The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 13, 1869, Image 4

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Int litistratifil &gift.
TIM OLIZTTII ts fundahed in the etty
Ar 7 .113 days of the week for 16 emu per
ibbib ; . by Mao Piper =um : inum, is
_amt. tar good route on this
paper. 'Apply to-day at °smarm COMA-
Presehin,g To-morrow,—Rev. Jahn
liTcMaster, D. D., of Princeton, Indiana,
will preach in the Fnt Reformed Pres
byterian church to-morrow, (being
mmtinion) Sabbath evening at half
past seven o'c..oclL
Caned.—Mr. Jame• M. Conway. Cep
fain of the Mechanics' Hole Company of
Birmingham. wea presented with a
handsome gold headed cane by his per
'tonal nietais haat evening. A supper.
IPOOCERro and tomtit followed.
Watlee.—The Rev. Eat Williams. the
temps Colored Baptha preacher or the
Stiammikedi Valley, will Tetuan from
Cleveland to-day, and will
Sabbath morning and evening the
Mimed Bengal Chtireltan Water street,
Prightftd Aicititent.—At about throb
&dock yesterday afternoon Jonas C.
Litt* bars plantar at tho Exoehtior
tbillltt Works, Sixth ward, Allegli.eny,
Whtlwarranging the belthut on a Mvolv
tordutlt, had his right arm torn off at
'MO Shoulder by the shaft, which caught
khreaat sleeve. Re was taken to his
keenest 41 Robinson street. It Is thought
be will oat recover.
Itusessware. —The' finest stook of
W4hutaturvard and. HatOolware In the city
be examined at the wareseouts of
Mt 'Keystone Pottery. Maori. Hier
01 4 PrOPrletore. NO. 383 Liberty street.
Three to nothing •of that manufacture
wbletteannot be moored from tide ea
kideahment. The articles are of borne
mannhemre, and therefore are the more
Lefty Of attention, Give the firm a
the St. Midget's Fair.—the vo t i ng tb r
the an of furniture offered at the St.
Bridget!. Fair will close at eight o'cioelt
tin ThimkiW wing. evening ; sealed vote..
Strarever, will be received until ten
O'clock the same evening. Voting on the
gold WON and chain will atone on Fri
rely evenlog, the 19th 11211 t., at eight
O'clock: ' Voting on the eat of hue will
tame on Saturday evening, the 20th Inst.,
si "be runs hour.
Coll Accepted.—The Rev. E. Y,Glar-
IWO, Of 111.Ultmrg, Maws., has accepted s
41111• to the pastorate of .the Plymouth
Church of this city, and
1111 4kil lian si dever inaugural sermon at the
Academy of Music tomorrow morning.
CM Reverend gentleman la very highly
jpokso of as a superior pulpit orator
end Christian worker, and cornea very
medially recommended to his new field
disbar with the Plymouth congregation.
AdisPretense.—Willlam Sewell a gra
ter On Patin street, made Information
before Alderman Taylor, charging Mrs.
Regal, with obtaining goods tinder false
'Pretense. He alleges that she obtained
.• lanai ty orgrooertes by repreeentllng
Mutt bar husband who was absent would
pay for the goods trn his return borne.
Mows" arrested and taken to the office
where the ease was compromised, by the
lloesisd paying the amount of the bill
and costa.
614111 Enre,--Listenlght• about half
SW Ida o'clock, a align% fire occurred at
a new house in course of erection on
aseatid avenue, near Soho. An alarm
was mounded from box 76, comer of
Mad) and Soho street, but tbe fire was,
extinguished before the engine reached
• the ground. The cease of it is not
Tillt SWIM struck sixteen at Ord, pa
in to some derangement of the appetit
e= at the Central Office, but afterwards
Ike, paw number of the box was given.
.—Ws stated yesterday
Mrs. Larreay Mary Simonton, bad nude infor that m.
-Von charging Mrs. Williams and hira
Work with larceny, - and that a search
warrant had been lamed. The warrant
Wise emsonted but the south lailod to
"turn up" the missing property.
hamster, led to information of its
Whereabouts and, another information
was made this morning charging Annie
Gordon with •th• larceny of the articles
referred to yesterday, • lot of waring
apparral. A warrant was burned, the
accused was amazed and the article.
ifonnd in' her ptasession, She airflow
lodged the theft, and sta,a committed to
Jail for trial.
Young Ladle* , School
We aro glad to learn that so great has
bean the success of the 'school recently
established by Rev. Mr. Green, 29 Hand
street, that he has engaged, in addition
to his present assistants, the services of
Jes aorompliatted lady scholar and teacher
Iron one of the beat and oldest sernitts.
riss in New England, who win enter on
bar duds@ next week. No pains or ex
pitmes .aris spared to render this school
pleastat and pmdtable. Its patrons are
=ll Mir first citizens. Parents are tn
-4y esti and see the moms, which
have been handsomely tined op for the
purpose, and to see the working of the
CaMita SOCien%
We are glad to learn that the ula of
aleunid seats for the that concert of the
Cantata Society was excellent yesterday,
and that there is • prospect of a fall
booso,Aw Monday next, at the Academy
Of Mode. No genuine amateur of art
Would forfeit the occasion of hearing
bow Galmod, the great comoWer `oi
Faust, can write sacred music, and hie
!Wale solennelle",performed by a chic
watt Of sixty xoloss,,end a fah orchestra,
itself worth 'much more than the
Woo of admission. But the prosramme
:ark*, besides wgraoeful composition of
-fishnutann, • =gullies= Cantata by
Erlich. Mask, of that high order par
kin:net on so large a scale was never bo
th's given in Pittsburgh.
Mortuary Report.
Thief()Marti* la the The of deaths in
the city of Pittsburgh for the week corn
iberming October 80, and ending Novem
ber d,1869, u reported by Dr. W. 13nPre.
17, Physician of Board of Health ;
Oakmont it accident, I: old age, II;
issitinui, erysipelas. I; croup, 2; dip
that% t dropsy, 1; hydrocephalus, I:
eurciriccon. 1 ; rostra% typhoid fever,
wearlet fever, fa puerperal fever, 1;
rinnxiilt 3: bronchitis. 2; meningitla,
atilf=grim:llia, 1; tuberculosis, t
Of the Above there were under 1 year,
Ith_l to 2, , 6; 2to 6,6; sto /0, I; 10 to 16 6 ,
15 to Id t WWI!). 3; - 30 to 40, It to
14 80 to 70, 8; 70 to &X I; 80 to 00, 80 L
I White sai u ,„ 38.
Peplateq... 18 Colored.... 6
Shetiff's Nitta.
We direct the 'duration of our reader.
to the advertisement of Sheriff Clnley.
asurartulaing a public sale to take place at
.:MaCkirt Some, on Monday, .December
sh, at to A. w., of certain pieces of vain
irate real al •rate seized end taken In tote. I
milion for debt. This will be the in
male under the anaphase of Sheriff Chi;
ley, whose term of office will soon ex
pho. In tag that he has made an
able. and efficient officer, we
only aes the united opinion of all who
Mt contact with him dining his oc
of the Unfortant iioeltlon from
•It about to retire. We are glad
- .... . however, that he will take
a politico—lb the office of the Clerk of
.•••mourta, place which he will-alt;
`f with honor aid credit. In whatsoever
Hoe of Molnar life Mr. Maley may so.
=he will be followed by the best
a a host of friends and admirers.
TM Deaf and Moab School
The teachers and pupils of the Public
NM and Dumb School gave sin extdbi
; t itan Thursday evening at the fourth
Ward School Rouse. The emaciate were
opened with prayer by Rev. E. G. Squire,
altar which Rev. J. 0. Brown addressed
thetalenme eying a detailed history
. o f mien of the school and the ano•
a w , a uged,ing theetßote of the teachers.
. , The p tot ems was then proceeded
- *i l k. % D i pits reading in the mate
l am ,
tred pommels. Spelling wan
;. gan y, tempo even. and 1401101
_ sold s i zza which, together with a
, - between klasars. Drum and
, .W teachers, www-quite Inteene.
theranW adon of the entertainment
7.0. Becrwn, on behalf of itumusa.
wangstex the school. presented to Yr.
iroet,liscr a handsome bible sa an evi.
"detts•of their Appreciation of Ids labors
in their behalf:
The Allegheny Questa. eltib - wse pros-
ETA, pad enlivened th e 'Audience with
axe-Vent mushi,
: The'Scalblike am wen attended and
' the sedionce. witided exception. were
Supreme Cowl—Fall Dena,
FRIDAY: Nov. 12.—The Supreme Court
mat at ten o'clock A. M. Present, a full
benih. The following bualnees was
Elizabeth !of:v . l,ohp School Director's
Appeal. 0. C. Argument closed by
Taylor for plaintiff In error. Ewing,
contra, not heard.
Stewart va. Pennon'. exeeutnra. D.
C. Argued by Large fur plaintiff In e•-
roe and by Wooda contra.
Rani Co. vu. Brawn. D. C. Argued
by Sent:Ter for plaintiff In error and by
Bell conttn
Delta ya . Langtlelt. D. C. Argued
by HoWard for plaintiff in error sod by
kinintAll contra.
Campbell .
va. Fleming. B. C. Ar
gned by Slagle for pleintlfi in error and
by Beyer contra.
Patterson dr. Co. ea. Kounts et al.. Ar
gued by Woods for plaintiff in error and
by Brown contra.
MK/Innen. vs. Flawyer, and same vs.
Miller et al. C. P. Argued by Achenon
and Largeirr plaintiffs in error, and by
Fetterman ind Woods contra.
'lotted. States District Court—Judge
Fliduer, November 12.--In the case of
the United States vu. one hundred sod
torty.six gallons of distilled spirite.
Writ of attachment and monition
awarded returnable to tho let Monday of
December next.
United States vsi Stewart A. Wateou
attachment for contempt (or disregarding
a subpoena, Deft. arreeted and brought
Into Court by the Marshal, and the Court
ordered that he be committed to the com
mon Jail of the county, there to remain'
MAU t_trther order of the Court.
tot • case of the United Staten vs.
the distillery of Edward J. Beyer et al.
H. 0, Woods was declared find inform
er and the clerk ordered to pay to him a
moiety of the fund arising from the sale
of the bums.. after deducting all feet and
exPe , Ames, and the remaining moiety to
be to the U. S. Collector of the Mk
W. N. Wilson dr. Co., of El nghampton,
New York, filed° a petition In bank
ruptcy against Ell T. 'Rockwell, of Brad
ford county, Pa. The usual order to
show cause was triads and an Injunction
granted against Eli T. Rockwell, Luther
J. Andreas, and Ed. Walsall. restrain
ing them from disposing of any of the
goods of defendant.
U. e. Circuit Court—Judge hiel'andless.
Fat DAV, Nov. 12.—The case of Gould
vs. Reese, formerly 'reported, is still on
Sanford E. Parson.. Esq., of 'Wilkes.
barre, Luzern° oounty, was appointed by
the Court a 11. B. Commbodoner.
Common Plea.-Judge. Sterrett ■nd
FRIDAY, November 12.—The argument
Hat was taken up In title Court, but no
businees of public Importance was trams
.Thatrict Court—Judge Kirkpatrick
ruromr, November 12.—The 011.3 Or
Tindle`e Administrators ye. biaffit .1 Old,
previously reported, is still on trial.
A RIR to be Remembered By.
Ax the holidays approach we begin to
look about us for something in the way
of presents, and vent sums will be spent
.for jewelry, fancy goods, chinch etc.
These are all very well in their way, but
at beat they are but temporary grstilles,
Lions, often procured at a sacrifice of
means needed for real necessities, and,
after the novelty is gone, are the source
of maby regrets, to the impulsive and
generous, whosn hearts are larger than
their purse.. But there Is one kind of
present that will Justify any degree of
self-denial, and will evince a warmer
heart An the giver, and will be more
gratefully resolved end longer appre
ciated by the recipient, than any other,
and, withal, it is especially suited to
those to whom generous men usually
Dreamt their gifts—their mothers, sla
te" wives and children. We are glad
to know that over eight hundred of our
citizens have already secured, and
oral hundred more have determined to
aware, this most appropriate of all efts
to a faithful wife or a dependent child.
When we have named it, the thoughtful
Will say thousands should go and do
likewise. It is a policy with the Co
operative Life Insurance tOmpany of
Western Pennsylvania. The company
comprises some of our most wealthy and
responsible Wilsons, and its system of
business is perfectly reliable, and much
more economical than the bed 'Eastern
company , the payments being very small
and very easy. Reader, would your wife
appreciate, or your children be benefit
ted, by such • present? A drat payment
of ten dollars may secure them one thou
sand. This has happened recently in the
sags of Mc. John McLaughlin, of New
Blighted. ill May he inettred In the Co
'eperatt re; in Septet:FM.3r be died of fever.
To make ears of your own sass, get your
policy nou•.
Welk, 'Every Plan Ma Own Lawyer
awl MIMOMS Form Boot.
New edition revised and enlarged. A
complete guide in all matter. of law and
business negotiations for every State In
: the Union, with legal forms for drawing
'the necessary paper., and. full instruo
lions for proceeding, without legal el
datance, in salts and business trtusaso
done of every description: the general
bankrupt law; patent laws, with full in
structions to inventors; pension laws,
with (Corms and instructions to enable
the discharged soldier or sailor to pro
cure back pay. ptuadons, bounties, and
all war claims; the excise laws, stamp
duties, postotlice and custom house reg.
ultations, State sees, with descriptions,
etc. Agents wanted. John W. Pittoek,
Bookseller and Stationer, opposite Poe/-
office, Pitteburgh, Pa.
Representative Rouse
The feet , that the Merchant Tailoring
establishment of W. Heapenheide,
50 litixth street, is one of the leading
houses in the city, is attested by the
amount of business It does and the class
of custom It enjoys. It la the emporium
of fashion, and is patronized by the lead•
Log men of the city. Mr. H. presents
superior advantages to his 'customers In
the matter of selecting goods, as the el
tetudve business he does requires him to
keep constantly on hand a large stool of
piece goods of the latest styles. He em
ploys none but competent workmen, and
all work is waranted to give entire spas
faction. His prices are also an induce
ment, being very reasonable and uniform.
No. 50 Sixth street, Is the great empori
um of fashion.
flardett Organ Triumphant I
The Burdett Organ bid, fair to outstrip
all othereln popularity, u It already ex
cels others In musical superiority.
Notice the great nnuther of them con
stantly receiving, and sold and shipped
from Kleber tit Bros, the sole agenta, 122
Wood street, and the conclusion I. inev
itable that the Burdett is emphatically
the organ of the present and the future.
Don't buy before examining the Burdett
at Bieber's.
Copier; Cie.—Meters. Youngaon elt Co.
limlthdoii street and Diamond alley
mate aepactallty of the preparation-of
Oysters In every style, and their saloon
la consequently the attraction for a host
of lovers of the bivalve, who snow how
to appreciate a luxury in that line. In
addition to others, the firm are engaged
In the Omfbetionary trade and the sweet
cakes, confections, or anything of that
character may be obtained at the eatab
liscinent. Perfect adepts In the imalnees
All they eels, Is warranted to give satis
The Only true Favorite."—
Salliog under false colors usually proves
the troth of the proverb, "Honesty is
the best policy." and therefore we nail
to our well-known flag, "F. F," to toe
mast, and sail tog:monis , along on such
ma of prosperity is the universal verdict
in favor clam " Weed Sewing Machine"
has vouchsafed ns. Clive use call, and
we will gladly tranafer one of our ma
chines to you, to Des3oolo your "Family
Favorite," and be a lasting benefit to
you. JllO. BIOOKAT & SON,
ISt Market Street.
The Clobin of the two greet Presbyter
ian bailee which was oonsummated yes
terday in our city, way an Important
event In the religions world, but not more
so Co the traveller than the fact that at
Llebler's great Trunk Panporium No.
104 Wood street, the Onset and most
substantial srtielea In that line can be
had, nt prices, which unquestionably are
the cheapest of the cheap.
Every Lady In our vicinity, In making
her purchases of Ladlea' Goode for the
mason, should call at Moorhead's, 91
Market street, before investing her
money eleewhere.
" Candles 1 Candice I—Over 100 Wilds.
Strictly reliable, et price. to compare with
any, at 112 Federal street, Allegheny
Lace Good., fancy Dons Goods.
Trimmings, &a, In endless variety, at
Moorhead' s, fill Market street.
The Very Lautia Ittyleti it the moon at
BtOOrbesd'e, No. 81 Maga mete,
A Regular Meeting—Pt tUlour, Commu-
tileal lour, Report., Sr
A regular seml•montbly meeting of
the Select and Common Cnunet Is of AU,
gllteny City ate bold yeatortlay, Thum
day, November 11, at • half-pant Reran
Members present: Messrs. Canary,
Eng - JlM:l.owlnner. Hall, Long. Morrison,
Patterson, J. C., Patterson, A., F'billips,
Riddle. Reiter, Wettarki, and President
Thfl minutes of the preceding meeting
were read and approved.
Mr. Wetts.•b presented a petition for
the opening of High street. Referred to
Street Committee.
Mr. Patterson, a petition for awrwe•r
on Anderson street. Referred to Corn
ttwe no Streets and Sewers.
Mr. Long, a remonstrance against the
construction of a newer on Ridge ave
Referred to the C'ornandlttee on Streets,
with inetruct lona to report at next meet
ing, and not to proceed with the letting
of the contract.
. _
Mr. Long then moved to reconsider
the ordinance providing for a sewer on
Ridge avenue. Adopted.
Mr. Reiter, a petSl . f or privilege of
laying a temporary railway on Ridge
street for the purpose or grading. Re.
tarred to the Street Com mittew with
power to act.
Mr. A. Patterson, a resolution mstrurt•
lug the Street Commissioner to .• mplate
the work of grading and paving on
Western avenue and charge Me ex pen,.
Incurred tolbe vontractora, Menace. Mo-
Naught.. R Co.
Mr. Hall moved to amend by Matron
lug the Street Commi.laimter to floe the
rontrai•.ors, and if they have not a
.thelerit force to complete the Work by
the that of December, to put on • autt3•
dent force to complete It.
Mr. A. Patterson called for the yea■
and nays, with the following result: yeas
ti: nays b, no the amendment wasadouted.
The question then renectrred nu the
resolution as amended, and Mr. Patter.
non called for the yeas and nays, with tne
following result; yeas, Rh nays 2. so the
resolutionn was adopted.
Mr. long—A resolution Instructing
the Pollee Committee to take Into con
stdemtion and report upon the expedi
ency of Increasing the police force and
making It more efficient. Relerred to
the Police Committee.
111,01(TS co MMITTE K 4.
Mr. J. C. PattorsDn presented the re
port of the Street Committee, socoru.
panted by sundry ordinances and reso
lutions for grading, paving and opening
The report wee accepted and the ordi
nanose and resolution. adopted.
Mr. Hall. from the Finance Committee,
preempted the Controller'e report for the
month of October, showing an expendi
ture of $13,523.37.
The report was received and warrants
ordered to be drawn for the payment of
the several bill,
Mr. Wettach presented the report of
he Water Lbnimittee, aocomparned by
resolution for water pipe on Ridge
u T ti h o e n zp o o p rt ted w . an accepted and the rem,
Mr. English, from the Park Commis
aloe, presented a coolant niration, accom
panied by It resolution, Inatructing the
Controller to lasue park bonds to the
amount of $30,001. Received and the
resolution adopted.
Mr. Long called up an ordinance pro.
aiding for the erection of gates by railroad
companies where their road. crossed
public atreeta
The ordinance Wee read and paned
Mr. J. l•. Patterson called up an ordi
nance for the conatrurtlon of a lateral
newer Do huddle alley. Read three time.
and palmed finally.
Mao an ordinance for the ronntruction
of s lateral sewer on Corry Street, in ale
First mud. Plumed finally.
COzacion Council
Members present: Messrs. Frasier,
Gilliland, Grenet, Hanna, Hastinga,
Krebba, Kopp, Mearaw, Pries,
Porter, Saidle, Tale, Tbompson, Vocally,
Warner and Preeident Sleek.
The minutes of the preeeding meeting
were read and approved.
Mr. Thompson presented a petition for
the opening of Fayette street. Referred
to Committee on Streets.
Mr. Heating., a petition from Mr.
Coleman .stung forth that be had paid
the sum of p 2 sewerage tat on a sewer
that had been or no 'advantage to his
property, and asked credit on hie city
taxes to that amount. Referred to the
Flounce Lvimmittee.
Mr. Voegtly, a roaolotion for • gm
lamp on Centre street. Referred to One
Mr. Tete, a petition for abatement of
water tax on boas plaster. Referred to
Water Oommittne.
Mr. Werner, a petition for gas lamps
on Bedewice street end Wiehington
avenue. Referred to lies Committee.
Also, a communication from the City
Solicitor reintiVe to Wang legal aollon
In the matter of enerosclamente on the
channel of the Allegheny river by par
lien on the Pittsburgh mde.
Mr. Lisatings amended the motion by
moving that the part relating to a pre
nunnery injunction be accepted, and the
rest be hod over. The you and nays
were called and amendment was loet.
Mr, Tete then withdrew his motion.
Mr. ?degraw moved that the comment
cation be referred to the Committee on
Surveys and Finance, vtelpection with
the City Engineer, with power to not.
Mr. Warmer moved that the coin.
MIIIIIOIIIOII be received and acted on,
Mr. Megraw—Amends the motion to
the effect that guatiatance be afforded the
City Solicitor tut far RA the colt with Zug
di Co. is concerned. The amendment
was accepted and the motion passed.
Mr. Hanna presented the report of the
Committee on Markets, of which the
following is a recapitulation:
I =1
Second Rod iteut•
The report wait accepted.
The ordinance creating a Paid Fire
Department, preaentod by the Committee
on Fire.Englitea and Hose, at a former
meeting, was called up. The main fea
tures of the ordinance were pa hitched
In the Garai - no In the proceeding% of
the last meeting of Allegheny Councils.
The ordinance hams the nalarien ma fol.
• •
Aeul.of Plre Mann
The ordinance wite reed three times
and passed finally. Not reached In Se
lect Council.
Councils adjourned.
Reward ete Bendel's Alison for the Hair.
This Invaluable preparation bee given
universal eadefaction wherever it has
been introduced, and called forth the
highest encomiums from all those who
have beau so fortunate as to avail them
selves of ha beneficial effects. The man
ufacturers, by atudiouerfexperimeriting,
have succeeded In oimbining, with much
nicety, all the virtues of the ingredients
of most of The various Hair Renovator.
and Renewers extant, and successfully
overcome the difficulty of selecting the
Innocuous Ingredients which will restore
gray hair tots original color and lustre,
and at the same time performs every In
dication of a perfect Hair Dressing, which
neither Inform the texture of the hair,
nor 001.0r11 the linen or skin. A few ap•
plicatiloon impart a lustrous brilliancy
and soft, 'silky appearance to ifinsightlY
bruit and wiry hair. Faded or gray
hair is restored to its primitive slot in
a few dart,. and bright rod hair le
changed to a beautiful auburn by two or
three applications. It superdes hair
dye. Ae a bale dreading it has oo
ceseful rival, by it. property of prevent
ing and removing dendreff, and coring
the various diseases to which the SCalti
liable. -
only Two Boor. to do VW Dotting
The Dexter Washing Machina is a
greet Improvoment on the detective and
env:Mater:tory prodnetiona exhibited in
all termer machines.
We invite the most critical artamins
tion of in. construction and operation,
either at your own house or at the place
where sold.
All that we ask la a trial, and If not
satisfied you are not compelled to keep
it. It does not Injure theclothes, it saves
them. No slopping. No boiling op
clothe*. Raves soap and time.
Being aware that washing is the most
laborious, and at the same time one of
the moat necriesary duties of housekreip
lug, end which entirely devolves upon
the weaker sex to do, under the old eye•
tem of wash-boards.
R. H. Lola. Agent.
Re. .12 Federal street, (near the
bridge,) Allegheny. SG
Gay. Brilliant and Haiddonabbt—the
bug! "look of irdda IS Moorhead'', Na
81 Market irireti.
The well known and long established
Book and ctationery Depot of Col. J. D.
Egan, on Sixth avenue, near Smithfield
street. continues to enjoy that liberal
public patronage the Colonel no justly
merits. and which it will ever enjoy 00
long an It in well conducted. ills stock
of talokn, bib new and wecond hand, in
one of the largest in the city, and corn
printe all the modern works of popular
autbora, Including the latest approved
text books for school., library books for
Sunday schools, etc. An endless variety
of stationery of every description, In.
eluding note and letter paper, envelopes,
kr., of the latent etyie, in included in the
dock. All the late periodicals and mag
azines are kept fur sale.
Notwithetandlng the Important event
in ecelealastical affairs which has Jinn
taken place in this city, by which thou
sands of et•angers Roe . . brought among
Ulf to sojourn lor • few days, we are re
quomted to announce to the parnma of
tne Continental Saloon that Holtaheimer
continuos to nerve his eitatomers with
meals at short notion, prepared in a style
and manner to defy competition. The
ConUnental lacentrally located on Fifth
avenue, one door went of the Poetofnce,
apd lioltaheimer's larder. notwithstalhl.
log the heavy run upon it daring the
past week, in well supplies] with all the
Market anti HOl6Oll Alford.
It la acknowledged by the peoplegen.
orally, that the and and forewent dere
ant to Pittnburgh Is Dr. tieorge W.
Spencer, whose complete and elegant efe
tablinhruent ix 2:,1 Penn street. For
years beck Dr. Spencer has held Ibis
position, and the continued extensive
patronage bestowed upon him in the tent
proof of his ability in the profession.
The Doctor we know to be • courteous
end agreeable gentleman. and we know
tbo that In all work of whatever kind,
he may be implicitly relied upon. fele
not only a land clean man himself, but
ills numerous assistants are all expert.
en-ed men, and therefore nothing is
turned out of the establishment but the
bent work. Dr. Spencer has done work
for us, and If we had any niers to do we
know of no dentist whom we would pa
tronize with more confidence. We re
ex/MR.lld all our readers wanting the
services of a dentist to thin model estate
Temperance Publications.
Rand of Hope Badge, per dozen $1 Oa
!land of Hope Holden., " I LIU
Rand of li r
ope Hymn kiwi., per
dozen. I SO
Bible Hole of Temperance. . 60
Alcohol and Tohaeoo 1 011
Temperance Tracts, per package- . Li
Text Hook on Temperance I 50
For male by F. itsiuorusn, lIS Third
avenue, Pittsburgh.
The Inner Man.—Burns' restaurant,
corner of Smithfield street and Sixth
avenue, In really ,me of the very beet
places In the city for the supply of the
inner man. The proprietor, from long
experience ass caterer to the public taste,
has acquired skill and proficiency In the
culinary art, which tendon his exist,
Ilshinent an attractive and healthful
headquarters fora hungry man. Among
the apeclal attractions are the shell ma
tare, which are received daily.
Children's Clothing
Made to order.
Ladles' Underclothing made to order.
Stamping for Braid, &r.
Slipperx, Night-gownn, Pia Can
Plnoir (lass, eta., stamped.
All kind. of faintly sewing done al No.
12 Federal street. near the bridge, Alle
gheny city, at the Dexter Witching Ma
chine nth., R. 11. luaio. 11
severe lingering coughs are cured by
the lime of Dr. Pierce'. Alterative Ex
tract or Holden Medical Discovery In Irma
than °umbel( the time nocontary to cure
them with any other medicine. For
hoaroonetto, laryngitis, or tnintater's
sore throat. bronchitis and the early
shag. of I..lllllpliaLl. It aurpaaare every-
Line; Letoro thocuooreal. hold by drug.
gnus, or sand throe and a quarter dollar,
to It. It.. V. ['wren. ltudalo, N. and
get It by return mail.
The best and On 'Pone of Iron,
Phosphorus and Ca;leave, known as
Caswell, Mack dr. Co. Ferro Phonetic.
rated Elixir of Calisaya Sark. The iron
restores color to the blood, the Phoepho
roe renews waste of the nerve tissue, and
the CaHeave give. a natural healthful
tone to tiledigestive orgarus, thereby
airing dyspepsia fn its venous forms,
Wiskefulnems, fkmeral Debility and De
breaSion of Spirits. Manufactured only
y Caswell, Hasard & Co., New York
Sold by all drugglrds.
Phrenology In Pittsburgh. —Fowler and
Wella of New Vora, spill open rooms in
Lafayette Bell -building, maenad floor,
Wood Wrest near Fourth, on Tuesday,
November 16th. Examinations, with
faults, talents, beet Mash:leas &e., given
day and evening for a short time. wear
From Parl4.—Tbn Mile of Violets la a
Parisian production. The chic will use
no other cosmetic. as it COOLaille every.
thing requisite In en elegant toilet pre
[suet loc. tod by druggists and fancy
goods dealers. .W. Brlnckerlotr, A.
Y. , agent for 4nierica.
Eat , Plointeht otnre.--Cllrla "ranted for
rooks and private &mitten In the eity.
Long, at No. 12 Federal street,
near bridge, Allegheny City, at the Dex
ter Washing Machine Waco.
Real Eatate.—Ree ativertisement of
MaClung ,Sf Rainbow, Real &nate and
Inattrarioe Agents, 195, 197 and 199 Cen
tre avenue. tf.
Constitution Water to • certain cure to?
Dlabutea and all diseases of the Kid•
nay. For sale by all Druggist.
N N.-U. —AI the Third Pre•byte ring,
Church, Pitteburgh, ou Yr,lty moiling. It leo
ot 11,r. 1t,.. N. W. Jacobus sod /ow
let, assisted by i I,uo,lred eleryytnen.
Mr. N. it. to Ws. O. No ca.ols. 1, to re
, rived In cub by W. I. Esq., h•te York.
Novrobor 11, 11611, at the r , •lnlever of the
bride's parent., by tbe le, h. N. HI kola,
Mr. uft.ltor. uusfau w Nis. NuLur to.
BUN 01111V11,1.r.
I 1 . 1110,511 N - II - Al.l'll At the real
&pee of the brlcte's perente, vlrts•vetle. cgs
Tburs.htt ...cuing. Novelle..., 11thh, the
tyv. Juke T Peesal. y, I) D.. 14e. 30116 P H C.
Mt P7l t P) AV it, 11Us P LIZ A J. If. (WE.
CLARK —.JR N Et —414. 'bar e•ottine.
rreas 'rll, IaSO. at the reoldeaer of the brit. .•
s. ay cat. bt Ite, Jo!ot ararhor
amyl, NOM E B. CLARK to •AIIIL.I A M.
GRATTAN W. clueotay evenlog. Noe ea.
ber 10 , 10 wejoet. WILLIAM GRATTAN.
la the 500 year or bl. see.
Funeral from him tale r.. 1.1. ure. Klehteeutb
(label Meadow)•treet, F.a.l Illrealurharp, op eAT-
I'nptT, November 111 Lb. St rl o•elorl r. 5 The
111.,. or G. (wily are reeprotlnllT Invltt4 to
H• Thersd•y. N'ovember Ittlt, at
lOS o'clock.
o iesg L e. H/AILEY ILAYNths. le
the Tlith year f h
The foneral will Gate place rum tba realdehce
of his 600•10-iser. George W H. rr, No. 49
gym,. weet, I VU T •FT.a..Nopx, at 9
o'cloch. Tbe Menthol' the G tally are respect.
.oily netted to &Geod.
ati 1 ('.rose .
The aneral t eke pines Alm 1.1. e residence
the tarnily ;re respectfully lied to attend.
rurm•r of Fifth avenue and
High rill Cann. f .11 stud.,
libroodl. Crapes and Olovea, nod every d don of runersl fhr oh hi n a uod furnished onto
moat r e farms In city. Hear.. and
=man fve .rn.shed. I Ince open day ano Own.
T *Nig, No. 166 FOURTH STUNK,
ahigia, Pa OUIrYIhIN of all klads, CIA PPS
IJ WV add c doenriptlon of
Mahan nod. rntainned• 'boots earn day ant
V W. ""
Clg U. "S"
Q. ornaa ad, Man.. att.
AvaNul Al leg eny C ty, her* eir corn
wow r • ....tail i ft , l39 l lrd wit/ nal Ltd
Matt oO tre d
dky 'gyred cy . ltotrot:tt i t. u feli.
"Ai" , If reittlteettOY °p.. 1t0n747.3
Sad WO,
Carriages for Yearn.UN $3.00 Zook
COFFINS emd MI Funeral Fornhauseot at re
daor4 re... sv7
Repaired and Repolnted,
60 PUITH Ayr-Nus,
Oppodie lluottle nat.
Se A due .bet of Gable, Todd de ••130 , d
Pend Alward am knne}—N. beat lu a, market.
rvery Pea paanultedd.
• " •
I 111 o l Na I•yaect at ttl we pm, : It • LI, •
‘l . l
.1 d" brt ttIO•orel p•otolt< ••I-. Si Lb. I - 1/I.'l•T
Eft.ol:llst, Is oho ell, ul Pltpoootro b. DAM county.
na •NI/•• . the Stn dtt of IN ettOotr. A It.
1 11 459. at 10 o•elo - k A. . thy rolliveleg Ce
wallremo etate. to.• 01
all too „ Intetert mu. clalm of 111.
11 loorlaro ot. It attd too
tha. ••rtalu rut or
taad slmated Itnyu••st• porotructi. In
tar county ny Allrontray •nof ettur of react oy I
••Dla ol tonne Pro, e' lalarod. •toot De
tag ' , owl,' tatl olr•crob•d u roll ••• lor era
Kelt antag point t part of • lorrhez.
tf•er 8.o.• •• the • Mill Rat,' e f t
• 11l orn rr
• •• 11, . throce s..utto alor too•
of rtlol pooh, rye . It ty•• oon• f tor h do•••••
• ot and twett.y our, dtara
Perch. to • polo. tot lor lo•Khony rty,
them. • strotto Congo la rtroor Art', two dooyroor•
ee.t t rut •oeht tool lltorr !noel. p•rehr• no
• pr.. The . .lber prope• I usrurd tow
d•lr 11111 e it•• .1.1 le Id •• royr or
Detallt •.ity do nr-leutrth de, nor* 91St tour tern
•.• • St,. pet • lati•ct, 11.• rrrtea I t • ul
tle uollo ear. stfoorroomol twenty lo••• 1111111 t
the rent, oof •
111 trre •u •• r 1.1 o
•rtr. thee, to oh alone 5•1.1 toll ..tot ,
' ll , l oo ero••• loft" ow ty •••• n rnot •iars— -
I .ur tor e, lo•• too • tedat t D. 0 1 . 00, I•• • ••
g. roots , lay 110 o e &errs Lad ta.noo rlyht
P 111r111 •• 1 •• 11 1 rt ho• to• rt.°. of
out tt•t•roo eft{ onr•honolrroPto evr
• anon, to•yalo r n•lotom/ 1 1 1 . e.• f ll e' 11f
nme proper y altt It .1 oton elrrr to, .1 14 of co.
p a t,, leu...lairof • r•rl. 1 t. tee, Knot re. ord d
In toe Iterorder•• I'M, Of Al en ,
101 •Otl 1:11•eued
P.Phoon R. lad betel the yrot•
trpotra It. M./871 um an. 911 r, by of 0.1
111.8. - A In. V,. •not rreont, la lot,.
Bout, rol. C l .l. p go antrol actot r rro•ryrod to
ti Moom•ont.
nelred •tol latrn In r ‘eruilon thr prow,
of B. o. orrlsoo, L.. uLt of WI liam orr.l
lbrlght, t Int. 11 ~ •• .•lalm ..f Juba
Manning. of, In In .1 that rert••• Int ur
1.4. r. n 1 ground AI eat•rlln the Ilenuu•h hounl
••111agtu . Aolrata• or ....untY. Irt
syuraul•• louund. I an.l.le erlluol as tollua.
11 thu nurtol I. wJ.t t e. r,rr
utun Wir Ull t I r at • ttttt t
runt•slno. ,
.I.ra Latta lu elt o• •• ike rly
ul John Maunlar *nit ur 1 1 awre lt
All lbw 110 W e Int. rest anti ctalm of Wm 5.
T•ylor, owner. man T II sat les. r .1.
la apd Lit all . has es, I o Or.ra noLIAIng. tonal
Ina ‘.l' • fro.t and ba , k oulleifta a• tarn, Ti..
fr..' . ...lull • Ihr ries al• h and 1 , . eat,'
feet f .ur lorbe• .1•11, on av, •wellor. 1-
1bt1.3 l t•l' A Ileaht• y Allen he rwan
allv.,l,.. &no is tal'l> •• ' , et' n
tornr or I. bullatlu• Is storks , In lo
:wet vv.' , .• thin r-1••••• fret 1.5 r la - t••-•
amD bald balk., I. known •nt number,' ..C7
Beaver IVrtilla. alitl I lastat,l oa • In' 01 Ina , e•I
on !leaver //ean, l ald•I
tllty. late Slan, W bwater.eaait,7
!runts on . , llnona‘ I
o ur hi, and valet:W.
back Ms. ss.s. • 015 one b.•
•ad torts feel to an an•l .l o t • , 1
J ob. tor.
nary • a as ann.., ...I • and • .•
norther/a al, try aILII V, tn. lia• vs, and Is
opoo.lve ill, L t Attallutial/ I 11,1,11111.1.0
r4. , ”u and talc,. lu • 1 - on as tn. prat. rST
"W. al or ova*, ?no .M. rho a. ft,
tr, al Mr Lulls ..1 the Twin I 11, IS t
log Led bila , t.a.nor. a (am pans and IL D.
Tlson.uou A Co.
A 1 Vi• rig A thaw tut..rew •r .1 Oa, Jan,.
K. 1.11..1. lu and to Mt Ilsefool ••1 . •
Prcert•lt lot alitaled on t,e• north ,1 •of
Prno ...reel the we. n cnth sod
teenth a , reef., In the •lo tr• I, Warden It;
Plit•htergt. Cot., • I, ant, r•fe •
Peon•y•vatil , the wool! ..1 •••• lot having •
front • f toretitl trot, fee. on r rot •Ireei. and
Is houtel , l ou the - y lot tow or la. • I
!matte' -.ale, and op the wet, hp r ot uow ur
ate of Pet, NV ou loath hi Penis
"'net stoatt the tor. by Molo, rr, T I.
lhe eastern of 'll,l lot ground there le
rroott•l • tr , ••• •to f. an, 1.11.11 • auttibe•ed AG
a-ol oar tiara • • a..rood bend fhrulturc al re.
* I; .1 atet ,altatt mod
• tee. •• • Or •Oettl
of Jaine• K 1 a.. at the cult* of •
Andr.• rsr
magi, TllomaY 1 Arn, On stud Hen y kr. H•w.
All the tag), tit r. int, at •••1 elalui of WIII
Klzat. t 1 ittol xii that , ertalnt
of grout., • • it it r et, of Pltt•ourgb,
county of •Ile•heny and tits. I 1 Vex u•rlasa la
••• .• ktego•O'ng •••
gnu northward, •Ide os •orne. att., •t the
dicatiat • 1 'CO
hundred and • Into f et w•••
waraty from Yager wren . theune rtteruditg
Atop. fort,,• *treat v..; w•rali tw , l lf • fret
Q. tenon arid • hatl herr.. h.. corn, r on No
thew. ourtuo•ard p along •o• N°
erred and t went -Iwo fret,
the,. alto. Iwo A• foot •r•tt •••• arty two It •
0••• few w gen area a It •• I int lira to corner • 1 iot
(Cu I. thence ouuthor•r.y aturg Ihe 1 ••• of 11. ,
,Ott titlndrod atol twenty -La, fast lo Forbes
' strew, the place of ...awn,
ALSO, • that .11 rnit•la oleos nr ground,
glowed to to alty lit.burgh pfuresaol.atol
hound, cod ll•eerthe• S. ("Liao,. /1,4 wag au
the... Merely eon- Di gort, • at the tit..., of
taro banared and right 11 et weetarmaly loot
Ma r t% • sten., toga, • ieudlog Along Pore,.
•to et 1,i...br011y tweet, ur• . 00 t ••O •
Gall lath,. to t'ottort to , then, wolth•
• •rdiy along itie r• f ratd iot No X ono shunt
arun area thirty• .. fare to . lohoe thence
• long utbout tree, enti•Ove met w•ro •••1
4.1 nch.. tonna, of na No. f . town, uortit•
•toJ Litt • ong the Otte of lid No. 7 •••• !tured
,d •is rtp ne
, i•wt Y•olu •.t t to
.of e. 1.,e of Ye, V. 111.•
' tlr ' :4 '. . l l. ' •%rar ' t; .x...trou the t•••• rly
or% oi t tier .11 of 11.11,. i•ts, /I ' l
tor ow A. heti,.
A:' Lt. rigiLL. Lit r I ii,Lr•L ,1,14 Vi•ie Adolph
.•Le L i 4 •II •il I•ltlauuro. A .10 uI
35 au I 36 tu .ILL•• Liu I . • t/ • • la. of ito.
/1.'114 a fr.. , ir• J r
uula rr etree t t , mud raltaLaLun Lr _61.6 .. 1L lauxiiriard
rali road.
nellt ap•l taken 1•• • ‘ 44.414•• as ll•e pr3t4r••
/1•11.4• At IS•bla•t•lu at a. ••••• 11••ory
All the rt. ht. tit., loner.. sal • 13..1..1 Jobs
twut.o or. ill tu crrt•an tau wiry
hou r ur cork. Way wtv.wir 'I la •••••:•1
It, • 1 Al ryhrui, ,•u elf of "0p..., ah.l
&&&& • r I l e tor r.. w a, describe.. fol ow.
• laza . 1 51
rot thr propel, 11ww.r.lo0 .m
lite r•WI bet,
.aer Gear.'. 1.0.. said b.... routelel,
op, •11%1 Wm, ...ten lc., front mf.ed •. t. eu
•nd of ,rouu•l. •
e tow teal. le eittuilue 'be pepp
et Joe. al one bult AD.,' W•telh.
t/i.-le. an
L.., . 411 In ihet. e I,AAA
• o• ••I.Mere Ll•• Watt .1 • rt., • 1 w.,
w Iwwough et et. na . I .l.eghea• 11h•tat, Prow
••1••tala hout.l,l a- 1.1....6.1..*11 h ph•tu•
•I • how ota the Al egh•hy 14.1 tiottet l'••••
o.ot thew,. ot • hurtlt r mlt, • t•I
untolrkd a,ol ihrhe feel to ap Cuhg
s•hl .lie) woe h taslr..l nod pie. Ire to te•
P 1.1.11 throcv wale] r , sat ro•• rth
tblet•••li fret to the p ace tit heeloph.t..
•• unt. g rouhd Su! st •.1 wis•
Aedrew glary tut oo •. 1., • rt• t.. 1 •
twowoory /1...1k1,11.1111••••
w•lted mot X 1•• ut..s3 a. the wept rIT
of 1•101... i •L .41.1.• of tt.toettatr.l
.t 1 Antho.., ...three., • herm, 611 with.
nab. of lottalhen....•,
All 441 MOO title, later.. and claim of G. li.
,In Lad 1,5115. certain Pa.. lat.
.Itaste In lownablo. AI cairn; ten S.
), re 04,1M1111, Len (1 .41 described al No
ofows, Os! No prlnslos St • Black Jwk at corner
pn lt .1 1444 • 11 rm.. ns them,
11 1 same bOr“ t 1 , 41 114.. and .hree. lour. ue•
Ser. wt.°. bunt
red saa fun, and eish,•eutb
.chef to a no.. at luw wate
. r P.. on the
onsutosbeny C 1..,; thrum an. down • lous
tne south •14e of salt met r aorta airy-• lOAe a•
ere. east tnlrly•a. Per.. a too north
.1 • ty•tbres. degree. es.. twenty pe rob.. to
Post oar , 11 ...rt... art, es esst twee.
ter I cttid
ea....cry Auer per Mes to • post. tOrba, by
of Jac, o maloe.. anda 1a snidf
s n Om man es m prsoamot outb
rely 1 r hree•nthre—mann e ee..
raft f. f
tl-ttirre acrd a half petette• to a post. • henc•
Noff, land womn nln degrees
vs.. fort, re. ;warn. to • {WM Mara.. to, • n
drew lapel north elglsty•Lwe sty,. es west
•en and a nal( p. /curs to Poet: north t. •• I k
de sweat it. r pers.. lo a stus. Ana
UPwas by saleltirastm... laha woullt tlitvwlint
degrees wt. t•kuly•salren awl the..
Perches to a ch., n.. and aunili
glees areal Gflerat .ti-4•4 It petrime le. the
of berlonlOtt• nu s *male r
aerrs um. lausdre.: nfty enr and ..4.
tentts arroMa, brim( ILO Lame prentlwra whieb
1 . 11414. ticelel any wlir, .1•4.4 kl•rtb
104. r. rooted la the droopier, °Zoe •11/
auras run ty. conveyed to the sald 4.1 f. Tower
n. tell ano taken In s t• aa tne loom my
of tl. 11. Tower, at tsar Ault al Hannah Pr
All the rheht. title, IntrteftetAl CIaUM of Jae...
0111e•ple. In Slit to 11l teat lit • r {Ater of
ground she &tett la
the tecod %t•rtl ot the t It?
.• tabu, ecee. yof • Il o etthe rt, otate
I,u• 8)1 tool. op ter north .tar of feud Ave.
pug Le 01,1•11 Itsaut street.. Weep.'
ti plan of estett•lon of (1,4 of
Pitt...our/M. bouutlo don the ttAtith hy Titled kee
ner. on thr We, by lot botin I.) lot No
.04 Carl by lot n h•rte, • 'root or
tetety• four f•-at on Third 00. Due nod •11•Jttl
lig nark tAmblyttl•e bet tit WA,. on Irre•rn 1.
. A
A. three .tour 'trick Oreille, hoer, belnt,
100 •Atoe /Ot ofittoun4 elf.a Wm. Velltips o
and taken In t artutlon as teeono rt
4•ree• ...lA, e. h.r e 0111 l ag .
l'rral.tool of tea I.awreee+or Ifs Sayler. fault la
treat fur saW peek.
All tie right. title re and &atm of 0 o-re
P ler sod Fleury Ylerhe/ler. or either of
them, of, let and to all that carnal. part of lot
somber. d three hundred spa forty. lee. la tol.
W..ode• plan of the city of rlttaborgh, county of
oll•abertl...4 Male of t'entooylvanla, situated
la the Daimon., I 4.... -, Ireton 0.11,4 Pet Iron,
the , lasnond 54.1 set, hips
of the lame
.note one Iteodeed met, mop* or len. to De
. a or 'tn.., op wnloh le I reeto. two three-obey
Or el h tuts pow ae. tPos dwrlnpra, tavern and
haltery, bad bolo( the tame property vettle't
Gowns r. nlarbeller, oyoned dated Say Int
P. , ISM lad recorded Dee 4 PooP. velum
pose =7, *owner. to John 1 , . Vteritlter
sod a woo oarnara Vlertolter.
et lied sad t aas Is waeselloa as Ite proper ,
of User.. 1' V e.heller sea Helm Vitroaller,
•t the east of Jahn u. Vxerheller.
=MM ill
All tbe
Taylor, J rigobht,s title, lotor sad Na Itleot and r iar nialto
'r of C. C.
ay on. or
slats, of therm. of, la and to all that carts,. •
of land stlosied to Penn toweshlp. All
unty, a esinsy leant, bounded descrtned a.
301,u rlt Itagloalng a, •Doer at corner •f
land* of oasnoel Morrow and of John 11Irs
hairs and running Menne b• sold land of Dud,
heirs south elgoty-oe
parents egrees west 5301 ty
*drat and on. halo to • post; thence by
mod ot N., ri Tnytur north two dogre•
Mat, Arnaud has-tenth pa, plies to • post, south
m ill
right deers.* west thirty Ore a nd one
not( Port - he, theses pattly try load Ulr
Taylor arld partly by land hic 1111 0.1 b
two der reef , Ives; fortr•ls••• and sloe ttn•lt
per.313..6 is a post; limner by la d ot -- hie N
so, by land (Jams• a clly north nighty .e 3 ght
degre • • Osl* hued rod and thin •fo •r perches
to • • •lutne and thence try la of notnuel
Idorrn• south 1.0 OtArte• c.s. one Isond,d and
thirtarn perche to the lace of t.alnaleg. mud
pontabling seers parch ...-
soles sod one bewared
and forty-ea percher,. on which are r reeled •
frazoodwellizabonse and •Inr ea and being tb•
mats tract of land of • Hags Taylor LOU a
Wed, selsed
aletred • of ;sten In ...ration I. the pope rh
of C. C. Tay. Jobe Taylor and Wm. Ta ro ylor at
the mil o. Join or.
All the tight, title, thieved and Malmo! Robert
Domino Pt. in and to all that aerials las or per.
Ito gmaad situated la t. • ally of eltobu h,
rinerty torangn Amenhoevllle), crus ty of
A. 11.11 sty. at axe Of Peat el laraala. trio. lot
saugmeratill.alrm th the plaat or nod assmagta,
aavots a Inas of an feet os lt,secoed
Wt. Ifiartnerly Borough tt Ten. gad e teed ma
Peet sae huradrea lad gnat feet I almood all y
formerly Cu. rgy el y), witerron an • e Sled •
la ge [ram. dsrellaart house aa a est bananas.,
gel g ate same prem. ate watch Pavia alai, Jr
• r asuaL sad !lessor Male, his m ~,,,
to Many La co ug, a.le or Robert Dining. by
ueed Apr.l Ist, 1•56 recanted la Deed
Boot. alum. I:2.
ed an+ mien sreonon as th e prop. n y
of Ru ben Lamle/ at the to Them..
AI t'e YOB. title. ee e ee e and rielm of Charles
NUL o . la and to ail that eerie n lot or 'tont 4
It Oaten In tit. Borough Mount Washington.
bounded se fnllowg: Begineleg on the North
.. corner at he polo% of I oteneettoo of Orlad•
and High etrtgete, thence lay tour des. pre tala
wt •Ssbt elan- , oar otte•bhgnndett perches to
potot; thrltee south ten dog Myr into we...thirty
(woo.. hundredth nerd:tee to • puha. on the Iles
Ilseltlld Ilra. Nary Taylor: thence Won, ••14
Ilse North its vent) , Wm et deg nine sot weal *ev
en eighty el•ht one bundredto pe rhea to •
po DJ ott Olinda gime: thence Llooff ea street
sort ten dal gee Q. • ea at Wall , Wo see.
witty-11Tc ate kanareettla perette. to pact of
eon •111.11, •••, •. 1 • znl
er ,, urt.• I r.
of ,ro vilth lo.l•ntet,
Or. ,sr,e• Ki pr.y hr
111.41,1,, I.••tra ,•••••••:.
me pay nignt ,or
.1 • atet • ovo iLe. 11.• •
ts•r , c• at thc suit of TS loss
Lt.. of !1111 Burocts. 0u1u..., Sc.
Al; ter m a w, •‘••,•. , tag ev, and. lam... •••,,n " 'ANTED— By a .mall tam-
Iluurs... ln and to al: rarten „ Ist •
, a• IR: t • I• raw ra I.uut•••••era
around moaned .10e elty a • Ittatu lb , dr. ••••• recontattruded. intl..rr at if
aAt r rd attan,. Davi nta, Pt npoy•tean a. ta.nttd. M` . ‘ , 'f ItT Hat 1
. • : g t4 ;,ft!' n 7: ' •••‘ AI'ANTED.—A R CARPET
Le {Pe tin,. of 1••••• ? m e then.. 1. P4:ll tt
t•t. udtng al..n t \Sao, .trrrt tnteara• Al's • •• Thtrte• •tt•rt.
street lb teen fart. • rel r tr ndlag nark t••wrars.
a tr ., at nnoe form''.' flrat Arent pr.• r. in, IV A NTED—A 134 K EHOUSE
vr‘d t b eight, fret set nf 0 , and
V elt••• ury r •r • I
er lately oat.. a••St In ff.t:•• r.g t, , Atrldres•
t ••eatlty.
x.+7 •
at, to!? s s
nib:, and Mira for
lag „ L .,. •11,11 41' llne• of emningtnen. nerroni , wantlag b I
•• •• a tarern •nd
'.'Weir of ,Inn. can re. van. t•o shun notlea..
red •nd Labatt la ranutter, am the p t at,.
A STF:D—An At.IENT for thin
Ifitabr• at Me •1111 .1tIn0.1•It w
try the I,,,rough trl Tgrepturn
trybe., t,,onty. lh
no on. I • IPO 111.1 m Nkm. It.rt.••ll
101 l no! I rin LIU. ling P. 1.,
p. huedred stia slaly-2Te feet. awl Oh
Yerry •,reet ulort,-oIL e te-,....130111111, In o.
P. an ilre poet.
eertain other 01, In 1., lot No.
norouen of Tarry.... h.. mine h.rt•
or end a half feet on the We. side of
etreet, nots ratesong bseit ...oat One hundro d and
Jor t, -ere tee, nourialen on the rorth hy Int No
1/ a_d by tut No. 40. on wrktch • aid
•It hat certain other I. of rout, In
••I•1 Inorour ...rectum, 4.,..01.41 •11,1
KrO•nd •• r. •wic Fle•luu• •• Use c•ruer
rr• •nal Waters - A...n.(1, r •
ry on the o•••t- •
ter 1. nee on the oorth.mnel run•lng bionn W•-
ter ~reet •e• 0ar . .14 L.o he Ole tato. or to—
t no, • r.,..rtr .4 11 • Hreett prl4ete &rot re.
er takenee aloe, •41.1.11•111oulme to
••ter mna: lu .Pr et.ieghesey ore
14 ,11 , ,Li neer 0111 tee er•ter oa•rti to Yerrr • ree
brucr swag Yrrrr etre, r It••J.11• to W.I.
etrert. e 'owe of •erbol•a.teo . le
er. [Led • two ...I y trueLeurneut mid Irate
,tat .1 god • aken ..x.eutlou sx the hropertg
of Hte.rt Harvey. at I.oe •ult of War!. for
...or Mehl Ph and nutter, Hugh hi Hole. U. H.
It H.)... gad W. H. Met %Oft.
All title. interest and •11.119 of td.
Slut, ni• us of at and u all Ora: re.laait .ot or
flit, of grourid situate lo healer toirustilp,
tou is or ....she,. Pei usylv•ill. heristutile
•p.. 1 ,W
.13. gig, or prop g tg w
o r • by eter abb./Inman .; once tor
.lue ,o, f tbe boa • p.t 1
el Lt. r , by
land 1.41• • boles • peon o • , Ilue
Is., of In, 11,
1,•••. lb,. re by r m 1.•
• •tralgt t to mai eo &a locl Self the me
r r , • 'toed sod former y oveup
rpmug • warm.... ou be Imula o. tee
e• la , uce sr,. 1 e cm•l to properly fg.•
tom y um dby I se, Bultlugto : •lacnce Ly
tbe mme Let or p ae• of t• g ba•lng
berr, g err led, an
ono olner Maki-overcat ,
• large ta...41 bol kno.• • a• Brirldurr
•Lno All Mat ele Lain oaf,, plrce rear,
rf aau CUM, ea of leo ut berelnal er set,
•- .
soruntu lo Shal.r to 111,p. Chun ••41
State ato•ffald bonden , y land of ntantan.
belrA le/ • lot of land of nl•• Se, • Mono, mod
Ly C.f. k. lretnA 10. unto eRO o non
• o In the plan o . r.orney May lb, 17
I•.Jo . A. t 1 fo• 'he bet', of John ttuf
Ongtop. d••• c Delon lb. se coe In. 4 f I•ne
Jo•or,•••11, th rlt ol eLectsnent I. July
1110. lo the In.-LW. L o.rt of AllagLroy
Wets ettrell.
t l i the s alit, title, Istereat and claim 01 Louts
Ilufatserl, of. to awlto all tb•t lot o• pleoe u
uo.l situate ID the 1 . 11 a Wass,. Al
Ily. 1 • 1....17 0 , Alseghsety and State of Pre.-
sylrau,s., .1•••••. • tu treat au the no ..I.e
I owl t n inctle• •laLl
keep., toe ante erl AO en tsYstlo• back out ..-
.fro sod 1...ur fret to hi .5 , 010 • I eY. being
I,rll etou Orthaell pot, Isla out
us 7. 00 .nleti I. erect,. • K00.1.h....e1.1ug tpo..•
•totb. r butal vas
so•te..1•00 . •xessuttoo •• 1.. property
of 1-pu Lat.,/ ul Si Lae so-tut
All the rig,. Intl.-. Interest a, A claim cf J
tiro ccre. of In And iu all tn•l, nerv•ln lot el
evound slum., In tr, lith ward of Ilan ell) of
r.. cuuutv Allrgh• nv Jlnotelv,. scOn.
31 In plan. 1 • cb-.11•I•1. nOrI a.
ma, 1 , 1 1 , 1134 . r a,,,,,, 13ar paY 5 s. nd 1..
,1100 (I , ono(' All••• 11,.,
• .
ltvip[ I n tl (o of Sorsa:Pt r te.tut.
11131. art,b plan Is od no rt.. Is .lpt Ha
vuttirs • t.llllen. ea. cl .l tsouptl. .atl ale
or I ...lows. sls Pesti/Plug It rros
str. et Its c..r•gr o lot nn. 40 or fah! p
Up., glace ••14 rrrrrr tors.) feet L01111...1 lot
No. 3 runmog hot Is t!ght atlases,. KIP. pre rrrr log be t•ln •• .10 a 1 140 ft of
aloes) I Jr.. atm Pt.. ...vs on which prem... • Is
seeps. a two- wry Prl k g uttspte with
au•l Laken - r t
II J. u. la 1 oore• W.ll, rrrr
of w•
a arg..e. pe
All the rlght. lire. Idt•rett and e.t.a or John
Boyd, of. la and to al, those rd. cen.m It.
.mood •iluede. One Inuroana I.•• rata,
roa. A.lethruy ',panty. t r eut.o.lo•ola. noon
so• hos. al. nen al In %1 .111 e, mad
arit.....t•• plan of!at. t•I to a. r nee
aI A1.....Jen, aunty Record.. 00d.1.•a. f
• och tort,. y feat at. y• tre•i ea tad
tI/Cll of ea or all,. unr hundred fret to an 0.1 r.
....a re, old-. 'halo • L.
1t.a.2 tor .1. et, f Sala
•ad ...ken la ellac.loll s• the proneety
of Ju•al... hay .1. at 1.2, P•ul
• I! tee right. 111 e. lotereol and el.. of floury
lliork .od J. wlrr, o and to
all tbsteertzln lot or 0 .
001. 1 ground .t ot.. la
Iptiquesom kloroueb. C• 001. of •Ilembe.!
root.. ef Pru•., leas •, Loos.ded an de•calued
o• foilum•: Reo.urd•g en Bo I I. toe o . d /rust.
lug th.r.o• thin! Cc... thrb.e YI4 ladle . book
two bueured abd 117-two lo•L LI L.
low b to t toe genus, raolo Coo&
•u 4 bound oa. 11., Roo
r , DO , petty of ratml• P11•1'. a.. 1 IDt. w•.I.
L, pro .rty or I•tray os J ki I 01:
.ald hot ur u• m outad • ',h., 47
deed da0...1 demo try sod fee...leat tbe
iteeorder• peke. ° rouuty. heed 0..0t
be. page 5.. e, vao 00t.•./ell by Tliebol••
Vorrrtt., -r . utlol r trot , r Hour, Itlebeo-
Sr., 4elrd. 14.12e/old /1., 14" armor •sol J a
-too 111101, and tbeg to wool Ara..., land
',lute, by .1.e.1 deed doled April le& eon.
rev... 110 sold Het, • •out cos /bleb L. trectod
. Game lanarr• bOtollog
01.1401 sroood 1110 a 'o I
,h fare, mod ...zoo r•
rd. oegisolag or 11.3,11.7..41
',Wog too above de 0110eil property ou the
err, rd fr.tioe uo ilault lour toes,
/eet..betire •.oi. 0.1111 boot two Lundr..l 1.1 .
Inv .0 Net to ibe •ow got.. •• &tyro/do,
sa 'wing the .aeon w 1.121.. 4 - Lort the proper !
•a• be dyed yartltloo between eteuttro
lark be tad Jake 11111 0.2011..4 ~•ke 1112
web ..114 abpeor.ore at large tor rtfcrepfe 10
the yo .1 of partrou • 1 •rad ao aforeaalrY la
I/101 Ittedt Peg. . mud pdo
•ry..4 JakolllWO ...g ust.
dKd t.r. 1 11 a
lly deg of ..
LOA on orb , . ,1. enc.. a .oro p i
e; brick• a toe. staavi. sad a true..
a. man and tat•s. 1.. a. cut lon ad the nrroweity
of inet,sy *indult and Vriane m del a.
Use Gals el s Loma. R. bill. for use o 1 Juba * 11.
all lb. r•ght. 1100. Interalat and doll. or lobo
Or.< t, of. In and to all In, certain 10, nr
or ...nun., yang lot b r vent. 3 .fuor :n
Plan o , lots Icing
Id oat by nuts
Frobsed L. lavre.t, and
ry corded to Atlegnony I oaatY. In Plan ...nit.
ea. 0, a t , sltuat• lbo bOtoneb of La.•
roneertlle. count) allegben - , and elate el
rettosyle bounded and •loace , bed (01100,,,
Begln•lng an in • tarsier of lot. nntnbele.l
enly• lour • d Pen 1.04 at la street.
ttlene. along .aid sLy..t northaratdly l•aa
I.e• f.. t. to 01 wanner 1000017 I One, and
tbno.n. tag naca at eta at an. es 1.100 paid
reel p•Less U. the me Bona,
y , b,udre.l trot In alley,
l ell,. part or • larrrot tract of land wlstels Sam',
FIPZ,L dr., deed.. by Ills last 0111 and 10.1 -
Ln.Ol. pro•e4 reran. lb. Regbaer 111011,. of
lU., env County cd, lb. lib dayof tleton r, Ist,
and revlabered In bunt Vol. 1. Pate ell
.7 ..d unto R'rbs 4 L. Ewalt, ntni part Le
•anto which Ilada•on L. 1.0111. woo 410 e. n 1.00
In ro- by his Isal .114 and lee ntbent,provrcl
fsre ar.tster ‘t Ins a Ibreul., tbe 19,b
day to dept•aabo ItLand re•lstered In N. 111
nek No. ta, P. . devis II unto It. on b.
10010..110 of . Irwin. 1 rormerly •nna
I'. lie. taken la en, cotton • • the property
• f J..ha 0 ma, at the tiolta of kJ (I Hat.. and
li W. Irwin. J. 11. lalcl'onl ae4 II L 11. W.,olues of Um I •tvettl and ..latm tit of !tans 11. hart, arc•tl.
All the right. tit, Int.-est mod rla•n , of tieorge
INole., oi. In and to or oat of all thatcertaln :at
of ground sttoate .1 the ~.ty of tw.harstt, nror
merly somas h of L•nr. he,. I le) l'a r Ai
rotten,. •no • tate f P. nne resole, b ended
. dtsorlb .1 as 1•11ove.. lekt: annlng on
the rota, or le • /././ /X 1 •// /•// /./.•
awes. (formerly Ila •rte • tree when regtand.
nay alone the tin 01 veld A , soar hens,
want 2) lout Get to ear", of nut N. lea, and
h. nee • att•nd log back Si right salt ea .111 mall
At-11011. ore.erwlent the tante Width • uet he
No.lmae of lot aorthnaetes•dly one hn edr. d
f•et Co der •Il y, and hi log lot No. 131,11. •
piano soin mph! h fa rryordlrd In Pia oh Vol.
I. Page on which to
tole a two story
log. .hoot .linen t Ignore, hat-
Mining too rho ws nail and tway.
leer d aad toner In I MICatIOP so the warner",
of Ueo(til Atka, at the spa 61 0. tlehmt t
a Cu.
aIinITIOS 07 /Mr,
Illtsinfib. (
Bell and Brass Founders,
Mule Promptly to Order.
Made and Kept on Hand.
pmprissora .d Manufacturers of
J. M. Cooper's Improved Balance Wheel'
Office, 882 PENN STREET.
Foundry, Cor. 17th and Railroad Streets,
Corner of Penn and Sixth Streets
peewit mill Oa rammed anti; Nomentet 10
Sixtytee Mike of toe Board al 11,namers, N 0.4
Sixth mreet, for lora!Mitts 000 LOCI/
YOST& a feet Moe *oil from 0 to 11 inch. Mam
ma, to be delivered at Claremont btatioa.W . P.
It. FL on or bottom December 1009.
0 1 1071q 1 0 001). MTSSHICIIOOII, blecratary.
tgir N T ES--" Tu- Let," Fb. BaLco
{inns, " " Putut," '
.are '''R
be Int, t, a in (A.t.u• u unce r
TWE-Srl- 1.11" E r 'E.\ . ca.% ark t•
crone/ tote I." I VA' CP..\
WANTED.— ilf:F:NOrm
WI - 1E11E... II El.. All &RI. A, •I'l
TING 11AI•IliNE, ouly
331111ng MArblne r r InveNt.r,l.
NIG 1.311 c g 0.1.100 etlVf.e pe, mlnuG.
lioMoa, Iglus.. or at. Lonle.. Mo.
No. 11l om thdeld arc.,
117 A NTED. A(: ENT/a. $240
• • ro, month to sell t o °ale (sE lAN IL 1.11-
I . ltr,'Ku 4 1,1 li, .A\ •. M NO A•
II IN mot 111.4 biro.t ludueobteols
e A bTn r e " Of Ttb'o" I. ti7b
1..,t eallea '— iIJ do ' an or wort thm "ue
L. Orono r.n any rne4-11. 100.000 sold end It,
rient•tot cow °tot:,
No. Is tbe tlute
trt Lak rwe A grill,. rot el:velars, 1a.111..
l nitln~
111., ko.lav inftj;:ts r' r:L bt
ols, Ito
ONT.-4 Pair of GOLD SPEC-
T Lk%. tx-ta,ro 156 ',demi street. wad
)(I ia.. •., on," atr”.l.., I. lan at 313114a/a
as lust on Tuesday. Oib Iss•S de•wo by
w,tal KT to favor of J. 1H MST
fur lour hurler.) dullars tVitolls. All yes ous
a, Uutllleut not 1. negut.ay lot ate same. a. Iday•
meat eI•PM. gl
•t Nu 15 Yourtsa awrith. uttat
R RENT —Until the first
r.f A nil na at, Ma tarn inorled
swriltoa Ilona, root... Ana twrincrwewna. atu
atr ota thr calmer nr atottton avant., and Wen
s., •tnr. L. with Blab, •ttarned. To a guard tea
1109 reayar Avenue. Allegnany.
RSALE-4 roU itif
rlllu., 111,111 $l-14 or. er,th fhtllltlem for
e Mlll /eurk •ct..s. reap. rule e“atollebed.
A.l4ress. ••0 011) ‘•
FOR SALE —4 ('ouster and
o ',KS ultanir rt, a Hattlttug or laintraacte
t.ttlltte. t an .nett at 'N„ S6 YOCUM AVE
Mt K, litt•eural,
F 0 RHA L E.—En sines and -
en. lira and becon.l Hand. of all !Linda
Corn. t War,. *..uue a P. r. W. a C. K. W
Allextion,. Pa.
SA LE.—A fine private
rest len,. an l'lnenert ..... 17. war&
a...rd. torten dwell., on 1111 st nary, 17.
w m-4; • fki. VI& Dwelling nn Male went
lion.. An Lot on t r 11,0 • trent. Hurter •nd Lot
tnr 311,E at rret littntottlfeld 110 by 137 le,
4600 soul. SO try sit• re•t. 1200 and kb.,
Len , yam , IO PA . A bow ner of Bunsen and Loll
s, War tn• for trate.
umi U. s WILLI Alta. 17th want.
311170 feet I. help, 0,111 b( Jas.
lionfery • •• • man facto ring establishment.
of the mem teem of the arm wt.., to retire
from boat/teas acousat of peer health, wi
have decide., eloac out part of the bast.
nem • bargain. M.o. note! will of Itteana
Pow 5 to 11l ..1 , 141,..,r . 04 machtm
ehtbrr, woo, mate • suo•I wagon maker slot,
.ot 110,159 fret. on 5 yea, lea., Pon frirtMer
oartieulard Inquire at No. 44 Ohio alit.. Any
ghee y.
Mon. and LO. on 6prlna 11111. beventh Ward.
pner 65.5011. 16. no, nen
65.000: Honor and 1.01. 1(4. Jun, noon,
41.31.19. nouns on Fl•aving nraet, 66400
en, 4 bon, and 3 ut.a Plena/at V. 1,,
04 310; 6 armal.. Nora,. toonohlp on rn
'non road. wow: 14 00 17 , ...3.431.14+....
.4.000. boo.. and OA onem. nblo, $111,1100;
1 *en arount In linlavot , Roo, 61:000; boon
andnnol Wan, stn.,. 64.150: boo,
and arroa 10 Kaman. Into, 61.1M11.11 bon*
not In In Brolconanr. .....
noon.. al rwon. lot 65 by 14111 feet 6 ,04:111:
!any• lat. on. otn/on. 34 non., pall
nra. loastra of
N. W11171111011.1R,
Real Rose. •grral, Corner Uplo app Benelealry
street. .1k...ft.-vv.
lot 33,110 feet, on Math, iear Butter Onsets
Iv tu ersau t Laser...rut e Ulstrt.ts. house Is
pleas•utly I,sr•tee.l it • quiet rod Arstratote Osten
...shun, contents AU rooms. Including att.,
...s .04 ',Ash rooms, marble ra•ntles through
out. stucco onto ve rebtrt put.,
vs . ..l.hote and hall, t
stone Lod Iron svlonom luta
400 r stils; Inside sutters, slate root.
gentler. • se h coneeolent and
eel house Pours... glue. laws
quire of U. A. WILLI AMA. Res , yVk d in.
suranee Atm., Ilgth Vt'arso.‘ Ylttahur t 4 Pa.,
oPtuutt‘• St. J.'''. Chareh. hot 0..
pEnsoN A persons seek.
IN? Ho': t.k. In or In Ben/ es.
"..av tr? . able and money biln‘r
unnr c!=t2lyOr.ttlo
' . 7 .111 be Ito t by mall Yana tunny requeatlns 11.
Petrone cannot Rail to avt meted out or As Lana
list It contain.. • PHILLIPn, Pu
Ilaker. and Heal /Lawn Agent* Na. UN 7011.1.11
IIU ft. ea roe
cbarn , 143 on /Mtn ...Yee% each WI by
J. 5 se•e• rona
flar city.
4.500. De eing
/en • t • .•• ft..
f 4 lout II W.ll/ ll ßt. Ix,n by YU dee,. to .to alley. AL 500. ..•mell•
1.1 b Leal. St.. 111 NOO COUid lot@ on
each 89 by 138 Lana In Ins-
Wlmeonale and VI? Ills
b. eljTo . EIT A SONS,
Solt 30 ninth avenue.
VOR BALE.—Oue Two Hone
tog ' "r 4 •"`•
Upe earvoned Atubulaws.
300 empty Factlng Bennie Mellen were.
600 emfAyhl•ly barrel.
•pply Werenonfo No. SA Der elm/.
n.el. Mc Pearl YLI, Allegheny.
rlCu I'HOPERT .—A neat 7W 1, 1474-allr
11 I( I.IW LLLI a. 0 MAYOR of Hall. SU Etoont•
and Vella., Ou Via lure, neural., and • Well
of Water. Lot twenty feet front on Caron.
Inn et Sy oat nandred deep . Mee 10.000.
Teruo une-llalf r. natander In one dt ao
years.n. CUTLIIIICHT a ooNt, 39 ninth at'.
China Sets, Parian Statuette,
Vases .4 Ifan34ll.4= . llzir owning for Um
N BA hug. ao•ortww".l .4 Wlftt•
tirsalLa Wive fur ravalf *ad botof rm. 6 1 .416
s . N. KIER & CO"
411Viroinswwas. Owswirow OA** Ow
OglIo• wed tr•rettotant, Sell WI,MIA 41 , 111110111
op- • 11 order. vt......tt1y •ttr•Orl
Winds of Irr•lt tr.. 4
ValZZ: . liraar;gfa, " atol
'l l e arVa ‘.
Imulnero.o.s. Ir. aa altrac . • bat... . lk.ttO •at
moltrir, mot ran ...11 Mee
tirrrtom. Itas• sod vr l'ery all all .31
low pato.. 41.• me a call, tar •1111volloo %. 444
wrtlolo. bohouttr or roiall. All Wen etto4
ripwlN 11110T11161 1 6' 11/4•11M
-1 A u... 0 .upply tSr colabr•le4
put op la lama tintan Pow.. Tor wale. allot..
6.1. aud retail. at tb• reality•
Wont/ Itto,u a t
JOHN • lit Wan Oil,
Cox., Lll. rt; •.§.l Meth •11.4.4
=lna. Oart • Ow.)
Foreign and Domestic Dry Good;
No. IN WOOD lITIlli%
WWII dear WNW D/11•0110 WWI,
$2O. 000 to Loan In larae or small ammo..
Bond and 140 lotate Ftroter,
from MI "nne of the l'ountr, prOrOPM"
8' TAMAR sz lrkri ,
(117 T CMS,
• largo stook of
R. E. ER.ll=ll & CO.
717sviell 11‘.
167, 168, 169 Luid 170
Arr pow Art to•retl to furnish VIN It. AR at ltor
IotoNEE, MARK ET RA TIER. Attention Is par
tOoKoAris catleol to tour
Wholesale Grocers,
No. 243 .14BERTY STREET,
tppoette heed of {cowl street, Plttsburith
Very Large and Complete Stock of
They Respectfully Invite the Attention
A. & T. GORMLY, 1812.
No. 271 Liberty Street,
Commission Merchants
No. 93 01110 STREET. sear T. 211 Common.
PETER KEIL . .1•A1615
149 Liberty 111., Pltt•borilln.
ima u.."
FLOUR, (MAIN /ten plioDucr.
Commission Merchants,
Coo flrrerpeo eollelted ee
(eau/razor to Fetter a Areartroogo
No. 25 Mneket tltroolt..
Wholesale and Retail Grocer,
Wt..*le Wooers. Uocom .U•retkail.
5.0 Denlento Pr,doe.e. Criee..
rue.. arboa aal Lard 011. Iron, NMI, flit S.
Ce" 4,
Y.'" 1:1 '4 12 . 1 " li t i ". llX 4 2V3Vika r r
JOU?. I. Uovai,...w. Wm. V
TORN L HOUSE & 11:111tv,",; Sue.
► -V:2 0 11 ,
Ka:MS.I4 and W MCP C°"'"
_CCU. Itt.Ourgb.
- •
_ . _
u. Sal pi, x
ea , ".. ~,N i., - 4' AI. L AI; F.. Who 10- ,;—,,—,,'
- , ; — ,, — ,,' .-- ' t i t, AND Picitfit:VlC DEAL•
''''''' ''. -.IITH STREKT. PlUseurgta.
[.9 :L.'i S i) ;
Greatly Reduced Prices
Fashionable Merchant Tailors h Chithien,
N. OUT porn' AVENUg, eon.: of Cherry
Ailey. h... Jost received the Lunen and moat
complete "out of Cloths and Csasimeres, gut
tags and custom made clothing ever opened to
lids city. It comOrtaea the very guest of French
/mods as well as media in American man o facto res.
Our mo toi Small Profits, Low Prices. gulch
Wei and Ready Cash Favor us with a call and
Judge for yourselves. All orders ailed warranted
to eve rattsractlon. oem
89 Fifth Avenue, 47 Sixth Street.
Men and Bow Clothing in the
Greatest Variety,
TM prices to toe oily tot. rood tobotan
tial goods.
imr-Sairn pabar at. tordlany Ws lard •
an lb at oar arm store and examine stark.
SSI Fifth Avenue,
47_11/xth iltreet.
Y. ivrAiß-L>f,7E,
(Ueda, Cassinseras and Vesting's.
iio. 93 1-2 Smithfield Street,
ChAbbti 0.14 to order In the isten
vrtla W. klegsank..W.6)
113 Buitthfield Street,Plthiburgb
0 ,1 r ,1, 1 1
• tyl.tld lam atoa 01
(11011118. GABSTRIERES. JR,
1v44 mo•Ond lry
et*. 111wolllut Tall.. 1111M1‘111•141 amt.
r:1:i 1 kyk:
uuaw WP ()MI 1 1.1401112272 ficsraiffm.
Illtabersb. Nev. YU, MS
OTIVIP.—The assessment ter
and Martinis
SIIM to 4SM mreete, and ter boar .„ o , oe ,
lb bib hem Mts. rmiliv War" %., :ee btp
tetall . "7, gl=-IVATP.',:Iuo:Va
• be rem aa MN cake until Hu Its mV, Me
ISM of November. erten t 0 .11) i‘utreed
the City lirmsontreir fur coil. etton
H I. City
reREET.—The un
u npoatird Viewer. to awn Main wetd et4 roe epebum Yellen etr•-et.
ur •
."'L c f Allesttev. briii meet ow 9.
:re.. NaIIIIILDAT. Nummteiv 17. 111001.
leeL N., is mtend Um tables of
aripmbmimmj. JOHLAnN.
ER' OPERA 11011
•••TITROAT • rTFR,,N. ,• 13, 18611.
I. 1LFT1r...% •LI 11 • t,., ,r.rmazelt
ALA 01,1,
Med•.• LalSlLvoell
When he apvcar .0
om , c , I
.1d • 0.w.:1
To mach:el. I.llh lb.
OIL W•••lll,rrtv , C11,... , 1,, 'MT Dtt[hh.t........
Sends aventri•—LUCILLIC
H. W. WILLIAM& Carle Leers,
The Queen of the Ernersl.l Isle. .11las Jennie
Iteneon— , r•re Nest perlormer In the amid,
MI.. Ritz retry, to bee' 1•••tral I,rarred•-Mts
s.ry. breOf re 2. ride... MM. Ad. Wray Lau,
Toole]. Miss Clara Damen. am, tar amat comerrly
Combln•lson in • neer bill. Incladlua the e
dram, entitle,. • The Nab of Cr me, o: lb.
99999 les or the 'l ro n (It? •• Lmlles•
7,1,`,71.,,),:r.,4,6%.4.7 UM.... Adrelart..•
First Concert of the
60 Yokes, with Full Orchestra.
0 14 111 A Y, Noremher 15th, 1869.
I. PH. 131 1 1. , NUI1•S urtsr. bvi ti LZ.Z.
vlo Vole• I beitran Yr. • . . go,
Tenor Mr, Pam Zimmerman. Re..
W. H. Kg•rarge.
Y. N.itt 111 liabb 1311 . -.1" LIVE.
Tl••••ettortw.lve• • rig,. Je•eflpt'ort • f :be
:1 11%. ' “'--
. ..... Elk fah.. Mr.
b • antwartl. barltosie, Hrs. I. J.
hl •• •• t•rt• Is • mutita• p.iliptailm th . •
Mt. r•ttlna inmt tt • 1 •• •
of 11 11.11 ir• •••• •rem
beulinlation to • or:. 1,, urtie••
Libretto., YU et•te. r•• itt
fort Home'. tit. .1.,
ant of title", anti at the 114110 n the tee...lee .1
tbe Concert.
Slat Cblelerina and •lw the 11. mt
H•mltn °tenni limed h. the liminta t.•el• t. •re
furnished o) genuf Hoene. •SVUI• Isar
boll Brum. oat,
Lae ■dicer London • Yo•n ne Star,•' *ll Leo
tort at th ♦cademr of
Tuesday Erening, Nov. .:Gilt,
• 1111 ATVON 11. MTt NY.
Tletets SO eNu telerved seat• Treket•
ran Den •twurteN a• t s tele or 1.1.• &.1 TN.
N 130 related&• reed • J 141,, da
001.01,1 Nude e ore. F.lte •
✓R I,pen rvi 01,11”.. PuntertetpetteE
C.thedrnl ID •ttrDA•ntr.
N. Ifa Flll.llsrananj oppoalte the Orr.
Ronne, fllobargb, Pa.. le the coolest and in.ost
deerrable Place of resort., lovorr can ho load
r, tate plate Pare and Hood. The Hilliard two.
ars on the cround floor la th rear.
(KUNZ'S BM DI2101)
68 Smithfie Street,
(Formerly occupied lay 'oho 8. Hewer..ll.) bad
teem leased for Loral of years by
And Fitted Irp in the Best Alanner
Have been placed In the
The Bar Is FAocked
Fire Invurano Company,
No. 102 BROADWAY, N. Y.
CASH CAPITAL 18 11 800.00080
BURPLIYB or AM/CW.IJ tali 1,
1881018 1.7153'3,71
)(882.9 lu total Cash A/2.eta 12.282,1130 I 3
=I of etch p.m. to In customers In dertp.
so Its •sockbolder•
By this astern the customers of the Coropony
obtain their toenrance at &boot whet It wets the
company to protect them, sad ander no drew.
.twat. are they liable for the losses.
NoTg.—The largest amount of "Net 6127911211
over Lloofifties, Heleuureoce end Oaplta." ...
Mayon by the ••01:11c1b1 Returns,•• ly tame of lb.
'Ms Directors of au Company Cove oedema
LL A maid =Anal ouh-devidend of seven CT?
Ad. A cub dividend for the redearprlsa of tat
tertp or 1663. with 0 per Cent. Interrht there..
341. An interest dividend tits been deelaredion
•w. A .ceip dt•ldend of fifty (RU) Dtrr =t
oo earned prerotruor of canon:ken eottthd lo
pvuelp•te ha the preens of the Cetapatay la pal-
shit forthwith at U. Otto of the Company,i
167 Wood exact, Baak of Chsatarree BUUdltt.
Tbe Company Insures aaalaet lose by lly• eel
Bail. Lags, Merchenetse, Ferelento. blestareato-
rt., I neept, of ibe more pornooe kind., .arm
Property and other insurable Interests at reason
able rate. of ors mitten. For additional baton.-
Lion with respect to system, pm.. "Stet. •e.
General Insurance Agent,
tub. es P 1 /7.11 n Amu. amend %MAO.
Carol teil All Paid 1:11:N.
K. J. simAy, PLW.ollver.J...(>44l..Y.Flarn.
S Hartsus. n. C►mpßS
Jet.; Hlll, ;s. li•ooorkans lass. SL /WWI.
mas Tealth
Tho.iJno.S. WlllosS,
JNO. T. JTNNINVIS. Vice President
JOB. T. JOHNSTON. ISsennary.
Oast H. J. 01402. Gas.' AAsit.
HUSITCS en Liberal Terms tba W Inn
and alutne EUnts.
CA, letter. of ndtateint.ratioa In
to. boo. graated to tae.odstrolgamot ott dep
ute of Gratttlti ISMI.S. Imo of ColSeespert.
t 0 dev.o, tel peewits tatiebtof totes old e•tito
am oi nested to make ImMteMata payment. .ad
those haring Claim. or demsada against tbo
talent Ma sa i d decedent arta Maas tattoo tbe
.an t ',Mean del. / to
Mrs. blottlY SWAIM Atltotolatzstrts.
W. Z. iIAiIItLYON. odmhasitstos. • -
MOIR upon. Tia r
.1U Waereas letter, testansetrtsu7 on gis el m .
fate of E. lllJBLott,f, &ceased. Itavlog boa
Reamed to the ostlers's rod be toe Iteadster al•
•Leaoesty eonaly. all venues latlobted to *eta
estate are betraywaned to make Itotordlato
Y.) me.. sad Moss baring elalmis saw,. tau
estate IrW present theta. asks Rothe. heated, lov, a. IL ROKLSON..
IL Jl. !WHIM" •
oc:: • s V. • . NOVA, X.
tt tedona h naatton 1.,.
• prey
gwt wed t 6.
KLIZALT o IIIM 2I Ore tea r
Alleggrur ri All to LS
dobtod to WA Wats area rAst, ..Auf t
Imvtedmta paimeol, iv
Nisiprem. tarn Whaat delah,
th ' y t.f . tit , :nt
Nisi for orttletarst.
Whit. e.
trallyigth . ANS, Adth ag r.
rt ECUTit/ d NorricE . Z
J24Whoreas 1. tuts tortrr
AI forrogg rt.tor
to t h e loimary WNW
thde...rd Mahe de f. k l k " Cak
or Id R7f ,
oehttql3 No. ST I . llth Amiga;
No. 256, fitc:TERNE;IB6O. 1. hereb y firth that UM
Beneficial Society '
Win 'aerated to the Conn of Common Pleagrof
Ai ar■7 eratht■ for a Chartar..d taxi tho
WA Vow mute so order to the cane to alone
lest that 0014 Charter hill b. yawed all their
la... Uterus. ardesieseallitiogstiterato hill !Maw:
the tonotatte.
ern Protboaotazy.'