FINA r. AL. ALLAN BANK, NO, 80 FOURTH AVENUE, PSTTMEMEGIL - 0200 000 I= Stockbolders Individually Liable. K 01 10.0.040 T AND 01POSIT WM. FLOYD. Crt.blci Ft vs. Jarner . 1.,. 11. Kelly, Ch.. I. %Via. rloyd. Joh II TPI. 11,n now hll:9cranlr,d and pr< nutd to do aria, rat Pacak.nrEnttnesa. GOLD, SILVER LND COUPONS, Bought at [lights( Prices. PM R. HERTZ, Banker, Cot. Wood and sth Avenue . . JAMES T. BRADY & CO., I=3l Corner Blurb Avenue and Wood St. 13 A.INIK31:11 Iluy and "41 all lind• of ~. • GOT ERSMENT hEaRITIES, tWLE, SILVER Pill COUPONS, OH mon FANOKAHLE TULL& Inttrest kIICITICATOD Deposits• • ir)lonet lesee4 on Oases= eat Bonds st lowest evoke. r•vt. Orders eseraled for Me Purefte e and Nn.a at OTOCILN, 13021D1S sad ',JAMBS T. BRADY & CO, litts4u4 etayttc FINANCE AND TRADE. Orricu or Pri - rbov Bon Ancrris. B.TUUDAY, Novimulier 13, 1169, A most remarkable feature in the financial world, le the firm tone of the gold market. The fluctuations scarcely vary more than ono-eighth per cent per day, and in fact bare not exceeded that, fixosirt on Monday, for the entire week. The cannel observers of the money mar ket and the financial condition of the cemetry s ,itppear to think that gold must rise-to a comparatively high ligure, esy 135 as an average limit, and look upon the Present firmness as the' bads for a rise. Those, however, who are enabled by their position, and who are accus• tamed to look forehead, do not sharethis feeling; on the contrary, they meet:loth- Ing In the pieseut steadiness but a tern- Vimy halt in the downward course of the premium, and a mere attempt on the part of the bond and Palo 'k spetulators to prop the market in gold as long as possible, for the saga of being enabled to force un thepuOlic their In flated stocks and hoods. .The gold question, or the premium en gold, per se, ,may have concerned the mua of the public who were not most directly interested- In the buying and aeWng of gold very lltUe m far, but now it Is en ail absorbing, all Important mate ter to everybody. *Belong as the retail pries of oar daily purchases were not, or bdfUttle , affected by — the clianges of the gold premium; 'nobody cared at what currency 'price gold would rule; but now, since wheat,,flour, and grain of all kinds have heavily declined, pot under large ogalings on the market bat simply from the appreciation of our greenbacks, our circulating medium as a measure or values. Those who hold property, articles of food; or have latear as their Capital, see well enough that besides grain," °their *articles of food, labor, rent, and eventually property, must follow the downward c nurse of gold, and must area go below U. In turn gold will naore.rapldly decline for want of Use as arrartlgle of speculation:l, and from an purples on the market of which no special nap can be made, . ex cept-by putting In circulation as -a mammy of value!. Should the soon forthoamlnit report of the ffecrttsry of the Treasury contain anything referring to an early re time lion of specie payment, say within a year or two, the holders of gold will be afraid of their own shadows, =eh to the market to sell and realize In greenbacks" widen would, inside of a %Mined time, be Jun as good as gold The bugbear of a foreign • revolution seems to be dispelled, and In fact we have nothing at all- to do with it, but to sell to all who want our bonds, at as near par as they can be sold, all that investors can absorb, until we are strong enough to carer Ahern indllownenta to hawthorn back again, perhaps as cheap as they were Bold: - t What is said of gold must equally ap ply to the currency price of bonds, and Irnier quotations for bonds are sure to follow any farther decline of gold, from thievery fart that money will be too valu able In other investments, and gold on a par with :greenbacks will be no longer an inducement for bolding bonds twin investment. Stocks must r. likewise decline from , their present Inflated prices In currency. and in addition proportionately to the decline iu the gold premium. Money serf' scarce at high rates of Intereittand business dull. - Some inquiry is made within the last few [neon:nob,* s end other foal bonds are at rather high prices, Mewing that Invasion do not care paying the high prices ofbankruatother stocks. Quotations as received by Ph. R. MertmrOold,'l2egt -1124 131gbly one." law Five Tweuties,_ .11.5%; do 11931; 1I2g; do 1.1385: 113 g, Go 1865,` Consols, 11.0 s; do 1867 1.16)i1 dales% 116 g; Ten Forties. Adams Ex. 'MCompany, te; Merchants Union att Company. --: Americas 0003p0Ye1.36; Mreiterrt - Vogl Titertranh ',Ompany, 34g: New York Central. 18034; Reading, 16341 Pittsburgh Fort Wayne 11....Cbicsipa. 15%; Ohio & bilaslTdpfd. 26; Michigan Southern, 651,41 A.3l6oabina" pituburich, Chicago, Rock Island & Pada°, MN; Chicago & North Western, Irigt Chicago & North Western Preferred 85; Erie, Z 754". London, per E. Parts, per Berlin, thaler FrtudaLort„ (brim *— Orr reserves to the rituterrs (Waite New Tons. Nov. 13, 1869 Large. &man. —0. 29 M SS 2,53 i 2153: 953.{, 97g b6N 455,5% Money easy at 6(17 per cent. on ea ^ Distrtounts In good demand. The hank statement Is more favorible than watt pealed. Loans, 1251,180,667—decrease, VAISSB94;..6PerIe. .606.766.663=4ncrea5e, IMISrA62TV cimnitti* -P4,212.667-111- , orsre . t0.064,20r,.66be1it0. ,1188,764,606- 1 , 02 ,04,111644#367 7 15i5af tenders, 111, 09Litediase,11,,1311,062;' Starling tea Jihad' 1/rettert at..63t@J9%. Gold opened at 126%, touched 124 Mid 426140126 X. es essnrlng ver . mg per mut. Export for the week. F 21 ,22 1. Governmentsauretsr., Coupons of 'Bl, M70)117%; do 116%@11.63,0 /12300,13: dO EAM@IUM I do new, 116gapl 16A; do: 1 67. 11630 4 / 1 1 60 lIEM@/16%; 10-40 a, 11i7X® 107 54. rawly sixes, 107%@/ 07 /" . State tx)nda steady; Missouri", 88; old Tennoswes, 60; new, 52%; old Virginias, 60; new 53; old North Carol, 45%;new, ituts 80%; "pedal tax, toy.% Five. TM Prtees--Active, but quite untsettied. Canton, 63; Cumberland, III; Western Cn/on Telegraph, 615;,, /4/dear/Jiver, Maripnea, 4; do pro. /erred, .iilauts Express, sa; Welts R rargo,• 18: Amerman, rulted htat is aiii; Pacific Midi, .5.5i,<; N. • V. Central, 1./ i..„; Erie 2:5„: du preferred, 43/4; Harlan/ 137; Hodsonls64.S; Reading 90/ ( /moral, 1204; Lake Stda, 146; Illinois Central, 137; Pius- buegn, it. 3;• Norti.x.ederri. 69%; eo, prr. (erred. e'i; Rock I•daud. 103; St.. 67!4; do preferred, WoboM, 57; 1.1. Wayne. Terre Ikaute. 27: do. preferred, 57: 011icawo Iton, 129; do. pref-rred, 149: 021.3 M.lnneselppi, Bar 11 egtoo & Quincy, 15940. C. at 1. C.. PITTSBURGH Id...BRE:To. Orrin% el , Pirrmaurert Onxtvra, SATIII‘DAY, N..ven ber 13. 1809. Baroness has been rather quiet al the eek, and, judging from present Indi cations, It is likely to continue eo for the next sixty days. The demand for all of the leading cononoclltiee Is entirely lo cal, being confined to supplying Imme diate Willlte or home trade; while in re gard to values there are no linportant changes. APPLES—Ia good supply MA rather dull Wit unchanged; /244 per leol, most of the the sales at $2,5043.50. BUTTER—Is quiet and unchanged— . supply somewhat In sec - roe of the de mend. We continue to quote at 30%36, for good to choice. BEANS-121600n2,76 per bushel. I BUCK WHEAT FLOUR-4 , 4%4N cts.. , CH F—STNUTS—DuII; • CIDER—in selling at from rto $9 ner bid, according to quality and Nino of bbl. CR.I N BERRI ES—firmer and higher, we now quote at 112(g.18 per bbl. CARBON OIL--Btabdard brands 516 @32, In a Jobbing way. CHEERS--Quiet and unchanged, tang log from 18($11, the outside figure for New York Goshen. DRIED FRUIT—In quiet and un changed. Apples, B(ge rest Peaches, •61 le for quarters, nod 12Q1,3 for halves. DRESSED HOOS—Sales at 12®'12.q. EliCEl—Ssiols limed at 2.6421 and fresh packed at 33536. FEATHERS—In better .emend and It higher, and we now glint° at 85€90 to the trade Ind the usual advance for small lots In Store FLOUR—Is dull and weak, but with but quotable change in prices; 643@8,86 in a regular way, from store. Sale lOU bbla good winter wheat, 1.0 baker, at 75. GRAlN—There is not mach Inquiry for Wheat and while the market is quiet, prices are unchanged; 11,18 seems to be the ruling price far prime Red. Oats steady with a demand about equal to the supply, and prices are unchanged, 40047 on wharf and track, and 4 8 @re to store. Rye continues dull and prices nominal at 90( . 05. Sales of new corn at 700675; and prime old may be quoted at 9,i(591. Barley le quiet, irregular and un settled, with but little doing; we con tinual° qaoteat 111,11501,=, for good to choice. RAY—Sales at Allegheny market a1.11.60;4= per Wu' .11USKI—fiales at 8 cents per pound. ' ROMINT--Sales at 10,00140,60 per bbl. LlME—Sales of Cleveland white lime at 12t Ats Per bbl. LARD OIL--Sales of extra No. 1, at 11,384g1,45, and No. 2, at 11,08Q)1,0 8 . ONlONS—Salee at 12,60(13,00 per bbl, the outside figure for choice. POTATOES.--.Sales of prime Lake Shores, at 55€1.60 per buatteL Sweets nominal at 13(414 per bbl. PEAS—DuII; 12,50 per bushel. POULTRY—SaIes of dressed chickens at 12(4)15 eta. per pound, and dressed turkeys at Live chickens at .15.21 60 eta per pair, bythe coop. • PROVISIONS—Market quiet and prices comb:ell —old stock almost ex. haunted. SEEDS—Nothing doing in either clover or Timothy seeds. Sales of flax reed at 12,40, at which figure It I. wanted. ^SAlN—Allegheny river brands quoted at $2 for small lots in store. STRAW—SaIes st 1124 16 per ton. PETROLEUM MARKET Orsics OP PIT - resultaa liszErrs, SATURDAY, :November 13, 11569. IitILVIRW FOR THE ',ERB The oil market has been up to fever beat all week, and Judging from present Indications It is likely to continue so for some time to come, probably until the first of 1870. The "bulls" and "bears" are having • pretty warm time of it, and the light aeome to have been transferred from Duquesne Way to the columns of the city Journals. nearly all of which have had more or lees to say about the "corner" either In the shape of commu nications or editorially. Thus far no one has been hurt, and It Is not likely that there will be any blood-letting, though both animate are considerably riled, and present a very hostile MS. tude. Next to the reunion of the Pres. byterian bodies, the ...Al corner" hap , been the moat prominent topic of discus. auaslon, not' only to oil circles, but In business circles generally. Compared with last week prices have • undergone little or no change, and the volume of business this week has been 1 unusually Ilgbt. The ahipmeui• eon tinue rather light from this place, btit the stock in Philadelphia is being kept up pretty well by Cleveland, which place ts BOW shipping to Philadelphia In place of New York. The receipts of crude have been more liberal than last week, and at this writing hopes are entertained of a good bulk rise, in which event it is ex. peeled by the "bean" that a antaatent quantity of oil will be thrown upon the market to cause a decline in prices. There Li likely to be trouble both here and in the oil regions during the balance of this year, In consequence of the difficulty in getting good gravi ties; there is a good deal of 01l sold for this asd next month air well aa seller options, nearly In all of winch 40 to 45 or 40 to 46 gravity le ape. aided, and, as already intimated, thereto but little of this kind of oil to be had, and the sellers of those contract* antici pate that trouble will result therefrom. Receipts crude this week, 26,e40, last week, 20,457; January bit to date, 777,- 93 I; same time In 1868, 986,231. 'Re ports relined this week, 13,114; last week, 18,503; January let to date, 514,840; same time last yew', 661,294. Sales thus week, crude, 12,000; relined, 15,500: last week, 29,500 bbla crude and 19,000 bats refined. enhang. Thernarket Is quiet and unchanged. Spot oil, (40 to 48) 1.7: seller this mouth 18,(§16%; ostler this year 16®161 anti buyer this year 17C917)(. Hale of 2,400 bids seller March to July. 1870, (40 4)45) at 1514'. NOLWIthRUIRdittg the arrivals , continue liberal, apart ell La srce, and, I consequently, the offerings are light. REFINED. Today is a perfect duplicate of yeater. day—to males and • prices nominally un changed. November may be quoted at 35yi to 13934, and-Llecetaber st./14X@34.44. We understand that 35 , 4 was offeredifor 10,000 barrels for this month. agontsin or cantos BY A. v. A. 8. . Pennock&Beeson 160. on ac count T. Chem; Brilliant OR Works 980, on ae• saint Lockhart, F Jr Co; B. Kenna '240, - on Account 01rtiro7 — a 13allfers: Tanta=!Works 460; ' on askestnt klawhirmay. BM; Wagner & Leflelab • 21 1 0 . on account 0. S. Thames; W. Wipe* k Co. 50, on account T. Chess; Hutchison 011 Co. 80, ou aceount 113.. a. Jammu': Eagle Oil Works 4130; aatienent 'CI. B. Thome.; Fisher 8r0,80,.0n account E. H. SHIPMENTS OF REFINED BY A. V. B. B. Fawoety 1. .88.201 tibia refined oil CO W. P. Logan Logan & Bro., Piffle. lidallelvy 447 bids reflood oil to ' • W. P. Loga Ben ., Philadelphia. Forsyth & Bro., 159 Ws refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Livingatoxi k. Bro. 256 bbla ref. oil to Wardm, Frew & 17w, Philadelphia. National Refining Co. 153 bbl* refined to Warden, Frew & Cu.. Philadelribia." hiontehtliner, Koehler dr Co. 48 bible ref. to Waring, Ring k Co., Phila. Lyons &.00 653 bbls refilled to W. P. LOW] & BM., Philadelphia. B. W. Morgan & Co., 50 bbla tar 'to W. j..inoolu h. On., Boston. Lockhart, Frew & Co. 108 Ws tar to Libby & Clark, New York. 'DAM refined- A,817 bids. Tar... 508 bids. NOVEMBER 12. Lockhart, Prete & 00.. 90 bide ref. 011 to W. Blair 46on,lfetrlabarg. B. W. Morgan & Co., 166 table ref. 011 t o xygeoen, FrewPhiladelptda. snatoni,Bro 7 46lo . 4tesenned oil to' l Wardfm, Freteekt.b.,YAnadelphiLL Mantzheimer. Koehler & Co. 450 bbl. ref. to Waring, Kisif/ Fawcett, L. &B. 212 Ws ref. oil to P.•Logits & Bro., Philadelphia. Bra & Wagner, 516 tibia ref, eel to Waring, King &00,, OIL SHIPPED gam . Br wpm. morn B. 'R. Holdehip& Co., 260 bins refined oil to Waring King & Co., Phila. A. D, Miller 65 bible refined oil to Waring, King & ock., Mentzer, H, & Cot 162 bbl. refined to Waring King dr. Co., Phila. Total.. BAT:MI.IORA Nov. 18.—Flour MAL %Virat steady at f1.95@1,36. Wblaky better el 11A@1.07. N tidal Tis De ft LI GP %Pit. airy NI :fp., (\ - heat: red ref 1..e.,1,1ii. ' N, .w 5., to iit..,oe.tier el -- 'a.tete eteteir at 11.15. white at $1.21 ~ .0• at ^ . Corn at 51.0 e. it% aSi al it ire, 4 41 1,4 , tt 4- 'I , ''t ... l'' ,. . 'a"' -4 • - at 51,1 . 5. Fleur at 1..ee7 for euferflee io tor meta_ eg ti t ei. is. F or r. . 10a, laney. i hn , on. aides at 2,,,. , h atn , at e a ,. , 15,ee4 bide: dour du .l all 1 in 1n“..r,, la• 1 •tantildere at 14,•. Liriffeat le, Out sale* e Thu olio at fie,ea .; . for mute,- Pit ILA DE-Millis, Nut ember 13.-Flour IMO 5t..14, .13,1 w....tere, e - 0.ria,1,„0 ~a . unetttered. 'Wheal uncheuired. Rye • ~.a- . . ..,, , srl. -,• 11.0:•51.06. Corn is held firmly. yell.. ~i .ra e... .1 f ir .'fir.. el,:o a...„.,i, lor w 6.•« who.,: extra, 1:5 5.5f.1 , firm, roir. Petrolemu Ira, il lli'ir 'rude , teat, for P.. • •.,i , t4.4,4r, .',O for nei n , e t . ' unchanged, refined 35 , ,e. Pros in I.ouia, 17(i.9 for 8 .:d vii ice do, closing '''"'''' g" Wu''''"lv'nct'l to 11,06 for Den bowel. heavy, in imili.g Bells of 2,260 Mile good antra Stale, for ail the an nth. cm( soo, Noveinter 13 .- ('nails firm: i 01tii,4,75 for butchene, ems 1 and Light .az 11.1,7 f. Rya non, doll, Milt 4 sierra. Hoge active; 10,1.!...' 1 for fair to 'or 1,50 u lees of 14,70(u.. - .,es, Pornl medium, 10,t,0ei.e.5h for good to choice- Meal •Itute. Whieky quiet, at /I,bo for t1.410.'2 , fur Fitt , to ettre prime. , western and /1.0.5fe1,e1 far free. Wheat. I receipts 109,82 bush: marker loan are, e and without decided change In priee, melee of o,Bilo bush, at 11,11541,30 for No. 2 spring. $1,3541,36 for smell let. No. I. I /1,20(01,25 for winter red 11110010, 51.3 e @keit for winter rod and mob, weetern, 1 11,45 for amber Teunewme Bud 51,45 for I white Siichigen. 11)0 aunt. Barley dull and declining: sales ef o.ishi liii•li prints I2oosdit We.: at lid 25 and 2,4lini ' tree unsound State at 010. hurley Malt quiet. Corn. recolots ouch, le: lee; market is sale.- I ire, et •d ' hang.. a moderato Meleeaa dome' ado:. were it i,. tat , bueb at e1101.e3 for nos:lend united et-etre,. ' , ate rti iI, , 'sere ...„7.... bush. . market IA llllnlit mater lel eh iugir. sales ' 41,000 bosh at e3fiiii.s^ far western: 13551, lifi' a r for State. bloc eaeler; salon el ti's Carolina at 748 a. Collett tecatiy. `Sugar mead): Ware RIG 1311dei at 1141 lj t e I,r Cuba; 12 0. fur Porto Moo. Molise- NW: Inlet mid nnehaited. Petroleum firm at 2't- t o for crude; 14t,(g31i1' for retitled. t oat quiet. Lent ben hemlerit i note steady et 30f r 3lc for Buena,. A ire.. an d Bin i.reti•t 0. Wool at mid T ; RAGA were Mellon , GllOllOl.l ~,,,,,,,.1., ~,, 45( NJ, for domestic fleece, 2Setilisi fur Inn washed, 8.6441.14 C for scoured, and '.1(41 . 1j, ' 50 for pulled. Linaeed Oil quiet Held te I Turpentine quiet and ant-hanged Sheath leg ctopteir steady at 32.. i for Inent. Cop . per dull and drooping at 2.:(gee1140 for i Baltimore lake and delivered. Pig irou quiet at 3514e87e tor Sri/tell. and 370,4 le for American. rate •miet at ttes for re. , fined English and Ault:realu. Sheet dull at 105,4115,0, gold, for limmia. i Nail', steady at 4 1 ., for cut, ti. , for clinch, 1 end 2211(1000300 3 for itnn4eht4e. Pork Miner: sales 475 bbla at 530 36430,75 for mesa, oloalog at $30,14.), cash. 421,2505 24 , 50 for prime to 25,50429 for prime mew; also sales 500,bble now moss Koller January at 929. Beal steady: male. 200 Dbl.. al 216 @,29 for new plain moan, 1120417.50 for new extra menu; tierce beef dull, with whet 75 tierces fit 5_642.8 tor prime mess, 13004031 for India tneee; beef hems quiet, with sales or ito bole at e 15420 fur old; and 132433,02 for new. New cut meats heavy, with sales of 85 packages at 124 €413 1 ,0 for shoulders; Wee I7c for hams. I middles, den and quiet, small salon for I long clear at le ,freltixer- lard, 'bade i timer. ftle Serer.. at 1741Teir for steam; 1 174,4181 ac for kettle reudered; also I sale. of 250 tierces etetun seller January ou private terms and 500 do seller Feb. I rilary at 17c. Butter, dell at 210433 n Ohio Cheese; dull at 171 10 1 0. Freights 1 to Liverpool, heavy suit 1.3.131; ship moats of 25,000 bushels wheat at 7t a d per sail and Si per steamer. Latest-Flour closed quint without de cide') change in twice. Wheat quiet and steady, with moderate expert and epeCU InUTG demand. 1/ye Mill and heavy. Oats steady at 84®65..: fir wmtern. Corn In moderato request, at I/Bafe/1,03 for un sound and /1,04@1,043 for sound milord western. Peek drat al /30,50. Beef steady with moderate demand. Cut meats nominal. Bacon dein, with tale Inquiry. Lard drat at 170@I7,1„e0 for fair to prime storm. Eggs 'neatly at 301 g 3isc fOr freeh and 0010.310 fur limed. CHIT AGO, November 13.-Fees ern ex change steady, 1.10 per cent. off buying. 1-10 per rent. premium addling. Flour dull and arm: nitatogo tar spring on. tries. Wheat In good don'ued; eaten of No. 2 at 843NEwsitt4c, closing at eel...fetes; this afternoon the market wee MAI et e0t4000170 ;miler Not-ember. Coln Sc higher; liaise of No. 2 et Giegtei s ,c, re jected digahD a c, no grade 65, clueing at 645eigeielm this wfternoon the mar. ket am imanned at'Ai e seller last half. (lota are a ab ode more active. end prints ruled steady and ern', with males of N.i. 2 at 3.94334 e in regular el a 3ec el 1.4,,,,,te b0n..., ll , nGir at 31-0,438 tie Rte Is fairly active end firmer, with tales of No. 2at nee Wu, clueing at oelo7lhe rr)erted 620. Maley dull and noitnual at etegteei for No. 1 Highwium limier nod 1.,• ar,,e, rein ing firm at 11. Seger iiitelerutely• active at 13,, 414 Lie for eommon to prime; Cum. Pros lelone lirmeri rures perk, I'.n3 cash and seller December, and 127.50 at,27,75 ftir seller February. Lard 174 g: 170. Freights dull at ttc for wheat to Buf falo. Reetiots daring the past 24 hour, 15,:130 bbla liner, 77,0'113 bulb wheal., 34,105 bush corn, 44916 bush eats, 4.244 bash rye, 2,050 honk barley, 100 bogs. Ship. mental 5,802 bbla dour, 29,250 bush wheat, 05,441 bush corn, ee,375 bash oats, 1. 000 bush rye, 1,237 bush barley. Sr. Loris, November 13.-Toberce. nothing offering, Cotton dull. 2554 c for middling- Kemp quiet, sales common undressed at /1,20, choice do. 11,7 e, drer sell at 12,30ca.2,40. Flour very dull and lideinege smell, fall superior at /3 .7 0 44. X at 114.2.54,50, choice XX at e 545,10, family at 0557547,75. Wheat unchanged No. 2 spring at 75e, chow Nebraska at 87r, Nu. 2 real family Id 90@900. No. I do. i4e3(20,10, rOGirb 51.17 @,1.2-e and cholce white /1.2.1.. Corn higher, with a light supply - , ch ol er' yel. low 90C; good to prime whim efeetien. Oats doll aid meter, at 420Telei,c in bulk and 47(§49c In sacks. Barley very dull. strictly prime Minnearita 51,10. Rye needy at 05(t690. Whisky scarce and higher at 11,02. Groceries quiet, al 11 . 4 0115%efor new Louisiana Sugar, 204250 for Rio Coffee, and 50ei.70c fur Molaseelt. Pork: sobbing sales In new mews at 1. - -0. Dry salt meat jobbing at 1241 e for shoul ders. 113 Xe for choice tierce, and 17ks for do. keg Cattle, common and medtpui In liberal supply end In fair demand at 2'„ @404 for good to choice. Hogs active and higher,wilh sales very light at 18at. good to choice Ittic®:Oti. extra 110%4 10,05. Receipts: our 3,000 bble; wheat 0j.e.03 bush; core 7001 oats 7,400: barley LIM; rye2.oo- hojpi 2,600 head., Cinctsolaii, I.:tiv. 13.-Flour unchan ged; family frb"m€l.3,so. Wheat dull; No 1 red winter 11,10. Corn very seared and In demand at 88a for ear. Oats unchon• god and quiet at 50C41550, trio latter rate for choice white. Rye dull and declined to Ma fur No. I. Barley unchanged and quiet. Cotton dull; middlingllie. Whisky firmer at fl. blest pork dull at 531 and no sales. Bulk meats, ..; cured, 12.5191204 e for shoulder.; lei, fialtPae for clear rib and clear sides parked, but these rate, are natritrad in the a i..itre of sales- ,There la a fair demand for Lard at Itlyie for steam, and 17c for kettle, but llama offered freely at these rates. Green milate tiled et lo%@iallotco for shoul ders, alder and hams, holders sink tie higher; country cut ahouldere sold al 10i c. .flogs dull at /b1ite.44.0, receipts of 3,240. Butter dull at 301431. Cher,. 1754 %Id. end In good demand. Lammed oil dull at 90fe9ge. Lard oil 51,33(.61,37. Petroleum 121425 e for relined. Sugar steady; New Orleans 14910. e. caree steady: common to prime RN ®24i,. Gold 126% buying,it./ii willing. Ex.. change dell at 1-10 diseount buying. Money market a losed at 1 1 (q11) per cent. LbuieVir.i.k, VOVerriber 12.-rottom sales lorr middling at 23S e. Flour steady f sales eattra fandly ait 16,25, Grain quiet and steady: Wheat, rod, 11l white 11, lb. Ourn flat Oats 70a. Rye 90e, all 113 bulk. Hoge. recolpta were 3.000 bead; killtiffi 2.200: heavy thefee molded 10.50 green. Tobacco quiet; sales 19 bade at 53,15 for ecraps; 59(g)11,50 for lugs: 610®11,75 for medium lesf. Pro visions quiet:. flips Pork 130. Bacon shoulders 16)4c; clear aides 20e; bulk atirmlders 100: clef& rib 17a: clear *idea 174 e. Lard; lien* 1714 c .' Whisky 970, Tom:iv, 0.._N0v..13. -Flour quiet. Wheat dull, regular white michigun at SIAS; amber fLOB2 No. 1 rod 11,18: Nu. 2 do at 51,071 No. I Mr.:. torn 3o lower,lio. 2 offered at file. Bales of o. 2 at 20.. - Oats unchanged, No let 47e, 'N No: ~ 2at 44 , 4 e. Clover seed 10e better at 17.50. Dressed bogs, shade better at 10! 7 1120. Freights, dull sad nominal: receipts of 1700 1,11101 Flour, 14.600 bush Wheat, 4000 bush Cern, 1200 bunk Oats, 700 busk Rye. Shipments of BP bbl. Float, 16,700 bush Wheat, 5,200 bash awn. `• Cr.kvitLAWD, November 13.-Pleur un changed. Wheat lower:No.l red et 11,15, No. 1 titi.a4ll,lo: Corn better end held at Sic for No. 2. Oats quiet at 47c for No. 1 State. Rye unchanged. Barley wont nal. Petroleum steady and unchanged, refiriedlield at 111@3140 for prime light straw to white, standee - 1 in round lots. Trade lots held at an advance of 21030. Crude at 17,20 per,. bbL - 01iN1tate Nov. 13.-. Floor unchanged: sales I,ooo‘io. Wheat dull; sales 1,1100 , lin red lodises at /11.40, and car lots 3 4 0 , 1 Milwaukee club at 111,26. CAW), quiet safes 9,000 bu N 0.2 at 91e,' add ?VON bit do at 92c.. Barley dull and uniS4in . . ands sales 19,000,bn BAT lida to all tit l Htfil ' 4,&30 bn &canary d oat'ir.l 2 . 1 MngPilLs, Noy. 115.-Cott. t 4t t f , l4m and quiet at /lief reeetpth 980 a 4,546, stock 10,891 bales. Flour do and on allsfod. Corn 900 and themarket barer Oats 660, "Bar 10. , Bran -sac. - Pork 231,50. Lard 18001904 e. Bacon market bane 'boulders 17344:6 -aides 210, Bulk shoulders liO4c: el fte 18c. . iluves.November 30.-Vauf.who li • oats and rye neglected. Barley dull and lower, with ails. at 90cf3.11. Corn quiet, with sales 20,00) bush No. 2 western at 840. Fllghtednee, sales 100 bbls at 51, 03 . Pork 530080,50. Lard 77(41714.. NesiffeeLLe. November 13. - Cotton quiet; low middling at 2:23:c, good °nil. EEITZI PITISRURGIT DAILY GAZETTE: MONDAY MORNING NO • u : M I Ltr.\CKKX, l';overoLer -- Fiour wenf... city double extra /4.37(65..12. Wheat lower at D2u fir No 1. and sue for No. L. Onto flow at 35 , for No. 2. Corn Itrui at The for No. 2 Dry Gumln Ha rk 7r.w lonn, Nov. 13.—Market tivu and steady at ihe recent redeotion. qtwite Allendale e.-4, !tree tile-4.1114rz de. at A ppleti ti 3... A et . Anusta at 110, du. A at Vi* eleniett Ilt,c. Aiiawani 12z, Now Market. A 12 , , I.ationla E 12c, Po- Not Hee foril R iiievioarmo IPA:weed M."3)11 It .liner• Hank Spraguaaaad Pacitic Mill., Prints 12 1 ,c, American Stripes 14%16a, Red Cr.',., 121.0-, end Waterville black and white check Woolen Shawls, 63 by 126 inches, $3 each. =I CLI{VELA ND ANO PITT.I.CROH HAIL• ROAD Nneawbrr 13.--1 car wheat, I IS I,. l( get t A cm 644 holm oil, .1 spear & Co; wt scrap iron, Mullin A Id; 2 chills, Cole , /La,. A (o; 1• eke rye. 1 car do, McHenry A food: 16 tire dry apples, t'artor, !deli A Co; 16 eke rate, Clocifroy A. Clark; 2 hbloegits,.Bis & Co; 00 eke, 10 ears. salt, W Haulage A Oh 20 kge bolls, Jam Wood; 380 eke ear corn, IT bbla ap plea, Nicklaus A A: led eke milt, Jae Par ker; 200 oil tibia, BD Moore; 0 bbl. elder, 134 do apples, 26 do Leah., W H ':raft .0 Co; 100 bids apples, P Duff A lion; al du do, 21 bbl. cider, H do mobiles., 1 car po tatoes, 23 pkgs sundrlm, Volgt, M & Co; 'l6 hbla apples, Bruggerman A 013; 111 bait boots, W Putkersglll A CO; 66 taxa, ti cases tobacco, C Amolhal; latof farad. tore, It (raider A Boni 0 Obi, oil, W B Hoye A Son; 10 1,660 beer. J Resider; 10 cooee tobacco, J Fullortun; 3 ban crayon, R. 8 Basis h. Co; 7 ban hdla, J Woodwell A Co; 6.3 Mlle apple), 1 ) do nms, Wood worth A I); 2 hble apple.. J Allen; IS do do, J /Heart; 100 do do, U Riddle; 12 do do. 1 B Campbell: 16 bbb. cider. 88haff, r; 30 beer, 0 calf. GO stomp. bides, J Hulael son; 1 car rye, Ale: Moore; I do Iron ore, Brady% Bend Iron Co; i do lake sup ore, Union Iron M 1110; 2 'gyp barley. I Rtohlea; 2 Milumber, R A Clark A Co; 2do bil lets, Park Bra A Co; 5 do do, Maack A Co; 1:0 bile apples, H Ras Jr; 231 cakes copper, C Hussey A Co; 40 bile limps, A Il Child. A Co; 13 bbl. copper, PUT. & Boston hi Co. PITTBRUROII FORT WATN6 AND Cat- • - • no Asir-nos°, November 13.—W Dbl. spirits, Hostetter dr Smith; 10 do whisky, Jos S Finch Lt. Co; & do do,Shipton & Waltstoen 10 Obis mks, ipka butter, Bruggerman dt O'Brien: 100 bbl. floor, Allan Kirkpatrick dt CO; /0 ten lard, W B Heys ,t Sob; 3 has shoulders, .1 P Hen na Lt. Co; 300 bbin ElJur, Jenkins Bro; 2 ears barley, J Abodes A Co; I do olest, J H Liggett Jt Co; 01 bge dried poncho., Watt, Lang Az CO; 77 bale pea nuts, 35 do dry apulee, loutish Dickey d Co; 200 bbls II Jur. Shomaker R Lenyenhettn: I ear Botcher di On; 10 rolls lea; her, M Dedonge; 12 bge tfitekwhest dour, J A 1 Itenobew; 20 do dn, J Porterfield& Co; le do do, J A Grail; 10 do do, Watt, Lang 0 Co; 25 do do, Campbell dt Cou:eort; 2 ears Carley. Spencer A. McKay; 296 ben cheese, 6 tab. butter, W Haslage; 0 do do, I be choose, Thos K 8111; 25 bee do, Bigger It Lewin; 1.3 do do. Outfield di h; 80 bble eppiro, H Rea Jr: 70 bge oat meal, Il Senneltdlah; 3 phee baiter, Volgt, Mahood A Cu; 25 bole Woods 0 Co; 52 bga pea nuts, J Tbomp non At Co; 27 do do, 8 Daryl; 200 bbls thug . , owner. ALIA:GOES.' SI - Arlon November 13, r. tlax.eect, M k Suydam; 1 do Int. ny, 51 Well A CO; 1 car uallifeed. A Son. do metal. 1-I.lley A I do lirroacone. Superior Ism l'o: 56 blthe, Stucknoh A Co; 1 bbl. elder 1 do alcohol. 11.. A. A earsol2; 11 bge intmoes. Jag O'llanlIn; 3 bid. older, .1 A Scott; 63 hides, 3 pkge 1a11na ,(4 . 6 . 1 . A Spaogter•, 1 car barley, hulith A Cu; 1 car CV.partlgn, Hemphill; I 1,/ L•ary H Farm.; I ear conrlerago, Kalsa gr,r,ertson, I do millfeed. It Knox A son, 50 bbl, h wines, II Hespenhelde; I ear culllfeed, Elliott A Watt; lOU Adds d••ur, Geo Stewart: I ear Wheat, W Mr- Kee A Co; I do shingles, A Patterson; 2 do lumber, A C Taggart; I do do, Mo. K lady A MeOloniss; 1 do feed, Bose lai,bbls apples, F Owens; $0 do do, II W Rosey. ALLEOHEPY VALLEY RAIIJIO.4.D, No aerobe., 13.-3 can railroad Iron, C A pouter: Ido bay, iraham A Marshall; 1 an Mona, Harrlana A Bro; 3 do cal, Kier Feeler A Kier; I do do, Coleman, Kahn. a Co; I do do, Armstrong, Dicke son A to. RIVER PACKETS. *ND NSW ORLI:4011S. volt rnivrirulit eau NEW OBLEANs—Tbestcazarr ..."•ENieltrt A. 410. J mat les•x. .ea‘e Use sbove •11 , 411134exteeedt•tet tovru •42e Verni STEAMSHIPS To LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN. THE EINHILIN 016lL STEAMSHIPS, Nam!wring slaown vogkela, among .hews the celebrat.d GITY O F PANTS CITY • lIITW Oi GITY OF IfuniYOk l , , CITY O• IT ,Y Dor. ll.nie EVENT t , rrort4 •6 . iorslt 113 , ,,, New tort. For vauege or farther nloreamtlovelpple IA IYILLIAN BENtiIIAX, Jr., 1439)11TI1r16 1 . 11 eT HS 6T. rltLea.6s OILS. wouas, H. M. LONC & CO ume•, DALZeLL'S BUILDING rya,aemac W.T. Pittabaraa. r WAILING & KING, Comm{/Von Ilemh.t.s awl Brokers I Petroleum and Its Products, DAUELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WA •Dt.111448, Room 17, Chamber of Commerce, L 33 SOCTII SECOND STEW BROTHERS,TA BROTHER COMMUSION MERCHANTS I= Petroleum and its Produete. riLlsbureh ODALZELLIL FO'ILDINO corner of I.l4oe fe see c• W sao Irwin greet Phl Italnlvtgalnas - -101 WALNUT BT 11.111,10 CLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY lIEBBERT W. C• 'MEDDLE. 111 A NUI ACV/ KKR UP Lubricating &High Test Blueing Oils. Eellp•e listlroad Axle 011, ntanne Ir.t best without oe angle; rem:mins lhapl , l at &oven tempelalull.• epKW ou lox tmplulellmat oathot rr. Loleomwttr•, Engine, Alselbluo 000 p. Wlll est • crews. New NM nog PliWalagy 31111,0111 s Adantrit ror Sigh .p .& nointalo OIL Wool. Illendaglybd Oil, 011.TnomereNtatre Denzole, log god Inglialegleigeolsoo, 011. Ilosestielsf Paralllem id VARNISH,: le preuree aright icon Work •ad Wacaiorry (MD I. Th me product. arc manatactured under Dr. to.ddl. patina& by Superheated Steam It Ope ra°. The Labeltatiest Oils sr, almost adoring. Perfee ly part.. usil.Wrm. and numPly light mil aced. stand • high temperature unclisagPel s sod remain limpid darted •ssr. m• e The Rail rosuinis aro unequalled, and are to constant rue r YMIL2II or the principal Latour:le. sample.. se hrenamlned and wders left et 1741 WOOD ti Ma LT. Woesenttlharpstuarg Sedge. F 11:ki t 4 art/A - Z*3W il SELF L~ABELING;i.. F 11 FIT:6AN TOP. COLLINS~Si, WRIGHT, PITTSI3IIIICar,PA. • now P we.. PprrreeltriiptrasnPne .ad tn. plain 10P. baring L.! War.. Trait. stamped_ apcin Um War. radlattai two the auto. and an Lade: or pointer stamow wan the urn or the can. It Is Clearly, Distinctly and permanently DI merely placing the name of eke fret al can CUD tattle oppootte the pointer and statist the oustomary owing. No presereet of knit o food hoeeeleeper will are Loy other after o - Rens t. so= RIVER NEWS Thu r.l.r rt-elunti unehange4 at this poiet, uiltn twenty•lez to the o b”,nr 1 hilt r•comcg try 1.110 ?4 forgo )101,1 thkrk.. Th. u^oir fhavahl rnnnid =I •raldu yf.t,r.b may Lava a !age few v. :0,1 , t.• ilnll twenty-four hours I , was ro'd, lam night, bow evor. iLc vercury n. Loa; down The tialli.irt:in 11ik,1.11, and Belle frvw part,e••tiur,. hove arrived torice the dr:, tit :ter lan: repair,- It iv mated that the Caine 111 drawing 30 Henry Tay:nr, nits: etigene.r of the Han Able, who died autitioniv no that /aim at Cairo, a few Jaye ago, had his Insured ler $:,00o, null had rotund orah.e protwtrty beside , . He loaves a wife and a boy. lie wa. a Mania, and was burled with the Id AS:.IIIC orders. The Peytona and barges arrived at New Albany teate3ay, and have laid tip 10 await it rote. - The tOWt,./ haven sad t,arg. are 'agog at the toot of Oolouuda Island, waittug fur water. —Thu Northers packet.s will not et•ora freight to pante Mane Du buque eh or Saturday tail. —The heron has gone to the wreck of the Stonewall, to secure her machinery and anything else worth Raving. --See oral thnegetoug enact; have teen recently removed !ruin the (ruin, near Aurora. So soya. the fed/Tendert/. —l'w+ L'enbing nrrived at New Orleans ou Thu slat, and the Great Republic 101 l there the same dny 'or Sh. Louls. —Ths snag at thin head of huntlaland chute bee been removed. and hoste throwing three feet water eon pass up. —The Judge Barker, a new packet Jost rosopleted at Evansville, Ia going to load theft. for Jetiersoe, Texas, end leaves on the Ibth lout. •••• - - - —One thousand :toilers have . been raised In Cabell and&sme counties, Va., towards removing tho Down:Merry dam In the Gityandott river, at liarboomville. —Mr. M. I. Fnert, clerk of the 111- fated Stonewall, bed hill life Inured for fb,ooo In the Arlington Company, of w the and to pay. —At St. (miss, the owners of the Southern Belle have sued the owners of the Porter for $6,000 damages, claimed to have been enstalued In the collision recently between the two boats. —The Victory, coming down the Nils alaalppl on the oth, bunged a ateamplpe when making a landing at Clinton, lowa, wiLlch Instantly killed •colored fireman, fatally scalded a deok hand and injured three other parsons. - - —The Belloyernon left Cl nei nnati Now Inleaus on Thursday, as dui al . The Watnanta for Meniphts. L'apt. J. t Conway la In command of the latter boa with Joe, Rees in the °Moe. The Belle Vernon was draw log 3 feet and he large. 30 Menai. —Twenty ateatutyosui have been this ummer engaged on the Mbialealppl In owing rafts of lumber. A. It In found o be more prentable I hen floating them Ith a large crew of mon, the probahtl. tv la that next season the tug flotilla will be expanded into quite a fleet. —.X good deal of trouble to experienced by upper Minsiasippl river boats in ob taining ronetabouta, except at exorbitant wanes. Frotn g 60. 00 tot.) (Ai Per month is demanded, and two or three boats have laid up because they could not get crewn at rates which would Juetify them in running. —A St. Lout. telegram under date of Thursday any.: Stillwell. Powell R Co. bought three•fourths, and Jack Sodam one-fourth of the Commonwealth to day for $2.5.000. She will go on the dock at once. The Silver Row, H.. M. Shave, and Mountaineer, have arranged to make permanent St. Louis and Red River PAcket Line. The former la now rut the berth for that !stream, and the °there will mi.oitily follow. —The Pittsburgh lin:rfle of the Sell Is in error In tenoning '•Mr. Frank Mur• th e second pilot on the unfortunate stonewall. ex having tinted up safe In Lome. ' are Korn., state that n.ittona has teen even or heard of Mr. 'iltoray since he domed past Mr. Fulton, tics engineer. on a fender In the slyer.— Louu ihspalcit. We ,pled the item above referred to from an 02Cilanire, end are sorry to learn that It le not true. - SPECIAL NOTICES arSCHEXOWN PULNIONIWI lITHI P, !MAW CID TONIC AND ALNIIII.IO , P 11.1.4 artli owe' Coothrupt.lon. L.lecr Coruptalnt =0 Devoe,.la, If taken accord lug to direction.. Thee are .4 lure , to be talcs at the ...Hine. Thai cleanse the glow:mob, gle. tag tno dyer .0.1 out It to wort: thou the enPdttho beconsea good; the (bed Msg.. and nugOOd blood; the nutlet t beeln• to geow in tub : the dtarthed Matter Hera loth thur lung. end His patient triterr,oes the disease and gnu wen. This I. t hen ars, to cure consumption. To tboue three medicine. De. J. H. Sobenth. It Pigladelphi. owe, ble unrivaled etle. , ese In the treatment of ryuiroon.tee Coneuruption. The rui n:monk Syrup rtpous t utorbl.l mange In the racettoC L... 0 111,1. 1 ,a o 1.1 the paw-at us, root IMO the lungs bolts bf!. out. 're c• this. the Seaweed Tonic and MangirJlue l, goo mu I n I noe at th the "eater. eon o the. be Pulinon cieteth nervy sod tho rde•l •:, anal- good •riser et hi Itialthelthe Val* act Upon Iles. rrnlrri r all ohetructls. c•lst tot A l or tee olle at arta Cr...atr th• nye, vat.l. the atoo• egth show Nile dt lug n moth., tom ever ewe.. turreted es• rept tea . • dradlY Mott uhoh t• lt•ll gr...., to 4.• U( with great care,) that • 1•1 us trek the ran bled tt tha treryttorts of Its. dr., I te ••hencl's Mandrake 1.1.15. hlv.r sh !co...rarer %Oth ♦to A eerlo dlrtJrol of Oft/ (50) par met. o earned promlools of oleo/men estlilAd SO part,: pate in the pro]. Lira Company Y th•ii fettlawith &l the oCre of the Campasiy, Sw Wuod strvet, Raul of ...ommarreUdtgi. 2 me Compaby I.•ar r •,Aluot W.. nr n.. .. Buktalsv. Nerd:mad., Fun Musttel, rxept of the more purtloos Mutts, ?LIR • perty and other taaurable lat. rtsta at nun ble rates of vr•m'um. Tor addltlonal ton with respect to system, pies. raw, to. I= JAMES W. ARROTT, General Insurance Agent, No. 167 WOOD STREET, m±: IRON MT% MUTUAL LIFE INSIIINCE CO. Of Pennsylvania. Mee, 75 Federal St., Allegheny City. DIALEOTOILB. Hcm. A.bcca L. RAIAY, key. J. ➢B. CLAIM _D. D., (.10.. IL 808LX13021. W. A. eurr.n,c.n6 Ailegnw T. 0.0A JACOB BUBB, Baal LULU Agotd, SIMON DAUM. Mayor of Allegbenr, C. W. BENNY Bator, frit 11. 1 41&N '' ,TiVollerriwnis D. BWOGYIL konizsneo Agent. Capt. ROWE. 80111111104 Pr , JA, se GOR ROM. seemste+7,l " C. BENXI'. Troasarar. N. W. WRITE. lizarcAz ADYITO. DAM 2. SWOGEB. Gael Aga& TOLL atuanoommaymonduatord on tarioarona wth6 Blll. tivr `h Tror b jrcona "'hthic riaigi .. tts; a dil .d orou . t . p .. ka%4 chl La Laois will and bate lovostwent. =2:o . ldor. and rerea d = .=„ N EM INSURANCE COMPANY. riundors auxunsta. se ss Filth &vase. zi t a.. comam Hem s ipaust Capital All Pala in. DIMECTOLCS. N. B. W. irt211. 0., 114g10q. 5 - g. lA.' `l l lnr _ka accaa t' Ji.s. M. Malay. Smit4, Willock, • • 110111SJIT KiNCt. eresident. JNO. T. JENNIIIBII. Vice Praildlll64 - JOS. T. JOHNSTON. 8.M.47. Csoc. fL 4. 4.114,41 g. Gen' , 4.4.. t. Imnizes on Liberal Ter,. *LI gal T - „:,:N , v;*iLy 1 , : , ;',-; YZE C.,;:iri...`,' ei PriraeUlSlL , ~ .. . JnY., ,-00il STEzre. was r, p,,,..t.5, i3OILDLIIG. 1,-- ~. O ammo Company, an,l Wain WM. ,asa o llee e5e1e,5 1 .1 6. p,... ... n. u. e.NtariliWitlr Pre-Ntont.. Ruyitry... Tye= DIIMMns . . 0- C. Bows: . i r,..., 1 =1, _.• Hobert Pa /mob Patater, j. C. i n Josiah King, j,,,,, ~..,44. La A . II . Ropkino, L. Amami. Ham nava. 1711 I U;4l .- .71-j .fttil MEZI RN INSURANCE COM. V igra gi r Menia.a." wig. P. HERBERT. becretas7. CAPE. UVIII6II NEEL% lien MI t. w OA w cq Da Span' • 0:011 W. all oatrZe im t Kos Maks. • •OMO Institut/a.. rectors who are well too.. (0 1141 mad whom . . determined by promP•._ EEQ silty reeistaia the character te.. 11.71111111/0 assumed. duet/WM. the best protection to UM who desire to be Insured- Drltsc?Oua: •Iscaneer Made., 1 Jean.. B. Mlle, Jr, Chas. J. lark% James hfokaley, Wvirininl474ll. David .Long.. EfC D. Ibresen. aEa - Imi ctAntsT LOSS BT . was, ruNtuN INSURANCE CO. or ntivawlim ornoroisa a ariCIEMEIIn imAras . atiornOsa. . . H. LOOS wrZR. L as. 0. B fi. ,— . W:74 1 . 111 Munnut North West ezraer ram and , _ ablisiners . . . vsorms , sastrzuricE A . _ 4:17/102, H. 008Ni1 WOOD • FUSE/M.' a alas Osenpumtskincitre sad Xartis I 3 D 11307013;. H. 21 9 4 ; - . Loy, red Daysar ,,,. . Van , laws D. Va., it - yraT tat an Praddr: .0171ITAVA AMICIL COOIIEO MEN w warsoitAZl QC 71..N1t Or ITITSBVIIIiaI. • as grown' antarronasorjaft , maims all Naas at /11111 aaa MOM • • .."."-' - ' 49.1713=0FTAta... -;-' - 21. 1 4.`swItraearitagasit - % F........- 4 1. =11 " - klif=i - .'_: r " la u m , Case. Ham Cam. .I r S.VWfI : :“1/!,. earn. Waupeall. T. H. Nrrla... Li FPlic~l~ , Youghiogheny and ColuiellaTiile.cOnt . . And ILthatocturur of COIL; 864C1 AHD OFB6IPM3IIII4IIIILII. OPTICS SSD TAB% cursor - BMW ill Morton street. SCAM ithd IMO ward: olio Stroud street.' and as DM of Soso stmt. P. B th Snood ward. Orthrs telt at either of the shove anew. a , 6 1 1. dome 10 me through Pittsburgh P. U. .w1:4111. Woo ptomrt attrutthu. RAM to wham I tho supPitug: Hoth P. IS P MaII airbG " .. gu r u. "d" 8adh17.1.111 .7 , ."4 Marshall Co., Allen. Meters Ca, 1. C dote ..C0... PonethrtaaSS. coma coax comas? DIMON, MART 44 Iffi v Anc.r4i4thereingiu • _ No; 567 . goniff sTRKgr, sziozwiDimc.; em-fnwmdramzVg ems 11=1 =I lII= = COAL AND CON11::': f_ ri*Tilyy,op t :ll BAR - & ?lOW% A EICIIITHIr /MIT moues • ...".".•11011 M01LD176116 Nos. 7 sae 4.t. 'Pal/ StreaL, MAIM% ru oett=, ment:en v., ea to tbsdt.3lll=ll6ll beakitni of COVET ED 013 1 1 Q summates. I, 1211 Mil