=I ARMIN tiff. NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE, tans earirr ALL Stockholders lndividwlly Liable. IRAN& 01P ammo= AND DMPONIT JOHN /LOYD WIL FLOYD. Nat West. Cashier. DrIiaCIMIL os Maridand, •Fr . Jo y ; pha n .., Arr..klbat4Dm saws W. &ma. Jas. D. Ke.l4, Eat rioui. D. Wra, /100. •hd Mimed 41:3010.1.40, SILVER AND COUPONS cit Highest Prices. PH. B. MERTZ, Banker Cor. Wood and Fifth Sheets. Lim T. LADY It CO, aluailloa SIG AMII2I • 00..1 Conn Faith ud Wood St&, ms MEM FL es, £BnUz&at.i. IaRDN or r=viA:vaiut;•:Nicivvril euLD, SWIM aim COUPONS. OS NOM PANONAXIJI TZWICII. Ir littexest Allowed pa Deposits 8/1/Par=loaact . Ekrrerazasat !loads at IllenSeas essoluiail for Ow Iftvelumps mai Mae 111 1 0431.111, BORDS wed 11111.1114 JAM= T. BRADT & CO /ittskult Gap*. YINANOZI .AZID TRADA OM* or Prrninninitt Gancrrs, Tntissear, October 24 r. itillintlushalmoeg , lmpercaptibla de cline In Government aecuritlee has di rected' the attention or capitalists to 'other investments, and numerous in t/atria greasily made/ate; what is the beat, most profitable and safest invest. went that can be made at present, oat rdde of Government securities. As s Mend' thing people coriglder them- selves homede inventors whilst ,they ark nothing but swam !atom counting especially on the slight advances or de ,Clirlee of staple securities, Anybody • Who Wishes to invest money. ahould hest Secerhilmwhotber.:llb money can re main where placed Ito a lenght of time, Um the low priced securities of. either bends or Mock* of our main Railroads ming dividends out of their earnings, are a good investment or corporation toads Lelow per, If they have long to rosi'aitil bear not leas thin eight per min. for the money invested, or some land purchasers where timber,. coal, tietNrei, d er other minerals are Mersa& Inn the mine of the investment. In - 'Mar fields • partlatlarly large invest• manta have been Made which will yield a handsome return If a Judicious se• leettOnWss made as to the finality of the ' coal and the facilities -of mining and But.erbere parties went in withatielr *ten dosed and expected to risen within a abort time without 'having the' means to my to it, and Await a favorable opportunity to sell. ' heavy Sacrifices have to be made. What la num of coil land immolation, la also time of operationsan bonds, shares and ether securities. Any man that aver attempted to speculate =AU the minor theltnailtins of the market, must lose his wooed or later. There IA but =elm that leads to success, and 111 to take await:ton and hold It. A Mina must come If a Judicious seleelion wiiiklnsaiti, and generally those few who :Malt thelettmeroarry the pnxe. 0014idtddronlY but gradually advanced ,to lgoyj under light purchases, atoned, • bossier, !ewer, and mid down to 139%. .ticrietrument bonds were weaker, and declined about ousquarter per cent. • Otocksers. off Stain and the general • market appears as if large realizations bad taken place during the last two Exprews shares are strong. lamey more In demand. gneterione aa received by Pb. B. (7014, 130%3 Sara. 124 1281113 , - ans% 119%; Ph* .Tmentles, 082, nog: ~dO / 9 / 4 111. do 1865 LIDX; do /866, Curt.% LIM do ,11192.. 117%; do 11918. WM; Ten Forth% 11,7 X; Now Tort Malta. 1921, Mei 131%; Raiding; NW; 4 =h. ,- Wayno l7hleado 84%; Ohio& likrtudp9l,l,97; 1001 / 1 •.• d0tat9 571 4 93%; Came. Lod" a: Pittaburgb i , 07; Chicago a Moak . 107%; Mow a North WOOorN Wand 71 )10 Mawr" a North. Western . _Priam% It!g11 Adams Eames. Com- Car= Me rchant Union Exprts, M9ll. - —; Wows Union • Indeadates eaporty, UV American Ex perts froadaoy 34M. alauutas, Lapps. aisad. . ' LoodonZar 36,50 Para. per sa Bello. ••90 ; 97 frsokfort. 1 fa 67 '31484211 Oa Geld: 1803g t 7 &art! - Blatesifaxot, 1881, ;11911; Ftvo , Twoetarc • 116 3. Mir do.. 1864 1191 i; do. ISO, Dem; Ifearratay:WFlre•Tofentlet. Jaw say sod Ma. 1171 K: do. do, ISA A 117%1 ' , - IFS& /17Nt Due „poted% Mika Beebe Ballrced, •• Ventral do. dot 99; Cry. - Tuttle, 967,40:16kke &maps:kr 96. li t Y,Tileit l9l to 00 PlUirPtrrAfilasus.l . .231 w Vona. October 24 188:1. The Sw ti im artielhint. the Gem. les heel. coopalyt at Stock Exchange, '. , -111471116 Its =mat lajwctiotte on the • illadismi Avenue Itattnted; end on the 'fiatatlidatket of the Z. Ctretral filth 14111440 i Baler mil, are Ightide the Mg, pooodbillties in the campaign, :lbeilltaitheteregrareeng Ilse very mach In the °agitate of looking tip money with intittidlee Mighaperitbuying greenbacks ! - at a preettank.tio; wade the minty lows. Jamey Is already plowing to the South to MVO tho cotton crop, sad the West will be wining eitmenoy to pack the bog tt is reported that as liege Os the banks begin to lose heavily in their legal . Pereleds, which wilt 410,64 am when me • 43ie4trturgeilt annum mall bills more freey thin at Mend, thou, those hears are Ur look apthelr money and return their borrowed 'toils. • • Beesiver ;adze. of th.Estaunge !a:s' Altai*. WOWS' this that has paid the 26 per; mud. on .al.l.- dolma or width:gm' with'exeeption of the mos '7llnnorWoolool by the ellutdur.of dent Benedict. Helms also settled the drilewillp~aeeedsitura_ when books have boom proper tyl4l Ir o rn ' , , Dolled claims doe tbs. thiltrord.. 2 The 'Matt ha 'wank:o2,4M addltkmet 26 ;per Cent. IN =Maths order ef Me Court at pmk, autmetraliss him. although he o:pierce the *pluton that the Bank. II 201 W ;able • may and steady at 6:3(7 Dec 6, on call loan;. Sterling firmerot 1i,6623.f. Gold firmer, opening 111 IM'A" ad Outog to ittg, and closing MI =WO Lim, OclvernMehts•shsde blasr and firm. At tholdoetenry - Mobiles today the en' tin Maul* one million '6ss at 115 202012, were taken froth Flak & Hatch. We gootin Coupon or Id, Ititpgek do. • • PC, gOgtar2oKi do. 61, ifixotgx IA t; do ' 11 c 0 ".0...r_ .4' l , de, new, /7101760 do '67, x is Ad , '68,:-11 ®l7li: 10 tOgs, t nonstury es„ torx(gde& Teznietweeti Norlig CLN-Irate • WOsker.Atissouing, eZ.tit 1 113titievi Virginia, 50. 41110 W do,' 62%. old r at), geldChoie, Mo . wood paelrybons teamed.ati ng the /tucked lo heir,, and dea1,10.0,4, ,10.0,4 , it , err. -At one time during the t Wing to tbsormoureotsales, York Central sold dose to .190% Medium to 172m,FlarlICII Mk Lake se ez .,; to MX, but at class there Was gen•• grid reeevely from the lowest point, with ' 1 strong market; Pantile Mall advanced to 616‘., 'Airs has been a emeltraree to. 6ngybetween ,th? - dingentar of the last „ r • , • named. and the directors of the Panama It. R., in regard to the adjustment ~f freight and peachier charges. The balance of the market sympathised with chancre in Vanderbilt stocks, and the fluctuations were less important. Express ana miscellaneous stocks gen erally dulL The rise canned connidere ble comment on the street, and was vs. dowdy attributed to rumorsof a decline in bond. at London, the firmness of for eign exchange and amore active demand for legitimate trade. At one time there were aroma vague reports. from Washington in regard to Treaaury movement., but these did not take definite shape. Rates paid for car rying 3(gie per cent. The transactions to.day, while not as large as annealed with business before the late panic. have been larger than on any day since. Dur ing the past ten days the November coupons on 6.20 bonds have been arriv. log from Europe. It Is estimated that about five minima are already there. I The rumor as to the cemelidation of the Central and Hudson roadals that the old stock le to be received In thli new company on the following basin: Bud. son River at 205 and New York Central st 235, carrying the RI per cent. rortifi. cake. Canton, 60; Cumberland, 28%; West ern 'Union Telegraph, 38%; Quiekallver, 12%: Mariposa, 8%; do. preferred, 1 8%; F• 01310 Mail, 61%; Adams Express, 67; Wells it Fargo, 29i,1; Amercan,_ 95%; United Mats, 57; rderthelne . rrnic44 9%; New 'York Central, 191;,4'; Harlem, 1.46%; do, preferred, 146; Lindgren, 173 1 4; AeMing, 9 93 ; Erin, 80%; do. preferred, 61%; Michigan Central, 123%; Michigan Southern, 94; Mania Central, 136; Pittaborgh, .98; Northwestern, 21,1; do. preferred,filt ; ;; C. Cl. ,11. C., 76; k. L, 1063,0 S. had, 7u; do. preferred, EC , 4 Wabash,. 66. ; do. preferred, 77; Fort Wayne, 64 1 %; Terre Haute, 31,4; do. preferred, 5.9,?‘; Chicago and Alton, 141; do. preferred, 142%; Ohio and Mlasaiaalppl, 27%; St. Jo.I Lk preferred, Ill: C, C. A I. C., 24%. Mining shares dull. Bunton pricer: Lkanuget.„ 48; Copper Falls, 7; Franklin, ii; Heels, 78. Sub•Treseury balance, 4'94,035,609. PITeMBURGE 'MARKETS. Orman oe Prrvimusorr Gammon, 4 Tnutirmter, October 21, RM. Business memos to be getting better, though It Is by no moans ectiTO, and there !stall plenty of room for Improve. ment. If we had an outlet, or, more properly speaking, If Pittsburgh was placed on an equality In regard to ship. ping eat, with the west, the dour and grain trade, and many other brawls" of Dulness, would be gireattl,i , Improved here, and until this bas been attained. them is no chance for any real or perma nent improvomonL So long u our mei.- chants are obliged to restrict their bald ness to the Immediate Uodta of this phial. so loag as there le no margin to sell or make ooaangnmenta to the esa board, In consequence of this railroad dborlmination, just so long will trade here suffer and languish, as It bee (or several years past, and. as already noted. there to but one remedy and It Is ear nestly hoped that It will be fairly and properly applied. ASHES—Steady but ouctutogedLe@ 4,ty for Sods, end 9 (or Peetris. APPLES—In tether better eupply but unchanged, ranging front /4,00@a,60 per bbl, the outside figure for choice. BUTTER—Ie In fair demand but on. charged—..ales of prime ti choice roll at 3335-1.5 tuba sold to go to ilitti• more at the outside figure. Common butter la dull and neglected. CRANBERRIES—SaIes et Ilio@ia per bbl—the outside figure (or Sackett's chats) berries CARBON OlL—May be quoted at 28 , 4 029 for 60 or WO bbl lots, and 3054 ®Bl In a retail way. CRESTNIITS—In good supply but tin ctuutgel—asles at 115,6008,00 per bushel. C steady with regular. Job bing sales at /s@lil me—the outside fig ure the prime New York Goshen. DRIED FRlllT—Apples are quoted at . g@le Ma. per pound,•vind Peaches at le cta. for bright quarters, and 12@14c for bright halves EGOS--Bales at 28(3, and demand fully up to the supply. FEATIDDIR—DriII; quoted at 80®80 oenla to the trades and the urinal advance for small lots In store. FLOUR—Gontinnes very quiet, as the demand la confined sparely to supply ing immediate wants, and with a light volume of business, prices are uo changed. We conch:we to quote West ern Winter Wheat flours at Id per bbl. -GRAIN—The receipts of wheat coo done light, but with a limited demand the market la quiet and pricer un changed, 11.25 for prime red, and 11,30 for prime white. Corn Is In light ap ply, though the demand is also light, and prices unchanged; mixed 90 to 95, and prime yellow IL Oata a little weak, and Molders, generally, aro stations to realize; we continue to quote, however, at 47(3411 on wharf and track, and 50 In store. There is nothing new or Impor tant to be said about rye; as we noted yesterday, there are but few earth buyers above jl to 11,03, the orttaide figure for prime Pennsylvania or Ohio; long winded buyers, however, who want time, use of bags, dts., are paying 3 to 6 cents more. Barley is looking rather bearish and buyers, generally, are caking for concessions. It is said that No. 1 Otna de can be laid down here at shoat 1 / 1 . 31 6 and It la tionaldered worth more than either No. 1 Pennsylvania or Ohio bar ley; the ow: sequence is, holders are get ting a little weak IL the knees, and are aV n ua to sell. grocery market la cache quiet, and an the fruit season le scout over, the demand for sweets has fallen off somewhat, and the • feeling Is easier. toffees quiet and unchanged, and the wune Is true of almost every artAille that oome■ under this beading. Pollbwing are the ruling quotations: Isortags—El H, 11)‘®11%; A A, 13; Ha vana 1314@14; Cuba, 131‘110141; Porto Rim, Demluvirs, 14E41 5 4C New Orleans. but little prime In market; Refined Ex. C, 16; B, 14i; A, 113,4; Hard, 1711. liforAussza—New Orleans of good qual ity is In strong request sad bring 90095; Porto Rica, 65®75. Sraues—white Honey Drips, 141% RUver Drips, 95v., Jersey, 90o; Lovering, 96; Golden 70; Amber, 801 Common, 60; Borth do Edgar fancy. 01,10. Como—Yak to Good Rio; 21X(2; Prime, 250263 j; Chino°. a1%@27. Excit—lbuoltna, 9toglOc; Rangoon, 9. Than—Young Hymn, 111,0001,0 C, G. P., .1.40 to 1,90: Imperial, 81,40 to 1,80. Oolong, 86 to 81,48. 800 Chong, 00 0 to 81.60. Etrxxunz—Pearl,734; Silver Mos., 11,4 e, and Corn Starch, 12pie. CONCEICTRATZD Lys-119,25 per case. Fauns—Layer Raisin, 14,25 per box. Prudes, 13304 Cnnanta 1254 c; Valenc ia Holiday 17®19. finons—Uissia, 75q Cloves, 50q grain Pepper, 36 Allspice, 32g Nutmegs, $450. Ben Isen-123ic, Shot, $3,25 per L. Boots—"Babbit'e," 12e: ..oakely's„" 100; Basin, 5 to 7e; oDolddn's," 15q Wax, 10o; Chem-Olive, So. .43eirtd.xe—Mould, Hsu Star, 230. Eh Oxus Sone—.lo3 per Ha • Fora—take Herring per half bta 3;00; White Flab do do, 7,85 No. .1 blaekrel Shore In bble E 0.90; No. 2 do Bay, bbla, 115,0(e, No. sdo Largo bble $14,00; Half tads 1034 In additional; Labrador Her lint lowan. tutchiaated—salas from noun. try wagons at P5,00(420,00, choice Unto. r i =ls2,oo more. 111 2 %0 3 As per pound LlME—S p ales er of Cleveland white lime stiM ,2s OLL— bbl. Extra No. I,le quoted at $1,44141.48, and No. 2. at 114015(01,OS. • .0.62028-Bake at 02,60@11,00 per bbl tbe outside figure for choler, P0TA72121--Peaoh Blows 60 eta pet f.bushel. Prime Jersey Sweets/ are being sold at $404.60 per bbl. PROVI2IO2B-Bbonlders, at 11@1734; Clear Ribbed Elides, 525,1; Ribbed Hides, 24 plain Sugar CuredHams,22l2234. Prime kettle rendered Lard, .1 . 0j 4 1@174 in tierces; in knell. Mess/ Pork. iga.70033a• - POULISY—BaIes of chickens at 66 to 06 001 .1e lar psir, aceerding to size. Timothy fined is dull and we now quota at 04.00®1,25. Flaxseed Is z noted 112,8602,40, No movement In _ . llkillt—la firmer, with sales of dr kia d /obi at p 1.86 per bbl. • ifTRAW—BoId in Allegheny market at 'taper ton. reirsoLs.usi auLaKirir OFIROZ OF PITSOBOROff GAEFFTO, THOIIISZULT, October, 21, 1889. '$ The oil market was again quiet to•day, though there wee a fair volume of bud. nese inthe aggregate, while in regard to prima, there le not much change. The teeth's' la - the aheratraov liras rather stronger than In the early part of the d a y, slid October unreal wee reported an y f higher, and there appeared to be some considerable inquiry for difati and 40@ 48 gravity crude. . We have made some Inquiry *hoot the 'tills".': which have been midi; within the MA day or two , and, so far u we can learn, it is ItitaP l 3 , a Noll" for this Month's oil, one day verger than it would Wive been otherwise delivered. It has Deana foubd necessary at the end of the month to have two daya in which to make the heavy settlement'', which have heretofore been crowded into the lad few boom of tholes* day, and the. avoid •repelition of the tiomtde which occurred a few months-slue. As al ready Intimated, we can discover mat. lag in these "rads" but. What le pa Melly legitimate lane proper. CRUDE. There la some Inquiry (or good gravi Ilea on scot or seller Ulla month, and prime are firm and well ustained; light oil L In good supply and offering pretty freely, but it does not appear to be Wanted, Sale 1,000 bbla seller October, at 19; 1,000 do, (40 to 49) at 15 , ,.; seller 1849 nominal at 14%. and buyer 19L, (44/6.4, C=CEC! Markel moderately active and firmer, though without Important change In prime. Sale. I,oou t t Bober, t 323 500 each November and Decernterr. at 32 7 ,: .506 November, fat 33; /. 0 W Decemtmr. 32%, and 2,oUuldo, at 32X. Al the close, October was seported at 32 bid, and 33 Baked. LOBII/OATTNO OILS. Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil 4th Eclipse Railroad Azle Eclipse Machinery lie Eclipse SPindle__ 80, Stoitirril or C 11171311011. BT A. V. 11 a. - Lock hart, Frew & Co. 160 bids, on AO count Owston & flowers; , Wsnsg, Ring & Co. 717, on account Pont fire: Ardesou 011 Works 800 on account Owston Rowan Hiltchinnoo. (01 Relining Co. 800; on account Fisher Br o; McKenna A Rodgers $O, on account Jaa McCutabooo; Commerrinl 1 1/1 Works 160, on account Parker, Thompson A Co. Cosmos Oil Works 240; ralrviow 101 Works 0.30, on account Fisher Bro. Total '1,817 bbls, OIL 8111.LrPon weir HT A. V. IA lA, cvonkat Id. Standard Oel Co„, 871 WAR refined to Warden, Frew .4 Co. Philadelphia. Cithrans Oil Co.. 524 bola refused to Tack Broe., Philadelphia. Lyone di Co., 51 bble refined to W. P. Logan lire., Philadelphia. Livingston dr no., 169 bbla refined to Warden, Frew k Co., Philadelphia. B. W. Morgan rt Co., 48 bbls ref. oil to Warden, Frew d Co., Philadelphia. Lockhart, Frew & tb. 739 bbla refined to Warden, Frew **Co., Phila. Liberty 011 Works 244 bids ref. oil to Warden. Frew dr Ckx, Philadelphia. J. C. Kirkpatrick d Co., I+9 bbl, to Waring, King * Co., Philadelphia. Montaheituar. Kuobler it Co. 350 bble ref. to Waring, King &Co., Philadelphia. McKelvy d Bro., 919 - bhts ref. oil to W. 4'. Logan it Bro., Philadelphia. Braun d Wagner 534 bbla reflood to Waring, King it Co., Philadelphia. Forsyth it Bro., 250 • bbla refined to Warden. Frew it Co., Philadelphia. Total ahipmenta Refined.. 3,698 OCIVIIKR 20. .1. M. Rites, 319 bbla refined to W. P. Logan & Bra, Philadelphia. Fulton. M.. & Co., 149 bbla refined to W. P. Logan it Bro., Philadelphia. !await. L. & 8. 150 bbla reload to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. J. C. Kirkpatrick, 80 bbla refined to Xing .8 Co., Philadelphia. Forsyth dt Bro., 40 bbla refined to Warden, Frew & Philadel c bia. 28 bblo. OIL BITIPInINTS POR wear PEVINA.. S It Ralston 8 Waringv.,a ref. oil to Waring, King & Co., ladelphiss. Monteer, Rapier & C 150 bble ref. to Waring, King & Co.. Philadelphia Efoldallip & Co., 100 bbla tar to Wallace .8 Curtis, Philadelphia. Kirkpatrick & Lyons 655 bbls refined to W. P Logan & B 0., Plulagolphia. Total Refined 1,61 P . Total ahipmenta tar . 100 .HIPPED KANT AT DINCIPOPE DEPOT. Fleming ,t Go. 569 bbl. refined oil to Warden, Frew di Co., Philadelphia. MARKET% BY TELEGRAPH Nxw Yong, October 21.—Cotton heavy and decidedly lower, with 'ales 2;101 balsa at for middling uplands. Flour: receipt. 