13 REIINION. (CanUnneE from First Parrs.) embers of toe Union Committee, pro. coed down Sixth avenue to the First Church, forming a line on the opposite walk towards Ftfth avenue. The Old School wilt aThurn at ten O'clock and form ei , procession, two and two. headed by the Moderator, clerks and members of the Union Committee. They will pass out of the church, turn ing to the left on the sidewalk, stet pm needing towards Fifth avenue to a atiftleient for the esitlre line to form from the church to the Moderator. The two linos being now opposite each other. the two Moneraters will NM. to the centre of the street, Join arms and proceed up Fifth avenue, followed by the procession, which will be formed by the two linos Joining In the centre of The street so that an old i:ht 01 and New School Coineriseneer will join. . and, walking anti in arm, the line ivl.l pass op Fifth avenue into numbeield street, thence, Into Sixth avenue to the Third Cbtirch, which will have been . . closed and kept empty until their or- Tilllo_. - After the platform .bail have • DIM tilled, the Commissino, wll occupy the body dY the House biting the center Dews each with aPveri and the side seats With elm, in order that tb-re may be room. There will be no seats to the tales, but gentlemen era requested to stand clone in them. giving tut much cc commodation in pews to the' ladies ao possible. • That all may bean, those who take part In ,fte services will stand on the Piettbitnd are requested to speak loud OA the mew will by crowded. The Union meeting will be continued • it threeo'olock r. at.,ln the Find Church, whim The Communion QC the Lard'n I Supper will be adaiTilistated; ViEFOBIED AND. UNITED Y XERIAAti. :Alecand Day's Proceedings of the Julot • Conuittee—Basis or Colon Adopted_ Organic Vowel New Certain. Tile Joint rcn mitten of Ihe United and Reformed Presbyterian Church. re. Fpraed In the Rook Rooms of U. of trd byterian Church on Third avenue, day morning at nine o'clock, Dr. McMaster In the chair. The prooeedinen were Opened with prayer by Rev. John T. Presley, D. p. The minutest ut the preeloua day's see I lion were read ts" Reston. and Dr. Premed, teemmittite t gy for his - • • - • cause of hie tee- ..e. engageinent • -.a.. in the Semi. nary, which Vas merle before he reeetveel information as to the time of meeting. The apology was declared by the Com , • mitten to to pertectly satisfactory. Dr. ceoper then arose and stated thie as D.r. Plessey was absent on Wedrree dr,/, It might tie necessary to leform Site Is to the autos of octant. iets most cordial feeling existed In relation to every matter In the proposed haws, es. cept the third article. lie did not think there elanuld be any difficulty even on I that. There was certainly no difficiety as to the matter of "aboorpti it," which bed been referred to. CLIOI3 no the pro. posed basis would not - be a mere gums over of the Reformed to the United errs. byterlan Church. • Such a thing was not thought of. It occurred to Into thd there was away by which the might be met. They could resolve, den I ply, to unite on the principl. I in the respective atandarde of the Ite u churches. Dr. McMaster stated he could accept that proposition After reading the pro. I oeedliaga of the Old School Aesembly of yesterday he felt there was an addleunal motive why tne two churches shored form an organic union. They should sty' that the peak. of Scripture aro to be sung. The Assembly seemed to sneer at the singing of the Scripture centime They considered tt, from their reported proceedings, to be a mere welter of poet. teal taste. In the suggention of Dr. Cooper they might end a solution of their dle3culties. It ler Ikea out the third reaolution, whicb hati given so much elf. eculty. Dr. Es!iton weld a. similar Idea hod struck elm with a slight oiddltion. that no i UDV.I a new Testimony e.;uld be framed. Dr. Peavey was elWevs of the opinion that It would be unprartomble to here two Tenement. In the United Church He would therefore Oiltiesey assel,t to, the propnettlen. Dr. Douglas was perfectly uzrred to the propoettiore ere thought It ehotuld be embodied Ina single reereution with. out any explanatory clam., He would like it expressed in some such words as ' the following: Terse oho reefs agree to unite on the haste of the principles, ex liketed In their e'estimenice and the I other subordinate standards, winch they bore in common. Kee J. . Morton solo if that prof-r.l - la adopted, the first on.te - ti tbn.t would be asked la, where era thin pritt elples to be found r Ile thought it would amount to the same thing. Rev. Samuel Yeueg would like to era the third end future revilement stricken out. If that were done Red the first. second and fifth adopted, he thought would be acceptable. Rev. Dr. Patterson, of virtablngtort, lowa, being present, was Invited to give hie optnlon.. Tho Doctor made a speech of considerable length. At this stags of the proceedings fir. Douglas hail to leave to meet au engage ment,. For e long time It was considered doubtful whether any harmonic,. ram. clnaion could be arrived et. Each Corn melee keened determined to do all in lit power to secure as much for ite own he nomination an poaslble. At length. how. eve', light broke In and the listened 'feeling manifested In the whnle course of the edocetedinset, terminated In a mow barium:apes conclusion. The following wee agreed upon as the baste elf tee Ullitftt between the two churches represented In Joint Commit tee, Aneirgante union between the General Assembly of the rutted Presbyterian Chnrch 'and the General Synod of the F.eforuaed Presbyterian 'Church in most deelrable, and of the et- Moat Importance to the maintenance at more general effusion of et he pre - Tip:se Which-are held In common; therefore, Resolved, 1. That these ohurcbee agree t o form an organic, radon -on the haids of the ptinciples embraced in common In their 'lleeseectlee Testimonies and the tether subordheate standards., Resolved, 2 That theaeohneehere wheel united, shell be called the United Pte. • - Se ifan Church, conalsting of the Reformed 'Presbyterian Church. and the United Presbyterian Church, void that the Su preme Judicatory of the Untied Cenrcb shall be railed the •• General Affleembe, of the United Presbyterian Cenrch Of North America." neaolool, J. That the different Board. and 'vented - lone of the reepecti vs Churches Mull not be Wetted by this union. but chaff have thecontrol of their funds, and retain their corporate or other rights* and pilvilegoa until the lotereets of the, Church shall requtre a chauge. It Le now considered that union between the tWfreintrohee represeuted is certain. -The Wale wilthave to be wibmitted to the reepeattee supreme judicatories next May, but it la confidently expected that there will be no difficulty in having it ratified. . After prayer by the Rev. Samuel Young, the Committee adjourned sine die. El As RBIS 8 lIRG Snorts to Secures Pardon for Dr licnoeppe. ig Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Ossetia.) EillritlB2l7Bo, November 11.