TILE DAILY GAZE'TTE: = PIiVIEU USD & CO, • ..' l ailice,B44titi4i se Imps 4408110. JOSUE 111 0, N. Y• NE D. LOMAS ♦wn irltaNDLOV.is F. B. PEINDULII; 'T, P. HOUSTON, ?MK. Or TPA DAUM arfian, .... . D3llvered by carte.. Pr."k REUNION. OLD IND NEW SCHOOL PRESBYTHRIHS. • , Adjourned Meeting of the , Gen6iattidOs. FIRST DArs PROCEEDINGS, 3 ' l lffifiatmous Vote for Reunion by the New School Presbyterians. 11! 'EDtIO4TIONAL DIFFICUL TIES ADJUSTED Report on the Subjeot .01 Amusements. JOINT PRAYER ,IFMINO IN TILE THIED;CHURCH... TUE REFORND AND UNITEI RESBtIEIiIiNS, Meeting of hint Committee BASIS OF UNION , DISCUSSED Pursuant co action taken at New York In May last, the General Aiatunblier of the Old and New saioot Preityyterisai Churches convened In this city on Wed sesday, for the purpose, mainly, of find. log and declaring the Telt of the vote on the Basis rettidite overtaxed to the Presbyteries of the respective bodies( and, Ground to have been maw" ley. trie.thirds thereof, to like Melon accord ingly, by arranging for the meeting of She General Assembly of the United Church,iu May ortloWS year. - Mireve In full be mix:o44lElgs of each body, inint Ointinititeti j et the Reformed andtfatteil Presbyterian Churches also sasenabled and considered. ,a teas for the °MIMIC intim of than bodies Vie proceedings of this Committee we also rinesairt in (satin: scuiry.AneiHtrum. " &boot Allembly conviliAr according to "adjoircireeut, in the Firm kreacrteran March, Wood attest, Off. S. P. Eicovel's,l yesterday morning.. At the appointed boar the aniline= was "- - FlUlatt .t.hp ixpinucumays. nearly eiiiiiPreabytery being repreetaited with, atoll Board. labile the galleries litre osowdlid with an array, of speinntora. ta mes and gentlemen, who seemed to man- Ifteit great iiitsiest in the proceedings. The Assembly was Galled to order at laettin Gale& b the Rev. M. W. Jam. • . . bits. Moderator, who mime the eam. ..141. 4 with igil# 7 . Calling the roll was then &miaowed in aist. l • \SOICSLOT ,iellar leg C. Drake, of idle. souri, objected to the oalling of the waste4,o34thle lime.. The .„, assembly bad not mooterd, to waste in Mich naelMagsooewirMlL It 'he net atm toinary other legislative bodies to all us toll on similar amnions, and he thought it mead easily be dispensed' with. Pia thereibrir moved that the call. lug of the roll be clispmt with. • The,motkm wasted gal Dr. placatrood, cif , Philadtdpala. called tbs,irttention of the Aasembly totimatter whiclt,he thought Wu now Armin older. It 'ins known that the eanarable Dr. Spring. , of New York. tied been ap pasted one of the Coromboionsreirom 'Odd pine, bat awing to Diadem= he unable to goad. Hls Prtabiterir ~. .liad.appointed •an annum. whom it would he, the duty of the Amierotty to ficeept, base becould take slut 'Moog them, and thus tontillete the repiliew Wort from that Piestytery. The Chairman itataithst Os Manna tie on 07261:CdWaRil would Nitwit loth such, nutters. The. roll ma than mired over by.Pd by the Bectelary, Dr. Pagers, • New. Jamey. introlleitAn inlartein. ..,The Zdoderator stated that soonding • - • tohlistont *half hoar.would be spent In Witte:Wry, of Vermont. Mir* : ta4thattie AMMO], rhis and sing the - IPlig Metre Dozologyt pis iraai ' wW allbtr,deu sow. .I . 2:l. l. ftt:Terztrea the ~korintOr3ained in singing- .2,4lk: a t 4 . spirit tim4asiginstel Miering at Ti m .Mo4lo,,,Ltu theNreaa a Scripture whird&Warlhdicsied with pray. .• srby, Um Bar. Dr ratterbitly. The Ameostar mita emu the Beth , company:lnm . iwtid=to " ET:iiittscintsbarni_BlPaskolfr ci z ri a l r e ="4l rtriAlT rir ror. idfiehregt bi die V SlGented toe MA Psalm. canimencinip be. 2.o tat sad her row Mak., progiuseo boar. . • The Be?. Dr. IlLsoirsiood, of:OV' Jar. way, fol io wad with arynionsidplaitio,n to tits throniaCillies. wbtch coneloded • the devotional exercises. AWILISSI6Ir oY A.1191:11121,1TIM • Rr, Schenck, of New Jersey. now pre• vented. hi order, ths report of the Com. intlPetion.Connenisslons, stating that the ,ieneurdesions of renumber of alternates for principals at the Isar meeting bad I been reosivedibot as the matter was one of great Importance, the committee offered no opinion. .• Elder Day, of New York, maid he hada resolntioapresented from the Clark of she Osier Assembly, meetitig In the Cdr Presbyterian Church:, That body desired tom:Yin accordazum and in OW /On with the Numbly of tie Old School to referenee to the admission of new members. The resolution was reset, It, . , T.Worritlfgl r0n 421 1 1 niNtehlthlabr afurnee# -odttes, pf three from eselrbiely, to act In conjunction, upon all qualms arliduir teem Propo s e d chantellkbY enteditution 1 . o r o tio,ruise, in the membershlpotthess • bodies at thlasembn. BEV. Dr., klln 2 Pave llionitht it would be better for each Assetindf to addle so wt, metters. far themselves. This was not a GOV Assembly,' and no alternates omo t hoio sluing in the last Amsealgy Could beadinitted Without inertinipg iM 0 , - ' * ''''_ 4 _': - • t • I Alt l ' 4/ - ~ ittik. 1 1 ,7 -- --- : -4-1 '• -': • (', r k Zyt •. t 4 , . I , sit.ao Oda. VOL. 3-..XXIV gal wag also an adhurned meetin : o an old body. He thought It better . telly the alternates, reported by ,the • ttee os sitting In she late Assembly should be received.ruel thank Area me ed. A • oner said he was In ay m. pithy wit the idea of Dr. Musgrave, but was a d that It might lead to mm. oilcan° • Dr. !Ina I wild, trefbedibeien can tioned In. matter-16m* striclly In • ,to be=tstierially guarded, TM • •••• musa.tint be changed, as It inch *mild be by the Mods. atm of new Commissioners or alternates. elected only Itte'• ihh tap lelaion. This wee what heedmed at firthettsiter. If they M aced, then the Stew School As sembly Medd doubtless 'ootices, spore elatitig the idttlillen. Some thither remarks were made in 111Dearess to the matter atter which the motto% allowing alternates to take the place of absent principals, and prtn climb to take the place of absent alter nated, vraitmanimoturly carried. The object of the motion was to admit aerie by the , imittoXlbly. bill ;tote chosen before the meeting at New York. Elder Day wia4W.tuctedtureportithis *dim laths othei dumbly, exphile to • them the position assumed, and extend fraternal greeting and courtesy. Dr. Schenck then teed over the list of alternates who Were admitted as 11113M bertat the Affeembly% blmarace offered a resolution that elltnetteca requiring • eoncrorrent 'action of the two Assemblies be referred to the Committee of Conference, for reporting to the Assembly. Adopted. RDCCATIONAL MATTER& Senator Charles-C. Drake, or hilasomi, old the Cohimittes appointed to tweed. gate matters connected with the North. western TbeoblicaltliamiNt the:ago *Mei reedy td ropbrt. eldred to kDOW when it eacnald be led. • Dr. Ball stated the Committee, on the Danville Seminary were also ready to • Dr. Muagrave moved that Ms be made the first order of the day for the after. twos weetdom itommeneing at three Voles*. WSW Make Asked What , time the Asunibly wished to meet In the after. 110011. The Eleotetary read the minutes of the preceding meeting of the Assembly, showing that It held daily sesialone from nine to one and a half A. M., and two and a half to live P.M. Senator Drake Wasted that he could read his report in a short time and before adjournment. hinagrave withdrew his motion and the paper was read, u follows : PILLABYTTALLN TEMLOGIICAL IMMIX/MY 00 TUE NOWINWNST. The Select Comudirso, to whom wore sported the majority sand minority or porta of the Assembly% Committee on 11111010niCii Seminaries to regard to the Theological Seminary of the Northwest at Chicago, with instraetions to “con eider all the matters therein set forth, and investigate the same. and ell other mat ters of controvomy in regard to waldfleto- IrArl. and report upon the same at the adionmed Mil= of this Genteral - Awmar My in November," have performed the duty of investigation • devolved upon •them, and be leave to subm General tr the following it to the aRPONT. On the Pith of Sepieniter last the Chairman of the Committee gave public oaks In the Presbytaith of Philadel phia that th e Committee would "meet at the Tremont ROOM, In Chicago, on Mon day, October 25th. 1869, at lo e. a., when and where all parties would be heard," and a request was subjoined to this no tice for lea publication by the Presbyter. =a /Mame, and Waster. Pres blob request was understood to have been cordpiled with by those pa. pers. In pursuance of this notice the Com. Minas convened at the time. and place designated, all the members being pros sot, and proceeded with the investiga tion, nine days being occupied therewith, and all parties woreened being fully beard. After having hoard all the evidence to theme% t.4mmttee tieter mined Um be their duty to make an effort to swore They amicable adjustment of tbe difficulty. They therefore ' appointed two of their number, (Dralluagrave and Backus,) to undertake this delicate) duty. The efforts, lee are hale)y to nay, proved mr). ass.dul by the great mercy of oar Lord. and the following are the terms of this sdjuatment, accepted by all parties, the original copy of which, Signed by a rep. resentaUve of each party be the presence and with the concurrence of all, Is here with submitted to the Assembly 'lts parties to the controversy in re mud to the Presbyterian Theological Seminary of the Northwest, have agreed to this amicable adjustment, vie I. -That thy-lianas shall be by-gollas.' no further tentroveraY resprieting past Lamm to be indulged In , and all ahall comordpiall y of t unitehe Institu tio n In promote the the held of usefulness now shine to width w greatly before IL 9. That one the nan, Dr. Lord shell retain on the chair o f Theology to which he has been assigned Eby the General Amembly, and that on the caber hand, toe General Assembly will order the release of Mr. eloCormialefroto the fourth instalment of his bond, and that the instalments of the endowment already pai d stall be regarded as a WM. tient of entire obligation. ft. Th th three Trustees last elected shall resi at gn e , and their places Obeli by supplied by others not unser:m*oh , to either . ;arty. That hereafter all the Meads and patrons of the Gamine , / . have a proper shore In the management of the Institution, and - ss der as practicable, 1 tbs Synods lerly connected thrill duly milWelostedll bedpgiinderstood that lbw friends of the Seminar" who have not yet contributed towards Its en downs:at aball masepromptand earnest efforts to raise for It the inns of at beat twenty.five thousand dollars, (125, 000 ). Signed on behalf of the parties we re. spemively represent, on this third day of Sovember, A. D., 1855.. (ginseng D. C. !lissome, . FE E. BPAPIroIeD. In presenting this. gratitring result to ' the Assembly. with acknovrjedg. manta to the Divine .Once ortdob. , 6o given it to us, the Committee deem it to be inounibout upon them tosocompany It with-the fallowing explanations and Morgeadons „Doan considering the reports referred tot/min. the Comeultue perceived that -the matters of controversy lo rwarg to the Seminary were llegeir. if not wholly, =mooted lb the donation of an hun dred thoussnd dollars tendered by Cyrut fl. McCormick. Tali of thre e. Assembly to the General. Assembly of IBA three. tbtutheof width sum Mr. MoOgrmick has raid, but the remainder of which he dacibligito pay, for reasonspay, assigned by, him its anflicient 1p hisJOdgment to lily hie sorbing. • Me ifothrootek being thus Trouilnently identified with the In questlcra. the Coinmito ee -4=ll proper, outset, to give bins an onarrtund to lay before them a statement of his of the - awe. He riouseqttently laid before the Committee ppaniWas which be bid caused to be rUted and published wereeMorittui ago, iseontainhis hie statement of the Semi harp hifliculdee, so far asthma he deem• oft it edVisatde.eo make ittop.semerving IgelVir44ll:—_:_xtudgioll'lurfdter stato r:way moron was assented to by the Committee. A copy of that pam phl et la -among th e 63ocueentsaccompany get& remort. no majority of the Baird of Directors were represented by three ot thelr nom. WA Mr E. Bps:abed and .1 ob xi Wood. hriaP,-Thlqs., and Rev. B. G . Vhowp. Wu, and tne.minority by Revs. M rs, and D. X. :mai% D.P., and Henry E. hillier, Ew. In opening the woe on the pattthe solootuy, Mr. Marquis wanted jive tiontsdningtheir NOW the majority and against Dr. lord, and the Widenu on both aides mainly refer red tb those allegitions. An examination ,Of Mr. AthOciimick'e pamphlet and of Ibis paper of flip. polity will at once Weeks's hose WV W portion of the controversies, In runner. don with the Itenboary: =shrug of charges affecting Dr. Lord, is he stand, in • peculiar redadoefto the General As. sombly and the Preabytegian Church, being their appointed teacher of TheOlOi . trithis geoninary,_and as Weigh:alba Theilitchurch Orion, .001101Mred in hie character and standing, and as op to the time Wien these charges Muispired he was believed to be withont reproach as a minister and as a man, and as ej, Professor:the committee deem 11 to be incumbent on them to say In explaistiOn of the adjestment relative to .this point that Dr. Lordtially's character Ms not essen affected y b7 an testiony ad. duped them. Oil the ortit m rart, became (MOO th at hi bee so ibr the confidence and affectionate moods of the tare Dethed.the friends Of tb W e Sem ary noYthwest as to treader It proper to act In respect to him u sug gested by the adjustment. whne.itromentai with a large portion of the Church. we cannot but regret the unhappy asperities which Gave charac terised this controversy,we ballet° there will be a general and devout thankful heas • the annOnneement that '•by gOaellarei to be by gams," and that "no farther controversy, rouPbeting pus banes, ta to be Indulged to," and that are to unite cordially In etrotts to . . . . . . _ . proMoto the prosperity of it ' In stitution. Muth of the evf re vetted have donbtlees been o to misunderstandings, aggravated mos of fearful excitement , and som e of them (we fear) must be charged 14 that "bitterness and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking," which the dt Apostle exhorts against, and whi our brethrellleave resolved to "put a ," with the' Christian purpose (we pe and will believe) of being "kind o e tel another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even d n God for Christ's e bath forgiven" us. In rryncie „to the 2d article of the attuttm mt in It relation to Mr. MoCcrr- mick'e endowment, the Committee re call to mind that, when to 1859 he made hte ninniticent offer to the Chocls, It 1 historically true that he and the great majority of that Assembly were agreed as to the Impropriety of agitating the Slavery question In the judicaare of the Church, and that Dr. Rios then election to the chair of Thee (Sc. cording to- the_ known wishes pi Mr. McCormick, did Deem to Authorize him tcrexpect, ma • result of his endowment, that those viewa would prevail' In the teachings of the Seminary. Indeed we are justified in believing that had ,it been indicated that, the opposite, viewa worad prevail In tlined teachings; Kr. DROOor• mink would probably not hate con sented to the endowment. Crpoi these hypottages the (bromides concede that there was In the' acceptance of Mr. McCormick's otter, by the General Assembly, stscet ond4standing on that subject to that effect, which to Christian tionorabould be as binding on both Berries as If expreUed In 'formal arms. • tied the condition of Mingo continued in the church end the country, which existed when Mr. McCormick made end the Assembly ticeepted hie offer, he might justly complain of breach of faith on the part of the church, If through the enbinstment election of Profesaore In the Seminary it departed from the under standing which both he and the Assem bly bad when the corps of Profeseors was elected in leM, causing thanstiy the prevalence in the Seminary of opposite views to those which it was then the no. . . demanding of both parties should pre vail therein. Had that oondition of things so continued, the committee are Im pressed with the conviction that there would have been up to thte time Probe' bly no change In the - attitude of the General Assembly on this subject, and therefore no occasion for complaint on -Mr. Mothwtnick's part. But sines 1869 a twinge hae come over the chum-hard the country In these respects, a grist: and wonderful change, loch sa Doman'" in the North, and perhaps few In the' South, had any premonition of then, and which, hardly leas In the thumb than In the state, has revolutionised lasillutlons and opinions. It is necessary to Inquire what effect that change has had upon the relations of Mr. tdoCormick and, the General Assembly to each other in'ton nection with the Seminary. So far as the legal obligation of his bond is concerned, the Committee, with the light before them, see nothing in any occurrences slum the execution of the bond, which cur - operate as a dis charge from its binding force In the eye of the law. .The offer of endowment was made upon certain conditions, which the bond declares to have been compiled with bhe General Assembly; and it Is not In Mr. McCormick's power to 'Dram date the bond lu law, because °fumy sup posed change In the attitude of tie A. membly In reference to matters outside of the bond Itself. Bat we do not feel ourselves, as Chris. glen men, at liberty to Itch only at the Ipf the. etas ate . 2,ifir upsets cannot afford to disregard. Cottle what may, thermic immolate= beloved Church must be without a breath of tarnish. real or supposed. and we must he right In strict conscience, as well as in strict law. We cannot shut our eyes to the fact that the attitude of the Church now is not what It was to IBM, on thesubject referred to. We most reentrere in the events of the past nine years a Divine Providence which bail materially modl Ilea the pos ition and dal:sof the Church upon these questions, and it Is a pleas• mew notable may that Mr. McCormick preemies to' recognise and acquksee In this chanxed aspect of affairs. That Mr. aloCormick should have desired, and in virtutiofbisendorsemant felt himself entitled to, mach Influence in the affairs of the Institution, we sup passe to be natural, If not commendable. Tina it was equally ior the Directors and Trustees of the Seminary, and even for the Osmral Assembly, to nand to him atrium mestere' of 'infbience than to one not standing In his relation to it, we do not hesitate to admit. Nay, we go further, and say that upon every ground mob greater measure of influence ithotild have been yielded to him: But only up to a certain pent. It never Wed be allowed to mums the character of con. trot. The Church never can, never will abdicate its right to determine all goer pious la Its and Mat from its meetallrespo L rudbilities involv ed ord. We understand Mr. McCormick. In his Ihterview with our extbdorpnaittee, so to emtisio Um-Walt= ess WI in hls pimphlet. (welch b e y some to have teen differently interpreted,) that be asks of the libnich no laminae In Seminar) attain Mee/lance with the duties and righter of the Assembly. A courteous consideration for his preferences all would Octruladly yield ea his Mae, and We folly accord to him dud; so fares ire could ascertain from the testi. Loony, aside from the claims in his pam phlol alipded to, which be explains to be only a 'lairs for the fulfillment of the tacit understanding of IMO, bs. has net- titer endeavored nor desired more than such “courteous conaiderazion." And inasmuch as the Assembly of ledrwas Induced to winger Dr. lard to the pbtlrot TbselW.etplext the mown Idabel, of uz, AMp CCcc while It can not be oatmeal this ba Mar prevent what the Assembly moms* to oft proper andewittillent,..lPre ortaribelau con. code that it wili be honorable and right bribe Asseronly to accept and order the modification of kir. McCormick's oblige lions suggested by the adicuittunet, roe; ogulaing injustice and gratitude that the endoertnedit en glen Will hive been niumilicentN ev na that the other Roc: of the inatitution. eresPectinelY It 0, Is greatly, U nos entirety, the effect of reg aid to tbethird article of the se- Josiineut the Committee beg leave to my that It is only right to have it under staid, Of the trustees displaced ,by the late changes In that Solid, that nothing appeared In evidence eV all to Inculpate their 605111 y or their 'oooipeteneel led on the oceitrary it was 'misted by all partite before the Committee, that no gentleniell in Chicago hold a higher Pe , sttlott. GI integrity Avid avelbnce of obriatists charmer. testify that it is highly honorable and worthy of the respect of the church; that for the slaked this amiable adjustment the threit /WO slectsd trinities Mite coneented tondo. explis or the fourth and bat article of the adjustment. we ask the liberty to ,In the first se°, greater to be- say desired teat tb . General rm trty bi rtt ga i t f Dirl' i c r tor Pe gf l sal our Seminaries as to secure• • proper 10. tercet and neoparation from all mho" ought to be concerned In them, and that in the selection of .offlcers Of-Its lentil'. Monett should avoid any statidnion snob - as erne have entertained 111•Cennectkin with the again of this Seminary. of , Ms. ingindoenced by political preferenssekur 'by soy tests abet thsh those recognised In the Oonatitntion of the chino; and lo the seeon4Place. we ley that Inasmuch Y the COUrse of Manta bee brotutht Into the circle of the friends of this Seminary toipewbo, ender its oil/deal erriteins• totelekehtlee to he leit Dot. It Is (*dainty the Privilege and duty of these .fneW Glenda" tomognlrothsirreimsdbillty , MS NOR itCriftherge thdlr Weer! ably In regard tO its notranlsrg mints, or relinnulth to those AO Win ale difeCOOn Or us agalks, subject to the ryas and set. thxt MOW au tea ainerat - that at Will be graed to know that at the came of our, negrothuhnis the adjustment appeared to., be -cordially Concurred; in by all- present, lb* eldest member of the Committee, sae: a feW ' words of fraternal counsel to the ' , puttee the hurled contemn', led ail in revareuitthanksggvingano prsyst i ts %troop of arms, sea Ins fervent. otar PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1869. _ . buret we ung the Doxology, and loving, ly, hopefully coacluded our work. All of which le respeetfully sub:ratted. 0. D. DRAKE. Chalrman. J. Tnunent... Banana, E. R. CRAVEN, McD. McCoan, G. W, MCBEIROVE. • After the reading of *the report, Sena tor Drake offered a resolution that the Board of Trustees of the Waltzer be In structed to sign a bond releasing Cyrus H. McCormick, Esq.. f om myment of 125.000, being hie part of the endow ment of the 11141D:de. Rev. Mr. Plumley objected to the sen tence in the report, retorting to Pat mulles sod bitterness, and th It should be eliminated. He cordially sp• proved the remainder but moved to strike this sentence wit. , Lose. The report and resolution were then unanimously adopted. 00 motion, the report of the Canimit. tee du the Danville Seminary was made the order , of the day for the afternoon session. The cue of the Rev. Mr. Taylor, a "Conunisahmeer of the Mat Assembly, was referred, by request, to the Committee on Elections, an alternate having bean appointed In his stead by reason of the Improbability of his being able Wetland. Adjourned MIN o'clock. AFTERNOON SESSION. Alumna)ly was again called to order at two sod a half o'clock, and opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Bear, of New I =3 Dr. Skinner, of New Jersey, from the Committee on Election; reported a tut ==EtM2M=l =MMM3 The Uomtaittee Meats to the Assembly. . _ alao reported an application hom a Prot bytery in Colorado, but offered no ear geetlona In the matter, as that =Morbid been previously settled. The report eras accepted and Ate& VACANC2II2I TO Ell PILLAID. The Rev. Dr. Rodgers oreseritad the tbllowing oommunlcetlon: PaILADELPHIk, Nov. 9a,'1969. Rey. M. W. Jacobus. D. D , Moderator of Gesertd Assastbie. Bass SITU At • meeting of the Board of Trustee' of the General. Assembly of the Presbyterian Church In the United Slats of America, held on the 24 anat., they directed the Swordlag Secretary to ecumunnicate to the atilgartext meeting of the Cieneral Assenthiy. to be. held at Pittabargh, Pa., Novetiiber 10th. the tact dug there are tow seven vacancies in MU Board which muss be filled by the Assembly , whilst holding its sessionln the State of Pennsy/vanda. Veryreepectfully, Geo. U. Via( Gin.nent, Recording Secretary. The Reverned gentleman, after reading the papa...stated that ea these yeomen,. mull be Oiled on Pennsylvania geouncl. and that as this wa. the only meeting preceding the meeting of the General AfireMlely to Paladatphis, U would be to pe:Keed at once to an elec. awry the TIMILDCIO. designated. He. theretbre. moved that this buslasea be . . taken up and that nomination■ be de. Oared In order. Dr. Bear moved se an amendment hat a oommlttee of three be appointed by the Moderator to nominate mutable persona to till the vanaceles, the oommlt tee to report the same am the order of the day thn moiling at ten o'clock. Owned, and Ray. Dr. R. K. Rodgers, Rev. J. H. Knox and Morris Patterson, Esq.. appointed. THE DAN - VILLA SEXITI•IT. The 'Rev. Dr. Skinner. of New York, presented ea the order or the day, the followinreport of the Ozimmittee ap pointed 1n the matter of the Danville Wm's:tarp: REPORT OT TUE COMMITTEE ON DAN VILLE SEMINARY. The Committee appointed by the As sembly to larcenies'e the aisle, of the Theological Seminary at Danville, Ken tucky, would respectfully report—Thai they mat In Cincinnati elopement trith and argrolsed-by tba .01001100 01 sunlay_ Tasubsom, Chairman, and T. EL filth Mer yr., secretary. After reading all the papers that bad been placed In the hands of the Committee they proceeded to Louisville, where they examined sev eral of the Directors and Trustees of the InatitoUon. Co the next day they sr rived at Danville and there =United their Investigations. AU the Pastes. .or., Trustees, Director., and prom inent friends of the. Seminary who were scoessible, were Invited to ap pear before the comedian. The invita tion was generally accepted. end all wore allowed freely to expron their views ' The records and amnion of the Institu tion were placed before oa, and every ave nue of information known to the commit. tee ens explored. The committee desire to beer testimony to the mutes:, extend. al to them without exception by all with whom they lame In contact, end to the candor and fullness with which their in. termaistorin were answered. The sub- Jeer matter of oar report will be appro. measly divided into several topics, which will now successively redgrel I at teation. 1. The isreporranee of rite Seminary. ' The Committee made diligent Inquiry ss to the edidition, of our Chorea.' In Kenttieky, In erdetto ascertain the beat. lug of the continued existence of the Seminary in the interest of the Chumb. -The Universal testimony was to the ef fect that were the Seminary &months tied, or removed beyond the bounds of the State, bur enure in Kentucky would receive • severe, if not fatal blow. The declarations and Testimony churches' now in connection with the Southern Assembly am making vigorous effort. to secure the preCiontlnanoe. A School has been opened in manned by Mechem either in connection with the Prod), terian Church South, or In strong sympathy with ih tha be Sx: come • "aeons rival to Center Co A Th eological department hos r ganl zed In the same Institution that has already taker' "way acme of the auditea of our Seminary. Not only is the Church property throughout the State in Jest. ardy by reason of the decision of UN State Marti but if that doolaan nazi overruled tur the Supreme Cour. of the United States, Center College and area the Seminary Itself will be in danger. The Church In Kentucky connected with oar Assembly , needs every slable external suppet we can render, to pil instils it to maintain Itself in_ the held ppo nuke progress 1p title OrUde. And no one thing MO be pealed Mars conducive to this end than the Seminary at Danville, when placed upon • bean commatel w the *confidence sad aßscsion of our of the pliant In the Slat& by the appointment et a hartioadoue, able aond.fth learned e faculty, and the adjust. meet th pubs' cooctingintereste of the eitution. lli The tkaigiihrie y ore, tberefora of the Wain that it the duty of the fieu=sl Svaetribli UP do sit that la within their power foliwM uphold and invigorate tide ail of the prophets" to Its present location. 11. The west of Aerstorty among as mrs ty thelnentsaws. mane was • matter that vitally con carned the prosperity and maims of thefts:ninny. the Committee me it a thorough Kamlnatimi and conaiderstion, They declined 10 sun/ linp fly netalls or merits of iny perional MUOVitilith =Antall t tbrif loosen" to these twO pante la. The act o n o miSitazus Of such difficulties, and ittid, their in. faience upon the eflieleiny of the In stitution.' The Donepittaltendaned Mean twenty and thirty gentlemen on these points. and the testimony was so unanimous and declare as to leave no doubt in their minds as to the P recommendations to make to w ria Assembly. Tire" recomedietion of the Faculty was deemed Indio. mutable lo the exigence of the ja stitutton. "situ Senior Professor, pep. Dr. Ft, J. Blecktouidgy, has eiready rk sidgxnnetd-him chide, to take effect at theaters cribs prenent eePolietlo year, Dee. Ist, and his resignation hip been ilaradby the Hoard dr -t Be,. DA Ter es and . Dr. land s. hive pineal their risignstioris ip the hands of your Committee to be manatod to the Assembly, it only remains that all Midellearadpe be declared vacant by the „issembly The way • will Woo be open for the fen 'dilate the MailM4l7 in the premises. In these einnimatenees It Is ono to make en i t o l u i rt ita reference a rrii panful sub ect. - Tao r /Union. , It will be remembered that In UST the dalinibl&rdered that the time of Nad i= nof the Seminary be en U should begin /lay and I alloseln November. . Alter trying the experiment its two years It was the almost universal lath =my, we may ay With the whams( the of = 4 - r' GI proud en opinion on the subject, that the ezpnlmset la not • atuxeas, and that the e of the Eiem=irtdd be greatly protected by to the winter asasion. In opinion Cote. mitts, cancer. IV. 77te apediehey of the Profeuora being Inembers of Up Board of &moors and 2 vviteca,.. Tta formed a prominent subject of examination. The testimony was gen erally adverse to the custom that has heretofore prevailed in this lostittitioa, and the opinion of the Committee Is that the Professors should not be members of either Mod, but May, of emus% be pro est ot thedr Begotols. Whoa invited to, them for advtee and ecsanltatM. In lids pszlicalar the Danville litanihts• v 7, sa Tar as the CtoomMee are advised. annul an "'copilot'a to all the other Boar u f . 'mules of the Moth. The 1:11 for the disooothuniztesot the are too obolowl to require en Its pescrical rest* as shown In the dlffkoal- Use that have existed In Inatittoloti demonstrate lig Idjutions tendency. V. The Condttioa qf the .Finditota Alter a very oatefat inquiry and an In vestigation of thdbooka of the Board of Tniatees. the committee cannot but sx- press their satisfaction* the admirable management by the Board of the fends of the Seminary do the past nine years of financial in the Union. end particularly in the Btate of Kea talky. We do not thiukit neemary here to report the detallsof the Verbs* Invest moots and Imsonwth The last report of the Board, publiihed la the minute, of the Aseembly, *II afford the requisite Information. It was the opinion of Sev eral of the witnesses that sobers* mil* be made In maga the laireacoente, by which. without Impairing their aseartty, the annual income might be augmented, and thus a Isms margin be gamed kir contingencies arising from fluctuations in the market nine of the property of the Institution. The itemembly, In May directed that tfie *lades of the Prdbwiwe be made WOO per annum, "provided the Means of the liandnezy be angleirsd to pay the sum and, until the suns la autrielent, that said salaries be Szed at WOO ; said ad- as to nommosup March let, NW." At a meeting &the Board cern:item hi Jail teat, a reeolnflon was adopted dal= the annual maLuiesof Preempts '42500. Whether this' amount, rather than the rtift!mrmrTll7 l Try"l'mW-1 MISI2NEEZEI Judge. TheComa:dame had some doubts about It; but If the changes above alluded to lu the Inestalents are madb. there will be no dlfiltulty. VI. Prorkbeg Officer le Pdeulty. The plan of the organization of the Seminary provides that the stinks Pro fessor snail be the presiding akar. Conaidesable difficulty has arisen from the feet that dnring a portion of the time that the Seminary hie been In °Mimes, there was no senior Probem, two of the Professor having Leen elected on the same day. More reliantly the sankrn by of rank attire , of the remaining Pro. remote wee =determined on the same grounds. This committee think that some other arrangement should be made to oreclude thing:currents of dffneulties to tlie future. end will present a plan to that effect. especially In view of the fact that In MO of the wroth:Atkin of the faculty as herein recommended, th ere will be no seniority among the Probes MOM VI). Initnectiox by the Prulesson. in the "plan" of the seminars it Is provided that there shall be tour profes sor. in the Seminary, and till the further order of the dassubly the sublets of mautiotion aetributed among them, namely, "there shall be • Penance of Exegetical. Didactic and Poleracin The ology: a Protean of Whiten and Econ. sianical Hisiaryi a Profaner of Church Government and Panora Thiele= a Profaner of Biblical and Oriental Liter. attire. The Ounnilttee are of toe opinion that the subject of Exegetical Theology should bo aansferred to the chair of Mb lion and Oriental literature. The Com mittee *Paid offer the - following reach.- Pone Ter the panxideretlea of the Ar eonbly: daunted, lei ta That the rr iosel sz a take • deeplutarant the a tee Theological Seminary at s Len. tacky, and are of the opinion that the Warne of th: r =terlan Church will be greatly by Us continu ed manna and operation a. a "drat elan Theologies' Seminary," in scored. ance with the original covenant entered Into by the General Assembly. Resolmed. Yd. That having been fbrmed of the sadgestion by the B. J. Breckeraidge, D. D.. of the Prnes-"' aerehip of the Ezegetiol,Didactis and ?P -inola Theolop, and the aoceptance of the Sadie by the Bard of Directors of the , the humbly desire to plies t at=theireena of the value of the garnets Dr. firechearldge beerandered to the Church In the original enatanustent of the Seminary, and in the discharge of the duties of his pormonialp. and they 'rapid apron the bops Oat whilst his days r tm ered die lin whenever way the of Church may employ tr., be may continue to Wan harm. meat of signal power and eamen to the advancement of the Kingdom of God in I the land. Besotted, bd. Thai the Board of Dime. tors baring accepted the resignation of i bly the Rev. Dr. .011.1nridge, and Hulot Amem having reaped the _midge*. time's! the Bars. Terkel and Wee; and it being In thejodgment of this As sembly expedient that a complete nor ganimilion of the faculty should be affected without delay, this Aseembly, for the' reasons named In the second topic of the report of the Committee, do hereby declare all the chairs of all the professors of ins Seminary at Danvi ll e to be vacant and that they will at the preens "MOM of the Assembly praised to the idectioo of four protestors to all towed. 4G. That the numbly do gratefully recognise themileand allialeas I mannerly which Doctors Yerkas, law I dis and Weethave severally discharged the duties of iludr profesecinthipx Resolved, /ha. Vat the stliffect of Bib. Had Enemata be tninsferned from the Ghetto( pideoticandPolendrateologito that ce Elibilical end Oriental Literature, and thatthe suldeusof instrisoliou here - IBM. In this their, be *MOW Biblical I Literature and Exegetical Thoologv Resamed, 6(h. That the Board alarm. tore ',whereby hatutotal to eatabllah a o nanent term far th i e n Hof M c ; pf=fr=l In the month of Amu or May, so as to confornrow nearly aposslble. their satins ip QS go other Sensinmies of the Cb.hi and they ere hereby advised, If in their juftment it hi deemed expedi=t, to m aho arrangements for a dating the year MO, within the mcoliha February and ;Roe haolosive, u wet° the elltdenlx who. MAI i= the advat . itsge of is third ream wailing t.l} elt littainP to CoMmence their stO,MIS irolohied, 7M. That no Pronimor shall be •=label of either thelioard of ;treaters or the Board of Teustem. and the amp lance hereafter of • Proneworsilip by any Member of either of the Baena tamed will be regarded se Mao /ado the red& native of his seat therein. Boxiftud, gbh . That the uplift" of the &misery be changed so that article "iSPligleillelir4be of eti gb nal licwa nith i "The and P as ".. one with inothar i to l d the cif Wanton% at their g next larceedlng each =OW , sun Erone of the Profeesou to act se g oßeer at the meetings of • d he elbsok to t the hwn WW pi nt mote of t at pi Medal seta The Facrally abet demo= of their sums ' her to act as stated clerk, who that par. form the duties words telluric:dem Reachced, etti un the easeasbly um. mend the Board of Trustees and their edam* agent en the Om sad elledeos I Lirain which th e finances of Meth hail beep wadmegi, end de hereby revovvalvtid em esrefully cooehter the Fitter Of 04We/rift mum of the *Midi to More profitable Tenn. ftullin,ll lo9 tO g radifier wimmar IDI time I pea rmt early fOr tellindstishe towards Waring boreal tor th e Maw" end Whether mane may mot he eedeued for me more aged Menem of. the Library. With this report the Conunitleatraaa. mit to the Weird Assembly, the mho- Rtes of the proceedthai together with tge redereaSson of Taken and West awl amonthanylag WenMftta. your Conuotther wopid state In am dual= that they have eadearcred to discharge the duties devolved upon them with imperthillty and fidelity end with a supreme regard to the intend of our Church as- and sepeolatt ly In the Stale of Kentucky; sad while the discharge of -those Mittel kal bam a ji p ins a l l iy a meste eittrarX tr=nlity sod deriadvensee.of oplaton among the may persouttbey exaugned2 - - have greatly relieved them of perplexity and made their way clear In the mom mendatlona they have presented in this report. (Signed.) Breaux MATTZZWS, F. IL Beaune, Wx. Si. Faairont, ROIII2IIT MCKNIGHT. Taos H. Simewelii, Jr., Centeettes. Ree. Dr. Rodgers moved that the re. port be sonevW. ouTiod. On elation of the same gentleman It rnw o lunatdmotialy adopted. Rev. Dr. Tease prompted a number of pe which he said he tied been re qu ,to lay before the Assembly by the Tried's of the Dauyllle Seminary. They were referred to the Committee on Documents end Pipers. Aramos or ooxxrrrsza. Senator Drake called the attention of the Ameembly to the fad that greet ex pense had been incurred in procuring Mere. wi proceed. worn &a., it. t =e re a t s i t t ntent of the TheolOgical Seminary el Chicago. and the Committee were anxious to know what provision would be made In the matter. The General Assembly had au thorised the payment of these claims. but had not stated by what means. Various plans had been proposed. but he thought. End no mated, that the the Kl=Trustee. the Commute be paid by the of the Seminary. Rev. Dr. Skinner stated that the True. tees of Danville Seminary expected to pay the expense, of their committee themselves In to an inquiry. Senator Drake tat that the expense of the committee would be from ten to twelve hundred drdiarn half of which was paid for phonographic reporting of the proceeding'. Dr. Skinner =mated that Danville Seminary Committee should be included In the motion. The Iter.• Dr. Munroe. Sated that some of the expenses had already bean paid tri f I=ll the came, who pro to the other side. to pay party's partre abate of the expenaea. Senator Drake thought It ceder to al low the Trusties to pay all the esses out of their funds. lf the gentisman who had paid a portion of the amount wished to allow what he bad paid go, he odged do so sod so much might be saved. motion was taken on Senator Drake's motion, which was carried. In answer to inquiry, Dr. Takes staled the expenses at Denville were about M. • motion to require the Trustees to pay the amount Wee able tarried. DITLYAMOINI 210XENATID. Rev. Dr. Rosa now called up the mat ter of the Directors of the Semlnary of the Nord:mem at Chicago. He under- Maxi that all the wan hitereaed had agreed upon oatift pampa whom he now wished to t In hominalicat. He wee allowed to prooe.d r and made the ibllowthg nacotostioas: Jftsruters—a. Baabsoss D.D, Batt. Pattarson, D.A, Bev. J. D Kemp, Rev. Ei. IL htscAnderion, Rev. Mgt. Baez. Puling Riders—J. L. Willhuns, Chem A. Spring, J. 0. Grier, B. M. Moore. Chas. A. Vanderburg. The nominatiom were reel:tired and or dered to be posted up in some conspicu ous part of the cbmch for the of all the members of the Amem th r,Vi n e election being made the second order of business for this morning The Her. Dr. Mimicry made a statement In refaranoa to the wafting of the John DimmMae appointed at the last meeting of the General Aaaamhty In ma to wind. er the =Mad of uts union of the denote- Inatlans Several atiampts bad been made to have full meetings, but at none of them wag there a tall hoard. The committee reprograming the Old School assembly had done what they could to perform the duty sedgetad team, but had net been met spatat oorrespond. lag unanimity on the t of the Chair. man of the pint Committee, who, for mama best known to himself, doubtless conacientken, declined to call the - mines together, and ensoequOlly — nos. further conference cocild_be-ifad in an official way in reference to the matter. He thought this needed this Non, to ahoy where the renogned e Vy, readied. - had bear- claimed that no = l ra was in the matter and that wint4 no particular need was felt for a meeting. The wee all a ml.. take. The Committee, lo far es he bad knew* them, only wished to have the matter thoroughly understood. There I needed to be a little more moderation. The Church which be represented was , ow* to mew° with open annst • r • •• • Presbyterian bailee, whether , they sang hymns or pretend= Those who rung poilms, and version at that, might do so se long as they lived and, It practicable, 'The speaker here pointed upward, tent , said nothing. The remark and gesture weal received with unit laughter.] He continued and mid that a little more knowledge was needed on this mint. and Ude was a good place to spread U. [Laughter.] There were a -ee goal Unitedunited Prat. who thought tf they the - 7dwon be domed to dog hymns. Pot at di. Tide was all a mistake. If they desired to nag psalms they could do so, to the sielnalonof everything else. Lit Ma% wail needed we. that each body be allowed in this matter to follow out Its own preformed. If any of them preferred Rouse's Tandem, thought them more poetical, or more modest, or morp theolobkied, why it yes all tight: tater could follow out the dictates of their own conscrimans. It was only on this point • question of poetic taste ar magical tut u Ranighter) and if any min thot these Psalms the bed, be was not ng to debate with him. All that, was needed in the matter we. a proper understand ing of the at" and nothing could be thrown upon the Committee for any lack of dlllganat In the discharge of their duty. In conclusion he presented the I itti=spre, That, rejoicing In the imme diate reunion of the two bodies so long separated, weglad ly hall a Psalm Presbyterian Union. embracing ail Winches of the same fam ily holding to the suns eonfenion of faith anod4 form of government. '&A mai sno desirable onion Mull be'That secomplhdte b d we will gladly welcome to our Church mine°. ;don all conniptions, pastors and mem. ham who embrice the doctrine of the eonfreion. limolsol, That all =Ming with as Mall ass sack asap of maim to God as their consciencowes id may dictates as Indeed Is al• toody 01l to and TlislolPli in and by lAs wand congresstiona eni Vr In our comamtdom The speaks/will maces prophecy that should such readutiotts be warm the good effects will at once be Mal sat ant to ler thm e ir e tr L not s courteous or proper thing err ttds body toopen their arms to receive the U. We. not knowing what they may do in the antler. The speaker mu Intemipted . _Muonsve, who aid that ther bv e would be a reralution of like be. port introduced by Dr. Plea In the other Assembly. Dr. Hall.--Ah I wall that takes the 'triad amispletely ont of my sails. pr. hinagrave.—Yes, I knew It would. (Laughter.) Bev. Mr. 'Cross to Mutiny/ad was the at of We Be being in. troduosa this time. MOW: to know If that was ar4 Ikeda obJert in view in Prellantl_l4_lr. Tim Palm dun to not ms declare sopmu lt . new, and as it to mar to tits asmohrmlan aver which Dr. Panay presider, should not be rataved. Mr. Musgrave add In reply, that Mae much sa they had met together to con summate the union of the two grand Christian bodies, the Committee had been requested t 7 raltdaers Manama= that them wee • irplrit and a feeling la the matter at ga y s: th e amino= ins 'Moritz:tont thin view. Wu Individual poradl A a li ts anther denonrmattan se to the emotion of the PasimodrquoDu. The Wed there won= be no other • an to ,the paper, so that their friends an turdastand thin they ens with them In • heart ermjnistl, Elder unman_aid this Matter wu never Gladly understood. The Pub and By= "Mak prablhheil years ago hednot been amid rallialant to =war all the demands of the urch. Mew hymns, Drd app Ch ropriate, had h ee e me4e, es a reedit *new work ander the ample of the venerable pr. t te t t e t had_ Jut beat Malawi& - great many wished In ass this work, hut were detoured from dniqtso from a fear Met wouldbegcdngtaoar. Ilehreated t he pomp a this resolution, that, withlts vlars and Its breed s sittsuriad Rey. Dr. Blainital stated that coot mon law was =take' to al elm. The Common few of the Presbytetien Cbiush - - In reference to this matter was Psalm ody. Now, the matter should be thor oughly ventilated. The Church should know the hid that it was contemplated to allow them to either stand by the old system, the old method of probes, or to take up that which suited them beet. Thls was the grand Idea embraced In the resolution. It wee merely • higher Christian liberality of thought. Dr. Crow objected to the resolutions, as It looked es If we were Widowing after the other denomination , and es he did not believe the author of the resolutions meant to convey such meaning, be hoped they would be voted down. Rev. Mr. Roseman. held that It was not proper that the clause referring to the individual church and minister to come over to this body should pan, as It was not dignified. A vote was finally , . taken upon the =of the resolutions. which was de. din the affirmative, with but one dis senting voice. DELEGATION TROY 2181.7 SCHOOL. Eider Day now introduced to the Mod erator and Assembly Judge strong and Chanoell'r Baynes, • Committee ap pointed to tender the fraternal greetings of the New School Assembly to the Old, and explain the action of their body in reference to the admission of alternates. The gentlemen were Invited to ocats up on the platibrna. Judge Strong said the New School As sembly had received from their Meer Aesembly courteous and friendly greet whichDlP they as cordially returned. They had mho received the salon of the Assembly in 'entrance to the admlnion of altartudel, and had given It a reap eat fed attention, although not being enabled to concur. At the last meeting of the New School Assembly, in New York, tbis matter bad been arranged by • resolution which the Assembly now fait bound to abide by.• They. In accord ance therewith, allowed incenciee coned by death and redgnation to be fillet but had not allowed a Principal to take the place of an alternate who bad occupied a seat in the Assembly at New York. and wee versa. NOKIN,TIONS YADE. Dr. Bored:.lower presented the follow. tag report of the Committee on Elections Nomination' for Danville Seminary. Mr. Skinner made the following nomi nations for faculty of the Danville Semi naty: Dr. E. P. Humphrey, Didactic and Po lemle Theology. Dr. Stephen Terkel, Biblical Mere. Wire and Exegetical Theology.' • Dr. N. West, Biblical and Eccicalaatical History. Dr. L. J. Halsey, Church Government and Femoral Theology. There nominations were made the special order for this forenoon. Rev. Dr. Magill, of Princeton. read the law on the subject requiring the comma. lions to be made two days betbre toe electleo. Senator' Drake contended that this matter wall only ln reterance Princeton College, and as a tending law. The Assembly could proceed at once with the matter. Dr. Hell thought what had been cue. aerru e,, anwd, law ine o th n e n a t bs y e , even did this law ooly apply to Prino eon, if It had .been aa need, the cmitam in other team It wan the law. This point wu debated for a short time, andfile a t z tled by an appeal to the laws Danville which prod for the electhe of any officers, by the Amenably, at any time, and In any way they might adopt. Senator Daske—l thought as What's the use of oar speeding two or three days on this matter when it may se well be done at cum Dr. Hall made a motion that all rules conflicting with the Eaton of the Amara. bly thin matter be st owe eat outdo. that the teethes" might be proceeded with. Canted. The nomination were thee received, and the election declared the second or der oftbe day far this morning. According to rule. the Rev. Dr. Dick son led the Aseembly In Prayer. Invok ing divine guidance and wisdom In the selection of Teachera for the College named, that all might in the end acorns to the tee In ted of the Institution and theChazob end the ultimategkay of His name Dr. Holublower maid that the Aa. eembly wham they met drat in Boring had received ■ polite imitation to attend an evangelical council held In New Yori.. He was one of the Committee appointed and bad a very pleasant time. A Com. mines bad teen appointed to cam out the end of the Connell, Dr. Roberta,hsv. lug been elected on behalf of this Al. monthly. _ Dr. Dodgem stated that he had an au tograph tomb tampered Moe the retteMlint of the signatures of these participating In the fraud union, and hoped that every name would be obtained of those permitted to participate In the move ment, the signatures subsequenUy to be deposited among the archives of the Church, and a lithograph, duplicate to be made. T PITZLIICEMICI DITSMOITIL, Ran. Dr. Radon read • oommindca. lion from the Board of Publication. Senator Data moved to lay the paper on the table. I. Dr. Hall mowed, to mils it to • ceded committee of three, appointed by the Moderator. Carried, mid Dr. A. 0, Hall, Dr. Cyrus Dickson and.). T. NLson, Eaq.. were appointed. Eider Maclain moved that es the mat- ter had been omitted in the printed copy of the minute, of the last Amembly.that it be reamed to in the minutes of this Aasembly to be printed. so that all might know, and an omcfal record made of the names who constitute the Joint Commit tee on Colon. Carried. Arrangements were then made for the various meetings of the committees and Union Prayer weeding'. after which the Assembly we, disociessd with prayer by the Moderator, to reassemble this mcen• log at nine o'clock. THE NEW isCHOOL ASSEMBLY. This body assembled In Third Presby terian Church, Sixth street, and at the appointed hour, eleven o'clock, was called to order by the Moderator, Rey. Philemon H. Fowler, A D., of UM* New York. Rev. Edwin P. Eistdeld, D. D., of New York, Stated Clerk. and Rev. J. 0 lentworth Butler. D. D., Per. manent Clerk. were present, with Rue. W. E. Moore and Geo. A. Howard, Tem porary clerks. DiVOTIOVAL 11ZIMICE113. The Moderator stated the rules re cared that an hour be spent In devo. tional execrcbm, bat In ooneequanoe of the lateness of the hoar of amennbling, if there were no obiedlona, the time fat inch devotion would be :Wooed to half an hour. Te =Won Hymn wee then rung. en kit Its pawn of J..U' satsol Lot sun ortousto Mit WIZ* Conf. too raga. diodes. imatnra UM Loft of alt. Eder D. E. &atm of Minas. offered a fervent Timer, Invoking the blondus of 06d upon the reunion stout to be eon =mated. lb° Moderator read from the 86th Psalm. Another hymn we sang. • chute to k•IP t ham The Moderator mots • few remarks. They had met together on Me coculon with mingled feelings ofesdneorandjoy— sadness over the death of some who bad attended the tut asembly, end with flied haute at the unanimity with which God bad blamed them In the realisation of theft most sanguine hopes of bringing the two churches together. in the ona. summation of the union the banded God was *Me. Another hymn wu sung, Eery With Hum,/ rue. Nev. Dr. R. R. Allen, of Ptdladelphia," made a few remarks. The great thought of each one present was the .wondsdal runt about to be reslised—thermkal of the two churches, Ns had been with' the New Schott Cherub about three yeas, end loved it dearly, although named in the Old School: We felt, sin. ously believed, that the _hand of God was In the provost moventeit, that the retuning about to take - Ipleoi wu work, and Be would blue It. The lath hymn mu snag— Laid, Airstliar brstl=st W.* WA own reettiosa Prayer by pew. Dr. Tqlare of Upisba- MEM * NO. 262. nail. and Ron. W. E. Dodge, of N. York. Dr. Wm. Adams, of New York, made ■ brief and Impreinve address. Another hym was lung, Oa la tram tow Rem a fetter. BORNS:BS 00 X.XILNCS.D. The time for devotional services having expired, the business of the Assembly wee opened with prayer by the Moderator. The roll was called by the Awiatant Clerk, rdnety.three ministers and seventy-tlx elders responding. The Moderator announced that there were a number of persons present hold ing comminiona to fill vacancies, and wished to know the plenum of the As sembly with r*ard to the matter. The Stated clerk stated action had been taken on aid ankisistax themeeting of the Assembly In May last, and read from the minutes,. Commiselona were authorized to be tuned tO 1111 vacancies resulting from death and reiliptstions. In samodance with CU action commis •lone to fill such vacancies were present ed and referred to the Committee on Gun rolesiona, conalating of the Clerks of the Assembly. Rev. Dr. Noble, from the Committee on Arrangements, was permitted to make ■ partial repart. Se stated that the hours for the meeting of the Assem bly they had designated u follows : Morning Elession, open at nine o'clock, (an hour to be devoted to wdiniorol riees,) and claw at twelvin Afternoon Saab,, open at 23f o'clock and close at five; religious istwicts In the evening at half put seven o'clock. The report was adopted. CHITRZEI 11M-ITNION. Rev. Dr. Jonathan E. Stearns, of New ark. N. J.. offered the fWlowing: !Imbed, That all matters requiring concurrent action be referred to the joint committee of conference on m aiden, to report to the hasembLies re spectively the mode of prooeduse; and to report also a programme of joint re ligiou■ exercises. Alter some rileottation as to the propri ety of the resolution at this point of the proceedings, it was withdrawn by Dr. Stearns until alter the readout of the re port of the Stated Clerk on the answers of the Presbyteries of the "Presbyterian Church of the United states of Arnett o ," to the overture on the reunion of the two brioches of the church. A OTION OS TES HAMM Dr. Hatfield. the Ulerk, read. the re port, ea tbllows: **The number of Presbyteries connect. ed with this General derembly la one hundred and thirteen. clime revolt. ass have been received from every one of them. They have aU answered Overture in Mt affirsurtica In soh of the Prabyteries in Albany. htillbaro. amd the DlieriM In a negative Ince was of cast. In each ell: remaining one hundred and ten Presby teries the vote was ecuralsamia" MEEIMEia THANICSOIVLIIO LAD PiLLESS. At the mum* Of the Moderator, Be?. Dr. Ademe offered up thank. fru the toad aculdolous rexult.. The Anninbly thou num with full ram coal tip= la/ Wert p 110./. tame,. dap gd COMIIIIWICA7TIIO TEI 31.1317 LT Rev. Dr. S. W. Asher. of Oda, moved that a committee of thew, two ministers and one elder, be appointed to Inform the other Assembly of the action of the Presbyteries of this Assembly. Carried. Her. Sonnet C. Aiken, D.D., of Cleve• land, Ohio, Rev. 7.. M. Humphrey. D.D., of Philadelphia, and Hen. John A. Foote. dirClevelsad, were announced as constituting the committee. • 0011OTNICATION PRONE OLD 8011.001. Mr. 8. Day. a delegate from the Old School Assembly, was Introduced arid explained the sedan of that body In re lation to the matter of omodiketamay, In cases of vacancy. He also extended the =dial greetings of the Old School A. sembly, over which thesplrit of the Holy Ghat bad been manifestly present in their deliberations, and in whin the New School body lisel been most. affeo. tiouately remembered. The Assaultly had phstointly Mailed the subject of new axnenieelame to the proper committee, but out of respect to the other fusembly and their orsaunted• cation on the subject, It was deemed proper to take further action, and some discussion ensued. Dr. Adams nerved that Hon. William Strong. of Philadelphia, Hon. Daniel Haines, - of Rockaway, medlar. Frederick O. Bornhotne, of Newark, were added to the Committee on Commlasons, to =idder the communication from the Other Anambly, and all questirmable asaandadona. The motion vrevalled. Dr. Steansarenewed his resolution, for the reference of all matters rreeqquiring occurrent sotkei to the Oommtttee of Conference on Union. A member of the Assembly desired to know whether the legal question In volved, b eliding rights at prove:Ay, would e coniedared by this committee. under the resolution, and suggested that It would be better to submit this matter to a separste joint committee, composed of legal gentlemen, of whom there were but one or two on the Com mittee on Disunion. The suggestion was not put in the shape of a motion, and without further discushnt the resolution of 'Dr. Stearns was adopted. The Asiembly took a rams until three o'clock. AFTERNOON NENSION At 4is designated hour the Alsembl7 was called to order. Tha Moderator offered up a prayer. The minutes of the zmidught madits . were read. Rer. Dr. Buller, Permanent Clerk from the Oommidth triwbom new. Mow misslinis were redured, reported the -name/sof mut personas they Mlleved entitled to be enrolled ea member' of the Maembly. Mr. Stephen H. Moyer, of New York, inquired If sae threes pmeenting numb= were appointed since the ad jounmsent fn May lase Moderator—Nearly all of them. There may be one or two exceptions. Mr. Thaw thought the proposed no- lion of the Assembly would be =eon stitudonati Indgelltroug referred to the action of the Assembly In May hat, providing for the appointment of commbeloners to till vacancies caused bur and moist*. don. The Aasein were now acting under that rule, and *bought pooped, me report ell ad thsCaroadttos on lame minima w adopted: - Judge ftrow was appointed to :spirt this anion to tfisother6rembiy. . Absentelp st roll call hi the Manson sostion, and sho at the seaston at New York, ware called upon to report:them. salver canson naroiteratioatinr. Dr. Faber inferred to the master of continuing, or :whin. the Committee on Itteonatinotion. appdatedin ISM with a view to eltue of boundufea and changes In _the eonetitutmn.' - lbs Committee had ' made a rr~sppoo rt,, which Wu not adopted. The qmW. otrown. unmet= bad not been touched upon to . any extent by the Committee on Union.- The other - humbly. however, had re. Tired tbe Oonmdttes an Becasetrueloo, but the matter Ma overlooked ld this body. He referred to it with a view of having the humbly cot urer. and ap point such Committee, Inertias that qua. uoci may be oonsidend end the Way paved de action at the Meeting of the Mid. General Aseambly of the United to May. Mks meth= me imply Ihr the unit& tuna of the Bunmetnadion Committee of 1/36a Dr. Wing. of Carllale, thought the CU:ambles ought to he eadargal. Dr. Mame referred to the but that at the rooming seed= all matters mut' , log ocateurrent mike were referred to the Obarmlttee on Reonloo, but thought melt fellow ruight.be reorraddered. Dr. Adams, atter oonalderable Macau don, auggeoted that the =attar be defer. red arena after dee reunion had betide. Gland. , • : not Mod= trio wlthdisin3. with to tuulotwaudlng that it would biiaoswad toon. situ Na Jobsl cautulltoo, bad :vowed. . . _ roar PZATIR . . . . , la. Adams moor* thekthLlamteit tee on Ewa= tea lantigat he aloha perm aseellzog of , both.lismagolee thU roman& la Ulla -Oharoh.l - =oho the direction of the Maleretata TllO report au adopted. ceTzra StiM' • Thiquettlea peolioesdahelbteula retards of Ltallraxl of Ae~tli 40x14 THE WEEKLY °Ann% G M. e t a ..a eb,...veut:oniosiordal. IIMO; pabaas4 In Wawa rinaatviala.l No firmer, =actuate or mesetax% Pb • IM=lll3 = 121=2:12! I= • copy U thintshed 'minnow]) to MO [Mai aof .0.k.0f tea pacmaaten ve MM.": Pa act as agents Agana.. PENELEAD, REED lc CO.. I Proprlecam to exaceiseld at -thla imam of the La- serehly The aledesatoisaawaredalllrmailletr, adding that the repo of all other gyp. oae hoc previously p zed soled alp us examined. Reports of Spocusl CommMANN win called for. The Committee on Unemployed Mln utters, Dr. Wm. Adams, Chafrman c wine not prepared to report. IMPOST ON AM:num - ENT& • , Dr. Herrick Johnson, from Committee 1 Or Amusements, lamented the= report, which was ado ted and to Committee on Yabltatlon fie public* , g The question of popfilar amuisemeste lis one that cannot be b inatute. 1 What to dowrththespttltaadthe illatit christianity rattier than with. the letter l of its law. !fence the Inapinsibillty et; specifier entement. But - theveay hoe of Lie near and vital aanteditodatith split* • oil Ilie - justifles and derunthator it a thougthrol consideration: ' - What eariptural oldie* inlet ere in", the maned What. tenure :feed tb*- - Church to assume towardlisacsinet Mar amusements! • ilk *weepfa"etwdam.l nation of them. would bee nreepling lb& i ty. To say of them all that they ea inherently and positively Wad, Is sim ply to say what-: to not stns, sand to protest against suitable recreallob would be to protest against a mental and moral necesety. A long 'ringed wad sombre hued piety is not after the order ef the veinal. That make reoognillon of the Laugh, the joy of llfe; has no frowns for the play aide of our natures bids na serve the Lord with gladness. Nowhere so much as In the hearty of God's people should Joy have her home, and go rip piing out in the channels of deed and I s 1 But what la suitable Christian ram* non? We are without a speeilloi" Thom , sailli the Lard," for each epode° Lem of platters. But this is by na_meens to acknowledge that we are without Scrip ture goldseept The Writ is 'broader: and deeper than the letter. Thera am general principles whore pram:aid and subtle reach makes a tmposeblli they should be framed by a law. Than that bear on tibia quainten of popular amuse mama are these:__. • 1. Thegeneral prim:telethons/pod tette relation whicii CArwiana =WM* tome* - other. It is discussed In /tom. XIV Ulf' So Cor. vlli. Christian liberty nii i c t a is ' indifferent is there distinctly But it is bounded andlimited by a higher law. We mat not abuse our Ilby• to the offence of our brethren: We must bridle our knowledge with chiral. We are bidden to beware how We tubpow watt the sanctities of e timber% con science, and to beware how we tithe with the necessities of a brotheilfiresk nes. The law of conscience and the law of kme are far name erred and more reoloue and more to be regarded than the law of liberty. To the child of God they ought to be alwayeparsthotint. To assert Independent* at the expensed' wounding a brother's conscience, Is "to seascape! Chem." "It is good neither to eat deeb, nor to .drink w in e, nor any thing whereby thy brattier eitturiblstk." Of course, a merely personal, p= wretched scrupulosity isnot tribe upon the Church, far its Revetment. Bat amusement. whose tendencies are is hercarly and Motet inevigely to Mesa, where the wink nut the waster bre may Mum tile and perish, and against. which Mere is d general Christ/cm conscience. ars den. vilely cow:fanned by the plain Weed of God. 11. The secorui general principle Ma respect to the relation which Christine name goats world. It is negsthe, and ' summed up in the: "Be not entloned to this world." It Is a relationed Me. ' conformity.' Christians are to be unlike the worth and distinguished 'fit= U. This idea of amaireenese-runsthrongh all the map and woofer Seipp:we And - it clearly does mohimply a - thleratton from the . .- evil ' , ad the world.. This . is g lacial" ltively cam tbriestare - ere pledged and te obedientliby Vett vm- ptofeedon. , fine aspeehon. lewd. in noacieformityls hem. asorblll ness-from the worldly 'Writ. It Is. demand tbar the, whole treasted beet and current and aldrit [CAW: athletic r life shall be different - from *bin ot - tier-t worldly life so dUTerent, that li tdiall be ~ [manifest to die world that the people cit.' God are pilgrims and deems on the ' , earth; that they are walking with Godi that they area penally people, Called oat of the world while .1111 nemailnitst. In it, God's witimenic. bring itu=the salt of the esztb, chosen, set apart, resenthatde ev erywhere as having to bear • WWI Jams, and as holy in all Mather of eon venation. Let Christians apply to their urea this one central, promtnetarttothel idea of non.confamity. Les thee emu ' it on all their endue until 'th o se unmistakable exhithlons otthe of thee unmistakable endear and the Apostles, and it will go eirejar to -. settle this whole question of 'ill or Irrational amusements. .- -•- • • S. The third general_ pritel n t ic e respect Co the Mallow which tai estoin to aria. It Is pesities and sum med up lathe: "Wheneve Itl r •doin • ' I I work or del, do all in the name of the..: universal'LordJenza.Broad erwitb conarrebesenrene‘ In • l lulu" its —inbillifits Tft t* weenie after all in Its hunbunental oda .1 dhiona. “Wb52101111,270 do. IR another place, applied" to • the everr-day ne otenty and acts. ..ref.. aur a: three-eel-., lug and drinking, applasidlle -Abate. fore to our recreations. It Is - scrip. turd condemnation -of_ every ' form of ! social divenion in which a Christian ciao ; not indulge "In the tame of the Isiad itga i J c = cl It is divine endoreetnent •ot is done by &child of tled. into - which be may go =dont -ot.which he .. anyone.. and through - th e metes of which he may cantanne, , Withent th ee being ose momenhwhen It =old berbr• -, any way Inconsistent for hie to ath his Lard* approval of him there; and .of - what beds doing andowltnelateg and countenancing and .supprotthes,..; - .._- ''' • Li ciact st ausic luancithisprinciple be lemesely and a MiA r erpelled. It Wilmette =soy a death It will coadenn.manya pop. We amusement. It bars.. our. eery , indulgencea,bar, cannot be bad to. tion. - gleam and loving remembreien Lord. Antuennuas that undersolue health and waste alliances amusements ".. by which.the Weak and the ' are so ellen turned out of the Way= MO to stumble and perish; amusements that make it appear self God's children wee ; as eager after, and , as intent upon the... bus and ternithisent the Wield se e children of the world.. then. - selves; amusements' makitit -II ea•-. central for Christine ta take po salons that ought- to _ . Wing. If they do not bring, the,blood to their faces; amusements that compel Chita • dearth witness 110.100111: and betr quip. and jests soiling their settle with soit gelled untileannesa,"-tbes all; and ell likethese, are _banded Willicoodeonar .: thin -by this divine , prim* ~Ne true , disciple of Chris% can give, taxman to' -- such amusements "In the =need the ' LordJesant" , . We thee.= we began, a b l e whole question most 'br taken 'tool of the do. 1111111-ce eerieresmf. ' It ti net etc much n quieten' of e debt and wrong. as of, omaciele• : end charity. I The spirit or our life Is far more humor- l ea than the teeter of our 'lser. ,- The matt l of love is blgherthin the beset literly, s Chriallaithy antagenies mob:Waded It' does" not - conform' to lb ' The Church t ahead - deal with it not ao:mnth by - the axe of dielpline. se , lay- , the Ward of ' th e 'pith; - Y et`WithM, • doubt the very lair of !Manta" mew time - require * • kind. • enedeste.. thoughtful, exorcise of the sib. l titan:my power of thil ICUratelit but our.chlef appeal would be to the conscience. Germain reliance some be on the spirit end 'bents demanded Its a wholehearted sursender end •ennieldt-: meet to the Lard lame. Thiiiewho ere coostelned by the lath .of _Chalet, Me. SCHOltly allow themselves batbalteme in any bovines or reareation, - any 11012 or play, into which and Weigh whieb end" I out of which they gannet comdatetalreo:' Iwitheverpneent mnhathetieeeftW membrane of Mambo gran--blinselt , for us. that he nage reiterate from ell : . iniquity, and Melly notolameltapete- - , liar peeps, melons Of geedinallts.. , _ . . • Haase{{ RailErlo42 :'- Willt.-E. 11001101;' " ALM liVEltilStEnr: • , 1: - .,..:,1„,..• : f o=ll ' ~s-aovl • Tbo- - nokl Overturonnt, .00 Boston, talk% Fand.- --Sonatod doe co Iblookansukt . l",n l Y..adiltillii:oll docket— - - • - - Pao. Dr. likote hour tbs. ExecanNO , .o2akoltfik of tttar modosion known in tho , ProotrOon ZUntolioal &de% oftudzoinn _ la • :tertbused • ISM BEE = ES ri;w S EMI