El littstrat exayttf. CITY °AND SUBURBAN TVs Ooserrig to furnished d" Ou city for ar days of OKI owl for lb effete per week by moil, 'Byer MIMS^ : $ ewe, is rinabargb Council■ will meet Monday aftarnoon, 'November 14th. Sineen citizens, mete and female, aa espied the lock-up at one o'clock this morning. Yesterday afternoon a lady fell from a trairm In Lawrenceville and fractured two Mkt Dr. 11. IL Clark rendered =Meal 'attention. Yesterday Deputy Mayor Cartwright almccritted Jacob Keiser to Jail for ra- MgJaeob has been annoying Eaat y with, his presenos for a few weeks past. - Allegheny Commandery, KulghteTemplara,_wlll be instituted in the new Masonic Hall, Friday evening, November ISM by Sir Knight Robert Rioslen, P. O. Commander of the Siam Triable about an O&M—Yesterday Thouuts Whittaker alleged before Alder nun Butler that John tittles had eworh Ina certain case of Illegal Lie nor nailing; before Alderman Efewen. War rant issued. Large Funeral.—The mortal remains of ltia.a. Carrier, Esq., were yesterday hawed to the grave by a large con warm of people, who assembled to pay WI last tribute of respect to a gentleman Who was IK. much honored and admit ed. Werterdey morning s pieoe of elate fell from the roof of St. Andrew Church, Ninth sweat, and struck Patrick Miele% • laborer, on the head. Wilding painful Injuries. Dr. Ha mi lton 'dressed the wound, which Is not dangerous. Ildlefee Dividend.—D. C. Holt; Sq., Secretary of the Pittatrargh Insur ance Company, one of our safest and mod loomporooo home institutions, an 111011110sit a. dividend of five dollars per abaft boo of tame; out or the earnings, Which will be paid forthwith. indwareaed.—Thos. Whittaker states that Leonard Bdrko maliciously and With evil - intent demeaned himself In MX& a - Canner toward him, that be tears bodl7 at bit hands. Aid. Taylor ithi officer to watt on Leonard and Induce him to visit the office for so exPlarlation. Canna will be a matter of Oar eat htformatlon to some, that hang. Ina hereafter In Allegheny amity will take plane hinds the new Jail, not Ina isiztvand &nameable yard as bezel°. Ina, tbe doomed man was apt to ad& where mid while welting for the tail abLlVag. Ilattenwilw.--Pittsburgh la fairly alive With building Improvements. Brown sad Waite stone, most of the forme: be ing . brouight from Philadelphia. and the hither froth Mastilion. Ohio. are general ly good for front; Iron being almost en. thwly discarded, although equally ae pretty sad more enduring. Was la the County..--From the report -or the Fire Marshall. G. W. Murphy, it mews that there have been eight lime In the want) , during the mdoth of Onto bar. and that the property destroyed emanated to 57,459, upon which there inetarenoe to the amount of P.M; ppibieured SUM • Brutal rather.—lotormation was made before Justice Salisbury, yester- V, hy Ostharine Sloenskl, against her biutd. John Sloenaki, charging him With assault and battery. She alleges that John beat and abused his daughter Is a brutal manner. The soonsed was WOW and held fora hearing. W Mary Caaea—Chlid Hague yesterday =de informations before the _Mayor cbilleug Henry Schulls, Christ. Klotz, Barna Leiter, Mrs. McCauley, A. Ger m@ and J. M. Robeltzer with seUing 11. Boor on Sunday. The actions were In, @Muted to rearver the penalty of a6 O . end a summons was hinted to each case. Dedication.-4r will be seen by a no• tiratelsewhere that the new Presberian Church at Sloornieldi In the Sixteenth ward, Is to, be dedicated on Sunday next. Morning, afternoon and evening services wIU be held, at which the Rev. Dra. S. J. Wilma and W. D. Howard, and Rev. Nrwß. ticilvaine, will officiate The do• radon will be one of peculiar Interest, very large attendance, may be ex pected. raise it epresentationa---"resterday /stub lasdng, proprietor Of a boar ding bones, corner of Bedford avenue and Fulton Utica, charged Francis Courtney before Alderman McMaslen., with ob taining boarding to the amount of twen ty-live dollen by representing be had baisk, which was autmequently ed to be false. A warrant was legued. Coal ,Yard MM.—Yesterday Freda rick Brit:Muter made Information before Alderman Thomas alleging that George Graham had struck him !nibs face with his list. The row occurred In a mil and was . occilaioned It to said by • Waimea difficulty. The defendant was arrested and held for a hearing. He elalma that Brinier used insulting language toward hi m which justified an swan% Paln/311.,—Dr. Reid, late of the firm of Drs Lighttal & Reid, will open an office at No. IST Grant Street, Pittsburgh, from November 6th until the ISM Inclusive. Re will be plowed to meet any of his for mer Ostientsand all °there who may need his liergIC011; in the out* of complaints of the Eye, Ear, Throat and Loots, Catarrh and Deafness Re alec, removes cancers by a new proven, with out the use of instruments. Remember - tbe tints and plane, and call and see hlm. Onnsultatten free. 6 Lamp Faineants —Last night, about i eight Vela*. anelsrm or lire was struck no box 46, Allegheny the Depart. MOW. located st the Ellsworth ne Wtheeis. The alarm was by excitation of • lamp In the residence of Yr. Jas. MaDdealit, Third street. Thelamp had been placed in • chair, and was pat lighted when the explosion atedMal, and the oil was acanared over wtomb. The chair and the carpet In eeter °Ville room wore burned, but ikgther than this no damage was dente Tbali eagtnes were out, but did not go W- O service. • WM la the laielt.ap.—The young man who was hiked to the look-np from the CannedWyllie Depot, Tnmiday evening, bassos of Insanity, pith redness In that ebinfottable itoditation. The nest day after his arrest he bed a laced Miami of about, half an hour, daring which It was amerisinsd that his name Is August Rephengel and that his friends reside In HOW York. He boa been in ES Lonbefur wmtst mouths and was on his way home When the malady came open him. His or lira . Sophie Linda, who resides m .01111. York, has boot telegraphed to red* ties to MO cue. H ie Agate...-our esteemed neighbor, Mr. William Itf. Bell, cif the.manal Actin. Ing dim of Halmos, flan Co.. „ reached hone Yeulards.T. In lbw health. He Called from New York in company with • party of friends on the SOth JOU% and ban, during an 'Memo of four mouths. encased and reerfrowl the Atlantic and "Idled s large part of bunter and Use. UMW Europe. including England. Ireland.. Bectlstat. Frau" Italy, Bea ne:land end most of the German States. A altnore and heartfelt weloome home EMU him ou:all sides. May his shadow Mayer be leas. . LOW to • Rendes UM. ye i gsidgy Thomas Heller appeared WireA3delOtan Thomai and 'made In lbrinaldon against John finrhe for assault and binary. lite Dirties are employed in the ligaystoneltolllng MW. and bad • disputa, when it la alleged Barka over. bla opponent by a forcible argu ment Way of an iron crowbar, which ha wielded vigorously, and greatly to thwdbiondltare of his opponent. The Alderman bawd a warrant tor the ar rest of therannued. There was UMW- VientbrA rumor afloat that Burke had WWI through • trestle work on the Con palhteUta itulroad and seritmaly Waled binsseir. but we maid not tram the re- WM to any reliable MCKIM. === Testate/ afternoon( Alderman Don • midges concluded the inquest on the of the Yawed man who met with Me death on the Fort Wayne railroad on Wednesday. The witnesses tastUled inbreardielly as we pew-the patio:dare with the. exception of the brakemen. who said be observed three men climb. iret_on the train - just before it retched the Oho street budge, but that be did not meth= get orexoP of the ear erste them • JAW the. aeoldent. Ills inppeeed this ape of thernarse the uniertunato vidtm. - The 1 0 /1. after. half dosem. witnomas bad be= examined. returned a verdict waist the deceased. Stlyd 0. Aide°. came to tdo death on Wedneedey evening, No , • vesaber ard, 1860, by being run over by o Win drawn by engine No. SO. te. Tort Wayne and Cbicogo = believing atendentally fell= &batman open the track between QUO and Woe Wed" and thejury fol." gliegoacastas eke appoint of the same gran say blame in the matter. Tie portiots the: dessw4 arrived .alle Etelvieehollin yelderdey mornleg, . irsta/Ped ii/00 0 bay at W 444 1 THE COURT& Kupretue Court—Pull Benet Tnuseney, November, 4.—The Su preme court met St 10 o'clock S. C. Present, a full Bench. The following haziness was traseried: Kelly, et at., va. Boucher, Lehigh county. Re argument ordered especial ly on the question of the want of sataroP. Donnelly vs. White-top Oil Company, Indiana county. Judgment affirmed. Opinion by Read J. . . Forest County vs. House of Refuge of Western Pannaylvania. Forest county. Judgment affirmed. Opinion by Read J., Thompson C. J. dissenting. Commonwealth vs. Jean:ps Armstrong county. Arrest of Judgment reversed and Court of Quarter Sessions ordered to tr( „o .eatti proceed to sentence. Opinion I. Judge Shorewood dissents use in his opinion ..the indictment w de fective in not charging that the cal was for use as a beverage." Pittsburgh and Connellsville Company vs. Allegheny County. and Allegheny County vs. Pittsburg and Connellsville Railroad Company. Ar gued by H. Burgwin and J. R. ker for lislirmd Company and Acheso and Sewell contra. i Unit.% Rtates Ctrcult Court—Judcil Kr OE= The next aerwicn of the U. R. Circuit Court for the Western Matelot of Peno irylvania will commence in thin city Monday the Bth net. Following In the trial list for the term VI HST W 6EII. B. F. 7.lmby & vs. A. C. Sturgeon; E. S. Pike vs. E. and P. Railroad Com pany, First National Bank, Chicago, vs. Hook. dc Gordon; Madison Reynolds vs. D. R. Galway; William L. Gould vs. James HAMM: William Stitt vs. A. & F. W. Hindekoper. C. Moran vs. City of Pittsburgh; Cherry Ron, Oil Creek and Allegheny Petroleum GU Company_ vs. W. L. Cleveland ; H. B. Elligit , vs- Hart" ford Fire Insurance Company; Mr. P. Loop vs. County of Allegheny; A. V. McKeel vs. W. S. Wham; J.• 14. Evans vs. C. and P. R. R. Co.; J. B. Jones vv. First National Bank of Clarion; George W. Dobbin vs. oounty of AUeghey; A. W. ?Aachen vs. City of Pittsburgh; J. L. Worth vs. Ominty of Allegheny; William H. Waite va W. S. Wham; G. W. Dob bin VII. County of Allegheny; Levi Raid man at M. vs. Labs and Shover; same vs. Dane Wilton et. al.; Gordon, McMil lin A Co. vs. Wm. Waugh; J. A. Fulton vs. Montgomery Patton; James R. Smith va. City of Pittsburgh; C. Moran va. same; same vs. same.' J. It. Evans vs. C. and P. R.. R.. ;L. C. Cruse vs. Kit tanning Coal Co. szooglo arsg.g. United State. vs. Charles Montague; .' mania wt. saws; United States vs. James Nation ' two cases; United States vs Jacob Smith; United. States va. Jacob Brown; United States vs. Wm. Foulde: United States vs. Amelia 812nons; United States vs. Jacob Scott, et al,; United States vs. John E. Crawl nger, three MAO& IZZEIZEI G. C. Vincent, et. at., ye. Thou Hoyt, et al.• ' J. S. &fabliau, et. al., va. James Barclay. et al; Wm. fitboupe, vs. Fred. Crocker; same va. D. Y. Hite; Tboa. Vogie vs. D. N. Lathrop: B. L. Fahoristock vs. Jacob Becker. et aL; Jno. R. Smith, et. al., va. Fry, Frasier k Co. United States Court—Judge McCandless. Turin3nar, November 4.—C. M. Ru. pie, of Washington county, was, on mo tion of T. M. Marshall, Esq., duly quali fied and admitted to practice in this Court. The first case taken up wee third of the Untied States vs. Jos. C. Rest, indicted for putting pp cigars In guaranies other then prescribed by hew. A verdict of not guilty . was rendered by the Jury. In the case of the United States va. the distillery of W. C. Keifer, in pursuance with Instructions from the Com udastener of Internal Revenue to the interact At torney, the proceedings were discon tinued.: The cases of the Puked Staters vs. Charles Schmidt were continued to the December term. In the cause of the United States vs. W. C. Morgan and S. Cavan's. the amount of line. were ordered to be distributed between the collector and the Informer. The calm of the United States vs. Phil- HP J. H i gg i ns.lndleted for distilling without payment of, the special tax, was next taken up. On trial. Diane Court—amigo Hampton. Teinuinsv, November 4 —The mum of Roberta vs. Duff, previously reported, is still on trial. On motion of Geo. R. Cochran, Cmq.. T. J. Jack was duly qualified and sci milted to practice In this tburt. TRIAL LIBT.POR FIIIDAT. DM 0. L. Hildebrand vs. Illomenhatir. 137. Hershsawr vs. Maul. 146. Denny vs. Hollerman. 75. Riddle vs. Doff. 194. Johnson vs. Smith. 196. lanitiNrs. Tindle's aduers. 212 West. las. Co. for use vs. Drsvo. 199. Raw vs. Knipschild. Quarter Scsalons—.l ado 1144100. TIII79ISDAT, Nov. 4. —The Ant cue taken up was that of the Commonwealth vs. Patrick. Henry, and Bridget Mur. phy, indicted for forcible entry and de tainer, Mrs. Annie w h enceLa proaeciti trig. It appears thu ooutriz purchased from defendants a house at Ho. 21 Water street, Pittsburgh. They en.beeq=y, however, refined to give her on of the premises. The jury found the defendants guilty. TRIAL LIST FOR FRIDAY. 385 Com. vs. Fred Belt. 153 " John Scully and W 11111032 Curry. 410 C. D. Brigham, et al. 393 .' Andrew and ElizabOth Welsch. 396 1 . Stephen Albright. 373 Oliver Adams, el Cl. 305 " Jan. Canavan.. 65 " Charles Bally and ROSS Smith. 46 " A. O. Walters. 419 .. J. A. Bactlraw. 431 .. Flonince Solivan. 516 .. W Henry Vierh.eller. 4.= " m. Porcine. Ell Hide Kirk. Another Case We mentioned a few days age that Mr. Kinney,Geff, Salt Inspector, had brought suit before Alderman Thomas against a grocer in the Diamond for refusing to allow him to inspect a quantity of lin ported'salt, the merchant claiming that it did not come under the regulations of salt aumufactured at home. The care was regarded as a teat, and the Alder- Mare, decision being against the men chant, it was appealed 10 Court. Since then another information has been made by Mr. Goff, on the sumo charge, againit Mr. IA H. Baird; on Second avenue. The case was beard yesterday and the dad- This,o the Mclennan reserved. to our wholesale- merchants, is an Important matter, as they contend. and apparently with ju stice,i that If the sacks containing the salt are once opened, they cannot be put together again In • proper manner, for storage, except at the manufactory; further that every time the salt is exposedto the air it Is to a certain extent injured, and that the inspection of the malt in the manner prescribed to a waste of an article whkb is valuable, and entails a great Imo upon glum_The decision of the COOL will be lookerfor wilt. Interest. • We Feemameed the following para. grape from the New York Comm.-riot Advertiser, to the especial attention of our street railway companies. We be lieve, that, as • general thing, our street cars are as well managed and comforta ble se can be Rand In spy city of the Union, but there are some exceptions to be made against a tew of the conductors sod drive who would probably be the better of afew w ords of advice upon the 'object: Now that the cold wader Is vowing ' on, the managers of our horse railroads should tee to making their oars as rem. fortable as poadble. During the whiter months they are generally , as uncom fortable as possible, and productive of not a few coughs. colds and other bodily complaints. The doors end windows stead be closely fitted to the casings, leaving no apertures for sir ctursotta. • d every car should be kept =pulled withas abundance of fresh and clean strew. The exercise of little ibrelliabt in these matters will add very material ly to the comfort and health of puree gars. • New GIONM at au Old Home. . E lionston & Bon, merchant tailors, clothiers and dealers In gentlemen's far. darting goods, No. 107 Firth avenue, cor tier Cherry alley, announce that they have just received, for the fall and win• ter trade of Maio, one of the lamed and mod judieiously assorted steam of new goods, peculiar to their Aloe of Mod miss, ever opened la 'bonny. The ernes Mob:am* all the latest novelties of the faahlenable world in tha way of Moths. cassimerna mid walnuts. together with a dna assortment of well made and stylish clothing and gent' , furnishing goods. They propose selling at greatly reduced = hotness. to pew _system in their to sell eta very alight . roalltitt Over cost, and Aim rapidly two their goods Into coOnay. From a llnbalmea knowledge of these.gantleman we can g ar o mmothomioourirrleantsaaen gnent- P/1119ntly Their patronage, they belng botglid and Aotiorable..ln MDR OIL IN PLOW. Vtr s at Citizens" Refinery—Destruction o Ware:waft and.oll—Loss 1311.000 lip Inured. Vesterday afternoon a destructive Ore Jtu - red at the Citizens' (ill Refinery, above the Sharpeburg bridge, which for k time threatened the demolition of the hntire works. The first intimation of the conflagration given In the city was an 4larm struck about three o'clock, which quickly summoned the tire de. pertcheut In fell force to tho scene', It seems that the fire was occasioned by a hot coat, dropped by • passing locomotive on the Allegheny Valley !Unread, which Ignited email quantity of ell spilled where It fell. The dames from this communicated to the gas from the refinery, which, during the prevent heavy ateespbere, circulates along the ground. It spread like a flash of lightning and reached the warehouse located !Diut a few rods from the track, which,'ltn an instant, was • blaze. The warehouse contained at the time between Mx and seven hundred barrels of retitled oil, and the attention of .the workmen was directed to saving It. The fire burned with such fierceness however, that Only about one hundred barrels were secured, the balance, over live hundred barrels, falling a prey to the devouring element, The warehouse, a one storied structure, SIRS also completely destroyed, but as It was located at some distance from the main portion of the worka, the flames were prevented from spreading beyond it: The works were constructed In such • manner that plenty of space intervened between the tanks, stills, and every de partment, which alone prevented, on this occasion, their entire destruction. The company bad large quantity of oP, crude and refined, on hand, but fortu nately the fire was kept within bounds and the damage will be comparatively small. The total lose, Including oil and ware• house, will not exceed ten thousand dol lars, which Is fully cantered by Insur ance in eastern ampoule& The 'elAtizen" is owned by a stock company. consisting of Messrs. J. M. Brush, James Bowen, The Messrs. Mo. Cord, Theodore Tack, I). F. Agnew, Lyons, and R. Owens. It is very carefully constructed, and le con sidered one of the lamest and beat re fineries in this vicinity. The burning of the warehouse will not interfere with the running of the works, as it will be rebut', Immediately and another build. 'nit occupied until its completion. A Pace and Healable Fire hymnal 12=ZIE We do not know any sublect of more special Interest to the general business public an well se to all owners of real en tote, than that of lire Insurance. No prudent or cautions merchant will per mit his place of Ltielneee, his home or household. to remain a single hour In risk from accident• by are, the most de em:mitre of all elements, without having • compensating insurance on which to rely In enaergenciea lint it Is better to have no insurance than to take out poli cies in companies unworthy of cond. Mince, who will battle In Court against paying," cent when called upon to do so. In moat cases the litigation draws frem the assured as much an he can expect finally to mallxa as the result of hie vexatious legal prOceedinga It Is. there fore, a matter of vital importance In theme taking out insurance that they select • reliable and responsible com pany, such for instance as the Continen tal of New ;fork, whiph has through • long term of . yeara maintained a proud and leading position among the raktelass corporations of the country. It can abundantly afford tc bo honest and hon orable, and those Insured In It can feel us safe as possible. VeUb cash assets amount:lig to over two and a quarter million. of dollars, no fire no matter how extensive it might be, or whether the whole country was almoltaneoualy laid In antes,. oinid prevent the Continental from discharging every dollar of its liabil ities. The system ea which the &ann.( this company are managed Inures largely to the advantage of its customem—three quarters of the pro. Ma being divided In July of each year with them in scrip bearing Interest at six per cent , until redeemed In cash, the remaining quarter only being di vided among trio stockholders. It re quires no searching mental process to discover that by this system the custom ers of the company obtain their Maur lined at about what it costa the Conti nental to protect them, and under no circumstance are they liable for the losses. Those contemplating changing their policies or taking oat now Insur ance on insurable hastens, t penal give the Continental due consideration sod call at the Mitre of its courteous agent, James W. Arrott, Keq., No. 167 Wood street, where all needful Information may be obtained. ARI.OtRItRUL OPERA HOUSE. —The patrons Opera Hones had the pleasure of hear ing the Icftingwell in hie aperiallty of the "Gushing Cillorinda," lest even tog, and to -night "Fra Mayole" will* be presented with the Leftingwell as "i3eppo." Go and see him. Perrezolto II TEMA TB.S.—The laves troupe of Juvenile 'acrobats and gym nasts, in connection with the many other attractions presented to the patrons of the Pittsburgh Theatre, by Manager Williams, are drawing large audiences. /imams r or Mimic.-- Perfectly de lighted" would hardly express the senti ment. of the Intelligent and very large audience which greeted the Inimitable Vanderthoff on the occaenn of hie first entertainment at the Academy of Music last evening. That popular reader and perfect elocutionist never . seemed itt better trim, and trout the opening to the close of the entertainment hold the at. tontion of the audieues completely, ex- ' nept when Interrupted by cordial and flattering applause. MU selections em braced every character from "gay to grave, from lively to severe," in the ren. dition of which the reader seemed equally at home, and exhibited the wonderful versatility of his genius. To-night the second entertainment will be given, and as it may be the last op portunity his admirer. and the admirers of toe highest style of elocutionary abil ity wilt have of hearing him, the occasion ahonld be improved. For this evening the following entirely new programme has been selected:—•• Paradise and the Peri," "Gaffer Grey," ..The Destruction of Sennacherib," e. Louise on the Door Step," O. John Brow*. ' "Scene from Sheridan'. School for Scandal," ...the Battle of Ivry," " ( For 'a That and a' That."; "Mr. Winkle's Midnight Adven- tura." 1 • The Tickets are ,but ❑ay meta tio early and secure a good seat, Ns there are none reserved. EME!= Three young sports of Allegheny started out Wednesday evening to make a "night of it," and succeeded so well in their designs that daylight next morn. lug found them, with unsteady and slow daps, endeavoring to make their way up Federal 'trent, bearing with them In soiled clothing, weary gait, and general dejected appeararuso evidence, of their evening's entertainment. This, however, was not all. One of them, wlto occupies a rpom somewhere In the vicinity, took his companions there to aloep.etl their dissipation before again appearing in public. While in the room, fathead of retiring they commenced the careless in sixotlon of • revolver, and as a result, the weapon was discharged, the ball entering the feet of one of teem, who it Is needless to say was instantly sobered up A physipbui was joastily summoned, the boll extr•cted aud the wound dressed. Thep:Mpg wan was Alen siiioweg to . tica copy the apartinant until evening, when he was remand to1)113 hewer TO sect' dent was one und er the circumstances unavoidable, apd no . Inforination of comae has been made, That young mau hereafter will carry a memento of the occasion, which, if not agreeable, may at least be usefal In teaching him to avoid the like in the future. CpuDdeotbki Another matillenee game was devel oped yesterday. Twenty dollars wan the amount which a young man from the country ur ze 'swindled out of by a well dressed, oily talker, mad a hpit-olass con fidence pan St the Union Depot. The youth was t a/o°volt by the stranger to take charge et a lot or berme, which were to be shipped to Baltimore. Afar the bargain, the wo Wok • walk, stranger In a abort time borrowed twenty dollar! until mold get some gold changed, went to bank 'for that purpose, Wenger 'went In, young man Wald out long enough to discover that he was out all around, Just the amount of the loan. pert evening be called upon the police, who are now,n the lookout for the later, eating stranger. Be le not found and likely never will be. Vat fashionable halr•drendng, plain or :haveyliil2, atat a frizzle, for e luxurious. or W.b, and for Adllfal cupidog and leeching, call at Wllltanisonte ple, MitaNlop at No. P3O Federal 0 1 ;0 4 '4. hotly. in:Harem' Clottdair made to order and Stitahlug and Stamping for bread, itc., at No. y 12 Faders! street; near the bridge, =an City, at the Destar Washing DAtre. Lora. apa astaca-81:0) savertlsemata of Kam Bainbow, Beal , EaUite and :Inaminos *Mall 196,17 and UK! Cep' tee mum U. PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER S, 1889 liesltti shd Vaatkloh. There are no two things In the whole ociabulaty of more interest and Imp Wt. nee to Isoleet, than health and faahlon, tor upon them, in an tangential degree, depend. the attractive appearance of the fair sex, and upon that attractive appear• an depends, what they were born for, and what is their greatest' and only earthly heaven, the admiration and love These reflections have been suggested to on by tne appropriateness and advan• rage of a fashion, which le becoming every day more and more universal, both In Eurppe and America. We mean that of sealing furs. Nothing is no essential to