IPA Eittsliurg Ciagftr. =EI GAZETTE BtItDING, 84 HID EA FIFTH AV =I 91,11.1:Itabargb. Alltibirny Awl Ails. =Li= WEDNE4DAY, NOV. 10.._R30 ir:t . 'Bonds atFrankto filmaltstra as Antwerp, lima 61 if. isor elised In New York yeetezdai . at '124912.7f. , • . No reciproctiitieaty with Cal3ll.da has been yet negotiated, and none each will be except with the advice And concur. rni :l l l °# 44o Committee op. WAY? L -Who 'Odd that' the B. & 0. %Dinky tilt temp& with tho Pennsylvania Oen: tfatrdithe pnrchage of the lino between ZAemelge and einchuutti, which is to be esold byladiclal order on the let mi. • - • • 4511 -11 An Pruitt will be made, this win. t o eteefuroars Government posial tete 'But the propoEttion le not itkHl klielit s trAteell much stronger in Atends gaiirwhenli went to the wall tit* lest .Ablan.4Plitood that some NM, tidal : - aging details. personally concerning cer talgthleniheri ant suPportens of the late ,be elnOkekOliti 12.• tWgrairiet , - !Cethe current proceedings 'epitif*the Federal claims footle pur , cisAVOl6siey of Southern ralltiaja ifauz e'rum In the sae . chi 71aTigai ati Mania to have reached a asort otreilifick finite Courts. The 111 W tits triton haiß'en -. COrpixen - Cel cannot reach an imue• hjnff Vince time nett qv& 94 . 1 pg; 'Aiken he takca np tikihr 3 I .,, potrrefit 145% to hang thug, 1 •"':unto Tast, thelaWytater. _ lejititinAlutritatively denied that the thrititiy , ett itifentritin - atty libm for [eminent arty reinmption of 460 0 4Pantithiin'i all has ir itzcaZ 111ftieltft-P" pace a four .anitiiialf pm °malign; itstabarized by Cohipeas, tkikptthelatoss=of another yitt. ; signtlittii than tam legislation will do 'much_to accelerate a cash resumption at an hitijiday. , :Atid-hifdiiet ettAta bbliuteltas in favor of , imirestin9 I . 4 46:SElsois of the currency as least by enlarging the banking privileges of the F3stqlitostad Sonth-west. The neitTressa• Aliort will be a documenf'of more aigAlfmhe than the country batorecelved fetiti*Agittree since Decembee,lB6s. Elti/i MORTON holds thattlierecoe. ' ratan of Cuban belligerency.lipurely • matter - 6i' tsecutive concern; and urges thiNfidderit "to gene r a . ptoet6taslida fn the insiggents at einiterwithcon waiting. for the " - Congressional session: litilt:ShiSeisator's , backers, outside, Vow tiagittlineral Gasser will notheipthem, caddialooll:'-'ro this sal the Illitor* terlifenblibinyins'Who inanufacituninite licin at a CASPItel$ and Vitesista, theanteAdl r over the land, art{ *fend onaW:iiiitsing" ups boldest falsidatibittr, yb tri4eitiAatretaatntry ILI to the position ot+iairik Public men on thttmtiss-' arivertod to - their-1010pr Bingham, of Ohio; a teiFtisys aintE 'The" latest fabrication Online , stialffisitiat BecretaryFnot a convert to their. proposition, 44„guit a f,tio.fle-natet -will OW wlth bosh.. But .- •441t1e Puillalsi int& underlies aniOr• - •11 dt &spat - cites ima..lanati riatgltafaitch ilie-finbuiliiii.44 , - - lereftc*A'ltuit iO. torttauttalifer artuitriiAtust ; thiiiPntaldeolt - ;.,. of. State. Aland. Mani: and wisely . " in the way - 14,0ne -of - the mostlithichiestus schemes-at present ntenacinOurAtthijaiik dignity and peace. iiiiiiisinisamei AND =IINLON. TOlliLa as 4, - et* Danspiration' and con cdidation...;Manisipsi and saihxad conrittionis; - lidlekes and accleitudical b4niiiik Wang their . tortes with the viewall 4sugunnting their , power, Tr? , DeDgI,IIL4D:, ID I =N4 ' NA -1 11 =44Dli thelkime ease , •• •t . 0 , •- • UV min the'Protessani Cfnircb ha - werhapeilealhir iirilititgah:W vaim +da deal:44mm bilging. IthWircit than Dielititlinlitii hair-spill ginkto 4a: ;i 6 4 l 44lrtirtheolOgleardOgniiii;ltLiOnii; uniti 6At AltiiDettaelit.titt .ingteg of ehtmeh -order. - That those-wbo -hive beetriNk, ..,1 71 4ie; InSUidieirai r bi kW. ellii Pew mer 3ll Pt,c4saraMou lo ,MPAseue .' silt& Iheidoidn. Wb irblar OC*.littrb - , big. „Batista- and? cansidehtti"on gave drierniiiitimn/iskunehloi dater- Jaliii4644airti union sid-Ithmergailed ple,f!restkr , charcheattirreakiid;s4otto;xtati „colas and the United Staten In some rif ttelopu t ntitesorrions .`i&srup9ns" , and ° riadihave Wren itacti It is true, dining nist piria, in Cintiches organized and claidtretedla Laborde= with the Preabyteriarrplfty. • Still the feel -In Alfti . arpievaad, ad d 13 0 44 i •va tto assrvesoostinant. v. fa...., Rafted &Saki tie - bailee - ' -thislitdrict: ly ti.ilh, ,InAtigt, a union ' Jrk nwt akirr thiastfltiaMetiVthe l Assocfitk /Wm.! date Reformed church es,which now Cone the General Assembly , ~ of the United PrebbYt-41r- 1- siteXlviitegtalefial got:lath:ma extending over a period of shoat a quartet of a century. Today, our prAly, city or smoke Itiabe honored, ) witfrithdther rennion, whletiWilet3e One of the grandest events of modern times. Id Mink Pc Moth) itnßigur I Vunf crtW strengthetMd . lun y father thiiiii, ft"ith greatly,. Aelipse any maths' that has ever tekertltmslit the Ohitsdi of bote.flThi t w oWnie:llWititiritip bracing - Tourhandriti" - ithaiefaAiWen _. - - thu i = o _l , butukcii, - Ipk*rfOrrn cm t; -- an theuire t hundredAnktiMy ,mirdPtetsi.;w l , l ads day, Mier a separation of piitx,one yeairAgarinited In bee , 0 ' Milli Antis in the mance , or no doubtbe exaltrateeitk Inlikai t te iladoicillt"l ' MP , honest Pedv,thatiitthbillai city th whlch unions among Prosbyte- 1 \ cissiraestegothited r ind' imatiniiiiibid: ; We conld'not dole= -when ecciethilics 1118 Plie l * I° Fah* 1 4* grill .sp ul b or their °pastime • Another i • meetieter.6&elield to day In - Piibli• cation :444440 United Preabyterfasi Church olt ?hid aietitie. - Ihenoini Ctualalakckb /74 1 .2 11 et tboltereran3 IDA United Presbyterian Churches . will 'am - . MG st-devps o'clock thta morning, fei Ihegigpos l ,l4 is boinid.nitelfit4 US i gollith44l for ozikr , Wittl Is rp.aft -or thei..ttr9 bodies mould, hiltisi „IMParati? orW lOll4O O ll ,it lawn: • • - ". ' 6 1 . 4 ,13 Pr 0 4' 11 "i el k i l t ° " l 4 t Y to,daykiiggests the *Mike rof giving a teen:Whin or the history ofPeclikrif: . _ width tui;riatalkw,4:! ' -., ,-;,;:. i":.;'! .Itertimitiouriever Isidetniata7 siti - a. elm dihdrkiittori.-'bi'iheadtaa; I=l f „ ~^~ . - y .v c » c ~ .. i . nP* c ;.e~r t -. 1 ~1 . l .-ty, -, _. _ __. _ 3 - ;~_. r ~ ~ ~,: -., ,r..-t . a ~.... ~- ~ --_. } y . ti ~: . u ''" { ;.'- ~ 'r't ~.~Tr.''c-vi _La..~y-.~.Yu... ~z>...ti.ew5. ~.w'r:a , .5 .. 5 ..~:-~%, Y .:w:yY.~'.?.ita`rw« 4w'~w~:i.~s'~.,' z ,.~.b~"d~c~su,. "..u'ho.~:`.+k r ...{~sv4s`~.`tb. V ~ > ~. '4,., ~ 9~~ ~~b~ «rei....i~rm~:' -~ Y~~f+~ ..G...7sr.']~'~.u.s.:i~ they result in the establishment and Fos. peri'l of the cause they were intended tc - destroy. Whim Herod Agrippa "stretched Meth his hand* to, Vet certain of the church," he hopedlo crush out the Infant cause ue'Clbristiardty, which was, then lying in Its cradle wrapped In swaddling bands, and rocked and cared for by feeble hands But the persecuting King met with death in one of its most revolting forms, whilst Christianity -increased in numerical strengty, , aryi become wide spread Indittlenon. -/Lwaallapensrentlon_whlen./xistrand Scotch Presbyterians bad to endure In theft native land, thrittiroVe them to the New World. Homo Ihem were sent "by ;shiploads to thi Pinutallone to. be sold," others. vehrnftwily eapaniedeel themselves to the western mild., 4n order that they 'might havellbertyto aWnedp th 6 GOD of theitlOms accordlio to the dictates of their own consciences, a right which hlgotly and - hatolevante denied them at home. Thelearliest eettleinents of Pres 'hyteriaas In this country were on the hanks of 'Elittibeth riser, In Virginia, and the. gasternshore of- Maryland, be tween the years 1670 and 1680. At the . , latter date, ecclesiastical historians assure us, there were- - elmrintes—"meming honses"—ereeted at Snow Hill, Wici mica, Beluttilt and other places. It in gentnallY,. 'lf Ind, ..uttiversallY admitted that the founder of Presbyterianism this oonitry was' the Nev. I OrugleiS ;731041:11ride, Of Ramelton, conntynottegali In December, 1080, ai.we learn from Reid's History of the Pint lied= Church In Ireland, i•CUSSEe`T`&bven~ ° "tFom'3inTyls`nd; tie. plde Presbytery of Lagan ken minister to settle In that col cOle.) :.. :r gars dater ,of Colonel: fpnvens: wasnetepted by the. Irish Presbytery as gnelrl cell, and Air. lisetrstnie was li censed and„nlained Shortly afterward. and was sent and. 44 accredited , in an smtiaisad'oror thii -ekes to prosecute his ministerial labOrlin the colony. Heat elved'in Harytati , S in — lCfd, and after spendlog nY.ellti* - :tiro In the pariah of liyonhaven, .in Virginia, settled doWn Pennahent4 a ftio - , teeillieitUenigain.'Hissenter," under die Vileration line' to preach the gospeL DrotailUistiCaling that the Scotch and Irlgh Prestleirian a had to contend with the gime diflifminins in that= Wotidi which; they had kppfd,h9,9capp, binompjdacrS' Or voluntary egpattialien, from the Old, their' Cause greatly flouris hed. The Pres. byferrot Vas'orgenisell in September ' It was composed of Be, •, - .Yobn .aa*PtMliAleingellidnh; and Samuel Davin, elk from inland. John. Wil son , ironi - Seedfand;leiredliltlndrevra from New Bagful!, and John Boyd, who was qordained by the new presbytery and settled inßreetlicUd,-New .Terint. , " Some historians say pat.,the Rev. Nathaniel Taylor, also an immigrant, was a me m -bei'it trio-.laggliel eresbytery;thas ing seven miniateriaLmembers, exclusive .1 RatC, filleareiyeisitito:Sias ordained at its firstAteer - . • Anittile VOLleere Or Pres .?0111111?"841-Rirefrirs was most bar. nionhina end fraternsk di; each meeting or presbytery lar ge *ere re ported, end iipenootanthlr, •••nronbeni erserigth,Aintaia whthh ;had taatiMad the independent form of 4 0 .3 ItOAF:tletC*9Yertumein, dad held& " 2 !MTlPX*Ad'..R:Pitttath"; gnattbal 'k 4o g` r ifTPWII4 I P t 4 Ertd#7- , -tinibrthe nnlarombent iter'Y iiiMinsii4n,rao* . thn for tasilleint rendered nem. -inieoiariliV,tbreeikdinonalpreo unips,nreza,..lrgenineda I l t oftig dalanci, New --XiataAilia''Son*`Hill. aigr the 'Synod of Philadelphia" met for the first lime In Septemben,4ll7:* =Emigrants, a tetrp lava proportion of whom were im- Puetelin,o4P/eBO.4F_ Increes .g stream, from the three King. - dome pa Mils 'the # 0 1;t 410.....;Peitheot of 'Europe. The accessions which • ' • • church; ‘ rticediecf 4 ;fiodi s ' abiliti ' • etrest,l7#l,4o, WO are almostlamed. lamed tide. ° TEL ° .&plenti.er HIM, it is said one . thaussuidAmilidtluilleilfectur Belfibit,Trei land, and in that month two hundred - Presbyterians arrived from the same CotudexattPhtlidelphhi eta lieW Castle, whips"twenty Wilk:eens dallyezpected." In bilditK 4 htiget'itte 2.eana "de 'ltentyitorecl.-intretheenzon of. the Synod. - " It' iva i&Aityle' iai, - , iitia . aim. ... „coinpono:ci,gagt,• heterogeneous elements conld'be long adhesive. Vigor. ' . .ntts conflicts were soon waged in several , luntettcries rlairegard Ohs Lilts qualifies -1 lions of candidates for the miniztry and habitedfirtii*irld order'. 4 the ceniee Yiineitgq pi thesecnntenZions mu a dtvia ion of the Synod in 1741, the "new side" iir libendisWedOsifttithik thains4dets 1 49. 0.1 0 .44A914: cf *sr .lork and the 1 .4 . tild eider ectalning the original name of Gbd Siltbd‘Of fillsdelldis: lii trser 4444 , 49*0CT.044..; PROP-sib:4 l .4M two it 411ods were ritinited under the corpor ate lithrelf ifiellyted , Of MeV Yuri and Philadelphia. The independence of the United States ic avtii beenftedivedi 41f11851he Synod "L ;iM_•,.,49F i kt 1 9* . 1 1 111 . /141e0P4S which then numbered one hundred and seventy ministemunektearty"43oo%truttted ceu , .miail, .9%,nrlVAsdM9Tiii"Vdthelx Ah:dards,. which resulted in their nub. • •• ant sit they are almostatibe present 1im0..., : , , , r , ecitilfirds Veie' ilien. formed, viz: TieW , Trifir nod New ,•Jersey, Pftlladel- Ph V.l,Mtnikalr; th e Carolinas. , iii , rgo:iftliitathocliiry with the adop tionottms7ediftkounatittatwee'fitst. - 13oierat Assembly of the Presbyterian Cburclaiiilhe'VnitdiAlle; Mei In the elty , of. Sintathdpfilspand. was oremod i "withasermon by the Rev. Dr. Wither I spinVit 15r 1 .'"Abd r i&Viii citigen as the dAn Moderator. ... ,1: .. ..:, ~_ , the little one has "become a thousand," . 4 4tutil Ago strong ration: 4, in moat power, intellectual culture and ability to aciomplish good for our race, thePresby: riian Church of the United States, is not diFeede4l. , kratogi ottigketclatialfcalat garlzstion in the world. From small hegingingk ale +bis grown,: even maid shims of opposition and intolerance; into cool pSopottorta By the Presbyte. lismdthurclw ha this connection, we mean tbiwAelo-,l'h,lebyterian family of the coAtry'. BOme WA oilier progress and Intitiefdrtaiebellithete o from thifol. lojrtng statiallcs, which are as nesslycor. rest so eic.lestastlad statlatics generally . 1 44 ;0',.) 4. 1 1! icYfl.al al Old School Assembly; 149 presbyteries, 2137 ch4,,,, , 1, 880 510 4 05 t:5 1 ;,, 2 9•PP, commtitifeate ' ' • • ••••); Pletibritina , 1 e;00: Sthichski*OMinfitdt li4Ystlord inutdcattLlA4ol United Presbyterian Assembly; 54 720 elltlieltma as minute:3, 99 0110 ebtxratimm.t., liafonnetl Presbyterian, (flyzaod and I ReeditBistixf, o l"s 3lo 7awd .,i nerwelde " j 100 minister', 18:00614-rninitecinta. CupberhaVPMt7Perhal; 8 . 9 Presb7- tir : l l ; l o ;cilizillies ! z ffi nis le ni s itto;oooamMiits. .I''Przsbyteriaii South; 44 prcsbiteil i s *B.4l2rditsPinfatiiinistirif :4011: 11 UnICRA.,, - 3 3 T2" tan in WM oth; Preli4tediktiov PcI7BBURGI - 1 DAILY GAZII`TE : WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 10, 1869 gantrations upon whose statistics we could not lay our bands. But, taken in the aggregate, It is claimed that the Pna. byterian churches of the whole country embrace at least 7,000,000 of people. The two Assemblies which, forgetting past dissensions and conflicts, will be united in Pittsburgh to ddy, w ill form one grand General Assembly, , :aviog under its cure 40 synods, 2:13 presbyteries, - 4,827 churches, 4,180 ministers, 487,242 communicablu. During :tin year 1868 these bodice contributed. lox the support of publi. worship, etc. 68,792,950, foreign missions 6421,193, domestic missions $246,348, ed ucation $47,063, publication 648,089, church extension $69,049, disabled min• letere U 1,077; aggregate contributions $6,661,889. This Is an average of g 9 to each com municant, and of $1 60 to each of the whole people Included in these congre gations. EM23=l In the days of Deborah and Barak, "for the divisions of Reuben there were great searching, of heart" For the schisms of preabyterian Zion in this land many pious hearts have ached, and many godly souls have prayed long and fervent -1 t that they may be healed. Notwithstanding the signal sowers with which the labors of the pioneers of Pres byterianism and their successors have been crowned, It' it lamentable, It is shameful, that the Church, whoa, foundations they laid deep, broad and stable, is rent into so' many fragments. There are now some len different denominations of Presbyte rians in the country. Even the two Assemblies which shall this day become orcanlcally one have had, again and again, strife and division in then , bosom. One of the most serious divisions which marred their beauty took place . In 1741, and to which We have re. leered above. The entering wedge which brought about its etilmination was seen In the passage of what is Well known as the Adopting Act in 1729. According to this act every minister, and every candi. date for the minbery was required to sign the Confession of Faith In terms of a stipulated formula, in the presence of-the presbytery. When the overture was In troduced into the Synod in 1728, asking that subscription to the Confeession be made imperative, it met with lotions op position from what was known u the Now England element, and those of :lb: mai and progressive tendencies. ALer a long, and somewhat angry debate the further consideration of the over ture was postponed till the follow ing. year, when it was adopted. The "old side," who were known as the "strict" party In the Synod, felt that -they bad achieved a great triumph. An other overture, which was adopted unan imously, was introduced ins, Synod in 1734, which required "that all candes for the ministry aboulir be examined — aill. gently as to their experience of a work of grace on their hearts, and that none be admitted who are not in a jndement of charity serious Christians." In 1781 it was resolved, 111 order to secure subscrip don to the prescribed formula in alt eases, that every Presbytery should have the Adopting Act inscribed in their Presbyte ry hook. The excited state of feeling produced by the adoption of this resole thin was not any thing allayed by the action of 1786,-in wblth year everything previously done 'Was emphatically re affirmed, and the Westminster Confession of Faith,-and the Larger and Shorter Catiithisms were made the standards ad the Church. The angry dettaterwhieh extended over a period of some twelvil or thirteen years had provhked much bitterness and per sonal feeling. Members indulged in fierce invective and mutual - crtminadon, until finally' the Synod wet rent In twain, as we have already stated,.lh. 1731. But P e _A. 9 .o °L.t.°S4—egfeiNIEVOMPW P i~e~a a-nultea ici;te. The great division—the one which Is this day to be healed—took place In 1837 —lB3B. it is not possible, whbln our Glutted space, to give a complete taste* , of thlti deplorable schism. -There are many who are disposal to think - that it -war causeless, end that if pastiest had been restrained, and more mild coansehi had prevalled,ft would never have taken Olsen Bat we will leave that goes/ton to be de, sided by eceleelastica themselves. Yet, it might be better 'perhaps, to consign UM whole affair to oldivh)a, Sometimes, "out of the ester - comes{ ftwth - Met; and out ot the Oxon conies .forth streetness." good often comm - forth out of that.widek aPPefizAt° bc rfl ril ' 'Yu their dirftlectsbitCtikl AitaeMbllcs have been doing a great work. _Previous toth dirision of 1837-B,lbe General Amen tit), consisted of 23 Synods, 133 presbyter ies ,11440mMisterst, 2,863 .churches, and. 220,357 Communicants. These statistic!! When compared with Goss above given, Show the progress of these bodies- in their ttvitled elate.. Daring the thirty-one years of weir separation, they have more than doubled the number of their Synods, and nearly Gull of ‘thefrtainisters and member& Several coneurring causes led to Gig division, we are now speaking. of, to which we may briefly refer. 1n 1801 a 'll,lanai union" was adopted hetween the General Aisenthly ithdthe Corigregistlonsi General Association of: Connecticut, the purpose of which was to fatilitlite organisation of cosigregations la nets, settlement", and a more extensive pro.- othisation , of the Gospel. ynder this "plan t " przbyterlaias and Congregation. iiitabold membership in the genus church, whilst the latter txmld tuaintailf the Pccuparities of their Church polity; and have iepresentstives, at the same time, An the general counsels of the faisenibly% Beueflelel results twerue4 imlaedlsfelp from this p:an. But it was Imposeible Wei elements so discordant their nature could work long together in brattionlota co.oCeration. There is an essential difference between Presbyterian. ism and Ceugregstionsllsiu. Discord soon *cicala itself. • ' The New England Dl:larches ofonized Education,u Idisstonary, and Tret ciethw, which were irrespaaiiihra, far he; lug fob:tutus In their nature, they did not acknowledge accountability to the . Assembly. Besides, they were, as . a, general thing, conducted, by those who h a d no special regard for presbyterial law, order end restriction; Contntri the unmet! of Presbyterianism, these voluntary !visociations took 'upon them to organize congregations, educate ordain ministers. The Preeb3rtety o r Tmnsylvanlamiained aamissliMarycyrinA lellste and pastor* those velt4 1 1 4 Ind ieus ed throngh a regular college curaniless. A commission of , ?lewd WU 000 !Wed JO the Ertabyte:ry end. intake Into 148 ifregolexttp. Mies an eramtnepo4 'of 'the - . toe, • the **Olden' de manded ; Aiit all cendidstei:Jm the mmterfr, should be 'fettered° . to thorn Sor rweilizt4Stiod,...l° 'PreelituyAlivisted &Mai Ida .sal, beaten It" was .. en bletlon their lights aid . tentaitedre: or- 'their . Indeooh• dence,:OntAls refusal of thePresbytefy to O,ImPIY with their deMoMiS4:63IO4-4,0n I prchthited those who bad Demi imam' and ordainedlrom prime/link the gospel, 'Fbcir,.oetTen rpinoyig hyihb`genv.F4ll Alumna big, and, in conacquente, threerof the Members of lqesbilet . friptie*, - 1:34 ozosilzal themselves fittilialxuiiimulatat Presbytery,. This gave origin to what Is now known as the Cumberland Presby• terion Church; and t. pace in 1810. Of course many o: tune who were of Presbyterian prhclivitirs were In perfect sompathrelth the leads-Is of the volun tary associations. The consequence wart that the New England element. very fre" qii.htly found iilrMEaiVeB in Ito, majority. The. cedes of Rev. Alta rt Barnes, Dr. Duffield and Dr. 'Amen B,eeher ere fa Lothar to all. These gent:teuen were ar raigned before the resp4cdve witich_they wr_e, ..id A ieel, tor, tt pro. mitigation of heretical opinlor.s. The' case of Mr. Barnes was evidently made a test. Dr. Junkut became his accuser, nod he was tried both by his Preabybhy and Synod, and found guilty. Like a good Christian, as he undoubtedly la, be burred submissively to the decision, and gave utterance to no personal Invectives, either agatrst his. accuser or his Judges. He Maintained a perfect ellence, and ceased for a time to preach the gospel, patiently awaiting the decision of the Assent. It la said that through the "inflect' of the moderate party in the cLurch a (ism promise was iffccted," but the true State of the case is Mr. Barnes was Justly acquitted. If must be consolatory to Ws great and good man, who Is the moat popular commentator of the age, and who has been ao frequently charged with being the cause of the division of the church, that he lives, although almost alghtlear, to see the breach healed, which he Warm more band In creating than many others, whose names have scarcely been men. boned In connection with IL We are assured also that out own El liot, who has so long adorned the halls ot theological science in our neighboring city by an humble! Christian walk, and become distinguished as a ripe scholar and able prelector, rejoices with all Its heartlhat he has lived to see the ChurJh which !MIT istually rent in twain under his Moderstorship in 1837, re united in tho bonds of Christian love„on We very spot where the separation took place. We have made a slight digression from our aul n lect here in order to notice thew Cdribtlan gentlemen, believing that tble la u appropriate a place as aay. The division took piste virtually to 141, but was really 'efected to tA9B, when 'arks et of escision was pronounced upon theAkynods of Genesee, Geneva, Gtlea and lila Western Reserve., Thu great cause of diew;tion was not %ha doe. trines promulgated inittlation to purely theolugic.4 qui-ations, but the inuoilue tian, through the plan of otetta, •bI the New England yea at trreeponathlo asso ciations." 177102 i 1ii6G671.1.T1055.. In tie course of time Did siperithw became - smoothy'. Bitter pentonatidar indulged in In the hent.of drbete were for gournt. and ate members at the two bodies ioand themselves 'attracted torether by the magnet of that Chnatten love, which It is their duty at all times to Inculcate. hi the good providence of Gott the two asiemblitaluet in the city of New York in IbaU. The Old School assembled that year In Dr, PLR church, and the Ices School is Dr. Adams's in Radium Square. They met In test city not by Tiler wee.; ug was purely acct.:mud. Darien their sessions that year they In dulged in raspy. Christian greetings- Tiler met simultaneously airain in St. Louis In ISM Tos meeting was also purely amide:Ail. The New - Rchool at =CO undo overtures for union, wields were cordtally`,O*rtained tbe Old. The result was that a joiat committee of Om from each dirstmbly was appointed to drag a Lams Of Tinian_ The committee reported next 3.ear, but owing to some misunderstanding and informalinu the basia watt not accepted. in.October f 1800, the Reformed Pree. bytery of Pittsburgh, resolved to call a. enahenehaitittla-Westam Penns'yPranis, Eastern Ohio, and all others who ceitild attend, to devise a plan by which the whole Presbyterian family 'might be united in one organic body. The Caw yention met in the Fiat Reformed Pres byterian Church of this 0117 , in hullo/ following, and Ito proceeding, were of the moat fraternal chose-ter. The Gen eral Synod of the Reformed Preebytertan Church, at its annual. meeting in New York, in 1857, acting, , no doubt, upon the saggestkos of theTillaburgh. Pres byttmy, recommended , the •ealling of Sattonal•Conlentlon with the same view, and ihe OM of ;fonember of the same year Des dually filed as the time for meeting. rib following paper etettiqieß the action of the f!iy nod Was:amen, The interests of the awes of Ohnetreil airs mil, at Chia time,-to In. augorate. meeeenes to beet Zion , * bread= awl. to btiogg into one the divided. portions of itio Presbyterian feroftyllherefore,- •• ItuoLvedi, That this Synod. reeomma nd r to theiwyerat • Presbyterian Judicatories, now aim oCllo.lltd Meet; to unite opt' .na Ineelling a General Cobvemlon ofthe Presbyutrbut Churches of the United "Stares, to meet In. the city of Ptah/del -1 phia e orr the. second Wedneeday of See -1 ternber mod, or at :en' time arid piece as may be Agreed nem.. forprayer end ..tonferenee in regard to the terms of noionazuloommutdoo among the eartotus bratichtent the Presbyterian family. Resolved,. Thatme recommend thit the Bald Comm:alto shall .ornatat of a min ['demand a nrnotelder from. oath Pres. Rembat, That BINIMINi goyim of this tattoo to (matedlately eommunkatad, by the Clerk of thodyrtod, to the bodlea In• 'eluded in ltde oall. • •.• • Raolveft, , That. eath . bodrriipeesented in war ConviuMonsball, isitboot resjalet to num bin' of 4islauseea, be minim! to ate 'squat rote Du all questions submitted for 4.1c0n. - .. Rawlad, Thal thedeleipdarappoloted by the Presbyteries-or thteetakrel note. quired to report to Wu Byeod for it.. se. non , a 4 Its next meeting,. the -revolt reaob .by.the.Conventloo. • iigeolcui, What Rev./J.-N. hieLeacli D., $05% J. Wy/le, And• 4 7 00n50 B. Stuart. , Xacp. be, ants they beKeby sm,eppoibted o.A.lommittae at CorresPbadetweigt regard , to subb VeaLipu. .%0 The Convention met at the time a#r poldtege dic Vreaby.. I tertan. Church, Pelisdelphia, and after much' paternal conferonco, adeptethrho , . 'following baels;... I. Jui - ,Heenowlerldement dt the Old endliew Testaments to ebe the inspired I word of Hod, and - then only Infallible relent faith and practice. • - • A IL.Thict att. the Hutted ;Oman . h, the NYeattninater Contresioianf-Fenti shall be received and adapted, as containing the rtyateur.of :Doctrine taught In the Holy Ennipturreit. being .tmderatood , that this tkonfeasket is :received in it s proper histerbud, Huth, the Calvinistic or Reformed smite, - whiter, the committee recommend the ibregolng tiestanf;doctrine. they wish to be undendoodas sergentring the rather. dozy Af. , the Dawn sod. Shorter Cate. 'chimer of: the -Hddelberg Catechism; and of the CIIKKUIR of thelryand of Don, ILL .That the United Clench , /hall celveentletiopt the.Presbyhtrianlorto of Church Ocyernutenl.- 111.abp Beek of: ,Pealmsi , which had Divine Inspiration, Is welladapred to the state .e.f the Church. In ages and dr. ennuninager. and should bet..usgid the woraldppf—Therefore/ we ream. mend that new end - faithful version of the Psalms be prorided. µtope se prat. linable. But lnaanniettiutvarious coder thins of Peale:may ere used lhrbe ciltter. era ChatroheCt eluinge , 111 Yr reMect not` be torllntd• In the meantime, the pon;inued thair-negotrilinne: for union's indgmdtPlapAnd thactlY of-'Nere Ye*, IP hey ldntj afte#4(iPOlithe 161":1 "I voy; • 11:1.44•"'Zi mmixod zt OBEE4 ' etainga..4; =it Incgm.p :srAwic* up. Autizzoi. . - tokqtrg.th2t ttm, luttnoWig tbe Rat 444 travOa JoinvioLu4.would ,pnotootmil-, ,bythetealtazof chvitiaar. Lap that . the ing two 'mhos pearteg,tions:nesee, hav the isms Onuttit tha utton, 124 eta ree , guiing the other at a ia,111.1.1 and oethtwo: .er..rding a , ) the prseet pn, of tLe 1 ot.ree , •ten et.Lbila. to le Lh, eanniot tw jobtEfitd try any but the mast intperence reasons it; maintaining tale and, in home reepexta, rival organ leAltte ; % Ca are now clearly of the alau n that the reunion of mese bod,ea ought, as anon an the necessary rat{ to Lakin to be aceotrin;thed, the Paails hareirkalter berth: I. The Presbyteil an l'hurrit in the Called that,. .at Ante:l,, cartel v, that whew. General A•reu.l.ly coe, ned in I ' the Br,* Church In the MR , of New ! ) ( Wig. SO the 21151, tpy 01 Met:. letin, and ,t Nu le,hoes tienpra,l AesettoblV nog , a the Church of the Cos .- emir( In the said city, teretheessee-dey,•shall be re-untied-se one Church, Under the name and style of the PrOshyterian Church In the [jutted States orAttieriett, prteeesnie ail the / 0 0 ,1 mid corporate tkida end powers peril:info... to the Church previous to the divialon lit 1830, end sal the legal and corporate Melte and posse-re which the separate eittirchea new poesese 2. The re:anon ehell be affected on the eoculnal And eccirslnetical 1. . 48 ° 1' CU? common standards; the scriptures of the old end Ate Testament. , shall be ee knowledgod to be the inspired word of God, and the only infallible ruse of faith and practice; the Confeteloo of Faith shall continue to he sincerely received and adopted as containing the system of doctrine taught In the Holy Scripture.: and the Government and Dieciptine of the Presbyterian Church In the Pelted Staten shall be approved as containing the principles and rules of our polity. 3. Eactrdf the mid Assemblies shall aubmlt the trouping Banta to Its Presby teries, which shrill be re quired to meet on or before the 16th day of October, 1889, to orpresa their approval or thalp• proval of the same,. by a categorical soawer to the following gneetion: HO YOU approve : of the reunion of the twO bodice new calming the name and 'rights of the Preebyterlan Church In the L'iitted States of America, on the foll Ow. 1 trig bade, namely : "The reunion shall be effected ant doctrinal and eechadare deal beefs of Comm it istondilddisi the Scriptures of - e' Old and New Siete- Monts shallblechnOwledged to be the lowpired icor Of Gild, and the only In fallible = tile f faith and practice; the I.4nlfosalem'of ). laltb *ball Onntinne to be sincerely reek red and adopted as con tab-dug the . 111 of doctrine taught in the Holy Scriptures; and the Govern utlll and Olsatptite of the Presbyterian I I b urgh In the Hu ll ed States eball be ap. i proved as . Contidnlng the principles and rules of our po)lty r' : Each Each shall, before the ISM : day of Not - ember, 18C9, forward to the Stated Clerk of the General Assembly with which It le connected, a statement of Its vote on the said Basis of Bemoan. 4. The sell General Assemblies now sitting ;Mali, atter Ordstelng their busi ness, ad)..ut n, to meet to the , city of PIG. , Imroh, Pa., 'matte accond, - Wodoesday of November, lee% at eleven o'clock A. )t. If the two General Assemblies shell than and stidedociare that the above named Bails dr Reunion has hem me proved by two-tills:Ma the Presbyteries connected with esoh branch of the Church, then rbeellime shall be of bind ing nano, and theme., P,Bemblles shell i take Motion setebrOlnkly. 1 O. The Mild Rimers! Asserubllea shall :hen end there. Ithelie prevision Wor the meeting of ihnfletferal Assembly of the Viet Unfeed Ghurchtob 'GHIA Thursdayel M n ay, It. TbistlEnderatere of the two Ipresent Assemblies Shall Jointly preelde• at: the- acid libeembly of 1870 mliii another iflodistlitpr le chosen. The Mod erator or the Keefrehly pew Isltthair, at tee IBrick church efdrmald, , ehall, If present, put all votes., 'She decide questions of t ordert and the 'Moderator or the other Assembly shalt) if present, pestle* the opening -Serutems, and the Stated Oterka of the present Ashemblies .ball let as Sated Clerks or the Assembly of the Ceded timerch-heall a 'Stated Clerk or Clerks shall havelheen chosen thereby: and on Commis:denier Abell have a tight ; to yoke°, daillwiate in said fiesetebly until his name shill have teen enrolled by thwasld ('treks, and hie commission ' xamlned end tied among the papers of ; the Assembly. a En, h ereeenytory of the separate (7hnrebee shall be Prettied to the same representation In the dessembly of the j untied ch arch In 1870, es it Is entltleJto :n tho !two:only' Vrith wiiieb it in no connect:o2 ' IL CONCILIMEST DSCLERATIONS or Tfl GEINARAI,IIMITYL , ....-• OF JW3t4. As there are waiters pertaining to the totereeta of the Church- when It shill , 'bare become reaktflotiorhichatill ttlaht• roan! require atithatnent on the codling . together et the Mt bodies *Moir bate so. long anted leaparittely, sbd ronmnaltur some of which :natters late blahly drafts al.lo toot there abltaild bei *precious good widen:az:diva, that wo Anaranblltatetrree Co adopt the follolvlng declaratloue, not ae arttelea of onctipaht Or covenant, but to in their jndgmeußprope► and 51011- uttitairrrangeolierits4 hit Wit: I. ALL the colniKBfittud chum:thee em. hrmed tbettwallagfilyhodlerbff ttd -,.f00d mniff Iflttidfor to the United body, which they , dace bold Id their respective commetimm, up to the coneammatlon of the nolon. irnpreffectly °resulted churches are counaelled and expected to becometitor. unfitly Presbyterian, as early within the of ltvo yeses ►s maybe permitted period nlgheatiotereau to be coasuliad, , end no -otter such churches eball be hereafter received. 3. The boundaries of me 'several Pree .bytaziot and !Synods - should be adjusted by the Bemire Aesombly of the tinned Churah; 4. The- offtelal•• records of the two branches of Chores for the period of separation abould be preserved and held as wafting tip [hoiden:my of the Charcht and aortas or protiodentirtileh dote not stand approved by both the bodies, should he of rilarettbortty until reenteb •lished la the united bode, except in no far as anon rule or-precedent may affect. 'the rightsbf property Intioded thereon. 5. The corporate rights now neld by 'the two General 'Ateembilesi-sold • their Boards and Camsditteee, should, as far ea practicable, be omwolidated, and sppliedfor their several objects es de fined by law. 6.lbere ahould benne set of dommiti toes , or-13narde -for Home and Foreign ldlesions and the other religions enter. press Grebe Church: whhiti the churches should be encouraged to sustain, though tree to cast thaircoatributlons into other channels If thoy desire to-do so. 7: Assu® as practicable after the radon shall bare •teen effected, • the General Assembly should reconstreot and coned- Mate the: severs' hautanent Comadt tres and-Boards which now belong to .the two Assemblies, so as to repreeent. as far as possible with. Impartiality, the ?lows and alike* ofthe rtro bodies con ' stitoting the. united thumb. S. Thelma blleattona of the • Hoard of Pa blkutton slid Of the Publication Com- , •zeittet. shotild tontines to be lamed asst _Proem; leaving It hither BeardorPcibli cation Of the tithed March to revise these lininsisaltsl nettle% ei catalogue for :0. 4 Milted tihurtalf, sage `to -ezolude vldinue Wiferencel to est*. 'onntroverelea. a In order to auniform Madero •of oiresetleal - supervlsidn. -those- Mooing', old Assemblies. t Mit are new tinder As pembly• oontinl, ma. If:tber Werth of Direction so' eleet; be trent (erred" to the .watch and care of one •er more of the A di silent Sv coder- end the other Semina ries are advised to Introduce. as far en may be , into their Constitu tions; the .mlnelpie of Synodical or Assembly pervision; in which ease they shall be entitled .to an official- recognitiou and approbation+ cin the part of the General Ardemblv. • • • - 10. ft ehoald he regarded as the duty 1 of all Mar minister., end .people In Ills suited Church, to; utedy We things which make for peace, and to ' guard against all Itioldions anti Offertalve sefereticee to th efianeestiterhat . e folded us; 'and Irr order to avoid the revival of .pas( Waste. bye the tlnatlntagnee of any -inegfellt •elther'branch Miler Church,' that Wolverton out of former-Conflicts, Ii neeernestly recommended td the lower .Judloitortea Of the thinroh that theycon form their'preetieti ih relation tenll snob Usages, en fat se le conndetent with their convictions Of ditty, to the ttenersl custom - 0f the Chet-eh 0101. Id the eon troversine Lb at resulted to the Iteparitton, Tid§blitieWfdi feta Anomie ovefture to the • Presbyteries' and tots been rat. Med 'hy more then the reqelelte tureber...,-,two,thiras-- la, each body, We understand that it -has been raided 'by every , lathed Prop. . • • 'Ytery, and only three:Old-School Prey' bytettee haveaoted againstit.' Virtually, then,,the initad has bifil rifted aist two bodies, and now only awaits the for mal Ireton of the lasetnhlies to glee it I effect. . Eels pitrpernoll . rsersiony The union, whirl; 44 he effected ta. day reill , noiembwieo.the whole - of the Pleskiirlfee deneirditrenrellkil &he , tit.i.:,,The eaty kairiet. that ,we know of, that preventtrsame of the mod respectable an.fa'4;ltiVigt: o ; (mini time mimes pieta 111 1 OrginlC Unioll . with :the mkt AssetliPli t l .ll ;the, sidtSulirti that there . ameame Iltahyttliaa *dial 'Wheadhetehitiletly.(o iyo,, or* me_7. ijc of ihrtpgie of 04.• hllat oili.ere. make ea:' IG ;OMNI; eraitteltiet ill (hi yeierkB Ili* Pres% • I,r fyterian Che.Cces in this lati.l used the SCOLLII3II Serbion, lutproixrly called "Itanse's," of the Psalms of :Scripture. But it is nut Lu be cep. etedosow that this psalmody barner can ur will toe removed It Is to be hoped, however, that some plan will e.•ao he devised, or some pia:Jerre adopt,: upon a bait ell cm. unite: It is supposed that mime progress Lies been made in tl..s dirt eitin, inasmuch as the National Convention of Philadelphia tic eLarmi that, "The Limit: of Psalm., which is of divine inspiration, 14 well adapted:to the stale of the Church in all ages and circumstances, and should be used in the worship of G.A." ten able corps of reporters from the liazerrE will attend the meetings of the Assembly, and our columns will contain a fall and accurate report each day of the proceedings. : opposition Journal at Brookville contributes its mite to the elucidation of the " How Who It "" the election mys- tery which now so much gravels the Democratic quid ounce. Says the Jeler ernian That the party should thus cutler through the stupidity of the Chairman of the Slats Central .Committee and a pack of unhallowed miscreants who sur rounded him, to any the least of lt, is deeply mortifying. The greatest regret and deemed mortification is felt by every bonent heart in the State at the result Is Philadelphia, and the authors of the dis asters In that city have stamped them solvevi with eternal Infamy. It was the mercenary Democratic Hankers of Phil adelphia who beguiled Mr. Packer and Induced lam to consentto become a can didate—lt was the paliticiansaf Philadal• phis who nominated Mr. Packer, and It Orr they who defeated him. "He was slaughtered in the house of the friends." Every act of the mutt who surrounded and took charge of Mr. Packer wee, in the mildest Lerma we can usu, indiscreet and impolitic. Their whole course was a series of blunders from beginning to end." 17131=3 No7l.o7oamulted eve? y day oral! 1 o c ook r. X. 410.14 Qrnat Ile.4lcouo Otoro, 167 I..llx.rty olrott, and from 4 to 0 and 1 too at tale.. Ileatness, DIAOI4 Arr.. from time tar., Vol, pu.. Hulnt. •od I= ILE3=I2 IM2=lll IMEM t,a,arrh of tbr Hes r =NM @EMI E 1822139 1211=== I!CEJ=EM!I of On Bean and the Dl,tetive setfll O lorrate4 1.110. I= I=El I= OE2EI Lee tiMA *ad H.J.r Dr. KEINICIS would ream:trolly torte, th• who bnt fettled to Set Beller Dom otter source to intantrZ Into. We node of Mame& tfr-~JBICENIWO E* ON It to tmaosslble w t .1.2 0 . that .1 bums. M IAs cad oocalales so /West of fryer slid Amos • fact and yet lihnielnds aci. Si ettab s eatatutsy was or ao .11110 thoemlads•Mte an acts:attic solfferlog from tae dtalstatlog co.aplalnt nesicr-t, to likdapl th• pet tot:ft oteette Of mars II tomtit to ho laps.. .reef meant? Istbeet to 1111/mittesc.a.o.h. 10 Ittloate4 •Oth tot Mans freer.. 0 1 17 OMar eUt.. c /so edDr. res tart.. that /1(11:18.TTEW9 nIIML&Cit DITEEMS takes la tams= er.st the etamsersomess of the nohealtby lemon, .1/1 fortify toe se stem mrstsrattm mmespborlo yahoo tablett meat. these dlstashore. Thls mo. fable COsigierant—barai , ealis Qertsble. Wad POO seisaalf eases litiedlensal elyrot• Wan Ittif Oahe Wale at pimeos baeters..lll betel IMMO. IN. - oaeyanits of tateraillesdat at re mitten,. hive, hi ham jam. erns hams to ass days hittlesastalsthbosy Loot dlatkloto oho.. MM. .01.1 preen h•tr• hem ...oiled oho Mb reiverrfell tenetsble Cho:otos.. to • IhMtlalt ddleed else met Liar a. Jr doors nod .Isalova. TOt strange to say 11 Me &sone oaten bornocd bstmeos I. be per.. 1.4 by sec.: pot tot ahoy seldom take the isolable to put thel: Mabee Is • mate of defence sill., ...Mile emote. /Miser.. victims es dcat.littm to toba - to worm .your Ohm bards ow. the Are. cm eon aucalss .1111 the teem that taboos Um chl.l. to me... tam lithiTSTr62ll 13111 - 11:110 la MI oh- Mhate t speedy sod infallible stesellio for pow die tread.. 1101041• NOTICES (WEICE CITIES:we rseeltNOSe R•11./LT COSMOS. Vit aeogb, herr. 4th. 1060. larTrPF: ELEVENTH £NIWIL IKRTI of :he Stowtholder• of the ClLlneas Palomar.: autos, a/ the E Elttwbergh, will be held at .11. 11 1. We , er street, no 11101eDIX. Noe. 1160. Ir/e ' , Stock r obi= time sad ills': ► Doetital Director. will b. elected for the •ceehlr Tier, en/ sorb co .r belittles. treas.. ted Air mar CCuae Orion S. Etiewttlqw borligte D. P. (Allierlrl. arc.). 0171( . 4 Prortta PaSHISOIra Elmer •tr 1 Collraorr, Put.bergh. Nay. 4111, POD. grTITE SECOND ANNUAL IiEHTINO of the Bloekbel4e, of the Peoples rassonvx Hallway C-amn.rof theVltr 15 , tabarab erld S. held at ki Ma/taller 4 Wood stm ir t , 0 . to DAY: laoechtb , 10.5. lest. at . I‘i 11 , elhel I. .1, value, t place • Spank of Mr% etorsvdt beetected 10x Ito' on ninny.... sad *nob utter betollaoal lrknoacted • rp o cZ:Cr 'o '"D": encrstam C Inc clr ^IT lneean AND I.lllltalithil PASSENtraI flalLeraT 0/12.11 , V. ILtsourso. Noveralarrlktb. amp. iff -- Tric ANNUAL ntEETure or tho fltartholdersof the Pnieba:gl ant D'esalashma Pa.arnier Kailas) Com_ .a_y 10111 v Da ttel4 at th e lionomphela ksolar, hiON. pa. . Norenber IC, 11109. a e`alneir Al K.. at Knish time. and islitee a Beam et DiffCt rs otherOr eltehrd for Ole e 0 Mos year. gad aar-1 buSlars. transacted as may ranee Worst the tiara ,. r. WY. B. NINICK. 004:10 th eretary. DIVIDENDS Tom:. NATIONAL 6•NE../ ouuntiff, Norocubor 6, /11,69. 4 7711 E PRESIDENT XIII] Aloolamr Dl ROEICTOd . oof DIX PEE CEN T t houn the oopity .tuokoat of Um 4.000tA Of Lb* Ant tlx Inolf(O. payatiNe lo lb. otooktioldon or. tholr kgal primatatives, ou d .1,00 the pipi . fr. ” . Of Ali UT.. JOHN LL LIVLNOSTON. Cash's, 'OIL/! AND "FFICIOOO DMA NT'--The Saari of Three. lOrs hav• THLo DOY dcelsred a dlrtdend of 70 09903) 104lt viN r. oo the .1400 stool. sisyshid, - fr.s , or One. ronvost ter, at the 1.191ce of he 199nPon, N. 97 vineavAsoo. PlltebetAth. , Pa.. on and efts, Nov. 1004 L 960. until seb.bll das the transfer 0..0ks of the Company oda re mold closed. Le order of the hoard, .1.0. VtitklUddN, Sor e l, 2009. 110,4a0a SaPit or Psavastroott. Noreadxie Ad. MM. I Igr'THII. PH rstomrr and DI.. RECTORSof this ttledibnitrthtt garde. ' Glared dlrtuend of WE ern C 671, onlte pultaleteret. 01 of the profits or the l est 111 nths. which will he paid to atoekh.ldera Or eir heal raprasental lees on see. ants - the 19th ire nf Oorenteneol , thste sod loos! toot , n. 9400410 , W. lttrdSßOlte. Quitter. • urrfetms T&refill noir Ina IiIIfCECOM:e rAltr. I'alts4ltrdls. Nor. ad. AM. • arAT 'A MEETING OF THE ,___esonssl Directors of twit ColOdid 9:91 Thllel LA T o 01•Idend of 717111911.1.AN.11 lP 1: 4 0)110 4b•re was declared. 70711/5 lOrths .oh tree of Natlovel taX. • Lt. C. EIUL/TZ. „ df_sll . 4.NlS 5e0n51507. Its.c.naxos liArtolgAL. name. /. Pxrrosuouu. Nay. 9. 111159. ligr THE BOARD OF DIRER. dead or ft.i.TO of tills Mont taro 4solarcel TOUR (4) PER CIEST.. rren ar,,u tisck payable 'at. a Alla thelOth n 4 ryo . A. LONG. AlaiAnal Cubler. rfhtiorAL Bort tsar.rrelf t .rirrismoaorl. 7l, Mom. • 7DIVIDE 1111.-THE DIP EC. , 7C1P23 entail nah. bave‘blsellyPaelafesd pßieleles4pf PIP/CV& a VANT... the C.opf WA,. oat 0 , , flia D. 9 u of the 1u11412 MOotbs, payable le the Sup.oiPert. em tette legal .g. rebettatltre. land aftez ths , Ilttg to.r4 th. Aumigm, the Goverment taA of 0 par r.n011,12 J. E. BRADT.dtablez. • arpirlDEND DtrmW sof tb• Eakarpdharg add y d ., .Brktge .Ccrfpuky hue this day 4. dared a illvidand at _CENT. • • par Om LUI ifs inOntba. PdTibl• at,lM alai dr Ito Tiruntrar ppewilib." forthwhh,.. ISO.T,M6P, Inunur. ' suinzesaiii: Oct.?, Ws: amen vronwEND„ „ ., • Mid Th o of 'Dtsc tore retie g ompany tom •le tit odet dooltt OW. Stria of IDDR - AILVIIII IND FIPTT DEN% boo eiettilianter the NOM) Btbek; oetar tbei Leszlit.peollte of the What: aseattte. frog of atttot. eat naral4e tc.spek-, Itolgata Wirr. ' 4. ‘ 01y20,,, NEW AD VERTISEME ',ITS NEW. GOODS At Lowest Prices, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos. LSO and IS2 Federal Sticet, I= NL•,\V Dtt ES GOODS hrtat rarhaty DIBRIfiIiG MINI HEWED 818611N8 New Striped hbawls, New Plaid New Poi-ley shirts' ill Good Bargdo4 lu Black A I paeill4 Black and Colored Velveteens. Ladies', Children's and Men's Underwear, flats and Bonnets, 'Ribbons and Flowers, Handkerchiefs, Collars and Cuffs, Ladies' tor t. tugs & Gloves, t hildreu/s Stockings and Gloves, Cloth Skirts. Balmoral rising, Wool Knit Hoods, Scarfs, Mitts, ice., Knit Jackets and Sactinpr, Men's Gloves. Socks, Collars. dsc. NTIIIEL Y NEW STUCK UP LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FURS, AT LOWEST PRICES. Wholesale and Retail WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 and 182 Federal Street, I=l JOSEPH HOHIG 6 CO. Have Aril Opened And ate preyar.al to ate, at We Cary Lawert relies, the I moortment of 1- 7 2. W Lee, br.oucht to ads markt, lIDSIE.T. ULUTTS, MITTS, WI.TuL hl /. IT L.,. SAI'QIIT.H AND tICAXITS, rUI.F.V ARDS. FELT nILIRTS II ALID tHA I. AHD 11001 . eKIATd. ci •KA KTS. AlSbed sad PI Ms e 111 ItTti A I/HAITI:DS. .loTs • Tilxtares, Lau ' (1411dreu'd .uILITUCO UN DBll.- K KA KRAT JACK6II.. FUle•HINti 11(1.1i1. 4 , HA JOi A U 6 FAWN! Cr BURR 13CANNS AND N K TIAN. - PAPER COLLAR . , AND Crl , PH. KiN OA...LANA AND UU11,15. TRIIRDIINGS, FRINGES, VELirt 11.1 Rn ,I,Wt COWL) AND TanELSI SIITZI2IB. baine te ri,i...r.".rVitY GOODS. VEL TETA. , VELVETEENS, EATINv L. , WF IVA FEATHERS. HITE. in s d b.. BoliNr ue r .. HAT rtraitigk BuliztrizzA.! Whoicsaic and Betaii. 77eg an d 79 IT A Mgr STRUT. CARPETs. NW FALL STWIL- Oil Cloths, Winilow 81tades, DRUOGMfik ; __ DRIHIG - Lq SQUIRA, Ingrain Carpets, At th Lowest Prices Ever Offered. BOVARD, ROSE tt CO., 21 FIFTH AVENUE. AN OLD ESTABLISHED CONFECTIONERY IN A NEW PLACE. F. A. NIERSH & BROTHER Hare removed their eatablialameat b their item wad elekarkt prelate.. No. 24 Sixth Street, (latalik Clalro Wbora the? alit offer r* 'bar rrlenoe and amino seers th e kaarasaseers. of CONVICTIONS, ILLIGCSI C. 421 DUCA AND CALKEZI, their oera make. Rortil " craW nu - aralronig,°&;l l l.°:. Cap .4:)lTPoo:Oiiie.!...43l:"stC4ll.rtniftt orodlirteat ammo., thefr hld Dna :Dal 1870. DIARIES. 1870. Pocket nod Counting House, FOB BALE BY W. S. HAVEN & CO., Car. Wood Bt. Ind Third Amor. .06:964d1► HAIR JEWELRY FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Ye , aoa. &Allem to hove llelr Jewatrl made for holiday prearuta, 'mould do well to leave their order. now, to be aura to have them In proper time. btre kasakple book. kola which yoo can .elect anything m the Jewelry line you wish made. WATTLES & 1511EAFEL11, 301 .P/IPTH L VSN US. above etaltbdeld Meet. coo ZWLIT, SWINT & &TT, AIiCIIIVICTILI MAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS, Po. IS Salvinolty 111:, llhuhu, Pa. lazde assortment of NEWEL POSTS and DALIAN/IMO constantly on hand. TVENIEU oral , doSCNIAInA• don,, berm= SCHOOL OF DESIGN. 12=1:713 MECHAM 'AL AND ME/MAIM DRAWING On T MIDAS sad FRIDAY JIVER Dian, s 1 ° Tarim sCHOOL ECK YE, earns, offilltt snel Woodnupta. mama cumin ' atacem~r.Ees ac ca, L..llLate WElson. Cm 6 Va..) Wh - OLEULS PEAL= 11l Foreign end Demesne Dry Goods • O. 14 WOOD 01114.14 . pad dear adv. Mumma sllim LARGE sumovlrre or ALL ktua..r troll take deb aro received d t i to . Put= ter' irzr Osh stand. Ito tip Ctqrealtr l , itleitmay Cltj. b. c=rorliti:43 Wad (MO street& Ow loot expazieitte to the lusise. elm . les li. to .1.o.! bay... hand • !Uri t...ad% and cut 0011 Wow ►l.h, Saltnotlt tertligailitek Bass and With e retell) all it very at.' - eilYd•tittall,•ty iatil Intim • ems en .. Abolgrale or neftll. 41.11 olden Clod protoralr.- KEYSTONE POTTERY. S. ff. arm tf7.4mo, 1117ZENSWAILE. RSIRIVLwIMasa strum wal Wantons., 361 L 1113227 IMRE= mdan 020911:1417 stllazuled • LYON,H • • • Maier at Weights and Henna% • Ofloo—lto.lo 1171711TH AVnirtlf., Copt. JOHN IrHmaLX , Lenart. PlrtabarQ Marmo, Llent. Oro. 11. 310:111.Tt. Depot!: alio; Tbra• Motto, TODA AUL-400 tons Prints k 7 SODA ABM*? deist, • J. S. CA247IILD. tIEW aDVKRTISEMENTS THE POPRIR BIROINS R CI CI 11 S. WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos. 150 end IS2. Federal Street, I=l At $3, Pair Good White Blankets, At $3, Pair Good Gray Blankets, At $4, pair good 11-4 White Blankets, At $5, pair good 12-4 White Blankets, At 1,25, White Merino Underskirts, At $1,50, Embussed Cloth skirts, pod Colors, At 871 e. Waterproof Cloth, At $l.OO Waterproof Cloth, At $l.OO Black Waterproof Clol6, At $l,OO, Brown Waterproof Cloth, At 12.1 c. Barred Shirting Flannel, At 22c. Double Width Country Flannel, At 20c. All-wool Red Flannel, At 25c. Heavy Twilled Bar'd Flannel, At 25c. double width Alpacas& Poplins, At 6,1 c. Calico Remnants, At 121 e. God and Wide Muslin& LARCE STOCK OF Heavy Country Flannel., White Country Blanket% cassimeres and Jeans, Shirting Flannels. Wholesale and Retail, WILLIAM SEDIPLE'S, Rae. 180 and 181 Federal Street, I= DRUGGETS, ClairßE 111 CLOTHS. EXTRA QUALITY, BRUSSELS CARPETS, Direct Importations, 1111111111 BROS., Firrli 411'EXE/1, ►BONE WOOD STREET ecll CLOSING OUT SALE! Ovrti tot deatb of the Senior panzer; Mr. S. BURCH/I.6LD• the emits rank of goods As REGARDLESS fa' COST. ; $/qi Stock is NEW and 'Cbuspiete, CON dISTINti 07 Bilks, Black and Colored, Alpacas, Vo!mein Poplins, !risk Poplins, Black Cloth", Cloaking', Broths Shawls. ~laldAlma,Gtstimenti. Mid a Full Line of Domestic Goods, at J, V, BURCHFIELD & CO.'S, 52 . , SIXTH STREET ELEGANT CARPETS. The Lust and QOlll beautiful deslt. aTer acmain TAPESTRY OR BODY .13itu s s lat. s . Jaz/ sawlvetl by atect Inwarista. Or= Sal , IALII4. sitiKir'N &am 4-7-7,1 = OLIVER NeCLINTOCH & CO. 23 Fifth Avenue, 002 L 114 lIVZOWN B. M. McCOWA& CO.; Boulevard Pavers, Office, No. 66 OHIO St, ILLEOHffin. Order, bat at GAZZITI OFTIC; Pittsburg:!. lateloptly attended to, Pave Illdeltrallts, laid Ira rd Pelves. ae. Warranted azaleas cbeogeaat teat end turd . gtartniSMs-Ir,beed, Lyeta• dim" Sod 7 !MUM., .. Mo 3) Lone Sob. Hartle, a Magee. •adtenon's 4,XszerelL Aiken • Campbell. Dam Crate. Mere= TRADE MARK. 1 .. DliffilffiGE'S - , sun.i..- extoo - 1: . • AT. '4 . 1 lAU PP., ' ';'• - , I . CHIDEYS. Zi . _ . 30E134 V. BI7IITONTEI TO: 000 ANTED w mon as mat •• foam% S ^ hareceics. It sod one. pa Wok tactice 500104 A ppals' a o 45sal,mm, mcmada• hsethstoo decabisb rp. Uwe Piatcl.. &Ware or • •atv Priem refty mac pec Am el:Catkin PM. yr.costa Wpm*. at PPP ttess eme -. B RE Oi COURT ran, Thc R. Or. limn' 000 Wens ecee a. T Jody.- ., I.J • Irmdamrt X aprighlolj liobsatOs rsri 4 4,4 0 44ttsi A W. w. ELSLIR-113. 59 ISABEE f:l]►S If tl~r ~i:L~t:~st~~r~~.~~w WOOLEN DRUGGETS FELT CA 'WETS, 11, 11, 2, 21, 3,3 L 33 and 3/ X,IltD ItIIJE. BORDERED SQUARES t'ultable for Parlor' DINING ROOM (RIM CLOTHS, Woolen, Linen and Cotton, AT LOWER PRICES THIN LAST SEASON No,,th..n.llpg one orofunlntsbcd tariff on We. go.-4.. & COLLINS, 71 and 73 Filth Avenue. DAILY ABBIVALI - NEW 131 - 00.1315. New Silk: Rows, Wide &RA Ribbons, Ladies' Si k Scarfs, Efentan Plaid Ribbons. CLTILKEIVELLNEOP HAND KNIT 00.0 141es ' Wool Shawls, tOdles' Wool Vests, Children' fluff Barques, Infanta Knit Hoods. REVERSIBLE SATIN PLEATING. Black Silk Fringes, Tull Line of Colors. LADIES' AND GENTS' HOSIERY, (31ILDHERS , IikLMORAL HOSIXRT, Gents' & Ladles' Underwear BERLIN & CLOTH CLOVES. I=l Boulevard Skirts, Vents' White Shirts, Paper Conarei Haadkerasiepo, Laces, ere.. MACRIM, fiLY'pE & 78 & go Ertzket - Street. FALL TRADE. New Goods ! EACRUM &CARLISLE'S No. 27 AIM Jimmie, NEW Dar TBIIMPS ANYMINDGS, G %TITO NEW UM ff •ND LOW XIBSONS THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN HATS. NEW ' • - STLYES ZiDOWIDEED ; • NOVELTIES LAOS ODUDS. CiLOVES AND HOSIERY, # emapless savriment for •alt. IRMO AIR) WOOL Shirts and Dr ai,veriN =I tikrl3l4 l l . T A ttrAWL.S. C LOMANCY I IA klOi th.ubti, IitiTIUNS AND Fn.rl. He thane and Malan =parted al low Wats. I gßand As-CARLISLE N. 27 FIFTH AVE=NUE. :- 4` g 8 0 4 ..la ri 1 WI 4 f r, zrl 0 - - 1 1 1 z 2 ' .4 4 I 1 1 g, 0 it 091 1 Ar IE4 EY Q i pck 1 ,4 Z !I CD d l' : Ce 4 r g 7.,' z , 13 Q- 1 1 4 4 DA; WEITTTLEEL , - C , I NTEnriss TO TREAT ALL ' private diadem, typh.ll In ell Its SW Me. MW. ; nLaso_ dibt /I IM Ari a .I. : DpCAL =mazwal 4 zy ... .e..Absti,,,' k..., mettllian Th a' stille or other mum anti +lda some of the tollowitts enacts. as blotetem : , west - nes; indbmstlon. oontramptioe avert:Me toe "W. entanalloota.. dmd. of fahsre .... EY werttorf. in doieree, . des sad evelly en preetratr tha saran ---= renew nourisca ote . tory. %%Mtn, are rarmeanoily • N th = with these ornery ethm at , th :Madescosta,trasta il = . Cl A. ' partl=lentlokylyento ell Penal* taw I Plaint, Idellonshmi or Whams,. eallieg, Inflifee .^ =anon err Ulceration ea. Dy of/ enothe Womb, - Ovantle. .. pew, nritoes. Xnisasia„ stm add.hoesi t** , Ameno and Istenlity er Barnteseis, telt tem& nth elm stresteelsoccess. , • It is self-nblentthat a physicist mho esselbseil blond( Meta. the andyor a 4:eyeshades" of Mamma end th oesanes of mem emny year one scepdrasrestet skill Is test epedetty than one In general prans,. The Doctor yebthrtes a medical germ= Ifty reeestlet rime it fall exposition re end prima* for tut en be OM free atonic. or by mall for two stamps, tn sealed etryelopel. ' ' = .,„vie r„.. . rout = Irr a = o.. the ab.:.l deo nature orrefr riental:l,W. The establishment, marten ten MOW - • moo central. When It an contenisitt te.l , eistt e Any, toe Doctor's opinion 00 tom • .tune by.slalos a written statemen Mho Molt ' sae teedlelactrean be fbreseded by mut se pee I mom. In some Instenees. Itoireyer. a pereseak., emelt Irst .:w ,ie ebsointoly ecemanT ' WhiblV, others atteutten Is for tleaceonoombrion . f mach ps }bone .t. , sarmitartegs a tl n kh th. or i e n ere .. . . a thst • = t' All reparkogr g ans Manned r=. ' - 's Doetor . 4 o cara w lallozatmy, and let er . bas . gilOnS3l% .. 4= kr two staar P rer,tio, saw VIP lte heft J IRMO. teed what be say& lekg.a l l4=ll &Metier to Or. a, ea '0 . ere.esT. teen nowt liras., e.•• 4 ~, ~~~,~~ FiCI)XL x_acocow Ittosvssis. ER da T STREET. ~T c:--~'c3 yc ~ - ''' EEO I=l New Goods!