—Pred. -prick Dittman and other friends of Dr . Paul &beam" now under sentence of death for the murder of bliss Steinene. cd"Oarlisle, to day mewed before (km . 'Geary and presented a paper relating to Meioses end made an argument to in . ;dem . the, Governor to pardon the eds. often A number of witnesses were ex. inane& Dr. f3eitzer. of and Professor Haines, of Dickinson College, •'ealleiseed the opinion that . the prisoner was not the cause of iihoe Bteleecithr death. After argument the " Omens* reserved bus deolition as to whether the death warrant should be issued, and -.turned the papers over to the Attorney ' who tome days ago rendered an aopinloundenrse to Dr. Schoepeta pardom:. 11110113BWEIS tem . 3 ; Dl tze tu ni:'..C , O,,. linen Omen. 41 da x ,4 1 4. to WI pitutwirb 6IUSTSII.I - rin&34 - 2toretuber 11,4 he Ben. W11040:414 Open ite enteadomente Bill Ilmitivg the wain. Kr .ift; ea the adhered to • ' 7 • tie ignagreemeat,:4 A committee of o n . ereiton.ouTm.3.l•_,..„.tet the The house 013. third retnoelog tbe.:dhattintfee of by the Int ' , .'' T Z,g l ar n li " . ".ll;lo4* - fdd on the Z:APTOsneu ,Mllthea: The ~ o etatoct sophi held a ; tootling bersuitldng,to a sensation' on D. Mon Of .:•„- -- ;,.,!,,,:.cereha-m to itneillpte the eon OEM 4 - 4,4 14?-2 THE CAPITAL Condition , of the Treasury—Death of Will Return to France—Derrea , e in Major General John E. Wool °Mei- Bullion—Dogma of the Idalihility ally Announced—Official Account of the Pope Will not h Pressed of the Capture of the Steamer Lil in the (E , urnh'iral Conn( il— liaa—DiMoulty with the B. & 0 The English Government Will Send B. R Co—Distilleries— Custom ' a Man of War with the Remains of Receipts. George Peabody - Bishop Tem7le. tn. I,lol.lrer, ltarrtte By Tr, W.,TIINOTON, D. C., Nov. 11, IRO. ItE , :RIPTS AN:" I•NPhIgIJI - 11. 1F.,. PARI4. N.,..11.1ber ll P. s 4 —I, dr. .. 7 t . The following is a tatamant of the ra ],,,,,,,,. ox Ni p „,,,, r o r p r ...m.. 0 . who '.n. cslpta and expendlt ea by warrant, b r ,„ 1 , pil e d to sae:, •.r.•;: In EYgic , i in the 90 actor nailing . Aptem!..or 3 all, la.ni, I _ 4-. ~„ a ~,,,,,,,L . if ~,,..,;.„„ -,. pz 1 . n „• ' ofli 'Dilly outdo to•tlay liar& pla Imo: N .,„,,,,, p. ~,,c,..a,„1 „, arcsa 0 ,, 's I , r.•vsnotai and eu•lrfula f.. 52 ,;,: , ..'t !y: In- day. 11 iii rr , p. r... 1 :I. a: 1..• a •.' '•• t ' r°ll r `" ....° 7 7 " , ": I ' 2 hi; l'n'di , promptly arr , sted :i no am.tra tree I. Laude • Lae *B' 3,f44 04; t l.rellanwoun •mr,oa. • ,„ a 1,„.., , premium,: on aides of aria r. 213.3 , 3 at: Th, ~„1 i n ,„ , l in y.„ , .., r , . ~,,,- 1„n. foes from t. bid d ..5'.e.1. a l .n.ri •Is jl4 I,- decroaead apron midi., sort a Inin,./.•.• 1171 V..; atorago. ion', labor, 4 , ..., at th „,- ..,..! ,„:...„;„.....„.. ~;:. , Canton, liounef..7,TFO II: Sine, Pnla it:ea Par. ~ ft k , ...0" , M. - 1 .' ”.-'‘. ....: and f..rf,lore" fur [ - !•,,'10n of the r!.. •,. • • •• - • ;he I; 1,4 SV , I 1 1.4" .u , , irt. 1 ..,, :,, .1. 1. 1 t o nne' . .., : 00 ..7.: * ,..,, ''' ' '''' „ l 0.2 ' 10 ' 0 '' letter ' toeuicy Comic.. iv•im.rim Ir. o r ..,..., l'''''' .. .''''..." .'; tar on '. r e “ ' o ' I ' '''• apparently hat 0.1 on gut lk 11l Ldl.y, d•poAtte, .t.' ,of natloral hooka. 4 1,1 . 6149 - stxtu that the l'••pe 'lt'• Arts lo• t 9 4 1 ; At repay wont of 1 i. 14,.., by Poetic „, 3: Ile f,aur,l r r ~n i,:: , ” Rail may Com poly, 11.1'..7,318 121 Loco,- ~,,,„,„,, 0 ,,, i ,„,, ~,, „, 10.. 1 ,,,,,,,,, ,„ ;stead and. 6113, land fees, $15652 41; f,„.„ r „r , h ,, ,i,,,,,, ,-., p er " „ h e '''' u ,""' ' f " ; 111 "'" l '', ; ' ) `l's_,. lone of fr"c7 Y>Oa , d prefer the P , ,I , JP•et should ti •1 See l i floral rarrer•ry • b o oed In ox :Teen of i ntr „d„„,i . d„!,•;„, 10 ~,,•„;,1 A ,1,-,,,,,_ ! • re tom room. 4.• ; 0,457 10, unenurn ;rated A I aloe which might :easel; th., intl.., -1 ,19 1 nou tn.., $476 0 51.1, total rt,, , lpte from the p r ,or.lp - NI ~,t' ~ 1.• the 10,11iti err' reve1..1va11 , 10,6;2.070 12; how ree.l.,' et mg etiery t-11 , rt to secure tat „vt r moot, of " dlabutenhg otficert of morn. , w h o 1„,,,,, „„ 3 ~i.y . '"l'V tr "ll' '"1 and int" ' dlan'nn", 11' ' 3 ' . N.1..0.t.E 1.00.0. November lI—A, ri vela p 4 14 6 a. War Department, 31.646.1314 6''; he, r; por: l IIK: A fetrful burrimom ox-I. 1. " 1,, v1 Department, 6 6 * 617 02 ; 10014 " ecl over the It!votterraneah, oxurdter and Partitions, ..130,11.11 04. interest no-' mush 1„,, to ,hl gong, the public debt, $0:70710; total, • rllO Al.orwali a:tamer T. , 1,;1, 1 1 yet 1 2 , 4.43 , 048 44 ; total ra..13" " n, v. rooked In the hare, of Ural, ant 11, ,stones and reharnetttn, SII2 • math of Alston". and totally d , ttr , .y...i 11 4 1727 60; expond•tUrtar, call and ." tuiacellaoeutte, lutoreal revenue, $23, ; ortrAr tsttiTAi S. 706,71; coetolna, 31.1 3,1 , 511 0 1 l 'l O . l terlv aslant.. 311,035 40; Londe, court, ' LONDON, Novolnoor 11 —The Cloven, of r • 51.181.71 4 3 11 ; Public ouildirma, moot bust OrJOred a Wat,ol , Or I, ~,. , g r,,,,, to , .... . under ;L e e t r debt red- ' coy the remains of :be esto lioor t ;•• :191 ; 4 4. foreign lotenmortre molt, State Peabody to A Inarif, i ttererttnent, I-Mt,Pett 73. lettiaottive, ex , . The l'haptor of Exeter base mei nod 1 rouse and Innerellaneout, r. , c6.:....2 'Ai: ~.:—L,4I R.,,.. 1) : Tempts IL:bop . , of Q; t .m 015,1016 27.0 10. War it,';.;. 5.,1,141,• • DlOenae. 242 71 , 1; CIATy. 3;i1•4,`.71; 47, 1 nalana and prualons. 311,77",1-1 1.43. total. $3 , 32 0 . 91%1'114E. 5L754 5, ~;$ IM, I,,ereli: on the p;11.. le d.. 111, 5i7," Li ,, ~,.„ 0, .. ..., ~,e.,,0r If 514,067 1.1; } ,,, ,int , e of I . S. 1.0.1% . ~,,,.. ~,,,,,. Now \•,...,,,,. •-_ par value, 541.601.010; pre it,lu us, luri od. „ , t • • tr aocr mei •Tl•nrehame, 30 34' —4l -- • varch 3, 1564. fp , iu „,, hrtn 5.t 1.0n4s ,82a. 83y. Jo. -3_ , year five • per rout. Lotes, a7t of lu 6/... /1 •I • • March 3 , 1, 1883, 5:5,7.50 throe ye ar Nee , n- note, A tient', cud Or-at Western, thirty nob., oat of J uly 1771 a, 1861, tato* year seveia.thirty note:Nam oriano N rOll I, N,'elllN)l . I'. E. dial 30th, 186.1, and March 3,1, I,IL. PAW,. liovradder IL —Bourso 5310900 three per cent. rert,”. , stae. e. t of Marrh 9d, IE6I. and..Tuly /1,6•1 711 711• 1846, el,"10,000 r,••:11, ;1.1 ~f March 3,1, L ate Nov. 1. —Tallow Otto I:v3, rodenupilons in ince. of I,eue, L'u , Ll P 2, panntla. 17:1. 'lex. indemnity ato,k. act T • S-ptetntrer, 0.11, 1850, 5105 elates stook !0011 01 1.17, act Jauldery /i 6•9, la iT, 5111.6181 I'. mock 'loan or 1848, se'. of March 1 0 1 S. 521,8n0, Pot:lnt , land scrip, net ,•; I . ,,ruary /617..4/ 6 16 10,1a.dary loan .01 of Jn on Mai. 1e81,13,5 , 1: co a'.F'U,- 50',Tdtote1, 11 11 :Odia• 'l'reaucary.ceptelubor 80,1883, 1130,P1i, al l 1 0 01r1ter warrnuts mat/6d .1 61,1•6 arraw for iatiptet6tdrd l'••" trAnatal a 1/et /a•oe6 41,r6priad,ua lu a"' • i• 66 6.r and f^ I. 171 Wnr I , E , po:cutent. 13._47 Al NAV , DeParLlnent. s+.l II ,Inv, end Pen4.n, 17 1: , 4 Pt. f3,^=,3 ; llonversion of loam. t•V laarran, 1,. • quarter eudlog bet.. legal tender notxf, acts of f'et , ogry 1-03, July 11th. 1, 9 nod '.ll/tr,L rI, I', t. r , • lomp . ,on, $170.6 .03; • July 1711., 14 , 2, )larch JI 15.5. anti June 30, .sti.f, ration° pLiona. t 3.3.56,0 $11,673.00; escoss of 10000.0, fOlO 4.7.1. 0010 c , eft:ficstsw, 001 Murcia 3, 411 , Ulpt 27.70.6101 o,tuve, I 0100,,0 r.f 152,7 II .00. 030- 0u thirty Troasury ar , toe, not. I tint, ond Morel. !fit, S. !laud., sot 01 Mar 1; 3, 1.5,3:" .. 440400 e 4 7.1. O. ..1 per ...n: rump notes, mete Of Mural 3, 14..0 nn.l Juno 5". 1564: rrdeu . .i, co, cent -,4.444,.44444 31 . e•ch 2. 10,7. ek n.l July 14. t, iwuer 135,t0.1 4.es - en-thirty Trreteor y roues, set July 17th, 1%1; reoetni..h.... 100 issuer., 3.00 convert.] lot , te4r -en!. 20veer bond's net of Jo y .700, 11031. 144311 rel WV, Iota! letiLoP lion 4 n 3,0.44,4000 total t.4, 0 `.9 et 0,5 of ter,,,, tsto 4 , 7 lo; er,-•t of rer10n,pt1....4, 18_.745 20, 'rue the eorrret ••14, iheu: tiol erperm three by siarrenLe tor •i ir er and Sept. To, It 4 y bohh4 and licroulite ef• lie d.; nr.• t. btlatiee w Tri•—ii• v Tu. by the elaleLhetit 4. 31. ii. e've. en. f the bootee, en pn•il , ...ovi it !he dnm 4-ttecutoil ofJu , y ietk , • l3,lll b.laude In the Trawl , y doptertbor Mlie Liv thi• In eseeehef the helanee the debt ettitiouent at n •:.,1, ['Ltae differences are a vi 1, ey the fart t hitt the ezrendw..l7em •re kr10141:1 end included In the luOn'lll , •tebt iitatetuur . , while the rerelpts nine 13iien froth the return, :u the the sine &thin nue:nese on the lauu eir , h tt nth, do not pe,iude ;Le attire re , p e for the iiti.vtev• Vugued li E., S. 13.01 . 1 W ELL. SPer4tftry Of Tr• 4 4 ,1 1 ,. Tresteurer 'Ft De pa rt !MOD t, v VOA 'or, It, I Crrrleli.i. JI.'ST 09 THE. CAPTURE ~F I= The ftthlowing wnareceivrd at the :taxi Detirtrtment te.dArt t 'Wed )Ifa,t, r ,, . Key II ieforettnt, our. 2, lea r•, . —nit, 1 hen ten to Infurtn the Itep let moot, the Ail mind ening abeam in tint - arm, nod IL,• steamer fur NOW Yolk being at , ut tt , Petro to at an Et e . :1Wk114111 . art vn to day from Nassau alt h 120 et the C 0.13 01 the nteanter *Meth left Cedar Key., (rein tint . 14,1, _The creamer mord"! Cuba. going t as ou the smith side, but made wt attempt to land the men. Pita thou wvnt Nag%atl on ate ld h Inns., ft , Ing • ttohnn flag, chart or coal, having pre *lonely lauded one hondrt d and fifty men, with two days' provinons, note Newnan. abe made the attempt to cvtal unit day, Out the coat nehoottern, of which there were two, were the ratglish gunboat Starlit a.a birth deed Into the steamer. The Lilian re sleeved to Neveau and wan taken innisenttenta of by the Eng'itsh nu thorltlen. She Rank P.MO 10,-Len tlOnia aftor, and In nun , lying aerate Waren( with her back !trot" o a wreck Made Man loft Naeasu on Prldtry, the daub alt.- iTheae are all 'the partici:Oars co nearly ea tam be gathered Iron] the 1000 tAlonging to :the crew of the Lillian. Nearly all broxlght here are CUtrallx. • Very respectfttkly, Tour obedient warrant. [Signed.] \ W. W. 41:VEN, C4lrEkbleadar hod ii4lor °Moen. pres ent. DIFIPICULTY BETWEEN Tait CITY a/00000 AND , PIILBIDEST OF TrtO it a O. H. A. 00., On Monday Mayor Bowen informed Mr. Garrett, President of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, tha the Oily Ocurinalseloners were grading Baun dart, street, and bad nearly reamer:the . prilrit where the road creased Ae the track of the railroad is iieterarteed be low the grade of the street. ire was noti. lied that It would be necessary for him Immediately to raise the track to WrrellpOnd with the legal grades of the street, or the COMMlsahrnere would be oninpolled to till It over the rills. As no eunwer bed been received up to 000 n to-daV the laborers,. by direction, put daily **erred up the track. Much In. tereat was =untested at that point, many pensans having gathered to watch the marements. Officers of the road wore sent out to caution those In charge of ICcruning train., and to arrange for pushing them past the obetrnalims. The tedna .were In antaquence of the difficulty crmaideribly delayed in reach ing the station. twin proCeedloga will be taken by the railroad entapany with a View to preventltertber triterthrence by tbeciorporatlan of -Washington. oarbrrien orptsseurnr. A statement of the condition of the .. , ,ebows albedo:Kw of gold on tTnrePilt4,ooo, ooo ; the amount of out standing 'gold certificates, /32.000,000. leavings" - balance of 102.000,00 0 ; cold balance of greenbacks on hand, gas,• 000,000. • 1 There ere between thirteen' and four teen hundred disUllierfes regietered on the toga - rhe Internal Revenue Oa" butted, tour hundred and City, ere runt Itt, operation. • • • • ow: WOOLS DEATH , ornaulax AF NOVACIA r: Gen. Sherwin eGlotally eanodowee the death4l6m Wool. sad ordered t..• wore reeprti to Ids memory. innsion =marl .-- Tae Cuakim reoelpts, liic week igy . wen . .va --41.6121.13 en. Inter Mao telrertthe Cl2l.rago Piss be Will 'Mild 'De annual reunlon of the Society of the drag of theMeinene" lobe bald In Louisville smomberinuansti. ME ME .' •X 4, ! 3 +,g ~.asi Y. r~ yl ~.'d~tii .'t _ '~i53...?Y~ . ,_ ~ t~a..,~`71~ ~, ~~"'y a. "~.+h ~ti(.^~3~q~cz ' 3+~.a'~Z..~;jcy. NEWS BY CABLE. F 1 , %NA =II 1 I .--Event nv - uVeu ber . 0U LlAti • n ' ?..Or 111111111111=1111 A ,1 i n. tia. F4m,Es, ; ut Tt. 11A,1111 ar., N =OM lIIMEIZEIIII 11 H r ~„; 1.1. A: !A ; .1,111 11 1 i,114 1: 1•..., ; ri,• • A ,1:10 t . rAel A. ts,,A.l, Lou, , ; 1 , .' V, ll' _l4 A.l. Until no. 11 11,1 5. ...1 • l'Ork. 11AA.1 litstr: L.,Ard • I. CAAeAr A.-, Ad. 1.1A , 531.: : r AA, 1 Nek,A • .reA CLEVEL AN 1) Iii!IMilIM:101 r and &.r. •1 MEI [l:4 a 1 kit 11 11 . I= =I =I =I tl-1 u{ t + , t • to, 7 rr -1 r., .t 4.l 10. k tut.. Y •t IL- 1.1.A.111 rt.' , i't nrl • : LI— . ”eltuu.. c .11 •• I^U [:. • b.dl be. A , 1, • :• pr.rpl4-3,.). Lim •.Le LUC. trm. betib Lett 6 Ony et liei el, wk. lit .Noteru M= Mil=al=Ell eid IV . ay bin I, uanred .0 La 4 k :• WO, V. I, I.ylt, .• ull nvnink lb- L• mane„ ttn Ti,,'. dr,ert.,l (3..a1 , 1 tn,r Mlllenry 7 quo-A:1,0. i•t•t•:..tr• ,uts P•vr!:lng ~):•• the kar•vai ur Lw .9u nt'•.:ll , ), try :0 ,••. manouver ry rt I• • :J.• • •,:r 1. is BEd (h., rot,* p•Ild , .11 It . 1 . 1,,ti t•ltat reeet‘i r by et pout Luria LI M,. y I 0001 l 1 Aka" , a few months ago In a case ..I /WPM 51.7111,1 the 1,... , 1, .., !.Ir bo.il.s ot, ~, ~,..41:t K The . !HA,: LOel. IA 'hat i • ual Is to a tile'.tiuu e, iit ,i ,i 1.••• the etori it ii ti.ii • LI, ot NI. lt• •• , , 11.• I i.,,,,, 1 1 1 Ili the ritori, 4, Ii iota 'I nu t',•er. let-M(1111g 11,:..•. , H•,,..v. All 11.10, Nu,. or I'. Eii.ii.t).-•Lte . I night the oloitit A : I ntit.te it tire. N ...en, 1 MB. 0010111 tO the ~01.0 WOO P. esa 1 o.srt, Judge W. W. F.,inton. The tar.ie. • reprotten, tar 1.11•1111,1. and eeeo:Al 14,1,6. , gage ined holders eg,tinw (..-411,1 end lb.. Erie liallwat. ieituti wr cee to get ~ 1 iwdor (runt toe tour: to mai the r•ad, thus putting lam ir, row rot. Tin b .ii,i holders are OPLO"Cd tilliasiMllllng the e Cti. I( ('treed 'he property will 1„t yiela the lull anion, it 001,0,201 , 1 y should 1 .1. Gould, W. Arcieteil and II ii time, were appoltatal reet,,•ere of toe A it ii ' W., in,. April. Thn present brnr,V . lOn*.m.lon frant ,U 0 Mud &lidera Pr PIO rOttiOtel 010RUIIII.SreCeiVer;bee.use he la President and Dlr.o'or. of the Eri e 1 ktadw•y; Literate, e, uoder the .new V-rk e elutes an Eno e.