The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 13, 1869, Image 1

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=ELM= St
Ofilee,S4 and 86 Fifth Avenue
21.111114 1110.
,Ilrenrd b ruder,, prr week
Ratification of the Union
of die Old and New
School Presby
$5,000,000 to be Raised
as a Thank-offering for
Church Purposes.
Adjournment Sine 1 >ie
Yesterday was concluded in our city
ono of the moat important ecclesiastical
councils aveeheld In. Otte country. The
proceedings, from the commencement
to the close, were orderly, harmonious
.‘ and dlgnilled. reflecting the largest mss.
sore of credit to the delegate and the
groat body of Christiana they repro-
Gelded. Wo beneath anbjeln the report
of the concluding exerciser
The closing *mercies. of the Old School
Assembly were commenced at the First
Church at a quarter past nine yesterday
morning the Church being titled to
overflowing, with those who had assem
bled, as members and spec:lamas to par
The tooderator opened the . procesdhigs
1 with ano vent prayer.
On motion of Rev. Dr. Hall. the deco-
Donal °Jerrie!' were limited to tifteen
The singing of a Hymn was followed
. by prayer oy the Rev. Mr. Grier.
The Congregation again Joined in sing
' leg the 75th Hymn, after which Rev.
Mr. McCook led to prayer, which closed
the devotional exercises.
' Dr. Hall, from the Committee on ar
rangements reported that Elder Belknap
had been appointed to assist at the Com
munion service. c ,
On motion of same gentleman, Rev.
Dr. Rodgers, O. 8., and Rev. Dr. Stearns
N. R., seer° appoin to officiate
erators on the Communion ciontsion.
The utjnntea were read and after some
alight changes approved.•
.Cousedgeoree Lrem the New
iNeho he orAiiiimbXy, wee attnoanoed, °car
Mating of Rev. Drs. Humphreys, of EMI.
adedphia. Aiken, of Clare - land, and Elder
- Dr. Aiken upon taking the platform
dd : "Mr. - Moderator, I am one of •
Committee of Three appointed by 1.00
New School Assembly to wait upon tots
branch and - report the action of the
'suably in.reforance to the vote for union,
and as I take for granted your branch Is
now ready to receive our report, I will
can on my colleague, Dr. Humphrey., to
read the report given him as 6flidal by
our Stated Clerk."
• Dr. 11,11341/13Y then read the report.
allowing the vote of the Preabyterlas of
the New School branch pnbllalied hero
The reading of the paper watt followed
with applause.
Moderator Jacobus responded in &feel
ing manner to the report and greeting of
the Ocimunttes, =slog that the hearts of
the brethren had been made glad by the
groat unanimity which had culminated
to the great reunion, and from which so
much was to be expected In the future.
The Dantor
M rsclod hla remarks with a
fervaptappest the blaming' of Heaven
upon the reunited educed
The paper was handed to the Clerk and
the Conimlttee then retired.
Elder Henry Day, as Secretary of the
Bannlon Committee, begged leave to
prevent the laatresolutiou„ to be rased
ppm, the Assembly. Mae then read
C.:Mewing eerier!
Thin aneembly having received and
examined the statement of the vote ia
the several Presbyteries on the Mats of
reunion of the two beak*, now Claim
ing the note and the rights of the Pres
byterian Church of the United States of
America, in the words fallowing, vie:
...The union 'hall be effected on the doo•
,trine and ecclesiastical buts of our oom
mouoyatcm. The Scriptures of the Old
andTiew Teatamenui shall be acknowl
inidged en being the inspired Weirdo( God.
and the only infallible guide of filth and
practlto. The confession of faith shall
continue to be received and adopted an
containing the doctrines taught in the
Holy Scriptures, and the government
arid the doctrine of the Presbyterian
Church of the United States, end wberem
in them la contained the rules of oar
te hereby declared that said basis
has been approved by more than wt.
%birds of the Presbyterlee of this branch
of the Church, and 'shares. the other
branch. in the Firer. Church. has reported
that this bads hes bean approved by more
than two-thirds of the Presbyteries con.
netted with that branch' of the Chu rob.
There:bre we do now wise:tali declare
that Bald Basis of Braaten is of binding
• Thepsper was adopted tmanimomly by
a Mainz vote, and amidst great applause.
Rev. Dr. Rodgers then oMatd the
floor, andmoved that the Moderator de
clare this General Assembly to be dlit•
aolvedoutd direct that another General
'MaeLIMIT. Minim In the sane manner,
shall meet in the Third Presbyterial;
Chneb In Philadelphia. on the 17th
rday, DIGO.
The motion was unanlmotaly carried,
audio./ Uoderstor, In accordance there ,
frith. amde the announcement, dls
• aolvina the 400eMMIY, and calling tor
• another one as mated.
rue tdurr oy TSUI DIA illYgoot.“
}pretilVeand reeling_prayer, by
ezn ior.applicable to thetemelop,
entathen rumleri.slter .ertdeb tbs andl
‘" Mite was &MI i:sed with the benedistion,
The Goners' Asseo:bly of the Old School
Presbyterian Church , thus dhsoolsed
forever. .
• The ulneo'clock
Friday morning, and was opened with
prayer by the Moderator.
Drs. Gray and Musgrave, from the Old
School Assembly were introduced, and
......,Tearke minified copy of the result of the
iho Presbyteries on the Bags of
'Onion. es reported to that body, and the
official action uteri.
Tim Moderator, in respertise, said the
result was rrciiived with the moat pro•
found pimiento, and he requested ins
Commlmioners to Inform their body that
this Assembly was in full accord with
The Moderator then announced the
ronowlng Committeee, es suggested by
i b o Joint Committee on Reunion. Simi
lar committees were appointed in Hirit..
7,....0rtfich00l Assembly. ••• •
• Committee oußi construction of Synods
, and Preabylertes and i halloo of CoWitu
• 409 —R.'S.. Drs. Asher, Patterson
oxid Hatfield... Aid Eidere Wing and Snide.
committee on Church Works and Pro•
Strong, Win• hi• Dodge. Hon. WIII.
Strong, and Revs. Drs. Stearns, Good.
rich and Hawley.
Committee on Home Missions—Drs.
Adams and Kendal, Mitchell, IL W.
• William*, L.L D.. aud Mr. Farrand.
Committee on etturth
. .
. . •
• I. tae 4r. LZ.I [neat 5, ~..sonerclel end litany
1 -- ' Y
,—) . • ) 7 .
W •,r ~r, Ished a v.•:..ersL rennillea9.ll.
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z,\ - i , No tamer. bsactan , e or merchant ea. , Ai. b.
W... 411111,1 K
. ‘.)
„It( „I nviAi .. .1 .
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# without 11,-
TXlste :
ISlnele on at 11l
C.. of tv r ~
1 •
~ copy 3 fernlanecl grats.ll....nely to
the enter
up ...f a ,nata of ten. roam...ten •r, ngoe•tr•l
to set e• agents. •
0e0.40.` lane , Ellingwood and Taylor,
and 0.41 Lee and Samuel T. &mine.
Foreign lrftarteras—Dr. Neiman,. Dr. I
Routh, Rea. V. A. !:able, and Elder. Al'
Dann and Hcarsitt.
b:durdhon —Drs, James John
Atterhury, E. Id Morris and elders
A. W. Walldon and T. P. Hardy.
nm Pebbratnel—Dra. Humphrey, J. G.
Butler. Dr. Dante and elders Brown and
on Yrtethn , 74- Dr. Ilopkins• Hatfield,
H. Johnson, and elders Wm. Thaw and
J. W. Edwards.
The Moderator then called the Amen
,bly to'order. and requested every person
In the boom to be mated.
Dr. Adam. amended the platform, and
offered. • paper declaring the bmia of
reunion as of binding force. The docu•
meat wasalmilar to that adopted in the
Old School Assembly.
After being read it was adopted by a
rising vote, unanimonaly.
Dr. Adams moved that the Assembly
be dissolved. The motion was unani
mously adopted.
The Moderator then formally dissolved
the Assembly, in the manner prescribed
by the Book, and directed that another
Assembly, chosen in a manner simliar
to this One, meet fn Phildelphis in May,
The Moderator then offered prayer,
and the Assembly was dismlbsed with
the benediction.
- -
Who has not felt the blood course his
veins with fresh found activity and
strength and vigor, as the proud military
regiment with banners dying and music
sounding marched with measured tread
through the avenue lined with admiring
people? Who has not felt new patriot
ism, loyalty and valor crowd about his
heart on such• an occasion, whether it
happened in time of peace or war? There
was a spectacle afforded our good peo
ple yesterday which carried more
moral weight, effect and true glory to
the hearts of the onlookers than could
have been afforded by ten times ten mil
itary regiments Teasing In review. It
was an array of Peace, maratiabal under
ministers of God and the banner of
Heaven, and going forth to per
'Term a work ordered by a wise
Providence to be consummated by their
handa,—a mission, the fuifilluient of
which marks an era in the history of
Christianity and promisee to strengthen
religion everywhere and sustain the cus
toms &pa practices established by Christ
and Etle .Aptretles, and faithfully handed
from generations to generstiona as
things seared in themselves and fraught
with man's welfare on earth and his hap
plume In eternity. As this important
and impoaing body quietly aud-tuto•ten
tationaly moved through our •troste
there were none who looked idly on. but
all felt deeply Impressed with the solem
nity of the occasion and the grandeur of
the deed of reunion among au numerous
a branch of the Christian family about
tio to ratified..
