The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 13, 1869, Image 3
FIVANOI.&L. AMERICAN BANK, 0. SO FOURTH AVENUES, PITTSBURGH . .200,000 =I Stockhubler lndit idually Liable. ANIL OF. DISt °CST AHD DEPOSIT. WE. Ile= JOHN VLIII - D rre.ddrat tot Za. liandtad /DOS Niontud. . T. -balloon. rchtbald rroll.. Jae. D. Kelly. CLas. It Jot. 1 • 14.,.1. Thol Kau k fully ordsulard and pry pared to do a wout ral liana us bualueas. GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, Bought at Ilighta Prices. PR. 11. MERTZ,. Banker, Cur. Wood St. and sth Avenue ny6 JAMES T. BRADY & Co i-ocee•sote lo e. JONEII & CO Corner Fourth Menge and Wood St., 13 Al Inrk:l3 s, and .11111 land , 01 GOVERNMENT rECURITIES, NILVER AND INHJPONN, OC Y 0,7 FAVORABLE TERMS Allowed on Deposits amomono , loootot on Eiorerurcent Bow:In IL , lowest mow ko. Orders excreted fel. ibe Purchase sad I . l * e or PiTt'aiS, BONDS mud GOLD. I A MES T. BRADY AL CO, tilt 11,ittsinttO GaitttE. FINANCE AND TRADE Or?tclt or Pirrammod Gizsrmi. intio , November 12, 1869, Business to the [Mandel world wallas dull to-day ai it has beta Mr the peat week, In commercial circles. There ap pears la b • n.l movement In either gold or bond., the latter sympathising with the dullness of the former. The quota tions du n e; one day for gold were LIB)i, and 128 , ," with, scarcely any business More than establishing quotations, but there Is certainly a storm preparing during the present lull, indications for • higher tnarket must be looked for in the amount of.goodo now held In bonded warehouses, which must be marketed at some price, and which wottld absorb a large quantity of the floating gold on the market, on the other band the dull ness of business ai.d the generally ma. oepted theory that gold multi find a level at a lownr point, appears to have equally stri n g points to favor of a cline, and all that to wanted to start It that direction would be a tight money market for call liars, which would force a large amount at gold, now held for a rise en small margina, on the market. The lateness of the season, however, precludes any movement to that dlrec- Pon, tualeas engineered by Cliques. Government bonds were even duller to day than for the balance of the week, and declined about one.quarter per 'cent. Stocks started up atroeg thin morning without. any material advance, but closed dull and weak toward the close of busi ness. The appearance of the stock mar ket la that of a strong downward MVP merit, which will net in just as soon as some of the large holders have sold out. Money very light, and business at a stand still. Quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Cold, 126%; Silver. 1220;Eighty one's, 117%; Five Twenties, 18tr., 115%; do 1864. 1123;; do 1865, 113%; do 1884, CooeolB, 115%; do 1841 i, 1.1.5%; do 1884, 115+1; Ten Pot - ilea, '197%; Adam. Ex press Company, 55%:: Merchants Union Express Company American Ex press Company, 35%; Western Union Telegraph Company, 343.; New York Central, 160%; Reading, 98%; Pittsburgh Fbrt Wayne dc Chicago, 85%; Ohlo ft bilialead 26%; DI ichlean Southern, 88%; LW v eland •SL Pitinburgh, 83%; Chicago, Ruck laland dc. Panific, 1937{; Chicago di. North Western. 79 Chicago .t North Western Preferred 86%; Erie, 28. LICHANti Large. tionalL London, per .f. 3.8,31 88,39 25 28% Pio* pe franc % Berlin, linge 95% 9 7% Frankfort, tiorlna 68 58 --Closing quotations received by James T. Brady Si Cu. Gold: 128%; United Slates Sixes, 1881, 10%; Flve.Teenties, 198., 115%; do. 1884, 112 V; do. 1685, 113%; 137%; Five-Twenties, Janu ary and July, 1695, 115%: do. do. 11387, 415%; do. do. 1868. 115%; Due Corn- Union Pacific Railroad, rttiltral do, do, 99; Cy. Pacific, 307%; Lake Superior 96. (By Telejtesph to the Pitishergh Bateau.) NEW "10011, Nov. 12, 1869. Money steady at 5@7 per cent. on call loans, chiefly 6. Sterling quiet at 6%a.9 per cent, W Bret class kills. Gold dull, opining at 126%, advancing to - 128%, end closing at 126%. Carrying rates 54 7 percent. The Soh-Treasurer sold 11,000,- 000 gold at 126 664050128 64-160. Governments doll, without decided change. Coupon46l, 1173415)117%; do '6d, 1163569115%; do 'di, 112%@)114; do 'IA /13%0113%; do new, 116%®115%; dodo Itatifg.ll , ssll do do '66, 116%®115%; 10'1ri 107%6 1u734. Currency sixes, ioDgiciao77;. , 81.111.0AXmchlt t 11111; IHlssOuriz, 68;4; old Tertnereem, 60; new, 6234; old Virginias, lEr, pew 54; old North Carolinas, 47; new, 38; special tax, 49%. Stocks heavy and lower, with some activity an New York weste r n Like Shore, Pucific Mail. Northn and SI. Paul, closing, however, dull and an. settled on the whole. Pive.Thirly F . 'netes —Canton MY: Cum. berlatod 2634: Western Union Telegrap 134%; quicksilver 13W Mariposa 8; do lgerer: d Adam's Express bb.. Wells dt Furs° 18%; American 36A. - Unitrd Flutes 51; Pacific Mall, 57%; N Y. Central 1803V.itrie 27%; do preferred 44)(01310nm 131: Hodson 187;,..Rtiadiog Michigan Clential 1.29 . Lake Encore, 89%; Illinois Cenral 137; Pittsburgh, h 3,4; Northwestern, 69%; d o . preferred, 2.51 Rock Island, St. Paul, 6830 do. preferred. 62%; Wallaah, 59; de. preferred, 4. Wayne , 145; Terre Haute. 2 Chic du. pr ey i. 5; MO Allen, 149; do. p a dd; 1453 g: Ohio Miismalppl, 25; Bar QUIDay, 147; St. Joseph preferred, 1/141; C: C. dt 1. C., 2414. binning shares dull. Boston prices: Codarnat, 50; Copper ce Falls, 4; Fleets, 80: QuineY. 2 0 . ButeTressury balance, 588,648,870. PITTISI3t , KG DIABKETS OWVIS OP Prlrrentruan Osiferrs, FRIDAY. November 12, 1889. There is no improvement to note In the tone or spirit of our markets, and what is wane still, it is not likely that there will Deter some time to come. In the absence:or anything like a e a feeliou or chipping {demand, the volume of ' business continues light, while In regard to values there are ne important chaoges. The grain trade COnUnnea in a languishing condition, which_. to owing to the want of oon iwpion to prisms farmers, generally, are not disposed to sell. anticipating better prices, while dealers are not dis• owed to buy, being apprehensive of a still further decline. And what Ls true of grad is equally applicable to flour. For sepias, butter, eggs and country , generally, there is a very ;moo ',demand, and that, [co, at fair prices. The Beason for packing bogs la now et hand, bUt thus far none of our packers EI U` ' _ . ___. _ _ -------- - have dons anything, nor is it likely that MARKE.Ta BY TIELECR.4P II . they will until prices decline conned- ' Nate Voice. November 12.--Cotte. erably. The provision trade is not to a ; seedy and fairly art{ VE, ruin i :1,100 baled very healthy condition, no prices ere; at 23e for mlddiire upland". Flour re relatively higher in the went than In the . ceipte, I",i. al bbl.; M. or l a vers buyer": east-higber relatively In. Chicago and i ealee la?, a t,,,, et 10,r55,:, rur superfine Cincinnati than in New York. , State 1111,1 coobill, e5.3:11156.01., for extra APPLES=Conti.nue to mine In freely, State, 1:..,..1,gx 6,1 u for extra Hi-v.lOOl, is. Is but nutwitbistandicg the market is pretty , 016_6, for amid t b olt, white wheat extra, well glutted, prices re yet are fully sua• , • ' - for 5 rained; we coati/tie to quote nt f 243,50 j 15 50(40.20 far R. 11 . t.- 16(4.03. 51 . 1 per bbl. , extra St. Lou •., *7q4o for good chore do, RUTTER -lc In good supply anti dull, i closing 1 ,„„,...