The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 12, 1869, Image 2
E 4 13 121 al M ::' '~' MS ; Mel Van Dzeittnnittileettoei . Amain Qr.* Mittnria of iroithifiriiiSh Wain dboplattu and (edam an the fa* to besakt:filiek: at cmea u :ti powitdit that the trth4 utuktribmaoarprendonemdmiag Amin= we to ; lilt b sidtt for they: nlet"; &mint the "anew nee= now. ".4ontutdug.:: aid:that the "Department ' Jalcultylduated by:the' danger of: thooi .stenteabeinsditnat by lunation to east r',.';,ltiot;ltnanTude;L'Adtunin 160litics brip beeslenntuad by the apnoea ti*iltaterildr ittlietireison the &Maid teAllkitaidtts of lid December isniS h. , efe• alt 110 more effective in secatina • Semponoautanbeitu Bat public Wer t . I:_staticen.... It :•pratent, walks no emu& &tato eirdakt the preatuendere fun the Depantut•t — it would be intere s t., Isort‘bniflootiebfi itpen'litisigrounda ° llteettAPintitinii fora not of Meryl , " niaiittW benriged. ;ti'.. ItIIMLICISII 07 Astirition thefreandldate Cloidr= aPigro Wt . ng. •• . 1 14 *a l 4 4.0c 1 :: 6rfiliir, •stiglieliNgaVi of WWI -as lOW alomi .ThlLlVlllb 44r crigabor .br; .7.4mpesuksg,-vbany iltreratitie no mmualoreke.amotal# " &plea efltbstersW•lase - iiiiO ,I6 4 2 A4OWYJOiIV4* fetixda.iteidnalacisof popular wnp. 71 4 leithiall*ql .1 bs bad been imptaktsmistrear— sum. . Indeed, ; ll appyus now thubsimmiumbeeneo th e it tno r Att 6 v" , " bmusgra* an* falllAed b Uz. ehottt ingl4ataCgelli /4 1 0 5 04, tAMOMlLigratbitar!id ~... spedig caa4.7_ ^-4sl, c 4 zked. ,vbtas two , =Lades • Again With r ryt#l,lo.o4o.thersrbomiosi t , anvilmaa4mmukui "-betto, the &Wolk anti kinallr'Eag 4 . 1014 . 0bei 1 cirthati/344L10144 ontstm Idth a colored la*. 1 , Plata t*Elt * istlels wh hbl Ongfierd+ l / 4 ' a;Tridatirio tie anlngthe 'ands, of allies all topeareleir la the f414 161 0*A4 61*IlitIrt the emoted efiliosel3Seteso ati l amentaldiik ", limber orthettittektotttf on •the • • gocaltar• d. Ti.dayer that be **am : Fader i vateanserelletetesed the sow•tempthte :gelcilliition the :(tialthit4 :filters m ODIN CittliteraWa &CLAW, otiaoiesd , bra, litikiP*ltatkattiefrobitletheet faull*Ml, tither' Jim leased' though Warms t4'Petvitte that the 7R 1 3,h0m T to makba Apar =dr to ion: the, an eon' !to tun a " Be the AMA Mail *bad' this.itektrett , „rear vast Meitner wationtbtarpay. c!l' the; 'Aleficie*th,elbstitiOrthistlfeititiitahe I filoitaitia: othitiPonitßihavi' sale Ihb ons to be tioter nuiNrith Boothe:nil On p>tirld Ott i ' 0,1 "4 91 5- abCa i '0W 6 , 0 7 I Z . A6/34°.at ~: ~ '~„,P :% _.: 11 ntti ttMliti4Gaidh• El • • - . 01MM SOME BUILDING, &I IND 815 FIFTH AY OFFICIAL PAPER tin Fltingwargh. Allegheny and All. 'neap. bonmey. rammr, PiOV. 12, 18011. U. 8 sons. at Branktart, 881 Parrnotsvar at Antwerp, awn a 62r. Qom clod In Now York yeaterday . at 1261®124 -..:..431zwr activity Ls noticed In oar naval preparation, which la socteatutt imply tprilattecl io *Am of _the Governiarta ~t 1 h 3 &TOT of Cohan ittterveatioa. Hero ~OJz Itepahllean and besnocratle pa *Dere b ou t the State are advocating fiairepealnf the repeal ante law antrum • - lstq borough and townjhJp elections to be held lu the fall. Spring elections are preferred. r. • , Winn = the 'main body of the new ;: • Catudinstlon for Nes York hu beep re inl f leck& by the people at the recent eke : Veffi. them Is a posalbllity that the AI& Aildaii Article has been adopted. 'ha 'official canvass of the votes, now in pro will settle the czaripa &OIL i , •• .: , Pinistrimnim b called uPon to appro. ia* damn uf $1,844.216 for the es. • Irmo of supporting her putdie schools '" 4 4 sos` the year UM. ,Thls sum does dot ee Walkp t e cat of filde 11 111 a, cleaning, myths, t which, with books and sta. Vona/. IlikestiMited si WB,OOO more. PlErThednaursat Rsruersr COMPANIES atistilit diktat to the Governuterd plead * . -esubduseleases granted to than by Pres ident kismet. These relesses wine eolleasal wad will cot staid. It Is also that the public corlosig will yet "be more saddled sato the peculiar consid swam kit whichthn. releases were =lntimated. • , It•Tr24 In lir sincerely teDe Doped that the ;;,lillittak been . tit shalt confirm the Exam . ottrazontinCtlitnaf opt Embry. of Teo new" for the Ecuador. Dilation, now , .3hur.yeirs :noun, ill team heels upon the political antecedent; of ha nominee. Be is a brother-in-law of az•Benator ' Pewier, and baa teen known to have taken a prominent and anal:lima a , • - ,, ,iltilititlinespe of A. , /..henithe - .L. 6 ;4 3 0t 111 4 110 0t nf hat jetty. ,. Better that - 4111onadaratunild wait I year or twokaistr, - <tintra: that a politician of that stripe should .. I ,4llent thither to represent our republic= e..iniattinkms and policy. - • , JP' report Koilorle The Demo ,. osstio. : itroposition to recoil the its .(t`.:Reat ifte 4 P l bY the last - Reßublicsn Lees. I• ntitre, of Bete Tort. to the With Asti eh; btinzibtthe leshiti formals of - ,:'''l2llperty toszi'et*latt acknowledgment, ;ottbe subtitle privilege of A State to • extend en set of rejection'by s.strbse ,„ (Oat set of rettilcation. This hi some- Ades pines. By and bye, the Matto ': Ddetors 'of Constitutional 14w die to the higher level Of 'earapze. tending the just distinction. In the le , 4Cethe ellkcis and conclusions of unite - to ratify and vote to- reject. We omit rhive pitionetkvith dell pupils! isornea the mart Of the Com= minima, appointed by the New York #cord of Education to distribute the "Efeettsiamaccutd" so•ealled—s Atind of 1:12400-whichswal smuggled luta the tarlevy at..iltany lam winter. ,to be divided =Wag the sectulausumWas the artroPulic: the -N. T. Beau alp ,Items that the caulbrdonerJas *WS Maoism duty well. but 144-4 fox • Ittiaolmsuoti Itself, "it hinted' rnstdr4 ,the Public., 3l4 iasn74 l o l o. 2l UstorY ste, Weird the destruction tau mu co : - ? 11 49 21 SchOca gates 'The was salted 'far only by mounts o(thal lishem. and itivattv gamily them alone that It Wastuade.l ME _ • wara•-• o . 2 g 4 **e6aF-)4z-(4- - .74-70.v•-4*.•••=. 711113 UNION OF THE CHURCHES This morning at ten o'clock—all pre• limmary matters having been harmo niously arranged—the two Assemblies meet In the-Third Presbyterian Church, Sixth avenue, to bend together lti one, ander the presidency of both moderator, Thus have these two bodies of Christians, after a separation of more than thirty years, after having each crown to greater in numbers and power than both were at the time of the aciham in 1838, and 1 • .vng . ~. drawing towards each other for years, flowed together, as two mtghtr•bnt Mal end placid rivers min gle th waters, thence to flow on, we ii - e ver . iiiiiels'ln, g ,tortione, blessing the Id, conserving all that Is good In h institutions, and guiding millions to B In afternoon, after miagllng their co uhttions upon the happy consuls!, =Co of the great object tor which they met,' will meet In the First church, on street, and together...and in com y with ether Christian friends of that Mid other folds, commemorate the love of their common Redeemer. Ho will close one of the greatest and most suspicions events in the history of the Christian Church. It was In Pittsburgh that the sad schism took place; and It Is a matter of felicitation that here the breach then made should be healed. The report of title great Convention will be as en echo, a repetition, of the angelic song at Bethlehem, "Glory In the highest, on mitt pone, good will to men." Return, Mende and brethren, to your own homes sad make them glad ; and be assured that the Cartattan people of these cities will long chetiab your brief sojourn among them as among their most pleasant tum mies. ANOTHER VETERAN DEAD Major General Jowl; Ru t s WOOL died, at his residence, in Troy, N. Y., at half past two o'clock s. w. of the 10th, In the 81st year of his age. 80121 at Newburg, N. Y., In 1789, ha entered the army, as Captain In the 18th Infantry, on the breaking riot of the khr of 1812, and dL- 1 thignlabed himself at Queenstown, Plaits.' burg and Beekmantown, being shot through both thighs in the fret action. In 1821 he was commissioned as Inspector General, and in 1828 lea vened Brigadier, taking the fall re:Lic ht 1841. During the Mexican war, be was employed in raising volunteers In the West, equipping 18,000 troops, sub sequino4 taking command of 8000 men and marching 000 miles from Bin Anto nio to Saltillo, without the lost of a man. Sfoi•sols active service, at Buena Vista, he was brevetted Major General, and in I 1854 was complimented, for Ids services in that war, with a sword and a Congres; atonal vote of thanks. At the outbreak of the rebellion, he was equally prompt and judicious in his service, taking com mand of the Virginia Department In 1861, capturing Norfolk in May, 186 e. He wee then transferred to 'Baltimore and commissioned as a fall Major General. He has since lived ineetirement at Troy, now passhig away *non at the tame hour with Admiral Srawaltr, the two being of the few env viinos of the war of 1812. His record was hpuoraele, although not splendid for its brilliancy, attesting always his ndlitarY Capacity and his patriotic devo tion to his country. The day for his fu neral hiaztot yet been tined. MORE CORREER. The Erie Railway cliquey dace Its m odem in the gold market, finds itself in several new and embarrassing corners of 'umber mon. and lirobably without aertmelodia4tee 111 94* f9del Own the bars. For ~ .re: i n. I Q saes 11 4 1 200 0 1 41frg :r7 ; *pm ava•, onmiti4 - .V. 7 . r - " • :'-. SA, mce, railway itnioisitilMt*ett-44-iontol its dothg. ,, glitaiOatlettiblitit aF t dtlaziWitild cireifit:' 7 ,24eiterOille. - 4firii*X l3l t o hiiii . l o 64,l*be mon. idttintslyl:incanyenteat. to"-meet Mae likgsl#Mtillions, w#Arli . Would !squire a Vai searching ell:segue of they cower- . ate proceedings. That fs not the way' the clique does Its 'MOO* and thus 1 the penalty has been fileal*doa abate , Rut there,tue neither Bariiii4 Oudot:Ds nor ifcettiaMon the Oh i o iteich, wli . ' It is alb to *Um either Olathe SW: will beSitsifeed:l7:the State Treuurscor evesy . .infertithm , expose, of fanner tramietidni l ,4llltb withineparallel, will be ameked'Utl• for de/Cilia= of the ,Igizr is , that all! It Is kmo4l' Iv lion Cleielul. that the clique bsit 'MI up 'very short in its performanceltila etin. .Olicie with the English stock-holders and with the McHenry interest in the A. & G. W. Boed,-and that, Was negotiation now going on at Cleveland result In a ettlaloetory compromise, legal 'proceed. thse will beat once . Instituted te. bake the void tiom It. present custody, restating Its possession to Its original owners. ,liinst and Nome should arrange with Abele pleJusbjedges. who have stood them in such good stead at New Tort, to remove at unto Ohio, anil bop tblogr level. Otherwise. there can be inn • few month, of delay before the OW 'tocent, Lange esliway from Baboaszento Dsgton will pan into other firinA ls he course of le fresh deal of the,. ' . ' reNway earls. .!1 1-.., p...-.-_ . . . t — /14.0**1144111 .. VW Om. , tutt . .iaeorbitrelq#M4 elan lb. IMlseintian4voiiii*iwohjaa to the Vetted States emir entered Own% heads; yet totrellm Re • 'they haya*nte and anteranting by llionwe.ella ibirillol !xi'. oNtionsf-flingyhe tide: elibe.-Oar idefeiiiien ,-71 14*atilrifit tialkdoll , or think , thay sen,,a sernage, =looked for, and **Wig ildlitl ear polapp. Some hall their coming le great aceeseips' .. physical power-logwhitere needi vshllootherarire alarmed 141114 iiiilid , 101Cilet Alf leitheaml VOW 17102.7160r#11; , Politician, en Pn zle d ; ti ) kiPYF len P ,1 0 - voi . them; for Ilia coniebded-thst the Wirth Article, which-le -pa 'abet:l'6i, to ridded - , will nuke radii chi:mei . etteiy sOrkoNiega. ib firdtiqthil flair - - 1 elliollolirineeesiiim to cc 2etittite a ell'. :en and a voter. _ But wby 'how . do ' they o=4 Canal* stateo conquer and dirpoweie am, as did the dote hordes of terhallaaa from the heart Of Asia, who overrun Wale= ENVOPertalhe middloagea. Not to ravoltirethei aid supplant our civet- MditoiVy Fdiatiltatling theirs. lgot to in terfesewt,atlfawoy of ouittax Whim eltlmrpoptical Mtellgiotte.' Thei come 4 0 ,1t4 1 4 that there w as pleura stosay , in 'America, sod that thb ages to*firtiti very high. as thin ; those irt L liittleoito aractotrded =mut. eiff• amYtitereforeftalat to the C h thluiiiiiicaz ll 4. o OM' altores, — aad attains:ln Ihe lupine of Banc • tai#eli*moirtittat wfaitt, _tera c teehrAwattaleaa , -urinal= 110411 CD NIL" ; 5 W .1. '4 101 4: 1 4 111/ that 'the hem• keg grammionia Mealy to he.