The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 13, 1869, Image 2
mg tiE pittsintigt &Tiff. lIIIBTTE BUILDING, SI AHD 86 FIFTH Al 13=1 Of Pittsburgh, A Ilr g hen f and A Ile glom y Coravti =I U. & Boxps at ',Mn.:fon, Penrocaras rt ectwerp, arnifti CO.i Onto dolled 111 New York yesterday 61120 i. TUE 101,114UDIIIATION Yesterday our city was the theatre of one of the most important events of mod• ern times—the' reunion of two grand di. Yisions of the I:tebyterian Church of the Coped States, inch, for almost a third 'of a century had been disunited, and were known during that period respee lively as the ad School and New School. n th the interim bad grown mightily in ttimben, power and Iteffnence; both were pushing on their respective missions, and planting churches in the West, the eefoti tt. and in foreign lands, as well as in the older parts of oar country; both felt strong in the work they field ko do, and not a - 'Sign of de. strepitode was to be fot.nd in either. But ea years rolled -on good men in both felt *tore and more drawn together, and that ' lln good reason existed why they ehould tiiihvis in' separate orbits, or why they • should not walk together In unity. , They to Come together again, &hint has haPpesed,nt this case as in all cases, that " Wherolliere Is a will there is a way." egglice. 11 to say, that in the preliminary yliwritlations this attractive power of 4Thrtstisos love overcame al! difficulties,— . and -there were many,—and now these two gnat .. organizallans are one again, nitilei 'the Imme of the Presbyterian -Church In the United States of America. For two days the two Assemblies met in their respective places—the 0. S. in the First Church ca Wood street, and the N. S. In the Third Church on Sixth ave nue, to arrange mattenifor the final union "Vat bad already been decreed by -the Presbyteries.. In the evenings the mem bers mingled Air prayer and social inter • counts, but the formal union was fixed pr Friday morning. (yesterday). Not a dissenting voice, nor an exception, nor a jar, nor a crook was beard from first to list At. 9 A. a. yesterday the two assemblies met as usual In their respective placea. At ten the members of the New School left the Third church In procession, and walked down Sixth avenue Into Wood street, and as they arrived the members of the Old E . ichopl body left their church in the santi — erder, and to the street • blended skis by side and arm to arm with `theft...brethren from the Third, and thus `..iirelked back, via Fifth arcane and Suilth• ilkkllsneet, to the Third church, which hid been kept clear till the united proms. atom should arrive. l`c lieery mbid capable of grasping the ,Boane la all Its far.reselalng influences -upon theahurch and the world, the spec :WM*4s lnezpresslblyinblime—sublime Inns ahnollcity, grand In the total ab veneer of all pageantry. Those earnest . 31tenorltit no outward traPplegs to dhs. linguist' them from other men, with •het<tts fined with Joy and high resolve,. representations of thousands of churches and hundreds of thousands of Christians, saw eye to nyo sod flowed tvgetner In the sightce - our people with ell the simplicity end humble bearing that distinguished ,the great Muter of aIL when he walked .ansongst Men, • Iris Impossible to do Justice to the fer vid bursts of elocmence with which thesis united brethren greeted each other when they,got together in the chure.h. Every- thing MIA conducted with the most per ' !hot order; and when Dr. rcrertmt, Mod. ;mato: of the liew School Assembly, rose and grasped the hand of Dr. JAooene, `,Mob:Mos of the Old School, sod while the two men stood there with both hands ;grasped, and both manifestly under deep emotion, the vast assembly burst into the grand old doxology, “Praise God from whom ell blassinks fisw," It seemed the weep some of the morally sublime. In another place the reader will dud a report of the meeting more in detail, and of the Important resolution adopted to Frown this auspicious event with.a free arUloffering of doe millions of dollars for sieved uses. .111 FrIIDAY AN ITNI.I7tICw DAT t Few educated people put any faith it :thektiopular superstition which has ob - tabled among the Ignorant and unlearned, fVom time immemorial, that "Friday leap : Patrick.), Atty." Yet we heard some pet ...sons any, "it is unfortunate that the great "Assemblies cousummated their union on Sriday." 'We are well assured that, notwith ,. itazdlag this superstitious prejudice does wet prevail eo universally .111, It did in "'data gone by . , there are many good Mean fag and excellent people who feel rtlnct • ant to undertake a work of great moment ; dr importance on a day *kith TaITI tra &lon has marktd as laltlapiCiDal in the — tettidet. It is seldom that chips set oat OILS long voyage on Friday. Hardened, sturdy and daring tars who will spring to "the top-gallant and stand on the yard arm amidst km surging of a tempest tossed - mann, and the fearful rocking of the frail ,:hark, have a "holy horror" of getting out ..0311. • voyage CU that day. it Is seldomtbat a lady or a gentleman , walks to the hymenial altar on Friday. Many would look upon it as all omen that foreboded much ill U the banns were -.octet:aided on what is sometimes called "hang-man's day." Yew of •our readers, we think, indulge in any rack feeling. There is no reason . lo* any should. The facts will not war tint the assumption that Friday is a day • of ill oaten. • ii was on Friday that Christopher Col , . embus set sail on his greet voyage of dis ; e Ostwon Friday he first diacovered land, • and It was on the aims day of the week • that he sailed on his return voyage to Spats, where he arrived in safety, also on Friday. Other' important events in the history . • of the United States transpired on Fri . day. it was on Friday November 10th, 1620, that the Mayflower freighted with her precious cargo of Puritans reached the harborof Provincetown. On the same day these noble pioneers of Christian • eivillastiost signed, In the presence of 90d end Of oneanother, the first constitu. 