On AMERICAN BANK, NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE rwrstitrizem: wen CA PTIML 8200.000 Stoebbolders Individually Liable. BARK op DIMOOLTIST ASD DEPOSIT. JUIIN VIAML, WM. FLOYO. Cashier. • /411LCTOISS. • ~ , 04!,ti.tir.1 . 1.t".,.. JllntllV. Arnnt. IL Let, o. la Juba Ployd, J.. Kelly. Chao. IL Pieta. Thin Bank p.m PAM ertaulted and prepared Lo do a mute rat Bank n o s 39C.th" GOLD, SILVER .AND COUPONS, Bought fa litghat Prices. PR. R. MERTZ, Banker, Car. Wood St and sth Avenue JAHEs 1 1 1 BRADY & CO., I= Corner Fourth Avenue - and Wood St., 13.4.1\ IKJER S, I= GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND coupoxi, I=l WO — lnterest Allow. d on Deposits. ifirMenry loaned on Bovenin cut Bonds St /0111.1. Matto. !MCC ..119,7."orgatz,e;,..oari= 1101 J). I ADIE.S T. BRADY & CO CIE IAittSIIUTB4 GaYttt, FINANCE AND TRADE. MT Telt graph 1.6 the PlUstmtgb ea,rttte• l 'film Your, Nov. 8, 1889 Money closed easy at 4(:?.6 per cent. on .Diaoounts very stringent. The re earvership of the Gold Exchange Bank his been vacated. The bank statement Is remarkable. The legaltender reserve is lower thin ler a long time past. -Loans, 8252,799,450; increase, 81,850,617. Specie, 825,219,666; increase, 13,292,121 Cirou latiop,l39,lte,c6l; tier ase, 152,414.. De pewits, 81641,661,840; Increase, $2,132,958. Legal tenders, 529,1157,690; decrease, 112,=0,281. Sule.Treitaury received M.,- 802,952 for cnatorue during the week, and paid out 15,696,760 for corm Interest. It IS announced that the Assistant Treasur er has now a plentiful supply of curren. oy. Sterling :quiet at 83%%83%. Gold lower, opened at 127%, touched 127%, fell to 1204, and clotted at 1264®123%. Government bonds firm: Coupons of 'Bl, 118%; do '62, 116%®116%; do 'B4, 113 3403 1113 %; do '65, 113440118 V do new, 115%(4.115%; do '67, 115414116: do '6B, 1153011634; 10 905, 107%@107%; currency tb, State bonds dull but firmer, and North Carolina special tax bonds alone are ao. live. hilsuourls, f/74; old Tennesisees, 60; new, 514: old Virginias, 50; Lot:ileums 6s, old' 65; new,. 60; Levee Gs, 69%; old North Carolinas , 96; new, 374; Special Tax, 41%. 'Railroad and other stocks higher, but lost part of the advance late in the alter.. noon, under the rumor of an unfavorable:. bank statement. At the close the mar ket was Arm, the statement proving bet, ter than was exoected. Five ihrrlyprice , . Canton, 5134; Cum barium:l, IN: Mariposa, 7%; preferred, 15%; Western Union Telegraph, 48%; Pacific/la% 6134; Adams Exyress, 57%; Wells and Fargo. 20; American 35%; United States, 55; New York ( 'a ntral, 183%; Erie, 28%; preferred, 49%. Harlem Lux; preferred 138; Hudson, 161%; Read ing, 97%t Michigan Central, 120%; Mich igan Southern, fley; WOO% Central, 138: Pittsburgh, 85; No rth eaters. 713„ pre. tarred. 80; Beck island, 104%; St. Paul, 70; preferred. 83%: Wabash, 62%; prefer. red, 74; Fort Wayne, 85%; Terre Haute, 28; preferred, 58: Chicago and Alton, 149; preferred; 148; Ohio and, Inusisalpyl, 27%; C. C. & C., 76%. . - Mining ahares dull. Batton Copper prices—Calumet, Si; Copper Falls, 4; Franklin, 10%: Heels, 80; Quincy, Zl. Imports for the week—Dry Goods, 51,200,156; general merchandise, gams,- WT. Sub-Treasury balance, 885,412,812. 0/1/10E OF PITTSBUO.TH GAZITITB, SATO/WAY. November 7, 1863, —Closing quotations received Oy Jams T. Brady dr. Co. Gat 126,V; United Starers Sixes, IEBI, 118; PlveTwantleo; UM 11634; do. 1864, 113 X; do. DM, 118,4 i; Tan-Fumes, 1074eFlve-Twenties, Janu ary and- July, Iffis, 115 k: do. da, 1867, DO; do. do. 18684 1140 Due Corn pcninda,Union Pacific Railroad, 86; Wirral ' do, do, 09; Cy. Fangio,' 11773{4 Lake Superior 96. PEIROLEUDI IMAZILET Oman of Prrranonan GALE-ITh SATURDAY, November 6, 1559. 'REVIEW FOR TB3 WEER. There is no abatement in the sensitleo. nee, and excitement which has prevailed In oil circles for the last week or to two; indeed, the feeling Instead of dying out WOMB to lbo Increasing. It was expected meas Eris MY TELEGRAPH. lad week that aftei. the October con. NNW ONN. NOY. 6. - 0 0 8 012 WRITS' tracts had been settled, that the market, and %a l Y ower; sales of 2,000 bales, at would quiet down sad, possibly, prices • 255 is for middling uplands. Flour: ro decline, but thus far these expectations octets 16,995 bbls; market EQIIOO lower; have been realized. The "bulls: , not. sales of 7,900 bids, at 15.10@5,30 for su withstanding it has been reported that perdue State and western, 55.15@ 6 ,10 their backs bad been broken, are dill for extra State, 1.5.130345,16 for extra west. In the aseendantiy, and at patient are has. ern, 35,15(36,75 for white wheat extra, tog matters pretty touch their own way. $5,60.30.2 5 for R. R. 0., 16,25(34,75 for They own. and, It Is reported, control- , extra St. Louis, and 57.00(39,00 for- good the grettProportion of the oil, both here to choice do. Rye Flour quiet; sales of and In the east, end Instead of letting up SOO bbls al 21,76(36,10. Corn Meal In as Klee bad been led to bailey; mode r ato btau m :r u t ; ri tl e o r f 600 bbls they . 'Appear to to potting the key lower, at 6,60 . for western and 5410 screws down with, a veegonee. - 011034 for free. Wheat: reoelPts Furthermore; they are credited with 228,1146 buds; market heavy and 'having a very largo ilpuraeNiad are r 2° " er, 'ale° 2 . 000 bush. al I „I 2 for inferior No. 3 spring, buying and paying .foi, all thq oil that $1,27 Mr Na 2 do, 111,86 for No. 1 do, gl,o) offers, aid that, too, at the very material (3.1.29 ter winter red Illinois. 21,41 for general bnprou a cin amber State, 81,60 for wldte Kentucky, advance, and the 11,118431,40 'for winter red and amber WWI to be that, for the protein at least, w estern: . Bye quiet. Barley heavy and they are masters of the altrunton, and lower; sales of 31,000 buthels at 11,086 thid they can put prima as high stoical 1,12 for two rowed State, 11,82,4 for Can edit East. Barley malt quiet; sale , of 50 0 , _ al desire. Right, here, however, bo g, state g m. corn: . rece i pt . of comae In a point, which It may not be 58,569 bush; opened heavy and without out of place to look sifter, we refer to decided change; sales of 64,000 Mel it unloading. Übe ..bull ring" as it le fa- 93(3970 kw unsound mixed western, 990 €0111,04 for sound de Oats: metals of miltain tanned. end as already noted. 183,909 bush; 11520 lower; sales of 78.000 are carrying _ a very large stock of oil, bush at 61(3.213.02 for new southern and and Which it la fair topreaume will have western, chle4 61(3,63,1c. Rice Ann st to bo sold,' sooner ever:and there are 73.1@85c for Carolina. Coffee quiet. Lis. not. a few ,ntlics bethat as won as seed oil quid, at 93(3;980 In oaks and ber th's oil la thrown upon the market, or as reds. Sugar steady; sales of 600 Wel at noon es the "tulle" manifest • daft* to 1101119fo for Cubs, 11.401.2g0 for Porto' sell. the trinket will not stand, but will, Re= Molasses steady. Petroleum leas ' of amenity, weaken end decline. This active at 20(312016o for crude, and 860 for. is a very Important eefteiderH 2ols, and refined. Goal quiet. leather: hemlock there no: B few who would like to snow solo steady at 80081 e for Buenos Ayers when this will occur, when this oil will and filo Grande. Wool steady, with be thrown upon the market. These are sales of 276,000 pounds at 471§47,g0 for' @DIM of the important points made on domestic: fleece, and 115(0110 for pulled. both s and as such we give them, SpiritsofTurpentine quiet at 463a€P47Sia. _ Receipts arifde this week, g 4457; hue „Metalline copper quiet at Ilk: ingot, C9p week, 17.8 01012:January Ist to date, 751,- per guild and firm at 204@mg. Pig 291:, name time in w ee k, 073,811. Es- iron mora A m and lower for tioatob, Ports tinned this • ee 15,508: last sales at 261327erican steady with week. 00.5571 January Ist to date, moderate inquiry' at $37(341. Bar Iron mama, is tr ,o hot year; Wile& quiet at 386 for refined Eogllah and Am- Bales Gus week. credo., 29,600 r -refined, erica= sheet dull at 1113d&a, gold. for 19.01%); last week, 26,000 bblo crude and Beale. Naha quiet, With sells at 43:0 for .16,600 bbls refined. cut, 6,40 for clinch and 264Z6800 ear hone As will beseenbp the abolos,theemperte shoe.,f'Prk dull 'and heavy, with sans of refined, compared with last week, have 470 bids at 929,76320 for mess; ekring at fallen very materially, but this was not 580 for cash, 1124,10(0 5 for prime and ,• es the advanoe in fr eights 915,101927 for prime mesa. Beef quiet. el l :Anforoe. on Monday. Cle'veland with aides SKI bbls at 26(318 ter new has commenced to snip oil to Ylindel- plain - mess and 9121017,60 for new extra bittai one trainer 501:08 twenty-nine can mess; Throe - Beef neiwYs wilb ages 150'1 g through here. on, Thure-. tteress at #25(3.2E1 fru prime mein and , gl9 sillirunTs ItAlLuoam ~, z sad'a is said char for thepresent, at 062 for India mess. Beef Hat= 1112= ' PITYRBIIROB Pow WAVER /LED /381. , the bulk of her product, will be with sales 60 bbls at 16(3280 for Old CABO RAILROAD, November 0,-10 bble .f~lect to that-Market, and will psis 11; 834355e4 wow. Cat mete quiet and tin, Little Merldituti 6 bbls alcohol, A -through 'Plttsbciren. heavy, with sales 115 peke at 14 54 915 for BeGen &Co; 29 bbl = „ l2 pkgs, . The Titusville Hesedd of Friday meal shoulders ind 1743190 for hams. Middles butter, 10 this bens, • man a .to the ; !.bull" ring IN follows: It is quite dull and nominal. Larct ' , shade Sneer O'Brien; 10 can lye, Dan Wallace; 79 e vident from ther . imiatance of the mar- with sale& 820 times al 10g(g117440 Voles, peas, 15 pkgs butter 4 kips lani, ken that th e übu4. have Pine , poUt, steam and f i l at 4elB3,l4or kettle render* Mahood a. Om 2/10 bbls flew, ma th ,thelr nen hands, and equally also, sales tierces steam. seller for caner; 1 car middling, Et B Floyd lc Co: evident that they bale 1 1 VON dela January an - Flobrnary. //1,54 a . /2tater Stars corif, Manchester Car Workr. ISO of actual' oil on hand , and are too why It dull at 20(3)36.3 for Ohioand 35%460 for tea hada? Bailers a Co; 117 bgs meal, R out of the market:he/se Mare woul be Mate. Cheese dull at 17615. Conway; 1 car wheat, J FLlggett ; more act iot 3 ,,,,,,va the movement bin Lant—Flour closed dug and legilM 1 car barley, J Gamy:rich; Ido do, J spot'. ditto beannemarear lower. Wheat &lightly In buyers' favor. Modes 1 car wheat, J W liumgardari the =riots, and troday the add, With a moderate export and Malted 100 bbls Wilson a Son; 80 do do, Inge weromerglight. ROW Lang thedeaK =sedative demand . Rye dull al 51.04 fl Riddle ; 200 do do, Watt, Lang a Cot ors who are manipulating themarkets_Oata Inver and bean st COM 110.bant cheese, N.. 1 Braden; 25 bgs buck. will conUncie then. 180113NWOn es s MDR for-western. Corn quiet at .9112)994 for wheat gone, Campbell/403am; 13 his bow high prices will be 41iiinea beintel .01nitamdoind99411,06.14forstrandmixed cheese, W Kirkpatrick A Co; 25 aka rher coneinde f el ln° W 3486 Perk dull stip femme. Bed rags, Christy a Ilsrasm 10 bhis un vas w e , ef ,ifyil 098, , and unehanged. Cat meats and lisworth a Nowhere; 3 . bbls eggs, ha probably, quasuanaahat • OD* :s liaS4 M a Skala -dull and /man. lard geld at batter, E Smalatam 100 bbls llama Culp • , , - Site °bulls" themselves, can answer. The feeling on the Creek wee strong, and excited at the close. The local dealers and the shippers were "bulls" all day, and the desire appeared to be milvereul ly for higher prioSs. To Strengthen the market as much ea possible without hav ing to purchase oil, the bidding process was resorted to. Bids for round iota at Inside pricee, at which it was known there were no sellers, were made with unusual freedom, which madeit dppear as if there were.twenty buyers for every lot of oil. CRUDE. The mark t to day 2144 i quiet but strong, and p Ices are fully sustained. Sales 1,000 bb on spot (40 to 46 graSity) at 1714; 2,000 o (40 to 46) at PBC an 6 1,000 (46 to 4 at 1614. Novembpr and December, ei troll tie buyer and seller optlobs, Ibin year. have undergone no quotable ens ge compared with Friday, I.BPSNED. Sale 600 h, December to March at 5434; 1,000 mbar at 65; 500 do at 86)5. November q oted at 86,!.4 bid and 57 wiked; Dace ber 85: January to Match, 34q bid; 134 bet to March 8419. • lizvairrs I. CRUDE BY A. C. R. B. Eclipse Oil lining Co, 160, on account Jas McCotch nt Wagner & 4tal, h 480, on account O. S. Thomas; Vista Oki Works 180, ou account Owston &Bowers; National Betining & Storing Co. 290, on account .1 Munhall; Penn 011 Work, 480, on account Rocas d Bro; Mentzer, Herter & Lb. 640 on account Owaton et NoWers; Spray 011 Works 160, on ao. oount Owaton 41 Sowers; Fairview Oil Marks 640, on account °lreton& Sowers; Spray 011 Works 460, on account E H Long. Total 34441 tibia satritafers oP IiEkLNED ItY A. R. R. R. • . . . . J. M.ltltor 161 bble relined to W. P. Logan 4 Bro., Philadelphia. thrhigaton dt Bro., 62 bbha ref. oil tO Wm. Lincoln, Ph ladelphia. Fulton, Marvin d Co., 130 bbbs oil to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Liberty Oil Works 246 bbla refined to Warden, Frew et CO., Philadelphia. B. W. Morgan & Co., 47 Wile tar to Gardner, Neftry it Co., Harrisburg. Total relined.. _6ll bble. Tar .17 bbla. OIL SHIPPED EAST DUQUESNE DEPOT. FIOMDDIX A CO. ill bble refined oil to Warden, Free dc Co., Philadelphia. OIL SHIPPED EAST BY WEST PENN 6. R. Mentzer, B, & Co; 282 bble refined to Warlog Ktng & Co., Pella Redder & Place 65 bble paaaffine to F. Redden New Bedford, Mane. 823 Ili= Omar or Prrrssoson Gensrrn, SATURDAY. November 6 , M. Buknees generally has been dull-1111. ring the past week, at least, most of the tiourgvain and grocery houses report it aci, and they ought to know, and what is worse • still there are no indications at present of any immediate improvement. Owing to the railroad discrimination against Pittsburgh, our merchants have no chance to extend their business, but , are obliged to confine thtlr operations to this locality, and with a strong compeU lion foe local trade, there is little or nothing In it, as margins are cal down to almost nothing. There Is, however, a fair local demand for all of the leading articles, but as already intimated, there are so many working for it, that there Is nothing In it, when secured. We were in hones that the Penna. AM Ocimpany would accede to the proposition made by our merchante, they asked for nothing but what was fair and just, but In this, we regret to state, we are likely to be disappointed. APPLES-1n steMy demand and not withstanding the receipts continue lib. 6ral, prices are fully sustained. We con • tinge to quote at 112,50@8,b0 per bbl, for fair to choice. BUTTER—Ia In good supply but the fact that there is some inquiry bar chip- Wien& to New York, tends to keep prices tip; we continue to quote at '33@.r.., for good to choice. BEANS-12*5003 per busbeL BUCKWHEAT F1.00745021b cent.. UHERTNUTS---Dtdi; $4,50134.7& CIDER—Is selling at front $7 to 19 per ;bbl, according to quality and size of bbl. r CRANBERRIES—SaIes at ssssl2 as to ;quality, and $16@)113 for "Sackett's" Belle berrite. , CARBON 011,--Strong and prices ad vancing; wellnow quote standard brands at 313.5@=, in • jobbing way. ClolgkE—Quiet and unchanged, rang ing from 113@i21, at, outside Bios" for New York Goethen. D HIED FRUIT—Le quiet and un changed. Apples, B@lo ctL Peaches. 9 4 10 for quarters, and 123113 for halves. EGGS—No fresh packed In market; pickeled,26(ga7. FEATHERS—In better demand and higher, and we now quote at 85a90 to the trade and the usual advance for small lots In store. FLOIM—The market is quiet and de void of anything new or important—de mand light and entirely lo ca l. We con tinue to quote good to choice winter wheat brands at 16,00000. GRAlN—Wheat is quiet and un changed, 111,1551,18 for good to prime red- Oats in fair demand with sales on wharf and track at 46017, ants 48(550 in store. Rye is nominal at 9009.5. New Ear Corn is offering at 70(476 and dull. Prime old ear scarce. Barley is dull and there are no regular quotations. HAY—Is being sold from country wagons at itscar= per ton. HUSKS—Bales at 1 rents per pound. HOMINY—Babe at p3,0066.,.50 per bbl. . LlME—Sales of Cleyeland white lime at 1202.26 per bbL LARD OIL--Bales of extra No. I, at 81,42®1.45, and No. X11,05ig1,08. ONlONt3—Sales at 5012,400 per bbl, the outside Aram for c oleo. POT &TOES—Pesch Blows are scarce and higher, MOW per busheL Sweets are quoted at 13,60144 per bbL PEAS—DuII; ill per bushel. POULTRY—SaIes of live clackers., by the 000n,'st 60®55 eta per pair. PROVISIONS—Sesson is about over, and prices entirely nominal. SEEDS—SaIes of flaxseed at 11,130, and but little offering In thin market.. Tim othy.Seexl is dull and nominal at 114@45{,. Nothing doing.in clover seed. SALT—Is firmer with sales of car load lot at $1,85 per bbl. STRAW -Safes at 512@Th per ton. EMI wieey✓-.•'••~,::•u:,~--~•,ia'"isve+~"`+va~ca~ .v-2-i.o"msw;3kJ%.:.'r 174@17,%e for fair to torinie eta= Egg. 33435 e, and VQ3Oc for limed. Citioabo, Novemberil—Wheat quiet and tletner and.pdoes are 2@02,4c higher! !tales No. lat =@.93al No. opened at 904 c but subsequently weakened and fell to 89c, alpidng at 89 t)5, this afternoon the market Is dull at 89c seller November for N 0.2. Corn more active and 1®1%," higher; sales Na. 1 at 07c No. 2 at Gocq67c; rejected at, 63%gy86c, aiming at MN ®66%c for No. 2; this afternoon the market is dull at 68c seller November for No. 2, Oats dandy and firm at 3."@,. ..‘c Not No. 2 and 37 ®371.4c for rejected, clueing at 38%®39c for No. 2. Rye quiet and firmer at 71c for No. 1 Indiana; 66€4,;6740 for No. 2, !dosing at the an figure for strictly truth. Dal. iey dull and nominal at 95c for No. 2. Highwities very dull, closing nominal at :I. Sugar itold at 134 @le tic fur common to : prime Cuba. Provisions quiet and les. active. Meta pork Weedy, at 528.tasb, and 125,75@a91 collar January, Lard steady at leSc.; other descriptions inactive and uoininally Unchanged. Freights firm and steady at 10340 for cork to Btlitalo. Recialpts far the past twenty. tour hours: 5,167 bids Solari Hyt,4,44 bwah wheat, 62,860 bush corn, 44,093 bush oats, &SA bush rye, 1,28 D Muth barley, 138,700 hogs. Shipments: 4,669 bbla dour, 98,049 bush Wheat, 60,176 bush corn, 12,- 982 bush oats, 3,260 bush rye, 1,267 bW barley, 2,925 hogs CIPMINNati, November ft.—Flour' lower and doll: extra 54,72@3; fgmil 55,25®6,50. Wheat dull, No 1 red wl ter 51,10. Corn in good demand; sound ear 015,988 c. Oats steady at 48%66c. Rye quiet at 90c. Barley doll; fall 41,69® 1.62 Cotton dull and lower; middling 24%c. Tobacco scarce and firm at full rates. Whisky dull. Mesa Pork dull at 291; stock nearly exhauatad. Bacon dull, with small sales at 16c for shoal ders and 19%5, for clear aides; stock about 300 hlida; new bulk mean! about belt cured are held at 12;4, 10% and 1640 -for shoulders, cleat rib and clear aides, but there were no sales. Lard dull, old at 164 c, new ket tle at 17c, steam at 16(116%ci, hardly any demand. Butter ateady at 80W& for fresh. Eggs firmer, sales at Mi. Cheese. firm and In wood demand at 17%, to 19c. Linseed oil at 90@tr2c and dull. Lard oil dull and unchanged, current make $1,37©1,42, Petrolueut !steady at 3.3@,34c for refined. Hop In light supply, and in dawand at 19,50®10,26. Fixceipts.but 500 bead. Gold; 1341%, buying 13734, sell- Excharige dun 1.10 discount buying. ST. Loots, November 6.—Tobacoo, in good demand brit offerings are light and price, uuchanged. Cotton. quiet sales at 240. Hemp, quiet and firm aalea, un dressed at UW41,65. Flour, very dull and badness amall; tall superfine at 1445 and small lota In various grades ranging from 54,60@7,1.10. Wheat. dull and un changed for low and medium grades, and firmer for beat qualities, small lot No. 2 aping wheat In sacks at 06c, No. 2 red tall wheat at 96(4,103a, No. 1 do. at 51,08® 1,10 , choice. at $1,12%®1,28, choice white at $1,25@i1,81. Corn, dull and !Fader, old mined In bulk at 614 e, yellow at 72c, mixed in sacks at 79c, and choice yel. low at 81Ige82a. Oita. dull and lower at 46047 c. Bacon; best grades firmer, choice lowa at 12c, prime to choice Nilo mmota at 15®25c.. Rye dull at 65®860. Whisky dull and lower at 51,05. Oro cartes quiet and unchanged. Provialona, Only mall order bualness doing; Rork sold at 5.19 for new dry salt; shouiders at 13a, clear aid,. at 16%c. Bacon; clear 'ldea at 194.4gi200. Lard dull; prima steam at le,. Receipts, flour 8,500 DMA, wheat, 2*),206 ' bush, corn. 4.200 bash, nate L 11,300 bush, barley, 13,800 bush, rye, 2,200 bush. iurrm Nxw Our-nean, -November B.—Ootton dull and lower; middling. 24,4 e; .ales Z 250 hales; receipts 4815, exports—for eign 3120 baler, cortatwiers 1303 bales. Fleur firmer; euportine 15,25; dpoble extra g.5,t¢3.;@6,74: cripple extra 16e, 8,25. Corn, white, 11,15. Oat. 83®04e. Bran 11,10. Hay scarce and quoted at 127,90. Mesa Pork, 1 3 1.2 3 . Bacon— ahoutdere 1734 c; clear rib 23tio; dear side. 2034 c; hams, sugar cared,. de. Lard 184:33c. Sugar, prime, 1310. Molasses 83 E0 50 . Whisky 11,20. Coffee, prime, I6n®l7c; stock 18,000 bags. Gold 127. Exchange Sterling 13734. New York Sight par. BVIPALO, Nov. 9—Faicalpts floor 8,000 birth, barley 4,000 bu. Shipments -192,000 bu, corn 40,000 bu, oats 27,000 bu, barley 10.000 bo. Freights-223.c on wheat, 19c on corn and 12e on oats to New York. Flour neglected. Wheal inactive and nominal. Corn dull but firm; aides 20,000 bu No. 2 western to ar rive at 83m mir lots western at 11448.5 e. Vats dull; vales 3,000 bu western at 030. Rye nominal. Barley doll and nominal at gt,crz®Los. Pork owl at $30.50 for heavy mess. Lord dull ui 17S@,18c. Ilighwinea offered at 11.08, but no buy. eta. Loriavit.t.s, November 6.—Cotton quiet. !diddling at 241.,c- Flour steady, hominy at 35,50. Red wheat at 11, whits at 11,16. Coro at 850. Oats at Sfia. Rye at 90c. Hoge; jailed 2.906. lrr pens Sarft, market steady at pyi@to, latter for attire- Leaf tobacco quiet, sales of 40 and 13 hlida at 19 for lug to 1 11,50 for leaf. Provisions quiet but steady. Mesa pork at 31c. Baum, shoulder at ley„ clear aides at 20c. lard; denoted at 173,0 to bulk, clear sides at Shoulders at 14c for fall cured. Whisky declined to ;1,00. °swim., November B.—Flour in good demand, with sales of 3,500 Dbl. at 16,25 Q 41,50 for No. I spring, 116,50(0,75 for ember winter, 58.75®7,0 0 for white, and $7,60@7,75 for doable extra; chiefly at outside quotation. Wheat is quiet and easier. with sales of MAXI boa winter. red Ohio at 51,23; No. 2 Milwaukee Club bald at 51,12. Corn; miles confined to car lota Harley dull and lower, with sales of 9,400 bus upaake Canada at 51,08. Rye unchanged. PHIL/DELPHI..., Nov. o.—Flour very . Bull and drooping; Northwestern extra family 11.6456,62; Ohio do 51.26457,6 0 . W beat dull and lower; western red 51,30 @1,33. Rye steady at 51,06. Corn scarce and higher: mixed western 94(3011o. Oat. steady at 66%Shc. Petroleum quiet; crude 24c; refined MM.. Mess pork quiet and unchanged. Lard 18c. Whleky drained to 51,10 for wood bound, and 51.12 for Iron bound. CLEVILA2(I), November 6.—Flour quiet end unchanged. Wheat dull and .ttn. changed. Corn steady and unchanged. Oats firm at 48c. Rye and Barley corn. MM. Petroleum; refined) firm and un changed and held at 2934@30e for prime light straw to white, and 80(P1c for standard; trade lots 2a,3c; advance; crude very firm and 100 better, held at TI per bbL MILWALOKI9I. Nov. 6.—Flour, dull, city st 1b,0035,26. Wheat, steady at 920 for No. 1, and 88%0 for No, 2. Oats and Corn nominally unchanged. Rye, dull at 720 for No. 1. Barley, nomlnaL Orain freights quiet at 12@ldo for Buffalo and Oswego. Receipts of 4000 barrels Mout, 112,000 bush Wheat. Shipments Of 6000 barrel. Flour, and 71,000 bushels Wheat. BALTIMORE, November 6.—Flour In Improved demand at yesterday's quota: Bona. prices weak. Wheat dull at $l.lO Corn active: new white 75G90c. old do, i1(41,05. Oats dull at 630670. Rye dull at 85401. Mess Pork quiet at 1,32,50(3133. Bacon quiet: rib sides lEig. 18kic7 clear aides 18%®18,, , ,c. Lard firm, Whlaky unsettled at 11,08(3:1,10. TOLEDO, November 6. Flour dull. Wheat dull, but • shade better; No. 1 white Miehigan 11,18, regular do 21,06%. amber 2406% . No. 1 red held at $1,124 1,13, No. 2do sold at 11,06. Corn nom inally a 1.131C3 better,No. 2 790. Oats • shade lower, No. 141 c. Clover seed held at 27,26. Droned hogs • , Murata, November B.—Cotton closed quiet and weak at 24m receipts, 1,778 bales; exports, 1,678 bales. Flour un changed. tiorn 83®850. Oats 800. Hay 8280.3 0 . Bran 1123. York In and nom inal. Lard 183200. Bacon scams shoul ders 17,ti0. side:Mo. Cato,too; November B.—Cattle dull .and cosy at V 2,2504,40 for common to good stcckers,ll4,9o€4,so for light Lobar Moen. Hogs are quiet and firm at 18,82X®f1,80 for common, 18,90C38,2,5 for fair to medium. 8,40f39,80 for • good to choloe. Sr. Louts, November 6.—Cattle an changed at flgia,No. Roo; weather clear and cooler ano peckers' stock sold more freely; prima range at 8@,930 for light to heavy. number out to last nigh;, 28,100. Receipts, 800. Demote, November O.—Flour dull, with nearly an exhanated stock. Wheat, extra. 1@.53 higher, but other grades un changed; extra 11,24®1 28; , No. 1, 81,1 1 ® 1,1130. • Corn nominal at 81®82o. Oats 410 tor western. Diu Goods Market. New 'Tom, November 6.—The great feature In the trade was the redaction made by A.. T. Stewart it Co. in a line of f-t Merrimack puinted cembrks, which they have put down to Ida per yard by the packs some if the goods have teen taken for Louisirmereindrinati andti Chi cago. The plain cloth, before prinng In thesegoods, costs 21iiet In other kinds of goods there no further decline, and moderate bagnesa. trriStURGH DAILY e . 1 ► ' II ►ll► t NI : ~u ; Shepard; 48i rolls felt, W B Lupton; 30 hldm, (1 H Anderson, 10 bola mane pork. J P Hanna Q CO. CLEXELAnn atm _Prrresrunott Ran, man November 6.-lao bbls apples. Vramer & Bohn; S cars metal, Stanek & Co; 2 do ore, Roes, Graff & Doll; I do do, Coleman Rabin it Co; I do do, Chess, Smith & Co; 1 do lumber, W W Rlgdon; 1 do do, 0 A Mundrek 1 do do, Crom low it Cm 1 do do, W F 'Thchardaon; 131 bola apples, Votgt, Mahood & CO; 25 do oil, Flarcus it Son; 39 cases lye, Geo, Calhoun: O bells broom handles, II canes tobacco. 11.scleton; 10.1 do do, John Fullerton, II pkg. do, H Dshaver; 6 11,1 do Pritifield Boo; 60 bbls oil, J Speer, 5 kgs butter, Volgt, Mak Cc' 10 Ilkgs blfley, Strickihr it Mating% 273 bbl. apples, Head it Metzger; 1 ear barley, J Dl Carson; 1 ear nail, (bah.. & Marshall; lot stoneware, Manhall lb; 8 bbls elder, R W Thompson; 101 bre cheese, Day ,t Co; 172 aka rigs, It Christy; 50 bbls apples, Geo ft McCon nell; 80 do do, Bruggerman i O'Brien; 364 do ao, 16 palls applebritter, H Kea Jr; 4 sks potatoes. W J Steel & Bro, 1 car barley, N Wainwright; 18 bbls apples, F Seblia. A.LLEOIi ANT STATION ' AOV0111 . 0i)t 1 car shipstuff, Ft Knox & Son; I car wheat, K T Kennedy it Bro; S cars coop erage, Rain' it Robertson; 3 cars metal, Llncisar t McCutcheou; 2 do do Graf, Ben nett & Cu; 3 do dorlperfige, Jai Hemphill; 1 cars limeston, Superior Iron On; 4 bbls onions, 4 bge fl ,or, V. bga 08 . 05 . Ram Dye, 12 care metal, Lewis, Halley & Dal cell; 1 car barley, Gilmore, Straub & Co; 10 bbls flour, Mercer 81. Robison; 21 bag potatoes. John Spear; 1 car lumber, McQnewan; 1 car mill feed, Geo Stewart; Ido corn, A J Bayless; 1 car ore Pgh Iron & Forge Co; 716 pi,ga lead, F W Gerdls; 2 cant barley, .1 Rhodes & Co; 60 bins apples, C Koenig. ALLEOHENT VALLAV RAiIAwAD, No iember bbla tallow, Mr Healey; 90 Carboys acid, 1 car do, Pittsburgh Acid Works; 7 sky potatoes, I do cabbage, 1 do apples, W niter; 0 aka potatoes, W Seibert; 71 care coal, Kier, Foster & (Xi; 26 do do, Armstrong D i Co; 18 do do, Coleman R it Co; 160 bbls benzine, Braun & Wagner; 260 bbls tar, Lock hart Frew it Co, RIVIM NEWS The river remains unchanged M lids point, with scant3olnches In the channel. The weather yesterday was decidedly witdrelah, being stormy and cold with frequent snow squalls. The Salle left for Parkeratiurg on Saturday afternoon. and the New State. for Wheeling. and the Camelia for St. Louis departed on Sunday morning. —The Lorena arrived at Cairo Thurs day with a good trip. —The Bellovernon I. leading at Cin cinnati for New Orleans. —The Sallie wes to bare left filnoln. nail for Ilttaburgh on Friday. —The Great Republic passed by Memphis for New Orleans on Wednes day t•f hut week. .- The Sallie left Cincinnati for Flue. burgh on Elide , " evening. Pilule Hughes and Whitten. —T he atostiter Lydia Worrell and . . Pioneer are offered for wale. They are Loth lying at New Orleans. —The H. A. Jonas arrived at Cincin nati on Thursday and was to have left for New Orleans on Friday. —The H. M. Shreve arrived at St. Joleph last Saturday with that portion which was eared of the sunken Sally. —The New State was aground at Rowley's Chute on Saturday and did not arrive until It was late In the day. —Frank Murray, second pilot of the Stonewall, reported among the lest In the late disaster, turned tip Tuesday, o at St. Louis, alive and well, —Capt. Robinson proposes to 14..1 the Glasgow at Cincinnati for Arkansas river whet:lover she le released by the Memphis Packet Gampany. —A late Memphis dispatch says, Simmer Linton, sunk recently In the Ar keens, river, has broken In two. Tee Pan Buren, sunk last week, Iles In lb feet of water. —The •outside" Mews at Bt. Louts have formal what they .11 "The !Ca sirslppl Valley Pilots' Cbmsnerelsl and Co-operative n.seoctelloo." They nave rooms at the corner of Vlne and the levee. Captain Diva asney Is Prela e ot, and Thomas E. Merriam! &lora tory. —The r.rannville Journal, of Wednes day, says: Captain Houghton, Local In rpsowr et I.,Melville, inspected and con deolued the boilers of the .teacner yeaterda); 00[1*ft/homily that stratof r did not leave for Green river, as she was announced to do. Brie had a large amount of freight on board before the inapealion ws• wade. It was pretty rough on Capt. Van Meter, but we imp ose be bas no recourse except to get new boilers. —We clip the following from the 131. Louie Times: Mr. Ned. Folks:son, one of the Pilots of the Stonewall, In • state ment to the Itanoccat 1 esterday. enyin: Tbere was • hoes parsed down during the conflagration, but did no: atop. Dees Mr. Fulkerwm or Mr. Waahingtort tell a lieT Wee the Submarine In sight during the conflagration 0: was she not? We think that the people along the shore there are unanimon4 in the opinion that Mr. Fulkenon right. and that the Submarine did pasa the conflagration. —The Cincinnati aretwerciat, of Saturday, MITE A map showing the Louisville (=alma it Is and will be when completed, was ezblbted oft Change yesterday, and an abstract of Oeneral Weltzel's retort read. The fatal amount needed fur the completion of the canal Is 11,143,500, of which $275,000 is a h ead) appropriated, leaving • balance of W B ,- 500 to be appropriated. Of the amount. about 1450,000 could, in addition to the amount already on hand, be profitably expended during the Canal year ending June 80, IB7L Work has already been mad will be pushed forward with the utmost RIVER PACKETS. 11101,1111• ND 11161 W OILLISABIS. tStOR 3 , IIIEMPEIN AND LW 011LIAN5—Ttur steam* attEArelgtt Ca t. J”” VW, Will leave for the above and la tarasertlate aorta ttu a Id rise. O alit Ear A SW ANAT. stZs race • COLAINGIAJOD. Agents. 1:1143v.C.,4z):54;P1 TO LIVEIIPOOL ANDM& QUEENSTOWN. TUB INIMAN MAIL STEAMISIMPIL Numbering sixteen grst-elase vessels. Kamm them the celebrated CITY CV rocis,_ CITY or ANTWERP, _ CITY OF HUSTON CITY Olf CLLTIMUUL. eirt o or jpsrmn. • Pat h EVERT ISATUBUAY. from Fier 40 North Hive, Neer cork. /Or totolaga rotther Information apply to WILLIAM 'BINGHAM, Jr., 143 BMITLIFIELC IaTKISF.T. Pittabe WILLIADI MILER &.CO., Nos. LB and z n Liberty Street. Corner or Irwin. :low off r the msdo M low fig ores, sls/wWI Prime New Crop Saw Orleans Sugar and Molasses. Porto Men. Cob and Ertel*o laud Sagan. New York. Philathdphla and /Ultima* to fined tiolden Dr , ps. Inverts's, Htlanj BLOM' Adam.' and Lang letand -Porto Rim Cabs and Eng. lab Island Molaau.a. and like. Japan. ,Jmpertal. Wanpowde and Oolong 'feu. Carolina and Uangotn Mee. Java. I. Ira and IlloCnSees. Tobacco. LU'd Oil. FLU, Nana, elagt, Soap. Craton Varna, to., mutual no band. ALSO, 111POWITa5 OP Fine Brandies, Wines and Rhenish, Moselle and Sparkling Moak Wiry of Mel o. 1 Co., In bottles. RparklleLlimelle k s.h..b.7 Johann b lr t s . d h enloarta m' lrrexe `. "` Nrat T tlll ' ve do Clarets, _lmported la twilit& do do Whirs Wines, It betties. U. Work & boon' Sparkling CRl•rrn. you Old Sherry, Mader , and roll Wlnes Fd Very o S no p n e g i a ohrOa dB s cot ch dkoeh pars,. ALSO. Impkind. Agents [or Most & Chandon . . Oland 01. erial. itnninn.y and denary Cbarapagn.. Brandin. of oar own selainion and walnut...A 10:4141 AN OLD ESTABLOIHED CONFECTIONERY IN A NEW PLACE. F. A. RIEBBH & BBOTHSB =I No. 24 Sixth Street, Me Ml. Oleir.) When tbev vlll other to their Vilest,* sod thelet mersjite Abeethunnemoot of COTMOTILONS, ricsaula CANDI= AND VAILICS, their owe e'en elegaat sad othathodlitell saloon will be found OP 00Us..othere the boss of fee Drums, woo oysiersja Di soles, as well re Cakes. Tea. Oat+ and 000e5010U. 0111 be served to the . • midst reatutu. AS 'Act, old Mao: al :Si KEYSTONE POTTERY 8. DL sus & CO., . . etriourawiss. SIUNTOIL WOMB 011. arena hraw/o6ta m IM o T BTIES7 REISER& ZATECOR AIM CHM 1111LTINCI Ab ta. e brA Wil l asfteter; i r, k tUti ga . mut, E=E=M IarTHE HEALING POOL. - Ert.A . t . rl TOUNti MEN who Have ,t°¢l".". .of reh. (for the ar. - -le . ted. Sa•pt seeied le e tter envelop, tree of elaree •d , l e" Ath.l. ATION, Hoe P. t . h,ladelphli, Penne. at 3: Y. r'JUST OUT 115=1 FOR coLua. Ct , t7.41113. THROAT AND Move et) ro,d NO3( BO ont cure Ou'ck• SH rux A CI, orr ltl A.trar flop,. New 1, t y — n_scrck - i..E;Asiti Fi A:n OWE. Tit, :Vend!' 11• Ir !i,yrh the tgi,tr...1...../tl4l. the nrat true au.l otr:tt: l•Artalcsa, mrr lostantaarour: no thespindatMeCt: no 11- or" : “.”,. - I :do cif:x."2 of bad :tics" lurlanratne and I..erre the Hair soft lad 1"nol or to- , Sthi by all Druggists lud r,•ru, to", to.•;" - r norlicd et Batche or'. II V, Bend street. Now Tank. IR," 31 ANHOOD: ROW LOWF 1 if.lw It K.T021,0:-44,44 poiri then, to seal. tlso v slupe. Price six kwon. A 1.E... • UHF. oN I'll F. NATU II Al. TILEATAIE qT. sod tUalte4l , use of Systroatorrhys a, or ,6111:1S1 Wsek ors*, Ym • usi Usblitiy. •n.I Itoos , liqaSat• to t Marri•gs re ocrelly : yr, - ...u•0• .5, I •ons tnpr.loe. Kpllop.) and Y.ts: Sltut7l so 4 Pb ) si I loos r•et4y.A.• by ROUT. J. cuLvr.ttvezi . M.D.. oth,,r 0(45. • Green Book. • • de. boon to Thuusan.l. of Buffeters •• root under sal. In • 014.44 tnrelope l• so, attthres. posta.• , l, ost re- CO, rf six clots. 4r two post... 1 os, to CU VA. J f• X L 4140. a Cu.. 1111 flosnery. 1. , • 00 TorX. l'ustoltre Ito, 45/46. ,flo Dr. Calves. 1,0 I.• ••.11arNexe liulde,• ' , price 26 scuts. 57 DOCTOR WRITTIER CON. TIN 1:1CH 7 ,, 1 'MAT •LL IltlYA76 DIHCAHCH. , hat numerdlls• hug of rue. result ing fromself.abti, pro it Ana anmanltnes• nereoh. debilit Irritaltlllty, rraptlons.seenloal entla•lor.s, and y. finally lotiv.lrt.er permaorow cured. l'emon• d •Ith delicate. Intr,care and lona otandlng a:tn.:ball , I F eumolal Is are politely In. Ited •0 ra I for ettn•altatron, ahlen ecbt. no, fling. .//..t nark :Ice. the nail of taactiara, h•. et .bled I , lm to parley{ r•dlea at one • t In• tieclam, cafe. pa, mayent and • etn • bleb In most east.. can b e used without blndanoto to hu•lntss. lied. feints prepared In the ...tarell•nmant.. which em brace. ogle, e..ptlon and • skiing room, also hoarding and slat ping &parte 01.11 for patient. 1,4011101, dolly p..ramul att.n and vapor anu chanties! hatba l thy. toneentration the famed mineral sorts. . No in ho have (Wrd, ; t tft., 7 . 0 f 01 4‘ ." 4;ta! ' ... ' 117 ' t ' o '" a h o r t :1114:s h IP . f:O stamps tested en•elepa. Thousands of cases troawl 0000.14. at e and all over the cop - t Contyi L•I Yon Ire, 0ar...0011y or by mall. ott, 0 0 . 9 Writ stprat, velour ream Non.) Pittsburgh, pa. Hours 9 +I. lot F. K. Mon days IA it. to 9 r. l'ampLlcl sent to any ad dßi '1 for we strnapc apt or - scioErtch , g rULRIONIe. sr tn. 1 . , GIL W EMS. TONIC AND VIAND li IS riLIA will core Consumption. Liver Complaint and Dyepepela, If taken accord- In, to tilt cello.. They are all three to he otten •t the same time. They clean. the stomach. re l. tn. ID Sr and pot It to work; the the •OlaulAta become. the food digests and makes goad blood:the patient begin. to grow to dealt: the srmwd matter ripe. Into the i 1,131.14 and the lottent at tgrow e the diseue and gets wed, mid . the Only way to cureameamption. To then three medicines 'lr..). H. Mobs:ld, of PhD .deipttia, owes his unrivaled succe The the treatment of pulmonary o.rosumption. monk byrep ripens the morbid matter In lb< tro o rio n r .L Zrte a t' Xe7p " lllllM by o s r o easy eipKtoes -511.1,1 eon eh will throw It OP. and the pedant nu rest sod the lung. lw On o heel• l'o et. this. the he.wred Tonle and llantlexte Pt we t `reel) usol °cleanse the etomacn lie he t Pulmonle Syrup sad the iwwl 1.01 rotd goad wiwod echeact •• lanadrate Pits act upon the liter. Iste all of...cacti..., relax the duets or the .11 Madder, W. start. frtroly..4 the liver Is soon r, the stoots tonw how what the no: not has • oar w hich le•end c ttotori ta deadly poison le very den 7,".6.„f"r`rf't7,;)..,'brtl:os" 0f . .., Over 111.• :when el'. ll'andrelte • • - j.oenniplalnt m dn. of We mad bromism t rebate nr Seto nck GrEAL•rt , ll 100. I. a vette ettattlant awd alt , ratl va. an 4 the all.. In tbe Seaweed, which ttl• p.roaratlw ., If med.. a f, s•liend to eb•n,aeb la throw net the paatrfa Jame dluol•• toe to.dl wilt tn• Phileloo le •Trot•, %ad It L• mW. Int° tb el td... , 4 Uncle( (cm utat.on It. to the atutoach • The ert.atl., P., ph 'Met... bo Do t obautoptioa they try to In to) m ten chi th " letY• tuedlttne to .top colag b. lo atop t 'P bight steeat, Iteet.r leo., bed by so dole ' they tter sage thy, whole d1e . ...1 10 • tkow•ta, haeltha: up the met - I,lolla. ant 1001110. It the patient felts awl di... echruct. In hls treatment, does n t try top rotten. went sweats, q„hlds ftrec o r. 11: •• 0,41 LI, r•noe, end ton wltt I stop of (belt' ere se‘yht,l. boot, c•ta {creed Consomp• Ltrer owpgaint, hsrePePele- Cn l nrru• `entr Ulcerated Turo•t. entree II•er sad lomach sr. made beeltby• If , eon hue ecteneopUon. of rousse the .In s some le•i ere dlsrasee. rl.er • uneeclee, .. , broncblal Irrtlal..n. planes ndneslon, :rayslb. 10505 Ire • mama ineammellon sod rut ,l ie • I In such oasts ennt matt be done/ It • no' ob.! lb. leo,. that are mulls:tn. heal ll Is he ',bole waty. The stomach and Iletr hare loot lot e owe, mat. blbed out of fled. roe the u chtnee I. to 1.14, UT. KLIODC,I these I:0,11- 1n... ehteh .11, borne up a tone to the sloinech, he patient beetn to eaut to d, distal astir tad ask. ere,d Woo& then the Valley( he lms to gala to wad at mou as the bony bc ins to b.- e•..w. the 11..11 COSIEBcI3.II.O besi on no the patre.t gets sby and well. This the . - .psti way Wrung A launrtlon. a hen there Isions disease and oitlY Llrar Comolioutsun 0 . spepi la. nation,. 't Suttee.] Tool aud al•adrelic Oils are sufficient., without tw l'ulusoule syrup. Tak• the Hued.. lilt. rr-tty ih all Umtata emit:auntie. as they aro Per fectly hartalust. echuael. mho nas enjoyed nolut•riapte4 ea hlth for manyyears pas, aud non eel/Imila rounds. •s• ter•y to • tue • sit lowa. ta • • • Lb. veer , aat *tsar • I rottorotary C 01. tbyaleiaor trartnit oat aoPo • tear and abototott d Mot to Ws la.. He ...cored bo the arttreaalrl mrdirlot.o. sod *lan big moor - •rt Maar thquoan, •tentltrtr orPletod Pero oro to.. •• pr. pat orlon e.t.a remarkable sne er... rub 0 it.. 3013• b•rotapaay nett bratty. goalltg it •her•rtrir rt. eo••art to per•oaory we lot e.to ion pall's ith tort, lung• • t a., to- tato Iturp4 r o b e I. profroatoot 51 ot• al ttot Ibtltadelohla , r•ery motor rt rt al it•Ltrrs for :title. moat •rea•re. kb to al.• rt.hatlonalt• oi bo. 36 1,04 ttre•t, rt•• Vora. 'eery other Tuesday, and at au 3.6 Honorer street. bottbro, other Nitolaeld•r. lir afar, ad,c• Roo, but Itar the raatolnattoe oath Itasptrolocter the prier tit utbra boars at eacb city boat IP • Brie e rb •r olonsle tt7rop .not be •Irred Tom. le per bottle, or 11.60 • Alt f dozen. Itabrtrake rill. %D collo • boa. roe ••le rty drogatoto. tart, 131,12 WHOLESALE GROCERS, &c, DILWORTH, HARPER & CO Wholesale Grocers, No. 243 LIBERTY STREET, I= =I ery Large and Complete Stock a GROCERIES; EX= They liespcettolly Invite the Attention PUBOHASERS. ESTABLISHED BY A. & T. OORMLY, 1812. W. NL IMEELY, w i IO T.TIR A TX', GROCER, So. 271 Liberty Street, DilOurrLT OAT, LULA HOTEL,) PITTTIDUEGIII, FL. W. C. ARMSTRONG, eucotoor to Teo. • Anantang.) PRODUCE comussios MERCHANT, No. 25 afarkot Street,. MEANOR & HARPER, FLOUR, CUMIN ADD PBODUCIZ Commission Morohants ice. 2210 LIDEUTT 8111XST, ==M PITEIIKELL ....... JANIS T. RICUL!LT KEIL & HICHABT, 10110115510 N FLOUR, GRAIN, 13ZEDB, MIL PEED, ikil 1,49 taberty St., PIU.bU.Ub. mayti.437 -- M. !TWILL i A. BIT..ELK. MM. STEEL'S & SON, Commisetom Merchants ECXI:I= FLOUR.ORA-ll~i. FRED. !ice No. UN 01110 STEELS.:.. , last Oosuao MM==nl L. J. BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Beta Grocer, Tao. 390 PLIIN BTEISLT IMEI3 JOll.l. 1. G101,51..X.D.V. 11001511....11. n. nous& TORN 1. HOUSE 11. (MOIL, Sue • custom to JOHN I. HOO•16 • CO,. Whole sale Gmers vmseiluion &wean.. Ouruar or itraithileld And sta. streets. Pittsburgh. iLI es iTTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, Wholesale Wooers, Comm lesion Merchants . Des Units% Produce, Tlrair, Satoh, C . W.O. arboa arta Lard 011. Woo, lialls h o4a . gal "n ingy " , ' 1 . 111 " aaV I 11 P l i elal ' ArTrirdr% tablag JOWL lIIIITON A. WALLAOI. tirproN ALIWALLACE.WhoIe. SALE fi ROOlOl AND PADOVA DEAL. N. • NIXTII6TRZAT. Plttaburith. FRUIT CAN TOPS. SELF LABELING PRITITTAN TOP COLLINS WRIGHT, - PIT I PA. Wo vrtpiikeil_Lo_Pmftr_Tillam $44 P 41% top, gyiWt=ntsWis D pep cam , Ikon Us aste. astlattz Grip Par Us top of Om , ItisClearthplatettrand ina=ptactar. Um atm at& ball the moats tba_potater URfull.mMasaror. mopreparreerMar lloggalfter,ll/1 WPM atter aftwasea STATEMENT OF THE REAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, OCTOBER 80th, 1889 Bonds and liortgages. being first len. ont Heal El Pal . • _4709.957 00 U. Dal !South. 0 oar. ...... filf.ooo 00 U. b. 10-40 Bonds. 0 par 95,000 00 Beal s wile 11,700 47 001ce Tutuila' , •19 60 Amount due Deoo•lters ..... 41150,103 71 Amount due I...postton. InWm.. Nov. Ist, 1660 . . 14.067 79 conting,nt rood . . 43364 69 I=l =l2 The dentinnu od. Auditing Committee, tone .mince the H B Hunt* of the Hank, the ond.. Moro ago Rod Senoritlet, and wonted 00 Cub. t u d find the foregoing Statement noticed. W3l H 1:111ITH, H CHILDS. Committee. NICHOLAS VogHTLY, JR.. Not 00310 i Ibt. 1009. Prraldent—lBAAC JONES. vt Pro sideDl—W M. H. SMITH Accountant—lt- C Paaaa. toile] tor—S. SZADPORD TODD. ittniTiza: Thos. M. Howe. How J. K. Moorhead, June! e. H. linwee7. . C. Bi . dwell. Jacob Paluse. ey Childs, . v u Nichola oey, wee. H. Smith. • . . • •• I VTERVIT ALLA/IN D 0. Deposita. at BYE PER CENT. PER ANNUM. payable to pep...l - ,r• In May and No, mber,ableb. If 12.4 Aran. .111'.. add, d (nib. n ccccc p I. and coserOcboan. Open for na It from 9A.M. to 3 P.M . daily: also. on naturday enings, frost 6to 9 0 'Clock Office, 63 Fourth Ave., Pittsburgh I 1 / 4 r HOLMES & SONS, .•_1 • BA\ KER S. 7 MARKET STREET FTTTSBI7IIOII. PA. (M , lectio. made on all the principal ;Kanto at the tutted Slat.. and Canada. Stocks,Bends and other Securities BOUGHT AND IXILDUN COMiII2IBION particul. attention pale to the purchase and lc of United States Securities HART, CAUGEIEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Cornor Third and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA. =I Exchange, Coln, Coupons, Led particalas attlnt'on P. 4 tb• patehm sod eals COVERNMENT BONDS ht Drukftm on London THE SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY =1 =I nia.. !..eery St. ISe f. tor tee aaf•-aeerdaS of Bond. led oiler seeentlys, 0.14 as& 1111aer. Sl'ver Roods, Seeorda. Dlamoado sad Valuable. of 4l esodplioa.. as4ar raareateo, sad for lb. resale( of .are. la It. ►ar(ls-Or..f vacate. Bulldlag sad OM.: .ro. PI3 FOURTH 4 rE-TUE, PIT'TSI3IIIIGET, PA PatAt oar,— WILLIAM PRIM. , M. Pau 1 . 1 t•iLav i— fSN KY LLOYD WM rmILLIFF. • J . .iins I EISICIcrrr. till.:ltT L. NYUON U PAIS - UL V. 1 , .1.11.14 R 74 JOS. R MORRISON', NILLIPAS U LYI uI •RUII. SLR( IS. LURTIs !J. UVSSET . nat •SO ts. r. Vol BONN/rfultSr. FIFTH AVENUE BANK Of Pittsburgh, Is not oo•o for Discount, De peelb sod 0011141111 BMA' O• litisiedss Anl bun reetlvN (You Ow Muss eviriirds. at ids rats of OA per ant Mid on tins deposits. PD. DITHISIDOE, W. P. WILYIKA._ W. N. NAM FRANZ -iltltirr, W. C. U , OII•WPSON. NOM, 11111Y111. DAN KIN Z i la it. raz l6ll. •IMON. ED DITIIQID &S President Y. • 2 _IIIIIITISCILis, CITY BANK. 12 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL. 5100.000. TOCIGOLDRES PADITIDULLY LIABLE INTEREST PAID ON DEPNITB. TORZION EXCHANGE nought and mold. mid mites destned retatits4 to Kamm. Cottrell°.s made am MI the principal points of the EN:Medalists. and Camaris DUKINICI immeas, Freakiest. Jumta N. MOR McCI GAN,. Contd.Aaa. V . ies Prtsident. W. Mew, Janes McCabe. Thome+ Bounce, Haab ILemung, J. Avelevy. Jr., Terence Coastal:. Cutlet Wu*, Juan Melee. Vass. B. B.R. H. A. letereogle, Jae. Joe. Herman, Illoseas Banes. JOB. W WeZZALY, &Mello, TRADESMEN'S NATIONAL BANK, Wood St., coy. Second Avenue. INTEREST PAID OK DEPOPr. Bold, Coupons, Bonds and Stocks BOUGHT AND SOLD =I R. VANILIFUL. Vies President. ua ea r CYittril caw.. OILS DIAMOND OTL WORK% IL M. LONC & CO., 01!km., DBLZELL'S BUILDING M=MZ: WADING & KING, I=l Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BLOM DUQUESNE WAY. P ILA D ZLPHIA ADDELI3II, Boom 17,,, Chamber of Commerce, 133 f OUTII SECOND STBIIT WO TACK BROTHENtS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS I=l Petroleum and its Products. Yittsbareg ftIeoriALZILL% BPILDINO • • roar of Duqoaana Way wad nd. atm* Pbradielphla Off Log -131 WAINUT IT ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. WEBBERI' W. C. TWEDDLE, MANUFACTURER 07 Lubttails: & : It Test Bards Lelips* HaUnload Isle Oil. Mad. /Nat SIM wilatava abuse; reaastaa Ilmald at lowest tempaistan s Ilpecial ad in trldeil climate. 0.1.01 In OW. Lecomotive. inglee, liarilme Illbep. Wilic.ocel... Ilaroral m atleislng sun mu, , .. iira. On' .'w." o ilead-xi s tis on. Oii, anellitsSileassels. l. :sal lisishlari alaselusek 0 0.1100101 00. 1 , 10111100. Olt VLSI/8%. IA prestsmilrlial Ira ork sad lasekincr7llo. Ram Tare prodnalkor sarufactural ander Dr. loraddla.spatenaba dapatbastad Ms= la 'tea ms TheLo ...I.lolo.Nit O sap 1.,.. A ......... steed If Ma, 10000. MI 0 DIM OW arad.litaad a WES itlapandars la rel i t! somata limpid dans, rattans Col Tie ralatakara unattained, as! ara la Imastaat lue Mt mama alibi principal Itallnamia. 0 0 0duatal Se azasised sad tudas 100 at lirfi AuOD 8111..5T. Worsealettara.. Mara.. , illotintDßlEL ftj 3001010 prim Grua AVOldo: ftgi D. do. I Med Avoids; Olds dprtitioes; - do 10.10; so de amity Flow; •,••_. 111 do Crudes/le ol o ; - 10 do 1.1 Cidl, • Se do Lida Vildedll. Li Kora sad for uld_tty_ .0. . 1 111111100. nol . llob llsoLif. .ern ELENDEFILION AA • WM- =eft) .trett, Diss." La sad POEM - NAME Valll/4-10 atr i al oc ira=llT. LLIGI DUQUESNE WORKS. COLEMAN, RAMA & CO., =CI IRON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS. DIACESX F., L X kNEIJCNIATA. PLAT Ilk% norvr. AND SW:ARE IRON, RAND. MEW, • HEAT AND ANE IRON, BOILER PLATEeI AND HEADs,, AWARD IRON. DNA() And DR.WPER RAIN. FL B A NOER, CUTTER ARS, CYLINDER IRON. T.AND FLAT Ft AIL. for Cos , Road, CP.OW RA WEDGE+ A HARROW TEETH. STRING PLOW A NDCL'LTIVATUIt STEEL. STYE). WINO' N , , to imtLern. 1.11111. TIRES. S T EELMOI;L eel A. R. 1T RS).. COACH. and WAOON SPRINGS and AX LEA. I'r NAILSANI. SPIKES. All Goods Flrat Class and Warranted. =I=EI =MD =SI intri— and Alleg hen) . River nTVV•ter ttttt Pittsburgh. LIABB, 1111111 &RkIN. I!E=2 WM. MEV,' RISIJRZti MILLEII, UKv. W. kieltit. CHAS': reIIKIN• 1!1111=IMU2 CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, KILLER, BABE A: PARKIN, OFFICE. No. 110 Liberty Strut, I=l DUQUESNE FORGE WILLIAM NIIMR, Huocessor to JO!. 11/16H & C 0.,) II am Parlltilee co-extensive nab the leading TOT. fT• In the Ear, end i• preparee to promptis end eittlereetortly ell all order. i r STEAMBOAT NPfiACitatilts. Rows, Lay Rat, AN MS. [LISTS. RAILIPAVi AXLES, 1.4.011 , 1 it I FRAME, together eve.] description of SLIATE WOILX. Oilke and Forgo Corner of Duquesne Way and first Wed. apt. 1.1140 prrre BURGH STEEL WORKS IBTABLINUED DI 1948. ANDERSON & WOODS, BEST REFINED OAST STEEL Of every deaerlyllon. JO., but Refined German P'ow and Spring Slool CORNER ROSS AND FIRST AVENUE, ruts eur,t, Ps. _•ol/:W1 SHEFFIELD STEEL HOHKEL SINGER, MUCK & GO., PIT rr EIDGII, list:tains...lra or Ott?, deseription of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL. ItAWAY 8 , q21 , c0i. EL. Ici TI , AND N..11 , 0..1f brltll9os, ASLES. tfTEAL 41. E, a., le. Wareham, S 3 Water and 100 First Sta. Basch DIATIOND STEEL WORKS. PARR, BROTHER &•CO., EMl!==l39 Gilman& Warehouse. TRIEVETIL THIRTY WBel Lli.OnD STRLalti, ELLERSHIESEN PROCBSS. Zne ?relate. are none nrepared Frau% 'leen cdr the oett of the KLLIKEBIisi SZN rll.O fit eu.rtor Impartrd to goott into. the s:l , cn i Tcr: v cr t ,: o .s t . le Ittfortor .roo. and the re m It to elt. ertanutocturor•o " Par". vet•htng to o.e tt can obtain by pplyt rt. to - - - JAMES P. SP EER, Attorntfor the Trustees. ROt)MB 1 .r 4 2 Englis h , 2.2ldihg 9 6 )i Fourth eeeeee Parties interested art In•lted to visit the hlltsleNst KRUM: 2 1121(0. • here the pro RRtu suceesstul operation. OBINSON BEA & CO., successors co &0011.3011. MINIS & MILL[l • e. WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MAOHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, lisnalnetvers of Boat and etsslonary Steam No lan.. 010.1 logo., Mdl Ilfsebloars, ansfUog. Castings of aq datertptions; On Tanks sod mina Boller and Sheet Iron Work aloe, No. k 9, corn. F1,.1 awl ssaltkaeld for_C It FLU ' S PATINT IRJZOTOB fee Mu Holie.. J. 11.13 THOMAS CAELIIII & CO., 'ourtli Ward Foundry and ll!mike Works, tl AN DUSKY ST., LLLEGHT.Z.TY my, el. ilannfacturers oratatlongry and Portable Ste= itnelnes, ill Pr.'s. Pulleys, gloartlng, Grist antid es. XIII Work, Rolitog MIX and Kettles Casngs, Orate Bars. Wesel. Wagon poles Le, nulls to order and have.. band Marines of all class mTHepf STOVES, CAsTINGS, &o. COOK STOVE& CET THE BEST BISSELL & CO'S TR lUMPH, FOB BITCBINOITS COAL Warranted to Cook Bake or Bout as well u any other Store In the Delon. BISSELL & CO., No. 286 Liberty Street Also, on band and for ule, rAILLAnt errOVSA. lIILLTINO BTOVES. ORATE /HOSTS, TENDER& CODE.ING BANUIS. /to. OW, HUBS & CO. syrco - v - iss, BOSTON COONEY° RANGE, THE FllOl7 FURNACE," /on VAlamro Ittru.vntras THE NEW ANTI-DINT CDOEINfi STOVE. •.lIEGULATOIt." on.llmaut ccum erroVIC, VAN , * (Cincinnati Pattern) PuBTABLIC NANO( CAST IRON INIANTLILI, WELLE•N'I3 RICTI.LCTOV,IIEATES, fre.,froni dlzt and (WEI: ORATE VENDEE& tn. 208 and 208 Liberty street, A. BRADLEY & CO., O. so WOOD STIMET, Manufacturer. of the Greaten/ Valletyof Cook, Parlor and Heating !stores, TO BE 1100 YO In our assortasent will b. found all the LLTTIBIE PATTI:NMI AND 11dPEOVISALINTIL end the repsution of our Stone Is such that any ons e , ftt of good article &bona purchase note ten ,hpee =eau/actor.] by us. a. they will be found the moat durable as wall., two, oteleal. woul d mllOOllO5l. att.ntion to our Pew VOLCANO NTOV4 for ameba. balls and starer Over 800 aid In Ours months. Intended INC •Lth or without sagas. All who base used them pro- Donau Qum sourVer to any oilier .4 la cheat er. tend for Cataloime and Price Lat. till LUMBER. r ßun.DEßsa t 0 m ... 291 7 Pm menu. 000 IA mutt =a* win; FEOOO fret IV ast m l isei k rood ' E* l l ,44 t "r el ; S • MOO feet Haeslock besatllag. L9OO feat No. 1 111Insta Baitaal Me 154ieb Mutes, awed.% • 111 1%No. 115-lach Mules. ittatioe: •11 . 14 , r; L . Tim. Iwo CUTS 11111). 51111 lEll Lamba. tend Mt Cleasi PsadaMel i ku p tlygniourclag liabeaca street sad mcifireltle sad talus streets, Kith mud Liars cub et llaseia. • :( I:l: t I } 4 L!) I _ aids of flesh lobo Ash aro rooflooltdollf gl i o l al i a faint It gik "4"0 • l ofib. ova at the Tofu tf Stand, Alloohens City. corner of *fella sad Unto street.. Oaf loot orpextenoo 10401 Outlaw env In us to always have on bo n d s Inn elawartfots, sad pa .o .tto lllb. *Mao. HUM& Sfact floss sod Mira Perth all at 'off WWI ea lnnfa Soo ankle. Wlellesals or Wan. AA mane WWI orampily. • PURIFIES TEE noon. /103118.1 X BY DMIGIUITi2I •. ~ • • 1117;b=innr CE.PrBA L FOI7NV lIT AND ROLL WORKS, SSo Penn Otre,et. BDLJ.r► AN & BAGALEY, 01111 Roils. 11111 Castings, Roll Lathes. Ls. ii. A. PitETVOOLIS. J. A ND insOi: NONGUELA FOUNDRY, W. J. ANDERSON & CO., Mao u rut r• re of IRON 1101:1136 FRONTS. W I `e, , 11 LIN a eSILL. and Castings of all Deseriptloom Wrl - StiecSal attrulloo palat to ARC IIITECTI! ROLL. CAST !NUN rod to Csstttt;s tflndo Gip.. Houses. . . • • . •.NO Erwsuti—No. 150 WATER STREET. I'ittsbur,l4, Ps. IMP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET PITTSBURGH, PA Ilr Engines, Boiling Minila clattery, Nail !Machines, Be torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS, Carroll mad ma/111MM tree ta. =I PITIVISIIILG 11, PA.. WILLIAM SMITH, KAY UFACTUBIB or CAST IRON BOWL PIPE /JR GAS A.24D WATER WORKS My Pi pes are sll east lovartably to Pita, In dry nod and 14 feet [recta. Also, NU assortment of revers' Castings for Gas & Water Works I tsould also call t►e attention of Sakertstantl eats of Oss Works to all make of UNTO6T6. ENGINES, BOILERS. &c. FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND T NVCCEUKS. CARROLL AND SNYDER, MLNEIYA.CTIMILILS Or riCIMIRINVITLIALLITIE T in i e Ems, OIL STILLS AND OIL TAMEN CHIMNEYS. BHENVISINO AND ASH PANS. II TTLINO PANS. SALT PASS AIDICON DSENIrPLPES, OASOMETZMI AND MOB BUILDS* PLUSON DOORS AND COAL SHUTIML 01111. and Werebouse. earearr Soma! Tlitrel, Short sad Liberty Street, P.TTRUOROEL PrfTSEMEGB. P. NV Orderssoot to no above address nUt b promptly attended to. otta:49 HUGH N. BOLE & CO. Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St., I= Engine Builders, Founders and Mannisetore STEAMBOAT ENGINES and ATION ART ANGINAS, of all Anna Special Mulatto. rotated to oar neer STATION BOITL ER I . L ofrelr I Em . s NG w N r E AND PORTABLE CASTING of every Ond. male to order atmar Foundry. on S, THIRD STREET. brelurr Kneel. RIGS for OD Wells. SHAFTING, PULLEYS. HANOSNS, HOUSE and TOBACCO sCNEWS add IRON BA TOCO pRESI. on hand and made to order, t the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, rroutlug . lb. Alltglmay Elm. teatime Pala PITTEDIJAGEL PA. rzeTra O'HARA BOILER WORKS. F. REPHAN & CO., MArtaffetofon of [IMAM BOlLEfild, OIL TANKS, STILLS,AG IT ofoliS, SALT r MS, 0•130111TICV25. OLT LING ANo. PRIOON DOOM, canceisre. Bo /CHEN- FLEE BEDS. 40.. Cot. of Second Arena and Liberty Bt., partng done promptly. Untora mot to Om above address trill Ott promptly attended to y _ P. RttPHAII, fantatAY • SNYDLIVO. O 3 •-• WEL BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, HOIL 110, 99, 94 AND 99 11= sT Raving lamed • lards mud and faredebed It wrih the moat ePeromo meetdatee. as are pre pared to mamas. tam every demelptlon of BOIL- Eto4 Um best emote, end ermeated equal t w o en 7 made la tbe metre. Calmmys, Smelled, rt. Beds. Stem Pito. LO