o r** ;1, Ott, ii imgjOiLlail, SLID 86 MU U ,OrriCiLia.VArsa rtugbismilt. Alleeway sad *Ur :PN Oita that lbe Alabama negatietaas Wake SeVell4d 1/ our Minister at Lon dcw. infispienber, and that an elaborate comp= -b now going 00 . Of widekthernahlln way gather no cornet egalge the President vomits his mutat Message, Tit SIR LIGISLATraII b Ipso? to thifbiatonein Polniboth of ibaraeter and ability; Let no hope, since Improvement has%nuanced, that it will continue ailltfoltililieneeid the General Amin; blYeball ,be all that can reasonably be desired. umespectsltyltitertered to help IMMO* Peeka. Thedlastrous 110 4.thet„ „ pre:Mr.ai in, th e Delaware took, ..Mithy.luntlyais more Demoaste th an BetgAituawazy , Weine end Pike eattellea to look op vagrant mita sad to_ alr .the, Debora* .and Beam C1113*112.s Democratic laisin Ws way •new a tarcusand. „ , 11113 \ • \ prettauln rellremiat. / siVPOMPPEOPPOtallib ulathised 411 0Lattet tn. vitiate -Oh et the Com mouttlildf.Q.lithht eerd*of twolitit 11AV4 0010M= forme .__ A; Pw•lad probity. Etta raceme?, Mr. Mirky) ) , Ott* of excellent at *6=41174 Ow i nrepiqk sitAfAhvbariaer, ' :,v, , . - == MEE r t' •,.. • .$ • . '• . .4*. MEE •'"; ft • .4.-4,'t i ',:,..„ • • ••; 4.;-.4..1t'ev,:;.•:•'....,; **,;„,.,:••,•-•-• .;t., ..;',...,,,,-.4.:;<-.. • . ~ ,j., sp. :: ‘-. h,,e4iiiNv,:-.':•t,...t ..; .. x:,-...:.41 =',!...i. :!*i.4., .. v,„..,.4-....,...1 1._:z . .. , i-,'.1 1 ,. z . i , il;-4,...ii ' ,..1.. v .- 'i:v.:•,1-...-,,. ..i....! ~..,.,,,,,.. --...,..; .1.---, ...,;.1.1,—.W. ~ :, - .7 • : ...--:, n 4- .:.,..,... - ....t.:.• ..,,- : ' 4 i. -, ::,.,14:'-c•-*-&_•••••••••• :'1Y.:• : .;-1.7 . 1 ';:,..::,.. - 43, ~.„4,4,-.;-:f.- 7 ; ' ;', -- ‘7'.": ',.• '..1 . ',..:•1 , ':iZ •,.. r-r '''' ' •:•!* • ;:' .7... -7:...,,..,;,...i-T-,'14 : ' ...., ..., .0:4 v,"*.!-"v':'• , , .: l'',,t ;474 -P4:-:' ,fet'';* . 44 •-' .., .. ,i , .. .. _.;,...... 4:,—...',-.1 :rz , , ~- •. - 41., ' 'i': ',...: ::.: ;', 1•;; '''-'; -:- .K. :.-44,1! ~. •,, ' 4 ' '-:::r-• }...'' .' ' ' '.."'' • .ti;:t+4'o".::.4".' '', t;t ':. '1 4.:.2, l''' l 4'2,:f:t . ;:;. ti2:;: ,- . 1. 5% ':. 44!:''':!'• 1.4' 4.'0.):;,1.1i1; ~...Iti `kes,.': .:-''' `.l l'oSki 1/4,',:4'",e :4,4,•‘01 "ili 4 .."! .....'. ''• -:.14.1 Zi-i! 41f;.:14 '4l V i 7 :-. j.O q:`:^!Ai .4,'' 1 '-':„4- i •I ' .4 ~,,, ,1„.',-..fr.;'11 ,S.`"::-., " , `": • ':i..,: 1..).1,: TS; '., • -.."..,41 ,4•.•;....-.;•:',..' :::;.t,:i: '''' ':::' 01 1, , l, *, • , '4', ••' •'••••! ~.-;.;.,-.. ; :•I r- -•'-' •'- ',11,,,•'>:-.,`' _ -,, .;,.:,1 ,t,!....,.-.,..,;•'` .. -,\ ~.,' ' .' Y ''''•-• ' ME ay " ..~:a El tal *. n ';;,i, ; ,*--A:,:tii.a , .'_•,-''',:;',4-i;7,74"1--. ..,--,d ,r,„,iil--4:4efilti\S.l- ',..• .:;• ;.! , i I*- .} -7,t. -7 4,;i;4 :11 ' , : - ; ,, :ii -i,i 'ilAtf4.444trj.l.Ef-±: r '' ' i7P4-Ittir.:4.•*.;;,: • • _7,7,E.,,,,;;, ,4 1 :,,fO„. -s - ,.:. - .. -- - = , A 7.1,;:v.:,-0-4.:;„;. :t .N;'* • . i .1:-Y.i,.**,-.ii..,:.i ::::1 --.-1..; :t, ' 2 . . • .4 , - , . - 22 . IMI ~~ ~~. ' KUM IN • ,- T, • Tr. . - sta ; ~- - . - 4l• _ „.„. „ .. . glassy County 'bliumr,liov. I, tees. Witmer Bead fetal tbe op. pi** rinthble t : will& chews that ZlNFirltewiter ittatteed the Mt tgoifilallip ea s reward tor WO= seiiiatt hlajedgment onions, certain Digogretio itandbll In weal once POletielphis, with the remark that Whit oolValate or "alk/VtatelP lxPantleßclk , to-therewevifetfkri.leszytiuranwt4. WAN.Ariclise at ujiigkez,eitlotczocit was inetaundbf 144_ ZiCag l AinSAtnal MAIM Or Pea. 87/Yleille Eittah laot Vont their Out sweeellit e latereafe — theirootaldere Tellieftirto tai ta best any reaeozebie termeriaratike while at we/hand' hi defeated before the 41111)&treetiiietede 4tet r oes Sr belottl i r diesteatientimbigaMiewitd'ea orm, erArlS ll3 4 l #4"} 9Perstorkon ni mou:A Au t raded minas of *WO reaaaathanoe the rice of oval, or ,eltrt 41019trie_ *pm. If the former reiett abeilhepiOAnm l. the madders who sirs thibilrtmy ltftell of. the mister.. 1111/. tritUcapleitt. IKszerto emus os to , katms., that lilltilii•SnitMM to rasa tbeftai uot'scr-Welble to hult them ety:4llCdOples Ittetf perm Moat thliiteNtottt• &Br packegok lansigaa Minable/Iridium =Me eastattle ants ABeghtottel, sae Wend teen the mall Ul=lertithilY•atk Pc't,At IMAM' bib bette k' gjetlitei foi aloes Ow; AO theitre 111114914PAW:04 star be Dempaste, iscolsted by Jame. and,- Mtn ellowitil Ili:11)10p. Bat whatnot the endue 11104tilbergea as ead sometF rem epitgliti** BUM 11111})*1.06, 021/1 fri rn =anag, to be engaged to . atm. b MST. ire might-tm-lectined _ LElMlttat cessation of depetatrosti b) , aMetiftto simply the iiderfin With COPrell 016**. prodded they If Ollld Opp ftc,stptigg to seed, bat also to volt by..:44et:thet; Burr= amtalea. =sr swathe emiramant3 hue tree evens. '7,7tat! Atteghadas, of Cambria county, itelhe theenatclut itertiditan. take dc. itilltdortwid- ist, favor of reetoriguthe Wog:gecko= , The hater, a Demo- dila ,;litarialy Cakes the , strong ;point IligAlhe Oretent law. tisk It howls Ititheitie election . adtects," espeadli ln I tlX4ieignota and where there are caarij , hAfigAtees . to_ he. fUlcd; too imiiiro al LI.- to "minting the vote, within thel goidoi':rdivilled' tiji atsang' . iiiiiiii. I INWatioillia rpm for" ail,* b e Maitedliy 41f laiO" we oboervid , tic AftfitgAlii gtaezal 00. at thelite; -VOCIGS: , :We have tuner beft Mid, ' lll"lOliiileozaigointo,lnesiitestiootlitiiiri kal 3 4. 141300 *UP anCloicei l glaiwnitbki of theballota. If- the- #ll4 elections be not restored; the 1 !at ctelatthit law; for- ascattphig and eeri 1 IllgtiOtiataantiit, be amended iin*.i 1 *llk:Wed - alms thit *a' yil NtiOtalirke ax e h _ 2 '' vs = '''',3ll - • y Mom An Amor at me to elect -county edam*, ea z i be=h and olideerkhii `.l* — ia - toviiiiite, EL14:1462#. 1 "Viliie ‘l'.'otii)ns:itil it, steld tombarel :iiiiiritltenir, Matischat litaiesop,' Ititisiegii.Laid;liew. 7 for 'Bede Attila ildietabistlire4 in xiii ll 44 lo 4 Sitakr• atin ii- ./0320/* to glib e.0111:11S11212. Valli AO .Xhillllll*-hold fall thateeketketevi the j_____ lasorthis =Wt. Tbit a *lntik* AtigiliCife* ". York , li Jerefellfl Illitifen4 bate. full vete r .4,171 finmer Wilda the tine. istriii•%lMnAtitia 'A • TeW' 0:1;/.1Vgailak-z ,Gerssi fern .:pnitteavolled tos faith in bbitlicissi 414P06,4mbaditcardlgibinsiand isokrinciliirdtadirly that bia >position In -00 rigiol , 4hairgnalft ineutiorifisuttis yin Place liettiLei der obligation to Tote for a candidate Alit is mot for the piece • -Not einem= failed to practice in acondanee with his prowling. All last mimes and so far 'Miring the autamn,, ha? beinibinmeelesswaytit boitsotrizts foe nomination, or at those'who byre atzteatia inAgetting their nautis upo *Paw Bla dentmolatlems bare not been 1 1 "'WWI offenders by Immosnd stetted Id I inisdemeanms ecindiamd diertialm bag set an eiamplo - wcotiii of '"'"a acceptance i. - But Glittikr recently beams a candilif; PrQbabli . 31 0 beton bill 'dirr office In' connectldi s Irlid.t:n he was named; perhaps, tinder 'lspectatlon that bit defeat was merit* i11.. -Bas big party wantedhis name sea cymbal - to rally Me - Urged possible non ba of-Totes; perching:et° compel suns to dmitane of bolting barn bean applied to Wawa Al} ritnimido —and no man =beta Oen Abe beentor many srems wide. — onthering Plenty, Cliheni...basi ottool* --odlitook)tittalrosit-itrosible . am to e ta lash = at le* to Woo .d4slatii no. proclaim biro to tam bad agindidatay tbonglitheyris insPeellicallis to 'star up : lxordoskot dlstiforeotta =Wig go& be rear bod.. But he b made to' =detour: est aA min Is bad In the. • .'-odistelct of thbie,ladlidie tillohacti if the bilndwooatdi 77 fk!gtt Ms toot tootlfaiireiw*. fo sot otopttatie,ll2my stsanee mdasial7 ono and mown.,fottnit lints of both ;alma and aladail m ? - - -IV'tajthoviiwor the ciovesil resift =kV. Xt-Fa/ flitherA o °6 4 r M i " I "T WW"f Per 7 Aoldeata thus • i0rt,),,_49Fri29,91013104.014 is of tbti Pe# Maker, Duet" with whom Rost:g em= boarded in the plentittle of his power irr Paris,- he found that she re membered him as the most amiable and consillentkes of mortals, and marveled that any body should think ffil/erently of him. To her be was what he seemed; but to Mope who were sent headless to their List account at his bidding, he ap peared to be a monster.' It Is edifying to whams the equanimity with wtdctrirtr. GmitiuMY aompts the sp - . plication of Ms Mon of bolting to him. I self. He bids all Repittilicazis who want to Tote against irim to do so and be ' done with it. That As taking opposition i f phliceophically. If ' candidates would take bolting In as graceful a way, the 1 amenities of poll goad be enhanced. 1 Ned Tuesday te ll how the Rerpnb • limns of New Y k, end Mr. Gurney with them, will - ' int. That they have, a decided ma tY of the legal voters I I on their aide we 'lly believe; but we ati. 1 pithead they Ma be oeerborneby fraOki as they often ha been heretofore. If tr. GaIGKIZT be elected Ormireller, theffitate *UT in upright radinielit gent officerybut *ill be apt to find the office, as "filmdom'," which he would Lanett sooner have off his hands WWI on. tab SOISIERSOT DISTRICT lON TEST. We have reprinted the very generous language with which Idr: Enure, who lute just_beri' teidir' dime 'Senator in rwire%Otallot diikrict, has disclaimed any to Os adiantage of mere arch bicalithe ' in Wedding, his seat from the clairos of his late TOrounthe competitor. iThe disclaimer is u creditable to bli 1 sense or boner rts it is toping likpartatart . 1 . .*litica : ::... Rat, ihrieli the ease 'frrblviss cer• taliittltorious points which will relieve tuttrlrom whet . might otherwise have reemedu him en int:oaths duty. The Pommonaresith.hu-alons the right to pronotmee, and through improper organ. the Senate, upon bearing of the antimony, upon the sesiourf guettaml , whither , the plain letter of the law slaill , les absurd r disregarded... We :ire: quite sure - 71.icti-X—wpi, hy - 116 itt - Of ownr, howeßP issierixodf Impulsive, .... - tAtil f *Me. flsen. ils 1 ,40. *o9 l l 4Likli f R4O Th e gneS idi Ws OrMs4 very *eat acqieeepteceoti to 'en okk:ii..l".3l"ll4444_l(idelnarsi )I,42o4ltaASOFt..'loAlslb *A either; : 1 0'" phnallse or finally check the loose prin ,Mr *lmetrolVtge praell44. - ertth *OF: logoe ' 4 .1t30. - till kili Jfe 1 1 It is also understood that the legal vote, ka the legal =TOM of the poll, la on the aide of tkmAlentlyirleieek .1 It lig sustbpti• ble otliekeAhek &taiga tteiebel of Megat ballots were coloniukour,:from Repub ik:en products along the line of the in =gnettev s ille in &la , mi}way, • initud cOttittti and there cast solid for the opposition ,candidate. This and other frauds on the poll, mica 7: is 764:' 'the majority 1; claim f d - , for Findlay would, ; melt !away Idol boor under a legal acridity of trib*sigisetrks9,weli. known la the din. trict, that we are adetied that no serious conteOsotautbiksllVlreoppatition. The tilenati:tlannot itvoldirlybag the seat, ptersafaeW te Ith!Sinn:loipon the leg aspects of the ors and his title will be amply confirmed upon farther inrestiga. --It truidanti therefore, that our friends have a 'cies . wilght to , depelnd upon the caterstiolt ' _ of the " Benatorelect, 'in thibilitining thellepabliitin" aacendairci, inthe Alird . ttft, We are also gratified to lrfiin tharquOits his own Slew .of the cue. . _ _ iIItidtDOBBABEI liii T OP CHIME. .. . :.,The Tioga **der dicta case occur ring in a village and comity "near the centre of the State," where smut -"of wealth and Dodd sardine' without any Ituarnessoeellow. *het a colored boy, hie owe servant, and wee therefor held tolail for trill. The District Attorney preps od aa ladicirnerd sad laid it before the brand' Nary, itifete' foiematiOf which sent ', for Widen:main; toot his Sesttroony, re tailed to, haw other tratiamay, Sr - o .the Cdinalailt,and the bill was filtered. It la tube ?trotted that the Agitafor is utitblyteipeelde.- letting= the county! - The ;same journal denoonOes the too or , . p r . g Practice which pendia the Menu O .:f ralooles, or the sup- Pitifli*.or FoRPCOOtis by virtue u( Ft rate sgparateidit 14110:o9.tito .Porßeit di, 1 seedy celacented. We .heartily; endorse tteruigentetdcturea upon lists most rep. tehearibia of-aboara in the administration of our criminal law. We quote: % ' • -•' The better dispelled dimes of noddy 'have little Idea afthe.tudirsesall4red this ,Cri.hOWIPCk semen detects rerl= 4 . in t 47 praseanted, the of ill &Medd Undo Moyne, - tsetse - ttaLthe °Sender, oat"of stwirelutotokatesbyleialande l i setwz g e. But such as observed diem tam know, alas. too well, that pot a, tenth = l l i Math W ever! ten 7, ever , go to U Ju cease ere l: vol.! , fin.?- . Ilkatur s upon the wed of. Of men ray xbe ,ficsrasesd. But to eitheach ler I "ecnielderation, er' tf menteight atrythhil else, is a Molly of Stain, ma raolarity of Immo. roe h J,Wak,doniAtals naval:1110 proorantar le ever testily privileged to consent to ojarg a il i tag a i i ar M 9 ItZV IOtt lcornifn Is& torney,nor Judge, nor party, can legally dOWbetwyttlY ol , twelets men are 'wipe. IX ,Ptt.Moßitt. l slr -vrish crime Or . 01 a we ace, -pa slwsyl, the. liten urge of engine: Make the infilerlonAtf penaltie -ear Wrong. doing certain. h naked dadgerosatooompoaaa a felon.- XotPriodiJurloa theoy 'deli th y e law bb "arnittned 'l4'Bends addcted et once. Let perp=tch. ft toihioustew Wedge • 'be dealt-with... Why, ItsNowlfark, there b A 0001,07,00mposed of wen who eon tried lb swear to' nit engdoiertror ma [ moth cob 1 Bat nedirtTerai noTiona wadeereryllamAlterith ft st nud e , anoe of fable swearing in every important, seat The matantehing.thing Is, that nd aims II so Wally peitu deteeted,,ngon.Ae so salt u The PoV pl b an havemi ll L tor , W se t_hevis * doll , teen w aOf arse it will worie,Be pee =mil left alone. But , suds ampule:ay cites always; lure* sdlagerette Sew. don. Thereladanger in snob Weal einsitei May .careadde.,,Bidgreent., so efiltranulder Talent be . denied' to Pa ignUiSsActior la PI aodetY. Igurivro potora ire loiterPlitalj do iel '4lolol2te 11434 VlOpOlir ."• -et warned by these nature of 'dad" sad work. togetheconFtnen 1a,r1c.!.6_.__._—..ca.4-vsev---s-'--"''' Tsi WOMbors 'Upham esslgus, among ot h er causes for the small 'Repub. py maijoilly M this llftite the , follow ~..I;the irat plis'oe, doe. Etna wad very, teoz=rar with the “polttlaani. n vatdisad bwin-nsaderegatnat Wian., , The whole ea , re Koch papers isa tbahrde arerstentlthilDiseetcroiat mut alt4he fop oorrnestortiit the palladia% vs; 'the' twattistans, and inch l et • - - the sppottitment -or Mao tO 1 OPIZOge IWO4OPOIIPI tber xltOtS mostly • WOW& MeAnin who..Mias' the Be. =Wean party tri the thaw, and who hd so chanted. It ractaAirdary. were . strz=ll:wiawbst, might ti-beloic ' .oFirttithair , podia. kam,tionoskor not le of no 00010. ciani qtlenee SO DJ as conducting iearntedaw ts lecurern .2he nererlhat W togas theta. will come Oee at II t 4 he. The Genius ,of Merry (Pen 34 Mint twits tfoOdeird rditie 'reported derets7,4rhtelq‘e hes crintrtved to ..tnaki 4ft2r93 11 .. 14 the everot the nation? -The lermejour. bil Ore eidle to the record the tollowint ~ It le well' known that on the night be. Airs the Abrams asemNlM at- the-tato •Dcesicalstle *State tkrntetinm. • Gallella aweireethe etwdee ot tasjachy ashy bat by acea the meat day tsitDelsiper_AM.eoreerieV &rated "612.—."1"4' l'ljdr4ll7l2etri,"l„ceter lo,theler, Shewl pines Total as Chetr Coma ' thattt.yahs. tbe Jest , ohatoo,et Abe nab' 'wocad' . big tossa abei Would isavonaiesk-gso44 'NAM.* 111141041 a OrAf . ,t,earacS .), ' t_F • ;:.÷7-,ag2:Z&Cz^;;‘:: HEK IPUBLICATIOIIB. flume /LOD ITS fh1a4.1016365115. By William A. Rantroctud. M. D.. Proles. sor Of Dies of the Mind und Ner vous Nyetero. and of COOMICIIi Moil ' eine, In BOMMIO HOBOBOI, Medical College. New York. PuMbibed by J. B. Lippinoott & Co., Plnlsdelphls. For sale by B . B. Davis & Co., Pittsburgh. A work at this character, from one so competent as Dr. Hammond, late Burgeon General of the United States Army, can scalar to command the attention of the profession and general reader. It is writ ten In a popular form, and Is not burdened with profeseional terms and phrases,bat in plain language. The philosophy of sleep,the necesslty, the cause, phenomena, and state of the mind during sleep, are diecuseed upon broad principles. and In keeping with the advanced views of sci ence, In the considention of each part, "Illiistrations in point are given to de. m onstrate the position of the author. Startling feats are resealed relative to sleep that should be heeded by bnda- I workers, or the sad results of overtaxing the mind and by neglecting to secure 1 proper sleep, will be tell sooner or later. Professor Hammond is a vigorous writer, and dissects his subjects with a keenness that is refreshing , Tare NatOriltoll's House. By the author 1 of "The New Commandment," etc. Published by the American Tract BuOletY. Boston. For sale by H. B. Davis & Co., Pittsburgh. This work happily illustrateS the re foaming influences of a Well - ordered home. The episodes Of life, particularly in the case of the members of two fame tea, , am graphically described, and the severe bemoan of discipline they passed threlle were finally the means of lifting theif Oe. it higher ilk Tim aid ending of young Gordon produced fruit, and wu the meaner of molding the character of 1 others for good. The story is delightfully told, and it cannot fall to leave pleasant f‘e.Uogs after Its perunil. Basun AT Smoot. By Joanna H. Mat thews. Published by Robert Carter de ' Brothers, New York. For sale by S. A. Clarks & tlo., Pittsburgh. Scums of child-life are pictured in this volume by one admirably adapted to write for young people. The various phaaesof early childhood are brought out in life. like words, and all through the he (l h , lessons of incalculable value are taught In &form that will impress young chit. jiran. Its healthy moral tone iSCOmMen. &Ole. and makes It a suitable volume for Parents to put into the bends of their children.. Tax thmani inTilotrr van convuor. By Rev. R. H. Loruile, Liverpool, England. a. Truer Tall Cssewonsw. Medd* Id. bratty. Prdrikhed by Robert Carter & Brothers. New York. For eats by S. A.. Clarke 4 co., Pittsburgh. The first named is a brief aoconnt of musings on the • death of children. It, contains much that will Interest the be- reared, and contains suggestions - where - to end solace and comfort. The saving power of Divine gram is richly illustrated in the life of " Tibby the Charwoman," who occupied an humble sphere in the activities of Ill'e. Lessons are ,also taught in this tiny volume that are worthy to. be stored away is the heart for calm ream. tion. ........ Ksmsttlea's Eximuissce By. the anther 'of -"The lairdeter'S Wife," &o. Publish by e American Tract SO dial., . For nate by R. 8. Davis & Co. Pitta b. In this war "we have described, in graphlu'vrt3ids, .. events of o. young woman's life, •- : .. . • . with bey school. dayrand ending • .her happy alba with a minister. Then tiveisbf deed' interesting, Int mincoies • cabbala' in the story that will . 1 youthful minds. There itt nothing in it thel.will offend. the most fastidious, and .ere is , also s turalthy glow In the story, that 'makes it readable and preamble.. It • capital hook for a Sunday School II 0 and for the family circle. The publics. dons of this Society am of a !hamster that At is selt to commend them, and dEatharine's Experience," le of thin class. Laws Swoon SIMS& By Oliver Optic. blish by Lee and riberard, Bo Pu ton. FM ed sale by B. A. Clarke it Co.s , Pittsburgh. Like all the writings of the widely. kearn tal much admired "Other Optic," I the' Lakie Shore Series contsin sound practical knowledge. for young people, and the style is elevated and high toned. The dories were originally published In Oliver Optic's Haiprzine "Our Boys and Girls." Pour of the ale volumes of the, series ars already publistaL The dist iseutilied, "Through by Daylight; or the Young Engineer of the LAG Otiorit. *hair The hero la a fine spochttew of bright young America—who illostrates by his acts that his heart ill pure aid true. "Lightning tiptoe is the next volume; which relates to the same road,though the war between rival academies occupies.. trotoddemble space. The third volume, "On Time," which tangs out Itt bold relief the expialit of e 'teat youngeaptain, who gave evidence to his Idiom that his heart was influenced by. Christian principles. The took hap. ' PI I T- Philanttil the,reoept, "Love Jo* enelht&t." Next Naom i :fondly "Switch Off.l* in w h ich the prindpsl incidents re. latent the war among the dudenti of the Tejtittetel liuditnitt: The ante doopel Tri.OPle,"l.oTfl Your mania" is brontrht autin.thls story. Thelifth and rad:reel. runes, MBnike Up," and ..Bear and Ftir.. heir will TOM appear. Mr. Miami has the happy art of conveying geed .aqd cardinal principles In his , sea and land styles, that leave good Inipressions upon lira Yefilibfni relalerf; • , iTT4TOP 'OM masa Sores. Bi.-Eft vond.E. Fish. Published by FlaKts Mit... 00., Boston. For - Sale --try Th& It 'Mt POLO:net. P . Belden o(. Mr .. /143 ‘ gtIra. Fa haps,",have an Idea of the genius orals author, and of his wonderful power In lireueel'oftrintputipts singular, in the ex• tierce, too, for one enPEed latheitttal tryrnot - doable vocation is a bar to the Catboat* , of inch worts ,UM style cer. minty ilidstraiathe . tiberal views which on Mew Tngiaidsoll, acne where dee. 6 8 litiMilAi r MI hi*. !The work cannot fail to Interest , the reader, as the - 14to'liasClnittiug;rivasimiciii : S t et C4lier liver the mi n d, Some Ides.ofltidadats may, be gathered from the following ~.t opics: `'MY,,Vett to 4/ 44 Pi" "R ow they lived at Nsguadavick;" "How they live In Vineland;" oeow ther :1404tIsio d how they : die there*he n "Blanes fbr Boston Laborers." Martir. ernintivii Lire Woes, or The Watery Solved, By Mrs. S. A. South' • . worth, author of "LawrentWidonrue." ' ' .g. :(1 11: 1 ; 4 arr '4 Er°A!!=reliv . r.fielaWalt - 'Stasis n tale of 'New Engird life; 4 0 * a:loping the habits, customs, andpredom. brat rellgietuf thought of that section. It illatista Maser= type of bfe do. Iles; and the trials and temptations tut.. dent thereto.- Throughout the alma there is • healthy sentiment, In which grad - lessens of dirty to God and each otkerare taught. The chapter relating to `She Isla war, and the part taken by a Ware one who dial In the struggle, adds Inland to the story.. , Mtsarnaterae. By W. Id. Thsehernr. "-Nei. I and 11. - Hcmsehold Edition. ,Published by Pleads. Oval a Co. , -litision. .lorsale by It. S. cads A Co., _ . . - In delf ,of the *Oat lataa suemling the •Einomanid Edition of Thackeraj's Novels," the. publishers haellelded to the popular wish or the public, sad have commenced to publhdithe misoollancous i'rritings'af the pi4ituipe •istilleit; In. the ame .style: es..the sates; at hails, : inakinvin 'additional ' m ' int L•of . Sal *oltastiti;`.' Thei.',,VOlma, es - . Are _ irom the lMeldifAiilim ! *deli Ma , )Intaitinablet i ltt ' : ll6 9 bte TeR eT ! I ? ./#7.7 ha. 1'fr.0,4411iiii&;.•14.***46.4:000. PITIVZBURGII DAILY GAZETTE: MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1, 1869 this "Memoirs of Barry Lyndon, Esq., written by himself, with the History of Samuel Titmarsh and the great Bogged) Diamond, end Burlesques", The second contains "The Paris Sketch Book," "Me. moire of Mr. Charles .1. Yellowplilidt ," "The Irian Sketch Book," and "Motes of a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo." This series is gotten up in the charming style of Reed's and Elllott's works, cheap, handsome, and convenient size. Gso. ELLIOT . O NOTTS.& tailgate:Mier , end Hoene! of Clerical Life. By Ow- Elliot. Household Edition. Published by Fields, Osgood I C0.,C0., Boston. or midi by B. B. Davis it Co., Pittsburgh. Few writers have attained the eminence in the literary world, these modern times. than is awarded to the author of these novels. For beauty of thought, plot, and vigorous language, these works are models. The excellencies of this edition have been commended over and over again. We hardly know which part to cortimend most, "Blies Mariner," or c F a. " nee of Clerical Life," both being • "e =wim A dory. BY Die,' aokl igma Fsq., Jr. (W. M. ThaekereY• )_Pab' 1 Ittihad by Fields, Oagcod & 00 , n.'"' n ' 1 This story arigual ifitesr ed , In We Magazine, thirty years ago, to the Ingenious influences of popular-fictions of that day. It la grant and fasinating. ; Billow{ TO LMIT. A Novel. Pub lished by Field., Osgood A 00, Hou ton. This putty little story le reprinted from 'ladyfinger sheets. It represents Welsh foie, and is not of the sensational cast of many of the novels. The charac ters are of it better type and not offensive to people of refined Lutes. - As a set-01l to the great tEßnmenlcal Council, there Is to be a gland untemsal oonferenoe of Protestant's from all Conn. Wee held in New York In September, 1870. Nothing of this sort has ever taken place before, and It will doubtless excite much Interest In Cott hemispheres. Rev. Dr. Schaff, of New York, boa pet returned from Europe, whare he has completed his arrangements with trims. Atlantio Protestants ftd the conference next year. His report will be awaited with ranch interest by all classes. 'Bisons, the composer, has written • new opera called Jeseonda, which been produced at Munich. Not only has the mule but also the plot la novel, being a bold departure from the usual Italian love stories, where matters and things are often sung in a foreign language Ebb% went° not be tolerated. tf spoken in the vernioular, upon any stage In the country. Instead of anything of ibis kind, Spahr"' Uhrettiat has taken for his subject the escape of a MOP° widow I'.6p perfOrming the idightly disagrees -1 ble religions coma:mutat .of . . Buttes." it .1a not the only open with an, mob. jectionable plot, but It Is one more, and that is certainly a good thing, WS nave always been disposed to treat St. Louis welt. We are too far off to look upon her ss a - rival city, WI we nity have never bad needless Jealoualew of her, When opportu offered we have always apokeh it good word for that eity,and awl deeply the togrett tulle recently evinced by one of her Journals which with • unaccountable malice assert. that Pittsburgh Is "keep• ing up with the timer In the nutter of murders and other crimes, land is almost equal to Chioage. Could anything be more ma t.:done . than that? An ma unit iktkii trews violent ehereteet and totally unprovoked! la the language 'al tha airiltir Avon we entreat thane St. litedalidtkm to run to their WOWS and otray to thogods totzdermit the plague which needs roue fall on such tripoli nide." Arran •long but not aide separation the old and new teller)! Presnyterlsp de• nominations have agreed to re-units. The new body will consist of 1,110 minis. viand 1/71.4137 members all of one cure Mr faith and working, lila to be hoped y, for one Ss mow Batt °work of union Is only rims be' gun • ong the Presbyterians. There ere still itumerons Important bodies, dit fertug lOrne minor particulars, which have yet to\ be brought Into the ona great fad of that branch of the church. The principal of these are the Southern, United, Reformed, Cumberland sad As. soctiated Presbyterian churches, want bertng in the aggregaSi„smite 2,170 min liters and 282.,189 members. When all these are joined together Wane common orgardzstion, there will indeed be may Won for rejoicing over so lone* slap wards the unity of ()bristle's*. \ freedomof religions ofilifiehL,in the United Butes' has times largely amplified In moat of our gust miles bi , ` the beaseinf worship greeted by the at- Weed and almost limornetable esctt. Jews stul tientne.. Calliopes tlUll Protek into, Ofeeku and Anuoultniell iterehip' In New York, to; insbuiCeOua eniu4bi MOTZOOIII ere talented. But rChrbubut Otrarlty" tato:endive seem , lissom taut; shortly te New York-where his -styled, I the wealthy Chinese are shoot to erect a Jose Wm*, We, and totraltmarlcs to proinutgatenuir crib tinkle I.3due end. 1 1 It they are Auteettdi we *end IMP' of I io svange . Chem. Know remains to' , he seen bow-wo 4011 tolerate this little . bit .of reciprocity hem the telestlide There tsictsnelititng very distastefld , the idea (Ida hallow lemblelladheitheri tdoli In on InetcoPtills; tint ,'probably Obristlen church/I* and Willo3llllloll are tinpidetabloo the hilialdtanis of Pe• • Barturruno discoveries are ao numer ous ucur-a Uterine do we tune time itikedeine Weiner With the *parties of one befori WO are called , own td become iloostome4-to • cluzaber of- other& The o:piques:woof ads is often a fatal one. Take for instance those Important .dba. oaeetles nitro slyoorlue jadd. We'arat frequently called upon to I.4bn:into:ea seldom or- fatal sodding* re. Bolting awl tbeirinowleae 'or ilpiterant we: .: t'tap peOpleloiere more thorti , Febh ly.aCqualuted,With Molt tee Amer. Quo PthAtligift . =whet of :Iluna aallt/00 would probablj , be smaller. Wisp tlia canto would Snot b• well loobliglialTdeateritin tteet , otiendcal' ar. tide" trl binf briefed twit 'the'packs ya contidnl4 theta, tr. Clear and tinder. wandibie atateariant of ilia Powilble to. aldtaofinbilionknitnae of them , sews ' few ;MU riteklimbe.' liaet, tolgbt be . tivvitheivby. Bums tovasimmo Unarm a ce there hart bud many very, a dded eonoehteiann canted one in a runner evincing much originality of genius. • It is said of donned the ernitioser, that at ter having produced p . new opera, he unseen report to be bruited abroad that be. has become deeply iliacited with re. ligions ideas. regrets that ha hoo . 4 1Spi" , ,mommed teTibillit 50m9 4 . 44 • ail B°' opera, and intonds to enter a religious ro • treat and liar item*, mate.; tu g r ose ,Noeular than an oratorio. This , Coregraii intended.o 'lat ce ; an especial iptareaeto the new .aoconn, t , beingoi last tram so asPable a pen.. This las very 'nod dodge. but Mere Is • another almost its equal ,Dawbon, the ' greatoit thespian artivt on the Ckemsn stage, redirect some time 'Moe on se count 44 tilling healtb." ` cad recently , there have been , reports itkomMileit to the intact that be less., entirely jOst his Mind, and these liaVenerictlitainded In Marmot of his total and ,c.Mtlltteed Idiocy.:.:lntt is. t o, II seems was noth ing Willi °Flirt eitsaordfiazT memelisli -hisreturntothe boards at limed= !on, few tear's esi., - • The Foreign Buntilthe lilt tides* ths M or their Mud- - . the Judicial electlan , in Ban Fnak• 'dodo, on th e Indust, then wars lees 15=33 000 ,iotes In 41144 0 0 07ine fa..ktembz,osta 23,570 In Norem. "fir; "„ The totsl4ol 6 at Um slolis 1 1 1 tlan-PiOla l itlvi l *40 2 Itsk sbcmt % 4 • 000. list Stiptembaltreprlbir is 111,000; *OA Witt".4 l4 OOPS IN ICICV • ; Canons and laan'estlyc - BiLardtpr.AßE uses the word learn in the sense of to teach. The two words stand in a reciproSital relation so Intimate as to sometimes sink all consideration of their strict grammatical use. The Bible, 33 translated, Is full of grammatical enors, even to that glaring one of "Our Father laird art in Rearm" The reason why this Is so is referable to ignorance or want of Cede. Aces before the time of Judas red hair was thought a mark of reprobation , In the case of Typhon, who deprived his brother oT the sceptre of Egypt, and Nebuchadnezzar who acquired it in es • piation of his stricities. Even the don key tribe suffered from this visitation, according to the proverb, "Wicked as a red ass.' Asses of that color were held in Inch detestation among the Copts that every year they were in the habit of sac rificing one by hurling wall it from a high Woo can tell when tailoring became a distinct trader In the third chapter of Genesis, Mat verse, we are informed that "unto Adam and to hie wife did the Lord Clod make coats of akin and clothed them," and from that time to this the sit of making clothes bap been carried on more or less In every clime where there has exulted the slightest degree of civili zation; still the Inventions of thread and needles are of txunperatilfelY quite a mod ern date. The art of paps% la tailor promptly la these times is much more =colt of l explaashon than the art of 'making clothes. THOU ITR UXG.W ORT.INGEHT ISE L IV E - Om of she tmem and MOO saggestim lame ens 'be obtained from the Whoa ea Me Mad of 1010 article: for et all diseases widen Itatedr hum. health and ammo Inman life. none ars mom prevalent tam those latch alma Um innY) end Pulmonary Usenet. Whether cereal.' hal/ diseases la Pa Mat of a manna alibi maga. chleb ls bett the here-rannor of etisere mime malady. ors • deep lentos ansodlar WM di. lolling the pulmonmy armature. It to stereos pregnant with evil and. foreboding of dimeter. 1. .0 etlan Of amdattlea uhonld theepleyetelaa h ie Mende 2.1 [...lir 64 go 'oa t. mom', tormarsed thus In those of the hugs. for 11 u Le them Wt early MI elllelna Creel. matt is man desirable. and It le Men WA Mager cm be carded ad end 2 cure effected. sin Mt. 611611 . 6 10119 cleat, Ton •m• • dtd ba of Me greaten. value n.ll Mese eendlltons. entnentach • tonic. 2 mutant and resolrent. sammelas Ware man enstatinnet the mopo s. dye pace. of Me eyeteln. Wig. n harmony whit the regular functions. Ma be ram= olnerved by thouse of one or two Doh Mem It nth soca 2420 on the chalet of itortdd ermiathbm OM Mime W Immoonlons moth Inate of the animal economy. The Immosing cough, tbe palatal meetration, the soutane mutat crib Wood. will mein Ora MM. to Mel sent! Metrpropernortinge of Matti and visor. sareenettal expezienoe of aver 10irt1 yaw. esutfled DT. Liam, to ten Monlamedim al his LUNG 01:1111, to glee sec holm to um ecra nalptlve taralbt and at Um sec. time creed) mile( la those prlrtslert, oalarrtasl and 'Areal slValeas, so distr.:mien la Mate eneeta and m show% certainly fatal n thee idadeod ad t anima cured by care approprlase remedy. DL 6:1113311 . 6 LITIO CURS le se Merman aad et Weal. that nay one Mao bee over ased It. elll - vet bei without It In the home. It will often are ciao Merrthlas else WM, end In ample num hill ease oftentimes laa fen dam. The itteauge of aa1..t.4 s cab .....11Pe l oem • le reepenttally Invited to this my end ,amaik.latutin la Me plummy of Ilia mob = DE. 29MIES ma be caseated way W wail 1 q'cleckr. a tee ble Greet Yedttlne Stank 181 !Abair Meet, we Dos • to • ae4 I toll as deo THE GRE IT VITALIZER. Mi. MI. Mal b Cavil gives to aratiorittla• .bleb km taloa toesethiss. of all other undo the altermith aniparsuoi. Ix a partod of othrll moa4.7sam Darns that loos Interval EOM. 7Z [TIM'S STOMACH SITTERS loaf be may . old to boys enjoyed andoilltd Ithrithfith. i Min 01thParattons kora bean got oft to oconfastat stilt U. OM they Its... M 1 fall= total...rota or oinibtotoob3Mos the soot of notronsts. ./trank Use Idol. llits now winid.ranonnod Teget•Ms Tonto Das both 001.1 toedthlnally and Inaselally mitheoglal. livery lest Das .ddid to Oa nimbi. MAN Ortando, and the detaind for H. band solely span dm ensilmental pronto of Ito excel. tenth as • pthy.ittithond curative, memo to hays no oottitabls Holt. no =Meal profusion ...Moo oid onsoirs Ito eas, and It is wool Um bead of • ems of medic/so to .0100 It Oolongs. the admitted. mottinuted , SO.'snwithr TONIC or Vet sow 7D. ataUstios OTSON United duty B-0111t. Ye Dt p1..1821 Ind verify Lb. Natecoewl dust it stand/ Mau wad attoonethebed.i. ins osafrattods, of to pia .s ooripared with team of .of mbar propriMary moot, wave:UNA Os lON .ids of the Atlantic. Too Ls ri..to oflos of this fact map Di a .... based to a few word& MOSTZT7II.II , 6 SION. -AC A strimas t... our Lbs roost. Us as/sst nod the moat patont of all trogstatdartoalea mil the WM wattles to sews sontatt of matistons dissaM. Moot It Is ospentaltf :adapted So sir Portent KW* of eldlllas as in and asi , both. rattrt :cmg TOPS,' ie1e1533:6132:P.' • er sia*, oihlim the o u. aauti• Hu~l CulmM QallN• Bata Bargain la Caulmem sad kw. Laren :fared wt. Lo addltk s .m. et law Gee& J..t eal, I.lloes. Wholesale and Retail WILLIAM SEM PLE'S, Nos. 180 and 181 Federal street, I!EMrrmm WOOLEN DRUDOITO T CAMPETS. 2, 24, 3, 31, 31 and 3 YARD WIDE. BORDERED SQUARES Fuitable for Farber& Woolen, Linen and Cotton T LOW g 1 PIM TUN LAST 1811011 Notwithstanding ths •end WIN on these goods. & COLLIN 71 and 73:Fifth avenue RAILELLET'S HAT PARLOR, No. 22 Fifth Avenue All the New Styles OF THE SEASON. AusuvAL 89 Filth Avenge. 47 Sixth Sixee ' Man and Boys CiodAiniiintba OTIIIMTI IMAM 11Up. I.oaßii7 k r ' d " 4" .M 1.,144P4,42 eta nod. \ • TM . . . . tit Ito .D-19,11,0106 are eatilyal. LIM ,la cal.ta ist our uslielo.axuand csmistate itirdt. " Shah *rod: • OMAN ' WA C* REPAiII4N. Illeasonotamploix it.eo &netts WI Well lib IMlteary walzbee . , • • Nest Experianeed and .• Skillful Workman - • to dV. twn woe. ICH =MX Isio with ."Wm M=. ri...330 &AM Wo, who maz sow Delta= ffal TO Inn NNW ADVIER SiTIOIY-,-OCTOBBR 30. Opened Tad•i, at SEMPLE'S, Nos. ISO and 182 Federal Btmt, WIL STRIPED & PLAID SHAWLS Lads. slut Cbt , dren's Hsu. Bibb.. .41 rlcr.r.ra, Widen!wh Rlrons. T., 6" W. 1.” KolL Aood, Samoral ADIES', CHILDREN'S AND MEN' Dodervre4r. 1te.1444. Bert. and ClO. OloKa o.4karettet. sod Cohan . F ILM 014.4 p Con. , . .4 Cada, Dulles' and Chi Multi Fats. liststorsi and Moth isfart. 00p guru sad Corsets. /Jabroitlerlee, lisle @witches. Loathes Satchels. Jet Jewitit7. Shell Baneraosl G ood hitc. Ps. MERCHANTS, MILLINERS, Will Find Stock Complete AT LOWEST PRIEM A? W ILLUM SEMPLE'S! Nos. 180 and 182 Federal Store DAILY ABBIVAL NEW 431-4 O 1 A. 1413 Pine Silk Bows, Wide Sash Ribbons,.- 1.4.14u' Silk Semis. Roman Void Ribbons. OT MOW inn GOOD& Ladies' Wool Shawls, - Ladles' Wool_ Tests, Children's' Knit Savings, Infants Knit Hoods. WITILINOttiII SATIN mums() Black Silk Fringes, 7•llLlne of Colors. LADIES' AND GENTS' HOSIERY 0011 CRIB 010111 S A FULL STOCK HATS AND OAFS I OF • TDB GOOD BHAg & La Greatises EaIUM GRAY is \ Los4Al4, 69 kreiiiiket IS 1 lit Ila Brandies. 11,1!XP syth. 40111111111110 , 1 111111611111011.41,11 " , fl!Piitlteo T ia ' NCLAXL . Mgt % " • ." V ' .-7 0e X 1011,1133,11 ItAlt1) till of - 11.1 41 140 . 1*N st anal time sad ➢~' boldleir eleetiou. TOlSDAT,Tscember spates aim prows I. SIBLIAr IXITINCIL- ItIL. se tit taa voispitedi lonaA4 aumvi. *vim ai:arrisintax. ()dais/ pt. ea. vrimEMIN RAIIN Wnll minimum COMECI2I4M3 FOB .rawarxra. osa grAm' IMIE us esuisix.rruss:'s um. wawa= 000.4, , Diatin ' liKeigtianT f o*W ariteollik4 - • . smt aobe wow«~~n~, sl. {~. 4 ~... - ''~ ~ '. T Ri - C.. .. „I.a. _'" ~^S~ .`F t '~ r x ~ ysa~~;y'.~ 4 ~ '++`i~..arAß•s.Gs,r':.~+.i r.'!at;M.~~. T ,~ ..N>e a.4.Mit-'l.+~~irK=3~...a:H' "n++~+4ia4.~..C'Srr~'2 sr'v`~~ 4r~'~1'~~5.! y~l-~=L.: -'.t L ~ - ~ - ~ ~. ALLEd a/al T CITY 111 CW ►EBOSTYfFT 0? AND BUYERS ALL66IRZNY CITY ♦ Complete LW*. CELILUMS9 BALIOBAL HOKUM & Ladies' Undelieetai. DURUM lk CLOTH CLOVER, ill Wild of tbent• Boulevard Skirts, Oenter White Shirts, Paper Coitare, Handkerrehle, lace , , KAMM, & 18 & 80 met Street. CLOSING OUT SALEI s. co; l [2% u to o llt igga,w!g7 etesstrlo.,=. IrtU ba sold REGARDLESS OF COST. Ma Stook Is hew and Complete, 00.1461 , 01313 OF Illki, Elation Colored, ► alleluia Poplin, Mak Poplin Black Clotho, Cloaking, lialit bh►wlL Pl►ld Altawh, Clain:re; And a Full Line of DomesticGoods.a IMMO & CO.'S, 52 SIXTEI STREET. ELEGANT CA RPETS. Ten !sane sad most basalt' decides as dams la TAPESTRY CM BODY Z7B= m i stieseMbil by dims lamnatisa me INS, 1C01=1.13 m::=*.law of tbs Went sire to top quattilm. OUTka reeIaNTOCK tr. CO. 28 Mb 'Arnim MMUOVIST BOOK DEPOSITORY. zurat 1300Zi =0115 , 01 .517. t=erAVA. tami liassClKl ANPFk , 'Opt MHO; Vy VUterr limien• • • .330M•aloper . emao; depsmatan.ll*. "Pr li q. - To o r. ..ttc4,.."VbrA latuilPt rs, keNt s- Ol s R" ". ni.:Azin. Dooms. - JosEPs. aoamirat am, sxrrnstrLD errszrr 71111711. by rP , awrwrtet. 111.0. WOO. try tee Autbert t. 303 Us - ... ars • 1M By J. Melmm WO& Mules *send. No. aue Mem *MM. "r=ltromily' AUtelAttb. -I'M LAMIIkiVISMT: bmatlfsnltirMizas64 I NFIMWIr of Thrf.JoLe i llUbM a ar ........ ttflom i r, i 1 : _ . ,. edttlaa; 1151•10• *RiIe!MIMI am ,,, aM.Ysiticole=4.4l::Was: 1 142::mrMale Mama& sum ..a.,,,rinaderliglllr; I 1=1": aluor.. —gt...t...Neou Baum )T Z. I. H ato, et so r u sr o g •!_.__.,.,cmerl. stri.jmnahliNsit ratugs=a. TWO XAlMAi llir6 ..' LAW 8104,11(11. JUST PUBLISHED: L.. or orr aci T tnitfr'rt - ouvrazscit irC W. W4WWW.I. Tboi . way Imam Owriaro 0.01. van.* of Tellipagek „poll rnm 6 . l '. 6€l .' SISICARMATI Nam=th.: Irsaii, wiffigk A li s %VII= ow L, Wegilernon; arg IP=Mar.'l,ll`ll9 & marmot sow.artmi., .. i - , jilt r--------ADIMARIL, : - 1 ; • I ''mp ..;,'„ '., I t ',:dittikik:--, !MN SCUOOLI ar DESIGir-Airea. INlVet.tens ammo" =Mots= st. Vrazi-irriassa miring. Owasso: gum 11.1447steeketiymnivimaarwman4 kmm==l NEW DRESS bIOODS, Fifty Cents,Worth 81 00 BATES & BELL• illitti34-r, BELL'S roil BARGAINS 13rese3 croo - T usomvEn. pZ,Aan~, NEW SELECTION, Fifty Cents to $1.2&. M 3: ilEr .1 T OPENED JOSEPH MINE & CO. XTIA QUAL"SS ARAB SHAWLS, I N MUM) A.N e D ACO LI CH PLAID. ALL • Satin Pleatitig, TM Wade BrOTOWDreserclaw a M Wiled 114aa , .alki. Pla tto sofaaid Gs Itatnes, Book salt 00 mod Valaa.Rlbboas. Lama int Mni MAIO and Wool llndorwear. diva cbg imeite=suith "0c,......6.7.111611r1+6 HOBl=Y. MI3ZQ "I"l"tha C 130 et eaggbag Vic Toni/ AND MIA= . to on th " l ll,4,4)G:two sad Sava ellate Wit Zoo to 413'nTAIII LOW= • 77 and 79 MARKET STMT. VALICA-4 1 MEW 3V,. New Goods! New.GoOd?! WPM & oz's 13!=:= ‘ ' • 1 611. 0= 1141 W . "lIITMIXI3. WM 311YD__ ni•P._""VW 17:TB.LiM " B ra n ") 016. 3 TIM . GLOVES - AND 8 • magma senator■t Re I.u. IEOO AID WOOL Shirts and Draw :rs, _ LW. 1113DII *BD fliiH " Ma ino.fics &craft/num A. 311 Muctuatared gsle rs $.15 4 . 4 Pam. MAGMA Lis GOMM INTO. 27 FIFTH Avgaztv E. DRUGGETSi VoED EXTRA, QUA-11114 BRUSSELS. CARIM Direct Importation. 'lllllllll ND. F/FTS AY AZOV" WOOR UTZ= 0...x.RTP.:g . ..: 7 r;*; PEW FALL ROM Oil' aktk's 'W 111 4 ° !"! 3/ # 1.1e119 = DRUMM' ,8 quits Ingrain Cari)etss At knPgt Pri!l s By BOVA), ROSE . & CO, - inna Ansta DIRECT. IMP NaILER : °la 4 FO:' ASTBICAN , CLOAKS • •'`NAVIER-"jcia, o 4 3B r iatilitut CO_ * vxt.; MIW ADVIIR AWLS SUITS, Cloaking Cloths. = Thinnels , CASSIMERES. BATES & BELL. ZEM Linens, Alpacas, 11E1 r 7! . - • is - c g ma . ra AT of 1, 4 a 8 0 V 1 1 tr. Ni , ...=•.. ' l rk PI Z 12 t 4 44 - I - IA C 4 CO 4 4 I . 5 - ~- la . 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