DI Ilittoiragt exaytte. VITY AND SUBURBAN TB. OAssrra u fury ewe re the city /or de days of the weir /or 15 cense Pe• week s by maa, 113 per mama*: 3 mos., Tee Board of Health will meet this afternoon, at their rooms, Fourth ave. nue. Commit , cd.—Jocnco Barger yerovoday committed to j,dl for tweuty , days Alfred Kline one charge of vagrancy. Pocket Picting.—A Mr. AcCloaky .who boards at No. 12 Smithfield street, had Ida pocket picket! on Fifth avenue Saturday evcolog of his bucket book odntalulog f:,l gemuutted —Yesterday Alderman Bol ster courraitted for trial, Georgia Rey. nolds, charged with maintaining a bawdy ham In the Fourth ward, Allegheny, on oath of li. S. McKnight. Throughout the business portion of the city there are four deliveries and five volUattuus every day. The last col. lectlon le made at eight o'clock In the evening. Abandonment. Yesterday Bridget Brightmore complained to Alderman Taylor that her husband Charles had abandoned her, from which a warrant for his arrest we. Maned Good BUltDC2ll.—During the month of October Deputy Mayor Cartwright bed forty seven eases before him—thirty seven drunks, live profeeMonsi thieves. and Bye mincellene me crimes. COntra a A warded. —The Executive Committee of the Humboldt Memorial have awarded Ate contract for the com pletion of the work to Mews. Knox & Bros.. who laid the foundation. Lareeny of a Coat.—Owen McDonald was arrested by officer O'Mara hum OVOI2- hag on a charge of stealing a coat belong. log to David McKim from the Allegheny Valley Railroad Depot. He was looked op for a hearing. Meetings To-Night. —The Alleghithy Basra of School Controllers holes regu lar •• monthly meeting this evening at half put seven o'clock. Birmingham Councils will meet to night at seven and st hail o'clock, In Burgess Saulbury's MGM fur ■ Further Heartug.—The per sona charged WILLI comtuittina ■ feloni ous saeault and battery on George Fal ler, an account of which we ronblished fdtrie days since, had • partial bearing before the Mayor yesterday: and wore held for • further hearing Friday next. Faller, the Injured man, 1s reoostring lowly, but la not yet considered out of dan6r. Alleged Larcenv.—Joseph W. Kerr stated to Alderman Neeper'yeaterday that John Kerr, proprietor of • saloon in the Diamond, had taken a coat from him valued at $25. The saloon keeper alleges that Joseph came into his establishment in* a slightly Inebriated condition with the garment, and that out of a friendly feeling he took the coat to keep until the owner sobered UV. The accused was ar rested and held for a bearing. Belligerant.—Pat. Conway made oom• plaint • before Ju.tice Salisbury yester day of 11l image from an individual whiles name was unknown to him. He alleged that be had taken a drink with the belltigetant stranger, and was stand ing talking to him Is front of Valney's saloon, Twelveth • street, Birmingham, when the fallow, without cause or pros , °cation knocked him down. A warrant was tinned fur the stranger. Mil Thera—The auras of the hone killed on Saturday evening by falling into the Bawer excavation, near the Grain Elevator, had not be en removed to last night. Perhaps the Board of Health: intend an Inspection of the ant mai, after their meeting this afternoon. If not, the residents in the vicinity, are not particularly anxious that It aheuld remain there. They would part with It willingly. Disorderly Houae.—Yesterday Alder man Rogipig leaned a warrant for the arrest of t.,harlea Eckert, charged by Joseph Platt with maintaining a duo, daily house in Lawrenceviller the elle. piton being that Markle is visited every evening by noisy females, to the number Of bait a dcztn generally, who, moon. parried by male companion., remain until a late hour, and succeed by their conduct In annoying the neighborhood. - Too much Harmed.—Polygamy Is not recognized In a legal way in these parts. hence when lire. Catharine Ilanley, alms Amy, attempted to enjoy the confidence •nd society of two husbands, she found herself in trouble, which eventually led her from her residence in Lawrenceville, to s home In the cruoty jail, to await trial on a -charge of bigamy, preferred against her by lbrnellus O'Brien, yester day, before Alderman McMaster. • Lacceny.—John Heathery, Game to the Itf Ranee office yesterday and made com plaint against James Soy. He alleges that Crilley relieved him of his pocket hook containing II i 65. It appears that he, Crilie) and some others were in a sa loon on Washington Street. Saturday evening, and that be, McAnery, laid off his coat containing the pocaetbook and money, and went outside leaving no one in the saloon except Crilley. When he came to and put on his coat be found that the pocketbook and money were gone. Crilley was arrested and held fur a hearing. Alarming—lt Is pot usual for our city to be visited close after a flow storm in November, with several well rounded thunder reports and ■ppeecimens of forked lightning fl nth's, widen would have done credit to the month of August. Hach an ughlbition we bad yesterday, in the heavens, and it came so unexpectedly oonaiderable alarm end con ,atemation to moat folks who, forgetting - .that thunder might come in co.d ;Weather, ituagined that a net les of boiler pr oil tank explosions had taken place, -Oa perhaps one of the promoisarth. quakes had come on time. Important that all should know what le Stdag on—lia this age of progresa—our eastern States exalted over a slight cart h quake, - the west discussing about the removal of the Capital. California boa sing about so many Chinese, Cuba train bllug under the shock of oontendiug armies, the Atlantic and Pacific milted by 'roil bands, these and many other items of importance which are transpir ing. can be seen oy referring to the G LET[ E- For sale by Creeiman & Steven son, Wilkinisburg, News Agent., where can be found an assortment of books, stationary, notion., news. Ac. Pittsburgh Letter Carrier•' Repor Followlog Is the report or the Letter Oarrlere of thin city for the month of October last: Delverel. Collected .. 111,064 35,616 .. 154314 18.9116 49.067 2,739 Mall Letter .. Drop Letter Paper 5........ . 169,155 107,'653 Motes Burglar. at Work Yesterday morning about two o'clock the dwelling house No. left Penn street was entered by two thieves, who first gained encase to the cellar and then to the kitchen by cutting open a door-lead ing thereto. domestic In the family was awakened by the noise and gave the alarm. Other members of the faintly by shim time were also aroused, and added to the cries of a neighbor who be. came aware of the thieves operations, succeedq. in making considerable com motion. No police appeared. The thieves at last leleurely departed, bod ing the place too hot for them, but left behind a brace and bit and a couple of algal& of The plias are entlinalsatlo In pursuit them now, but the chances for their capture are *Um. Probably Fatal Aceldeal • Yesterday morning Mr. Petrick Mor .pby. Section Foreseers on the Panhandle Railroad at Hansfield, received injuries which will probably result in death. He wax engaged In pulling some care along the siding, and reached the main track just as engine No. 68 we; backing down. He was not observed by tho engineer .„ until the locomotive bad knocked hien dotter and .two wheels passed over his • ' cutting them both off A physician manumit for to the city and Dr. MoOook _mint out on the dolt train. At hat ~accounts Hits unfortunate man was still living with but slight hopes enter . : 1114Wd for his recovery. • -...Shico thearbove was In ti De, we learn that the injured m oo r d. a short time a ft er the accident moored. The Cor oner was notified and held an inquest on the • body yesterday morning. Dr. • Walker teitidad that he bad been called —upon to attend the injured - man, and fond upon examination that he bad ro (sieved a compound fracture of both thlghos. a fracture of the loft knee joint, and a compound fracture of the wiper third of the right leg. He died a bo ut / tardily ant:lutes after I tied saw him of hemorage resulting from Ms Wades. ,-.'{'hejurylOnnd that "deceased came to Tilitrdeatti On the don day of Foyeunber 1869 by,totng accidently run over by -engine at while walking on the track of • f4b. Cl _uolnnatt & Si. tools aknaftelft ststkm in Robin. : • KM townatdp." . • TIIE COURTV espresso t uurt.--Mtdl Bench. MARK 1 wAtis Letet Moansv, November I.—The 6 t , Prew e Twain," ; e e meet eminent represents- Court met at 10 OVILKU, A. X. s full live of the humorous school of American beech being present. writers, last night opened the lecture In the case of Burns vs. Clarion coon- I courso 1,46r,.....70 of the Young ty, argued led',an" l " fflum Mercantile Unitary A.saectittion, appear. delivered by Thompson, I. J. mg at the Anadniny of IVla.c.c ad.", th II lartilta oli l tilt Lao, yery largest au hence se Mire ever seen Jame., T. Burns wag 'freaaurer of i Clarion Cioilitv end was. under act ~f . assembled to greet a Meturer. Th •si. Ameuntily, authorised to collect the present fairly and faith:U.ly repm• musty tali,. Tito net first provided rented the reading and intellect• that when any parties refuted or nn,r• sal pillion of these connitinitim Meted to pay their taxes for a period of I and the distinguished gentleman thirty days, the Treasurer should issue honored by earn a welcome greeting the warrant, accompanied by a schedule : front 11e111441 Of people more enrlpplellutia of the unpaid tales, and place the name than any Mbar for learning and refine in the hands of any roadside, charging . tuent, has mach Onentlon ton mgratuiate him with the amount of said unpaid tiiinself on the large nitsii• urn at appreci. ' taint,. Lu accordance anal aald act, the atop to w hien he Is held. His lecture duplicate of Porter township iu said ; on "Our Fellow Savages of the Saintly oh county woe placed I In the bands , Islands,' was an able and brilliant effort of Wilson W. McClelland, of lln keeping with the high reputation of said Porter townsild, who it appears Its author. There were just enough rum had Overt bonds in the sum of *alai at : provoking passages lOtroduced to constable, and who was a defaulter to lightest up the burdensome task the treasurer to the amount tit anal all, of- properly [lnnen tang a region which sum was after - nerd paid by Mr. I about which most people think Burns to hie auccessor. Subs-quently little and care much Iran “Nliiik an act of anetetnnly was paa•ed directing Twain" may have been cora raithini and the auditors of the county to open the truthful In his descriptions of the (Marne accounts of said Burna, in order that the ter. ha tilia, Ira::,, 1,4•11.1/11.1* / / 4.1/ II It, and matter alight tai corrected. The auditors . pectin trities id our •ifidlow savages," nut opened the account, but refused to makel he look Ills lessons In a different ached any correction, from which action Burin i from must writers on the Hawaii or the. appealed. An Issue wee ordered, where- hyliee Htirtens. He thinks the people In Clarion county was made plaintiff and i are not, as a general thing, caunivals, and James T. Barns defendant. no do we; but Ma , k wad remember that Plaintiffs brad that Burns, having paid no safe criterion valeta to form au mtl the money without objection, had no mate of the refined tastes of savagea in right to reclaim It, which p ant the court the fact that heesaaped being gobbled up, below ruled in the affirmative and di. for he is PO thin and fleshless rented the jury to fuel for plaintiffs. that a keen epicurean .turilbal could at Judgment reversed and a venire de novai once discover that he would not go down awarded. I well on a half atiell or in any other Robson el Co's Appeal, Venango rot, toothsome way he might be dished rap. ty DeCra reversed and it la ordered The allusion to the government was tin. that the balance In court, amounting to generous to Ranichameha and we innne t, b ri 3 ink t to t h e appellants . o p i n .. thought that out of the many we nn per• ion by Knott J. road friends of that gentleman present, Lane vs.' toward, Westmoreland enini .. worn° Windt] have retired in anger, Put ty. judgement affirmed. Opinion by? not a man moved In indignation; but Read J. many whodid not know tne King. skusik Sheinberg vs. Moorhead, Vhnaogo themselves in laughter. The lecturer county. Jugdmeut affirmed. Opinion evidently is prejudiced against our fel by Read J. Ins savages, sad seeks to Maas the moat Henry vs. Colby, Erie county. Judg. of tpem. This he oertalnly does. tie meat attrition. Opinion by Read J. belie the D..miteh, the only jour- Carrier rt. Haunt vs Brookville Bank, i sat of thee city that circulates Jefferson county. Judgment affirmed. I largely In the Seodelch ' , mole. ex . Opinion by Agnew J. chaining with Buitlish plumate pricier] In the matter of the certioriran In the at Hawaii, will faithfully report the lee contested election Canna, motion for rules lure and let our Mend. know what toe California pilgrim thinks aural them on appellants to show rause why the Alloture shonlif not Ire reviewd and and, then if he ever does go back, why the write quash. good bye Twatu, for on pots, griddles d. Rules refused per . Ottrulin• and the onsea to be set down in xml chilies ho will '''' .ery'd lit, t" their order at the head of the list of gratify the at augleg apes tea of those he causes fur hearing on the drat Monday I abased Isst evening of January Dial Altogeiher the mount) was piraning K i ttnnnine . borough vs. Piper. Arin . and liptirucilve. We relished the line ~,,,, points and so did the II 411.1113111,1 if we are strong county, non attn. allowed. .I curium: . to judge from the frrquent manliest.- R kl. Ktrkottrick, Robert E Stewart, tiaras of .PPlailio wiiiidi greeted ill.. Samuel C. Scheyer and John De n te n . I le tine Mark Twain has estmlishe I his were admitted topractice in this Court. r"Puldii i u firmly 11l this ..eilett .od The lint of Allegheny comes wan called come when he will he is sure to (roots.° over and judgment of non pros. entered a ."dial w.frm." tr... our Peol-iiii. W. ws follow.: true[ [nose who hea d him Inns night Mid the are real , v-s and 'whilst .. !nen it.. of Herron et al. vs. The Commonwealth, is.ithiwicti I-dander, witt rardiiii acv , 2 cases. Road In Chartiera township. harsh things sa.d, as TV4I4/11 it-ni rod us . Hogg vs. Bennett et at that he ma not desire to be eanht rued no, Schrader vs. School District of Eliza- talking to a pert mai urander it he del bath township. mini a' the tram The lecturer goes t.. Brookv.lle to-day Patterson °Lai. as. Herron. Bernier vs. Smith.and will id pat Johnittnwn 1.1 Ir.-taro at thin, Optira' Ilion. , tO morrow i veiling Bartley va. Williams. Russ vs. Knipschild. Great preparations are bong in de at Buffnm vi. Waring, 2 cases. bow plsces to amerii loin that wtilooine McKee vs. Allen. he so richly deserves from All rat pre rut. Bender .8 Co. vs . D:ckey It Co. Live people. Arlazant'it Co vs Tower. OPURA }beak.-A large audience al- Strung et al vs Daly. se ni nted Kt I tip opera 111.,. I 14•1 !I Toning ..Panther" OWnerti vs. "Lioness" to welcome the -•i.i.finigw, II" La. kto owners. Pittsburgn. No one who bad the pleas Sproul's edm're vs. Murphy. ure ill peen, lOW 1.4 !Peewits had fur Barclay va. Davison. gotten bra •sitishilig Clorintia, and all mei:ready vs. Mrtireadv. wore ntialutin to rine him 111 female big The following cases were argued:' gory agalu, and we tel warranted /14 Brown vs. Clegg to al.. iiitdriot Court, saying Witt no poroon wt. dotappoluted. argued by Burgwin for [outdid . ml ern,. T,, night ••The Force of Circunistusum , and by Barton and WoodS contra. will he pritnentod. and the "Lettingwe.i ' Pier vs Duff, C. I'.. araUen too Luc, slit appear In hip In...tante a:praetor of I for plaintiff in error, and by Duff contra. I i Borneo Jail r Jenkins. Phillips Ira. Daniel, C. P., and Writ, vs. ' A. ~,,,. e, ~ m i .,„,„ .-The ....,,,,,,i„„ I }tense. C P. Submitted, by Stuiros for third OW 1.1 131/111.1..f11 • 1 the II Ml . ` 1! 4111.1, plaintiff in error, and by Marshall and t h e snep i ers of 01 , y,„ 3 „, N i,.„ ~ M. r Pollock contra. cantle Lihrtury APiaannliiiii will be git l'n Wainwright vs. MCCIIIIOUgh / D. C.. by M r . i ;,, rne v sn d ahead, who will argued by McConnell and Woods for give select reading. from Shalt espenr, plaintiff in error, and by Lucas contra. Dickens, Scott, Tennyson, .Vc., at the Academy of Music, Thursday and Friday eveningst, the it It and fah lent. PITnnt:Boll Ttl gal lit: -Thin popular place of amusement Is crowded every night and will continue to be so long as Mr. Williams rooters With such a Mora, hand to his patrons. United States Court- Judge ale Cattd!e“. MONDAY, November I.—Theca.ae of th.. United States va. the brewery of George F. Stickenger, seized because of failure to sills ruvenue stamps tu beer barrels, was taken up, and occupied the attention or the Court during the entire day. On trial. M. C. Morgan, Indicted for exercising the businsits of an apothecary WltbOtil having paid the special tax, pload guilty. The Court sentenced him to pay a tine of ten dollar. and the coats, it appearing that he had taken out the apecial license after the indictment was found. La the case of the United States vs. forty-eight barrels of spirits, claimed by Isaac Heiman, a bond was filed and approved for the release of the property seized. .he Court ordered the :elms° of the property. Dist:let 1:01111—Judge Hampton.. hictxuar, November I.—Frlend for use, vs. illinhauten. Foreign attach ment. Verdict for plaintiff in the soul of KM. Gibson vs. Stiehl. Action on an article o(•alrreement. Plaintiff took a non t.ult.. O'Lhinnell vs. McClintock dr. Coctirsb, previously reported, watt resumed and metal on triaL TRIAL. LIST FOR TUESDAY. No. 2 Widow of Jno. Connor, dec'd. Ye. 41, R P. FL R. Co. 6 136 Donahue vs. P. A. it M. Pna aenger R. W. Co. " 111 Roberts vs. Duff. " 133 Holmes vs Rodger. et al. " 137 Herabbauaer vs. Muni. " 188 Lyconning County Mutual Ina. Co. vs. Morn. • 146 Denny va. Holleran. " 103 Hildiuranci vs. Blutrierhauer. (outer lirtMl,ne—Judge Mello! MONDAY. November I.—ln the matter of the motion to admit Nicholas Hoffman to belt, a bearing was had, after which the motion was overruled and the de fendant remanded for trial. R W. Itsuntey plead guilty to three ~Indictments for selling liquor without license. He was ordered to pay the combs ' of powiecntion In each case, and further sentence wax suepended. Catharine Monaghan, indicted for sell ing liquor without license, was placed on trial, and the jury rkturned a verdict of guilty, and recommended the defend ant to the mercy of the Court. The next case taken up wee that of the Commonwealth vs. Morgan Thomas, ire dieted for belling liquor on Sunday. Jury out. A. Areneburgh, against whom there were ta o Indictments for aelllrg liquor without license, wee next placed on trial. Jury out. \ TRIAL LIST FOR TL - V 4 DAT. 155. Com.'tva. Sarah Junuaton. 190. Henry Pohl:sit, 3 cases. =/. t. Stephen lioffulan. 111. " George Cochran, et al. " Ann Schoviln. . " Ann Shevlin. " James McCslllster. " Wm. It. Lewis. t. Pat Murphy. " Win. Eherhert. . C. Gortbman. " J. Lofink • Bernard Gray. 3110. . George Hoffman. 313. " Nicholas Miller, 8 eases. 356. " Wm. H. Sturgeon. " Peter Antitirg. 3112. " Owen Gallagher, 3 usage. TRILL 1.1117 eon WRDNESDAY.. 2613.•cere. vs . Ileorge Young. 231. tt Mary Joy ce,3 caeca. 218, " Samuel and Augusta 11111 220. Jiihn Vohr. 87. " John Anderson. 0219. John Hatfield. 284. S. Goldstein, 2 misc.. 194 " Conrad Eberhart, 3 cases. 158. " Richard Metiovern. 100. " Wm. Bechtold, 4 cases. 133. " James C. Bolan. 138. " 0. W, Mclntyre. 134. " Elijah Hall, 3 cases. . " Sebastian Gang. 242. 2f 2. 249. 255. 252. Common Pleas—Judge elterrett tdoteximr, Novembor i.—Peeble. vs Peebles, previously reported, motion fora new trial and reasons tiled by plain tiff'. oounael. Huffman vs. Fisher. Action to recover money loaned. Jury out. THIA.L LINT FOU TUESDAY Lltsche vs. AgelL 102. Shaffer vs. Wolf. 180 i Lillie et sl. vs. Wilson. Mayer' Illtbee Report. The folluwiog Is en arx:ount of the bueltmee done et the Mayor's Office, and the receipt,. from tines and othernottrees during the month of October: N 0 10111E11 Or CAKES. Drunkenness. Disorderly Conduct Vagrancy.... Informations Tot*L 61A, Of these there were dleberged & 41 t'eld fines and committed I=4=! From fines JAI receipt/ Night Po BM Postern' Lleense Dramatic ' Pawnbrokers' " . Total Thu Is the largest return ever nude from the °Mee ter any previous month. LAUSEMEATB El= The South Fayette T.)w oat. p Teacher ,. Ashociation tout sccurthug to adjourn , utent, u erhool room No. 4, familiarly known an the "Mohawk S:hool on October 30th, Mier Kate E. hirtzulity instructor. The forenoon exercises com slated in the regular perfkrin secs of the school, which were coed with remarks from the Misses Nichol end Lindsay, they. C. it. Braddock, anal Messrs. Camp bell, Shane, (trifle end Shaler, all of which were very highly complimentary to teacher and scholars. Institute then adjourned for bur, Lour, during which time the physioal WILIAM 01 all present were abundantly gratitled by a .1.111:114110l0 repaNl prepared by the ladies of the district, aid which al/stria. od to o ,4j, F y bllgely, as thee did the ••to tellectual feast" to ion furenonn. • • After a hint t vigoretlng exe mine in the Nay ground, 'penult« wa. Called to order by the Pre,dout, D. Nrs•ny, and the regular performanma were taken np In order. Select reading by Mien Rate E. Met/piny: auf)eet—'•Waahington'e Farewell to him Army." • • . The next—an original oration by the President. After giving a brief inaugu ral the PpOPISi, m i to hollw remarks ib the method, of teaching. it. , said a fail ure with thany watt, that of merely Inser leg their clams" recite, instead of illus [rating and explaining the lesson. The next was a class drill in mental ern!, mstic, by Miss Carrie Nichol. Eeetys were road by Misses Lintl.ay and Gaston, which Were sp; ropriste and instructive. A. select piece was then read by Miss McMillen. Alter nwegning perfortnanersi for next meeting, the Association acJourned to meet 'ln school 'lyx. No. 5, Nov. 27th, Miss Gaston instructor. The niectince are intereating an well :s edify lug. and all frlenda of education re cordially invited to attend. The Aileard Homicide In the cam of Henry Canby charyed with the murder of Alexander Best, the man found in the Allegheny river, Fri day,'s hearing won bad yexterday, whirh resulted in the find:tarpe of the accu.ed. The testimony was lu suleganco an fol lows The first with , as called was John Walls, who tamitleit that, tint wren sir anti seven o'clock on Friday morning a young man Who said he winked at Way , noun's toleterro store cattle to hint and told hint that be had aeon a Ulan lying in the water tty the railroad tirolgts A skill Was procured and the two nine went trill 'anti hrought the hotly to the shore. It an found ing alkaloid the upper Mite i•t the fourth pier from thin sole, and 0.1111 not pOwilnly have ration there from the bridge. It was lii such a ponatiou• that tun leutturrat could not tin swan. - _ Hugh Hanlon, of 710. 447 Penn Farrel., teatifi-ai that Canby rotor to his bonne at about a quarter haat six o'clock on Fri day morning and sot a dritsk, when he Carted away. He Cline bark ineanntly and said a dead man had been found in the river, and he recognised it en the body of Alex. Boat. He in/dated that wane.ss should go and ' , en the body Mittneen wont and identified it WI that of Best. C,. W. Borne, brother In-law of the prianner.l.tattititai that Canby bye. with him at NO. 6tl Rulitutain ' , trout. When Wittier. Calle home on IbUrtlilay 0 , 011. log, at about six bo found the ae-used thorn, and be did u:d leave lhe piece until about nix o'clock the next morning, when they loft towel her- Daniel Dugan teditind that de:weaned took supper in bin hounu on Thursday evening, and le ft LeiRCOl3 seven and eight o'clock. He wan holier when he went away. Thin closed the testimony, and the Mayor dsacharged the planner. The NIL w MO *emu' The Building Committee of the Cen tral Board of Education held a meeting yeraterday, et which were preeont Messrs. Jno. Harri-on, chairman; Joseph Hart man, J. 11. Hobbs, James M. Taylor, Wm. Mays and T. J. Craig. After tee examination of several proposals of tne building of the new High School, the following SWirde were made: For the atone and brick work, above foundation, material@ aupplied by con. 'tractor, contract awarded to Mr. Patrick Brough, at $66,513. Fur carpenter work, material supplied, to Mr. Robert McCain. at 124,600. Total for unfledahed work of Stet 191.013, . This Is a large sum to demand eft the tax-payer. for a scholastic institution, but wtien It Is remembered that the eona and daughters of the veriest poor are en titled to home and place beneath ha roof, then the heaviness of the taxation is regarded as a trifle. Cost It one million or more, the High School la a blessing and we are pleased that the Central Board of Edocation have the courage to go forward and onward. P. 604 66 2t7 00 MI 46 60 00 IGO 00 100 00 12,69,0 80 Ladles, owing to the-peculiar state of the air surrounding them. require the use of Milk of Violeta to whiten see ell as Megan their complexion, without the least injury. Sold by all druggtras. V. NV* Ertnekerhoff, New York, sole •A z traitoT America. PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE: TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2, 180 PEIROLECI N S ril re ar.o Philole l reek—New 140 Barrel ell—lhe66R % A,eragit4 . 1611 at • Premium. The Tilun.it le .1/ eruid of Monday ..y.. ‘.O Friday ant one of the moat import tot nitiketi teat has occurred during the month, wont regard t., the Wilargiug o: the proclaim( territory, wee untie the J. Wale' tar in, north of Patiole ewo of llolmden run. 'fills wail .•munncm+d to prodwre on FrilitlY, arid thee, while It had deer humped, the yield has been at the rate of thirty barrels daily. The yield la black ut ct I: via•, when Orel W.rack, relnrti.tl as high on nlxty twin's. The working to •roat is owned by L H. Ku Rh. u A r lost ron g. S.Vlill.lllla and other.. Tote wok IS arcuated at bomb u IstStICS franc any "titer, 11,1 bar exteutiod the hitt...li utl molt a cuogaderable dl,4anee. • Early lust month anew well sail tested on the h. Minor tract, a abort distance south of the producing wells at limn (arm. The well la now producing eight barrels daily, and by the atrlitlng of It the territory ban boon enlarged by Per haps fifty acres At Pitlinle, last month, two new wells were struck, which now produce respect ively On and eight barrels The excitement occasioned by the striking of the large producing well on the Independent tract, Weal Pithole creek, still continues. Since the well aver ,attack, a seven acre tract wild fir $3,000, and another tract containinK four acres. Ina hotter location, 'mid for 63.000. Both of these tracts are on the Independ ent tract. A leant. of one acre adjoining the I'veee on which the wells that has 0,010 LI the excitement Is situated, was add .01.110 time aim for 61uno, and was lapsed at throe eighths royalty t 6 Mr. Fred. Andrews, who disposed of his lea. last Thurndav for SIX:I Thin Is toe highest "bonne" paid for a working interact alba, the palmy days of Pit hole. The Mill farm, which adjoins the In dependent tract on the east, and which is producing forty barrels of black oil della . , was purchased by Mr. A 11. Bron son on Tuesday last, for 630,000. Mr. B. owes nearly all of the working Interest of this farm, and It his Intention to sink Immediately meet of hie wells Into the green oil rock. Another Mellon the Independent tract was sunk Into the green oil rock last week. It was completed on Fr - Way and iiiiliiieng Was collittlatiClA on Saturday. tiering Sanud ,y afternoon and yester day it produced at the rate of 140 bsrrela daily, Tilia well is owned by Messrs. N Hamilton. The Well owned by Misfire Winn lireibere. Woiih and tither., produced ant liiiirrels during t he hint t bread itnyn of last week—a dally aVeragu or 260 barren , The product Is reported ke be I ricreeteing. A Itrite.eville correepotident of the Ile; ;ad nays: Consequent upon some -roil ' 1110V.111.111 Or other oientenation eau:lady r• speetstile, coal has liven en exeeeding' v scarce far a number of dais that only partial operations are carried on at u. ant 01 the weals. Anxious welt owners VAltlly resort to t heir aoeustomed S•MIrI,I4 of supply; the dingy' nr sisui , a of Venetia,' Illy have tieen once again raneseited It) WI ' , lupine.; to .. 111.4ke the sonfusion worse con lOU tided, - the recent sold soap rendered st nudstive of fool a ursine neyeestivi, slid (It the Mile every thing else awarfed Into iioluparathe tniog 01 11 "thee by the urgent ciellllled for the great eesubustt the I= t Item thy lit CM e.rrt• r • . The aerufulutta titat.heeta has a write tango of doe eluittnent, •uch ae eruptha, I,u the shin, anecti nit on the e) es, mast, ear, and darereul parte of the body, cartes of rho tune., cancerous af. fetetinus, and ut mucus aur. But the wont a,u uu , . form la that of glandular alloettourt, or taolltug, en. largatueut Hutt Ilual au ppuratton of the jluu.fn r f thr toady I. i• Itkatheittne ant/ trounle • 1110 end en tiltould 010014 rti. nerd with the given et two., 11,11 rll lentrlnt tq Ind 01.0,t1"11. , 1 it tiv t.i.ettil the tortnetion of any tuliwe% tiny pert of the te.dy, and front the very earn.. perlotl of Its existence 1.1101 nor utmost exentnne to present int further Itteroitee or extension, sod to remove It on ROOD us posit kite. Fortunately for these laboring under line rl.nn ilinseelwei the pr , grtent of wmenee fevnre us , with the uteatte of de. lectlng tble pi-Miter elate of the blood, as wolf an furatelnhg ue yrith the relllC dire for coutpititlng a eVit., whets a rlat. IX at 1,11.1 he had. lu tte 11111.0 of ocrant , ol. clt.j.eta here In a peculiar Punatante called 'ys'iat which emetentlally ebnractertroaa bin diKea.e rr,4n. all ~.tbera. an 1 there afoot, in any'eta, be a , uminene cur. IT•cten hot by the rernodlen fe,.r 1 . 0111,14' I this W tinkerer 7 11l arrest too, .1••••• illy the viro.. of serolion, 711! re duce most readily the tUtorit, heal uy Meat .li/10.1y thu Ulcers. We bay, eurrelverr 171 ••.I,CP Of Lyle. terribly nuuoy lug awl loativiortle dimetien. ooe of the very worat eat we ever SOW wne trtuu nu *diem ua Ite wan cured In a very law tuttuldtto and h.... wt.'', MM= two. In Allegheny oily 1111 d sonic Iron' nearly al: the vorroundlog folliltirm barn tnen.rured of one or abothnr form of this Inveterate dtaesse by our remedten and treatment. II ye whero weettfuln, ors terofulotte thatttet•lts, white .welling, rarlous I -.nen, unnltkg turuorn, erupt 1.. x, din chargre frota the, ear, Doe. , or eyea, or e:,la•gemart of the glands. send for the rolnedlon thus actentiLloally pre arribed, and have a rout plote cure effect od, as hundreds of others have done. L. °Luse t F. M.l) . 132 Orant street, Plttaburgb- = We heartily endorse the following notion which originally appeared 113 yes terday'• , lontnterrto/: We take pleasure In directing alien to the card of Dilworth, Harper A Co.. who have Just opened in the wholesale grocers' MlNlows, at No. i 43 Liberty street, opponite the head of Wood street The partners are Owl. W. D:1 worth. Albert M. if ,rper and Joseph Dilworth. Toe ineann of this firtn, together with the eatabilahad reptitalion of the gentle men comprising it, entitle the house to the Warmed commercial ootauderatlon. The leading active member, Mr. Gee. W. Dilworth. haft recently Meanies , ' part tier.bigb with the home of J. N. Dilworth r t Co_ bringing Into the new Win every ~,,,tlncattoo of an honorable, alTtble sari stio•esaful rte , ruhant. jor linepor(aen of J .he , President of the Hank of Pittsburgh.) enters into the busies,. WPM. with A well earned character for intell;gance and integrity. Mr. Joseph Leiworth In known to every ttto to possessing to an exalted degree, probity energy, clear weight Into tut•ie n,ar, and 11, fortunate realtaatb n of Its raw ar its. ii rarely occurs that a new firm la at artful combining FO soapy cle. teems of aurae./.. Wei etsoesk for it a hearty web , ,,,, for every Man of Jude. meni kit es rhat cock 11,11...11 an Dil worth, Harper & ,miloning moral, lin 11. I e. , f11113, , 1111 at ongth, aide to the reputation of the gill', and nuaterially help to extend its trade, thus Incidentally boned! Mg every other branch of motive newness I=2 An adjourned meeting of tne lot own ern In the Eleventh ward Methridist graveyard, shout which w much has teen written of late, was hold at the Ken mut Ward tithed /10100, last evening, The meeting was called to order by the President, Aaron Floyd. Mr. Miller, chairman of the Committee eppotntid at a former sheeting to look after the toter sate of the lot OWIJOI., rete.rte.l that the Committee obtained an Interview with the COriALIII,iODOrd and they had egroed to compromise with the lot 01111ora, poningdo nay to each the earn of 8.34, the lot owners to remove ~their own dead, and the Commission to remove and de cently Inter all other reemina of pentane burled therein, in the lidienravllle Cetus-. tiny. And they further agree to pax all expenses incurred by the lot owners in the law cube now pending relative to the Matter. The proposition wan accepted and the Committee instructed to Complete the arrangemonte for a compromise on the tenant stated. Tho meeting thou adjourned. 'Street CouiruMee on ■ Tuur of In•pe Yesterday the Street Oommittee paid • visit to Fifth avenue, In order to finally Inspect the work done by contractcr Flinn on that thoroughfare, Preparatory to ancepting the jab BB nominated from his hands. This contract was obe of the largest let by the Street ii.kanittee this session of Councils, and, considering the many Vic:allot,s trials the contractor had to endure, great praise and credit are due him for finishing it before the inclement weather boa fairly set in. The cmatelt bo examined the work, and finding it dune an per contract, accepted It, and returned their unanimous thanks to the contractor. It is unneceasary for us to award any praise to Mr. Flinn as a con tractor, cui It suffices to know that any thing he undertakes Is sure to be done right and on time. ConsUtellou Water at a curtain cure Mr Diabetes and all diereses of the Bid• bays. Forage by all-Druggista. Train% ORIRNANCES A N ORDINANCE lEll=l 1: - Oot honor. 6 r.d . P.. 1 =6 01 romp Ailey, from lsor::?.. IC "sr -0011 alter • t.. 11 . ,• I It. It or.laly,l mot ryloy.l sv the II tur.... 4 yoftottan.. Gl G. or WOLF ..I TA , KG. GT11.H..1 G. ,•• If hurtto AuG rutotr , hy IT I .•14.. t.l tiAG. , ./ - T , th. •o• h or) GI att *Gm.. t I . A 11t,11. 4 . I 111 MN ts'. GLIGG•t• utol he , art s•,••1 and If. I. II! S Itre•-•• .1 to ,n• its ••••1 'erriee ',oppses, 1.,. t•r ''''''' '"""'''•"' "'" '''' " .'"" ""' ' rig of rriitol .Menu' toll Librrt‘ Nt.. .....ontr••• torn eo %o tbe 1 aet ••• nrst ' • t ; nro 2. r.l to U.,' ye - , o ; ( . 114 t•Itt.• ..• I I'l I 1,1 r....fi I . A nen 5 Anti I. thee' I ~.,.1......0.1 I.‘ t..., ' Hr palnoc bolo ••• onot • •••••nt. ••••• L.' tOr tr. duel •a A on, upon the se , rr .1 wk.. lt.nll/.1- I •I , ••• dd, ..- a ••• , r• • ; *lt/ •••1 I t. , . ini e na ' n • ••• • • ,, a , 5 ,.. s , ~, s ~,„ a , , V 1•10 . 11 kN. 1 r.nrrly bl••••re'r lb 1. A , R 'l.l. r• peer. .1•• 1, • ' ld ' ..'' the re r• (: " .1 'Abntfl, If e. lit them rr•pe , ctler ' ' ' • "" •••• " ••••••••. nail inoled.nit ' '' ; ' • "." 1 "' I g sll f•T•• ' a ri ., 11,r rot k a pew's Pe .. et. s ' HUGH !IL BOLE s c co, ~ ...Dv.. no ••••••••i. he' lulls acet•lnrd I ...I arms duty of Ihr btrert 1 00161110.1,(Iff f IV I .se •1111 ,1•")1, 4 011 Ins as bask-tpLoug Dolt, anal I ISIS hutted' .' ...‘ I I.i , , F , e•W f' a ~ . 1, i lore Pettit All. y sod Duquesne St, unVT rens., R. ly . accord., tn obr fk:r 0•••••• • ite atod, mod ther• Ow. procend to tn le tn. ;- ';••••••• III• l'•••••• I ..Laud c 011... IN. bac.. Sc,, rdt of tag he Act , . ate Ist tacr•l Aesmbls o: the 1 . • mmtel• • val. . Penn's'? r•nlAN•htlt tol — Art Art fil an•ng th• ' Engine Itittiders, Founder 3 dial Manner of r lirelleur the r 1.•••••••• rs of sm.. 1 ano paring of lbe • cr',eared ••i• • • al the 1 Ps PI A Iltghr 13.. and I' •r other porpos•A•• passed 1 lb. 151. Orin day' of /larch. DOA. t .4. Tual 5, Inns% . ap, 0r.1111,11, 1111 .•3 1 road ci .111, 01. .1••••••••1 ne lb. f,•r••••Ing be Man•far• nrr STKA NI ..• T V. , ••1 SV - ask and the •arne 's ' le'ety rspeale.l. Si All•••• AR) r.S•••• , as • ;•ortn.• "rd... and,nuted taw 4 lb. . this ale kßell• •"..r. .1 •ltrnll. a• • 11•••1 1r• or 1 , ... •tTATI• I R• 1.1•111 h •ble or nctollet, Ann. ',nutlet on, Mtn, I A 41' till. ..1.1. I • •O IS e k Rl' I . VRTA IILtE and tight [Morino, and silly ••• r ( 11..1 1.V.R...11`t A. nr Ine•• 1 J A XF.A kern RIER. I I A. 1 - 1,44, •r.,,, lAd male to nr•lrr at nor In• kn.,. of Iht. belt t k ouncll. , re fe r.r••••••••. 1 1115 0 4 T 11 1 1 .51 rs.. 1•••• 14 . art. 1. Ant, I. R. • rAt.C•r. ' 110 , •a• o. bli A VTI nl., N. 1.1. , 1 b. I Connell I ilAnn•kb 11••1, -0 and I 11115. (••• b• .o%s At.r.us I, si.AcK. , ~1 In. S P,tisi I' I ~,,,g, ~4 444., ..1 r,qldera 0 the R'.llotossi CoUnrll, I res.. to ord. r 'rite Atter 1 Rohe n r Itts, oat... '''''.""-•°."'"" C"4"'L —o"- I 1 INDUSTRIAL WORKS, AN ORDINANCE Front.. 'ln le., Adegnon,llll , l Lrt: lb. faint . 1 To Auth hw tirodlysk of willow trrrf. from Vinal Narver to Basin PO rtef. I.7oirr PITT ha, I. Be fl ...Room and overfed ar Me 6 , 1 1.11 rito a ta.t, thit • tt• 11,1, - dat di idc,...lt, r, A li 1tt,19 “". MC'""l-...-lig COLEMAN, RAIIM & CO., rm., nt atr I,eleta l'ostm.st. ,t i ttnt, ./ , I , i L ~ , , , • ,41, N t , , .., ~.., 11,..ttiar tut, it of '' i. 41.1/ttrlitil A 1.14 A. tteSl . K. 11L1:;: ' N ' T ' 17: " r ' "''''' ' " ' IRON, NAILS, STEEL, , 11. A ./1 , unamon Coop. 11. AN OILDINANt'E AXLES AND SPRINCS. t hattglog the Naate at Dauer atree.t DI ut !NNE. L I AND JI • lATA. se Park Not . VI IT It , : li t'•••• 1 1 A•• li •iii A It• 111. , Ka,'TY. ti to• II? •1 8 slt 1-,,, Lit,,s. .., k 11,. 1. , •, i , t. AI, l‘,l Itlt WI, It K It , rt AN •1 , it i 11,11 1,1, r, i ',tit,t. tt r ror I t oa. I lo,‘ e....tte .1 •• •et t hh, AI. I htts ie. much ht and o•dotat. • ourtort with or he sorso.lcd ror , (on tu.e, •h. , .hthe 1. h. ra , y r ow•l. tr. todalord and row tadtaw N.zia tto clay t , Ow , A. t.P 1.4111 .1., f 31 it! r it. loaarti t P (Li T 1111111112= _IESOET , TION TO OPEN T•i -.:• • .• 8 0b. 11,1 oUlmoll font', tue hat i•Tlsa IL • ruU , . opt liegi 1.01.11,1•N‘ grlat net it) b•tee Oro rt. •6.1 1 , 0.1 .I..ti rrm e Moe ft Ze ar :P " ra.. 41 A 11.1.01. • t of A.s•eurals. ••ou • 1r •uooluaruan. t •'-st MA' a4 " h tt' l.6o hers, tin h• 1 the b•ee • na . Übe •• co ••• and uuu os o• • •ald • plat, rue tlus. held on Thursday. the Slash l. .1 II IiXI TT. Clark of ar lent r ouncil al 11. D1L%11 , 11111 ( ler I. IA • ...mon ouncll. STOVES, CASTING?, &e A. BRADLEY & CO., M). 30 WOOD FM" roar. o, tbe uruun k •rlet, of Cook, Parlor and Mulling t. loves, to nue a...erten/tat wltt h attest. , •II the LATTST PATTILII.Se AN it IMP/WV it.MEN re, and Lb • rephlation of our •taat r r ttrh Ito •I al Ithtt In *tont of • good azilel• •tb ho 000 l percag tamae tat thora utautrfactureti he a aa the, relli fottott e most au rattle al well as watt austral. Would lar 611Ysold In t atontus. Inucoltra for watt Iv, Watt. erelne. Alt arta, herpes net .1 tbr ~10 00•0( • 111. m gurOr Wong o , nog lor