THE - DAILY ...GAZETTE, PENNIMA, REED & Office, 84 and 86 Fifth Avenue F. a.yEaanua, nnuar rata. T. P HOUSTON, N. P. HEED. 11.171,“4 AND rAOTILINTDDS TRIM! OF *TUC DT." t blab. per year: ... by earrlYTY. .".".. '''''' gkttshgtr Oairttt. Priiiiittriiiit Often/. 61Z U. B. Bonds at Frankfort, 85 A anAar DECLIXF In the le predicted. GOLD closed in New York Saturday at 12*129i. CRUDE OM 44t SEW York . " " • 0 Phllistielphi&. VEER ANNUAL REPORT of the Postmaa ter General will recommend the abolition ofthervifigneiriviitte artdOth: Be ' Win ask kW the delly ery of all matter through earrienliar getfi, eral delivery at the offices; ahwt, for endue. lion of rates on registered letter. The defi • oiono9 of the year wM.Pe 'VW', showing a desirable Improvement In the finances of the Department. The total value of stamps, sold during the year was 115,• 078,000. Tux Itsronr of the Commissoner of Indian Affairs will take . . strong ground against the practice oPfnaking treaties with the red men. But three, of the ten members of the Peace Commission, have visited lirg,,elyltorteßnt4-the t•• 7it shitgliasio regret 'the omission. On ly one fifth of the appropriation for their ex penses hsa been sawn from the:Treas my. The year Thixs witeessea Imarked Improvetnent Ue condition a alleles on Ati3tiug t ox4tr the operatiohipt ttitl hoManfpoitcyr wltlch haktbeensdoptql. nit ileperfZillsf,diecloses anotherwhlCAls foitlefttai Sn keopinfOgith all ttottrr mx7rent evldencerthat3hls I san Atiotimitiegitn Ilitmestly Zitommitted retrenchment an - d reforai , ..-: A .poosidlxii- - abr pert or the toponii app*rix4ert to tirkthoseilnaljtnamitti whomito trttit.' tiiiwere made, stliitemains in the Tritti: ury : 4othtifg °plat sort, as been here tofore atnodrit i 1 the exitieriermo of the Blitea4l PTEIR Irteontis has cbose4another Re . pubilear4egii4atnre, but witttkrusAr tide somewhat reduced from lilb heart; wken we hadl9jo the 22 SenateriWnd4.l.: °rem 56 Representatives. Among • Rtpresentatives new chosen is ea, Gorier-, nor Pierpolet, Nora Harlon. 'W. dllk. Carlee has probably been beaten In Har rison. :! . .'-flur mapeity In the newlegis- Jature Will context, libeal sprinkling of Republicaneektiltlaor tree reinotud of vesting restrictions apart disfranchised rebels, but prAlly not enough to ensure theabsoltite•eontrol of legislation. Nor would this, perhaps, be desire:de. The, party should be a unit on that question. antl,theAteruts of politics] progress will nottesely.finee tha desired advance upon ef'doelPtiltahltftitshtetons minority. M ethadon good. The principles actdebi:lprce • the Inauguration of the unwearinf• Weide coney a Tow weeks since, hive .turatended' themselves so pirwerbillito the, pOpulat judgment In this. brief period le win An Affective eirdraseramitin The lelectlentlf,lo large an element of the sewLegialatura, are not likely to lair' . littrak, 0 :JentiottlAT eallPotteltheittaliat:',- * Tihentheyst iellse • cure a nearly utulAteltseellpeetreunthe 44Pahlittistillerttbers,it will be safe for thepublieto rely upon the lacrteateaect , o ritiValare liberal ropinkons as i died element In the Reimbllcan policy of the (era: ??Pre.zi mc,m l 4 ;rt. lepeetallyin Hew of the very nncerfaii jaOmlea 80 iiitlitilt tlarrelata: than one Weal terideaPolittella awhiPa ß aTM a blen fiequimtfymselobetsrlate.' 'Phese persons,,,- . sc:mayput , , , h v l otent for mischief, tho' it is not easy to imagine nay =po~attt~e':treitedt'.to blriioiderbet by themes present_upon the Republican par ty. • 'We wouldlot think It wins to arm thentontattlesen with-apologiustar Iresh political ticA cll olt P• 3 •1 11 of wise and ilosely concessions, of Republicans lb each . .l otlier, and of the'slhois' organ ization tit: Aeitel,ttiartifoit Interest, both iuttctial aid 'political.' ht-the State, well die &ITV) erres ter litusliede# oppwil nidtarnitoiek filat blends. a heathy and viwayadefensibliqpribil can preponderant:lo4ola ,pphite councils. Ws in this ligkt the sinution - there ap pears tellWre f The old eitabiln 7404ieftnionnestreaW Aare rcirciliis. - 40301414:104ovr tii,WistMrentia *WI* .se-Mqwed 14 -7 14alitifaia :1 11 1: Yolrk"r tia " give'+'• sita tel cttiSvitpire*f ban, liatif,ll4ieetizti or thii - treikOi .41iiiiPeintifilgereluAtiett'itanduZI tethetneettnrunktepreat .eheering.. - lettidthattha.prltictiroliorifght nu& Jas.} WitiriVirerdirtrarrtide thc_ineettng as , weaddedo , Th toliziericm people waali4 etegcokof nallona.,:itlteltireneof what , sermeuedintiOy.Arcenequelly entitled lei thiliepuntryla Weonaecracceeer th e topical end wield 'Monty of WI ntarni try. -*Tlittpeopla :were; Ong 311eit rem tot he principles :of the Deets, taratirtt.aits7JjeuOte 2sirrtturslava vzerr a 4 4 2 tei iro= aettfi PrOr a Practicaur" 4ted,thrao.y yras,; zu*nu idaltrtg TilffiOrltstbeoom e-ceocaa4 m-ost loft that' . after the .4;nea; people of •thei :Witttedetates might .tiojoy MI war hiTtrintea the , TartM2. Atuendi Wettt,',ovll-141;te roluteenth Antendnient.' "and ' now the Vitteenth Akt1ext5k"*..........f...n.t, rPretrpting tetde tiM sigrgigelnni -+EtYithla lattland; anen terepedrPontlest.C4=7.= , Thit Syyssuse fiq dietbtalcalhould'hentede spy Antra 4 ci , lecotint homy „o no anon.- The WitteaSehta Dela:twat_ of the, 'lreedineiee Bum= , Inclitthe.atinthlffilneeW T h e r e rtheVutthe welfare, beelines "althea `dutVathe.l3tateto-take ewe of public edacatten. Mottling to vela On the -Sneer other Important questa; -he w Wlar teri o tt ado gt dal nevi t.:Onatitto lo . o4 the property clattse would be remov by it and prattled equality would be Milk lazed In that Suite. Be approved the Judicial claim and the dense with regard to militia officers in the new Constitution. lure the willYitte permans had cre• t. _,--dtlieferhirpowerin-thla country; atcd - eir the war theylistLalso taw . pro - v T ed - po m it uck -i ly, and now they Vended • • laws which they were to help to make the p l e were to obey. The Amer.. -4 dozens by doing justice to the adopt.- wow granting them political errant), all citizens, ustlyaboinAnd adopted,. - sailing in the guar Mitt 1bt).14 ° public welfare. The prificipl V pro nounced In 17111 drad.heytte; ppeakcal. oily since the year lett; and Shoierteno , had helped In tois merit yrepo , being ve cognized by it hair.- , rbis therm= for tile accepting the nomination. The vault of the campaign, If suctseasfal would benefit the Connery audits adbpted citizen& " re amid the cheers of rho Meador. t ..-..% !",415,1111 ite° Salelllitaiy ''' . i ce_. ~LonevILLE, October 3.—The total . "i i ,,, ant of Tor ay° sold during the Tear ~,,dl,O Oetob p r 30th 1369 s Wilma up, tra 3051. rite Wes; 23,1 Iv:shoat, , vmauigt,t3 4 3 9 to e yaar prer 3o, olOUst In . acniree or 7;30. Tbe Oat value , wean t0,14,t54085,g5 grand $310 6 . 704 . 1 4, lag year. The ej F. i atuna lA o a lit-il ltr o h o u/ea ,4attme up to 3,670 3 ' •- t —Gov. WarmoatN or Louisiana, ha di ',lgnited the 18th of November as a J).ty of TNmtagiving'• \ " .-. ~.....3 ._ I P; 2:2 ...... - • ..•.• ~._. ; N.„---- •... • ms's' . . .4 we 7 5.17 . ..,:. .: O fr Aili.. '. - • ; - 1 4' • } - 1 ' ''.l l .1= • • ' f -4 • ir 'Y -1 " .... ." _ -:.-T-_-•• im•-„, - ,m, • 1111 -•! ..._ . A.". I. • ' ' \ • ----. ..\•. •-, N-.• ~- - 4 . 7 , ~ • • • 1 , -: , ... , 4 ----'c•'' . VOL. LXXXIV .111.00 15 ets. FIRST EOITIOI. MED4rif6llT. NEW S BX CABLE. Spanish 'noon s— Still Cast. lug about for Ming—London "Times" , on I e Irish` Land Question—Th French Em peror said to again Ailing 771 1 P, P't l4l2B t iq /11 !!"17"1 1e P =Midi' and Rile Ecumenical Council—Marine News, Mar , pets, &c. Br Televaph 91 - 041 . 11tItiral , Bantle.) GREAT BRITAIN. )• Loaner+, Cletoi 30.—The Papa found In • bottle oil' the oo.t- or Cornwall re porting the toes ortha German emigrant ablp Weser, proves, on examination, to be a hoax. The Timm, In an article on the Irish lend question, sayer. It ts not oar bush nem to satisfy the eenians; they would not be satisfied I! Ireland was confiscated for their benefit. It is our business to do justice between two . classes ommtitudng UM. lame and 7eltimir trf land, whose interests are Identical, and to extirpate the most ancient root of Irish m ost be opposite sources of error most be remembered. It would be wise not tif ayedWoWith -Abe -al), stitittlie-Wffieffecttimily qa to sot tenants. At the same time it' would r be abor_Haghted ~I.= the mat generatioraw Ireland rest from agitation, but short lived rest must not be purchased by concessions pregnant with anarchy. In closing an. ek=wl 4 th .teleS,At4 rV wooripuvo Of doubtful orign, but It cannot beat) to foster the growth of similar rights in the future. The I Y, illegPV o, thige.4 4/1 1 t irel #oot commo n ng, arrived: SPAIN. hi•ofsw- . oetniser government and peOple have experienoed atiolher minieterial credit The difficulty- no. . slurred directly on the questioh ekc the Candidature of-different. partied for the throne, and the divielon CRUM/ by the votes of their -different friends in the Ministry and Legialative bodies. Senora Blivela and, Ardanexy resigned their portfolios; - A meeting of the Progressriste was held last night for the purpose of naming - a Ring, at which one hundred and ten dalsesties was for the Duke of Genoa. ton of King Victor Emanuel. The Unlosdate wilt( hOelfeferi 'teßo him. A meeting of the Nionereldst party Will he held this evening. The chance. of the -, -Deke hiontpenaler are revived, and there appeared a proba bility of • national- soda° with the Duke for king. MADnio, October So.—Sent Ardour has laid the budget before that-Nide& The excess of receipts - most expenditures are estimated at £lOO,OOO sterling. Tie _*civil Hones are reduced twenty per cent., tied clerical thirty per cent. BlimEtti, October Els, , iettor Ardennes.? In' his budget "net 'submitted to JIM' tortes, announces that thntinancial defi cit for the current year ansonntlltoo. oo3 : 000 mix He look. forward with hope to the moth* fiscal year, amending from January I'TO to Dail, his estimates for which show, as before reputed, a surplus In favor of the treasury. The prospects of the ;election of the Ddkwof Ginfot , to the theme' or aPain: condone to Improve. The irollutsat of deputies in the I..kntes known to be In his fever. increasing. Yesterday 110 members, among them Radleala, openly pronounced for him, but the roaJority of the people seem to ba hostile to him else- I The merchants have promoted a peal- tion In faMcir Dukeiffendpeneder. ' R L &OM reported that the rhlintetere utztleasseyo L tufi l lftivlistAT:derefiXhisirites - It, eras offledally announced in the Cortes yesterday by General Prim that Government hoped to withdraw, at an 'early day, thedeeree establishing martial law, but at present each a step could not be taken. -beosnee conspirators still -to' maimed at „isnot, end csom of Aseveral rebel folders were pending before I Commila of. War. - • FRAPICIE. PAR" October 36.—A. rumor is cur rent that the Empe*or leAtrete ludla Gen. Flout% de parted today for Bt. Petersburg. 1%1114 TaetAber 131..--ThelLe; newspaper zenith° report that the em- Pu.°F44MigulOilirotil.,4lso4ll26o cis fornseilibeowils,fepalthlY Ch ;the EnnirfOr 4 eartieced . lemeithaeatitte pains, but onSaturday they had dlaep peNQ ideftlicit of the Ministerial Council hit{ee Emperor • refills. Prince Napoleon bad an interview with the Emperor yoderday. Thie event, coupled yrit*irpdden arrival of Emile 011410' to Itatteattee(l4' Ovlval of the rumore t t. ethitatartat Changes are contemplated. It is ',Avail out that one of the special otrttl. af General Fhtary'a mission to reVitt la to inctusto Writhe Mner-gicat pberaril In a disarmament. SOUTH AMERICA. Lyfrupia."49hAt 26,—The RegingtrAvaill steamer Herd Wirth 'Ainerierrimrialaur arrived, and bringing dates from Rio Jo, noire to October 18th. The aoulon of the Brazilian chambers: hadt.l=l:=; Hoy 7 lreloomnth of re 5.04 41 1 .181 if Par -' Lions were made. The allied force in Paraguay had again been put in motion to attack I.3pez at 19111.11nRIMA WI . GER/14311 8117TTGART: tattooer au.—TWII ropelma adtaMotted Father Ravel to Rome, MI sthlel brootamthrg ?IV" tfrit.4 thiehoplo atitiatenbu p M_ account of his action the lets cowl &ranee, •-“ i; ITALY. sorstrZCE, Patellar 84.—The 'Olen meats u tgo &Ot the ecielaus of the tonneulcarCeitninl If opposed to the laws of the country and the aPlrltaTaillo:' T 57 $3 eiti :. - ,TAtkii, 1111614 x 11 j ig - 14 4 . 1 1 operations he rebel In Dalmatht are ad In cosoniquenoo of heavy nunTflX. , :l 7 ' i.„iir.1::1111 = ftr.Rzazasncract,o4t. 80.—The ,gone. idea Midi wAU ipend - Vittbf ter at Cowes, We of Wight, and Nino; Prance. iiOrtlSit IIItSVIS, .1 Cii.saikrits, October Ste--Vbe steikies Brittania has arrived here. The steam ship Obtergoiry'Xionzlgelegyork, has srr rived. The steamer Amerlesefrom ClAt AVEY Lna'DOw, Oetobor SO.— Everriv.-0:* mois. %t% ; Five:iiirenty bones : 62'e, 117.%; 6M., 81%; 10.46'5, 76%. Erlok 2 1 )1: Illinois, 97%; Atlantic and Great Ww4prn, 24%. Fa"Xlvo2l7.l3cel 80.—II. 8. Bondi Pat nod, U.- Mons 71: -150. .14v1M8P0.316, October 80.—Cotton sort Middling uplands 12d.@12%44 , Orl - 12%&@ 12 141 Wes were made of 20,- 000 bales. Califoia white wheat ad 64 6eL; red rn western Oa 66. g lad weatern, 6.1. Western Flow (Awn: mixed, 10e. ad. Owe: r est Iftwr. pork 112 s. Dd. " Lard :pawlat 64. 71s. Cheese gUtaj Bar" t om - 4 „. icon closed galnr now. ll bath fir 64 044 S LI O at • Loalpotql, 110.-Ihllow 41a. , • Calnutta unsead . 011,__Ols_._tid etz. .061.. Dd.' e Anyrwsite, October SO— Petroleum teem flan at 61. Eretvt:6, OPtob" 30"—C64wn firm; On -9/04 1 4 41 1: 00 : 4 i /M 1,11.018708 T, Cklobert...—P.v&twenly, Fonda 6 M 5. , al,p3 utle tlat; RO Out deolincillit Ile. obst „, Array or the Tennerwee. . 1 thy Tete/mph to too Pittotoolo 13 0.0tt0..1 --ItOrlaber_.,3l,,—Fotterusire 0 Enbiallfg aliii*Oc' elety of the Army of the Tennewee gra being made here.' The benquet which to • Ma4.l# llloB anthe Galt House, will boon o erialfrW Unparalleled magnifloenbe. The moat dLttlngulohod clticers and el villaueln the country will be In erten dims, NEW YORK CITY. Gold Exchange Bank New EMI s Gen. Ittienaldeis Rumor 13a to Succeed Butterfield—Pti- vate Advicea from Europe. (BY Tglezraph to tee Inttaberee Bosom 1 V24lV:r Tong.. October SO. 1869. The receivership of the Gold Ex change Bank has not yet been dis solved by Judge Cordbito, but will prob ably be on Monday. A meeting of repreaentatixoa of the bank and of the Gold Board has been held to consider whether the bank shell continuo the clearances of gold, but no definite con ' elusion has yet been reached. A pro , position Mos been ndvarutod that all the officers of the bank resign. • G. W. Joslyn who-alleges he was a bro ker for Jas. Flake and Jay Gould, and that he bought gold for them, and that they repudiated their contracts, was be fore the Pollee Court to-day on a charge of purjury ttrought by Fiske and Gould. Joelr n waived an examination; and gave nail If answer any Indictment the Grand Jury may tlncLagalnst him— ,„ All suits brought by Caldw ell, Ash amth and Herrick against the Gold Ex change Isank-were disoontlnued In the' llftPrelne tXtnrt to-dey, rstestbdadory Mt Bement having been made. The ftreCreandOn of the season:of the Sew York Press Club came off at the Alder Rome this evening. Capt. John B. owell. agent of the New York State Ass¢clatad!Preps; • f rodded. Thef pto• ceedlines' *Me guk fdthrthel. bat en thoroughly pleasant and enjoyable. and the collation so excellent, that it was agreed to Contintib the itathering In the , future at the Astor. Gen. Carey, Bishop Quigley, and other clergymen, left for Europtstcsday. The rase of Assistant Treasurer Butter -1 dell; ghtehrepfnwtt lateral/ ttf-fter Wl Itlfwerelval freer Washington df SoltaW Bonfield. There Is a rumor that the TrAsurer's office has been offered to Gen. Burnside. . , .. • . • . --• • • Ert etoto •Earor9aluiW4to ;be trouble in Dalmatia will prove to be of a aerione nature!. The tintisrgente are determined upon, acoomplishing their Independence 'Orlfttitrts, width 'Power will use her nr.panat; aideavars .to pro. vent coy further laaa,l4 terfilor7, It I. rumored that Ititiala Is covertly IMlst. Ins the Dalmatians In order to waitron Austria. The Secretary - Of 'the- Treasury rims directed the Arsudepat Treasurer at .New York to give publie ilothito that the sale of gold andysirchhae of,bcrods villa be con tinued-WlChant chbj,ige daring the month of November, • !, is Now YOB; Oc . lobpr Heratd'e St: states that Gen. Babcock la still there gathering statistics And bulcUnig bigg in terviews with President liaes from which the inference Is deinth that an- nexethm to. the United Btatee tt bottler, conelderaticin. &nor Lamas, the Cuban agent In this coontrvrasys the/Mita did uni MOM Captain Higgins to command of the Her heti that the vessel haring beettpreseet ed to the Junta by certain parties who teemed the ilgt*icreeleoing heropteetW the :mita suspect that Captain Higgins was guilty of treachery, as It is said his wife lett New York when the Hornet sailed and went to Wsahingion In time to meet her husband on Wean:teal there. ST.' LOUIS; Put her of no Mote Wail Ithisahte—Hisi Patch, fralsamsfd. Talthr-r•Tlse Wreck AMIE hirritng—totem Carrying may Utus Preignt--The Pretreat Longitude ". Pt. ter Telegiapb . ttu Pittston rgti Glitet Le. NT. Louts, October IL—The Republttaa has received a dispatch from Capt. Tay par, one of thecommittee that hits hole teat night for thewreek or theStooewal I which says: "Not hoblea found traday. .Those buriodyesterday names nokoowu. Sev • 'oral • vorstntat picked beloir here yesterday, alive, but I have not been able to leatn their names. Wreck still burning. Freight In the .hold unloptirod, but being titalen rapidly. If the Wind tf Underwriters had spent a tog down $50.000 worth of property could have been saved. Whisky, pork and , ts going in every direction. The I 'safe of the boat hoe been taken Out and it. In the -hands of Judge Henderson Justice of the Peace. Capt. Scott, the first dark, Elbert. and Ceut. Duarty„of New Orleans, are surely lost." The friends and relatives of the bast by I the 13tonewatil dialater •Dre arriving at Neely'ri tartning. No bodies have yet I risen to the surface of the river. Eight sets of grapllng irons Dave been pat tutopdration, but with 'what result la not knosyji. Explandlorui along the. river pang for several:oiler have heetratlidr‘ but at last scooonta no additional bodies had been found. An elegant set of colors were presented to Atelloole. the pugilist, lest night. He to wild to be in better condition than ever before, and his friends are sanguine that Put yith-bq victwinns in tbSecitantritrlghtlf. liff. - Pt 'Mae, Abe . 17n1USII Mutat Coma Survey, arrived hero last evening for the t purpmonof Atlete n Vubla s el. M billtudil and Met of . with the view of ascertaining the geo graphical position of the station near ' Alton, Illinois, at which obse rvatio ns of the eclipse, on August ttit. were 14sde. - ,14 613 . 14 P 1 04 3 4 , + - ir IC 3r Cordn.Y.Eatr—Eantbnlon,e(Cotten.-Tret tine Match. tßy Tele/rapt:lL to the PlttAboMb °WM.!, M pule Vett 81) r iThetedhebV County; yky. ptacti 'closed to-ay, nee b een e . grAnd'ance ;atss ,Thee*lbltlon of cotton! was never carpetßed; near one hundred bees having been Pllparecip, TA. ;pupa facto' 's premium of IMO, for the belt,hed was awarded to E. F. Mention ' of Menia l slept: ,12te second da, of sMO,,tot Ideal's. M. and A. Collies, - Of' Ailtate. The tast.two bees, $230, Pe= sehondlo, it2B,. to R. - W. , s6nee throe bales, Coe, to W. F. Wtlll.lerb__' we; and do. J. B. Buell; ban live boleti ii 3 dt W. O. Eggleston, Yelebuthe county, Alta, sieepet: secorado, W. B. MaShentn'hed TeonestiOst bale, $2OO, Mies Maude Barnes. The cotton extilbtted - wlll sold .11. the Chamber of. Coteaneeoll ituctlon. . , • Tfietvottlng Match for $2OO waslfen by ' , Morrissey," besting "Pilot," "Taw. ie" and - "letlink.i' Ttmet 21.35 1 ,44:32%, ..:323,,.2 20 , 2:32. • OSWECIeO. 1 / a llr 6e Aiertfentt=titkiral kka6baa • ffertowaty Wane, titiTeleteletlls to the • !Mbar& Ossatta), Otsego°, October O.—A altliPhlg-caf Attached to the Expreektraln on the'lla. wego and Syraenita Itsiltoo, due hers stilWebick this morning, was thrown •fronsan embankment Moodie. this afBii Ap((ffnittfit,' by. g'brolten , Jall. , • Ff. Vinalick. of NewlYakittet i ta r i cellar bone broken, • ge.alp moved. John Van WcW, 'aindocaor, was earicrualy inkireWmt. pally. -0. Obydon, of this city, wa s slightly injured and a lady. naguf knOWD, LIMI. slightly inland.' The wounded were brought to this 'plies. Ibis thought some are fitollteraandedr pia corwas dialoged considerably. <• _ NEW tittaildire." The Lorti; Extra on—egebnli r: I peopts-Not ploarattc,) tpr Telejaapb totbe rittstearsb Casette.) , now Onutano,, :October 50: 'The Tgulaisna Commerelal eenitattlartionfor • tiaanalttee diet - here end . resolved to arirlaa a akmg; ;Minimal for e • 'build. ,•• ing parpreas. J pl eff. Davis has gone home to Mimi° ai p. Governor Warmontb says Ite will not : Moll in extra sexton of the Legialatuki. Tho mutant readout hare 'fir. October worelatal,ooo,lin locrwaswof 1133.000 °VW any corresponding month epee 1860. • Mr. Casey, of New Orienting relative otallen. Gout, who .aW supposed - to bave Itoeb loaren tberateaMer liton_pwaU, was 1 , 1 - Oren board. titticiesußG. %now roupd with iter-tbrocot ,VUlla throwp IQ thejFirs by 1117 1 grbe Ttihaece debtorsi - u "tbr,7lrcrsps toget ruwearch iirttempOliors4l,l :ctattdan.'llo4lllsa fiejlor, aged 21. win totdid'en Thuisday, B eer Sharon. Bland county. with hbr 'throat flys ten rtioroolsnelYnowo• A new° nitres .of Henry ,Creed.' In Bedford county, threw „..114• Comoro child Into the lire youterdAy, burned io death: Tbo none ,wits reeled. = 'Niers:. tblgmeng.iltatory wu