THE TrAitY IiAZETIF rciLtalnstextt- PEidNitilAN, REED & CD., Office; 84 and 86 Fifth Avenue. P. E. PENNIMAN, JOSIAH KING. T. P. HOUBTON, ,8. P REED, Pnorrarroes. TIEUAIIi DAILY By cflatl, prrjexr Dell.. rr4l trr ram era, per 'reek ..•• ..... • gittsttunA etkettt. Pl.TuoLatiii at AntwatP. Ggifr B...floncia at Frankfort, 87; GOLD closed In New York yesterday at 1303. - IDIOM STATE ITEMS. Tug malt of the Brooks case In Phil adelphia Is regarded as "an unexpected triumph of justice." EtiwArtn M. PAYSON, a well-known and able lawyer of lbsiladelphia, has been appointed - by Governor Geary to the Judgeship made : TA:ant Ityqduchge, *Stew. ab:r'a resignation. Tux safe in the station house at New Wow:4llrd, on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, was broken oleo by burglars on the night of the 214, but forttifngleis r. Net; the , agent, bad taken ifie money contenta hornertrith Tun leather/ onrettallen county NM hold their Institute In Venango City, commencing on November Bth. State Superintendent Wlekerahann Superinten dent Daleand other County Superinten dents will be present. About Vai teach!. era are expected to be In attendance. Tan Pennsylvania Railroad Company is now building an immense grain receiv er on the banks of, the Schuylkill, above Market street. ,Philadelphia. It is 125 feet wide and 566 feet long, from the bot tom to the roof line la 36 feet, and to the api xof the roof Is 60 feet. The sides are of frame, and will be covered with slate, as will be also die dbof, whfcb in Of 'ten. The bins are 600 I:12 number, and each will contain 550 beabela Tun following changes of postmasters in Pennsylvaraa have Ir.emapprovo:l by Postmaater Venetia" Crest*ell :' Baena Vista, Allegheny county—John Boyd, Jr. vice Alexandettollins, resigned. Mar. gantown, Berke connty—RseJsael Evans, vice D. Springer. resigned. Inlet:hare, Centre county— ' L Milts, vicell. 11. Glenn, retigned. Bloservllle , Ctn. berland county—John Bankle, vice:l3. Alexander, Assigned. %ants Ville. Bean creel cotintyscE. M. B6lock„ vine J. Miller, spdgned. Two. Yining leant of Erie 443 deter. mined tOitava a shank the plettatrenof ontaoor: ; "_'sPorte. oPPPPriltted by the other sex, and Ow pavemot only become;wetter.' eraThs icrogner.; but they have organized a hostOlub, , andr&ntetila plate many aTiensant pull over _the ban- Will bat% that gam -private soiree ransica&WaS recently 'ffivear attihe rims dente oe,ontiof the prominent °Buena of Eric, to Whitt gentleman wercrinvßed. and on whom; a small tax Was leved, be proceedutorghich , era, to-be epplierlin starting Stmt, which `llse,_ among other objects, the valeta; of n annicient sun( to protheses& Inthdiatzte Op boat for the*, genizatl4 above ,Ipoketi ot. Ei PKEtbO3" JOIN:18J. JOllliffBON one Of the new Virginia Senators, is taxman Catholic. Pitmen NAromtozeirPrivate : ..Intretary is a Sfisnini ex - Priest, lib° lett the china to marry handsome Trench ballet. gal. SENATIPX.CSIEDON Will kleßtlo.lo 111 WastituAin this winter. lllri. Mb:Weigh will grace herdistingnished lather's house hold. Tmr. Gem* paitsiii, Who; were so very desirous titat General Bailer' should not attend their State Fair, were extremely anxious . JeR. Pavitietonl49rap. Paxsti• haritt Cast decided not to accept the Presidency of the Mehl • gan University-- Be•flzulaitidifilmait. to detach Winch' from'the lialVdaity of Vermont. Rona= C.; .1 - ntles; who wateovernor Todd'a Secretary whllehe was' Minister to Brazil, and antigen path; loafer* Usao Consul at Aaniidtn l'aragekry,l'• died in Cleveland ott Zelda& Chnt.4lErttctttold 4.reporter,qt tie; waukee paper, the other day, that It Gad•- ever made a antenna., the "interviewing" reporter ispyrslo the , )111trankee man could make peraniad'applihitten °fine stetamcnt If he wanted to. A FRIEND of onertif tit in lilted at the Indiana fair explosion, hearing of the PrePesitieh farm 14e 43 tec.fßWALeef. Ins and patUnfti -iipensea rarrwinr were Inkettitgwie9Manied fart Wenart him with the case et lite deceased an t d urged littn - to give - him a tintrlsouial, for Ms relatives isetivrYaFiVistiltrii ";;ThcAitS*Vanui; RecgilAtters — frottsEgnit anmstAcer thatshis'Amtkillint the naidgatlon of' the Baez gaiihrit.# viatcbtlartenlbrtled, on thelfedlt and Mutts* and that tAlk4prierktnentateam Jklgatei perfo=the bdlstanar letwetat- these two akthepsteorsis and *quieter knots an bottir- alto % asserted that De LesigPS has 4t''lliluttralstetuth the entire lengtlrefilitatual,_ from , Pertillitd. Suez, ansithat;thatearareeks,ahlps der fulhistntrtik. item will, pers from theAdediternanemilo the Red Sec. The ADDlifirTlPVetrares , calFequalltlis very sanguine as *calm. inunahat• bale- Ilts to France that,,wili be' deified hum the oproingrif theTeinal. It II atrial that the - Slirecklradewithindiatind"Ams: tralia , wlllAsereatter be' conducted •In Frenentdisk. The cosintiette.of. 5er4120,000.000 per annum, and ailos aseet Teich *hips carry good; valemrArpAllll"o4;oo.. - The - French goods impd.WWevery. year inlis Aniftalii are estimutte4, telte - ltorth. 1180,000,000; and the saw.aniferfalis *diked InAns. Unita oo9 illtil00: Attiatttned la;rnitte arelnial Ign,-Mils.iiide is contends* will 4 ivr becriskiihd It Ftainkr.~ The Englistsiournala t en -'thernher hind, IF ; Bert thist.thik urea ef 401al not debeidA l PO4:llPY eVed4 advantages_ enjoyed try - It, but upoq'the„anergy and persoreranrkfffspbryerf bylkiViettnusti. A compurlisin brdratmnbteweettcertain French 'and English — seaports, and the queatiaa iiiiiW . .W . ht — HaTTO dos not posseaSSO'birge isqarrylni bushiest' as LlyerPociAltad'ilthy 1 doq,.fay'miles up a river, has a greater trade than Canda, Boutrigne. Dinsktrts and` all the French ports In the ehiiiriel together. 'ma Mintotnic?Pc4rlEl' The'Pad Mai/ Maar "Those who have been in - the habit of listening with ewe sad ; ndivakttcw the solemn utteramies of 'drib:wane " &falter° will reed.with Amite- a Ante/ is the Strikdartf, Horn Mr. : Fatakiiet; phliesophiontinatrrituent makeran which. he stateklbat - fei Many yearr be 'has hail. a bogtild s COnidtrli-elerdliCAlegnetts; and batteries expressly marls for conceal ment landit the iloersiecupbeardsornder tablekvuld :even foe the, -interior of the centreauppria lar g e _ iontretables and boxes: Se boa irtipplied:ajse_gtantitica of wire to be planed under the aupeta and oileloth;,.cr ''.under thel-lnlinicot and beading, around Cairns and roams. --Ail these, he nye, were eb. ylouslyined for pint rapping; and the agmection to each rapper and battery was to be made brmeaus - of - a-snialf - -b like those gged tdatelegriphietheli ring ing purposes, or by menu; of brass headed or other nail under the carpet at particular patterns known to the splAtu• allot. The rappers, he adds, when care fully placed, are calculated to mislead the Moat wary. Then,thorcuaN spirit rap- Plea luaguet-VAde.latteconstrected expressly fi rs the pocket; and !lAA* tells as s w lfl of comae rap at any part of! Z,l‘e room, He has also made drums and b e ns which „will . beat and ring at corn gaga; but these two latter are not so fre quently ruled as the magnets are, because pry arc. too easily detected. We quite koheve Faultmer t hat, .washouldlike so kno w who gave him this'dlot all these wires, magnets' ' ~treade rs" a • Sunday, the ru.itev. raboP mato:l4l3l*pm; to new steeple on lit. Alphensna Church in t h a t city, the ceremony taking- pleke the to s near the church in the Pfeeettee.pace of a multitude of peePle. After the blasting; ireta -oe l let eits ulVelq the chef cb, de li vered an sd the ; subject, in the course of which be spoke of the .btil as itlgyelbel.t el 24reaclier„ and in ibis connection ref to Pub ' ilyarinthensabreksa bell Who made more noise by his fall Minim had ever made while ho rang most loudly la the pulpit of niticartitne:"‘ - ile begged the auM to pray that this Cell, recast tothe tote; mace of adversity, might get back the true tone of the hazmorkrvt 0 11 4Uct rsith• .. (, :.4 4 4 i ....:, '1 :-- ' , l i , - . 7 S- ‘w.. ''.," _., -:• ...t-: At , - - 4 - 4 -: 1e....,-- tom. ..,, -,:.:.... • 1 .:: :. 1i ...1, / , z .,"•y iitc: . ,• , •?c,„. ti .. 7:. , . :„,. 1 4. E4i --- 1; -7; :.: 1-1 . • • r..i . 1 7, - § . • , :-.4 . " - -a;•.• N- ~%. t • e-- .-1--- - :14.4-',. 7 -•- - .• \ - - 4 ) \ B* * , • , • -. . ;•.4 VOL. LXXXIV. {8 .00 lb etx FIRST EDITION. JEIID.ArI l• NEWT The Expel .. .slid not , Regent" Resign meats. i IHy Telograpls InLim Pit Inir‘b (licear.l Fita, CV,. • . . Penes, October Zit NOOO--Tho city la •entireky tranquil. T oClovernment has falcon great preoantlo to smard againat dbukator, but no maul tationa aro likely IA OCCUI. P/111.131, 0C410106, G.p. x.-The city bas rem* ii . I.isnrol!T op to this harm. The treateand denionetration has not been wade, and no disturbance what- hFi occurred. The Emperor wont out thla afternoon to an open carringh, and drove through some of :he printupsd atreeta. • • GREAT BRITAIN, Lo:oxnr, Oct. W.—Acton Ayntrm Inn. mod" M. Laird as .Commissioner of Works and itoptqngs.: Jaime Staiiilffeld, If. P., has Ivan pointed Secretary to the Tesaanry, vice Mr. Aynton. and M. Gordon replaces tho Right Hon. Jas. DlOncrlof este of Sootland. Cr2E3 Modulo, October 36,—1t Is reported :that Serrano tout ,threatened to resign the. 'regency In etteetif the rupture hottieetf the 'Unionists and Progreastata. PRIIISRIA BET4TN. itfoiaxitterimm &Mei , Hayti, Minister of Finances, has raid . rif yLARILNE !MICA; Llvittirtooz., OSinber'2ll.=Tbe Ateati ten Prieraxtan and City OT Washington, Vora Quebec, arriv,d. „ .7464 T. iiktoher 211.—The ateannixhip Lie filedtte. from New: York, arrived,. . Oct. .w..—The et eam.shi p /akaSIN built for the Peninanta and, ( Memel Conthati 4 f, call 'on sit: '(edgy "mart (or Now York. having boon tO:Adituted for the steamship China, which , was to hav,rtailyi on thatday. iIPiIIifiNCIAIL A NIECOI9IIIIIf.RCLAL. laspos—Ensuing—October 26.—Con- GOI1F;Ior money' s WU; - on &wow, 93%; " S.811 ‘ : ' 824 ' 81 .'4'; .6 / a 1291'; 19.408 Sly. Ed. '62. at Frankfort. 673*@66. 21 , ,,i; Illinois 97%; Atliale mad Elyria Westozz24Z ltllpw 478. W. Refined petroleum la. 630. Sugar sa, at. Celonila linseed 61.1k9.1. do; linseed cill t I2r . Parol e-tan at Antwerp Gait. "Thm; Oct. 26.—Caton quid. PA 1118, Oct. 23.—Roane arm; rentea 71f 52e. - Idc6mickl, October 26.—CottonClused ateady; , wide/Reg uplands 12; Orleans 12w, riles 2,005., bale; Bianchi:lga market atead_y, Californie White Wheat lON 6d; Rad - Westeins No. 2 0s 3d; Bed Winter 41144011,6 d. Receipts, for 3 4ays, cz000: quarters, - - ineladingi 20,000 American. Flour 23a 9d. Corn—No. 2 mixed, 305. Oda 33 6d. Peas 44s 6d. Pork 112fi ad; flea 87e. Lard 71a.: Cheese 67a 6d. Raton 67a for now. Com mon rosin sa. 6d; line 16a. Spirits Pm troleum led; Refined is. 6,„(d. EMI CfTOAGO, ' Intertian:lg Chicago News Items.—Cetu sultmeed Coe Pmbytertat, tiencrat leraliotV-ihritte,..seisug Ito TailoteJ . ..(lerlietrrsee to me monarch istate.i CAOO, 01:1.. r weather bun night underwent a sudden change and. tocame again disagreeably cold. Soma mow. fell. It has been quite cold all. through the dity. In Centred lowa It bae been severely cold for nearly a week past, with Ice thick enough for skating porposegAht ISceiggow ham fallen. - The freight house and depot of the rut -tole Central Railmad, and .a business ock, were destroyed bY. tire last night lactocoo, In this- Meter TeelitY-eil liminess firma and eighteen families were. burned. out. The lam. le about 184:000. Soy. Palmer bemedst'proclatria: Mod naming Thay, November it+, as - 11Moksgtvlog Day. Oen. Belknap, the new Secretary of .War. 101 l Kroktlic this morning to eue annie the duties of his office in Washing . -hdpairsi•PinvignVinis aceror Divitosqld sato be able to set up. Ile homes to be We to be out by the linittlf duet weak. The Committee of the Presbyterian fieheral Assembly-appointed to tavola'. 1 - Mile the affairs of the Norttrwesiern Theological Seminary, arrived here on flatorcla!,tuid Wit 'how Mimi& to their labors at room 28 In the Tremont House. The refit:ming gentlemen complier, the Committee: Senator Drake, Mo., chair man: Rev. George Musgrove, D. D., LL. 'D., Plilladelptbr, -Rev. C. R. Craven, A DA Newark. N. J..; Roy. J. Trumbull Boohoo, D. D.,. SCheneolady. TI. Y.,tanti 4. D. McCord; PhlLdalphL - . The Committee "IV Vitt( chaucit, thx4/1 'MO do not , Moire zfo• have the evidence given publistied,...tigtt, It should. cause acandaniad imam' greifei"dlestenetion Mgt church than now exlsa. It is sup. posed that thelr Investigation relates toireeottalT4,,e°l ple4ged by Q. IL MoCor I*, Elq., wide that gemle: hi= DOA 0,1,14.11 to pay, on. the ground that the:lollop or the Institution has been changed; and minimise, have been . Mloptad.trhich he did rot oedema.. The Journeymen ,tmlogs of, thy, city. Writing for two wiellepase endeavored to gist CID advance on certain kinds of work, end havinglatisd, this morning ordered a .hike . through the International tillers Cabin. • CWQINN4TI 'A iliateb "Ssf - Couuterfriters Arrested— Lut Sistine. of Tnayera , C Mena—Erni - grant Injured. ter •r , rlr•Dli !ROO Pittsburgh Omit, ) COICINNA - ri; October 26.—A. telegram canine from Osgood, Indiana. stating that Italic Levi and John Clark/ twoof a band of counterfeiters, were In the city, and Deputy 11. S. Marshal Dempster end De tective, CelcbOr, found the two in, ajoein • atahtslilfdlooS fitreat • HoUse counting. their money. Both wore made prisoners and• brotight before Eh H. Con:Mile. dozier Holiday, who committed them for ~-thelc, appearalliCa ' before the Jr]ry. default of 1110,000 tedllitidU flute do zotinterfeit National Bank currency. of various de. nontinations. verypoor, was &eta:od ,upon ahem. The United States Marshal telegraphed the intelligence of their ar rest to Ca. White of the Secret 'Service, at Osgoodaud., who had last night sr ' rested at that place Lyle Levi and We. Ilittenhuuse, brother and sister of lasso Levi, and FZl4Ured a large amount of • counterfeit currency upon them. James H. Martin, of Lexington, Va. • .11 be Hi hirch'ineyof the steamer ,, Spa at e laudirgalifa ierlously ptring himself: lie woo taken to the hospital. Ile, with hie pa. rant; were emigrating to Hannibal, Mo. the sheriff has been appointed re. Cgiger of Thayer's circus, at the cult of A. Henderson. The Court has ordered the property to be void November Pth. VEDA.• Unary glinW niarins—aleeting of Local Parliaments. E i l ,, , T f ao g to the Plltsbureb Gazette.] 20 torrid, pot. M.—About four inches of mow felt bore thin morning. At ,WalitgkeaPort Ellglniol l 9,o;ber pounce north and west, about two feet of Maw qua trateilittlei it la fill mowing. Along thu lines efthe Great Western and Grand 144 1 1VY. t4 O fag 1 1 , Yary light andrallWareoMWMleatlen unlnternfp. Tltp local Parliament of Quebec la 'dowroted for the 18th of November. and Dingdnion Forgantent for 464 18th of Arrest by the esittary.-earape and Woundingof ,the Yrieonrifr„ thr Trlegragn to rtf hlartilatatt.) AUGUSTA, Gi., OatOber °JB.—Edward • • A a citizen of Warrenton, Warren coanty..was taken from his house last , btu by isinurty of Federal •oldiera. tA . • . 1C,E0,41.104,1t orjblYtown Ceday escape d, iecefv ng two gun stiof 111/onucts. Tea Sheriff repartei the out. Inge , 4t9, Um,. , authorities. The grnirldifernoded mum ill feeling. NEW YORK CITY Strike among Telegraph Oper- stars—Cotton Case Decided— Succepßor to Gen. Butterfield —Father Hayeinthe Coming BLE. West —Distilleries feized— Crazy Man shoots at a Flank Officer—Meeting of the SoCial °cleat's. Association. in Spain U. 14 1 1 4 17 / Lrfatenitff A ppoint- By 'rei.gnipb io tge Plftstnafth Oat:tett,' New Yore, I knober im+l97 Nearly all the operator. of the Frank lin Tolpgraphrt:otayany are on . a atria., for such an Increase of Salaries as will make them eqtral to these paid by other Companies. The relehrateel eoiton cane of the United liratessaalnat Verne,, K. Steven. Nin, was te.,lsy dorintal •hy Judati Nel son, of the United Staler Circuit Court, In favor of Stevenson, holding that the cotton In question cover belonged 7.0 the Confederate States, and instead of being shipped to 41/W YOrk., 'flotation of th e seta of Crs ehighe, Wa7f ehlp'ped front a . ..7onfedePater pert tha foreign country in totation of Om 'hlrat.Te tO the port of / Wilmington; lull AL fact" could not change the title of the property or work forfeiture of the same to the United !States, unless seized an a prize of war. H. H. Vundyck, the former , Hub-Treas urer, and Calvin. T. kluriburd, aro named as suocessors . of Chin. Bdttertield. The new United States Marshal, Ram. B. Harlon, was Ex-Marshal Barlow's Ifolilef deputy. The ,Erastleys Woolens:ter/ Marshal Bar low's rmignatlon was a distaste on his part far the duties of the ohm, and a de. sire to, outatingisettninterritiptedly the .ractlee Of. Isw74!!! A, man named James Mites, a deposi tor in thig eittzenertiditdngs at• tempted to stimit the pm in teller of the bank today because ho refused to band over the money deposited to bin account without prOdudtlon of his bane! bOok., Two shots were tired, but did not take effect. Mlles, who is probably insane, was arrested. V.eport moltFall4er_llyaelnthe 'Latta _west next itei. ',Jay Gould gave *4ldenee In the gold consigracy ease before the Grand Jury to-day. liovbraty._diati p eales,weirs missal, in Dkitkim's BroOkte, n armed force of Deputy Internal 'Revenue oilleem The were met by a crowd °Droller's' armed with brickbats, Ac., who were soon por to flight by the. pollae. The stifle were minuted and the operators locked op. The maethinists in the employ of the Erie Company al Jerney City...drunk . • again than afternoon. The SoMal Selene Association manned Its olgittili annual meeting in this city to-day. The opening meeting wee delivered by Preoldent HanYufel followed by Prof. D. C. Gilman, of Yale College, od , industrial schools. In the evening Prof. Dwight, of Columbia Col lege Law School, raid a natter on the public charities of Now York, and A. It. Spatibrd,pbrarnan of Congrenn, on the ti orirtedi of the Linitial Stsfes. SHIFT TELEGILAILS. —The people of Portland, lie., yeeter day onbilitirited We laying of the tint rail on the Wallainet Valley Railroad. —The President and Mrr. Grant rEn5 Ia Phlhulekthla to-day, attending the wed ding of lihshop Slmpearee daughter. —No formal meotlng of the Cabinet -watt beldgetterday, tbough the mendiera were at the White House In the morning. —TheTeeple's Rank or Tentless., Wm discontinued business, aud Ira strains nesse be settled by tho ITnion And Platt• toil" Bank: Snow commenced tolling at, Butralo Manday itight, and yesterdarAnoredpg the Ipentid toss covered to the depth of noveral Inches. —Samuel A. Harlan b. boon sp. pointeit Maohal for life Southern Dutfurt of New Yore, Von Francle 41 BelLewe, Tongued. —A man rulflntt himself Joseph 1 In head was arrested v, nn Sift:Any, on euspielon of having coinual Led a murder In Ohio In Jetty last. —The treaddent of the Rochester. N. Y.,:4lpit Nitiottal Rank states the the creditors and atockholdera of the concern will not lose a dollar by the ratite . ° of the Bank -Nottrawra has not Tattered tiffetwsth Anfeudinon., lb.. Legullstm-e nailing ad journed, In February last, with,W. taking actictettocut dri extra seaalon likely be called this winter. --Joseph Reenter, brother of the late Secretary Rawlins, was severely I t ritured yesterday In San Francisco at lire whiete setuted the deetruction of the Golden irate Sugar Refinery In that city. =The trial of Edward Grier altos also. B. Howard., kir robbing the hiesaenget of the Herndon Exprose Company, laltsti latnore.An 'May IPst; commenced at Ara i:lllpol., lad., Yesterday. He pleaded —Two men In Reston have been bound over in frpoo'each,-ett ardoplaint for ear 'rying An, that buaLueas of reatifleiai of spirits In rempounding a preparation known as Entrant of Juniper, without paying a apoolat tax. —Returns are received from more than two-thirds of a❑ the Presbyteries ratify lug the reunion of the Presbyterian Church by the , reeinfred majority, the two grand Asseintaten will meet in Pitts burgh on the 10th of November, M count the votes alectSinclarefhe teauh. —Secretary Boutwell yesterday morn ing itiontirridAnsistanter.reainuter Butter-% tleld'a letter of reeignation, and shortly afterward. went to the Erecntive Man- Eon- where he had a cnuasultallou with the President on 'the • 'subject, lap to noon nothing further tranqdredrelatiVe totise matter. Mr. lioutwell was at tine State Deportment and Attorney General'. case during the forenoon. —ln lsintnilile, hfttnditY• night, in yi bar.tooni, W. S. Glove. • noted retail hook dealer, while enrelesalp handling pistol. idiot Edward fielainger, a billiard ,rosin proprietor, killing him instaiitly. Glove 01,11.11{, arreaksi end , ,aubsequently held ity 14.500 to aninket any charge brought against hint. tie smarts that he pulled the trlzgar under thepresutuntlon that the pistol wee borloaded. —Au ttalbtuid ad in mitt in regard tat ° failure of several Han Francisca capital ists have been inuffiacilatloh 10W~ the conotry for some time past, Today_ tee report Obtained credence - that-the Treasurer of the City of Nevada, Alamo Rivard. and a dlmetar In a Rank of Cal ifornia, had failed for three minium, musing a short run on the agencies of the B.nk In tliatplamtuffi Ifamlitan. —The in mitigation Into the Washburn° difficulty in Paraguay was continued by the nub-Committee of the House on For eign Halation*, at New York on Monday. Dr. Duvall, Fleet Surgoon of the South Atlantic Squadron. testified that Rear Admiral,; Dada waft fpcsaly partlat to ward Lopez. and milky of throwing ob stacles in Washburne . s way. He said Hulas and Alasterman were treated as prisoners on board the Guarder°, —.The Grand Jury at fiItweYOLSOM Monday, examined Jay °child at great length relative to the late gold specula. lion. Subpoenas are out for Mr. Henry Ciewil and Cot Frank F. Howe. It is asserted that their testimony is wanted to explain a Joint transaction In gold made with Gen. Butterfield In the omen of Mr. (dews. Mr. William Peldeny and Henry F. Veil, of the Bank of Commerce, and Mr. Klmber, have alSo been attbpoe. need. Tim latter, Mr. Flak says, was In the gold pool, hut hacked out at the last moment. —The ouban"..rnota veiiomenily wort at the letter relative to the failure of the Lillio expedition was written In New Yore.and that the information it oontained ernerlbrninbed by a tidal:tee. General Cristo. The Junta, who were unusually reticient, contented them selves with a simple denial of the state ments regarding the seizure of the vas. aelispd Atm sliamlontuent, .441404.901, tlob. They s'amle the quartet berritieri Golconda and Cristo, but claim that the Lillian has departed tr,orn the lialtamaa with a full supplyof.goil Ind priirtitona, with her full complement of men and all her armament. from the statement it appears .that the authorities at Nassau allowed the vessel to remain In port twenty.fonr hours in compliance with the international innitoitcan'il dipsrV unmolested. ,-The murder of Mrs. Wood, at Hoar dopt, N. Y.4 - 13aturday night last, wai• moat terttble hutchiny. It seemCW was a trunkard; : atid - went Ati otlldliattlatndlahl Igo bills ou:Satuldsr afternoon. uo wrote a note Intimating thatlateospectod !Iris fideltty..7llle was tievieetik sober.' fintorttretter en toting his, boasts Jals wife wax tepid to scream, and a - neighbor Went to 'the Mouse whoa Woods , ..admitted, him. Mods bad attack his Siena), eleven titoesmritiottsmall hatchet. 1 1 40000 f width Astir and a half lookeilopg, .was, covered with WM., bicod, - 'braineind feces of flesh. Woods then- attempted " woutegbis.3,4lo6ollo9rt ' FA upon Madinat, his root tom esc to oar. Aftattallatet imotanay.: Wood V ai lArnevAllilftegatedit, ttrttt ohs PfTTBURG EDN ESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1569. SECOIII FOUR O'CLOCK, THE CAPITAL. McMahan in Washington lfix Official ErJlfniater Conduct - Approved—What he, says ♦Lout South America —Proposed linsprovements . in ,Srms and A ccoutrements— yerger Case—Good News! for Vintners— Engineering the President =I WARITINOITHH, Ootobor 21 1E49. UK bl • MAIION, LATH MINISTER To PIALtAtit.:AY—UIB ACOOHNT NIATTEILY is sna'r'e .1-41RIttUa. tmer:4 fdeklairoh, late Minister to Parageiti, la now In Washington on bust masSfrith the State Department. His prorkiabil rigs fug ?Sinister are aporoycal ou the ground' that' they show that tile oottr*e was marked by commendable diligence, discretion, dignity and firm ness. • Thniiienefel confirms the reports of tbo allies tiring npok his party *tiler with tale Paragugyan_flag of truce, and tbsif prevention of dispatchea,_ firmi anti to hie Goldin:Mien; 'with the exception af. that Mir call from Paragovr,„ which was per to srerded. toblm, He thinks the present rellitloll Of Lopes la stoMger than heretofore, and the an rgibnoernent by the allies of the war being ended. Is simply • pretext for withdraw lug the Invading troop. The Pars gitayana Conduct •their war without Money, and make their own cannon and powder and other hostile appli• armee, while the women plant and gather the mop. The Uruguay. ,aue acaresiy omitributed a mgt. MGM; the Argentine Confederation 4.000 or .5,000 and the Britsillan•- ABM or' 2,400 more. The Paraguayan legion now guarding or In possowdon of Asuncion tulmbera about 2,000. It is composed In a &Mall rein of debater. to the *Thee, with Paraguayan prisoner. of war, who havebeou tz.mpelled to enter the ser vice, together with an equal number of Brazilian. The Provisional Government Is regarded, as Inefficient by all who are familiar with its history, and as not moralising atuollitv. • Lopez. la represent ed by General McMahon to be posseseed of line wasultdatrauve abilities, and not more crawl in war than the moat com plaining of the allied Generals. The devotion of the myopic, to their chief is without example. They are not only obedient, but always toady to Incur any that or make say nacrifice which may be demanded by hint topecdoirgainplatas the tw.Loratlon of prosperity to hi. wen try by immigrants from the Vatted States, to whom he will offer induoetheuts to settle there lavd.rie greet of bands. IXPKOV MjllTto wwn IMPLEIIIICW re. By command of Gem. Sherman the Board of Ofilcers assembled at Ht. Louie for,themlsion of Wales, of which Maj. Gen. J. W. Schofield in President, in addition to the duties assigned thorn, also examine and report on the beat small arms, and ac coutrements fur use of We army of the United State. Tine Beare will set In conjunction witha Board of Naval of Mars, and endeavor, If posaible, to adopt small arms of-a pattern and calihre ablo to both branches of the service, with common amuriltion and parts inter changeable. The oomntanding offloera of, therint. bole Armond end of t h e en, Weiser bitudlon, at Jefferson Barrsoka, are associated with the Army Board In all its experiments and teats. In the final report Which ahould. If road hie, be rendered by the let of May, 1570. the Board will designate the Mx best muskets. for infantry, carbines and pis tols for cavalry and artillery, and al x sets of arcontrementa, knapsacks and haver sacks, In the triter of noarll, and the War Depsuinsintwiti Mucha-satee wsnreae, price fairdrlfiy ihn earner and stipro . by the Board. MORE OF TUE TRISOER CASE In the Supreme tkiurt of the Lotted States this morning, Mr. PhilUpe mid on account of an errattgement in progress between the Atty. bent•rat and counsel for E. M. Verger, It Is thought beet that no motion ahouhl be made this morning for harther 31irooeieding. If, therefore there is no objeetioni on the part of the Court, I will postpone moving until a epberquent day. The Chief Jostlee tipplletl that tpey, would consider the matter and answer to-morrow. EVOIXESRINO THY PILEUP/MT. • The datega " tell to the Railroad EstiMeer.' Convention, In session at Baltimore, numbering anoint one hundred, called en President itrant this morning and were received In the taut room. Delegates worn prgeent from all parts of the coun try. The President expressed his trrstl titration at meeting the gentlemen repro. sienting this Masa of Industry, and ex pressed his sincere wishes for the prosperity and success of their organiss, lion. NSIIIS ➢OR VINTNERR. The Commissioner of internal Revenue has decided that vintners are not subject to special tax, as liquor dealers, for sell their own products at the place of manu facture. •Pllirt.ic ilzat sTATILVErT A rough coalmine, so far as returns are received. is that the public debt state moot for October will show a reduction of elght,tulllton dollars. itrvroairo to nEevnt. Hon. Tnonito Ewing biller*. Italy ro e.ored to /30.1:11. menial .1:4 phymioal. I= Gov. Mary, of PeaasvlvanU, arrived to-dight. Lomvzi.LE ,hp-anion of the tedoclety'of tbe..Anay of the Tennessee—lnvitee Gaeta—Com mittee to Walt oO Preeldent Greet— eleetlne et the timed Ledge or I. 0. O. V. P, Telegraph to tee PULA:are, Gazette.) Louittryzatar, Oct. M.—The following are among the Invited guests to the union of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee), to be held in the city of Loll leville on the 17th and 18th days of No. maser, The) Preadent. and Cabl.., net, 3en. W. T. Sherman. Lieut. Gen. P. H. Sheridan, Maj. Osua. Gon. 11. Thome.), W. Slocum, John Pope, lrvirrleicliew. ell, Oeo. G. Meade, John W. Tartar, Gee. IL McClellan, E. H S. cauby, Terry,. Mower, Ainee,larynolda„ P.S..George, u. Buell, H. W. Hannah, Toms Weitzel. W. S. Bannock, A. J. Smith, W. S. Resecranr, A. E. Burnside, .1. A. Div. J. E Wood* .r lictintalOy Geo. T. Hartauff, 0. .0. Howard, Joeeph Hooker, E. D. Trona. send, George tionteman, David Hunter, N. P. Banks, and B. P. Butler Admiral Alhi(ragas and Vice Admiral Butler, eerie ol- Dof the ROClalen of the Army of the tiutuberland, James and Potomac, Hon. E. M. Stanton, hfou.-MontgomerY Hair. and Hun. Wm. Dennison. Ample ar rangements will be made with the differ. ent railroads throughout the country for transporting the members of the Society end Melted guests, of which notice will hereafter be given.. •The Committee appointed by Ex-Pres ident Manure to wait upon President Grant next Monday In Whalf of the late Convention to thank him for his ma caws endonang the assemblage and' its purPasell,_ cenalsts of' the Ibikrwing-t Hiram Walbridge, of Now :Ting; Blau. ton Ducker. of Kentucky; K. hf. Dor win, of Ohltn'lleisler Clymer, of Penn sylvania: S. W. Hillard, of &orate: G. Button, of 'Vermont; Wm. M. Lamb, df - Virginia; P. o.lllbert, of Louisan*: B. W. Potter,of Alai:gams. _ The Grand Lodge 0 . 7 :. Or fr."" tpcky. met this morning.: The attend. ammo( delegates Is greater than It has ever them in -the , history of,the Lodge.. The election of grand °Moms tatted place to-morrow. The - sesition will be of tm ushal,importam •a. ' Totaii•lejtized by grrelesing,- =1 EVAMVILAS, Octobet 28.—Advlees recalviedilda day - -by our tobsem ware. louse main from yndlana,!Mole and oorthern Kentucky, state that all tobao CO bodied and not cured or protected by Urea .boa: boon damaged by ,fruming; Itiebnpomilble to State What' -,srbount of damage has teen euetalned, bet 18 will POdurrriddri October 26,—.Adedzes holt Oiren e ldssion. Bricitan and other trawl° ffrowlag mantled state that the recent frosts have seriously injured the uucured crow" oulfromps ;him boan conestalAngly effected. , aratummenat•rappointed. • ray Toti k taß r et tottiovutatiaret Guinea - AvatrwrA:Sfr-',o666bitr tr:=4rtsei Oovir; nor taftbdra todaywltttout hatring.mide any appolatment d. I.l.B.rilettuttortui Hi(. -thomatteltd , ellisaLtrithq deb pt. sq!.. Ist. Senator retatiltdOW. • • MITCHELL VILLE, TENN M ['alembic gboaatag Atitay—ahke Man Wa/ally VW ouculed and Several Others v4lO laced. , " I By Teteseahlt to the i'llulturth tiatelle.l I.I . IMVILLIC, October26.—Ativices from Mitchellville, Tenn., gives the following ,correct report r r the 'shooting affair at that plane on haturdat. It seems that I Hiram Smart and a man named Bon. Pierson had a dill:lMay. in which the former drew his pistcOtaud fired at the latter, but muadnig hip, Pierson drew bin revolver and. ahet Satan In the leg. The parties 111110. Ceased, and a tight ensued, in whlc.o.each was beaten I over the head with thfclr pletola. After, 1 41frellwart and a frlOd 'of hie name James Kanataer, weutcAlf together, bu returned in sksbert time to th scene of the . difficulty,' when a matt named °raw Taylor *poke to him, asp loaf °How do you do,"climf" Kanatzor told Taylor to go away, as he did not *ant to talk to hift. Whereupon a quarrel arose and pletela were eimulbs• neouslydrawn and*g commenced. AFC-vial/el% was Shot In t e foot and Taylor ereived aball lo:The hip. During the melee Moses Groves, very estimable tot. young . man, til t up In the dlfii.. 11l rutty, and'vraa shot lorigsnatsor, the ball penetrating the bo*etio and Inflicting a Very dausceroos and perhaps mortal wound. Kenatser tleelto Frimkiin, Ky., at which point he wile overtaken and placed - In jail. f ! I HAIT4TA. VI a Cuban Prito!Tqa_DecreePrtab- lisuing edtgwip Freedom, Harare*, October i26.—The I%m de Cuba, a liberal Jonreapnilse• thedocree establishing redigione.freedom. It ex poiltaille moat banolichtl resuita for the country from thin streo measure, believ ing that under it the,. Catholic religion wilt revive, and that, Athelem, now to prevalent, will to annihilated. The Diem mates brief reference to the decree, bet Indulges Id no comments for or alfstnat it. The Presso e.xpreales Its dlssattsfu , don, while It accepts the decree, because lt Is now a law. 7 The Colonial (minister at Madrid, In answer to a tegrapAtie dispatch from Havana, says tar rultdstry le resolved to take no important to lm touctdog the or political refo in the Colonies Mall the parties In tad In these mat tent are heard. WILMINGTON, N. 0 Thal of the Otneers Of the Cuba Again Aajoanita ter Telegraph to the Plttagrargh Guetta.) WILYINOTON• N. C., October 31—The 'sage of the °Moore of the Cuba was re. mimed by the Milted States Commie eioner in-day. Mr. Davis, for the de fence. wanted to Introduce some of the ofilimoi ae witneesse. Mr. Phelps, for the Government, objected. After some dimension the Commissioner decided that the ofllmire were competent an wib Damien After the examination of two winnings, by which nothing of import. anew mos elicited. the Court adjourned until tomorrow. The Popes !symbol.. The now famonS Pope's Syllabus, which must be adopted or rejected at the (Ecumenical Council as • rule of faith and action, is a systematic and sweeping condemnation ot everything which may be comprehended in the modern idea of civil liberty—the entire civilization ot our time. Its history,, beat explains it. Five years ago—in Bycember, 1864—the Pope issued as Encyclical letter, taking a very despondent vlSir of the condition social and religious—of the entire world. - , Accoirfpanying this paper was the syllabus, • !schedule of charges and specifications. •Ihcontatned ten gen. era! charges, each saPported by just ex actly eight specified mots, or "damnable heresies." The genet!l charges are la. beled materialism, rightism, pantheism, socialism, etc. 'ffiukVepeeiticatioes ere more ;incise. The., c : 'The freedom of *epees; Bible soviet es, libo nide/is:al associations, the ladependenco of Church and State, the civil contract of marriage as opposed to the governmental view, ed. ucation outside of the control of the rtn. man Catholic Church, the objects and tune lons of legislation, the relations of clergy and laity, the modern idea of a mud government and the relations of the governed to the governing, the views I held by nearly all educated men as to the functions and limits 'of human reason, and the objects, powers and results of entitle investigation. 10011 be seen that the indictment of the syllabus coven the whole inructure of modern society. In abort, the Pope arraigns the life of the nineteenth century, and proposes to try It before a tribunal of his own calling. As islusual in courts martial and pecks'. widest tribunals, the case Ls already pre judgelL There can by no doubt about the verdict. The Syllabus itself Is a sentence which assumes conviction. All the coun cil is called for Is to affirm It. The Ro man Church numbers, according to the best estimates, within Its fold, one hundred and ninety .five millions of souls—more than one-half of all Christendom. Five millions of them are citizens of this coun try, and this Council must decide whether all of them shall array themselves impla cably against the reigning order of mod- ' ern society, modem Ilk and modern thought or not. rile Iron Midge Over the Ohio river at Louisville, Ken tucky, It le reported, will bo completed for the panage of Minoan trains early In the coming liorember. On August Ist, 1867, the drat stone of this bridge was laid, and the work him been steadily pro greasing-since that time. The bridge consists of twenty.wrett. plea and four abutments, omitabling 81,000 cubic yards of stone. - Two of the abutments are constricted for thecrossing over the Jef. fersonville and New Albany Railroad an the Indiana shore. The masonry imp. parts a supentradnre of iron of an entire lerigth . of 5,280 feet, or one mile, and Is composed of twenty-seven spans arranged as follow, from the Kentucky side : Two - *pans of 50 feet each, one draw span of 264 feet, over the Louisville and Portland Canal, tour spans of 150 . feet, two spans of 180. feet, two Alpena of 210 feet, two spani ot '528 feet, one span of 870 feet, six spans of 045 k {het, one spina of 400 feet, tlireiSspans of 180 feet, one span of 150 feet, one span of 100 feet, reaching the abutment on the Indiana side, and a lean of 414 emasing the Jeffersonville and New Albany Railroad. This bridge is to be arranged for both carriage and railroad travel, though no street can or ordinary vehicles cap pass at the same thre as the locomotives and trains. The railroad track will be laid on the centre, with an outside rail on both sides, so that the rails of the railroad track, with the out side rails, will form a double street rail road track. The estimated cost of the bridge, Including land - and - depots, - amounts to 41,500,000. Dr, I.4rlngstone Considerable excitement has prevailed In England, in consequence of the sup. posed receipt of intelligence in reference to this well known African traveler. A party of missionaries who had left Zanzi bar, on lane 1301,4eached Pa!mouth re. ,psntly; and on their arrival were closely questioned as to news of Livingstone. One of the missionaries stated that, as cording to the 'latest •Intelligance, Dr. Livingstone was at Lake Tanganyika, but did not mention when be beard the news:late. cbuld not remember, as he asserts, whether it was months or a year previous. Another of the mis , lonaries, a lady, ltrcasual conversation, stated that at Zanzibar no one believed Livingstone AO be dead, as.when eke left. some natives knew quite weir that there was a white man ap the country. From there Inc. dentatiemarke the report was circulated ,that Dr. Livingstone had been seen alive at Lake Tanganyika, last June. 'The missionaries complain very bitterly that they have been subjected to a long course of examinations and cross-examinations and of making depositions. CILRIBITAN CELLIIITY.—There was an installation of a Presbyterian minister in -Wyandotte, Kansas, the other day, in ,whicirthe elements of Christian charity were Belford' Ro a wonderful extent. The minister, who was from Missouri, and who gave the right hand of fellowship to him who was installed, took occasion to say.thathe Wee 'lsom the home of the bushwhacker," lead +is friend . "lived fa the State of the Jayhawker*. We Wish— whacked you and lon Jeyttexted us." Therefore. "I give yon the right hated ChrtinianTellowship. Redeemed Missouri greets vietoiions RIII0.111." We ; Easier remetnten. impels abygling -so - touching andel , pointed. CITY ANT) SUBUIIBAS. THE HIPH SCHOOL Meeting of the High School Committer —VanuaHutton Ittletlre to Mr. Hart man's Report and the Result—Prof. Heau Fully Vinnlrated. The High S,thool Committer, of the Central Board of Education, to whom wax referred a report made by Mr. !fart man of an (Alicia' Malt to said school In the capacity of Pidling ComMittee, hav ing thoroughly investigated the matter contained in said report, find that the language as well as the Intention of the report hen been mleconetrued, and that there In no celiac, of complaint against Prof. Dean for the manner in which the school in eenducted. Prof. Doan and Mr. Hartman were both ex amined at a meeting of the Committee held peaterday alter 000 n. The following is the remit of the examination: I= Mr. Dean's iitstemant which WWI given In answer to questions propounded by members of tha Committee, is In sub. stance as follows: Mr. Hannan visited the High School, September' Bth, at 8:45 a. at.; there Wad no other member of the Committee with him; Mr. H. first visited the school In the general assembly room, called room No. I; the school was quiet and orderly to every respect. The case to contain the pupil's drawing boards, which were left standing against the wells, was or dered long before, not had not been de livered. The books on the side tables in room No. 1, referred to In Mr. Hartman'e report, were Hie property of the teacher. and scholars, and were on the table because we bad no other place for them, until the book cases were deliv ered. The caae was delivered October 9th and the drawing loards and books were immediately placed in it, to the re lief of the school. I ordered the Clio with the permission of the High School Committee. The property referred to, the books and drawing hoard. was not the property of the Central Board. The ' arrangement of the drawing hoards and books spoken of by Mr. ii. did not make the room until for occupancy by tidy and respectable pupils in my opinion. 1 next escorted Mr. H. through all the rooms in their Order. All the teachers were present In their class rooms except three, Messrs Bancreft, Fatnnaster and Moore, who were detained by an accident on the Fort Wayue Railroad. Such detentions do not often occur—the last one was In No- vember 1868... Tice rooms whore the teachers were present were its proper school order lti every particular. The ; dawns in the room whore the teachers ' were absent were not in great disorder in my opinion. The pupils were merely engaged in pleasant and vivacious con.; versation, as youth are accustomed to do. I saw no pugilism, no cotillion, nor the appearance of one. All the pupils were I seated In their usual order. fu three of the rooms workmen were engaged In potting up stoves, and they could not get them up at nine o'clock. Tim want of neatness from this cease was quickly removed when the work wan all done. The part of Ode. rooms In which the pupil. were, were In neat and proper condition. There was no property of the High Scheel in dangerous or hurtful condi tion that day In toy °Miranm. In the room formerly occupied by the Secretary hind Superintendent the work of moving out the books had not been completed. There remain plied op in no• corner of it a small pile of aside. hooks. such as old Patent ()Mee Reports, hr.. ahem two feet high and lour feet long. Theic value does not exceed what they would bring at the taper stern, at two or three cents per pound. They were soon moved to their proper receptacle. In the rear of another room were a few article. nut yet arranged after moving, such as coal boxes and a few refuse parts of former apparlatla not now in use and waiting the prepiratioo of a place to atom them. Thane wad no property of the High School eutfering (or want of proper protection, any morn tram that reused by the insulti• dent quarter. of the High School ever since it started. All articles of value were properly stored. sir. Hartman wan informed that the Janitor was sheen. on busineem.4 the Central Board, and thst was Ilia 101dion why Ala was not there to attend to the rooms. Mr. Hatt man did not visit the school afterward, as • member of the Visiting Committee, to my knowledge. The rooms have always been in proper condition. The walls are beautifully tinted: tee furniture Is of the leed modern pattern: the passages have ; always been carpeted; the rooms are at• tended to by a janitor daily, and parte of them are scrubbed every /Saturday The ' cost of three clue works of an on the walls ; of the rooms was strolll $225. The funds were rained by the FeculiY and the pu pile and it Is th eir whik. Mr. Hartinan properly called them '"beautiful pictures , giving a charming aspen of refinement ;to the rooms." A cuatodian or High School property would be Idle unless is would be watching that which wan In no danger. I think one person cannot do the Janitor's work at the High School building, of the rooms of the Central Hoard on Fourth avenue and the edictal I errands of the Secretary. E= Mr. Hartman, In reply to questions propounded by the Committee, stated the following facts: 1 visited the High School building pro viens to making my report with the most friendly and unprejudiced bentimenta. My uuderstanding of My duty as a mem ber of the Visiting committee, was merely to report what I noticed. I did not think it my official duty to report cause sod explanation. of thing. not sp. proved of. I thought it to ho the duty of U.. High School committee to attend to matter. reported. The condition of things and order in rooms where teacher. were Present, were unexceptionably wed. I did not state that there were pugilism. and injurious disorder In the rooms where there wero no teaehere present, and did not Intend it to he an understood. Part of the pupils were in good order, some were amusing themselves by romping and playful Imitation of Duel. line motions, somewhat rough, but not Injurious. While escorted through the vseous room. by Professor Dean I saw, very little of these things but I saw them. when alone on • aut.- quote return to the moon before I left She building. When writing my report I believed that I saw the cotillion !brined at the time of my official Visit, but have shme learned that It was on the fol. lowing day after school order was ended. I did not see, In all this playfulness, anything hurtful or im proper under the cirennuetances. Rel ative to the disorder of books and far allure In come of the rooms, I said In my report that "this disorder emended me of geological disturbance." I dad not want my language to be understood as literally applying to these circumstan ces, but to be taken as similar expres sions are takes' which men are accts• touted to use, about ordinary circumstan ces, which expreemionsthey do not intend to .he understood in all their force; also In staying that some rooms hardly seemed fi t for occupancy. I intended merely to express the effect that this temporary disorder Impressed me with, sod not to say the rooms were untidy In every part. I did not intend to convey any impression at all as to the mental culture given In the High School, nor does the report warrant any such con etruction. I have no opportunity of forming an opinion on that point. hiyi Intention in making the report was to report deficiencies lb the conduction of the High School, not that they might be used as weapons against the school, but that the knowledge of those deficiencies might lead to their amendment by the Ventral Board of nineation. 1 regret that My language and intentions have been do much mis. construed, and that the lee resorts of the High School were presented to the petelio In a prejudicial light. I shall co. o per a te w ith thd progressive eltir.ens of Pittsburgh to striving to eievate our Public High School to a position equal to that of any city in the Union. Tug lIIKKET LT OF TIIS EXANINATION The Committee, In view of the facts developed:by the examination, decided to submit a report the to Central Board at the next regular meeting, embodying in substance the following recommend*. done: That on personal Inapectien they found the High School rooms neat, pleasant, well furnished, well adorned and attrac tive Though their number and the ar rangement of some of them are hardly sufficient for the complete working of a school of nearly four hundred pupils, but that in spite of *Sean dimoulfteu the school was as well kept up and as sys tematically managed as any ulthht their knowledge. That they feel It to be the duty of the Contra! Board of Education, not only to fully allow for the narrow conditions in which they themselves , have placed title excellent grade of our both° school system, but, to prosecute to sti early corn. Onion a mailable building thi it. The Committee _further stated that regretted tlle occurrence of an they Inputting ng. Stoves, eta: which placed the sahool before the iniblie to such an 1/130120ibia / 1 2br• They were Bony - that the langneite of the turd bad been Interpreted so es to eauseinem to infer that it was the nortnaboondition ofthe school rather- than an accident, which justified the report. ()pet, kloess.—"lreland as it W. was presented to a large and appreciative audience at the Opera house last *even ing, with Mr. and Mr. Barn/l . 's-Wl!Mune in the leading roles. Supported by the excellent stock company of course Mr. and Mrs. Williams would give a Food entertainment. This evening "Fairy Circle; or Con t t'l.'arlan'• Dream" will be presented. TlittiATllK..—Tie Homelll family have been one of the chief attractions at the l'ittaburgt Theatre for a week pm, and they have doubtless bean one of the muses of each large audiences at that loatitution, Signora Lopez. and her troupe of aerobata are the leading attrac tion thl• week. M AWINIC HALL.—.Blgnor Blitz had the pleasure of meeting a large number of Ma old friends and patrons at Masonic Hall lest evening. His entertainments are se Interesting as ever, and they are performed with a shill unapprosehed by all other magicians. Ito will doubtless draw lull houses during his stay In the city. At:AI/XJ.ll' or Mustc.—Lest evening Prof. Rufus Adams. the popular elocu tionist of Philadelphia, gave an enter tainment at the' Academy of Music, which wan attended by en intelligent and ttp• preclative audlonen. The Professor pre sented a varied and attractive pro- grain me, em bracing serious, eentimental, pathetic, and humorous selections, In all of which he seemed to be perfectly at home. lie itt possessed of a very magi cal vela,: well under control, and has-s peculiarly distinct and pleasing articula tion, which rendered his performances very Interesting. His action also was vivacious and pleasing, and added con. siderably to his merits as a reader. The audience were well entertained for over an bout, and flatteringly manifested their appreciation of the perforator's abilities by frequent and hearty applause. 101=2 We gladly give plaoe to the following beautiful and well deserved tribute to a noble youth of this city, lately deceased. —Entree., The recent announcement of the death of Clement J. Hoeveler, second son of the late Augustus Hoeveler, has tilled many a heart with sorrow. Although only a youth of fifteen, nature had lavished upon him some of Its most emu, • gas, both physical and intellectital, and had God so ordained he prod:Used to be. come a pricelesi ornament to society. Lately he organized In Lawrenceville a debating sasoclation, In which he evinced remarkable latent, displaying en Intel. lent of superior order. Being possessed of a gentle, sweet disposition, kind and affectionate, he early endeared himself to tile companion. The extraordinary patience and meekness he manifested during his severe illness was extremely edifying. His loss I. a crushing trial to hie devoted mother. Oh. who can find words to express her terrible anguish when she found her cherished boy had closed hiseyes forever to her maternal gaze. Heartily do we sympathize with her and her sorrowing little family. Ye we tray confidently hope our silent prayer— • • A Of ever brigrl... sod DU, Tele. oh late him to (oar oare! . • has found a happy response, and he le now enjoying the presence of his Hea venly father. a. D. GENERAL NEWS. TT! I LITEEP deaths from email pox have oectified in etncinnall during this month. Turns were ten Inches of snow at Fort Wayne, Ind., on Saturday morn ing. Tug base ballliti of Chicago are en gagtd In a movement for the employment of a pmfessional nine for 10tl7. W late of the Cm• einnati Chronsat, has accepted the posi• Lion of Westertt Agent for the A.aanclated Press, with headquarters at Cleveland. HAYIIIO agreed to consolidate, efforts are making towards creating a paid fire department for Jersey Cityaud Bergen. The estimated cost per annum Is ✓l,OOO. Tux New York Firemeq'■ Association, composed of t h e leading merutten of the old volunteer department, bssanheptedan invitation to visit the South dining next year. Tire total amount In the National treasury, credited to the conscience fund, is $113,991. fitment' Spinner will recant. mend that it be transferred to the general sinking fund. A new German paper, the Courier, will shortly be issued in Cinrihh.ii. The leading political editor will be August Becker, a veteran Germad journalist, tormerly of Baltimore. Crrumes of Toledo, Ohio, have raised $50,000 which they purpose to give, be side a central lot at r. 5,000 less than its value, to the best man won will build a hotel to cost not lees than $lBO,OOO. Ix 1810 there was only one religions newspaper in America, the Herald of Go.pe4 Liberty, published at Portsmouth once a fortnight. It mingled politica with religion, being strongly Democratic. AN old silver coin, an English shilling piece, bearing the date of 1564, and the inscription of Elizabeth, Queen of Eng land and France, was plowed up lately In field on the northern part of Rhode Is land. Nos. 21 and 23 of the Roll of Honor, issued by quartermaster General records the burial places of menty.three thousand deceased soldiers, whose names, as far as known, are alphabetically ar ranged, with a full index. IT /5 asserted by medical men, who have bad extensive opportunities of ob servallon, that delirium tremens never occurs either In negroes or Indians, not withstanding the fondness of these races for intoxicating drinks. Dn. F. Wince, of Aurora, Indiana, who committed suicide at St. Louis last Sunday, left a note stating that he was a Master Mason, and also that any ex penses incurred in interring his body would be defrayed by his !hands. A roma Jewess la California, baring soddenly disappear° L and the rumor pre vailing , of her conversion to Christianity, writes that she had become a Catholic that being ia age site thought she could avail herself of the privilege of the law, and took the step In order to reclaim her liberty and independence. Farms are again entertained that a stringency in the money market may he engineered at any moment. • The drain of greenbacks from city banks last week was over $2,000,000. The hank reserve now is about $42,000,000, with puttee ready at any lime to assist a scarcity of money by refusing to lend. Eunv ammo, convicted of burning the court-hoagie at Kingwood, Preston county, West Virginia, when called up for sentence last week, was allowed to choose one of two modes of punishment for his crime, hanging or-imprisonment for life, and selected the former. Judg ment wan accordingly pronoinced, the time fixed for the execution being the 29th of Jatinary next. NOTWITIIIITANDINU repeated communi cations from the spirits announcing that the mortal remains of a missing woman, Mary Llewick, of Newport, It L, were resting quietly at the bottom of the res ervoir In that place, and alter much talk and labor expended to recover the same, the woman herself has appeared. and asserts positively that she has never been drowned. Those wale "lying spirits." A Trvzstron (It, L ) lady engaged her self to be married last Wednesday. The wedding trousseau was ordered, the feast provided, the guests Invited, the minister .‘ spoken to ,"the bridal stateroom on board the steamer for New York secured, and all went, apparently, "merry as a marriage bell," until the evening preceding the appointed day, when she announced her determination to have another man. And slur bad her own way, of course. The minister, carriage, stateroom, etc., which had ..been engaged by the would. be bridegroom, went aecordlnglyusal by. the man wno had supplanted him. Faun reports in the Revenue Bureau, It appears that at - tbe present time frauds in tobacco alone far exceed three on whisky and aptrlti, 'which has never be fore occurred. The frauds are " mostly Confined to Virginia and North Carolina, and dealers In Northern cities interested in: 'those. States. A recently detected cobiderfelt MAIM) has been used with gres success In those:Blatea, end *Cir cular will be tuned by Oommisaloner Delano in reference toll. Lugo tordees were recently captured In Chicago, ram bcred Inthlhe counterfeit stamp, which were shipped from ChicinnatL LORD HUMERT-AINBIZT t If 011:CeII Jr gave a $1.5,0011 aqnet at York, and married htlas iny 4a:ft; a beantlthl and wealthy belle of that city, turns oat to•, be a London pmbler. He appeared at New- port In Julylast v tbenceweat to Baum. • NO. 249. sywndicn orest deal of money, living in the highest evle and moving in the most fasbionahe clrcica . llls mother Was second-rate actress in a Berlin theatre, and his lather is at present in the Every stable bus the lowest yart of the city of Lundon As valet to s serni.hy French gentleman in Para, he acquired his education, which twisted him in palm ing himseif upon the too credulous Alla, lean people. , IN the course of the hearing of an toi sault and battery case before a Jostles, in ! Cincinnati, On Monday, Jame, AletAtich ! lin, prosecuting witness was asked by the attorney for the defense, George 11. Gaffey, whether he had ever been con victed of crime, and answering that he had, the next qnestlon was whether he had served a term in the Penitentiary. This he did not dealre to answer, but the 'Squire directing him to _reply, itimitted he had done the the State some service for cutting or shooting somebody. He was then throated to "stand aside," but went outside,procured a cowhide, and returning bef ore the bearing was conclu• ded. proceeded to castigate the Attorney vigorously, patting him di - igimminlona flight with the sixth blow. Farnan HYACINTME, on Sunday, went to Henry Ward Beecher's church, in Brooklyn. It was not until the latter part of the service that Mr. Beecher was in. formed of the Carmelite's presence, and as soon as It was finished be went forward to meet him. They were introduced, Father Hyacinthe expressing his happi ness in meeting the great American pulpit orator, and presenting two letters of in troduction. The news of the_presence of Father B. spreading through the rhumb, the congregation remained, standing on the seats, on the backs of pews and piling into the galleries, presenting a scene of intense excitement which was not qui eted for a long time after. Mr. rleccher heartily welcomed Father nyacinthe, and explained that the enthusiastic reception of his people was. not extended for the purpose of proselytism, but a spontaneous outburst to him as the great European exponent and advocate of the independ ence of Christian manhood. To this Father H. made a happy and compli mentary reply. Mr. Beecher being but an Indifferent French scholar, sad the Father not understanding English, the .terview soon ternsinated. ♦daluonal Margot., New Oates fa, October 28.—Cotton closed 'calve at 25c for middling; sales of 4,400 bales; reeelpta 239 bales. Flour firm: superfine 12,25; double extra /MO; treble extra 1(646,25. Corn firmer: new white 11,12; old white 51,15. bless pork lower: sales at 132,&33,25. Whiaky firmer at 11.26(311,28. Ooid 30S. Sterling 4lit. Now York Sight Erchatige par to ii dia (tenni. Other articles unchang ed , ride tug all day and little business done. • Bureau), October Yd.—Flour inactive. Wheat dull;,ooobash/dilwankets by sample at 11,03, 6,000 bush Green Bay Club al 11,12, 7.500 bush western spring at 11,11, red winter, in cars. at 111.211. Corn dull and unsettled at 75477 c. Outs nominal; held at about 49c. Rye; Wes 10,000 bosh western at 900. Barley neg. lected. Pork steady' 532 for heave meas. Lard steady at 18c. klgbwlnea nominal. OSWEGO, October 25.—Flour ha active and unchanged: soilet26oo hundred MAL Wheat doll: male. 3800 bus N 0.2 Western Club at ILLS. Coria-..nochanged; .1. 1500 boa No. 2at 850. Barley quiet: .lee lest night of $O,OOO boo up Lake Canada at. MOS; Bat . Quinta held at 11,30. Coro Mau, 51. 5 5. Mill Feed steady. October 26.—At the after noon Board wheat was dull at 05®.1' 53, seller month for No. 2 spring. Corn quiet at 651"&tinyth, seller month. Oats Inactive and nominal at In the evening there was nothing done * and prices nominally as above. Cesium nos, Oct. 221.—Beef eattle—re celpia 1,617 head; dealers yieldetta free. Bon: sale. extra at 812.76@13,25; first quality.ll(4l2,se. Sheep and Lambs— receipt. 14.747 head; the market favors buyer. and tlie supply large; sales extra at 113,50@4. EMI D6\ At tt , t ,— rtltWALD—On Pnezday, atto- Oer Slattt, Witi, ate O. ta... at ebelaPileplaa,- Oal Chard, Allolbesl/. 117 BA , D. 7. DttNtAo, JOHN 1.. DONALD,ON and. /LW MARI DP, WALD, all of PlAtabarab. Pa.- CLIM L 1.6,4---o,toter 23.2 4 aumatlcre. AN N JAss Ot es . plo=7 The funentl will take ohm. from the resident; of her parents, 070 Liberty street. Tenth env& WZDIZZLI AT, "cipher 97th, at two eleldek r. S. The Mud, of the fthaLly are teepee:47lly Invited to •tteral. , UNDERTAKERS LEA . Ail - HEN, UN PER 1150 effltbk.7 &wr, r. COVAINS of all knois,e)l4.l . l:l EiLOVW, en and ery detertottonot loarral ter nistdoe lioorte. .rolgted. Boma open day Ire. 0.',e00 Carriage. earattne4 for city toperels ai each. 2Ltrrasszces—ney.DavldAcrr, 13.14. !Lev It W. Jacobus. D. D.. nom. twta,g. 141.. 3. , ••• 11.1.11ar, Macs. Cffi LIES b. PEEBLET, Crli• rritTAlLlig3 eau rrvsrtr STABLYA AV BAN DUAKT tiTEILET AICD crirtmcb A , VLNUIL AneßA.Arcity. o.or Cairn/ HOOMS e coastart ..i it. teal t 13AAu •wood MAAogany olnd W AIM C. 4 ,21... at prc. tarylas tram AA sesloo. St • .11.1 rrepuva erment. Ectrgrs And Cm• Carrtlebed,• LI Wad. of Maerrett (bads, If =viand. UMea nyan ay boar.. dy, mid :WM. JOSEPH METER & SON, lIIVIIPMFMAICEII43, No. 494 PINS STRILLT. Carriages rer Pauonala;43.oo date VI COTNB and Ni 'ancral nrzdahment al no d rates. old LOST. I•tOST.—On the St. Clair Street Irespeaetoa llrUlm or Perldeal Street, a , I) PEN AND PENCIL. A Usti reward will be eta a If fetoed to No. d.toeltoa . A MUM. Alter/hen, C lt7. e STRAYED. STRAY COW.--Strared from th. of tee eubserther, No. SV3 CA•rtlers trtrL Alle•bersy. • LAIW ANN Wiens COW. A liberal nevazd vitt b. O•l for ber reoo.el. ADUIIOBII;VSLie NNW ADVERT/ tgrNOTICE. 7 The Itegular monthly mitellos at IL W 031111. 1 ,11 CIitRIMAN AUSOCIAT/Ult arlll OlaJtlat 11031E 4 No. 48 , Glatt.= atreet:TO•MOAVA/W. at AM n. A. A tail astaadaaaa la FautlaalanY d“lted, aa arraaacepoata aretato made for Ida SIMIT.11•17 0c27204 arNOTICE.—The regular oval menu of no Storibrdifors of•the P►YNYYLYA.BIA trIBURANCI CO/IYABY for Um elertloo of Directors. .111 b bal4 o* lIONDAT. Noormbor 1M 111119. at. Moir °floe, beloreen the boon of 10 Ar. rr,ikrol Al. W. re= :07 iIUCT MeLLaliair. rocerCLUI. CLOSING OUT SALE! • - o+teß to the leech of {{he eeetoipuLeei, let. 6UI Will be /WM RFB/41DLESS aF MST. 3he Stock - ia Nem and Complete, CoBBIST/110 Rilktf.illook and Colored * Min Poplinn t . . tionkingi f • Broths Shawls. Plaid Shawls, Clsfllnt And a Fail Line of DontestioCials;at •, . 141.gati1fitit&.03. ) ..... . SIXTH , S-TREET.. • . I/YMCA CSITAIMVI2II2 AND 1M1711v111131,1 rutentrils, vet. $17,11509. . . ATOTICE.i."This Asseagraesit lot, rWlar fvpt It lst to tilev . 4"=°11V4. 1 '.111 1 11 saVnalion,,ed cen be Seem-8S tAIL• *Mee •ACII ZIATUILD ALT.' Norembez Mb; 1209, Inlet -It MU brion,zo lot cuy Tr (.1001. Well=' ee=:4l , " .T..lllUMlSC.Ottrtivelueitt; A CLE - CrUktt VAtterscrwill tiew..eseed Wiftillanatebet , lls, - at &betel:lca et.taltitrA: sixth stmt. tcc.iltttachletf Joo tiAICUST. MST& Int Reel note .6 t Ivenes thaw, be delteeecel at elszeiscret gaicel4W4 c.; I .Cll. ea cr. belolclteecateeelst,Llloo. oelntn-- etrernstottecti•-• loErts; - irtiitt*ln . lalaftt:' , 4lll. belleen. se tt-teccd tette ilwelltuit boo,e of. mol, ptessea.lcielc - feelstgascraad Its.mcice 'enter. otA roe. sea:cellar: vamp. etc.:. Also a" Karim Intd , welekweece Sr . -Seer /00W g*d tot CAI feet 171 Ww9g::fr_tlejttle. 444". 4P !"t3. i '.01411 • FIN In ,Cl6.llll,Aratitair..l,4:. 'stelae at • ••Lfttic ete.r . eted'ileleurAittiOc stelopee!in" ne , " - '4ll WV: • ft_ Viniv4attcriod - ausu •.-. T II E WEEKLY GAZETTE t}As cog:menus! and /4114)11 t. s• nt Mert.Ol .bald I • COMM 11 50 1 1/ • 11.1 • ten. ..... 1 13 A , P:.• • (um 1.11 4 m.nit -tislT to Ike retbn . l'oczna,ers aro rE•0•00143 1M4 7 51111.k1C, ILIUM & CO, =ME “ L. 6.11.” Ican.r.s," ".Foului,7 ..floardfA . 2 . ,4c., w,/ neredm.g pot -R emu ivy Lbx cotunnu one= TIF EN TY-FIVE 'EN TS; cars t;-,,c FIVE rE.vrs. WANTUE)-I:I_,LP T F-1 61-- T Ent. • • 1 , EST OiltICE, No. IL tit. Matt Y- % not IfleN, far d l4 oftili ‘;',l •-• IN AN rt, WAAi T Lt. - . MORTGAG - ES. - $4O, COO to 1.414.1 In large or anull anotelats. T rIOIIAB K ~1 1111, Band And 1,•1 nate Broker, S.. 179 not theeld meet. WA NTEll.—Plantrig Nlllllfles To purr hese the oldrg losble 1 1 1901.111, I.A .0 I• 1. A NI oti kl/tlgTElt. Waage retAtten. 4.0. 1060 All o•ber thietio• Jul Bla.t 1,411 n. ••• n re, log shovtoo and Moat from 1•00.1 'gorging loanlooety le ao 10Ir orrelosat 114 t1C179e111i911. Prooldetors of reaoo7l. 19.11 IKE 1/1)17••1. IS4. Agent of 11110911 , 29 Connti. 041.4 of R . e.on nod Thlstl-4/ girt au. WASTED. —lty a man who hat hadsame extadlenee to Good. N.A...., and hut alto traveled a pa Aral. a sttnatlo4 as tratt , llol snot thr nal. Cud ?tea or trWeandeJabltina,botud . . Oltajitea r. t • ',nett Mat May be rtyulted• a, wt. to Ptuteldea Rea mo o. lalak..lllreata, Go v od for at [ACME k 11A191110114r. Do, 94 Oyu meet. Atte[Lep, - - WA WEED.— A Good Nurse. IN 114 , 1 /tad AttentlvA to ch•dren, tr.ll end • pleasant altuatlon In • ansll ramify. Apply •• 65 Heaver siftit. Allentetty WANTED. A First Claim 11.0111.1er on cutlin Paw, le nacitid...• go to etn , lnn ATI. Ad dr-.3 11.1011 rs. 11[.o ts,mat , 1 , Z:81,11uul 3t12 sutet.Phts• NITA NtlEtt.-111 OTTY.—A GOOD s • COM, liA ND PIAN O. Plow 64 dews A. ti ~ EN N. 150 11.14.• mreet. Alleitheay, stating .13e..41 vat. in.tromeni OMb. Kai, WA NT E . — BOARDIVG/1 Luxe Second sAory 'eo? aooti, suit able for•• •••ililnan see wife or anal. glans .ll2l totned. An N 0.157 Reath arson. AVANTED.—AI few - shales of ,teruwl k. Meek. Casqul, • Lim Ilt.nal tie lee At ay TO LEIT P• LET.—A Large, farnjted tgyp =op. Incl Oded. Refer tiny. = r . W. CLARK. •Ilembrty CUT. rrinLET.—A Second story front mom. turul•htd..P.ung ox bahway. Ma queen IN Wylie .tteet. LET second Star, L Itn"1114 salt/ate far two *mitt. poptIMNII oefiettt&ll3l± ,.. .t.itdy JAI WY.!.1.4Mt,.. rpo .LET WiTiILAISOAIIDING. A. Tyro Pn,rtt Pr ma LOCarian _o4ldl. ilVablwAlltbe.cfry, lb I North and2o.ll. aJlquoso CIL). VOll . RENT.-4 famished u rforms- • erttaMP for ,roollnoro. Itimalreat r b o f No- 7 . 1 N., to alsotl. Jo.o oOofo Woo city. EOR TtENT the first day of Apelf Oft two stoned Befell thos noes, coo,lolne .el vc rooms. line al. oh the cam, of oloction avenue • tod Woo ster ntrool., oitn ro•olo nu-ached. To • good let ant Wes.. pfemlfoo volf r . tole. EngiffreOt >I As 2. UPDIA.S, 2109 raver Armour. Allegheny. FOR SALE. VDU BALE —AL Counter and •ultable far Bunking or losarsobo * dire. tau Pittsburgh rcen at No. GO FOUP.TH •1111, OR SALE.-11171ILIDING LOTS to pooire of TROIA. M• N, itorne, No. Og PIM Av.-one. Volt SALE—FOR SALE.—Opp A: ofthe fiatet a ted an Store Rooms to the nu.. and doing a ant h.+ -In• es. Ore` Farm Ment=he sad Irrarn sssss rtntries. [nadir on Corner. lot oa of talevtOK_lbP 17:scrirstP:Vn!;,:rtggittr3t.N."1"" OR BALE.—SOIITIF AVENEE eet bur,riorikicm. Atterbeny C 1 ,14 Lollwelg y 130 to • 201,..1 alley; houter•mt422•ll gnl.roorttout and Int•E.d le good or , cr. Aptdr to CROFT PEIILLWas Meal . .stat• A..n1.. No .39 Youttb Avast, • 1rATE...117i1336.-01:trretil • CM< s partnentdp.. WiR61301112. Nos. 64. d Ottlrd arcane:24 feat Croft aid t tit