The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 25, 1869, Image 1

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tENIMAN . „1: 1 100 & C 0 1
' -- . 1 0ik5;434-iina 86 Foll24Avenue
a rirt ff Lg r
BY mill. per ....
Vittstiurgtr Gayttr,
PETILZSLETTII at Antwerp, 38if.
liAtondaat Frankfort, 871
GOLD closed in New York Saturday
a/ lat.
The Coolie Stave Trade.
A Honolulu letter says: Another sen
gallon has disturbed the mind quiet which
• 'Pervades: this community—no lees than
the arrival of a veritable slaver at this
. port. On Sunday; the 11th ultimo, a ship
appeared la the offing fl ying a flag
b seemed &parody, if I may use the
• The word; on the glmious Stara and Stripes.
were blue and white, and the
Shwa were set in a red field. The vessel
" WIN evidently of American _build. On
- being boarded, the captain "slated that it
was the San Salvador ship Callao, flout
Y Chinn. -with era
' friend' of brilfAittdndtlitoe
ship, and at my request prepared the col
•loWhilit slotFtnellit Qathe morning of the
• *Tfth act *ngrist-,1 Welifini board of the
• • coolie ship e:slied the Callao ' lying at
anchor on• - slde of Honolulu harbor. The
captain and oftkera were at breakfast, and
I sated an introduction, as come off
In the water boat which was supplying
„Alma Np. Upon cowing fropi.she break
last teie eeptain (Laverelles - a Gen-
CM) went ashore with two or three
Other' irell=dressed persona. There was a
barricade, or iron railing, about seven
feet high, at lie break of the deck, and
sepuithigthe forward part of the ship
• I from aft. At each of the two gates In
thlateinicade steed a ghtrd with a bayo.
act in his hand, who fastened the gate
e .? t r k fthe t a t a e
c v u m i t
alwyourider, was pointed forward. I en
terlidlita tanittintatletoWlth one of the
gaud& who could speak some Bugled.
He could not tell me the name of the
cargaln,,lnt, said the ehip's name was
`illatatier One.' The carpenter, a Swede,
also told me the same subsequently. The
guard.vadd, she flat wsir Central Ameri
can; salirlHat - they - bed 650 coolies on
board; that
•weelat`"t)h . ey had mutinied
hwdh en about
• & Wn3 nd&voia M others
, badly Wended. Fourteen were barons
at the present time. Breakfast was served
out to the, boolleahoweeti 10 and 'll
keelock. There were about sixty baskets
of good white rice, and with each =
‘.• dish of s arida dishJof
tad mad. * Cslad tim T
was sent ow:A- here
were iron gratings over the hatchways.
Between twelve and twenty Chinese ewe
ißroyldedyith ishortdouble pieces prove.
, •1 rrbey acted is police. Saw several per•
sena struck. After breakfast, about one.
third,of the coolies canto up on deck.
The priaMlers;chatifed tad, and two by
the ankles, were marched backward and
about an hour before Heft the
' 74 ' itH eff iVit least two of theist showed their
uncovered bollocks—the whole surface
•perfectly law. I was told they had teen
eVidermany., lashes ? twoh, one
o tw undurd,'*. wan the sayer. I
not ail( how many had been flogged.
-A,, largo ' gaps Was. Oct to BMW,
fag the ship's brass, all along inside the
rail. I went below and found tolerably
`dam quartile. Tho coolies were most
of than nearly naked. Nene that I sa*
• bad any cites Same looked quite skele
ton like; others were in good condition.
There were not very many „sick. Mae
Ikea bieri Sevatiteaths, Incidaing the ono
• benf tifirrttt ; chained 4 •Vef7 as appeared td
of a ocumiundingearriage of body. The
4cri who Mal is* spore English,
nr Die -artist tin &Ltd told me,
„Tbri massage wayleadbig to.tbscabin was
well provided with lances and cutlasses.
I did out 'WO .asterh to' see If shy name
< This "Pt e
ea th t plod s Clearly ea to the
Chanicter of the traffic in which the ship
z ` : fnpg e '"ftlitdd that the ship was
(orate* the American ship Twilight. A
- newspaper of your city, in an article•ou
the "UP Puttfbetivela Mgt= and South
Aninikma ports, said that the Governor
. 3 . 1 ' ,0 Of Wait 145 'atter having' been convinced
!" . ...17: 7 alfor Utah or- charges of cruelty made
Against ther Spanish-American shippers of
:r.:•.4.',Otalles, laid...against &kat - Araerioart
wphattere,_reoently revoked the licenses of
.f...;WthilWitetigitgedin the trate to that part of
."4`.161"114 from Macau."OttOda point
e- r d ru regaarta the presence of the ship
. 444 "'"tikh ifttOttiffrlngs
presence of Mei Oallso at this port
directfrOM'Xicao, bound, to Perm, proves
-.vs.:Jibs...ft' daily of the last assertion, or. If
''' • :Artliklfh 1 1 . right inferthat the 650
<hlneas> weer kidnapped. - England
..*-44 11 tAuxutteds: of lbritc,and millions of
woe. , innarrelkr‘break np She. Afrielth slave
1 / 1 6England ortO•day, or
America s make 01111 efforkto break up this
a.= flArcittausf, "etorgnuir , _trac t which
&flew Pipet; the African elaire trade
Intratusii, the colored ita victims t
Groton vteasastractwor.
~::;77•11the •&mr tof iec on. • •cuon
T-1:144 .3:toltrott. has also
ww•••• , ,-artmerrativo.- The Slate of NI e is
Ciwrl:CfifidTbrit t e e l happy; Laud it- ha a G.
selected by the TeoPi? of the Slater
;„::,: - eisitistilisty look upon-him aids own.
The, Gsdlcale of tho Virginia Legislature
7; , 3•••• &if Without Patriotism, and they have
• ,, r...f9rfelted the respect of the sibldi:dilsmktlon,
. • !4••wittio.• Governor Walker , has,lt mire.
- *madly ' In Mlsslssippl tha scalawags
; • . „••• •••
• aro on the Conservative side, as also in
Texas, and tbe orinnoltanstintritrut mina
Ito cold side upon them. Reconstractlon
la largely the work of Congress; but the
,9moqcozuceripor i ttos sob
teemenes&iskihe fact
that ever! candidate and partyn ,each of
:the 13 , 511 t etti Stores " claims ko be fighting
the Free delta battles. There is opt one
. 2 1 1 01 ) / &AY IDIOT of the late rebel
' onsAtatev which le abusing the admin."
atitf thottannitof the Preeddeut is
mindloncd porerespectfullyln the Bomb,
. - impresses thawin the •Iletth. Towird
' • the booth General Grant Is still the' riend
out rig • .tbe holy nulat
tter w a ldeb, the respect of a die.
..Istudetariblievy; ajoutons magWrecyl
• -Ores& User—.
a *
-- •i u t,=V er e t i a! e proi t ot- •
ii &ueo' known 'as;.i.egetable
1, or inn binentpapar. coating=
many varied appiicatimis in addl
.' Ott lot Mplicing ' parchment ' for
and otberpumotieri, Anumg Mese
• Alany:Witatlinted its'preparationin taiga
abaci' for the In sick beds, and proiecdon
-•• eaves& moisture. It h much superior,
.4077 1 44 PM:9K 101 0 , 14 z4Ober, besides
pia being. hisiageit SieLjit, la p wing. readily
ire the application of
• • • lee to .mnious Darts or the body. in sick.'
;rota‘4ll.o also maehotit, replacing animal •
• .f,tdadden. - It Is slab hied in As pupal*:
lien or seed bags end in iactaor alma
740. purpose 'requiring a; inmerial both I
lE;Orrrong And:durable nivel! milrstetproce. I
.27tis staPeele readilyprintedupon,samg
Ural bothplihrend4olsried, and. evn be
readily written - 111am' with a ready or
10.14. The 1,140 qualities can lie need as
' tracing paper. As a wateallroof mash.
I for faSientsg down. ants
, f.thsitsmats& .
in,bottles. "hovering- preserve or pickle
lark etc., it can scarcely be surpassed.
It is nay pasted, especially If tho parts
to be united -ana,dna* moistenod with
, • .
sicoboL - • •
California Jobn.
A BanTrafeelaid letter says: 'Tits To
Gent deetsion of ;ago Sawyer, with re
gard to the , rigltt nf Chinamen to Malty
in our tombs, ftee !very generally indorsed
by both unit public. Thaf*Vohn"'
will often lie, is undoubted, but as Mb
ably ird - tete*Lii• believe him, 'there is
every probability he will be little the
better tt' t a difficult r arises:
Row dial! a bindb,:ig oath be adminiSter
edf Bays one of dur jour
nal, "lug the vtooden gods of these
heathen hrtel'out r oonrta, to the what scan
dal of all uhriatendomt" It will be an
edifying st•Sei to hear some pious
Ginn gnively adadnistering to the idol.
',tell the truth, the 'whole truth, and
nothlnipbUrthetAth, whelp hitt JoahP'
A yovie kik In Naos condi", ices.
Aed George Smith, ncs. Jong
ainaS ;rim w to in a room whein here
was a keg of powder. whirh ha tho ug h t
was a keg of nails, and lett t liftited
aendle slicking in the buttgaHmik, Th e
next morning there was a coroner's
1 10 1 10 1 tbn th e premises; a - WV & the Air.
meets ofMr. Sinith 11gured quipston:
r uously, haring been gatheaeOp tor
- 1 4
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. . THE WEEK . L . : , GAZETTE;
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' nerwepaper punished In Western Ireassynranss.
niation t It, :
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j • ~ 7irg, i !riurolgtied Jrnitultonsty LO thil rape:
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.17111.r16 ZIT
Father Hya cinlhe—Landing
Great Fenian Dellsonstration—
of a Cuban Expedition.
(By rd.-graph to the Pi t übursh oasettr.)
y-.. Gen
Suspected of Heterodox
I Hsu' 'Toys, Oct. 23, 1861 t.
Prim and the Ecumenical The Opagreasiooal Select Committee
Council—The guess Canal lon American Navigation, having hold a
Opening French Imperial !Session at New York, Boston and Port
land. VIMOti Fell River. Toe Corurnit•
Manifesto Pere Hyacinthe ' teP It . l jourund from there to meet at Phil
. Dispossessed. • edelphia the first Tuesday In December
next. The queetiom before the Commit
Iffy Telegraph to Ito Pittsburgh um....
Lee were fleetly narrowed down to three
•,!, GREAT BRITAIN. : dlatluct proposittoort, ono or all of which LONDON, Odsaber 23.—The Aformeg wil l
prottebly be retentimended to Con
ilidriidttrd, in an editorial to-day, protests
groe.: R. 1114.1011 of all duties on mate-
iale entering Into the construction of
against the election of Rev. Frederick ehir sq the permitting of foreign ships to
' Temple as Bishop of Exeter:, on account oe purcemed and, admitted to American
of his susplclorta hetrodoxy, regieterehire permitting each ships to run
In linee:eogaged in domeetlc or foreign
The length of the new an buterine cable
: trade. This measure wee recommended
designed to connect Havana with Jamie.* j to th e c om .i tt ,,,, ee jtljec,„,,,,„tde to t h e
has been notopletesi. growth of our utercantite etesui marine.
Morris Htll, Cashier of the Butcher,'
Losoos, October 24 —An immense de- I
favor of am neat) , monatraßank, et Sonwrstown, Westchester coon
tion 113 to the 1 ty, has diseppeared and le and to be a
Fenian. was made to-day. Largo proces- j defaulter to a large amount.
sham harmed in various parts of the city. I Arched:4,p Blanche', Bishop A met,
and headed by bands of music and gaol Bishop McLaughlin, and other Catholic
and bangers, inscribed with significant clergy, left hire to day, by steamer, for
mottoes, marched to Hyde Park. See- Rome.
eraitheuaand women wearing green fa- It !s stated that the Grand Jury has
ours and times walked In the procession. I ceuned sobers,. Re t old , amed for Corbin,
At Hyde Park, during the afternoon. Butterfield, Fisk, and numerous
a monster mass meeting was held, at othera, to appear next week and testify
which It la estimated five thousand per.
.Its relation to the late gold panic.
eons were present., The American flag -, rather Hyaeinthe attended the Jewish
was hoisted, and was loudly cheered. Synagogue to-day. He leaves Thursday
Mr. Bradlough and others addressed the for Boston, where he will be the guest
people, and the remarks of some of the of Rev. Dr. Prime. .
speakers were of a highly intla, ..,A. Wou e aWa Parliament convened here
mate! y character. }temptations &St' to:clay, where several women who hairs - '
mending amnesty for the Feniens been prominent att getters uof Soros's,
were adopted by acclamation, after and kindred organizations sp ade Speech- :
which the meeting ended and the j ea, read addresses, Stn. A Mrs. Pierce
people quietly retired from the park. presided-
The proceedings throughout the day It to now probable that through the
war t
ta elderly.
_Great precaution* Mad exertions of Superintendent Rucker, the.
been ken by the government and a strike ofthe machinists on the Erie rail
force. of police were on duty and way will be satisfactorily settled, and
the troops were assembled In their bar.- work resumed early next week.
racks, but their intervention was not It is reported that Mr. Butterfield tele
graphed hls resignation of the Assistant
,f Treasury to Secretary Boutweli to day,
which was emerged. Another rumor
says a dispatch front Eknitwell tendering
the position to a weU•known merchant
here woo answered by a declination.
i The ITnrid to-day publishes tea — account
of the landing of a Cuban expedition on
! the coax of Cate from the steamer
Lillian. It le stated that the
! expedition
salted rotor, time atom In two rno un n o e,
on the Lillian and Teaser, sienipneing
one - thousand men. After several heir
breadtlivecapest tram capture by Atueri•
cattandiipanieh Grunters, tine to her int-
perlor sailing iinalitlea. The fourth
i attempt of the L'lllan to hod her
Peueegera te said to have been
euceesalitl, but before all the arrow
and ammunition could do - landed,
11 Spanish gunboat hove in sight, and the
Lillian immediately weighed anchor and
smarted ler Vera Croix. eluding her pur.
soma. She woe Realty captured by the
British man of. war I. towing and taken
Into SAID., anthrerorted subsequently
relooted. ft is reported that the Teaser j
was captured by the Spanish war steamer
Uterine, but this le discredited by.Cu bans
PA um, October 23 .—Yeaterday the
marshals who were present In Pans had
a reunion.
Theetrtke, which originated with the
merchants' clerk., is rapidly spreading
among all classes 01 - work.nlemi.
October 24.-1 i has been deal&
ed that no military review will be held
on Tueadey the Mill lust. An Imperial
gralidierito a. expected yo sppaar
reit. !Many masers prevalleTas to itt
°entente, but nothing is poslUvely
Somsjournals assert that the govern
ment is making enormous military pre p
sraHnits's to Dreamt any public disk's
banes bo Tuesday.
Pere Hyacinthe, not healer returned
to his convent, no ordered by hie soperi
ora, has been dtspossesaed of .41 hte
"OetOber eue
'looted of Itupileatina In the recent Incur
recto% hasbeen arrested tty theamtiori
ties and taken to Valericia for trial.
The Spanieli Cabinet la divided on out
subject of a catultdata for the throne.
MADRID, October I'A.—fq the Cortes
vilaterlla3% General. Prim wild that if the
Ecumenical Council should adopt reams
bona beanie in their eyereitkom to the
Spanlab Constitution, they would be
treated ,
by the (inferno:Lent as null and
General Bonsehe, the hero of tho de.
fence of Lis Tlll3lll, has recovered from
hie wounds, and taken the field again In
the Central Department. Two parties of
rebels, numbering fifty men in all, have
presented themselves to the Spaniel
entitorities in that department for par
wrzeoptuei 00tOber SW ,
—The sere.
monies on the occasion of the ancoessful
completion of the Suez Canal will be
lzderesting. The following is the pro
gramme: The fetes will begin at Port
Said on the 16th of November; the roe
eels forming the fleet will proceed to
Ismail* next day and remain there till
the 18th, and go through to Suez on the
Ptih,'whensthe proceedings will be end
ed the following day.
QuEmorrowls, Oct 2I —The steame r
Helvetia, from New York, arrived to
LONDON—Evewing—October 23 —Cori.
sole 93K; American securities quiet; 520
bands, '62s, SIX: 'C'5B 81%;''ti7a6234;10-kis
76; Eries 2D‘; Illinois 91; Atlantic and
Great Western 27%.
Fame, Oct. 23.—Bourse quiet; renter
7lf 35e.
FRANK roar, October 22 —Bonds at 873
Ltvinut., October 23.—Cotton mar
kit for middling upland. 12; Orleans
12),‘; sales 12,000 balsa. California White
heat 10a 7d; Bed Western 9a 36@19a 4d;
Wint . er9s WWl* 741. Western Flour 24e.
(biu—No. 2 talked, 36s 6d. oats 33 &I.
Peas 44$ 6d. Pork 112 a 6d. Beef 86a.
Lard 71a. Cheese 67. 6d. Bacon 658 6d.
.Reflnod Petroleum la. 81,id. Petroleum
at Antwerp firm at issw. Bolton at Havre
quiet at 1354 afloat.
HAWK, Oct. 23.--Ootton closed flat and
irregular for both spot and afloat; tree
oral:mire:On the spot 147 f; low midd/ing
afloat 1344.
FRANKFORT, Oct. 24.— B onds flat; 5.20 s
4 11 . 6 1 0 d 41,973igi,/7.91.
I . lllg, flpxolpyCase,-& ligtaFlon. Pr!sonar
PHILADELPIII•, Oct. 23.—The pnnectt
tiotYin 'the Brooke cua, reserving: the
tight to call witneases who have been
spirited sway awl cannot now bo fo4sti.
tested. The defence will try to 7 proire
.an alibi. The.t.lortri retuned to admit, the
affidavit of gel!' McLaughlin, driver of
itto canine; before Mayor Fox, on which
indietnienta were Catgut Against, the kris.'
entry. • '
This album= .for . defter., a number
of persona, including Alderman McMul
lan, sworn 'Positively^ that fromio Arils
to 2P. IL on the day that Brooke Wee
sten,,Morrow and.llouirbetty wasp a rink
log and plaYing catas,'etc.., hsarievern
thesouttiern part atria city,'Over four
miles from the scene of the shooting,
width occurred abode 12 o'clock,
The notorious Jim Haggerty wee
brought up to Court, this momlagt for
'Midden of the matt, whether the pardon
atter Governor. on condition of his
leering the Slate, wee not' rendered
imperative by his violating . Ho
Lion, and returning to - the. State.
Haggeoty was put In the prison , tad, to
be returned to NI; but be reaching
Chanute, erred was surnnuaded
Mende, who took. Mtn out , orectsttdy,
and be ran, pursued by a . sreat crowd,
Jordan:idly escaped: The alftdr,oansed
grtug. excitement. A reward of .2001 is •
offered for his apprehended.
pgruanisnritte, October M.—Shortly
bsfore ten o'clock this morning, the Jury
In the Brooks' ease rendered a yenta of
'guilty against MorroWand Ddtigherty.
Neil MoteughHu tuts bean held in op r
'OOO to answer to the same charge.,
Morro* and Dougherty were kept' un.
der strong guard all night for feat of
their being rescued, and after daylight
ererortconveyedto prison.
Hearlair In ttie Counterfeit "TobaCco
stamp Coo--Two of the Portico t n
. .
barTelentsou to to. Pittablargb Gazette.
Ettclaorro, VA., October 21.—The
examination of the counterfeit tobacco
stamp patties was .00ntinued to-day. , It,
was shown that two of the party. a few
weeks since,. were In New York with
;8.000 furnished than Richmond to buy
counterfeit stamps. Roche and Bairuht,
the two principal-men, were to-day com
mitted to hill. Efforts are bdittg
made to. .got them before Jtelgo
Underwood' under a writ of habotscot*s
on the ground of inanely° ball being re- -
qtared. It appears that a abort time
since a stamp counterfeiter was captured
to NOW York with's large quantity of
counterfeit tobacco stamps, and one gen.
nine, which , Droved to have been pur
chased from the Collector's office In Vir
ginia, and aellt.Ml to the oonnterfeiters
to work by.
Memphis liiii•On'the Tennessee Senator.
L B, A ppro ths Sutoismsooaut..l
Moamar& Ontobir 23.—The election Or
Cooper to,the Sonata Is variously com
mented on - by the press here.
The Appegf relax* It as probably. the
hest selection ifteeJohwion.
The dun says the action of the legisla•
tore in electing Cooper, and themeana.
resorted to to accomplish It. have elected'
Johnson Governor and Senator hereafter.'
. The At:Amu/a relpsrda It es a signal
The Ledger endorses the election of
Cooper hr preference to either JOUIIIIII
, ,:c
greys—Another Defaulter—A
Woma n6' Parliament—The
Machinist' Strike Ended—
BRJEF Tp,EfiltAllB.
--Secretary Boutwell had a long co,
sultation with President Urant Saturday
• —The steamer Brussels, from Ltver•
pool, Europe, and Glasgow, arrived to
; New York yesterday.
—lien. Sharman will discharge the
duties of Secretary of War Until the ar
rival of Secretary fiel k nap.
—A. F. Randall, special United Stabs,
Treasury Agent, who loon a tour inapee
lion, has arrived in St. mule.
—Governor Stevenson of Kentucky,
has proclaimed Thursday, Noveniber is,
a day of puling and general thanksgiving.
_.--Jekhe 4.•lifitglairei a and_ ear.penter.
balder of Roston, was the holder of the
ticket that drew the Coloseum building.
—Last night there was • row on the
public deck at Erie. Au English bully
named Tom ti iuldeu was eaverely
—The Nirthquake 1,1" Friday opened a
imam elght to tea foot wide at Waldo
bore, Main. cawing great alarm In the
, —A man named Hagan la reported to
Lave mimed hie footing on the (.outer Ills
bridge trestle yesterday and falling In
the river was drowned.
—Gen. McMahon, late United Stet,.
Minleteeto Paraguay, arrived lo Rniti.
more on Saturday, on the steamer Ser
tin. from Southampton.
—On the morning of the 2 . 2 d, at h:4., •
;severe shock of earthquake was felt at
• St. Johne, 'N. 8., lasting thirty seconds,
The Knock was also felt pt llalifax at the
i It awe time.
—The propeller ()omit, bound up, and
1 the propeller Hunter, bound down, col.
tilded about two o'clock yesterday morn.
. ins, eight miles below Detroit. Both
i sunk. No Lives lost.
—On Saturday W. A. MaNier was ar.
rested fri,ttiricinnati charged with COlll3-
terfeitlog. He to supposed to belong to '
a gang noted for changing denominations
of Government notes.
i —George T. Brown, late Sergeant-at.
I Arms of the United State. Senate, who
! has been dangerously ill at the house of
Ma brother, Joseph Brown, in St. Limbo,
for tome days, is convalescent.
=Galloway's plumbing shop, In Erie,
Pa.. was broken into Saturday night and
$3,00e worth of tools stolen, They ware
fbund yesterday morning at the house
of a former owner, Harry, McMarg. He
was arreettd.
—Among the property destroyed at
Weed, Parson & Co's. by [halite of Fri
day night, -- was the edition of the As
sembly Journal of the last session of the
Now York Legislature. It will be reset
In their new building.
—A movetnent te on foot to consolidate
the Mississippi awl, Tennessee Rails:ski
with the Mississippi Central, and it is
said that it la designed to unite the Mile.
Sissippl Road now - being built with those,
and place the road under the control of
the President of the Southern Railroad
olitlogs anate'lmuuted fb •the But.
Wo 'Change Saturday forenoon *eking
the Presidents of the Erie and Central
railroads to lmmodlstely give facilities
for shipping grain from that port east, it
being Impossible to procure cars for
wheat and corn to Lill orders (or points
la the interior.
—ln tho case of the Government against
Harris, Huston di Lane, of Dayton,
Ohio, charging defendants with minor
ing whacky to violation of law, the Jury
'Saturday disagreed, ten for conviction
and two against. The case hoe been be
fore the United States Court two weeks.
At la A criminal prosecution.
from Nassau 'state that the
steamer Lillian. which sailed with an
expeditionary Ores from Florida, Jar
; Cuba, had been captured by the Britieb
'gunboat Lapwing and taken into Nassau,
where she was releaecd by the authori
ties, under the rating of the Attorney
General, that, abe could not legally be.
—Judge Priam, of the St. Louis Crim
inal Court, passed senteuce of death. on
'llistrirday,dpon Max KUngler, the boy
murderer, who ahot his uncle nearly two
years ago. Be is to be hanged on the
lath of December. His oounsel objected
to the overruling by the Judge of his mo
tion for anew trial, and will appeal to
the Supreme Court.
—A Lima letter of September 27th
states that there wan great trepidation
throughout South America on account of
predicted tidal waves and earthquakes.
People wereleaving their dwellings near
theasird and camping In themcruntains.
A terrific earthquake is reported to have
occurred in the Arecinipas district, am
pletely,,destroylng the town of Chachaa.
"•=em eWort will be Made at the next
eession_pf Congress to pea a resolution
calling the attention of the Executive to
the fact that no law at present exists for
the protection of the Atlantic Cables'
Dom wanton and malicious destruction
or injury. and a suggestion that stops be
taken for a convention of nations to pro
vide the necessary protection, or to pun
lab patio= who injure the cables on the
high seas,
—A Washington telegram of Saturday
gentleman who hub had-im
interview with the President within the
past twanty.four hours representa lust
he„tuaolferded extreme auger at the
course of, Mr. Corbin,
with reference to the late &uncial play.
feline. on Wall street, and the more he
learns of Corbin'. conduct the more
furious he becomes. It la believed by
those familiar with the President thit be
law becooaed that friendly relations be.
.tween the (entitles wilt be wholly broken
4115IPUNT Treasurer Satterfield, et
New York, It was reported, telegraphed.
.Lis resignation oa-Baterday to ; Secretery
SECOND EllllllOl.
Will Order an Investigation--
'The Cabinet and the ierger
Civic—Condition of the Treas-
uT y—Health of Mr. Ewing—
Important to Distillers—ln
crease of Collections and De•
crease of Expenditures.
Ityleerape to me rittsburgb Oesette I
W. 1.1.1 1 ,1,01, D. C., Oct. 2.1, 180
The Secretary of the Treasury will
aeon order an Investigation Into the
charges against General Butterfield, In
connection whit the gold panic In such
manner as will thoroughly lest their
truth. The Secretary received a letter
from Butterfield courting the fullest In
It baa been ascertained the occasion of
the special Cabinet meeting, on Wednee•
day last, wee the consideration of the
notorious Verger Cabe. Attorney General
Her bee expresaed the opinion that,
oonsidertng,tbe well known defect of
those stetter a of the Reoonetruetion Acta
refornii/ to the jurisdlffion of the cavil
courts,' Supreme Court will undoubt
edly render an opinion In the case ad
verse to the powers of the mikaary
bunal before which he wee tried and
convicted. The result of the consultation
wee, of course, a deichsion to abide by the
dual action of the Court. but It la gen.
*ally'ethderatood that this linakatition will
not be promulgated by the Court unti/
actor congressmen.. No one pretends'
to deny the lent of Verger's guilt; bet
both Democrats and Itepublicans admit
that he ought to be tried by competent
Gunatitutional authority, and eons.-
quentlY the expected decision of the
supreme Court will be received glib
mtinfaction by all parties concerned. I
A statement has been prepared at the
Treasury Department which shows that
the amount of coupon bonds of the
United States outstanding September
30th, 1869 was 11.,3112,600; registered
bonds outstanding, 1761,1ee.,26e. On Fri
day, the 2.7 d OHM, the balance of gold in
the Treasury was ;114,67;48; of currency,
114,1170,072: total, 0119.64.3,661, leas gold
Certitimttes outstanding, E 6,600,980;
epee of gold and currency on Friday,
192,052,b81; showing that the Treasury
has gained since october 1, besides try
ing fur 17.000,000 bonds purchased. The
difference between the net amount now
In the Treasury and the amount there
on the Ist of October is 0, 1,3 9 3 The
balance thole. Its Immure In gold. This
indiestas the ability of the Secretary to
carry out his pollee of buying bonds,
and thue reducing the Interest-bearing
Reoolpht of fraetiontal currency for the
week wore 11,3710.900. tlhiptnonta,
61,432,970, amount redeemed, 6419.200,
National Bank ctrculatton 6299,732,446.
Thomas Ewing. Sr., wbo laid all night
in the room of the Clerk of Supreme
Court, was removed to the residence of
his ion, Gen. Ewing, this morning. Life
is repritented in an improved condition.
Wasnriewroir, Oot. '24, 1869.
In consideratian of the representation
of the inapplicability of the regulations
for grain dieting:don made to the Comb
Intasiouer of Internal Revenue. Mr. De.
lauo has wade important mmilti-atioim,
which he Is authorized to do under the
law. The kind of material wed is to be
c.mainered In estimating the capacity of
sitnt, and the hours only actually occu
pied In distillation, are to be considered
in estimating the amount to be returned.
This will relieve t.e fruit distilling
interest from the destructive deficiency
tax. A liberal {redtumnt late be applied
in cases where, this lisecienery tag has
been already assessed. It is further di
rected that vintners selling wine of their
own manufacture, are nut liable to a
dealer's license.
REPORT OF regasr nfri arrftwan.
The fortrzeosidlug report of Treasurer
Spinner will ehow :bet the lucreasie of
colissotiene and decrease. of ezischdit urea
for nix months ending A upset St, 1869,
amounted C0d60.000,000 se Compared with
the correeponding period of 1088,
The 'New Carlff—Nlgtn Between Wax
nteansers—Nr ar ago Earthquakes—No
Yellow Fever or Cholera—Cane Crop
tit Tele:mom to tea r rat U.... I
SAN ivaa, 03t.obor IS, via. HAVANA.
—According to the new tariff all agri•
collars! Implements are admitted free.
There are an cases of yellow fever or
cholera In the /eland.
Pour Au October 0.-8.1
nave's war steamer sailed recently with
provisions for Cape Hayden, which Is
bealeged 4y -the rebels. While on its
stay they met therebeletearamn quaker
Oily and Florida, and a sharp fight en
sued, the details of which have not yet
town recolved. Both sidee claim the vic
tory. The reports are so contradictory
that It Is impoewdble to Mate the result
of Oa conflict.
General ebevailler, Secretary of War,
bad commenced the siege of Jacinel. The
Rebels were confident of their ability to
hold the town.
CAISIOAR, October 7—via HAVANA, Oct.
24.—Oen. Menages, with 40,000 men, four, and several sailing VE45801., left
on the 2d lost. to operate against General
Pabrad at Marleaho.
° There wee
.ap_eartbquake on the 3d
feat. at Isignayie. No damage Ls re-
KINUSTOI%. Oct. 9, iqh. lI.A.rARA Oct.
23--The Gavernment demands eiwurity
for the costs in the action brought by the
owner of the schooner Ls Rave for dera
nges on account of her seizure.
By Tel. graph to the l'itteborgn Basette.l
„BANANA, Oetadoer- 24.--Tbe action of
the totted states Gdvernment, In the
ease of the Uproot, given great satisfao•
tion here.
Newly arrived troops leave for theses!.
Of war without delay.
Much alckneas continues to prevail In
the eastern end of the Island.
Dates from Caracas to the 9th Inst. ere
at hand. Many refugees from Venezuela
and San Domingo had arrived there.
No other shooks of earthquake had
been experkutoed in &be Island.
Ilerkitui Shooting Affair.
By T•lesre/h to Pittsburgh (Waite.>
Loommtar, October 23.—A. serious
shooting affray took place this morning
oath" down train M ',Lexington. Alex.
0. Roberts, a lawyer of ShelttyAlle, and
Marion 80t1A120613, a merchant of Donee.
tattoo, had a lawmdt yesterday la Frank
fort, and after the suit was over had
roma hard words on the 'object. They
both entered the same ear this morning
en route home, and were not seated long
when the OttarrelMeciMMenctea. Being
weary of disPinlng, &Marts went into
the smoking car; but wae•soon followed
there by Bobannam pieta in hand.
Roberts, seeing his life In danger, drew
a Derringer matol and shot Bohemian in
the heart, killing him Instantly. Rob
erts surrendered himself to the oondnct.
Or, and on arriving at Eminent*, Ky.,
was turned over to the officers of law.
Thief New Orleans Items.
re, Tomoph to the Fltutnarsh amen.]
Netw ani.EArts, October 21.—The tides
at the Proses at the month of the ftflotht•
alppl river are very low, and several
large veseels, from lorelgn ports, are
Outside, fleabite' to emit the-bare.
Proceedings Lava been instUntrel In
the United State. District Court against
Win. Smallwood, late Postmaster at New
Orleans, and his garottes. for an alleged
defalcation of over ile,poo, tbe.proceeds
froth the kale of Internal revenue damps,
Bind in wbletilds semont eras short.
Quarantine tram all ports ceases to ex.
Ist bore from
(Insane meeting is being held here
to-night, the object being to endeavor to
secure a betterand mare honorable WU
aid jai girrernment.
Maryland !Hail; Bair
LBy Telegraph tv the rittewebb tissetted
liatertstotte, October 24.—The annual
fair of the Maryland State Agricultural
Society, suspended for several years,
will be opened on Tuesday next, and will
be Inaugurated by a grand parade of Iha
Maryland National Guard. A commit
tee will leave here to-morrow for Wash
ington to Invhe President Grant and his
cabinet to visit the felt. The grounds
adjoining the city are In fine order, and
from tho number of entrieamade In ev
ery 'department the - exhitetion will be
very good. There will be .trotting each
Intelligence from!' be Pacific Coast.
fly Telt grout to tte otintisla lesSetto.'
SAN FIt.tNCISCO, October 23. —The Mat
regular Pullman Palace train over the
Pacific It inroad arrived. oust eight on
time. The passenger', among whom
were two English noblemen, members
of Parliament, dellg i ped with the ac
commodations, adop resolutiona of
thanks to Pullman a d the Superinten
dent. of the Pacific
Highwaymen stopped the Lea Angelus
stage yeSterds3' near that city, and
robbed the expreea and passengers of a
large amount. The mail tiontained see.
eral.hundred thousand dollar. In green
back. mitouched.
Sixteen sailors of Her Majesty'. ship
Chaupirsils, at Victoria, went ashore
with a launch, October 20, under coin.
wand of a midithipmen. Twelve of the
men mutinied and overpowered the offi•
cer. Four of the sellers rowed to Port
Darngeness, Washington Territory, and
SAN FRANCISCO, Oet. 24.—The steam.'
ship Continental, bores yesterdv for
Colorado river with troops for Arizona,
returned, the mintoinary department
having neglected to provide rations for
the soldiers.
Thirteen Japanese arrived by the
ite.mer America to
the colony in
Eldorado county. more are ex
pected by the next steamer. Oue of the
most ex parieneed.agricultunate Japan
ban arrived. He bringarorty..lx bilndred
chestnut trees and bushels of seed of the
same tree, for sale and distribution.
The newspapers are again urging the
establinuzient of an Australian steam
ship line. The sudden ;departure over
land for New York of Ole agent of the
Pauilic Mail Company,4 l lble city, It in
surmised la connected the project.
Letter trom Ittattectoe Hart—CluDele
Ear Tr.leeraob to the eh ielaintillatetta
SAN FNANclheo, Oeheber M.—Robert
kiart,lnspeetor General Maritime (Ms
grata, Feign, writes Rosa Browne that
-leandrig inside what is said about the Liar.
lialialinti address to the British and
American merchants at Shanghai—roe
ettnettle and truthful matter. of fact and
to the point—nays Browne's reply wan a
fair-resume, history, and-Just eznoeition
of the imitation. lie tayi Minces nothing
in It to disagree with, but think. it
doe. not go far enough In auggenUng
what should be the dutr of foreigners in
the future. If nothing More than moral
preset, re in used, he nave the Cnineao will
soon and It out, and It will only chafe and
lintate. While he ttletpprovce of octer.
don, he admits that trawlse ought to be
enforced, though literals great difficulty
in determining how far even that would
be available or Justifiable. Burlingame'.
policy does DOI seem 1,0 be working eat- 1
Isfactortly. Mart nave or for- 1
of elan oice, is getting mere Wile:nil every
day, and be hen not wetted to warn Bur- I,
lingaine how far the Chinese are from
malting good his word..
The British missionaries at Pekin pro.
tested against Sir Rutherford Aloock's
rocomenendstion for the restriction of
missionary The American,
missionaries cordially endorsed Me
course pursued by Jl,l"mon, who, they
say, was an sanest "advocate of iheir
Amster Railroad PreJect.
OTT WA, October `3t—application will
be made to Parliament, at its next sesalon,
for an am to authorize the building of a
railway from a point on Nlagarnvivar to
some point In the county of &tun, on
the Detroit river, with' the right of fer
ryage, by ateamer, serum the Niagara
and Detroit rivers, with powerto connect
with railway. in the Slates.
Fifteenth Amendment Ratified
fly Tetegnph to the Pittzbar.b Attu,
VErtsio,r, October 23 —The Vermont
Legislature has retitled the Fifteenth
Amendment by a unanimous vote to
Senate and only 12 nay votes In the
Hoax. Two Democrat, voted aye.
. _
STATE prelim.
TUE cornet soma of iDc Lycomiog
county.labluttaLdliauttiseut ares-laid Ant
A RANK has been opened at Parker's
Landing. uodtr the Ulm of "Parker's
Saving Bank."
AT Meadville last week Mr. Will 8.
Reiter, of Pittsburgh, lust his wallet,
cautaining $2OO.
TGE Democrats in Mercer charge the
Post's rooster with the money they lost
by belting on Packer.
Mn. BILLINGPILLT, or Lancaster, ie
the only retiring member of the State
Senate re-elected this fall.
CAaears cocurry Is going to build a
i new tail. The Johnstown iock.op has
I been returned to Court as a nuisance.
A saw military organization at Mend
; ville is expected to astonish the people
; there In the way of perfection in drill.
Mu Case. G. WILLIAMS, editor or the
WeUsher° (Tinge county) Democrat, died
, suddenly on the 16th. lie was a Demo
! oriole candidate for the legislature at the
recent election, and was defeated.
I A moan:ear lawyer of Carlisle, Sam
uel Hepburn, Jr., has been missing from
his home for some tune, and his relatives I
and Mends are in great distress concern
log him. Mr. Hepburn was taut seen at
the Continental Hotel, Philadelphia. I
fails to secure a legacy left to it by the
late Judge Chamberlain, of Randolph,
N. Y. The court decides that a testator, I
haying a wife or children living, cannot
devise more than half his property to re
ligious or charitable purposes. This de.
prives them of ationtsl2s,ooo.
ON Friday night of last week Dr. Blair,
of Mercersharg, Franklin county, was
confronted by ameaked man on the high-
way and compelled to "stand and dell,-
er" to the amount of fifteen dollars. He I
subsequently procured a gun and pursued
the robber but was unable to do more
than exch ange: a few ineffectual ,shots
with him, owing to the darkness.
REC lIPTLY a Mr. Linn, of Concord,
Franklin county, discovering a beer feed
ing LIP= hla incidence, shot at and, as he
opposed, killed It, but upon going (o Be.
curo his "game," the animal ferociously
attacked and had well nigh overpowered
him before assistance cams. Bears are
numerous in the vicinity of Concord,
coming from the mountains to feed on
Mn. F. Lsysmtrrs, of Meadville,
a colored man, employed as a printer
at the Government Printing Wine,
Washington City, has been cosigned
to duty in the piece department of
the document room. Mr. L. Is said to
be a good workman, nod has a card from
the typographical union at Meadvllll), at
which piano be worked at We trade
for some time previous to going to the
Tuts tract of land in Mater county,
known u the Avondale farm, was taken
up by William Miller about the year 1680.
and has remained in the possession of Ids
ibacendants until within two or three
years. Eight generations have lived upon
It, seven of them bearing the name of
Miller, but it hiu now passed into the
hands of enterprising projectors, who
are building on lt the town of Avondale.
Within three miles of this Tarn Iles the
Jackson farm of. two. hundred acres,
which was taken up much later than the
former, about the year 1725. It was
originally settled by William Jackson,
and is still held by his deicendeusta of the
fifth generation.
AT NOON, on Battuday, one Jimmy
Haggerty, a noted criminal, escaped, or
rather was rescued, from custody, while
being transferred from the
_prison-ran to
the Court-room, in Philadelphia. The
escape seems to have been prearranged.
Just as the prisoner alighted tram the van,
a crowd of personsatanding about raised
the cry of lire and rushed for the officers.
- Eraggerty, with considerable difficulty re
leased himself, and the officers in their
pursuit were beaten lack by another
crowd. The prisoner gained the base
ment of • hotel running from Chestnut
to Jayne street, and was lost to view.
Five thousand dollars' reward has been
offered (or his recapture.
ON the subject of "Making our Nomi
nations," the Butler Asuman says
- .One fact Is demonstrated and one bason
learned by the result In this county, at the
recent election, and that in, that the Dem
ocrats must not he permitted to lake part
in making our nominations. This was •
matter of complaint we heard all thin'
the recent campaign. Many of one Be
publican friends of the county expressed
their disapproval of the Democrats par
ticipating in the primary elections but
June, and our email majorities on some
of the county tickeo may be attrlbutedin
part to this fact. We hope hereafter there
will be no cause for such well-g - oended
complaints. Republicans are able, and
should make their own aomlaationet
Gk.: , U.tuaEY has arrived in Washing
ton from Dakota.
Hot, c nu LERA, Or kindred disease, pre
viols in the vicinity of Greenfield, Ohio.
OfIOOKI.T.N dry goods clerks have
formed an Early Closing Benefit Associa
THERE was a snow storm at Detroit on
lialtirday morning, continuing fur several
Too huge Australis diamond turned
out to be ouly s lump of crystallized
Tux strike of the machinists on the
I Erie road it is probable will be satisfacto.
rily settled this week.
NONE 01 the beautiful works of art in
the Cincinnati Mercantile Library were
injured by the recent fire. '
TOE distillers of Bourbon whisky in
Kentucky, are to hold n convention at
Lexington, November 3d.
A 311 i Klmitay, of Arcola, 111., was
burned to death on Thursday last by the
explosion of a kerosene lamp.
A Near Your pawnbroker charged
twenty live cents per day as interest on
a loan of $2OO, and was fined $3O fur so
Owszt Haan, convicted at Brooklyn of
the murder of Jane O'Donnell, has been
sentenced to be hung on the 30th of No.
Tug Coliseum Concert Lottery, at Boa
tom closed on Saturday, ticket No.
63,451, held by some unknown person,
drawing the building.
Toe City Attorneys of New Orleans
have instituted new proceedings to test
the legality of the heirship of Mrs. Gains
to property in that city.
CAPT. Leprous Scawsn, of the Cin
cinnati "Fire Department, died last week
from injuries received while in the per
formance of his duties.
TIMES Milwaukee firms am reported to
be heavy losers, by the failure of an Os
wego commfesion house. The losses are
said to sum up $lOO,OOO, two houses los..
inc 140,000 each.
A. more snow storm, of several hours'
duration, prevailed at tit. Louis on Fri
day night last, and Saturday morning the
ground was covered with about two
Inches of snow and ice.
Koormaxecnor has contracted to fur
-1 filth ten thousand Chinese laborers for
Southern plantations at the rate of $8 to
$lO per month in gold; for railroad work
he exacts $l5 per month.
H. B. Itsywoon, lately connected with
a New Jersey insurance company, has
absconded, leaving victims whom he has
defrauded out of about 010,000. one of
them a widow, who loses $lO,OOO.
Tax steamboat Sally was sunk thirty
miles below St. Joseph, in the Missouri
river, on Friday night of last week. The
boat was valued at $15,000; insured in
the .sitna, Monongahela and other Pilts•
burgh companies, for $lO,OOO.
Tune seems to be a general depres
sion among northwestern farmers at the
low price of wheat. In Minnesota they
will not sell at present rates any more
than Is necessary to give them a living
through the coming winter.
Tug climate of Montana Is not exces
sively severe. in winter. The thermome
ter shows a low temperature, but there Is
a stillness and dryness in-the atmosphere
that prevents one from suffering. Chica
go in 'winter ismuch more disagreeable.
Tab game of "keno," which had flour-
. . -. .. - ....
lined in Omaha until three mammoth
I establishments were in full tide of sue.
Deseret operation, has been squelched by
the Mayor ortbat city, the proprietors of
the gambling dens having been compelled
1 to Moira them up..
Tun Good Templar! of Maine number
, twenty-tive thousand. At the session of
the Grand Lodge, last week, the political
I temperance party was again endorsed,
and the-support of the order pledged to
st. The result of this political action at
f.t 6 . 1 .. ein.. ,,,, G , is zed vary .enithougaging.
A Patmerratsar CONGRESS is to meet in
Boston on the 15th of November, the
I distance to be 100 miles. Several of the
I most !toted pedestrians have already en
tered. The first prize is a silver cup and
$100; second, $7O; and third, $3O. All
i are to be fairly handicapped, and will
walk In colors.
Tea President and Directors of the
' Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company
: have ordered that from and after the first
• proximo no trade or traffic will be al
-1 lowed thereon on the Sabbath day, and
. that the lock-keepers be required to close
the locks at twelve o'clock Saturday
night, reopening them at twelve o'clock
'on Sunday night.
' A LIMA letter of Sept. 27th, states that
there was great trepidation throughout
South America on account of predicted
tidal waves and earthquakes People
were leaving their dwellings near the
coast, and camping in the mountains. A
terrific earthquake is reported to have oc
curs."' In the Arequlpas district, com
pletely destroying the town of Quiches.
Tne celebrated Foucault pendulum ex
periment to prove the rotundity of the
earth was tried in the rotunda of the
Slate House at Columbus, Ohio, on Bat-.
urday last. The pendulum had a clear
length of one hundred and twenty feet,
and showed the motion of the earth three
minutes after its starting. The experi
ment was in every way a success.
Tag earthquake shock on Friday of
last week was felt at St. Johns, N. S.
Houses were shaken violently; every.
body was awakened from their slumbers,
and many rushed from their
alarm, bat no material damage done.
At St. Andrews the shocks appear to have
peen more severe, throwing down chim
neys and cracking walls of houses. Sim
ilar shocks were felt at Halifax.
A BORSE TIRE?, named James Petti
grew, who has been passing under the
name of Charles Smith and Charles
in his many thieving operations
In Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin and
lowa, was arrested last week at Quincy,
111. Indictments are pending against
I him in Wayne county, lowa, also in
Champaign count*, 111., and a large re
ward offered for him in Wisconsin.
Tun Lancaster (Ohio) Gazette says:
"A prisoner confined in our county jail,
on a charge of counterfeiting, was taken
out, on Tuesday, and voted the Demo
critic ticket in the Third ward. Reese,
the murderer of Jones, was taken out of
jail and marched to the residence of hie
victim on a hunt for naturalization papers,
which he never had, and to the grief of
the Democracy, had to go back to jail
without voting.
of father ' mother and two
children, was caught by a fast train on
the middle of along and narrow bridge
at Jackson. Mich. The train could not
be stopped In time, and the father, catch
ing up the children, told his wife to run
and jump. She did so, falling in the
shallow water Just in time to escape
death, while the man lowered himself and
children through the ties on the beams
beneath as the train passed over.
A patent has recently been granted for
a method of refreshing horses while in
harness, which consists in making the bit
hollow and having perforations in It. A
rubber tube extends from one side of the
bit to the carriage, and by passing a
rubber bag which contains water, the
driver Is enabled to refresh his horses
whenever be chooses without stopping.
For saddle horses the water.bag is sus
pended from the horse's neck, or upon
the puthmal of the saddle.
Axone the many articles originated
and brought to perfection by the unflag
ging genius of Inventors, none is more
generally useful than the new patent re.
irigerator process, by which meats and
fruits can be preserved, ma transportated
any distance In any kind of weather.
This new process has been Improved, and
adapted to many useful purposes, the last
improvment beinglts use in freezing fish,
m that they can be preserved as fresh aa
when taken from the water.
A rtmeranums and alarming cattle dis
ease has appeared at Catawba, Clarke
county Ohio. Cows bare been milked
according to custom In the evening, and
nothing unusual wm noticed. Shortly
after they became uneasy, and In five
minutes fell down dead. They com
menced swelling shortly after, so much
so that they bunted when the hide was
punctured. An examination was made
by shifted cattle men, but they could as
cribe no cause for their death.
Tax earthquake on Friday night of
hut week was quite severe In Newbury.
port, Mass., shaking the doors and win
dows and many movable things in the
houses. The people generally were
awakened by the commotion. An old
brie)" nmuudon house ; built tamely years
ago, and having the thick massive walls , 0 PERSONAL.
so common to those days, was shaken .
from the roof to the cellar, rattling the ; A I , f:or:TER of Protestor Horsford, of
doors and windows, and creating general Cambridge, is said to be almost u expert
alarm among Its occupants. The people I a chemist ea her:father.
in their beds were very sensible of a Ti •WRNDELL Pruture, in his "Lost
M , ating movement below them. , Arts," says the ancients 3000 yelp& ago
AN electrical apparatus for railway / knew how to nuke sherry cobblers.
switches and draw bridges has lately , c t ,,,,,,,,,, at,,,,,,, the murderer, Is !tax.
been put in operation in New Jersey. It !
ions to exhibit h im self, for the bnefit of
is claimed that through Its inatrumentaili I his wife and children, previous to his ci
ty all the dangers arising kora negligent I ecution,
switch tendera, from misplaced rails, from ~
,LIARLES CI:DeI:ER, of Sacramento,
unauthorized tampering with switches,
Cal., and Superintendent of the Central
and even from carelessness on the part ; Pacific Railroad, pays $lO,OOO currency
of the telegraph operator, are entirely I for Thomas Hill'spainting of the Yoses
removed, because under any or all these I mite Volley.
circumstances the danger signal is con..
epicuously act before the eyes of the en i ttu,NO E J MAD, proprietor of The
glue driver, indicating the necessity of I I American
niveraity $50,6410 for the erec-
Fr is said to have been discoveied t h at I
" r°ll ' l, hall given to the
great caution in the running of trains. I " '
don of a building for the Department of
Natural science.
the newly eleeled Senator from Virginia, ,
SD. Johnston, as well all Mr. Gibson, one LIEUT. GEN. &MAMAS eels ect on
of the representatives from that State, is
' Taesdayevening of last week, at Ctcago,
still laboring under the disabilities Impos: ' the anniversary of his noted ride to
Winchester, by a gathering of staff °fli
ed by the Fourteenth Amendment. The I
pas- : errs at Lis residence.
Amendment was retitled alter the
sage of the uct by Congress relieving the Tue chairman of a Dent meeting, at
disabilities of Mr. Johnston and 3lr. gib. I Jackson, Mies., introduced a colored
sun, and It is asserted that theact of Min. , Democrat, John F. Harris, of Memphis,
grew approved April 1, 1869, removing ; as an orator "and a gentleman es tar as'
the disabilities imposed by the Fourteenth ; politics are concerned."
Amendment, fails to embrace in Its terms j Da. Was. Bum., a well known phyla
thecases of Iffessra. Johnston and Gibson. 1 Mau of Xenia, Ohio, died on the Ilth
Forts, writing on the music of the an-
i inst. at the age of seventy. He was a
cients, observes that pugnacity Is the
native of Pennsylvania, but had lived in
fundamental root of music, and thinks Greenesounty since 1810.
that music formerly had far more actual Ma. SAIWEL A. litroncoce,of ,Hroom.
Influence over mankind than at present. field, Mass., has just given $40,000 for
For instance: Alexander was once so the endowment of the Hebrew Professor
excited by a certain tune that be killed a ship in Andover Seminary. He also
friend, and then, on hearing another, gave $40,000 to Amhest College. I
wept over his dead body. Thai= had a/ 'DIET have a public library la Mel-
tune that stopped a pestilence; Terpander bourne, Mans, which is open to all open
another that quelled a sedition; Orpheus one condition: every one who enters
tamed the beasts of the field; and there must have clean hands. - Soap, wale: and
was a certain air called Harmatan, which I towels provided in the ante-room.
excited horses in battle to fiery and vat • ; Tun Chicago Republica n laughs at the I I
crone courage.
idea that Mrs. Anna S. Stephens has
DR. PORI:LYN has determined by post- written& comedy. We should have the
Uve experiments that the death of shade I Jtegualsoun to - know that comedies from
trees on the public streets Is not due, as such pens as hers are nu laughing matter.
commonly supposed. to the action of II- Tam St. Joseph, Mo., Union says: They
laminating gas escaping from broken ger- have a new way of ma ki ng morning cal ls
vice pipes. He is convinced that no drum. at K a .. City. The driver stops in
age accrues from the percolation of the front of a house, knocks, and If there is
gas through the soil to the roots of the no response hurls a brick through the
tree, but to the paper from whence we ex- I A
tram this
what causes conactclusion to destrog, it y
th e o shade oes n to
stress; how
TOE Atusachnisetta school system la a
peculiar institution. A mother was lined
one of the most potent being that no care
ten dollars and costs In Worcester, the
is taken to keep the earth around their
roots porous, but when packed hard, as is other day, for taking her children away
from a school where she thought they had
generally the case, no water can eh '
their roots. i i been improrerly treated.
ON T00. .. t0y of lam week 24 ,.. D. D. A FELLOW in Chicago, under arrest as
a vagrant, was put through the usual
Norris, outs el the moat prominent cit
, course of questions, which he answered
liens of Milwaukee, Wisconsion, bad a
- . saualactortlyl until it came to the point,
small and select party of gentlemen at his ,
"Are you married or single I" Being on
house, assembled for social converse.
' his oath, the poor fellow couldn't really
The room having become rather cool,
Mr. N. started to the basement to tarn ou ; tell.
more steam to the heating apparatus, but' A ratuarrotootcah lecturer In St.
In attempting to descend the stairs he . Cloud, Minnesota, haying failexito amuse
missed his footing and fell bead foremost , his audience as much as they expected,
to the brick floor of the furnaceraom, - the latter undertook to amuse him. They
breaking his neck. He was a native of ; formed an impromptu lodge Of the Sons
Boston, went to Milwaukee in 1843, and • of Malta, and initiated their visitor into
by his business tact and energy built up ; the mysteries of the Order.
a handsome fortune. lie was forty.eight , Ma. E. H. WADE, a silver-haired vet
years of age. man and the happy father of twenty-
PeTtIER HYACINTHE has made the fol
' seven children, ang married for the
lowing statement: "I believe that it is int- I fourth time at KubWile,
a few
possible to enjoy freedom of thought and I days ago. It was the tided time his bride
exercise it, and yet belong to t h e corn, ' had been made happy In this way--alto
mutton of the Catholic Church. I still I gether a remarkable old couple.
consider myself a Carmelite Monk and Jorsaztua Monoesi, a lawyer, linguist
am as devoted as I ever was to the Holy' and mechanician, who construmal the
Mother Church, but maintain that I ex ' first steamboat ever seen on a New Bag
creme my priestly functions by authority : land river, Is now living in Portland.
of God alone, and that the church has no ; Me., having attained the ripe age of 91
right to change the faith as handed down years. He is very eccentric, and has for
by the fathers—to add or take from it I many years lived alone In a email attic
away, whatever. I believe Protestants I room, which served as office, bedroeltil
to belong to the great brotherhood of , and kitchen,
faith, bat I do not intend to ally myself ;
to their peculiar views." -- ---
• Tax secret of some of President Johh• 1
AS LEIBURY - LIAMIT-:/stOstobtr SOUL 1289,
son's pardons is coming out. Last year'
at the redden.. 01 Um bride'. raeat& au r ha
he released John IL Sims, convicted in' new. Wm. Ittaneenh. MUST. H.. tiVABUIIT, 1
. Wesserlicly York Of COUr Pg. Ella f.. l glatatiatraihr4War-..0111411--; platen. or
senten to pay a floe of 1100 and be , Looaaa, to.
imprisoned for a term of years. Sims; --
procured a pardon through the efforts of '
a broker in that line—one M. F. Styles;
and last week, at Rochester, in the Cir
cuit Court, a case between these two
worthies was tried, in which Styles pro
duced a written contract with Sims that
he (Styles) was to be paid $lO,OOO if be
got Sims a pardon. The pardon was ob
tained, when Sims repudiated the con
tract, claiming that it was made while be
was in duress and under comp:ll2Mb. He
gained the suit, and the pardon broker is
oat in the cold.
Tan new two dollar United States note
is thus described: On the left end is a
medallion likeness of Thomas Jefferson,
in the right upper corner the figure two,
In lathe scrollwork of very intricate pat
tern.. Below and intersecting It, is the
stamp of the Treasury, in red. In the
centre is a splendid vignette of the Capi
tol at Washington, very beautifully en
graved—really a splendid piece of work.
"United Statos Legal Mader" and "Two
Dollars" are extended across the upper
part of the note, in intricate wave lines,
printed :in green. On the back of the
note, in the centre, is the figure two, in
elaborate rosette lathe work, the word
. .
two at one end and the Roman II at the
other end. Al., the clause denoting the
legal lender and the act against counter
Tax project of removing the Capital
would appear to have more and stronger
support than Wasbingtoniatut seem to
believe. The- aggregate autnbers are
pretty well united on the subject and In
Its favor. It is very likely that a trial of
strength of the removers and antl-remoy.
ers will come up at the next session of
Congress. An appropriation of
000 is to be asked to put up new buildings
for the State and War Departments, and
the Western members are determined, it
Is said, to fight the proposition at every
stage The Western men assert that
every additional dollar expended on
eral works in Washington will be made
an argument against removing the Capital,
and they are determined to furnish no
more arguments on that aide. General
Butler says that sensible men would
govern themselves as to the holding or
telling out property in Washington
by the test vote on the appropriations.
On the let of November next $2.5,486,-
000 in coin will be required from the
Treasury, to pay the semi-annual Instal
ment of interest on the flue-twenty bonds
falling due on that date. Secretary
Bootwell now has on hand about $ 8 4,-
' 000,000 In coin, and about $28,000,000 in
coin-bearing certificates, besides about
$8,000,000 in currency. After the pay
ment of the draft required for the Inter.
est, over 148,000,000 in coin will remain
on band, and no morn wil be required for
the payment of Interest until the Ist of
January next. The probability is that
there Is a large number of coun
terfeit coupons of these bonds afloat.
One counterfeit coupon was discov
ered in the treasury this afternoon
It was a May five-twenty three dollar
coupon, of the loan of 1862, and bad
been paid by the New York Sub-Treas.
titer and forwarded here, he believing it
to be genuine. It came from Germany,
and was sold among a number of others
by a German banking house. It leaned
mirably executed lithograph, and Is well
calculated tb decefge even the careful oh.
Qczcze Vicronta enjoys a high repo.
tenon for her acts of thoughtful kindness
and attention towards the persons with
whom she is brought In contact. A re.
cent firustration of this praiseworthy
characterhuic of the Queen is given in
her efforts to preserve the picturesque
scenery along the river Dee, so as not to
destroy the attractions which form rho
inducements to strangers to visit that re
glow, and thus by the money annually
spent there to contribute to the eupport
of the inhabitant. Thus the Ballochbute
forest having been offered for sale for
the purpose of being cat down, the
Queen purchased the woods, on the sole
condition that the trees should be allowed
to stand. A piece of an old steep mili
tary road, which had not been considered
by the Government as of sufficient im
portance to warrant any outlay for its
maintenance, was put in complete repair
at the Queen's expense. This road is of
great Importance to the neighborhood, as
It - commands a magnificent view of Bal.
moral Castle and grounds, with the river
Dee emerging from the deep pine forests
of Ballochbole, and winding through a
country Of great sylvan beauty until keg
In the distance. From the awns Brat a
circle of hills can be seen, toweriftg one
above the other, towards he southward
and westward. Great gratification, it Is
stated, has been expressed at the liberal.
Ity of the Queen in cuing, for the com
fort of travelers sad touriatot to that dia.
NO. 247
- • -0...-
KWINO—^e Batorday. October Sad, at Obi
p•ptoeit. mire a annum Ewing.
The Ittecds of the family are requaitteff ton
nd the I uoneal in to the moldy:lce of her In.
baud le Mansfield. TOW , orTZ•NOON at two
o'clock. Curl.r, wit/ leave liorelsad ai.ifll
cbell'a livery go• le. ream atreet, off Otiltra
depot. at twelve o'clock.
PROoSuos o.
niett. Carriages tural.sma tor city !cinemas
rit.oo each.
Itmaratote—ltavDavld Nem D.D.,
&V W : Moan. mil. Jr.°
C I x -3 Rs al.
im a LIVERY rri
AV KNOX Allegheny ity, where their CQ1 , 711 ,
HMS:in are coratardly with real at
lesitAllon no. wed, gain and Waits I
Corgi at prices sarying Mon
_lO4 to SIM Be •
dies pretured tor IA carves and Co.
yiages fornlstred; aLts, clads of Ilooratrg
Goode. if required. °Cat etont al all Roam dal
and fight.
Cawlages tor ralaerals. .3.00 Laeli
In All Ifs Branche*.
The moat coma.: aa4 datione as well as mo
ontloacy watch.
Most Experienced and
Skillral Workman
In the cite. Mn. V.M. 80H•YASIC. lebe wii
Wm. N4..imon. No. 310 LlbbebY bneeb, ebb,
men eow be found with
SS Rorke& Street. Pittaburgb.
W. are now Imaking NEW LARD of %ht. v.-
so. make. 7 letcts, If• f Kegs alb, DIM.
•.d Wm. 60Ib. Cams. War pd.
Lana. AUldicso
Cincinnati. 0.
ji! PLICATIO2id wellM/tun, SW Clerk•
Nato. R. may, cavern, eta ward:
F. fliry, eal rad bonze. TM ward
Pat. Was lea, tavern, Slat ward.
latch. Hannan, tavern, 4th wart! .
John Ye aterstos. tavern, Ilvit ward.
Cooper. Wetrtrope, harem. Birmingham:
Lake Reiland, tavern. HUM:
John (Jemmy, tavarn, Teraperanceatila.
, Townships.
U. glogrann, other goods. Malin; IN/23
John Yertes, sating home, Non.
The Lit.. Board tll o sit far hearing tha
oho , * oPhdostlons on du gldt In sr.. .at Do loot
h. N. /NO. O. BROWN. Clerk.
CIST E 80111211.1114 OIITICL
ALUM:III, Cur. 113, 1669.
NOTICE. The atorounent for
amens. of BARAD duvet. r”.. Cnton
.T.ltte to ally Ilne, and also for the gradlng and
pool., of ovrom aver, are tow ready for en
amlnallen, and ran be mesa at the oaten of Mt
cur ifdten.r .OtH
glinfiflbtkidierBMN /MN—
rrbvr they will be Owl In iti• !mamba the (A
Treasurer far collection.
or =l:q= 0011usbors.
mday evealnioMt. 10113. 113104,10.2 t.
vill be sold on _second floor of tiourouxl4ll4lai
Room, 106 em112./0 sung -
all ignstan M. AM. National 1120313 •
4u .* Motet* lose r 500,13.,, ' .
00 Htmtittryth 112110 leeztof
23 •
A. MCIL mAfil Aoguicheii.
13,.. 4 . Twain, • , . , •
•23 ." ViZies—balTii libd Razed, :
To aril's Eyre; fur n 4 Dr
bIAII Dicirzir it co.
oxIISC.--20b bags mend and
So 110. ixowls4slnr.rela rr •
=As &
MHERII;—:6 Books - now
L lot witty ""'',
„ _
maxim rnakiiii co:
up of are 7ildlieTetid
to act •sents.
tiTForIcF "Pr4tgliV.
" b mt , ”"Wa.f..""PouTMl" "Bm'db 4 A"
A.., not creerdrag FOUR LINEA Xll
be inserted tie Neu a:Alumna .ancea
TIVENTY-FirE CENT ' ; a c rd rg
hon.( line FITE cgX7l4.
litregq, BOYS , OINLB end for aIIeXISS.
tie& of employment- retoolstep
QTRAY COW.—S trayed &oat
air residence de the tobaeriber. No. NNW
r e . .
(orpaid her recovery. ADM +ION LTILIe.
Mnnitt Haller on =Qin handle Mould, to
Arno Clunlnnatt. Ad•lrnss 11.1mithra Alteo,
dA Cu 380 and 3b2 Penn 11.1TIL, Flll2.
WANTED.—A few shales of
tan Alutebester eitirlugv hattel Block.
rtivghe s , the Dahlia. U..,leshtlty
A Bilesnlan la A dry voods Wire. •WI
at GO Nark. greet.
WASTVEN —By a m. Whill
has had setae hipalleaCO ,SA lib••
iohsts th 1.1•• •, and hu albs tattled •
..I. siLha than nu trarslialr agantiar_alasall.
fact r;i:a or .101:shic jabbing bnase:
p r 9l,
riaSas eouray, 0411.4.
llT A9 TED. — Planin64lll.llllerla
L T A Y.. i.Tin ,- 15 , 1°,11TtAlit`tritt=
erlAnort. 4th, 184 4 1 All o•her 1144:114n 4414
RI eat ranns NNW for
cu A ,
thallogilad thin
rm. w oo d I.orlanK lit•dallery /JIM hanAreallnii
". •
on the 41.44
*icli ICE & Aire.t pf 4ileek9l3 ,
Coosay. 019ee %mei of Pem gad Tillm-Sklrd
WANTED.—Two Geo& Ws.
, nen to worn on assorted ware and IMO ,
ro J
.No. VS Ohio treec .
lA : llceberry&F, Fs. ,
WANTED. -TO ft nir,..4 axe
eOND RAND PLANO• gl•••• . 4 .dr.-.2 A. GLENN. 150 Ridge sorer, AlfaiMMaY.
siatmy we. re •nu vrhenaux layma.
land and attentive to chtlaren. p ad
leant .Ituatlon to • mall family. Apply at
65 Beaver street Allegheny ell,.
Igir A NTE D.—BOARIDII466-41.
vv Large Semad Mary 7110AIT ROOM, Mi.
able tor • N•arl,••l3 and .Ire or galszle gati•-
men. 'nth taw* al N. MT *aria • nett '
~, ,
von RENT.—A tundibed
L. roam eultrible for graarrorr6
No. 77 ...vie street. Jrutt above 1.. rxrin. Ane-
xbery City.
mo LET-1/001118.—Oneor tw•
►rout litwats. (arta/led. Apply at SO
sin street, Patabursb.
I'wo front Bog.. el=
ushi" , In th e eft!, NOM , ffen.f.
T o L T.—A tiecond•Altory
ROOM, suitable for two strixtei ze=rit
ar gentleman and iady. ho. LS $4 ylre
Fon • nnwr —until the ant
day of Aprlt next, the two stotend Sykk
einer Moue, containing twelve menu s WV
ote on tr. corner or Stockton avenue lad Web
ster •trcat , with sushi. attached.. Too good too.
aid mese stesilnrs SUI boleti... , Uncial...of
SOS Peavey Avenue. stllegbeey
1 - . OST.-033 the Bt. Chilrittreet
driPM . IND B AIN V: l l ° flit: "AA
.11)no It totarned to Ito. /91,111.ockin
Arena!, &111e.borty Cll3,
of tee finest fitted on Store Roans Is CM
use, and dot g • 11. A.. 4 ... 1: , =% PSIMI
tdonlanund I..nuois nundrles. =Mini
on Corner. lof Snit. On aTecntnS of Insjlns
ntti. rot partlenlaro adpfnn Kuzin.i.
5100 klaskct meet, Hairlabarr.l.l.-.
or DfJ;
raloor oiasge for CtrY tfr °Mari ,
.11rrobari.dlae._ ApNy to or adarrolo,_ - 115Wi
PEULIAPS. Heal MAASS Airroltr.` Paula
iLVEUR.M.-o,llii6Olt viz 1
_UI Tin
~ta r to b tr ra trD M PLCCOUNL. .o ,
bre:Nests' Ehmtlitet; Dela lama
• corner, and doing a Ise bstalnessl trill :!lstpartinstars. address IS.
HOD Jun.' street. Harrisburg, P..
EAMENCN Atateeteuy CUT. Lot !Si
eet try 11/014 710 fest slhry; house maths. II
rooms, good eellsos gas 'nom:eh-set Auld !Leashed
la good once,. Apply CROF T Pinlattra,
Neal itasat, /seem., No 130 Coast& Amass.
To close • partnership. IVASEIIOI76II..
Nos. 96 and Da Third avenue, 34 fort renal's:al
10 c.ot , a.nn roar Mortal high. Tor team
apply to
96 39,J 911Tb1919/6999
ao hubdloy. 311x70 hot le Debts Imre by dies
Godfrey cor m a utanbucturlng eitabilibtastale
lea of the bar of the Ina olohlug So nags
from business oa sersoaket of ha. beebtbs
crhare decided to doh ortAlet w it i ft . t e lat Deign
)r• 0 0!1 ^ to b lt0=e ptlrer.) teals, atUaebta•
eh Islay ; would mate • good wagon as _ abaft
lot 50x 100 feet oo 6 yeas lease. Per RetboW
particular log olrearlro.ll4 Ohio streeVAllas
(deaf, Ye.
or room lo Plum tcnrusgtp, /WogbraT :
coml. All...gray Taller Ft. IL nu t
hrough IL 1
ao natured yards from /tattoo. I b ai loggia
lm rooms. and good stable. tad oft other...
reerors oar-Ooddlogn orchard oglf/O' Manus
frok frees, of all glade; goad forint, najor___ore
bor, goo geuraluerrLor and nom.otg: lurk
worth of rok. quarry opened; 0111 salt [Dr ood- ,
de1:44.1 osonolacturfos satablighotagin ant
ander non, pls..
ad food Indsestlons of olti
tert . e ' n ' enl. Inquire of .A.l. °. tn.
pion BALE . —A disfrable red i
Ladd; Proopeet !IL near llotleet, 06th 3
loth:ilo rem A 1.., a. tine lama. II
hT•SYLS 10001/ and DWELLIBILI -of 10
rooms and goad teller . Holler St, 16th ess.Bl
An ...Sew nand for boalnew N 6 1111.160 s t
ISt, 17.1 •resh: los 663s100jeet on 41.-9. ik A 1 ,
Also • number of Bower and Lots Boa Me
7 P Ar 'u ti u grAinicTany DI BLOOM
lellr oard; lon 60:137 8 fees. for 01197.% ).
years to Pay Deo o.r• allowed for AMS IMP-
meat moan tbt i ssrlo t o wants to bet: • Dols. ;
A f ge t tit. i. Bl l l:r 31'31. 1111'''414.''sr.:rhi:=1.1
Ispiseopal church:
DERSONAJL.--All persona seek.
L IWO 110MESI, or lovelmenente lo Neal ler
tese, grill neeilae. Urbla eheeheecth=
ez3m4 ~,p7 of the 'l l ll7llBOUtill
NLUISTILILII IttsitrehaerayelehTS_
elll be tent hy man rasa to &DT .1.1. SIM
Mcannot fell to get salted mete? mws.
• Where met heat &stale Amite, No,
103 .Waahlaiton atmet. 48 feet Kent - sad ft
feet heel, Improved LT a modena.baßL TWO
k TOBY SNUB HOUSE, Oaa, Bath Beam s afe
Poe Lerma amply to
acl 113111:11
oeiftp7s 96 apt 13111,pa1DhOlf. I
rd ammo.
Bell Mid BraSa Fotaets,
In - WISES -.-
Made Promptly to Order.
Made and Kept on Hand.
PropeWorn mid 11.a.mbetarers et
J. M. Cooper's Improvedl3! , dailieiViteel
OFFICE 41.. FD rewriter,
Cor.llß and Reltria4Stir%
ITZTalltliaiL Pa.
Came' of Penn and Sixth Streets
ito:g 34:v 1 ;sll.fir.Tll
W.711, ! 197/Ir/i174
ae inks, -