'don that was framed within the limits of ...ere United States. "This," says Ban ': croft, "was tto berth of coostitational ,41barty. In the ethic_ of the Mayflower homes* recovered its rights and Mai _ IMO government an the basis of equal • • Vightefoi the general good. ha the Pil grime landed, their institutions were • already perfected. Democratic liberty and hadependent Christian worship at ono* minted in America" • lams on Friday that Henry VIL, of Eaglet:a, gave John Cabot his commis. sioa to proceed on a voyage of discovery ..40 , 11usHorth Amer:cm continent. Saint Augustine, in Florida, the oldest tows in the United States, was founded' by Melend! z ou F. IrSS. George Waakdagton was bor-. nF! dtv. Bunker Hill was . and Yorktown were f1,rr , n , 1 , c 2 on Fs. day. On the came !av • trenchery ..f Arno. I A-, It yens en FrV•riy .f moved, and P,:e1..a 4 Henry • resolatiwi s CC , 2,Zry. , hat .he C•,.oni.s were, rind • •• • .• • tree and independent. It may tie locii , • , l '• • • remarkable coincidence n • - • hundred and forty ninth sun ier • the signing of the Cape C ,••o. •• :he General rissem.b.w. ef •.... Pit .y terian Church ahoufd P14:1 tLa•tea t •••.• compact" of perpetual Union. We may add that it ,‘• r'••• !iy .`•• Pilgrims landed on ....I. Flock. Who will say thqu that is en whacky day in Anierie‘h Limor)i have the strongest 'bah Um: the twirrinv• of the two issiliNits yes.t.:2aF ti!!: productive of the inns: bi , reed rrgi that more abundani fruits cv, r. produced by the lanii!ng the pOp• will flow from their co:dial and Inds: L.ll union. IT Is due to the opposttlon prt , c , , 10 Penue3lvanle, to acliLo v. ledge tl.e !rankness with which its Editors are tog with each other, at laie. For rr.• ample, the Ofßill/ of Ltbert;„ a I) erotic Journal In Fayette crane, certain pcnional compliments, ft, at it- political brother of the Haril,burg Jr [riot, with the first rate notice wlyth we copy below. Its clueing Int once is stg attic:ant. The editor at' the &Mil,/ oars it to the public to keep buck nottung. Let him make a clean treat , . nese. Ha says The name of the editor of •r is at its head, and he co os 1411, I. • ,14 The article that made Wallace sod s puppet Myers wince, was written by Ivo% and he alone is responsible lax it. lie know that the assertions thuds' math. are Isms, and he dares Wallace or .M ens to attempt their dental. A word n,.w to Mr. Myers, Re Eleslrca to pa consisls rs d the very pink of political perfection. There is none so readt as he to dew um, pure end upright men as being to -do sing," to swindle the State ant clubs re., the peoples' money. Yet be allows his paper to be used to puff fe.lows w ho havn't a particle of moral honesty to tin r composition, and whose reputations are notorious as gamblers, blacklegs and whore mongers. He aspires to be tbe Heacnles who shall cleants• the Aunt's. stables at Harrisburg, yet he cisisetiy ane complacently pockets his share ..t profits arising from the printing ul teas Legislative Record. There are several other Important fag's connected with Legislative cerreptien and party manoeuvres, which tte of this paper is cognizant of, and can furnish On demand. A WMIRTRGTON LETTER thus dew s with Chief Justice Chase, aci the Terger question To return to the Chief Jasr.ce. The rock upon which his pr op. are ke't to RO to pieces is thin 1 . 011.7. r It ~. drifting into a general ono %Rh rne..n the reconstruction acts. The c entry I. tick of agitation of this sort. Find hots d to be near the end of it. This eel.. daffy the case at the south, where tht cotton crop, now on its way to markt t. has been unusually abundant, and corn minding a high price, the fiver le op 1. are getting a Mate now of the peace ...Lt.! prosperity !along strangers to their coon. try. To have this all torn up again, and tine country plunged into distrestark comm aka, merely to Base the neck oi the mos! Infamous beast that God, iromllCAlle ys terions cause, put in human shape, is re ally distressing. It is a little CUTIOtiI that the Democrat is party, that now stands at the back of the Court, urging on such adju 2, we uret TO question nurti pow,. ac.! under Jefferson, deo,•necrd tri as dangerous to our liberties. But, :Leo, a Democratic platform Is ocly a ept:ug board to turn somersaults from. IS 11 intimated that the Erie elfin/. have "twisted" Mr. Mckleury, the agra• of the English bond holders of the A. G. W. Railway, and that anothrr a,;Ent will be employed to conduct the le,a controversies with the Erie. Is Is Flats d by these parties that "Erie agreed leasing their road to p.y than Ntmetb!rg llr.e 818,000,CG0 annually, In queues-fly Pigments; that not one of these yayrio.cts kis thew far been met, and that there i• now due them between $18,000,000 and $14,000,000. These European bon holders will further charge that Mr. JAY Gomm caused himself to be appuinted receiver of the Atlantic and Great West ern a few days belore the first payment became due." The reports from Asko n look very much as if a triple game of in. tripe was In progress, by which, ae tun& to such calm, the bond to.l.lerl, w.ll come out the sufferers. TEZ Philadelphia .North American, an article upon the tarty constru , tleu ct tilt:canal from Beaver to Erie, st,d erenee to the current prepceltl•..n to t o hirso It ton ehlp.canal aspect ty, very per Lineally remarks : The Slate did the work LA a time is ben to private corporation bad the co•ursee or the means requisite. But there is th..s,k of either now, and with such a ,r' endet 'prorpect as this grand canal eularitemmit opens, there ought to be no sort a dill cull , in raising the amount of money re• tinned In a few days here in Phileviel. phis. All that is needed is that men rd energy, enterprise and capital should be placed at the head of the undertaking, to which Pittsburgh must attend. Turf Tloga Agitator says: The Pittabilrg,tl asT.E.TTE regrets dist we were not more Specific in ocr s.rir tnrea upon the foreman of a Grand Jury in a central county, who reestved ibe stat meat' of defendant, acd Wat ignored a bill against Lim for shooting s servant. The name of the county is “Clinton." Our object aas to point out the dangers which scam to be gathiring from every quarter, and which threaten to add the gag to the traditional hood• wink of Justice. • Tax Franklin Repository say, The Commercial seta out the argument for taking the Treasurer from the Eadern aide of the State m clearly that one would almost !suppose It in favor of the de feat of Mr. Mackey. As there has been nothing said publicly lofting to such an effort we presume that Mr. Mackey wtll be re. elected without much trouble. Szvan.u.. weeks ago a oolony of relig. ions women knoivnas the "Little tiisterß of the Poor," arrived in Louisville urn France, the special mission ut the order to which they belong being to care for the aged poor. But one of tbem,Sister 6iLlonte de Bt. Anne, twenty seven years ot age, was acquainted with the English tongue, and this circumstance threw upon her an amount of labor, in getting their new es tablishment In working order, too great for her physical stiengtb, and the over work, with attendant aux,eiy, sod in clement weather, as different to that to which she had been accustomed, did bane ful work upon the naturally delicate Creme of the good young r.ister. Two weeks since able was so prostrated In health as to be unable to make ber round of visits through the city In search of food for the aged pensioners of the house which she and her companions had estatilldied, day by day grew won', and on Friday last cloned tier eyes to earth and opened them to heaven. Rsc.anTLY a pale- faecal, sorro w ttticken woman, while in a dry-goods shire at Karma city, 310., wee observed by a salesman concealing a buudie laces under her shawl. Very quietly, and without attracting the attention of a tin gle eye in the store, the talesman said to her, "1 am not able to pay for the lace under your shawl, or you might keep It and welcome. Please pet it back, wbifr , I walk to theother end of the counter." Large tears came Into the wornan'e hag gard eyes, her whole face rioreer.ed nude, and without a word put etc hoc back and walked out of the store. I=l Tao (;rl , ,A:Lark, a o NV: BipLAL hrt: bssum , d the , Arto I 71.1,. v•ded tw , ) part, =I ; • Lt EaMEI 1....; %;,t )F •~. ( MIR= =EI \e our and ry per• . n n-ws .\c. ct , ..1 ,, .! A ,rlcln M d,t,t r, Laucs..trr, (Ate, •.. rally-(4.1 ils Veal', has litt.n a Lt.4l . E LCc ys Et/E. IL is antld 1 ttl tx rattr n't a rchtxt.tng lat Lear tic 1, sta 4•y sr Teri peers dd. Thia Is all t.tzt it.jvar,,ca he Las ever tirnto of the leading Eastern Congre. tons' bcdtes have endorsed the net:oo Ihe Ar.nriesn bussie.deary Association, re to the eviergtrzation of Chinese i.,n!P, Phentt et thvy arc :n Itch 01 that twenly of the et, my hipiseeir.i.: parishes, in We 411,,cr,e Niftolf, are tiro awed by offertory alone. Lakton Music Roil, it is stated, will be ccupti d ior evangelical serviota on Bun .:sy everinas Wts winter. The conern nelic n will be at chits d t y a choir of five Lnn dr d singers and peitormeirs. Sunday evening last the annual meet ing of the Young People's Society of Lau rty Street M E. church, of this city, tc - k place. ItepOrDi on Y11110%19 sullecui were presented, among which, We con ducting of prayer and social =whinge. orgenlzation has done much to aids encouraging the soda; and devo tion, element among the young people of lilt contr. gatien. cud promoting Wa In• t' rests of 100 Sunday school of the church. Msfi - ir Wm Frew, of the Ent ' ed Presbyterian Church, a gentleman of I liberal no ws and catholic uptrit, delivered l on addrtss of much IntereeL The pastor, . IL Locke, made a few pertinent I li marts. Tne venerable Rev. George Brown, 01 the kletlealiet (Protestant) Ohnrch, wes Bertoriet) injured from jumping from the curs 141,11., In meth.n, at Urbana, Ohio. The Lutheran ('butch, at lioshonong, tscel.e'n, ce:t :gated its twenty fifth an Itteereary on the first nl November, and f , i,..nn..zed the event be the ordination of eleven you men to the work of the ministry. the recent .esslon, one hundred and the Phi'vtdr:phia Ilaptrat Associatlon, they dtsenuted at eottaidera ' b:e nt;th the erteetion tlnon-curomunJon w hrst:at s of other drnorronaitoni. • Tt.ene , on et:rived at In three luny; and cuortuoy w rded resoiatlona r.., that theehr,te. a twnever w,th Cnitat In It pot y and tcr!ptura'ly pre e rein partiCipsUon at the ta:Jie ,:( the =II 1!EIMII a ',mg/Its:rat., Tbrrr. arc)" , w w la,nr!rcd ! .cr p•p awn in , 4e b. , ut6 p,pokrng • r ILL uuder lbe sufpicer •! rihn l'ut.roli Pr^0.1.1,1 Ma: ck rd, in a rnrnmunlts •. e-e, ttet only et a uta, .111 at ~ . w ary, MYsibetrrt , t, verarlist,) pro.vra to, be Chrienans, sad tbst they Lad a prayer meeting there for %het, !n nod r( !g •1:13 berty lisrrts,n toy• 1t1314.. AND LW LI LI/NIVEA t bsre so " ..4 .". °"`f..tlltlli IN OIL. the tenor of tt., at.ur , 1 / 1 .11 Isom time i"m" take PIT-rent: SOH, °VP Mb*T 111,•09. .'tight Mart e EDITORS In common with , Matil our bre ittrtn 'l' understand 'a"e v th er t y a. Quea rliy of , Le r;! trwdr, I ton.. Lion thoroaory. We mhnuld, hod wilt, ~,o tt that y 0,,„ pop., not'yield our judgment to that of h 5 OCtuhd m . tht Organ of the enraged • I spate, bet we. west not bow to or AA our inead "5. 5." clenonA. The day hat , g , .tie by t,,t that, sod there rats-s them, the "diartrueable actirmen." : dawns u;-in tut LC.. 4,1..4 Crab • :,rt,ht f T sae '.vary :coding attic:a la the editorial w l rnd"-n, o. oomati.a I 11 morchog coternporaty, ft . :,! j yue , n by one of tit Iliad Cr c tees f the dies troy-re then n! edehono, 11,Kight. rl •,,y pr.,tce tO what extent th e p a pa ?nal t at our mouutrcu vats ye Wall yet ',Pr ,e , aarap,ra ten be prcrattute O. to '' A to ' rps. ''"' n ' wi th a actarl ,, as purposes, anti that that lode- wpt:"..teir fatly core d, thana ;., , ridecc.. which phonid c r sere n Men shalt ye .t ,earn that the true uktNsion „,1 too n e / . 0 a :: their Is a phan. ol priesehood is to tuadi sod sod to con I trol, and in //or molst atoll egand.ll/e tom, a myth and a earns that we believe In to day, A further ii/ustrsdion of the earn ! bul about greatest glory shall be tital mournful tact is found on the page. of t they represent a spirt from which every ar,eener morning journal, which printed. I PrthelPle at eee'ret"el has been wiped only • few days ago, a manly editorial I away tddllpple against the present attempt to 1 Elder Oodbe does not eons:der that his corn,/ ae oil trade, sugmatizeng its or. counts. Involves any repudiation ot true gar/leers In language of bitterest scorn, I M.,apluialaPa. lle assert! and calimg Into question the es nnineneaa I With regard to apustacy, I know my melt' relit/sous professions, and the I sell to b” wholly innocent, the truth of Form of their prayers at Gone altars: I which. God will la the early tut tare make and after taking this proud and cont. / tally apparent. I alight BA consistently n.endahle posilloo before the community, I Set charged with the violation of • tenet I with poured time en /ugh elapsing for never accepted. To apostatise from re. us to /Idly, comprehend and praise their I tiglon , , is to abandon it. 'Phis I have not aOl3 , rabie sillirt, another editorial ap. I done. It la because of my firm adherence pears, giving the Ile direct to the former le my religion that I have been the, ,se coding these same "ring men" to / dealt with. MY faith at the unmet was the ‘h'ea tor the le pegiessenrihy Torts 0) I accepted /on the beads of my understand tu the price of ea; that the wicked I lag tat the troth/ it real lucre now; and Bears misht be puitabeo for their Efforts to I there It will continue to vet, while reason keep the peer man's light at a price with. 1 bolds her sway or IMmortattly to I,Le reach of the poorest in the land. I Elder Kel.y, who is alas/ tender Brig upon each cOntrmpllhle hypocrisy 1 ham's Mind, tilsbrlievt in Begham's fe• Either the Bull Bing is a grand piece or fallibility. He says. reacality or, it 'a not. The men engaged It a man's testimony of Illmaelf can i n it are other bent upon aytiflnimiy, I not be believed, in the name of all that is e•levatlng the price of oil, or they are not. , true, I ask, whose testimony shall he re -9''l 11. is vast amount of money has been / cet•edi I base heard President Young tottered together for Fume pnrpoge out/ I assert, again and again, that he s•de of legltimale trade, or It has not. I (spilat - king of himself) was neither a pro Toe stated mextinga of the prominent I phet nor the son ors prophet, but simply ' Bare, mean business, or do not; ha. claimed to have been "profitable to the Peers of a nature, ton, that they dare people"—if nor, indeed, a prophet, what, , rot niche known; nut with bated breath, I mks is the ehameles of file lardrations, and hurrit d whlspene, it is silently attend. that they should he worth every dome and ed to, in secret conclave, and wild, sway, mine worth meshing, unless sauelitied by a I hte to thrhr virtuous dens, to say with hint If, through the laying on at' hands, trantir Michell) "Thou cana't not say, I the Holy Oboist was given to me se a d:d il; never shake thy gory leeks at / comforter: by whose Inspiration "the me.'' . things of the Father and the Seat would Messrs &Titers, the positions soma of these mi a fell in thilr churches and Bab, bath hobo cis, is much more becoming to weir moral well being, as well *ado their reputations and consciences, than the arena of the "bull ring." and I am led to pity them and deplore the infernal mach: inations of disreputable and pernicious tricksters, which mast have been used to bring them In. Igow sirs, In brief, *hat are these men attempting? What Is It they expect to do, with all their immense hoard of money and by their midnight congrega tions, where, we arc told, not even the dim ri ilections of a two penny tallow dip see permitted to reveal the dark designs of the cabal ? What damnable plot Is It the intention of the masked, nocturnal visitants to give birth to, that must be hidden from :he light rat ay i What the desperate toehgn, in the accomplishment of witch our newspaper editorial col umns, ,ecru! In all times put to truth, honor and Insineaa integrity, must be bought and ;And for, to lend the nasty, nameless thine a decent covering, which others, i lie it la found impoemble to obtain? Am I too Mitt r? Am I putting the thing Lae atrong Is there any danger of any but the guilty wincing / Will these Ones ruffle IiIU tranquil temper of the virtuous!' Will they (Ali out the color do! cheek of the innocent? Will they not rather, if any effect he produced by Iheir perusal, cause the already blanched cheek of the deep dyed villains in this hell born conspiracy, to whiten still and to shrink from the glue of hoheet men for .11 time to come '•Let the Rolled jade, wthco, our withers unwrang." Bat why quietly pass these things over! Why not rather call them by their right nanpal la thin a eonspiraoy of moneyed men, or is si not The Intention, Messrs. Editors, of these "ring met" is to tray up all of the pro• (Notion and stock of crude and refined ell, and hold the same out of themarkets of the entire world, until each scarcity le mused, that starvation will rause starve lion priers to be paid by thew whose ne resettles demand that they most have oil. Thee don't deny taint:nate an attempt t 3 ‘,.actal tart td the programme, and wit a front that ahonld shim the PITIBBLIRGH DAILY GAZETTE: SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 13, 1869, purest bras, to— 7! 'b 15 r :aver t.IJ Lim to rirri , r L:s as the trade, nod dd. 1. -de.,:e prt•toti tat pertions In the brunt were preparing to astrh ts ',tar, pro;-hate I the a third tame. T.; is reported that fir. lbuir tt dn toe ,et ter j Godkin tot:owed adetce, and ran hia c: the hocd, - ht.t. d Ivor, the , horse a.i the way to Preindent, at which t,drdp or set : • : fact :aeon wh,ch j place tie arrived at , out nine d'clock. See- Sb. , Ltd 1,, ,nd L.lien away oral of the inhabitants of President, on w 5,,t.. learning what bail , iccurrcid, started out I, p^ tiu r, the fable, the, very 1 in search of I...apla'n West, but he was to I, 1 strnn,.: !oc‘ei• tits sll , be fated rt, a.ttugh the search t..r, I, 1.. I I KO, t h e well Was cri,Sei sled liiip'l3ll) . several ners ,Ii the, pr,dutut ,, n hours F uram t_n was made or „1 „:, ,„ str ut. 1,,,,tu.;:y I Wednesday w Netter success Cap pump d !r• the 5.11 , -; inducing ethers' Latta West had to tus ps..esessiun when he too, to nit at pr relatively high. I was shut alma 41100. Ile b a d been put. 11 t ihn: I aural:wore, IJut.l, ling up WA . nee tu the v'cially Of Upper . Cherry Run yl.ome time, and war M. ~.I.'pplor Fenton, weld hrin r ^JI retested in ote two ~ n the same and enable Ole 'ones t.• huv tie ran. b . r :e . 4e 11,n y &I" r is it hom.rah;e lorlhesemOnted men take IwitIEIIIW,It ,PI the Co/M/IW. nl 'the .otorra flf any there be), a enudith , n oulis lnouned by than.teereh and their ' agents, by buying up the ru,ire ' , reduction at advanced II Lees. in the hunk. of in it. it 1.,,n• I. it r, t tr.chrry, rattier 1 Is it thong unto others ass e a.,u .I:ha:others attould uub, trie.e Wlers, who dtr , rded the steady Cow of their well., pnaathly tied liu.o wet aen hanaled. Surely IL Was not irit• I In/Jral 'Or thrlW WS. li aloof. what tbsp Lail n reasonal6, right 4) Euppea-e thty would be able to terni,lt. And to it right for them- other.o lil take advantage of this misfortune., and artineinry elevate I pliCelt, rarely /WWI Nde iy 'Olll5 lb° yeller, to loan, In order that they may make mosey Suppoew an Iron master ooalracts!,, de. liver one hundred tow, of but 1 r.. 0 is It absolutely neceseary that he should buy Immediately sufficient ores, anal, etc , and contract et once for all the labor that may be required to complete hie contract' hat ho not a full right, and is it not en• tirely proper for him to study tho natural course nt trade as to euppiy, demand, etc , and purchase only as Ida labor can work up the raw material? Would It be right for the man be has sold to, lti go immediately Into the mar. ket and hire all the tuber end hirestall all the Iron and coal, in order Io prevent him from filling his tnintrect t Wyuld this be what the world would call honerabit or /tersest' Again —parties Laving 4rd crude oil to be delivered en a certain rail- road, at a given time, would it lie right for the persons to whew they bad sold, to bribe the employes of that road, to so delay their ears, and other wise confuse the running of trains as to prevent the sellers from staking proper deliveries 01 out and yet, Mesers. Editors, this 11114 been done. All, all of this rascality has been resorted to by Pion nrahls nun " ALL soivon tBL6 Mae,' who now stand with uplifted bands, en deavoring to make the good citiphs of ibis community believe that nothing is wrong; ••everything Is lovely," quiet and serene. The pm., ton, inmate to appear hi say, amen May the hearts as! eon sclenes of these guilty men be touched by truth, and seeing their errors tern and go w further. I qiSV.RTKII Tie Revolt to flormona6m The Edell;nArne, h r , htuteer an, conleme the fotlowing card :rum lta dre met!: editor OrrNM UT•ri MAO (. SALT Lief. CITT, Dotter 'l7. Prot.Ser,t Brig ,tarn re , L )Ir DEAR •. tine, my COMA L:1 , 0 w,th wa L: et Ildc.truee, you mu ru Iruger give tee your .11/ Our can Cu La.v eel( 1! 11. el that yuu would minJetit I. a urd me, pers. n ally, much trrillrrne.w, fur which I nal icrstrlcd. Were lln the Ntatru Or Can. lornie, 1 do PIA hush you would take any exceptrune to my writings, lot 1 am en nut. r, tt I t .0 are tOe An . 1 S. r, •7 year, I :lavr • •., .11 r •••••.1. or Int. J 'tl• "k' t a. .Ira„ r. a hel:e‘t r a rtt u,, n. not to s temµ•ra, iLeocrar) I au,. as, vary rtapectiuLor, yours, Ed, w•itu K i . TeLaltnas. Its general edoor, Eder I.l..rrienn, and putolaber, Elder (, punt an ac. count of their Ir. , that th e y have been a xcommun.rn l ed, and aesert he made) )(Mown unto me," did I not, tbroustrrhy faith and that holy ordinance, receive the nght to drink of the waters of the ricer of iff. i Who studl say to me, after I have orunit of the blessed stream, that the water la bluer, when I know , for myself that it is sweet belay seal? 'lke Importance of thin anti Young hanTeMhtit ran hardly he overestimated. When ohne the Prophet's followers begin to think fur Bee tnaelves, they still eon. time to form opinions for themselves, and wilt soon arrive at conclusions from which at present they would revolt. Brigham is slaity-eiaht yearn of age, and probably has not much more time to live, hut he will he fortunate if his eleipotiiim outlasts him, uniees he has the tact to bow before the comic g storm. ATE ITEMS. THAT portion of the Chartlen Railway lying between Canonsburg and Ewing's min was let on Eaterday of last week as follows: First section thin side of Can. onsburg to RAU3gan Rogers; the next BectAon to Dr. J. W. Alexander; and the next to Major John H. Ewing. Work will be contmentvd on these sections at once. Tut Erie OareUe says the Erie and Pittsburgh Itailrozel extension down the face of the Bay has reached Rowle et Co's new furnace. It is built in a substantial j manner, *boot Live feet above the water level and will materially protect the bank from washing away. It is considered the most practical step yet taken to do. velop the resources of the harbor Enc.' , ON Tuesday night, title inst., Captain Weal, of abamburg, was shot by some unknown person about three miles west of Tionesta, while riding along the river towards President, In company with Mr. Oricikin, his brother-in-law. The Titus. vine Herald, In noticing the affair, says that Captain West and Mr. bodkin were on their envie) President for the purpose of purchasing lumber, and that they were tired upon from the rear, by a persbn Or persons concealed In brush. Captain West fell from his horse at the first shot, two having been fired. Mr. Gotikin,es• capitic both. turord, nod was proceeding to the Lob/MA:at:l3 .•I I,..companitn, who fell a few yards behind him, when the A GAUT deal attention is attracted to the ease or Dr. Paul Etchoeppe, now under sen..ince ot death for tare murder ..t MIAs. Maria M. steam:die, at Carlisle, P. Schoeype is a well educated and in• telligent physician or 2d, lass been In this country but a year, and to a son of a Lutbcran minister at Carlisle. He formed the acquaintance of Miss rnennecke while in the discharge of Las professional dutie. Courtsnip and engagement of marnivitie followed the accomeitanmship. Mitts titennocke died tamer rather sueplclous circumstances, and while ureter Cream t art tichoeppe, who Led become invol d in some matters i t manly and real G. to speculations in the Interest of d oho was repined ta, be possessed of $40,000. A nose morteni examination and analysis of the contents of the 1105- Keii reveals the presence of prussic acid and nineftnift, but whether it was given as amedicine, or ivuh Intent to murder, such medical experts as Professors Aiken, Wormley, Gross and Pancoast, and others, have been unable to decide. The whole affair very much resembles tire celebrated Parkman chster case which happened years ago. SichoepPe protests his innocence, and defies any medical man to prove the case one of murder. The German societies of Penn sylvania, New York and New Jersey believe his story, and are using all their elfAits to save his lite. Tue trustees of the Boston Public Li Mary announce their Intention to form a special collection of Franklinians, as a memorial to the fame of Benjamin Frank lin, to erribmiieevery edition of his works or of any one of them, every book writ• ten either wholly or in part about him, every magazine article, portrait, broad side or memento of any ktea relating to hire. They will gratefully tlknowledge 107 1,18104.00 e that may be rendered in making the collecuon complete. =I = 13=1 I=ll El==l MET= =Ell =1:1 EIMER I= I= I= C=l more. pal,lsas rabic d••I ••I' VOW - Sous • [s wor . nets ale wiirth ••ery ~•• • ea. sr. •b• .• at N.,•esater. This • • lap...r r.f OW., •. I• th still, ',Delp.< • h t II IP , or .04 Sive. e 1,111wo• I.4l.gswil •a • d n.!1‘..• dhotis. rtaaltata an4 m.n. • h• r a - atet reaaV mtte aaaa•...• I , :. ?•: tam at other *Quanta. spd S. , Iv • w . • • s-wpw nesbns •••••1 o•• • It•rmeo. :61. th• t.reo of , traas •pi Th. h. • r. [um, . r an.. sarw tom ptagp " La- cisysaila. Of 100 ...riter4o-Itto7avirrtnt- Ai it Sl' , TT Hd. tie Mo.{ pleasant. soli St IDS • •szue time ii. Sot rEl.ieet .1 01 nyetablip tnaci The Meteors nu of 'Pt 03 Pro to tut. f ale hat as.. of def. sting It Lls'et the t. 20.1 of 1 , c1,4 , 14, sbst Il dasher cosalltsflossi coastal. .tam as away tathologiat too a ta ts Las Coat Carni tad roomy of samara and it, yams orLaia of as avast malady an to moat Manama it. cOdatlloalsat of tit alleirsa she malt. LSeoncititr' Ott lOC Tito SO at obßarts It, re:or., ol purse Liss ttestessztt t• tit Salto forte its 0.1.0,11 AM it ta akoosaSSltesa Dot aid ST tist.SN BOd. r! [WV alrrtn. rearmertalialll4ooo - slso 5. •saateot asSaallSortlassrdaslS s I tt 5215* ,, dal. and thin Is as datum of .111,5 the Urals Sr oiee stisoutstlng alp Bra, i•L•oa trup:o73 i 1,. salld•st•. OTICES u t7ttl, _A c a r : " Af i _jaafon n aV ttLitgp.'s r2r T.. E ELEVENTH NUN . KITIND of OW ISta 111,01Ilers.lif I......gasiumaxtCat,paarag my ( otttoaaratt. wIll&p. Well al N. ttri:iro KONPALY. 11. t h, 1.111). at fa n'cl L. .1 *Men .d wane • 110.dr:a coon •111 De eigntad fur the pa , ... 4.4 foto r ba.lll•4li MSG., .4. !' 41 ""* .? 1141,7. ttrr Int PIMP 6 PA6865161161..86• 1 .. 66 • T t . put 4, 9 1., Pio,. 16 , le t 11.414 I - - t t n r-W." 1: 1 1tf tf;%? "Ili t " Ar:s 4 li . r•opt•• t,••••66tre Ivrair GOOri II oi Um V y ;',... 1 . 1 i " . , b , ;L r s:' * A I :1 4 1 6V it i . i g i I'V.:'is.l. l ::°! . .ll.L'il ♦ !` - '4i. j ,;,111.::M 1 d17,1Z 1 t'n ~.. l• Sr. • theibuttheil 6.111.11661.1,•‘. now e Lee lbw mortlotf .. nt 4, AU •• . ~ . .V, cdAwis. 4.1F.1Fr. . ?/.nit Irrniseaca / • larAN E lON for EL EYES b.;.l .1 ~„ it. ',lll' - ' ' I.VairN k l , V,i t tor 260 da, ..f 5.,...m. VO: breereee the news of 10 a..i ri,:: ‘ , ° :. rAti It fat td t n if ' 4 . 0 At V. r. N ''' .. ' . ' au, 4 .P` 1. 441t1.61111111110, Of. nww , t• ::-.1 0661.2._ 1. , r , tth Or 0 27211 iird — runiliiiiiiioriiiil P 0•35 atu 6.401.0•11.0211.01. I 0061.11 Not eathtg 4111.11160. 1:26 ... THE .11 :VEAL DlEETtrite 1 ." et th e Ilte theidewe .of the Pittsbalg• an I II rn.theb am ....111. W. " C' irt( 7 . DAs. Node Nrd ' e d n WI h' I " :1711 .4 , 211 r4A . 4. 0. ea .llek .111. - •46 plane • nuar.ocuinfai• F. .0:1 It cite. frrlll 11441n1S 710. , ...7:: othse buanne . i noeg2 the en. eat , g. 6.60/011• DIVIDENDS A AND rEisAao I Z a NT 4. -1 773. 1 arti I I T e;ll= M i ltitar?l PM.? aVellue. Plltt ~. . ABM .18011. AMP '' 410.0 ke of pe CerepaAl i . no., Vaerlitit= • rwe ton ttaw• TH TB/ LB) _ on abd' MU/. • daytrartafei • • • mato dowel. AY 17.114 ,P a a rn i e . . ttalo ram anti/I -:lbis Rank 14.7 tbi. 7 F 177. HSU CLNT I,l,irtr sjrYttlitrrt Ts rtt,, V.gomatriuscessata. ri9"-TuE It R.C11)86 dared dtvl.llloll Unptl Mori.... Months, which MU ttior Weal rvpiV. , . fre of liqrraz tin t.nittsturgb. N. a 4. tSW. t e ar AT a !SLEETING , OP TO hoard of Ptrlct.r • of tots bent Tlll3 LAT. • Otritlaod of in 17,41VM las 001 per idlire oru tt-rt arca, P. , /o 'fon , b , /' Itee 0( National tar, D. C. k/iItSTZ, 110 , 440M1 _ A Th.. 500)01507. 'T 114^ 000 DI t .0 . tr . ; , : - , :rf N iai . L i tt . ar Q rTpiiEETON BOY this r al X P glrAPI4 n o ' rtb i° T. T e a nr ' re",rtU I TZ I .I 1110 Wont. o he 1r . ., S. man to, piTable, tom of tiovernment Tax to 1,14.41,L01ders or tbalr brat " arr Ull° "°JrIAWW27I°. tattler P g rfgratUlf. ° l4l l trtlFilltil. 10nrille BOARD OF masc. TOSof tbllank 5000 &dm./ • MII. fiend ot • t, 4 /SUS /est. or gg Mace, payable on or lan Lb* 100 Pa rn - , , no. $ll A. LONG, Amlrtaoll dates. , ?Malt It ATIONACBT - 111.7 - / rliTnisen(io. Norrron, 6. 110611 , Parini& PRESIDENT AND 41PIPCTOH.• of vie awl nave OW , di/ deolind clirldenal of n/ X 0 1 I. CENT, on the mphal •fock ant of the pron. of the tut WA oOtaa. sms:sible 104.100 •tock holden or their tr . 1124 o.m brltlZnaj.:::. on and alter the ISIS soisis4 aortal U. sIAVINGSTO7.4, Cultist. 39Trotox-fssraTscp COPYIST. rerferrpt.u. SocrpsTar 5. Jive% arDIVID END. he'Boatd of Dl} actors • of this Cale en, hate We dal ueuteteel . Mele a. Fopg Dlll l lB. AND FIFTY CHIITA, d. act of up.lasy si tate of the ttsptt al Mock, out of the oi. or the la, .10 ornate, Ts of lieventont at an. . tale en , oat able to block. bolder. OS hhd after the 9th Inst. .. 3, 1g WM. P. ar.8.8/JIT, Dezrel.7. NEW ADVERTII3 WOOLEN GOODS VERY LOW PRICES WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Now. Rill and 152 Federal Strefl, A-L./...C411122: Y CITY At 13 Arrbel ntirlan, P...% At lON,. A ll•Arc.l Rad 71•11wriel Atlc., double teldt.b Bat •d oountreilAnold At 96c.. pea,. twilled puled Iliactitel, extra 9 lc.. Heavy Grey guano el A 7 ye., Wolorproof Cloth 1111 00. Black and Brown WatiL•proof ooa 01.00. Ladle, rrt;oo4 Cloth 43 00. I'ev Good White alasdaou• SLOG Pair Good Gds, Blatildt► 116., doable width Poplin. sad Alpacu n+ 50e, double .14th cones at M 1.,. children , riala Wools IShawle =l= EXTRA BARGAINS IN WHITE COLINTRY ELAASETB. Z•itIILIJ 0)V!1BY n d_NNZLJI =I C ANNI MARIN AND /NANA, CI.I.IAKINON. At., SC . Wholesale and Retail, WILLIAM SEMPLN, Noe. 180 and 181 Ftderat Street, PRESSES. ophiw„ seal and Cancelling 1111 TING FLUB &COMING INKS. Arnold's, Maynard & Noyes' Warden and Hyatt's, De& %net's, Carter's, end French ‘ lolet =SEM CARMINE DiKS American and French I=l PIL'NCII,P4. Nick Lead, Red and Mae Red and Green 1:"MIIVIS. Gold, itetl sad Glass Gold Mounted Pencils, Pen Holders and HnlerP PAPERS. Legal Cap, Foolscap, Letter and Note ENVV.J.OPEX. White and Bittr Business, Wedding and Pay FOR SALE BY W.& HAVEN & CO. PRINTERS, STATIONERS 4 BOOK BINDERS Wood St. and 3d Avenue Y. , 1 . 1 i 1 iterarri- - -2010310111 4ne. ?Wall Ser trt i rpleedle== C" lsoltexed the aer. =fel of Inept to elowasr clotbeepu sad exhibitor to Ilifspeelfe 07 h. IJ.. . Tha w thett Warr So te. eartrel ehe Ws estar=r4ir ..• t ai l =r own sa _cc • . ... Over Wrotalla&at . SX 'IN . • 'T . . - . eEityti * WO W . tlhtheorth •• stem • • _yer Strad. at . ..... :. • - • • 11.W111.172EW5. Tux Taal:m . of the ree.t amt. Whetter] every daeLari all day. at the Ina No , II Metre the woe. belaa theta =I ere they gat Melt clothes. Every etas free to lay at ell Were Trees talmend.s J. how at Wet Eta Er. A .l2;rnta li E r st intim. Veer. not colts for worthlle.. • gr. setts Or horthel2o. a he* mate Oar Illa warily ~..0 1 1%, 1ig . .. i t:144X Seel w S olittEl. • ...Wow' setts for a :s rank 61.7 • ha! te .. T i nat . jax.more wham. to rea ptett a err Lys to sae 7 2=1:11 . : With street. S. ge niMMILABe APPLE PABEIRIL—I have a Nil ...outman! of Apple Parlam.Comirmug 611Mns Madam. erbieh /Ito 111 to WI estl see them lAA. Stir PAkf O, COSINE USD sucoo xmatiNce. tam. =lf Ores tons .the creak v plus. Imre, 61111 - 111611 to creellnary Wad tool*. It •111 rest voithemt stieftz earths noshed. /reed Airoim =web Wither mites Weal with Ws melt. aweerbes tmattees4 *the *1 =3.11 ammetmeal of Lightning & Turn TOW Apple Parent. tar ma& mremio Sae twat bf JAMBS SOWN, N. 3.186 WOOD STREET. RAutr. AND FASHIONABLE CONFECTIONS MYST/11UL 11111127, Atlaslltssy VU? NB li / ADVELRTISMMiWn3 NE:W GOODS No'. ISO and IS2 Federal Street, Striped Woolen Shawls, Plaid Woolen Shawls. Black Thlbel Shawls, Falsely Shawls. Children's Shawls LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FURS, Balmoral Stockings, Merino Stockings, Ladies' and (Children's Gloves, Ladies' Underweag, Balmoral skirts. Cloth Skirts, Ladies' and Children's Hats, Ribbons and Flowers, Wool Knit Hoods, Raft &segues Starts, Mitts, tsc Men's Undershirts and Drawers, Men's Cloves, Socks, lac" MMI:4= CORNER FOB PRESENTS. OM BEAVER, At Lowest Prices, 11'1LLIAM SEMPLE'S, Wholesale and Retail ii'ILLIAX SEMPLE'S, Nos. 1.0 and Is 2 Federal Street, =II NEW DRY GOODS. BARGAINS Enormous Money Saved PY KW"; Fr - IV:HAMS ♦T E. R. GARDNER'S, West Cot. Market St. and 4th Ate., No. (30 16.00 AND erw•RD Ladles' Cloth aeques, all grades and styles. Look at them ! 40c., HEATT STILIPED POPUBS, bola, TALI. bILA BON AT ft 1118. 31 cents, Brown Poplin Alpacas, BOLD THIS bEAISUIt AT 1551,4. 624 c., BLACK MOHAIR ALPACAS, SOLD IEM ST &B.!: AT 80. $l.OO Waterproof Cloth, $3,50 AlpaGa Robes,- $2,50 Arm> Blankets, . 75c. Children's Woolen Shawls, Bargains in Paiseley Shawls, Bargains In Black Thibet Shawls, Fargalls in Arab Shawls, Bargains In Velveteens, Lyons Making Velvets, from $8 per Yard and upwards. Chiantilla Cloaking, $2.50 and upwards. Frame/a, Cry .ESSassirts. Ousimeres, French Mortises, Empress Maths. tstAius Irt rOiLiN PLAIT" bonnaelltai " 11 1 1 x. RR toPLI If PLAIDS, born rel. " Ain rirtlN PLAIDS. sold tin "altd. a OOL COLORID SWUM sad DMA Willa, DOA mai. ENOBIOUS -BAIWAINS WOOLEN DILUOUTS ' A.ICID :4+4 a all 11_, 11, 2,2, 3, 31, 31 and 3 YARD WIDE., 9)1 35.1 fqll.l : Suitable for Parlors. DLIING ROOM MB CURE, ( Woolen, Linen and Cotton, I? LOWER PRICBB TIAN 111111101 Notvetthrtandhic tb• 111'FIRLIND & COLLINS', 71 and 73 Fifth Avistie. CLOSING OUT SALE! n g _he the death of the Motor heltheb' a A IltritOttllELD - entteellack inn be sold MkitHDLEBB OP IMPL Me Stock to Arm and COmpiete, " PSI FY INU q l r 11 T41140)1ftk01clilo ea toilia l / 4 -7 ; • .10k-, p ma e. oplin, _ • Black Clintik:Oeiklap, Brock nitwit, Plaid BMwb, Cusimuto, And a Full Line of Domestic Goods,ai 11, REM) & 5Q SIXTH STREET. ELEGANT CARPETS. Tb. Must and most btssl7/41 deslmm ever abysm ba TAPESTRY OR BODY 1311U1SfigELS. J a reealred try dine{ taiportalloa tros rag •) - --aksIDE-7.1t, J 6. 61= I=l pi il:4:1 IffeCUNTOCII ag CO. 43 Fifth Avenue. N- OTIOE OF DIRROLITIIOII. NeUu bunny gifeel Mal tbeparbersals y sunbeam' banrenn Una naintniannd want. in tn. coal bluing.. in Pilunsrab. t i n., ifirraknWilUtiitr 6 gP "' 1/Igbe Onit Jn - WILLis sow ilk g Prrnstmos, Nov. 11.11, leo9. nortAll NEW ADVER LOW PRICES CUM MEAINOES. MERINOES, Pietl4la, F014%1415. DRESS GOODS, DRESS GOODS, 119311a.1017115, 19 - kLa - vvle, CLOAKS, CLOAKS, Blanliatts, Miletrils.ertas, CLOAHLNG CLOTHS, CLOAKING CLOTHS, liTelNTetis, VolN7etss. FLANNELS, LINENS, ]TES & JOSEPH MERE I CO. Have Just Opened AM ono onforoll to °gar, at ttho my lowest Primo, taw harrow omortenota of NEW 43E.0411],1% I= TeallWAr' ..o v piL wr e gi o r .A.ND lICAASS. RUA RA D A ND HOOP s RMS. H T Ribbed And Plats. HIRTS DRAIIIIRA, edldre • midterm, de Awl Clelldrem.• ALBINO UN DNA . writ "A O S2— hirtain - . SCAMS AND tA u FLIM.V .i tn • TentillTlOS, IPTUNGES, VIVIZSMORIS. et' A SI4OI . BStAIDIS to. 31121LaallflEIRY qGPOOD6. YiL SRI& A rints. aril RANIqUIZ, ." Rua i t . Ng, 80./ i ste gl2s. &LIM RIBBON& WhotesaZe and Retail, I x S - of ftV g 4' 4 i pA Oirt a l Z 4 41 1 gck i*x : g v 2-2 '44 W gC w iC .l lll ~...4 40 0 14 Z 2 1 4. 4 EXTREMELY For Entirely New D yt. n .4 ZULZILVC. p. f. I :4 Ai 4 ki NEW ADVERTISEMILNTS DAILY AItISIVAL NEW clot>rms. Pine Silk Bows, Wide Sash Ribbons, Ladies' Silk Scarfs, Roman Plaid Ribbons 13= Ladies' Wool Shawls, Ladies' Wool Tests, Children' Knit Satques, Infants Knit Hoods. RSOSESIBLE SATIN PLEATING. Black Silk Fringes, I =1 LADIES' AND GENTS' HOSIERY, ♦ (ample.. Line . CHILBREREP BALMORAL HOSIER!, Gents' & Ladies' Underwear BERLIN & CLOTH CLOVES. I=l Boulevard Skirts, Gents' While Shirts, Paper Co//ars, Handkerchiefs, Laces, ,fc MAURUM, GLYDE & 78 & 80 Market Street. DRUGGETS, CRI I B CLOTHS, EXTRA QUALITY, BRUSSELS CARPETS, Direct Importations, 1111ALLUM BROS., .ro. 51 FIFTH A VF-T VI, ABOVE WOOD STREET. oell CARPETS. NEW FALL STOCK. Oil Clotho, Window Shades, DRUGGETS. DRUGGET SQUARES, Ingrain Carpets, At the Lowest Prices Ever Hetet BOVARD, ROSE it CO., EI KWH AVENUE. I • •i I ' • I o ; PHILADELPHIA, 13.A.M.ML 4 ' AK, CO., 4Tawekleisi GRAND OPENING!! For tbe FALL nal CkIIIIBTMAIS TIRLDI of 4 11 aided, iedelry and tillretware. FAX= GOODS, &C. Bridal Gifts a Specialty. 11AILILT & CO. !nu tha Iwo wart= tho World, ud win at . n n o s . I. viewed p oet. en 4 slau visitor. Wreath Mete Meat. BAILEY dlc 00.. BE W MARBLE EITOBA CHESTNUT AND TWELFTH SMITS, Philoodelphln. <OMNI TWIT pROCLAMATION. gailLtsel Vetere of the laelnia2Ml WARD. CM ad Plttabmgh. will mod N Um 12.12/1 um and MBAS= holding MORO*. a• TUESDAY, Sevember 16.1869, 'reelect OHL PERSON As SELECT OODHOIL. EWE to 111 the eneeptted toes of Esel Holmes, deceased. JARED 111 L BRUME. awry rTrr or PrrreiDolma, October 111, IMP era. DREK4. tweeter and Mall dream le wirrE. erre..ricoramir, WEDDING, VISITING. PARTY AND RUSINEIS CAD ENUMIAVL3II, • litoNoinULMS, ILLITIIINALTING am. tarorembe Orders b ri yraell :rear apron:pi stiestiow Mad I.OIE Cheat.. I Et.. PBOO. . ..,. a : , • :-.• CIONIETWER TO TREAT 1/01: to all terfallala velure dt otto "* Tt L a Mt. of maAl eadV r etrArodleated: ;retrontortiora or' tort troporear, nualtiolt ObLillOopo Or Other cum., oad wide* •=.l .H.r Ito, tollowtog effect.. oe blotetol. todigealoss, atroworafea. orwelaa . entaaallnaw. dread of Mars 11000 zoomorg. tirdolesoo, noctornal sad astally to prortrathro tire ternal . ca ceder tootslowe oosarretaratty. therefor* Impro llol.4 dert ore per.oneri c t 4 lg joad• imal. ' Lae .' :srl7:i *a Isferl 4""4 li orto P tineVer r tre "U' re M l = awe= mono* at trOlotalla. of 100 Woody ..... armlets, Atoonorrhata. litegarehoeto , a and bterilltY OS Bonertartte. On P.M . 4 11 lOW Mgda l linkiMi r tlPP W W OMSOOISepOo.s=,... Weill la apeetsh7 Tbire=lrheo n"l nedleal preW Wet ;IS u ra= n 2:m t i to ..n = for two Oomph to ertQOpla. mutated,' mat:Ma DOStrIOSIOS SO WO at. 01 0 1, 100 10 te l thew o to deterre= Car pat. Site ItteerrtreL ahlat a l ot l A= o . ‘ . • er 4 tgrsees idamixt ow e 3 r w . • isr: z:: . t . i:7 411114"4 " s k --' ... theaccomottelottottgatta allele NW .000 lad 1100 w 0000 0001 00 !a.O arty 1 , is ell malloolatt,_ s. M" lommdtpu.s s. wowed ..... MgrA Orrithj” .. teldary. ostler Otalag:tW ihr two etare Pl a Ph Cattoe .b. &NI FATtsVtuloWri t u 1 4;=,,Z.NVEi . tam. r.....t eara SO • LOW PRICES and Fashionable G. Clo CO ro 13, 111 2 1. els CICVEAs STREET. II