• ea tedd , r, and an i interested party. 4.4duld ? Cl I,herty and officers of the load VrTl,-, hare .1 oeteriloy, toady to Swear se the CollOnei Quid to Tifght, that when 0.4u1d wit epnoinkal receiver it.. had nut a f trthing•e iu'eruat In the AttantiC and threat \Voo'eru or Eie, tLough President of the latter. Gould went home yenterday. Is his absence, hie attorney to night got an adjournment till Friday next, when the question of his eligibility as receiver, and of his re. move!, will oe examined aoeprdlog to evidence and law. A motion was mane A 0.1. 1 1 4 15 the Receiver:a frorent 110,1 ap point a Heater Porniniesioner as Audi tor. Is was postponed until tomorrow. LOUISVILLE , . Heavy . Laud bust— $30.000.000 at State. t By Tele, re Pb to the Pltt•bargh astetta• 1 Lotroom.ta, November IL—The heirs of John Campill, the possetwor Of NO serfs of land in , 1783, which now em braces the commercial centre of Innis vide, are shout instituting snit tbr this property of which tzto,,,clattit they are the rightfo I owners. Once the first charter of the city in 1928.1ute property has passed from one hand to tinotber , u^ttl to now owned by • tergrbe; of perianth all of whom will defen dente to they'll. The land and prate menet ere esineeket..3o,oooAoo,---- Filial lllltauke—A Mm %boots HIS Wife. [B? Tologroptt to the Patotoititthiits4.3 Alouranavromr. N., J. Nov. 11.—Laat night three Meta broke into the housa of Mr. Kelly, at hissottrilie, and tying the family to the bedstead, ransacked the .hottee. Mn Hel'glees& blinsejf, ran to hie father's house, and procuring Q, arms returned to his louse, where ibit saw some Immo gamic nut of a win dow whom Ite, abet and afterwards dia. oartired-tO:liathlsiarUhi: add- Kelly is dangerously injured. The robbers ulna sleieflQUier boussikvs , 09kranr. Vanztjidli!iM%,4Mr,Dereated ConfOnnn..N4l:XCefouiber 10-41.0. elarnatftee=l.llevert 944be,titlea• Lion oral*. oritt eira . 84. 1 49. too attalorVAOC 1 kftl& -/V4 l .k : * 1 . 1 0#1 1.214 t " , < In etrmithy , b f bed; Peabody; Ortat , ti plicsi Id I. n. don Collo, Mayor Bhuntolt, of Boston bay directed the bells to bo tolled a tuff WOat noon an W d dap to be at Indf met public) WII:1p. PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE: FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 12, 1869 NEW YORK CITY.I th r 13. ts c h urri i i i c t • lrt i r ••• -t ---.„—•••• • United ‘14.1. Lirettit t null—Juno .Sr , c 0.. t 1 I: , ,i•an Quet ion —Suolorn Pri2spentv Et•avy v , November 11. -The ea.° of CITYAIi'D SC BUR BALI . tkm Id vu. ]{acne, - 511,1 Lbe attentlOn of the , court. vu r Spr-0 P., o furapepad to the csty Irib prvbably . cuclude..l t hp, week. OW.OI -111 M.Tohanlis in Bond— dri VA „f uhrf ur cerag par I Fre pzilt Train off th-t Track Anal urea try mutt, per evanuan: $2. Taa.7at'fir7r. 11 .—The iourt—Fult Beech. November .—The E flute for %elf .—A apw.a. route On thus prerrm brt Suet at ten ^ , ork e tl.lh the pnlwr. Apply ALL I P.: nOCILIV- present a full ta , .,.•h. Th. ,n , C vs NI .:11untellt bunt tranect , ted Duklb MIZE Nim I=l nr , l Iwo, .~ L•.c tntate norteiy.—Tho tale ol encored •.. I , 1.. tan ..eatit for the first concert or the Crisman , tinit t err Went is at... 111. I I . ..Ake a Pi.atiety trill an Stare this (Friday ,ur.n o. .eS.I WS. 'lt, triorinnir at 1 o'clock. at a.etior L e Starr , . N.. b 3 Y.lth acetate. burolthr Il rt.ttes ter tn Cu. lion. Juntle tent matey. late editor or 30n proposed bt ef t fe'des. 'e "rdur the Letdon Meeetwr.Y'rb . . ',three at the I",e,P tna ehn; the L,,,trel , t.tt•ti. •..ord , hiL t ., `. t the auepieee at the 1.. A. It., 0f,u11.,. no 111•5 te.. , Y or. the Flynn,, pt celery.' The aube f't hots do:;wr• re, and cannot bill On prop rlr treated by the eon,. 'rote . dlntinguitthed and able I,turer. f'af a .• L'''. are; ray- Al', gnu I.arrent . -Mary Schuh, rest. ir'g I . it 1 ""'"'" dincr at Nl. 37:frant street. 'swan furor. tendon before the Mayor yelterday, rb- e.teirthiz Clerleya Wll:lame end Sarah .!. e few dn . :, a. ' :ho 10rc013 , 7•14 dretefee and • A other nothing, all of the VAltin of 000 evid , •ne , dollars. A *carob warrant was leaned. PI 'he !tenon art , 1.-.•.11!y tartea , rth). Ann sat4i , • Found.—A nledge hnunner a number of I”.••• 4'"i . drt told ehoetle. n brume and [lt and r """'"'" than Ih " other article,. that rhararter were I `" ' l ' Inond In the moan no, on the taitnlarto of I P bulk, hlrth avenue. An Kt- Ae tempt Was made to break upon the hank Elmo ft:oaths niece. t • ,D•• , .Ca York c0,,,,01 Lou-e. ,I et: s • ...I. lit. Ilanuou and Ca-ILL, 1,..1.111 of p4purg m. • - „, ,En " OE 4.14 4 1i1 . 4 1141'417:d 1 .1.1 41.314 dul,era. Ttm , 4414 141 r -30 , 11411 •.• r t0rt....), the fil . 11...! • 1 0,4 ri .1(., n. • 11.10 if , 11, •! •.Lu ,ttil at*, 111.4,,.,1 pi e ,• I =EI V•• I•• • •:•til I.li • Ut.“. ....,;c1•on i••••Pr i• .1; .‘ =1 lin F taa >ir ISI.. a t re,.tn4 lult p,r I. 13e a.,,,um t ‘ - 1 r Mill ur M b . .t I= = HEE I=l MZE=IN=MI La ... I. 111 g C.aitCALIU Man *ha at t•. Pni 1.• n l!IM11211MIIINE=11 GEE 4. rt. ( c (a 11 h I I g Her t nil- EMCEE 1=1I1111111:11!11 414.0 , • ,1.11114 ItIP pf• I Luu NIA( rd I lb op , ) 7t Mali( ~t t 1.,1%t01., MEM ===EMI d• 1 HI be .hot but tug =1 A 01.1usteh from °tonna *ars . II • rllll, 1:.:.411, H .i 1 1..• • orl iniA boon y. med. Ht , .l Awl r“, kl omnual 331..ni0 1111 1 ,1.1‘ 111 1..; ituou, :be Lamer 117 n:Ato 11, • h./1,1,1 :u LOP otAon: w.ILI 1 11,111011 W. 0/, And ttle lalLor S,OVOgOtnil 41 fortn, • long rani down nO4 throat. H , ln Ar.•ln 11 1.7., 'I • 11 11. 1 Liss , Is L 110: pot. h. on rlb 'Up t.red .1 .r •r no.. I'. ..tire Eli., v. t.l the rii.b lat siry, 1.1.1L41 I. trt She l'er r -stn, N o 01104 r ~ 11. 0 . ... .1hr. , 0 41.1111 In. oleos s ere rots tavy maul tail en.. ed ft or . tree .;,.I ' ,tend with r ul,ets. 0.111.0 L ,tt.y ./1 . ...• V. J 1 0 /11,1 I, In Is W,11.1, stgusrl .`en.,m NI" 01. I ' srrie war ner,•' a.,i .lo II.• . I \t.lllo, Now Jersey. Aley Orb. 1140, A lean named Warner belt used to It ox , nor` Tina , vies I arty, suptated tu b+ murderd. i. low, to little doubts re 1 1.,r,11,g the late of the whale party. The f,roeir g are the detail. of the lose of the etrk id 'roil ... on the 11th, ,10., WitileNt , :11, h. TllO vessel attnok bottom durlog a train. and the wears soon rn.ha.i In, driving ell on baud to the roll cable, where they wore exposed to the fort of the wind and Waves C.tpts/u Carpenter fastened himself end win, ton nand. A sailor at the eaptstu'a request, set Out to swim ashore, but bit Oben., ti gaveout, and be weal drowned. Tilt, LI .41$ having been washed away, no meane of escape seemed attainable. 01.1 the next day, h ow ee er , Caputo Calaway, of the schooner Toledo, with a number or oteer volunteers, took a boat and put out from Manner' to the wreck, tbcu . 03 with great peril to them. naives. the boat bounstimes itilllnft. -.