The procession numbered about seven
hundred gentlemen, and, without wish
ing to step aside to compliment or tiai ter
those in the ranks, we must record what
was thouniveraal remark, that a liner
or more dignified body of citizens was
never observed together In this city.
The pavements of Fifth avenue, Wood
street and Sixth avenue were crowded
with epectatora, and, at nume Oxen.. fi
was with difficulty that the police
pioneered a way, through the assembled
populace to enable the procession Ea
At the magnificent Third Churob bulld
ingron if.ixtb avenue, there had asseat
'bled, long before 10 o'clock, severe .
thousand men and women, woo early
took their place. in order to seize the
first opprrtunitles allot ded for e nt roars
to the church. A strong deumbuient of
pollee guarded the entrances and math
hatted excellent order. The church was
kept akar Of occupants until the Taos
sion of ministers and eiders arrived.
when the main doorways were thrown
open. and two by two the Authorized
reesentative. of the now nekeown.
save pr
to history. Old and New School
Presbyterians, filed in and took their
places. The Committee on Reunion
were allotted seats on the platform, and
the Commiseloners were assigned places
In the central platform of the audito
rium. As the procession entered, the
great organ of the church pealed forth
lie harmonious greeting, and the choir,
especially , strengthened for the ...don,
their In gladdening lamina the jubilee
• Blow yo the troeDet blow
he gladly teems SOILLO
Let .11 ne nations knew
T • earto• r. mown ozotita.
The Moderators, am. Dra. Fowler
and M. W. Jacobin, occupied seat. to
gether in file conical
part of the platform
and alternately preadded over the jubf.
hint body. Around them were clustered
a solid Masa of Cortunindoners, and
others Who had cheek ebough pooh
their way into ouch good quarters. After
-the rear of the promotion had arrived, at
the church anti all the representa
tives had been seated. the restrio•
bons against the entrance cif the people
were withdrawn, and a solid and
indisc.rimate mass of humanite. closely
hugging and squeezing each ether mi the
utter ruin of cdoolineand good clothe.,
forced their way into the Church and
circulated to the beet possible advantage.
Three minutes after the general public
where admitted every Inch of available
apace was tekenomd rally three thousand
Souls wore packed In the Church in such
close proximity to each other aa to prove
uncomfortable, so much an that in one
Instance a lady fainted and had to be
carried opt over the shoulders of the
people bloCking up the aisle. The rush.
log of so many people iplfir the Church
at one time ereated great epnfoilloo and
the noise Onnsequent thong. Vied with
leliganui roaring and surging. Al a few
mit:nitre before eleven o'clhea the Mode.'
elan", Or rather presiding °facer, brought
down his gavel and order was established.
The entire audience thog joined in sing
ing the Coronation hymn
All boll tre power of some.
Let Angela treetrote fel/
3 1.:1 t ' re nh d geTt.rre a rf a :f '
The venerable Rev. Dr. Elliot at this
Juncture took a plata, on the' platform,
and fib hoary white head called coati
such s Imrsipf raptmroas pppianse from
the andleneo as must haze mad. the old
and beloved pastor happy to en ex
Rev. C. d, Beatty, D. D. I. L. D., made
the opening prayer, fervently addreratng
the '''rone of Grace,' and invilit; tne
biewsinp of God on the anion Effected
and being ratified. Dr. Beatty wee
teen of of the original Comdata" alAdted
at St. Lode on the Chalon. Gco ked
God that the two Churches had: been
brought together after • long eepsration,
and that he had been perudtted to be
present to Moine In tho anion and the
of the
that DOW ono Church. He
thanked God the- Holy Spirit had
been wand pat L tn sit the Chnrehee.
lie ologaently. Idaoted-bahadredon on '
:MI: moorhen of sba' Chtfrcta - Wet: end
low. rich end poor, young and old. He
begged that a healthy Influence might
be exerted and great advert:ape how
from the newly consecrated union. kie
prayed that the spirit of charity and fcir
\lwv:..yeance might be exercised towards
One abtabffr, and that the wbolo Chianti
may be united Io God. He finall le..
coked Grace, Morey end Peace on y'
Churches embraced In the U.MOh.
Dr, Fowler reported the following re
solution from Mr. Plumley, Of NOW
Rewired, That a telegrtun be meet to
Brlttsh Churches, to care of Rev. Robt.
Buchanan, ft. D., Olanow, Scotland. that
the United State. Old and New School
Presbyteries had formed a noton, and
were now united In one body.
'The me:Antler: was unanimoualy adopt.
ed, and Messrs, Geis. H. Stuart, Jner. Hall,
D. D., and Hon.W. F.. Dodge were sp.
pointed a committee to attend to the
transmission of the good tiding. to broth
el:twos, the ocean.
Dr.latiObulgave out hymn, Passatoi
are the wow of peace," which watt
sing with very decided effect, the entire
assemblage Joining In its rendition.
Rev. Dr. Fowler soot called upon for a
congratulatory address, and promptly
rissponded, reading ae his text from the
iloty Scriptures al follows:
"Behold howgood and how pleasant a
thing It is for brethren to dwell together
in unity
It is like the precious ointment upon
the bead, &bat , nu doP I I. II O beard, even
karon's beard, that went down to the
sitirto of his garments.
AR the dew of Hermon, and as the dew
that &wended upon the mountains of
Z.on: for there the Lord commanded
the Weaning, even life forevermore.
Neither pray I for these alone, but for
theist also which shalt believe nu tee
through their word; Mat they all may ire
one, as thou Father art in me, and I in
thee, that they also may be one in us:
that the world may believe that thou
has item me.
-- --..—_
And the glory which thou gayest me
I have given theta, that they may be
One, even as wears one; I its them, and
thou In me that they way be made per
fect in one; and that the world may
know that thou haat Kent me and bast
loved them as thou haat loved me.
Comfort ve, comfort ye my people,
eaith your God.
and l tinto her ewmt'' that b herw
comfortably to
arare Jerusalem, i
accomplished, that her iniquity le par
doned; for nhe bath received of the
Lord's hand double for all her eine nestint AuUngroms.
The valet) of him that erieth In the I After an earnest appeal to the Throne
wilderness. Prepare ye the way Of lof (trace by Rev. Dr. flat held, Rev. Dr.
the Lord, make straight in the I iot:titan was next Introduced and made
deserta highway for our God. Every a strong address. After tinging the
valley !Malt be exalted, and every I pie d,. rommen eing .oh, thou, my soul,
mountain and hill shall be made low, I bless the Lord." Judge Strong, of Phil
and lbw crooked shall be made waled. adelplala, Senator Drake, of Mbsiourl,
and the rough places plain, and the ' lion. Henry Day and Hon. W. E. Dodge,
glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and , of New York, addressed the audience.
all flesh mall see it together; for the j The Prondent announced that he hail
mouth of the Lord bath spoken it. received a cheque for 51,000 from Rev.
The voice said, cry. And he said what I D r. Beatty, as a thenks-olTering to the
'elt 1 cry* All Monti is grass and all the 1 proposed fund of live millions. The an.
goodline. thereof is as the llower of the noulloement murals° made that a aria.
Held; the gram withereth, the flower slanery had forwarded to_the same fund
fadeth; because the spirit of the Lord one hundred dollars In gold. These
Nowell/ upon it; surely the people le figure. in cash were received with much
graaa. The grass withereth, the flowerapplause, The Hon. W. E Dodge, of
fadeth, but the word of our 0.1 shall I New York, was designated ea temporary
stand forever. treasurer, trawhom subscriptions can be
Oh Zion, that bring.: good tidings, forwarded,
get thee up Into the high mountains. 0 G eorge H. Stuart, Fly . , o f p rii i. de ,_
Jerusalem that bringeat good tidings, I pl.. wars loudly called upon by the au.
lift up thy voice with strength; lift It up, I dance. end be made a brief congratche
be not afraid; say unto the elides of Jo- tory address. lie expressed the hope
doh, Behold, your God. that the day le not far distant when the
Behold, the Lord Gael will come with united body shall embrace within in,
strong hand, and his arm shall rule for I fold every branch of the Presbyterian
him; behold, his reward as with Mtn, eat faith In Wean United Butt..
hie work before him. He shall feed his The dosing prayer was then offered In
flock like a shepherd; he shall gatherthe an Impressive and feeling manner by
lamb, with his arm and carry them in Robert Carter, F.sii .at the conclusion of
his boeom, and shell gently lead those which Rev. Dr. Janobue pronounced the
that are with youlta• benediction, and the audience was (Un
veil ovEN.Vio ADDRVS. 1 missed. And tins ends the reunion of
Dr. Foster 4....444 they all m i g h t the Presbyterian Old and New Setuale
well feel dumb In the presence of the after a separation of throe decades of
overpowering occasion, and II was Year
through mi choice of uie own that he
' broke the silence. Ile would have much '
preferred to remain snout to wonder, and last evening, the concluding Union
[Admire, sod marvel, at the great work
which had been done History had no P ayer mee ting, Particifutted in by mem
parallel for it in all the past. 'There had , here of the PresbyterLan Annemblies—
been instances of churches dividing, but j that were—was held In the Third Pres.
never had ouch a grand reunion been sc. , hycerlan church, and was attended by
Min plisbed. It «s easy to dt•ide, bet ,
, all the people enabled to obtain • seat or
hind to reunite. The rock might be
splintered but the fragments could not I standing room in the auditorium. The
be an easily eolufilied again. The J meeting was held In behalf of the cause
Church might be divided. but the work I
of Foreign Misalone. The exorcism
of binding it again together west hard,'
and aim.. impassable. Here and there c onelated of several spirited and int.-
were itifitittierti of reunion, but they were reeling addressee, Internees.] with far
tew, and none could compare to the Owl- , vent devotional eserviet , ac w blob von
otos one, the raccouipilslanent of welch
tinned until snout half part nineo . olodk
they were witness... Here were thou. '
anode of ministers, air/Uganda of Chtirebelt I when the audience wan dismissed.
and huudreds lit thousands of chrlations, I
uniting together in what will be an In
dissoluble union. j Applause. I And
they came together e,oLIa what wonderful
unanimity. Tbe
of the Preabytee —James Sheridan was bitted Theme
rash the vol. of the people, the actions day night, in Newark. New Jersey, by
of the ehurobeentad all united almost his stater, who broke his axial with •
unantmousa,Vll3 bringing about the de- attire cover.
sired consummation. Such an instance —The boiler of a small engine used
had not, en recorded Mall tbereuniona with • thraatilog machine exploded at
of thee.past ...taxmen. It was quickly I Concord Station, in Erie county. yawner
secompliebed, rot quickly that not ono of d ay , end a boy was blown to pi,..
all who bad the rare privilege of pectin-1
—fi. D. Vlvert was shot yesterday
wring, would ever have dreamed of such morning at Ifink's flood, Nashville, by
I a rapidity. Ten years ago, none thought ,
Benton Snowden. bin la mortally
of It or !woke of it, and even a few yearn wounded. Snowden was Committed for
ago, when the matter began to natant. , rle l .
the first shape, none of those having It In '
ever expected to enjoy the bliss- —A new tlmetari will a adopted
Tel vision themselves, but fondly hoped I Mendel wilt et.
that possibly Weird/dirt n might nee the
and a dower rate of apeee
end. And yet to-day they wore witnesses boa lose sr...lrd to ...ore greater
of an event which in Nliblintityllnd gran safety and regularity.
deur primed their wildest Imaginings- —The expected strike on Thursday
They saw a union consummated of two night, among the brakemen en the Sus-
bodies, not because of any exigency of I quehanna and Delaware dlvielone of the
the occasion, not because tottering to a I Erie Hallway did not take place. It le
fall the two organizations were Oone I
thought there will be no trouble.
Pelted to gran' °nen other that. th'T 1 —As a freight train wWI crowing the
might cove themselves. Never were , bridge over Wartrsee Creek, on the
they in • morn Prrwner'''ta condition. Nashville end Chau.. ors Railroad.
Never did they atet...l higher in wealth, i yesterday, the •trurn lire gave way, end
inittnertinti strength or in prosperity in twelve twee were precipitated into the
all things. Not that they might la 1 ravine. No one burl.
the larger number, to do do the ark as.- I _ Committeear
. The Committ of Conferems to t
signed' be given over t° 'llethiMmete r t i e the disagreement between the Ten.
puffed up with exaltation. In view of t e Renate and Bourse on the Coo-I
these facts, the only
how lose this bee a ' a n ww n ro te ng t e t t ?,: i es. u , I ' vent " lon . Blll, could not agree, and anew
lion, wes i n . enr ini ng i t i nitg i or y en d garage . , comm.... was ordered. It Is thought
gr .,. en d n e r d,. iron , i the question will be adjusted to-day.
and result to
hod. The Lord had truly wrought great I —The railroads throughout the Won-
WOTIC. in this view, then it beeline a . try have agreed to bring and return
matter of serious reapoitalbility with I snentben and invited guests of the 80.
them. how they should carry on this ' dray of the Army of the Tennessee to
work oommentru-ate with the great addl. I the reunion at Louisville,
at one fare lo o n the
Lionel power and advantages which had and lath Inst.,the
been given them by the reunion. ! trip.
The speaker developed this paint at I —A special from Indianapolis any. A
some lactate, and aald that prelate to God ' private dispatch from Senator Morton
for this signal menifestraires of his favor I denies the telegraphic report from Wash.
could only be given in pushing °nerve- ington In reference to his converuation
ieally forward Ella work with all the ad- with Preeddent Gelent and Secretary
ditto.; powers thus conferred upon I Boutwell about Cuba and the currency.
them. The °hueeh must hereafter be I The statement le untrue.
moon aggressive. ELT ''' . p ro g ra ' . ' w " —tine hundred and thlrty-live men
In the minded God In thus tanning them, wore died:tamed front the Boston Nary
and it should he their grand arm to live y ard Tbui .& y. They were attached to
up to the standard placed before them. the Conetruction Department. The En
He read a letter from a rolasionery In
gineer and other Departments are to be
lud ia t w c w' rituging a ' ban * ° P rip lil 0., cut down. The exhaustion of tee naval
one hundred dollars In gold, as • alight . appropriation le sold to be the muse of
contribution to live millions dollars, , the reduction.
whi ' h it was P' e P" "al te raise as a me- t —Work on the Cellforrota and revert.
mortal of the grand consummattorx ,
Hatiroed is puehril forward with vigor.
tilthitTS Atilt HAND., . The Feather river to idge at 61 arysville
.in conclusion. Dr, Fowler spoke of Is omep/etraiL land In %ben:Wide:nil por
baVing Intended to be brief, and Chen lion of n e erraneeto V a lley i s m ed
turning to Dr. Jacobus reached out hie In valve since the pr..ct of an early
hand and said, . and now Brother Moll• completion of a grand trunk flue through
orator, before taking my seat. may we j its e ntire length.
not, as represeatenvee of the churches 1 _
FOOr Months ago the ll...rooter for
thus eo happily united, seal that union ' registering the amount of 'lanky made
by a symbol of the fraternal Christian 1 was ettw ,h c 4 to every distillery In the
compact entered Leto this morning. ' 1 Second Districl In Cinelnuati. Professor
Dr. Itat7tnna prnmptl responded to Smith, Edgar Needham and J. M. Alb
the request. and With Moderators stood er t en , Government agent. are here, and
up before the audlenpe hgnd In hand. I
will to morrow !usenet the aforesaid
The audience gave way to an unonntroll. me t er. note ree termite and report to
able twig of enthusiasm, and deafening Washington.
aaadtestations of applause made the
—A meeting of eitisen• in connection
church tremble to
lie belMeatim3 for
with the Board of Trade, Is anon to be
fully five minute. The hand-clasping w
held In Albany, N. Y., to ronaider the
w made almost universal, and • tab
proposition to build a road from Albany
lees at once beautifol and historical wen Iro
..__. it ... wr L.,)., there
preerented. The union of hearts and of 1 ri_e_ . re V_!,l7; h i
i t. w 't
I with the proposed lines to
hIP4B w'" 41117 "Ggui tr il'e4 I e d ae l, P. 1 connecting
via the Harm. tunnel. The
pity • rink. tuff Yolee armiltal. t, e 1 freighting ogling"" on the Central Red
a.. by starting up the Doxology, widen
load is new so homey that property Iles
ws nung with marked effect. Consider•
after the singlngoessed , alla
' long the tine awaiting an opporto
trors"TlZ:leiidienee bed recovered from I ral.3. to =lob empty care
Weir ezeltlpg enthusiasm. I —A apse. from Jackeonville . Illinois,
says. Tice heirs o r the pate General lite-
OHLEBaaTtleat TUB elleTtste. Com:tell, who wee murdered in his house
Rey. D r. 4rnenint was the next "P eeler ' tfrFebreery last, intered to erlng melt for
He said that we were eaffebreting the rb e re ..., of fee whole of the public
nuptieb.--the Lord Jesus Christ, the square in Jacksonville as woe as the
Great Apostle and High Priest, officiates ...mho., hirmovo d tben t ro ...w o b
He would now proclaim that "these w ill b e ..., It is said by the terms of
Churches have been , united, and if any the deed to the county the ground Is to
one hill: any good and saddes t refl."' to revert to the ortgical owners whenever
offer why these churehes should not be the county ceases to use It for county
united lA.' them state terra:, or hereafter piii,€),,,,
forever hold thetr a —Tleo geMtlemph harped Barker lilies
Then turning bloPtrfi.Plll°Nt be nai l 1 and • Chartell WWI w ent
npiad. Do you know any reason why I leg. Wild lefli
coor venerable (ether, you were orogen .. ent frign Wifltellte
mino• to is Crow le., and pet up at
In Ptnindelnble Wbe° th ree brebee llei the BE. Charles Hotel Thursday tuore•
for' Wlnons on the nil
they Mould not be reunited?"
yan °Metal= drivel Elliott , ott, ( rising ), said, "I do Cwt I
r.°l4. pr om I t t e°ll° , ol t n e lia n r a tie w tna L kw ri r rl
Dr. called
suddenly away
Mil, George H. Stuart responded . . The mernage ware trot
dellVered, but Bliss not making his
"What God has Joined
.r, toget t b . er
e l ni et
n° !lisp p ut "a°der." P 8'
and he was found lying on hie bed with •
appearance, hie room was broken open
were beard treat ell ar ts of the bon..
en : pistol In his hand, and three bullet bol.
sc * .lntxtb r gm tirade
e fa
°k444-- .. - through his body and one through big
remarks, e referred briefly u , —e rim F r- tipepirrp oI thy Warder reale on
vote taken a nd Ong the Old School Pres. ~,,4 1 ..
who, tieing their right of :Tinier:, had
byteriane, a spoke tenderly of theme Into.-
voted against the union. He felt Imre, I
nowerer, that they would become . t
Malta InStiteted.
a vaing . and parupet members of the I Importan
United (:!torch. Lie illustrated, mist MY Telugraph to Oa Pittsburgh liasette 0
besentully, the Onion of the two bodies I UT, ',outs, November I2.—Sults were
by using the itilegbahY an° Nt°n°n t te. 1 entered lip the Meet; r.opri to-day by
hide rllere/Videlh (oral the Obi° as •
pe I Andrew Park, Wm. G. Clarg, Win. F t
Vhaullet.heaufdunalfere"mof tdheth.UnfervenCtbhutah I Franey and Lewis C. Gunder against
would be such as is typified itithe Ohio. i Franklin A. pick, Who WAS Provost
Upon the "hl etualc ' e °I. In% " calla' re- 1 Manilla l of this Department under Oen.
marks the congregation Joined In sing
' Hallock, for certain sumo 'messed on
lug the hymn oarrireenclog 1 them denim the war as rebel eympathl.
"nest be Ma tie that M. 0." . Zen and Weeded by COI, Ding under
resat REPORT. I lialleOk's orders. The aggregate arite
Rev. Dr. Musgrave, Rey. Dr. Adan!, &dined by the mho've gentleman is Wel
and Rev. Dr. Fisher each made eloquent 4 SIXI. It la probable that about one bun.
and fadleitous congntulatory addreaseS . dred similar suite will be brought, at
which were f
a stened to with great atten- least one of whieh will be taken to the
Lion. The lst named gentlemen pre- United States Supreme Court If °goes•
stinted a document which he had been , nary.
Instructed to prepare by th e Joint Corn. I Informations were filed In the 1.5. 8.
mitt. on Union, which contained the I District Overt to-day against
following rgeo l n ti n ne, which were truant- . tobacco:Mists of this elty for payment
measly adopted: I of tee.
Basefeed, By the ministers, elders and . The United State° has brought null
members of tke ehuren bare assembled, against P. ft tnha, manager of the
as in the presence and behalf of the en- 1 egitortoter Paschall House lottery, for
tire body of disciples connected with us $1,400 Government tax.
in this land, /11.13 d twee beloved mission
', arieein foreign shores. now meditating
our noon with tender and prayerful In
serest, that It la incumbent on the Pres-
byterlan Church to the Totted States of
America, one In organ.raii.m. one in
faith, one in effort.. to make a spp,tal
°tiering to the treasury of our Lord of
live millions of dollars, eml Pledgo
ourselves first of ell toeeek. in our daily
petitions. the blessing of “oct to make
this resolution effectual; mid second, that
we will, with untiring perseverance and
! personal Wren, endeavor to animate the
whole church with the like purpose, and
to !secure the a.wompllihment of the
great work, before the third Thursday
of May, 1871.
Reso/sed,'That thin preamble and rem.
lotion tie aligned by the Moderators and
Clerks of the Assemblies of 11369., by the
members of the late Joint Committee on
Union. (and all the member. of the two
. Amamblies) printed by the Stated
. Clerk. and sent to every pastor of oat
1108. LAST iteurtmc
Funeral Obsequies of George Peabody
—Solemn and Appropriate Scenes
—Royal Mourners—Another Heir
to Royalty—Ledra Rollin will
not return to Paris —Louis Blanc
a Candidate for the Corgi Legisla
tif—The Sues Canal—Bock to be
Blasted—Conroy at the i3pening
Underwriters Decline to Insure
Through Vessels—Pastoral Letters
—Abolition of Capital Punish
(By Telegraph toto Plusbaras mato )
oft EAT BaiT
looter November IS.— e obsequies
of the late George Peabody took place
this afternoon- The him* prooprodon
formed et the ruanidcm of De Curti.
Lampoon, in Eaton Squanelthe residence
of the deceased. It eguasted of the
hearse anti five mourning coach en.
Amongthe mourners were Hen. C. Grey,
Her Majesty's Private Secretary, repro
smiting the Queen; Mr. Motley,
Milliliter of the United Stat.; Ben
jamin Miran, Secretary df the Amer
ican legation; Freeman H. *one, Consul
at London; Runnel Sterol and J. fi.
Nurgari, Eat. Following the procession
were the carriages of the Queen, Prince
of Wideatar. Curtis LampiltdaLord May
and Aldermen of Londoriallgh Sheriffs
of London, and of Waite and of Mid.
dlesex and Sulrreyf Duchess.
of Somerset: Marquis of Townsnendi
lady Franklin: Miss Burdett Covina, and
many other.. The funeral cortege passed
slowly through the streets, which were
lined with silent crowds of spectators, to
Westminster Abbey. The venerable
structure was completely filled with
people who had been admitted by
tickets and were all dressed In ,
mourning. The choir was hong !
with black, and the sombre tubed of the
Interior was only relieved by the richly
decorated robot of the Lord Mayor and I
Centempt of ('ourt—Elba Bateman Meeks
sheriffs, blending near the sacrarium. Her Itiglitte—t olored Man Appointed
As the body was Ironed In, there Now,- Public—Railroad Accident—
were present ;i4r. illadstone, Lord Anticipated !striae Among the Tailor.,
Clarendon. the Dean of Kt. Paula ; e „... ~,,e .
the Rev. Thome. Bloney, a dissenting .
moo . r. Or. George FA .," ony, . 04 . 04 - r.i.uses to the ritistioess Ossetia.)
!dr. J ,, ho Br io, A g ee d of eme m me CR o An.s, November I2—l n the cane
poured through the windows of the of the United States, ex relation, Henry
choir at the moment the Priwwwi n n en - Army vs. the Mayor and Aldermen of
tared the building. The mann, wnich the city of Galena, which was a proceed
wax placed on • bier at the ' • -
end of the choir, was plain tog by mandamus instituted against the
and unornamented, and covered who . Common Council of the City of Galena,
Mack cloth. On the lid was • brass to romped them to levy a tax lb
pay e a ,
plate with an inscription. giving .)reply
tale bonds held by the relator, I s writ of
the name of the deceased, and place, and
date of bib birth and death. The lesson : attachment was bused out of the Circuit
wee read by the Arch Deacon of West- I Court of the United Kates for
'stunts, As same as the ceremony the Northern District of Illinoia
within the church was over the Or. I sod the Mayor and kidermen
deaden formed again. and advanced , brought to this city this morning In
to a spot net the wenere entrence, charge of the united States m ara mat to
where a Vase had beak prepared an t .newer for contempt of Goal
tan and in their
an exceystion two or three feet deep had refusal and Wore to levy th
wenn:tads the "Manor 'bleb grove were I pay the creditors of the city, as hereto
lined with black drapery. Here the body l ore or de r ed by the c oo n, Th e C ourt
1 .
wine deposited, and will retnidn until not being ready to hear th r answer,
ii is transported to America- lard John they were released upon the r own re-
Thyone read the remainder of the burial oogo te.soce io app.', trom yto day
service. At the bead of the grave. on until t he m oms ar e nettled,
J... eight _ato,A..../I,...pOttrners, ln. &hill was filed yesterday lat he United
eluding the Aminicao Tairlbilar. - abet Floes Court . - by cannel co behalf of
on the left were General Orey, Br. Glad- I Mine Rate Bateman, to entolz Frank K.
atone, Lord Clarendon, the Lord Mayor.. Aiken, proprietor of Athens Museum,
the High Sheriffs and Clergy of West-. trout producing her play of "Mary War
minster and St. Paul. nor," and for damages for Its represents-
The solemnity of the occasion WY pro- . tion during the past week. This morn
roundly felt by the rut assembly . Men log Judge Drummond granted an M
1... ma eked tears during the choral junction, which was lesued. It is said
service which innikdod the singing of an i that Mho lute... will prosecute for full
anthem. His body It. huited in poem.' damage. from Aiken.
but his name Wroth evermore. Alter I uovornor Palmer has appointed John
the ca`flle bad bona lowered Into the I Jong it of this city, a welt known and
grave, a dotal arcs was planed I weal th y colored man, Notary Public. I
Upon It.. Thbollet was witinewwwl in gnu - , Thin is the flrot time political rights of
found silence, Ind served to increase I egroor has been recognised In this State.
the emcdkittebich pervaded the emigre J. A. Shaver, Treasurer of Rents
gallon. The people then passed around county, lineal. is announced as a de.
We collie and took a last i
look at the Walter to the extent of thirty thousand
feature. of the deceased- The BishoP of dollar* He lost the amount speculating
London will preach the hanend sermon in whisky. His bonabscricri will make
on Sunday. good the defiCieney.
le:roans, November 12.—The Irish' 11. Nen•ingion, an old rill :en of Fair.
row muerte that It bas proof that I bury, 111., la reported en having failed.
Kelley, the Fenian leader, who was rea- ' Lrlabllitirie over one hundred thousand
cued at Manchester, was the man who I dell•ra. It is thought he will be able to
died recently at a hospital In this city, wade at seventy-five cents on the dollar.
under the name of Merden, and whose Another strike la antici,Wed among
Identity was doubtful. , the journeymen tailors of this city. It
—.--- was thought the difficulnee between the
FRAWClP—bourse and journeymen was camped two
' weeks ago, but • new misunderstanding
Palm, Nov. 12.—Ledru Benin refuses . has arisen as to the moaning of the term
to return to Partin, though he his with- "plain coat." The journeymen mum
drawn from the canvass for the corps bled at their room this morning and sent
Legbilatif. 1 • committee to the banes. The oom-
A deputation of electors has just re- , nutter, in the afternoo f
n re
the turned, and
turned from London with the accoptanoe ' presented the reply o bostio. It
by Louis Blanc of the nomination to the says they looked upon Biased= of some
Corpe Legislatif from Pal* In place of . ineMbe
li of t lhe
O Urn* re s
th m i n peg
Ledru Rollin, The latter, however, In. rosined bill of ctober 1..
sista on maintaining his candidature, and ,in bad faith. The rimmittee say
publishes an address, which Is ridiculed l they will adhere
roved, to
excepting the hill
by all tne Paris lournala. re•leed and app
Monseigneur Daproalcrup, Maher, of or. I they are willing to allow for extras taken
leans has issued a pastoral letter ex. I from morning or walking coots, walking
pressing hts approve' of the proceeding. I jackets or swim, and on all broadcloth
of the Fulda Conference, but declaring I coats. The Committee conclude by ad-
In advance that be will abide by the de- I Yining thou members who}ire disaffected
CAM= of the Ecumenieal Connell, what- i with the action of the union to form an
ever they may be. ' association each as the muter tailors can
It la reported that the Pastoral of the recognise.
The journeymen received
Archbishop of Paris, tutted November the snorer unfavorably, and mo
-7 Os. apprising the adoption of the dogma Lions were made to strike at four
of Papal Infallability,without dhouasion, , o'cloct. The onion had not yet deter
inspired by the Emperor. I mined upon their
.. I At • point near Guthrie, lowa on the
ftYPT. i night of the ifitb, 0 construction train on
i the Hock Island and Pistil(' Railleart ran
Leonora November 12—Advises from into a hand car and threw the train off
Alexandria state that the great bed of t h e track. One person wee Instantly
rock In the &MX Canal at (malls, ninety killed and twenty wounded, one of whoa
six miles south of Port Said, which has I h a s end) died.
hitherto been a landerance to dredging, -
will be at once blasted oat, This rook I.
eighty feet thick.
The convoy at the opening ceremonies 1
on the 17th Ind wlll °Quaid of eighty Cotton to be Barred—lneolyent Dank.
a mp.. Notwithstanding this [so:treblel . Spanish npv—Lithaa clubs, .2.c.
news, underwriters of this city mostly ;es reiegravo to uia Fissures I.lanina. ,
decline to Insure vessels bound Nate Yong, November 12.—An lire
through the coma. I vane letter of the Sth states that orders
to burn all the eztton in the Northern
I Department rather than have It fall Into
the hands of the Spaniards have been
The Spanish Bank is virtually load
At a meeting of Cubans last evening
a Spanish spy wax discovered and eject
ed, after which • Cuban club was formed.
HAVANA. November IZ.-11120i
that thiptaln general Ile Bodes orfin"le
turn to Havana on Sunday from his tour
of Inspection.
Numerous vkirmlahen are reported be.
tween Spardah troops anti Insugente.
Meanie November 12.—Tbe Basun
14.4 , •• orltePtitie. Uvs uriiirdsimusly
resolved st the tiovernment should
endeavor to procuro the abnittion of cap
ital punishment throvishout North har
, -...
pap LEI",
Narbse, November 12.—The Primrose
2dargherita, wire or Crown Prima Hum.
brut, has even birth to • son.
1.4M0921, November 12.—Rem,
Clausal' (or monfly; RV sco-qhni,
Cl Airrricivree:r. t arm; bonds, ,
Ve ' s, 20 ,41 4 ittint., . Ten
98m. A t f7t l 7l:
?mss,, November 12.—Bourse quiet; 1
Relates, 711. 600.
?Mos /OUT, November 12.—Bonds
quiet at 69y,i0895J.
orrvricar, November 12.-141r4iliai,
gnivt Y 4.
Bussus, November 12.—Petroleum
gquiet suel stead] at 7 'tales sad 9
liArautifia, November 12.—Petroleum
itsvriz, November 12 --Cotton quiet at
MN. afloat.
twenty bond. closed quiet st sgslisoq.
klAyrts, November 12.-99ttop ciprod
4 1 ,Twgte, November 12.— Petroleum
mu l t ef clowd Elm and quotations are
Lesvos. November 12.—Tallow 40..
11d446a ilit. puseed Ott igla. 17L Tor.
TO. Atlantic eh Grea gAc uity. Nesters Railroad
(By-Telegraph to the Pittsburgh
jog mot, Nov. agreement of the
attorneys of ail puttee, a bowing as the
motion for the appointment of • Mantas
Oonunissioner as auditor, restricting the
powers of the meteor, Increasing his
bond. de-, of the A. a 0. W. Railroad,
wax deferred until next Friday, when it
will be taken up with motion to remove
Jay Gould from the Receivership. All
tile melons will be hewed before Judge
Ployluton la Common Plea Court here.
} ----
Dlthealty Settled—Remains of Mr.
Peabody —Postoffice Appointments
—Death of Robert J Walker—Rus
sian Thanksgiving Order—Our
rency Receipts.
(B y Triegraph to toe
ASHINOTON, NOV. 12, 11.0.
The cars of the Baltimore and 0610
Railroad Company now leave for and
arrive from the North on regular time,
the obstruction. to trains having teen
removed by the laborers of the Company
earn after Judge Allen granted the in
junction restraining Mayor Bowen
from further obstructing the track.
The following telegram wan sent to
Ban Francisco to-day by the Ruestan
I 1 sister.
WAHI.III , OTOM, D. C., Nov. 12, 1889.
ltelartln Klinkapstroso, itrissisn Conan!.
San Francisco, Cal.—President iiruit
having designated the lath of this month
BB • thanksgiving day, I instruct you to
have • Usankagiving service celebrated
that day In the Russian Chapel, Inviting
all Russian aubjeots to unite their pray
ers with those of the American people.
CATACAZY, Roseman Minister.
Secretary Robeson to-day sent a .'stile
dispatch to Admiral Radford, commend
log the United States European fleet,
directing him to detail one of the vessels
under his command to convoy the re
mains of the late George Peabody from
London to thw oountry.
The currency printing bureau received
only a small amount of currency today
from one Banknote Company In New-
York, and both of the Companies have
noutled the Deoartement, that they will
not be able to furnish any to morrow•
The following appointment. of Post
mastera were made to-May: Daniel B.
Jones, Lycomore, vies John W, Burst;
Geo. W. McKean, Le...Logue, Mo., YlO6
J. IL Alezuier.
Secretary Itoutwell of. Jelly announces
the death of Robert J. Walker. Beat
ness wtll be suspended In the Treasury
Department on the day of the funeral.
Pent to the Insane Avyleni—Remor rens
tradlcteit—Penbudy Minaret.
EDT Teleermh w the ?Mal:meth liesette.)
Borrow, November 12.—A gentleman
of this city who lately left a respectable
Imeinew• arid ;001.1 prospects to engage in
the gold •pornlatlon, has been sent to
the Insane asylum.
The rumon current at • distance of •
Pnahalal pane In Boston are without
foundation, The Hartford end Erie
Railroad stock, which fell yesterday from
17 to 10, partially rallied today, elosina
at 12%. Other stocks are quiet, watt the
money market hi 0 11 0 1 teelieu•
The funeral of George Peabody was
observed to -day by the tolling or
Clty bells and • display of Hop at half
Mineral of Wajor General John E. Wool.
((111 Telegraph to On mews!. Ossetia.
Titer, N • Y., November IL —General
Wool's Wawa! will take place from Su
Paulo Church, on Saturday lOOttling.
Bilftella will be generally suspended.
Major General Carr has charge of the ar
rangements, and ha. ordered out two
brigades—the Troy Citizens' Corp, and
Albany Burgess Corps and Civic Bode
ties will orate 111 the procession. A reg.
(Mont from Governor's Inland. New
York, Ise been ordered here by General
Liberman. Governor Romnan and Motor
Generals Brown, Gibson and *Thaler,
with their nett, and other will
participate In the ceremonies Hia ns•
mains will he boded In Oakwood Gem-
q,lrrigna Bay —Atthrney General Hoar
and the Supreme Bench—The GI
gantie Custom House Frauds
New Winter Time Table—The new
-Assistant Treasurer—Demand Re
fused and a Strike to Follow—
Breakemah Reinstated Struggle
for a Reward Inquest on the
Chimney Corner Children.
8, TrI.R•DB to the 19u.b „ rte 4..' , 44
Now ~ng, November 12—The l' tilted
States steamer Albany sailed for St. Do
mingo on Wednesday afternoon. She
carries three Commis-Atmore, who go to
take formal poaseastion of Mannan• Bay as
an Arnerloon station. The Albany was
loaded with heavy ordnance for orate
fortification., and will take nearly a
regiment of Infantry and a company of
Artillery st Dry Tortugas and Coronae.
It la stated twat Attorney t,eneral Hoar
i• about to accept a seat on the Supreme
Court bench.
The lintire Custom House fraud. are
estimated at 1800,000, They were com
mitted during IMO 7.8. The pin:wiped
offender has nut yet been arrested, and
his name is withheld. It appears that a
few weeks ago Wm. J. Kern and Wm. H.
hlm et. d were arrested on a charge of
being engaged in the frauds. Korn
made a statement implicating Snatch
ford, Ihnnione. Mulligan and three
brothers named Caldwell. The District
Attorney demanded dot umentary
dent+ agitate the men from the Treasu
ry Department., and on Tuesday the
papers were brought. The guilt of
Fhatchford depends upon the genuine
ness of his Initials upon drawback
claims, The examination or Mulligan
was adjourned till tomorrow, owing to
the absence of Dutrict. Attorney Pierre
The new Assistant Treasurer, F'ulger,
Is busy to-day arranging his securities.
He enters upon his duties probably on
It is reported that the Erie of
have reinstated the old brakemen, and
discharged the new, at the same time
seceding to their demands.
tine the tlergent clothing bows. in
the city has peremptorially refused rout.
pliance with the reglilations of the
Clothing Cutters' Union, to pay ell cut
ters g 2.4 per week. The result will proto
ably bee strike. The number of cutters
In the city is about one thousand. of
whom alsint eight hundred are society
A man, supposed to be Luke Egan,
principal in the burglary at Mayfield,
Chanuanqua cminty, committed tome
time ago, was trapped in a saloon lint
night, and arrested after a violent con
flict. Ha denied the Impeachment, Hay
ing his name was John Crawford In
which he was confirmed by several
detectives, but there W. such a straggle
for the reward offered for the rapture of
the burglar that he use haatily sent off
to Mayfield.
Au Inquest was commenced to-day on
the remains of the three infants foand
in • chimney In noose No. 191 Kati
Twerity.eighth street, at present unoccu
Latest 'Tom Rio
By Trl.,r•ph to Oat Plll.stvargo U..ette4
NN W November 12.—A Rio
Janeiro letter of Keptember 27th, states
no further lighting has occurred In Para
gcmy, the allies having given up the
pursuit of Lopes. Lopes Is at Este-
Matta with plenty of troops, hut little
Letters to the 27th nit, from Efaiti.
state that pickets were thwarting the
cause of lialnave.
Cape Hayti is blockaded by rebel gun
boats and Sainave's steamers cannot get
The limglisti commander hoe not sent
a steamer to assist Rainey° to eir-ape.
The steamer Telegraph, which hes
been preying on American chipping In
the Gulf of Mexico, woo reonotly cap
, Lured by merchants In Turk, island, but
the British government of Andaman has
announced that she will never be treated
as • pirate oy the Alritiah government.
Vessels Foundered—Death of Mr. Pritch...
elle. Late tinttrA States Consul at
F..lee Islands.
:Hy TelecraPh to the Pittsburgh tiggettsr.)
SnO FRANtlee, November 12—Adv1-
cat from the Pacific Coast announce the
foundering of the English brig Rona,
OW. A. Maya, from Hustherne, Socie
ty Islands, Marsh 23d, for San Francisco
with an assorted cargo. Soon after sail
lag she sprung a leak and was abandoned
May 2d, off Pecipins Island, which the
Captain and crew reached in safety.
Another Tassel, the Aoma, owned by
Capt. Hayes, sailed from H materna about
the same time with toe Rona, on a trad
ing expedition, and was wrecksd off
Humphrey Island, April sth.
Mr. PAU:hells, late United States Con.
rut at Pejo. Island, a passenger on board
the Rona, died from oongestion of the
brain, April 15th. His baggage and
effects wens down In the Ron:.
Additional Plarteto by Telegraph
LIVRRIN,OI., November I'L—Cotton
mite for the week 50,000 bales, including
7,000 for eupOrt and 4,000 to opoculatore;
receipts for toe week 80,000 balm, in
cluding 13,000 American; stock 435,000
bales, including 31,000 American; quan
tity at sea 284,000 bales, of which 70,000
are American; market to-day miner, but
closed steady. with sabre of 12,000 balm
middling uplands at 11%0Ityid, and
Orleans 11.4t.11 3 / 4 1. Manchester mar
ket heavy; Breadstufrs receipts: wheat
for three day. 7,600 quarters, including
50,000 bus American. California white
wheat 10s.; rod western No. 2 ne. ad; red
winter 9s. Id. Western Flour =t. Bd.
Corn: mixed VA. 3,1. Oats 3a 04. Peas
43a. Pork 6.3. Beef Ma. Lard
Cheese 65a. 6d. Bacon as. 1341 for
new. ISplrlta Petroleum 1130.
Nsw Oux.r aim. November 12. .Cotton
receipts tr day Mile bales; for week, net
31,711 bales; exports to Liverpool 10,603
betas, to Barre 7,010, to Continent 550,
to Havana 00, coast wise 3,634; stock 101,-
170; sales to-day 2.l00; for week 32,660;
Marken firmer, w ith sales middlings at
13%c. bilialasee. easier,er with prime at
78480 c. Whiskey @
CHICAGO. November 12—At open
board in afternoon the market was quiet.
Wheat sold at WO fur seller the month,
and 811 c (or seller the 101 l half, aiming
fi r m. Corn dull at 61140 for smiler the
month. Nothing doing In other graben.
, In the evening tbs market was dull,
I and no tren.actions wore made.
November 12. Cotton
doll, low middling 2.340, good ordinary
• r Raton Rapids, Michigan, recently,
• druglist's clerk was awakened In the
utglo by three men who wanted whisky.
it was refused them, the clerk staring
that liquor wits only sold for medicin al .
purposes. insisting upon their demand,
they were ordered to leave, when one of
them seised a chair and aimed a blow at
the clerk, but was himself “floored." The
other two then seized the clerk, before
and behind, but while thus "pinned" be
managed to odminister to tlut man in his
front a ,lgorous kick, which sent him
sprawling and caused copious hector.
them', whereupon the man In the rear
tied, dismayed at this "laying out" of
his companions. Be soon returned, how
ever, with "assistance," and found the
clerk endeavoring to restore the kicked
man to consciousness. This was aomm
plished after some time, and the discom
fited trio departed In a carriage, foiled,
It was believed, in a design to commit
Tux unveiling of the Vanderbilt statue
at New York developed a vast personal
dislike to the Commodore. Throughout
the city there was a general outburst of
feeling against the railroad King, and ,
the ceremonies were mainly attended by
street boys, miner loafers and some
third-rate politicians. Even among those
It was considered monstrous fora man
to spend tsoo,ceo so as to get an immense
bronze monument. Numerous questions
wet= among the crowd why the
Commodore did not build, with so much
ilkoacTi lodging-houses far workingmen
NO. 264.
tiritltAL NEli S.
THE fur trade of IM.chtgan amounts
nearly $1.000,1N4.1 annually.
tits hundred Mormons passed through
,mahe or Salt Lake In the lam two
Tux Prtiere'. Pray says that Mrs. Dr .
W. A. Banks, n' Rockland, Me., has
Ilthle once owned by Martin Luther.
Too friends of Itobert .1. Walker have
despaired of kis recovering from present
Illness. lie is now nearly eighty years
or age.
Pus free-trade meeting at Detroit, tel
egraphed as very large and enthosieuutc,
to let down by the Tribune of that city &I
a very cold and small affair.
AT Itlchmond, Kentucky, on the 11th,
Frank Snucy, the murderer of eight men
previously, ehot and killed hie ninth vic
tim, Elias lturgwin,in the court-house
A II Al.l , STEREBT in the celebrated
trotting colt, li.ackwood, has been sold
for $12,500. This horse It is said will, if
he lives, "beat any time Dexter ever
made or can make."
Is Detroit, a few days since, John
White, aged eighteen, fell from the top of I
a building to the street, a distance of sixty
feet, alighting upon a brick pile, without
receiving serious injury.
lion. H. SIII3I.LABARGEN, of Uhio, Min
later to Portugal, wetas that his health is
not improving, as he had anticipated it
would, and he will resign and return
home this winter or early in spring.
TOR winter schedule of the Lake
Hhore and Michigan Railroad has been
re-arranged, and the thirty hours express
train from New York to Chicago dropped.
Thirty•six hours will be the time after
the Oth inst.
Tue building at Moundsville, West
Virginia, used by Prof. Hutchins for
Seminary purposes, was destroyed by
. . . .
the on last Sunday night. The building
was valued at $5,000, and the damage to
furniture in hasty removal was about
Mn. l'essioDy, twenty•tive years ago,
offered Ins hand, heart and fortune to ea
American lady visiting London. They
were accepted. Subsequently Mr. Pea
body learned that the lady was already
I engaged when she accepted the new ma
i or, end rebuking her lack of sincerity, he
;; summarily broke the contract.
Tue. salaries of the Hon. li. J. Jewett
from railroad corporations, amount to
$22,000 a year; $lO,OOO from the Little
Miami Railroad; $2,000 from the C. 0.
Railroad, and $lO,OOO from the railroads
under the control of the Pegpeylvsnia
Central in Ohio and Western States.
This might be called a "fat" take.
Ton decision of the Senate of the
I United States in the case of Mr. Tram
! bull, of Illinois—who was alleged to be
disqualified when clown to that body,
because at the time of his election he was
• State Judge—that a State can neither
add to nor diminish the qualifications
required by the Constitution of the United
Staten, is held by the lawyers as conclu
sive in favor of the new Senator from
Tennessee, Mr. Cooper.
Tun Ecumenical Counsel Is dLetnrbed
belorehand by the claim of Archbishop
of Pans that the French concordat will
not allow a decision on Papal infallibility
without discussion. It has been stated
thi t this decision was to be pushed
through with no debate. It is to be seen
what effect the protest of so important a
functionary will have; and also, whether
there are any political ends concealed In
the contradictions on this point.
ANOTTIER of the practical institutions
for the employment of women is the con
templated llorticultaral School in the ,
neighborhood of Boston, Ma
Them is to be a form of twenty ocisoi
live to be used for the cultivation or
dowers, fruits, salads, anu such vegeta
bles as are suitable to be cultivated by
females; the remainder to be devoted to
pasturage; a dwelling house to accommo
date thirty inmates; a barn, for the stock;
and a plant house, for fancy flowers and
early vegetables. Thirty thousand dol
lars are needed to start the project, which
is announced to be in the hest hands. It
I is intended to instruct the pupils in horti
culture, and in all kinds of housework,
and lectures on these and other congenial
subjects will be employed from time to
l•H V RCH, (Railroad torred, pear Depot.,)
SAW Ritionio..l . a. a. F. CILOWTHS.R.raator.
rrrachla EVCRY Sklikl.7ll. at 1.0% A- K. and
r. a. • alit cordially Invited.
BENJ. •. FlitoatKtt nor. edit officiate at di
ner •enlca Ws C l urch on StaintJUltasW at
belt-out ten o•doct ♦. It., end- be:l...terve.
o sect r. K.
CIiUKOH. eortter beaver atrxst and
14dotoomery . Trout, Alleirbeay Clty, Jg•SEPH
KlSti. Pastor. l'reastOol rt , /dt;llKOW.(Lord'a
Days; at 10% • a. and
deal. eaurvly weft and • cordial lavttaalon to
G. rorvta stated!)) In NEVILLE
corn., or Liberty and Fourth 'tree..
S.L.rstort rl,l, Lord'. Day 010 A. Y. end TN
Tbr public err cordlally
FILLBBITLEILAN rtil:k. !LOU Liberty Wert,
near Cbestou . Allagbcaf, TO-MORROW
111101 LE IN.. Sant,. to commune., al Ills
o'n.oct sod M vonducteo by Dr. A. A. HODGE.
•roll tenor. BEV. J •COB I f End
log. old unarts In Otis noreb TO-NURRAIW.
. Ibr Hornlnn...4 J. *. sLIBR. or rbOradel.
phi.. In Ma Even na.
T. ON AL .11123 CH Iter•lee• IA the
A(7ADMILI 1.1•JoIC Preaching a• 107{ sod
Is. by We ?mo •••c I TZ•
oorla•• rho./ at o'cloek. Yuom PIPOP . V . II
PrayerMrett•g at 3. Au axe cordWl7 let 1,11•••
to • •ead.
LUTiIIgItANIII6I.:I3 (Ileaeral Sys,
, 7•4ll.lTdbusts.`l
and r.
nuaday reboot at F. Lettere mad Prager
Mowing Wal,Ntali•Y RVigint3l7. Irrtenda
of the congregation and publir cordially Invited.
goals free.
corner lir.nt street sad Third Avenue.
RV , . W. N. •N DaIIA.XY Sasser. Services
IVIERYnG N DAY at VOX v. r Sad
brass free sad • welcome o s I. Sucuay School
Surrlity trestles, Novvmacr Fait, Mt. v. D .
deliver [be closinglectassot th e
terit elaWecs: •••• ev.v.
OremßA" PrrILMO/11 rattrnoll ono Dontargyetrat..
1t .1.83"1..
ovember Ih, 18690111
arrwrsocaou AN. coN
t the. hereby /ham that the A2l
- Meet.l. of Etoekholdera of tbe Mt.
berib sod Coon unto. kallroad• - enanally, for
the pur* e of .'cotton a Board . of Dtrentenv for
the ...Ong year, -I 1 be held at their Or ez,
eor et of Groot and. • stet et ate, Plittebotsh.
on the W 11.4 HONDA Y, SIX rH DAT al' Df-
NISI% at I/ olelo k at
Allen, Pettingill,
Delehanty & Hengler's
• Tbr Tuar t
• Clraatea Corardlnns Ow World!
01.ted by a, btu nd attletent Orobastra an
1101109 at /Tann. at N. kwor nd
talaal-n. 96. 5 0 and 13, ult. atorred at
W. A. °ldea...Va. 63 Min arenas.
notroila U. 4. 119.30 LITT. nt.
CRT Lsangszn , i OPTICS.
ku..canzwr CM. Nov. M.
Tha f.lrene Censtalsalan of Oh CUT a Alla
;bah, • wt ruepaireal w twoetwit puiposaia far the
f hawing hew. IT with theft apfairteusamest ta
lus manhole aa.
Corry , ld. ale 11 , TISO ten el IS Sub Thrilled
Pi De Sewer, go Curry aed •ela ere id. rum
D o wierieitig about SOO Met of 113 hieb Plittled
p &wet. •a slier from oase s ,. street
to Wont treacle w aid
Drawings sad eipeedlest was eta be sews sad
iatba Waal. ed at Ibis Dem
Bias mustbe endorsed iidorwer••
or beZare 7ofelo.k P. r. P.,. 19th.
Von. et Prow KIN we welch forms ans. bids
*ill .
me• 1 ••• 1 . .111 be (arelel..ed •• the Ole
taxiseer• 0111ce.
Tbe eloeteee los de not bled tbelesslere
tltg• i.OIIeSS •01 bkl. ardor at ter Caw
lASr V • Yli 6L♦ • -I "t 4 61.0 d litocklaut
tr. 141
tb• ell, ego be found at
J. R. REED & 0013,
Ins at 0 A. P. It. B. Fur turtht r partlaular.
4.1,,s P. F. OKISSI. Vir , le.lllr. U. Foams-
Before going C.. 1 et on, entlra atawitwf
W•tenea. Gob, f ham.. Cua a and send dr.ea•
ta, Sleeve Batton, set. of .I•Velrlf. tllaeolll4l
C ar a .,e lt eat. Parise Mar,. nod
Pere... desiring an ythlne r Bee will Awl
It to their advantage le glee eala oa •
/01 IIPTN •V KM LIE. eeova limlttakeld Magi
31 F I FTH 4 MAIM,
AYERIes, and the oni.r one In which Snub
kesplan in an lin Omagh.. la tEflßt. Dem Ha
w. • Pros. nti• edition of Dutra Boot a•••/•41.
by t.nnber's of buskins i•sn.r/•nc•-
lc.n, Instruction In Penmanship by WIC. H.
DI; rr.
70, o .r L•rre 16 Do. quarto circular. soatallo
Lag lull parilcalars, aildress
CHAS. P. LW??, Secretary,
IN-Lvenlng Clam from I to 9
141,0111. lktobor 16. 11169, t
ar.ALED 1 . 1101438.1 LS for furnislang Mail
larlis acd Keys of nee 1 Inds, to be satnitltatod
for the Lo. , te and Key • nen used en the United
States asalls, velll be received at Ibis Dalll.l
- until IS 0•01 t ck a. ne, lb. 34 day eltralle
KU • It I 1870. It be desirable to eibta,lB Lercas
and Keys of • new ommtractless for Um aletnale•
nee of tar United S. ate. melte. sal.llproctlisalsbst
lortrettsd expressly her that pulp.. La the -
pen, re of • model Loot tad Key to patine loam
tootles • mat. , not restroy, Ile at llty
for the malls. as Department praborlbm as
Model for bidders, but realm for Its selection ea
lac specimens of rarzhentcal thill sod bareemilly
, . a fan: compriltleu among inveatars, kinn.
by invited, mar develop. It is ealltelostibldle
scribe the ornactpal role ideates at a Ka.0 ... /eoet,as
fe11...: Self-Locking uniform.. y. antaiity.
ligkteress, strength, durability, novelly ofceill
strustiou and facility of am. 7nro kind. of
Loeb. and nays, one of bre. and Use ether of
Um, different la irate:Moe form and fatalist
dormtraction or a - rengenbent, are ',detest; sad
Proposals ahostd soeelf7 separately tits prise of
tub trail I , ttlr, tub - lley roe seer as. Nab
Iran Lees sad each Kay for sacs. 11.mile:eta
awnings of each Wad or Leeks sod Yen gem
Imatt, are 'roared to be warranted math Übe
Propetelet ens ef ettela ample Loek tor. and
el up and gashed, and another to be epos or
marleeted. se that ita tolerant armature and ar
rangement `way easily he e cananed. real
sample should be plant, warted 1.111 the Ma
der, awn.. taut. If the wow wr any Dart et It
oven .1 by a patent. the date or rat h ',stoat
sad the mule of the p atentee mut be also at.
bed thereto.
The teasel...l,plus or •rraanteeeat of the Lasko
.Tered, sad the particular Nape or lhe Key re
to open tbeA. umet not Do like say seer
. r beretalcre m um,.
Tbey most be twarreated sot to &affirm, WPM
es coodict with any Demoted Invention ar winch
the bidder is sot che . patantem. reatarena• wN
m eves to a Look. the Key of 'MLA km sat
bees exposed to general obeerratisa or Mass
publicly described, Medicos doe raggsstsd.
A derision as the carious mmettmeas bad Pus
pouts ertli be made en or totters Om SI day al
ililloll.lllo, and oases the Porcmadas Ghat
col obeli dens It to be for the Intorosteof
Department to reject t I the Prom:oats &inspect.
miens submittal o oder tie uiverfisernent. la
gigot Denby
esti - 71y reserved to brim I mit
t meta elll be ruts d tab so soon neresiteir
prsetteable. oink he successful bidder wham
Locke shall be adopted. for foralsblog ettoßßar
Leeks and Key. for four year, sa boy may b•
required ea 1 ordered. If =nasally agreed to
In writing ^7 the <Detente...tad Postinaterilier
era. fir the time helot, not Ilse nos eta ninths
before it. expiration. the contrail may be ex
tended and eel:Mused fxr an • iditionl.talam
of four years. Brit on aid after t h e enildflikina
of either term ef the coat... or es and Mtn
Its rub that annilingent at any time, the PoeIMMIa
ter Unmet lanai bare the right to contracit with
or emp.ey any other party to Corbin the Oa..
Or soy liner kind of Locks on I Keys: Mid Who
shoat diem proper to demand and beadle DSO
the Ism or Oaf suit no nutractor all nibblia
anholalued Key. end the Mutual Wheat Me
Lockss contranted for, sod all diem 5 . 01
t•blek would enable °nano began 411
force son Locke sad Bent In the poseesdoo of
such contractor. who. after. their gorreadOf
tee Larbartment shall be paid r...a.samihrs
soak pd. so nu) he aninkinfnnid by flis
The r00m..., most agree and be able t• far
oteh, If 11,13 tr ed sad ordered. 10.000 men
Lacks and 3.000 Sm. Keys althea then imallita
fn. the Wan of •stertne
entrain. Lea
80,800 iron Lona asellio,ollo KT .1 la
In um moult. Lem sack time. Hat tha ran'
ranter tie nerA • U.I reserve toe right Vial..
Sr fitnilnish , an the tents or faience@ o u llie W
an may demand. ategientithee of Lathe
and Be ys .Dore gratified, with •Prelleafe...l.
ellewance of time to Wein them.
AU the Leeks farritglaild by the elintractoallalet
be warramad to keep la nod Install Mdse..
two years to the ordinary no el the GOMM
whoa not soidecutd to °baton@ clOtessot and
Wants defective within that Unseal* splice/
with pastes; Lochs arlthatat .Ma r ia. OW
Loci. furnished undo . contract at* to be. .*ob.
distinctly marked "0. S. Nati." u ellieW slunk
sr rat ea letters. and elltlut Z.J. on , t 04 0 1 . 0 .-
bssed to the statond ord.: aadh 47 hoYiNi lid
ancopriale odsober distinctly asampa lain ors
side of the tow sad "VAL thsledddittO
Ode. .
The commetor slit tas requtred to deliver the
Locks es als •spmme at the restoring Dep..
meat, Was.... D.C.. het epolletlekahforws-
Ira revers . . headierot Its Locks ea., awl es
peeked Is wooden boxn conte.Tal sot
more Mau two autedre4 Loc. each. TM Kele
are to les denser.% to as age.. lh. Demertmeal
4 0 1 7 and seenteity authorised la each cam. to
tate awe , or aye toasty the PM CS the
•retressuses teaseisetarr to Cite Defiorterang
wham both Locks end Krre ere to to Iseplreish
end aoprored before they shall be pidit for.
The eoetrortor regeired to giv• Wad
with Sale ..rarity to the non of IflllaThoe.
sontlLsol en, to be !Intoned to the Unlteenatese
as liquidated damage. la eaae or kb, Gila» u,
felthnitly Set form the eostreet. either oelloihr•
eighths the supplies entered sate a lonellemble
si m e. or es to irear4les the otessiteciors of the
Kali Loris tad Isp. Mt due prirmnit ts.ektir
.4 cm.
No proposal snit therefore he scot violet Sal
emompanted wtre a bond of the petal an tit
Twisty Thossend Dollars. Mar oneestweillthis
proticeedentettae, terhowe reepeasilattymilillo
eertlled bye Jedit of &Connor Reread MIN&
to tam. or reelOenee, etuotoll
Clerk of each Coast ander the otalthereLaohi
tioadttlisool f.r emoting al
011 tN regetred bond fur the felnistill
of the contract, to ran 11•1:11 Pronsemllo 4lll . ll
soreptell. The Ettesiefeertre of sekLiediessa
yo bh .0 l 7. a binary gapornat nag
Ileote tract. whlch the Departalmorglll MM•
nee to so Wilt, ware. rwismsu Wm
wecompentsrel with teft=“llllMS raoddrares•
la &aiding on tro. Proposals Sad sPiel.".
Poassassur lleasral may slssa Is saPidlnat
to oes Oa Braas /Act of ow, swido.,rsal
Iron Loot or .sorther. ttttt roc.; minim
O.nsta of oontrsastart direrest
W. for sash atlases, sands of loadl•Drastairly
Proootals ab.ob. b. Sealed sad ad.
drestot to the ...wood Assidass Platiasatia
cm. tot." sod esdosood as ta• circle** ~Traa
mals tar Mall bocaa.. •
JOHN A. A. C1135‘11 , 14
Pea maatareaaarah.