FINANOIAL. aIIIERICAN BANK, NO. 80 FOURTH 'AVENUE, PITTSI3IIBOII. C PM CAPITAL S2OOOOO tOnkbelders Individually Liable. s DIL OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN Pun', WM. Itc . ol b . ? ., . Presldrol Pi neCTOSLII• Thom M. Marshall. Joan 11. MorlDad, Was. T. balloon, a reedbald Walla.. James W. •frvt t., lg. 11. Belly, elms. B. Leah. Wm. Yloyd. Juba Doyd. This Rank Is on. full, orraolled and prepared to do • 'rut ray Banton,. buslo _jrll/km GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, Bought al Highest Prices. NI. R. MERTZ, Banker Cur. Wood St. and sth Avenue JAMES : I BRADY & CO., I=l Corner Fourth Avenue and Wood St., SANT T 1 s, =9 GOTIMNIE/t T SECURITIES, GOLD, NILYIDI AND COUPONS, =I Vir Interest Allow,d on Deposits. 141^14 one> loaned on Goeeensmt. Bonds al /OM/CU mo. ke... rate.. Order. a:pealed fer lbe , •nrebaee aad aa e of STOCKS, Bozos aad MOLD. JAMES T. BRADY & CO, VittsinttO Gagne. FINANCE MID TRADE. OFFICE OP PISTSBOROE GAZETTE, TERITODAT.NOYFEIbEE s, /1161)6 <ll:merriment bonds for the new imam remained steady to-day at about 4.163 g 115,54, bet 62s declined one per , cent. at the first board, but gradually advanced again to 115;4. The market In sym pathy with gold, however, is vary dull and does, not even reepOnd to the firmer tone of the gold market. Swore are few and sellers quite plenty at every rise. Gold looked very dull, opening in 127, aloolinlng to 12t3,i, advancing to 127 and closing between 128% and 128 N. The stunt Interest It very large and a sharp rally may set In at any moment., al thongh It Is meet. likely that a point nearer 125 will be reached in the de alining scale. Stocks are stranger end higher; the market la nevertheless only supported by the lento boldera and the covering of the short interest, which Is always largely increased at any advance. The ultimate tendency for stocks la, how ever, for lower prices, and a general settling down of Values. • Money keeps on increasing in atnn- Roney, with but a poor prospect for an immediate relief; no long paper OM be discounted at any of the regular dis counting establishments, end outside paper bus to anbmit to high rates of In- Puma. Boxineas moderately active. Quotationa ea received by Ph. It Merin Gold, 12634; Silver. 12:k Eighty one'rell34: Five Twenties, 1864 WAS 044,-112,4:110 OWN 11534: 1505; Ckkusols; do ISA. 11534; do, ISA 116 e g Ten Forties. 107 g; Adams Er rol,. Company, . 56 30 Merchants Unkia Express Company. 934; American Ex. press Company, 5034; Western Union Telegraph Company, 3014: New York Central, 8134; Reading. 11634; Pittsburgh • Fort Wayne .8 Chicago. 85; Ohlo a Ifisalealpnl.l 2534; Michigan Southern, 0034; Cleveland ,S Pittsburgh, Pre, Chicago, Rock Island it Ralik. 101%; Chicago ei North-Western. 7134: Chi cago & North Western Perferred, 80 34; Erie. - Excleanos. Large. tistail. London, per £ K 1 .73 p 6,38 Parts, per fraiia ..... 25 2834 Berlin, thole, 9534 97 FrazAlort, Earths 55 5634 --Cloaing quotations received by James T.. BraQy e Oa. Gold: 1203.; United Stoics Slaws, 1881, 11730 Flve- Twenties 180 2 , 1 1 554: do. 1854 . Ukr ; do. GM, 11334: „Ten-Forbes, 10734; Five-Twentles, Jmn ary and July, 11465, 11534: do. do. 1867, '" 11534; do. do. MS. 11334; pie Com. pounds, Union Pacific Railroad, 86; Central fiord*, 99; Cy. Pacific, 107%; Lake Superior 96. LBY'relegtape to the rittetnugh Gazette.• NEW YonE, Nov. 1, 1869, Money la flirty active and steady at 6®7 per cent. for call loans. Sterling quiet at 8,;@9 per cent. Ciold lower; opening At 128%, advancing to 1271. L declining to 126%, and clewing at 126%0128X. Car rying rates 3.(g1l per cent. Government lands are strotor, as the natural result of the 'action of the Seers- Uri of the Treasury in buying two mil -11001 today, or double the amount ad. vertleed for; awards were made at 112 50.100®113 0400. ecotone of 117%@, 118; ' 6 4 115 16@ 116 , 4 41 , '64, 112%0112%; .65, 1 ISgelia%; new do. 11530)115%; ' - '47..1153.40195; /1534@11634; 10 kia. lea Wang': currency 5ixec,1075544@1.07%. State bonds dull and lower; Mbeouria, 8734: old Tenneuecs 69X: new, 6114; old Vicgthiss, US new, fS,old Nora:Carolina., 47; now, kW. Ituestock market at one time during the 'afternoon exhibited more activity and buoyancy than for acme time past. New York Ventral rose to 182; North Western, 7234; do. preferred 8634: St. Pant, 70344 do. preferred, 8334; Lake Shore, 111%; and Book Island, 10634. The chief -activity waS In North WOMM:11 and St. Paul. Then stocks being the greet assumlattve favorites for the moment, but et-the close' therewere indications in some leading "bulb" in these stocks bad been selling; the market fell off clos ing Weak - and unsettled. Canton,sl; Cum berland. WM; , Western Union, 16%; QuickellVer, Mt Mariposa, 734; do pre ferred. 1 6 34; Adartiii Secrete. ISM: Wells Fano. Bit American, 3434; U. Ft, • Ma11,60,q; New York Central, UN; • 2834; uo preferred , 491 Harlem, 126541 .do' preferred, 138 fludsoe, 15814; E L ,,,,,n e g, , 9634 Michigan Central. 120; Lake Snore. 00 5.: Itlmofa Central, 13734; mum:ugh, 8-:; North Western, 71%; do preferred: 66; Rook Island, 104541 SL P.ll l , 6 9 34 ; do preferred, 82 . 16_1 Wabolt, 6134; do preferred 721 Fort Wayne, kW; Terre Haute. 26; doprefarred, 67: Chica go and Alton, 146;: do preferred, 146; Ohio and Mlasisaippl, 25)4 ; St. Joseph, preferred. 107 ; C. u. & C. TN. The Pacific Mall has been favorably affected by the action of the Chamber or, Com xnerce,which today passed resolutions re. . guesting Concrete to grant the Compthy ,e ra m n tm so on ddy y Inste a d o I f t mo r n un h l d y em Minion Shares, Boston prlom : Calu met, SO: Copper Fella, 4; Franklin, 4: Heels, 821. Sub Treasury beam" 8 99 : 041;tha. =! Once OF Vrrresbmair alzsTrth i Tutoserwr. November 4, 180. There lea continued complaint among our merchants generally in regard to dull and hard times, and what u wens still there le but Unto prospect of any immediate ImprevemeuL The grain trade continues dull and langulahing yrtdch ts owing In part tOthe uncertainty In ..-egsrd to values, as. eminent goner yurieem dletswed to keep woof, until tech awe, as prices become a little more settled. A ult what I. teas of pain t■ eq ually true of dour; in the absence 0 an y inquiry for shipment the demand is entirely local, and with a strong compm titian for local badness, marnie4 If imo they can be 4 called, are very man. The receipts of all kinds of produce aro lib eral and the supply is rally op to the d e . 'nand. and while 'there la a fair volume of hardness In the aggregate. trade, gen erally. la not what it ought to be at this particular season of the year. APPLES-OonUnue to arrive freely And with a supply ahead of the demand, tbtrmarket V eaaler; we now quote at 1p(43,50 for fair W choico. - • • BUTTER.i-The stock la unusually loge arid with a light demand tbe mar. ko Is reportAd very dull and prices Land ow downward. Prime to crd. roll 30 10;AP:1i-12,50(03 psr brothel. BUCK WHEAT FLOUR-4;4(6Z cents. CIiESTIC.LITS—DoII and lower—salts; ported e< ji,oo pet . ei. from f 7 to 19 per bl, according to quality and atm of bbi. CRA N BERRI F.l—Roles at $30(12 as to runty, and jit4l6 for “SacketCs" t Ale berries. CARBON (A 1.-1. firm With but com paratively little offering as the stock In thin market in pretty well reduced; we continue to quote at 31@.31,t4, in a Job bing way. BLUED FRUIT—Is quiet and un changed. Apelen, tits; Peaches, 91gi 10 for quarters, and , 1218113 for halves. PoilS—Malm at FEATEIERS—In bettbr demand and higher, and we now quote at 85 4 00 to the trade and the unual advance for small lots in store. FLOOR—There is nothing new in the Haar market—no Improvement to note in the demand and no change in prices. We continue to quote good to choice winter wheat brands at , s6,ootgfiThl, GRAlN—Wheat is quiet and unchang. ad, 11.1641.18 for prime red. Oats quoted at 46(gi47 01 wharf andtrack. sad 4e4.50 In stem. la dull and nomi nal at 90 to 98. the outside figure for prime Patinny . Wants and Ohio, Sales of new ear cans at 75 and old at 934 95, that la on wharf or trunk. Barley in dead—there are no established quota. Slone. Buyers are disposed to hold off expecting lower prices. IlAY—la being sold from country wagons at 111642:2 per ton. HUNKS—SaIes at 8 centsper pound. HOMINY—BaIes $3,00,50 per bbl. LlME—Bales of Cleyeland white lime at /2102.2.5 per bbL LARD OlL—Balm of extra No. I, at 81,4201,45, and No.Xs: - $1,0501,08. ONIONS -Sale. at $2,50%.4,e0 per bbl. the outside figure for choice. POTATOES—SaIe. Baltimore sweet. at 83,5004 per bbd, and prime Jerseys at KM. Peach Blows 50 cents per bushel. ' POULTBY--.Bales oftlye chickens, by the coop, at 50(g155 eta per pair. PROVISIONS—There is 'sot muchln quiry for Bacon, the nation being al- most over, spd there la not much stock In this market. Hogs still keep up In prism nye t&I lc as to quality. SEEDS—Balsa of ilssad at WO, and but little offering in this market. Tim othy Bead is dul land nominal at ;BMX.' Nothing doing in clover seed. SALT—In firmer with sales of car load I lot at 11,81 per bbL BTBAW—Bales at /I2® l 6 per ton. PETRIE/LEO NI MAIMET Omar or Prrrsausoic CLucerne, TRITILSDAT, Norm:labor 4, 1889. The oil business Is devoid of any thing reeW new or very important. The market is lbw brit locative, strong, but devoid of stability, and withal In a very peculiar condition. Refiners do not seem disposed to sell, being appre , Derisive of a still further advancs, while after all they have but little If any more margin now than they had two or three weeks Once, as erode has advanced with refined, and thou there is the ad• ranee In freights. As was expected, the shipments have fallen off very ma terially since the advent of,•thie month, and It is not to be expected that the ag. gregate ahipments for November will be anything lake that of October, and It Is pretty certain that the exports from Pittsburgh in 18ri9 will not begin to reech those of 1888. In the City Article of the London Tune.. of October lath appeared a communios- Lion from a dealer in petroleum, who in sisted that the greeter portion of the re fined oils imported from America has been found to be unsafe from its expire ' Wye character. A more unjuat imputa tion could not have been ventured upon. It at well known to the American trade that. ho relined oils leaveour ports which do not bear the government Impaction, standing fairly above the legal Igniting point. The difficulty in the foreign mar' keta comae from the cupidity of the daal era purchasing for consumption, who like too many partite' in our own domes tic trade, mingle the oommarffial article with Ifs cheaper but dangerous products A dangerous practice, which cannot be prevented in New York, is known Mob- Lain equally in the Hogilah and cacti ornital markets,' and, In either case, Is whoUy outside of the reitllleS.Wbokeltffili,,,Thi; tenderWbtekTUTlMlNMAili bet:WhilhAbit two countries, to an article of unexoep tional quality. The Crude market was unusually at. live to day, the bales be rm unusually large, and compared with yesterday, prices have mill further advanced. Males 1,000 buyer 1869 (40(46) at 16)4; 2,006 aeller November se 16 , 4; 1,000 spot (40( - 446) at 17; 1,000 November, (40E046) at 1614; LIMO aBtler 1669 (40046) at 16; 1,000 antler November 1674; and 4,000 buyer 1869, on can at Venaogo Cite at KA and 5,000 seller 1869 (40(x,,47) at Market quiet but firm and prices are strong and folly sustained. November Is quoted at Ilk bid; November and De cember 85(35i4; and December at 34V(iti 3434. lI.NCICIPTS OF CROON BY A. V. B. R. Wagner it Leech 720 bids, on account G. S. Thomas; Woodville Oil Works 480, on 111300IILIL Fisher Bro: Stsr Oil Works ea, on amount Fisher Bro. Total_ 1,080 RRIFIRENTH OV RRIPIIIRD HY A. R. R. R. IJberty Oil Works 250 bbl. refined to Warden, Frew &. Philadelphia. National Refining 00. 02 bbl. refined to Warden,Frew 42 On., Philadelphia. Livingston & Bro., 265 bble ref. oil to Warden. Frew & Co.. Philadelphia. Fawcett, L. & &222 bbla refined oil to W. P. Logan Logan tr. Era, Phila. • Total 82a bble . OIL SHIPPED EAST DINDMINE Depor. Fleming B lb. b 9 bible retined oil to Warden, Frew et. Co., Philadelphia. 01L CHIPPED EAST DT wierr PENN R. R. Fairview 00 Works S5B bbla ref. on to Merles Lenntg. PITTSBURGH LIVE STOCK MAR CM PZIVIrd. CZEITILAL STOCK YA111314 i THUM:UT. Nov. 1, Pr& 1 There has been a regular panic in the Cattle market MIA week, one of the worst experienced this year, and, cow. wad with teat week, price. have drop end from a 34 to r, of a cent per pound. The yards have Wen fell and overflow ing all week, and this together with con tined nn'avorable advice* from New York, had a very depressing effeet, and those who were so very unfortunate as to have cattle here this week Iced heavily The tomes incurred In many masa world reach ISergfid per oar load, and we beard one man say that be would lose WO on three car loads. Taking It all In all thin has been the worst market of the sewn thls'wan the general verdict rendered by Pparlidors, and many of those who sold here tbitweeic Will go home sick of the stock business spd we have an Idea, that soma of them at least will an bs bark again soon. M already intimated, prima are con siderably lower than they were last week, and, as will he seen by referencia to the report of Wes, there were but very taw sold above 65((3,04, though an extra drove might have brought 6%@)7. Light cattle mold ot all kinds of prices, ranging from B to 43 (§)5. Tuniumsr,October 29.—Hedgos:dt Tur k:W.lov Williams to G. Blackwell 2.1, weighing 19,000, at 5,76; same for D. Dose to P. Duffy 16, weighing 18100, at 5 341 same for Z., Pitman to Bottenstein weighing 19,610, ate; Smith 4 Blue ror EL Breen toil. Todd 44, weighing 27 . 020 . at 494; same for saw to J. Lazuli. 46, weighing 2 . 7 ,200, at 4; same for W. &mit e:Xi go sre 83, weighing 37,800, at 6%1 Holmes, Lefferty 4 Co.- (or Moroi. eon K. to 41. Lsedie 9, weighing 3,770. 434; same for Fisher to same 19, weigh ing 15,240. at 4341 same for Turner to Moos Lt Walleek 17, weighing 19,505, at 5 6-10 same fce Widget to J. E. Patton 38, Weighing MOM, at ii;it crime for Illo• Keever toil hillier 96. ...wa n , 10 490, at 4 4-10; Orr & William for J. L. iVal cot& to Voottof dt B. 1 6, Weighing 17,910, al 4 110; A. Greenawalt for same to .1. Martin 49, weighing 64980, at 714; Haael wood it B. (or Maya to Miller 91, weigh. log 17,700, at 4,46. puling, October O.—Holmes.trarty 6 , Co. for McKeever to J. tlll 41. sigh ing 40,820, at sq; same (or Williams to g. Miller 20, weighing 20,290; same for Thompson di B. to H. Todd 61, weigfrin 62,310, gt 454: same for . Mercado to W. Kelly 19, weighing 17,450, at IN; same for Thompson &!L to Briggs 16, 'woo. log 92.470, at 7; same for same to Taylor Groff 66. weighing 56. 2 1 0 , at 64.10; same the P. Brown to J. knit 19, weigh ing 21,460: same for MEMO to Hager /7, weighing 20,600, at 0N; same for Fore hand to U. Seitz 22, weighing J13,1/30, at 11,iXe 1141120 for Goldsmith to H. Maier 67, weighing IMMO, st 7,00: Haseiwood it B. Mr Irwin to 0, Sans la, welirblvg Nino, at 5,113: L Birarnberg for acme to Brim 18, weighing 2,;,3441, at .5!.„,; (rr et Wil liarna for Robins to R. VV. Gillett 34. weighing 38,53 d, a 6%; name for Poag to mains 47. weighing 57A0, at 6%; Vanter & B. for Landis telinntenerger 18, weighing 21,200, at 6... iisTcanAr, October 30.—Holmes, 1.. & Co. for Thompson h K. to Voetter a B. NO, weighing 118.230, at 55,; same for W. 11. Taylor to S. Miller 19, weighing 19,• OttO, et 5‘,; Williams for Poag to Hakiewod B. 13, weighing 12,730 r at 5,25. Mss ust, November I.—Voetter a B. LO S. &tiller 8, weighing 7,850. o Tuminsv, November 2.—Holmes, L. a Co. for Bingham to Weddle 12, weigh. lug 11,490, at 5,00; name for Benton to S (irible 19, weighing 18.760, of 5,25; H. dt. T. for Maxwell tx. Aekere a B. 18, weighing 18,940, at 0,00.); woe for May nor to Lantz 15, weighing 12,020, et 5,10; H. & B. for Woods to 8. Miller 18, weigh ing 19,6041, et Flame for name to name 5, weighing 5,511, at 5,50; B. dr B. for H. Ware to O. Blackwell a), weighing 17,- 3,75. WEDNESDAY, November 3.—Hoimee, Lafferty 6 Co for Triompeon 6 R. for Lotigneeker 19, weighing 18,780, at 5%; name far Warren to Kennedy 17 weigh ing 10,980, 4 5%; elute for Parker to Kennedy 60 weighing 57,190, at 4.60; .same for Ward to Knox 54 weighing 58,220, at 4%; Haziewood 6 Blaekelock 'for Cannibal! to Hartsell 16 weighing 19,640, at 5,60; name for Campbell to Moms 15 weighing 111,300, at 6%: same for Willie to Buell 6 weighing 6,930, at 5%; same for Bennett to name Ii weigh ing 12,640, at 5 4 .4; same for Carter to name weighing 18,210, at 535; name for Mar vin to Kauffman Di weighing 33,100, at 6 30; Hedges .5 Taylor for Pulkerson to Brogge 15 weighing 18,470, at 6.40; same for Brown to Culp 2, at 5%; same for Studemyer to id'Kerina 35, weighing 17.40% at 5%; name for I'ulkeraon to M'Kertna 58 weighing 50,700, at 5,40; same for Mosher 10 Jackman 10, weighing 9,710, at 4%; Mari to Moeda 19, weighing 17,330, at 4%; Smith-et Bine for Cards to Longueeker 21, weighing 20.020, at 4::•-‘1 Heskett to Siena R. Kate 38, weighing 43,140, of Mbwrilnr to Royer 10, weighing 7,170, at 4% R Campbell to Voetter et Co. 49, wei gh ing 64,800, at 11%'; um same to Mieliman weighing 38,100, at 4,10; Eindth ,t Blue for Green to Buck waiter 7 weighing 38,530, id 5%; Marks to Clark 46, weight - 0g 50 - 5, 10, at lig; Coe taillnetto Harrold It Johnalon Z 3, weigh ing 24680. at 6,4 .4 1 WIlkInson to Royer I.3,Weighlng 13, it t.. Rhamberg "to Elver 10, weig hlng 8,660, at. 4%. Tiaffigekay, November 4.—Holmes, .i 41162141. Co; ter Bingham to Rowe 35, wets • g 41,820, aL 43; aims for Thomp son to Rowe 50, weighlng 53,18.1, at 5,85; same for Baal& -to Kelly 17, weighing 17,830, at 5; Semi for Judy to bleClaine 45, weighing 113,850, at 4,15; ulna for Walker to Kelly 40, weighing 9.4, 3 0, at 4,15; Smith et Blue for Popham to Voet ter a Cb. 17, weighing 16.100, at 4%; same for Talmage dt Co. to Voetter 147, weighing 137,150, at 4%; Hedges R. Taylor for Kunkle to Miller & Davis 60, weighing 58,520, at 5%'; same for Jarrett ek Bre, to Roth 33, weighing 40,740; Haslewood 6 illankatook for Newton to Roth 20, weighing 19,450,- at bit; Kraus dt Haas to }Mai 37, weighing 42,060, at 144: Name to Miller 17, welshing 19,660, at 6,30. The sheep market, aim), received, in use a common expression among stook men, a "hiackeve" this week, and, as In the owe of cattle, primal are considerably lower, sod even at the decline the sup ply was In excess of the demand and especially was the case in regard to the common grades. Prime tat 90 pound sheep, which last week brought 6 or sold this week at 4t4).1 , ., and good 100 lb sversans aerinot be quoted above 41. Common stook dull and hard to sell at any price, as hovers for this par ticular class of stock are very scarce. The market, upon the whole, is pro- nounced the hardest of the season, and so In the case of cattle, sellers mostly lost money. UoWL The bog market beeps remarkably 'steady end there has boon for tetne time past, • remarkable uniformity in prices. The supply hes been shout equal to the demand for several week pant, and ma consequence, primal have vaned hyt xery little. We onatinue to quota. PbUaaaPhis-Holf• I0)414 It, and York Hoge 3t4 figgybK. Our packers hare made bti-MOVIIMent es yet, nor is It likely thill Alita ;lOU so long aa prices iceep•V p, • nAfites44 - 1 BY TELIWRAPIII "Nzw Yon's, November 4.—Ootton de ath:Jog; sales 3,000 balm at 28e for mid dlina• uplands. Flour reenlpts, Zl,Sr.2 bbiE dour heavy and 5410 e lower; sales 4,WErtNals at 51,1041,15 far nuperline State atd vrestiorn, ,00. - 4,20 for extra State. Ifs(sai,2e for extra ensetern,ll442.f.4 3,130 for White Wheal extra, 15,7566,40 : 04-11f450CIY8 for extra St. Louie, f7e49 for good to choice do, closing heavy. Rye [lour quiet sales WO Wile at /4,75440.10. Corn meal quiet. Whinky lower; [taloa 300 bide at 11,13.40 11,16 (or free, Inside price for city. }teen; wheat 229,712 bush; wheat 143 c lower, tha decline heatedly upon spring; aster of 181,000 bush, 51,1201,15 for No. 3 spring, #1,27®1,30ij for N 0.2 do., $1,37® 1,40 for No. I do., 1 1,35 for No. 1 and 2 do, mixed, $1,2U 01,28 for winter and red and amber western, $1,43 for email lota do., $1.,4341,41 for choice and extra choice amber states, and $1,6001,0 for white western. Rye dell. Barley heavy and declining; sale. of 14,000 bush 2 rowed State at #1,15(c51,V.1. Barley Malt quiet. Corn: receipt., 1114,486 bush; market opened quiet and cloned 3®,4c better, with a fair speculative demand: Wes o( Dl,Otiti bush, 414(599c for umiound mixed western, sl,oo®l,oaB for sound do., and lajogiji for western yoilow. Data: receipt., 90000 bash; mar ket more active end lower; sales of 79,000 bush, at 631#87e for new southern and western. Moe nominal. Coffee quiet and firm; sales 1,170 eke Is guayra at private Lerms tingle quiet and drooping; sale. 860 Dbl. at Il(gillsie for Cuba; 11,;(g,12c (or Porto Rim; 76 ha. Havana at Itiy„ @Mc. Molasses nominal. Hope arm at 10023 c for American. Pe. troieum quiet. Spirita turpentine quiet: salmi at 4.3.5047340. Pork a shade Brie. er; sales 480 Mile at X 1,60 x@3o (or maw, cloning at $3O cash, 1124,60®25 fur prime, end $28,50027,611 for prime meant also bOti blitz prime mane, seller December and January, at private terms. Beef quiet; sales 180 bras at s6®l3 for new plain mean; $12017,50 for new extra mews. 'Fierce beef quiet at 8°402. for prime utese;43o®32 tor India mess. Beef men.,dull; stelae 70 WA. at $1.8025 for old; $33 for new. Cut meat. dull and heavy; salsa 626 pkBs at 1434015 c for shoulders; MOBS, for ham.. Middles dull and heavy; sales 100 bxa Ice cured part at 163 , j0. Lard dull and drooping; sale. 300 toe et 18.ii017,lic for steam; 18 (rylBt4e for kettle rendered. Butter quiet at V.033c for Ohio, Cheese dull at 17018,4 c. Freight. to Liverpool a shade firmer; shipments of 00,1100 ou wheat at 8d per stall. 84Cjay,gd per steam. I.4teet—Flour closed dull and 150100 lower. Wheat closed dull, heavy and lo lower for spring, and quiet and without decided change for whiter. Rye opalin e!. Oats dull and heavy at 04(880 (or western. Corn firmer and quiet at 94® 990 for unsound, and 111,0201,05 for mound mixed western. Pork dull at $3O for mesa. Hoe( quiet and unchanged. Cut Ideate and Bacon dull and heavy. Lard dull at 17,12017xe for fair tolnime steam. e in fair request with no change In price. Sr. Louie, NormaLer 4.-Tobacco 1110. live and better at 8 3 / 4 (4,103,0 for lugs, 104@i:4p for dark leaf, /60300 for me. dium bright leaf. Cotton rather weak at 24)0. klemp, nothing doing. Flour dull and very 1111.10 doing; Northand 03 fall super .05(44,60, fall extra 1, 15, $5 double extra ,25, treble extra 2a, faintly 0,8748 Wheat heavy and 2(03e lower for spring and low and medium grada, of fell; No. 2 spring Me, Missouri 11410, No. 2 red fall 050(701.03, No. I do 21,05, and No. 7 choice ii, 116 0 1 . 20 , yo. U white 11.15(4.1,1f1, No. 1 do 0414 choice to fanny11,46'01,35. Corn dull and lower for mixed and yellow; 69G71c far mixed In sack., 800 fur good to fenny. pats dull and lower 42®44 0 in bulk, 116(448a in mack. Barley steady; prlnoe to etrictly 'prime Mtrinedota spring 111,10@1,20, fall 01,4001,60. Rye dull, lower, 65. Whlaky dull and lower at 24,08CN1,4e. Groceries quiet and unchanged. Coffee ranges from lits to 214, Loulalans 'Nagar at 413 , 4'@1414. Molasses at 6eQ1750, for re. boiled. Provialons dull and but little doing. Pork sold on order. at po. Old and new dry ash watts on order. at 14c for 'boulders 17 , 4 0 for clear rib and 1744 for clear fades. flacon on orders at 10 . 44 for shoulders, and I 9 for clear aides. Lard dull and only order isle* at lit @ 17c for tierce and 16110 (or keg. jje celpte.-0,300,bb1e flour, 41,800 bus wheat. bush corn, 2.4500 brush mita, 4,700 both barley, 2.400 buab rye, 040 hogs. Cameo°, Novemborl,—F;asterri En. change 1.10 per cent. off buying . and par to 110 per cent. premium selling. Flour Is a abode easier at liti@k3,2s for spring extras. Wheat dull and Basler; No quiet and steady at Olic; NO. 2 gale& and weak at 85g570, closing at 85lf @Mc; this afternoon market 1 unsettled at 1/05fo buyers Nov. for No. 3. Corn dull and unsettled; salmi at-SiOdllaa for No. 1, analog eta% rejected 1j4020 lower, ages at 11200.214 c; this afternoon market firmer at Gae seller Nov. Oats Arm and steady at Stagtoo for No. SI, closing at &No. Eye fairly active at a decline of lo on Nos. 1. and 2, and I(2c on rejected; sales No. 1 at 700, No. 2 at 07.40x885i0, and rejected at 820, ample lots at Eto de. livered, closing st 680 for N 0.2. Barley dull and nominal at Ott for No. 2, High wines doll and 2a lower, with salmi st ji,06(gd,0834 per gal, closing nominal at iLosw,ao. Sugar 114‘014,tie for com mon to prime (Juba. Provisions quiet i mess pork 8231330 tor new and old, meth; peens: January; 1120,25 seller February ; P TTSBLT • DA IL' • . Am. v. I 1. 7 eV: a: a: lard 16%c; sweet pickled ham. 14SC: 1 short rib middles, Id days Ira salt, 1.50; , dressed bogs, sales at 10call round: live quiet at /R 1154025 for fair to medium; 49,35(4.9,85 Mir to choice; 19,90®10 for extra. Freights quiet st lower for wheat to Buffalo. Reormiu. during past air hours, 10,22:5 blue Ii mr, linter. bus wheat, 141,.175 bus crn, 42,7211 bun oats, SUSI bus rye, 232!, bus barley, 335 e hogs: shipments, 7r, 7137 MM. flour, 100,Ihg bus wheat, 134,571 bus awn, 214.7415 bun oats, 21,49 bus rye. 1960 bus barley. CnseritriaTl, November 4.—The de cline In gold depresses the markets gen erally, and all are dull. Flour very dull, but prices nominally unchanged; Fem• Ily $5,608.5.75- Wheat held at 111,086, 1,12, but no demand, though the supply here is light. Corn in good demand at illicy.fidc for old and Gee for new. Oats dull, 45(g.55c. Rye dull, No. I 11. Cot- Lon dull, but not lower; middling 244;41 2.6 e. Tobacco In light mmay and Ilrm, and sales light. Whisky unsettled; salon at $1,85. Mena pork dull. small salon at pi. Ramo unchanged, at retail, sides 1e1(4.19%c. Nothing done In new meats, the weather being too warm to move them. Green meats, for tile same re.- son, are unsaleable; they are tittered at 10%4:0134g14 %...., Butter and cheese un d3c nged and firm, 1.11.”.1 ,AI remains 1 at 90( Gold 127%, buying X. Exchange steady, Money mar. kat aloe. Tin..zoo, November, F1Q1.4.. dull. Wheat dull pad a shade lower, regular white Michigan at 1111,06i4, amber at 11,07, No. red at 41,12. (Awn unchanged. No. .. ,3 IP 7a, No. 2 My-. Oats ateady and I fin t, No. 1 at 470, No. 2at 44r and DOD, in . Freight). non.loal. Clover need at 150 , better. Receipts :of 3,400 Mils lloar, 24,000 both. wheat, Leal Mum corn, 1,600 bw.h. nate, SOU bunh. rye 10.500 Muth. barley. Shipment, of 3,91)4 Mile flour, 26,600 bush. wheat., 6,100 bush. oom 13,000 bush. 0.14., 400 [OVID. rye. Puit.angLrnis, November 4.—Flour dull and weak; supertine $6,251218.60, 'and extras i5,112,44(40 . 3,00. Wheat neg lected; red western 11,35®1,36. Rye is shandy at 11,06. Corn dull; western yid low /flog/1,02, wad mixed 11.04®1,03. Oat. unchanged. Barley /1,10 for two rowed, and 11,115 for four rowed. Pro. viatom. dull. Mean Pmk unchanged. Lard 17?...(418 , ic. Petroleum; crude no. changed; refined nominal at 36e all the month. Whlaky nominal at 11,14(41.16. LOWSTILLIC, November 4.—Cotton la quiet at 2440 for Middling. Flour In lair demand at 15,50 for extra family. Orate steady: red - Wheat No. I white at $1.16. Oorn In bulk tioc. Oats, in.. balk' at 50c. Rye at 900. Hog, are Steady at 94®1.0c, the latter price paid for choice No. l. Leaf Tobacco unchanged: [tale. 16 hints at 18,10 for lugs to /16 for leaf. Provisions quiet and unchanged. Melia Pork $3l. Bacon. shoulders 16co; Meer sides 20o; no clear rib in market. Lard 186 In liftmen. _Whisky, raw declined at 11,66. CLIVELA DD, Nollomher 4.—Flour 11 quiet. holders a ehatle firmer without change In prima. Wheat opened at 11,16 i for No. 1 red bet advanced to 11,16, at whine it closed pretty strong; No. 2 red wild et 11,11; the reoelpin light and de mand good. Corn unchanged and time. Oats wasey and unchanged. Petroleuer unchanged but firm; refined held at 2.854 @290 for prime light straw to white, and 29t:430e for standard white; crude bet ter at $6,75. Rye and Barley quiet end unchanged. list.Tllliolin. November 4, Flour more active but prima aro week: western Cu. pertinent 15,5114y5,75. extra at 45,750)7,25. Wheat dull: /1,25(911,411 for prime to choice red. Corn dull; new white nt 75(4 POn. old at 11141,024. . l.ilm dull ID MCCOMO. Roe dull at.9o@fllo. MMa pork quiet at 133. Ration dram rib coin. at liii-ic, clear do at Ilitigllo%o, *boulder.. at 160, ham& at 24 Loa Lard quiet at isy,(4l9c.. Whlalty quiet at 11,11Cd.1,12. arr rim.. Nov. 4.--A:otton quiet, el.- log weak at 24 , ,,e: rev‘elpta e•; tart. 1452 bales Flour dull and unokangod. Corn ladtpskr. 11.sta AO, Hay tiondnaL Bran a. Pork TV/ Lard 186420 e. lir am .ready; ahouldora 17 yr, ludo. 210. Sr. Loula, Novena.. t.—tattle un changed, with very few choice in mar ket; p:lees range from 2.,411.,r. Hope. weather warm, supply light and drovers arm for 114 e averaging :Cl , Ol '0,4P0 aver aging 210 pounds. Cittc•Afto, November 4.—Ratra choice Cattle very dull at sl,2kait.iiii for mini mum u extra cows; p.buco for stockers; 18(2n,60 for good native and extra Texan steers C/NCITMATI, November 4.—Ling• dull and lower, 1121,75(4,9,11d; reeelpu. Law: no elaughterlng weather—ton warm, ther mometer 70. • l)ry Good• PlarteL Nsw Yonx, November 4.—There la a ...Intim.) shrinking on value of staple ...dons, but Imps ovost in.l , :lry at the re dere.' price.), although the market 1. no way arils,. F.Mowing are tllO moat Important claaugem virls LI B Mae Deft. Dona reduced from IS to 2.1 q do C C do do from 21 to 20: do A X A from 2714 to 2:k Boston Brown Denims from f 6 to 1430; Tremont I) Bleached Canton Flannels are to lower and now selling at Agawan F 4.4 141..1 filit4efinkos down to 120, rthertbroke A. 0= FITTNDUROD FORT WAI' N IC AND CnL I•Aoo RA In Ito AD. rioVOM I ..of 1.-33 bile %WAR Hostetter dt Smith; 97 hides, td DeLange; 250 pica lead, ltakewell P Co; 10 ibis nil, E 11 Myer. d Da; 3 can scrap iron, T Maloney; 4do a, D Wal las; 186 ski barley, W J Meek; 116 oil bbl., W Mullin; I oar mbhilings, Robb &Herron; 100 bbl. flour, Stewart A Lt 14 aka raga, Godfrey Clark: 10 bga buck wheat flour, J A Itenithaw; le do do, Geo McClure, 16 do do, J A Graff; 60 [ma cheeae, Reynolds A. Hr.; 34 eke ralPi, Fahoestock; 2 cam Purley, Culp Shepard; 1 do do, Hperirer At McKay; 201 Mrs barley, Franenholin 51; 100 bids II our, Schounker A i 4 100 do do, T Jenkins; 6 bbl, oil, Fleming Brow; 25 tam pea nuts, H Devol; 10 halm cotton, Dickey; Y/ iris hills, W MArd.Wf; t carp pig Iron, N {Mink A Co; 2do do, Graff, Ayers& Ltn 2do do, Hallman dt Ham mett; 2 do do, Londe A Collard; 4 do do, J W Woods A (X, FITTSHIJROO., lllndllr NATI AND ST. Louis RAILROAD. November 1 —76 tig• wheat, 60 do barley, Moaner A H; 12 do do, P Doff A Hon; 20 moles lard, Ar buckles &Co; 26 trst do, J Dalaell A Son; 1 titida teMon, F Huller. dt Co; 1 box books, R 8 Davis; 23 bales cotton, Ken nedy, C A Co; 2 can wheat, J W Burn order; 2do rye, W J Meek; 237 bits wheat, J H Liggett A Co; I car grain, Hohlida; I d-, sloven, M P Adams A Rem 1 box lama, J L Donamit 66 .0. raga, It Christy; 20 bbl. - ti wine., W Carr A Co, 21 do do,LAttle H: 18 DKN feathers, Volgt; Mhood g do do, Edmodnitont 10 bbl. staples, N W Benham: le do do, F Il Craighead: 24 hg' barley, A .bb A H; 68 Oo potatoes, J A Graff. A LLSAMEN V. RA, !AMAIN No vember 4.-2 earn atone Ilendazion Em; 4 bbl• apples, J Daub: 245 aka 25 do rye, I oar grain. Scott & Waal; car metal, Baca, iiratr & I do db. Brown & Co; 60 aka flour, • angorder & 8; 2 bbl. elder, 0 Yore: 11 pa copper. J Dunlap; 1 oar Ume, D L Reynolds; ISM rail• railroad Iron, P I W & C B RL 2 ear. metal, McKnight & Co; 111 pkgs marketing, J Kllngsnamitb: I do do, C Seldonscheher; 2 °Alves, J D ernbergar: 00 bblm salt, Howard. & K; 71 aka oats, Moreland & 11, lb do rye, W Walsh & Co; 1 car metal II Woodside. ALLEGI KFIT ST•TION November 4.- 0 oars metal, Lewis, Bailey & Dalzell; I.oeo gallons Monearare, II Steven., 2 rem. metal, Lindsay & McCutcheon; 7 bbl. onion.. J I rani litnestsmit, superior Iron Co; 6 ears metal, OraM Bennett & Co; 1 do tin, Niinlck & On, 70 hides; Orabam & Spangler, I ear flax seed, Brer. Basolltou 4 Co; I do c00!.,- age, Baly• 0 Robertson; I ear Beguiled. M B Suydam; I do barley, Smith & I do corn. J B McKee; NI bides, Lae karnp tt Co; I ear wheat, W McKee & COI / do btlrlby, At Well & ClA:yr:Lawn AND Prrrainanii ROAD November 4.—b5 tibia ell J Spear; 1 car plpo H CbIllos; 1 ear wheal, J S LAgeott A Co; 9 earn metal, ?Hudak 4 Co; 18 bbla elder, P A Soo; 2 bbla wine, P liohlboaker; Dl eke barley, J 4 W Fairly; 84 tibia apple., W.O Arm atroog; t ear alone, Hanlon. & Malin I do I Wainwright; I do 01l bbia, C 4 Wortnesatie; 164 aka potatoes, Me- Hans & A ajar; be aka oats, W Nantk er st Hon; 100 bbls oil, Jobneon & Palos; 46 beim! spelea r 119 do potatoes, y flee Jr; 1011 bbla apple, 0 do elder, Valet, 61 A Co; 10 do cider, .1 A Craft RIVER PACKETS. alcatenva 3 Oft MEMPHIS AND adr i g HAW OULIZANNo—Thta e aavert L/EN4 iH Capt. janna OF Y. WIII Mayo for We above sad Iktereueolate ports on We a e; tiollltllWr 1 NW &NET. MCI pc.acic A COLLINUWOOII, /tunas. STEAMSHIPS TO LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN . . THE INMAN MAIL STEAMSHIPS, Numberlog hret,ltes emelt. .111101111 Item the Clolithestui CITY O• PA/lIS. CITY Or A NTW CRP, CITY Or BOSTON CITY or DALTIMuitt, Ci ri or boot 00%. Evraor SATUSUAY. from Pier*. Monti !tiler. Me. Tot.. Far V.e..►etrto rtpn lohtoOotooepoly to WILLIAM BIBOHAN, Jr. 1113 SMITH in JELD eTter. Pliubjek .• EIRE CIGAIIIIL—A fresh le• yobbo ef "Little Os.•• • and • .yieer de LW . ' lla, Hey-bite eed orela elem.. ust received eed nn Ufa by the bef f antall,iry corner Liberty arid ?Herb Wade. - 1010 1 EIARSON J.t MOTH CUL jrks. l l:=l74 11"'" nA CEMENT.-100 tit La. bus Lowniu. nrarriotTimer. KrVEkt NEWS The ricer continuum to recede at this point, With meant 3k/ 'riche. in the channel. Weather yesterday wm warmer bat as we are now haring whet is familiarly termed Indian Summer, the prospects for rain and a rhte are by no meana encouraging. The Colluaal wa to have left Bt. Louis on Tuesday fur Arkanaaa river, with Capt. M. A. Col In command. The Bolls, from Memphia, and Cam. Ila, from St. Louis, were due hut night, and will return again to day at noon. Copt. Reed, thinks that one Captain Is sufficient (or one Dual. —The H. M. Shreve arrived at St. Joseph, lent Saturday, with that portion which was saved of the cargo of the sunken Salley, —The Sallie left Cincinnati for Lads vine on Tuesday and the• Kate Putnam wa■ to have left there for New Orgasm on Wednesday. —Captain Donaldson, of the aleante• Great Ropubliet hati adopted' the auft gestion cot the St. Louis Times, and wit/ hereafter leave with his agents a dupli cate passenger —bliss halite Phillip's, of Carl o, _was married at the Stokes House in "Monad City, a few days alsoe, to a Mr. Grlam, an officer on the snagboat Abeit. was a runaway thatch, the parentaof ths bride objecting to it. —Wm. H. Chick. one of the clerks of the Stonewall, it is =warted, was proceed. log to the lacileti cabin when ttrat boat was burning. In Coder to atonat them to escape, when the burned door cracked beneath bin feet and ne unk hate the tirey chase below. —A oorreepoodent of the Memphis Appeal write. from Vicksburg: The war between Capt. mm. Leathers and John Cannon waxes. hot. Cannon has the advantage Juin now with the Pars good and the two Lees; bit the new Natcheas and- Dexter will alter - the com plexion of thing• when they get on the track. Capt. Leathers he. many friends who wish him to hold hls own and anoctsed. —The Rosalyn's /farad giVe. this to the Mt. Louis Dennorrat: The Democrat seems to take special pleaauze In twit ting "we une'• en the Ohio on the eterni ty of water that Primate. The people on the Oblo drink water. If they would change their drink to whisky, we Would 'have plenty of water. If the people on the bilimisaippi would exchange their drink, that river would be exhausted of water. What is the prospect of Ice around there, Dement? —We clip the following front the Cin cinnati Ousnocretal of Wednesday: Geo. W. Reed arrived from Pitts burgh yesterday, to command of the Kate Putnam, announced tor New Or. lean. today. Capt. Reed having retired from the command, returned to Pitta. burgh in lad night's train. Capt. Jtio, L. Ittiodea, a veteran builder and com mander, dixplaya tits holed pennant on the Kate to-day, and will put her through to New Orlean., and hook In gallant style. —The //corteticaq says: file Stone wall, remntly destroyed by On, Intend ed to have run ma e regular Tuceday putket between New Orlnoue and Cous hatta, on Red river. She wax to have entered that trade on ber arrival at New Oriemn• on this trip. The Submarine No. 13 will arrive here to day, when t•ep taln John T. Washington will have a hearing In regard to the clumps prefer red "valet hint by the eurvivera of tee Stonewall disaster. All oft he Insurance mmpa•ilee have concluded to adjust the losses occasioned by the slaking of barge No. LI last month. SPECIAL NOTICES I1" - THE EIEALUVG POOL. Yr. 71/It I , IJIM MIN who Gan (Allyn 1. to ltalfsta. 1613,1 atm florollav • Itlgh• r 04, aff.laholter )4 N wtlit eortalo moans kt f sr U. •01 1. fat la ocalesof feller rovesoff•r, Irre of • I Add•uff HOW AID Amx.y. iATION, Boa V. rbOaalalphla. reftaff.. •41:uocl 1 . IRT — JUST OUT. I=ll= Col; , + We[ 1 . 1180• T AND IsjtoNCIILTIS. Nola* so tOr.. None so ptesmol - (.`se, I. Quirt . eitlIVN4ll. ,w3u 10 LAW, House. New 1..71. tar-BATCHELOWEI HAIR DYE. Tble sylesdld Hair Dyb 1. Mb ban ly tha world: U. ably tro. bad porn.. Dm barolau, nlla ►4, Inzbantabeons; dlatypol•lsseat; ri- Vat*U•l ' llrtb.l.7ll ll lraribg i i ear * ud *1 twuntllb I. I‘.ll car bro., NMI by 'all Ilryginsu Porlisne.; pawl) bppnad Wis /seism Pa 111 gad atrat a lew Tart. auto= "rMA NllOOO.l DOW LOST! luM RrelPololl):—Jagirrlibt .a. 4. lu • ftrat.o eftretope lartnr - d, orqt.. • LSI, I' HZ ON TIIL NAT UNAL IWILATILE NT, awl !ladle .1 rare of Spermatorrbotea, or , eanlnal tireskar.s. Netu.l I4EWt,. ••al limapnllaseet• Marrug. generally . Merv"... cou.owstmlon. "Cptlep.y and Fit.; li• sad rbi•kal Inca &e.. ittwltT. J. CUI.VICRWICI.L.i . U.. . . . • . th- • t•refli LOadl. Re. ••A bus. to Thoosanclo of• •• Mtn: under 00 , 21. In ttlltsil t nn, &thin" pu•Lwl4. r•- c 111,4..1 1,1.011 It Cs,. 11111 York. fba 45b. •..^ I. ••llnrru2e UUlae. V price *5 cents. 4? COX— TO TR4AT ALL FILIV•Tr. MIAMI-. I haloone roo.. Wm of mows 1.1.1,- Imo Irom orlValot, pro In •Aosuallneo• orvoo..totollty, Irrilabilny. erupt/ova, o•Ahlsoi tooloAloba. Arid downy Impoter Cy persmeo .57 cureil. ',noes •Altrt..l with dettrata. and long atandloo conotitoti u• oomph,' U As* wltely to • Ited •o I for coooottAt,o33, •Oolk coots Dot No,. unriesee. the belt ottoactier, sa ceobled Alm to parte. rowed... •t one- .t di- . •lenl. safe. per and • totet I• moot curt bn M and wltlentl blulraton, 4 ...etc.. ier. preparcd to the es4•ll.toura4 109/.0 ern brut.. oiler. minrni lauedlee •ad ale. golng apart& eats far patleat• re... Airier dal., p•roucal a...wt... Lad vapor add chenec.l hat., eau "concentrate,' the famed sprlnge. Nu matter etc. have failed. Oil. pear rue. /lead shall 11.1• S pus. plllet of 110 • ',sic*. lett to sew address fur Lao ttank• In oralecl iteelryoe. Tho•••• 419 of eue• treated nuuly. at 001 • u•I all uwer tke rose- Vt. a yl 'Y • r tiee r natt ny t'uo " rl b ll ' ott .th P•. duet. 0• . to •e. • gar days 19 It. IDAe. Patoodet seat to ea, ed• dress fur Ire cheap*. apt pr. SCHENCK'S PIJI.NOIIIc ET U r Ifica xr Eno TUNIC AND %I ANORAK IC PILLS will mare Cuarateptlisto. Liver Complalot and Dpliettela, It DMus accord. to to directions. TIME d.. all Dlr. to be lakes at the some time. 1%. clwansie the stator-h. ft ing the llver bodily% It to wort; thee the ahgteslte becomes good; tke food digest@ and Mate* {Dad blood; the potteht begtne :row ln Mal; the doweeed molter ripen Inter Um ittiMgat [an " the patent rostgrowii be e 11... had gels Mal. Tab Is the only why to wee mattallinDe To three three hiteellethed Dr. r. U.achetell. et rhilsdelDbis. awes aorlsoled Oectees 11 Met treat... o f Daimon., OtessomisUms. The Pal e . mottle Strop ripe. the Math" mallar to the two, nature throws It off ter an ohs) exporter. two, for when the phlegm or Wafter le ripe • Might matt wild tetra. Dad. sod lbw patient has rest sod the Wrote begirt ' 0 hell. To do lets, the hasie•ed Toole sod Ilandr,ige Pill. m 0 t I reel, seed '0ct..... e nommen Sod gee. so that the Palmowla hyrup and the teed .111 to ate goal blood. rebetel•e Ilitodrale Ville let epos the Deer.moot 1 'a all obetruellons, relay It. duets of id, sit [dodder. IS. bite story Neely emd the it• er Isl.we rsiteredi the stools oho.. woo l e e mot wotblog has •Ter weds lloyal d ex cept Jewel 1. dredit p . I g , b Is se r dan ger..." to ow , an esti olth great este., el will auluelt the roll bladder ail et rt secretionof the liver Is. roheriet ie Mandros "the. Uwe r complaint Is one or the me wood.. mows of. tiobsomptton. het.. net'. oroweett 1 olds Is • :tulle ellsoalent and mdteratire, and the 111.1 to the 'slst al. lehtehjbls peetwealirso of. welott the Wheat* to throw oat the gs• ite Jaw. to dipole. the rood hill the raiment. pep, .00 It th made Into good Wood saltwater/sat eittolAill 00 swans( le It.• stomach. • .. • The great man .0V plivelsins do net sire tin . .rp la Mt toe mon: bee alts medial. lain, aa. eon.. te•toosolii. dido Want manna. lo lave?, mid by so done they damn. th. 10,4 e dlinmtte• teoeftre, :Livia b. rs Itlow act.l event4H, lba puling b. mhraca. •Ws invaloarat, Java bat tn stops eon. dint •weetai. rblil• or Dna. Ha. move iha va mad Dagid •• I atop id limn •wo *nor , Noon ran brand of Costmunp• Doe. tan ar omplalat. Inararpol. Utarrated Throat. antes, t • Inn and Doan n are nada beattlay. . nes lan boa newsman. 'of eon. Ma • be• la Mee way an Maya. a , atta••llobatetea. aa crow. browning Irrltallm4 Pilsini Manta. or thy Wogs an amass of islamanatioa and i t dans,. a. in nab Man was* melt be dom., it is ao , Inas Oat an In/Wag. bat it I. r tal./ l are Lo r i:LIZ ; It` titar.e.X tae . ta le. anch, be pat teat will bean to out 10. d, dtm at easily mai aaalt a goal blood; alma tbe paint be gin La gala In Ors. awl las wMs ilp an—...lobo mawas O lo m bt . - g ami th e q o ad gela f shy sod m we. Tb We out, way Ia eon Cooneantloa. heathen la No long dins. and Oen Warr Comslanda and Dane. I. betwoch n Seaweed Tool and Illeadralis soirtneat, witbon '..l' l l:2 l : l flad.P...L o t: i .t,r . ' a t ale. In Phis s Nati) bal.leall. Dr, entrant. who has raloyed nainterrnpted hrallb tor May lOU. pm.. and now weighs WWI m:',lvr:A=7 , ll,=,""atlr.l.l° his physicians boas, pronounced his can lope• leas and anadon d bias to his fate, 11. Canned iti• aforesaid magician. tad his naboy• fin.rosav msand. similarly !alined have mad r Yea of peel/anti. •Ila remarbable no on. araraer s ig each bottle. "'4lJlg It . r'S , LI ' eV p " . in •al at 1 r ire; ' a • a .astral, and for Ibis pant, e be is profession al, at his Pram', al Orbra, Phial/Wahl. every Satarday, where all Waters far Wade mast be ad enoma. He I. al" 1 roreasloaall• at No. 311 Bond attest, _New Yon, every other Toesda. and at WO. if Hanorer Drava. Sonia. other Wednea day. lie gives adv 're free bat for 4gl;A:lll;7l.l= o 4:4n4hraetiire= 4. n. to• Olt. W. Prize o the raltooale (leap •cl Se. gatidl Ton e nth .11,50 per beti le. or 01,60 a inardosga. 000roko $ll nat. boa. Dile by all drugglats. FRUIT CAN TOPS. SELIF lAI3ELING , • : Fit FIT- C AN r 11) t' . . • COLLINS Al,'1 1 :11GIIT,' • , We in hoer IMMlldrt u reAVlllereTeed Pottersit. im. e the t w ee a =Maar% dm= rto • sea boo the ocelot., az Or epos Lb* lop of the eso. It b Clearly, Menially and Permanently er ismer Discus le m .g . . of the Inn no 4,0=• op= e eat eeslA le li th otr Itcoutereapar olit . O. o =rflor meta t. LIS MLIME 9ITGAEL--10 barrels i a=rroakina J 1 . FINANCIAL TRADESMEN'S IN ITIONAL BANK, Wood L. cor. Second Avenue. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. fold, Ccutims, Bonds and Stocks BOUGHT AND SOLD A. B ILALL.ICT. revaldro‘ W. VAN KIRK. Vie. rrythient. t Site. CL•It K. JR.. endue, • HOLMES & SONS, 1;111.S. rs 7 MARKET STREET PIT?SDUUGU PA. (Sollectiose made on all the principal points of the fatted butes and Canada.. Stocks,Bouds and other Securities BOUGHT A N U IfOLD UN C 0111413.1011. pall to tha .04 'United States Securities. HART, CAUGHEY & BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, PITTSI3IMOII, PA. I=l Eichange, Coin, Coupons, 1:2=1 COVERNMENT BONDS 8 . q . 1 . 1 , t Drafts on London. CITY BANK. 112 fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPRAL, $100„00e. • • iTOCIROLDERS 16111DUILLY CABLE INTEREST PAID ON Moms. VUIWIUN ItICRA.NOZ Nought and sold. weft 11.. dashedrethlateel I. huhu."e. C01...1t0. shade un all the pflocfpal pulata of the II oiled !Mates and Chuade Doxi Nur le 155510. Pevaideat. Jilts ilue•ha. Vlo. Prehhhent. W. N. hiUKO•PI, CYELInt. I,IIII.CTOZA. I/ Ihntre. - . . James McCabe, Th tom. Roark. HAAS Attattog, J Do•lory. Jr.. Ten ace Cootaboli. Patrick Lutia, Imam Motu. I'L. IL Han, H. A. Prirryogio. Jao. la. oars.. ThasuiAlarse. Jel:Li JO5. M. BALSAM. Solicitor. WHOLESALE GROCERS, &c. OW. W. Ultertliztll. •1.11.11 r DILWOISTII. DILWORTH HIRPER & CO. Wholesale lirocers, No. 243 LIBERTY STREET, Oppoellm bed.l of Wocul sin. 4 ettlsbftra. a.VI OPINED WITH • Very Large and Complete Stock of GROCERIES, TO WHICH ?bey Respectfully tulle the ittentlos 02 P UROHASERS. 11 WILLIAM MILLER & CO., Sm. 431 and 433 Liberty Street. = Prim, New Crop flew Orleans gager and Molasses. Pala flea. 6ota add Madill& Istaad Dusan. be• Tort, filllad..tplda sad Mattlaw,. Ea .ned do. Drip.. Lamellar', BrunPa. Staarl..• •daam.e . and Load {eland 'dread/d -rone Rico, Cuba and Impish Leland liolaapes. and Toner aa It 7..nTaa.a. Japan. Imperial, Panpowdee tbl I &toils. r sad Panenin a•a. and tfluColems. Lard 1011 . Fl-k. Wass. rouapa, COllO II arns. •e.. constmodle a. base. ALSO, OE:3ZaCTI Fine Brandies, Wines and &gam Ithenitat, H...H• and Npvillo. Hock Wlnew of Hut. a Co., 1. ,• • . Opdsl rt loselte, debr...o, alaola lt•e, c•clUr b 11 ttoor, -rgaa r zierr. at.wod Joh Meddrotairg • Freres' nee 011•• Oil. do Cl do are., Imported to bottled. do do Wittto to bottles. W. Work • Pole' fYvlltee Ost• Floc 01.1 eherry, Nadel.. sad Port WII2OII. Mosaaptbe.• Rae Wltlatiod. pare. do Pert 1,1014. nal Old bro.ek do do. ALSO. Solo trota An Mort• Cbr4WollrBB.l h'ig•ertuar of 8 tiorr ebaraparre Hroodloo of orr 9W4 ooloettoo oa . d marroala.d. ESTABLISHED Di A. & T. GORMLY. 1812. W. MUNLY, WIIOLIESALE OQO ER. N.I. 271 Liberty St, cet, (Dm - rmr Oat. Z... HQ , yt PIPTIBUiIuII, PA. W. r. ARMSTRONG, .eon ',oat to Pans • •n0t0p0,.., rotODUCE CONAILTaiUS REECIWIT, N. 28 31girkot 14tracti. l ifE&Non & nAnrzn, mous. • .0. PRODUCI Commission Morchants, No. 120 LIBERTY STILEAT. Cerpflipase•ts sr MIS It [IL J• 11121 V. IsCUART. & EUCIBART, ZODIEMISLION ♦nl [MALAWI IN FLOUR, GRAM BEEK 11111 PEED, /a •t! Liberty 11., Plitisbamla. .1.10,13133 J. A. !MILLI STINELE & BON, ' Germ rn issiols Merchants VIAIU R,UIIAIN, FI:E1I), aka I==flM _l===nl L . J. BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, No. 390 PINS STRIZT agIM: a lie T ITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, 1..4 Wholesale liroe.s, Cam..los Mere... .44. • ams d all Mu._ gr aII = - gaberslia, Wl an .4 114 b.)olsl,rat ary rhlabar b , JOEIN I. Hover. VIM. novas... Arm. ti. novel. .• lons L HOUSE & BROS.. Soo- seta meson to JOHN I. HOUR( • CO., Whole seta Unarm sad COIIIIIBiLdoIf aterehanta Oars. of !WHO:taste •ad Water Meats, Plalebarit. .10UNIMIIVON ♦. WALLACE.. lUPTON &WALLACE.WhoIe. BALM 411.0fiClia 411Dpzootnyx DLL. 66, NA. 6 6IXTLIFITRY6T. Plttauerib. LIIBEHEDI. ril BUILDERS I 100.000 Mt 1117 Ms loud/ 110.000 1101 131 Ischr rumki 111,0111 teat DI 0.01 mos Pt 01,0001kat WM.. 111 Iset 0•11 111100011. kJ. 1 .2 awl 3 taebygpawt 10.000 ten f ru . ol lll. : I ot, OM= 21.10/las los.ooe a., 0. w met naglasi nu.. t . imams er s . tVIRIN . W. WWI WO sii man II" rin.l6. l lTr ft. I:ll . lti ll' ilt "Lad M em at woo sadl g r hati ..1.2. , MO I, We bar. ingh Alf liaaelmaLir IlVd EvroNiL Warr COJIMON Machine Mona Woriks, imonmearaisrotw•stosaaas.Amerm. MID% IMILIPEK a co. tSan !1,11.e5,...a0&MT o. Th. Usad-aiWrmbWier3,6 IRON AND STEEL. DUQUESNE WORKS. COLEMAN, RAHM & CO IRON, NAILS, STEEL AXLES AND SPRINGS. DIACEANS, L X AHD JUNIATA Fl AT BAR, Rorivr, AND .4,1.1,,nr. IRON. BAND. lith,P, -HEFT AND ANK IRON. BOILER PLATES AND HEADB, ...CARD IRON. DRAU And DROPPER BA RN, FLAN4E.R, CrTTER BAWL CYLINDER IRON, T A ` , l" , FL AT RAIL. for Polo Rohr. • - • . . clO/Wk•lts WUXI. & H A ItROW TEETH SPILL:W.II.OW ANDI• TIN &Tuft rzEL STEEL WINOS AND WOCI.O,TIto palLera STEEL Tie ES, STEEL taIi•TINO, A. . . 4.I'INA:I, AND !WIN All Goods First Class and Warranted. OVIICES AND WOELliel. SI e7l 4=t •ol Alllte v•l ti r .p ialy . mht BARR & PARKIN. •ImutAL t.7i - Lr.VAltak! a. Br.. ILL T• lra -5. M haat. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, MILLER, BARR A. PARKIN, HIKE. No. HO Liberty Strut, YITTSBUII , 4II. VA. fr. .I.ts DUQUESNE FORGE WILLIAM MIME, (thieress.r to JOS. If Altia & 00.0 Hu Millrw co-e teulve • ILA the leading Yor e In the raw. and is prepare.. to_prosoptly •ed . .atitlreciarlly ell all orders fsr OTRA11130•T •RT., CRANKS., 1'0rr..41 ROOS. LIVIERA, ring •N JAMS, RILOITV, RAILROAI. AXLE., LoCOI.IOIIVI TIAN tn, together Itrlta ever, dterription et SEI•PZ WORK. lime. wed Forge Corner of ilaquesoe Way and Vint Street. • . 0 11:040 priTSBURGB STEEL WORKS. IsTABLIISIIIM W MK& ANDERSON & WOODS, DEBT DEFINED OAST STEM. I= baled Berman Plow and bpring Nit& CIMINZE WWI AND FIKIT LVILNII . II P,ltu harsh. Ps. BLLBRSIIHISEN PROCIES. Tn. Trveteee ex" pow weepued t. grant llam a. foe th!. ase of Ole ELLS.RIIII•LAN rItO CEISs. '1 good Iron. the =d to It to not ciseealZat:comine ttd all taasufatta Iron. Yana. vtablus to v. ILL r. Obtain Ileeauea ni applylax La JAMES P. SPF,ER, •tterney for the Trustee.. ROOMS I •td lingttsh'e 96)6 tourth . . Parties loterottedare 10•11 ed to visit the 1511010111101.11 WORKM, where Um pro-est Is Dom Is 5ec0...1.1 operation. fet.dio . ROBINSON, BEA Jk. CO., otacevuora to floe:mum. MI WIN l WILL... WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS LAID RAOIEERISI S. PITTSBURGH, Illanotketoren of Bost and Walkman gleam o In Crti Ui a r rr '. :4 l t! '' r er '::f and oil (. (`ally. er;i , trff; . Koller tad tint In. Work •01. IS. conker Irlrst sad emitheeld .If f 2;l::t . f . or 011aiR11•11 PATKNT I NJ VC'TOli T"°' CARLIN & CO., honk Ward Foundry nod Machine Works. =I Manufacture. ant... Unman and Portal:de BN am :Le?: I txrr I,l,V;TvitraVfaa: `"."Y11 1 all. .:=, ha~aoe hand [n[ll4 of eta. m7144$ STOVES. CAbTING9, Cook STOVE& CET THE BEST. BISSELL & CO'S TRIUMPH, FOE BITUMINOUS COAL, Warranter! to Cook, Bake or Roast as well as any other Store hi the Union. BISSELL & 00., No. Q 35 Liberty Street Also. oe heed aed for (ale, F'AILLOIL IMOV 11LATI NO STOVES, ORATE ►LONTS. PEND/GEL COOKINU eANULI. de. ORM', KIJOTIS & CO., • warr•rtra•ax Or KM. •••lirr OF S r IN)A 7 3ES. BOSTON COOICING RANGE, 18E FIERY FURNACE," Pot W • 1111.11.1 SPILDIXO/1. TEC NEW ANTI-110.1 MO STOVE. — MAW LP AWN. •• iN.LITIOnt• MOE FTIIVE, V•la sPaseinizatl Patter.) Paritl••BLE NAN" CAM` MON NANTLEN. WILLMAN'S EP' •...ECTOR., (IRATE.. fr.-from dirt and 4.1, 208 and 208 Liberty Street, •03:tr PITTISBORtiII, PA. A. BRADLEY & CO., IW. SO WOOD STREET, Yeeehcteren of the llresteet Variety of Cook, Parlor and Beating Stoves, MEM= In oar assortment .P 1 b• found all Ma LATIN! . PATTCIINO ♦Ntl 1111PRUVriNINNTIS, and Pb. repatallou of oar atom e ls sorb that nay ow In wand of a good article Meoold parebm• nobs hot Ibsen mannesedurod by as. as Obey will be famed ha* most durable as well as gee,. mote.% Weald call particular att. rellon to our ray VOLCANO STOVE, Inc clamber. bails and Mares. Dyer 500 sold In Move imams. Intended lb. will or wit cuing. ♦II Who bay. used them pro- Imam, tb. eutteror to any other and tar chea er. e mad tor Catalos.• sad Price List. it 30 131 113 DIAMOND OIL WORKS, H. M. LONG & CO., =I =1;21 WARING i KING, I=l Petroleum and Its Products, DWELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY I=l Room IT, Chamber of Comnteree, 133 COUTH BICOND 3TRIZT. ROO TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS ♦ND DICAI.ILIII IN Petroleum and IN Product& .Pltta r badVa .„ 7l . 7 , - . II 7 LLIat i Ia . BPIL . DING sdelphla Ofdre 137 WALm.r? salmi° ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. lIIKUBEET W. C- TWEDDLE, E:22:13=113 Lubricating& High Test Burnlig Oils. Rings* Railroad Oslo Oil, irr. as nil MiLbOlt noon; mann Untold a. lowesnmagnsian . agertal W for tronealethostas or hot or.s.ker. Loodisietilig lagiso *orbital" Mop. WM en •ann. Maw 11111 and riaabig Ulu Oil% idsprod for nib mord: hildo OK. Wool, glood•Liglit ou r 011.Tasaareatair.111assolo, lag sad rialsbing diadolono, Oil. alaraoosiraintillaiL Altlloll VA441.111., SO pre s•nrian mw Work an Idaramen from dam. s B _ Tina Deanna an masufselamd airTh. 1 w 4C:l=r Mirezated Orrin ty bald M orn. Man • mg% tompusran nand. d._aad n ramals Was asrn onto/ eqamme wain ma Id. Taw Kul run Mo , sad ar ils ennui sar es man Mtn nrselpal daftrosda. alwardnets b• a:nand and ofder. Mfg at 174 WOOD 77114.11 T. Worm, larpsnow Bruss. FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS , ciENTRA L FOUND RY AND ROLL WORKS, I=l BOUTIN d BAGALEY, =I n'. J. AVIIERSOS. . 11. L. PKEVV(I4.I.E. MONONGIIIELI FOUNDRY, W. J. ANDERSON & CO., re of 11.1,, HOUSIE FRONTS WU. Dm , . 1.1, .od sod Ca.dlop of all Deseriprons. AP'S ay..pron pal.] to /CI II irn• II•t. ANTINte, sod tu lastinze (Via Ulu.Hu.... OrrICIE A n PO - T STHILIT. I•I"..t.uTKI, KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY OFFICE AND WORDS, TWELFTH STREET PI TTSBURGH, PA far Engines.Holling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, He torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE 'WORKS, Corner Carrell sad Steal lease Streets, (NINTH WASD,) pri - - - reikturititi. WILLIAM SMITH, .A.NUtLeTLIBMiI OP CAST IRON BOWL PIPE PDX UAtt AND WATS'', WORKS. My Ply..n all east lu•estably to Pits. to drl sand and IS feat nturftbs. also, full assortment of mural Castings for (ins it Water Works I would also wl ate all-011I1OU of Sluosstuteed ents of lias Worts to tuy male of SZTORTd. ENGINES, BOILERS. &c. FLIRT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TANK WORKS. CARROLL AND SNYDER I=l TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FIXED Tuarcez na.r.-Bca AND CYLINDER STEAL BOIL ERS, L STILLS AND OIL TANKS, elf ISINKYR, 13 HEIR:NINO AND ASH PANS. SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DC/7,1H,, IS STHAII PIPES, IiASOMETZSLS AND IRON HIDOLS, PH/SOX DOORS AND COAL SHUTICA 041eastad Waavatoase. corn. Souszad Short and 1-11bortylle..... =I ',Orders W. to Ms above adJress will be prompty alelldd t LO. l t mh::tas HUGH N. BOLE & CO, Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St, =I Enfana Badders, Founders and /fachinhOJ blaoufa.eture FITTAMB.AT Mi01.21/2 mad tITATION ANY of ali A lilgegl i ttt=sEtr u a g ltioli t twAlTAT A l l Ka BOILER, of 15 horse power. C AHTINGT, of even Plod, male to order stoat rounder, ma TIMM BTELJEZT. below Hertel. RIOS for Oil W.llt. THATTHIG PUMAS'S, HANtirletl., HOUTZ sad TOBACCO OCIZLIVB odd IttcHi TOBACCu ritzsiss, on Baal sad med. to order, et the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny giver. tent rnbtl• GO= Si - All orde , s promptly Itticd. TRY V.. O'RARiI BOILER WORKS. F. REPHAN & CO., I=9 -STEAM DOILERS, OIL TANKS, STILLS, AG IT kToI&S, SALT PANS, GASuItIITMs. SET LING PAN.. PRIsON DOORS, CHINNZTa. BRIM &e.. or. of Attend Avenue and Liberty AL = B. pairing done promptly. Orvieto at to the above agdrrsa will be promptly ottoodeJ to. ►. lOC PH AN, formerly Maoager ILI CABSIILL ON TD[MIS. oelarpeit WM. BARNIHLL & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHRET IRON WORKERS 1:=1:12 Navin, secured a large ward and tarnished It par the 00. approved mar-tan., we are pre pared to mania*. tart even, desperlpuon of WIL /in In th • hest manse?, and warranted equal to any made In {ha ...smutty. thdasstem Breeching, Fire Med.. Steam tip., LooomoUve Condenser*. exit Pao., Tanks, Olt :stills. Leta tor, Settling Pans, holler Pon, Bridges. Sugar Pans, and sot. manahetaters of harantlPe Pat. sal Bedlam. =m2====l=l .1 LADD M. Per. COIIeND a ODC JARED M. BRUSH DIJON, I=l Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SHEET IRON WORK, ie. Cl Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. BRASS FOUNDERS BAIT 11/ RS 00 LOCH. HENRY BIER & CO., 01100133000 to JOHN N. COOPER t CO,, Bell and Brass Founders. BRASS CASTINGS MADE PROMPTLY TO ORDER. Maleable and Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, MOTTLE, SUETY AND CEPA TILIES, ALL GLOBE PATTEDII. IRON COCKS, Brass Work of every description for Steam, Water and OIL Ya NMPACTURIR4 or J. S. COOP= a CO% Improved Balance-Wheel Steam ?amp. Agento for Dreyfus' Patent Oil am the best in the Market., 0010. sad Werke, corner Thirteenth sad nee Streets. spni A TwooD & 9IcCAFFRET, CA. Cone. Liberty .I.n. and TIUDI PlLDOwrili. P., 811E8 FOUNDERS AND IRON PIPE FITTER& an 4 AICNTB far A. 8. CAMERON • CURE STEAM POMP! •ND BLOW 11114. COAL AND COHZ. CHARLES 11. 41111STIIONG, DLL= EN Youghiogheny and Connellsvifie Cod, *ad kszefseta.ntr of CO/L, SLICE 111 D DRECIPIRIBIZED COIL OTTICE AND YARD. earner Butler sod lemma 'meet.. Inane sod eltaff motets. Dime ward; oleo &mood filetel. Algir wool. mei to feat of toes street. r. u. N. Riot. &mood .stel. Orden sell at either of tb• oboe . . WIND will Address to mo through Pittsburgh P. 04 n oel. pros.%sw st.on. Saes to gybe. se intsplrosz Musty, Wells (M.. Wm. Matte. Delon Iron - Mu% a. ro.. tor • 00.. Dittobell. atoplmsoos t Viotti • Co, Ordr lin.. Al.. Deym, a la . , a Postilintig4 Boolo..raci It Will Ca, Alles,. NeNtmg7•7. l VO'ffe= 2 =Mr, ILLN.• P.NOe7tesalA COALS COALS! COALIEI DICKSON, STEWART CO., Kayla& roved Ulatr 084 Is NO. 567 LIBERTY STREIT, WSW Old Ilarr 1111136110DRD Mrin i yMe 11 3 / AL Om aniuMantaaraliss. be is it math be le .1111111101 N -4 RAILROADS ENNSYLVA NI/4 k'FN tt\!t. „. 4 Atter r Minday AUGUST 16901. I.V/. I, 0 - sprtve *A des.l4 :,•••• •••••• Waxhlsirloi. wad str••••••• t • ••l. :odours. ... . _ ..-.... IMVALS. 0." 11 Tra.n.... 1 .0 Am •Day Expel...lS a .car.,,,. ~ t 4* •-• •Eaeldc Ex. 'I an 2 tu - s N., I 11 140 LSI WC, No. i.. _. a H r . ..Z.11 At el:1 : I 30 .m Nall Train Nil as Wan, No.:. 9:05 am Bra•l.A. Hot. %%pal Clam.... Ex 0 :45 am ( eirin . tl Ex. 1Y :1 pa John...a Ac 101.10.* Walt, No. 1 . 14. awl Br.. la A. No. 7.00 pm J • 4..t0. • A... 411, pm 1111.5 , 1 Ex. 19:10, e, k,,, .1. s,:- a I. ~,,, mat.. Expeesal•oo pm 1' tata. IC Wall•. N... 1. 1.50 pm 4., No. L. 2.0111 p. Beal" AcNo : 9-55 pm Wan, No. 4.. 5:00 445 Wan . . N 0... 570411pm..eautt Ling...., T:1101.5 Way F.a.n . r 0.1110 pm W•11 . ..N0. A. MHO pm *t.. teal. Mate close connection . 11242.44 ourr tor Pattlmo:e. The etarsh Train tear. Wails litattOilleetn mind.. at 9:05 a. 0.. H. "do, Plttatonevb el 101 . 5 it. tati.n., learct Eat...o a) 14,500. m. sad a-rlava at Walls Statioli al .1:11.1. in. 'Clacton*. tape*. .04 Pacific txpre.l.... d.l.y, A... th., .ta id dAlly al. A Saud.. tor`fortter intormauma.pply to • W. H. 2421iW/TH, Agent. The. Pennsylvania Railroad Co Mpany nit: law at mm. •ny Het ror Rag.. ., e xpept On wetting Ap. par. then their evnxonfibilltt to 001E1.• J m4l Dollars In ••lae. A.I. ItaggsEeatonally oat amoun .. t In value win b. at the risk of Util ...v.. . 11 ...te* by •{Snlal coottnet. Kr/WARD M. WILL kl/14, _ sem Ovneral Kupettalsa.lent. A 11.51 ..._ _ KWII 8 T E II IT- ailia§4lll PIENNeITLEANIA .10lAn.-012 and u t ter Alma. 29, 1289,155 rassengeTrals4,42 the Wen.. ren5541N.5.• Rat lad .111 arrHe at.d depart Rom UN P. Polex.l tn.. Dep04....1.1142beni 4-24Y.54 2 2 22 4 42 4.104. = 1 ;4:24 . :2 11 4f 111147: m m ' ifre•iro 0 11:1: rt 9: Espnto 10340 5 oN Sharpies Nal 11) In sharpb't No.11:40 pno 00P rod. 2:110 p. '...port MN 1 4 :ths p m 5 4 412 1 2 ' 5 901 Lie P. i1L•11...... . ... 8:51/ p wrreepurt No.lslllopna 50.114'. No 26:110 p in Sprined'e No I 41:1011 Pa Above train. no di t 7 ..t.Pt * 11 . 4 . 1 .. The C.a., no I A ll..gbany 4 ever, at 1:40 a. m.. re...11n, All=Cl t. City 41 9:50 a. at. Retarnlng, I.v. A/14411.01 City at 1:110 p. to and arrive at AlleAbeny.loo4l. Uon at 3,40 p. tn. • - ... . . . flossatosavos Ttr-aays—lfor sale I. maw. of Twenty, biasses,. Allen Sony City, Dboorapts street, Herr's, Bennett, at Crook, Etna a . h. 7, 0 4. 1 1, ...tra i zdy %%tbs Dal= amply SW traits:Casing Allegheny City St I:00 a, la. snake direst connection at reoe alit Wal ker's line of Stages for Boller sad a. Throng's tickets out be porenaJed at tba Po. ISt Clair street, neartbe uMs.A. . oaltYldris Plttabws b , tad at the Depot, A.Naltiaay, Ydr tanleor Da:remotion apply to JAMES LETTLETB, M .." Federal Street nos Weston Pettasylvula Railroad NW ass.. any lob for Baggage, except for impure, and 'holt weir rosponsiblllty to Otto Hoodred Dollar. in value, All Am att. sou:LW, Mb amount In value all/W I :Mu VW WI tbe own., sinless talon by speedo/ contract. EDWARD Y. WI ma) ffetterral Iletailateadeat. Alla t ttp ite .--- .- 15111811 MI a. W. ILO CLIC R VIEIIII7vi RT m a Cein e B. 6:10..10o, 1669, Unto wlllno and anive ni the Union Depot, %manias. • ~ OW 4:6=5. o Mown ~ ,1 1 ChletEx....•:o9 • a l adeago r rtlsai 11e Ida Ex.1:111• w' Colds :EI • W Cl. A 1 611 , 16.111 s in , Wbealln• ix I .446161 =WWa11..6:61 a m C. 41.16.1. Ex An. .. ~.11:41 • onClCgoExilWl MI . 4 ~.. • WIV6/16 1162 pn. Cleveland 116 111 Calnoto E5.. 1:311 pco 6rle 6 Yen * 1 • 11. e A Eels 11.6 2 1131 pn.,CL • WD 4U a ger r r g lari ' e l .9ll4l ate , E•ttodte Att i la 6 a% L ' ° !? d".. .. VV . :: ir.V . C 7P oll: :: 11/1171 1 1 Rochester .. 9:93p la Eno. •° il• sa 1.• 1 . •3:611 p m Lewd... ..1: 16 La Wale Ain /We, Mn`r FOls .... 9: pm ges'elfalls •6. 916 .tnlani II: PM Lee Wale •. Sar,- , 111.4.1616 dale Oaks Set .. I:S3m Inte OW o do VOW 1.13 p . <1.7 , h...<14 •:11 f 14r.1.31 P. P" Vl i deVe e P Tee = P e P olrli e 1 niter,' .1. N. IrCZEI.IIOII :WI. Po. a Ticket Awl. Iltou. •••• CINCINNATI ). LOUIS RAILWAY. PAN HANDLE ROUT& CHANGE UP TIMIL—Oa and A. 1312310 Mr Wv a r b =9,: i madszT MUM awl Rave &I am % Ma. In 15.225 p 8:53 a. an. 122.pranAter. L 413 t ah ia. 14 11 2 ILlatat .11%6 mnpaaups Aus.a.No.l muss. Enaulancrilla Accoutzeol. 3:031a.24 :4116.11. KeDosald'. Area. No. 25 55 NW. :15 Inonla. Church Train.. III:DR0. m. Plea. Ink Arl:43 r. 0. vs. name .lall2. 1.9.03 r. lrnta dully. All othat tratem.lll rap dany. annoarla2sls6. ad. Tim 2.521 a. aa. Trala=ft dam or sections al Newart 0.1 Zan B. r. 9enersl Tore. Ayer t. Colw a l‘ W. W. CiltD. ballet.. Deonlfiloa. Oitio. ao.ll CLLsxOE OF ALLEGHENY VALLEY ZULl2.BOip, THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTI TU TEN OM ItiolONS WITHOUT CHARON. OP CANA - On aad attar MONDAY. Sept. NO, NNW TWO TILB0U01:1 TRAINS DAILY Or-wept Sue will leave Pltubaral Davin., earner of lath and Pike Ataceta,flir rraulate.oll COY. DOD. sad all valuta la e 011 Realana. . L " .. " 7= 1 : Id Haltaa...ll.lllo a mind Hallow— 111/10. 3d linluni... WOOpa , ld Hallam Nillo DIN 41alathaltow..111:00 pu, lib Henna. eaIIONNI .rniewt,dite. Ilas% Ch B La: SKIN pso irIaZ6VIIP Cheek IMO WataChareb-. ... 040 au Zzianis walla flow a INOWANN Pan% Aotomaaodatlon rello .1 00 Mail Nati ma. .1. J. LAWN/NCI, am, THOYAiII 1L ILLNO.Aart. PITsBO 16A/4A _ • Wand ____ TUZSDAY. Woryonoter, nu. i = WU, masa ergot as ao4 depart from Ski fornar of ergot sad Watar dregs. Y De;OA -- JerRM - 149 to ud ft tat= 6,6 m -- - - 1 : 00 0. equi rag. beHoesport Actomdt.n 1100 A. • - .11:1311P. bo .to and from Wain. 3:00 p. 11010 A. Si Wen Newton Aocion'd 11:3111. a. 11.3.0 Braddock.. Aneomdt4l. 610 P. X. 14.0 p. lir 61510 tolleK 'sport- /0.00 P. toil. Oral A. 1161 Bandar Clinrek Train to 7d from We. Newton 1:00 P. at. 10610 A. w tickets apply t i n . K. RAy W. H. stout. Elaparintendenr. °N°. AIM S !LW HILL UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, Eastern Division. • re. moan:err A. 151 D KOUT =hum.. Rours,r... U. Las/to al IXA•ta Colorado Nevada, California Utah, Arizona Washington. New Mexico, Ldabe. Oreion. Two 'Wotan maga Mato Ulm sad towimmismai Jail". Marta". eeretsid,toll Maarrtsai %mai of racMc Raild from at Louis, sad bat sad Itik Joe Railroad Rola Qatarry, hie m Lawrence, To sad • amago • magas for all points la lialicatt, track west of Itesworth with the BTATtIi ZIPRISS COMPAllirti SU. DM OP OVLit/sAIID YAM &VD naoriumui sex/ 141.13:81t AND All PoWU In the Temkin.", tat .1 • siortext.s tas-wicsamy Ito of Otia CATS Der Pori Union, Beni's V 0 1.12 Libnowwww, dada Fs. Wed au p aald fa , moss mod Yew Ileoloo. will, Om reach addliloaa Ot /Wpm t v and owidoment, and the arnawdeasenta with re eow:No Overland Traaspotediew. from Ita western lessalatis t Me road Wow ohm am:gleand &WWI. rot Um trasundadn of fretsid to the War Wen. Sleketo me wee as we the pateopie °Claim ta the Chilled NW. and Canada. He saw sad set or art. eta THY Stifflin E i r t it&U'Sfi r par PLUM tAmwey, ANDAMU.II. Soperritimisa IC *emu, P.... es. TM at A I" 2.000m0 &can OF se ROHM LANDS FOR RALE. BY TES : Union Pacific Railroad Company, LAST/MY DITIBLOS. • • Lymi atom the Lino of theLT road. IS 61.00 TO SA,OO PER MR; on s ORSDYT 07 ITYS Tian, lor 0.0u,r 7artlollo2, 0 04 1 / 4 77... 7770111 70RX P. DiVILIMICi• ' - Land Maardsdaraz, Topa; Laos. Or OMAR. a. 1.111111.4a1, May a aut4l /000221.. QECURITY ♦PD CORMIEET 1,3 far the tranclinf community. J. B. HARRIS Safely Fire Jacket, Car Healer ail .1 , 10DER.4170R. Tor emote and Etat air Tines, dleponsitur with We use of stoves me de.. Is or shoot the tine. tee eM 6e ~ a t eaees Cum, mite ttie attaekteett, tAO sem go my telalmatare Utallem, desired wlthoot jpoaelbalty Of ILTMIty pe or ease to width the decant Ma', Bayles obtalsed or the Uolted agates WIMP Pateal r4r a safe ty isetet„lrbletilivansalitell to roast the most intense beat that rime be tie olied to It Is Lae preltlon tad impose env Which Q re intended. II ti . .art protection Cram meddelleby 64 ortgloatles from Awn or where tram pipes are meal as to for mote or bur. It la appiteeble to all plplox Mel my Mame overSeMod, and Is sr:Mesa/4d bt rive perfect. Mt. Wanton • here wood or other emobeatlble mate. rthi.arxwbe lab la _doss rzhatty shetatil, ,Veritoot, fat _% .7:l74Faitesingterin.k4l7Q cr.. he. Mummer pipe as ...doctors are made deorrermse by twine overheated sad ammo rlty dadred. I will tend an applkasloa 'lbs to mantitletara or as the ribose Inventin. Also Tanitortal rights to exit as may with to rename Is 05107 privilageo either ty ar itet en T I & CA olga i v me •`ht Blr weroooroee f Soule LZAIN, T war* I7 W. JeIeMSOI NOVELTY WORSE. Trim/man BOYKIN"' WORES A. D. LIAM 14D;a28, Enrera AS AastvurEats AP (Mar "WaulMit*Atr., 8 CALEII.I Situ 1104 Pr= Deerreu n‘. a re anolh • au= a Ilk our , 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers