I -t,, IM II lir vitdragil apt. ANnBuBIJRBAI. fa - Goargi, e/ 9r naafi p r seam .• isperassress: ma., 12. Ciara4 illwinva hold . reguisr and s 1. iat NT , - Thi ' Maurer- it the: WO° a'. i . ''-'-‘• . Colezni D C 'alma N.. asurch - onl , 6= i / ion/ _ Bin te43l° Wilt.—Vesterdne An- Kennedy complained .tbat hen it ICI insult and I. ...nil Me wife I scumt ettiltingter In We-rant , -•, \retails:— Yesterdiar afferrnon floicenroab committed to jall. /salon . Lafferty, .a terteran voopubt wbo tow :spat tinny team of Ids dia witb but ": • ffirelien hitermiadona to such Manta • nritmig. Lana ItelAmd and aide complaint before Alderman Ode- not) asimday what Christopher a ~v - Sedimadia.lbr dzielog into. ma wagon ltd telding , off Wheel. ouaty. - , 7 - Cla Me.raid= mused 1M - Addelinas Strain, amemdilL dgenlune a tiiilattt th e edited of ner tiatt,:who. allegiat; astetited end beat tanwocation, on the upper I Tuesday afternoon , . aitonatya admitted to placo. ... - tfeela the MUMS of Colamtdißopteme at -.Miamian IRMSMoyne 13 .:I r s' o; ` colored; lac nr."Pjttabingi be `"pret nmoi sdmtw - . Aat:idokthe bar cdtbateonrt. wait rioters' Ott the street last even ,' - . ..'11111 that tioarge Ander, wboents stabbed lei a beer Wain brawl. In lower St. Clatr tointildp.last Elatwdayr had died horn ,ibe "dorm of hie Injuries. Me 000ld. boo ever. Enos It to no reliable mores ..bnYW itredierwlll be brand .No. 129 ammo. where they aro prepared - 69111Iordeni Ibr Goa and Swam Etudes, Plaradni and Sam eattlng. Oar our Sommand those wantlog , new work or "Waal; dor* will note the change. S rftuna..—FeterdEda Bohol alleged, MOM Alderman Hoeing. yeY, stud Gruber had obtamot ids dollars /tool him by reprelantlng that his mother _%mallalway tram home, Mat that when the bay: Ml:mu& ha - 16 gaaarirbsek.-Btatementavon w vsy the him. • mars aot found to be exactly w anstitjairusd. • ._Henry lihse yes before hl a:, '[ants Ilallenyeattritey. obsrhed 'nth iniNdthhe Wei' flu, in • horeible wey. two As month of - Aiwa, lEhrereldr. evidently witb the - Intemtlon ofeindeth: hint, so araroby *neves. The Idernifbet was ...Pied An' s beer saloon Oble. street. The seetteed writ held b r a F butting on a thine of snutedkand battery. • i . - 'Ba ri te, frarri-Tnenday afternoon, • ;se=of work ,m lamed 'lli mortar-tam•nat -6f -cree--nom • nitratufto- 116nul , balldlna. Penn signets - when a gratin, upon erbich - .they • galn3iray me precipitated them • • ha _• to tile cellar. The bat mpo sea Very 1113111:41W, wed the men n . 'ol7.hesttled Allegtreny.but we could •,•••-• fat'ftlft.ft ftMtr =nes. , „ Deadl,4etreual Bennett, a • treaddent os Lawreacerrlllek, died soddutlY Meer 'eyed o'clock 3iesterda7 morning, Cl dorm Cl the heart °owner Cher• roc wee notified and bald an inquest on —Or body. when *okay rendered ever - aka that death resulted leo* beartAe• time; - Mr; Bennett and • about morsPl9- - Ober rims of age end tounartled,' •and 4..7bsiereeldad twenta , 44 moan Lawranoi• , , • ? Mee! t e Weer Clear We are ie. x=lid to eantetly urge the Slane ,of illoulter, es well es ell .oiherti to brier tosn'off iteasareest of rens this allerreas. a allergist. :el not Kula contest be made. :It fa thirespedal dada of Mr. Coulter sod Ilailbenetatais proper attention be aid 'by ell paths so tin request, ;and we bongo departure will be sone , from ft soybaly. EU ;? `'.-' .:~~ti_ El VW hest a Tedder.—Testecrdsy alterr. "teed. Mr. Edward Barba. Painter re. WWI cou asislie7, sear the Diamond, , Alleausny, weditspinting the sign °Me NOteMst maims. nail- to the new Us. te=W nail L accidantall_ y missed his ext. . beg and fill off the ladder to the ground below; adistanee of 'brut ten.. feet. . tie Was rendered insensible by the fail and . bad Ao be carried home. Dr. W. NV. White inn summoned and pronounced Us injuries ors serious ebaracter, the • owe • being Injured beside Internal in. judge. Els OM is a critical one. ae:,—; „ • :4 -4 Alleged elealemeanote "Y 7. M. McDootiinle. Beaks:, , go - thißoold of Poor Dbooforo of All, made Inlbronitiort Ixdbie ..,-.ll4l7dernianaiialor against Alderman E =to n t misdemeanor to aloe. Tito . As autumns Dine ago the Al- Telorman - rendered Judgment. against Kleheal Wegenhauser, an Allegheny so lo= keopeiforsellingllnnoron Etunday mad ems ed Mm to pew s Ace of W. Self of t It Direr. should hate been paid to thers of th e Poor. but has inalistanochdlapteed of: - War rant Issued. • IMINI IrMECI LUZ ft ollif . Yeeterday an asstanit "and battery met Mutasted she attention of. Alderman Me, msidem cr. Schmidt inpearhis as mow cuter and Meitaanflehnler as defendant. The herd" it is allendrtlad a mit trade ftn=aler wooing ge-SleY **the whiettyttehmidt was se i &War ihe rand 'dayi The nest day '!alltilar but In 'mil: Yeassday the Assitlas met in a vale= on Filth avenue , . '4 'Whin BOhnadt. at stated Malt° not deliver the iS Iras Wort ttolt h mom than It had Men sold for, _tranmetton, oixamilnecin Sae . amp Vina rot lewd. wheroapen &balm -.mad Melinda brkleklna tdm WU • The *reed iteve for • - . N.~+~ f :i1 . . t 1. • . 1. - I • , • ' „„••!;,;” ."+".• . ••• ' Inn en First Awnrice, '-....:allowie,baltpeld three *Woo! algi a - fir•:oottir red a craw tanarriad *ix ankateam 1111ftig , , estabildunsith • IVonne. by sibbla the' banding and lay ' iltelarde were totally finitroYEL The Ire iniglinted.tn remote - comer of the boildlog; end been the ahem was glean bell aloe eo much beedwaf as to core; • piately. battle the edroste of the firemen, van respinded promptly to the mann. The bonding was a tweeter, WA*, and --sisa-rerned - by Mr. Jame 'Thompson.. , alsens. thidire toes grill notlallobort , ai app.spen which thaw la out insurance :the Mend Insurance Com. . , •p in tbe nista Dtrectie. , _ , twitarlocat mortar bed irbleb bad long dbnilitirea the Minh Ontunin Mialt toPetTlegAnisfir;p_ at last bun re. boob ,m6W47.4;rind'" If this spieb bkronew.— -mr-ther-admhilidontlon o. the parikaii wawa* DT the recooest =-eirtlio - adjacent hoops - tlianumtrwil 1 • Mbloh Mellon end mortirr.now removed. • bed MonWilninfeetbil Whim.* Tb mature beayeend Miami guteutemsko; ' tip the -7reirodulthe conspbanoto feature' riftbe South Common. and as they would mike. im excellent terilibinx ootopost tin fipllenTed' on the North van. Mut,we Amapa that theytw.renioced - sod utillsed Or that or scone other voreeswitomitt tintrultiand not -lift • nimeous and pestilent nuisance, often. *Writheremsotsu whorandeon_the pateibitmer . • = , siS :•3 - • .`4 En ME • .:4 3 .7f4Nk.% , s4 , co• ,%Q .I.<• •ttr t U. ' ? 'h` : #• ~~~~ '.: ,- J, - ;.. , :':.: - .:,.J:::i:'.‘ ~.;.- : ' .;.7,,'_,.:. i t.1:..1,',1; ~-:';:::'...;:.:';',:,::•:;',.k ....___...__sslic i , ~.. That cola A thoppttiv tißilt 116) eat bX 1 . Otilk Da Viskati"°4 sip gkeentat Ili „item landa.a. i . - go*. adiwaLtrt t h e art mil 'Wa r bT WU s.•sbe istottlAbbt gale$11 "1 / 2 betrhir *a VIZ ' 7.6ther M 11147. iallulde i s i t he" e v e m end •• _fortieteem- we" yoaardirm se, Th e .„,, :”" ilariSTeaggs=2:7everMrrtrauTi ~itso ingilliTta uttilljgtbous6Aue. ';•11--- 2... r, „18, Third vut.ub. • wini......... cht bat • Ed. ...auk s _ th ii n..,0 tunbands,_..„.... • t‘..7.ff10vr...u.g.• -7,,-,,, im,--1 -- ......... i ----, of ,-- e.a____„-Lia.it,•: ' 'long ,. .,,,,r: „as ......,4,3 1 ,.. ~7-,,,ibi, .-Euck blietii—las, silt" • Vim:: '`ua ittr=wo: wataron-ban ~.,......61111 afar .eie..l=6 pence, '''''''''" ibi t heirtrat!tr„..„4 4 . ll 'l4?•- the itiovd.,,ud-, 1-4 ail =TIP ibl' AO= e et eetu a ..e47. Argeonatiod,Aidar , wawa ammo_ qi .h$ Waal tbli 011200gi ti pellit , t ae ----eheivenrib bet arigretem.of her estmc. ibr th e _-- r o.lk ':., alaSian'"Nerip isined's„,a, tit • ' : wasad hn''l'—eL costendemouna=as i - Iraitithlrew- Ar t tiientlad *OW , • , adackertor l'''hilialliffing II i'•''' '- -OEM Week "waft la a '' lalapale. ene es,,Ell o movkikalli. ----,-, - ' ' ~,,.-•;:,•ez7.-"; , ' •.*..• i t ,.......... e ...mail -••••-•---7,7,,, ~. . ---- a -, ~' ^ - ~ - . ..7r_.;••,---ti.;,. 4'' _{• - am........—”--",•„ ~ "••1 •, ~,,,....,1.,:,-,.:.••,z, •14-r,de' , Ai„.t.,-, k r : ••.' 4 1 t ; ..‘,•;-; '' -Z•' ,^-iWc•4?;•;'•:•:•1.1•••:-.•,•••, !*'' )„,'',.•--',....--, -",'•-• • M ME 3 az Atilano MA Imam. Further Particulars—Discovery of the Indent , . Parents Developments of the Affair—atucegenation. The Infanticide case, the circumstances of which, so fer sd known, were publish ed In Tuesday's Gazirrnr, together with the verdict of the Lzecrier's jury. kiss since) assumed a new and decided' y in teresting pbsse. The develop:neon. be. gar immediately after the Inquest, and being energetically managed by Deputy Mayor Nichols and officer John Hoerr, resulted In the unravelling of the case. It Stadia strapbristnetvere first entertaill .ed of the mother of the child from rumens circulated In the neighborhood of her ' house. which finally led to the arrest of I • youutimulatte girl, named Lizzie Lee, woo was secured Timidly. Overall and 'locked unln tho Seventeenth wad t mbs. Yesborday • bearing wee held in case Wore Deputy Mayor Nichols, whelp 'the I affair was fully developed. From the ,edidence elicited, it appeared that iimle had been employed for about six weeks as a domestic with • family of the, high- Zatrespeciability In Allegheny. For two Ofthree days subsequent to her d her conduct had boon trailltar and attracted some attention. hid nothing was said. Sunday afternoon • week ago she wu observed to go up tote 1 , therattic of the honer, whither she was followed In a abort time by her mistrea. who suspected something lento her ac dons. Upon entering t h e room the lady discovered that Limit, had just given birth to an infant. which, es she looked , upon it, gasped and died. IL exhibited no mares of violence, and she aro awl. dandy died • natund death. tinder the circumstances ttte lady felt that the un to:innate gill could no longer be an in. mate of the house, and so in• ftagglied bit. 'Lizzie taking her at the word, . at once made preparations to - taste and that evening departed be fore supper, taking the infant's dead body with her wrapp sidedan old piece of Quilt. Her parents in 'Shaker township, and the same night, Wording to the statement of her mother. Vale came borne but seemed about as usual. She staid until Thursday and tint went back, 'as she said, to her place. During all the time her Mother knew nothing of I whet happened. The 'Text Sudsy. a I week alter, the body was found in • fence corner, on t3nyderts farm, not far from, W' hove, and an lurtstigrtion followed, which subsequently led to Lizzie'■ arrest and the development of the affair. After bearing the testimony the girl acknowledged the Infant, bat contended that it had died _nattgally, at had been testified. She Was 'talent upon every. colonel= connected with the affair, and etubbornly refused to mention the name of her betrayer, preferring, she said, any thing to an exposition of him. Sheila" locked up after tho hem:lngle await • disposition of the case by the , District Attorney. During thdafternoon her mother and another Miner called at the lock-up and had an Interview to as certain the Lathe: of the child. She per slated in withholding the name until her mother, after about an hones execs.:ob.- don, mentioned that of a young white I nun in Allegheny, son of a widow lady nodding In the Third ward, with whom Lazie had beep living in the early part of lest opting, and averred her de termination to bring suit against hUr. The girl acknowledged him as her betrayer, but begged Oat he might be kept nr_kootrp. Mae aipremed grearl kindness far him. but evidently was only afraid he would do mother.f injury if eXpOetaL H er after the Inter, vlew made intern:talon far seduction oat the young men:before Deputy yor Nichols, upon which a warrant I wail far his arrest. Last night the ogler went for, bat et lest accounts had not secured him. The affair throughout illustrates • pe culler awe of complicated znimegens j HOM I I, _a few elta Wha is • eolcsed man, un abades lighter than Erebus. while bier Mother relined th a clear white complexion, and belongs to • white family. itistie herself is a moist almostweitile, While her two slaters rival theledilahor in color. The infant found was so white as to deceive the-. physicians.— Tim unfortunate girl ;seems to feel her position keenly, but punt on an air of bravado and boldness, I evidently not keeping . with her feel ; ingp. 131 M-appears to be more than ordi- I Parity intelligent: l i about nineteen years lof age, and, =tom her own people; Weald .be .emaidered rather prepares 'slog in apPearance. Lod Minting. after ati wi the Distriet Attorney. Deputy M ay Nichols, indefault of bell, committed her for trial. • Plesaint Mrstfeay feelzbntion—isong. Wirth and ninon. Isekhight ky. William HoUzbeirna. the genial and gentlemanly proprietorof , e Continental Dining Booms, No. 71 th FOth - svorve, in accordance trials grace fla matt= be has adopted throughout nearly his whole life. In a fitting and ap preprint° manner celebrated the.twenty. ty-seventh anniversary of his bit Moue were present • large number of - lbvited guests, personal Mends of the boll, who gladly assembled to pay the tribute of friendship due a citizen who is universally respected Mikis Com munity; and none there were who did nut wish from their hearts that Mr. Holz. batten might be spared to enjoy many more decades of yean to celebrate in so pleamot a manner num erous muftis of ...the anniversary of his advent into Mb. - The guests, hav ing spent the earliertrt of the evening In lacier fOnv sod .hstatming ling, and in int gto the delightful arsine of tbeereit Western Band, who were -present to enliven the occasion with thee:gutsily music tor' which they are famous, sat down to_a sumptuous banquet board, Which groaned with Ito weight of the good .things *reed upon it. The commodious sad elegant hall was espedaßy nom. molted Mir the oetiolon, prese nted p plactlay ,aPMICg. The bill of ,fare teMprtied g the market at tnts season ran pr nee, rare games, oyst ers In resat/letter varlat7. asacea.for. sign Ind damsel° MOM and dee saris the. would have Iliad the bill of the most exacting epicure, To sawn gat the supper. was out of them!. range of such occasions. would to beimerdrainasous, inasmuclr - as, pu t s as e reputation in View s caterer Alan eftsiniehed. uto plosburgh what Delmonico and W Po lf uch are to Newsork.. After the cloths ware removed, sparkling winos Wer e Int"' demi and general good cheer ProvalLtd. goL2; B. Moore Prodded, and th n . rep. neentative• -of tos pram present Wen assenrotarles. - Many happy ,and enter xsining *peaches were. made, end the birgi.sasembly parted alter suuting good old &Ole an appropriate song ..and Mr. -Efoltsbaltner should feel proud ver trio attendasioe at the banquet, -AU classes oleo; wars inpreiented, - while the twat of fdlowsktn and humor prevailed. esincerely Join to &bebop espressed *one of thit speakers thar. mar Wire long -to enjoy 4s*, prosperity, itud thU his roof rosy overtone . an arab liblentere W e t JYC°n Amon Adoest..our notice, without paying Bibelot° Abe Wcatliand lame. al our much appreclited _ greet Western grass Band, which ranks _Brit Mad fitremnettnbng the coMD kopeoz - o - flfis Conn By. Under tb maid a< Mllloo3soll. of Prof. B. Wets it hoe attained_ proud position,. and we judge k een wort& 'interpretation! of the moat dcult pieces or ham. MOUtilsrettain thatillrillippondlytrphold iutleading place in the face of all orpost. sl a w,Weeraprotutof stelae bunthand ttiit ix-will'alwayi - sostalor the high repttetion our city en 10.17 in °am parlititi with other. in devotion to an 4 perfection to this branch.of the fine siti. A Calf Tnts,. Ma Sacs Tel ovp the Monongahela course Between Mellen and Coulter for a Purse of Pee Hundred Dollars. The sporting fraternity, se well as citizens generally outside the circle have teen much interested during the pant few days in canvaming the relative . merits of the two famous athletes who will, this afternoon, measure oars for supremacy, and a purse of ono thousand dealers on the upper Monongahela river. Several days sloce DicKiel arriv ed in the city Porn Cold Spring, New York. and since then has been Undergo ing active and vigorous training, and o s far as appearances me concerned. he is in prime A. No. 1 condition and will pull • strong oar. nib M blicker, n Mr. Charles Moore, has been elte in picking up all the lose odds freely ' offered on the Pittsburgh aquatic, and express the utmost faith in the ability of MS Man to &stenos Coulter. DicHiel is l i a bourtous, quiet and nnostentatinue oarsolan, hie vaunts very little of his own powers, but calmly asserts that he le here biee he to will d havoe hi • s l fair evel hee rue, l. End win or Coulter is in tine condition. His strictly moral habi temperance and or dinary method of l iving have omnbined Mutate hint • sound and healthy man while large exercise has fully developed his muscle. He is in close and carefull training, anti his many friends here. abotea hatwunlimited confidence in his 1 , ability to win. - Retools quite confident, but he dorm net understand the man with - whom he has to n struggle. The race will take place, as we have remarked, this afternoon between three and four o'clock, over the four mil e coo course on the Monongahela ivMar ins at Glenwood. Ample facilities by raillnd river will be afforded those who desire to be present to witness ths con tact Some yearsago Coulter vanquished McKee on the same course In a rime not remarkable or extraordinary for either - science or good time. However, since their former race both men have adop ted the mom handed style of putting, which gives them a greater leversge upon the oars, and thereby, of course, in creases their speed. The race between Coulter and Hamill was rowed otter the same mane upon which the former beat hicKeel IBC, Coulter'. time being three minutes and lifty.nine seconds toter than before, and. alyPough it was • a closer race It plainly ' , evinces. after makintell due all for diTerence of water, that he oar greatly improved during the past two years. The New York Clipper, In commenting on the race, says: W e are given to tin. derstand that 'McKell is rowing much faster than he did lastscason. and as both men have been in strict training ever since the articles were ratified and are now in fine physical condition, a anion. did race, marked by much better time, may be expected when they measure blades Mit WOOL. A number of aquatic sports from New York. Philadelphia and otherplaces purpose going on to see it, and the deep li.terear felt In the contest In and arourid Pittsburgh will' Insure e vast turn out ot.the denizens thereof. Coulter Is a strong favorite in the beating everywhere, owing to his former con quest of the New Yorker. and his late *leery over Hamill. when be showed to rocuarkabiy Hoe imps. and should Kell win, Moss erhd,ftmeat their money upon him. at the °Curse will have an op portunity a enriching themsenwe to considerable amount, for the sporting men of the Smoky City are proverbially lore with their greenbac k s In supporting their favorites. Coulter and Wald and their backers mei list evening at HanillPs saloon, In the Diamond. to complete the arrange. Manta tor the race. Florae trouble en sued relative to the stake boat. ?deified wanted but one, white Coulter hold that there snould be two. Coultio ter finally agreed to McKiers proposin to have one 1430 boat. They were unable, how 'ever, to agree upon pp referee, and ad• Journed, with the tindendandlng that a referee ehould be chosen this morning. - ZWLIZIIEDIES. Robnuon - Townotp. Tesenety,Assochr , tiop. 4414 4 -4 4 _ laaViztenng,4thfs Arleorlatioa met, anconiblifplierloos adloornment; at 86061 room Instruo• aur. a ansOitit) of tbefirrentioni Pm stood of the regular recitations of the sibool;dridcdr reflected . 4:radii' Polhill teseher.lad- =mei were wit:! nessed •by quito a large soadience, At I the - Close of the eXereiSee of the school the Andlesioe entertained, by dreues'froni some of the teachers of the unotahip and from A.,11. Young, Lino toe of thotownslilp, and from Prof. S. S. An of of Cholierstownship. , At twelve o'clock the Ansoolation ad. famed for ono."hour. during wfilth time alUbeartilt,Partoolt.s9f,tha dainty. Viands' kludiyilarnabed by the ladiraof ' e At district one o'clock the meeting was spin caned AO Alder. 0.9 the '-' After some molingrori business was transacted. Oisas read a selectiob, entitled tThe -Dying Soldier," which. eras fol l owed the reading , w WWy interesting end roar by Mbo Ir Fisher: • - , - - .Thonisa. . Ought. 41w,1n: ritedpormd proportion. , WUklion then read , it soltredon:-Ils pued..,nhe Flag Restored to Sumpter. .470/. , IL Shaw dellvared "anoints, sub pot, ...Attention," Pr. . whom, men, tine• sad ;ppansltal • thoughts pie" - S logether lastlinie was fa:totri.., l pletb suceelk It has weakened an *dui, national interest throngbalik.ths itrnitt altiii;vadedt we hope sum not decrease dliArdif thefiresent sesaito ~..Thiktiatinactlng or this iiimOsiOati *Mt* bold on - rfororatm eth, at inthool bovigl - 210, -11.7•A:IteldletileV.teletib r i when sliaof suottowszedaillint, No. ati at pro; tuiniaresti . inTERITRGIT DAILY GAZETTE: THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 28, 1 869 gill AQULTIC. IRE COIJRTS. United Stater Court--.lndrre WIDICESDA.T. October srr.—Toe caeca of the United States vs. John and James Wright. reported on trial yederday,were resumed and concluded. The defend- ants were tried on two indictments. The 4:irst charged them with setting up • still' in a brewery, making whisky therein end neglecting to pay the tales thereon. The seciocid charged them with distilling witbout payment of nd and without 'banded warehouse. Ou the first indict ment the jay found a verdict of guilty. end on the sewed a verdict of guilty to the manner and form ea Indicted. The next case taken up was that of the 'United States vs. Joseph SohL The de fendant was Indicted for violating the revenue law by havtng in hill possession empty stamped barrels, the s n tamps ot being effaced and obliterated ,- On triaL William Hays. of Armstrong omnt7, plaid guilty on two indictments ebarg ing hint with violating the revenue law relating to the distilling of whisky. On the Int he wu sentenced to pay a One of one thousand dollars and to undergo al: months imprisonment , In the Arm strong openly jail. On the second he was sentenced to pay • One of $lOO and to undergoes month's Imprisonment. Supreme Corot—Jaages Tturaspeon /lc new, lebarawnect and St ilitaisti. iVADaTsuar, October 27—The Supreme oi:wt . met at 10 o'olock a. Y. Preen!. Chief Justice Thompson and Judges Ag new, Shanwrood and WlLUama. The following busbies* was transacted: Campbell's daiquiri vs. Wen, Arm strong co gued by Painter for taiduciff in t e r, and by Golden end Neal, contra. Christy is. Chrhiy, Cambria connty. Continued. Hatch vv. Steel, Annetronn county. by Golden for plaintiff In error, ar)ly Bogart, contrs. • Mort then adjourned until Thuniday intent= at tan o'clock. Patriot Ccarrt—Judge Hampton. Wzmninay, October 27.—Tbe case of Wood vs. owners of steamboat "Pan ther," previously reported, was resumed and is still on trial. TELL Liar FOR TIIORSDAY. M. Ramat vs. Davis firm. 147. O'Donnell et aL vw. McClintock. 2.5, Friend for use vs. °inhuman's garnishees. 104. Lee via P., FL. W. d C. R. W. Co. et al. llt. Roberta vs. Doff. 129. Troy va steamboat uFairplay." IBL Rectors, dm. of St. Andrews Chu32. G rch of Pittsva. Sburgh held. vs. Hoag. libson Common Pleas—Jodge Sterrett. WIRIZIDAY, October 27.—1 n the cue of Saddler Vs.l3lnette, reported rotor. dor. themuryxetatned a verdict for the plaintiff inthe snip of X 40611. Logan va. lilebolion, action to recover bar woritand labor done. Verdict for plaintiff its the awn of $1.10.70. Hobert Lyng vs. of a barge John Smi load of coatth. action to recover the value Juror withdrawn and DOEFIOR entered. Peebles vs. Peebles and wife. • • Action fecovarls,ooo alleged purchase mone for a house in. Bast P. ll ubetb. The y : plaintiff is tbeion of the defendant, and It is sibegeellatatthosensuun Wowed to cone' (ho house end lot -mentlonso:to the eof defendant, his step mother. in antalibiratiodof which the dielsodant, his father wag to put 115,000 in a farm for plainUff. ' The , farm,. it la alleged. was never purchased, and the plaintiff ha meow seolved any compensation for his house mu lot. In the esSebleolamin for twig vo.Slyis tor, motion fora new trial, and reiwone Sled hy plalutlrei counsel. =tot toy YOU FRIDAY. *47. Remsley. • 155. Davis.vs: Finch. lat. Dangergeld Datonflece. 17 L Morrison a at vs. liolthatise. 170. Adams vb. 'Lipp. M. Kennedy a Bro. vs. Rake. istlAitsitstarg vs. Humps: - 188. Haffinan vs. Wallsoe's E aa 189. 4.lrlbbs vs. IQoII. 190:Skating Men vs. Kerwin dal. 90 3. Maenad, vs. Ponta. R B. CO. 19 B.elnercian et at. vs. Mauls Es. Ca' ilyni and lterielner--indites Mellon and I= Wzmaccoar, October 27.—The elm of I the Ontrunon:vealth vs. Thomas Caro On. 'previously reported on trial. was relearn. ed, and the easminatkin of witnesses for the debase was continued. Thomas 46hoidan, stops—Live hi Temperanceville. em tuother-in-law of Canso& lisrehtewu - Sebneekefor smut lees. He lived it Clown% torthe twit year or two. The terms on -atbiab they livedVitienOt good: Citroon"Unated him •and bin family, well. ~,fichneeke got drunk. have beard than , talk. within twtc„ireekw sprevions to the -moot -1501theeke took - an oath before Father Carlin snot to drink any more. • Bantfday,,Soluteoke,.. ,eame in to Ake baz 100113 in which , .was m Above:tor, an forcing hie trey behind the countar go & t tbechem brandy: WOW . seildrsalrs glass fdlothed soother mid opeesteshrosiook hte,orett ocolt•oe. led put ,Claroutt's 'cola ohs. atfOnliVrea that 1301111°,14stterk Omer; Schnaeke ( net ose',Vieted thee vent OM, and al dozed Illetneeke to take4the melba Jared; esithoseash other moot or h—he Caroottoutte tefstutqutoutehei Oilseed , ped=talizthe wand , odd:. • flay tic o f i rtudit. you; *w t.. , M.Orter . : It :•,er, 00w:A igal,..seettd sutler lon areatz net throw4t.” - Odeon' sea as imago to more somintoited; he R x",a~'~~is...ar?:.rir.w.ia. t~t..:r~...re.~'s .k:.ay.''+—..ac~.✓d..,a.~3,.«-r,_,;e:il.m. My. had tea cost on when he started; I beard • noise on the outside and heard the re. part of a pletol; saw a atone to the air, don't know who threw It or who fired the pistol; did not see anything more ; Schnecke was about 21 or 22 years of age, and a strung mon. He had nothing ID his hand when be came In and leaned over the bar and said, "I'll kill YOU, you gray headed eon of a b— h." Nothing of importance was elicited in the cromexambudlon. A number of witnesses were called; but' no new facts ware developed. Sev eral witnesses were called as to character, alter which the ewe closed on the part of the defence. The Commonwealth called one witness to rebut the testimony of Mr. eiheridan. but the Court ruled that the mailer which was proposed lobe proven wee arida:Wein ebbed, and consequently ruled It out. Mr. Moreland opened the argument on the part of the Commonwealth. Mr. Swartsweller followed on behalf of the defendant. T. M. Marshall, Erg., then addressed the Jury to behalf of the defendant. and W. D. Moore for the Commonwealth. The Court charged the Jury at the clue of Mr. Moore's wgement, about seven o'clock P. et. The yury then retired and bad not agreed capon • verdict at a late hour. They were Instructed towed their verdict If they agreed before Court called Thursday morning. Amortments. Oran' Hocsa.l—The "Fairy was given at the Open Ileum last eve.. lag, with Mr. and Mrs. Harney Williams In the leadliiir roles. The support by the stock company was all that onifSbe de sired, and the large audience was de. lighted with the entertsinment. This evening the Williams's will appear in two new playa, the beautifullrish drams entitled "Shied! We're," and lively farm called ' , Yankee uourtship." rrrrentraon Tintavas—The enter tainments at the Pittaburgh Theatre, on account of the versatility and the excel ', lent manner In which everything Is done, are of a highly Interesting end 1 arousing character. Signora Lopes and her troupe of youthful acrobats are nightly applauded by the large &act"- , once; as owe alio the Romani bunny, in their wrinderfulserhil beta. &anon Marg.—There was a time when the very name of Signor Rills was sufficient to call ferth about" of delight from all children 'and most at tbelr pa rents. A promise of* visit to his merry temple of mystery wee sufficient to keep • child good for a week, and when the visit ilea taken place it was • thane of innumerable ca delightful l re meo membrances for months, aye years . Mr there is many a man and woman who still reckons among the pleasantest recollect tions of childhood the pleasant fear and mysterious awe Inspired by the Wisard Signor. The Signor le here again, with all his old (emanations, Ids bobby. hie birds and his plates and hogs of new tricks, which can never equal the old 1 ones In our opinion, pin as Jolly and merry and suiplauroin as ever. W• WWI. [ der he inspires the same longi ng and delight In the preeent.that he did in the past generation. We are afraid not. for MOM of the children are young ladies and enthrals now; butte thaws uses.= wto halm real children still, we would oafish. them to lee the Signor and be delighted. [ Acapitary or htuent—Rafris Marne. the celebrated elocutiophit, eutertaleed • very appreciative itpdience at UM IlDuTe place on Tuesday evening. Me Pro. gramme embrace:l • great rartety—a chapter from the Bible, stones from ShaUpeare, and other aelections. grave, gay and humorous. We hare heard bed one expresolon In regard to the "Rend. log." and that one of admiring approval. He certainly showed grest versatility and great power. We are glad to know the Prof.:nom repeats his "Reading," with en entire change of propernme, cm Frtdo trfOotOlf nest. 'WO OdidllP ell to go and hear him. CONCESIT.—Don't forget the fkinisert to night st Wesley Chapel. W e can prom ise ail who attend' a plangent evening ; and for those who may be theredialorn as whether children can slog we would say, Just go to the Conoert to night and be convinced to the oontrary. It is es wr.ed also that the Rev. Chaplain Mc- Cabe will be present, of whore singing it is needless to speak, fdr every one has heard of him 11=mt tv m itts e c. rtttto ol r a. memo at MS. The Dbappidided Pelhirtaa. • , t ta,at the rabble's shoots htr tom 'Me breath el AMROa for trotb,•• IS all political Limes one or the other of the great politica puttee Is destined to disappototmemt in the end, or both cannot be anceessful It were wise, then, for rivals to prepare themselves for the endow" of victory or the disappoint ' Inuit of defeat, for one or Measlier must i i n d Cti t s b lwyC sOhMaol l . re ver t to te (feet that th e, forwminpre of ender, the frisky north whoi the mischievous frost and gentle fall o f snow, have made us *were of the pled appeal* of the old ice • crowned monarch. - Winter. The sharp, keen Mane which timid his amittse warn us to prepare for his reaeptkon. We don I new and - heavier clothing, and the eines. doe naturally arise. in what shall-we . emote oumeives to best withstand the nipping cold and preserve our headband mutat. KM!: Orloff with fon," whispers DAMS nature; “take leonine foe the dumb animals who, ea the win• tardraws on, are supplied by my hand with much heavier covering to protect themselvea" ate lemma mid Is worthy attention. Explorers m the Gil off re I Orin/ at the mirth. where naught - but IDOEuatalas of laellit their perks Minerva to freeze the very atmosphere they pane trate, found protection from terrible death only to wearing garments of far le all fonts were penetrated with the chng Diana ea readily so plays the summer !proem through the interstices of a lady's yell, But we can. not talk of fare but ws ere brought to think of theijoeit eMporlum which Is p1:1 closely aided to the subject, the ,wholesale and retail Douse of hit. William Fleming & Och, No. 189 Wad street. Uwe are thrown pp barriers whit old winter In the Vray of im mense collections of ladies' end gentle men's wearing fur apparel, of every style, variety and pattern. The gunk is so rich, so complete and to large that we might spend *column to Metal and mill do it great Wanks. Berl the viador will hod a seleetlan from which tocinoes woody superior to those presented by I easrn houses, foam the richest Rodeos Bay te and Mink Sable, to the cheaper, [booth equally fashionable grade& In Looking though the large nook obis poplinr and representative house the otaitl2,otirettendon wa sperticularly by completeof Water Mink end other cheap grade", which canine be excelled tor eament, style end beauty by other sets we examined which inn away up Into the Mika and hundreds, sod yet selling ea low as front sight to Went, dollen per set. Every sidter is reminded that it is an imperative rule 'with this house that no salesman al. lowed to make the slightest. intarepre sentaffenftir sakeafacixanpltableg sesta, madman oases *roue are shown just such goods as they. mak for, no. attempts ever being made Myelin eff the inftdor for the superior tinkle. Theenddry Merchant la invited WWI and examine the large and superior stock of hate, caps and fins to be found, in the inclusively wholesale departments of this popular house, which will be mid by the cue or dondi et theeery leered wet ern rates. Befall purchasers will re membe; that they can We from liftmen to tstenty•ftve per Cent. by directing than patronage to Fleming & 00., shro of the great Olden bet, R a u. 139-Wood street. Articles of table wore, from which the aliver Is worry replated In the most dor abletnetuser, st No. ISizth street. Dearer Intasnung Oatbige. - lime and labor 1a Norm/. This .212. chine will °flea see the hiring , of Sno girls or employing a washer woman; and where a washer woman dependinton washing for a tiring, she can do four. times the amount in a day, beside. tak ing Away the heavy drudgery ol washing over a, washboard all day. ...B. B.LON%APIA. No, 12 Federal street, ,AlloilbearC2lll. Torte old, unsightly _piled ware esti be renewed by replszleg. Bernd It to No.'l Kith street. • • • — Zile, Lab= and Money gaved.—tdra Jonessays that she,tuts. to kee h p two (his time bard times on . . d onne er tog Is so lane for one to do. Bat get i.Dexter:Washing IditkluNtuidsott can dOlt trout one to two hours with one girl , R. a. Wm. Altedtr 19 Federal attest. .../tUegbeni ctt.T. ihaversai adiatraUss has beets accord. ad Milk of Violas.. sir thcknams' elegant "ails Umatilla ear produeed. lath ter Mealy end edema% Sold bi-anaguil• gists and= May stab dealer. V. Wr ntill/1140 T . Na!"rorks• sole Mist 19! spier golil plauvir st 'No.A ffigh street. acrtertlietient of teteclarqg ft Rainbow Real Estate and IsairanceAssem, 191,117 and 199 Oetk- Cre avenue. -`, ruse cab* .iod id'So; skeeo , . . &mum emit -Mbar' aid ilk amieff 14 11 . nays. ,Ifor amletta U BALE—PUOPERTT. lot 5150131 feet. rrmded, only 000- tor Tear. 4 lot. 1140132 feet, 5400 - .1100 per year. 1101450190 feet, 6500 GeedMee.. Trame boa. of 3 rooms, lot 4 4 .104 Met; only 6EIOO. Brice hon. oft r00m... std stable; 990.100-66,500. 8 throe room a brlek houses*. Calton street. esel. 69 WO. fay roomed premed b ro ok !looses linen lats.& n lot 601100. Two hr. houses putstp• . hydrants. aloar 54.008. Sew I `. room. and ce l lar brick b 00... lot 801100; 11.1.- 400-8600 cub aad gnu per rear. Good Me. roomed bowie and lot 114.460 feet. 58, SOO, and ewe rorms. 6 roomed ham* house. to X 94060,61.50- 43.500-4500 eash..a end 6 years. II iot• oa Wylie "met 514:60. 14960. 110 on Wylie street-8160W: 41,500. l lola on Centro 513.125; 4900 ea.. 150 feet front at Centre aroma lrfl 6 / 1 0. 1 deep..lldlvlde tomtit. 6 lots on I. =Ol2l oto 6850. The abase property well sad with. 10 Ist 111 tenet. wall of the ISemtlioaar., and on 1 , • New Puma S. H. AO acres oa Western realm. Melba. 1 SW brom the My. SO New.OM P. Hurdle Rains& 4 .les fn. city, • roma mama house 1 attle from Cost Hones. 118 acra Slanaart laud. •ns stria, to parehue • boom or maks ,vestroaot. and than wishing to sell, pteaso on or damn NeCLUNO • RAINBOW. sale Noe. WS IRV nod 189 Centre Amnon HOBOKEN" STATIONi PROPERTY FOR SALE. ml. beantlfol elthatthe men. be =round Ala velvets mkt..o to way amnion . so wow to both elttes, belles only elsbt 001100 no tae Western POOMII0•12116 Itallroad: ...pathos no thetwe lAlloneaslon about thas othreartv els obtath OSIIIIIS as the ofloe of the MI ON CITY AIO. =AL LITZ ITIVUILANCI. COMPANY. TV Peden/ etreet. Allen... LOU !Von 0110401.1 sere tO CVO three: Wee. aroVe loth to evlt9b , than. There Is n 1000 10001031 Or • manathe estatilletthennt, between to Vollros4 the A/1...# elver. Wealth FOS BALE. "101:511. AWO LOT. No. 54 James Omni BaaaeL. frame, °octal. 1 mom. and Stan mac Mao Trams Shoo oa row of tot; obey 111 se t. a; Ow Wt. I. SS Or 100 58 t; 5 . • °P ... " Phaa.s3. • smear, b• 11•7 OP blittholl BSI sold cheap. a 11017•12 AND LOTS fronting on Mu.* v i gg s r ie b y y .boa sea . each contain 5 no; S Houma •ad Lot. oa Pleutos street; *lota Rotdasoa Road, cane:oh laud NM AND t• Balm. Ohio; 8 acres of tr0..4 to Sucre, to•outdo; loose, Preemacal MOIL Oehac Romeo sad Lou In tow ROOM.- 1•8•1.• of 5. 111,11.111102.14 1. 2 ZOAIa Agent. canker Ohio and Elaaduk, Meet. AT PRIVATE SALE-VA LVA BLS 114)? or 09011111 D sitcuta oo W. aortheret camera Rtoottou asenue and Beare St., Allegheny city, frontlas 31 test on gtoektoo avenue. poesening the easm width Lone Beare, Men 140 feetrthen. awns Beaver street 100 /hot. 100“Y0iag a width of 60 feet to Mites Meat. 00 watch to erected a two-non aosolling beam, wad betas the late residence of rather Stockton. Itee.d. Tills mayor] from ea the Allegneny - Park, .ad oor beauty of and oerroanethuts ean sot bo excelled. Far term of sas and /Maw inform...4os, esquire of THOM all B. oa err UPDI34., 3.. SOP B • A CZ= LAB SALE.—A Very Desirable J. T LAND, con.laina aborts acres. minute erithln Ire ashes of tat, ads' and nt•ot beta taltsahrt •to !auras elation of the lhanhaadle Itallroodt D. • front of abo•tt one-thltd of a mils ott Owner§ Creek; all capa ble of Wag cult.rated. Wing rich bottom land and adz:M . ol7 neapte4 so being laid ant Into lost :leans •cc 0 act.. le. bowl holm, arch and well of water on tbs wrote. Tama was , ASV/ to B. atel-•121 • CO. sieo No. NM roar* T AIME sun-morn or ALL ti.tr".. D .l l =` jr ":""ira=11.":1 usess Arlie., ravehsrib. sod et %be Twin (1 , 11 :Ily Ansinssl CH,. earro.li. rraersl sn elislo Wert. Oar Isso r exserlrse• Is Us , ena •r• as to a las Imes. bass • aret Wes arrlele, sed ran sell law rids Swami, Herr se. Black NY.rind WU. rerv6 all at very S . 4Lartol i al i s r o s r ell . l. ••• e=r• Wed CE VIT • L ABLE LAVITIREN. YILLC PROPERTY FOR BALI .-191 feet Poet uo Porty-roarth meet by 194 foe deep Cu aim y. II bunt gamily 11.aloo of portico, old. alma roams. Irma room ma b eellar. large surdas. variety of awl. treats wod grape flare. Tim locoman la plea aos sad mulatto: Will be *did at tale prim mad oa vocable tom. tl uranurr 29 iamb 111TeRIM, SA.LT---Ono Two Hone roster •• Van, ailll•bi• tat • Bs:lcoa, • me or elm works. Me Covered Atabal.M. 800 ropey Yeekleg Barrels Ibt /Ws wars- SOSlempaLllibl. Sy Barrels. 4pple LL Waratiaay. N ... ea Dlll7lll alm4 appaalse stos Pserl lino A-1 1 .011,_ 1/1111 DOLL. GOV! TAILORS FALL STOVE OF MEN & BOYS' CLOTHING Now Readirthi 41 GRAY & LOG , M4 No. 47 SIXTH. STREET LATIC R. CL 111. P. 151*A.11.1:31', ' PA.SULONABLU MERCHANT TAILOR KNIIMI aqua antlY .r+ b.na C.24)tha. Cassinterez and Vestings. Al"ti /../ITLAXHLX.S lIIIINISIIIN 130uDO. No. 93 1-2 Smithfield Street, 117111131711.011. ea. Birlltort Callao made to ardor I. r i m We.; ot NEw FALL Loon. • od.ad . ma es (morns, CA:18111121ZISES. ®Ow lad neitml tri MAST lIIMIII. was gissalit Tstior. gewtmwa Elora& LIVERY STAHLES ROBB? IL PAITOSON & CO COSI= 01 Swath Annie smi Liberty Ft., P1111121r2138, Pb MU en Ilkaanday. 414117 3104 111011. awl Sla elit ainVa=ll stra"' HORSES, CARRIAGES, - BUGGIES, WAGONS. A t4=9.o."V, ..M"pet.ri=l two molls of ooralsoot Go or befOr• TIM 1114•7 malls tor orloortlstoi. YT0..141. - $1.4 eits 100 Oros &LOWS lon NMI U.ElTF.WillnAndloneer. 172Plels .... .. 110111, ROM Hs eirransori & co., zavlrarg. s&x...ti amp COMMISSION ST - IMO ITEM i Mr It p 0868, 11%. , RIMEL LIQUORS, &o.' J ;; 11111POIrl'ILKI 111/ WINS, !BEMS, GiL Sa wuoixsaue DRIISIIII PURE RYE Wint3lo3B, 409 PENN STREET. Save Bemoved to 1108,013841 AND SSG PENN, Clar.l.leventh St., (formort JOSEPH L FINCH C 0. ,& iss.ll7. M. SIM IN sag Ise, /WIT OM= ITITIBIURCM masar.lo=l2 3 as Oeppor Distilled Pose Fp' Irldskep Alm dodos to 7011p41i WU= sod orm. HOPS. ha vadLesi t'~~p~i{j3~L+YAnat~ _ 00 , • SSW GOODS. 'FINE VASES. 11011:1111Al &ND MEM . . uitir Dore, 113101310 ELIA' A LisTelltaCk °ff SILVER PLMED GOODS a ail disoutPUML. a u 4 . 1== .,=.34,2 R. L. BRZED, lir ! CO. liiiEmizliaxlA la a' iIiPLNY 0, (11 E irr 1.10054616 • um; usX:3Ol. ou .innianxe4 a as lX" S '"Vn * Day ltjuis moan% .1% t/a , 1121;. ; a i liliftlYM=rary adm' stuatios Om to th e " I gre m i g Sim i ma iggialas se 0001111 . MOD mai aossiamtr -- -jrumviLLT, innu a l m •rnactsol. T ETTEELS TESTANIVSTAIIT boring been ierontedlo the undoestsoed on Om ea at. or o. G. PININIZY. person. h.,,0t =!=Mil 0....100ted for o.tzlerctent V.Per l 7 - 0411.1:4C TM Sillrl. PEAT EY. lleliCeesport. AD.IOIIILVED OUPIFIANW COURT El A.L.E.. By 'trine of to order of the I'ephass • Coon of A Ilegh.o• Coonty. dated Ibe 13th del of Oct. , nee, 1159. there oil' be r 5 '0 Conti< role at ch. Court Hon. lock. Cite of "Manure h, on itatnrdty the 6th day of ALVIIInaIt, A. D . 1569.5010 0 , 40. k, A. S.. Me following deecri b. ad Droner. of IIII•VT111AJd /1/I.ll.deceaserl...: All that two cert.. we. ow Waal. la the Ma le •nty.dlyteton of fore( Town of Breda... Yield. In the county 'd, as lard tby ' Jaen. H. 01Pree. a plan renareof h doll r ecord'et IA PISA Beal, Toll 3, pa.g, .15 . L of ,14 Ade ar.r.ld'ir.:7.lol:::i, ::!..' `,•."0:.1rTno". 1 1 t•enle-lire sod one hundred ono twenty... fronting twenty fe e .eh on T•lnot trot, by one hundred and tee het d•. p each. to to o ley, .d tr. tug Ms . SA, lots which A. ki. K 1 ler sr d wile, by th eir Seed 45(04 Aug.% 30th. 1104. and recorded In the ofilre for [h. record. g of Grade in d for he • wool yof A Ileghens. In t.,..a Boo k, vol. 0 01, pal" ( WO. 15.ottt.d I t dd 0[0. .1" d to 5 lardt Hrome. and wh eh the said Vrank Keats. and Illarga... ht. wife, be their deed dat d the 94.5 uay if Amman A. IL. 1566, d' t recorded In Me .IDs. aforesaid In Deed Book. rot. 106 WO 564. i n and conveyed to O h. 0 Kattki. held . Sold pram" ites hart. aow Kory Maw deviling boa. of fear to-nys al eci .1 tbertOn. 11 IN lITITTI I MOHR, [Late Kenn...3 6l dt ♦dmhls a If Katthlse Yald, dr e•dS. I at 144 ' 7"." -------.----.—.— OREM ANS , CO RT SALE OF gEAL EEET.S.TE. N SOUTH PITTSBURCH By yhttle or the prooeedinge of he orpbese• Court at Alk eouoty. theu^deresoeff.e adeolatstrator or the .tate of Attu lie ff esued, will offer et petite sale oo Ittepresole.P,o of October, the t th de •I l 9 o'clock A. 9 , all that Pelf awl' of lot of lot.nd, No. 91 In Corlett. Ihmscs Allegheny In boo th Pletsbanfa. county of am. askl. r. carded In PI. go dt 901. 4t. port pegs 265. to ItecordeCe odic@ of geld wan ly, bounden and d.onbed sags lows: Cond.. , log on kl.oretreet. at l.c.'s.. of lot No, 11 In talopl.. than. i•nding outwardly alone the gootb•rn It. of. sole Manor .fceet outwardly feet to corona of lot No. 99 In sold pl.. thence le • south worthy goat the 11. eald lot forty..a , fee ten ro an uhalf Inches to ol lco of eald .et- theoce peattrard•y 1 peer. not to live of lot No. ft afar. geld. thruce along the floe of pad lot In • nortanare y direction furty-100 feet a' d eve • Ighta lath a, miaow eaccet, lbe of been 'la 'gems made too.. ea day placeso e. " o. "P Ikuow A L. orT:plicgtf allele. StOr of none MeDovral nItPIIANEJ COURT BALE—R) elytoe of cc •Itat order of 1.1 Ifrpb.s , Loon rf Allegheny ell: etpos• at pothlle tale. fl ate tdooll." an d Thursday, 28th Day of Ottobrr, 1869, 10o•eloek a. 11., the noDOtelon deneethed real auto bounden .;isLate o ove lfrwczatld rucdr.:-32..iND to a t of lota 1•14 out try George Breed, ad beteg part+ of °VT LOT NO. LON In the ENT, tr • rt. term, of ate: Wm-third cab In had on the ooeermetioe, of tithe and elotam ot deed the lame one wont. o yeas, eeeureerhy bond Id bort/rase on he I od—the parchaer to pay the hood and nuj i rt . irgik, imio. t.= tertauunatsalows. 111:31312 - U. fl. 1.11./1...13 0,71C11. W. D. at Deune3l•...._ Perrsau.a. rreto.r t 9 b . Isola Turing IS TO GIVE NOTICE that ou thy laza day of tat 0... A. D. Me, • arrant la Dultrupta lasurel tau L.tale of X., or Alieaboal 0107. le lb. Coantir .of illearrour. and Ulato of arras las adjueged a ravt oa sou prtllloar lb the paymret Cl det. an 4 4atleorf ltay.p.P.tY holootr las to math Itautnagrt ory to atm or war al. bye. .4 the await. of soy prose-Ity alm are for bald. Ityrlavvi that • If eetlog of ..vat.. of um yal4 naaltropt. to prove thetr Minas. of hLieute. ' llVelerrat °' •t :‘,14.. "Ow orate of u tbe Dertmly_ ,r No. 99 D. - ..4 Strint. Pttsburgb. ten. e 11.1WUSL HAW. rglt, Hoglater. no 911.311711 DAT.O7 1011•1919L0. L. 0:101119, atre • Wei A. 0. A. 11119.4.11. or= U. a. sa WIIER FA souvrrEss OF AD. mINISTAATIOId having beearni.d tho andsminned on the come of wirlS ART, tat. of CM snare town tp. /Amy emote . Pa.. Qeot ated. 6A...0w. indent. Z.; Uss ' snliii; L :1 :O . : OT , 1:- .Eads ..../11:az Me estate z i l i t , r t .zd decedent JAlitfitA. PAW:HT. 4.lelsrM!, or A. U. WIIMON. Ai MUMMA .t ent. Pittsburgh, Pa.. Administrators se skliti F I STATE OF P1,111111.E1l DP t UnCEASlCD.—ltrotine Is besets, 3or a us. if adattitstrallos o. die et U. PS.• Ihn IslnAdtin ased.har• been [rented W WIA. I liam Mods. All toned. therefore savig ilrts Annsnd•Odalaalt the ens TOf sat 4 nt sre e ,ilsotte4 tash• mats It et Adstleistra . or, Corner find and Lamm street burst.. STATE Of MUM M, MARK q DU fitne T •tico."::r b ': pe numair eltll,ll wIyA t, UK new . me for raiment. a w l tono la 4 anad t zit t y1.1!"" o. God wee., Plttabargb, 100TICE, —AU persons are to...svcrinrsn.rAnn.VerfellY. baud. Matti ,5 , 4 Eat. amall Halm VlltiOut Ga., hal Ms hod zed bow 4. 11.... band sr .11 .01 be Irttpop.ll.,-;:o 011. ineurrad 07 O. acUICK 1113 1 ;n6 October SS, 11419. PBOFEBSIONAL • WILLIAM P. ROBB, NOTAIII Kin 0 IND 00.1101E131011111 Deeds for ell the Ht.:tie.. No. 149 FOurth Avenue PA. Promo euerUul •111 b 1 1.. to the Matta( of DepoeLUsu. Whets a Coalswiegiiieis PIMA. leader kb einalal sal that ea bistro swat of writing hes been mooted before D testis swig or neerwidril la say other Mate without (nether inttheattaigion. ode G • w. CAMP, ATfOUIEV AND COUNIMON AT UM. oma.. 210. LIR 1112.1111711 ADLER!, rt - 1, Wormatif oamita u rd.t . ° Is Qs note !Apia... sod .21 iil l Owls af Aliegkea7 . - jraallty, lad nuke collo. tloo. to moat or uoraoloonostcautfes. 1 21 WEL B. BEEPER, AIDII . I,IILAZ AND LW A TAEo acrettai OFFICS.'B9 Fl7ll AVENUE. ftedJ , attEinSAM shin to aW•ll7smelag.• = l nn = " targlV.d.a m'' Vr= lad .011111Stie/f. 1.. :I .. AN -1 Ita.OMS• hunks Ins Prom awl Palm Now usta. Ogee TBSIST. Appalls (*mobAta um 71511 PA. Del bO s. sad a .`1,47;1 JOHN A. 81111 AN, AT..l2PilatlWir. 0 of 07 MI PLAN AM ItAOISTIOA277. 0001.1101 amemil:734:lr, 40.7210, Pituba Y. Deeds, Boa , k on. a. aziogra Pwritloas 10) &WPM liiil=loll walk AlUnn/A 1,11 ) iIUIMUIMr, mi. innnt.sinexcr ==za VIOAL AND OO 011111 LBS L HERON, I--,' 3 Yovgidogbeax ud Conefiddle Cud, Ana imittootom sr COIL, sLACI AID OFBULPIIIIIISED COI!. OINICIi AND TARO. barber Ul Oulu awl Moue stmt. Lamm so& mer strotts. .NNW wardLA'so trawl swum Algot& vrammi. sad a& fool or Mao saw/. & a,. >< N. Dant. mowl weld. - Organ men absillm at CIO SIMS otle•A a AA. Om to or tluvagb PUUbergb P. U.. will ruk. erkkl.rolat t • WNV o .74' s l l",.p.a — Mirgriat,7 7 4. NT A up... ' butcluil. ascepbamos & 1815aut • ra 11=I: "me rdati Na. le toa s tot. qoe= 2.410: 7 7 . 14114r i f. PAl • otrurYlvaall i. Gvoats oAw... CO/AM INCLSON, 812 WART Itsvag Mined tkiiirenet to NO. 567 LIBERTY STREET, Mak* 1A1:1 riga icau mom) ILOCCL ari I WaeCIMME G M IE rs ° A G M tr= SOS .sus. "" -- weza.. PAPERS. CanaL) LEGIAINT PAP= HANGINGS. inazibefed Unto taper . :re rona= AV lardattv it VIIII3, /21141. TAP t r. WII. toas "VATINI"'arLu, b. Amid Canaan la . Nor isU is& W. P. DIAIMEAWS NNW WALL PAPER non, 191 Liberty &rag. TVCCOIRATIONIk-Is Wood, 1.1 II No _La=Sous Orr WAAL ear Cel.oll et Mom% thus,. a... el Me. WI satkoSnis.h • - tar JwsPn Z. nuance • aco. IFAMPGO GOLD PIPEMI for T ro yrs. sixe.lo.o. r.tt~.Lpy~~~4 ROMA BM". ORDINANCES A i ORDINANCE Crop.* Del 7y • %ley, from Tame! W Chatham Street. sir. I. B. U Salve and eanefol by Me Vity 41 "Ittebtvyh, to Sae. lad ttontosno Connell/ aseeme/a4 astell4 is hereby ordahrten oad moot ed by lA. oaf/welly mow That the CAT Loglne, Be and he Is erne] authorised and dtreeted to sort.] sod open DechY • • 0.1. from T n. lot Chatham street. Went, fest In Steno. •d tn •onral,e daemers and assess honed. •0••td. •• [Mon. Fourth ward. Jam. Iraq, c^tl ward. . Bre hereby aopennteo la ace....rdanec onth •n •ct of Au mhl7. •DP•d” d Januar, 6111,41 11.64 Athwart. of Po r 1 ordl• SI. 1 .n Ine and the maser Is ... tar as " kbe same affee‘• Ulla or- = dtaanco. .rdalned and rnactrd In'o law In Council.. 01[ 6116th day of trctoner, A. D. lilo9. I . tilt ,, Pll. l'rcal.letti pro torn detect Lonnoll• •IPeat: t. n. clerk of Select Council. W. A. To!...LINISOIC. Prealdrot of Outomon Connell. Attest: H. 111Clianian. (lora of t °lnman ('ouncli. AN ORDINANCE =seam lb. aemwa al Wylie .creel. Wylie Notrwea Eanaa•laa sad Daaesas Rtreet, and tireelaabars Pike awl rend Navel. SiccrtOn I. Be et ordetuoi tout mad. by Om Ouy Pteteberyk , Y.. trod (lommon etts ostecedied mad tt fa Seedy sedai.a susd sodded by a uthority of 416 t nose. Tn. Ms sums .4 Myna: street, WO. street •1 ano Dow. street , be changed to Wylie oven.; reet and toe sem. of Greco, Mtry ells mid Penn .cbso red to Ts n ac m• Soc. S. That day ord.:mace or port of ordi• tunas at odd the passage of %Ms ordi nance at the premed time, be nod the ..me in hereby repealed so far es the some affects thin or- dloance. Ordained mid enacted into • law In tab SUM oay or uctolier. rrealdeot pr• it of Paled. Council. ittlestf K. M. Winnow, Clerk of emect , lio . o: . l. xtiNsow. President of Common Connell rettan• H. licklenree. Clerk of Lommon CoenelL ee9 A N ORDINANCE OZ Construction of a Pls.& Wolk es North sad* of iiirosaabooo T Otto. fiscrion t. ds ft oblednolnod evaded On Oa Othr of PlftrOarndi. to noire n0e1001.11140 11 1 001•11. • obis annotated. and is handy ay.:thud owl 1(1.• etobd orfnority of the same. . l tot the ("117 ' beer ltn be authorised sad Oubeked told Teftl•O pro. for a.* nototritooloo of • play en 500 north side of ihe Ocean...rig T a ernpike. from Negby fitgley tsar. ad .0 iet tn• sante la sew...lane* with nowt( •aaainnly and City Ordinanoe. provtd,nd for. Bs, S. That Say rdloaad Part of on" aratairtiaa vrttla the Pats•.. 0 , this ord &aura at trta prey. at ttra, aad the same I bersay re pealed to far as au same aff\cta this • dinars., Urd•lned acid matted Into • law la Connell oullBth dar ot Ocroorc A. 0.1 960 A. 06025, rte•larnt ar. , tem of itni..ct Comuctl. n. lactunow Cluck or aclect eonnell. P.. A. TrAftlarttOla. Prtsiticut of Cossourn Council. •Itcat. P. Mr It•urtn. Clark or I..onruiOn Council. A N ORDLN•NCE 6tr"" au-now 1 H. U ordainad awl waded by tha CU. Pleryanryb, 8./..1 mad Calaaum Ovorsy. eta abanalded ay. is lome.b. b•dallodal and thy Ln!rntr :a sad n!lifasseb7,asabror.zed hat 'ie an. b, and . p e a taftbargar ey. from nlita n•ense ba iaa rry alit.. to a width of toothy llb0)5..1 and to award dummy. and Jam. be rd. unaed thereby. Janus rut, D. Kelley d -.wart IL Watson are banal Op- Palabyd to laboardbau 'YUJI Labs of Abbsonbly =o btains kabla , Sac. ba Tbat any sc. at WI callb• manes °outlast., vll• the =7 %Pl . :111 ' 10 5 7:r aUrlegeb. ordained sad cozened Into in • tide SA.. der at tectober. A.. D. 11. Meg. OWES. President pro Ism of Sews Connell- Attests Y. n loontoer, ()tern of Seises Cosseil• JOHN DAILTOIk Pr.:widest pro tea of Cosmos COM. , Allem U. Molleer Cie t of Common Coastal. A N ORDINAMIPE tirsalbillskloss Me 1 IMO b 0 UN) Semlb wad 'veins woo, o z:cpcsk4 . l . l k itztai .A. V.V=l l ftehreeflerstt et fa beeeht, srdatisal s eu 0.41 frt . : • r 1.1 gd";erellth hale ke se. 11. botmess the old MA X • . ors Sec. 11. That Au anAsssososar wt.:A . o.4am.* !were; ver put. so Real the same affeelstblePralsafthe Ores.. sod enact. Intl I SA. CosAsSla, {bas saa as? of ocsoost • 1 0 n l 16 liklen. PI/wasps aro tern A. of be Coasisil. 411"1 ' tsa l t V a raCes T!'.11.11111.11SON. li Antleot e Comm. Comsell. i""' &t of Comm. Cousett. sel? A N ORDINANCE Msuriass Ike 421414111 et Demos ..14.14 Eros Alesson M DiswillossaSassd. lac. 1. De 0 orderfal ad dada arael Maas Da.001• ta My= ad is hater enabled ad ataxia a' tiletaw Tat aa IMOD' of ...- ea h at be DO ca 08.4 00 to sake • sallow gry. Al= a I:A. a :ajar witne 00.01VrIrd: ordbace as maga Um, to - and alas 1. away a peard a. la i• .a to area. tha 0.41010 a 0.401004 admuted Ina a law a Coada tW fala da 1. atoba A. D. WM A.. H. WHOM randat orate. of Baal email. Alma: L ta Iluaoll, Clerk of Select (Waal. W. A. TuIILIDSON, President of Cavan ananelL 110.1.1! H. 11.11•000.. Casa of Comma Canal. oar FLOU 101VITICE TO FLOUR DEALERS iT■ LND ALLY lIND TraNICSaaL WHILLT, parebeeed la flltrana Parea. Weal sad Coe" a oonetlen Indiana. "Ible PM Of Urbino Le rbe my best t. be found and maned surfaired by any bp W . United Breton We nave ideo dabbed oar babroemeate In Iffsehnuop. Batumi MD. end Cooped Drodan and are noa prefared to roman the bona roar be lava Dada for too yearn at pekoe teat del) corapaltion as Use sante need. ef IL W. ILICIIIVICDT • SAO.. Paul Siam la% .111towlway. Sopt•aber IA MIL FLOOR I /MAUR I _XISNWII• lAEA= MAIM ___ igtagWirOTCLl TAIMP MIA ft?. Wl:mu , ISO Obts Ited I.llllbbblig CHOICZ IDIPII7III. WO tag R l ivera& ei MU WIllt• Bar, 6011 DW. Mar :it ' ll% WV Ta:tu k. w oi tie AlagleaderAlL .0 Ws low Qat a r be twooght ISlmes the Wart. I CM /TS sad 114 W e Wok. I:90;11 frackuss Stone Woe," SoritiressoonnoorWassCkasar AnotS= MIMI &VITAS . = & CO. Etwoutad or more. g.■ Oen or0:11= 9 tow& Hood - 2= 3, to. vaarroMl LOAN. MONET T J LOAN.-420 000 to loan as Bead •u 0 Manage la large THOMAS 1.. nrrrr MD, Bond sad led piala arta.. M==!= 2 l CALL AND SEE 1311 China Seta, Parlan Statuette, Vow sadPooorAftlates. Wow impostor far Um Wall 117•041. Itt H. RIGBY & COS., Not 189 MOM MEM 11 B.—A Woo taiorloval of IflnG Whits Bruits Wm tor fsoatf 00 0 oo ham. TIOSSOLVTION OP CO-PAST- A- 0 1 , 1111111111% Tloo sortoarollo heretofore exlstls/1 Woe Um woo of D 4750115 KOIIIISTIL Mott 1115 Poop Maces, 51 ilros ctrl • elttsbvib, tru alsoolotel by to death of Moo Roberts. you V, ties. Tt• booboo of Al late inning to olit goo by Q. mottles partner. 111CMA5 005, whole octborlsed to collect 511 eiatise4so IS. am es ova to I eta. VI elan split Its •5115. All posano who now tliss .4 co Um WA b wttl Vague mks tisissalate osprun,l. andAtal, lhose •bo • slew stshii4 prr 0" "'Wm". 'Um:. fo HQ AlA au VAG N . ()mos.& 5515505, oetsratioT tuatara. • RADS AND . FASHIONABLE CONFECTIONS POE PRESENTS. 1111 11:DZIIAL ITITSICT. KEYSTONE POTTERY. 'l-14 11 Ili I 1. 0 TOWN PECK, OEINFAMESITAL M r RA wouxru AND r1131331[1a. /la 03 Xaftel amt. 11 dele • eol3. • ...Cy . .1104 ca ea ' Sass= Gestiesso , 4 Uat Ci 003311 0.04 istbosasem. 10tim.... , 001 (ZED. B. MILTENBEBOICS, WWI AGIST 10* amass 'swims trATBS nava = DB. ANDBEW DAWNS% . aniasair PICTECIAIE Cons Sll maser of diaries 4144 tXO strlB22 It *11141.0,10. Ones N0..N1 rens Amu Otea Was boa t tIII 111 A. V. sod tress • Dews" • MEM::Z THE IRON GUY muruAL :LIFE INSURANCE CO. Of ott svlvania. Otee, 75 Federal St, Allegheny City DIM.S.CI . O IIII Hon. JAMEY, L. BRATiAIa, 800. J. 11. Cl. Patli,D. D., Capt. V. ROBINnon. rtVe Alleartenf Trost Co. JACOB RUS_,II Real Itstste Arent., BIBION Mayor of AllennenT• 7. - AfLllat l o i ge;fll-L•le PATS .10TOE/ILE. Insurance Anent. Jeep'. VIDT. 051N.103, Pressdolat. J. CLA ILK , D, Vies .1•0013 RUSH, fleerotary, 0. W. BICJIINY. Tram...nor. X 001 C At. •orusza. DARIEL SVIOGFX. WeAgellt, IDOL Is • boroecomosor.nooductrd on the Eon tnal principle, neon none/ bolder recelrton gar i t trbe",.l:dr:l".ird..".V.'",?.-‘7,......, .10 Insurance, and beta, conducted on an econcord naool boats *AB afford • safe investment to earl I .er bolder. and tbenebY tale bonze lo •-bcyornite borne Industry. solffe:P. paNiIiffTLVM.N I A INSINYANCE COMPANY Of PIITTEBURMIO ONTICK. 80.. 1514 WOOD ISTBEZT. BAAI Ot OUYIDDLCII. LD,II.DINO. TILL D a Dome Company, and Du.. aawfw“ lOD_lnqino exeluitlVlNlT. LC.WCt.NA3°RI W &WLIUV rreadent . VLlA,7retntr. WY. tkerewl. DIJIJCIoad: 1 trorni& .W. ge ea ar(kilr. Jilawre J. C. 1.pp... Jacob Painter. Jy.cLsr,=, ir DMA.. J.. Jaunts. T. WM INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS NY rr.rts. MNRUII lIISLOLUICE CO. OF PHOADELPIOA. 017102. 4 = • 431 CIEUI:Mi;n. BT—sear VOL Druerara. g• Busk.. I Mordecai, H. Lonla D.td SAlrcnra, Onisneltsat, ir.dwa*. Jacob fM/Cil ItTNI4. II . PrmiLit. Wit C. .1 1 ) 4, t ) 4. Presl4l:- ... Ilarth W. 4 1, comer ri nati Wart= 5ad2,,,11 e mia INSURANCE COMPANY PFEEL&2I II I 13IIELDING. 'WM .11V•mlaS. Bacolod Floor. PIITISBUILEI H. PA. Capital .A-11. Paid Op. DIALCTuIt.A. b. Ask. ULU, S. bl• tl Clark. WtUock J. It JsO. P. .1124.1Na8. ytcalVes - Idenc. Jod. T. JOHAISTuN, eleAreutT. Cap , It J. GILAXT., Instireo on Liberal Tema on MI win and Milne ELM. Whoa M ANT TEIGIBI 11 1 1 1 817114INCE CAM- P. RIUBIBT. tl WT. 00/13011 YUMA itcocent Agell. M • oe. 92 Wow mut. Vane • 00. 'a Ws.. M? . ctairo4=Ma. a rim Ms Etas. ♦ boom lattlutVlos. ovutogoti by IX ablobo sr well ki3ol/31 eotZooltY. be dotermtot4 promptants Ltbar• silty to =Mots ebotactot ob.tel to We yge, sislll4l2l the best gootatttte to Mr trbo dubs to to tome& MR ". w glade% Alessadral. M.ll. NATIONAJL INSURANCE COMPANY,: Cu. federal U. Ind Diunid, Ofßoa N.Tx 1/* SECOND NATIONAL RANI SITILLIII W. y r MARTIN ) PL1119 13 1. AIN. , 111)601Z BecrcUrf . Drum - Mug: Jno. 0.15 PWfillaatslino. Tlkompornal I. Ileliang.Uff 101illEOPLEV VINVUAIrIy T.R4. OM". I. 1. 00.101131WQ0DAI MTH OM • Hasa OnapannotaXia d PM and Marina mama wa. Marps, irtri Mtn G. H. Lerr.. 11. V. Kirk, Jared M. EM, arsne 7 l . l= lL M2s Joao D. Verner JO W. F. OLIO , EX. tre,....te LE N EN 111 EVEWWIIMBASCZ ouxrAY MIMS _. Mira MUSH ISTIZZT.GAnz NUM& spina all kind* al llse earl Mane flake. ITHIMItiti; C=e3l. G. G. DONWILI.I.neere• tan. CALPT. WY. DIAN. Ehnen! Assay J.irtt j's a. (lA,llra 1,:w1 Merin Hay, awn Dom A. L. Fahnence.l W. 11.-6•wm0.,. Roert . Davl.l.l frabuds H Se llers, mot. 4, T.U35.X.0.1.• T. H. Has4n. PROPOSALS A LLEGHENY N CO.. WORIL BOUe . pa ale .111 be mewled no 1111Corember 30. • at the entre or tae heard ol lassencre, Huth street. for widening 3.00. LOCUST rosni. • wet lost a al nem oso 'notes Mete r. a."oicoOrd="l/41,2111r4"aaj.°"' P. 00019 u wit). STSWEISPCKIII, Secretary. 13nOPOSALS WILL RE RE. .1 celled 0.1/1 looday, November •IA at ltirtleek II Tor the carpenter wort and tor She Inlet and atom wore arse Central B igh School plans sod riarcidestlonr sum bees attar! slam of Barr kap No. 11 Matti meet. ahem .11 sooruur uslormarl i .Bib 1011. a =r f oir d , ..o c =ft I s. ia o :gles of le Central By order alas lesildlsCarassitaro. SOWN L 118110Elirt. oer3 liecretary or C. 5. of 14sesilos paarossul 14111 rocelvedal thaltattneerslate Ottta PITTBnOROB •1t IMP lelOlJ bV11..1.11 1L11,41. ieooo CONIP.IIIT Tll 1 SoUstild CURL. =MIL /LH D. noel. the Ist of November, 111011 lorloaltro,C 011PTLYINO , T111. CHOW TIRO for the co re lla• of aro.* SD so not labium ► froatooor wne , bviiie tonal? Comb-alas_ .4 Th 4 lament of earn emu els w meet; het terrace* elosoweende. Tateknote and dallolot4 otl two opposite aid , " to tot Los tema I 1 .0 1 4 tossup eurinea oaf of *lot audition? tart, mach all, be shaved tif. Aped of tuattm of liblit tidy Rock- Ottot or Chogiont. gonad 424 ham • l shako br other delta.. T Cow hom of Ooliverr..thnottiltatrlp on Ito mA sod salmon two half • mite *P.M allow. 104 annul will want Reran lad rum 101 5111og which will ta done oltornato craw Wort 4 alma% lOU la each p le. PITPUNOIrII who own plivtial%Niv,urrurvaltwr. inoe.arzt..axglarlintu;N:! dad novo for ride mirk*. Thayer lob. oat caws Oa cop la out. =4 adaly.ly to 0. Ma. MOOMO Oa or Info:. 4.llarr Ist, 1150, and *cottoned oath all deliver 4; a. 1.011..... 10 / Tor the tra 10 mile from Eisler .nd of the rain it i mir i te e rsi k lll4 or or .tetalte load, * l va ler/ word Oa oil /414 latitn Mar. ad 1.1 at Jima Loth •aritsl.4 bra= o‘4l, anlll tante notiter Am el tole onim•tes of Crowe tr delivered oo Ito coal will be Wen: fons4lllll of Um imarunal I lnarealalatat 4 :MO Cati alph arolg orilie Arrant.. LATEOBT. • Met 114µ1oo0. C=l:3 units crer limns*lsmorsina. I Pituoprin, pa. HT, /WM t riCE.—The.Auesilmeiat fez - WM Val= %%P it ' A itiat' iisticiaosil w ailli b. , iann at :Ws wail :ANL.% a Um 144 Trltatr h u . •11 eillai ***. nr,..i.i . , loalmt. aiSlailll H. J. KOH= Hay Bilislases. ii Cm' ittarsiran AusiSISKS cnrr, rA.% ma as. NOTICE.—Th• suiessment taxi landing. ot SARAH tenet. frost Hata' Anson to oft:, notit. AAA also air tAo Small sad pawls' of DIVENZ &les, /10.110• Mid? t2f eZe 111110141. M. 004 an 00 lola Y. the sae* CIO 1441,Warfeth Bahrein. fiber BOA 186111... inter they vlll to placed Is the bands of City ' Ilessarer for collection. oeman Or mai ar Crrr gacirftsz Aggleraara rtrissusoai Oct.' SRL & MON—The aseessment toy g oing.r.Tus aad Cirbiartar AMT. MA. Mules to Xllterrbergerdt.,la pow ready Ira esairatit and cra . rte Wade arillbitrierluilad trerea'Tgaldrar'%oaryr rteneegaa. ocittefff- , 11. a.moosz. Citf turtmorr. Iris f.'", irini:ll rip SIMMERS* , *mow fts Ritrtps swab. Irk= X. 4 1 d a t m 4 Cumusrual pi l ia Weatl e f i rt . lirj 43 ua, =01.1,__,,.; MOM smi k b:7' . I AII. 1 froottat.'.ll,o47.e.'"'6l - ootz . _ z . • v !aarts.l!”,* Vea 11, 6 =l=3Mi Lied 00 mu l e; Clan ,also, IliVber, t . 1.0 oemettal 41. amyl& ic ripct r twoj ju g Mr. atree . ACAL' " Es it=a9. 3li SEESTEN CIS AND BATTENS: • *MOWN COTTON MILLS PlTrggjlYiQll. uummnnaKpaimWitaigmub. aiusos sza ammoua MICD SaTrUNI. AJAUSgridENTB EVI OPERA HOUSE. 11== 11010, • Kr. mod b rst. RA UN EY IPII LI I I *IL Ttll , ILSD o ININ sdU "T r,,, a s`l7,'`%l'. %I! '1%7! ...Ire • • Mr Fume) 1111Ilame. In orokh c utA lisra , t.r no. w 3.1 sico •• My h. MY. I mut "1.% Jlr. • *. o b•• or ''''''''' '' cvc ' Barney Wrlianit. COT Jernims 1,1•, " •'. r e " •t l a e.go.Tnveler." stoLiance s/a -Jed. Rrur fit .f Mr.and WMASONIC HALL. SIGNOR BLITZ ►ARLRELL YIRFORM•Nt TUC HSDAY. ILVCNING , rtrltAY , t AND BATIMDLY It•NU lIATISSI3IT YRIUAT and DATUM PA AT 3. Pays of the kite. Ventrl Lest lleH ui Ihe tf,e.t all•gician: Last 1./an of the Learn . •uart. el Last Days of ttut Burin,. Idle trO,I •Jralselon. 50 tenet: children, 93 cent } nlet• eta, lan •n• IS cent. tgrACADESIT OF MUSIC PEOF. BITFUS enema.. Of paß.dalpal► will ia. .other oar at WI it.v.A DIN G Friday Evening, October 29th. E=l To be bad.l at llor Iloene •a A leb4 I Barr, Ante •Me kla.ttler, 5. A. , Clarke & t noe. t loan a In. Door poen . as is commence at tl o'el. ok • e.:ata IarVITTEIBURGH THEATRE. H. IV. WILLIAM.. Isola Lem... SO NM HT. the tamale Illttetret Seel, .he ntonfl[l.l.lll. ..ABBY Tot tt.e Y, eat NVItIL IJ/PILZ, sad Hie great Scar Consondoloo. flurnedll Ha:We. on naltnedsy. •dadoston to Matinee, 516 cents. Mo. rafillreil I uelle of Wee Viols Callon. 13111111GFgIR EIIP • WILL OPILII 10411611 t IN THIN CRUNCH• Cathedral Naiad la aateadance. rgrVEFTII AVENUE ELALLIt..- No. NI MU 6111111120. opptelle the Opera Hoar ruub.nrb. re, le the coolest .ltd most We place of reeorta. Lepton , C. WAWA et We place I've and hood. TOO /311/terd Rooms am ow the cemod floor la the rest. BILLIARDS, 1N17317..1 BVIL.D1301) 68 Smithfield Street, • romnetly accepted by 'Mrs S. Kennenty.V Cat been teased fos a berm of pears Or GEORGE 11. BENNFTT, And Fitted Up In the Best Manner WILLLIM DODDS, Diasagey FIVE NEW TABLES, =1 BILLIARD HALL. The Bar Is Stocked IDEMEEI BEST OF LIQUORS AND was. - ;t:`ll . )T4, _r -, — 7l ~..w . , .. , A..... ,-....-..:-,--. ~. p a , - 604STITUTion i 4 e ti, est, 7:00 ‘,el - i;t1" U S f.- A 'PERFECT CURE For Dytepsia, Fever and Ague;Aeh l dity of the Stomach, Loss of Apittrtc4 Nausea, Hea-r.burn, jaundice., and' &enema from a &ordered Otan, of the Stornaco, Liver or Intestirum rrrparii4 by SEWA BENTIA I A CIIPSEY liruggiste, ti V. bY 611 DrNiglat" . . wioissas r isvaI.—SCHWASTIS HA AN OLD ESTM!=Mi/D CONFECTIONERY IN A NEW PLACE. F. A. AWASH & BEMMER MTM=:=;ai Na 24 Sixth Street, • (Ma St. Olter.• Where they bill Weer to Mete Men bosmisb rmirariaarAviramenAittoocta ILCTIANS. astern make. ar Altelent and acceobsodlons ask= be Iband Of Re. bebettm best of hen MIMI. embers .tabOts al. melte* its well weedle. Tbs. .ffbe. . übblbbeia. mill be la - the 9. 3 Z.Pteet =Meer, at Mir bid nob. bribiell pH/4EIE3IM LIST. 1889, AP , . PLICASIO,II4to aellilanors,lhed ht Met . . unlcal . 0 . Plitaborgh. , • v.., , War R. Maly. tams. 6th ward; ' .:.". Y. Hirt, , razing home, Tab ward; - . • F. Whalen... ores, Slat ward. AlutitteßY. , .. Web.: liana. Wren 4th .arell , 4 &ha Tandeattan i r i Qr • ard. .. reap* , Wel tram Wenn Blnalhannt.; • Lath Holland. Semen Lail; JOll3 UMW.Worm, TrintormilatTD ll6 ' • Towmetps. Etal. Hoffman. MU , thens,lll6llht . „,,,, Rom la.kn i VA fez . .irf.4it. „. pa the Ilith tant-htlto . A. X. .lINO. 1.1. BROWN, Clahn cetS .188VISID 211111 DAY. LIPPINCOTT'S THIS itOVI2II3ERSOMBRIL 11th 1110 Fin Ingrath , pok:. cox tinanto • SIXTEEN INTENESTING-ARTIOLEV. carp. sou at ell the pool sae ere gre4frars, THO 7 attn.:AlWA:as, $4. agave Sisielere: - - el• 4. ISPLCULL PRZIIIIIII—The *embers arLiftah. couVellesemotoe Seal WO, MoeJell'. wawa tar teen aggegeteeeeteat of Sr. Trelagon *ream tour bolos , lea to sal party 11e1 . .0111 asessnottee. 44 . 4.110a= %ores gar 1170. b e t. ergrtlll. LtZagall elbegumer. withlteedev Vagnistore $4,40 per mous; •Idtta 0 Wards fot • • - • Yeses. WOO. , • sci tr. Manaus, .m.b Preedia Ltd. sezot way agletni • Mod. oa klngizak. .Z. T.IPPVICOTT A Clt..Tehtlobere, , 111 god ligalge”treat. Ytalairearew ROCIt. THE BABY.: RARNIIOI I III , ATEPST EMAN & WEISE: erneitesirmidtarthe litirovanteraww--- - war. Tw i t, toeslataU smairlairatiClP. i' TRACE MARK . I :. .:-.. DMIIIIIRt: ''' . .., ... , STEMS. WHOP - LAMP CHIMNEYS. „I; CIIMILVI DAVI% City Lstheta • kLPERT KOHLICR,, /14.- eat DONUTS la BOOM Mama ii - D -•c h irrinak-aw 3 Martel stmt.-Me. Etwes tettemeM Wm*. :• W ' br o g E=au We en Dow A.4 . .. 0 • s.• sad noes for memo r o XV= Oral i 1 01 1 1A' =IL« =Zum, 1.0011.• woes of suseeetag awe - oete% we eau be safe fa wasfeaUae our aNmaaxataUD fll salaams few abe " " attfNt 'A.INTJ'an4II=I:I4 eatoal IS Matta sweet rttiabelaa.po.F:, ea limas. TlOlllOllll, VIZIER% All and &vast astrattlosue min 41 Caton - see belin daily maw ly 31.1113 As CO.. al - no 1 . 11191.4p1as Casale . - grassy. 931 Aral It., Plandelpiga. Os Wain catnip cannot Int. 11631 as 89,,Clarhost1, cages. TastrenslAn, and art Cotter Aistidotn, nost inge l3l l. ..Sallita.kasys Is fin eintll9l: 999 ‘e ....- Tbsy Ara 11l safstass, slang dole Tha l smour.. ! wstm.:ll4PPr., wren by *Anson suntan .01. 1 !" 1 . • !' ' other nerocesbans Len aatastes. 90.04 Insuogirtgoildba toed. 301 8913, "/" .1 1 or Sadness siabove. °C14.171* magi fellalAb FII/13 ETAdt/fOriElitit IDPIG.-YefTIMI. AIL spuds , - easaisicusairmu; ItoNoORAMII. MUM namipplATurs at, omen by mail Nam wmgWlNniUmi• ibr sumples. was itanstustaa,,giwito, R i} ~~ WM 61 CENCI
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