13 REUNION. (Osathinal from First Page.) f, to the proieriation of records. gediltr•ol to Skanutittte on WM and Orlirtdren. matinittee was appointed, ott motion, to moue mintda of deceased members of she Maer44 . 7. Tbir Ma l awy then adjo li u ntil 7); r. ex erMee itnisn=memben of the Old School dassaibl,x. • mole manta MEETING, Leg evening the VW= Prop/ Meet; Mg was held in the Third Presbyterian chinch. The =anew in attendance Ira imreeeee, olantlhift foam being it a • ;Premium. Tee fiZeleilleil MI/WA of prayers, singing and abort addressee, which prolonged the affair until after nine o'clock. Dr. Waterbury. Elders Twei end 1314324 Dr. Hopper, missionary Clahsa, and Dr. Aiken, of Cleveland. ' *ere , the speakers, all of whom made ermeutnistory earmarks appropriate M. the ; occasion. The meeting wag one of _greet interest and added much to the ''C''SWeiktlidnion which seems to have taken Apowilmsdon all,hearts in favor of the speedy mmmmatio¢ of the union, Men which so much good le expected. ARFORIORD AND DARED PRIM. '1 • • DTTERIANet. DUI Teo OP ritst ion* cozerwres ox 1. mime—van =ale DnICUlanD. pie Joint Coe:mitts, of the Reformed United Presbyterian Churches, sp. pointed by the supreme Judicatories of theme churches to devise a plan upon • which they may become united in one _ organic body, met puretuint to the can ag theChatman. YeriardAY morning at Nevem o'cloik, in the publication rooms cd the United. PreriNterian Church. to Third initial). Dr. McMaster, chairman of the previous meetings, called the Committee to order, end opened the pro. - Otedlnp with prayer. it will be remembered that this corn - mitts* held two meetings In rids , • year, but faded to agree only city last on one namely, whether the Testimony tbs United Presbyterian Much should be the Testimony of the United Ch urch. • Of the Testimonies of both Churches Should be equal authority in all the con • Ilgtarum milted belles. haw conimittele reported programs to their emperilve supreme Judicatories in -My last, and were re•appoillted in con .-- UMW naiintiationa, They met yesterday, , • le 'stated above, and continneltheir Mtedatkets. - The ftdlowtng members wire present f at inandog ession: +trim the - United • _PireeloUtrian church. Joseph T. 000 Per, -Da;ghtladelph* and J. I. Eaton, Mediu from the Re " • o:leaked Perneby_tertiot church John Mc , • ltastars, D.D.,,anoetna, Indimm, John' D.D., Pittsburgh. Rev. Samuel boung.:Bloota. Illincds. and Rev. .7 F. Norton, Cadarrllte, Ohio. Absent, J. T. PreagY. D.D., and Stevan. John Alesan dar,J.T. llMlume and William Mali, of .the Milled Presbyterian church. John N. McLeod; D.D., and Mr. J. IL Imiirle. . of the Relbaned Presbyterian church. Dr. MoSfamer was selected Chair s, ma. and Dr. Easton Secretary. •: The culentem of tbejrrevious pieetinp were read, after which the Committee edjogrned till three o'cloeir. In the sited - . ftoon,lo await the arrival of the absent Ingentban, Dr. Cooper concluding by •••' • eurasioN. • The Committee met at tree o'clock was opined, with prayer by Dr. J. •T. hfeCanoe, Ea., of the United • Progollutan Church, male hie appear• sue, and his name was entered on the , -021. The bads submitted butt year vas read. Rd as follows: , Wltossee, An organic union between - the General Ansembly of the United * • Preledarialt Slouch and the General ' . Synod of di, Reformed Presbyterian - %arch Is most desirable, and.of the at moat iduartanos to the nudntensnee and - ' More general dlifordan of the p.-inciples leach they hold le common; and where. respective Testimonies of thud . - .Mnrcbss are substantially the same, If not ideated; and whereas. the Teed ..., Mony of the United Presbyterian Church was framed with reference the filth held la common by the Baltemed Churches; end where. es. during former negotiations which • Molted In and= between the es:iodate • - end Asieciate Rearmed Churches, the Reformed Presbyterlad Church was re when it, was unanintotudy en Convention, tint In the enroll • • union the united body shall be • known by the name of the United-Pm. byterian Church; and whereas this name contains nothing peculiar to either of these el:mech.*: thereltre I. That these agree I . SO= organic union on the urches bud at -'-the principles embraced In their :spec ' dire Testimonies and the other =turd"- ' • ' etate standards which they hold in cm" Outokm. Reedrod 2. Thst these douches, when onited,shall be called theUnlted ftett:d.. talon Chlorin, Madding el' the Betbroted •Prabyterian Church and the United •Presbytedint Churches, and that; the Su prams Judicator, of the United Church shall be called this 43eneral Assembly of the United Preebptedan Church of Natth u sed S. That the Testimony of the United Presbyterian Church shall be so edged ss the Teetheany , of the United Church. 'Resgted, 4. That for the remit. the • shbo.antia agreement of tholOttletotdes • -- ethane reepative einreasebedng nag. Wad, congregations to the united thatch shall be it liberty to use edifier= an be conductive to edification. 5, That the Memo Boards Sind fustitutione of tar Oblirchas atoll not be affected by this. unton, but shall' him the control of • • - their funds, end retain alt; their corpa art:mbar righa and privilege' tient • the interode of the °Buren dial require: Ottgs. it the parlous Mottirds, the erode. pia and resolutions, with the eacerotion, de the third, were ruiardnudel/ adopted.' • On motl die Dimmittes proceeded ' • tfte ava' rif the third resoba • Dr. Douglas opened the disinealon by ''• Mating that 11 would. nasesall, order to secure the enthesem be ent of the • • ••1 •tridirof•the time' Synod of the Pei -.lbrined Presbyterian Church, to girths • -•-• ' , AM the third resolution. Par it was op. tended .that if the chorales united an the bards of that reaolorkawit would be Aldw:Pihm" and ni conflict with g.= ' and ßeeig l eg resolttlions. If it were stricken-Obt, ' was of the opinion that the bands as pre. • a be stomptable to large Hof the Reformed Presbyterian ',Watch. - Dd McMaster was also of the opinion •,• 'that. the third reeolaUca should be Ss the- '" 'pandid. They cheerfully - studded gemtera of name and Spred that the united church should be called “The ••• •-••• United - Prestltaden.. Church." Ile' •''. • • 'thought,then that thellnited ersabyteri siateMithenshouldyield this much. forar hams smother in bin church would look spun onion as mare "Absorption" if the third resolotion were retained. sass tem that the • Reiceurst Pre& ;•:'•-•"';',,byterisit Church was TOPTOSBLItOd la Ina Concaution of Reformed churches • yens ago when the nave was agreed - upon. but It TlMilusta. oh dth en U nite d Pftt g c l th an e ." Churches it now stood. Coal Tedisiall7 of the United Penh:whin ". • - Church lacked in some Wags whichtt ear .zugliestood - In the Causentiori of 1 - . ` Metarmed Churches It should antsado.. - ' - Mere Was to negative condemnation•of •• • dwerre. :liestantlinted et. length as. f " Mined a number of realms why the, - • grualeshoolithe stricken out. • - Y Dr: Skater did r not _ ,,under on." There stamd whit: -was 'meant s tg t i a ll m orpti Mold •be 'Do 'in name. That ?sonar wwiyi by the committee k,of the, Maternal Prasbyterbut h - • , 'Marra road be 'no, absorption of plod *,:gole.;terthe hula set illorth that both , . • tlagrait.. Were •,_StealtarablUy the same. •-•.:1 _Therescald beno lll x l of Worm - • •••-• ty,„tbr that MS p =logelnit in the • dltbresointion.• . There orraid be no i, • aorptiora cd•• indolence, for the Reformed 'reabyterian Church had ' talent enough 1 to :1316111111 Amy , such - thing, end tf it •, . thanght of any such Mom it did not do I ••••••••••,:': •thealf lathes. -D. was • true- that • , „ intbe -United body,, when ;it came to •.•, copeantrecial with the church • . garenresented would' can mere rase, I but dhis would be -thassoldsble, sod. vpoctld belle iliblionalom Rut he Could • F sed, an hew there could be two Testinss• • • ••••• 'saw tti • ceded church. -Mareoser,clie '„'...,!..,:sTladtedlitraibratththOhmchwas Cd,her Meniteas WWAttheir etandar '• • Methane voinminolP slawdr• • rt.•Sarousa Young did„ not how 1111wri tY r• - ; aksul could he over. anbele. .tureTersitobrdes sod I new Ze7fruited... . him that thal, bids noir stOod. - Vatted ~ate IWO ihein. '."War reeebte Yob ••1 you' came. Fie belleseqr,boweser. • ... that two Testimonies to a unmet church • '• i - Would , ,be- an - sucenstly.„: „ There _were • ganChwelles in the tate that were Vat Y 1 WI COrti 010 / 14141, PO* - - MIS 1q . , . Jennie*. There were some things. how ever, In the Refermed Presbyterian Tee• tlmony which many United Presbyter!. an' would like to see In their's, and Wee 17611111. J. T.BloCanoe, Esq.. had no speech to Make. Ma sentiments had been fully expressed by Dr. Copper. Rev. Dr. Easton would like to see the article expunged for the sake of his Re. formed Preabyteflan Mende, whom ne esteemed very highly. But Jte knew that the United Presbyterian Church was opposed to a multiplication of Testi monies, nod there should be some defi nite standard. Bar. J. F. Morton said the question Was whether they were going to unite bn the bale of the oommon standards of the Church, or On tint Testimony of the Ihgted Presbyterian . Church. If the third article Is retain/. the onion would be tin the Testimony o the Voiced Pres. byterlan Church. if is stricken out. It will be on the baste of the principles etrilikdied In the common standards. The Committee adjourned after prayer by 'roily. Mr. Morton, to meet In the same Othethiamornlng at nine o'clock. Tea elsbitrate editoilal on " Presbyte ilantardiMiption,l which appeared in yesterday's Gasxvitis, we are glad to• note, elicited universal commendation, and coated a great demand for extra coign of our paper. We regret, owing to its great length and to the extraordi• nary presume of other • matters in our Owe, that we cannot oblige those frlenda who eak for tie republication. THE CAPITAL. Secretary Belknap Repudiates Goner. • at Sherman's Annual Repori and mistral General Orders—bdian Troubles—Denies the Statement— Swamp Lands—Siekness of Robert J. Walker and Amos Kendall. grapb to the Pltublunn Onsena.l TRTIAIf T 11013131.111 —. SPOTTED TAIL" &Wools "Itta ito0111." WAIIII , ITe.TON, Nov. 10, IMO. A letter received at the Indian Buie= from OapL Pool, U. B. A.., and indite° Agent, dated Wheatstone Agency, Dino. tab Territory, October 25th, reports that In consequence of Intoxicating liquors brought there and sold 6r given •to the , Indians, for some - days preTlOne. more tharathe mug amount of drunkenness had prevailed, and as one of the resulta, Mpotted Tall, Chief ef the Brutes, snot and killed Big Mouth, Chief of the Nallalbi, on the morning of October 28.. Much excitement prevailed, and it Wee feared more extended troubles would ensue. Tlediarts charge the whites with tufo rig liquor to the agency. Capt. Poole salted the commanding officer at Fort Randall to send troops to the agency to guard the publib property and lite+ of thetmployes. The Commis.loner of the General land Office has isubmittedre the Secretary of the Interior, for approval, • list of lands In Gentry county, Enamour', selected and reported under the swamp grant of Bop tember2S, IBA of whose swampy char acter the State "hala presented proof to obtato4the Indemnity provided by the act of March 5.18.56. The award worded to said list will entitle the State of Ells. Boort to locate one thousand three hun dred and fourteen acres in lien of the lands described In SWUM. REPUDIATES PIIMILEAII'Ba7OIII. It la stated that although Gen. Sherman bad written the annual report of the War 'Department, Secretary Belknap repaid". atm It and will write one himseU. Is la atateci that Belknap has repudiated en Important claim passed favorably by Sherman, and since that he taw ovens. ded Orr orders Issued by the General. One of these repudiated orders is said to have contained instructions to the heads of several bureaus directing' them to make all reports to himetiersonally as Gerstral of the Armies. moms TUB STATM/LENT. Minister W Darn. in a Private letter, soya he was to see ilia state. Meat 'published in some& the papers In this country, Mat ho had estimated 115,- 000 In gold for his contingent expenaes for the-sezr. fiscal year. :Me says he has made no estimate whatever for any con ' tingencies' but will limit himself to the amount allowed by the Department of State, which Is 'MOO. AGED STATIRMEN PA99MO ARAI% Hon. Rote. J. Walker has been un conscious for a day past. He ma y not survive thro ughout the night. Hon. Amos He also my M. with no prospect of recovering. NEW YORK CITY Special Officers Probing . llama Re turns—Zmmterfeitiug Press U earthed—The Vanderbilt Statue Unveiled—Mormon Temple—As , 'idatant Treasurer Polger—Public Market-Heavy Judgement fay Telear.pb to tb• illaabare. Gazette.) NrW Nov. 10, 1889. The bronze which surmounts the west ern front of the new Hudson River Ball. road Depot, on Hudson street, and whith Is intended to Illustrate the life and services of Cornelius Vanderbilt. wasunvelled at one o'clock to-day in the presence of an immense throng of citi zens. Bishop Janes made sprayer. after which Mayor Hall delivered 4 abort ad dress. - William Roes Walled read a poem. and a benediction wee pronotinced. 'A (dilation was then partak en of and .the assemblage dls persed- The Times says that Oommiesioner Delano nes resolved that the Woomera. three of last year year should have a thorough overhauling, and to this end officers have barn detailed to do @pedal duty and are now et work in all the leading cities of the country. Their ad vent in this ally la creating quite • sem• carton among those who have learned haste live in brown stone houses and keep handsome equipages without pow seWng any income: We trust the in vestigations will be thorough and exhausft The menthent dr banker who deli ve. berately defrauds the Gov ernment on his Income return is not a whit better than be who dehunde on Widaky or tobacco. Wheals emus to be understood that every doubtful re te be Investigat, and that the inqui turnki ry' will not necessari ed ly end with the Mager the rotunda tbeaseewsor'softkie the receipt, of the Government Aram this stairoki will to_ imply increstad. We have no.doubt nextpar will mules an inefesse of revenue froth incomes of not lengthen tea lle millions of don. Dillesilivea yesterday dog up the cellar of John Hippon, one of the counterfeiters arrested in Brooklyn, hat week, where they found a large and powerful Wmii ibrtheenatinfacture of Coin, and all the ftegaidErff die& - A.'eforemn 'temple Is to be erected In -this city. within the coming yam- This ifttilding will east 1500,000, and is to be • house of reception for Mormon emi. train Europe. ands resting place I F o r r u iti a e traveling onitluen of the United &UM ' :State Senator C. J. Polger will enter *men the duties of AssistantTreastirer es iota he an examination of the &Tail* o ,she Atth-TreetirT Department com 'pitted. VOW IMblie market Us to be erected iit n atoet of-a million dollars in the block exuded by-Eleventh and Twelfth ave. noes and Thirty-fourth and Thirty-flfth - Judgment was fonxid In the Dolled Stater Dlstrici. Court to the amount of g7fq,000,; by Judge InatchfordA against , the cunam steamer Russia O sinking the 'Australian , ship Agile Heger= in thialtatbor. HAVANA. °gond amount of the Battle—grie . • garments Comptetriy Romeo. ter Itowlict to the monutratottssuo rfavcrfa, tforembes 10.—The follow , ing,ta an °Metal account of the battle Wet! kept In the southern part of the SaiterieDepirtment: The Spanish troop, older the command a General Mandl- Kaaren, attacked the , Ignition* Itmea Wiped' the towns of Ckattratoseatre and ItitetWit.!'.one hundred and twenty td theiniusgente -were killed and large mimbera wounded and taken prisoners. Autos tab Ingtutputtaktlled are General Tomato. OtpUribt Clacchet, Harry au. 11017. Mister Staff; and Willlarn Clrcm abW,Gtuteral Jordan% Qllirtannili tfor-The .. luatergent .floros wets driven beyondthe town of Paloplcado, and the Spank& UnCp now occupy the panto= healoyibe twmirtenU during the put Pit ' , The Insurgent forces under then; _Tattle FUlpinaa retreated north,* the way Of Tereh r ttca. . Arthur Cam& Crone tbs o rebel leaders waft wet =arnal nye General Mato and that the Spanish troop bap atpwrotttas insurgent hospital at =Si Ell HEWS BY CABLE. Highly Interesting from Spain Compliment to the American Min ister—The Honor of Spain to be Maintained at Home and Abroad— Duke of Montpensier Intriguing for the Spanish Throne—Duke of Genoa •BM Ahead —The Fenian will Chew No Tobacco Until the Prisoners are Reprieved—London "Time" on Fenian Matters—Open ing of the Suez Canal—Cholera in the City of Skeif—A French Jour nalist Lectures in Edinburgh. [By ?summon to tn. ritisnorgn SPAIN. MiDTIID, November 10. —ln the Cartel 3111ITOrdS7 Pron. Serrano paid marked re spent to Gen. Sickles, American Minister, by visiting him in the diplomatic gallery during the sitting. Deputy Masavaddo asserted that dill busmen had headquarters in Paris and in Lisbon, with ramifications in Madrid; that they made a business of disemilnat leg, by telegraph. repots calculated to injure the Spanish Interests In Cuba. He desired that dispatches be immedi ately telegraphed to Captain-General De Bodge, assuring him that Spain will maintain her honor everywhere. Minister Beaune replied that Spain would sustain and defend home and abroad. Her sovedignty In t he colo nies as well as on the oontinent, would be maintained and vindicated. He in formed the Caries that he had Just received official telegrams from Havana, which announced that the (resurrection to the island of Cuba was diminishing. The official (Mettle publishes to-day the ihrussiSConoancement of the resignation of Admiral Tolima as Minister of War. General Prim, In addition to hie ocher duties, will take temporary charge of the Department until • successor Is ap pointed. MADRID, November le— Reesteg.—Tt Is rumored that &letter has been received by the Government from General Dolce, exposing the Intrigues of high person ages with the Doke of Idomperuder. The letter also warns the Government that the Unionists will appeal to arm. if the Doke is Rot accepted as a candidate for the throne. Reports received from Lisbon, state that the moderates, who tied to that city town Spam, are purchasing arms and making other preparations for rising In their interests. In Spain, ;up to the present moment, 1.64 Deputies to Cortes have personally pleaged themselves to vote for the Duke of Genoa for Ring, and In addition 24 Deputies, now absent, have agreed In writing to support his Maims. The Spanish merchants have volun teered to Wad 10,000 troop@ to Cuba In December. GREAT BRITAIN. LoNDON, November 10.—The Centre, Fenian Amnesty Oommlttee ask Irish men to abstain from the use of tobacco until the Fenian prisoners are released. Their object in making this demand le to reduce the revenue of the Govern ment, and at the same time provide means for keeping up the amnesty agi tation. The rimer to-day repeats that the Irish land question is a matter of great diffi culty; but If the Ministry are unable to cope with it what most be mild of their courage and statesmanship. They are strong beyond all experience. The no clonal feeling le more advanced than the temper of Parliament in the resolution to stand by the Ministry In cotprort Of any thorough, isearatoug. workmen-like attempt to core the long standing evil of Irish discontent: The government have the power, if bnlv their courage Is equal I to their power. High fortune's/re before' them If their minds are equal to their fortunes. A further advance In the rate of dis count Of the Bank of - England is probable. The time of the charter of the bank of British North America bee been extended toJtuee 18iL The correspondent of the Daily Press. writing from Sues, regrets Boothe opini. l log of the canal has not been delayed a few months. He fears that the passage of the large: ships will not be free from risk, and ne states that the granite pll - of the viaduct are badly cracked.' but thinks the injuries are not sufficient to prevent trams. EJ)I2IBUZ011. Nov. Prover.. Par *dot, the eminent French journalist, delivered a lecture here lest night. In which he made the folloWing , poilited alinalons to the political altuatiOn hla country. Be maid oemtralleation had lately been the tendency of the public men of Franco: but that policy has lost credit. It is felt that the execution is too powerfnL Its privileges must be curtailed. Liberty mast be given to the boroughs, and the departments must be Treed from the arbitrary rule of prefects. He also thought neighboring depart- menus should unite and elect members of the Senate. LIVERPOOL, Nov. ft.--At the Liverpool rsees to-day, Sefton handicap, for three years old and upward, was won by Mr. J. Benson's bay gelding, Plenipotentiary, three yitarsold. Big ran. - Pima, Nov. 10.-51. Mamas. the Min ister of Maxim adirlcee the Introduo. Lion of Minty-Wm franc Owes tato the metallito currency of the canary. BT. Pr/WWII:MO, November 10.—The chelars ill raging with severity in the city of Kiel. "SABINE NEWS LivzirrooL, livember 10.—Steamer Minnesota, from 2+ e w York. has arrived. FINANCIAL ANC LOMPIENACIAL. Lourrow, November Iveallig. Comole for money 63%; amount 93%. Five twenty bonds .62a. 83%; '66s, 82%; '67a, a% Ten-forties 79. Mies 10 lin nets 98%; A. O. W. 23%. Paws, November 10.—Bourne quiet; Nantes 71f, 170. Lrvgaroot, November 10.—Cotten lower, closing steady; middling uplands 11%d; Orleans 11%d4 gales amounted to 10,000 bales. California white W heat 10 .; red western No. 2, flu. Od@ga. 10d.; *later th. Id. Western Flour 22a. 6d. Corn: mired 29a oggEga Id. for European. Oats Os. 6d. Peas 435. Pork 112 a 6d. Beef 88.. Lard 70a. Od. Cheese nga. 6d. !Loon 67a. for new. Spirits Petroleum Ild.; reflood la. 814 d. Tallow 46a. ed. Turpentine 27a. Logoorr. November 10.—Tallow 48s. Sd. Sugar 40a. Navas, November 10.—Cotton closed flat on spotat 144)41; afloat nu. AWnPliar. November 10.—Petioleum arm as elmt. FBANSPOST, November 10.—Bonds flat at 69059%. Sumo, November 10.—Pretroleum plot. Haitinno, November 10.—Petroleum quiet. Meelag of the General Freight Owe &hon. ter Tesacsee tone ettutsoga essetts.l Lotawritmt. November 10.—The Gen. Brat Freighassoclation met 'at the Galt Hotme else:taming, W. D, stnon, Pres. !dent, and,J. T. Tackerecretary. The attendance of delegates la very full. Buono greatiimportance concerning transtoon la mini coniddered. The preamble and resole loos tetra &iced at the last meeting In regard to the shipment of ahrtlbberYr (rut, trees, ie., were ordered to be recorded as ae. 0014 00 , and it was agreed they be put In three immediately. A mutation was unanimously adopted b i a w bwinse be circled at the edema eight. Beef and pork no pounds per carrel. low actual weight; hams and shoulders 440. pound* per tierceb b3l meats 20 per sent. above nett weight 110 Marked on boxes. That any deviation from the above wilt be considered as ent of rates. 'A ConunltMe was appointed to revise the clotallications Haat and Wean bound, with a view to protection against loss on all ornate* of great' ulna. The Committee subsequently reported sup grwakms for the aoniddanstioq of hank lines and local changes in , the west bound classification. • , An invitation from A. Fink to riot the Ohio river bridge, to-morrow morning. weaned and adeepted. The Association will adjourn tomorrow to meet again in Locusvnte about February littonewall Disaster-Ins Invest!Villa NWI Gothig an. Cltr.Teleg to the PlUgtalilt ammo -- er. - Lownt, November id„—The Cote. Tante° afttletthwte trettintreetigsting los some days rest the &induct of Captain Washington. -In nonnenden with She Ettoneindi disaster, decided tioday to send to the wane of. the calamity far affidavits of ' parson who saw the Sal* WWII° Pali 4 19 bUrn 18 g .1.1123". NEE „ 6 4 -• „tael A W-4 - 1. - PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE, TRURBDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 11, 1869 The McDougall Ilall-Breed Dieleaky gettled—Toe @Wig Murder Trial. aly TgLegtoplt to the Ptitobe Oarc.too: Nov. 10.—A special to the Tribune from Bt. Paul says: The pre vious account telegraphed this morning on the strength of a private letter from Fort Guy, that the half breeds had op posed the entry of the new Governor to the new colony of Winnipeg is exag gerated. A mob of one hund;ed started to Intercept the new Gokernor, and prevent hie .entry, bat the num ber was diminished by desertion to dlty, who barricaded the road over which Governor McDougall Was to Pala. But on his arrival a short confereasee sat- Oiled them that their demonstration was uncalled for. The mob they removed the barricade from his path and escorted him with every mark of respect to the capital of hie new dominions. • The testimony In the case of Rev. Isaac B. Smith murder trial, at Geneva, to day, was shoed on both sides, and no Important addidonal facts were elicited. It was agreo that counsel should speak on each side./ Mr. Metzger, District Attorney, addemed the (Mart on the part of the pr c.tiu don, and was followed by CoL WI x for the defence, Before he had tin had the Court adjourned until to. mo w. The case will probably be given to the Jury tomorrow evening or 1 thelfollowing morning. Grand Canalstory or Lou Wins bi Coon =I Now Ostirsos, Nov. 10.—The Grand Conalatory of Louisiana, composed of Masons of the 32d degree, ficettlah Rite, are holding a Lodge of Barrow this even ing at the church of the Messiah. to honor of demised Illustrious members of the Order The Sovereign Grand OM. mender of the Supreme Connell of the Southern Jurisdiction of the • Gaited States, Albert Pike, opened the 007 a l r .°. Dire, and several members pronounced eulogies. —A. wad •dott at Ottowa. Minolta yes. terday wonting, bit Mrs. Patrick Lower and her little son. —The Tennessee House of Represen tatives yesterday rejected the Senate amendments to the Convention bill, reducing the members to Atty. —Latest returns, nearly all °Metal, of the election In Wisconsin, shown that the Senate will stand 18 Republicans, 14 Democrats, 8 Independents, two of the Independents being Democrats. The House will stand 65 Republicans, 88 Democrats, 7 Independents. —The city of Evansville, Indiana, yesterdsy voted by a majority of 883 to subscribe 'sown for the pi:wpm!' of building the Evansville, Oarmi and Pa ducah Railroad. This, with the Sub scription of $242.000 voted by the nonnty last August, makes the construction of a railroad a certainty. The route is now being surveyed. —A difficulty occurred Tuesday night at Port Jervis between the new brake. men and the deputy sheriff on the one side and the old brakemen on the other. In which several shots were exchanged. bat no person - seriously Injured. The old brakemen are being paid off and dis charged and new men pat on the trahm, which are mining regular. —The formal opening of Bwarthetion College, Philadelphia. took pleas yester day afternoon. Addreeses were deliv ered by Bemnel WUleta and John D. Hyatt. of New York, Edward Parrish. and Lucretia Matt. The inadttaion was builti t ßycks as • branch of the So reedy Yriends; but pupils ls are not am lined he members of the persasidcu. Both boy. and girl" are to be educated. —The funeral of Admiral Stewart. in Fluiladelphia, yesterday, wee an impos ing display. The streets were crowded with spectators. The grouses:rink was about one mile long and included the First Division of Perulaylvaria Militia. At the Ronsideon Cemetery the burial service we, read by Roy Dr. Page. Rao 'or of Christ Episcopal Church. During the Mien:mow business was almost en tirely suspended. —lt Is stated that the Cuban Ammer Lillian was released at Nassau on Melnik of Last month, brit was not allowed to take mat. Captain Barris put to as.. burrdng the wood work of the cabins for fuel. Re met two schooners lad= with coal, and while taking It aboard the Brit ish gunboat Lapwing came up sod fired twenty shots at her and then took the Lillian Into Nassau again. She was seised by the British authorities and pil laged. The men on the Key were taken off by a Kbooner, but were cap tured by the Lapwing, taken to Nasal. and Wes's& They bean mad, their way to potato on oar coma, where they are being eared for by the Cuban Junta. The Lillian fa still at !imam Milted Ptatss District Ootirt—Judge M W IaMILIDAT, November IR —The owe of Gould vs. Reed, previously reported, Pi ■till on trial. United Bates District Court—Judge Me WEDIIIIIIDAT, November 10.—District Attorney Cachran died informatimus to non In the following mass. United States va. thirty fl vs barrel, of afatlited spirits, owned by McFarland a Co., of Meadvilbs. United States vs. a let of swam, Wise ro and liquor, owned by T. A. Italia Co., Meadville. =323 lIIISSIA Wrtoriaanac, November 10.—The Su premo Man met at 10 o'clock A. present • lull WW'. The following bugloss arm transacted: • MK/reedy vs. idrOready's executors. C. P. On motion of Mr. Burden non pros take= off and cause amtinued. Carotbers vs. Cumming. C. P. Ar gued by Miller for plaintiff In error and by Woods mars. Carr trek Townsend's executors. D. 0. Argued by Woods for ptelntar in error; Acheson. Mars. not beard. Davidson vs. Barclay. C. P. Argued by Lures fin plaintiff In error and by Penny contra. District Court—Jeep YdrapstrieL Waniczatoal, Nov. 10.—The cue of the Western Insurance Company for use of 0. 0. Dinaliart ant. D. bravo, previously reported, is still on triaL TBLI. WW2 VGA T111:1112DAY. .Ll 7. Lamb asLndd, Adseps., etc. Manna vs. 111 Ward. 11. Smith vs. Knapp's nephews. ss Spenaer & McKay, vs. WlssfE 202. Mickel:stela vs. Lee and wife. ltd. Duncan vi. McElroy. 199. Roes vs. lini=did. Natbarivi. Judge Illrkpuriok sawn:toed that every am ripen the list would certainly be disposed of, Dolan upon inalgrounds shown, ar unless the counsel were urn. ally engaged In the Suptemeoourt. His Ito= attnetwoon that , Ihn %IFS , now upon its third can, snd no posltiaii, except trial or referee°, out or Court, would be made of use!. That conUn• minces, unless Upon legal— would not be entertained. even g 3 = meat of counsel, and that he I:Wilted .camel and parties togovern themselves secordlogly. Unless dbla course was p ursued, t p he Jury might as wall be dia. 6f the d, üblic, bo and DOttlers. pretense made to dispose 1417161711.1•21. Entwine -Warns I bilis Just ie. turned .froto an gamma% : An Essfern Ohio, dewing which it was citY privilege to be present at the chalng inmsolses of Mt. Union College. These wars idirenin the large Colliggethill by the *ltepubLi. can Literary Society," and conalided Oration*, Chronloles, Llienieshins. *O. Interspersed with minty, vocal and tn: etrumental. To my, hardly to Parformae• owl were good, Is hardly to do justice. They were, barring their, pent length, excellent. The disonsmon on China* Emigration was 'xylem with armaments pro et rad on this prospectively vexed question, 'bowing, on the part of the de. patents, ' cionsidereble polemic sklll. The mccdOpriwided by Prof. Leland and pipits woman etijOyable. Miss Park , * manipulation of the p ano wag trnly pralsewortlmandbir improvised 400004 panlments added much to oth orchestral Mitsinfleffehlyonnillitihnreeerred diplomas to the Commercial DeDillt. Malt.' lade II :tinder, the - - Control of Prof. E. N. Hartshorn, - a eautleman of large ',wedeln* la commercial edema. Also, a number of young belles ware pednatalfrom theidosloal Department. mr. Union College, In location, compe. toner of Instructora, thorough of tmching, and cheapness both In s tal. lion and boarding, le all that can be (M -itred. Pupils will laud here all the 0p... porinnitleant a' 'Systoles* school. Lad year enrolled pee hundred and alittprive milk -The fall Moslem PM doled forts shadows seen a larger =andante daring the protect year.. me Malay: Seislon commences November 24th. The Twelfth *nulled. Cataloge,Just hemeikeelves learmatlon in :stoma to the thaw Ot .19e144M-L". - 0111," ST. LOUIS. CANADA NEW ORLEANS BRIEF TELEGRAIN TUE COURTS GEME=I 1!2=3 Supreme Court—pillLßentli. Union College Prrrativneur, November 8,1889. ClTEtittrat etairtts. tut AND SUBURBAN Tun Clesarru U furnished in the city for stx days of the week for 15 cents per reek ; by mail, $8 per al MUM : 8 nos., ea Route for Male.—A goon route on We paper. Apply to-day at GAz.erru count ing room. AlleCtieny Councits.—A regular semi monthly meeting or the Select and Com mon Councils will be held this evening. Assault and Battery.—William Craw ford made talon:nation before Alderman McMaster yesterday, charging John Mc- Cloylim with assanit and battery. The aomwed was arrested and bald for t hear. Lug,. Held for Trial.—Da rid Robb:180o. charged before the Mayor, on oath of Thomas; M. Bawdy, with the larceny of twenty tlollers, was, after a hearing, yes terday, held to answer the charge at Court. Incendiary irire.—A barn and sawmill at Rodebangh, Westmoreland county, Wan burned yesterday morning about two o'clock, Involving a lose of about 1 10 .000, upon which there 10 no insurance. The Are wan the work of an Incendiary. Religions—Rev. John McMaster. of Princeton, Indiana, will preach In the First Reformed Presbyterian Church (Dr. Douglas') this day (being oonflre gm:Anvil fart) at 1014 A. M. and 2% P. Y. Prayer meeting in the evening at half. post seven. Alleged Larcany.—Julitta Wore roads complaint to Alderman ktebfietters yes• terday against IL Conrad and J. C. Been, In !which he alleges that they. carried away certain articlep, the property of defendant. The focused were arrested and held to ball for a hearing, Asianßed a Woman.—James Painter was yesterday charged an oath of David Nook balbre Alderman Thomas, with assault and battery. The deponent al leged that the &muted beat, kicked, and otherwise abased bi re. Laura Filmmona kW (deponents) daughter. A warrant was lamed. Another Barker.—Moses Vane, for merly of Fayette county. at present bell ing from aamp Point. Illinois, was vl tlmized by • oonfidenoe operator yeatev day to the amount of 5120. The means weed to obtain the money was the aame old Mori by which almost every day some poor fool Is swindled out of Ida money. Election of Officers—The Mechanics Savings Hank stockholders yesterday elected the feLlaming gentlemen as °fa eces, to serve during the ensuing year. President, lion. James Blackmon: Vice President, Alex. Tindal°, Esq.: Secre tary and Treasurer, Geo. D. Tiedele, EN. The bank is in a prosperous and nourishing condition. Dr. Ormtstee.s Lecture Paetponed.— The Allegheny Library Association re grets to announce that Dr. Ortetston cannot be present to deliver his lecture this evening. While en routs for this city be wax recalled home by telegraph on account of the sudden dangerous illness of his mother. It is hoped that in due 'won the Doctor will be able to get here, when due notice of the lecture will be given. Barelry.—The second band store of N. °stinger at the corner of Peon and O'Hara street In the 9th ward wee bur gliutotsly entered Tuesday night and robbed of two revolvers, a gold chain, four watch's. some dry goods, furs and other articles. The thieve. gained en trance by going Into the adjoining build ing and cutting a hole throne:bibs floor of the banding robbed. There is no trace. Meeting Tooll/ht.—We iemlnd oar readers of the meeting of the colored people and their friends at the Colored Baptist Church, on Water street, m Alle gheny, at 7){ o'clock this evening. pre liminary to the forthcoming National Labor Convention at the Capitol. Let every philanthropist and friend of the rue, now seeking by every honorable means to elevate themselves, lend their presence and their sympathies on this ,oetwalort. Secured Rats will be sold to morrow (Prlday) morning, ate o'clock, at Mellor & Co.•s Music Store, Mr the first concert of the Cantata Society, which is to mks piece nest Monday at the Academy of Musk. From the frequent applications already made this week at Muth, Stores for tickets. and the general Intermit everywhere manifested In the debut of the Society, we mu safely Infer that those who wish the beat seta in the house had better go catty for them. Rai!row' AreUleat—Tbe inquest ferred to to yesterday's Into on the body of Mermen Gordan, who was killed at Verner'• station, be being struck by engine No. 49. was concluded yesterday afternoon. The Jury, after hearing the evidence of Des. James Buchanan and N. N. Riggs, who were In attendance, end the severe! witnesses, rendered verdict of incidental death. int' also ex onerated the engineer and fireman. They gnu recommended that the oflicers el the roid to requested to make that station a regular station inateed of s d.g station, as it la now. I=l We learn that the report which we pubilahed on Wednesday of the rate at which the stock of this bank was sold, was incorrect. The actual price reamed being not 112/10, but 1127,60. The mar• kat value of thts stock has been steadily advancing, and If referenos be bad to Its large and accumulating reserve, its Ilb. anal share of deposits, the high character and quallecattons of Its °fame and di. rectors, affording every' , imamatee of present and future good management: the stook may be expected to advance to a still higher figura It la probably owing to the fact that so little of It Is In the market, that It does not command 'lSO— the holders are mostly large holders and have no dwdre to exchange It for any other Investment. Interesting Eil%lblUart. The teachers and pupils of the Deaf and Damb Public School of this MI will give an exhllAtlon in the Fbnrth Ward gehapt House Penn street, this evening. The entertainment Drumlins to be one trust will repay amply any who may attend. The exhibition will consist of exerdses calculated to show tge method of instruction purtraed, and die progress of the pupil' In the school. There will also he illustrations Riven of the compass and power of the sign 14174 No addition to the part per the mutes, the exercises will beenlivened by the excellent stn sdng or the Allegheny Clairton. Dist those obit. dren of silence be ebeentsead ill their Oben to ergdre the knowledge regal. allot° 4t thdm far awfulness in life, and who have originated and so • • llg at ice:ri be nevol ente on this noble tater oommtudty • weittetr efforts, Oaf DIAS leers to de Cr elating, The Dexter Vieshlngltraohlagr.bi • , . . . greathnpmmenteiNon thedefthill9 and Mptattstattory pudtietkins , exhibited in 1 1111, jtirtnef mob. Om. We Invite - t he e Exit critical examine. don 'at Its oonstruailan and operation, Silber at your own bones or artho Plato %Mire sold. ta4. Alt that we ask Is • trial, and If not ad you are not COM , SO keep' ' It does not Injure the Moires tn. No slopping. Noboiling op Saves soap and time. .1 Being aware that trashing is the moat tabortons, and at the same time one of the moat tureemary duties of housekeep. Mg, and which entirely devolves noon the weaker sex to do, under the old ass. tem of vaah.boards. R. 11. LOAM. Agent. • -Nor , 12 ' Federal street, (Our the bridp,) A.Uegheny. St. 't: The Popular Int Thirteen. Where can the cheapen clothing be ittavisar Tobin& Who keeps • Tim hiehlonahleStock ? Toblaa. liirboesibiat . theineed toaeonabl vo rtm: What Is the mule number otbig doter *ember Sixth ale mber Fitts). en. Nowhere can you obtain greater bar gains. Pt lie attention and utudaction glean at No. 13 Sixth street. Readpinade clotbing to analog eik zlotys: a• Birth street. Remember, what Was . . Remedy IS ear haw 13 , Tablas' great &Oleg emporlaatis at Zia /a Stub strew, whore IN cuittred an ttaataaas amok of olattitag, newly made sad plata give* without Ilmito at the mg* tilagousbla piss& Church Guild Report.--Correct lon. William Metcalf. Elul, mine's , . 03,0 cer tify hi■ mortification and regret, that in that part of Ms report of the operations of the Guild relating to the Dispensary, published in Iktonday . • GAzEr-rw, the name of Dr. B. t. Benham was quite un intentionally omitted from the 1101 of physicians whose constant and etikwut aervicee continue to be very kindly ren dered in aid of the charity, without charge. gt. James Episcopal Church— The parishioners of St. Jame. Church are making extensive preparstiona for a Social Festival to be held on Wedneaday and Thursday, Nov. 17th and 10t.h, the pmeetele to be In aid of a fund for fur- Dialling their new Sunday School build ing. Sunday Schools ale among the most useful and efficient agencies for the religious culture of large number. of children otherwise neglected. The pres ent ocemion deserves both gympsthy and patronage. Women'. Christian Associatico.-493e second annual anniversary of the Wo men's Christian Asscolation of this city. will be held in Christ's M. E. Church, Thuriday, November 11th, at seven and a half o'clock P. K. Hon. Wirt. E. Dodge, of New York city, will deliver an ad dress, and the Annan! reports will be presented. The public are cordially In vited to attend. Parisian Aristocracy have adopted the Milk of Violets unanimously, owing to Its of in communicating to the skin the most delightful velvety softness. Sold by druggists. V. W. Siinckerhoff, Y. Y., wholesale agent. Employment Othre.—Girls wanted for cooks and private [laminae In the city. R. H. Long, at No. 19 Federal street, near bridge, Allegheny City, at the Dex ter Washing Mac h ine Moe. lm Real 111Mate.—Elets advertisement of McClung d Rainbow, Real Eaten, and inseranos Agents, 196, 197 and 199 Cen tre avenue. If. ConsUtotten W stet is a certain rare Orr Diabetes and all diseases of the El& nays. For male by all Druggists. Trari:T. EOM PAUL-0u Tuesday... stns. .t e'sloeS. tbs melds°. nf oar Sir. Jobs Kos. d•. No. 106 Seventh Airs. CU KIST) N PAUL. es Im of Wm. Paal, dt ssed it IN:Meru! at two o'clock Tenlooo TM Mends of the family are Ins Beg to attseld- IDWAIIPM—At Brady, Bend Pa... Nos. lOUs. BAST • N, only daughter of Bet. 1 .e.? easy I.A•razd• bleu, of Mlles 5. Humphreys, aged IS years end 6 month.. I==! UNDERTMI3UIM3 B. Parr.aow Jalcia L. WILMA]. rATTE lISOF & W ILLIAMS, Under..re, corner 01 ran b and ib elrelm, Plttsburah. Cogens 1104., Shroud.. Crap...andel - ova.. and ovary draertp. clue of tadorsl forabblog rood • Burol.ed oo the most readonabie toms la lb. city. Brand aod Carnadea .rolalutd. Oen open day and Waal. 011 LEX . LIKEN UNDEb TAKLA, No. Idle /VIETH STRXII ~ ...c. „ ~....... oorrrNe of kind 5.011.4221 GLOV sad e , ery dime :lotion of Funeral On: steals/ fluntsbod. Stomas open day Ail 11iatk .....„ . m. . Bov.Dastd Him ' MD.. Kere.N W Jneon . r. D., tlkonms i dl roo- .hoo. 81: PEEBLES, EN ICEIIIIIIj2TTAT TM AND LIVIIIT STA.BLIt. TEVS 6A /11=17 . Y e d• A C gliA oonstadddy Lcd AUL' nal d laSsAl3da sad WM.tt tr.. -. .arilne from to 4105. B. • for interment. urged udl Cds. ridges 9 =l...l; LAN .11 &Inds et lloandwd Goda, If mat te& Mar odes at all Sows. 40 sod slant. JOSEPH METER & SON, MN lEIVT.A-KMILS, I= Oarrtagys for 'mawsLk 13.00 nark tinte 00111N9 awl al /hum& Fundament at re. d raw. sma NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Beaular Stated lIEETTNO of HENRY LABBERT LUDO& 411. I. 0. U. F., will Ow held et thOr H• , I, corner frialoond rum Avooo •. R. Wbltobva.l•••.toro.l os FRIDAY EN EN. LER, Nov. 16th. 1E69. A fadouend. oo Iv rvqtivsued, as Ovalness of Inawortaneo .w tfwvocUrd. UE6. MAD/MEAN. W. B. X.Y.1.-NP. vveroWl7. nolrau T" IN BEIOTEI CBS' FEAST.- A frea @apply of tbts• alstoretad r=l put up la lb..* dotty boxes. For Jul, *hot. gale/LIPS Mull. al the /mil) Grauer, Man 01 JOHN ♦ II&APOAW. ex.rster Llberci an/ )Oath - lit/seta ELMIRA FERALE COLLEGE, I=l SYNOD OF GENEVA. Thu. t• • fltriolan Hoettaad• Italy dtdtt Ut. 4 Lad organistd rolltantoml• lons% WM....7 parts. a sm. thoronth sod I itt1110•• etorto of tad y IN COLLIOIAIL JlCLit'l IC or MILD- Int t` larrodttotata. TERlin—W hole • xpenimp of IN tilos. It elnalry eldholca and Modrt. Lnoduasta, , a 1 h toatd forntahtd tuna .Itoi atiffloal. We P.. , La , 'tarty mentos. Address, REV. a- W. COWLES, WE .110. W. IHLWOWIII, LLIIIZIR 1. olaff\ 10112111 DIMORPH, HARP NI & CO Wholesale Grocers, No. 243 LIBERTY STREET, Oppodit Made: WOod Wang rittsbungn. HAIM ormsam WITH • very Large and Complete &lilt o GROCERIES, =I Thep Respectfully lute the Atteutton no.l PLTROHABERS. ESTABLISHED HT A. & T. GORMLY, 1812. W. IL GORKY, WHOLESALE G800E8„ No. 271 Liberty Street, [acts 1117M10 ISTILILIL J A. SITT.I.II M. STEELE & RON, Cosassissian Mambas& AID Dr./3.1311 111 FI..OV'EL, GRAIN. rimv.33.,:to ] !T) 137 A 2T31 Pre= 'LEM JAMES In RICIIART REM a lIICHAIRT, " . " - OCIIIIIMIZION autnacusres. FLOUR, owit, BZEUR, lam PEED, en; 549 Libertr $l., Pittsburgh. morm.tx ME46011 & HARPEI3, /LOUR. UWN /AD PRODUCIZ Commission Morehants Ne. 11211 1411111ITIf STILLIT. W. C. ARMSTRONG, aueouner to rasa &anaemia.) PRODUCE CORROSION MOUNT, No. 2 Market Street. iota J.J 11" J. BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, No. 3 PENN irratrr ALLE.xso k ITTILC BAIRD PATTON, Wholesale Uroada Commlakes rarbaste se Natant* Pinder:a . float. Bans, C 0.,.., du abeam* Lard Otl. Iro n s. Nana els as Conn arm_ lad alliPPlabalaMiaa r la i siy . Fe n s t a thin i ; ll9 sea 114 BLOOIII4 aDaf 7. 2109111.1D.W.11017L1....11X. U. UOOllll. iTtessorobiOUN l Flltl ' 8 ace?. no*. MAIN • .A:VALLACIL fiaIIIPTON 116WALLACEM hole. at iA tlei 'orktratr.ategigjzAL- GACE LELTHEIL—A. Large st..kor um, - PATENT sumo r an on iand and tonal* ti tom si•trifirst., - /CAPP EIL-200 b ;Choi 41114 ".";74arne"AVittLD. Slsibiltreet' L giga:l t z t i- VINEGAR THE PITTSBURGH 'WORKS. BALLOU & BANS, 67, 168, 169 and 170 SECOND AVENUE. Are nou prepared to torsi. VINIUAB at the I.4.)WraeT lialteLLT BATES. Attentlon Is par ticularly called to our E ym WINE VINEGAR. - . rarizorrez9— , •7l>•Let," "Par Salty ,, ..Losi,".. Wants," "libasid," "Boarding, - ' Be-. not exceedisp FOUR LEN= rill be inserted in these columsu once for TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; cads Welt. bond tine FIVE CENTS. WANTS. 'IXTANTED.-A RAG CARPET LOOM. Month ONSILATOB for the •pply at 57 Thirteenth thrtht. UTAINTEEL-A BAKEHOUSE In etsseherge or Allegheny. Address Gazgrril OrriCA. Stall. tont aad theallry. WAWTED---HELP.--AT ERS MOMENT OSTICZ, No. 1 flt. Oleas Stret. BOYS OLIILS d W digersal lande 01 employment. an Person. wan t ing tn bely of ell lands eon be eanylled on short notlm. ANTED--An AGENT for this T 1,8 4 14 gl'sril 44 .13e lobroool BA/MI/111 • MA co CHIOE. on nrblen we offer Weal. more tber•l Mao say other company C.ll and examine at 161 Wood .trees. 11. C. Vrll,OX. Travenol, Agent. W ANTED.— A GENTS every- WHIIRE to sell the AM BBIC•N Kt. \'O BA , HINE, Use only Pt actleal /evilly K Maehlne ever Invented. P,lce 123. NIB knit 40.000 stlidbmi per minuLe. Ad dress All EliltA.N KNITTING MACHINE CO., Boston, Ma.... or at. Louis, Mo. WAFTED. - MORTGAGES. $20,000 to Loan In large or small amounts THUBAS Et PILTTT. BBL Bond and Bent Lute Droner. No. 119 ens . thttleld strdet. WANTED. AGENT OI . $250 rUvri; Clit 1 Petra only Big • Great lodeoements to •gents. Tete Is the molt pomslar Seeing ma natee of the Oat—snakes the gamete ••I.lastic Lock elthen"—elli an, d of most that eat be done on any mach.. —100.090 told and the demand eon, tautly loeteaetrie ham U the ttme to take no •aener. Steed Ilse emotes, 116,..lies ware 01 Isaringers.-1101 Addreee alrelleall CO.. Boston. ILlsaa., Plttaborph, Pa.. or at. Lunt, Mo. 14097'.—A. Pair of GOLD SPEC TACLE 4 between leg Wedetal street. and Hinge, by may ol QUID seghel. Allegbool• ender WM be rewarded I. left UM ma,. Street. Allegheny. , LOST. PBo2lll§Bolll NOTE 1 .11.A". 1 ,7.1.°111- 1 ;:11 4 ,17,* °NA . ; iralra#l4 for fonr heed.] &Mary 1 1400). ♦ll per Gee are scalded eat tr megot ! el.. or the um; it pay ment has been suippee. 910- LET. —lloo2lll.—Tw o Fur y N WHIM IItONT R.OM for alsestiwg apartent, at No . 16 tottralt been., neat Woo.] atreet• FORIt RENT —Until the Orel of Ararti nest, the me t he BMA nelnee Holm, contalol. twelve rooms, CM. Me on Me corner of ntoehmoo seems And Web ster street, wit* smole anaotted. To • good ten ant there premiers will be let ton. Engel,. of TWOMAOI3- UPDIKE. 1109 h eeeee avenue, Allegneee• FOR BALD. rEit SALE—A FOUNDRY AND kt &CILINT. SHOP. .IN fuel Oditilad far Ulna Ind work sad a •oed trade eatabihttdd. Lildrese, .•1 , 017 DRY." at Ude Mee. LO SALE —A Counter and DEMO suitable fora Bankned or I . Can be H n as No. 66 rOURTTIVT ■oz. f1u..b.0. VOIIBALE.--Eaginatand 801 l era Nen and barend Rana of all llada conninatly to band. orders from a/I parts of ina Country pronnall oneozoed. 1= • Corm r Marlys • ..... d P. P. W. • C. R. W •Ilt•bl•P Pa. FSALE.—AI tine private At: ott Petettnet rtrni. lath ward; =lgo brick defenses ea •Ist Heny 15th warn; Ins /non Dtrellins ea Unts Sweet: House one Lot on Ceseen 'um; House wed Lot on Mb stneett Stoeseleld lots. SO Inf 121 feet, WO: tote. SO by 10 feet, SZOO sae glioo— tears to tn.y. A number OA Hoot Ind LOU nw &DO 1 . 1.4 MS An tee. LA • WILLIA3I3, ISIS sand. rR S 1 LE. -41101, ON MOUTH AIMS. Ur. SUNSHINY CITY. M— os 30a10 ams ts bUsg usd 07 Jas. Godfrey • Co. u • want•sturing ostataisbnunt. Elof tee umbers of Nu inn visaing to MU, business on •ocoant of poor tarp we so duPied to blue oat tr i al a tr• btu& Pass t • bargain. Also RUN Pow PI to 10 basso power.! mg inmate. lWarm would subusgown luau aglow Ow,: ad 60x1.00 kat, oa Isar. Wu. For tarifa Pull Lao!. OS No. 44 Oblo sires!. 17=3 rBALE, a l at t. rtua eveng H eca Bur lM= eraziL r 000; li.uo and Int. 94 June. Mt= 100: 9 hones on Plinann_ West. Cl. NA bonzes and 8 lota I, Manna Vn Jaz, 110 400: • lbarcslbtlagere• {o n on an d. Bea road. 011,000: 9 tot. on Pennant Paned. 000. oa. and lot In Salem. Ohio. fillailith acre (Tonsil la dal.. Dam 3C]0 010.0 ; 0 100: and lots , head of Beazer alroll. 1130; henna and II am, Is Elizabeth Dana, si 3 Opei; bonne and lot In Bildsenazey, Beaver 0 .n.0., - contains 31 mama, WS OD by. 019 0011: fins at Jralr Usta SUIVaII. a aaraL, Dn. . • • .• y- _ FOB SALE A LANGE NEW BEICE ROME, .ItE lot Well° feet, as Mats. nese Balla tenet, 11111 word. tLasreneaelll• district); bone It pleusatly Itestad to adults And dentrobla Oa:Mood; contain. IS room, Makatea atNe, oath 004 bath rooms marble mopes Ittraperb. oat; stoma toner*. and untie. restnitail sod ball; storm and Mon ortadoor and door alllo; Melds abuttals slots roof. MM. 1.10,0. • ••••••Iti•l• Coensolent and voll•tolatt. .4 /wow Postatelow,glvra tomedlasoly. la coin of D. B. WILLtIIfB. gaol lints sad Is comae. Assaf, lath Wart. Ptitaborigh, To., oVoootto Bt. Joha's ZOboolni Chor011• cwt SW EERSONAI.--All sick. ING H 011215, or lavoL e ra i riltal . -11 l um rtaralablgn= "nu eat Warm Penn= mum 4?2 Lft= IYbra asulit*Zstate .113:11. I=ZrAZII Gal&D PENS, COLD 3FrEENIR Repaired and Reibinted, 1715710 W. G. DIINSEASRS OS IMP= APANCII4 'topoomito Kamm Han. AV Alas stoclt of Kolas. Todd. C0. , 0 OVA Pace tvb oa W4-150' Use Ls sboasutot Cotry gum:need. • Rol numfatAtm T* )88. . HENRY"fif. HALM, Corner of Penn e 4 StOlt fAr!na FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW CIOMPLETE BRASS FOUNDRY. JOHN M. COOPER & OO Bell and Braes Foindoni, gum, manna i Him PILL 31381438133 Made Promptly *lot Order. 13/11381Toil Made and Kept on gatui pion sad Ilissidirtutti el • J.M. CooPerThlitsTeißilinciNiiiba STEAM Office, 882 SIM 1311411'. MikamoinonOilikiilmous,‘ mersammiir.s.:. :~ .. V13+14 4 I:II WS II Fire Insurance Company, No. 102 BROADWAY. N. Y. . 1300,000 00 CA.H CAPITA!. IS St`RPI.IIN or L 169 ~30 TS 111.1.1ng iu total Cabh w...a. $2.1151,030 78 Three-ertartert of tee proeta an divided. to July of each rear to It. easter:ler' la eellp. 1=1:3 until redeemed In cash. One quarter Is Melded I=l By this system the customers of the Company obtain Met, lull ranee at about what It ea•ts %be I=l =1 NOic—Tbe leterst amount of ••Set ettrolitt - ghourz by tbn —Ott%dal Returns." Is ULM of OL CONTINENTAL IMO-TRANCE COMPANY. = the follhertes dirt& net I= Per rent.. payable to the sabetboldera fortbarltb. I=l 11= payabis Ante. , 10. b E= anUtandlng nerip a •e 4. •ea . 6 t and Ili pnyabln in mit Beptembei 516th. CA. A snip