-. Am .,..... Reselling the bark, they found the OPE Captain'. wife dead [rota alp., KA Horist. 2 -Lefllngerell, who Ls eine, and the Varela tiarely Gave. with;Ait a#Tallet the genuine tituriesque After two or thceo tripe they sue. seeded In ravening the rest of the crew, drama, and with very few suliorlors as a pollteruniflialskied comedian, appeared d i e v g ! be i f .„,,...",...,,,,b,",, , li b ld " takethe hi e l n P l a t n ~1 " m lo d leM night in tild-oriapproicbable dednea• lion of Medea In Medea and as the two Oodles were left on the wreck, which Widow Twanksy In Aladdin. The A lm" revert la pie4t.L 4 The mee ., "'I men tandem,. was not as large is the general wore near l y dea d afoLLI col, but were finally revived. excelleno. of the Im i : e nslaves Merited. The large flouring mill, warehouse and 'lb-night 'tie" appears . Of 'Old ~, Mister Shylock, or the Merchant Ilirfator ofitu"U" Wood • " Chlat°° `" ° ' of . Venice preserved," e new reit- Illinois, were burned last night. Lows 0 , 70,0 „ 70; insumm wow . , 'Clark;' waul dition tba of t s El b e rm air.w wo pear . ; Imo . 7 .. e ,..... earn . e551y i5.. ." We have a report that M r s . from the Ledingirell °magi Tepee'', Mother of the cored e4 ,,,,. 114"-e i x ibetoseins of A rich store of feu and. Edeneille, Merebell .. "'"'M '''''' e "' ea. 'burner and keep Unacquainted eel* spy 'the crime; 144 °_,±k"icit.„,,Lin"ho„ we a style of histrionic art which lidos:Used 'Red her on Pubday say. tat ' -- -- to prove vastly popular with amusement, restored, and that she requested ell her Myers. ,LearreOlogwelk the Ipg,t4 of VS mends shit reultlyea to assemble, inthe claw In hill own wheal or burlesque 'Mtn., room where she was, proilded they edy, b e . grome d w id, such: au audio** were prepared tonem somegtadd tern. as will mark the apprealetien of opt,ble. After those present 'had wine Into ~,i miemn/ p o ems .. i , „ 3 , . r ... 3.3. , the room she told them she killed her children and thatibe dldbetilPow - whet she killed them with, nor why.Prrresunon a Trt TAIIIS o —Th a e gc.d . bill 1.4„ but k new Alitbf r at Use 91 " Drury " , Ittroag one. ted.Dons.-ths: attractions or. - Ihel" cqu " ted ank"‘ " The ' DoeU'r fend we ill besurprised I:anywhere called the neit tisOrnfeg, 33 _but found that 3o w 3 . tadarterutionef any. piretehs4eoeircomow- mei , weursninsde tout, the truidy eatterekterebiod to Tun ACJI.DEXT.—seats for the grand become 0111;011. else onableletkoii,cf .41eS. :00iMeet of ehtinqamiell ~ t 3 . 9 0(410 Wies heed huiting her.' ' -- \ Monday night, composing sixty met Ohms voices, • and - • full „presenter .0 ::' a'' traliiiii eertiii. WWI. \ wilt Ito sold I bismorning at tan • o'clocit ‘ .by Menus. Mellor,! Hone, Fifth creeps . V 3l-4*l i",V ki t gir l4o °Tq u "te L3 \ ,s' great rasa id nridetested. Tor/V. Y.. :sore in her I L-,The . • nerat lof Gil. Weol take: place Irmo Bt. ST. Bnindkie Fate cout nues at 4. Paul's church on be buried military tiaturd l i ti mOrtdog. irget'e Church, Bedford avenue. o Deceased will m ere aliens a more pleasant homer bonore Maenad amusement be secured. , . • .11.1.1a.':'.:1 Ardr , w Y. 1l it:n:tts'iec.'•re4't duly yoau r and ft 5 . 5aaa.,, , a , ri,, , wy • and adrunts .1 Ss. rns Sugar •t'reuk os et reern Wasnington \ U • r.si 1, 10 vs..l,e Mr death. Olin deal „.", Armstrong eu o .') . • • ralbeal e o i • 4,1, uf tLr s sourt .idaelnag the appeal atbrtned. • /111111011 UV TbuIMINUU. C. J. Dollar Sat Ihge Ilona vs A.sasholuiss U. t'. Judgment re. er.n,d and urns, ,4 nu , awarded 1 yule. by Read, J. litutey eted• , A'tlaum ft C. Judgment raveraed and cure cis wen awarded. tssoulon LA' It ad, J. • , n tu ,, t.•t• of A. W. Luoulla, Esq., John A_. s:sun wsa duly quadtied .d admitted us Israel nal In Sada Court. Hue .et ,t: va. Briet•l Top Coal and oustosny at at. bated! of Master r d Imam prase. ed and tiled in open airt d udexCent.nsua thereto. Ou halem of J. i h t :,Soutt, solicitor for p:amt 111, the rehurt c an t•onfirtned, an•l order. 0.1 that At :be extol - att.. of twenty days (rum assn data it strait be treated se con firmed a1....10101y, p,usent may tsa made lieo..rditl6.4. e'so .NieCill'w.Rloh, C. P. A rsuecl nr te•det..lfer fur platuttf! to error and L.a 11/j I.yunli or firodsa. A rgued by Large fur plaits! n in error and by ftiving eon. .11 l'p fnr TDlrtv flip.. nun. HuFhex ra ~r a and W:::';‘lnl...lore the r r h l t rg o ' ru r rj aa ~r zr ,„ e „,-b, cf turu!Lted for yr, s. IN 110 ."1“1 Its Mollie, l• A 111111t1 engaged ^ elbanin, a resist:sail near the turner of ant street and Fifth at snort, a few days limed the holy it a irtdid. The Iv wait 6o mush docoinisssad as to olnr It initiosailde to maw,. :t with fai)ldg to Meaty. hi, tir did It get re? t.autt .1.41 it.tterp.- .4 " 141,1[11.1A.. odors Ju,VIM }nt i•Ou r v tiirtntmihnut, yAn'enlay. unergln, Jac' Kral. wltu a , nawlt •11.1 the work Inn gimes h0t..., •”1.1 II oq• na./ n 2.11,.•3 1 1 , 01 /..,Lit when an im aliegr.l Kral, knockr.l 1.11" or duo u. A warrant via , . IbAum.l. 1.11•11rinu. 1011.rhis f. --.llsvoti Neil', rot, vet or for 11,0 ortetion of thoirk ltr,f"rrt,ntt..l.. hot,. intso .Nlntittfft. rharging \ll!:i•ittt 01)11n ',lb geri ;hot PlOll atcl =MEE .11131 V .Ir.lnot .41 t.ort, tt. , unend r •;11. a'. V , rto thn •7 , p.ll n 1 /1,11,t1. ttti utp.“l I •t .•pr 11..rk , r) , erv. •• • 0d Of :rt. 1.1 %ha% and t••• , rge h.,•e rim the 1.1 , 1 kr c0m1..% .c:. , tt .to lu.t. II 'li. [ll.l 1,. it krV r”±: tt I. 111.. with were opened. :;•..••, - t..1 I ~ r 1 etn• 1.'.. "yeti In :Ile talin v th. to r. OEM vie ult oral Inter teelik We L 11” W. VS' K • 137 L ' - •./.:11. 1..1 • I :t , oft,' ntlet•l, a c , q, , v ..f god 11.Init , «1 sit 1,..a.111” , , 11,.1 ~.0 10, ,:ur.,11 owl ,z..eeti giv /1,0 ! At.tcunry. :....:e r , ( ... - 1•31 I 1.. • • .1r iar 1,1.1, ALa ~• pr.., lAA tom t.i.•l : f v I= I= ra rt. , l 11111.04% 1.14 lt tot1( . 11.1:g 1.4{1i I=l I^. K., tt . • ttutt.tn, 1 t ne.,l L. ,uottu,rtott, 11. C.. ut-utn• Th. ate, Ing t - tt. ::.g Fen haus u k t tu 1,.,.!.,-andMem htett at a prt, MOO , :11g, r•• t•••rt..etl bat in "lA, ;t1 ro.ne tn.) It, tut ary lauds n ols tr detr rlllg t , r the dol./lA.. to It.. NAtit,ult: Isthur Ito: vontion. they b.ttl 10.4vuti u. 11,14 a greht.l I.lturt.rl al t.l all I ...el ((Id at I. Intlnent 411 h tvltt. tt , urtt contrthultt,or. TEE ^1...6/la.arcepted an.l Min Ft. Ft. .og named tailitta •itirtnnLed o•tt a.tratart • Mr. Ilarr:nt Putitr,a, .1 ri,,L I t Sttpt“.. Mrs. M it. ThourAmt Cr.thnr , n , J""""' A "'" d " tl , t rA Mot. Situ it , I Data:Jay, Mr, m.i : narty. Wltttanta, Mart.. urnatt, Aettury, ',anti!) F trttnt, Fraut•ta Tart,. A lam a4C11 , . tuglart and Mr., Met:radv. A CAttnturtryn arm nm.annterl to prtparr r , att .ttl-tts pre51.1111.1.0 at the alt • - =ZEE: =1 =I =CU A eollen "vast then tuktnt np, &Um trhe•ft the meet ug ii'unggued, CM Some weeks alum, one of the Mat el.", dry goods hatua,s on Filth avenue, ',tam ing a salfisluan for the window trimming trttiomt of their estotnishomm, awl troll], mishit, to procure s corn pasini her Hind In this city, imported a isian from Now York, who, it Is alleged, utrderntood ii, binnure• thoroughly, and 4 ' was engaged at a large salary. kin had been In the umpi iy of Inn about nix weeks, during ',Lich tmß be rendered the most entire as is tautiOri t, hie employers, and galuing their nontitieuee to a 00.1t1Cr - able degree, having access to all t arta of, the building at all lamest. Monday' morning he failed theppear at the store, and It watt preatuned that be waS un Tuesday morning came and he WAS still ableut. Not having heard from hint, his employers thought it their duty to make Inquiry, which they did at his boarding house, where they learned that he had taken Lie departure on the Sunday pre vious. The feet of him leaving a attention which Raid him a large salary, without any Apo:meatusesa aroused the suspicion of his employers, when an Investigation was mail.), which revealed the fact that about live or al: hundred dollars worth of silk goods had been stolen. A further inveatigsdAiin revealed the fact that the New York man had procured a key by which he could gain admittance to the cloak room of the eatablintanent from a ball leading to the street. It Was then •remembered by some of the employee that the New 'Yorker bad been sewn mr. rytrur goods from the store room to the cloak room, which wan up tidal". He has OM been heard from since SCinday— neither have the silk goods. - tr. t, Ned t,'Ned et 1,1. D. C. Ar• gnu.] by b,r in error and by t ,, tera. •i.a.. Appel. D. C. Ar gued by hunu and ea Wut - xla for plaintiff In err., at, Lv Mckutght and Atherton contr.,. Took "Ship Sl,OOl DirKAClrb' A plx 111. 1. by C. C Taylor fur attpttttett. , And t 1 whit ttrtutrtk. lc t I t,usl Judge klii.putrlrk Tat asp., r, :‘,,euther 11.--1 u theottee of the Weetern lueureore Company for WO, 4. I , f i•re vluunl rt•retru,d vr tl in `.r drft,,lnnt. I. mit,l.lnll er m nprc t.. 1. 1 1 ndel, Adak r., t tr. 13. 3111,0, lilitiard. I, .I',ll v. Knapp' , nephew. n o. 1.1 vs. NicF:lr ,, '.• :311. SA. Krell+. Wl' .«r•eu. the =UM =MI wst. Wo r. ti 1 uld I= lLnt it.ar . ..I b., fir. VA =MT IMES • r lurgrl. Illy Inutn,orlu. nkeerts orntr‘l ItraL1.1•••• :11 the 1,t,r...t ourt I t.ed 11.1 t. :be , t -t tin . , A ha,. Inqwc•ei.J had m. k. ll runuy h., gel,rn. .1 , 11 A.; v.!. :bat I; fr. WA. kase I trnm uet tat... lip i n Lad i utt.Y to "lir r fr..tu tr,clbelirl , lie 1,4.ug n but I, • , I Mr t An,.s , r ,ugh!) tent t. %curd =ICI =ill PE • 11 .. 1••• ii =HEM h i, orned euccre.l Waktiwg ENE t ..1 1'~~r~.'... \ =II EIMEEMMI nodlug u n bell,' Illy Th. Ninolonv In n kut./41.11ipr 4,, , ..Lv0 and V't*4urtluun OX/1111/lled In 01] I i , 4111*, 11.11,11[1 ,,, NVo.t.,:t• Ih.. Taw I= Ait tisa,•o ti•k n 1t!.,1, andnot watiolled , t Sr, hoop It Ko . r , t ao dott,., It Imre.. rptb bow. n , ,,tp and tlup, kvAn.r. :h.tt .1.11,11,4 Om moxt ..111.11.1 tuWn 1)110 or t 1 1 ....5Ary Juts.. hunekoop , vsvo !11K, 41 l oet , r•ntlrell' Li]. woaker bt •V Jam, uudur the old syn. arkl.• I=llll= \ t I.llg The annual meet:n.4 of the Woman'* Christian A8.0.3...1.1 held Mat even' mg In Christ M. F.. Chord!. Penn 1E22 The meeting ortranited ce.ling Ft. K I ., rter t tip , •lohr, Who road the Prenotent Atlno a I 1101 , 11,M, .1100,11.11( the workFug , ot the Amlochation for the yonr. The reports ...If the Secrotary and Trea surer worn then rend. The latter shows a //stance In Ina 1 reasury Or 140 0 . 10r. tismire 11. Stuart. lion. W. E. Dodge. and where, addressed the Mao- Clation. Ass rapidly befog s upplied with the celebrated l•Teeley(btinge Organ," for the reason that they are the be. suited for choir purpose', • Their tone ix purr ,mrt pipe like in qualify. They contain the only perfect Vox Humana Tremolo and Vox lubllante attachments now used, which are secumxt by letters patent. Prices more moderate than any other prslan Chtlllll,li to be drat clam. Call and ace and hear them, or send for an llatetrated Catalogue. Barr. Knake Buottler, No. 12 Sixth street, are the sole agents for Western Pennsylvania. The secret of steamy Iles in the use of 11 80 w' Magnolia Balm for the Cons. pierxion. /toughness, Redeem, Blotches, Bun. Data, Freckles and Tan disappear where It to applied, and a beautiful oompleilan Of pure, satin-like texture is obtained. ne plainest features axe madeto glow with Healthful Bloom and Youthful Beauty. _ Remember Raiten'a Magnolia Rahn fa the thing that produces these effects, and any Lady can secure It far TO acute at . Toimens Aunt[the:ltatr use jiyan% ICattu4o4. -7 , :sw7r. •-.-. . i.ldideen'alethiblV: .- Ididietofiddit, Lidice' I.l6.detelottdowlsto order. - 1 Edetriptinribrßra • ldrite Sappers, Night-amnia Ple, Cluablona Pillow atm. go, neared zit s All kinds or family sow! dace at No. - 12 Federal and: ntsc the Atha exeny ems; the J ., ,:noair . Wee Ms- Wee office." - ' It'll. a, 6 1 ass saint the Dextei_Wiatitur Ma ,eld .e, and sin fully satisfied. Wombs in ma. I bought ir'or R. B. Lung, No. 12 Fedel atreet. Bdaa. ra W. E. R17131=14 No. e 0 Sandusky West. sillestmy City. Noy. 8. ~p'S ; -tr_+'.` L 'k`4 . 'L.. ~GZT,S~j3r'~x~a3~s~3~~+''.& THE COEHTti 122=1 Atifn re, artlon rr. , Itvurti of W. 1....0,4 I r, at , we Late Lean •P IP 111 t:tir.ug tue 11191. v yet.. that 1 t nh,nll., 1 , {;t11 nl 1.1, . f remark 1.11 g nnA el(.1111,1/013 t,o , very hightwt Ono.. t , • ... 1,..•.tt0m of “ur 1.• • .••••••rt. ,.. ste•l an, mg ••• •••• ••••••1 not • •-• ••••,•.11 • ! • nr .1 • A., 4.1 nrol !•••rn rr • r r a.l r•rowilr-ri •••••• 1•.•1‘.1•••• 1•••1 yftt•nt rvnitttld ME nt out a ben the, had 0 a beard the ..,,.I I. ,keti 4vk nnti = rt, 1,0 bn• ~, .. uu i .e .1 Gi+ =IRE =EMI I" :.n V 1. t.t,wler =ISOM MEI= .no ut Ins e,ustructit II sod ,q wr tou, IL. 11. I Agent. Fee Lw' the 11, gheny. uman'• Christ lan Association Our 41 much. tad !..chools Mr. R. K. Lang—Msg.. lam using the Dexter Watthimr Mart.... I bought of you, and am fully earlarlnd. NI O.Y. I. PA • an.b, Nu. DU Itwtroua '.treat. Allegheny P ity, Nov. It. Mr. R. 11. 11.tuag-1 would not do w:th out a better Wurt'tong Mactune for cloo t.ia de...tatt. SCRKLEIN, Ni 10 Federal att...., ttk:93Ftlsotty t fly. Nov. 9. Fur lapttoopettle !our-dreg...trig, plain or Lc tourlo rig. wort a trorp.loi, for H lu XIIIiOIIII oohnve or loath, awl for rkttlful rupping Howl 11. , - , 1.111/g, n at AN'llltatruporo's to.ilook.ou at Fedtoral tartlet, leglion Employment ilthre.—thrls wonted for etWks ao.l private familial. Ic the eity. E. H. Ling, at >.r. 12 Federal street. near badge, Allegheny (tty, at the ltex. ter Wash.ng Machine Otltee. Im Kral klala r. a' , vortlworneol of N:4 - Cluog A tiwnhow. Kool F...tate and tom/ma, Agootn, IV7 and 149 ,on tro avooue. tf. —The Wilcox and GILL, sewing ma click) manufactory, Potter's uhaebtos shop. and Cusham and C.ggenhall's tack works. at Tautom Haan., were totally destroyed by tire last evening. Loss, /3i,COU. _R e y 1 r. oordon S. Con, for twenty nye years rector of St. John's choreh of firsdgeport, Ct., med suddenly yeeter• day. I= ItAI,TON - ICHNI,7 t-ive• •.} e'en 10. tt, ISOlt/er H. , I/ Hznaa, J.lliN ANNA 11 KR , I A. ^/r1 , .... II IT It—W I doesclat Ins. Not 11.141, 11.011. it! it. H. 1.1 1.1.1A1l K. HINt ...All( to Ans. MARY .1 itileTlitt. Ito, of Arler.e.oy Sen toserts. A, /or:stet—Ms, T•uositi ~a Tbersda• Vor. Iltl.. by the Ils.• .1 N. I Isrl. at lb. resr de0,..• bride rtst•r. I IV AU, Eit. rtitst orst. It MI•• A 14 %1.. TAtiUAH7. It El= 1:0 II - odns. , lAT • tfrAng. Novese two r 10, HASH,' 1 LAN Ito H ',IAA , /on Al r 16.1 EA" KA.naidson. •ve 1 4 Y An t in , P'unte,t V, IA. .nat. I r r (ran. 0,1 , A:d01. - cot yArtul• Mr — _:ure to, Tlae 01/ iv, 1 •0 1 1 , 1•. A laro., to ALIA, .~ ~,. .. ~ u.... ;'r os.iien 4.1, 4HA M ••• in li.• AO, 1. • Fuer rsl fr..n3 Lt NUfftlitrer ijlll •I o r Tb rri. tea. tL. fan,' •re UN DEIRT.U!CIat.3 lAAIIIN W TL A AN , ILLIAMS. • pATTtitsoni n e. • 1 LEA. AIKEN, INipleAL. T A tr, • ern 1,1: —O, " A u s ‘ rskan. •.6 h,r I, I. R L 11.:1: L Er>. I e, `.O c. r• • r e• • in ..1,1 i.YTkI 114 Kalt N\.1.1 14 1100 13 =ESE ENE JONA:PO MEYER a NON, IL 741).1:at-FA • 44 1 ' • C.ZT ' Ott carrtm.µ es rl. 11.• ula•rals. 1../...1.1 Ka< b =IN GOLD PEN 9 C.,C, MAD - 1 7,0 7 M IN - €3 Hepaire+l alydßepoiuteil, W. G. DIINSEATH'S I= I= MERCHANT TAILORS HENRI' G. HALL, MERCHANT TAILOR, Corner of Penn and , ititt street FALL AND WINTER STOCI bitr[ du lA , ~•r e i t nl ,teArt ro t 6UI. lOU Ire, 6,1 5 y..r I NOW CO i 1 P ET E • , • '-•••• " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 1-W - 8111 IflT‘, ATTr N. 11.• N.- ki•lrlat I, ', K IM .1001,1,10'. N. , I. AJlghlr al". tr. •ro n.” 11,41 tug, t am W,ILL )1 144, . "is .'" • • ; .""," Friday Aft4irituon. Nov I? at I o (lock. CA I. •quopeopol. Io •(,11, ter o oreettrootles oor reo:L ' I;TeTr7;7T-al ' re ' . n lo rn r'. ' :! " 1 9' !fo our er.c-ro Sr i eir•itor - r uorret. rel troF tbr .or O•rtrd ot. meet rot , 1 . r-reooroola o •oe reooloof,r toa• oon• oroo• 'toe eLo erelebt• or( oleos/Jr.., lononaaarl Pro 11, urns.' 4.1 t4c Tlit.1“:1 N WIIIIIHT •iNr 11,e0rA, f', 'd. A. R. LECTURE•!. 4 1,41(.11. S, I htl , if—n"csK. 441 36,1t0 feet, an .11.4. r IT. 44.1. Lavrreitca I:11e 014 tr, 4) bow. I. bISCII 11 Let - im or ru ic CVI'JN• I A " . """""'Y U4,rti0..1 • 0..44444. 1 , 4 luclu ' uY 4.c. JUSTIN MeCA RTI2I IA 4 )1.414'1 l.uome Mo. n n i.r Wt . I Lei. {4l, al rI, • cadt m 01 Mud Merida,/ Evening, Nor. 16th, ll= notes. 50• N eta. Tlckets L TY. 1110 4u.11,1141.1 •tr. • d HOIME , al - aTenue. non F.AL EWFATE FOR SALE.- I. os • Gat stray eac 114 In Ail.4•cr/• from n• cna. wctl a, c 14.300. I_/•c Is, a , . 4f , , R. ',out • SP' Ile St. •3 tn.. 0.1 re try 70 dr, to •Il /linv 11.500. I Lvdtta . 01 400 w 101 a o 1001 /WI :110 hy 130 L.1.1 1u M.- n SOY, W15.:161 au4 • ul: i• *64 TILE VICTORY, A New Collection of Church 3f unie I= "WM. B. BitADBURY. Just Out and for sale by JOSEPH HORNER, =l== LIST OF VALUABLE LAW BOONE, =CM= New Mirka and New Editions. Smith's Pm.- 13tIte Reports. Vol. • Irgaiator• Sooplement. to Portion. WM. Wt. Hord. on The Law of EatiTool.a. Borolawd Id. 1311.11:611111. Badield on We Law or Nogilgenoo. Jost Owned. Wl,Vernman en Om L$ of &INV and Hewn. tiatiold ea Cizehree as a caber Ballaseatn, £bbou•e Oldest el OmPo.ale... 2 , 01.4 ta. Roscoe osi crbalsratldeas. 81,1.6 la. atsetla Tbs.Laer of Zotaasea. gayben Lt. Bonet ea Navigabla Amell • IMMO 011 the law el CerOorertoril. Lendleg (Mu la Lenny.' Tom Wenmer tssannes. Two vellums- 21ew td. ♦atoll en Waterroursm New "Man. tatelion ill. Law of Omani Carrier. ,hamas Oft Minas letaxiaaa. Two vcd4 ?MOO of litarltlme Law. INto rolls. lIIIIInt 111* .006111. lensed EL 'HGtlaedos 21sw.Trisir Sawn os Cows* IdT 11111... Dross OS no Bissisi - or Mids. ifirlianos . s Amiens cetsdasi Lay. Wishisra as Zeal Paling. 3 soli Wiastoirs es Zussidds mad liantsids‘ g'4511. SALLE BY kkir 00 viz p.A. NT, 66 Wood Street, Madmen" 3sWu.) i`~ ~ .. x~• + k _"A • VINEGAR : THE PITTS:M:IW 11 V IN I( ; .11)1 H., I • I .—. 1. LI.LF """ rgr P ITT!. Bir RG Fil TII EAT Irt, H ‘.l . WILLI ~ \ 1 _ BALLOU ADAMS , A lat 1.. I 141 rt , •l I 1; 7 1 GS, 169 amid 1;0 •;°: - ,•:::,°1t;...J.. b ,; ~t.rd•• ,0 SECOND AVENUE Are tau'. INFAsAiI M-aT M UN. ,T It Al M.T. Atle YlI I. ~.r EXTRA . WINE VINEGAR. 60 \ „i, es, W ith Full Orrhestra Fir u 1,1.• • • CPC., not ezteedlng ./.." 'UR LIN EN, vm. be inserted in thole tree TN' N T Y-F I VT: C . L.- i• none! true FIFE CEsTS WANTS \\'', - .7,TE; ) :,, — .,',,"%':,'4.,u,`;',!r.". ...v..T:„. ,'..er,.' —...: . .r‘-',.,;,-'‘. Ai, 2 at 37 TAlreet lots etr, et I..tbrettott, *0 et at, I.r •••• SA Mcr., .11.-1 - - I 4.• k Hoe., tool.. on. on the es, It( 12. W A N , T4.D; , -- „ .4 , ~B 4 KEITI:N i E -,._ , •.f ~., t,..2 , 1•t OK' 121•1 tot th• reelons of 1 ••-lt e 1 .% ttt ro a. loath... r.,0. Asa I (mitt. The I. ler tut Plar.. •. at, . 1v.... •I•ton l -- , 0•0.10 It rit2ol2 U0•4I 11 , 1/, ,Antal• ',qr . " ••• ; IXTANTED — IIELP. — AT ELB • ' r` 7 ' ?, ''' ,"' ' "'”" a """ ''''''' '' 1 77 r2.1 1 Y)1F.3T 1 1 Pl'It'F.. No I le' C'st, 0 , 7%4 o _ooTrt 01131, 10.1 ., 1,1XN2 1..11,c. nu , we . , , , j ,. Bin DciErs. !IL ..1 ` ,.. , Vt ' n . ,. L.fr.`1,7,,",, • L,. ° .`' I FAIR WANTED—An A:ENT for thin telt, to toot th• erten...l.El ttetl , ritAm a MILL OPEN TO-NIOIIT 1 . ... i . r , - AM , i, )f ki ili '4 F- on lelt tt w. . oft , ,t , rm• more Pit• r.l tt..ut •ee o het , outtesoly { I , T11,112t I HI 11 , it •., leol te•mtne l6l 0 ...tot tee., It 2, ‘2.. ,‘. t „,,,,,,,,,„ t fir Open eler 01{Itt, totpOst •• x 0,-..1e , •the.o., Kau, In attrodatter. W.4NTF.D.— 4 GENTN carry' ,It ri r t•, ,I, A M ,i(I ,• A N h• (T T . I 1W - FIFTII AI r EA UE HALL— TI•t, 11,11, NI , thr "hi, ot •ettra. 11•,111, 1 i Is" .11/1, MI • .., •r“ LI, a.u. I 1 . ,1 , .. 1,13 es , • 63 flab trenul. appoes{4 Ltv 11].0 IIIFH. , 5 . , ,4111,1, \P, HI, WANTED otur SAO. UO , l •m• 11 •,11 Lit.. fit 'NI A. !•• I 11 I H• c• • K•tAl. H. •• r WA NTE D. -- - $2.10 ==MEN -iou ova. eg.l '• " I 1•. , It r SIM LOST I LO.I - 1 1 . 1 4' Pair of iI.OLD PPE( it •t ...S• ' lt; • , L 0.151 12;MaiEFIE Wllll , lti o•r tti• ....al s. r.v TO LET • rro- L k.T I,IIE/. —RooMs.—Tvs o Fur- OEM Wit the Ilrvt FOR SALE T.pon NA I E-4 NiDRY A N D A' NI AI ill •L. •tl.ll . tr 111.. for Noo• J.• rNrol r •-• orrl, , llaberl. 4,1.1r05r. • I I. I I. I NOM. >n •,11c 1.e.. E• 3 N ;:, btr,rl 978 s SLIOO , . I I 10IA /I •1311, 11,,,,,..1518: 1141111 e.eit• tare trot by 195 feet , tsou, 124- ...a F eJlt N Li:. I'vi gi tielut cud !toil ' ' '"," '" la .al or t" L~OI d 4 I 4 I 01111 ter nod Yr! ult v ALB —.4 line pri v ate VI. MIBM o. n n W,1.11,1• , • 170. ecn. .- Y fi A l !! S .. l l 1 11 •. ( 1 1 1 P c N ( N ! EIT B I T A IA Al,. :0.70 kf •11,,t ,t•tb.ty H SALE. 111.611t1 16 • ar.r• - • • 1 , 1., .1 0011, ur.o •rpt I ot. 64 1•m..• 63.6110. 11 ut. 11111. .tr•aq •t .00 , . • ~ .,,taloo 'a 1 t.. 1 ,••• if 10 frt.% S. UM) r. , ru •L str m.l 34, acrrs, .6o .1 n. wutrnottx, Nral r•ta L. 1.. c , •( : „ mu ma ,a4.1.1•1{) . A o F OR SALE ....Is ay...1 ~ •,13 11,k41..5. MM . Lit thl4,llob va i 11.... nd 7•1. n• t mid and •lodr a s/41,1. ,•• a•.ikt I • I. Alto. .4.UL:ital. .i.e flniffiti e.l ipilre of U. k... Alt• d In- Axe., 111.. ti Sri. lid h ati PERSOIi persona A 4 4- 1%. 0,• ir tale. m s,,te trou , •,• ann nusnry Or pm coo) or tn. ••el CTFICUI.H. ftgA nrr ATX uw,ru or .111 be trot by cull. t. to At. i:• Pt. n lt nt 1 o or PFlll.l.llTus ux,,o tail t, r tuc tar I ut t , p• tlehe, nod Ageal.., Na. IZY Tukatt, BRASS FOUNDRY JOHN M. COOPER & CO., Bell and Brass Folders, ERIK LOCOMOTIVE t I OILING Min BRASSES Made Promptly to Order. BABBIT'S METAL Made and Kept on Hand Propriet.no and ktnactfaetareta et J. M. Cooper's Improved Balance Wheel STEAM PUMP. Office, 882 PENN STREI T. Feandrysoor.l2th and &inroad Streets, 71176111111.6ifi P • INStIReiNCEI. INSURANCE COMPANY'. rnmaurs strimmo. 1140. I/2 PIMA Avast.% piomooa nem orripappou. PA. CaPit.a1.6.1.1P0i4.130. p a J. In4t, fn rr grt 133. , Haman etruoben. avehl t Jiallfro Timm av : l4. Wlttock.l • 4170.0WL /T. JRA l M,Jviestrndelico t Neff Imam op Mold Tenor On Ati 'T 814 atar • , •••••••••••••"...rooeow.weeewaynneolyr' .. A IZEDGEMV:, to* 1 474 " W .11raoaes eopossarill to iseessed Nawaselgt at. sae cabal or us Java aclawria th grij tell LatroaNt • MANN dl:s ate. lota dalveaki tiCarataaallaaskta.ll4 . . IL. IL was Deana DraanatatlMHlS. -aeralactLlAMPON. atarrnii. . • • sr. A II gi N GOT OIt:ArIEXT wagr.,17Z4,..,%.1 % ,13,11 Milintarallsk DOdtID hmt farm &PM I° .rri imiltrXDOOV. ouuvn SG sat Se Tata arms. Aratrsgrer ENTS . . rjOrNEW OPERA ROUSE. Rtoret •stii t. I alanl tial THE LEY FINGWELL. FKII,I 'XXV m 4,1, of • akoninini. Sit \ 'AWN. UR •T , ast. ,• I=l W - ACADEMY or music First Concert of the CANTATA SOCIEI y, MONDA Y. Nol ember 15th, 1R69 M P rms. Imo I • H. 1.4t•1 * K. MASS nti I 1" . ..1 1 NI, l‘lt; t-1 • t=ls==l d• •irah, plat. of 1.1,00 r. vanw ba4 PaiLls ptacu l'ure ana uootl. Th rill“as4 Koom. BILLIARDS, =I MEM 68 Smithfield Street, IF•Jrcoerly O • Krn, .1... bad bete rio . • itIM t•f ,v• . r• GEORO: H. BENNErr, And Fitted 1 . 11 in the Best Manner WILLIAM DODDS, "Tanager, FIVE NEW TABLES I=l= BILLIARD lIALL 'rho Bar is Slaked «11 r BEST OF LIQUORS AND CIGARS. FOR SALE. LOUR .SALE—PROPERTY. , .131 fret, •.oly 4400- W.. I,r rt.,. 4 I• t 1 441132 fret. $4OO - 4100 prr r• a:. I .291111 U r.rt, 950 U .; 0,94 ..T.r.rt Frame I.ear l I.f 3 rT.OI I , .1 29.100 CIL lOU 11r.• O.leT. of 7 rT.Tonok dN and vtatlir 291100-111.500. 2 threra- Ttorlcd briel oe rultpn earn 114 'OO urr • ,1 I 6 • • t rlrt 9..5 40017 In I n... 1. atow. 1•,1 • 0011E10 .1, houses, ouo.. and Wu - x.. 1 •. 511. r 34.000. Ne. IN rorm-d anAreflar briet 1.u1.. on 20:100. 11, 400 - 0000 ea.. and 9190 p, year. Tioad an ITTE 211‘900 feet. VC eaa• 0 r+5.0114 frame noose. ..1 1 60. 41.900 -3500 ..ITlt and 19.1aare la 1 . sm . .m Pawco.vl It 10 •.,11, 1,0 na. RMlroad, • m M m mm. 0 11. 80 scm. l'ems Handla =tall== 11 ,- 11'Sli • RAINBOW. 11,3 IV? au. 109 ruts< •venaa. T run ATE. SALE—VALUA -1•I.E LIII nituste on QM I==l v tbr. •alut •1001 sl,‘ t 140 0,1 i, u ne lien‘, street 100 ft ts presets • %Mat or PO feet to Welt/ .re i, el, on nbt , 4l4 tr, 1.41 s, two-story Ramamt r,ng house. an 1 tsetug the Int< raldence at nth, 'Stockton. 414-4 41. T.:4s prop rty Ronm on t hr A 4ents4 or fork. and for 1.e.., Orlocutlays Ind • o rem,. /lei, ell notb e celled. Tar tee= tur. 4l.7,VErE. reit. 444•1 •101.4 Hearer Ave.,,.. FOR SALE-10 AeBES, LEFIN o r more, tn Plum tontushtp. Alteghen? ontr. 5•144 0.114 , H. P.. Pumaunn It. ft.° huooserl yard. f4otn •t•ta44t4. hon. st • e 4444,12•. And ,r4erd 54441,414 r od .1 other .nrs 4444: 4. 1,• r •s , reh•r4l of lOU bearing Rust tr, e, ..t .44 sttetr tr4trnt f•r len. tat. •4 , n44r4 h of rock, quarry opene.t. sntt for seer .1•44te••4.r coal I r p.. 444 (0..1 tudteatlon• of 414. , t•-•. st• r •4.41 tr , t ineolloy on the Mts.,: All • tonerl444 o ot A. 11. HEAR, on ate pr. rot. s 1 4 , 0 R SA I E.— A VerT Desirable 1 TIIA T tt , corstatntor abut. 44 •Itus, dve mt.. of ale city and • . ,ut rninu•e..r, it ft m I etoram etratloo of l . •oharoitt. P•ltroatit has a front or About 4tor-tbild ot • zw.l• its•Urr•Crt,k; all roos t., of imlaa u. ttelog rich bottom !sod •k 'or rah, a.aittsd Lein, laid cut Into lota of from 4to le,P or testa zttnad house, orch ard sad wcl.l water-oh the pratal•ea. Tema ea.r. Apply to B. MeT.AIN 4 Cu. pel2 No. 101 Fourth rtieloos. VAL CI Alt I. W RENCE. VILLE c. ~ 1•?1,1" full CALF. —let f.-r: fru. ,nP. , otn.e.l 1U• feet Jeep t. an %tit,. t.stla Ilebslob Port , ”, elde 1,1 nine ro..na., weal% sal re.... 1.. e fret. , sad Frit gx , ~ ..alltra Is ple• - ent and bealthy WIL3 at fair ',brie. and ~ 13 rea sonat+, terms. A, .. I . SO'S, 30 Sixth avtuve FOREIALE.--illor Two Horse . . brevre?pr for • Pl'dener, Or r . overvd AO.oelen 1100 empty ?0,61.846 Harm.La for glass vrwre. 600 eloptj W:tt kr Carrel. 6 16. T. N.. 0v fl.nh .trect, 0 96 , 6110 tLc Yeul S L I. /I.l.leghtnv 'OR RA i.e. —so TH PITTS— BUNOIt r Ht n'lltltT Y.—A oral TW.OT,HT lir lc:IL UN It I. LIOUSEer 1:1•11.8ly nocan• atol Ga. Victor., .11•antot and • Well of W &try Lot tool feet front on Canon rot by one hooded dewy . Price 0.000. rot one- toot caan, t•ok•lndcr to oo• lend t• et rear*. M. CUTHBERT & BONY, 39 Watt are tr.e. LEGAL, NOTICE.—Leven testamenta- L‘ hi" on the mute H. MMISON, Aer'M have bum grantee to t he end... Used C 7 lb. aegirtcr t Alleghmycount,. ail Den as is hteri to raid eamte nth beret,- matted I 0 mat. psi meta and Luca hoeing Mottos malust tin entree are requested to preheat Mem Mr payment without delm. alid•L Bhitrit, quilicr A. itOBIIFUN, temne-P 2.mm:we, No. 215/11.therti VIUBLIC Ndller---All persons banc.t..2 .lit please tale notice mat op eT=Vot tint Co:P.l.'l7T' Ve w tinted lb the ertmiml Court of Adetheny 17, at March Urals. 151:10, Of Ma Crime or ate tempting to etomall bumf. •: It ASSESSIIVENT& U7IICI Or Car ZOOM= AND SCOVICTo2. Plttabalwil. NOT. elk. MO. I crricr.—The assesament for ur.o.wr.o..ootoobo'o. stmt. No 401 h to 4410 ttrasts ir 11(11 . 004 for eaertrocuao • Bowt Watt from Iflatr.rlllo 01004 ToirS.klp 110•4 to the Lurrintoorfflo 01014100.1 . r0* 40.11r0u1.,43•04. rovgy for exastottlos. arloll .0 to postai Ms 94100 until THUKS , PA Y. the 1441 t itl.loresbarOrhon 1.107•411 be intorno§ lo the City Trt•mtree• ernes far 0040 alas WANG H. 4. YOUR& C 417 LW... Or:moos CrrY Isom= Nob rovo Pittsborsk. Nov. 9, lnne l. t FtTICE.—The assessment far amass ma esttisS eNTENINTII ItTreigaliftitiooli= Or d ait trs ewe NALDAY. November ISM. ti bait. reumbet tv W Chr ?blower. va c . sarceNeMboo. mama. 11. J. NOONX, city Niiro.o. rqui,Tox...sTßEET,,The .d.snleneeigitglated Viewers — le wane eeutgrd, CIS, Alg r in=lr 1 so ts on Ste pronnee es SATIIND&T, November 117. MM. s A *Went I. M.. SO attend lo tbe noun ea 1011 tpreentnitat. ' JOHN ALeSON: neZienil • i/IVEMIVIATH VZA BANKS. piIIIBIJUGH • BARR FOR sairmas. irtp. 6/ potrirrn 'Avows, ernottsgs. CaIIXITIZEI Li OWN DAITA begs •JO .PV IS.A.TUicIaY‘ Str:34 in& oalk IPA% ,ra air W. DW-I•=6oeirea nun as sae roe tu• sti-sa esaga. t . im u n x. M t wits:mm-1i ec=azi lo y n ,s, se, n Jobrum awe JII)V•• • -• illahal tbe NikluT, A= 8 213 2rtu. P.M ;.,pr: 14 WELlnlerb. tt. MI 04 K. Lti a t i r;l j iloll4o4 .6 .„ . l, 4 • elstoplia • D. W. CU 111100 0.3"1 . COMM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers