptallon SENSATION MINSTRELS. re4r-AI'ADEMY OF MESH BM MEI HENRY VINCENT J,lver bit ,e!ohruir. l • r "Queen Elizabeth, of England," WEDNEADII EVENING, Nov. r ACADEMY OF -IUSIC EIDEME N o te.enaf brat*. Dont. CP, •, ME=l L'ltets for aale at [lse Library A. R. LECTEREF• LECI L LL6 up TP COUMSW JUSTIN MeCARTRY, e idltor London • Mo•n torr St th lcsairm, of Tuesday Evening, Nov. If:1h, lilt liTtioN MISTILY • • - 'Motets 50 r • treerrr ocal.• Coo orocurrd lo the 10ec of Lt.& 551 TM, . 100 rsrOttArld •a.P.I Lit I lit/F.N0..51L0•.r.0 ore, Filth al env, u 5...? IigrPITTSIBITRGFI W. wiLLIA• • - . P•• - one week only. Thr a. h Mace :•• Plnatio Jeep Mace, Ilir Yetired Champion o j 3.. the Frontal 1. ipion Pp...., Mae YreA. bram, the hs. L e opo.d 11,y AY. a.,ey at”ler, and the no ( eqoally • Varl..te ”re•rl7•tion. Extra Pertom- L ay at ill..o•elotk• Mau he...n b•^ " . "‘"' to d It on W...1•••• , 13, . • r a iimif'firiGB AND BeTTINiI. HOLIIIES, BELL & CO., ANCHOR COTTON TRILLS. I= EttE=EM AJ2010.06 ♦LD LIAGNOLSA NIP "CIi.TT WBR AND wArTnirts ASSESSMENTS Orru.r. or LITT E 7010211 440 0CNV.0.16 Plttabstrgo. Nov. Stk. ISIS. 411TICIF.—The assessment tir.dne.Pavioo sod Corbla Wllltnehf rren34oth waste streets. and for ecrettr' ola bath o•d. an. OW. reedy for erszatttatb e•e be lee b mutts n4lOratOllTl44lRS O 1401 et' November. tett. the? .11.1 Date to tee ' ity Tr. 110L0 for Mao alo. no .1 i 1. t 008.6. City Earl/ ROCK - THE BAW.i, EARNEST'S PATENT CRlb &OLD OIILT lIIT LEMON & WEISE. Practical Furaltare us yv_vuorrii A WI.. am , te founds f,U assortment tat Par• 12moster .."6 %Masan r1171....1.. ' ,AIME SHIPMENTS OF ALL Loeser trestr Ulm fob mmeiretelelly eI en). rplgar Zen stud. No {b Irlsrooed Martel. I Ittsbergb, and et the Teets tV=4: Aileeike o n u y tr. Y i rgi sal torlerss ressirs es to Leribseso 1 IS s two elet stare snide, se4 see arit hlte Mts.. Herr Mese Hsu end Welts resell at gamy leer ',lees. .aeall. ulitlneere kaale or reSsil. .14. orders Snarl woe:wrybo Yi CO SAI3A:LJI3 PIIRIFM4 THE BLOOD. SALE BT DE13041110. =II 1113;13 MEM EEO