the health as well as the appearance of a lady, as to preserve those vital and delicate organs which are altuated about the neck and cheat. Left to exposure they become coarse, or wither and decay, but properly ,haltered from the chilling wines of winter, like the plant in the nursery, they bloom in perpetual beauty. -Fun are not only the natural provision fcy the protection of those delicate and vital portions of the body; but there Is nothing which no gracefully seta of the form, and heightens the attractive ap• pearance of a lady, as alneatiy fitting net of those rich and luxurious articles. A proof of thle fact la found In the great rage which exist. all over the world for this article of winter draw. Nothing is . . so genteel, nothing so oomfortable, and To lady at church or on the street is now considered well dreastil, without a set of • Another great advantage of this fash ion la the durableness of the article. A good sot of funs, which Mats no more than • shawl, will last • lifetime, and while the (cushion of the shawl or cacique will change with every season, the full are always fashionable. To supply this Inestimable article of comfort and luxury, the far off regions of Russia, of lindson's Bay, of Africa, , or of the Arctic Ocean, are taxed. The immense White Bear 0f the Polar region, the Bengal Tiger—the dread and terror of the native reddents, the Seal, the Ot ter and Mink, In fact almost the whole animal kingdom ore availed of,and under the skilful manipulations of our Ingeni ous artlearia, the animal hides are MM. fOrtilAd Into garments, rich, rare and comfortable, which resist the winds of winter with impunity. Among the dealers In Pittsburgh, we know of none whose experience and ex tensive trade more thoroughly tit them for OZLOUSIVEI operations in F'urs, than the } nutty renowed and great represen tation Fur and flat /louse of Wm. Flem ing & Co., 139 Wood street. An exami nation of their extensive stock reveals . . to us ono of the richest and finest assort ments of Ladies' Misses' and Gentle men's Furs we ha ve ever won. They have Hudson Bay Sable, Mink. Sable, Siberian Squirrel, A.OtrOCWO, Per- Man Lamb, and every other variety, from the cheapest and plainest to the west valuable and magnificent sets- Their extensive cash purchases and rapid sale. enable them to sell the same artl. else at from fifteen to twenty-Ilse per cont. less than any other house in this part of the Stale. As no mlarepreitenta. Lions are allowed., all classes of our cit. sets may rely on being salted, and in getting the Famine articles represented o them. We therefore unhesitatingly rooomutend the great wholesale end re. tall bones of Fleming St Co.. 199 Ward street, es the best place to go for furs. They are oponlog this week an immense new meek arteurpaased for lie variety and ezoplience. Poplar Alloy Earlted Yesterday morning Poplar alley, that delectable locality In the Slath ward, was excited by reason of hoMilitio• be. tween Margaret eattln, • do•ky female, sod Margaret Duffey, a white ditto. The cause of the quarrel dates back to • peri od In the long ago, when Mrs, tkUlln of fended Mrs. Duffey and created • fend, which has existed ever since. Yesterday It broke out In a violent manner, when Mrs. finffey so far forgot herself as in threaten her opponent with desspitation, by a painful process. That worthy Im mediately reoognized her adv./moms and at ones sought Alderman Thom., lald before boo an tnformatom for eurety the peace and caused a warrant to be I cued for the arrest of Mrs. Dun.y, a b by her impolitic condrict, loaf all air lege in the dispute. The fermi of Beauty lies to the use of Hapan's Megnolie Balm for the Com plexion. Roughness, Redness., Blotches, San born, Freckles and Tan disappear where It le applied—and a beautiful complexion of pure, sotto-tike texture Is obtaloed. The plainest Mature. are made to glow with Healthful Bloom and Youthiul Beauty. Remerober'Hn's Magnolia Balm Is the thing.that prWoom these effects, and any Lady . C11:1 secure It for 76 cents at soy of our stores. Tu preserve and dress the HAI, you's Katllatrun. baverF Employment tHlses.--tlirla wanted fo cook. and private ramifiee in the city M. J. Long, at :so. 12 Federal atreet near bridge, Allegheny lily, at the flex tor Waalmig Machine (Vim Im Exit otoodes. It is Intimated that the blondes are not to have it alt their own way this winter, as they have had for several years past. The brunettes, instead of dyeing their hair a dingy yellow, and daubing their skins until their complexions looked like raw starch, have wisely determined to stick to their own brilliant and natural attractions, and fight It out upon that line. They have discovered that their at most efforts only succeeded in producing a hideous sort of resemblance to the blondes, who were thus left masters of the field, superior to competition or ri valry. Tide supremacy received a great blow, however, a few weeks ago, at a grand wedding which was considered as Wu glinting the fashionable season. The bean. tiful beads, though not strictly a brunette, was not at all a blonde, but the four brideamalds, all exceedingly lovely, were all decided brunettes, and wore In their dark tresses, only the scarlet flowern_of the sweet. scented geranium. Their dresses were triumphs of art and taste. They consisted of white tulle, beitaione, trim. reed with white satin panlen. The Do. quell of rcarlet flours were placed on the left side of the bodice.—h'. Y. World. Boerne. They weie slutiwd men who consututed the people known u the "bronze race," or the race of men who used bronze tools end Implementa of war. There are virtues In this alloy that we have not yet folly appreciated. We have fine edge tools of It LI we mold dis cover the ancient method of Imedesdng them. Chantrey, the sculptor, tried the experiment, and got so far as to Snake a bronze razor, with which he was wont to 'have himself every morning. Of the durability of bronze we need ray noth ing; but Its property of contesting dam bility upon contiguous °bleep is not well known. In foot, It has may put corns out, In the course of an exam:nation by • French chemist of the public statues in and about Par:s. It was found that the stone pedestals of all those made of bronze were In perfect preset yahoo, while all the supports of other figures had more or less decayed. It was clear that the bronze arrested decay; and when the rationale of Its actions was dismissed, little doubt remained - that the rain-water Stickling from the bronze upon stone con tained a trace of copper In 'elution and that this poisoned the crypt° out pleats to whieb the dish on of atone it probably doe. iNplAtt bratkfill.— be New Fora Farmer [Nub specalates upon the cause of Indian Summer in this wile: The warm, smoky spell known as Indian Summer. which is perhaps more peculiar to the Northwestern Stain of America than any other portion of the globe, al ways o men apes the dent killing frost, not the first white frost, but one which is severe enough to bring down nearly all the forest leaves and kill the herdsmen' plants. The bulk of vegetation thus de. wroyed Is almost incalculable. In ha de. ay this Is undergoing slow combustion. drho can calculate the amount of smoke and beat given ory, or what effect thls must prodpce upon the atmosphereior tell whether that Is not the sue cause of In dian Bummer, In support (Inds theory the patent that when West' were much more extensive tint 'lndian Summer was longer, warmer and more smoky than at lament. 4 Cumet , Apo cid tOll agbmltt the quer lion whether the /ilpolsoP WoOd pore. meat In th at city has proved I stoma or Willie, and partially wawa, it by stating that an far as a smooth roadway is con cerned It is, but he ban some reserved points as to the matter of its durability. Its advocates claim that the pavement Will but twelve years; but portion! Inbt and PT WWI IiPWIMIAL= or gas connect on; rep e al the t some of the blocks are oesoupd, ter• coated surface showing erobothi vrhUethe inside indicated rapid decay froindry rot. These rotten 'blocks, Wm., minet wen give ray_ ter the Irresnrre (di heavily folded Vehltles,'oreven to Uttt, tleld of the bone; aruithts kind of pavement beenweven more uneven on fts galena Wire thitittio Ward paved greet NIIW EtDVERTISEMENTS. MERCHANT TAILORS 2,09 Q ROARER WEHTEBft •I' A(' 1.. TC.42U T r NIWG. Nor. OIL. at . 1 2 2.1.2 on ...man .r.r of ea..- en. , e' Bal.. Har..uaa. 100 matt.] add Fire.. 2.600 star.. eat.ern Penns•.. eras U.. 6.0 1. The par of the rto, ta 43 00 per snare. alt P. 201 In. I. 5.2 051.1 it, 1221 111 mown. 34 ernta per share flosnita earolna2 . 00 0 . 5 O.°. 01 00 .01111aereaall.r. TOI2 Is • handsome dirt druct on an Inveatna.nt of .5! 41,00 par snare, ankh il•sbaa n 1.22.0 t the t ulna rate. 11. e also•• stack .2 to be gold. S. 11. ILWAINK, 1101 anettoueer. TN THE MATTER OF THE 1 applicratton of We rmtn Chriktien Sick Aid Sociei! = In the Court 01 Comm., Pleas. or AIlowheo) County. No. 1191, of 1./teem bet Term. 1909. And no., Oct .her 2. 11481). the furecO'nit 10 . .. steno.tor • ntinn. •declrylng the utdecta, ae. lichee and cvedltio Do, name. .tile odd title of tDe rm. ClArnal o rock Aid nor-tete.. • baying toe. attotod to the curt. and • an lord by the lame. and It appear - log that the oh A c ta. ar t.elea and tondttlooa therein set fortb are I•ar and nut I•Jurtoos to the etosnuottl.,b•C Oct Dexter gold .Anna to leo ed the Yrotbonta -1%14 e " FAtTl ' otTg " n r" ti . ll7; . #l, th tf ', f he m yvv.kv, o no aoraeleat 11,4 , 012 lae 10000 to the eootrary. that load fouler led! t.e pouted the tent tern, of cold Donn. se. co:. Ing ine. LIST OF LETTERS REMAIN -114441N RUCH), •N POSTUFrICK, Nu v.zuboir 5,11169: B Hugh. !no U , a Blackmore !no Hague. Jowpb Raw It 0 Bora. Mr, I Boner" Job 0 Bettie) T X. Irwin 111..11 well., Peter Bryson CP.. .1 Bur,. 11 • Brown Wl. Junes .I , wepb Reid •Whibral4 Drown Thorn J 0... lit los 11 Hagar...no Bower/It, V • ',mato. te o 8.,. Mr. , K Barrett Wm , Janwn Ur V At Untitled. Row Brat V Jame.... 311 • Itleigal••• J C . J.,nn on •las II Bald atlas M K Crawford J no K Itoiwon Jon I'amOW II Jno , X eating Vat Rote J I. Ca:rapt:eh at J .I(ealwda J .. morn)) rho. Kink,' Mr mlth 4 James Como ThorL Smith J V ['sap Miss • ',Lanier Itienwd romith 111th . t. 1 ,51.. rho. , Leirellan Thus Sturptie , 4 Ita• id o • LelEbln i ; P H ~ .., , , , r j. d o H j E ' 4170 4 •I. 1 Miller is rs 0 A i:r.e..r.7L • J 11 , Morgan MCV .Rabbit Hate riern Mn A A Morgan nos .ateen Ad iloon Elora ad 'Morris Tao. , aartt Ben) V Plana Win ' Montgomery ILlBtewart er J Puck Mrs M J' Montgomery N spring..r Th. . rosier • D , Marlin J no , T FlO.l. or /34 Ili hillklkle M.o. ITaan 14... It,' :eerie Mule lus.. Joalau il hum. Uanial a J no I Mar/Wan Mm u O 8. , 'Upton Chas Unborn 7 Metal.. I. W: agora V McCatilia• Wm Ward TM. Mr. 1. II Me , onald P i Welen Pal I a Ig , I alolialn Wm , w neoian duo U it WII•on C tot KJ we.Olt War rs Watson Joa•plo a James Hutton — Mr. al Walsh YU rhard ..-- Miss II 0 T Hannay James "ides . W Than, A . III 11.•••7 If IP Young M l 11..14 Mrs MI Pow... Kral Hutto. E I'll W. .1L..... Mirtey Wm P. 0.., . ,, Wm rHILLIP HOERR. P. M. I/ II Quaid J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Pii )11 tel The Sunday Magazine, =I Recreation and Instruction. I=3 THE NOVEMBER PART WITH TWELVE ILLOBTUTIOW3. I= I. 8.1 . 1300 LA IN AN DR.•••trllf. Being 11P111ear.1 la lee flana PLa. Be Iliusa.attona. IL eliklltia 11311 . TY By 11LN/A OAMZ. A. ill. 1...V1N0 JILwI . 3. By ill Be, A. Ua w IV Cklbn IN IBC NIGHT. Hp Ao• C••• itnloun. Iwe 11. V. A ntl•tiAl AT Ail I.Ln nAINS. fly Me [Alto, IlluYlra.l. VI. THE C•OUent It Al TIM IWO.* B 1 tLa key S•nroca. Cu, Iliastratra VII. ur wwan y Re. I , PagT, nano. late Pre.olde- Ilt 'ha v Buyal •.rossony cyLl roaclaly. Na. 11. 11.1.- VIII. ON TH E °UN li .LORD Hu Demos MACIN/MAI.II, . Tan rt...., Ve t•a'r. ACO••Hn WILtrDI I. I ',Tr, 11, W 111t , •tra ,,, TOL 1,..N1r ANION, Lo. NT. PAW.. 1,1 .I.str• Is. INgsa 0 1 XI Tllll t . -h l '. 7. r t. t /I h..ITY ry ti ,r raw By . IC, Il•N • U No. 11. 1 11. Ttl . e.. a. A o lat Pr.tswit• u. 1,% TI sr* ,l 1 TY ..1A• NEWT. wa J.ll ys • St 10.1111.11 Tll. Itn,ar TIIS Lk.. By 1.1•1••1.1 rot wale be all f4y1.1,1 ,- ,‘ 14,1.. es V ally nysnocrlptl•n. Ra.lw. Stnals • tscalw.r. 34 coats.. 3tsb Wales. per armour—Two l'opleaf..es6.N3, Terve Copses for 10/: I•Pen Loot. a - fast 014. Tan CIP•I7 111 Was • ••• I.lrrt•vore's ilAcinitna. tonne neldsra.a. $6.30 par •Esst•na newetenass etantwen main. to any Adder. an messing...ls* emu. GOOD WORDS FOR THE YOBG, • l'rvfuselly rI'III N4OVYINIIIL:R COMMENCING THE NEW VOLUME With Tbi.ty Beautiful Cairo' luau- 121101:1333 xA♦•l It % Ix .auttu• Ma, tt. I.L It. Part • Whit TILE Para Old Till t'LIIT. IIT Utitt•Latt CAND4N I.lestravel. 4. Y MN. Oit Y , UNO. No. I Wts. of ( $4 J 4 4 •4.• Illotber l ... $ , J.. % II $. , 1.6. With mosla 4 Tilt TWO N1V4 , 4. Illustrated. nwn 6 ADA ••D ANIVAto. • Y 41 ,1 117 S. A. Ilium Wlto &vett•iltostrs 4 tbe CHILD PLAY. A Poem. By ono or the 4.0644 . 4 of -ti ollel Vif4rt4..• WILA foe? tilustex 800 , 7. AT TIM BACK or TIM ygorrTH WIIID• 1 5 ii i1 ,p7 4. 7.n . 0: 0. • • Boolean BUB toe l'alrisa..• KEEN at:Tiili ' kitiftliOCOPlA.•• • PR ~ mh of t'a Rom Adv.:dor*. Part I. 11lomtra s. WILLIS'S QUILYTION. A Poem. By the 1411.0 f. 10. LILLIPUT RSV SUL By tbe AoUtor et •1111 loot Levee •• With LW/ Illostrstloo. iy Ri•NRIaLI AWAY TO tEA. AT R. How. I !varmint. J•N Z. A Poeta By Ma Author of Roues Tata. shins •• I oi•trated. IA AWAIT A CATEllrli.t.All.." BY 11 B. T.I AOC LL.D., I R. S. Illustrated. II THE LIEIIboND Ur TBS. MUND•. By A • DAN With 11Botrati D. TABBY ARID HES CasIUKS. By lin. 0.0 CI•PrLaS. Par ..le by .11 Periodical Nolen. Taus—Teoly yobscripitoti. IPLBO• r.al• number, MD ems.. Chen Iteenn—Three ()apses. 1118.50 Five Conies,SlP: seen Additional cons , Goon Wares .., the Y. one, witt. I Innineoit's no sine, SS,BO. yr Itb Sunda, hissasitir.SS.SS. with Moroi Won. ', $11,110: mita the three Mans- Mom. SIO Specimen number mailed on receipt of price. A Foil Peoeceetne, mills Premium List, till be stalled on application. Addeo.. J. B. urprNcarr is CO., Publishers. 715 and 717 Market St., PRILADILMA T, ATOM OIL sTaigE. raTICE I LINIATT I ISCONOSIT I 01) • /NIX ?RADII To swag nen banded Jana, last man sysd see what splendid amnia are obeyed In the (tr. ban mock of Spring and Bummer Clothes just wawa ad eOblblWd to the pante by I. C. Tan Ths ?Riad Llama to ba enjoyed wan the i ro= b l . s . :atty . An m sioLd cnot Wanda the Mom of bls motion gab ones an to ba had at IL C. TRAUMA.. MO 'A. To pranke Economy, don't sand vat ram am may when catortanato peal. than WAY pran for 11.1•114•11...017 clothing, but come and get Um womb of away dollar pa spend, at O. C. Ilmnenliwes. Pm Tama or the treat art. PraMimb uven traz i. anll ,, a/1 glai at tbe big No. 11 Wetlad T er e ° i potable blab theft cub. so argil= I ltin b a th tZipetron T s rat . ne. to tOo Ha No. I.lClonlan 1141. 1.001 AT TUN Pll/01.1. Op.:mat alto I.r IT worth Its. Irk - a Low" 60010 11 eq, at MOW ea world nu. tvnt.,cluvorb.;l3°. lad /11 , Mt many mon too manna to bq ' t lp no 'll7 7 ,2:1 0 = 0 t.:1.! a Sista armt. 8. F. TILLIMULAI4 JOHN 111. riNI•Lal WM. U. PATTI:IWO ROUT. H. PATTERSON & CO LnIMItY, H.e..1.111 £RII 1.; s %LI :1 A COIL IBVINTD DIRE • LIBERTY IT. P1T211131711411, PA. SIMON iTRADE MARK. DITHEHII ri.... i.itocoir Lamp MONEYS. .1.81111•11,19 ..., Llama Cirmanmmest. LIL.LS XJ.11111 , 114 , CUSS wriIIIPSLA U.MIII WU4. COlll OGSTITI. M tit lhasbNl'l LUZ% 41,90 a CranerlF:4Z faVROIRFL LP *IMMO E prim GM II Amgen . ; X 3 pc.. do. laud Aolitho. UDOLMA Swot e Po B mo.; do WhitMS; 581 do Fan3l.7 noon 6 do l 6 do - 11 ° 11117 e r b c r. ° In *ton and PI by, gin ^"; "-OW& N EW BVCRWIFERAT FLOVR. !DO doplido colotraled ladle** IMs Monts lizt.to in.w.redn, J•Vrat l U, b""Thi fil. " 4l-117-44 " on Litwin andlittlb no. QADA Afiff.-1.400 PTO.* IC SODA ABB. !or gam tol 4. D. 0/1217111.D. 1869 - 1870. NEV GOODS! NEW GOODS Greatly Reduced Prices! E. HOUSTON & SON, Fashionable Merchant Tailors k Clothlen, No. 107 girTH •VIENUIC. earner of Cher , / Alley, have sat recei•ed the hare.t tad moat complete tract of Cloth. •od Caatimeres. Vest ing& and custom made clothing rave opeoed In this city. It comm... the very finest of Preach [pods... swell at medium American mane fart ores. Our coo to: email Profits, Low Prices, Quirk Bales and head y Cash ►aver tie velth a esti and Judge for yourselves. All order. tilled warranted to give sstlsMetiou. WM. THIRD ARRIVAL WINTER GOODS. GRAY & LOGAN, 89 Filth Avenue, 47 Sixth Street Men and Bove Clothing in the Greatest Variety, OVELCOATI ALL STYLES AdD 81Z68 The Ivereel prlee• In lbe elle for good enbannn 114 goods. Me ap-town public an cordially Invitee to call In al oat new &tore an.l ela.mlew Mewls. GRAY & LOGAN, =1 47 Sixth Street P. 1 I'AItI)L 1 , FLEFUONABLEI MERCHANT TAILOR 11sepa tonatantly .., t... 1 Cloths, Casaimeres and Vestings Also, UINTLIYIN • tI TURN 11111 !NU 0001)8. No. 93 1-2 Sualthneld Street rti-rdu HO 11, rk. -11111 - Oesor Cloth..t made to ordrrM. h." mapaa Ryte.s. . B. TLEtHEI, • (Law Cutter with W. lionseal.ado.l If LERCILA.PFT 'I'lL I L.Clat. Mo. 53 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh melll,ll NEW FALL 6/0008. A. splendid Rem .bet of MOTES, GASSIMERES. &C PIA mentired br HURT MISTS/l. W' Nernhast ttflW TI Sahli/aid are.. PROFESSIONAL D R. ANDREW EAIIIIIHT, GER:WI PEETEICILAN, Cons all mantle, or illairsse that the .raltem I ash)vet to, Mice No 041 Prep elm, omu boon Dom T WI IX .. r..nd from • II Or. r. oola pal wiirxe.ra F. ROBB, NOTARY POHL 0 AND 001INIESIOWE1 I)oa•dr for all the Ohne C •. Nu. 140 Fourth Avenue =I Prompt a...0r10n Id 4 /lee• I lb Isaias or Der... Moos. la be a eromisraone certlaes and. , las oaletal seal that ha lustre taro, 01' writ./ has hero •secote4 tart saa be seed or recorded la say other a atrium" lartharaatturoticalloe. .cal G. w. De CAMP, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR Ai LAW. 011 es, Mo. IST ?OUSTS •VKNUT., PM. harsh. (formerly occupied by Ifoot. Walter l.peerna erlll practke gee Ike U. S. Ireall and LllatMcl Court. le the Slate Supreme and all too Coons of Allegheny coaatl. Maim eon... i&a la moat or Me adjacent c00n... M.10(473 WM. B. NEEPER, ALDIRMAII ♦HD ZI-OTTICIO J OffTICV 07 THZ PLACE. OFFICE.. 89 FIFTH AVENUE.. u,riltara= an . .l7ll ', Urs:Ns= up, awl WI lecal oatlow alt.rwllwi la/ www9Wl awl I<vorst.l, SAMUEL EIeBIALIITERI, ti-Ofilano Jane. at tan Penes and Pollen Ityo Vann. tiILANT !STRICT, opponins tan Cott...drat, PITTUBURASH, Deeds, Ronda, llortstnten, Siennosdindinannts, o*watt/ow, and WI Legal Hannan& •Innestnd mina promotano •nd &sonnet, mann - JOAN A. fiTILAIN, si_AzomuniA.N. lICF,OFFIGTO JUSTICI OF TEM PIAOII £ND =I 'OM:LIM MTH OMIT, mroatue Me Cr MAN, rtmergret, Dceda,l3oada, Mon. Leksorl•lortata. Detr*Mr. art . 1) o.lass. eseralod orassocaess Led Wtoeb. A I/CIIIIIALJD BLAHEILEY, ~z-rc~iuv Esr-sztir..sw ■w IS /MTH STUMM =CEZZii =11:2 WINES. LIQUORS, &o. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY 11.111.011111.1112 OF WINES, BRA GIN, & WHOLEJLLIA DR4II.ZAR 111 PURE EYE WHISKIES, 409 PENN STREET, Have Removed to flog. 884 AND 880 PENN, Cor. Bleventh St., (formerly CanaL) JOSEPH S. rum & immoisa.iss, in. in and 195. P181?15515ZT. rimaußee. Osper MOled Furs By. Whiskey, Mao. !Imam Is 10117.1011 11/1111:11 and 1.1. =MEM .:~ 100 WOOD ITREET NEW GOODS. FINE VASES, BOUIIIIIAII Al D MINA. • 5" Lrra aruzixa sil iSit BIOCk Of I" Dues, SUTER PLATED GOODS . 2 1==.1. 0 .timt ,......1 „: „.., R. E. DA B & CO. 100' WOOD WM MET. CALL AND SEE I= Claim Seth, Varian Statuette, iroorm Yd Pancy •rtleT rod*, a& los, =or opeolos Cor tie FLU H. RIGBY & COIL, No. 188 ÜBERTT NTBBET• L B,—A Lem ....M. et ofriao , Whit. firelette Were Au Mohr sae hotel ow atom's oa pawn. oO ARCHITECTS B ABEL fa MOSER, Is= acrusz Aseoownom minimise". I sad 4 Bt. Car Moot. 1713sbarolo twig Wain= Phi to tto doolgalos ase wallas of bout? Roma aa4 Rosily LOAN. moNii TA LOAN.--falle 000 to oi SW aid lianisie la amia gill" "WM" THOI4II IL rarrr. 11311, peed .d Red YAW Hooka. No. MI Battlaltl4 icitsal. FOR SALE R SALE-PROPERTY. Ig°ll lots 9 , 131 0141.. sea.le.l, only ssoo • per year. 4 loft l/ 411391 fut. .404- $lOO per er.•... 1 lot 455191/ feat. 1451,10,. [teed street. Prune bourte a 3 room, lot 94.100 Net: only $l.lOO llne. house of I room, trul room and [table. 119 t 100-11.60 0 • 9 threes started brit. It Sou,. 00 trur ton "rut...sett 64. IWO 9 use roomed humor( prier bone. timely nurses,. new: lot 601100 Too wick house, IrmsrPe Led hydrant, all for $4.000. Neer toe won, earl ruler brick [roue. rot 901100,41, 400-4600 and 11V. P. , v.. , seun I,Ptlied house Wed 101 94 460 fret. 400. end eur turns. 6 roomed frame hoe, lot 94 . 40, 111. 6 0 0- 11 400 cub add b51a12 0 0 In 1 MIA year, el rot• Wyrle "rut 94160 .90. 1101 on elle sreet 9116.194:11 1 . 400 lieote on 1 entre seen. t . 914,195: 11 900 . 404 150 front tro r entre sue. by ISO feet derry...ol.ll•lo« ult. 6 tots on ['ester avenue from $3OO to 1(.0. 1 . 1. r soden properly le well located end 011010 10 to IS rultal. wall of the Court Roes, and opferotral Pus...et R $0 um. on Wu... Penn, matlroad. tulles from 100 ray. 90. acres on P.O Hurtle Mall roar, • toll. from city. Sew 6room name boner 1 mile from Court lidnu 994 tune Missouri land. n!rl not to punhue a borne or mat end W...e •rfnblog to nett, plc.* ISSIZERI:= ID N us, 193 . 197 199 i . ..stre _ HEIKEN" STATIONi PROPERTY FOR SALE. This beausitni sitnatios cannot sertmuee for private residences In any elreot Lou, so et..te to both eities, helot call eieht oMles •P tW Western Peoutylysols ltatlnud. AnY pcnoa a. siring lororm•tloit About this 'rotate can oOtaln It by calling at ths otnee of the IRON CITY MU TUAL LLYIL INNUELLNCE COMPANY. II federal street, Alleftit•,. Labs from one-WI • ••- • - more to Lee acres; also. .Well low to sunhat. &soon. There is • •000 /oesuoix or lb 121.611fte e•tablishment., between the Itallro•d aso Lllegnewt neer. AT POIVATE SALE—VALVA SLR LAYT Up CI ItirUND situate on the north-east corner of Stockton IL•VCIY! and Heave St., Allegheny ear. fronting 31 feet on Stockton preseniel the lame width Moog Beaver Greet 140 fret: thence moue Rester street 1 00 feet. immerging • width of 60 feet to Water !street, on which it erected • two-Story Patite dwelling house. and tieing the late residence al Lather Stockton. deed. This property groom on the Allegheny Park. and for beauty of lecalloa and surroundings cannot to excelled. For terms of sal and further le formation, mined. oN. TIIONAN B. UPDIHIF, seta u 0 No. 900 Beaver Avmmlia MACIR SALF--A Very Desirable .1: TWA TOP LAND, containing front 44 arr., altuate wi.. tee intim tbe city and Iketw 10ot. eat Ell Ingram Stlitlon of P.nbsndle Railroad; • front of about one-third 01 • mile on Cliarttera Creek: MI capa blef beteg cop.'s...rt. being rich bottom land u and admirably merited to being laid astalnto lota of no •to 3 mree or tem. mond tiontle,_oren , and sad well of water on the urviatses. Terau easy Apply to St. IieL•IN A CO. ben No. 104 goer. Avenue. VALUAPhIBLIKEWYY LAWRENCE -107 V11.1,1C ,r Volt PAL!: feel front yte , .. , by 1114 feel Jeep on se 611.- 1,141 , y bi•oslon of portico, wide 1,1. n/itt. I,MM, rarova Awl l•rec varlet, of el hole, , trults of ue.ltbt. Will rn!'sol'.llV"Z“, I. p. 17.!; t. re YonALPY ter... Apply 4, CLITII Fl•liT • Ml` n, rtlztb awynoe. FOR BA LE.-One Two Hone ball,. 0 ago, sultabla for a gardener. brewer or also narks. Arabulsorv , llto em V 1) baests, barrels for pass ware. 600 empty Wol.ltv barrels. Apply al leSsrebouse.` Darrall opposite tee 1,01 lflll. rls/legraelL ti ,, trel traa EVEN SEARS' CREDIT will a• gler n on s g.OOl brlet .1••••111ag honor. a presser, brtelt front. pew ••..1 Is go dl bump r• rder. nt rooms sn.l cellar b•Araal. te. Also frame sod house of tour room• zed iut GO feet (root tr betely MO to se .1141. •11107 w O. CuTIIIIEUT l MON& 39 $ll4O Avenue. • LEGAIL. ADJOCILNED ORPHANS, C - CIU 11.9 r •trtua a • • order of the t'eptiaast l'oort of • Ilegneur Couto T. •ILLAAS the 13. day of Oeue bee. 1560 to., tt. e• rd.* to 1d... I. at• the, titan Hon. It tle 1 Its of 6 10.shortatt. oa bait.," the 6th d•y of }HA 56066. A. D 1660 at 10 do. S. A. stuthe fulloarlnd degrillA prup.Lrty At VIA I T re. t.ltdeeerami, Alt tht6e •urtalo warn uta Ato to the Ila Fob-die tau. of the Town et Br...10e11•1 riel,l. 11,. county • foreso,l, a• la out by J anus Ouse, a plan whereof is slaty re. cru et la ed. twat, out 3. lade 61, of ILAIJ Atte -1...ey if V.Lm.rat•. LA I Shoe. Lod smarted In .1.1 an As lota outliners. sot hundred And .wente.os• anti n. hundred and taeenty•sla. fruntlos tu. tech on Talbot ten, by one LunALLA And lee net 0.-.7 earls to an isly. sod 0' In Ins • emit lota tettleh A. H. MI ler at d nip.. he their deed Wiled August 30th. 1.66. and Hurdled In theoblate fur l ‘ t1:1 recurtittli of tiv;:ajt 6 Boot, rot. IYI, 1(060 , 1 1. A . li , eLltti .. t . t , eard to Arse. Krim.. and wttleh the said Brant Krum.. and llargatet. hia Osfe, trietr . ,1 .tat the 14th uay of Januar, A. It.. 1066, •0.1 recur • Hee autetald to IA ed 13001.. vol. LI 46, liego 504 - granted ihntt ettn•eeed tne mitt Matthias Petal sold proto nic. ha• Ina a 'situ...ay fru.. dwettlng hoses of four ou.tos esteted thereon. 11111•11.1iTT• WAIL • Late Henrietta I t teldl• • •tlmlntetratris it Matthias fold, deetdd. oat Htpilitte N O. 2%6 DEC. TER 11,1869. Pub:lc notice b uerebv glee. Mat the NATRONA & TARENTUM Beneficial Society Ha're applied u. l he Court of Commou Plea. of ♦ureatay Coy utv for . t barter. and chat the ...ad Court made au order lu Lb. ea..e to IL. et- Ithat 1214 1.4,1, xranted at re . 1 1 W.lli 4A wean d. J. W WALTZIt. b .not sr! !11,r. A 8, , !.. ,.. ETT E t ll OF , t 1 1,;:, the iind ..... odd or the mime of VL.a.l•lll eiTYW •lirt late cf naiinden ann.hlp. •Il• Sae.; rontitr. dem axed. ail persona Ind•t ed to ,• *alit estate are imtitemird to mare tame Mat. pasta... and littae haring cm'sm• or o.- onde •golost the ...tate ti e the sdel itemedmit m 1.111 mob, tonna .R hos 41.1 by to J W ninta AUT. I Imam. PA. or A. No. Kb hottalafirid street. Pltta`dugh, to. Ad coleus oc: n..tlYtt ENE CUTOICS NOT IC E.— _12.4 Whereas lelmrs testamentary on the es tate of at 114,1310 , 1 1 1, Medimed. having been •ranted th• tolerate toil be !testate, of Al eitimar county. .1 persons Indented to •ald estate ism • hereby nottded to make Immetliala :T 7' 1 :1'111 7 4 L'"' esit the'sr. log t'Nen,•,'„V„...'N•dr s.ttlemant. B. K. A. I 6ol3lBoni. lt' or: l • . 110.11:0114. ADMINISTIIATOR'S —Lettere .4adsolutstra.lon nave been 'ranted to the den idned on the estate et itLIZA Kitt thed, Lae al lan LID. eM. deennty county. ea an petoons In dented LO • sia r state WY brrt to, nollned to ante ntnnedlnte Pal Went. and Q.. baying elalnte .11 prow land *talent tinny, daleantnetnd sled for settlement. WIC V. IdV•NS, Adnt'r. oelnalo • EM!IMI !MATE OF PARKER HINDS. IMCIE ArtHIE —Watley Is beret , ' given Mal L of admlttletrattott the e. tate ar imt,dommte Chase been panted to Wil liam Iliad, All W rw.ee 1 herefure sarlha cialma ar 4,,0 m he raw e of the shl4 tie 41 et aro • • attested make the mum k ehma *- n""""de'" %tfl.4 Corner W4d and ..14 ' 111 .feet. :05.ra Pittabarab. LETTEBS TESTA II FN TA TIT keying even 'maw to the under . ..l.l<d On El= lalmo again" sald "tate will pre ...AI them properly authenticated for oetCerneoL oGriwie to THOS. PINNIES. Ileclloesport. NOTlCE.—Lettertestainenta. BY .n the estate of IA ItllßlhON, deed. hove been greaten to the understaned by the Reuniter of Allegheny (+panty, ell beret Or its de bted to odd pinata •re Petah, aoudad to oak. palm..t sod those hoeing flaunt airatnat the estate art requeatad to %cent them for puytnent without delay. a A •I. U. WABItION AIN Clr A. annsoir ...:5,-. irseatOrs, tie. ANY Liberty A t. - FLEITATF OF MINE M. 11•11111.• II•M, Dted.—L T • • tbelltery hue. a CO granted t to oft the shove estate, an person. hallo. claim. strata.% It will preseot th. of Ifa ate for payment. Woof todeoted to cola No aw ern of•It• oa W ent to., B. I.llWitBl l tt, Furrow. No. 30 Wood want. Plttehorgh. 1 olOfplitytt NancE —All persons are ho eh} nodded that f admlnistra. on the estate of It • 10.11 4 litlsAlti la e W Ittatbute. Alleaterne county. dee'd.. hate this day been emoted to the andersleamt Pattles Indent. .1 to the es:ate will plea. eettle Pith me at one, and those !metes elates.. allthmt the estate will pies.. them to me. W. I. DolleillEHTT. Wlllmneburs. Ps• 13=13 7C ECUT RIX'S NOTICE.- 4. 7 =ks I d tter , s testamentary have been fatt aP. Dlrr P7.4 l e= r- ”r e e""r4 t h airn e claim. amend lb. tahl estate are seri *tined taitie7"e l tir • ...AT, Executrix. or to W. 11. DU FPI% No. SE FIEF Arent., 0 "VOTICE, All person, ere eLlz b ariTillitiNT.nr ), :. " itre.rtt 7 !Ti band, Keeled 11101‘s, obld Inlyebe Goths bavlos..wltbool eau, len Oslo bed sod board. Cl 3 Ill•r buobabd will sot be rospubalble for boy bllis lacurrod by her. 'ed October 951.. 1889. SLUICE HIILTZ. od:y L,-DT WALL PAPERS ELEGANT PAPER HANGINGS Enameled Wall Papen . plal• Dote Impre aaaaa soot and smote. \ erwilligagr i ta ii rs V eold and Inlablakr AL V CI la, INDIA Tfe tt Ell I "" NtoT gr 4 Kg r.% car 501 to be found elsewhere lb the eonets7. Tor sale at W. P. MARSHILLI.I3 NEW WALL PAPER STOR 101 Liberty Street. .ell I)ECODATIONTinnt aa . a 4iVa: 4 11gog Home. n.l. ae... N i)r 11"k" .flialtPti 11. 11151.111131 a HBO. §T " MT ) ); ??Ji1t.T.'41. 12 air UIJOII OM [ I : 'Nat' 6 ; :zir.l :I.).llg.iia HOLTIEIB, BELL & M." ANCHOR COTTON BULLS MinneraninotlfltAtil =Mil sad 130131 aIIICHOII MID 1111111101111 SBYSITICIA LIND lILITUINI. INSURANCE TEE IRON (ATI , LIFE LVSLIIINCE CO, Of Pennsylvania. Office, 75 Fedeal St. Allegheny city DIRECTORS. Hon. J•NCES L. El RA HAM, Kee. J. S. CLAIM, U. U., Capt. K. HOKINSON. Bev. A. K. BELL., O. 0., Rev. s. NENBIT 1J.0.. W. A. ICKED, Cashier Alleyrnear Trot CO. .) A( . 013 ItUSFI, Real Estate Aaeut, ISOION DISCS, B.yor of •Heatteny, C. W. BKN/iY, Hatter. A. S. BELL, Attorney-at-Law, D. L. YATTKIOON. L am tar Serena., O. SWOOSH.. luannmee Aaeut. Capt.. HORT. ROBINSON, President. Rs r. J. B. CL.A RR, D. D., Vice President, JACOB RUSH, Secretary, C.W. MINN Y. Treasurer. B. W. WHITE, MaPtcAL AnTlanl. DANIEL SWOOEB, kietel Agent. ?IMO a noruroompaity.eoncluetet l on the mutual Weeach polity holder reeel•ins au oluO Owe of the profits of the Company. [`Wide. Will be 'wand on all the dlnerent plans of Life Inaaranc, and be.lng conduc.d on an neonomb cal baste will abord a bare tee...tams, toeach pulley holder, and thereby retain money at home to • - tcourarra home Indust,. m1391:014 CASH INSURANCE COMPANY. PH:MAWS 131HLDING, no. Is Finn Avenue. Second Plane. rITISHIJInaI, Calalttalll I"tateilLly. DIH S. J. ELYrter. .osee, capt.N. Raney, an't Wallace. 8 H ilactreac. A. Chuntr., Jake Hin, Jes. SL.. Stumm mth,Jno.S. WlDoc, BA/OMT H. NINO, Pr.:galena JNO. F. JINKINGS Vice Prattle..., JOB. T. JOHNSTON, tkeretaer• Caps. B. J. BRACE... dell't diord. Insures on Liberal Tenm on all Vire and Marine RIAU. manta pEIIiNSYLVANLA INSURANCE CONPANY OF PIITTIBURONI oprics. No. 18TB WOOD I:ITBZET, BANE OP 00111LIBCZ BUILDING. TGIF lo • limo Conapooy. Loa bomb. Mots.' Wu by The oseltutoiy. LION•BWLTZB., CroOdont. 0. C. BO Vito Pre.ident.. SUBSET A. HICK. Treanor. BBOBy.ILIIZboor otorl. DraboYOToo • thx;rce_Wham. boo. W. 'Cram. J. C. LAPP.. J Q. 'Utter. oim Voettkt. Leonard b. c e . n irl e .dria ."7. tinter,Pa ran Khan, aa. H. Hopkins. easy Sproul, LIISILMANCE COM. PANT PITTtSRULLOH. /LE - ZANDER NIMICK, President. U. P. HERBERT. Secretary. cArr. RiGskintlE NEELY., General •geht. Iliace, DR Water str.L,, bpany a Co.'. ari hoe., ap staire, la.aya against all hinds of rt. and 14. rtne RI.. ••horst 11 1uRio. managed by Di rector. who are 1.01.0., to Me community, Lad Who sr. determined by prush....a and ltber , silt ID . malotaln the el.rector 'obi. they !ate saa.4. sifrolon the hest prowl:ton to U6os• who dsains to to .11.1txtml lilmir.l, lt liothaum B. M mes. Jr ~ , Ch&.. J. C1ar1...., Jasan 111cAtilvy, I Wllllsm r. 6n.o.. Llexuader Speer. , J 0... ph X trlpatrlat. 1,1111._n aermer, Dr i vlnt A . =. W. Monti., D. IlLmses. ace/ NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Coe. Federal St. and Diamond, Elgin Mee, Iv UNI AZCOND NATIONAL SARI BUILDINIA W. W. MARTIN, Presiden JAMk t, tiOISIMIWN dn., Pim President, S iSTAV,E.NtlON.lnnesetari. il.!•eirtai - :l:A.kttr" P*J , V:k, PWW.:.; , ;=`. 1 5T:017.1: 11'4t1I:11, .vi pDFALNITY AGAINST LOSS ST FISK MARLIN INSURANCE CO. Of IHILADELPRIA. 0/71CH. GU • •31 CH CUTHIIT er...mar ern =EI Catariss R. }Wicker, ktor-Wesi H. fAials, TotaWm Wither. B. Samuel Want, Isaac I,i, Anat. IC MC I lidwar.l C. trIS. I N. tI , W. C. DAIL Y.., l•riskiht. W. C. gr .f. r l L itli ' nalt7kr , t , 7 , ..„_ Werth corner Tilled bed Wood Ririe., PEOPLEI9 121tIVIELANCE 0094 PA Y. orrica. N. M. CULL La WOOD • Mb ,m. a 8... 0....P.7.ta11ug Flre sad Nlllll6 Ilata. == a C. ; fn.fra , j.h , oho L Psis. Charls Arbnettoy C. 11. Loy. Janyl Y. BruS, O. Verner to ooel Yet. tart 169W - 44r3..:74:1=,. W. P. IIAH A LE G EN It INSURANCE OURITAITT 07 rirrsauliefi. =N. IT TIFTIi 15..... sgslRS SI liras of Ti,. dad Watts ISOM JOHN IRWTN. lb.. Preald.t. T. J. HORN INMON, C. H. IX,NNtLL, Wye scay. CAPT. U. DCA N. General • Neut. DIRLCT•3S , Jobe lroln, Jr.. IL L. 7....netuy, T. J. kiskineon. W. H. Evyrroa. 0. N. Hussy, Itoßcrt IL 0+ , 41 Harvey Childs, hares de 11tH. Charles N. eaot. J, T.Titaridalo. CST., U. Norm T. N. Nevin. PROPOSALS OrelCi or t lrt Lag :I tin. (.1..10tte.” Uct• 11041. N OTICE TO SEWER CIiNTRACI'ORS. The Mew, raze ca.0..1.e of the CUY of . ghee, Ire prepared to me. I'. Me for the coanroctlon of •10111 310 I.et of b and •40 feet of DI laett Aloe sewer I. Hope Wel and Bldg. aVeaue. Ifom Lincoln ay. 111 tO Watt Drawings and rpecldeationa can be reta• and WI Information oblatord at tits odic... Bids must auto •bal kind of watt a Prrtlttatd . d to be torolab• ad—cement or , t At lied Haw pipe- and most be andoraad • I:wer Pra.posols," and dallvend on or before 3 P. M., November Gth, 1869. ►ores 01 proposals, os Wn Me forms slope Md. - II be rrcelved, will Ise run Irteo st the Oily easer's ogles. The Vont=lssios do not tasod thehaselTes to az yt the lamest or soy bid. 117 order .1' the Cuoato CHARLIZEI DAVIS, city Zus In tT. = CITY ITTOINTICIVII OTTICZ. /.I.I.T.OUITY CITY. TA-. Nov. E. LAO. No9rlCE.. — The assessment for Uradloa amt Pads, BELCH STREET from I 'hitt to A , leabeay Avenue, and also for tirmltag and ra•log h ANS ALLEY. from hlllon street. Sr. oow r ady fore zatulastloo .. and can be eetk at this othea. uollt IVElth DAY, Nov 10. ISO% ...belt the, will be shaeell la the bawls of the City Tie•Sortr, thee...llr etloa. I=l M A LLEGIIENY CO. WORK HOUSE. 1.111 be received 12121 November LS, St the office of We .ard o. No. 2 tith street., for turntable.. 3.000 LAICIAIT Mtn., V fret Wog • d from 0 to 9 lorbet diva- Nate, to be delivery.' at Clanrmobt ail., .P. . B. on or briar. December let. 1969. 0e27 q2:l EMU. WPICIPII e••*•ry. . _ ASSESS/WE N T. thratch or CITT [naught, AND entAtPatoa. Pittaberatt. Nos. N. 1149. I OTICE.—The assessment for tiradiag and Ca. bins N XTIENTH SILT from Me ate.et n.Vza.sr resole toe esaminhston and can be seen •I this 00 14 math Fla Nov. mas Seth. ten It retained t 3 the Cite Tr a eautorees Once far collnatton. ncenant H. J. 1400116. lehebseee. SWIMS or (ITV 61 , 101N050 At SO. PrITOZWOoIs Oet. W 1.111139. t 1 1 / 4 TOTICE. — The assemoneot for exataloattoo, aad can be Peen at tbla • roe meth M foot ONDAY. Noveta , ter litb, whoa It trPI be re tatged to the Cal Tresson ,. • tloa. oeZ,tet B. J. 1100ILY., Cltriagtatee _ _ Males CITY IN , II2FOZO SOD I.II*VITOL ntlabiltel. 001. ST. 1409. OTICE.--The Aaseument for 'radios and pawl. of SI , INU ALLST, flist to gath attest Is sow toady for es. asilliation. sod 0.1.12 Oteo at Ulla Odle! soul osgUilD•y, No•ember Citl, 'Seg. Vibes It srlll Co oat to WO lily Treasurer's oars La Cal odanqll2 N. J. ROOM gill gusto/ter. 071/ICI or CITY EIMIIIMIIIR AID Itp.rgyo. i CrrTlolllll6ll. O. *O. 11109. I nrICE.-The assessment Irni Grading. Pa•lng and Coni rng of LPlit.g. . from Marina ioniiiieabergereit..la roar ready tor rat:Li ii. and eau La area at Gila 0 5,,,, argi hit GAY, N elrent.t alb, whelk ly gld ter rem to Gm City Treunreria once Dar eitlier4{lll. c ,ta ; c: G. J. MOORE. City [Ritzier, VIULTON STREET. -The nu notrullukd Vielterr to assets commiesand tenni. lor Openl VIII. owed, C , tr ,y. f Alleghtor. moat on lbe ;atone. on tiollittDAy, Novena., U. 161119, at A o•elocl, P. b.. to •11411 to Si- antler a thel tt , 11 JA tit Boy wa:q4l tut; AHD DiCWltlllifer. FLOUR. OTICE TO FLOUR DEALERS AIID CONalattaal.—Wo aft nos moat a lot of 40,000 bushels carotalll p ia WEITZ AM, AMBER AM, tipMikta,Ml W MOAT, partatoctl l 4 41,bson. Part. timea sad Morgan pupotlos, t Ludlam , . Tali lot .1 Wb422 Yttl Past rolgepl WI *masa . bvpy Xj ,,,, tt7. Balla* Clutat =LA Wan.. ""1. MC iproisa Pan Float vat wove tato pa rev,. at priors MU dors cosapettlApp pa um, trades.' MAP, B. T. R NUD4 • IMO.. Testi Roam billlt AU , 51.117. leptamborlA. FLotra 1 rcovu rums I lallifiarn. BAIL= winta. blge. Legal Taadeg. 3411 blob Ha Ha, 8511 alga /gnaw; 1110 bale mama Alm. 5e10314. grag . Co.. 500 btaii Red Rim da . 133 bt ki MOIR WI3OO 11110 We liken:l4r 11141 5 24Wdar. ROO bblariod4lWil ; A T ai rr i Vi at. w w, brat rrLA L 4Rit. pia l i te lla yid Bt. roe Ws lava than eas be brodsbt tross WATT. I.3NR • CO. ata sad 154 Wind Dina. exusireffEaVrs ANEW OPERA HOUSE. BILVEFIT of tbe .seal tn. r tor, • TELE LEIMNGWELL. ). &I' It ENINIi. NOT•i•higl Sch. I W 39, *ll No pre., • , t1 VHS D,Avot,,,, U On-ell. ir bichstiwWii.l,l.4u.sliic his grew mr, ca y..,.. 'Trot:W:4Eoe sriti. A. iv. I ) Oners pew and COmedy A VICTIM or CIaCt'IIIsTANCM .............. • flonmeli liatlnen on Saiurd preparation 11 I LI.I A N DS . WACAD EMT OF MUSIC Mercantile Library LECTURES iEORUE VAIiDENHOFF tt tai t lyr Select It .16.1114• aispectic Dickens, Stott, Tumult, it AT ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Thariday Evening, Novenae' 4th. FRInkY EMIIAG, Nov. i, 1b69 Alir No n•al arcs. D.r• P 171111161111611 TFI EAT it E. H. W. WILLIAMS. twee Le Leffaaeterta uf tne I...tndua .ar a, 'late. Mira HI to of I>, aved Statuary. lukr•rtar • 1 • •I• /dial, Ada Wray. Irlie • Uri.. 1s t' , •ra, ballast Jobe IL Lear. Siaaora 1 0,..1 I st,ry load.) .04 the (Twat Novelty Cos•osIdallon. Ladles• . Matinee every Wedneaday and 2.1 a tur. , a, • Admission to Stalin. 5150. rrictay It. et of Id La Meade State and K. Y. titxree•u. t arsT. EIRIDGET£P .IPALIFI. FILL OPEN . 10-31 la UT IN THEIR CHURCH. Jar Open eve - y nlght, bune aaaaa petted, Calnedral Rand In nateadnoce IarFIETH AVENUE HALL-. No. 65 JIM oPP.Oto W. Opal* Hou Putsbaret. Po.. l tte ocoloot ud mol deolrable olaGe of reoorte. Wooers ea& w bad at U. ?Az*. Yore sod Hood. The Nlllmrd Wm,* sn oo the ormod Boor to the rev • BILLIARDS, (KWIZ•Il 8v..013..0 68 Smithfield Street, I►oemeely oecnbled by 'Wan 5. Kennedy.) \Y been leased los • term or years by GEORGE B. BENNETT, And Fitted Up in the Best Manner. WILLIAM DODDS, Manager. FIVE NEW TABLES =I BILLIARD HALL. The Bar le Stocked MEE II BEST" OF LIQUORS AND CIGARS. r tun lnrina at. NovarrOa. 83n I:ll.rettv. Oct. 11, ISIS, NOTICE IS HOLIEST GIVEN that ou Ilooday. the *bib day or October, i 69. there aria ea erpose to lain at the 4. tiCRLIINETIIIII • Ban_ Na. VD rat e i coy or Putsbarirn. on add folluenag art•cles nind for violation or Inns.* lice.. Law. to wit: 3.900 Cigars; .„ :74.711114 am, 10 pooads r tear Tobacco: SY pounds Leaf TOna=o; 70= Vtit itrUl Lll7 Totoo-co: TOO Clan; 1 half cadenLouisville Navy Tobacco; quarter taxes al •• I ha monelf ca c a Oolden Bar T 0... 1 r addy • • • • • SO poen. Plug Has Tobacco; it bat. Vlrgtolaiiinoa lag I obsa.; papers Cut and Dry Brookins Tobacco: a oar. papers Gen. Grant .2.I.4ToavDDI IS bate 17 Cool:rand 4 Tobacco Box.: paPS, .lace Cbe wing Tobacco: 10. 'garb toes; 3 nines and 1 box Clay Pipes; Ib. ( bowtts 3 barrels I-ear1...0: SO boa. Clgors; *box. Tine Cat Tobacco: 17 boxes Scrap Tobacco; 400 Toby Cigar: box Ont..) Cannas Tobacco: I tamLoal robs... 575 bonadm; Cast: 1 Lot C o ld 51.B00: 110sovads Cut and Dry Tobacco: IS pounda No. 1 &moans Tobacco; 2 per learn; I t tr.airet I Box M.; So-woos Cbewne Tobacco; 1 counter reale and Weight, 2 ;L... Jan: 1 pelt barna cheary„. 4.500 Cigars. nitit .tamp. of 1 ..*: Bida $lllB W. TI/V]43. Coll.tor laa.n.o Roveaas. AN OLD ESTAJILISHED 111014 1•1 V (e).3)4:4.1 IN A NEW PLACE. F. A. 11Fit8H & BROTHEL Have removed tbeir establishment to thole aele and eleasta peewees, 1 4 .114 24 Sixth Street, (late Ss. Clair.) Wllme thee mill offer to ibetr frten•• and cast, mars she deem assortment of CON VCCTIOIIIS. FRENCH CANDLES AIM CALICICS, their am* miferake. An elegant and commallons saloon Mill Ise found op Malts.whore the brat of ice CreaMlas fresh oysters. in al stt s. .01 sa Cakes. Teas Coffee and Chocolate, • be served In the prompkrot mannsr. at their old rases. arrival ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. t 1:1311:131111 LEMON & WEISE. Pruethud Furniture 133=73 Whese tn. be ttand a ftsll mortameat Vr or. Chamber sad iileben iliZatitil. ALPERT & KOHLER, Blaufsetarers and Dealers to BOOTS, SNOBS AND AI I:JN/AM No. 331 Martel street, PlLO trgh. rutlentar attention ens to C 151461 Work. We beg teem to dbl.; she stterallos of cabals to the Mel Mal ere are non prepered to. Inenurarta • Boa is ud Oboes for penal* ttotibieal Coma, Bunions, or dammed feet. seder the peuoul ntslM of oar Ka AL IT AT, forage, of Allegheny (lity, alto old bn cussed v.,. Ur old customers Arai. We nag. Unwired Ng Alpert.. Dods otynauturtun that rou, satten we can br sae W• 171011.11111 gun and erotwortal.e hoot and glues for the Under est fiat. Ohs or trial and be couture! •Lectrr • 10111.N.8. amity= SR Market strut Plttonargtal.a. =E= puotL&MATION. quallas4 Votes of the LIMILTRINTEL W MID. City of I . III.L6LUS. wW roan el the oeeel u.... 04 place for Seidl.. elections. aet TUEIDAY, November 16,1889, To elect ONL PVIISON as Br.LiCT COUNCIL. YAM, to all the attaaoint4 tam of Davi& J•RED H. BRUSH. 11,./.... rrry as Pirrssuccu, o.tater 317, 1869 wet, a. K. al'cow•N ~ a. ftzaTlL. It. M. •BIeCOWAN & CO" • Boulevard Pavers, Ocoee, No. 6 01110 Kr., Mt:GHENT. °Hare left as Gazavez Orval. Plitftzftille Promptly• afteaded Rave •Idrzweilies. fteft•aleziftlft Delve. ea. Wareaaftel simian ebonies of hest sad cold. itzrzazzlezee , Yea. L,0.• Molly raUtereas,_Ms• 0... Antler • Melia. •adervoala • Naz ALM. • eametelL Isaac Craft. .1111.mal J. 1/..61•11T SWINT & MATT, I=l ORNAMENTAL CARVERS. Ye. 6$ Ntidesky EL, Allegheey, Pa. DfLtalltl3 ran mre ata t niget Z lxsal . tineNirit °tall drscrlpaloa • Jar. KgYSTONE POTTERY. KIER & Co., Masnabanwrs 4111WW&BZ. 133112T0L WAkS ogles sad Wasabotua. 353 L181LN1T117513131 . lIIPAkti melon ototootly utototal to. HIL LYON, s tfooko of Weights and lleassoolp Oflas—bo. !MOTHAVICAUL gat . Jolllll buctsanzs, prow. Went. GEO. E. MaNULTY. P111433P. AM. doe. Wart.. • BELTING. MA?SEE AND avat zsungo. 4rOaTILIN =4:7 1 4 .41 : , t n a lLb7r eiVadin Stn. Ousel. 1RC,5.44k31i::0/LILJEIB PURIFIES THE IILOOD. WE NASA ST DRlliiilir/1111113TWIllibt. I= MEM EOM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers