The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 08, 1869, Image 1

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    TtiE" '`GAmTiti
Of re, 84 and =B6 Fifth dwentte
JONAH uso.
H. p. REED, •
Br sainq r per ye.
Dativrred by carriers, per week.••• • •:;•••/sci.
gittsbral etapttf.
U. S. Bonds at Frankfort, 89f
PEI - 11°MM( at A.l3tWerp, firm at 61Ir.
411.1. D closed in Now 'York Saturday
at 128t(31261.
JED.SET hai'done well at the late
election,,aphoagh she did not do hatter.
Her have, gained one titian.
her In each Legislative branch, and con
ildrr theomelyes 'certain of, dialing a
majority of both next year.
GovEtSOli GSLIIIr has 'signed warrants
for the execution of tWo convicted mu?.
denim Yields, .at Williamsport, and
Dunkin bbrry,,f at Butiereire , tierii irtit'ot
December. These dread sentences of
inatico ere to b 9 carded into 'effect with
the privacy rmintred , by existing laws.
Tun Lancaster journals announce,
by way of warning to the Republican
legislators. and to .the people r -Ahat.
certain patty in Mit region are getting
ready a set of 4 pinch' candidates'," to
brittearward at Rani/burg this winter.
We suspected as much, when one of our
own city jon.rnalsintimated, a few days
since, that an Eastern candidate would
be brought out for an übportant State
oftice, now held by a citizen of this comity.
In no quarter are fhb plans of the
"Pincben and roosters" better gilder
stood than by our neighbor Whose East
ern colleagues will stoVtbarle his India
action for letting the cat- unseasonably
out of the bag. Itla in this way-that his
garrulity often denims Lis malice.
er or Internal Revenue have given great
umbrage to certain commercial and busi
ness interests, but tt 1e talc to supposethat
Mr. Dox..ino construes the law as he
finds It, and that be subscribes cordially
to the Presidential ides, that the en
forcement of illy .conceived legislation
is the shortest way to recta' Its amend
ment: But Mr. Delano has eyklently
Involved himself in some political
dl er
encea'with the Ohio Republicans, in the
matte; of some obnoxious appointments
there,-la 'Which it is of'conilderatde im
portance 'that tho eciestions at Woe
shoi44. to. settled With the least Possible
delay; The "opposition that, to,Oheie
appointments, the Commissioner has
beentnfluenced by hbikiwnperiiinal
piratio . no, for the &material' War now oc
copied by Me.. Sherman, doe" not teem to
be generally iecepted among the ' Ohio
Altrnoso russounE is applied to this
Supreme_Court, toaecure a final decision
upoti, the Yerger - case before Congress
meet The next step - will be in the ar.
gement upon the; petition for a writ of
*ban earptar in aver of the criminal.
With the_ writ granted would come
the Miring upon thii legal merits of such
tretstitas GenertilArnealpartnike..liere
" worddittethedectstie tut,indiettion; Mufti"
the practice in that Court does not recog r
size the -vaitteity - intiesititwhich , isicaen
seen with inferior tribunals, it will be
ro PO with -Judges
hovieiter well inclined to the democratic
view,.iso teaccelernie ZUfatteil la - co scam
the murderer's final diselarge, 1n ,the few
weeks now Intervening before tho corn
' menet:Meat: of the soden. t Whin 'we
s oleo eomider that the judicial inclina
tions might outran the, udicial courage,
we shall &include that there is really no
danw Di any unseemly or unusual haste
in the Madam
K T EI.. leap, on , * 28th uli, John L,
Brenton, tonkenten ou the A. V. R: Ft ,
was instantly killediry being caught be
tween the bump: s Crean while-el:4,gal
to coupling.
Mee &min •P. KEDDATt. a- rennet
botcher there, ben • present - id a piano to
the Soldiers' Orptan School etaittemille,
which:the had parclumd film the lEM.,
seeedif of Teeniting•tont. , •
• Oen Raided; a conjurer. Is in the Cam•
brit. county , 'jail 'at 'Ebensburg, for as.
multidg an ollicei in Johnuown. ' Some
of our ucrely.cidangeeme not-fevers.
Ilyimprease 'With this magician's lute&
shy in.the matter of pitying bills. -
flu- -- Tumday morning lad . William
stoat was found dead& the Pennsylvit
•rallroad track, near the station at
Greenitug. The cortinet'e jury were
Linable to decide-flu to the. manner or
auto 'of death. but If thought hewn
struck - by a:passing" tab. Se lived on
the Jennings' .fares, :near by, ,Wits ag
about thirty.years, and leaves s farotly.—
The Altoona Vindiarfor's "stmagebut
true tale" about the sadden transition of
a youth named Stewart "fromnoverty to
opulence," has been slightly modified by
the ',.genisburg rttryroph. One of the
editors of that , paper • bard- of the
• "turfing°. freak at fortune" nearly a
month aka • and called °Pon R L.
.11uencli, --- Esq * mho was said to have per
formed Important service in the way of
.sontiring the 00,00000% more; or less,
but was astonished to hear bite (Mr.
,declare h "
e Inew,nothing of the matter '
,Telegraph . editor Bays that -should
young Stewart be - the only heir ho this
immense feriae° lying - in the Bank of
England forno many generations. and
.'everything true as reported, it' Is' doubt.
tnl .whether he •will> ever 'secure his
wealtibas!...Erigkuidis Whlv he
(Caning tnisettdngs • t
the Vatilla - of her large teaks belonging
to citfmemef this country, .gruerellY re".
'mein furre."—as,the Telegraph man
keevra alittle•personal experience."
hoWeSet."4 o Ikea ,not cheese to,
- Tiis rum; vt:thalivverx appOinted by
Oth Gothraideer on the Indian concern of
the yearly inectinp of', The Qnsta•w ,
. have published airport of-heir visit ?o
the tribes, and•hsve submitted to the In.
dian Bureau Rome saggestions al to what
they consider the best means of improv.
I A ! the Indium They recommend : •
•L, That theNationat Government coin•
ply faith:rally and liberally with all tta
trratp s tipu , atlons.
That they ea allowed to remain on
their present reek:Tationa
3. Tue ease oflan, 4 vof the reSezTall ollll
only to exemplary, mor: 11 0 6112 dua llo n s
4. Moro lightijdj; road detudincesia the
lodise ledges, 'soda hospital on each
mervidlon, with a female geminate of
medletce as matron..
lodustrideschools for the educailon
of the children.
6. Teaching' , the English language
rOminently, in ord6 to qualify them for
.flitlzenebip. -. •
1 7. Thatthei, ;adios be supplied libel ,
withletekftudopelsto break up all'
their prairie lands.baChtkeber and !flus
h!r tribuild houser;twork tlicitlautt and
perform all the work which 111' 4 141*Cf.i. 1-
may do on their fare* and haves . oeft'
veteat, Judicious persons for a tlme:' , .4.
encourage them thrrsini and give them
the needful instruction:
./t. inane In tbe Treasury Department
at w at tithaton ben the vicycn . of a
izmei „ e lk Ile wee corrarpondlng, es be
t h ou ght, with ti yOUrig lady residing in
the Intertor'of New York &ate, of mu m .
be boaamo enamored on Teriac
sinstaterm.^. After some time, - havin g
matik-,eundry.preeente Se lee•Plove
andetschatiged tbe"tvadding-li ng, Mt 4,4
-covered to Ms many 1111 4 the coke=
pondence on the part of the =Plena &Jr
• 0110 Wll3 conducted by a MIA clerk In the
Interior Department, with the :of
--coktfolertne In the NeW Pak taltrii tits
, young lady herself knowing nothing of
the arrangement. Not a duel, beta law.
talked Or.`.
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' nupdiriplar
Secretary of Legatloni Ileprl
- General Orde r—Totnten and
Whisks Seizures—Fractional
Currency—Won't go to the
Waft —Talapoota Falls with
Setiftd arderkrillot iti a Col
orkl trinich=gratemen t Con
tradtcled—lmportan t Circu
lar Letter.'
WAMIINOTON. D. C.. Nov. 6, 1869
Secretary Fish has called the attention
of the Argentine Minister to the card
recently pubilahed by hie Secretary of
Legation, denouncing General McMahen,
and Intimating dipiotnatically that the
thing wee distourteous and uncalled for,
and thaethe Argon Um§ Republic bed not
treated General McMahon with the re.
apoct duo his position when he pused
through there on his return home. The
Secretary of Legation Is In considerable
trouble over the matter.
The following general order has been
issued from the headquarters of the
Hereafter no squatter or citizen wilt
be permitted to enter or :ea* upon a
military reser cation, unless h@ be in the
employment of the tiovernment, or per
mitted by the department commander,
In which casethis raaluence thereon most
cease upon his being duschwed or the
per miesion withdrawn. Department com
manders will exercise general super
vision of all military reservations within
the Limits of their command, and will
use force to remove squatters and cree
ps:seers, when In their Judgment it be
comes necessary. Where parties are
already , in peeseselon with veinal:de Im
provements, the department commander
will alum an investigation' to be made
and eubruit each cube separately for
By order of the SeemMry of War,
Commissioner Delano has written the
Mowing circular letter to Collectors of
eternal Revenue: "The re:Lie:gut this
office in regard to the addition of water
to spirits has in some cases been mime
deratood. It has been ruled that the ad
dition Of pure water to spirits does not
constitute rectification under the law.