- The chill 'dMail( audit of tke#taisoulevcrinsnak rapidly w o o 00 , liNtdmitv-Itastotcis,l , WM' and political t hratit, 14 Ander Tipridettie Welt:kat, *eatsla the vegoseraliox of tbo old tor gabtitlhOitgleir*em a* , 741,0 omboi, of Africa had their Wootton sa abrra; ant hero it" c; , ;: vIT those of Eastern Asia are coming in as hired servants, and ire doubtless sent in for the same purpose. Their moral and political stew at home is forty centuries behind that of the people among whom they have come; and however ingenlona they may be in their way, they have aluniat everything to learn before they Mtn take their places and act their part in the great stream of human affairs, as it now rolls on. These Chinamen are on all hands rep. resented as being Industrious, sober, hon est, frugal, peaceable, and remarkably' apt to learn, rather by Imitation than by any clear conception of the nature or principle of the thing learned. Hence they are excellent laborers and servants; and the poor among them so far, do not aspire to be anything more. Thousands of them labored upon the Central Pacific Railway. and gave great satisfaction. Indeed, It Is doubtful If that great and difficult enterprise could have been an. complished at all without their aid. Many are gathering gold at what they deem a profit, out of the old placer mines abandoned by the ! whites ; L while many others are employ ludo. mastic servants, farm hands, an as laun derers. Others are employed in actories, and take hold of the various to them entirely new and Unlike, With surprising aptness. As operatives in woolen manufactories they are said to be the best in California. Docile, quick, faithful and contented withlbeir wages, they give no trouble; while their labor, which is the only real source of wealth, adds yearly to the prosperity of Cantor. nia. These Chinese suffer many wrongs and outrages at the hands of white men of the baser sort. Bat, inured to oppres sion, deeming it the normal condition of the race, they endure them patiently, and generally triumph by the mere fame, If It may be so.called, of their flexibility and non-combativeness. Until recently they were denied the privilege of giving testi mony In the courts of law in California; but that is now changed; and gradually their social status is becoming higher and their condition better. Will those Chinamen overrun our whole country t or b It likely that they will confine themeelvea to the Pacific slope? Our own opinion ts, that In a comparatively andrt time they will flock overdo this aide, and enter, as they have done In California, Into all the various in dastries for which their well known Inge. natty andreadiness fit them. In 'Calor. nia attempts were made to rule them out of several of the leading Industries; but by patience and persistence they finally enc...veded In becoming masters of the situation, and now acme Important trades are almost exchnively In their bands. The same kind of competition with or ganised labor may be expected wherever they come In force. This coming of these people Is in every way interesting; for their presence cannot Our affect mightly the Oh.Teleel ad' vancement of our partially developed country. They bring to us Just what fa needed, a vast aoursion of muscle, but very little working bralns—millions of bands, but no practical ideas. Their glimmering notions of religion and phil osophy will die out as soon as they touch the better and i tronger light to which they come; an d they will be but as so many children to to taught, so many do. die helpers in our more rugged toils. POINTd - OF WOMEN DIMBIZRENCE, The Phtladelptda Peru gime" to car. lain precedents which will faU to the ground, under the plan of anion now engaging the attention of the Presbyteri al] Aisembllee. We quote • 1. '2he Old School decided in 1842 that marriage with a deceased with's sister wm bean unserill aaVISZ aan eel o p f tc ßlearilkharl notion, and the will, ttuncdommilleve that eon - Idderable majority 'et 'the Old School people who have long ainOs wag e d to be. Hers in this curious doctrine., 1101211/2% Catholic Motive de. dared Invalid by the Old &hoed Upper bly in 130. Au indefinite portponembill of the subject to the New &Soot Con- vention of 1840 will leave this tote deci ded in the united body. 3. The Old School condemned the prao. tire of sitting In time of public prayer and that of the reading of sermons In church by layman In the absence of cler gyman, In 1848, both of which are com mon Ne w L never dlsooturtananoed In the Dot the mast Important was the action In regard to theEtouthem churches. The action of the Old School, which ruled out the commissioners from dm synod; 48111 of course become heath' under the gin of reunion. The MU= of the Old School fa 1385, by—srblek the churches adhering to the rebellion wore ma off from that Chattoh,:rmat also be reposlods and through" this door the Ilaparated Marches will enter Into peaceful and Oh:l'lLn harmony. &Brous worm of the emcees of the gsstssidtfon,for Incorporating the lay co. meat far - the official representation of the kleahodlat Oburch, are stforested by the presini state of the canvassing for Totes. •The conslitallon of the church, whlch it hi proposed to change, inin only be altered by a three quarter vote of the constituencies, which, for that purpose, ate wholly to