The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 10, 1869, Image 1

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    TILE -DAILY -tiAZl=•
BEM & O.
Office, 84 and 86 Fifa ,dwenue
JOULE ago.
latfoas AID hots:viva&
Eli mail , per year
Delivered by carrier, pervert
Banquet of the Lord Mayor of London
—Speech' of Mr. Gladstone —Be
,Deplores the State of Affairs in
Ireland—Eulogy on the Life and
Character of George Peabody—
Alluded In--4
Vfotot Emmanuel Convalescent—
Why AdmiralTopete Resigned his
Place in ,the Spanish Ministry—
' kir Qiiet in Perla
(Pr Thesrsch to ins ruatruse mune
Minos, November 9, entdraight.—The
inaugural banquet of the Lard Mayor of
Louden took place tonight at Guild Hall.
Members of the Ministry, foreign Ern-
Magadan, and a large and distinguished
company were preaent. Mr. Gladstone
replied to a toast to -Hei Ma-
Jody 's Minister. On rising he was
loudly cheered. He returned thanks
for the honor, and said the good meting
of the alumna toward the Government
w.s an omen and Indication of the com
mon sentiment pervadieg the land. He
amulet= t Whatever the tendency of
modern &MiIt:IMAM - WhatalSer its tri
umphs may be, do not undervalue them;
they have not had, nor ere they likely to
have in our days, or In oar children's,
the effect of lightening the responsildll
- of the Government: exthe standard
of obr ideas and wants Ls raised, so is
raised and extended the demands on
thaw de vac& da—to amiantus toprive
=eh a =ape to legisla m and pulite
policy as may mesa/pond tot hat elevated
standard. Every social exigency muses
us thrall mareou thy - indulgence of our
count ymen to giveheart to our efforts,
bud to pardon and forgive. our short
comings, It lsg.tluhotoq to know that
throughout the country one sentiment
prevails in respect to the Queen, theism'
and institutions' of the country. But
don't let us seek a fool's temeolation In
binding-ourselves to that. CMOS the
channel, seek the Island long united
'to us in tolltimi and Jectslative
bonds. How melintholy In the ace of
this great assembly-Win complied to
ooduss that that Wand, which we have
governed for 700 years, and over which
we hive have exercised Mules: un
bounded poirerr, has not yet fulfilled
the Oral (=numbs en moused COM.
enmity ; has mit been brought into
harmony with oar laws and lintinthotter.
It la simoottuuto remind you
that we were called. to offlop In connec
tion with thin Important minis in the af
fairs of Ireland—a crisis in which the
mind of. he =lnt/7 wall =WO Seriphs. -
ly addressed • than fbneerly. Wealth
making endeavors to put an end to
what has been a problem and • spec on
the fair fame of our country for
so many generations. In Irate=
ere see 'society politically diseased. We
see a people of noble capacity and quick
aumenithility, whine bean, in many
rases does not best with a warm and
lively attachment to her Mater countries,
and who do not, in all nape= yield to
thountherlty of the howswhichar=
ratio:raze on this side of the e
This year has heen narked by uts_Mg•
mentation of .agnilsn tint=
from which th.s country Is
free. The general tendencies to crime
there ,acquire a painful notoriety, and
strike the hearts of Englishmen with a
deadly chill. lutothe cue= of these out
meg it would probably be permature
now to deride. To those connect/4 -
, MM these outragcs,l.Would suggest that
their way la not the . way to Wean/ in thse
legtilsium• Chembittont of ontrsgmare
sruendettO leterreat of theiroxintrY.
Worlrer OW to be encored Is, our own
endeavors to give all Ireland thestrength
and unity which a ,comildellide part of
the island now =lcy& For that end we
ski!' laber, rude b y oa r : general=
In reged to our foreign policy, It
would be idle :QM} , tbatthiadqoartmont
Importunate amid Interest for England.
interference I hopper* shall
always avoid—ll OleddiNFOlne and meth-
Onus drake far influence woahaltalweys
knitwear. But the sentiment of a true
trzotherbool for thine emmbice with
whlth we aro united by so many costly
ties, - every is bound to culls.
vate• and should not venture to renounce.
Happily we are , discouraged . from
prosecuting gemidal, having none
f =tr
.the friendly andstance o En s land.
rat libtained, m always
'when sought for, and has-had no i s e a .
influence in .allaying disturbances and
composing :differences which. have
and: nalgtd have arisen In earlobe
b e= at the . .:- Ebro noble
ordisteqdata, Lord ClartmdOn,alike Ms
returnPt the foreign officer had received
liberal and handsome anknowledge.
meats for his onstributions toward the
acoottnisodation Of such =Stenos.
pne partial exceiMon cm/Mt ta make,
audit aan exception which le-of the
deepest "Interest to all' Englishmen;
namely: Oar relation/ with" Arnet
t tear gm there is no occasion
' on which I ,mild more approml..,
' ately refer to these relations .sr tot
ter de/tribe them than as thins JO
resoe and concertM Were I toattempt to
depart JZOLO them I shield be adman.
tiled to judge more, correctly' inpl to ,
speak mora_whegy by an smut which
jow n„ h a ppened , wiMin this citt'ouring -
the ' l-15 .4` 4Ow data r idea , toy'
she.Asatit, . George Peabody,
mair-;ethissi .benefaction will
leectint,Aritmcirtalll7, Ow his name, In
that which be regardedaahle old mother
cottetryr but whore urns likewise in •
broader soma Inapplicable te , all human,
Mar • IlebaS tenant us the west needful
lesanne.-how s man inm
Marmater obis. fortune and not?a slim,
analtierninst touching to know, whet I,
hale learned rtosnlids blends, that while;
lonia men would halm been unhappy at
the Ides el dying in • foreign boo, his
affecilmit.efere , divided between the
- land of his birth and. the land of, his
anfientors,, that that whirls bad been
his -fondest or I gasi n o w ; b e be MAXI/KIM, brit to
. di* In England. With Mr. Peabody's
country we are not likely totpraireL It
that, cure and - skill in. Efipionnuilt
au:united though It' has boon by Um
purest and moat. upright fathers; al
thouh t it le d e not Imperilled onr
hoe to , lead to the first
tothe present moment upon the
tangled quoit:tad of law 'which
in dtitensalon between the two
considerable delay ban taken
•Lem yet every delay, Wanted or Lading
.etaar it ,... prow ptsclits
mo d , 1 and a cadre tbs
TriterVerl ' OW of a limited aims to
r . obviate: Um - difficultits. [Cheers.]
Fbrdeve the - world would view with nor..
rasa parricidal strife between d
A.merica. is nob estate of t=vi
likely to arise from oaf menet re.
' , end my confidence la in the send
which Iksowsalmatsths /Met?.
' -onnent, as well as 0171XIMM."
vdso snintatO tee. _ *WE
; pro
ple of h . . hero ereentries
;11. , ,An t dligenots
Annthwri%riti -7- iiiii
tiseted with - 10.7 ntrn
v,ptitittetpiston hss
1. a standd of OW- _="
enduct higher ar than that Shrll.-wwl
set u , and it becomes seessisil
• otereire interests that the aoudad of sto'l
utrir nos Away mamma to our Own
idea 01 is chums and rights. but to tioo'l
sense which Is entertained of Interns.
doted and duties by the whole
zessa Ofthidaßleed. community.
Walter InewnettiliAmerican cassMse,
Las_ boos enthusiastically received at
Newcastle, sad has cosseoentorl4inden ll '.
et Once for the acellees matebmitallotY,
arrenged with lifluforth. the insurPlon:
of England.
• • •
November O.—During the
~ smaision of the Cortes yeaterdak, Cienefni
Trim aid& in reply to a question, that
Admiral Topete bah resigned on &Gamut
, of the candidature of the Duke of Genoa,
— Sad that ho would continue to raver •
• revolution, and aid him (Prim) in the
"tdiaehaSge of Ida cdiaial dude*.
PLOttiticc,.troctutiber B.—Tho official
.par of this city publishes the following
m w
today: The phystd
r ma
kgindtc. ging %Victor EmmtWilia caw
"CI& 1 4z6tesotiely orp of chisiger.
g4lll i
Z t
t t
4 •
President Looking into the Annual
Reports—Will not Pnrehase—Ac
icepts the Presidency—lndicted for
- Embezzlement-- Sinking Fund
Statement •
telegraph to the Plttatotegtt easelle.)
Weatirmaros, Nov. 9, 1889.
All the Cabinet oftioan were in attend
ance et the meeting to-day, excepting
the POeintstar General. The President
was engaged during the fOrenoon In
reeding the annual roporta of his Cabi
net °Meets, and other officials, In oanae
quence of which he was unable to give
attention to any of the large number of
visitors atIZiOUB to have Interviews.
The Sinking Fund statement showing
the description and amount of Five
twenty bonds purchased by the Secretary
of the Treunry for the Sinking Fo nd
.. to
October 24 1889, Inclusive: 1 , act
of Februltry 25, 'lBB2, 12,740.500; do.
Manh•ot.oB4, 107,000; do. June 30, 1884,
12,025,7 , do. March 3, 1886, 14 811 , 050 :
console of 'B5. 18,713,300: console of ' B7 ,
117.8 7 0, 416 0: consols of 'BB, 551,600; total,
117,844,600. Special purchases, state
ment showing the de:Rorie:ion and
amount of 620 bonds purchased by the
Secretary of the Treasury, and held to
awaittbB action of Congress In relation
thereto: Loans, act of February 26. 1861,
13,995,700; do. March 3, /864. 5688,4fec
do. June 80, 1884, 15,716,890; do. March
3,'1865, 12,982.660; Consols of 1885, 518,-
3 80,430; Oensobt of 1887, 513,866,600; Con.
anis of 11938, 11.442,1M10; Total 548480.008.
Dr. Draper, of New York, has accepted
ale PresWtteer of the American Union
Academy of Literature' &Armee and Art,
just formed In Washington. It already
numbers use hundred and thirty-03m
members, including.4readdent Grant,
Chief Justice Chase, Vice Admiral Por
ter, and others of distinction.
The Treeettry Department hair received
Information that L. G. Eater, Solicitor
Second District, North Carolina. has
been Indicted for embezzlement, he hav
ing appropriated about P 50,000 Govern
ment fusil to his own use.
Senator Sprague who had opened ne
stotlaticats to purchase the Acttiolsol
t tel t = t. haa declined to buy that es,
Officers of the Privateer Hornet Held
to Bail—Letter from Father Hya
cinthe—Anothcr Cuban Erpedition
—All Quiet at Port Jervis—Ar
rival of a Pardoned Staff Officer.
(B 7 WU mart to the Pittsburgh Baum*. 1
Nzsv You, Nov. 9, 1569
• MVO Harris, late commander of the
steamer Lillian, which had Golcarla'■
expedition on board, arrived In New
York yeatarday from Nassau, where the
vessel was seized.
The °Mears of the privateer Horded
were brought to Brooklyn yesterday In
charge of Marshal note, of .North Caro
lina. end turned over to Marshal Dalton,
who held them In 110,000 ball each to
answer before the United States Ctroult
The following Is Father Hyadnthe'■
letter to the Boston clergymen: I am
very sensible of the high honor paid me
in thegreeting from the clergy whom
m i=en o t. f
t I am touched pa b t l y yons
"Section. lam a Catholic and hope to
remain one. I have not broken with the
Church, wit Its abuses. I ream. entre tine
Chrildans in all Protestant bodies, for I
bettevelhat the true Chuteki,- enshrining
all who hold Christ es their head, la far
wider than any earthly orgenlatlon.
My purpose In ooming to America Is to
escape excitement and to neat a little.
I shall soon return to Europe, but I hope
agate to visit this country. t shall visit
Boston In November If possible, and then
should beghut to see those whom you
represent, to explain more fully my
position. The future hi dark and tumor.
talit, but I shall obey my conscience to
the end. Greet, In my name, with
Christian saltdedlon, those In *brae
name you greet use.
The nwer says that Intelligence was
received at a late hour last night, from a
atence, of another Cuban expe
dition tieing now in Forever* to this city,
Philadelphia and Baltimore. We oleo
learn that One or two very fast steamers
have been purchased by partle■ no.
ia=and will at an early date, If not
, attempt to pursue a couneairo
ilar to that marked out for the steamer
A Port Jerrie dispatch says: Gould and
Rucker are here, and are not employing
any of the old brakemen. The yards
hare am hill of freight, and but little la
gob* out. It Le add Moue on the Dear
wazei division are awaiting word from
the men on the outem division and
will also atop work. Everything s be.
ins conducted quietly. The two hor
died men who arrived from Jersey City
have moody returned. not seeming to
like the look of affairs. •
Athong the metonyms by the steamer
A Soto hom - - Ravens. fa Arnie Mune
gate, azAptaln on the Staff of General
Arden, and captured In one of the late
ote by th e Spaniards and par
donedlthrough the inflames of the
American Wainer at Madrid.
The officers of the Erie liallway an.
pounce all freight and passenger trains
running on time, and ell quiet at Part
Lathenn Cone=lo
pounds Qoesibons Widen Iwo Answered
—Repc4. of Comaintees.
87 Tohone to Use Plttabortheilutte.l
thatimoo, November
Council of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church reassembled this morning.
Rev. Seise presented the reply to the
,:rietatiOtat salted by the Minnesota
Synod. The Synod of Minnesota asks
cionornling the declaration of the general
- Coundl on the four faints Whether
It la a algid Interpretation in them that
heretics and three that err in fundamen
tal dcictilnes cannot be admitted to our
attars= cOmmunleants nor into our pul
pits se teachers of our congregation;
and 'diaper the principles enunciated
at Pittsburgh azemeant to apply to those
who in the ntslinctive dodrinea of the
rmtbkrau Mum* are not In harmony
with the pure doctrine of god's Word
as taught awl Judd by our church. To
both quad me the answer la, ..yes."
Extend:dal emote ttur word instant*
being neceasnly left to be determined
on by the Odthfal pastor as they arise.
Mterdeba e, the questions were referred
back to the member from Minnesota,
With the request that be present them in
• more lucid =ennui,.
NeV. Dr. Pas:avant, of the Cotatolttee"
Fasp7ur allasions, reported that the
rind difficulties that the Missionary
ttee had met were a want of
means totmpport thangesionaries. The
Odelpte elan year were but one thou
sand &Mink: Ukewicend difficulty wee
the Inability 'to Obtain laborers for
the talationary - ;delda. The mit.
denary labors of Bionsyleinis, Pieta
bnrak. New York, Canada, (Edge
WO OW, /tlichlgan, Dlind4 Angus.
Wm, and tra Sync& deserved credit.
ailltiOnt eiffelldad
bytnaubOdiet domestic mildews la
between Iftaon and twenty thousand
dollars. It Is proposed to planitnissions
in the West and Month the comios year.
Rev. We stitution f r
om the Oespmit•
on Contatlea,
en s tee
synods, presented a lotlgOongre 001:1141t11.
Sion, which Illea l. read. but will lie
printed tor dietri
Onnatiooilpn, the Conahleasan of rt.
yo u v ol vcTed until nest year. -
AdJottaladi lilt
Judge Lsnct, Sall at Wok.
I nn mersam, Nov. 9.-An Sunday even.
ik nasty of one hundred men came to
or,d ( Hy)took out a
d mum s 7.o,rey ti the author of live
murders, and hung Med in" the Court
Souse yard, with a Placard on hla.bsek
not to Cot him down =MI Sf o clock
Monday evening. The Crowd then dn.
Nsw °Stamen, November o.—Dr.
Lott. who murdered young Barnes at
Oakland. Mks, a few Weeks skew, ins
taken from the ootreerittelsil on Sunday
sifba by Omni mid hung.
FOUR O'CLOCK, 4..21!
Third Anniversary Meeting of the
Young Men's Christian Association
—An Immense Concourse and In
teresting and Impressive Exercises
—What Has Been Accomplished—
The Outlook for the Future—Ad
dresses by Rev. Dr. Hail, of New
York, and George IL Stuart. Esq.,
of Philadelphia.
Last evening the Third anniversary
meeting of the Young Men's Christian
Association was held In the spacious and
elegant andltoriutn of the Third Presby
terian Church, Sixth avenue. The oars
li01:1 attracted to the edifice an Immense
throng of the friends of the enterprise
and others interested in the cause It
represented, and the hour for the open
ing exercise. found pews, Melee and
galleries crowded In every available
space. Across the church, fronting the
pulpit, n large platform had been erected,
which was occupied by the officers,
speakers and other visitors, among whom
were many remembered as chief among
efficient and active Christian workers.
The assemblage entire was one of the
largest and most brilliant ever called
together In the city, and redacted In
highly satisfactory manner the deep
Interest felt In the noble enterprise.
At 7l o'clock the exercises were open
ed with an appropriate voluntary, ren
dered In excellent style by the choir.
The audience was then lad In fervent
and impressive prayer by the Rev. J. A.
Dray, of Christ M. E. church, followed
with a scripture selection. read by the
Rev. T. H. Hanna, from John, 2d chap
ter, beginning with the 12th verse.
The congregation next united in slur
lug th i 22th Palm, 09Mineneing.
Oh, as - early bleared Ma people are,
Tar )ryful mind =at Snow
lw , l4r:t . a. r •Lo: h z ob Laid
The President of the Association and
chairman of the meeting, Mr. R. K
Porter, then read his annual report
en Interesting and well written paper. ma
Brethren of the Young Men's Ch ratkm
ssomatunt :
We are met to-night In thianur annual
meeting for an important and solemn
purpose. Our Master permits us to look
back at the work of the past year for our
encouragement and tho strenathenlng
of our faith, or that our crApertenee may
serve as a warning. And surely we have
reason to hold prominently before our
mind the bleated though:. that Samuel
kept before the eye of the men of bowel.
by setting up the stone called Ebenezer,
saying, "Hitherto bath the Lord helped
, ~
Our last annual meeting followed the
sessions of the Christian Convention of
this country, sad, sharing the spirit and
fervor of those days of conference and
prayer, It was the glad beginning of the
work for the year. With much that
called for deepest gratitude In our pia.
TiOdS history, and with peculiar an d
dearly bought experience that woe in
valuable to is. to tbo direction of our et
fairs. we at that time received anew full
proof of the sympathy with whiahevcary
effort honesiir
__Wade feriChtist will be
metUde COmmcinlty. Thittnead gra
tifying Opreciation of oar honesty
of purpose and parity of too
live was manifested on every ride,
in kindly spoken words and In
generous gifts. We had the as
sonance that our position eras clearly un
derstood, sod that toe cordial welcome
of one of our city pastors, who extended
to us the hand of fellowship three rears
'ago, was now again reiterated Ditto,
whole Christian community—s we lco me
to us se an ortraniestion to duty in the
blessed work of extending that hluttalcun
for whose coming Jams 11311thell We dl►
ciples evermore to labor and to play.
This cordial recognition of our woods.
tion on the part of others has resulted,
we believe, from the fact that we our
selves have always regarded it simply sa
an Instrument of the divinely appointed
Church—an hiatrnment called into use
for a specific purpose, and deriving im
parlance only as Ii MilailllClTMlilavy and
Those who have been at all intimate
with similar organizations throughout
the land, sad have not been milled by
their prejudiees or their fears, have
known that this, Its true txwition, has al
ways been kept prominently before It,
and that had it made the fatal mistake of
claiming any other it would insundly
have been deserted by 14 membership.
Oar own Association hal been peculiarly
favored above many in the general Inter
eat felt In it throughout the city, nor
would any special remark be ca ll ed for
at this time, only thy we desire to see It
made of still greater service by
used by the ministry and by the ,botch
M arge intone of God'. instrumemt• for
One Indication of growth apparent to
us all is the quietness with which our
various duties have been performed. M
times we have Attesttoned whether the
airaociation was not lessening In ita ac
tivities and lasing Its influstiossOmt ex
amination has always proved that Its
working, members were faithfully en
gaged, and that there was manifest a de
termination to discharge every oblige-
tion In the beet manner passible.
Removal from active work by sickens
or change of residence and by death.
have thinned those ntunbera, too time
large, but there have also been additions
of those whom we now recognize as most
to be depended on for the Mad:urge of
Important trusts; additions not merely
from Chrbitlan ranks, but also from those
one year ago In rebellion against our
King. Another cause _has operated
lessen our active forces—a cause which
we fled as the legitimate result of the
' work which we pray to be permitted to
do, viz: the increase of reeposcribildly
placed upon some of our moat efficient
young men In their 'various churches.
There have been numerous Wetmore
where tome of the most Laborious have
found ft Imp:alibis to continue actively
with us on account of the rapidly grow
ing work In their church home.
Our meetings for payer, which hate
env eld to prominent a place, have
ben gorously maintained duoughout
the year.
which has always been under our charge,
is nos an
meeing simp A y a C i h o r n s t M n ee s,d g a wntb ya
the love of Jeans to confer together dai
ly, and daily to seek His presence. And
yet there have been weeks when It bee,
seemingly to • great extent, summed the
character of an Association meeting, ha
cause so few not numbered with us were
in intruder's,. .were it posaible ado. .
qnately to =pram In this report the feel- •
ins of three who have the interests of
this daily gathering at heart, surely snob
an expression could not fall to awaken
the liveliest sympathy In this MM.
biage; and many who never think
of this meeting now would be
found on stated days, if it naps not be
daily 41P41n g erumuragement to otheas
andolninglt gam:pelage by Joining In
&bear service' of prayer andwgfil -
There certainly Is not • Chrirt in
Pitteltmegb who Is not thankibl th at Ib is
meeting I! bold; there is not one who
does not believe ihtt it grey be
mesas. as far se turect,.of softening e
aspealties of =Anew and of r ovansti
tbe standard and tone of our ammonia'
life by infusing somethin s f u t a jihe spirit
of Christ, and yet the PM is en
small es to make it seem as en
sults were regarded as of little moment.
THIS BATORTIAT mom rerun nun.
always dear &boys any other that we
bold, hen been stortsined with uniform
excellence. it has often bees-remarked
of this meeting that it seemed to matter
little aim sbouldigadit, torn tee always
been easy to Macau the pan ll e thit
AISO4 hi tille MAIL
Al lent Any GOMA* or neighborhood
meetings have Wen neld in sariop4ll.
uteterof ghe city and now.
00PMan . tl, nldPqres spatodyi=
lug special endeavors to extend the use
fulness of this branch of work, and to
enlist scores and hundreds, if poardble,
of new workers by having one of these
meetings, at least, held by every church
each week. One church has already re.
ported of its male members
as ready to engage in the conduct of
such meetings, since the proposition has
been made by this Committee.
The meeting at
Haa been a regular weekly*ppointment,
'‘d many serviette have been held, In
hich the men were de3ply interested,
ad from whom conduct profit and pleu
ra were derived by those who went
from the Rooms; but the appointment
has not been no faithfully kept aa it
ought. This is owing to no lack of inter
eel on the part of the soldlera, or that of
the Superintendent of the Home, who
has always been anxiona for the mainte
nance of the meeting, but pertly, we
think, to the inconvenience of the even
ing when It was held, and partly to the
that that our working forces are really fat
few and our calla are so many.
First undertaken by us • year ago, ware
this year resumed. The number held
his been fewer, on account of the long
continuance of the unsuitable weather
at the beginning of the summer, and be
cause of postponements caused by the
frequent heavy rains, but we feel that in
many respects there has been decided
Improvement. The same spot has been
Minted several Sabbaths io succession.
giving to the hearers and to residents in
the neighborhood the Ice* of •
Rent, deeply rooted desire to
and giving opportunity to reiterate
again and again to the same atten
tive listeners the blessed thinly of
Christ's love. Thus we have tried to
tell the old, old story in a path, familiar
way, and to And common ground to
sr and on with thorawhom we addressed.
We have constantly endeavored toevold
arousing prejudice and to bring those
who were attracted to listen to meet with
us frequently, that the Holy Spitit'• in
fluences, of which we were romecintus,
might be exerted upon them. Little
strips of printed hymns, all bearing
some of the precious Invitations of the
Gospel, have been scattered far and wide,
with the hope that the truth thee em
bodied, though sown by the 'w
inds, might fall on good ground,
made ready for its reception by
the sweetness of the melody or the
beauty of the words. Thousands of
pages of meta and of Wigton* papers
also, (none of
. course nenomitustion.
all, have been thus scattered and
have gone to do their appointed work,
out of our night It is trite, bat not beyond
the eye of Him who aveth In secret. At
the clone of these musics the most favor-
able opportunity prsents Itself to every
warm, loving heart for reaching those
out of Christ. In the address to the
crowd the bow may he drawn at • ven
ture, but these personal appeals sword a
more distinct mark and greater death
nees of elm. to this feature tbo im
provement over the meetings s year ago
la marked. More of our young men
avail themselves of this privilege, and It
has been customary this summer for the
leader to extend an Invitation to any one
wishing m converse thus persnnaUy
remain for that purpose. Many and
Many are the men who have thus had
opportunity, without feeling of restraint,
to unburden their hearts, and always
have they beard echoed, as we would af
fectionately echo to night to any trou
bled, heavy jades soul, the precious In
vitation of film who is Almighty mom.
••Come untofdsaud t will give you rest."
Gately Connected with this work In
the open air is the Sabbath evening ser
vice at the moms held durldg the sum
mer. One feature of thle meeting, not so
marked In any other, is t 136 mingling of
all classes and conditions of men. No
one would think of excusing himself
from attending by reason of his 001913100
or ragged dregs, for teeming In from the
street with a crowd no one can be singled
out for otwervallon. Thousands of paws
ete by have wondered at the strange
eight—a group of young men gathered
on the sidewalk In the twilight of the
,lebbatio singing hymns. We may not
a how what the general thought has
bs.l regarding It. - but one Ineteasse we
do lOW Cd,. where • horned. stranger
In oar atty. who had come to think of
It lima( as nttedy an outcast, heard in It
die voice of Clod. He accepted, as have
n tindreds of other., the invitation to
n tees with us to pray, and dad gave bim
II t that boar inch peace es he bad ever
d Ispaired of knowing. The deepest, Dol.
smutty pervaded thew meetings and •
solemn bulb has Gallen on every spirit.
nosh as the prophet must have felt when
h e proclaimed. "The Lord lain His holy
Sample let all the earth keep silents he
tint Him..
During the winter the Opera Home
was occupied, as the Old Theatre had
nem the year bathe', for reit:dots ser
vices on Sabbath evenings. Tie great
difficulty experienatd at both these to 'secure a room properly
The 'invitation to come in,
however kindly given. was quite likely
to be unhealed by those woo let that
they had incurred serious exposure by
attending. These who labored to make
the meeting a very nude one, never
felt that the attendance was proportion
ea to the effet, and yet they know that
at weary meeting there were some maw
edit whom we could not have brought to
our routs and who never enter God's
borne. If Chrha's command be not ex
plained away, we know bow without
ewe a Soh instrumented, Intl gospel Is
to be presahed to every creature.
Ia addition to the direct work the
force of our example has been felt In
the estedishment of open air meeting)
by Christians in neighboring towns, and
In many other ways has our aisanstion
While thus presenting these facts, and
the thoughts which they suggest, one
would nos claim exemption from twill•
edam, nor would we have our methods
removed from the closealarcrotiny. But
we entreat any who are tempted to do.
tilde that we have no plea in this con'.
windy, or that the place le:unworthily
Ailed, to learn by Intimate contact the
spirit of the organization—and them.
selves to mould it—leading In better and
more edicient work.
In thus reviewing our spiritual inter
ests, we cannot but recognize God's hand
guiding and upholding. H ma cro
DOT hu
the year with He richest
He 'tithed= His presence and favor.
We are corneons, as none others can be,
of the Imperfection of our work and
lament that we accomplish no little, and
yet we truly believe that God has used
our Aisociation Indirectly. If not directly,
within the peat year In turning men from
death unto life. While we have reason
to rejoice, therefore, In His continued
favor, which Is life, and In His loving
kindles, which is better, let con fi de
,more Implicitly in Min and in His
presences knowing that His kingdom
cornett' In answer to our prayers and yet
not by the might empower of man MI by
my spirit, meth the Lord.
We turn to examine briefly other In.
0138 READIAO noon
Han been abundantly implied with the
leading paws of the country, daily and
weakly, seemlar and religious, and with
smear Nue choicest religions. scientific
and literary pikriodicals In our lenguage.
Spada! efforts have been made to make
more generally known the advantages
presented, and there are few who will
not be snprised to learn that we have
regularly on Ale more than fifty daily
panels representing thirty prominent
crates and towns.. the greater number
of these papers being the contribution of
'a liberal tallness ADDS In this ally.
To add to the attractiveness of tne Lonna
and for economy In our expenditures, a
DOW 1102T106 was begun In November last
and has been kept up from that time.
Two young men 'represent one evening
of each month, from seven UU COD, to
wsloomasiraniters, to engage in convex.
astkui with any who may wish It, and to
=brew any favorable and prop:roman ,
iltuitr ix lezverse without formality or
stiffness of m who his bought es. and
ple to to seek ball moat"
to Will O th ers to 131 s love. welt*
limy appear What to some w ho have not
performed iy but if any_are willing to
P may be textteeti by some. that nd
evening Owen have been conducted by
we during the year. The mom Is that
we Iwo edtheined with the greeted
pleestwe the manner In which these
dame have been imetalned cm organl
nation kindred In many rape is to our
own, the Tandy MteNi phoorid Chtwch
!Mid, end bays felt that no good could
come hoot two such connew In the Mere
Pron. wo would glodi/aoror Roo_
IVY alldagee ma 7 e l t
I swelling their numbers. Nor Is It mare
w .
thin Mang that we .ha td ri movie, the
able meaner, la which this eyealea
Plogia° tub* 02:441114 groyeria
years, In many asses al gresi pommel
saerlflos of those who giro the Minna°.
In May the final distribution of the re
lief fends entrusted to our care In No
vember, INN, vas made, and the SCONII2/1
closed and audited by • Col3ll:l2Mbe of
the Mayor's appointment. The final re
port of Mr. Cook and that of the auditing
oommittee may be found In our last an
nual printed report And within the
pest month the faithful brother, to whom
our Assmiation owes Nomura se a Direc
tor and as Its former Saperintendimt, has
finished all his earthly Lahti; and we
have laid him away to Wired. HU body,
neve r nursed, wasted as this great care
fell on hire, and patiently he carried the
heat 7 burden .though ooneckmaly sink
ing beneath IL But far heavier than the
work Itself and far harder to endure was
the cruel Insinuation of infidelity to the
trust. Those who knew him intimately
know how there poisoned shafts wound
ed him almost beyond endurance, and
how hard It was to wait jatient4 for the
vindication of the future. That hightful
explosion did not spend Its tome by
shattering the mill and and burying
mangled terms in the ming, but It hur
ried one of the most quiet, efficient and
self-sacrificlng men to his death. This
was his last work, and his strength was
so wasted that ha was obliged to render
his final report by the hanidof a Mend.
Twice, besides. has the Death angel
marked our comrades 11111.1 clamed them.
But we have reason to rejoice that in all
those instances the imbuing cosquerer
had been already conquered, and death
had been stripped of its terrors. Bing
and Graham, and Cook had gone home,
cut down like frail flowers In the flush
of their young manhood. We who are
In the strength and vigor cif Ufa should
read as we miss these brothers to-olgtit,
the scam= lesson of the Master, which
their broken lives repeatage loudly in our
bearing. "Behold, Manahan hour as ye
think not, the Bon of hiatteometh."
" •ToreHs MI be the ma t g.
i 7
to coil yea hoes jou btoo
p • yea ginst. you Marl yge must
/ the door i• tie lawn
la year r oess,
Art amay tel. the samlag.
Al the beginning of the Year, the post.
lion of Sapariutendent wee vacant, but
its duties were performed at that time
and continued to be for Mx months by
the Allettant Superintendent. Mr. Long,
—performed with all Ms Oat Oral enthu•
drum and • conedentiosu fidelity.
Throughout Ids ofoclal connectiou with
U. he had the tender sympetbles and
alleationate interest of all our member
ship, and has Man retained them.
Dosing the stunmer we ban had the
aervices of one of the andante as the
Western Theological Seminary, Mr . J. S.
WILow Unsparing of lihmelf, be gave
lap his summer's real 43 take oa him
these new responathilitled and now that
be has rammed Me Wake, we would
follow him with the asment hope and
trust that his life maybe one of large
mendness, and that in his holy calling
he may be highly lionorW3 of God.
To Mr. J. W md.s, now in the faithful
cilsci:ouge of .be.. duties. oar grateful
acknowledgments are doe. But In ac.
claming the position, he did It merely for
the time, and may woe be obliged to
leave It. The Board af Director. and the
whole Association feel It to be of the m
utest Importance that one one peon
ilarly qualified be rained up to 1111 Gus
place of responsibility and trust-
Had hi, report been made one week
me, our review might here been confin
ed to our own Immediate vicinity. Bat
since the Maui Conventkas of Young
Men's Ohruolan Aamehulona, held at
Williamsport teat ;week, which our Ats
Meat= had been prominent In calling,
and in the proceedings of which we had
the liveliest Waren, we may not thus
limit our vbtlon. God loomed to show
Christians met umeitterto that place tbst.
there was • great work for them to do,
by lodividual and orgattired and united
eilbrt, and that muls In this gnat
Mete might be arrested in their and re
jection of Christ tat' aroused from
careless Indifference to Iliw, tf Hie peo
ple would but make a more thorough
consecration of all their powers to the
Master, and use every means open to
them Mr the extension of au kingdom.
And speaking la the Game of the Am
catkin, should be natflmloft►acorh
Was ware I to leave tuumittatwxl the
weighty argesudtallif that we feel ran
log upon us in thin respect. Pieced is
we are to this city of large influence. the
seat of untiring activities, and the asoter
whence good or evil will certainly rsdl•
ate In all di/cottons, we may not saunas
ourselves lightly from doing what God
shall give us to do throughout these
wen= °aunties of our State with which
we are In Immediate daily contact.
On the back of the programme Poe this
evening's iervices will be Pound the
=of our ?resume's. We gratefully
ledge the generous mot:than=
of our many frlende. Our espandltnres
hays been len than we anticipated. u
our constant awe has been to
strictly wit in the moms provided: k m (4 J
so we bare In many Instances rebelled
from expenditures that we would gladly,
and we think wisely, have made, bad our
sourcepencilled. We think, ten.
that our exonirmor has not been silo
gather In vain, wed that an economical
use of the funds indicates more alli
ance management on the part of the
Board of Directors. The largely attend
ed meetings' of the Bard, especially
during the paid ads mouths. spank also of
the deep and growing interest of the
Ancolation In Its work.
Tonight we come to bespeak the In
terest of others &km New plane are al.
ready laid for onsf which we hope
carreault la great good, bat It la MOM
that these should be spoken of
when the contemplated work on karat
be pulsed lo review.
Your reepocueh In former year; to our
appeals for oomperatkes. has always been
transom. By that reapoota, tonight,
will be [Kidded In great rueurucre the ex
tant of the work to be undertaken tor
the coming year.
The annual report of the Treasurer,
Mr. W. L. ids:Cantos*. which was seat
assented. exhibited the balance In the
lei year, PO 90, which added
to the donation; fees, from membership,
&a, mede the total receipts during the
ear .) &s
cat eed $ 5 . 081 OL Th e .7ures fir the um* time were 86.0 V
which 146c0 was ihr room tent, girtli CS
salary of Superintendent, papers and
wersodicels $431672, religious itatelass,
tetaldlng treed; itei. 49, palming
and u statlonmy 21. Manchester
Branch. FM eg, Led the remainder Ox
J anata, bills. room expenses. an
ester the presentation of the reports,
the coronation hymn we. sung, mm.
Lot/l Wi h* ds M t para
atra. Ca 1.. of Jana
Ths ent then announced that the
ammohad Ism chaagod at the rr
quad of the spoakars, and that he bid
the pleasure af Introdudng aa the fast
will's; the Roc. John Hall D. 1), af
NSW York.
Dr. Hall, upon tenni
_the standSl
that he had marA ssiltaftm
prermt at the arotiversary magnet;
joining in the emgrans on the great
euccess which bad mowned the aftbrts of
the Amnia/on daring the year. He
thought if the meet just rad caw any
criterion, that the enterprise Ina won. ,
derfully rand wee doing a '
noble wor , which ca rved and should
receive the in end
meat of all PooPirt=
glad to KM such a large *lifter% and
:walled with feelings .of the !balled
pleasure the r eme mbrance of a former
nett to Pittsburgh. when be made many
Mends, end wan more than ever thankful
for the privilege of being easociated with
hoepitabbt a cnerom hearted Christi=
people. be mid, the time end place
wagons not r the haluigenoeof filtrate
bangs. A greater and more Important
work was te be
tin One, end altho is o ughnot
preseul fro m y repeat of hwn. he
*shed to imonere the kind invitetton.
Mut the occasion: toedt speak
h e
M wens;
=land egni to te BI of
muse—etp•elaily did he Wish to the
peek to young men concerning their
Dm., thugs words whke, as young
man In ibnper.yealts. IFOUN gladly
have received and endeannutt to peon
blr. Thu Ws tuns sot in ilk - rim
r o=o4 by 41 Ini
two= I Mir nautkno and a fart 613/1319F
non; lawn be hoped So Minh though
humbly, from his own experience'
Inn was divided Into amen phases
or departments, which might be aoadd
toed talent parts.- PIM. theraWea the
Pbyelcal Mb, whiCh&yelp podnen: In
the growth of the man. This we the
lowest order, but nerwthatan &wain&
ed en equal ors and attention with_ ncy
own. nigher than this wee th e JAM.
lectual ilte, the cultivation of the mind.
Activity, auntent inn wanted, wan
moaned In color ths& th eintallems ;
no wy
9pe O wrd into siNV4wfwar..
yet intimately associated with It, wail
the Karel life, and there were three In
the sasembrage who. could appreciate
and feel In them, the highest and moat
Important of all—the Spiritual life. Each
felt these In a greater or less degree.
"These different phases of man's na
ture, or four lives, need each a distinct
though not separate culture. In the first
there le truth in the old adage, ^e sound
mind in a sound body." It Is the duty
of all young men to care for the wants of
the body—their physical natures should
be cultivated with attention—not to he
an extremist, or to merely develop the
good LtoSe to gre r. luslon of el/
ember that l 7, w f a t
duty to Him who gave us our physical
keep It In proper order and at
s jl B trim to
ready Par the greatest work as.
signed us In the world. Then
the culture of the Intellect is •
matter which all will concede In
the h4hest dwee necessary, other
wired with a Ordeal culture alone, man
degenerates into a mare athlete, a gym
nast. on • level with the lower order of
creation. Yet this intellectual develop
ment also may be carried to excess, If
the other be neglected. By It a smart,
cunning men may be produced, one ca
pable of making • corner In oil, or Erie,
or gold, but not one fitted for the respon
sibilities of manhood.
The moral life next demands sites.
tion. The history of the past produced
many and glorious instances of this
higher life, which serve as bright exam-
ples, which should encourageyoung
men to cultivate a moral life. without
which manhood will be vastly Imperfect
and fall short of what It should be. Then
again there is the spiritual 11114 higher
than all. This should above everything
be cultivated Without a Just, propor
tionate development here. a gust loss
will be caper's/toed, for which no other
excellence can atone.
Timis we have all the lives which go to
make up the nature and growth of a
true man, and the most Important q cies
don with the young man aware of hie
manhood's responsibilities, I. how 01111
all be cultivated In just proportion, that
the man may be symmetrical, and attain
the highest and mod perfect develop.
meat. To this question, the most
dimple and natural 'newer, is
that which enjoin. • complete
turning away from all things which in
the least degree one opposed to the
growth of any particular phase of life
Prominent, and in fact the principal op
ponent of this desired development, la
sin. flin in all It. hews, in all Its allure
ments, or whatever shape It may mums.
tilln a bad for the
_physical life. This
surely needs DO argument in the face of
the spectacles which ant* be seen every
day crowding our jails, our penitentb.
nes and our hospitals. How many of
theme poor unfortunates who quentioned
of their suffering, their decline, In alt
the elements of physical and other re.
apace" trace It all to the evil of sin in
one form or another. Inatancea which
could not be numbered, could be adduct
lid to show the truth of the statement
that sin was bad for the physical life.
Then. sgaln, la not du against the intel
lectual development of maz? Does It
not rob the mind of all those keen seinal.
bidden, lower and debase, and, If con
tinued In, ultimately destroy le Read
the history of the world, and no more
proof of this will be needed.
fan In its relation to moral and spirit
ual life le even more disastrous. It lc
radically opposed to these. It act. as a
ter able . and fatal polsou, instant and
fearful in it. effects. It deals death to
them at the flni touch. It destroy.,
uproots, and tear. away every vestige of
that ate which Is the most Important of
all. flo we have four phases or lives to
our nature., each of which requires •
distinct but not separate cultivation,
each must be developed proportionately
to the other, to do which It Is noose
nary to cling to them cactus -and
aims which are In unison with these
factaties. This wonderful Wag of ours
is lam a deJleate mactlne. Touch one
part and you have. an laffnexaceereer the
whole. Do Injury to Mali part and the
whole mechanism Mans a aback, and
Is to that extent thrown out of order.
With care and prayer, and thoughtful
attention then young men desirous of
fully developing thee wirer within them
should endeavor to cultivate all their
In doing this 'work the most torpor.
tent matter le drat, the development
of the apirittud and moral Wk. Three I
should have the dicendancy. God'e eye
Is resting upon did part of the towhee
bins and there th greeted can must be
exercised. If the moral and aptritual
life are properly cultivated then all will
as a general rule be right But how can
thero be developed, le asked by the
young Christian. Prolidelons have been
made and theories estabUstud. How dual
these be lived up to. There are many
men lu the world( like the telegraph pole
—a great deal of knowledge la running
through them of use to other, out not
to tturamelvais and none at theirs.
(Laughter.) God has given us a lane
in this matter In the trees The tree to
grow and give forth buds. and leaf, and
fruit, moat have a proper root la good
,oil, o the young christlan must be root
ed and grounded In Christ. They moat
learn the lemon of the gardener who
knows that only from the tree or plant
properly grown Into the ponce, can the
bedtime and flowers come. The young
(Milani= so must learn that only ea he
is nrmly fixed and grown Into Quist,
can he bring forth the proper Cnrietlan
traits. Further than this. In the tree
with the torte are the sterna, draw
hire their the from the mot. so the
Christian must draw life, and strength,
and growth from Quist He most
have axed and settled prin•
elides which =not be named or
shaken. Twee are the stems of his
Cluhaien character. The life in all
things must he connected with Quist
Be most hare • true, earnest,
honest lore for his
him, If be would achieve sum Again
the tree has leaves, In =monk= with
the stems, which have, as every student
of botany, knows a very Important reflex
Winnow en the growth of the tree. flo
It Is with a profession at faith In Chriets
It, as the leases, develops end returns
strength to
po lCrtstian chanoter.
Many young le do not think of this
In the Import a nt In which it should
be rimer. Then last of all, In the an
alogy the uses at the tree should be oxat•
deleted. Various are their otea. Some
are for fruit, others for abrade, others for
beauty, while others combine ell
thew qualities In one. If the
Christian be In the right path,
It is not too much to say that he should
combine all thesegtsos ln his atallnatet.
He should be re sty to lend • helping
hand to every unfortunate fellow bang.
sty his consistency he should exhibit the
beauties of Christianity end he attreothoo,
and by his seta be should do the work of
the Haner at all thoes, and thus bring
forth Obrinisn trainee are some
people who never forth Milt or
Sower. In their although
they are called Christian& They
seem to be contemplating as coming
out at lest, ea strong lambent They do
nothing while thine. but Man to rest
easy upon the delusive su • • that
they con leave a will Wand, with
a rich ang noble legsoy. This
cannot be. II le not ne gati ve good
inem that will Nave • man. This
Is • sonowtal and terrible delusion.
As the tree tells so shall It Ins Young
cifilettans abookl arouse theanselmes from
any snob feeling and go to einsk In the
mom with pester wieL Their great
work Is to labor Ito Christ by their Imes
end Chatildihr and money sod Influence.
This Is their great work, which If en.
gaged In with the right_ Writ will not,
asnmit fall of Emcees. Wd's smile wit
be urn them; God% rgreoe will mown
their eiforter God's strength will said
The Yonrig Gl's Mogan Aj.
soo them. lailan of Pittsburgh en lias a noble work
WON It. let the members but thor
oughly understand and sndertake that
work and the Warty pripmand symps
tbles of a Christian community will go
with them and the Great Mader himself
will approve of their labor and mown
it with abundant MOM
. .
At the conednalon of the reverend geo
tleman's eloquent address the chair and
ountregation. mending, sang the hymn
“Wateb, Rattle tlai ti thivrt.
Waol whim tits salmi I*-0117...
Alter &Om the Chairman. with a
w y remarks. Intro.
use d giath s =r 4. l3tuart. of Philadat-
Mr. Stuart upon comb* forward Ana
=with anthuslastn and olapOu of
. 1 Ha oonunanood by saying that
b. knew taw lona. In 1861, could
traps . upon the good nature sad
si c
dame of a Pittshisrltt IlUdlonak
dims cOoloot al Ingle.. bat haidlovot
holm In INS how ton saladlarauctlettee
would allow thitlr i w i* ta w
without damage to sue a:Maraca which
was tO fid/otrjolA Iwo*hts !marks
wooed :be DIVA - atm teem
UW!*r ti r :43 ,o! - VIIII with the
warm greetings of chrtatisn workers
there, to the anniversary meeting of the
Young Men's Association of Pittsburgh,
and to rejoice with them as the represen
tative of brothers engaged In the same
cause, over what had been scoomplished.
He loved these associations, and was
Intensely Interested In all that pertained
to their Interests. The speaker then
traced the history of these enterprises
from their commencement In 1844, in
the city of London, and dividing their
career Into three eras of seven years
each. In the Met, but little program was
made. In the second, the work began to
M acknowledged by the Cburch none of
her greatest auxiliaries. and had made s
glorious record. In the last, the highest
and moat glorious results had been
whim]. Tile mat fourteen years were
but as a preparation for the baptism of
lire which was to be the portion of these
Associations, at least in this country. It
came with the war which devastated
the country, caused mourning through
out the land, and left a record which
could never be effaced., The speaker
dwelt at considerable length on this
point, during which be related• number
of thrilling incidents, Illustrative of the
work of the Christian Commission, the
outgrowth of the Young Hen'. Chris
tian Amociation. At the close of
the war these enterprises, or this
grand Christian movement, had attained
Its majority—the 6th day of June, /866,
was Its twenty-first year. Since that
time it had been doing a noble work and
had already made lac influence Alit in
all the great cities and smaller
towns of the land. The speaker then
rapidly reviewed the work of the
Christian Association In the United
&atm, giving a number of interest-
Cog sisttstica, and closing with an earn
est and precticalaPPeal to theirerosit7
of a Christian community for support
of that branch located In Pittsburgh,
which was about to enter upon Its fourth
Mr. Butart's address was& remarkable,
effective and eloquent one, and we regret
that the crowded state of our columns
thls morning prevent. us from giving a
taller report. At It. conclusion, s collo°.
don was taken, which netted the hand
some sum of 11.875 10.
The Hymn was then sunk crinantennink
lamb Taltlt locks
vary ap to SD.
of al
Parlor dnna ...
Alter which the audience was dismissed
with benediction by Rev. J. 8. Dicker
Nine Frame llulldltige Consumed by Plre
Whole Penally more or Ism Burned—
An old Lady Tinian from • IfitColl4.
dory Windoer—Funeral of Admiral
Stettart--Basitiesa to be Suspended.
;By Telegnoh to the Pltteburgb Gazette, ;
PHILADXLMILL, Nov ember 9.—Nine
frame dwelllmp In Camden, New Jer.
soy, were burned this morning—loss,
$12,000. The fire originated from a de.
=ue In the house occupied by Mr.
whose fluallY In their efforts to
escape the flames, were all more or lees
severely barred, al= Elliott, his wife
and five children. His aged mother was
thrown from a second story window and
received such Injuries that her recovery
is thought Impossible.
The body of A.dmiral Stewart arrived
here at 8 o'clock this evening, from
Bordertown, by steamboat, and was
taken to independence Hall by a guard
of marines and sailors. It will be ea.
posed to public view from 6w. x until 3
r. e. to-morrow, when the funeral will
take place. The body will be interred
in the Ronaldson Cemetry, an old bury
ing ground in the northern section of the
very extensive preparations have been
made for the funeral, and basins= will
be ranerally enapended daring the after
A1TIt•! of ta• First (lterl•sd
Browse Delivers • Letter, on
Tesesratet to the nutmegs a WU.
SION Panama°, November 9.—The
flat overland train from the enamelled
Oakland but evening, and was greeted
with the firing of canton, thewqrks, bon
fires and Illuminations of the prinelpa
buikllngs, and a general Jubilee among
the citizens, Arches were erected over
the streets airing which the train panned,
inscribed with mottoes, among which
were "Minimum Fares," "Maximum
Travel." "Oakland bears on end the
rails In the world," "New York
an Oakland bound together with ties
strapped with iron."
Roes Browns lectured on China last
night, era well attended and favorably
received. He detailed his experience
at the Chinese court, and contrasted the
scant welcome a the American Embassy
in Pekin to the splendid reception given
Burlingame In the United Mates and
n courts. He related numerous
es of the Chinese to foreigners,
and asserted that the Chinese matt was
never more exclusive than at present.
—Ex Goy. Thomas Gl. Pratt, of Mary
land, died yesterday, aged 66.
—Swarthmore College, muter the di
rection of the Ricketts branch of Quak
ers, eitnated near Philadelphia, was
opened yertarday.
—lt la understood that the office of
Aamatant Treauturer In New York has
been offered by the President to Senator
Palma, of Albany, and he will accept it.
—The votefor Governor In ldhunnota
le ect close that It will require as official
atm= to determine whether Austin.
Republican, ar Olda, Democrat, Isaiseted.
—The Convention bill has pawed the
Teroneeeee Beaune, amended OD Ma to re
does the number of member@ to UV.
The Home end not act on the amen
--General Wool was not quite as mom.
eatable Monday Weld as he bad been
during the preceding ibrty-elaht hours.
He takes scarcely any nourishment, and
ti very weak.
—The trial pf David Walsh, tor the,
murder of his wife, was flubthed In the
Chicago Supreme Court Monday seem.
log, with • verdict of guilty. at. pun
lahment la to be banging.
—Cade are dying In large number" at
PIMDes distillery, In Oindonaty It his
occasioned groundless notion that the
plague Me appeared. The malady is
cattone occasioned' by the end•dop fed to
—N. Madfeldt, at Da Monday.
waa held by the Gusto appear
before the 'Jolted States Coon tcfanswar
• &IMP of ootuttstfeltlng revenue
stamps. Bail was axed at ten thousand dollars.
—Shapperd's boarding house, en
Schuyler street, Oswego, N. Y., was
burned yesterday, with the tern ad.
Joining, end four horsea Jams Shop
perd was burned In the house. Lose
six thousand dollars.
—At eight o'clock lut might, u the
=pram train from Nashville wan Waal=
Bacon Creek Station, Nllton Cochran, a
brakeman, wu idiot and inatantly killed
by • man ooncsalad behind a wood pile.
fla calm or the murdu la only center
—The vote to New Hampshire on the
adoption Gillis State Ockunabalary Act
U vary light, and it will be deemed by a
tame mafority. Probably not over
008 votes were mat. Oonoord, blancher
ter. Dover, and other poonhous tlawtus,
riven large 'palmlike sigma the
Panicle llarketa by Cable.
LONDON. Nov. .—Evearlag. Catesda
93%. American Necoritles quiet; 693.
as Lontion.....eit. SIX, 'eh BS X 86.98
Faassism_ , Nov. 9.—Ten-FartruNk
Mee 2.0,35; 111.1nola 98 )4; Atlantic and
GresiWeatern 25. Swear steady.
larnsater.. Nor. 9.—Cotton lower.
clamin g steady; Audddlins ugsnd UM@
115icr New Or 11 ®l.
calm WOO
Califenda eirbite wheat red
western es PM.. 10di red winter Mg
le ld.
Receipt. of wheat the pee three days,
20,000 onartarn ell Amerkan western.
Fkar ni ed. Onn. mi 2 De Oats
a. et • rem 436. Porn NUxed.
62. Beef 80a.
Lard Te Cheese ell.. Bacon 117. for new.
e4ZIV/ petroleum 1134 r. relined do 8830.
ow 45. AL Turpentine In
Lonna., Nov. 9.....Te11aw ele ed. Re
fined petroleum la 1351 d@la eNd.
B Asrwitar,. Note _er 9.—retroletun
at eIM
MAIM; Nev. 9.—Ccaton_ quiet.
IlArrozocza.Nov....—tdraket beery.
Palm Nov. 0-4 r. K.—Bonne flat.
RIMINI 71f 180.- ,
NO. 261.
Westert ; onaranee Company
The stock ho:ders of the Western In.
Durance- Conitany held an election for
Directors yesterday, with the following
result: Alexander Nimlek, President:
Reuben Miller. Jr.. Jams McAuley,
Andrew Ackley, Alexander Spear. David
M. Long, John H. McCune, Charles J.
Clarke, William S. Evens, Joseph Kirk.
pstrtok, Phillip Heymer, WWl= Mono
eon and D. Mama, Directors. During
the knurl of balloting an element repeat,
prepared by Jacob Hithley, was enjoyed
by the stockholders and a lbw invited
friends, and the affair was one of the
pleasantest we byre ever attended.
Masers. Herbert, Secretary, Gardner.
AseStant Semnbuy, and Noeld, Agent,
were unremitting In theft attentions to
PAITL—On Tuesday era ulna. at eh o'eloek, at
the residences( ace, Sr. John Yen
ned.. No. 106 Smratb , CH itttiliN
PAUL. Rita et Win. Peal. deed, aged TI
?lath. of faaeral L ...Wag and morning
oLAIII—On Monday morning, November Stk.
1869. at TS o'eloak a. aji_JOIEIN BLAB, lath
Illoseacd Celaptll7 SW Baalsaant Puma
Volnotoom In On thar of Ido ova
IfWINO—On Tuesday moralog,Novembar 9th,
ELLIN. Infant danghtar of Jona and Iththaboth
B. Forma/lox J mime L. Wu.Lmors.
gA TT E MON & swiLLuints., tonorr of 111th ammo and
b wool. Pittaborph. Callas of all shad;
SOroodo. Crows oadelores.aad oroyy fy
that of Amosol furnishing goat • turmon.d the
moat r osooatwo Lonna lathe city. Beam sad
Carriages( .ralohod. Orin op= Mk man at.
tma% ,, Pa... , 0017T14/11 of 5 ........ gi ,
......;.--40.41,„,-.... Booms owa 04 o.
" iMmozocos— llov. David Nom D.D.. BAry.ll
Jacoby D. D., Trossua imtag, Lou. Jaso
=or, Zoo.
M N f ri Aji. : " e x c ir i tazW 2 drilital
. 6 "I , ro
baltatloanai owood. lay and Wafts'
Oate as prices osfylag bale& So IWO. Bo •
4.4. pro= loatmoni. nes sad Cat.
Goods. If roointroi. * t aim" Gigue;
a t
.4 Willi.
Oar.lava ter Ihnzarats. •,1.00 Mask.
COITIND ••a MI Tanana Ihtridatuatat u mducal nun.
D.111..1011 mmett 1. the 7111:111T nuar
BYTIRIAN HCF.CO. .11.)t1.beavl (Rev. Yr.
/wits %) no WILDNI.DAY EV1011216. Nov.
ighb. Ins T) o'clock. mu
First Concert of the
60 Voices, with Full Orchestra.
MONDAY, November 15th. 1869.
solo Triers Sulu. U. ll
Traps Mr. Put Itthaterroaa. B.Bar. Mr.
W. B. %awards.
itCHßltadthiat MIPST LIVE.
This oboe., gives. rude duorapPon of the
neon 3 . If IgtOCH sad ' 's 64.±".
Soto totem Zhu. fkr rasa Mrs C. C.
Meteor, Lore Ithurd, Hulteas, Mrs. J. J.
This Cant eta Is • mutant adaptallas of Me
tateresthth lade. al Is ths Issitha war, rhea
hand of 11.1WD solders us sued tuna metal/
aultillattes Of girl. la elm. proshetth sight
au Deanna ••11he
o th
e a m bPeel "r u e
eanws. s
lr•Haus o m th des rae 10x
of the
ol• of Casts, sad et W. Mall oa the escalate of
tell. licked./ Plums.
Hui Mum I
ROr I.lrd be the thatataßarlaty, ere
tarnished try Messrs. Maher • Hosea, Mftftft. for
both Brea. sole
1.14114i111 - UV 0(01411
for ■ale hts Meese. W. BATLEY LANG
es CO.. Merchant.. 8 a CIIN Hemel. New
They are 61,000 Be,nds lamed win a
Railroad nearly one—ball completed
aartlng from Chicago and traversing. ■
errantry unsurpassed by any In the An:
aaenttals of a large and prathabLe tad.
They •re neeared by PIR97' WORT-
GAGE on 140 miles of this •
road, Ito outfit and all present and ranee
arqulred property of the Company
They bear a high rate of interest the a
on; period or Ume—T per cent. sold fur
10 yeers—and a siscall zao. to the nub
value of the Realty upon which they art
They create an Interest Itabfllfy of the
Company of only 51,240 PER NILE. or
ler than aaamUstrd that et we great
reads of the country wham Holds have
ranked very high
These (.eta, added to the .ate- card.
thrown around each and every Bond.
tomblike to renter theme, trxr.ctuALL-
ED esciunrnEs. and realty the meet
desirable in the market for investment
IPriee 95 and accrued Mar In can.
real. the right beteg renamed to ad
vane, upon dies notice.
Pamphlet., with map. sad fall &elan
went Crior as applirallos ta 01111' agents te
8. M'CLEAN a CO.•
Bendy pentousiti .111311iNid ILL satin Ur
J road, PROW. owa prqfsesed, ect sett es O.
enlodry Warp *Wel 'l3 rev. va ofer Pax
i k .d . + O, ml/dim.. 46 their foll moral
gyp. .
w.iimur LAO & co.,
Agents for the Sale of Ifielonds.
Books/ Books! (Boat!
neknesteo wed sawn astesinis sae imetipkict
the Osage'
L am Assealles. iilll am in
the gam 192 urea; rodaaaartakesi
the Pthbeeelons of the Pthebytenza TM. Cow
thins. reesbyterith Dead a ?Me C
=Mum. hati theme! lethelsethe
Mouth aLlethed to Illethersee.
leethee_Conaletthe. the ell mew loges la
Ism taairprr owl% ..or 11. 1 / 6
MM;I:' 31 ft 'CINA
Clutu of eve
Clubs of tin.
♦ copy la fOlulate• gramitaasly to a. vlter
•p Of • 011.1, of ten. Partmasten are mm•litid
“Lost....Weenta,"“Fintsd.".l3eardtash" ,
tte., not (=reeding FOIYR LINEA Wig
be inserted in these columns ow* Jtr
dolma Ewe FIVE CENTS.
lo riustrangh or Allegheny. node.*
O.XIVI Orrles. et atlas mut a./ Inext r __
ry PLOTILINT 0171 CL, No. 1 Bt.
411.1 a
etargeg e taligg3 and KEN, tor
Made of employment. Persons 'ma'am'
of al kinds eau b supplied on abort Mgt%
WANTED—An AGENT for liar
T Y .,1441 aAnn! Zetrar. Ol kvraml
otter= .
rootor Übe'.. Inn Ottintegoretollt:
Cltto et lel Food .treet.
.11 . : WilAMX:ira.vzitas
=TA ITAVNi°. fff,l"Arepta?
»94 u°4_,,l'VZo° A
GnuAmixtoC,Azi moiTLa i rmAc co..
Boan. ■u4, or at. Loa*
$20.000 t Lou m tame or nun andinau.
THOMAS E. errrr.
BIN. Bond and Ben Zulu Nrotar.
- No. 319 Inseateld onsol.
WAPIPPED. AGENII4 m -4213111 - ,
_ COM M ON tt 'le only II
PROT= ...X
_rhos on l y 11.11. area& Mumma, Ig
la. Tuts Is the molt re of aaf—teakes ri " anea s" 4= -•
Lock do anseklad of wort *ate=
b. ooze onanf esselln• —100.090 bald ant is
deemed cow tautly Increasing •
to take . • . need Pw
ware kf re.ll.
It RENT —VOW lb* strut
rday Nom er next, the
waning oaatalnlns twelve raems.•llS
at. on tbe earner of 11116.1,t0n novel. and WOW
gar newt. with ounole attached. To good up
ant Mew peanuts,. nib 001.1 in. Wagers tne
*O9 Pamir Leanne, Anegbisf.
l &CHUM is BOP. wirk goO4
Itok Nth work and a nod [rad.
Address, ••I fr I. Lit Y "st this 011ke. •
VOlll SALL—A Counter to
DEBI 3 suitable tar • &intim or iiiimses
E. Pltan be se en s. mil 66 FOUR= JIM,
VOIR FlALE.—Engines and Reld
era, Nan and Second Band. of all k
constantly on hand.
Orders front all puts of the Count* prompt►
Con.. Linos Avant!.t r. 7. W. •0. B. Ir.
FOR lALE,-41. fine private
resides*. Prosptet mr-et. Ileth went. •
amlnlo Inlet dwellatm oa • lat mewl. PIM
Ward; • • toe Brame Dwelling oa YAM stmait
Home me Lot on (leaven • treat Heam ea• Lag
o• 35M omen L. Bloomfield 10450 57 LIAM
4500; some SO ►7 is het, 3350 sad
me }ems to pay. A somber or Boom •a• L 461
and - Warms Car mle.
Jam 11. S. WILLIAMS. 1715 Wade
.EOH amm—anor OM MOWIIII
•11T.111107., TOLZGEILNY
balidlstg. /SEfoot.- to Wog tIZ9II of Jar
Goan, a Co. a* a mantattortog
One of the mostOsis of Use arm .istas so num
from badness account 21f poor waiti.
ha. doetelod to claw out thtsprt of the MM.
orebred.of ..1
Raft tr... of en ethdei teed WI.:
bet, erre georebrrrlee sad erraje.
worth area. quern ermeed; u wi11...11 ft*
pees or learketaceetring reembilitcorsareir •
der tatter place. good•••• 41400410 u of
Or=asur ,•••
Inpalre bnt or — Z - I.ll3.lri r tU Meng*
. WULF.. ~ .
, •
• on. and Lod on Spring Wit. Bernath ward,
• • - 63,11041: ley sexes near Plea lad Btatiee,
.000; Metro and Lot, 64 Jima
et O; I bows on /I.satos Moat. 4=l
event II Mama. and 3 Ic4a In - Plassant vaiia.
14 .7eor..ernisi. ELeverra amenably Oa EV.3. -
,men road. 66,000: II tots on 77E%
34,000. bonatand lot la WM. Oh
I sera Mla Bell erna Bora, rt. ,
and to
el Meow 1eina04,10443161,
an 4 II acmes la Intaseeth Bora. 31.606:
and lot In 134136633._,_t Bern ,
6331313. a 1 (soma, lot 63 by 13 tO Dana
Earn at istr Otla eltatf u 6, 34 Lorna, ...-
ma- Loans of
plesually located In &deist sad dsitrable WO.
torbeed: scratsla. 1I roasts, taelidlad oWI.
wash sad lath rams; marble manilas
out stucco corals. sad csatre pleats
vesUbals and ball; .taus sad trea window sal
door WU; Wide shatters, slats msg.
tether, • substantial, soarstdsassalsisiWtabilr.
.4 boas. Passeitucd . 11. glean tauswilualy:
planet D. IL WILLI Alla. Elul Lute
=zones Aden; if ta Ward. PlUstrsiTlN, PI4
eirooslts IL Jahn , . Ildsoopsl Chan*, MS 014
IiOKC/1. or lovesun.sto Is lint Si,
will as•• Mx. ...Ole and
EVA ivz
or .111 b. teat by =II rim Loony It.
rano= escaolltio sot tall oat of CM
Ltd It ooatolso. VI ItJF T /1 Pod
WM= oat SW Zama Agues, No ,
103 040110006 rine; OS hot frau oat
CRYX___ • modern omit: 0
62116 MUIR, her Boa Woo; -
/or tarns to
ILL 13 11 07996011.
96 tad 96 Thud avast. .
Repaired and Repointed,
es 'Firm Amssoz.
OPpalaa• Mamie 4.6„
sr •• se Met Of )(able. Todd.* OWII salilk
Pm Maya *a aand—tba but lath Meg .
Imp Pea pump col.
` ~j\ifs}:i ;,
HOB O. ItAlUk.
Corner et Penn and Sixth S a esC
Bea and Brass Foinasti. , -
smut, 10YIs:a Efililltillii -
Nada vily 4 OrykiN• •
T'B METAL ,---' '''
Made and rOpt
msdage" smltainocurnitai:
U lundry.pres Om tee tatinctss addttioal •
u•conars ww be frenated tho'o.l4llll.
. •
c fjp,. ras C. sunlbsViee
os• et tbkkates WWl=
deed. Yea 111611.
Ble• Itti. ITS last osemet at Jams Yet , '
rairdtha of Primus S. idearomes saw
wurse - ,14. rliP4'• 42lo Y4 •!USallsll.
• 14. - IL Tao isstaailisat
Irenasits phOtia ot theyvoet
wg,#K,ll. rum 80% Illow111491.•: , ,•-,•'• • -
raW:041 , 1: 1 1= 1"
. .
sad Lally