E/ Etit gittslautO &Ott. orrice: BEILDLIG,i4 AID 86 FIFTH AY OFFICIAL PAPER AllicOmmy •a 4 =2:221 MONDAY. NOV. 16, IsO9 V. - B. Bonne at Frankfort, 89i rwritotium at Antwerp, firm at elf C. Qom! doted In New Yost !holiday at 1014(4124: T111.1./lANULEravia th e West= Aisdeinted Press will be eld at Cleve• bind on the 24th Suit. Tan Beaver Radical has no Intim rtotaot the candidacy of car fellow.cltlzen, (intend Irwin," for the place of !Mate Tecastirer. • .Tur. Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Neill appoint Its Prothonotarles In Janus ry next. The emoluments of Um place arit baatisomF. including a salary of $3,600 aneeti; Corrosmois MBRIPAPZILII are be ginning to advertise, "Wanted—A Lea. 4107...:/tis understood that no SAIWCISte of repudiation, whether totally or partlah ly, no'bptionerit of colored suffrage, no old fossil straggling to be exhumed like the Onondaga statue, from beneath a crushing nislaol dead Issues; none of the old poll %Lions who have always clamored for pace during war and for war during peste, no trimmer who has been recorded ou all sides of all questions, no traitor wile - has plotted against his country In theehoure of Its extremity, 'no publidst wiro-istunable to understand the Constt• tution as it Is and as tl will be, no Bey. mourp.-no.Pealetons, no Chases, no Rakers; no Vallandighams, in short, none of the old but new csahlered car labia of the Dm:isomeric host, which has bjeu nine times decimated under their, Wei:impotent generalship, need apply for thervacant situation. Wanted, a Demo. crietherteeader—ead at once nrra ootemporary annourteed, on Batniday, " the declination of the Cir cuit Judgeship, tendered to Kr... Durant, of New Orleans, by President Gnairr.l The fast happens to be that Mr. Domed haithet declined the appointment, for the very Mental reason that it has-never yd3teenofferal to him. A. well informed WaShington correspondent says: None of these positiotns have been offer ottnany one, and the President andd Al. torney•General have uniformly assured • ail Inquirers that there would bo no Anal , declaims In any mote until the time of appointment arrived, and In the mean. time they would hear what was desired to be =id by the Meads of the serend candidates. The same loaned, of the tame date, falls Into another error of fact, in its re fer ince toforeign politics. Its statement, thaVllle proposition for the election of for the French munklpalities by the people,-instead of their appointment by,the: Emperor, would be ribmittod,to the,Corps Legislatif on the 2Sth, If tor retli In point of foci, might perhaps • prters, , as. our cotemperazy gravely sag gee% to be "a concestf on of the greatest Importaime in mitigating" elvers political eVila: gut, unfortunately for that hypo thinds, that clause of the &mho Comf iest which provided for,this popular tACttpn of Mayors was 'rejected by the Ttetoth council of State on the 28th Wt., and wanner reach the Lrgielatt►e Body 6q2,ectostdoration. iiivrtinTAD that the forthcoming Treiumvi Report will support the opinion thideralth a proper management -of she sinking lend, with larger power to the Bacretary to control the redemption of the - debt In Its pieient farm, with suitable Prbeiskins ;for tho funding of inch por tioned the debt as may bear a low rate of altered, or no interest whatever, and with a comprehensive scheme to ensued rat; adequate supply of currency fin the needs of rmblic and private bushier - *an payments may be returned with Ctitt Close of the present fiscal year, July 1;:1819. _ — The quarterly lamented of the Trees cry exhibits the positive strength of oar ^deletild :Potation in a remarkably sles: light. There has been - an increase _ the same quarter of 1888 in custom. of nearly three pillions, in receipts from Ulksnal, menu or over nine millions, fidt( - ,publichuids ofnearly one million. bed fi`om miscellaneone sonrees of nearly -Iwo *lens, while the net decrease in Cipensesin.all, departments has exceeded seventeetc utillions. the two sides of the kedger showleta ‘ total net gainjor the quarter of pr,stmare. And the bud , Atestoe_Rovember, not Included in that has a similaritTeet, the Inter. (revenue' returns alone width* 191ga up four millions morethoul In No. vonber.tBBB: -It is clear enough that; tialiit Treasury managed with such 11• detained success as these figures demon qtsettre,the days dilm. credit systensiln the public Mumma ate already numbered. 1 . - Ji.) THE 8/IY , Or ItAtIAN IL. It il n o t to be credited that :IlisPresi• dent fee diipatcbCd, as was rumored e 1 - gsve days' ago, a. , navel .and militaries; petition to take pawed= of the very valuable hartoref 13.1mins; on the noels ware toast , of the Muir of Stir 'Bois situp... - liegotiationk hove , ,dtrobtlens been On foot between our governm*. aid -Oat. of the Dominican t t,,, ,r which is as anxious to sell that now "y . rya authorities have beast.) it, Ittit thetresident is not an rut author iti ontsidt - of his pro functions, and ro ps no negotiations to t direction will be made the bails spy 'Bxeintivai . itition 10,4averSTI duly istthed b y tao:Cott• • Erisidiuid Mien. Pro Bores of thlssort werepreapted at 'Washington, last winter, by the Dom inica-agents, but did - not strike Congress wprobr.- - 4ere tea very , good resJo for presuming that President GRAFT would not make the crave mistake of dls reserdiog the avenge - judgment •of the lesishiere tredy.' But it is probable 'that conalderable conedenes is felt, at Wash ington, In a more favorable view of the • istelkeitiorrat the coming sesiion, -sad that the President la now engaged in fresh 'negotiations for which the approvel of CAW= wilt then.be asked. .. . The Bay of &mans Li &UAW an we . hge eald.on thenorth-esstern coast citrus isteriti3ttmia. as -Ban Domingo, hut 'of which Hari occupies the western guar. ter. Thls island is attested directly_kto. ilkite-iik SWIM WWI& -of Ceti end Porto Rico,, and Barnsaa Bay, as a wavallitifitiaeill command' the much frequented Mona Pumas and in effect all The waters of the ,Antilles group. ~ - '''Dieattirati; It is to be understood that a title to the:Bey must be partially acquired bylaws convolution to be completed be - Men tie defect* government of theikr wittlean Republic and the agents' of this • ifitirnment. The terms of that Cowen • tion, and the title of .the Dominican au . - Bus:hies to coaclude it, must be very clear . and satisfgtery to ensure - a reversal of ,the judgment 'by which Congress lard . Winter dicliotd thstriti34lll—••_ \ 1 • . , Si haIOUR ViIeSTOISIS . ISA;r6, Itnineportatlom They want markets at fa....'it..lLeL Sel WS. entirely of wool. It has been imported se - in all the feshionabie shades at from $1 Tr, The laat week familiarized a great home for much of what they produce, A Too tt 131•TLE at Cape Fourche:, N. to $2 per yard, and will be much in vogue number of the most intelligent cit-rens of ' from wheat to pempkins arid straw, and S. end the moat tow ertul signal lu for winter drearter. dliiiskit is soother the United States with the solid sense of and In order to ease IL. so they must have , North line - ice, may be heard "'Octet • new ell ward meteral, a t about the same the cleans of Pittsburgh, as • seat of ed.. ; manurecturers and leltricators of a thou- , meet in halm weather, live to eight in peers, and is destined to become popular, use among them ; storms, tweety• fi ve with the wind, and' as tits warm and durable. The whits nation, wealth Bed Industry, upost the sand things t f dailyl five to eight against the wind. t most in demand In these matenals are respect of the American people. selves It is an evidence of an un ie , 1 Si CAutestaf le letke writer says the I Purple, plum cohir, green and the fashion- Our "city never looked. better, at this some state of things—to soy among o f 1 traces of the moral storm end creek of I able Made of brown seastatrorfhtryear; every bisn'eli of Its !things more important—that an thimble', eerie years are tee plainly seen to day In 1 tChereme very many pretty tlealgriß for ludestr7 iraa never trusrebnirily engrossed tor Missouri door should be swept with a t Cantered , in a reviler, state of morals , ' , triter cloaks to he made in heavy mate The io, , d, it Is admitted , are increasing nee, or alien In silks or cashm re they with the demands of traffic- on every aide I broom grown and manutectured on the i In numbeis, but there iv ' sell a tearfully can be wadded A new style has the wereirriter more clearly apps t the ev- I banks of the Connecticut, a nd that the IT 15 estimated that by Ivege proportion of the bad. , back "fitting, the front loose and belted, the end ~1 the I ti th o e skirt i scolloped at the aides and full at Idences 'of prosperity, past, resent end j wool of an lowa sheep should be culled confident of the future. ; ;by rail 1100 mlles to be manufactured year lee:), there will be laid In the United , „hehhatewasietenernthLuP,rat,. the ce i a n t g e a te m e ut bend bound witl satin, and set on in tons, equal to 800 miles, will be laid dun A close-fitting tn.. teas the hack of the skirt plaited g at ' th e e sides, to give it Oar visitors—many of who bad heard ! , i n to c loth and then carried back the FUME S r, ta . te , s, , i n n d ro o u t n th d :m.nbeorosn,tl,l.obrut t zi o , ri L s o o w f t, ; 1" ,,., much of this busy hive of &futures I distance, to cover the limbs of the man steel mile, equal to 1.100 miles of gee [ ~..,t . by two yarrow bands oo,t, each and trade, but bad Dever fore been ' who raised end sheered that sheep. . edge. The sleeves are trimmed to match. permitted to judge of its - hie types 1 The truth is, where such tribute is paid the present season. These roils are in use from their own personal 1 spection,— ;to cm riers, as must necessarily be by on more than fifty &fluent roads, and are fulness , and ~ ,trimmed with fringe and found here,- simply, a great city, seated, people almost exclusively agricultural, r h a n eti d Yof rimericeniPein,elP;allY of iluglu' h . 1 two rows of gimp. A loose sack In heavy as it seemed to them, and should seem to there can be no permanent prosperity, feolet`!„.a small extant b! i !".l ati u !a " cloth is half fitting at the beck, with a the soil, upon which the ourselves, on the banks of two loge j and as won as wide hand of trimming covering the FOTHOB litit'thiseAri the Catholic priest seams, is loose In front, with a band rem. murdered at lielleeouteine, Ohio, on Mon- sing around It, and has large buttons in navigable streams and clustering about people; flourish for a while, shall give their confluence, sheltering and employ. I way, as It soon must, no matter how day re ening, by Thomas l' seers, wets I f ron t, Inc more than two hundred thousand 1 fertile it may be, poverty of the worst s t,e t i ti ok ng ' w -" li hi en " l ' ' ' e n iw r' e ' rs m e re n ad tere inl il, L' ls P to r V 7 ei r at A the ba2 b " l e i n a deep cape, caught extendsop inhabitants, well governed, well built, , kind mast ensue. While recently tray- hand, and, Inking steady aim, pistol him to the sh ae ould n er P s in en it ar, an l e e rrelthe well paved, well lighted—and all of ita pop I cling through same of the finest portions dial, No i 'ne was present at the time. seam, covering the arm like a loose niation so systematically engaged In their lof the West, these reflections passel Having cositnitted the deed, Prfievent I sleeve. Another basque Is rounded aped daily pursuits, in every hohorable occu• painfully th rough our mind; and we walk o et t l o t o oL, , , !: soil bonding revolver ic a n i d rk laciii , to . ma d te ci h m the o Uire r, ' , oo m t i o n o g to o( the . np time to spare except for the demands corn crops, across whose broad acres the AN old lodise heater says that over ulate a Mall asp& P of a hospitality which they never ignore, , eye could hardly sweep, as so many forty yea rs ag o th e re ca me, In i ettober, Something new as a design called the or for the consideration of matters 01 spendthrifts recklessly squandering and while the leaves were yet green on the Statue pelisse. It is a basque with subssantialtrablicinterest, which are here ruining the finest heritage that Con ever trete a heavy fall of snow like that of short frill at the back, the front being last month. It remained on tee ground Plain, and the ordinary length of bseque. never ov-ri0e'.....1 gave to his children in this world. about a miuth, when there come a leery Under this frill st the back ls a longer Our mills and Is ;es now all seem to No country where agriculture largely rain, se t i o mputed by thunder and light. skirt in two points, trimmed with glnip be occupied more kitty' up es tbo it caper. preponderated over other Inffitstries, none sing, which earned otf the araitW entirely. and fringe. i The sieves are close are and ity than In any previous voter of our ate - whose producers of food had to seek Indianslfisouti o d o t i li k 2 r,e,Taiirued,obarki.,,svaosud, tahlel ba T a he n m un tl a i l " Pine . ket is — qulte populer. tory, so that this valley wis shrouded, for markets in distant regions, ever did pros- shout the time o f sugar -making, when It is close tieing, with skirt and vest miles above and below, beneath Its habit- per; and the mine will be true of the snow aga i n f e e to th e d ept h o f t wo f e es inert, with peckets below the belt. Over nal pall or smoke. They saw Our streets States lying to the west et us unless they list sassy, while John Amstutz, an t s h ecit e ', e a t thi=thnehitit"M eloping from ed tb , a thronged with the crash of traffic, they quickly introduce a non producing popm eld citizen ot salt Creek, Wayne couu t ty, " away, joins the ho e :le at the a nd seam. ng admired our bridges, our churches, and t lotion large enough to balance . to some ' rni b tr i" eati wi d th e h to is t l a n on N , V w oo a s s te u r n i b r e s w w as ay e; ) ruc h k other public buildings, many of which good degree the now excessive prepon- are not to be excelled for beauty and mesa- derance of their one great industry. with paraly sis, l which nest took effect In one or his temples, tile txuan to rub the sive solidity in any city of the land, and I We know that parties whose profit lies temple, and then culled to his eon to rub, they beheld, ortevery hand, the most pal - ;In being made the media of exchange be- Teiwngastlitautkltsw"lnt7r7t e' ll ndgepa l ,',".".7, hi l m re pable proofs Bust ere possess, and Improve I tween the producers of those States and Firestone called In as B0011;00 possible, Ito the utmost, every element ofm materialt their tar distant customers are dooding hut 1,,, was beyond the sees , of medical character which could maintain and add j the country with specious arguments set- aid, and within en hour from the time he was stricken he was a corpse. to the wealth and strength of a thriving 1 ting forth the beauties and benefits of population. ; free t r ade—which means a t ra de that se- Nor W1T11PT1 , 1 , 1 , .. the lieSlll.ettiCiai denial of the statement that Secretary Pittsburgh has reason to be proud of ' cures to them the fat profile of their mad- Fish and the lion. John Wise have aeg is herself last week, and of the Just bettores-1, die position, no matter who else ruse tutted a realest of the reciprocity treaty lion which she made upon her rillitoll, i suffer—and that the agriculturists of these with Canals, there ts good meson to be- Many of these have taken away Wi th States are only too ready to lend a wit- I l ieN to re o th o, at .or i- e it t e .o - 11 3, a fio t d re a at t y oo ns t i ko n o eLs , t o e .o ttee o, them impression in her faTOr as novel as ' ling ear to such teachers, and hug the fond' inclined to construe the resolution author. deciakee. 1 deiusion; still we know that ere long. ins% the negotiation as mandatory, It -----ww—we""- ---- I perhaps too late ter many of them, they will he sent to them without delay: eel, THE IRON TRADE.. . willget their eyes open to see Inc irrever• ere ice it may be allowed to die a pigeon hole death, as the majority of the Aden, We learned, on Saturday, a seggestive Bible law which they ere now violating. iteration urn eadersti cid to be wooled feet, which deservei the consideration of I __J.. s -....._ to It. the iron trade. At the ic orks of Robinson, LEot eel Tit te. E Cone I rli es. LlE:schism now ;1,1,1:iil.: :5 the Mot- Rea & Co., on the opposite side of the A leading Democrat, late a State Sena- mon Chinch was canned origumily by a Monongahela, there are now under eon. 1 ter from the Fayette district, has Increas. Proposition to open np life mining regions strne tionthe engines and blowing asp- ed the displeasure of that able Democratic ' h a , d which fis t' in . hn „ r4t.,!emntrut,g,,e,tinl of ca pitalists, hageir pandas for three Iron furnaces, which I Paper. the Altoon a rindi ,,, ur , what ! ! cent's! churned cent' churned •it hove a reselation &Mete Cafe Ward, of Detroit, le now building, , "goes for him" in a severely denuncus i tag him to draw s2l,ffiel.oeo now &sae two at Chicago and one at Milwaukee. ! tory article, from which an extract or two' Ile" in the Beek of England and remove to the Sandwich Islands with It, but the We learn, moreover, that at no period' will interest the people as well as the 1 people ;bit not respond cordiany, and he during the last eighteen months have politicians Says that journal 1 e _ a , _a, ' has given lip the Ides The railroad con • rttstrurpt teespe been without more . Ille career es a Senator Is tamely in morn: See I At, I . .ty with th e Fertile or less orders for work for west. , Um "' N ., e . t e a el'eaalo,e'"l'f',P.st,Te,"aeres- It dirtied will be completed about New I ern furnaces and mills. The day Is j naj't.tre'rtolit'reer-jelyiel isiT'att " tt ' -‘o, ‘ rt:. - 'ring, - J V` oar's. I A r vet Joest• coo, obi , , lait week, a long deep gone by when we could 1 Again : j art,. bity, , eel of Fi'. ii llre/inner., here bout of monopolizing the iron Lest winter a corrupt romblustein els ur a „as am! a he , ~,,, ,;,.,,, playing marmacrure gt. the Nest, The jcompeti• h i ll to tc ' pe ,tgr au t r , e ths i r mi lg ia lt y s 1 with a brother two years older, end mini were contending toe a to y' whet! the lion which hem etabllehed itself at scores ' and to relieve Railroad Companies of see- " y o i u o n g g o er ress o tt o i f ee t : , m ai o o t g he o r :st w w b o o to w , as oor e , tiL. of other points, far more convenient to t k ai o n. taxes. Tbi o stwaseir w . av o o o m o monly •Y e the vainabledeposits of ore and lost upon defeated. Rome tn gote , so l e Demeeratle ser.a. the floor A It, drops of this water tell ' which, especially the former, Pdtaburgli I tors, however, had erieretly deem-astern upon the little fellow's head. lie has Steel( come to rely largely for her 1 ' ‘ ','"`'Z' f t :p i, : the .. bri d bes ,,, t , le t cLtz the tr r iond: idro pped oter a w rern a' t ' i d n g Wtoti'llefltiool.:, when the own supplies, is dally increasing. It ! themselves by voting for It, but for fee , out peeling iiii P wnt g lie water, spled P nearly I Is no lugger the Mahoning, or the She. l °fasteners end the feet that a euttlelene the entire contests 01 the basin even hes 1 imago valleys,.or at Cleveland, where our 1 an:vedantetrt°t ftlftao ensure :s lu e s t d o e r f s eo h t s l d o d o e p e i l , a o re4 heed, seek, ,hocidjj,ili and arms, 1,1.113 iron-masters find their only formidable the dereetton of theme purebtleable scalding bin'' elide. The ores of Michigan and Wis. I retch°. i tmong [nose in t haer oo o l e o /a d r o e lionios is ou to r z. l —Thia rar d e and curious an condo and Missituri, end the fuel of I apeli„ cr avats,HT; was the ei t te t t, h a lm% pbbee of I th F i c s gr eet m ineral color,ln thin n ie l' Z ' s, I;UL tetiCk liY in c Indiana ; and Illinois, are ' blended i oonepiruy. The flavor of the flestepots the Ruse; got a peentiar ring, like a now In the furnaces and forges of the 1 sad in a r a tute aa. te t t i r d et,e t r a ile at . ra ll y : ni e rt aa, e l l piece of metal, and Is eseentlally a glans upper Lake poets, andin the loader of I struggled, to get the "Tax Bill" tbrougl! of irem o ,lo v rut o o ed oo , io no . d e nubt, by the intense these States, hundreds of miles farther the Senate. Oh: bow ale palms Itebed , D . : 8 2 . 1 1 , con ' min . . n bnu e % tatftysopemre remote wes t w ard, an d th e e a d imia w hi c h cue n Ltua d t f r i tts i t. f yr o b , eall.fienugiTOUSEMvot.tiforirOrtehrat NS'. the pureed Iron ever known, and will, we eitylas been unable to preserve, swells, nefarious 131Bastrita. prottebiy, prove of large pecuniary velvet as It marches westward, with a yearly in- We presume that these statements "rthbetnemoufewealhinhis autia1m.;,,,1hurwc",:j716`,.,'.,,,t17, amusing volume. The construction of should be taken with a liberal allowance. steel was made, used by the Turks Mr the Pacific railways, with their numerous Note, however, the conspicuous frank• their sabres, In olden times. bratbdres,.has bad the effect to uncover— nest with which opposition Journals re- lr appears President Grant, when calk& for the uses of the . populations which are deem themselves from the 'odium of deal- upon a few days ago by Judge Kelley, of soon to make the heart of the ins in "vague generalities." The Vital tZiaan,sliavrie, h n t ar th d e te d ri r fl o e w uesti i o d es. Continent, once a wilderneas, to I eater, for example, alms straight et a she pro Puo,:eanUhu.A7 Keify,emi,new, blossom. and' - fruit Into the seat of shining mark, and therein leads its read- pa laid before the President, was to pat one republican Empire—lnexhaustible en to an impression, no doubt satestan- all raw materials not produced in this degiendts both of nee! and of fuel of the Sally correct, that, fur a conalderable II coaounn.trYucjontit mfh„jeuctruce_lisol., and dutiesto m on aku it e very beat quality. These, in therfurn, not a leading share in the much talked of .. ve i e l e c: , cwoiactura 7 i4 .l i. , is raw ma th j will Slim be availed of, remitting the legislative corruptions of last winter, the teriaL The President did nut commit manefacturers 'of the region extend. Democratic members were prominently himself either way, but supply requested lug- from- Pittsburgh to the eastern responsible. We note these developments, Kelly to leave the fads and figures le:hitib he had presentee' on the subject. s - - - : bank of the Mississippi to the supply of a . therefore, with satisfaction, mating that . Tel Boston reporters give their armed merely local trade, and without, perhaps, the reel facts ue soon to be entirety di dinner at the Revere Boum on the 6th. the ability to meet that Easters demand Tallied, in the mutual brimiuMM ua M About fi fty members ,of the club and Willett 'at present enables our own Iron the principal actors in that discreditable invited guests sat down to the banquet. Mr. Rola, e um I,ArTirertilar, was chair- Illaatera-Ito send theirr products so freely Mathew MAO senthanW markets. . ---- --.11.—*-1... man, and %B. Saylor, of the Times, sec retary. After the cloth was removed A CUB tit PATRIOT. If Pittsburgh hsa lust her old predeml. about lifty speeches were made, hided. mace in theftude of the Weal and Eolith. frig esnry amusing one by Mark Twain, the , rokes of which, however, are lost to west, she a still able Co preserve the ad. ,ifs public, as the boys!' all left their note vantages of skilled labor, ample meow- books at home. Among other resolutions cat . , and a competent plant of numidnery, paned was one to exclude ladles from the which command for her a business— annual dinner, as they have been cede. ded heretofore. Whether mtle, supply of the nearby and eastetin Markeits with her metallic pro. Tim movement toward the annexation of Canada to the tinted States, according ductes'or in the equipment of the trade to recent intormatlon, official and other tbiongliont thetNestwlth the merhanicel wise, is making considerable headway In applatmenarequired for the development that country, and will soon asiume for d tommacttire hi those dietticts—whicb, midsble proportions. Mr. Angelo, the chief editor of Is Pays, has arrived In Welesdipleeaure IR 'sing, fully taxes Washington, and my, there Is no doubt our own imitates/ capacities. whatever that within a few years the Ca. nedians will almost unanimously present themselves for aulmlatilon into the Union. He isclecidedly opposed to the renewal of this Reciprocity Treaty, and his visit Is believed io lie mainly in reference to that subject. The renewal of the treaty, he seem would defer annexation for years ' and eke ruse. J Tux "Flower of the Holy Ghost" la a South American produntitm, which people In tale pert of the world are trying to rates and naturalize. Mrs Colt is trying to cultivate It in New Haven, and we be -1 issue there is a specimen of it In Brook lyn. Tim flower Is a creamy, white cop, !hearty as Isere as.balf an egg, and ex. tremely beletifol. What constitutes its extraordtpary character, and lts wonder , as a natural floral growth, is the fact that lin this flower Is a - little pure white dove, with plsk bill and eyes, sad Its had I turned as If looking over Its back. Its wings, feet, bill, ele, are as absolutely j perfect as those of the living dove, whese I counterpart thls wonderful mimic bird is. ,Artmouts FARB-Auer and Porter Dave each filed former papers In claims for the ' prize money at New Orleans. Ferragut Claims that Porter's mortar tie-et bom barded the enemy's poielon for seven days without doing any serious damage, or in any way diminiablng the offensive power of the forts, and further, that be J did not capture or destroy any portion of 1 the enemy's fleet, anti that he, Fernsgut, had ordered the attack in accordance with the directions of the secretary of the navy. Porter put In a reply, claiming that - he was first to eugeest the attack ; that be worked with hie whole farce three days to get Parragut's fleet over the bar ; that the statement In Parragues papers Is not true in thathat he did no demons to the forts, and the did not da p B r a e nor destroy any part of the fleet. TIM ERROR OF THE WEST The. adaptability of various content , of tinkcfitmt West -or the . great cfraire, as may moo .properly be called—for the anal productions and Indnes essential to as advanced civillscdi x on is not yet by any means discovitred and profited by, People' soon, illgoves, It is true, where wheat:en Witovln to the moat advan tage, artd/push` Butt particular breath of industry, or th ey find the Roil and nit ' Inite e' ticiter, idapted to cora, and cultivate list mop on nn *ormolu orals, to the neglect of Staten. The unsurpassed fertility of the g11:111 new States lithe Central Basin has 'alto • cantos, almost "reckless, style of has b9 :0 1 1, 6 - MIA rat b eo 4 l . ll ll. 3l ' w moral ; and most canoe farmers of the prairie Stites are drawing upeitailatmegse,lbrtillty pf Pair-soil as isspendtbrift uses an estate, into, the pas. Benton 'cif whidr he may happen to come, seemingly, Ward upon sgtuarultatag It as fast Mae can. 4 111 ms almost everything that gtotobeircepimbsti may be 'shipped off by, rail.rtud, sold in the clan, instead of beteg minftdiy tiaibanded and re turned to the sail, is - reektesttly Viirind or cast into some stream, ' - The notion secznViapiettaft'ititti tbete that that deep black soil can never be es hanstell;" but this la a great, and will soon be felt to be s moat costly, mistake. tit?. ddrii 5311L;rhirktreva ktfieciro will remain, but the life and aptritot,shat troll eon be, and is being, rapidly 'ex. boosted, rimt the pram fedi& growth of corn and even of w cads upon many of the delds of Ilthrois attests. The tamers Mere grow too Arra& corn, too much 7bltasirnmi too !Mien( Miter production 1 —fix:tinnily not enough of sheep. There is too much farming: but not enough of other industries carried on. The people of that State have been grow ing rich daring the pat few years, but not as rapidly as Ihey . supposei for if the draft thelaie mating ispon their soil is persisted in for smother generation there will, he, as there is In the,. elairerpcursed soullii:abandoned plarditiona and new migrations to And fresh soiL What the West wants is greater diver• sity of Industries; more concentration of interesti; martete at home sad not In Chicago, New York and Eprope. They want more short and leas long railway PITTSBURGH DAILY GA ZETTE : MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 15, 1889 The Cleveland Leader states that Jor. den, the Cuban filibustering General, was at one time managing editor of the Mem. phis Appeal. We are inclined to think this statement erroneous. We"fuse Iniown this Jordan since he It:us / detailed, Just before the close of thehie:lean war, to Zanesville, Ohio, „ e the recruiting service. Be was then an Infantry Lieu tenant. Be married, while on that eta Lion, into..,, ' , Zanesville fatally. Subic. wady/Ging to be CaPiale, and perhaps a Maier, be dishonored hie sword by de serfing the old flag for that of the rebel , llon In 'oi, but beingat the same time a defaulter In Me accounts, was not heard of at the Confederate front, finding bomb proof protection in the quartermas ter's department, • Afterwards Ira was attached to the staff of that pretentious charlatan, Beauregard, and until the close of the war, When he again Illustrated his aptitude for treachery by the-publlcallon of sundry revelations lm meting the capacity of his late military superior and confidential friend. Nor, if all reports be free, were his military and professional escapades, during all this period, very much out of keeping with his personal conduct In the more pi rate relations of life. In short, the most charitable thing that can be saki of his entire carter since 'Ol, is thak he was in invent btunbug,. If not something a good deal: worse. People who know Jordan look upon hits as a putt/fellow to invite American sympathies in behalf of a Cuban movement for freedom. ROBERT JAMES WALKER The annextebrlef but comprehensive autobiography of this distinguished Am erican, who died on the 11th inst., was written by hlm two years since, In the auto ipstph boot of a friend at Washington. It was as follow. : og, .8. Walker, born at the town of Northumberland, Petuuy I verde, July 19, - 1801;graduated at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, July, 1819 ; Judge of the Supreme Court of Meals. sippi shoot 1828—deolined; United Suttee Senator from Mississippi, from January 8, 1838, to March 10, ISM ; t3ecretary of the Treasury, from March 10, 180, to March 6, 1819—reelaned cisrunisaloner to China, June, 1 853 ; eMagued because a Mesmer could not be furntabedas promised; Governor of %mem dom April, 1857, to December, 1857; resigned because I would not aid in forcing slavery on Kamm, be fraud and forgery; Finan cial Agent of the United Eltat..ft Govern ment, by appointment of Mr. Chaee,then Secretary of the Treasury, to Europe, from March, 1803, to rtovember. when 'returned home, having completed my minion, by causing to be taken and bought the re 1750.000,000 of 14. Chase's united Rata 17vo4vrenty NIX per cent. bonds, and defeated the second Confed erate loan ofMeows ; co-operated with otbereduring the same period' n verions Important transactions fm the Federal Government, under special Instructions from Mr. Seward, Secretary of State, written by express sanction of Pro,noont. Lincoln. . Tits report that Eitoruey General Hoar will go on the United States Supreme bench is retired. YASBION ITEMS. Lamm loco collars aro to be worn this winter. Tax latest dandy fashion is a cane with a velvet or plush bead of light color. Vet.virr muffs, hound with fur, are the latest novolty, and promise to be fashion able thia winter. ONE of the latest fashions at dinner is to have champagne poured out of a sli ver pitcher. G LO , 'ES are now worn rely light In the streets by lathes with more love for dis play than taste. CISME:BR fans and jewelry are all the rage, and even Chinese braids are In vogue, slightly modified, however, by being gracefully looped up. The most stylish walking dress worn In Paris is of plain cli,th without trimming, the sr isiorrsry 1,17 . r , g cc..; v.vi to cave to r a. Derd'rto Is something new in material, of French manufacture. and composed DR. INEINEE mane COLIVI lied every da, nnUI I o . c.ort r at Pis real Itedlone Store, let Llbe y .tr sad from 110 0 als.l 7 to V at pl,ibt ME= I== I= ni=ll CIE I== Mil 122=1:19 I= I= =I 1=1:1131 112=1:2 =1 IMIZZI I=lll EffllE=Mi IV e•I g.. Kellel frost. ot.r LAKI , kI trtr.,r frgm the ,a+A•t earth e•en Court• durlt. axe snOctla 43% n. cwnyea . .. -1 mel.uer Is iLe ctlVt Pr w 4 c 0 tt.setfr (ever Sod ye*. f than. .111 many oth re •Ilment• onleh tra•el , more raoorst le In lb. rat , Wash at other ...on. end soar e of .5155. In he, apse., regions n. heo eltartote , tale time foem of .trolent •pl. devolc The brat • fee.t.l az/4.st these CO2I 03101.. • 1 evideorod by tar t theft. nee of • ortg merit. of less. to IItIITETTIrb 3 PTOW• Atli El rrici. the tooN plee.ent. .net at the 'us, time the most Id, tent of a t oegetehte nltti The Inv i• 1 1• on of the oy stem t• moot (' ely the bea rim.. or der hello, It eetatnel the metes of stela/es, whtuett roastlthilopal rer rauu al. a.. are. •• • .••y pathologist loose. ~.. t det.:m nt cue MY °, .•• ~ •a 4 . pr a sy•ms or an a,ale malady areol to most lu•tanrrs the roneyrrnene• of thy ...eta she mates to rush,. the lee. Ina Cr at ,oects Mt retort. "I prey...lee treatment la to re,113 . req.. lb. aystem, ted It la achompltabed Show •.ushly. rah di. •a.I sat. ly, by the n,hr! HIVE TE BIT rEttn. This averted kale con Lea. also an aperient and eorr,elive prlaelp e It is no leas ealneble as • tegolatoe as porta. than ae an Inerlihrant. alaohthere la at &auger y cltlng LO. ato or oyez stantallon the Otrh latlaa by anpluylooytt aa at wttid4te. - SOTICES Urrxt Plis a spend . d r. RAD November 11th. 11l 9. virrirrautuGn LW. CON- N'CLL4VILIE ANNt,•L bt6ITINU.—Net beryl.. give. tbst th• An nual Iteettng th• VW 01. •Ider. et the lilt. w0mb...0 ed.. lit•Ille baltrosd • araoany. for th• pared •et .1..1.0 • Board II Dtree..... fur .ht year. .1 I he held at their OMM. polVt•nd tier • a ..i.msl o ll. ,C rAfit.. l . , rec +attn.. • o, aFTriilrgagiirrn 61/SUAL MILTING of t.• nor Ibeleers of lie en'ee.Pastcbgee Realest Conusal a( V. cll7 o ft'tt t. Pltteberib. 4111 be bell el 11011e111'.1. ►~l Weed atm.!, Oa 1111111/411, Ne.y. 1601, l rree r t . o4 L ;lll let ' elreat m gel ' a tr.ee, sad each