tolyteriaL As the Agues are thus far reported, a slight increase in the number of negative votes would so compliah the defeat of the 4y-delegate adeene., Whether, to that eve n t, se h uge nametritUd,lphtent dui Chnrch,.aa to authrainailallare ins than threwfoluilta of the vcdt , body, would pw thandlitahrait ltheo - procripilve policy of a amsU soinuritj, his question which mina to lamb op upon ildtgethodist Ware. SvidenUy, It is a question which touchei the , mustily the conetitution Itself. Let us hope That no Menace of disunion In that quarter shin be so rear lined; es to Interrupt the peaceful Bow of aiiiiPlia.l4o SOW llPPincutly,hrstinir onward all the railing Protestant moot ,tic*lry biliconiunin tido-level upon Use Ocastscita broad church unisex.. ... Einn . eyeitleuLt., of tho lteraerfiet die. tritt,... :ray. properly awry% in his V et - t ' ; concluded. this ,It ht ohne titer Atuf Denitenide:tatiohtits of this ableltt, Okfiu:ght that, COW. Ma r eledatiti Vitl= l :lll2,Acit,pubject to 13 %0t =el their ti we war,' teg the Indi gn ation actor trieettrithe‘ at eatoh boot mot. ipoe.._ tweet that" itelegally atiettott 'mule Vet and Sonatelhelrectde. thelVeaVjadele can itentne the ' pow erieor e,.. . gated, by law, to add to. or Mew Ma the umber of treOn omitted P. P1F4,".. . • ilznanwr C. Onenu, wee erierziod in Lansing. The New York. last week, to /Das Nellie made from an orifice! desiempigetunt ring was gn "of Idr. Crane's, ..,by a Broadway Jeweler, at 1 cost of twenty-Ave hundred dollars, end Is decidedly maim and unique. The ring f foot plain, solid fold,' and on the ludde is the cadomary Romeo sad:diet inscription set in Haman diamonds!" An Irnalenle solitaire is eiquidtely 101 in th e outsides and two interwoueu hearts are carve in the d centre. The ring„,le large. The wedding The cocludea ern "N presents will be .received_" The r ule s s toilette was of white uncut velvet. The skirt and train, also the - low cot corsage, Teri most elaborately trim.' med with point lace, and the dress , throughout was lined with white satin) quilted. Large pearl beads encircled the neck of, the bride , and ornaments of f Tall Were suspended from her canard eloped her wriats. The luidtgroomarai -.. Attired by the Zee& costume: Remora r iisti . l ip ai'zinee Arthur candlelit trOWleri• high .I.k_lXtytilli .407114 cellar, blue Lord Stanley rerarf, """', l ',--, . . and lilac kid gloms. A moss rosebud Amen 6 .. ___,____,,_°' - ^ ~. enjoyed *position Ina buttonhole in the ~...,-..-fw, f : . TRE Thanksg ivin g .-..., OF lett breast of his coat, audio his hand he Pities WRAP • model of. praiseworthy . V.- as The two hrtdeenuade - Auer e dressed in tfahr; e •Ja 1 Excellency cerotents himself whir* eon- white tulle. f - -. - '.- - - 41 ' 2 114' 1 '' . pie of texts of Beriptt"...elz.: "The , -.0, a - . .: - -- 'k m 1,4 - Lord taketir .Pleasure in them litu feat ',. Ilinr. llentnot lonisioir is `to hive a Bairav Eli; In thosethelhope to 'llistrercyf grand golden we his , openly 1 .1., lii l'uNe Inaba '. pease In • thr borders and, .reeldene oa the 1131 h, being the annltcr-. pa rr!'. I" =eh thee with the 'finest of wheal." key of hisitniath - year of mar:lege. Al l 7,3%,",.„'"e1i;. 1 I Then the people are recommended " to ' his eleven children with wises and bus. ardlitrari rprelse the . name: of the Lord " both In beads, and his forti.eigittgraud eldicirmii ' 0 tartar droliasfand public RI fame. , The and two or Mile great pain - Widow, Mv rtirares Gomm figlififlaisr th e bectlitra7 •ol with flemermis - United' goads, - wit be rant...1674f - r mete counsegr o ktr te ntheretethe nest prawn: to Int:tees the ceormony. 11 " 0 .. 7 4 ..if IlttledfuegM f- _ q promises meek btilliammultaterest. fowl . ' .... - ff.- ( fs.. - u're..elt-- L.' Lf.rikr. , ,r. ....s, ..-frf.. g,. f ; c..-.ff ... ~ ~ 3:?:_ ~ . .. . . . . , . .. -2 'f - 1.:5:; - -. 7 ' . ' - i - , • '" noun Thine at Cardiff, wren- Men MGM from Syractiseaf.:T4 cute, , doves townite the mat credence. -VW ' mi ce ent le as we: The' mute and Atm' ark clearly Cam*. of the complettat type of manly beanty. 'Unless It was eculptnred on the spot, of which there_,ete to proof; mast have required meeeptery or Amen or twenty mango turroatAt. sighs or 2,M0 wand& Ite IrPo o r the theory - IC' was - the wor the Indiana to so , 'lnfpressive - and matt majestic But spectators are Umbel Into ailment PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE: FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 12, 1869 INDLA.N SEANCE. I oteresUnir Paper from , `G. A.' Inquiries have been made, if we should have the Indian Summer; we are near the cad of Its allotted some, the 11th When forests were permitted to stand, the Indian Summer triune on the 2d, and continual to the 11th of November. In latter days It does not develop Waif within that time, but shows itself In patches, sometimes lu October, early and later In November. Itbegan ha development In fall earnest th is season, at Its allotted season, the 2d, continued on the 3d and 4th, with heavy white henna, smoky and dark morning; and a real pleasant midday and a red set ting SM. On the 6th lite gips of $ great storm appeared in the Went and Nora' West, with a depreciation of the - amp:midi/eh of the thermometer, and a partial rise of the barometer, and then • fall of the same, which has been yen ned in the lay few days by snow storms, the leaves and debris covered and rendered inert, and the Indian Sum mer annihilated, Many theories have been sent forth; what la the origin and caws 01 Indian Summer? The moat plausible we have examined, and drawn a conclusion from, la, that the Indian Sommer dorm not exist until after the October fronts; when dhe leaves fall with the debris of nature, we have heats, ferments and thence a smoke and an equilbritun In the atmosphere, which prevents a rapid condensation of vapor by an extreme countraat. During the prevalence of In dian summer there la a regular variation at morning, nowi and night, with but Inge diflerence in the thermometer, at those particular periods, which main tains a regular equilibrium In the gams ;Mere. lu Indian Summer the ther. mocucter may be thirty to forty degrees lathe morning, flay-Ave to sixty at noon, thLrty-olialt to forty at night, and hold No thrOtigla the term, while in other parts of the year it in not so limited an It were by rule. For illuatralion, in /o'...lche April or December, or any of tte winter months, one or two w r ite frog. will surely produce rain Within twenty-four to seventy4wo hours The thermometer may range at 12 o'clock a. wt. at sixty degrees, night at thirty-Ave, morning twenty, and you may be sure of a storm In forty-eight to seventy-two home. It Is the. great contrast by sud den change. that produce. me n? ini. diets atoms. Every morning the Indian Summer may deeedope white frost, and even freezing, yet not produce storms from the regular order of the atmosphere. Usually, after • regular Indian summer, the seciintulated con densation of vapors result in a long snow or rah: storm, commonly ogled Squaw Witeer. You maylook at the tbertuclits. ter to-night. and And it at 46elegreee; to-morrow morning you And 20 to SO; the next morning it may be 80 to 86; next 40 to 60; next 26 to 66, and on that day the storm may devedripe. Sudden changes, with great contrasts In the thermometer, are the beginning of the generating of storms, vary ing from January to May, from two days to four, before the atmoaphere quires the consistency am discharge the condensed vapors; from May to-Septet:fa beer it taken a longer time; from &mem bee to October 201 h, six' to twelve days, not will surely come, and Its longer the signs the longer or more copious the storm. From November to May the storms are more rapid and generating. I The manors of the year have been:treys- Imago in an order which indicates a regular and winter. The present lunar month indicates a cold, &Lonny monthi 4 snowyortzur, more or less In discharge r being mare prevalent, and fears there will not be a navigable river for a practl cal use, tulles a south wind should prevail three or four days. In former year; etre:ging November haeareceded a warm December and January, but from the remarkable character of the year, for unusual phenomena, we should predict a long, cold winter. Record from Oct. 6th to Nov. 3d: See-. sateen cloudy and variable, of which nine were rain and two of snow, twelve of sunshine, seventeen treat and frees log, toe thunder norm, day. Daily average of thermometer, 43 8.12; liver 2 feet 8 inoties; rain fall, N of an Inch, which nearly accord. Indlostions—very cold, began on the 6th Inn.—from Nov. 3d to Dee. 3d: twenty cloudy and variable, sixteen of which storm, chiefly anow, nine sun shine days, and a cool, squally month. Heronry. 1662, 43 111.11. do 1868, 42, same days 18C61, northwest, 21, east, 4, southwest, 4; 1868, northwest. north east 7, MR 7, north 4. mouth sonthwest a. Pittsburgh, Nov, 8, 1861 O . A. Extilbnion by the ~ Oakdale :stepson. eat Temple of !Honor.' A deep ititenat seema to have been awakened In different parts of the coml. try on the implant of Temp:canoe. Boma time ago • mod ety bearing the title of &The independent Temple of Honor" was hunted at the new and growing vil lage of Oakdale on the Paribanens Ball. road, and Is now In a very flourialdtur conditkin. - They have had several excel. lent temperance lectures, and the - mem. bars seem to be working falthhilly In the temperance cause. The society gave an exhibition at a large hail In the village on the evening of the ad list., at which time they performed the beautiful and touching drama of "Ten Nights In a Bar Room." Quite a large audienceted the actor. at the rising of the c gree urtail: and listened with the deepest attention as tke downward end upward tonnes of Ice. Morgan were delineated. and while Geo. A. Moßrlde as :temple Satchel n o: senil explained that alter trying Cute eke g ho a w ay,d and finding that hie was "end w tided n to "knock off" and drink no more. The puts of Mrs. Morgan and Mary Margin were beautifullv pes. formedos were also the partiof Simon Blade, Frankßlade and Mehltable Cart. wiled. The part of toe. Morgan was • perfOrmed by Benny' Husker, and throuut Was ren an excellent mann g er. ho The death dered bed and delirium wane was particularly grand, and re flected the greatest matt on Mr. Hun. maker Mrs. Cook and Ml= hiloCombX T. W. l Conwity as the young &ogre pp. formed his put welL ' The Ma City, Band was present and added touch to the enjoyment of the evening by_ Ira tent s o nata The members sr the eserer7 I the inhibitive have re. calved s e a ma n tallin to Calninabing. Washington county, and they sill give an exhibltlaa there Icon. Swale% ?be Bible le toe common aclitole.rl, The forbidding of the reading of the Bible in the Common Schools af nett has opened up ■ tlonnelehleh• many of our eon:moorages have found iperibet placer to get up semiatlonalmiletesabont.. The religion, or want of religion of .4taff! 13 .Ireetort„ in telegraphed over the try and dmy commented on or numniel. oveters.r, gto the mode of the arrant wri Lancuter city passed theme, thhi same excitement many years ago, when the Bible was turned out of ber schools. Whether for good or call, we have sot had decided for us up to cometime but we doubt if any bartaluts of to the muse of Morality or Christianity. Oa the whole, sur dank there is an ad vance In the moral condnet of the child ren who attend school from thole who attended twenty years ago; brit that the rending of the Bible or not reading ha anything to do with it, we do tun belhas: Churches and Sunday illeboolikontiplitr, sect conduct and example Aff,Aursotty mean more than the mere reading o fßible at school, ano iso do nor *Mie Michaud, r a, the youth of chaud, or of4heir any less moral' or aeligious foribi t of reading the Bible at school. . ' FACTS AND VANCIE-* From the Complete Poetical Works of James Hassell Lowell, diamond edition, just published by Fields, Osgood & Co.: THE MINER. Dews 'odd the tangled root. of thing( I Net t t. fur that we hal tha the truth To swop , not way, to my desire. Bonsistansgs I hear... •t went sigh. fs..r 77nenZie;34,=. They think I barrow from the nen. In dart nen, .sill one, and went. Bach lo ne were sale 11 Ile wen 'run oh •tle the son•• own Son I se., '"Ilt• earth,— they murmur, ••th th e tome That •atnly sought his lire to Tolson: Why g Mt.; long. r tLWe Eh.. He not here; be h arisen... Yore lift forms where he bath lath Hidden whIl• re bettered him dead. flue In eatawtralroordnad vain. Matt on loess ands or It Is bath. march Is her the Itrtng gold: Him I denten tho dyads seethes.. And not Idalmage worn and 0611.1. Day servant or our wmm use. Men 1 glad not, met land, ha umlaut Joy of nen and Outrun, Thy elan., 04 surety nadoaned, Tha unquanetkad azdor of Ulu war finppler to abase • STU, I goal Than to eta count., In:ulled Kant.; Hide still. best Good, 1 , subtlie wise Beyond my tasture's ost set Pei fiseverabaeGt from m i n e err* To be tildes present In my twits, DR. KEISER liaybemitalted every day Wall 1 o'd . daa at abGraat Madleanatltora. Id. Liberty wad tram ♦to 6.d Tto lil algal.. 1:=!!! Disehatge from Ow /.r, Polypus, Hauls/ sod Plughts listless to the head, Moises of Pas Eye. Bllaolooso Daum! of Ms Head, LarTholtlo, Haft Mo. Broach. Os. Asthma, sad Constu,ptlen I=l I=l =2= APP. , stos Nentrooks, EM=HETI ME= ECIECI=EI CE25211 L =! Dr. 1:3115E• woolg reereetfelly Invite Moe% who have felled to get Zeller from attar Lowrey., to tequila Ltuo to. mode of [nutmeat MALARIOILIS FOCH. Coaltlass million of cabal fain of nolarloat taper net trays lb* motet earth every twenty mar bean dense tae mouth al lionember. Tills ersolasmktal motstaro Is the active tolociPlo Wh'lth Dant. farm mot Wu, Musa. rem:Meat, tedthestioa. dysentery, Wilms cholla" Malmo- Uma, and lathy mbar ailments .lob ;moat) more gauntly to the Vail than at WA/mammas. lad ram of tablet, la low, swampy micas the are clearings, tats the form of strolest epi demic. Tim beat •Ifintard against these mem ga.t... it •Wideneed by the "stories*, of • long Iberia& of years, Is 11001TETT21111 IBTOK- Len BrrnClia, the punt pleasant, and at the mow tints the mom edletent of WI vegeta/me teals. The tholgors•on of the aymem to maw- Monty the beat means of de feedbag It molest the elan, of dams... whither coastUtitlosal or mood. hUdomt, al trillfr pattualOgad knows, to the most deierallatd enemy of Meta.. axe the paresayems of an acille malady are lo mot titlaftgmban of Um stoats She maks. to casinos the foe. The great objects, Uttmlbre, of prommUse usaLoacat to to reit, force the 0n0.., and It to mnomplishad thin. instil. mean.. sad saf.y, 'lty lb. Cs. Of aos. TETTILIIO !irrigate. T . ,a.,,0.maf0l mob:smogs Was also an eperleat had ateceesPro latactp . a. It Is no less valaabla n a n i al a b r nag pootti ‘a lDae lone•lrant, and teem L. no danger of onsitlog Os'alo or over sUmulatlog th ohm, tattoo by inndeytim it as as ththlots. NOTIOZEI. ' eProcli alum Pnltaagos. RA n.grog CON.rnot. Plstabargls. ging. Ch. 1109. I nrirgan ELEVENTH 12111111711. WINO of Um fl,tocithold.ont or lb. qrbusltb,ll7ll: g ( ilf " lagr , Z 1011 Worg wen, on MU1P11.4.4 1809. at Tit r. oblen ll9. b Wan m e • &mud as Dion. gu b. t thread tor Ms cowling yaw, ouch o.h.r butneas smut, 1.4 no loay co . islet. sloe sone Ong. 1110•4:011 D. P. CORWLIN. noel. OrTlCit TlOTLEXPolaziOlqiili•Mr•r CONY/MY: Plitzbergh. Tfor.'ett, 1.19. larTlllll SECOND AriIVVAIL 11/16T171? or Me Stockboldeis , Lii4t. !;Pgzugt Pw.e titrib..l7l.ll! 'md,a. r .„ I. 5r.,4 °orator ISM. IWO. al IS <retool r. •S as sod olso. a How of Morton mull Osaka./ tor tho alas Po , . sod web other bastsess Uoaacted O• 001 ootos beton the overelog. oollroCl D. P.. Cult WLW. Iserstors. Dom, or Prrnousoo. Omborl.3. 1100. tarAN ELECTION for ELWIEN 1*40701110f Ills Dank wig bseisl4 at • 1,', /ir,..4DerligtMoVjeb • t Wombs, SO, IS 11 o`ttool •. r. W.IIOI2BITDO. 0f.11!119...rD Cashier. CIVIC OT PIT:32OIIOHAMO • PASISSO4 A 44 &T cO/MAJ.T 10111900. Iforobte• am. ma' IarICHE ANIMAL MEETING of ea Illooltbofforo of (be Ptctatoofek Eneltem&:rasegar Mallow Comp i ew DAT. Nefe &ROW 3 1 t "a 4: at Wblea: taw 14.6ke. Dlft.ti • otVer t Ut cr " 4 ....., so• istetlag.BlLlllol( Menai 1.)k440 - a.; 7 1;..:i tgrINAJIMEN AND VW;NABGO i4an'T'Aitre wratril, cuiptim ar W 7 aye of Gem row= 11. as its Mayo of Ite..VrtreeitariPVlll7lk Tenit. day Mammary , beak. pi M. COMP.V7 WV .1- mai. amid otlrSof_Paybadal, ,4. tsmi Okra.. MT. 1. 1889. ; soirdl3l ..,. Duna OP Prreasvadua, i ' NW/mbar ad. Mak I la ?B lojalesinen'r an* DI -4 ! . MVP nag Waal hare this clod. awed • iltiddiad at 'iv: rLII CILINT. ea lia t•piial, peek.% ail pm _meta al tie Wilda soul& litilea oa paid Lo Slarkbulderfi_og wee, Oa sa• afar** ulna ISIJCZ4I ..•—• Mat awl boot laser twaslllada PI —.l.l„l.lintil.r. fret t t:t 0111 ak a . Iz i tak t or ~. -. 1 ,ary w.ktail I ix( 12 l. Nov I - —. .• Orrica or Fr. . 'Mosaics Cox.' /ANL,lhiia, NO r. 3d. &Ng. EgrAT Ith_ L _,TING OFAi TUE ;toe ratrellr° .117.7 :IF itie = lb 00)1Nu• mos row dreturd. porrtr* taro. .1114 took or Natiqual tax. D. C. ,itiorDst TII•11011brr "[maw. BA WE 0/ ' 21111.. Nov. LIMO • IarTHEDIIIECTOB BOr this otBIZ Baal! barbis••74lre i 4 • ' , Maim. ea& Ural " rnVer "" "ArAtit 1418!Lau. Axgazcis zi i ncur= grime 88e. r LOP. at TOi.:4 ti!liltask kart &clued alir; : Primo or ell tates.lninbt• on or a ft er lb* 11.0 th „ " - 110, Assistant Canino.. j i T ~,; 47201Artolt b vz.0 .. ts larinitEr.' IDEWP AND —3 , 1) two link lowa Mods? 4 OolgOOraWill ' OAX NM Cu?. avuus osPitotitaolt at profits of tho.loo; .1z *seam IlliqcobW to. oteekbabioraver'sbele L.Or Agroostogirook , ~ ,v o as 4 Ozer UM 12, -laillq44 "JarriAVlNWlTON.tosklea: onte r witnr i i a=3 3lk nour as arr,l The Board ct Db actors of inte Ocaepaar bate w. ds? declare' "Miele dead of • FOUR DiLLAIS FAD mu CB dame eke. eery eh. i em ltsl afaere tad Orsleare•proata of las , des I .oV.,•free of Goveniao of sea Maid u, espial, era larreao aeller. as sad .110. leue Ina Sous • , , ladeeffi: Wer.:l.• Startawn.lteritare.— " 3l: 113:: Minna VOners : 10 1 1 1 ; h umuirriti., OS e t Mai In& fl' partaimain .4 other Wm. DIMILIDTIO .as uk. • .1A2011410e4 VI le Mabee.. re.. en. 7 ma - 4 44t.qtrintreLey, W LICA 3II 7 O 2 II Te t . 1.....111 leg" Juida& 14611. silken REMAIN. VOYFICIS. Ner. LI4'I.7IE:SU CitAXAN es q- , IT v m , '. Weal . . MIK !!r4 .. / i rliapi mite......_ : .. 11 .,... i ....z:Ag,- Forb. it rowel WS ' mt.lera actiewestsr Us 7 2 ' 1,11 = " : 17 A A n i= .4 'F._ 1 - ," 9" i i.: t :q . u lirl 'Art ill A S..: ' Ili ~ 4K. : 11 __ tablas W. lc iit . It eaaauer.icultrat it 0 , 1 1 I . e . 1, r ,.. 7: ifi r...t r .:7l ,4 •olli ' Mazda Elsig ! - d tr NEW ADVEERTUIS A LIMITED AMOUNT 7-40 GOLD BONDS of the CHICAGO. DANVILLE !oi VI? CENNFJ: RAILROAD are offered for sale by Messrs. W. BAILEV LAN( is CO.. Merchants, 54 Cliff Street. Ne ECM They are •1,000 Bonds, Issued upon Railroad nearly one—lull . rompleted starting from Chicago and traversing a oontry unsurpaosed by any In the first esaenUala of a large and prolltable nod They .r secured by RUNT 'MORT CAGE on 140 solid of Ws tint-`I road. I. outfit and all present and future acquired property of the Company They bear a blirts rate of Interest for long period .of ttine—T per rent. gold for 40 year•—and . mall ratio to the cash value of the Realty upon which they are =I They create an Intered liability or the Company of only 31,440 PER MILE, or lesa than one-third that of some great roads of the country whose Bond. have ranked very high These theta, added la the sale-guard. thrown around each and every Bond r °alb loe to render thr.e, UNEQUALI— ED IMEDIIMMat, and really the most determine In the market Orr Investment =I Price 95 and seemed Interest In cur- nary. the right Wag reserved to ed- vance upan dns notice. Pamphlet•, with map. sal toll era free co sppllcatton to out Agents In Pittsburgh 8. IVI'CLEAN & Co, 75 VOIIIIITII A.VEIVIIIE 12::=!3!El!!!5 or read. I.4had aud preif mud, u isetl amnary an0.../1 tattek a run., ow ofar Wm am& wit% rony eaklidese• f. nn. /all worth W. BAILEY LANG & CO., Agents for the Sale of the Bonds. DRUGGETS, CBV3LB CLOTHS, EXTRA QUALITY, :BRUSSELS CARPETS Direct Importations, IMILLUM BROS. .170. 61 PIIIIPTH 4 rig.rtle, 0 , 6 • ADOVII WOOD OTRIXT CLOSING OUT SALE! °nr.ii° t " V I% • .11==2c11° t f t 7 IPOEIOLESS ; OP 00IPT. Ph. Stock LIP NetiO and Cbmpleta, «mamma or Bilks, Black BEd Colored, Epsom laleaslahpllos, kid Poplin, lltek COM, Clautigg, Broth Skull. Ploiddiowlo, emblem, And a Fallible of DomestfoGoods,at J. IL BURCHFIELD & CO.'S,. la SIXTH STREET. =I TRH GENERAL ASSUBLUIL Books: Books/ Books! ;re ulra ct i st ratan, 1101ributs Moot, • a a as ma worst Tlseologieal. Religions and Sabbath I Books, n r 0 Pohltes of tbo Preoso Woo. Pres so Bout of Polo 1 1430 .1. 5e15 ' 5.....r. r.r . [ tan. _lad ellter !MOWN/ MOM. ek..l Call2=. 11° J r:"e4mbill: OCIBERT S. DAVIS & CO., wax yrs:sm. aim , m , ;. . r. , , =IBA ALB COLLEGE, OHMS OF THE BY 25'0D OP ORNEVA. .. 2 1 4 4'••1714ha E l° l l6t: ___ Nr ArMd lia Varil."4,lrbleatil` roW.WiOrVION-f 2invi ot Toltlas. nehzdbo .P="44"tiTarnir'. arpeiCli 'tasty ovoloy. Addeo. .WT. L Pr.'91:11111A1M, XLD , • • PXIO3IDENT. • 1870. oust. 1870. Pocket and &Wing Roue, reia 1140./. at W a. *MEM & CO.. Car, Wood St. uA tare Linn, HAIR JEVVELBY FOR THe -4 HOLIDAYS. I Mariam ditaletaa tOlurra Mar taw dry awls am *LaMar Pretiaaa'amild de inta 'i• lump taiga aftsacao.. ups., Jam is hivn. Qua la Prefer UM& We Uri* Nass, boat. Om witkat JUBA= agar& 111112dartir-tb•J•nrelry 12 / 4 111111111111101, • i P/ArrUnt & UR *Mg WVi.lli.M Oats 1414 an*. Saiqoal. oW — mes not. CL~SpL~ llf ` ximausnui, axwmit wadi; Darwmis 2" 2141 'nli uia alias 0 11 4 .1 za1.'sii atassammaLkoant 9,,,,woonigne iihrzwansers* rininemely 114 4.5414. 747 . 4 pea.. le or OF THE VERY LOW PRICER WILL I .iX SEM PLE'S, Nos. ISO and 182 Federal Street, Ilarred hbirtlAg /1•13.1 Al 101,c. •II- Wool Red Irlwanel At 1111 c., double "WIG liar, Country nominal. At 15c,bea1y Barre.: Ytanne rooJ: At Mae., Heaney Grey Twilled lelannat. At Wftie.. lenterproof Cloth, At 01.00, Blank and Brown Waterproof Cloth At 01.80, ladles• Piloted Cloth BUM. AA $O.OO, Pals Good White BlanketAt At $3.00 Pair Good Gray Illanketr a Al s3t , doubt.. width Poplin. and Alpaca.. At 00e—double irldth Coreed Poplins,alloolorr At niAlan., Chlldrro•• Plaid Wooten Shaw* rood qii*lny. e 7 . •: WHAM COUNTRY BLANKETS, lIAHIILD COUNTET ►LANNELS, PEKE SHERTINE) PLANNILS, CAMBIUM:3 AND JEANS, CLOAKING/I, la,. lc , Wholesale and Retail, WILLIAM SEIIIPL'S, Nos. 180 and 182 Ftderal Street. WOOLEN BRUGGE'S II 3i 51 &WI 1, 11, 2, 24, 3, 31, 31 and 3 BORDERED SQUARES Suitable for Parlor& lINING BOOM GRUB CLOTHS Woolen, Linen and Cotton, IT LOWER PRIEM tfliN LIU REM f Notolthstaadlne the andindelsbed taalf on thew ootle. I'FBLAND & COLLIN 71 and 73 Fifth Avenue CARPETS. NEW FALL STOCK. Oil Cloth, Window Shadie r DRUGGETEL DRUGGET SQUARES, Ingrain Carpet% At the Lowest Ptteas Ever Offetei BOVARD, ROSE 00.1 el FIFTH AVKNII/L ELEGANT CARPETS Tlla . Is Lusa •IS a MOM besatllld duSgus mit &ow TAPESTRY OR BODY 13ritUSSM_Jiii. Jost tobtryed by direct baportatbn no. tale. Mad. morticraikaloarr or me latest stylinis Isms gaintltlau OLIVER IcaLIENTIMIC & 23 Fifth Avenue. CO. AN OLD ESTABLISHED •10.'1 V t ,o/ 4 (o.l>k :V4 IN A NEW PLACE. F. A. lIIEBBH L BROTHER I'.',TWTT.4i - ' 1 P'" 1 •"" - "` 1 " . ' ' Na 24 Sixth Street, Clar.l WU" then vIII OW to Only criewAs cut Wok. rlaaterSerVa s eliatiMdra mak.. ot Wao tot A at ter irtl d sra "i tt= " oftee = 3 l l i. getO ad reurni t la eaU aa Calm. Tea.... manatee& maaaer. stehelz i ad rauteridaZir pROCIARIATION. qullgt•d Yarn a the MIGH2ILENT9 WARD. CloY of Motorail. will moot al tho. lona Mao sad plaartor Wallas elm/moss. oa =ENDA November 16,180, To dad ON! 1.1221015 u =LICIT C 0113013, ut 111 Uu maziptred Una of Dui Hams, dressed ILIUM IL Mum. Mayor. 4 - ny iv prersamia. octobia wr. till. A KEYSTONE POTTERY. S BE, /1”:121GO" etimaiswmaz. szliroL trant es Mks sadWorillesas,94ll !W Damn OtOOMPtIY sUSSd to. (UM(Lata ) Carr Olhat wammaxx DLLS= Ell fteigit liald Dunestie Dri GM% Bro. gm wank azure. istramgailsoTorpumemss.uss. . •wrx 113110711EUS , Ma s➢N7, of Woe asabeetad Im.e.evr CA3 Eh" , • I . ISOM deroitapernoi: Toe Ws. whole. p.iettnt.ll. vote at " MrderW a ileß 9l- ' Lawny us* ma .mm . OF ALL. T IL ABALEI . va .,11" A r m . % le h nig lt_lpreei atAbs ejleir=dli • InB =ear.elua mita sod *a eavir 'AL.* S. Block Mos sad wet PR useful, Wboktssie or. maw ICE .m. LE A "tlll:sl.t* Lo' LA .PATZINt wane ttAmo. rasw.S * - - ;. - stalisanaand: WOOLEN GOODS LLCOHILN CITY 1321=13E0 rmci YARD WIDE. 1. 11.41 W INT ...... SWUM & MUTT. ORNAMENTAL CARVERS, Is. 6/Sudnky It., Illel tpy t Pt, sta.Mit` ~r;ciarzwiL, t amenpuou 1242 TA EXTREMELY 13 Pt E SI 19 1•~ a., w. 5.~ I NEW GOODS At Lowest Prices, WILLIAM SEE PLE'S, Nos.lBo and 182, Fedenil Street, E=l Striped Woolen Shawls, Plaid Woolen Shawls. Meek Thlbet Shawls, Patioly Shawls. Children's Shawls. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FURS Balmoral Stockings, Merino Stockings, Ladles' and Children's Gloves. Ladles' Underwear, Balmoral Ifklria, Cloth Skirts, Ladies' nd Children's Hats, Ribbons and flowers, Wool Halt Hoods, knit aaeques, Scotts, Mitts, Sie Men's Ondersbirti and Drawers, Men's Gloves, Socks, kc., Wholesale and Retai J t ~: Nes. 180 aad 182 Federal Street. MM!=rM DAILY ARRIVAL NEw GI-4:)4EDS. Fine sat Bows. Wide Bash Ribbons, fica= s l Roman Plaid R ZITNNIIVZ LINZ Or HAIM KNII 4:WODO. Ladies' Wool Shawls, Ladles' Wool Vests, Childrens' Knit &vines, Infants Knit Hoods. 11151,11=81.13 61111211 Black Bilk Fringes, Poll Lisa of Colon. LADIES' MID GENTS' HOSIERY A. Cosi*latil Lhus. - CULDRENV BIIZIORIL HOSIERY, &Me & Ladles' Underwear • BERLIN & CLOTH CLOVES. All ttylu of the g."' Boulevard Skirt. Gents , White Shirts, Paper Goiters, Handkerchiefs, Laces, 11A(TRUM. GLYDE & 78 aBO Market : • • ; ;111:Ic't; L I M Have Just Opened ORMMa wafer; tt the ves7 lowest Maul the *lett wort:meat or WiEW (64 40,13 Eva broosta to thl. nudist. ROSTZAT. GLOWM it trim. WOMAN 00. ms, Fio , DAN. SHAWks AacQ111:8 AND WARTS. tallnri p _ . A g Nlatt r yin r itra. CONNETA.. Wbbe• awe SEMITI3 A DEA WRNS, all emar. • latzt•ml. LAW *ad CAlldrea'a AZ/WM UNDIa. Lipp TAigh )o k kifit l airr B4lwi. Kuala AID lite DM gO , GLANS .. LLABK ANgoettrial. • razonuarais. rautars. VISLVI4 Rtlißolll. "" ailbri l A TAVIZZ. BA/TIMM imams as. tlr v . i. • • , . . , . " - V2l.•`tilirli, KA I , ite i..... fIiATHZB3, . " In &M i n? 7 ' AuallitT NOW L l. 1 11124 WM VWSBONP. Wholesale and iktisfi. 7! Intl 79 zwucer I izt Z O r 4 0 1 -gJi 111 ,T, olEoil g PI 1 st .r w as It ..4 oil 1 . 1 . m"l,c4 ;.q 0 0 it 0 r_m 5 it ri/pg.4 8 .. 0E al " E 4 6' d 0 v 4 e rg sr. Ai :4 . o 4 '4 g I *Z gi 12 E13:1122 AECUCTICTV ALL Mrll For Entirely Xew E =I No. 1 1 i.$1mT BMW AimmansErnar rq PRE I SSES. CoOiffg, Seal and Cancelling; WRITING FLUID & COPYING INKS, Arnold's, Maynard & Noyes', Wordrn and Hyatt's, Des. saner's, earter'e, ind Prete! Violet CARMINE INKS. Arnellea and French JEI ILS. Bluk teal, Red and Blue, Red and Green 3P3IEIMVI9I. Geld, Steel Ind Glass RIMBEII BOOBS. Gold Mounted Pencils, Pea Holders and IhderP PAPERS. L ;44t. Cap, Foolscap, Letter and Note. ENVELOPES. White and Bud liusinew s Wedding and Pay. FOR SALE BY W.S.HAVEN & CO. PRINTERS, ,TATIONERS & BOOK BINDERS, CORNER Wood St. and 3d Avenue 1=L173 =lan MILLER &111., . ,31m 331 nil 233 liberty,' SIMI Oorissrai Inds. suns Mr IDs Issas is los 118. 111".. 1 , h l regelfeerbstNew Orleans Sagas asa =lasses. Pairet F irtittlsfkla n siimilltis4ribt . - Judd°. .It=rastire r '" r ve r s p u j/nsaibst Stuart., torte Into. Cabstand Smodstilshadliablare. liTmTabsn. Capastsl. tinnberwder Carolina aad bangolp Tim Java. LaTz i ra and SloCofeca. Tobacco. 011. rub. bans, OWL 'Tana Comb Tuns, ea, constantly as band. ALSO. lIIPORTZED OP Fine Rrandies, Wines sni Nona* and aposktjag no ett l acW 4 d Co.. ta bottler. S p ork llikrootliykkaribilkatta Atbsaa: Iniradearto'"' ilerosor. 00. - • tov, Vii.w.a=lbolattt.loo Y. Work Pant soorktlair Cott pats s sham Nader. sod Pon We... ' lleo Ohon Wow:4M }n o ) . o mania*. do Pap aroonfor Cad monk do do. ALSO. • lloAants tor Iroet & Cams:lW. Grave To, manse and &Uri, Brandies of our own se C rei=lwaraided ,00:60 ~ 1 TRADE MARK. DI /RIDGII .. n.. IMADOW il CHERNEYS. p: - I): .... : I iA : gi nu lL 1 ' ~T • ALL la &LI Us/faros. all 7 'teli Ftey at ..,, ssare trrargeess ant Anstain. Monts/ has isit•absss et sew esases. sad irkieb masa' lal ibagirtsg strsetss as WOW= Waiilsanssa, as cessass Agtl orptiol.s•smas AtlUUs. esss•nr. am:my sedsgask =ml Vglausiscasastra= mare ...pengsse.X4. Aro:root as .. . • 1 gi r ' S sALMILZ ~. Naha% Leseos•hour gltas.Aralllng lags.: Na ha az InsioraLlas or Las• wassb, • =sasessorshaess BS Lialst Drums. Logi tagellity Ofras • gm Usu. g•rula gressesS•sasus. It Ls -.Adam that • gbrillias who OOIaYi troggist.lM=l:iresnata..l4 psiLe anssl acq genera uire l gristles. MOW stints lasi strteistLY meg sgs ta Tabs Asstar Wants a indletr a nilts 9 l a=tral l ° neat " Zug fteisLogic• asil*„..4l4ll6MWAgites ss,: gum —.. t. assgstits. ' ttiTh. Iresaly_ssgirr l un tal 111 l'Il l: a lss mn e r s•• s•••••=.0 oplalos eau toot. Wad a ustina nibs tas.. sad aus be meirsaftg gg =II or ea. sum lassasses, gamma. • TonSazi Ls absoinsly assessagy. whims Is ethos StlnAoll IS rots WM, ssul fbit anaimasetatloll. t simi intilesta gasman =ts saasseggl with Us eisi that vsk pm MaSA nary Illst=m sisswpw. alidar 13 ani %. sal tor up stariMirStaSS en I , et M r i a l I . Inn osed,forAiitra era . lams nom." ~Ls st•••• • LOW' PRICES and. Fashionable I GI-10 13 -I) R. *Ask, Ctla 411LIBEET , „, „ 4 El ,„ =Y m -I