Some dealers have construed thin role as
.giving them the right to withdraw part
of the tiplrita froth a stamped package
and fill the same with water without
changing the marks and stamps of the
package. Such dratking of a pan of the
spirits and tilling with water, it wilt bo
observed, destroy the Identity bet
ween the package and Its contents, as
show!! .by the map" ...and marg s or.
brands;aildis effect 1 change Of pea
kages. bile It la the conceded right of
a sealer to reduce the priestelf bleepirlts
by adding water, he can only do so by
adding the requirements. In regard to
the ebange of package's/bets part of the
- spirits are withdrawn from a package
and the package tilled Mtn water, ti
held to te a constructive withdrawal of
and calls , for an obliteration of
the stampeand branda, thoestrioas in the
ease of actual withdrawal. This dune and
the package filled with water It 11111,1
be Rugged, stamped. marked, or branded
the 93610 69 If the aplrde had becu chap•
ged to an entirely different 'package.
• Whenever spirits are forted to .vary in
kind and proof from that emir' in the
sumo and brands on.the packages, they
should be seized. If the mbiappretteu
stun alluded to exists in your district,
you wilt plesseptke the node .s.try step.
to werea: it.
Line lest night as services were being
held in the Ozdored Church Mission,
where a revival is in progress, it disturb
ance moat between a portion of the per
attending there. 'Officer Itowler, of
the Eieventeeutktirechict, ordered the
rioters to chimers& IL, was resisted,
however, ant officer-Brown, of the acme
precinct, came to hiricssistance. As the
officers were attempting to -arrest some
of the matt notorious of the ruffians
they were euddenly set upon by
a gang of ruffians. their Wespona
taken away, and thee ware fear
ally beaten. home held the of
cora while Others, beat thane with
clubs and atonal others again infliction
severe gashes with ittitVeaag t.rors.,
hoer Boirwti'e head Is out iii W vest pia
cea, hinew broken;inid• the lopricei on
Other portions of the body-aff, an revere
tkat Ida recovery la doubtfuL
katvler's Injuries are very severe. As
1111 MtWill- of the riet.yeached tile.
{solicit Metier' the whole force of the pre
cinct was ordered out, but on arriving
at the church the rioters had dispersed.
Four of them were arrested, and slx
'or eight tadre iirektioet On the pet We.
&isthmus - 1 . OnarTnADIOTED—TUE cvna.
Commodore Higgins and Surgeon Mc-
Nulty arrived today from
N. C./on their Way to Now. York. Tile
&neon contradicts a statement which
been published to the detriment Of
H gulps. The facts aro that before low.
Angt Montauk Point Higgins was severe
ly injured in one of ins eyes by the part.
dt , tips haweer; end'ohen he reached
imington was suffering severely from
th effects of the accl4ont. The Surgeon
suggested that Higgins' wife ehopld be
sent for to attend him, She well Oslo
graphed to come tO.Wilintrigton, but In
stead of being there when the vessel was
seized, she didpot arrive till six days at
ter: The probabilliy to the Cube will be
bonded; at least her owners were, et lest
,accounts, engaged In proceedings with
r that end In view. The- Wilmington
"orYester.saknl l2 favo ra ble of rms go mI r In 2
the °Meese .and crew of the Cuba eon
ducted themselves daring the Judicial.
Proceedings, and elate that two of thous
held to bail havealrestlyADS , Mist city,
mid the others under holt& will soon
folletraleOlat New
7DhAdeo AND WlLlear saumna.
Superviik 'trailer; 'b!' Pennsylvania,
has Waved tha'.arrool of Pompeii
for selling tobacco with coonierfelt
stamps.. The :Supervisor has also or
dered the. seizure of the wholesale liquor
zestabliebtrunir of Henry igithati for vbs.
laden of the Saw. There wore two hun
dred barrette - 0T raw spirits alum* the
The steamer Telopcosa loft bore Lo-day
for New York, dpd with freight, for tioe.
ton and Porvitnonik - Navy , Tariff, and
thence ,with ettaled,ordent (pr - en un
known destination•
r-oinnt ESTABILIBrum
A lobby, Infuriated In renewing the
reciprocity with Canada, hen been entab.
Jibbed In Waehlngten, and tne tariff iron
llavo.pooorne alarmed.
- nanCTIOn runnenc4.
/111'1080641.0f fra feral currency for
the week' anionnt. o 11,289,1100;
meSA $359, 1 124:, tint redeemed,
WON'T GO T 01,794
The President and taidnet to deyys ile.
alined an Imitation to‘ attend the °eon.
ale State Fair
s 4.
Railroad Aceident.—The nthle-schsot
Case Again . Postponed—Bruiser glicu•
enity Betturd.
levee% to tee Plttebastaillaeeile ", l
CINCIIINAT Ploouoilesql reseen.
get Whine , Central Bled
+melted filtilitineemotive at three Welt*
thla .',nftelMeon. The roar passenger ear
was smut t ed. The paaaangors escaped
by jumblng out, and none were hurt.
The Moomotlye was damaged,
The feather homing of the cue elklean•
tog the expulatonor the bi l
ee from pu°
imbecile was posponed udge Storer pil
to the twentymlnth imeant.
The .Ailen McCook. dilneulty About Ike
Stakeholders is probably Bottled.
.7PeSt t O V S oB . lll.l4lg F ri V '
PirteitaPit alba nitititegb iuutt.'S
Benumnuna. Nov. 8,--Doe. Germy has
ironed the death warrant of John Fields,
coneterad of. murder to Tonoming
Vanty...and,Z.Nhary „Saylor 110ekor •
PoTrYe •eaneitted:ottnarder In :Batter
coupty, both of whom are ordered to be
executed on December 4th. the former at
7 /12 " 12 Poj i *4 the latter et Butler.
A Victimizer in Durance—An
Dztraordinary Verdict —Pea
bed I's Remains to be Interred
at Delivers, Mass.—lninuction
—Decision in litnkruptcy
Princely Offer—Committed
A Millionaire Marries a News-
`paper Folder Fiesignation
and Appointment.
ny Tei<gr.pb to the VlLtaburgh Uuette.l
NEW YORE, 'November 6, 1860.
One C. A. litepoons has recently. vie.
Asized several persona by pretending
to Fell them United Buttes Bands at re
duced prime, in order to ralee money,
which he pretended to ho In need of. In
each aim the victim found that a bogus
five hunaretfdollar bond, on Lion coun
ty, lowa, had been subgtituted for the
Five-twenty bond. Two dupes appeared
against Stephona to-day, and he was re
manded for trial.
A most extraordinary verdict wee
given to-day by the coroner's Jury who
eat on he body of Archibald Mitalam-
Testimony was giving of a moat conclu
sive nature that %Moros. Jackson
orally shot Doanlam dead, on the dash
tilt; nut the Jury :brought in a verdict
that the killing was done is aelf-defenee.
The coroner, lioweveri.committed Sack
wail to await the antlers of the Grand Jury.
AmaxKUM Pageogure by the steam
ship, City of Parts, for Liverpool, to-day,
were George Peabody iluffeell, nephew
of Wel late George Peabody, who goee-to
bring the remains of his uncle for burial
at Danvers, Macs.
Governor Rudman will preside atllto
unveiling of the Vanderbilt bronze
status On Thursday next,
The injunction restraining Rl3lO d: Co.
from setting ninety thousand dollars In
gold, purohased by them for J. E. Par.
dela, ourtng the gold panic, bee been
A decision wee rendered to day by
Judge Ingraham, from whach It appears
that Orel, atter an answer hint been put
In a suit, a discharge in bankruptcy
may be successfully pleaded as a valid
/....onard Jerome has Men, Med
dle Morgan, reporter of cattle marketa,
tvretny thousand dollars to establish a
rldtpy school in this city.
Robert Cmrk, formerly Colonel of the
13th Br 'ea 'YU Regiment. (rot the 14th,)
arreced for ..untimlty to the late atu•
pendent, counterfeiting of revenue
anunpa, found bail In E 25,000, and
has probably emigrated.
Walla, the burglar 'rho shot at Mr.
Wilson, thin morning, because the latter
remonatrated against having hie bourn
renbed, belongs to Cleveland, Ohio. It
_ .
appears that be was aecompanted by
three other burglars• who aucredrd In
getting clear with some 1500 worth of
plunder, Wells was this afternoon fully
committed (or burglary and attempt to
The reeignation of Mr. McElrath, .
Appraiser of Merchandise fur this pest,
was :tempted by Secretary Thou:-
well, to take ofTeci on the :WM et Novem
ber. General Palmer, assistant appraiser,
has been appointed in his place.
Ssdoc Pratt, the mit honsire. artse mar
ried yesterday to a young lady named
Grimm, recently erupl•ved as folder in
the office of the Turf, Ftehl oar/ Form.
TIM Female, Maniac lituraerem—Farther
Proceeding. of the Lutheran Evangel
' teat Cauncib—Dr. ['sealant Proposes
the Erection of a Llaculecteal nemluary
at Chicago.
Ory Teler”l..e to the I . l:tetargh (I &tette.)
NOVelliller G. —The maniac
mother, Mrs. Clark, who murdered her
I three elilloren in the h wreMp of Eden.
Marshal conuiy, lowa, on Tuesday
...laming last, and thou disappeared, has
returned to her home interim absence-of
three days. Daring the Interim:3MS I
time search had teen made for her by i
hundred. of people, and the icemen was
about to be abandoned when oho end.
denly r et.urr adet n o'cawk
eventue Upnn seeing her lather I
and mother, she drew uraci:, en; on Laing
called by her name she became conscious
for a moment, and inquired for her hue.
band and bate. .fhe called for Mod and
ate rarmoomny. She weep unconecious
of what bib happened Once last Monday.
She was taken to see her hatband this I
morning, but did not reimpose him, al
though constantly Inquiring for him and ,
her babe. There In no doubt that when ,
alto committed the deed ishe lease maniac. I
The Council of the Evangelical Lu.
therm! Church of North America met at
Moe o'clock. The report of tbe Com mit
tee 0n Foreign Missions was taken up
and referred toe special Committee.
Rev. Mr. Ery reported the following
order of business. First, Emigrant Ml..
slop at Castle Garden, New York.
Second, plans for Syatamatie Benevo
lonco. Taint, Music for Service, end I
Hymns of Church. Fourth. Sunday
Smoot, and Sunday School Literature. I
F,fth, Parochial Schools. filbtb, Con•
neMian of other Synods, standing on the
basin or our symbols. with this Connell.
Seventh, Geo. raphical Redistricting of '
Synoda in 'Jounce:Sion with this body.
The report wan accepted old eppro, ed. :
Rev. Dr. P....vacant, of Pittsburgh, '
fore I the following re.iolutinns:
Bcodoed, That in the deliberate J wig-
meet of this Cooffeit, the time ha. oome
when the Waetta of the Lutheran papule-'
Don in the western States require the
ertablialunent at some central point of a
Theological Seminary, whore the future !
ministry of our American, German and
Scabdlnartan Churches maybe educated
together m unity of the common - feith
ootsboaed and malntalmel by this body. I
Reaolced. That the General Connell of
the Evangelical Lutheran Church of
Au:tenet, in linmine acknowledgment of I
its Inatatty to carry forward this groat
and diffimit ondertakla' to a successful
Issue by Ito-own revolution and errangth,
nevi,nlttelese. to coolltient reliance upon
Almighty tiod, and Ilia promised grace,
does now, IA the name of Senna Christ,
and alone for Bin glory, solemnly revolve
to take the neceesary Steps toward the
ostabliatunent of such en institute.
'ilesWerd. 'Chat a Committee of twelve
persona be appointed by this body, with
eutbonly to obtain a charter from the ' :
let:denature of Illinois, at its next ass.
Won, for a Theological Seminary, to be
located et or near ten city of Chicane. '
and ale" with power to receive proposals'
in reference to If. location, and to ore.
pore a constitution and bylaws, which
' shall he submitted to this oody at Its
neat Couvention.
These resolutions were Mani:mod by
Rev. Pas-savant, Rev. S. L. Harkey, Rev.
Brobst, Rev. Wens,l, Bev. B. M.
Betitgocker. and Rev. linnkehanati, until
the close of tbe tgornlng session, and
thou laid over until attar the dercossion
of the answer to Pope's letter.
At the afternoon session the reolotione
Introduced and dlacceteod in the morn
' ;pit session were taken up anti- passed
twantellovely. The Seminary is to be.
eataolished in Chicago.
A barge attlolllt of property and money
boa bran already encored in this city,
and elsewhere, for the prom :mutton oldie.
Proceeding' in the irivlth Convention.
'TOM raPb ro me I'Vlsburgb 6ltZabl.)
PIIILADtLPIEriA, November o.—At the .
Jewish Convention yesterday Rev. Mr.
lllraah pronouncvd an eulogy on the
late George Peabody.
A resolution was adopted recognizing 1
divorcee decreed by law where both par
the-consent, but where lamed against
only one party, it :Mall not be recognized
as valid unless doomed In anzordanoe
with Judaism.
A resolution was pained that the com
mand to marry the widow of a deceased
brother, and of biting Off the shoe. has
bent fur un -all understanding, validity
and binding force.
With referenoe to circumcision. the
following resolution was adopted: The
male child of a Jewish mother la by ita
birth not heathen the female. in sword
and, with a principle never disputed In
Jad al , a member of the Jewish corn.
Resolution were offered• to dispense
with the. ceremony' of , clittimalalon to
proselytes to Judaism.
Ala% prepositions In reference to the
Sabbath end mixed marriages, the eatab.
Ind:meat of a college, and the mediae'.
‘ tlon of the 'Rotatory laws, which ware
ili ti referfial to committees, with lustre*.
tt Mrepert to a entoeutiard C.oufer•
t 3 P'• •
VO (tattoos wore appointed on the
qiiestiOns of Public Worship end Man
ta Rehniens..with );or. gabgrn-akebalr.
mambo Sabbath Ob.ervences, Tlr.Adler,.
Chairman; ori`kichool and Congregations! •
Affairs,. Dr. Metall. Chairman, end on
Retreat tinestions; - Dr. Hirsh. dialtmen.
On motion of Dr. J. M. Wiseytbe Con
vention resolved to meet again next year
in Cincinnati.
.&..+ •
Examination of the of and Crew of
the Submartee So. 13—Women's gaffe
rage etecting—Death of a Publisher—
Local Inspectors Inveitlgatlug the
Stonewall Disaster.
Illy Telegraph f , • the I Ittanorgh Glletet)
ST. Louis,/ Nor. 6.—The eatamillatinn
of the officers end crew of the submarine
No. 13 was do lend to-day. but nothing
differing meteeially from what has been
previously reported was brought out.
An the witioeises testified to about the
name thing, that there were no
evidences of life on or about the
'wreck when the submarine pus
ad. Josep t t.H. Cann, a merchant of
this city, pt. Patentor, President of
SI. Louis s td t New Orleans Parket Com
pany. Wm. H. Badger, agent of Mobile
and Ohio Railroad, and others testified
to having known Captain Washington
many years. He has always boron
a hign character as a humane man, and
stood at the head of his profession
as commander of boater; has been Captain
of some of the beat boats on the western
rivers; had taken great interest in ant
tering and destitute itch lo; bad taken
them on the wharf boat, and provided
for thorn, and nursed them in some
l essee when sink, even with contagious
, Musses, &o. The examination will be
! continued on Monday.
The Woman's Suffrage Association
hold their firat,regular. meeting for the
fall and winter this evening, and ap-
I pointed a Committee to revise their eon
! raltetlon so as to make it broader in
scope and more effeelive In ite operations.
Meanores were also taken for lecture!,
during the winter from prominent gentle
! men anti !members of the bar of,thie
toffy, for Or against the extension of suf
frage to woman. A proposition to send
delegates to the Convention to be held
at Cleveland on the 24th Instant,
for the purpose or farming the
Wonasn'efitarage Aissociation of A mart
' ea, elicited considerable discussion,
nod Involved the expression of diverse
°I:dolor.; in regard to the 15th
ra Amend-
, meet; it being Undetood that th e Cleve
land Convention was celled In the toter
j este of said Amendment. But the mal
-1 ter was compromiaeo by agreeing to send
delegates to all National Associations.
The following delegates were appointed
to the Cleveland Convention: Hon. G.
I'inkeniburg, Hon. Inane H. Sturgeon,
Mrs Alfred Clapp, Mra. W. T. Hazard,
and Mrs. Ada Fiala.
The publisher {{cif the Miasouri Preaby•
terten, Aaron V. (or, formerly of Phila
delphia, idled here yesterday of neural
gia, a disorder Mr. ('ox has bad a pre
sentment for twenty-tiro years past that
he would die north 1864, and although be
ham born mutt laughed at. he has clung
to the belief very tensetously, and it has
been veil fled.
The local board of annisrviaors and
inspectors of steam boats! have been in
vestigating the Stonewall rfln and
have taken a large amount orbmtlmony.
A report will be made to Mr. Hanford,
the supervising inspector. as stern as the
drat engineer recmversaudiciently to give
his testimony.
A prelemlnery mooting for the urgent
.tion of a noclety fcr the prevention of
cruelty to Runnel.. was held !art night;
a committee was appointed to pre
pare an address to the public and
to OM a enrist.itulibp by laws to
be submitted to a aul.,quent meeting.
John O. Saxe, who ham been spending
a tow days here, 'stilt lecture for the
benefit of the Publie School Library to
morrow evening.
Arrangements will he completed in a
few days for the transfer of with.
out breaking bulk between the Iron
Mountain and Mobile and Onio Rail
road. at Belmont, Mo., and Columbus,
An Omaha dispatch cars the total re-
ceipts of the Union Pacific Railroad for
0.-sober wore eight hundred and so
cosy-nine tbnnoand and ninety-two dot
lars, en 11341.1. , 18 Mier September of nne
hundred and twenty•llve thousand dot.
ot.t. pal 1: .r nwn
twelvo of thorn comer, lett larit evening
for the ea.vt, mutt for Europe.
Got. Hannan serenaded—He M•tn •
t ill - rdegrapb to the rtullou•gb lisa • 1..1.
mit-v z, November th—tiov. It. dean,
boa night. In the course of his opecch in
response to a serenade by the Jackso
nian.% sold: .1 Dotiea that most of the
radical papers In Albany and New York
are geeing .Wbat will tboy do with lir
that Is with the victory. I am hardly
diepoeed to tell them Just yet. I prefer
to give them a little time to digest the
returns, and when these are fully
digested we propose" to give them
some Information as to what we
will do with It. In my ohaervatione
I have found that knowledge soddenly
!legatees' Is never very profitable; but I
wilt tell them in gene's! terms one or
two thing. we propkee to do. We propose
to !mike the Legislature of the State of
New York honest., and that le whet they
have net done for Keno Cline. Wo pro.
pose to use the Legialeture for the pur
pose of promoting the lutereate of the
maim of the people. which the Radicala
have not done in along time. The Even
iuy Journal stated that for many
years there have been a few men In the
Republican Leghtlaturea who could be
bought. We will chow them that In a
Democratic Legislature there will be
none of that kind. We propose to give
to the people of the State of New York
all over the right of Reif government.
Wo propose to abolish such haws an in
fringe noose the rigbut of to-catlike, and
secere to them the right to goy
ern themselves. We will not abol
his such laws and give the people
wreathing worse, but will give
them better laws. We propose to
mate the State of New York and the
Government In all Its Orem:hes theregle
ly Dernocmtic. I am aware of the reapon li
ethllliy this victory imitates on me aa
the Executive of this State. I realign
their magnitude, and I will not say I
have no fear of them, but by the help of
the.people and their Representati eel and
all the good counsel I can net, I hope in
my sphere to so discharge its duties that
the people will approve Inv action. I be
lieve the Leglalatury willett la about to
assemble and legislate upon the
effete. of this great State will act with
snob wisdom and discretion as to show
the people of the St de anti country that
the pomocraey of the State can be as
moderate in their hour of victory as they
have 1.4t1 pail. nt In the hour of defeat.
We will be discreet and tolerant. We will.
I recognise honest men among our adver•
aerie.. We will deal Juetly, act honors
bly and promote the great interests of
the people of the State of New York.
Who hive demanded and worked a
ALBANY, Wivember 7.—Skilled deter.
fives on Saturday arrested In this city
and Troy parties implicated In the late
extensive espreas rubbing on the Central
Rallrevl between Lae city and Fonda.
One of the parties arrested to Chula" U.
Conklin. baggage man, who was once
before arrested to Now York and die.
eharge4 . gpon a writ hunted by &Judge of
that clef. 'lhe prleonpre were all call
raad men, and have been taken to Ponds
for trial. 4 portion of the mnneyatolen
ups been recovered, and there is a fair
.prospect or gpttlpg the illence. The
actual less has been greatly over-esti-
Mite& ,Furtber developments will be
made Id a few days.
Brief News Ile= from the PACUIC Coast
CNyVefmarAto the PittebarpthAeg. I •
SAN FILANCIthO, November B.—The
free letter delivery system goes into ef.
fact about the 15th of November. The
city Is divided into seventeen districts
A portitin of tfte_mrders are furniebed
-with horses.
Seven murders and suleidee occurred
in the city dunes the past week.
The number of entitle' naught to date
the present season wee one million and
sixty four thousand.
The shock of an earthquake was felt
Lai Ileeldaburg yesterday.
Den. Sanford, of Miami. has Leaned a
proclamation for volunteers for the In
than war, to bp artuad and equipped by
the territory.
Rich placer gold mines have tmen dis
covered in Sonora. Panics leaving Tile
con for the mines ere promised - promo°.
lion by the Mexican Soldiery.
New gold diecoverfee are reported on
Findley Beach, Pieter River.. British
Columbia, which are said to weed In
richness the Cariboo diggings.
Rlour In good demand for -export at
itanogsga Whoa* quiet; good to
choice 01.501101.57%.
Lei* ten , ders 70 durhigithe week.
,neutal Double Ulu!der
CifforFOTTErmmi. V. Nov. 6.—tdra.
Solomon and per eon, livingg about
tones Limp tam, were Matadi murdered
bun Melt. they were found IW. morn
ing with their beads apt open. No en
yogi yes =Kip.
FOUR O'CLOCK, 4.-111.
"Daily Sege" on the Death of
Jr. Peabody—Sickness of Vic-
for Emanuel Confirmed—A
Leavy. Claim for Damages—
The Problem of Africa's' Ge-
ography Salved—Queen Vic
toria Opent the 11 etv Bridge
and Viaduct with State Cere-
monies—Pastoral Leiter on
the Ecumenical Council—
Disagreement Between the
Spanish Progressists mug the
Unionists—French Electoral
Mk clings Disbanded by the
Police—Victor Emanuel Dy-
in g•
(n) itlegraph to the Plttshoeith ti..htth.)
Losnon, November 6.—The Deily/yr.,
says Mr. Peabody was not a man of Im
pulsive, emotional benevolence. but
ratherof Judicious, widely spread benev
olence. His liberality was not posthu
mous; he gave from his own aubslancw;
did not surrender what death wrested
from him. His services, bogi to his
native and adopted country, were fit
tingly and graciously recognized in royal
letters and the thanks of Congress.
Merchants passing his statue daily do
not ne.d to learn from the consummate
loan of business how to gale money.
His career may teach them bow It may
be wisely spent.
Sir Roderick Murchison publishes an
extract from Rev. Mr. Kirk's letter, se
••We may Infer that before this
Dr. Livingstone has eatialled himself
sehether any of the Mouth Andean waters
flow Into Inks Albert Nyanza. It this
' determination is arrived et he will have
solved the problem of African geogra
The Queen opened the new bridge end
viaduct to-day with state ceremonies.
Crowds thronged the streets, and the
i houses In the neighborhood were gaily
Y....stv, November 6.—Later 'deices
Mate that Klan Victor Emanuel, of Italy,
la very slat at Florenra.
Prince Napoleon will depart for that
env to-morrow.
Decker delete an indemnity of 17,000,-
001 franca fur damage caused by the
French government..
P•nut, November 7.—The Archbishop
of Purls has leaned a pastoral letter on
the Ecutnentral Council. It malutains
that the French Concordat is opposed to
any daelaion of the question of the in
fallibility of the Pope Jtbout discus.'
Mon. t
Two electoral meetings wire dissolved
yesterday by the pollee. Both amours
tillages diepersed outetl.l, Offering no re
sistance to the °Meer.. -
Hingt Rost:dad arrived In Paris last
night and addressed an electoral meet
ing. He Is nominated forth° Corp. Log
lamtlff Imm the First ward of Paris.
Ledru Rollin has accepted the 130111i
nation to the Corps jillgislattf from one
of the Part. diatricig thout, however.
taking the oath of fidelity to the Em
Dlatsochne from Florence announce
iliac King Yjcior Emantial le dying. The
Prince and Princess Napoleon hove been
summoned to his nalnide, and have lets
fur Florence.
MADRID, NoW6thher .--ThstantOrdata
show elana of dlaaZreement with the
progreaslats on other points besides
the selection of a king. namely, nn the
oath to support the onuatltution., and In
regard to the election of deputies to till
the vacant seats In the Cartes.
CONSTANTINOPIAL, Nov. 6.—lt t an•
noureed that the Sultan will not attend
the opening of the Suez Canal.
LONDON, Nov. 6.—Thts la a holiday
and Stork Exchange!. closed.
Fawn]: von.; Nov. 6.—Donda firm at
PAR IS, Nov. 6.—Boonie Chit at 71f: 70.
Ln•eawwL, Nov. 6.—Ckittrus market
dull: middling uplands 12d.; Orleans
; calm of 10.800 bales. Whom:
California white les Sd , red western
Us., and rod winter 9. 4.1. Flour: west.
ero 23a. Corn 295. Oats 3a, 61. Pras
49a. Pork 112.9111. Reef 00.. Lard RM.
6d. Cheese 69.. Ilsonn 86.. Rosin;
common 6a. 6d. and fine 10. Spirit..
sPetruleurn 1150.1. and refined ls. 9.1.
Tallow 46.. 9d. Turpentine 27., with a
declining tendency.
Louriox. Nov. 6 —Tallow 46. fid. Lin
seed Oil: 29 pounds Cs. Spirits Turpen
tine 29.
- -
ANTWERP, Nov. e.—Potroloam Urns
id 61 sit.
HAVRE, 'Nov. B.—Cotton qulot and
steady at 147 W. on spot.
11 A M EU, Nov. 6.--Yetroleum opens
at lbs. Mar Bsuons 4a.
Bay.mmv, Nov. 6.—Potrolaum opens
•t 71. 24z.
Halms., November 6.—Ncroing.—Cote
ton closed dull and cmcbsofted on spot:
and 135 francs Cm low middllors saost.
A STUMM'. November
Petroleum closed firm at 61 si franca. •
PA RI., NOV. 7.—Bourso flat. 13.0231.601
7lf 20.
FIIARKPOBT, Nov. 7.—U. 8. Bonds
heavy. Ptvo-9rtenttee, 89m.
Goy. Seward at Gondalsjara—Ha Is Er
erlwbore Received wen' EntbaHauls
—Ha was Gape Heft at the Uty of- alex—
leo on Me Otte last.—Plational aral State
HAVANA, November 7.—The regular
mail steamer from Vera Oros arrived at
this port to-day, brinatig dates from the
City of Mexico to the 29th October.
Governor Seward had arrived at Goad.
alsiara. He was everywhere received
with entbuslitem, and he was expected
to arrive at Mexico on the 4th. Grand
preparations are making to revolve him.
Reports of dlaitentleas among the Min.
lstry are unfounded. They are deter
mieed to rise or fall together with the
lc is reported that Americans In Mex
ico are displeased With the course of
Minister Nelson.
The disturbances In the State' of San
Lois Potosi haveceleed.
Gov. gostrnente has resigned and Tre
vino waselected Governor of Nuva Leon.
The centres of the Capital gives . the
population at 180,000.
The :Sorel ffeadsrude which pro
notinceid against the government bate
been defeated.
Norton & Co. have presented a memo.
rial to Congress to lay a submarine cable
' between Mexico and the United States.
A force of 40 teralry IWO given as
an wort to Governor Seward at Jalisco.
An accident bad occurred at the le/11
mine, at Guanato. resulting in 7 hthleg
°t wine Inners and dangerous) wound
' log of seven others.
Lerdo de Feida will probablrform a
new cabinet.
• • • -
The Li 6iglo newspaper advises M.
fiotnein to reafEct hip position -an -being
beyond We =minty.
jd. Manuel ataaalddla ho been appoint•
ed Minister of the Interior.
A special dispalch to the New York
/Jerald from the City of Mexico via Ma.
vans, states that the groat exposure and
change of air has caused Mr. Seward to
fall and, consequently. he is not
p-• sato reach the Capital until the lat
ter part or November.
A Dlvoreed Maitland litumta tibrCoruter
ife old then MOWS hU Owti Brains
. .
us" T oomph witiartugnueri
01031 , 0 o.November 7..—Charles WWI
residing at Carrollton, ?Slob. who ha d
separated from his with, Eittnritsy paid
her a trifle. shot bar dead. and than shot
himself in the head. At twit accounts
he Was elm but would probably
senor lb, VagabondBl`h t.
TEQT, N. Y. Noyember o.—Don. UM.
say. • worthless fellow, entered the
bowie of Mrs. Dodge, In Idtepbentoini.
Ibis county.; potent/Hs sod nilderfd*
to untrue her, when she sallied so axe
enstand spilt Me head open. He Wed In
tly. -
Meetlog of the Advocate. of Home Pro—
tertiots—Speeeheo and Rowlotions.
air TrlegrAptt to the Pittbbargti liarette.)
DET R rr, November 7.—A meeting of
the ad v aces of protection to home In
dustry as held at the City Hall hod
evenin . The hall wee well filled.
Speeches were delivered by John Burl,
Senator J. 7.1. Howard, and (I. IL Steb
bins. That of Mr. Stebbins woe mainly
a reply to the arguments made at the
meeting' of the previous Saturday
by Professor Perry and General
Brinkerhoff. He admitted that the
tariff should be simplified, and many
more articles placed on the free Hat. He
thougnt it savored of egotism for New
England College Professors to come out
to teach the people of the Weat. Be
stated that free trade In England had re-
duced one In twenty of the population of
that country to pauperism. Strike down
our tariff and tiles-eine results will follow
hero. Resolutions were adopted to the
effect that while approving the Deices
eary reforms in the tariff, we would
keep in clew not only the immediate
wants of our revenue, but that protec
tion to Industry and dove/opt:nem of re
sources by which the proapertty of the
people may make secure the solvency of
oar government; that when • decreases
of revenue la leasable we favor the free
admission of tea, coffee and articles not
produced hero, and retain dutlea for pro
tection and revenue on articles we can
and do produce; that it would be en In
jury to American workingmen to adopt
a syatem that is denounced by English
A resolution teas adopted inviting the
advocate. of free trade to a Joint discus.
elan. A committee was appointed to
form a Protective Tariff organization and
the meeting adjourned.
Trial of Rev. Smith for Drowning Ms
Wife—lle will be Acquitted.
;RI Trlegraph to the Pittsburgh 0 •t a te
Caticacio, November 7.—ln the trial at
Geneva, Kane county, of Rev. Isaac R.
Smith, for the murder of his wife by
drowning her In Poplar creek, In June
last, the prosecution clotted their case
yestarday. The evidence Introduced
was only eircumsusnUaL The principal
circumstances against the prisoner are
that the stream wherein Mrs. Smith was
drowned was not more than twenty-five
to thirty feet wide, and from seventeen
to twenty Inches deep; that it wee scarce
ly dark when the occurrence took
place; that ho had 19.000 Insu
rance on his wife's life, and that ho
was building a house at the time, bleb
weld coat him 15,000, while his salary
was only 1140 or 1500 a year, and was
without other income. And further,
that the acoaunts he gave afterward of
the accident were contradictory and uti
reconcilable with each other.
The defence called ea a altruism Mra
Benton, elater of Mrs. Smith, whose tes
timony was strongly against the pre
sumption that Smith had drowned his
wife. qj
Tbo Cuurt adjourned until Monday.
Tho prisooor will be pretty certainly ac
Brakemen on • Atrike--Coal Trains Cot.
ilde---No One IvJure&
(By Telrgra ph to the Tltlebutgb Csagethe.
Pour Jgavie, November 7.—The brake.
men on the canton:l' division of the Erie
railway are on a strike. One of their
grievance* la that the ootnyuniy have die
.barged a number of brakemen who
'parthdpated In the brakemen'. !strike
fonr months ago, and they ask their re
instatement. They also protest against
the employment of man for $1.75 per day,
and have various Othftezpmplalota. The
strike commenced this noon. A meeting
of the brakemen is being hold thin teen.
lug. General Nuperintendent Ruck,
came up yesterday afternoon.
The coal train No. 2 ran into the rear
of Mai train No. 1 one mile west of
Lactawagen, on the Hawley branch of
the Erie Reiland. Tbo engine and nix
care of tralunNo. 2 were demolished.
The eogineer and fireman escaped by
Jumping from the engine.
Cf.srmtuswo, Novamberts-rA @pedal to
the Herold from Rent, Ohio, say. a most
destroolve fire occurred there at two
o'clock:this mina•„ totally, d'eatroying
thn boaon w houses of N. C. & D. Davis,
Jeweller., the Morrell Block, Mrs. R. I'.
tietto) 'a millinery, J. Bethel, stoves and
lowers, and Ray d Ward. dry good*.
Nearly all the goods were saved. The
total 101 a In the building. was about
1112,000. (June fully oorered by humor-
AD Ca .
- -
The steamer Alaaka, from AlsoMasan
bas arrived al New York.
—aangatne Grecian Charge de affairs
at flan Franciaeo, was sernaded last
—The'Danlith Connad la shout to for
ward to Denmark a 'Quantity of aeed po.
—The weathor In t`anad* Is cold and
gloomy, with alhAnChos of snow north of
—The Meitner City of Brooklyn, from
Liverpool, arrived at New York on Bun•
day afternoon.
Frank M. Nixie's., U. S. District Attor
ney for California. hari forwarded Ma
rosigration to Washington. .
—Hon. 0. Basoom, New York renal
Commissioner, died at White Hall on
Sunday morning at four o'clock.
—Fourteen deserters, °Doan.] in the
barracks at Omaha, knocked down the
guard on Thursday night, and esmsped.
—The schooner ,Erie. from ?deaford,
wont ashore MAT Uollingwood, Saturday
night, during a heavy blow. No lives
—A scouting party left Fort gander.
on Thursday to scout for Indian. that
have recently committed depredations to
that vicinity.
—Four inches of snow fell yesterday
at Covington, Va., and t.iroarusboro. N. U.
The enow atorm ammo to have followed
the mountain range.
—Thomas N. Berry, a well known
lawyer In Baltimore, was found dead in
bte room Saturday afternoon with a die
charged plata' In big hand.
—The Directors of the Grand Trunk
Railway were in Uncial:ma Saturday
morning, probably to secure • western
oonnection from that point.
—The schooner Gerritt Smith, of Oswe
go, bound up with railroad iron, is ashore
at Itaudean. The schooner Metropolis,
of Chicago, is also chore at tho saute
—Tho United libelee Astronomical
Surveying party which went to Scher.
logs Straits several months since returned
to San Feanchico yaiterday, on their way
tq Washington.
--Saturday night Miss Ellen Rammiy,
daughter of Mr. Prannia Ramsey, Super.
lutondont of the Welland Canal, while
attempting to Omni a bridge near Halde
man, accidentilay fell off and was
—Thomas McLaughlin, Frank Malory
and John Flannigan have been arrested
In Boston, each charged with attempting
to poison the trotting hone Frenchman,
owned by the Morass rortor, and valued
at four thousand &Wads
—The St. Louis Vipt‘bikon. glvoi tho
following as the complexion of the State
Constitutional Convention of Illinois, as
shown by; the latest returns from that
State; Ropublioatss, 42; Democrats, 40;
Conservatives, A Independent, I.
—The New York grand Jury Is stlll In
vestigating the gold conspiracy, but
there ti • larger array of witnesses In at.
temlanse lb there was at trot. No in
alotments h ve yet been prom:tied, and
It hi feared t e whole investigation may
prove a far , 7
—The t o bridge of the Kentucky
Central (tau over Sank creek, five
ulnae trona Covingtoe, was horned Sun
day aftern 13. It was about one hon.
dried and 11 y feet long. It Is supposed
It caught 5 from a locomotive. It will
bo reatored mmedlately.
—The wo ii. of sinking the heavy Iron
columns for,t he piers of the Iron railroad
bridge over the Missouri river at Leaven
worth, was bommencal on Saturday.
The work on the approachan th the
bridge had been under way far three
months past, and la-now well adraneod.
—At Johnsonville, Tenn. on Thurs
day night, D. Ford, • brake:man on do
Nashylllo and North .Weslarh fiail mu t
while plowing from ono freight car to an
other felt between the two and was run
over; his legs mid arms were unshed to
frygmeots. Ho died twelve hours Om
the accident,
-,-The following are the earnings of the
Union raelfle Railroad' for October;
Government freight, 011,297 10; Trans. portation ot thorn, 1728 91 ordinary
freight, 0163,660 16; plopenger reee/Pts
for &Wombs; s77,OUo—totat... starrihnra,
Total ineresseover &Warn
• .1., 11a020 16. Lead Wee for 0601:004
$O,OOll 4% lumber of acme, 19,161; re
eelpts from sales:of land to date, 0317,-
1.14 r 71i—tota1ringitier °tures aold, 15,635-,
Addresr, Delivered by
In TrMalty Chapel, Pittbburgh, on Sun
day Morning, November Ttn, ISM°.
In compliance with the request of
nay Rev. brother, the rector of this par-
Isla, and in accordance with the
expressed wishes of several old
and faithful frit nds, I propme to I
deliver a brief utterance on the deeply
interesting occasion on which we are now
assembled. I felt a strong desire to say a
few words on the laying of the career
stone of this edifice, but feeling tharefew
persona then present knew, or if know.
lug, remotubored. that during a portion
of the year iti2.s 1 had charge of Trinity
Church. though ao appeared afterwards
some who were on the ground were dia
appointed that I was not among the
speakers. I thought that It on the whole
would be the wiser course to "hold my t
peace." But whether I shall always - be
equally discreet, remain. yet to be seen: I
for, should "the spirit move me" on
some future occasion to let my voice be
heard, I may yield to the Impulse of the
moment, and then plead as an ex
cuse the happy audscity and charac
teristic garrulity of advanced ears,
fearing lest my silence might muse me
to be placed in We category of those
"dumb dogs" of whom the prophet
1 speaks, who "cannot bark," or assays
Le Pere Hyacinths, quoting from the
Vulgate, In Ids letter to the General of •
his order, "canes mutt, non valente.l
In the sermon preached at the farewell
service in old Trlelty Church, the rector
did me the honor to nay. in view of my
having 'been left by the Rev. Mr. Hop.
kin. in charge of the parish for several
months, while be was engaged In the
Ram in personal solicitations for pecu
niary assistance toward. completing
the tower. in a resolution thank
Mr. Hopkins for the suooesaful
manner in which he had discharged the
duty assigned bite, the Vestry also
thanked the Rev. David Cook Page, still
living among us, beloved and revered by
all, In most cordial terms for his accep
table service. during the absence of the
Rector. This kind recognition of my
relation to 'rrinity Church, I conker,
deeply affected me, carrying me back as
It did to the inception of my ministry In
the ancient and honorable Diocese of
Pennsylvania. Yea,forty.four years have
elapsed since, a young man just twenty
four years of age, looking anxiously In
to the future, and not knowing what
arm to befall use In the develop
ments of my ministerial life, I
stood before the altar of God to
Mt. Stephens Church, Philadelphia,
and received at the hands of the moat
Reverend and now sainted White, the
holy order of Damon's, followed, as It wee
the ensuing year, by my ordination by •
the same venerable Prelate to the c® ,e
of a Priest. And I now, with a most
thankful and smelling heart record that
Christ's gracious, promise to be with his
ministers always, has never failed me,
bat that I have been sustained In every
trial, cheered and comforted In /very
sorrow, left not without many hap
py tokens of a successful ministry, and
standing forth thla day a living
monument of incomprehensible and
wondrous grace, I rejoice In the an
promo felicity' of bearing this pub
tic attestation to the truth of that'
declaration of the holy Psalmist, "Hap. '
py la the man that bath the God of
Jacob for his help, whore hope Is In the
Lord his God, who made Heaven and
Earth. the Sea and all that m them is.
who keeoeth Mercy and Truth for ever."
A. I nee this morning, I was glad
when they said unto me," We will go In
to the House of the I.ord. Our feat shall
stand in thy gates, oh! Jerusalem! Jeru
salem Is betided ass oily that Is compact
together, whither the tribes go up, the
tubes of the Lord, unto the testimony of
Israel Pray for the peace of Jerusalem,
they shall prosper that love thee. Poses
he within thy walla, and proepozity,wltn-
In thy palace, For my brothrerfand
and oomtsanlona' lake I will nosegay
peace be within thee. Because of the
house of the Lord our God, I will Seek
thy good."
Thou vein world and with all thy
pomp and pageanh retire. Dare not
wt tt any of thy low tristailtlew, tbyenrdld
cares, thy pitiful pretensions, thy Mean
jealousies, thy vulgar aspirations, in
trude upon toe awlui nolemnities, the
heaven d. soended glories of this conse
crated house. Begone and leave us alone
with Christ, and with God.
And now I have no more to say but
that, ever since my retirement from
the more active duties of the ministry,
I have felt it peculiarly incumbent
on mo to abound much in
intercessory prayer for the Rt. Roy., , tne
Bishop of this Diocese, for the Rev, Rec
tor of Trinity Church, for my esteemed
successor In Christ Church. Allegheny
City, and for all the pastors of Chyiat's
flock in the See of Pittsburgh, and espe
cially In the Immediate vicinity of Ws
groat civic eentte.
And this is the burden of my prayer:
f Cheat, thirst arnetleetth
'T -t+•t • ear prayer. ar. beard, and they
NV teat eta this have the ...erg! el Vitae.,
t reel thta au theta erearyenty.
Oft aa Si morn, or soothing ev •, • a
oat , tar Holy Von, they loth:
Tbrtr fading garland freshly w
Or fen Warm WI h Ibis. ran eae.
By trit of l!ght and Mob, to thee
rug , ot 'rant tot. In that totitltx boor,
tbey art t, open htart and tree,
Tract, ,a 1 thy word In all Ita power
When rumen .s , ch .belt tooth by night,
And miun tuns lor,d o'•r moor ud
Ana 0 : when war atd ite.d they algh,
With that more hull:a war within:
Whet. aaalun•• gloms are load and high s
and it ...Paw o'er retnetabored
The war. dies down: 0 inns attest then, ..,
Curse sv• Mir s l umbe r ing near.
knot wake lore again. SfF
Ppirit of timrs most bolt f sr.
(Sao Kebte•e Chantal) Yet]
Jadiro alelloo'n Charge to the Last Jury
The Sootembe r term of the Court of
Quarter &salons was brought to • close
Saturday, in the matter of jury trials
Judge Mellon, who has presided_ In
this court during the term Just closed,
and who will retire from the bench beo
fore the commencement of another term,
took occasion, upon discharging the last
Jury, to make • few senairdeobservatiemi
upon the important subject of trials by
arty, M follows:
GICNTLEXICN or TUC Junt: Oar tale
for the term are Drought to • close after
nine consecutive weeks of Jury trials;
and now, after twenty years at the bar
and ten on the bench, and won about to
retire from both, and you the last Jury
which I shall officially address, I must
embrace the opportunity to add the toe•
timony of my experience in favor of the
jury as an Institution in the admlnlatra•
Von of Justice. It atforde tribunal of
the average talent, Intelligence and bon.
esty of the community, to which no
member of snob community can reason
ably orject to althea!' his cause. Drawn,
a. jurors are, suddenly from the body of
the people, there 1a no room for the ex
ercise of undue influences, or the growth
of that Indifference of decision which pro
longed Intimacy with litigation la apt to
produce. The condition, of their take
I necessarily produce a speedy ter
mination, of the ocuitiorersyt their
ractical common sense protects
justice from Injury by the •needle
points of the law, whilst their Intimacy
with every day life and (diameter sup
&ea a better and eater criterion for the
vestige/lon of truth than can be sup.
plied by the rithithary rules of proles•
glgual learning; and the uniformity of
decision required affords the peoursary
degree of care ap4 comideration to so
core ;outplay It Is remarkable of this
lustitution ' that during centuries of pro
gress' and improvement in all other res.
peels the Ingenuity; of map hat been
unable — to suggest any important tut
priivenietit In the line of trial by jury.
improvement Oneida Solely In the
improved condition* of the eciratermity
from which the jury Is drawn, and- In
this way it la always equal to the fano
ilorott4ls to perflarni.
Iu countiOn With I* burnall intibtetitnie,
It is liable to error,' but with all Its tubs.
terms and uncertaildies it la incompars.
bly supsdor to anyi other method which
has ever. been devimd. The deism utt•
certainties, complications and ',Apar=
incident to chancery fsefl
dance of thia, And, indeed, if that prin.
• rival, pecnilar to POunsylvantejudapm.
deuce, yin the adWilnistration of equity
through the °amnion law forfts, was
more liberally applied, our etadmery
practioe - would be Much morepreseribed.
than it Is. The jury. trial ..bas always
been the conservator of individqql right*
and liberties, and the chewp,,speedy and
reliable redrepaor at wthnipit..•
Should derroption ever otempread our
Gantt, other times. lb other - Wide,.
L 1, 03 11 17 Will doubtless - W*43nd then, as
Meye rmum. hair been, the last sanctuary or
O. 259.
Supreme t mart—Full Reuel.
SATCHDAY, November 6--The Supreme
Court met at 10 o'clock A. C ; present, a
full bench. The fo:loalug Madness was
John U. Edmnedson was, on motion of
Thome. Ewing, duly qualified and ad-
mltted to pra ct ice In Due Court.
I,nrig v. First Darman Evangelical
St. Pant's Congregation of Birmingham.
D. C. Argument ooncluded by Miller for
defendant In error and by Burgwln
Kauff vs. Mummer. C. P. Argued by
Stade for plaintiff In error and by Miler
Dollar Sarin; eti Bank re. Aschelman.
D. C. Argued Burguin for plaintiff
in error and by N •staon contra.
Ardexto Oil Company va. Riobartiaon
et al. 0. C. Argued by Burgwin for
plaintiff In error and by Bnlraacontik.
liamptou and
bletrlet Cuurt—Judgc•
SATURDAY, November 6.—ln the case
of 11.11debrsad vs. Blumenhagan, pre
viously reported. Verdict for plaintiff 113
the sum of $2OO. Motion for a new trial,
and reason filed by defendant's counsel.
On motion of S. Soboyer, Jr., Esq .
Jno. C. Newmyer was duly qualified and
admitted to practice In this court.
John If. Mueller. on motion of Thos.
Ewing, Esti , and George W. Oci.hrie, on
:notion Of James Kerr. Esq., were duly
qualified and admitted to practioein this
In the case of Donahoe TH. Pittsburgh,
Allegheny tie Manchester Passenger Rail
way Comiany, motion fora new trial by
defendant's counsel.
Roberts vs. Doff; motion for a new
trial and reasons tiled by defendant's
146. Denny vs. HoHerman.
193. Johnson vs. Smith.
199. Lamb vs. Tlndl.
212. West. In.. Co. (of nee vs. Dravo
137. Ilershauser va Maul.
7. Gangwkeh va. Sattig ct Co.
121. Groynne a Stoneman va. 11.1'Clarzen
181. Klette vs.. Klette's Adm'ra.
quarter ISessiona,-Full Bench.
SATURDAY, November 6.—ln the case
of F. Reese, the Jury returned a verdict
of not guilty.
Verdict+, of not guilty were rendered
in the folowing cases, the prosecutor'
falling to appear: Nicholas Domby, lar
ceny; George Kirkpatrick, felonious as.
wait and battery; Henry J. and Mary
hicCionly, felonious assault; Michael Sol
liVll.l3, larceny; Robert Henderson, lar
ceny; Thomas Smith, felonious assault
and battery.
Wm. ft Lewis, orWest Elizabeth, who
plead guilty to milling Honor without li
cense, was sentenced to pay a tine of po
and the cost" of prosecution.
W. C. Rafferty, for an assault and bat
ery, was sentenced to pay a fine of one
dollar and coats.
John Marmon. for desertion. The pris
oner wax discharged by the Court, with
out onus, for want of Jurisdiction in the
Ann Mimetic, selling liqucir without
license, wan discharged on the payment
of costs.
Anther Aroberg, two charges for sell
ing liquor without license, was sentenced
to pay the costs of the prosecution.
—Mrs. Joshua Yocum wait= Saturday
Indicted by the Grand Jury of Peoria
county for the murder of (tyros Yocum,
her brother-in-law, at Etrhiofield. Peoria
county, on the 17th Inn., Yocum was
found dead in the house of the prisoner
with two bullet holes throtgh hie head.
It was supposed at the time that he com
milted salpide, but subsequent discover
ies mem 16 implicate Dirs. Yocum In the
affair, and in accordance with the evi
dence the Grand Jury brought in a bill
of indictment. It is said a criminal In
timacy existed between deceased and the
—Tbo tzke National Bank at Wolf.
born. N. H.. was broken open Saturday
night and robbel of all Its valuable con.
tents. including money.~ noire, bonds,
and private deposits. Loft large. The
bank was organized in May. 1865, its cap.
list was and it bad a considerable
surplus. The loss will fall neavily upon
private dePositorz.
—The Rochester (N.Y.) theatre caught
fire in the green room Saturday morning
and burned to the ground. Several
Mores adjoining were damaged. The
total toes is about fifty thousand dollars.
Thomas Carr, manager of the theatre.
loot all hl■ property, and barely escaped
with hie life. Davenport loat part of his
—The owe of Henry J. Koppers,a
newspaper correspondent at Havana,
who was arrested by the authorities for
conveying news outside the jurisdiction
of Havana, bee been taken In hand by
the British Consul. Mr. Koppers being
• British subject, the Omens In the esse
have been forwarded to Lord Clarendon.
TaOMPSON—Oo Normal:wrath. Bier , Mytle
or Jamer.a. Tjtamtwor... to the 3114114 year of bet
rho tweetal VIII take place from the rechlenee
or her hesboud, 104 Ohio avenue, AlLegheni
CRT. ra DAT, (110hda1, aoe. 101., at 4P. v.
The Mends of the Wetly as* reopeetraLle Invited
t s attend.
1E1.4 TT, MON & ll* ILL MIMS,
lladeriaa•rr, tom., ol rink arenas sad
"not. Plltsbunrh C.. 11.1.. sit Studs,
Shrood• Crain•uid wore.. and 'every dryad,
than of [lnnen Pornb bin; good ll:mashed on the
mon r minable tonna In lb. elhy. Hoarse and
("imager rulahed. VOlo. open dsp and • I In.
ALEX.AIiEIi• 1115119Eit
stecren, Pa COPNINS 0141 Ir.lada,l2l.l.rle
OLON - 5.., and c• ery description et ?emend lc,
a.set rig Goods taralsbed. Booms open day to
usristiaress— Ran. Davie ECT. 0.13.. liar .2
W. Jacob's, D. D.. Thom. , Swing, Lac_ J..
• /dales. Ego.
num.. • f dAN DUSKY' STRUT AND ciftrark
&VENUE Allegheny_ CUD eaten 11eleCtDrt)
da,0316 a: e conetantly_aeppllad ‘lO. real al t
1udta . .....n0 Do: c.o.d. Mahogany and Waled
Coale, t pzecee Dem AS to t3o°. Et
egr , Pre=g , oLlternmil i t.arsea k ra CD.
Noog. Dezited. men iteltto=.
and Idea.
Carriage. for guairala 14.00 - ' Casa
COFFIN!! sad all Fellersl
dated rata..
NOON, on the Illie t the Plttabbriti and
Itatiattestte Hallway. • PCCILIt BOOK eon.
Wallas /llgha,-Three y • WV. Tba
bade, vein ha liberally rewarded by leaynag the
game at this *Mee, or at Vane tier S 001tinate•
Marlon art nee. Alleeheny City. neinzall
1;1 3 17/1FAIW3szliv44316o31 , 11pil
Prrrraunott. Plovmv.r 6. 106.9 I .
nuoccron, of Ohl b.% tare till. daT
dectand a dlVldend of atX PL ()ENT. oaths
espltal stock oat of ttot peaks of the lan all
thontas.'ostrable to the stookbolders or thole
legal tepreseatatives. ott d after th e /AM
C 0.;.. fess of al, tastes.
001 0 144 .101111 B. LIVINGSTON. Cashier.
• tl4llsY EVSNINEL Nov. 9:b, it tla
odoek. wilt be sold ny scGoacl Ikea or (loam. -
els. Sates talus. lUol3neltbleidsleerk
4t eh.. bocb.oja Nstlesal Baal;
w. 4 awes Ensue National flalaki•
eSarse NatoJostkl*Sk Vatoesteee:
11= it X....! It "In...14.1"111:11.10
Sod •• t salstwaa.slo. Asetlenese.
13171C/1 43.71)rr Enollrlrtil A I 1 raIIeTATOZ.
Pitt NOT. 1000.
°incr.—The auesameht for
Ursdlna.Paring 14dt:diger WILos , wed—
m 4010 W Illittini , ota. 004 lor oonatranung
postil Wan Isom Allarrsvillealorti_TownalAP
11.10 ttk* lloincrancaritle zinvon. rens , ylo •
101illialrotO. aro sow ratily for cricaoluttoo •
•0 be this erica uttcB TklUltelto• r. •
IBM of filoccrobers, lams .thcr .111
e ll 7 Thirorcr . • orltee fur rein did.
no: VO. IL. Itutlitic. Ctir Zastoatzr.
D%.Tur. , onernier COVUTO!
I,II3TRICT OF P9.99911. , XAM1A. '
- 754Ati BIN•0111C, • liantrap.. erafieri4lie
act of Covent, of 3/ arch 9d. 1931, bating
Minim.; for • dindimmlro w allbstebte.,...d,
rff,:=2:A. hmeraTMOZITX
awl who bare proved their aeide. nada.,
persons. hiUmwted. to stream oath* 971 h .ot
NOV•3 I / 1 611. lace. at 39 waiver A. M. oft
itatli9F3. eia 3 IFX 9 . Fel,'lteit_istaa Sulk.
renter, et 0000, N. 93 otamond Wert,
P/11•0111•0. Ps.. to die, trary..M....
hare. why • di...barrel etuatild lot ha gnotiled : to
the said behkropt.
et*ClClAgtionn• C3h3Zt.,
The Commits.. o. rhavpremerwsu
bids 'with ltUitstrAT.lliti Wt., at S.
for. hirotelitaa And ester 11l plum nem.
FIRT WON 9,141.190 arms* Mt, 11191 tlp
—Paola rodepecteWtoss. taw 011"seihittle 471
part /Mem obtainedet Mot ellee. •
0938L131 DAVID, iI s,
Iwawla as i ma k ij
Is tee toead •od ebeapest eommeretAl sad faml37
vat. lsbea Westero
Strop. sabscrthors.... ..........
Clotol or eve its
‘,..cloria of ten t II
• copy is forctlshed grafoltously cote. otter
aro of a club of tea. Por.masten are n quededl
'NOTICE`—" 7bLet." "Fbr . •
"Lost," " 'rants," "Fain . sit" ...Boarding,"
not exereding FOUR mwimir,
be tneeried w fl ese fbatustiu owes fp
W A ATE°. -.A PARTNER hi a
tr",-s t . 0 .4
sr, svv. Yrowt st.ttOU co ti.1100.1041■1
n urs. e• uired.
0. with uume, 80x.71:10,
WANTED. -4 few shale. of
tn. Manchester nactuns Band Wort.
Zapslra at the Bantle{ Mose, A,laahthlt
PLOTLIEN'T OPTICS, lie.. I It. (.111 Street. BOW 011/La and .11.F.11, tor .112.1•111
kinds or amplOyselit. Pere,. ow:WM
of an Moir eon be eborlted aorta
WANTED—An AG ENT for tbh
v elty to &ell the celebrated ganTßAMill
Ta UTOT ST !lite MACHINE. on arblen ere
beerier.. mom llberd Inala aay oth.Cale.4Bl.
and emanalne at 16) Wood .meet.
K. C. WI Le 0.X., Traveling /watt.
Ith,tIINE, the ouly theetleal Tsust
nitttryg 11.eb1nn ever ,oventet:l. Pates W.
UM kelt 90.0110 ttlthhes per =towel. •d-
Roston, Male.. or et. Loots, No.
410,000 to Loan in More or rmall armosatk
ESI, Bond and Real Estate Brotor„
Ho. 119 Sr, thSeld Men.
per mooch tooth o f
Only ilitANUlrlret_
Chi ticE• PrUcontl lthi Great. ludeoeinanlatb
flints. Tills Is Ins Mo. BoVISar .
Chins or the 063—makes the moons •
Leek Knell i•—w ill do ant kri d or wort that Can
De done en any machtn —100.040 , mold SU as now tuttillocreution how ta *eV
ito take an agency. ete"d fir circular', "Mi.
ware 01 1121,112g.r5...1011 Address IsliCUall
Cu.. Boston. Mn..., Plttabccult . YU, or W.
L. ala i Mo
n-t ........
ET.—A Pleasant itioew
rut Vertlk.6l..• aerptag MVO:
Tozni. Int N. MS LL.wam •tzett.
rro LET.— Furnished or Una
TT . U . I . T rk,o —A Large. tang
C n trar 4141114 ` h " -rn " i111
,Au,.fttny city.
AL rine Parlor Uni Boom on Pena, Voir
niath street. aufunoi hod and with loaai /10
without. Part o. fungtoro (oriole anosli.
Loolara from Ito 2 and 0 to 0 o'dJack-t. 05
J. K. Joll:saToN., No. 50 math Su •
.1 OR ENT —Until-the gu
,lll,y o IL f
AprU next, the two floated lift&
welling Hone, etnitadnitt. Motto TWOOLdllor
ate on the corner 01 etwekton avenue sod War.
*ter street. with want...ached. TO aped tow
ant Inc prennitea te 111 be btt tow. Toqulro of '
909 ceaver Avenue, .11.L19119097.
14411. R-4, FOVNDRY ..tI6D
p - WHINE-160OP. anabe.r. taalltlen
canna kill work and a anon trade eatabltabol.
Addrtaa ••IOQ)WEY." as tali Office.
ron SALE —4 Counter and
DIL4 Laltatrla for a Ilantroa or laimeasera
eLS Can besoon as No. OG 1 , 01:16T8
li l'lttsbarab.
To c:ose a partnership. WAHL 8013!34,
Na. 06 and 90 Third avenue. 34 Met Oath nag
BO root drep; Am. stories KO. 100 mean
.99 , 11 to
011 EIA gines liiid 8611-
.A: era, N tad decond Head, of Alt limb
early ea hued.
Order. from all parts of the Colantx7
Corm r Marton Avenue & P. V. W. t C. LW.
Allexhany, Pa.
100111 SALE. - SOUTH P
BuICH DtVRLLIN la UOUtiltuf LUC. Stu r kso•Mt
And Culla... Caa Pluttuva 11•Orans.and • iltrAl
of Water. Lot twritty 'fort front on C$ 0A
Ttrrvt by ono undrod deep. fliers 1111.0C/0. ,
e• Ins`f ash. -.o3lllodrr In one .14 t•PO
Tea.. IS. CU tIBILIIT • 3O It. 1,9 Wadi itlrev•
A. E.--SHOP Ox: -
38.:10 ,-
boiLdlng, 311:10 feet la be/nd wdollry 4/10.
Oodttry d Ka li...fa:during egrobllbsosos.
One of th e rormbors of the Arm wirtdog to •
from business on account of poor UV
dame deadod to don oal.ttds part at' r.
wag t bargain. Also good will og= •
Pon (0 to 10 Do.. Dow*. tool. ha
4etteu, Olitaest.
geris .sp,e 4:as da.
mom, in num lownstily,
coat, Atl.zhany Poole, R. 11. rasa Ltd=
Twohtnada yard. horn *Wan., /tams Win
roorna and goal stable ”d all otbes
eonaryoul-baddlai*; orchard at 100 blattall
trait tr. as, of .11 hind.; 1( 0 . 1
bor. and scoarberrica and earn. Int
wont. ot roan, qaarry opened; will tilt tat M 4
danced or manalaccarlan eatablahEntAtd:
ander elan, plus. toad Inidientlana 4f
derma water and best landlnton lb. Man all
nal) fraud. Inquire nt A. B. WOO; as the
.ot 33,110 het. on Mato. near Batter sena% -
171.11 +card. (Lagrreneestllo dlstilet)t Mesa II
plessmitly located In a antat and des:kraal. solds2.
Intabood; cantatas 111 rooms, Maudlin, all..
grub andnasta rooms; marina mantles WON*
oat: stucco corn!oes and "Man Dlects In MUM
neaillatle and ball; stone and Iron windowUM
dam . mast LIMA. ,batten, slate root Atte. 7
Ed Mal , a sa astaatlaL ensocalent and sreVotalator
ad boom. Possesama rasa Irantedlstaty.
guano( IL IL WILLIAMS. Roll Estate aae bap
sarattes Assaf. lath Ward, rittarank.
oppowto at. Jotm , a EntanaP•l Chascla• mot g.
. . .
-- ore and Lots on sroind Hit. 5.,.E. .old.
Wire *5,500; 164 sorra our Flee ton SUMS.
5x.000; - 11 mu and Lot, 54 Judos
43.5011; A houses on 51 ,- Intos ItteGet.Sta '',
54 n: A NJ.. and 3 iota In Ylessard Vl3O. ,N,
300 t 6 arrest. Buena lanenatalp On .0r...--
ebero 'did. $6.000:51.10ts on Fresout ableell:
64,000, house and let' la Went, Ilbkr:101,1041 -,
loars *mud to Arneson Boro.11111:0nUl 501116, • ,
and lots , bal4 of Heaver W.I. MIMI 1/1/Iko
tbw eit
and II sorsa to I.l.astretb bony 51.630: , ..
and lot to Brldturastr. Reares - seam
mutat. la rooms, lot 63 by 5110 11110 t - . •
Wm at Fair Oats Mallon, 311 k sass; par - ' i
arr.. Inquire ol
- - EL liVllllllllO • '
_ : _iii..'' ' ' .7
abut Zstate arm; myna tdatO apil It- %.,..
streets. Allesour. c.
PERSON.[.—MII *isms leek.
tate, vlll am Lima troabte and money
min` • dopy- of Ida 6.. .PVITSBLIBUIVIE
e ra
IisTATE liZClLSrlitt.t• ILI, Casa Mennen=
orolll b. tent. by man rats to allyllOWN . Ne , .ll
Parana cammot to get annegpat of
bat lt contains. CRUTT $ pjuLLimer
lulus and Beal Lowe Aalucits. No. LIN roma
••=1:10. ' • -
rime KETT FOB StALII,..Nce. ROI as&
Weableeton street. 40 *.et *ens smAtiper
ray terms sooty to
96 mi 911 Ttad
1 / 1 . 4 " 4" :14: " P 3 Y42 4 f t :4 W "I
as rirru Aviactre.7"
Corner of Penn and Sixth-Etnnts,
NOW co
Bell and Brass - Fiundui.,
Promptly aritir;
Made and Kept on Hand.
.ri v d....ifitaxamecurEsor
STEAM puitik
—Offise, 882 PENN_IIiMM