FINANOIAX.. immaciffin, No. 80 FOURTH AVENUE, PITTSBIIRCHL CASH CAPITAL Stockholders Individually Liable. IM or DISCOUNT ALSIP AMP /LOYD wit. FLOYD. Cubic, • • • • s. I'. Joan ahaaaoa. Archibald Wallace, W a rced, Jas. D. Kelly. h. R. Le, ' ech, I W. Floyd. e. Is boa tally arg.lced add prooaral to do s Mauna balbssaa. 131-01....1130, SILVER AND COUPONS Bought at nifh€BB Prices PIL R. MERTZ, Banker cer. Wood and Fiflh streets. LIES T. BRADY & ON leseeenors 06. Jt.1311a3 • CO. Corner Fourth and Wood Ste., .13 .A. lieT MIL313:11 izt IS, IGIT LSD 'saw. ALL maxim ur GOVEANNENT SECURITIES, fif&D, KILTER ARD EXIIIPONN ON •OET 7ALVOILILBLE TIER/13 ii 'merest Allowed on Deposfts. s■oee, loanod on Uovernment Bond Amen siustes Estes. Oman iaLOCallad Par Ma Panahas• Nan Salo of ITOCMN, lIONDS and GOLD. T. BRADT & CO Rittsfrurgil etaylit. FINANCE AND TRADE. Orme or Prrranunon GAzurre, SaTVOOLT, October 7.3, 1869. The money market Is in a critical con diticus. The remittances South have - taken about two millions of money out of the New York banks, but the West tequired but a very small amount. It is,, however, expected that the coming :Week will witness • regular movement do produce from the West and} prepor. donate shipment of currency. - - Ttlerise In gold from 1.14,„ to I3l,ti® nig operated favorably on the ' . export kitiainew, and mitre amounta of Oitton, grain and securities have gone forward . So make exchange and prevent ehlpment of coin or specie. The general condi tion of the national llniumes, however, Skiretni lower gold lilemium. Government bonds are sustained hi texpeettedion of an Investment demand troth Europa, although the home mar _ AM lain favor of lower prices. Stoek• are sustained but not strong. .Lower prima must be looked for, and st atixdd 13014111311.1 attempt any Interfer ence with the currency question In fa. Tar of contraction, a general decline of prima must be looked for M the Mock =change. Mousy ti",osiy but um not be obtaloed except on.ptizao names. Buenas mod erately active. ' QOM:Mans ss received by PM ri K 6186 Gold. 1311 Silver, .123; Eighty =WAlle, Ave Twenties, no, 120%: do /aft 1125 E do 1866, ME; do 1866, Clonsoli, 117%; do 1867, 117 E; do Ma, 117 Mr-Ten Forties, 108%; New 'Tort • ,Aptsurs4," 187; Erie, 120%; Beading. 9 6%; WI •• • Ain Wayne a Chicago 800 8434; °bk. dt Mlsfelppd , 26%; illeddg southern, MX; Cleve. -• land . * Plitibargb, 112/1‘; Chicago d Boat Wand, 10534: Chi n° t harth W 71' adosirod North Western Prae@ed, 81 ; Adams Express Com ' porn 0630 Mereliants Union Express, • - -2110 Pac lfl o Mall, Wonern Union • ' OctmemnY, 88E; American Ez r:ll2l2llCbtoPhOar 35X. , icsnwArtas, Large. assail- Itindern, per e. f 6,45 3 6 , 60 knots, per 27 zsx rt, florins ..... 68 6934 - . . tergetearaeiit4m ... sterseeeseite.i New Yeats, October 23. M 69. , Money quiet at 5@7; chiefly 6: The bank statrunentis unfavorable; It allows . a Ws in reserve of $2,161,269 againia a decrease In liabilities of 32,8.58,- 00. The tanks still hold, however, $lB,- . - MAO Of lawful money in excess of the eapoont required, by law. The figures idea a heavy drain of currency to the ekluiti. Which fairly set In this week. Loan% CM' 3,393403--increase, $867.079; ow* sl9,swoi—denresee, 1193,360; sir auntie% $34, 204 435—dessesen. $12,67% orpeeste, 4173,7113,91.6—denea5e. g1,844,- pg. lessal-tenden, 152.0:qt64,-daerealle, gLini.9a). • -, /turnais nye that the lake Shore , ,Dlnaters have declared a semi-annual :.dividead of four per cent., but it la Ms. — .Credited. Another report Is that Nonce ' :ARM* tato be President of the Com : Mattoelver of the bold Exchange Bank tadaypald an additional 26 par - • ems total creditors. The Andatant Treasurer ma, daring tbe week 112.495,237 -for mamma, and paid ou t $183,200 coin interest. . uniale 10w.,: It opened at 131%, fell to ' ac t:closed at 131. Carrylog rates, • par pent. to flat. 'leyl4, some Boston caVtal feta riesmid here for another campaign In Melprionente: ' Blacks dull and 'unsettled. though a tillbrabovethe lowest ;Ant of the after. soonquototiona. floverninenta dull but sandy, Com ~.136111e 07931. - 1.16%®120; do , '65, nom@ MOM do. '64, 113%®110%; do. '63, us% , It: Matt do. r new,1177Mg117%; W do. '67. • ' HIV do. 8, 117 @; le-s, BM% 106%t mirrency 107%0108%. littate, , BondaddLL Mtaaouria. INV old TIRMMEMOO, 61; new do. orw. 531 old Vlr. • Plitlakall .11 aeir do., 53; North - Cantinas, I •"_. aElredrffitrinr 53Oombor miud.216.1ilieneut Union Telegraph, MN; Qttlekidiver. 1M Mariposa. BM , do. toe - tarred. Mail, Mg Adams Enna% 6630 Wells. A - Fargo, 20%; Amerean. Itny.: United sides, an; nun chants' Union, New,..lfork (antral, 181; Harlem, IM%; do, preferred, 14.% Hudson, 170%;. unclog. 116%; Erie, dth Streferred. Catt liMif fdlehlki ftutheso, gm; au: non Cannel.. ,Pinsiturgh. MOE; Northwesters), Yu._ gre r, - , Co & 77t: Back Waist 95%,' Ss "sat, 036 preferred. 31%1 :Wabash. .6:3411 da - preferred. Mt. Ant Wrine, .Terre MAMA 30 Mrbideogo and Alen, , Hu Ohio and Allasslalptil,2s%; 0: O. Al L 13423%;1 LW. Wining shares dull Bub-Treasury ba1an0tit,1191.783,638, 1 , meets to dry include 3.6,604000 anailOd gold certificates sent to .Watddrooms. , ~ lmpqrta Mr the week—dry pods. ;L., general merabandine,l2,Bo.7,ldt l/7 anu iiu JiA4loEre. Ofirtral Of Prrzwitracist Oessres, Rimustuir. October 23( likt% I • Siodnees generally hen been rather boor daring the week :which hie Jaw amid, bat there hi still plenty of room itlefmgecouett. There le only one ob. mute In the way Ma good fait and 116- liftindealtat It is earnestly hoped that It will be removed. we refer to the Maid eariarePittablugh le Leming under la Begird to Ong shipments matt tr this 0 / 01 caltywasebeleted, theie would be a Urge quantity of Sear. grain and pro. duos. generally.. forwarded wed alnial daily, and It la certain that whatlhe Itellmed OOmpany would lose In dcdng Otiplp 04 of paws, would' be lolly Madirep In Incrameditilpmenta. Stem te tam:other thing that tends somewhat to restrict badmen and that Wel VOW' Or cOttniteask. k i d t h e mice . saintr=f ozilteo Operators.* In etoyth la bi a° not eel iillowed to .do ing wine .apprehatilre that the a s - - D a yet been tonetued, end Meyers not willing to Wrest. their °apt. tel awn matters becconemore emit& . ASHES-Wady but , ' .L. l lgear4c. 434 Mr Soda, and 9 for Pearla: APPLES-4n better ripply but A ge d. lith a continued gar demand. at 81,54 Wpm bbl for comment° obolee n ~- . 11 IICHWHEATFLO11-aalellattela: BUTITS , ..III In good supply 'ridden .1401 a drooping tends:WA we et:Wm f, to quote good to prime Roll at 30(4.3.3 and CElEhliE—Market Ilrm and prima well maintained. Sale, Western Re serve at 16f.7!„17; Factory at 174174; Ohio Goshen IliggdSe,; and New York Oosium 19 cent. ('RAN BERRIES Sales at ilOcin I 6 per hbl—the outside figure for Sackett's choice "belle" berme. CARS , IN 011.—May he quoted at . .2,,, ®29 for 60 or Its) bbl lota, and 3t.eys,3l in_ a retail way. CIII.2•ITS UM Cannot be ,quoted above *Vett per bushel. DRIED PRlllT—Apples are quoted at 14( - 410 ctn. per pound, and Peachea et Itt eta. for bright quarters, and P26„yl4c for bright halves. Eehlb—Have still further advanced and we now quote at 30 ctn. YEATHERS--Dull; quoted at SUCfahli cents to the trade, and the menet advance for small (Main store. FLOC R—The receipts of western II or continue light, though the supply is fully equal to the demand, eas the mills, here, appear to have the "lion's share" of the retail trade, and take the retail trade away and ere la nothing left. The mills, wo uud tend, are supplying the trade with it ndard winter wheat flour at about 18, and medium grade,' t /0®(3,25; good astern flour cannot be sold for any Item that la, and afford a margin to the d aler. Spring wheat flours, to use aco mon phraao, aro about "PlaYednut" in t market. ORAlN—Wheat weak and droop. Dag, With °onside ble offering from the West; we are cog Mutt of ono of our collie katring bought 6,000 bushels prime red at $1,23, and It may be fairly quoted at 51,20@1,23. Choice white will bring 11,30. Oats in rather better demand but unchanged-17(54N on wharf and track, and be in store,Rya is dull and nomin ally unchange at II (1,05, mash. Prime ear corn In wanted for feeding and will bring 111, but shelled, notwithstanding I the stock in thin market la light, In dull and tending downward. Burley in quiet and unsettled, 111,20@i1,30, as to quality. HAY—May be fairly quoted at Ile( 20 peet ton, from country wagons, HUSKS—Higher; sales at 3@.7i.j. LlME—Sales of Cleveland white lime at 1242.2.5 per bbl. ~ LARUOIL—Kxtra No. I,ls quoted at 81.4401.46, and No. 2. at 81.0.540e,u5. ONlONS—!latex at a2,6Kg,3,00 per bbl, the outside figure for choice. POTATOkll—Peach Blows 60 eta. per bushel. Prime Jersey Sweets are being bold at 64,00 per bbl. I.IIO V I BIONB--shottldent, at 174 IN; Clear Ribbed Sides, 12/%; Ribbed Sides, 2th plain Sugar Cured Rams, =(92:le/. Prime kettle rendered Lard, iiNigai In tierces; In kegs 21. Mena Pork, Pi s ' 75@,33. - POULTRY—SaIes of chlokena at 56 to 66 Conte_ per pair, according to also. SEEM. --Sales of flaxseed at 12,40, and but little offering in thin market. Timothy seed la dull and nominal at ;4%4 , 4. Nothing doing in clover need. SALT—La firmer, with eaten of car load iota at 11,85 per bbl. STRAW—SoId in Allegheny market at $l2 per ton. iStOO.OOO P ETRI/L Ell DI DIA RILICT Orricrs or Pirroor Roo liAzirrns, SATURDAY. Uctuber, 23, 1869, REVIEW /OR THE WEEK The oil market has been somewhat excited and very sensitive during the week, and while there hue only been a I moderate volumcrof business, prices] are etrong, and, compared with last week, considerably higher. The feeling do• ring the pant two or three days 'has been decidedly "bullish," and that the course of the market, recently, has been in favor o f the bull element must be con ceded; several muses conspired to bring this about, the most prominent of which was rumors to the effect that a "corner" was In conteroplation, causing the 'shorts', to feel linearly and nisei feat a desire to "cover." Then, again, it is asserted that the stocks In Europe aro very much re. duced, that the consumptive demand is Steadily increasing' and that there will be more oil required this year than lest. These are some of the strong points ad. vanced by those who are large holders of oil, and aet roch we give them. Recelpta of crude this week, 20,805 bbia; last week, 22,611; January is; to date, 712,0112; same time last year, 1:9,- 367. Exports of retinal East thin woes, t. 3,462 bbles; last week, lestr=o; from Jan uary first -to date, 1145 .Z 9 et same Owe last year, 570,278. Sales' this week, Si,- 500 bblre Lad week, 58,060. The exports of refined this week are the largest of the season, and as the advance in freight goes in to effect on the let of November, it is probable that the shipmenta during the balance of this month will be large. As will be seen by reference to the above figures, we ars still largely behind the same time butt year, both In receipts of crude and shipments of refined, and the year is so near its close, that there la no probability of making it up. CRUDE. The market to lirm and prices tending upward, though the, demand does not ap pear to be prtitaillg, and there is but Itt good oil offering. Wo earl report mien of 500 bids spot at I5)4; I,ooe do at' l5)4: 1.000 seller November at and 1,01.00 seller all year (40 to 45) at 15 / ti. Buyer all year, 1-5 X bid and IS asked. =1:12 But a single sale reported-1,000 bbis October at 333, November and Decem ber. 33 5i@ 3 .4q. and the name figures will apply to October to December. Buyer all year would bring 33k, but there are no sellers at this figure. LvENJoArmo 011..8. ✓Zcllpm Winter Lubricating oil PP Eollpse Railroad Eclipse Machinery 76c Eclipse Bobill fide OIL SHIPPED EMIT AT DUQUESNE DEP01 1 : Fleming & Co. 684 tibia refined oil to Warden. Frew & Co., Pluladelnillia- Hutchison Oil & Refining Co., 326 bbhi to Warden, Frew & Co.. Philadelphia Brooke, Balm:nine & Co. Mibble reL 01l to Warden, Frew& Co., Philadelphia. Total_ ............. .... 1169 bbl.. tuccustrrs OP MUDD OIL BC A. V. Maher Bro. IMO Ws, on accoun K B. Long & C 6; Kier. Oil Worke 840, t on ac count Pool Bro; National Ref. Co. 100, on account J. Munhati & Co; Brilliant Oil Worts SO, an account Oweton &Bowen. TataL 1,440 bbIlL OIL IMIP11111:IITS PER Wl= PENNA. B IL Holdship & Co. 288 bbie refined oil to Waring. King & Co., Philadelphia. Fairtiow Oil Worka 219 bbl ref. oil to Charles Lentils. Mantas. Rapier & Co. 249 bbis ref.:to 'Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. Union Refining Co. 195 bble oil to W. P Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Kirkpatrick & Lyons 257 bbis refined W. P. & Bro., Philadelphia. A. D. liar 48 bbis refined to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. Total Refined aIIIPPIED LOT BY-A. t. R. B. Lns & Co., 339 bbla retitled to W. P. Logan et Bra, Philadelphia. Fawoett. L & B. 193 bbla refined to W. P. Logan & Bro.. Philadelphia. • •Porsyth & Bra. 420 bbla relined to Warden, Frew & Co.. Philadelphia. adze= 011 Co. 220 bbla rellned to Tack Bras, Philadelphia • Total shipments /.172 18ABILI2m4 Br TELEGRAPH. Nzwcur, October 23.—Cotton a shade er e sales 1,800 bales at 200 for Middling Nandi. Moan receipts were 14,410 bbla; doll and In buyer's favor; sales 8,800 bbla at 15,60%5,76 for super thin State and western; 8 6 06,00. extra Stele; 14%6,64 extra western; 8840%7, white wheat extra; 88,10%0,65, R. H. O.; 1643486.76, extra St. Louis; f 7 A S O, good choice do., closing dull. Rye Flour steady; .sales 260 ,bbla at 114.00486,25. Orr: Meal dull. Whisky without deci ded' change; mdea 800 bbla western at 111,2101,211.4 free; for November sot December 11.133.1,14. Wheau• rocelpia were 78,781 bush; market doll and strong ly in favor of buyers; sales 48,00 bosh at $l.BO for common white Dlinola 1g,n01,43 for winter • red and amber Western, latter price an extreme, 1 1 , 46 for choice amber TOIIDOebee, 81,60%1,80 for white Michigan. Rye doll, 81,08% 1 , 0 7 , f0r western. Barley dull, sales of 3.600 bush, No. tin sound state se 11,85. Barley malt quiet, sales of 2,000 bush. at CM. Racei Fla—oast 4.277 bath. Corn to lower and rather mare • doing. sales of 6.700 bush., 810.08 e, for unsound mixed weeternir l c€4l„oo for sound do., 81.01g1 1,01 for b =Lunt and yellow western, 81,02 for W hite western. Beeedota—oate, 34,050 bush. Oats a shads" easier sales of 8,400 brush. at 81(S88o ibr new Southern and Western, Mee dolt. Coffeetinlet Sugar steady saes of 400 bide Cuba at 115‘012.340. Mohasco dull. Petroleum Sao at /80. tbr crude, 830 for relined Hops quiet. Oral . quiet. Wool otoody. With sales 476,000 pounds at 47%52me for domestic fleece and 4 20510 for polled. .Leatheg wedlock Sole dim el MO3lO. Buenos Ayres and Rio Grande light and middleweights. Litweed °Udall. Tar realm quiet. Sheathing copper quietic.t and.v. 63 previo us Agoras eopPer quiet - and drooping. Mg iron steady at 136,60%38 for Scotch and 8187% 10 Air AM.Woan. Bar M e sa , BB6 for rainel English and Sleet very quiet at 1113120 gold far Russia. Nall" steady at 4%0 for Out, 631 e tor tilla% and 2648300 for horse shoe. Pork -.firma; sales 1,400 bbl, at po,Nign for mew closing at 01 for cash; 136.501 fOr prime and 827,600 for prime =we 800.113104 sales of =Setae at 88' 481$ for new plain math 1 1 2@ 17 ,60 for new extra mess. Beef hams dull; *ales of 600 bide al Ma= ,POS meats Oda and unchanged; vales ot 100 package,, at for shoulders, 17( - 0,19e for Mous. Middles firm: rmles of 70 boors Cumberland cut, seller Deciemlier, Janu ary and February, at 14c. Lard un changed; ...ans.( 340 tlerims at 16,3(&ac for steam. and Ih4lai,e for kettle ron i dived: also boo derma roller October, at 17 , .,c for steam. Butter , tuiet and ateadv, '.:40.4,324. for ohm. Cheese quiet at 174 lO',c. Freights to Liverpool quiet and very Orin: 0 , 01 per mall and 10i.,,d per steam for NV hunt. La/U.Se.— Flour closed dull and be lower. Wheat chill at Y1,51'40,1.12 fir whiter rod and /1111 b, western. Rye heavy at (9 1 . 07 for weetkru. ((ate lower and dull at r` for western. l'orn .111101 at B.4(thie for unsound, and 91ic4j141,02 for sound mixed western. Pork noccnnally unchanged. Beef quiet and steady. Cut Meats firm with moderate demand. Ba con Brun with fair Inquiry. Lard steady at 17 , 4(&n, for fair to prime steam. P:gge in good request at 32n.33e. Alcohol /11,3'73.i. taint Kourie acrafrod CB WAI4O, tittober 23.—Eastern change firm, at par to 1-10 off buying and 1 10 premium selling. Flour steady, at 14,37%46,00 for spring extras. Wheat quiet; sales of Nn. I at #1,03(1,04%; No. 2 opened at 97e, advanced to 07!,c and closed at 963:14117a, this afternoon the market wan inactive, at 1.6 , ,(4,97c, seller October, and any., buyer November, for No. 2. Corn acid ee and ! , higher; Kale. of Nu. 1 .LNo. 2 itt r6`,(q,l7e, and rejected at 61 , ,t01c. cloning at for No. 2; Lida afternoon the market was inactive at tklc seller(''toter, and eti , ic buyer Oa toyer for No. 7, 11,14 firmer and Rife I Iyc Mich,: ' , aloe at in store, .14 , .,c meller November, 39' seller first had, 40 seller the closing at ;41(3.4 ii,r in store. Rye (fillet; salon of No. 1 at 74475 e, No. 2 at 70(971' ' c, re jetted at 65c, cloning brie at 72 /or No. 2. Barley dull; sale. of No. 2 at Ills in store, *1,4 seller the month, rinsing at 11,1341,15. Highwinte lens ac- Live and senior at 1t.12@1.12i 5 . Sugar 13 , : (.214!.,.• for 4.01111/1011 lir NIMIN pork quiet for present, but fairly active for future delivery, sale. at 131,50 fur old; ISO fur new cash. 126,75, Seller January. Lard Inactive and noui'l at leßy, (917 c. Dry salted anoulders at tic; green at 10S(91 :c; green hams steady at 14 4 c; Freights dull 6i,„Cytic for wheat to But tido. Itecelpts during the past twenty four Lours: 18.809 barrels flour, 89,881 bush wheat, 44,525 bush corn, 421,392 bush eats, 8,646 bush rye, 3,219 bush barley, 6,416 hogs, t-hiuments. 6,760 bbis tlour, 138,891 bush wheat, 43,684 bosh 'ern, Saa bush oats, 1,785 bush rye, 7,340 bunk barley, 6,014 hog. At the afternoon hoard No. 2 spring wheat was quiet at 96,4 c cash; 97c buyer for October; seller for November nouttnat at 9641@,97c; buyer fur November held at 98119 c. Corn steady at 13 6(4494 , .,c, seller for October; 134@434!,c, seller for Novem ber, clotting at 66e seller for October. Oats dull at 41e ...II arid moiler for ()etc, her, In the evening there wan nettling done. ST. Lucia, October 23.—Tobacco la firm, but little is offering. Cotton quiet at 24®24 1 .c. Homy tlrriir with email .1. choice undressed at 11,70. Flour dull; choice superfine and extra wad at I. 5063.1,65; double extra, 14,75(5,25; 'ripple extra, /5,60(46,25, fancy family 56 WI. Wheat -choice fall active and edit% medium and low grades slow and a shade lower; No. 2 spring, 90c; Nu. 2 red fall, /1 01(EaLd7; No. I do, 11,10(41,12i choice, 11,261,30; No. .2 white, 5 1 ,16; No. I do, 11,21(31,25; choice, 11,35®1,4234. Corn unchanged except for choice and fancy white, which is higher. ' mixed, 83484 c; good to prime white, ikk.@,92c; strictly choice, 96c. (iota dull and lower at 4.3 r in bulk and 461 - 61 c in sack. Barley dull at ssc (or Illinois spring, 11,5234 thr Clndiana fall, and 51.50 for prime l ' .l d Rye dull and lower at (17@i72c. Whiaky stead cat 11,15. Gruner'ea quiet and unchanged. Pork dull and lower at 1.30 free on board, Including 500 bids seller January at /26,76. Bacon dull and declining at 17@17v (or shoulders, and 20c for clear sides. Lard dull and runih- Mal, with mina 000 tierces prime !steam sailer January at 1.4%C... Clattle active at 2 , ,tg.6c for Inferior to prima, and for choice. Hogs for packing, aye, aging 255 to 250 pounds, ft!.,@tll.,c. mist I. leg at the yards at 848i.0. .Receipts -7,600 bile llorir, 18,.10 bush wheat, 5,700 Muth corn, 18,500 bush oats, 11.000 bush barley, 1,900 bosh rye, 760 hog*. CEICIZINATI, October 23.—Flour changed; family at /5,50®6,76. Wheat dull; closing at 11,1 .18c51,12 for No. 2 and I red. Corn at iiscq/170 and In fair de. viand. Ci at 60(9 0 56c. Rye firm at n 0 495 e. Burley dull; No. / fall sold at 11,50, though not offered to any great ex• lent at thin rate. rotten dull and cin.op. leg; iiiiilithtur at TOlO/eo. dull. Whiaky nun sales at /1,1:14 - 4, but not saleable nt doom better iht DE2 - Mona Pork dull at 131. Lard e, Bulk meats nominal; no nano Barrett nominally unchang,d; idiculder a at 1634 and alder, at 193 e... Imreau meats quiet at 11@14®15e for new bulk; abort'. ders offered at 15 day. In salt. Butter and Cheese unchanged. Heitz in good demand at 59,80%10.25, gram. Gold at 130 V, buying. Exchange dull at WO discount baying. et.rvxxxxn, ()etcher 13.—Fluor mar. ket dull and heavy. Wheat very dull and lower; email males of No. !red winter ere made at 1,12: No. 2 red held at 11.10, market cloned heavy anil Corn nominally lower and held at ,4486 c f'l. No. 1 mixed; 02r for No. 2 dn. Oats dull and nominally unchanged. Rye quiet and nominal. Barley: much of the state Barley that la now coming forward in not of a high quality - In good condition held at a . . .mg ~tagiUl,2L, Carolina in heed at 1,2041 e ,35 for outaide very choice. Petroleum mar ket firm and a abode better; refined held at :Ns fEeLlie for prino fight straw to white; r.l 1,,@30c fur standard white in large lot.; small lota (or retail at 33(934c; crude firm at 16,60 per bbl. New ORLEANS, October 23.—Cottuu firm; middling, 21%c; sale., 1400 Wen; receipts, 1816 bales; exporte to Liverpool, 3136 balm Flour 1.5,25(1,6,60, and 15,66 . 45634. Corn—white, 11,10. Oats, 69c. Bran, /1.0801,10. Mesa Pork, 132,50. Bacon, retailing at 18,0: Sugar—new centrifugal, 73,%@73%et yellow clarified, 15c.. Sfoloasee drooping; new, 860g,11. Widaky,11,26@1,27. Coffee unchanged: choice, 21c. Gold, 31. Sterling, 125. New York Bight Exchange, l to ; count. , BurrsLo, October 23.—Rettitipta -11,000 tittle flour, 40,000 bush wheat, 20; 000 both corn, 16,000 Loeb barley. Ship ments-1110,000 bosh wheat, b 4,000 bush corn, 34,000 both oata. Freights dull; wheat 23hii, corn 111 c, oats, lo New York. Elam*. Wheat mid Corn nomin n allyunchanged. Oste neglected. Rye inactive. Pork and Lard dull and without change Illghwineet aales of email parcels al 111,16. Locrisvihr.n. October 2.3.--Colton quiet at :Zs for middlings. Flour steady $11,50 for superfine. Grain unchanged and quiet. tlrocerles are In fair demand and price. are SUNHILIed. Leaf Tobacco quiet and offerings ere light; sales 17 Mold at 17,20@;11,25. Provudons quiet and wick low. Mess Pork pl. Bacon unchanged. Whisky declined to 111,18. Killing today amounts to 1,0113 hogs; prime hogs held at 0(:49.,y,c; but few buyers In the market. liswcoo, October 23.—Flour ;heady; mile. of 2.100 bbls. Wheat lower at 8127%. Corn dull; sales of 2,000 brush in car lota at 85c. Barley quiet; sales of 0,500 bosh Bay Qainto 11,30. Canal freighte—wheat 20c, and barley 1630 to New York. Lake importa-.16,900 bush wheat, 17,000 bush corn, 98,000 Lamb bar ley. Canal exports-37,000 bush wheat, 95,000 bash barley. IMEEI Pruzsnm.rate. ' October 23.—Plour dull and weak; sales extra family at 16. d @ 7 , 25 ; fancy f7,50(518. Wheat dull: sales red $1,4001,43; Kentucky white 11.65. Rye 11015(01,10. Corn dull; sales mixed western at 9330. Oats 5.9468 c. Petroleum firmer at 2340•, refined 830. Provisions: small business done and wares. Whisky has advanced to 11•204 Catcall°, October 23.—Cattle firm at 14G,4,2.5 (or common to good: Tit:Anglican $3,7504,73 for light stockers; 1'®4,65 (or common to good cow. 7 5 , 65 07, 1 2 (Or light to choice shipping einem. Hoge quiet and a shade weaker: eases at #9@9,24 for common : $9,40®9.60 for fair to medium, and $9,11509,e0 for good to choice. Ravriatorm, October 23.—Flour dull and weak; western superfine #5,80(1576, extrels,7s©B.6o.family_l7@7,2s. hest nominal at f 1,4661,60. , Corn dull, white 1410@410, yellow nominal at sbgl,lo. O&M dull at 57@000. Rye 1410@1,14. Provisions unchanged. Whisky In good demand and same, 11,21@/.= f4Stisnin, October 23.—Cotton quiet and nominally at 24c; recelpta of 1.585 bales. and exports 826. Flour 1H.51: Oorn 01. Oats quiet at 62c. Hay $27. Bran 12:1,60425,00. Pork dull at _las@ `3„60. lard steady at 193.0i21.c0 . _ ateadY -030121 M. Hewn fir quiet and m; ehouldera 183 ( end aide. 21306 NASHVILLE, October 23.—Ootton; low piddling ..Ui‘c; good ordinary 23c. Red 'Wheat •111,06; amber fl,llK white Corn 111,12. Rye N. Barley 11 1,25. Oats 63c. Flour Ma for superfine to fanny. Bacon; sides 20c; hams 22iic, shoulders Darmorri Oetobar W.—Floor active and ateadynt 0,60@6,75. Wheat 2(43c lower,extra white 11,26, No. 1 atiLlt. Mater M. 407, amber at p.m Barley firm at p,zo per centaL Bran at 14® I& per ton. Dry Goods. New Yowl., October El.—The inclem ency of the weather to-day nes added to the usual quiet which ggeennerally pervades the market on Satordaye, but as the prices of the most textile fabrics are re duced to • level low enough for safety-of trade, there is no important chances to notice. We quote as follows: Sprague?, Knt B neer 3012 c; Stewart la are selling thee . :4 lOyo, Merrimack - 1) 1230. American 1230. Paoido ecowea Mo. dn. Perkins 220%.Anantle A sheeting 1630, Stark A 14%0.1.60, and ?remora 1;. 4030.: PI ; V ADowtr i • -1, :L 0 5 EIVkK NEWS The ruin of Saturday ban not effected - . the river nor Is It likely that It will, as there was not enough of it. The Weather yesterday woo and 911110 cold, the inercary at noon liteng down to 30, ou the Suspension bridge. . There LIU been no xtrt% depar tures sauce tho date of our host report, —The Hob Roy, l'antam Kano, has en tered the Attakapas trade. - Thu W. ft. Arthur arrived at Mt. Louis on Tbur.efity, not nairb the %Norf., —Thu Minot, river at Peoria ix tluwn to lean than mu loot above low water mark. —Thu Camuli 4 otirouto from St. blytti• to Patoburgh, woo at Cairo on Friday. —Work la programing it Ith rapidity on the material for the hiiimouri bridge at Leavenworth. —The Sallie left Cincinnati on Friday for tide port with 300 tone, We hale" cotton. —The St. Marva ban taken the pima of the ill fated St. JPIIIO4, in the Classunati and Maynrllle trade. —lt. M. Wade, Jr., eldest on or Capt. R M. Wads, died at the rraidenm of hie rather, In Covington, on Friday lent. —Capt. W. W. Kiehor and Clerk V. V. Celloe are now running 1.110 Mayflower. She haw gone up the Ouachita from Now Orlmtna. —Captain Jame, liouti has gone to the vicinity of Vickeburg, to wrecktole of the sunken barges of the Ht. Louis and New Orleans Barge Linea —Captain James ThIIIIIIP, as old steno, boatman, but for the past two j.w tiV Ptesident of the Little, Rock (lee ('elm. ['spy, died Tuesday at Little Rork. —The Secretary of the ' , Red River AN.40c1.11013," of New Orleans, de nies that the ',note of that Asayelation have refused to go on any boat. front Ht. Louis, running up Red River, and says they are tpen to engagements by boats front any quarter. —Vacknburgh will shortly have a con crete wharf in front of the present wbarfboat landing. It will be 450 feet In length and 72 feet deep, and will probably cost $lO,OOO. If the project be carried out It will be one of the best un dertakings the oily ban ever attempted. —Ed Gray, pilot, who wan close to the crone of the Arthur diameter, rosys that the boat wan ntlll on the rook on Sunday eight, hut , the prospect was good for raining her, as the damage was closed up, and Interior of hull dry. There had been thrown overboard 3,e00 barrels of flour, whisky, pork, etc., all of which wan no doubt picked up by the people who will consider the good's belonging to them by virtue of the law of Iforttsum and getanm. —Monday' night, Deputy Marshal Irwin, of Wheeling, mixed the ferry boat Covington, pying between South Wheeling and La Grange. It wan whispered about that she was on the eve of leaving for other waters, and one of liar creditors hearing of It, cued out a Ilhel and had her taken Into custody. Thu owners came down with the greenbacks, and their property was immediately re stored to thou. The Covington was formerly one of the forrytenste plying between the foot of wine street, Cincin nati, and the foot of Scott street, Lb,- ingtort. --Bays the Clocinnati kenanerctof: The steamer Greenback left Pittaburgh July .111 and arrived at Cincinnati Oct, gi, and hew taken out on her way down 8 octal boats and bargee and 1 canal boat, and leveled down the wreck of the logo mar, at the Blatant, but dio not get her bottom out. Mite has also taken out II snags, and among them navel-al that had done thomutuda of dollars' worth of dam age In the last twenty yea,, and were celebrated among all classes of boatmen —fur instance, the one that sank the Revenue, the one at l'rinaa'a and the eel. twitted Chile snag, or..4ktatman'a Terror. teartorrs UT RAILROAD CLEVELAND AND FITIVEO;Noit KAU /JA1...1a October 23.-1 car .crap steel, How nay. Welle & Co: 130 bble apples , Volgt, Mahood h Co; 100 bbl lime , B L Patine eloek, F A Co; 3 care wheat, ./ 0 I..iggett A Co; 2 do plg Iron, Nlndelt & CO; 1 car oats, W U Miller: 1 car barley. Z Wain wright; 100 Olds dour, J At ]Montgomery; 5 bells oil, bill/man & Berger: 2 do var. 'lab. Bernier. B & Co, 14 Obis bean., 6 .wont po gloom, J kge wine, 1 ming. 3 hhA.; , •ullet, Vl,' Frank un Wogen, ItIrf . : 11+11 t Butler; 1:.5 tt-acm, C 1) A inetnal: 40 bbl, cranber- No.. Watt, Lang t Co; 0 ske potatoes, Adams h ' l; S Ws, Ibe potatoes, J UII r 10 We apploe, J J Pettit; 4 kire but ter, 5100ullougla, ti & Co: 1.10 boa cheese, F Sellers A Co: 15 bee oat., F U Craig bead; 15 bble knob. Adams, McKee ,k 0o; 57 eke rye, J d W Fairlsy; 76 pim pips, E Bourne &. Bra: 28 eke corn, Ncott .5 Weal: 60 aka oars, Meanor d. H; 1 or hay, I) H Allerton: 2 can Say., Haat. lege& Deem 12:it:ibis appleee, H tUddle: 26 do apples, Woodworth A 70 bide ~ onent, llso Morton; 134 do apple., Bruitgerunin .5 O'Brien: 101 du do, W .raft A lb; 117 do do, W J Steel A Bro; 02 do do, Ilitcboock. Mc A Co. Prrreavana, Foam W 11.TN1 Q OM totoo RAILROAD* o, t.b.r 23.-5 eke W Barker Jr; 11 kge lard, W H tired A el,; JO blare malt:Jos S Finch Co; 10 dos broom., J A Itenabser; 3 do .In, II Haworth; 331 rolla roofing paper, E hare dr. Co; lb [albs baeketa. F U -Craig head: 1 half bbl butter, 67 bp corn, Henry Rea, Jr; 4 W. cranberries. W C Armstrong. lOti Mtn paper, K Christy; 5r1.5 boa chem.., owner; I car barley, Culp A Shepard; 1 do do, Speneer A McKay; 23 doe brooms. Head A Metzger; 22 eke rye, Godfrey A Clerk; 37 bee .theme, S .1 Braden; 1 car barley, 1. Wain wright; 1 car rye, J A Graff; I do hay, Bricker dr Co; 2 do wheat, J . 14 Liggett A Co: 27 aka rage, Godfrey A Clark; 1 .sr hay, 0 11 Allerton; 100 bbl. flour, It Wallace; 100 do do, owner; 5 bee resilient, Isaiah Dickey It Co; 14 bbla perk, 10 do oil, E H Myere A Co; 60 plge load, Park Bro tr. Co; 40 balm broom corn, McElroy A Co; 100 Dbl. flour, Seghotyer A Von. kemp; 200 do do, Sttomaker A 1.; 25 bbl. spirits, Hoetetter A Smith; 0 balm broom corn, Z B Taylor; 2 bbl. Liquor, A G McCaw. CINCINNATI AND ST. 011 In RAILROAD, October 23.-6 bbla hard ware, Wallace, C & Co; 2 be. do, Si McWhinny; S bble whisky, A Gaskets batmen 4 do cutlet* R C Schmertz; 100 lea feed M Steel & Son; le bble apple* Volgt, Mahood & Co; a tuba butter, F G Craighead; 2 rolls leather, G 11 Ander son; 30 bbin flour, 20 bge oat., 8 Lindsey; Bdo cage, 40 do rags. 28 bble produce, 100 bola flour, 135 bee starch, Watt, L & Co; 2 care staves, Hastings & D; 25 bbl. bighwinee, Shipton & W; 25 do do, Mil ler & Co: 110 bga barley, /Allmon et 8; 42 do wheat, J S Liggett; 17 do potatoes, L J Blanchard: 94 do barley, Gangwicb; /3 do potatoes, Moore & R; 100 bbl. flour, Seghmyer & V; 2 do apples, 1 do cider, Rielly; 6 do do, 2 do do, W Sadden; 2 do apples, W Flinn: 2 asks hardware, J P Smith; 2 doe haulm, J Hardman: 25 bge barley, 33 do oat., Franenhelm, M. Co; 0 Ws& tobacco, J W Taylor. ALLEGHENY STATION, October 23.- 2 can lumber, John num I. car hay, do milifeed. M Steel lion, 15 ski wool, Wright, Goodwin & Co; 27 logs potatoes. 7 do onions, 25 do flour, Jos Craig; 1 car barley, J Rhodes & Co; 2 bans cooperage, Rely. .8 Robertson; 10 bail onions, 50 hen starch, J Kohen; 100 bble flour, 1 car bran, R Knoz Sion; 100 bble flow, Eels Stewart; 44 Woe, Luukcamp A 80319 80 ball well, Geo Gust: 1 car flaxseed. Ewer, Hamilton & Co; 108 eke potatoes, J V Wilson; 1 oar barley, Smith & Co; 100 bides, A & J Groetzlnger; 11 halos wool, S Bradley & Son; 24 aka rya. Row & Ewing; 15 bbl. apple., John Herbert. ALLYN:MUTT Ie•LLJIT RAIDSOAD, Co tober 24.-75 rolls loather, W FLacone & Son; 10 pkgs onions , Hoad.dt ldstsgar; 12 do do, 12 do potatoes, McCullough. Smith & Co; 6 hogs, Adam Ranee ES eke oats, Adams & Austin: 1 oar metal, Rees, Gina& Dull: 2 do do, 11 Woodside*: 2 do do, McKnight & Go; 1 car grain, Scott & °Walt 1 hi lbbl butter, 1 bbl eggs, Brag. german et O'Brieu; 7 hidea, Jos Callery; 3 bbl. tallow, Geo Holley; 10 bge barley, O B Leech, RIVER PACKETS 6, rtl-:t;f7,--7717,77771 rilt !MEMPHIS AND siLlAitHLlLANEl—Tbastru n e lentliNClaUt Wntleave let the above an C 7lttermentat "A a b:;ha on Mt roe. le wzr _ISI7A.ITIY,INUW (VLLOOD, Agana STELeLDISHIPEI To LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN.' TUB INMAN raan. lITHATOMpIi 21mbolIm ammo MUM. Teasels, atoms mmtlo Web/4W FIN P1=2„,11 ItarlitSllll, EVZBY - ONIELDAY, Lox PM 41, hiOrtilktur, ow York. For msmro or further /o/ormalon moll/ io 143 BMIWFZIAM 6 8 1 1W 71 0 7. A PUM J. a. JOHN PECKOIINAIIIENTA RAM WOAANN AND PERNIMINA. N • Kafka aet;:fti m ‹. Aly• on itand, • monolog& of dies. EiSIIAN CORLd; LtatJemen , dUARD CRAIN: r o. a5t..004 Man la - • orlll b• poen forDAII!NA.III. , l• KEYSTONE POTTERY. S . XL Kink& CO" Mimi Nam. • 110111 MIL WARM me. oemand Warehouse, _163 LIBMITT ISTBZWI llarAll totem unaottrinr atteadad ILTDELAMILIC IMEMIT.-100 , Lonlrvine It Writhe Cement. for eas B CAUNT/B1.1) SPECIAL, NOTICES far SCHENCK'S PULNIONIC OTRI, P. seta WELD TONIC AND MANDRAKE P11..1,43 .11 cure Co..uption. Llver Complaint and Dim..., If taken accord- Inc directions. They are all three to be taken at the &smell:tie. They cleanse the stomach. re lax the liter put lilt. wort •the., the movellte Iwcomes goo;T: the f0...d digest. and m.e. good te, patient heed. te. grew in Seek , the d0r....1 matt. r ripets luP. ter In, sod the patieut outgrow* the disease and get .well. Th. ,•The only way to eery consmption. . three tnedlehtes Dr. J. 11. Srbenek. of Philadelphia. owes his unr1.....1 ..ccese In th• en` u p pulmonarT , o.uoiPtion• The Pul• moult byrup ripen. br an matter in the .0 nos, nattier throws II off y matterxperrst tt ~,,, for when the phlegm or mt Is ripe • ought rough .11 throe It S. mad the patieut has rem led t h i s!hun heath to heal. T the Toole and Mandrake CUL 1.u.: he Ir. ear lied to clean. Ike stoettach Meer, so that the Pultuonic Syrup the fu,,..1.11 make ,rl.l blood. Schenck 'a Mandrake 111, act utson the It rer bv„lnAel l t:se tete of, the n relle'ved; l i ti t e :tools will sly. find jte e t ' Z . ,,Ze r VIII. can do. [loth euer been lovented ex cept calomel 1• deadly PIM. n which la veer den• Sere. to th Sere use ante. wi great care.) tat utlock the gait bladder and start the seeretio. of the liner like Schenck'. id.drake 1 • 111. Liter l'ommalott. one of the most prominent Au.. of Consumption. Schenck's 'ramrod Tonic Is • gentle stimulut mol attentive. and the alkali In the Seaweed, which Ills or...ration Is mule ot. ualsts the atotnach throw out the S yru p, ce to dissolve the food with the Puononle and It Is made Into stood hmac h ood with.. fermentation or portng in the sto. The gorat reason why physic... do OM cure Co...motion la. they try to do to , o much; they glee medicine to stop the cough, to mop china t o by night sweats. hectic fey., And by so dolts[ they derange the whoie dLreallee powers. lock ing up Do sereetions. aod eventually the patient snk. and dies. Dr. Schenck. In his treatment, does not ley to stop trough. night eweals, chills or fever. tarp too.. th e cause and taey will all etop of own accord. No one can be cured of Coast:mo tion, Llrer Conspislnt, Dye pepel. Catarrh Canker, Ulcerated Throat. onle. the Um .11 •Poseen me made health,. If a person has coneumption, of oohs. the ungs In so me way are dieensed, eltber tubercle. bronchial Irrltatlon, planes adhesion, or the lungs are • ma. ' l nflammation and fast deoy log. to such cu. nut meet be done/ It la not only U. lunge that ere +Laing. havet Ls the whole body. The stomach and last their pe.wer to make blood out of to I. Now the only chance Is to laze Dr. Schenck's three meell eines, which 11 bring up • tooe to the stom.h, the patient w i ll beg. w.t food, it will digest easlly and make good blood: then the patient ber gthe to gain in deep. and ea soon as the body Ow. gins to grow. the lungs consistence to heal up, end the patidot gets fleshy and -well. This ls the poly sway to cure Con.mptton. Mb. there Is no Intig He..e and onl• Lim Complaint•nd Oyepepete. Sche.k `e Seaweed Toole and Mandrake nib. ate euel_cleht, without the Pulmonic Syrup. Take the 'Mand NIL freely In nil billions Complain., . they MeePefectly harinleas. Dr. Schenck, who,tias enjoyed uninterrupted ...Lb foe Mime rem. past. ind now weighs MSS ` 4 .1 LI ori= tn`g"C:2l.l"`lZ hi. physician. having b.P. it. and abandoned him to his ate. He w. cured by the aforesaid me, Mines, mid since hi. motive- Rrm. :I"thde trim - table Bocce.. Full directions accompany ech. maklng It not atitmlutelyneetwary to per. eunells .0 Dr , lichee., note. panto. wleh Miele longs examined, and Inc this purpose he le ars( ..lohally at his Principal 11111ce. Philadel phia, every Saturday, where all letters for advt. Na t be VIUITY.I. He 1. alse prof.sionally at No. 32 Bond street. New York. everr other Tuesday, sad at No. 33 H.over street, 8.., f,T.'e f e e ei n h Yoro .` ;rh 7ll". thl i Lo.l " ;:th 'd' hit l" l,.. ° ;;l: root.. the price t. °Zee bean at each ens from 0 a. to 3 r. Pelee of the Polon:role Syrup mod Seaweed Ton ic each SILISO per bottle. or .7.30 a half dosen. Mandrake Pill, MS cents • box. For sale Ivy all drums., • me 1.9351-41/ par DOLTOR WHITTIER CON TINUES TO TREAT ALL PRIVATE DISIXAngn, That numerous Mass of cam reaultlog from self . produdnit no • manlinoas, nervous moths'', eroh lions. semlual ernimletts, and Sally tm• pon.ocy permanently cured. Perwans &Mim ed with delicate. luteleate and long Rand ., coustilatiOttal complaints are politelyin•ited to WI forounsultation, which costs thing. Experience. the hest of tesechers, e no natsted 01. to perfect remedies once eglment. sale, permanent. *O4 which In most mars eth be used lbout illoOrla,O.o to..nagleers.idledleinesPrer r:!'nete the and waltrisProOlas; embrace,s twat an sleeping apartments for ho l e is repalring daily personal attention. and roper famed amid ead laths, teas eonewntratlar the famed soltteral springs. No matter who home galled, staro your case. Read what a says. Els tam"hlet of fifty nges. cent to ••7 address for tamps la seal ed core ope. Tboasands of cars treated ann. ally, ati,Mee and all over the country. Canso,- tattoo ire, penionally or by all. 00. No. 9 Wylie mast, luau Court /loam Misbagh, Pa. Boon 9 A. st. to 9 P. a. Nuadayalll 9. to 9 e. a. Pamphlet cent to add.. for rim Wasp. arBATCHELOWB HAIR DYE. Ttas Aptestdld Heir Dye Li the beetle She woold: bhe may tree end wren Diet toomalate. le, instantaneous:no elsappolstateet; so et dleelos. Uwe; roatodlo• the 111 elreste of bed Sr.,; Invtgotet. end leaves the Hatt eon sad twattllfta. Stork or Crowe. Sold yy all . Det , spelete P rZil? i e tar d .,l,ll Hem Ton. mrn 4at I:;rTHE HEALING POOL.— Ith9 rou lttlhO ICZN. who have Wien tato 'Acton. betels, cad how ifeetre • Welber lire, and • better MA hi HOLM, with tertathspecte of Wirt for the alhieleti. Breit la sealed envelopes. free of ehatja. Jeanies. HOWARD AM. Klt TItI N, Not Y, rhila4elphla, realm. ev2s:Sat-Ort arJUST °Err. • 'CHERRY rECToRAL T1V,112,•• tor Cold.. one, hare TUr.s,, • •ad Bruncl4l• If None u [Dolt. out, ao j.ruavt , twain cur,. aa •,41ct. VoAladelpta, Joel Ns 4 .N.6A.A.LoW AY • (A' AVDEN COMMISSION DIEIRCHANTS VITABLISHED HT A. & T WA 0 , &MLA'. MIL W. M. GOIULLY, WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, Wirm - rx, u”. i'lTlZalt CI IGO 11. VA.. :Vl4 W. C. ARMSTRONG, Pura...or to Fetzer A knustion., PRODUCE GVMMMO3I HERCRANT No. 2A MAIM= EMMET =PIS MEANOR & HARDER. ILoCIL. GRAIN AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ne. 329 Liberty Street. I= IT('un.tenmeute aulirned • IMTICH ......... . ucaun KEIL & RITCHAIRT, COMMLSSION IIICRCIIANTS, =T=E3 FLOUR, USAIR, IMEDB, MILL MD. ie. 11411. Liberty Mt-. Plitt =7U:fa] M . STEELE & SON, Oonstatasion Merchants, AND DLLESIN IN EZaDIJII. GiliA_LN. S'F' ,l,l r4D. dto. Pt. VS 01170 02R17/77, near Earl Oonanea. A.LLEti EIZNT CITY. Pa. L . J. BLANCHARD, Wholesale an Mall drams, Ao. EYO PIMA EMMET ap18:320 LrrrLe., RAMO & PATTON, Wholesale trrocars, Commis/sloe Merchants Dealers In Prolate, dinar, BeVease, VIAL Carbon and Lard OM, kin. A Was. Calton Yarn. mtd MI Psstabamb y en ~,,,,... ....same 11111 and 'll4 SMCOMD STREIT, PlStsbncelt. JOG, /10PIll. 80 111111.....1/14 IL VOUS& TO/IN I. HOWIE &mos., Sue t/ oe.onw JOAN I. 11011 S• • Co.. Wnole. tato Grocers and Comm WWII N Grata Etta, Dor. aer of Ehottated and Water Streets. Pltlabarg'a. • w••••ce rIPTOSe• WALLACE, Whole. &AM fUlelliZii AND PAUDIO4I 0 SIXTH STIMITi Plltsbana. lettrta LATEST OIL STRIAE, MT/CE WIZErY I ICONOMY 1 ♦ND To eectire men banded Joon., just come and see 'Mut splendid Wigan. are °demi In Um gor geous Pock of Boring and Bummer Clothelplat prepared sad mbibltsul to tae pubtle by B. C. Tlisommun. The fullest LIILEITT to be enjoyed omen Me man wrbo enjoys it Is 0.0017 drennod ..•• aulanarr Clothes which nt. him to comPartably as not to abrid the freedom °Ma motions. Bach clothe. are w oe had at B. 0. Taammusiioa. To pracOce toomosfr. don't spmd met sums {oerney .00141 extortionate prop. Marge priors for unsatisfactory clothing, but con= got Lb. worth of mery dollar you enegg, at B. C. Tastrnamax'S. TRIO Than. Of Me Mee.% sort. nractig g g PIA. - 4!I "talltib IN there th ey rat ttus/r clothes. Avery man free to tau at all times. Trade tremmdons )us now at the litg No. II Clothing Hall. LOON AT Till PRICZB. Cocoa sat salts for ST worth 615. sh sulks for 50 t. OOlO 11001 Bhall 91ZIO:: **IR ''...:I"I > TA L LW Et too tD 0110 90. sad a great many mom too numerous to men llon. Call early and secure your bare but a few days to sell. liasta='l7:2ll: II Ifladk street.. 8. lit. TRAIIIIIBLAR. I= R. B. McCOWAN a CO., Boulevard Pavers, Mee, No. 66 OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY. Orden Left at GAZirra Ornex, eltytmsgh, Dmmotly Wiltheeded b. wralks, OLLlnfa. Ir D azda, rlyna. Le. Narrated .[amt amuses of hest Ltd coil. ktrammorcia—Naz. *K atmai, Lvo. Nom, bosh AlsalLry Andenoa.• Alien • Catembell. laaaa OWN. Ilitae2l GEO. B. BULTIFINBERGFIB, SOLE AGENT YOB REELILHLE warm FILTER. le. sae Pam Oxon. Prrnstriaa.'PA6 RED AND' rrer. MUCH MUM CLAY TIIIpziiINOLt oRLIVEB and BEICE 111A.65.1111 TOol.lsmaao -6.s.eit 14 No. 109 Sada Dinh dfaPbta, Pa. *ono IL P. *ILLZL FINANCIAL. TRADESMEN'S NATIONAL B.A. Wood M., corner Second Avenue INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS Gold, Coupont,, Bonds and Blocks BOUGHT AND SOLD. A. BRAWL*: V, Pre%&dew. W. AIIEIIIIIE, We. Pre.frdeot. CY RA PI CLARK E. Jr., HOLMES h. SONS, 07 Market Street. 1 2 1'1:71 7 / 1 S.1.3UFIALi LI, VA. CoUnctions wade on all the prlzelval Dotal. at the Ilaittel States sad Calmlest Stocks,Bondo and other Securities NV UO UT ail D CoOLD ON 00MX1121103 Bala of rartlatasz &watt. paidW Um podettaaa .ad lylii.Lted States Seou.rities. HART, CAUL HEI & (XL, BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Strata, I . IIC - 111/301.1.01.1. •11000.105/X)E• TV 1:1•11 NA, MAST • CO DIALM 111 Exchange, Coin, Coupons, Aid particular &tuition ostd to to. deotkaot end sale of GOVERNMENT BONDS. Ennbt 13 , ratta on London. 1.71:. • FIFTH AVENUE BANK Of Pittsburgh, le now •pen for Disc...L. Dewsll.l3 , ll Danl... Dueness. Any .uni recelred from 11pe Donk? upwuJ I otermn al We rate of WI per COAL. pal I=2 ED. r , FIIIHINtiy.. W. r WEYMAN. W. H Hi),l6. ♦HANK nIELSENT W.,' Hoillf.NTeu , N. HENRY ISILYILN, DAN. KINZER, I, It. AHIIOR, 13111,1',L,F.UNTEL. ED. DITHEIDGE, Pnaldent. = CITY BANK, 112 Fifth Street, Pittebtirgh, Ps CAPITAL, 8100,000. ATOCIDOLDEBB INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE INTEIIENT PAID ON DEPOITh. roncioN EXCHANGE Rouged and told. nod onen desired remitted to Europe. Coliectloot made onll lee principal manta of the United hates and Canada. DoYtnu - a 100 t. ,. Pre.Meta. J Male lacCaam Vice Pnoldent. W. N. Nowa, Gabler. Duall.ToeS. D. limmen. Jamas McCabe, Thomas Roarim. linen Keating. J. Duniery. Jr., Terence Campbell, Patrick Rao, James PbeJan. 0h... B. B arr, H.O.,• 7 lDas Jno.Jos.llermana. Tboemo Barn DIMS JOS. OAZZJISII. Solicher. THE f:lyjli4 i}l44f'hiij:l,'l' Of Pittsburgh. Incorporated by the Legialatare of Penney!To ni, January SIC lIMI. gar the sane-keeping of Bond. and other deenritle, Gehl sad Mire, Silver Plat, lima, Record, Diamond. and Valambi., of all description, ander guarantee, and roe the relating or dale, In It. burgh..-proof 'Wks. Building and Entice: S 3 10 URTU 4 I rE.drUE PITTSBURGH, pa tYlgslntsr-WILLIAM PHILLIPS. V. Pa.Lovr-HaNILY LLOYD au ro WM. PHILLIM M JATIM I. BENNETT, HRH HY LLOYD, BYRON H. PAINTIM WILLIAM REA. JOS. M. MoISMISub, WILLIAM 11. LYON WIORGIC cuirrui HUMMT. ItlcracvmEr •Nz, ruus i tr s ir D : P. VON To OLLR A NAV G 8 BARB. NO. 65 FOURTH STREET CHAHTLYLED 1H Me. =3 Opna an from 9 o'clock IL M IA o'clock d EVININON, from May 151 to November Isl, from S to 9 o'clock, mol reom November Ist to May Lat. from 6 to 6 o'clock. DepTo;lts nreelved 0(111s:ism of not loos then ONE IIIILLAIL and • dl dead of the moats declared Price • year. In Jane and the:ember. Interest Ixas been &elated mall-annually in June and Drocinher since the Bank wa• orgenlmel, at the rate of .in per cent, a year. Interest s If not drawn out. Is pinged to the castilt of We tlymmitor a. principal, and been the saran Int crest fromthe tat day• of Jane end December, compounding twice a yang, without the depasitor to call. or arson° present his pits• boMt. At Ms Me money wilt double la less dims twelve years. Hooka sontainlng the Charter. N7-Lawn, Ream a n d s l ta te W e i oria ttrabibed (MU, oti upPlitt. odice. raSatpaRT—OLOBOI VICS/1181DZIRD: f 4.7 s.7: l „°fr , Jamaa Flenlease. '""dr " /mime NeAalej, James D. D. 'feeds, les. Y. rimylea, TR • WU. .1. Apdetson. • MV ' t. A tithey. ( 1171111 e ari k• Aloe. Meele.A. John EvanColton, s, John J. 011Iesple, Wllllyera b. Haven, Peter H. ; Richard Ham Kelly. Sncalrlasy•--.1•11 A. N. Pollock, M. D. nob.. Babb. John H. tihaeribachat. Jana Alas.*.Spear. Ctuisclan 14Mbart Locaniall Henry J. Lynch, Pater A.. Wodeln. John llarsh.l. Waller P. ...ball, John B. Meradde., David NoCandloas, Ormsby Phillip., qcrifictr U. Alaimo*. William Pan KIAL LDS A. COLTON. • B. D. WEEMS. PACIFIC RAILWAY GOLD LOAN, Mum DOOR, 1011011 A CO., U gickange Place, and I. L JESUP k CO I Pine Street, 11. Y., offer for gale the Bondi of the Will ?Kerne Hallway Throe Bondi pay men per cenL In Geld are thirty year, to ma i ore Free from gaverameat ?analog ; lug wand by a and Grant of Three 1111tion tens of the Enna Lan& It Hanni and Colorado. In addition to thin 'pedal grant the Com Amy tho owns finm 'Ulnas of Acres Lanai, which ice being rapidly cold to • eoelop the eauntrf and Improve the toad. Thrr am a lint mortgage upon the extension of the road from Sheridan, Hama, to Penner, Colorado. Me road la operation, $7 miles long, upon which It la also a mort- R•6O. NOW RAM NORM THIN ENOUGH NET OCOEE TO PIT Till INTEREST I TEE NEW LOIN. Then ii .o batter security le the market-11th being la eome respects better tlex Gorerumeit Ite. cariAles. PRINCIPIL AND lIITERRIT PAYABLE ID GOLD. Pries 96, 'id ullri ni 'Rienzi, hi Currency. Pamphlets, laps and Circnhus tunneled on appalled'. We tune a" fell 'apply of the above Boa& on hand and for &ale, and we take pilninril in neammendthe them as a yen reliable and perfectly sate hivestmen - memo a co., No. VI Pointli AVOMML rittablirgb. P.. H a uroar, egalor of Weights sad Reams, Yart itturiWzik=i,V4= Llia=.H. IffaXIILIT, Drpoy, FOUNDIRB, MA , ENTR AL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS 1=111!I BOLLNAN S BACIALEY =MI MONOMMIELI FOLADRY, W. J. ANDEILSON CO I=l =1 CaMinp of all Delicriplloos. Eal K T Orr • s T-N 0. 150 WATER STREET. Pltubargl , . EA KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY OFFICE AND WORKS. TWELFTH STREET PITTSBURGH, PA. wir Engines, Rolling Mill Ma clattery, Nail Machines, lie torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS Connor Carroll and MI mallasaa stroolla. =1 11 - 111131.711.0 11, PA. WILLIAM SMITH Munn fuotnror of OAST IRON BOWL PIPE rw U•D LND WT66 WIJYJZIL saaII,I2ATIVerVITLe I. a" AU. t.lls.orimaat r.teni Castings for Has and Water Worts. sroold Cho C., the er - serstlon of eurerlntand enta of Oas Works tot) math Of trITOWIS. DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLIAM MILLER, (191100e600r to JOS. P. HAM k CO.O Hu fisiellltles ecrebtenslTe with tM leadlu ;forges Id the gut, bol Purilrd_WßlMlL,f, and sallsrutordi dill all orders for 8T BH•FTS, CILLN KA, PHOTON ROL., LAVICZB. rrrm bid, WRISTS. 11.&II.110AD AML6B, LA/CONOTIVIE 'quints, tog r olbrr with very deurtyllui of IMAM WORK. Oalui arid Corner at Dwane Way and Pint Iltreel mgl:b4? ROBINSON, ILEA & CO., BIZOCOMIOn SO 110/11130/. YURI • NILLI2I, W AIIIECINGTON imam FOUNDERS AND INACNINISTS,Pmisuien 111Isashoossus of Bost and stathsury Edema Its -44;1.17, esarinp, , earflap atoll descriptions; Oil and 5 8011., rod lithoet Iron Wort. Tank. Men, o. LS, 000 M rim and lincithield Strom. in feediMeats i ng tor tiIIitAILDIIPATLNY Boller. THOMAS CARLIN & CAL, Pura Ward foundry and Nadine Were, aIIIIDIIIIIIT CT., ALL.LIIIIENY CITY, Pa. Nsastsessurs of auslroury and ?clubUlf.. Vn G 14 r3ur KW ' Wort, Cal i ns " ll.2 and .eam ♦fiThlt= B =. 01l rises. airlie3lo STOVES, CASTINGS, &o A. BRADLEY it CO., 30.60 WOOD STlffiff, litaaelltetarin of Um greatat Varlety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stores, iv HZ 1017 ND In oar aimortment will be found all the LATENT PATTIE/NM AND IMPNOVINENTtt and the reputation of our ettovea le loch that any one be want of loud article should perch., none but La ose mannhentoreil by ea, aa they will be Ibuhd nunst durable an well • aa economical. Would ith call Particular attention to our DOW VoLCANo STOVE, for etturebee, 1.113 stores. Over 600 sold in three month. Intended for with or t owns. •ll who have need them protionttoe them ataperior to any other and far cheaper. Peed for thoalowne and trine List. jean RUT, 111JOUS 84 CO ACTI:II.IIT.S Or ZVI= ♦aaucr 07 evrov - mes, BOSTON GOOSING RANGE `THE FIRES--ItraNICE," 1 . 01 WA1.102111 BIIILDIAIIII. TOM NNW ANTI•DUNT COOKI:Ne , ILICOULLTOII.” Ot/LONLBLA COOK 3TO ANT Itinebtaatl Pattern ~,.,,....PORTAB% sa.Nell OMIT IRON e incumßAßAM b rese anyz . JlnejraGe. SO6 and 208 Liberty Street, PPITSBITROH. PA. - - STOVE& CET THE BEST. BISSELL & CO.'S TRIUMPH. NOB BITUBLEBTO Ull COAL. Worraated to Cook, leaks or Itoast as many ether Etterela the Mdse. & 00., No. 085 Liberty Street. %mimetor sal% ra arr:Dre pro GRATZ Pill''-1'57/41141141: DL&MOND OIL wonsm, N. IL LONG a CO., leA DALE:ELL BMILDERO, I WADING AND MIND, •• and ft. Prodneta, PAUELLI SLOCK ouquEum SAY, • • KILPILLS. Amman,. Boom 17, Chamber of Commerce, L 6017TH'aZcorD isTaKZT • •jucs niumierts, COMMISSION BEECHAM LED MUM= DI Petroleum and ItB Products, UIdm—DALMILLZ,II water ut DKo.m.s Way sad Dlrt3 s a unati, e' I . lll•Aelpkts 01200—.0 IT WALNUT T. tOltir3o ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. mama W. c. TWEDDLII, iuNWI&OTUBU OP Libricatlng lk High Test Bun* Oils. liatipee liallesell AM* OIL WI to taliparatillas. BpSelid Ull toz S animates •! but weather. Zomessimilinhismom% illialase Mop. Saw la faatisimft. WlWateelm... 4 4arldirti mu rproaL am. weeremaisListed, ' K sl Tskamirs* Staff* Ilinalylik • . ' lag* Illatibbigoll.iiisampUse. n ailibll S OIL s.Ois Y ° Oos Emere Betentrez. reg= "d eu*anTa am 11:ma.. ....,. "11' we abotta i trz , IWl Vii k tarspetr . are e VeaV a zl tau=saanas 1. 2 .1 a ... Ellipk g s " s l aViCa l"" a% WM cats as aaassaaassialaor l' - STEEL 'ORKB j 11-F BURGHt STEEL WORKS. ANDERSON & WOODS, •SST REFINED OAST STEEL I=l &chord l'armou Plow and Spring Steel o..Nrn it , re. N D FIRST A VENT:, &Nur MILLER, Biltlt & Pnli WM. MFT, Al F. If.l[l.lllLbi ox,), W, BARR. CHAS. PARKIN. I= CRESCENT STEEL WORKS HILLER, BARR & PARKIN, OFFICE, }lo. 1:9 Liberty Street, PI1TISBUZI:111, PA telCglol DUqUESNE WORKS. JJLEMAN, RARM & CO I= MON, NAILS, STEEL AXLES AND SPRINGS ougurNt, L AND JUNIATA, diti r D ß litblNl U ß N alND l N U AtriiioN, L loll)')) PL Oz. AND HEADS, SHARD IRON DRAG and DILOYPICH HAM rte_tices[ otrrrza items, CIL 4 NDE B 30N WAND FLAT HAIL, for Coal Roods. tHAOWS•IoS,W2DOILS • HAIM G, PLOW ..ND CULTIV MUM, OfEICL WINGS AND cot to pottera. eTTERL L SILArIING, L. U. rE6I. COALS,CH. BUGGY .d WAGON SPRINGS and JEL CAST NAILS AND liflX23. :11 fiends And Claaalutd Warranted. orincEs ANtI wokas. Tetennelk Street genet Allegheny Slyer. ahgend 77 Water Ilereet.Bleateergh. VIE*" FIELD-ItTEEX WOHJILL SINGER, NEIIIIOII/ - 00., PITTSDUUGU. Pb... =I 'AST AND 6FRWAN STEEL, =I AKD PLATFORM 6PH1N134 • ILES, LITELL TLFOL, •• arelio.oe, Stlikiagr and 100 Tint S. 3 LACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. .!AIIK, BROTHER & CO., Itanofacturan of 01l duellptloai of I# o-t NMI EM=2= privesomait. ENGINES, BOILERS, dto. O'HARA BOILER WORKS. F. REPHAN & CO., IlastufacturOno of STEAM BOILERS, OIL TAKES. STILLS, AO ITAT.RS. SALT PAM, GASOMETICEts. BET. TLINO PANS, PRISON DOORS. CHIMNEYS, BILICIIEN ?HIE BEDS, Le.. or, of Second Avenue and Liberty St. E=l2! lietulrlng doorpromptly. "Men sent to the y now. addres• will be promptly stlended to. F. ItY I' HAN. formerly blanseer ate/tit/LOLL efITDKIVIY. 0e16:072 DOH M. BOLE & CO. Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne 81, =3=211 Engine Builders, Pounders and Machinists. Mannfoetars BEZAJEBOAT =OLE= and OW !WEARY ENDIKEIR of to alsas. AVrattention Invited to oar now BTATION. iVIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOMB& of 15-barmariamer. CASTIROd, of 011117 klad. made toordar awar Poartry, TDIRD BTRZ ,RT below Market. Bled for 011 Wells. BHA/TING, PIILLEYE, HANDEM,HOOSEnnd TOBAOGO •lIEREWBanAI IRUN TUBACOO PRIOnLd. on hand and mad. to order, at Ow INDUSTRIAL WORKS, 'ranting on toe Lutgkeny Biles, ntaLr the Pnini. = /sr AU ardor. pramptly 0.11.6. TRY OIL FORT PITT ;liji :,:q IA i :r. : - W 033,118. CARROLL & SNYDER, TuIDLAB. ITUA-NUX AN D ID OID LE IaNDLID ' TIDU W A U N raa. DLL ITTILLA AND OIL T CHINNETIL Bamascurertt% AIM 1 • AID. SZTFLUDA PAID BALI PATH AND DUN rritkIDERS. MUMMAP, woman= AND zscur IFEA mum DOOM AND GOAL myna IMlgraid ish liareby Saboad. PITTSBURGH, Pa. lir Ontaxs mat ta atone address .11/ promotly stlamiled to. mb7:lB/ WEL BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS &ND SHEET IRON wortms, SOS SL IL SO IND SO rEiN IL flu alag aired l taro yard aad rarlattod tt am tba m Maws 4 v....hinx v.' and to maantaczar. ovary aarertD a IL r.lO la lb. beat manner, lad warruited equal to say sada la the arap i tcn=m v ir.r.ab, rt. Soda. Ka= Dollara Cdadeaaors, ball Yank e. Tara, 011•11U11.1. atta. tora 'Liman, now eat Pan., and to aanatmatarre= s a = alm. 1411:0 D. ITO= JARED M. BRUM & 801, Steam Boilers. 01.1 Stiffs, Tanks. SWAM MOM WoHZ. &O. 61 Penn Street, Pataburflkg,Pa. BRASS FOUNDBRS mat sax. .17121TIICLUICH. HENRY BIER & CO., ZORN RI. COOPER & Bell and Braes Founders. • CASTKINIGS KiwsimpUTLYTowanus. amble and Gny Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE eitlyrusina. LOTTLE, sum II L LUTES, - - - - 112 Ec us rry AND COMFORT pa far the travel/At cononnolty. J. B. HARMS Safety Fite Jacket, flir JITODEFLATt 'For !mote end Hot Air rem . Oa spoor atom end Ara la or dep. tar or _Swage Card, 1•110 the ette. gr i d%11,,du",;10,., urpow'''="4°, Er r atllMPLl?"'n"l,ll "th. • tatety Jeo3al "the* rilltte the roost latenee tau his il to It In toe joaltkat and pupa It la a tare protaattent from 11COV orlilnetlng team defective as Vete ere used ea emulator. It it la applleabla to all DIM t, avarbeated, and b 111.31•111.2 r i ll I.lltH wed Oi Other He, rill ow 00 wooed in close , ••= 4l l tt , === cads, Illterevar Mat aa O ozed made dentate°, by beteg everteered a t .e d I erlll sand Go etnolteetkuk Metz 41 reenereetent or nee the abovelerrenUon Ahme Tertlhotlel Mete to sect se nortelthto roan la What iletteAUhet 713 8. & al a i I = l ;rro g er . o . fleog; t4 att ß ed A tle alr Atta,. vah iftur ..npan wird. tare. Den; • yytemall "‘" Tbeltrestoessiolowirmionirm. OVELTvir wow' . es tor Abeam or the FEU- • ALL GLOBE PATTERN. ELI ON CX.)47Kt4, Brass Work of own dellariptlek for Steam. Water and CIL ILLBUIPLOTIIIII4S 07 J. X. coons • coil (spund Bahnolical Stain ?Imp. Agents far Dreyfus' Patent 04. ere. the best to the Market. Oface sad Warts. Garza Tatman= aad Plta Wats. MI AN OOD & RICCA/WI/ET, Canter Liberty Emu; gag Third Armes, Pittsburgh, Pa., /WS FOUNDERS AND IRON PIPE FITTERS, lad 4 IENTS to A. 5. CAALT.BOII i 00, STEAM PUMPS AND BLOWILEB. IRON WORM MEM PROMS& • gamier guilty 13371 ta owl try. Jterteal tailing's:want la or sad uji reduced CoshOccialoatd IS to t naa•Wwys of 101 .. - sae I, Paellas irtantait to S casi adapt Maws ter !Mites to . JAMES .P. 81 3 E.TEff. -;„ atk,rnotiviawnissess. some is siut-s; • u.r ar ti aj o. t .rt w ere Laystaa Stitt un unrst nacuod extra:km /sway" , 1 RAILROADS VENNSYLVA. NLA CYNTRAL NAIL ALE yek .d alter r. • thudl andtire 111.111, INGO. hut trtll antre dnarl from the Union Depot. corm. or Wliabluise Mid Warm streets, as tbUcra: •••••* L*Pe 101 Tr..1x.... I:110 am • Daylrapferi n, li:14 •• as 't LID.. .. 141 vsltle V* • V: sal 'all's 0 *0 .a Wall, Yo. L. , , . No . ..iiii; - , Br a l e rri al Fall, NoI 003 am BraleAs Not &to pi lectonati Ks 8.321 am tlncle 1 11 En. /HMO pa iohnstown Ac 10110 am Wall aNa 1 11.3 6 aat ... , k• Af Vol 7 00 pm Johns.... Ae 476.5p1e tut. e. Ea 14 40 en. Pre h. A 5 " , 5 30 1 55 ma Express 1 00 pm l'olla F.S.prs.••.l.oopen ' all aNo I 1 56 pm W all` . N0..1 30111 pea ra a.. Ach.oll.l pm all Na I 01.11.0aa ':V kt . :..: la iIV g. ,%% - ,,%h::--, ii i irl: -rw-« Irmo. make cloae connect., at berg to; Baltimore . Tl. (Dunn Tra. lean. Walla Statkm sear) v i r at 905 a le.. reseJßror littabamli all Ptttshergl .1 is up C. mm. atd ' lr ' r ' ltf iat w..i.t. awl.. Ls • p. 10 re. a vinelatoatti Expream sod Pacific Egorue teadra• Du, 41. ctn.: anona daily aim pt cantata,. For tanner Information apply to W.H.BE( KWITH, Agent. The Feno.yl•anlaitallroad C0mp5...71.d8 ma Si. snma an, ri. l ...Beata., except far wearlal.l. 3;f7i' Lt`.l'.'.', s ;'‘':, :111`.!"- T ,t 1 bIllur to Oven.. 0 Ikt amount In •aue wi l l ' . tw al the rt•Yr i a ow ner. ante. tater. hv spaclat contract. EDWARD rt. WILLI solo General elapertnteadmm. Altoortna, AYENTER N : aiming PENNSYLVANIA LIWA.l...—uo and after August 90 , 1 0 69.1aa Passenger Trains on she Weatera Pentuylvaido Hal road will arrive at and depart from the Peden I Buret Depot, Allegheny Callas ibliornit Arrive. Depart. Springd•e No lei4o • la Nall.-- ...... . 6:IN hla Freeport N 0.114 ea Freeport No. 1 9:10a. Lament 111.•0 a m ettarpb., Nal 111:94/ • a ribarph`g N 0.11.90 p m EA pp 0: 9:XO Free:am-I No. X 4 05 pm dpringd'e No13:10 pa am, 11411 0.50 p m Freeport N.111:110 pm dpring.l'e No 16:110 p na enrlngd.allol64/0 BEI Above trains run dally 555451, The Church Trent 1 &Tr . , i t i vl4 o . ' , at j.. 41.... n....4re2l:"ir.".ttl'"thsaegtagais Ct 7 at 1 . 20 p. ea. and ' anive at tegh w ag tiNn at 3:40 p. nt. ...C.V . l , ala . a.,valt e lV22—For sal. la retains Street. liege Belanett:4lZonoepC44, il= lharmb:sg and good only On the :tabu stom*, Matt us apeelded on Mteta The trains learing LElcighen Cny IS COX li. temake direct wanton. aa. gtthWeha ra doe of edasres for Butler and Thnaugh Bete. ma, hat parettaaad at tho_llgise. No. ISt Clair stre w t. heu the haapeodowgriagh. rittabura tt, and at the Depot. AUesl937, ror &rm. taforraattou Depot, to JAMES Li HT% Arm. Fade threat Depot. The Wester% PenaAllsanle 0111 got sem. en 7 rat for Baggage. e cr t fix atcparel, and omit their re blitty .° ll: Hand Ore. Do W Hari to sloe, w aced., MD amount Da mine willbe at tie ILA Of the owner, onleni ming by special wetted. ZDWAJID FL W 7 ,...”.. zoo Eleno-al gunallatendent. Altonage 1 1 a. • --- • -- Q te , / 161111111. 11, PORT WAYNIS CR1131.91) P. W.. 4 CIAVELAND PITIRBUROaI B. Prom August 30., 1609, teal. tall leafage:o .ad arolee at the Umoa Dupot, amelirolde. Our. City time. Ina Calera a m . Cbleago ../11:11la Sete iya 111. V:Rfl aes Pacific Ix— le6_. Ft.„. .a ~nv.beffe.74::: • ralt 1.1... " ....:8;48 a m um . ..1/x.1111361/ r • a .* WIL E 'i !Cs 1,113 c...1.444144.1r Amp W A !afro litlVlZZLeche A; L"'" IreVe l Zth n : : •10 1 ;21 r i m llembester •• 4:23 p m Rmaa " Oaf am Ral •' Pro' LeetWille "12:4111p. Le:t.ale 31..6:13 pm Beer Valls •• 11:41 pa Bro•rTalls ••• .6:13 pm Leetadale pm Leatadale - " pm Fait O.k. e0n10:41.7 - Pale O.k. lug. day C ump.ear t.Reeek. d0i1y11.36 /Ma 1: h 38 p. at. EvPmee.'vvTle & Ticket Lett(, G0ut.]4...4.T..10 rITTSBEHGLI CIIVCINRATI LOl3lll RAILWAY. PAP HANDLE ROUTE. A . 1: 1 EU ir u w ar . 1809. tr.i. E —4l , te n d . • 11 a r .. 41 1117 . m . 1 A r ai the Unloa begot, . 0 , 1 k^n : w; i tl . . Z. Tan Expre. Mired Ace•n 1:43 T:l3 s. 6:93x, m. etlia MeDonald's Aoell.No.l 11:31t a. ra. T.l*/ Mh Steubenville Arcammod. 3:33 h.. m. .411 McDonald's Ace`n. No. 6:03 P. 111 0. LOU, 11. Sundavebnrch 19:09 p. 944 • 1:43 r. 9. Into will love ditty. 12:03 r. te. trail. will arrive dally. 4 :u o:cr tratus w il l run dally. Setrulsjn . earolee• ", The 5:53 a. ma. Tanta make. cam ese t Newark far Zaattsmile. General t • e •r o1 8( ' " W. W. CA2.IDe=. 0210. .b. •uil ORANGE OF anion TIME. , AUX./30=Ni' WALLET 13401.mu5. THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE QM REGIONS WITHOUT CHANGE OP OAR% On and after MONDAY. Sept. SO, LEOII. TWO TREMOR TRAINS DAILY (except limulan sill leave Plttabernt De_"pot, at corner of On. en th anPile stracts,for isol. Olt CityvitE6 talc, anal all points to It e Oil Re e ongis. ErkI A IT. B B".”‘Arlrint lt/tr Ex .... B17 n: fltlat,.. - . Z::::1Z14241. rap: lid Helton ...1 I:10 a m Ad Holton— &DOA is 3d Helton— 6:00 p m •3d Halton.. 2:lops 4th Helton .II:410 pet 4th Helton. I:10 pni Preeport At. 6:13 am nalaWorks.. 1/470 as Soda Works 6:3u pm Free p ort . _ An _6412 p a 4 012 " V . .. B .! " :. ' fle ;:t1:11.?, B BB I ' IM it: i traits stop only andriennmsl pains. odation mins copal THOMAS LAWI2B2.Cs, ingt i r ' ap.t. N. K I NG. AWI. wars. t 1 : 111 1:1131/GEIVaiums CONNELLIS 'FILL OAD. On and attar TIIEBDAY. Neyemba. 1111. 19684 nano win antra as and depart bunta4 forner of (nut and Water atreata. IP Dtport. Arr.llaw Wall to as 4 from Union- • town. 1:0 a. 6. :00 F. Ya. McKee:non Antomdt , n 11:00 0 at. SI O SIS p. So. to mgd rroat Uut , n. 3:00 r. 10:10 A. 11. Wen Newton Ancout`d 4:60 r. s. 11:33 A. iL Braddaek`s Aosandt , u. 6:16 r. 1150 A. Mint An toXelPavort.lll:lo p. K. CI ALS A- SundaOmen fra to andsm West Newton 1:00r. LIO:M A. Mar Untata ansly to Z. K. ILITIIO3O Aim W. B. STOITS. 6uuersztandent. I I: KZ: HILL UNION PACIFIC RAILWAr Eastern Division' Mt immure': Asa mar EILIA/11 Wu/4[m. LI., Zoo to at malts al Colorado Nevado. l'Allfortila Utah, Arizona Washington, Mewlialico, Idaho, Oregon. T. Matta teanno Mate Lb. taaviaimml OafxevEdtigar. tat mai It . Joe itallaulErtelp.lr7. ' Oat tor ipliataGKcatas. e r ne STAS EXPIA COMPAti_ra cant' or OVEIILLID KAM &ZED 00410:11113 POE LeIIaWIPMII34 KAMM Ta4l4l=l AIED AU Pointe In the Territories, aro wish RANDZ:II3OAreI TRIA , LIMLY of OftocEllto for loft Uake!, Bows Fon. &Lowman... @orla4o. and .a WWI. B i l li g nom and new mi... WWI the =en addlliom of lottleg a =II eentranist, and Um . arnomanems !nth. IeSPOULIbiII =e i rMeriommum. from It, western tola road now gem magnolia! tftllttlell ICC the trammeled= of Beleht to the itaz Wen. Tlelasta for male az all the Mincno.: alms Sr the Mind &atm and Cenadan Be nee and ask or Wens NIB via T LIETOBBILL BOMA 301. BAGUlO eterase DIV/2 =1 A. ANDERSON., ENmersl Ihxl;l=4,f,,ul.a a. IL. WE/Minna. wane Prrirtit'esel TO: .rs 2,00Q,000 'cm " OHOIOE LANDBFOR BALL azrzm Union Pacific Railroad Company, =an= =num - Lytag alozettur Ilya of Oar raid. ei,oo TO sa,oo PER ACES, a.aon.OßmiTo7.llTVa 174.1121.: Far rawer parch:Wan, mph . iI• EEM Or CH O. B. /allllOl4. Ssej. M==l plmßvnon NOVELTY won& rammed A. vas. &Dian% 47133 E AG CO. ZLIMPACTIMis tx! 42Alfri&ra&DRVAIIIMMallIPJLT• • 'lt 0 LEL rem hod-pe:l Dcz I...kv e! a• mina 11.4=3,1, O l ean Ns 13