„. , n ,.i„ tqi . ' , a l, „ I 0 tm , but unchanged: Wes 01 prime to chine. , , roll at 30®35. . bo.a Inferior to r,,,,:a ~L,a for export at I BEA NS-12,60rg,2,76 per Inulbel. , 1.:,,1et_44,75. Ryo Flt•ur quiet: colon or BUCII . WB EAT FI.OIJR--4 15 ® , 4,a, cis. ' taw M i ld at I.4.7.irdyi.nt: l'orn 31oel dull. Gann:it E AT 54,600 b. ! y decidedly firmer: sal. of 3...,0 CIDER - le eelllng at from IT to V ;‘", lo ta weatern at *,i,043 , free, r 10. bbl, nesording to quality and Ore til bid. ; log at the latter orlev. 'iA l ' iret; reteiptn CRANIAEHRIRsi-r timer and higher; j 3i3,i5il bitch; market 10,,2c better and in we now !roots, at 412418 per [Mi. i goof demand, chiefly epeculative: Kate'. CARBON 011.-rials , eta ild a rtl breath. 1 16,600 Moth, at 11, I 1,..5i,i9 for Nt.. to the trade at 31;,®32, and market rum 1 3 spring, 11,2.3611A1 for No. 2 Tbe Pittsburgh Fort Wayne & Chicago I do., 11,36 for No. 1 du., 11,38(11. RR. la now recelpung all through to Cm- 1,42 for winter red and nuttier clitoral at 76 eta per bid, and to Chicago! western; 11,12 for white Indiana,. Rye at 51-that In for foil car load. I quiet. Barley a shade firmer; male" 3", CUEESF-Quiet and onchanged, rang- ' truo bush at 11,06 for two rowed State: log from 1a(3,21, the °Middle figure for /1.28®1,2b1, fur Canada Went. Bari, New York Cloatien. Melt quiet. Corn reoelpts were 37,3V.3 DRIED F61.71T-la quiet and cm- been; market Ira" e 0,,,,,, oral e pout Is changed: Apples, B(Q9 eta; ?Seabee, PG. ; lower; Rol. 0 teal leash at et.3.'•1,03 for 10.101 quarters. and =ORB for Wets , ' rillirourni I.lllSed iceeilern: 111. 04 4 1 . 06 for DRESSED HOGS-Salee at 12®12!.j. ' attuod do ; $1,07(01,1u tar weateru y allow. EGOS-Frail packed higher with' Oa', roerloic ~re tiS loom!, pries. littlest at 34®35; limed at 25®26. are ut•oril le lower; sale" 79,04) ouch at FEATHERS -1 0 better demand dud' 1i::,, - . 91V, , , W.L.11 tx0i8,6, , , C. Itlre quirt; higher, bud we now quote at 1356_590 to race ill r ,,, Carolina at 7,,e... l'otlee tint!. the t rade ends the usual advance fur I sugar Wendy: Sale/110h ",tide at 11(4 II tie, , email lots In store. : Curet; 11',(q,12 Porto I:act t.. Rola..+ ti ren t , FL KIR-Continues quiet and dull -1 with sales Id bbls New Orleaos at SLO3. ' 1 with but little prcepecte of any 'micro , et Petroleum steady at laiffbaii,c for crude, ' meat In the demaud or change in prise. ' 35( fur retitled. Ilona go t l at 165. V Good to choice brands gay be qmiLen el ' 25, for Anierican. liimead O dull at 1444.50. 1 93(51140. Prelgla 4 to Liverpool brave . 1 GRAIN-Wheat In genet and auk • shipment's of 49 MO busk wheat par steam I Changed with sides of primp Red at 11,16' at 6>,..d, aud LOP" bbla lour per end at -no whiteotfering. Data In fair demand i 44d. Pork Dreier end In good demand; and etendy at 46(§47 ou wharf and track . 1210, bole at 5:10(.1.30 2.5, owns, clueing 630 I and 48®50 to store. Sales of new owe I calla, 1i5.2,5t,a,.. tor priirin. cl uei n g for I reported at 70075: prime old ear, may prime oleo", latter price ior new. ale, be quoted at 00®95. Rye ladull end un- : tralee 250 Mils new me. at U.LetatUn,:l.s changed'at 904395. But little doing In , seller January and February , and 3'...S Berley, and prices are nominal al $1.150 seller eta mouth.. Beef unchanged: 1,25, for fair to choice. , sales MO blde at 11(413c for WON extra RAY-Sales at Allegheny market of ! mane; tierce beef dull; sales llotierces at of 76 koala at 116422 per ton. 527(5'29 for prints meet, $30®31 for ladle , ElrEtits--Sales at 3 •ents per pound. , meant beef hams quiet; Pales lOU bbis at HOMINY--Salee at 56, a 6,66 per bbl. 515®21) fur old, $321513,50 for new; rut , LIME -Sales of Cleyeland white lime , weep, dull; axles Si pkgs at 12k, ®l3 for I at a2®1.25 per bbl. ' shoulder, 170716.' for hems. Itilddiesquiet 1 LARD OIL-Sales of ells No. 1, at ; acid trot, sedea7s lexett keen,. at nisei ! 51.3801.43. and No. 2,at 11,0.501.08. ; al. 300 bole. Cumberland cut, deliver. ONIUNN-811 1 .. aif2,50 1 :4 3 , 110 per bbi,, able In Chicago before llucember lath, the °Meade figure for olc.e. lon private terms. Lard stead , and gUleli POTWPDBIS-Sales of prime Lake ; toles of 370tcs at 17 ®l7e,s for steam and , Shores, at 61460 per busheL Sweets ! 17.,A018jc for kettle readered; ale° Sou nominal at 551.54 per bbl. ! tos Team, seller Imtuary, 17c. Butt, PEAS-Dell; $2,50 per buebel. ' quiet. 20(5330 for Ohiu. Cheese dull at POULTRY--Sales of dressed chicken. I 17@,18c. at 12015 eta. per pound, and dressed 1 Lattzt. -Flour closed steady with ma- turkeys at 16513. Live chickens at 46® t donut, export. and apeculative demand fe sus per pair, bythe coop. I for good low . gradea. Extra wheat, quiet PROVISIONS-Market quiet and and firm with moderate epeculative m otives nominal -old stock almost ex- qulry for prime winter and apnea wheat. haw... ! Rye dull and unchanged. Oats, quiet SEEDS -Nothing doing in either and steady at 1540450 for western. Corn clover or Timothy needs. Sales of flax- . dull at 99r9103, for unaound, and 41,045 seed at $2,40, at which figure U. 1.1 1,,06 for sound western mixed. Beal, wanted. I quiet and steady: cut mean; limited re. SALT-Alleghony river brands quoted quest and unchanged. Bacon, aliede it $2 for ;small tote In mere. miner with fair demand. Lard, quiet at t3THAW-Sales at 1124 15 per too. 1i74, ®17.1e for fair to prime steam. Eggs, fank request and steany, ' Cnivano, November 12.-Eaatern Ex change 1-10 per cell!. all buying and par Orrice or Prrrearnon llarkrre, S ! to 1-10 per cent. premium selling. Ilour FRIDAY, November 12, 11169. quiet and easier at 54Q,5,71 for apnea The oil market we. exceedingly quiet extras. Wheat opened tolerably active an d . bat towards tbe , el;su c bil)te e r . ah o el . do , i , ll , arl , to-day, not a elegbc wells reported, while the feeling compared with yeater- (~,,,.,„; N0. t . ,, , %,„ 6 „ . ; 5 : 70 1 1 ,.. 1 .: 4 , . i. bs 9 s( day was somewhat easier, price. have bec„r; this afternikou market dull at 132(g. undergone little or no change. Private 89se. Keller last ha:f November; 1401,0 r , lusher December for No. 2 Corti more telegrams " ere Fhilede/Fllie repo rted secy.. and lc higher; sales Nk.2 at 63 5 business very quiet there, ale°, an d mere, ' Ot t , c , closing at t33.11" - &iat, - , rejected in as here, operators, are non -plumed, and I quiet and Striper at Botifitinti,c; Mather. disposed to hold off and await further I me,. market dud at 8 . 44685,C enski, and , seller November for No. 2. Oat. leas developments , settee and quiet; salon were reported of We publish on our second page, e Very No 2at 38036i4s In mare, and at 380 Interesting and very bearish communi 1 caller the year: rej3Bectedor at No. 36 ~2 , c®36l,aasn. c, cation, In which tae writer deal. some ' cicedng at 313 , ..,® ,c Rye dull and tanner, with ...den ut No. I heavy blows to the "belle," and while at "le,No 2 at 68(569, and rejected at we do not pretend to pass on Its merit., ' 61(geric, cloning at 6•Je for No. 2. Barley we ask for It a careful persual. dull et most nominal at Doc for Ne. 2. ' Highwluw dull at 5.4(..013..,e. Sugar, -0. CRUDE. 15'4C.T/IV•sr far common to prime Cuba. Market very quiet-not a single sate ' Prirtudoun fairly active and firmer. Mee reported, and prices nominally nn' Pork gap ne ap, !t ad 1:7,25(.....a.,50, Boller changed. Spot oil in quoted et 1 e44 017 i January. Lird "toady et le4 O. Carl . bid and naked; toiler November, 1650 ~,,od and ...,,,,ked beat, at is , : ~,„„ Ifix,; teller ell year, 16(016 , ;: and buyer piskeled haulm at lee; abort rib In salt. 17. . 15 days, at 14,V; shoUldern, lita,tt; loose. RESIN En. , llai @II!, c, salted lu Mi. Very quiet and a !Made weaker then L .,,,,. ‘ „,,..„ . Nay. 1 . 2 _ Fi. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, yesterday while prix,, as In the case of - 0,1 ALM dell. extra 14,7.5.1,thi nod 1....11y crude, are unchanged. November 06,2b(45,50- w h ,.,,, ~,,,,, :, ,, , ny u0. ., , „ 4 , quoted et 36%; December, 34 14; Pe eetu- e 7 and quiet; Na 2 $1,u3(1,0a and No. I to March, 34 : end January to MiluTn 33 %• : 51,10. cure in light supply and good It was reported tide evening that Am- , demand, at 57g,,, for car. Oslo Ull werp had advanced to 6214 franca. ; changed; No 2 no*sle, No. 1 E:r4.53c areeirrs or canna ET A. v. 1, It. and white tri@Ettic. Rye dull nt 3."(g.1.0e. Ralston Jr. Waring 640, on accont Pool Barley nominally nu Me NO. I fall hen, Jas . wa kana 240, na accoun t nip,. ! held at $l,Bl. Cotton dull and & Batton Pet. Or, Fairview Oil Worka ; prier. drooping ; middling 2.3!.j5. i on anneain t c fra ,„a nn & Sewers; Wood vital. fobacco fir sae of 101 blids at sin ou Wmka 160, on amount Fisher l ; 19 , 50 . Whnak.9 oPeued unsettled. but is Bro; Fisher Bro. 1,040, on account E. H. now firmer, and the demand atighily um... Jas- eiwo,,, j , an ; on anaq ,,,,,j, ye,,, & ! better; aalea of 300 beds at 5L Pork dull Funk; D. my er CO. 50, on account Thom. !at 5 31 : no lan. of imiertame. Bulk meats, two thirds cured, held at 12,, ® Chats; W. Wilson & Co. 51, on OCODIIOI. i Thee. Chew Penn Oil Work. 7Z3, on ace 1280 for shoulders, tied 16:.® 16 've for count Fisher Brat Liberty Oil Works 548, ' Clues rib and clear ic.i.. New on account Ounce° A Bowe.; A. B. Mlll. 1 lard held at 035 c fur .earn and 170117 , 0 i 60, en account W. Bartle; Tarenttuxi it for kettle rendered. Nothing done In Works 560, on account Mewl:dr:may Bre; ! Bacon but line here nowt groan meals P.1211:111. Ott WOrka ;44 OM account J. M. ' declined to 103,(3435 and Hai. Batter Alter; Hutchinson Od Works 210, on ac-' in better supply cud pries:tare dropping, count Owaton & Sowers. I fresh et 29(.3.1c.. Ey' rgn, soarer, and firm - 4.821 bbl. !at 30a. Cheese, firm at 17 5(519c. Lin- Total seed oil. unchanged and firm at 90492 c. alllPMENT ootrtiertner, Koehler Co. lel sor aaPINED aT a. i.. a. to. Lard oil . « 11,23q1,37 for current made. M et bble Petroleum, steady at 33035 c for retitled,. ref. to Waring. King & C 0.., Phila. MeKelvy Bros., 51 Mils relined oil to ST. LOCI., NOVernber 111. - Tobacco W. P. Logan limo., Philadelphia. ateady ax full prtece. Cotton lower, 235 Marvin it Co., 2.58 [ibis oil to , 2350 for middling. Flour in better de Fulton, W. P. Leitrim it Bro., Philadelphia.i mend, but unchanged in price; fall caper Liberty Oil Works 263 bbl, refined to l 118,75(0a, extra 54,2544,181, double extra Warden, Frew it Co. Piciledelptin. ; 14,5014 - 5, treble extra 16,26%6,60, choice to Amoy 56.76®7,75. Wheat dull: No. I Fawcett, L. it 8. 285 refined oil to , n & Bra, Phila. red Gill 924495 e, No. I do 51,0541,08, W. P. Logan Loge Total .. . 1,239 bbla. choice red $1,2041.21, prime white 18,10, fancy do 51,36, No. 2 spring OIL MIFFED 600'r DUQUiralla DiCeox. Mc. Corn firm and higher; mixed Brooke, Ballentlne & Co. 27 bbls ref. 6,sw — et choice yellow 8.5®870 for prime. to Ward en * F rew a 13°0 Philadelphia Ft' 92®930. - Whisky active and firm at 51. PrOVlislotia-arriali business doing; ' rrrysituliou mum DlARkirt I mess pork $25,7602e; dry nailed shoul ders 128, @lac; clear rib side% 16®16$4rt Orrice OF PITTSBURGH OSSTITTEr 1()leer saute 165 e ; bacon %boulders Ms: FRIDAY, Novam . ber 12, 1869. , clear aide. Silo; lard quiet at 10634416c4c There lea continued steady demand ! In tierces, 1750175 0 In liege. k for metal, and the market is strong and I To antO, November 12.-Floor steady. rrm , i Wheat Closes 2e lwer, with sales or Nu. !Price•2ll3l though net 41a P tebi-Fidg " -- ' 2 White Wabanti at 11,vv• No. I white A gentleman who has just returned from I bilehigan at. 51,25; regu ar do et 11.10; a tour of observation among the Mahon- ambler do at 51,09; No. 1 red at 11,14; No. legend Eitteango Valley fartutettereports, 2do at a1,073i, acid No. 3do at 11. Corn ~,_ . a eh:ado lower, with bales of No. 1 at 64e stocks at the furnaces very ileatch r- 1 and Na 2 at 133 c. Oats nominally um duced, and that many of them are sold i changed, with nelettf No. I at 47e and ahead. No. 2 at 41 , ,,c. Clovers°. 07,40. Dressed ,In regard to bar iron and nails, there noire a elute. 93 wec et 10 10 Ile. are no new or Important characterlistica, doh; 1 e m u Ttiling. I :l ° ., " T'l b'' ou r r IS fair ttial'en none least worthy of speclaluotice. The mend; extra family 55,25. Oran quiet mills are all in full blast, and have as ' Wheat 51®1,15. Cann Re. 04141 bee. many mikes as they can All, and card 1 11 2 Linde Rye 90c lags a Tebacoo t /38, q5O iet fur and firm; .1. Bart county rates, so far as we can Birn, are strietiv , 1.1. whi,,ky *i. Adhered to.l CLEW:LA.I)D, November 12.-Flour Is e I shade firmer and unchanged. Wheat firmt No. 1 red 51,16; No. 2 red held at 51.1341.14. Corn very quiet: No. 1 trilled 6708.9 c, No. 2 do. assatts:s-Ilats quiet; No. 1 State held at 41(94tic. Put taust.rnie., November 12. - Wheat; rod western at $1,2041,35. Rya at 51,011. torn Arm at 41,115 for old yel low, 85(P0e for now, 51(51,02 for high mixed, Oats ateady at 66®600, Petrol.- °m firmer. Crude at 24'5. Refined at 3 5, 40 35 !6" . Kalatiloak, November 12. - Flour dull, favors buyers; western superfine 15,L2j4k9b,3 7 14, extra 115,609i16. famtiy 56,50(97,25. Wheat 'steady, 111,35®1,34. PETROLEUM MARKET I= 50 tone No. 2 Foundry .. t 0.009 cash 30 44 No. 2 d 0.... ...... . 41.60 4 mos 20 0 No. 2do 42.004 mos ' 40 No. Ido 44.004 moe 10 " No. 2 do. ..... 40 60 cash 20 " No. I Extra d0.....-4+5.00 4 mos 100 " No. 3 Medium 38.006 mos 100 " No. 3 Good 38.60 6 moa 100 " No. S do . 38 50 8 moe 60 4. No. 2 Medium 44004 mos No. 3 Good 39 00 4 mos No. 3 38.60 4 mos 360 00 44 No. 8 Common Forge to arrive...-. 87.00 6 moe 100 •• No. S r Corn. Neutral orge t o arrive. 39.00 4 mos 60 " Po. 8 Neutral Forge to arrive 39.00 4 moe • 004.00040 6 . 400 tone Contra L. N. Bolt 200 0 Common Missouri . . ..... 46 00 30 de 26 0 Irondale 62 00 6 mos 10 '•lron Mountain M 0... 41.00 4 moe 10 " Hanging Bock No. 2 Foundry • - 25 Hanging Rock No. 2 Foundry 47.00 4 moe 01.008 0 . - . _ 14 " Juniata 995.00 1 mos 17 •` No 1. Juniata 90.00 f mos 29 o No. 1. do . 90.00 4 mos BITUMINOUS COAL NNW/VW MOM LAMB en rEIIIOR ORM VO5 50 60 de 200 tons Medium Gray. S4MI oash 100 Mottled 37.60 4 mo. 100 Neutral 800 o Open Grey Forge— for delivering pent Month at Furnace... 86.50 4 mall 300 o Medium Gray M Par. • ' 11406. 86.00 4 moe 600 ° Inferior Close Gray ,at Furnace tide and . ! Next Month 86.00 00 de 50 o Opao Gray from Yard...........—. 38.00 4 mos 55 o White tut Ilty Wharf 86006 mos 50 o Gray. Forge from Yard, 87.60 4 moe 110 o Foundry hem Yard. 84.60 6 IDO4 40 Gray Forgo, 38.00 4 11104 60 u White - 36M6 ittOs 170 o Gray........ 37.60 4 moe 190 ° do 37.60 4 mos 276 o do do ti; arrive. 37.60 4mm Dry Goods Diarist. Nave Yourc, Nor. 12. -Market rattier unfelt and pews steady. eseept for Bed ethop sad Green Star etyma, which are reduced to layie. Dirimangsg. November 32.—Ftaug la unchaned. Wheat firm at No for 10. 1. and 00c for X7O 2 corn wited it 76 (760 tor No. 2. cats steady at Bee. PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE: SATURDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 13, 1869 Live 14tock *target Now Yong, Nov. 12.—With only (00 fresh and 1,856 State cattle to/day the prices advanced %Olio, and the market wan cleaned up for the /net/time In weeks. The future po://qx/et is brighter for own ers; State lots brought 10% lbc, while only fair 7% cwt. Kentucky fresh cattle reached Bc. Reports indicate. moderate supply for Monday. Sheep are also a little firmer, with receipts of 4,900 le day; some stale lots sallow; a car o(7( pounds Ohio poor sold at to. with a car of fresh Michigan of 81 pounds at 6%c, and a oar of 100 pounds at 7c; tome 74 ada lambs sold at 7 lin. Hogdoing bet ter; a choice tot reaching 10H0, wh ar rival. of 1.700 head; 2 ca. Illinois of 2LO pounds sold at 10%. Dressed quoted at 13(3)13%o. eniewoo, November 12.—Cattle quie and unchanged; $3.82%@4,75 for butch t era stook. Moge firm, more active and a shade higher for upper grad.; b9® 9/36 forifair to medium, 119,60@0,90 kir good to clioloe, and $lO for medium. Sr. Locus, November 12.—Hogs still higher, weather oontinues favorable for killing; sales at 9%®itl%n goss. Cattle unchanged; mice at ityi©o34e grove. CINCINNATI, November 12.—Hogsdull at 00,50410; extra, selected sold to butchers at $10,25; receipts NOOK LootaVOL.L.u, Now/ 12..—Elogs steady at b9,60®10,00, eons, for extra neavy: re ceipts, 3,000 head; killed, 2,0*0. _ . 4600 4 Mot $ivER PACKETS 111111111.11111 /MD NEW WILE/101. •_ ou lowneruzo Ll ATlFD 4a gat kiiALOILZAMI-Tbe Marcie unlit JLOSS U.N. Will 'thee for the *both .no lotortoodloth ter ta ow t.. rt. the e. s . :l Mal tjaNflaooo, Ageoth. • e • '7. B a see LON" Meet, Male. 1n rap RIVER NEWS The river remains stattonary at this tiottn, with two feet In te channel by the Monongahela ina h rks. Weather cloudy and raw, with indlcationa et..nn equally favorable Stir ram or snow. This has been no arrivals since the .1.0. of our last report. ex. spit Ing the New !Matt. The little l`tanton *an to have left for some plat. down the river, left evening. '•il. A , • prediction& in regard weatl,r, bleb appeared in this paper er yeSterday• are rather ilheaou raging atearnboat men. Me thinks there will ta. llttle raft this month, end that en t. 11l bet. 3 hard winter. -The at last ar.a.itnte. was aground at “Infadtakan. . —Cala Moab Campbell left Cinete unit for tine city . on We John Ander.. dnesd an old ay. rc. 01 wan, I SW. 1,111 ted nt tinrinnatt W !Oa!' e,t ties' --Red river and New ttrienue pilot, nave recently been gelling Iran per month. - The anon et of a harfago renal rod at Little Kuck, Arkaneaa, Miring ..etor, - , —IL la fta rapOt tad at l'inol”pati, nti Wednt aday, •t Capt. Wash Kerr had purchased the Billie tor 1..:0,000. —The Ahllevertion fur New Orleana and the Wausnita for Meniphtn were to bare :OIL CtudnuauOn Thursday. —Mr. Thonisa Floater, mate of the att,, ~ar Sallie, was very badly hurt, Tuesday, while sparring over Letart, and le now with hie brother In NVllliame. town, West V10(11110. Pavage is laid up at Cairo ..tiug water. rho tan two bargee ,aded with 900 tone Iron ore from rerotitielt-0 10 tone for Palley, Wood burn Co:, Wheeling, and the other fur various partiee in Pittsburgh, Coteuntri ILthin, and Lewle, Oliver di. Phillips. C 100 Louisvil.e .a trier odf Kaye that "negotiations are pending for the purchase of the eteamer P. W. lOtrader, and the poealbilltiee are that she will Kam be In the hands of an experienced boatman and clever gentleman." We alwave thought thud, she was in each hands. —A dispatch from Memphis yesterday says: The Lorena, for New ()ritten., departed last night. She wee sgrreind several days in the Ohio. In lauding at Mount Pleasant she ran Into the wharf. twat, breaking her holler deck, smashing furniture, knocking down atanchious sod instantly killing a deck•hand, woo shipped at Cincinnati, name unknown. Ho wen brought here and buried. In cracking out fr,m the levee here ehe ti•re off her larboard guard some distance, killing three horses and Injuring one man severely." • • —A St. bottle telearam, under . date of Wednesday, ski.: The steamer David Waite, which woe stealthily . taken pole ao,lou of yesterday, and sent down the wan intercepted At Sulphur Springs, and will be brought back here. Several queer stories are afloat regard ing the arfair. Although freight raise to Net Orleans absented yesterday, see oral parties were forwarding Hour, d.c. to-day, at the old rates. Judgment was rendered to day, In lit. Circuit Court, in favor of Springer Harbough, against tho Alton d sod St. lAmis Packet Com pane, an others, to the amount cf eb,trid. The funeral of four re sic time of the Stonewall dleastertook place here IMPORT% DA RAILROAD PIT-TNIIIIROR FORT WAY NE •N ('H AOO RAILROAD, November 12.-2011 bbl fl ,ur, Jenkins tiro; 30 bbis pear, IS tell peach.. Vidal, Mahood & Ce; 10 bales Groom corn, W Mardorf; I bale broom Thoutra; 1 car rt boat, S gett & Co; 100 bbla Hour, Culp .1 Shep ard; I ear n heat, Hitchcock. McCrearyn ~ & co; 100 tibia dour, Shotuarker & Lag neon S obis a poles, 4 kegs apple butter. Brugirerman &stub. Lester, W 11 sky 4.30; 50 oil bble Moore. 42 whlk bton J. S Finch & Cu; 20 Ora cheese, Watt, Lang &Co; 15 balls 'Morons, Myers R Artsovr; 166 oil bola, M l' Adams Bro, e bb.s eggs, Day A. Co; ado du, I.V 11 Drat! & Co; 7 Otto tobarro, J Murphy. 7 bids flour, L J Blanchard; 10 tails leather. J iiroetr.inger; 3 Ude whim J Adler ,t Co; 3 care ~^rap Iron, own ki I, Ir; II bales hops, J White Jr. 1,10 1,3 inn/ter...o,,irefr rl , erttt d Co; ,l 0 tell• hroottet, Hugh Corn; 26 tel. t.roolit ecru Jrier, 25 (.1,1,, 10510 r•to won Wallace, 1 car Kerley, mtlb bake broom corn, Insist, leck• eN A C.r. 2 1,1,10 .10, 11 51 Henderson: It cedri , es lotmeoo, J II Lippincott; 45 Outs do &IV Jonklnaon. CLE , NLA ND AND PITTNER' 11011 RAIL. ROADNovemher 12-1 car ore, Ever sun, Preston di Co; 4no do, Bryan & Catighey; 4 do metal, NI snick & CA , : 150 bbla sand, Dilworth &Son; I.r shingles Jos Mcllasiers , 2 do lumber, W W Rlgdon; 1 car potatoes. Volm, M & Cu; I do do, Bricker /t 0o; 1 do do, Vangorder a Shepard; 1 do wheat, J S Liggett & o. 6 tibia oatmeal, Strickler & Morlege; 10 pkg. do, 24 kgs pear rley,flesh myer Viskamp. 52 tibia oil. Sp.": I car corn, Ilippley & Harken: 60 bele apples, J M I,srable, 140 Odle chairs, Bedford Chair Co; 50 ban cheese, Watt, Lang & Co; 140 bble apples, J Allen; 10 do sinners, Rea S Nowell; I ear cern, Melt/me A A njer; 2 tube cheese, 9 bbls cider, H Riddle; 110 bbls apples 6 Otto stage, -I Hutchinson: 75 tars corn 111 do oats, Smes & Ewing 5 Ghia epodes, 12 do W C Armstrong; 'Lb lints flour, E M Jenkins; 'Aldo cider, 3 do egg., 11 Rea Jr, 216 dr, apples, R H nrst7: 15 do do, J A lira;!. 3 du eggs NI Riddle. Plyzentliolo, laricirier•tt AND Sr. RAILROAD, November 1/-6 bgs rein.. Rinehart .11 Stevens: 12 tars oat.. J B Horsley; 12 bgs potatoes, 3 do, elder. Fred Sehild; 13 do cider, Meaner & Harper; 100 bbla flour, W Prise; 48 halos cotton, Holmes, Bell B9 Clo; lea cot -2 car. staves, Hastings A Davie, ba ton, Kennedy. Childs A Co. 10 Wide tobacco, W I, Jon.; 25 bbls liquor, Schmidt & Friday; sdo do, L Hellbru. uer; 3 ton mileage, .1 H Parker; 75 titile 26104 flour, Schornaker , & alp h e 6 tibia apple., 2 pings butter, 2 da eggs Dap di Co, 6do do, W Orgill . ; 12 half bbln oil. Watt, Lang d Co; 2 Wads Cu bare°, Martin Fievi; 24 caddies do, Johnson & C 01•10; 18 do do, Lindsay & McCutaheon; 10 bids lard oil, B. D Clark; 5 Ones liquor, J Predrinherk. A LLEON ENT STATION November 12.- 3 oka cheese. Myer; 17 aka oata, (lee Stewart; 23 do do, J B McKee; 82 eke po• tato., J .1 Manor" 2 cars metal. Lawlw, Bailey 5 Denali; 4 ton oil, S Bradley & Son; 144 hides, Luokcatup & Co; I L i do . limo, 14 Drum; 2 eara, wheat, WM bdo. Bee & Co; A oars cooperage, Retiya & Robertson; 2 care wheat Kennedy Boo: I do cooperage. J M Hemphill; car bar ley, 111 Lieekelman; 1 do lumber, J Nen= 10 able apples, C Koenig: 20 do du, John Herbert; 1 pkge cigars, W H Park; 1 car stoneware, C Olase; 3 rolls leather, Geo Spangler; 10 0151 s nipples, .1 It MOP; 4 cars barley, .1 Rhodes; 1 do flasseed, Ewer, Hamilton & Co; 27 pkgs tobimoo, Kantor dr Wilson. A I-Le-wig:yr VALLEY Rao-Roan. No vember 12.-3 rare cad, Kier, Fader, & l'o; 4do du, Armstrong, Dickson a Co; 145 eke oats. 11 do rye, 27 aka wheat, Scott & Meal; 11 bides deineri A Berk; 2 htila onions, Boni Peet; 1c lime, D L itevnolds; 3 do metal, alegkllint & Co: l do do, Rees, Oraff & Dull: 3 pkitll Witter, J Wilson& Bon;9 cars railroad Iroo, B Dorrington; 1 bbl onions, Et Rag Jr. I'EttTIT OAS TOPS ,sgpi - viABELING FRUIT CA IN . Top. , 4.,,yai1d3r1. • ; -- - - We are Isom prepared to supply Tinuers and Potters. it Is perfect, simple, aod as cheap a* me plain top, having th e ham. of the •arkoss Polls stamped upon the War, 1241./net frets me oeutcromd . orpolatot staaspos 01:05 the tag of the tan. It is Clearly, Dletlnetly and Perianneatly - / .. ..ALHIFIT he measly placloa the •ame of the fault Lb n contains opposite the palate, sad ma)taa I theta,tomary manner. No preserver of Dull o good Imam:hotpot 'rill bac otber •ner 0 • teems t. lab% EDUCATIONAL.. ELKIRA FEILkLE WLLEtiE, UNDER CARE 01 THE SYNOD OF GENEVA Tot. la • risMatlan Roma, and • fully els, tend and organia..d Cuba's der. 1.41 ISMS. =al' par.o• • III.lth01.011)&441[14,11$1. Var. of CCLEOIIC or ACAlk sial.,,,oc,,,Lizeca.A., Tilt MO—Whole expel:Me of TalUen, tncludlng and Modern Languages, with beard. fornibtprd roo, dant and 10.1, $l6O per half yearly ...ion. m Addrass. REV. d. W. COWLES, D.D MEI SCHOOL of. DESIGN IM!!!EID MECIIAIII :AL Lint 7RZERAND DRAWING On TV LHDA Y . and TELDAT EVY.AIISOS, at A, o'clect • 11.0.,1n0. corner of 512th and nonV,S ACE LEATHER.—A Large ncelt of the PATENT LACING Alanya on hand and fot aalt at say . . u arsat PO - by Soto J. • H. r ILIAD% SO and SO straw SPECIAL NOTICES /"..,ar at EN 11.,ri.„..,%79112(0 I 1131,11& 11:11.1areffr . I !! run r o ln. if ieumpt.loo. ot, i. °wt. • •.. ..lver ornptln; Ihe ...e thr 4C.4 °Witty 13. th• :It , .0.1 put It to •ura....a tie eneetltof harrow, fro•ol, th. bool digest. anti mak. good food th; pall. nt heel to grow la 1.6. the i.e.l ru•tor flut" letlo Mt 1t... and the elint outgrow. Of •nd Tbll t tip only pla to eV. eortonniollou. odt;phla. • 61. 113331111c4 rumen* In the of putrooner on•uPtiollab. the Put. o lb. moo 'Aft mutt*, In Lb. fft u•oft•• otT try en crk. oljuaMbra. ton. lot •Io• n Ihe ohnorts. or taxa,. le ripe light ;tough tl oo It oft lbu patient bas tee •otth. he, • n., h. r. • u•tl 1 3 Irian • ILI Wat., uI, stip t • In it aet woo. the neer, y ..! !Ur. rt... I.L. !tut, of the r to. • .....nart• fr. '„y, •ntl the Itrer : . Vertt .'. b . ..T:tle " V . pt • atoutel fa deadly pot.on tolch le very tlau. r. ara to to. uo •es eft, great oar.,) that whl al—. th. Wats ottod t ft the •eferutlous f.• •• r I lie •• lo • .k . f. Slatodr•ie Pitt, I t. • rooltalpt la on. of .• mo, prominent ontomP , iv, t e v....Y.1 IKrone etitholant .134 •11• and 11.. .Ik',! In the benwer.i. 'hie p•trairillou to thade of. thal, 30 throo out Ilte Pat , to dloolve or food •Ith On ' loop. nod It Is maor vo ol Ll°, without It fen WAI on or emir.. n the obtael! Th. oh, phi W 1 ... do not rate unoamptlou !, tae tra to do too much, wee f moo., so 'lop chill, to et .1. utyln ...At, bee less 1, and lo 1.0 dun, the, deo sue. We 'hole !net •tl, power., locking ilr•Ito se! if rut, IT tbo p•lielat •111• •111 .1,1 • tar Pshurof Iti 10,, do, not; tO • too•rough, r t f•t On°. or fest, nuo• more the lbw .1111 , fun. uf 113rIl on, 13,635fa1. Noour cau .urtil tonaump• Livri lfaepett•fa. e ar ,, A Comet Eiret.t.d Turf,. üblr.s tsfs Llter and 11103133.31 3 art ru•de °e! , If a •‘ 3 3 snn Lea et rutonopttou, 01 Course Ibe lon, In too, arri1t......1. oltu. r tuttetrire. .....ocLtill Irrluftsto.. New. tolnelon, ur the Woe. (a l t , • Ink, •31 tut...natl. end ff., ft. aa• v lt, • •Itat mu•l he done , tt I- to. foto , 3131 so 1.1••3 st• vraallint. ton. 11, In L t. * n o n..., Ibe •toosm. ono It•er have loot th. It r o t• ot of Nu. the on a 1.. mkt iv:terra , ttnie merle . hu. hr , ne op *tone to the tatuntabh. th. •o ...v. to It it t diger. , • ••••4I ter potlentbe• rflw •.o •al n In 11••••.•11•1 •• nn•n as thr non i m• glue Whirs to h•xl. an. the ono, t g.t. •to •oti Is the o oluu th. m a tt roo tut, flt•ea , anal only Liter Cotroul...ot anfl la bp , 33 it. molten., n i ow...ed Toni flan In., I' tf otrr .011cls. without Puttuoun narup. Om ilt, eiT It. 511 latinaue complaint, at the;.!. per fern, h•reutc.a. (fil e( t) flue. • be! rm. undoiod enintuvv . P. L., !want" ror ?tare put, and non wrigEtsl4l lv 15, v. . wuyea ~ 1•3 • n 3 •- •• 131,1• 30 n, t. e, .ast rs 11 Putroon•ry I'. beuent.on. ate piaa dwan• 1....• Pt" ..... f!... 09 " d I n hl bl lake lie • cured NI the •foory•ald utedtvinf Lod talbee rec• cm, •••••301 ~.1113•3111 ITrtell ha, used fr 3••• • • pr. paoon .n I. hre enearle•ble nu, if.. run art ~tion• msni33,l3 , .3Sn bottle. nu• o. Or ',on.. taut. , palnnts fatala then lune• • amtnt ft, d Irr tor-pro h. ts profefolott• •11) at Itt. ro al tie - o, Phi Welt.. every Yatur loty. ...ere x!' tett..., for ilsic• mu, be ad tie I. .i•• f•-••1•••all• Mt NO. 311 Bond etre of, bra. Vora. e err, °flier Tue.., awl at No 35 firatto - rr .ire t. Boston. eft. rr • tit , Wedne .I.y II• ccnut for ...rough r on W. his 1.011,11:let r the peter ft 11. IOTIce hour .L a•Ch rrouu • al to 3 r l'rlre tho Pulmonlr our.. •nd ne•wreol 'roe, er • Polote. ur 17.00 • hie( dos. 1117Nar•lir Int,. alb c.f.i. • box. net Tor r 7 UggI•SS. 14,"; DOCTOIL COIN a TINT - i 9 1. t ST ALI. ricivire .15/ Aut.,. that naturrouf ta, of rose. ,el , l, tur from ent....e. pro • 10•1 •••••••••• atcholita It. eturni.aks. eezoloal anl iusr•e•• prrman• OUT rr4l.ue .91, a att., tna.e. lutrlcate .n 4 lune slam.. O,W Mill 3.s f-ompla.l wre ,Ittrly Ited t a I b.f . ••••••• Dolltins Rlnerlene, '.lre.tin of teacart . , b.. 01 au to L im to perleit retr it one el!, •.,..air 13,11.33,33 •nrl ...tee In mo•tra , . r. iff without bludranee to tau.. is. lie. nine . orepared tit Mt est•nil•neuent welch m repu, otlon •11•1 nat•lnar roomt.•tr.o "'"‘! r a . r : t "' PlT.: 2 : ' :atglaaiites::° . l eat.aalro g; l.e l e•mtorl .1.; trt flft. pap • sr, to an ••a...v.8 for tio mp. ito ens , ' pa. Thoiman., of ranee Blauilatatu•fla. at ..113 ILDS •D tbe ettua• tI ,1, *13033 ver• fnafty br f tater 5•• VSV "reef, furar ur, liouort rfnehttrir, 1 , • }low. 9•. tu r nun .1, 19 te to r •. I,mimirt ie. to .1 W• WC! SCERS. TUMORS, lil t-Ell. Asl.l.lon4and almost misses .ots ret of moa.r are nal ot da7 mad. I s Pro H 11. r. , lb* t • t.ser loa , vms , . 1131 A rs - 1, Stine% r•on. and m th• bran. of. , rroismat K. U. ISM Elm st HH-notta.i, Mo. las Irsmrosul. 4111•••: 111, • T. , ' are nrt •11. % 1e, est,' er tnirntsig pled, 1114 va,n. •re dursc,l • ,•, otbrr hare antl..tro. ho trr•tment lc Vur p4art1:41 4 .• van •13. , • • _ DNA/Kt-TES - !/1 N 00 : IT 0 W LONT I ,10.10 .lu, abed.. I . ••7 P n•11,.e. ••,•• un•l•• •eal • titzsel • u•e•,,,•• Lc, weltir•-•.• rp• 11,1. , , 1.1• N •, . 11,•••••rz 4 6 ••••,•• —idart , ••••• 1.14 P. pr • .1 dr 1111. T. ,DEN.T CO, IgAL TO. , ‘ HE•. • • F 01l (OLDS. tiN4Arl ,. . "1111,•T ADD None ••• n. "‘.6‘;,1‘T.11.5 A • • oc••• /0 A bt. , l nog rgrRATCHELAIR'S HAIR DYE. rt Ste. ...,gtantau.onr. dt,app,lntinent: t isott.; rtmcdle• Lb. ••fftcta a bad Invtg.rr.tra , and leavca toe Halt coat and aftantlral. PIA,. or. dn.., Sold bv afl Drage.* Lad Peritlnfril. and properly •ptylied at Ilatzt.e. lot , W. P•set.r.. hand Wadi- Nra mt. arTIFIE ILICALIN44 POOL. E.' kV.. Y. I< T.,U141.1 >I N • : elfin ,e fa , len Into •‘......,•u•t.0• .1.....tre of. 11 h c•0,1i1.111110 c, Lain swat. of rolo f pi oettor o. 11A; /0,./CetoroloplATlON. l'.°L'lmladelpo.l, roues co-.1.t11 OILS D _ ._ LICIOND OIL WOOKM, H. M. LONC & CO., DALLKLL, OUILDINO •y. /.Itt•tnargb. r. LA ING a. hlNtio ruathoiop .dd Szt,ters In Petroleum and its Products, DALZELCS ROOK, DUQUEtNE WAY ♦umtru. Room 17, Chamber of Commerce, 133 YOUTH lIKCONIIIITREET _ VIC R BROTHERS 'OSI.IIISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN Petroleum and Its Products. vac.— LZE.1.1,1 .` orrtUrrh:Tbt.:.cant W.Y lryr • 1111 Urnoe -- 131 WALNUT en . Aul CLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY HEIIBERT W. C. THEME, OIACTUREB yr Lubricating &HO Test Burning Oils. T•elipse lamllrotl Bale Oil, glands gr• so hem without .K e whmains lowest o r of oU for tropic •I climates or hot er. Ober. bogine. fa .chine gimp, lgeeWill cat -crew.. goo Mill mod Mooing Mill 011 s. PP=T*4Vitiglignorld.H...d.l.ighl Oil, ws.a. lug sod giolohlog 400.1,05, Oil. liorolo. Oil. ,Y•solllote. I.IIMOH YARN lel', to press's. Bright Iron Wort and blarontorry from Irmo products are manors...rod on." Dr. p.teot by Stlpbesaa d l Sumo ID V.- cut. Tee Lebrieohns I ill. ars own odorless. f;;:fa!`.:LEVigg°L,`",..T.:rr:,<'.:l7c"7 n " p g . h d . ""1 nrcools limpid during mgr. ens n-ld. '" The road 011 s an , unsdonlied, and sre la mordant um ' s'gr`olltra'fr": i;;""trla BTU 'Si nem at eeeertetb o sl andte• For Drpepain, Fever and Ague. Act• dity of the S..ontach. Lo of Appettte, Nausea, Heat-burn, Jaundice. and eU &seams ariniaz from a disordered attar of the Stomacn, liver or Inteatines. ==l I` rod by SEWARD. BENTLEY & C111.:N EY, Ortiaista, Babb, N. Y. bola by all Drunter. .- Wboteasl• A•sett•—•OISWARTZ• 11ALLITT MAJEISILIIJLILIS MAIM 'll7Cosnuxt..B tram WtU. cWIIISUSADACTILIL 11•311111A1.1.41 V:1121T1 WILL l' , ll WILL if CO4lll/3. Ver'Llfl°3lZal:erolgier r • Lmnitlis, PTIVTI•ters. or vetzrate rotalli.A.m.t. TATEIOENT OF THE REAL MITE WINGS BM, ocronEr. awth, 1469 MIMI n''''" .udfl.":;"1,1": b. '" '"150.1.931 00 Ve:"1;';.1 ITorad s. 1 ..• • ......1.0 00 . L 0. 10-40 60..1.. 4 y.,. 45.000 00 Itral • sts,. • 1,110 11 •I 4 AV 0010, Pi.rooote 01 400 MI • =IIZEI =ENE I.v I i•••• 1.., ,nt.. I 560 103 71 "` L.Wlllirt.Fuua•J.364 KV =MI A. A. CASHIER, Treasurer m••& AmiMhz Committee, mmi eee~ . n •.. elmiiinell the Basks ef the Bank the Reed, Mortiares wett Mir rt Ors. t erra countee the Cimh, sect MO ite fueemiln, htmemeut corm". fl H SMITH. I( Committee HIILAS \ ..111.. i E. IA- VIGO. Prtrldritt ISA SC Jut.E , . icr 1r r..tdrnt K'.)l II OMIT H. nrcoontant — D C r•ld Er...Her—sr OnOnD TODD. H. Thor. )1. liorr ‘ r774. J K If o or Moor, ad. Iranr .Ino., 1) or. 1/ W . C. 13.1. en. Jacob Iraltonr. Harvey lroOldr. Nicnolaa Vocitiy, wm. H. 111)111.11. ALLOW P I) on B ' l L ' rr . o .ln ror add. el to thr priorlp I. and LOolrol,D•t , . 0;n, for Orr.; It from IP K. to r. l,ll, Wcatarday IS•r Rings, iron. 0 to S o crock Office, 63 Fourth Ai e., Pittsburgh =2 "Nj • 111061E8 & SON& .•.1 Ft A T.Nii." -- 17 , 111. S, 57 MARKET STREET FTTTSI3OI3OI3. I'd thc,"t'.l"e°4‘,"4 P"'" Storks,Bonds and other Securities I,IUE4IIT A.! , I , BULL UN COMMISSION I..nlculta attgailon ctid . m• vnr.h••• s.I. I 7 rined States Secrtr•itie HART, C.I.EGHEY & Co., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streeter PITTSI3I7IIOII, PA. ISCCCEB,3OI4II'I,. HLN SA. IiA.RT a c 0.., Exchange, Coin, Coupons, lad par.lculaz •thh.:,;,zepeol;l to the rumbas< GOVERNMENT BONDS Si4h Drafts on London _ _ THE SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY Prx-renurtcais Incorporated by thy Legislators of P./Issyl•ip x. 1 anc•rr 94 . 1 116 Tor the safr , t etPtel Roods and other .cen.itles. Gold and Bitter. stlrsr Plate: hoods. Records. Diamonds and L and for the renting of safe. In Its bent lar-proof its.l.llse and /Mice, .Yo. S 3 FOURTH 3 rf..rCE PITTSBITELGII. PA. Plow, air WILLIAM 1,111,1J,11,T-klEhltli LLAiND wm rllll 1 11. M. F1R.7,1,11.• _____ J AMEIi I. EIE . •[ ,, MYRON H l'Al•Tta. HE !'Y L , 4.,1. Jo, A. 11101 , .1..''• WI , •1•1•AM .1. • r., .i. , 110 K WILLIAM 'iu l eti,.o. Hussr.T "r` •„7, tluWlaa FIMI AVENUE BANK Of Pittsburgh, Is sow upon for I/tenon at. 0. pos. end Genern/ Renting fleshless nal so rees ler , from Ont Dollar orwerds Interest ns at the rat< of six Pc" cent P•ld on w ,1"s7:'"" . • :ufwx`v-Mil;`.;',`r L.; . :ti g b 11`;,.1,?11,41 - LMIL roEFLSTLL ED. DITHEIDDE, President • 1.43111.11101 L. Cobble, CITY BANK. 12 MTh Avenue, Pittsbnrgh, Pa. CAPITA I. 1100.000, 61=5 ISDITIDEILIA LIIBLII. PAID ON DEPOSITS. TORILItiN EXCLIANUT. Bought .d .old. and whew deared rend.. to Ir ',op, Colierdlo.wade on all th e prlnclod dolate of the Untied s late and ,an ads ItOxixtta INN..r. Preeld-...t. J•bite 1114. - C•aa. VI.. re, &Ideal. W. N. NOKOAN. C•ader Walk:Wu. Vhdlitt" 4 sm.. Yet:atm. Noah Keauna, J I.nleey. Jr.. ?Ore [lce C.opber.. Harte. a K., Jame* Pb. lan. Ilmas. B. Harr. li. A.. Trey•otia. leo. lot. Kerman. 'Mona§ Rarnea. ja .1;1 JUN X. NA ZZall. dolteltor. TRADESMEN'S NATIONAL BANK, Wood st, cor. Second Avenue STE:BEST PAID ON DEPOSIT& Bold, Coupons, Bonds and Stocks DOIIONT AND SOLD \'l PndAeol, g CILLIIII.I.. J... CIRO RiILIYAY GOLD LOIN &Irun. DABNEY, XORGIA & CO., Elebaage Flat, and L. L JIMIP Pine strut, K. Y., offer fee tee .00dt of the Lanni ruffle bawl Theu Bode pay oven per eat. in sold toe ltarty year' to rou ; -are Imo from Government Tavation; are secured by and Grant of Urfa Million Acres of the Flint Lando In Motu and Colorado IldditiOD to this special grant the Com duty also owns Tlint Million' of Acre' a lanai, whirl are Wag rapidly sold to levelop the country Ind luprore the roa, They art tint mortgagt upon the rotation of the road from 'Sheridan, Kamm, to DUITet, Colorado. The road in operation 417 milts long, upon which It It also a mortgage, NOW RIOS MORE THAN ENOUGH liBT INCOME TO Phi THE IN TEREST UPON THE NEW LOAN. Theis It DO better urnrity in the market--this king In wine respects littler thee meet %wattles. PILINCIPiL 11ID TIREIT PAWLS IA GOLD, Price and tamed lateral, In Canute Pamphlets, gaps and Orman !Isaiah. an applications. We have a fall supply of the above Beads ea hind and for ale, and we tab pleatare le recemmen reliable and perfectly tate invtatrata 8. M'CLEAN & CO., No. 76 Fourth Ornate, Pittsburgh. Ps. STEEL. FOUNDERS, MA : 9 - . Forsnay cquESNE WORKS. ceiTaALL AND ROLL WORKS. COLEMAN, RAHM & CO., ll•oirlav , artt• IRON, NAILS, STEEL,, AXLES AND SPRINGS, . MONONEIRRLI POVNORY r,i..::,',',.',1!'";,71,i'',„,. ','-.l,'LL'' , : , !:: - " • . ~..,,,..,., 0 y.,,•,- ~.;-, u, ,-L"... 10 Ln.l I , R WI, It II 1 , ftt W. .1. .t Nl/111.44EN & CO., C L. , ...o. ~ T rEll AM - . 11.1, , PF. , . I Ft" , . •r• n , r. rl,/, r 1: +II.. f•A 1., N0a.14. maa ~..... I, , I .... Ill,! - ! 1ti..2 IT. 1 ft...K., s , r. I, -AII A 1tt1 , .. r ir. rill , ",'l• "w . I , ,' E.' - .111.3 , I 1 ;,... a n, -I•KiNai 1 . 1 ~ N , A. 11.. I i rrt A.fv{:,l6F-1... 1 .r a r ~.,11, A, I , Moor I 1 • ~,,0 rat l - 1,,, I Urortncs of all Descriptions. WTIEr.I.. 'MI.,. I'l tI.L rkl ',TIN, A- 1.1. 1 '''''' L rH III:111J I d N., fllit , 41.141..., and 1 AV? 1-... a " . . - - 1 1 l 9 a IT ; ...‘' L. ' ‘ate"B"'a‘olr ur . ..1.:1:1t 9- • C C I L IT H I ' C I ' uI I ;• ., t U l SAlL,ot'lliE, .44; , i 4. p.,z4,,, R. , -N, "o vv ATI" MI Goods First Class and Warranted. i 11 t t ICI , AND {l , flitt - 9 aas d V7 h N ' t :to . ; !I:Vs at ' Prl l l ' a e :L R or V. 9. . _ MILLER, BARR & PIRKIN, PI.QUESNE,,L X 4NOJt!ILIti ii I,Mat7. %H. MITI Al F U K- W HARK 31 1.11, CREUENT STEEL WORKS, MILLER, MEM & 011 E. No. %40 LOW) Strttl, I'ITT-'lCliu IA - - DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLIAM MILLER, ttiaocessor to JOB. HARM & C 0.,) 1:11. rs,lll,leoco-vxt ea. , . • In the leatlins FOr. ;:I•7„U{Zr:;.'n 1"';,',1"11;r1;4Pr;' • •1 , . ,•.0.,'KA.11•1.1"••M V RR, ri 1,4 N I • Mn. BAUM..., AXLE.. 1,1 Welt f Fit NM}, tog. Oa, a:••r7 tly.rlptlon of 511 t, E Otlce •chl forx• Corner of 'Mutant Way sad Virg Stratt. •03 • - PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS lISTABLI,IIED l 9 IMI4II. ANDERSON & WOODS, BEST REFINED CAST STEEL dr.scrl; Scrolled Sermon Plow and Spring Stud oft,: Ell 1,1 A FIR.T esur.. Lurg . b. I`. SHEFFIELD. TEL WORKS. INGER, NIMICK & CO., PIT T5E11:1110/1, Pti.. Mon pIL. tare rt of t•cr,..r•rrlyttoo CAST AND C,ER31.0 STEEL tsYKIN.d. SELL , c THAL I bK, tc.. Sc. W vehoase, S 3 Water and 100 First Sta. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., dllintif•cturers of nil description. of SEVriEMLas sre..obe. TrIINT,ETII, THIRTY kt•ILLVJAL , eITRECI, P.TTSBUIt 4 H RSIIIISEN PROCESS. n. 717 zi.",=il'e;n` 7413 t sae. rb. superior r 0.11.0 Impart , ll to good Iron. t • . peeltoprot• toot to Infrrtor , ros. mod the daoed cost. c0t000e.,04 It to 0.11 tr.SluLacturcry o o , u. to a•e It cart 0..11 M. 0.. by art' r a. J AMES P. SP F,ER, Att.orney For the Tem•acee. ILUtt.SIS I 6,1 11 Enallsti, butldta. 964 f e y avenge. ',Wee lotereate.l are la. - Usti to .1111 the 511..ENSEROatt WORISH, .bere Pm..fl is slow la succeaaltal operatlon. fea.d.o R001580:V. REA & CO., .. s. BOB! s %Or, MI"IB a MILIAn•s. WASHINGTON WORKS FOUNDERS AND IIiCHDIISIS, PiTISBURGH IfleUM , . of tloat •11.1 Slat Inconel !t..] Tar Blayt Kaput-, f Mtll Machinery'. (1 1 o tf':....ti'TZTV:' Took. IN - , No. la..corn ' et !Let andrketnlttatald Mantkl g Z[k for tilt 1/1011) , 1 PATENT It:JIG - TUB • Boller. THOMAS CARLIN & CO., 'oarth Ward Foandrj and Inchlnt Works, 81.211111158 ♦ L LEOII T CITY, M.nflactorvrs of Mtattonar7 and rortanle M 01 otto Racine, r eeeee rullrya, tthaftlive. and Ikaw Wert. Rot log 16111 .nd Machine Castings. Gm. tiara. warm.. Wason Rollo At watt, border itod nave.. band ?Costae. of all vltet my WV. STOVES, CASTINGS, &o CET THE BEST BISSELL & ,CO'S TRIUMPH, FOB BITUMINOUS COAL Of errentee io Cook, Bake Or Roast as well as any other %Lose la the Colon. BISSELL & CO., No. 286 Liberty Street. Lill, tomb •od tor imle. PAltt,oµ OTOVEs, STOVEII, ORATE FRONTS. !FENDERS. COUILINO RANtlli+. do. • GRAFF, RION & CO. •11Cr•CTUTIERM1 OF ZVltet ♦seittc fiirrCOVS, BOSTON COOKING RANGE 'Pars EERY FORNACR' Tom Wmuansa THY. NIW •XTI-1.1U 4 T Cul..)11). ••IMOUL•1•011,•• I.oLummi Cf.oE sToV VAIr clAe g lnannat . t ,FaTt cramS). P..LoRTARuNUaItC RAN°SCToVRATE N fr L froWdKt aLMA (MATZ I• VLNDIRS, ie. 206 and 208 Liberty street Carl A. BRADLEY & CO., NO. 80 WOOD mum, Maoatactorers of th. Ofnatest Farlery Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, E=l 1. ow ell the LATEST PATTERNS •NUI IMPROVEMENTS , end the reputation of our Ste... Is such that soy oho In event of a good wide ehould purchase ease bet theme manufactured by us. as they.lll be (ousel tn. '3.. .durable sa e-o mest. Would cell particular att , talon to our cew VoLCANo /MOVE. Mt church., haßs and "ores. tm•r SAO sold In three ntas. Intendrd fat the or wlthont cashag. All who hare nerd them nee It, ut super or to any other and ter cheep .. teed I. Catalconte.d Pelee Lis, I, N‘F.Li*PAPERS ELEGANT PAPER HANGINGS. plate tints leaner- Lassaled Wall Paper+ v er .un c , view to wet uLd smoke.. rw...usEt, Valr ld rt ° 24111.4717.1 ! . :il l / I ES It rAle - cLs " r 4. . 4 '4 I ~%4 P rri t r 1, 11 o °and eleewbere In the eons . or W. P. NEW WALL PIPES STORE 191 Liberty Sine MEM DECORATIONS. 1n Wood, blubie sad Perw tI e tathaons fur 11.11. B"*• "• " VAllirtl R. 111301158 • BRALL §7,7TAMPED GOLD PAPERS for Pn ` k. " . " nay. 03SO rynn Elf t_nuct. BOLLMAN k BAGALEY, •• Rzhi Lathes. Sc I=:=1 11= - KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY orriot AND WOBEII, TWE.LFT li STREET PITTSBURGH, PA rir Engines. Boning Mill Ma chinery', Nall Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS, COroer Carroll and Satellama Atreets. (NINTH WARD.) PI'TTSPIIIRG,II, PA. WILLIAM SMITH MANUFACTURER UF CAST IRON BOWL PIPE rot, UA7 AND WATER SCOLUI.B. My ete.. sre s 0 cut Invartsbly m Pits, In an Bud sod VA (tot lengths Also. ItII ssoortereat of stnersl Castings for Gas & Water Works I ould slao call tie attentlon of Sal:Witt( • le of G. Wor. to tr, mai* of .67.061$ ENGINES, BOILERS. Sce, FORT PITT BOTLER, STILL AND TANK Worn:K S. CARROLL AND SNYDER, KAN UT ACTUILEBS 07 TUBULAR, DOUBLE -TLUND 11:11tUl.AR FDLE-BOX AND CTLINDILB *TEAM /UAL rI PL ITTp..L3 AHD OIL T . ANNN , OPITIUPPUTPAIV /V!.)BAStle2l: DerNric , , STEAM MUM, GABOILITTERS AND IRON BBi DO PRItioN DOWLI AND COAL MUTER. °Oleo and Want:mu.. earner Second Third, Short and Liberty etrodot. prrrastraos. Ps. Or= 121231 OH N. BOLE Sc CO. Cor. Point Miry and Duquenas St., =1 Engine Budder.,, Founder. , and Afachinists. llanaactur.c BS II AMBOAT INUMS:S and Hi 1. TIOS OCHE'S, of all du. c g tr C;11,L.,'"C7 tton 7.3lstrrlrirle2EVl ns iF r% V 5 Cone of R ILIE*S lor M. ell, tiIiATTING,_SULL SIOS . adv,, , ioNBl , i and TOEMI9.-CO CIUMICWS cuede to order. et the r PP°4 PP' INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Frontlog On the Allegheny Rim, nest the Point. PI TTISBUF B. FA.. LII orders promptly AMA. TILT 171_ WRARA BOILER WORKS. F. REPHAN & CO 51.confaolocren of OTZAM BOILERS. OIL TARED _ISII(.LNAeI -71.11411AV,_LTIltera FrfiricE.CrltiVAlTS: Bo IMES' Plao. BEDS, c., Car. of Second ifllllllo eiyd Liberty ISt, = Orpre met to the t ftFllA.l5. 4113:10 Zing:at C oe. 2A & .001.1. Wu. BARNHILL A, CO., BOILER MAXERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS. NOB. MA 519, La AND SO PLNN NT Having reeu ss red • largo re yarn and Rtradatted •101 the moss sport:are sesekanera. •r• are r r,lreirttr soy mad. to tn. anuatry. Calskarrya, Breeeblag, Inns Bed. Steam Pep LereonieUe• Balms*. C. n den•ers. tall Pans. Tanen, Ott etllll. Apitn tors. nettlingco r eea, Bridges, bane Pan. aro gni manniNer• or nainsal . • Pr•l ent. Repairing three on sbnrinot aptly, Islseil ---- a IRD M. D.Citli EDMUND D. SAC JARED M. BRUSH &SON, 11/17 C7,LeillBSß3 OF Steam Boilers, 011 Stills, Tank BURET IRON WOWS, &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, ra. BRASS FOUNDERS 01161 , 1r3 1111106. llaltai It HENRY BIER & CO., JOBN M. cloorEn a Co.. Bell and Brass Founders. BRASS CAISTINGS MADE TROMPTLY TO MOLL Maleable and Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE ARD rostliG, TIROTTLE, SAFETY &ND CIIVI VILIII, ALL GLOBE PATTERN. IRON C4:04013.10, Brass Work of every description for =C==l Stamp, W9.teT or? O! M AxtrA•T Impre t Agent, nor Lire -w , “ Cain: m ere, the beat in the Market. Osirs sad Works, corner Tterteszth sad ?las Streets. .10 A - TWOOD & McCAFFDEI. Come , LAtorty Weet uA Tura Am.,. Pltistnitgin, PL., BRAES FOUNDERS IND INORI RIPE FIRTERIR .4 AtiILNUI fa L. B. Ci.XEHOS • MOB STEM[ PUB PIP •YD BLOWUPS. N OVIILTY WORKS pnisivonon NOVELTY WORE& imulodled A. D. IBM 0.3a15, MIME 3 00. " - ITArraWorm D LlMMi ni " _SCALES. m, rsesa Ms= Door Leas sad Wass. Mat ale TIMES %Frau INs•uPayn • GILLIS EEL "...ben...b. ne.. DRILIEII. 3 pri do. l a nd) Grom Applesddles; d nto! A: 00 Ms Sweet Pastan; 5 , 0 de White Beam: 5 , 11 do FSIII/7 FlO.l do Cradbudes; 10 do Nottt Cl4 , r; did do CladeNtatirar. ld nom dad tar soloa . cia=mo. MISS • • FLAILEOADS. ... pENNSILTA - aliarglPl dfOldor___, lo = *Stn. ItSll9. trs, ..41r3w4144 from tne Union Derol., 700000 of L 14•0 7 -• West, SS 10115 -4 .: 414,444 SO: 1:110 •Itay I..Pfs. 1 ptDdR• 9l , ), .1, • ) 1 66 Of N0..1 6'40 sr . s./ . 1 . • 1 • Et•lntne Ane's 1:60.n No 1 of: T.l 17140 •a. i t bnsw~e 4.65 Ifa.A 40 0 0 Pen , . ne Ncel ti:SO Y , ` " 1 on P m rt:11. Expro.: lso 4. • : t norm No. 1 3toSfes il• • . hp %. • • 5 SS ,41 W•d•• rut , :! , 1 . 4 11,41 Przt .1.1 4• --*: Joe troncoat.c4cloar CO. nectlon n 'flTogc('C7l:Bll.nex'l"olTro"..tet Ina:. Walla 444.44 n•-orf 11 11: a:lay x; 9 or " tl....,usgb 7lttllK' N o ld "cTrige's at in at .".!Or raoltic I.loos. lease. tole n ' ;' •t: .71';'n?dxt11 enn•Pt Ossdsr. or rurtntrinniil4:ylW4c t ir,,,,, enrell• ant Mauro. 01 otnte any ri-1 O, I: --„, ,„ t alon oul no at Ow E . . of UM "". " f lai riilrjr g boners' nnorrintoadenx, 9.lnorno. TVPENNSYLVANIA .1..}1041r. -On and after Arinont SS, 1e149,0 1 . .cot. Trains un ate 11. torn FerdaSOISSIS BO fond 4111 Wive St and depot: , from las ',ft.! woo. Deput e Aticrlitny MrY,as COMMIS ArriV. D• 96.4. 6:IM 6t ;VeZt d 1%1 0e11i5ai4 10 4 11041 1 1 41 06 . '''' 4:90y ra f 4 ro " art Prt. icrs •pT Iffr=l'4.9,; 17:10 tl V.• 8, " O Ne : Ve ..l4l4'ao r !elti ct7rcit nodal. TOO n.= Adotim over nanday at 1:4 JLISIZOSOI City al 9:50 a. m. lintnoloa. nare5.,41.1410142,4„ Ofty 1:f10 p , o. and arrlnn Sllllron , )7en "FOZ3Proratte6o %ciirris - for WS 121 Mirr Trett, Letooen Alleybenay _ ) .tce Herr: Sennori, eI , nmic Iteci concen. ter nue •Itxce. for N( e a utua . Through Oar. ion) be yvrr t a* at fLe Ryttio. No. 104. Clair cone, near Ina nust:o.lon Plttsporch, nt the x",roT• To forthertnfoz= i f . : Vb t alii, Pcderal ntreat IN rho Wertrrn Pennsylvania tiollroad rdrtnlll .I.4frtßtts'n: sei;;V:Lry7d= dL no ored Dollars 7 0 oar. 0011 te.da win amount In value velltbe sr 41 the oomer, anlentrEttloq,bjrr H. 00410 convaOl. wan fione-s1 Sltner•nres.trst.. 414.0054-Th. - • - 1A007.1, 71171-;7•lliltr''ClPTero' W. sele °Lc v Tamp c PllTtinintell Ilk ' A. 100.3 0, 14, 1999, 9.3!%•.911.,..101 and nrriVe St the T.D9pp I.XpoL. 11M,.u.• r.. 1.• parch etti=. at e foll m .: .4„. .... 4 ... I' Me j '' i e ; ; -?4 ill I E CA il l rg i: 1 2- A t a a C ' ' l.ttle a sco 1.0 ' Tr .. c.LIT. v. .1:{41 vo ~.. Line . ..Of tl •en Cht•colteASS l3 l l .-1 II CL. ' W" i ' ' 1 :' et 3 ' ' i L etTrr•tritt 3 teTirt i l Pn'tl Es E. s titl j ',' .l! CL A W 11 1 4 . E36;3BPM t . Lie 1 • l l' 1 "' S °° . 0 ' E V It 117F ' , 1,1,41,:571 ....1 °., °'•- 111:51+ •la Neer C s isllls .. Ineii la ttochester .• 9:93 pt 9 ' En0t . , , , , ,. .. Ls f: . .."" P : rr trails '` : PI Wat4"4ll•l`i'lli I. ' et I , 4t•thle 7 121.10 Loce.dala •• 10 , 1110 m. r0;0.0..,:it PP 'Or °slag , :13,1g.:todxy Ulan!, 91,11 . 1 , X d. :3w p: 1.. p .,.. h i .,.. • AT TtRu.Z. c"rti. VcreI3LIAMOVP Oera. P.. & 'flexes 309 t. G..a. y.... 0... e- aule _ ITTSBIURGH, lA, CINU IS IN TINA A 24 rL7 ro HANDLE ROUTE. CHANGE 09 MN aml after .31131133/1, Aura. Su, 1369. mutat erip hum mad arrlesal Lapin, ay follurif Mall /Trees. —.-- fan 191r3p Vast Lana-- •..—.... 1142 pa ...... 1:43 p. m. 1: S.M. Mired AreTt ..... . 43 Am. DA. Meluduld's Acc.a.No.l 11.1 , 1 - la At. • • Meabenvllle Aopummud. 3:3 3 3 p. . 9:4a I(pDO Or 1:44 r. Lll.O .111 ieswe 151.03 r. u male will *rare dairy. All caber Vslro rap daily. [Weaves:me* ed. The 0:13 a. sa. Train mate. drag WO unction. it Nt..l. Zarlesrtlic F . ral Ticket A l CARD. t e d • u M NI 6 W. W. , hep.t.• Dg:riann. pup CHANGE OraiLVIM TUIM ALLEGELEINT VALLEY ILAILIWAD. TAR OELY DIRECT ROUTE TO Tale cal READONB WtTHOL-T CHANGE. OP CAB& 0 -,`,11ZV,1r:rtF,}5.17'.4- : 1 ,1..47t., i lii ! 7:11.1.17..L.".t.f.f.,.., 4°..V.r.oftt'lr7Bl 610, art.l 11 l ocAnt. co r• e 0111segions. D ' ato. r ..r. grlr:;11 DOT E.!!!.." 1 1 y in ft.W . :. 4.13 n nenr. - T, eV p• 40 11113.0....1.10 a Ir. lid.thatno... 11:50111. rthum=iritze% rhuvrag: 14%3: ?Ten... A.. 8:15 au. salsiE aria— r t... i 1 r.v.-Illt VI i,"; F=.l, :I loSI: 0 bg•ch. .. 100 pmOVITb.„....IO:IL. Exprea• value t op 0.17 ~ P11..,P..,, trA.DArspdt al:a;tl.l4 ,t. TEIONAO Y. PLEPre-d.."1. 10" EITTSBITIIGH & MMM CAJIIICEI.La VILLA —.... . . .. ---- Oa and attar TUESDAY. Noyes:7 Wm IVO, 11166, trait. will arrive as an1 v depa1 .,.. .. 13 hoe 4 lotl.corwed of Gnat am Depart. Arrtiatt Wall t siad tram [Woo- Aw L. N. em ,,,,... tows illaitadmponticoomdt, 11:01) A. W. 1:04 TOO. rw. to and tom Mgt's, 3:00 t. N. 10:10 A.. 11. WWI litltiosk AVAia . d. 1::30 r. N. OZ A.M. Bniddook . • Acouoidt . a. 6:15 r. w. T. 1'.11 6 lantiled AA tollici=1.10:30 T. W. MASA. ca d dSigi Welt Newto n 1:007. x.lOlOl N. tar WAWA at:101 Y. Al. ILLYWWW. AWIA, W. B. BTUOT. Buoistlateadent. 4 s ou lIILLMINIM UNION PACIFIC RAlralf, Ttte 15 Hutt r turr Ali D MAST BELLI / ttOU flt i rola Ilse &Ist teal vest& VI Colorado Nevada, ealitornia vial", kriZOEtil Two as tem litle , ptga:M r esiT4=f7,. ral *lad t. J. Bat OlkA k t , : oLt tu• . I=l . irZt••;‘ Akimxtbloilat.l Ct es - Ul(6 or FS.PIMMI oiISULA-.. , •D 00•AH.V SOIL DEW V EBt tl AND AU Points th the Territorial, Lad MiDissolva TE [- wEWBLi )m of OW CAW far Won Union, Bad ts Aleosssmae. dant. Ye. as all Point* to toms std West Mexico. d WiIS , the man addltioas_af Colnwf Idea 4:1= 4 1. o at tram us wasieta terminus, Ode road rOW tOsessaalled .11:111tle fox usamMaMmt a/ vied to the War West. %Maladies' stet at au taa tatnettm: — "abl 4l — unugstitaisA.,(lCrtr eta THZ,VY Intera,"4•44,NlOld PACIFtO _a MaltrlllaUS DivreLOS his amozissoz. 2,000,000 SCRs Of I= OROIOE LANDS FOR BALL Union Pacific Railroad Omqww, Lying Lang the lino of their Mad. at $l,OO TO 16,00 11111ACRI, end as I CILIDITI2 I 7 FIVE rot Maur put/eau% am" be.. .44. s it 12.0 dr, N.i%.1.7 , ! Ca et,..,rz.a CO'S e.on. QEC,17.7...:•411t .4:4131 • TAT melds tmellaycoseunanltY, 4. B. Safety File Jacket;ater tied .RIODERATOIL. gor !Moira and htol. Air /Inca, dlsporodoir tong the erect' stoves and Bret in or abort the ramb ler or 0541500 Cart, stilte aliscatrinek 0. toe neat to 70004111147zrm r rgg -00:1 he thatted Stales al for a gaiety Jacket, oblortts to sestet the most Intense NW tha tomeba sp. itSture'ula tea yogtlen ! 'l9o;'"'"'W .rb " It Is a ooze proteetlan from or cdord• by gm orlipMtror trona defective Ines sheds hos Oho. are used as oonductars lbr mote= 11, - -Ir=cable to all prolog that su , and Ls translated Goatee Perleeltaitto Whetloo share snood or other moreaSUtde sato. did Mr be tamed close orazintlty theristo t 151010 W nods to spore ,:ny tntaattaa son= dsidllogs, (Morita. ia, steamboats. as. WIWI pipes as conductor. 42s made Migertols Wag overheated and NM. stirs dealred, Send an anueaLlpa rata so = . l .l.l ture or Ise tg .,0 1 argg.=tlon. - 4ao I Kiang prl f Telcar i elther iy anoxia J 13. Et i ll'erraVa l cAr i: Vrer Vi al g tut i W. w hy agiresa„ Trainward. 'Pftlio Hump aircriatuacluk Oir 1 Eastern Division. Washingtsiti New lllezleo, ldaha► Oregon. fiv.rzai unpealatAttairi J. u, saraurrau.-. I=Elllll==lM ITEM indriELB ometual £Oll3 P. DETEXISIT4s I= STONE. _ WEST COSISSOS ' Machine /34 . ins' Works._ __" oranrest °ono orWerr, OateuseltiAuecamaN rrestru ATITATIELIZ & .wawa sue oesay as saws watos tiara mcp coon, foz Elacraiks.•Bmitr WM.. at. Heak Tomb Ettczet, am, Orders uMawlll woad. Mad reastiuMili