22,601 bbla; market 'dearly and a fair buelnea, doing, with Wee 13,64k1 nb/a at $5,6045,88 Am super tine State and w.tern,;6,05®6J,0 for ex • tra State, 16,05(0,70 for extra western, $6,60@7 for white wheat extra, $(1,15@1,11,5 fur round hoop Ohio, ga,25(46,75 for ex tra SL Lucile, and >r®B,so (or good to choice dot closing steady; Including 3,800 bins low grades extra fur export at 16®6,45. Rye hour steady, with. axles 900 bble at K9:4201,20. Corn meal quiet. Whisky without decided change, with Wm 300 bbla western at #1.,2141,21!., fur small lots; Iron b.med w 114.11.14430...1:4. orate,: receipts wheat 42,Lel bushi mar ket favors buyers and only a moderate Inquiry, with sales lismou mush 11,3,4 for 00w Yu. 2 aprinit. 11,40 fur N 0.2 winter red western, 11,26 for refeeted do, 11,14 €11,15 for No. winter red and sinner weeteni,sl,4 , l for ern t,or State, /1.56@.1,60 good to ehoi., white jl,en whin, California. Ityo dull and heavy. Barley rather more active; sales of 19,000 Moth at 11,36g1.,34 for 2-rowed state, $1,504 1,65 for 4-rowed do, 51,55 for 4.stnads West. Barley mall quiet.: sales of 2,000 bush at FLUS. Corn: reccipts2l,lsobush; 2430 lower; sales of 38,000 bush at UO4 994 fur unsound [nixed western. 1141,03 for sound do, 51 fur white western:U.os 41, le for small lots western yellow. 6 is receipts 31,041 hush; heavy; sales of 31,000 bush at 69463 c for new southern and western. Rice quiet; reales of 25 te+ Carolina at 834 c. Coffee firm. Sugar firm; Irak. of 600 hhda at 1154412;0 for Cuba, 1244111 c for Porto Rico. Molatees dull; sales of 6, hhde Porto Rico at 654 (So. Petroleum firm; 17'1,411ic fur crude 32%411c for relined. Bops quiet; 164 20c for American. Linseed 011 heavy at 96cf4il In reeks. Spirits tarpon. tine steady at 474475ic. Pork a shade firmer, with a moderate demand; sales 660 bele at 5314754.31 (or mess, closing at 530,75 for cariff026,60421 for prime, and 5•c7,606.58, forCiplinte mesa Beef quiet; 130 hi:65,4n 56413 for new plain mesa; 512417,50 for new extra mews. beef Hams weedy; Balm 101 bbla. at 51060)20. Cut Meats steady; ealm 125 packages at 14%c416%.3 for shoulders; 17c®lPc for hams; middles firm; sales 40 boxes lee eared at 1734(41774c. Lard a shade ginner; sales 885 Memos at for steam, 1bef4183.0 for kettle rendered. Butter steady and in good demand at 2the @33c for Ohio. Chianee firm and quiet at 17c@1834c. Latest—Flour closed quiet and without material change. Wheat dull and to lower, the advance in freights materially checking the export demand. Rye dull at. 11,0601,10. Oata heavy at 69(02c for western. Oars lower and dull at 90(4108c for unsound. and 99@f1,112 for bound mixed western. Pork quiet and steady at 130,70®30,76 for meat. Beef quiet and unchanged. eat meats nominal. Bacon quiet. Lard firm at 173;@lec for good to prime steam. Eggs unchanged. CHIOAOO, October 21.—Eistern ex change weaker at 1-10 off buying and i-lu premium Wheal Flour in better de mand at 11,50®91,76 for spring extra.. Wheat quiet, weak and 14(4;4'e lower, with nales of No. Lai 111.031,201 . 0X5, No. 2 atet0,4c@51,0034, and closing at 6e3ie(q. No. 2; this afternoon the market was inactive at 1.9.134 e cash and seller Oc. tober for No. 2. Corn quiet and 4f(dlic lower, with antes of No. 2 at 66%107 rejected at 61 ®65103, and clueing at 6750 trry.(6 fdr strictly fresh receipts of No. 2; ibis afternoon the market was Inactive at 67e antler October for No, 2. Oats dull and le lower, with saleafef No. 1 at 103., 411 c cash and seller the month, and claming al 10341044 cents cash. Rye quiet and easier, sales of No. 1 at 77 ®77jie, No. 2207607654 e, rejected at 72e, clueing dull at 764.4 c for No. 2. Barley more active at 51,11(41,17 for No. 2, closing dull at 11,12(g11,16. Hlgbwlnes quiet at 11,1241,12, clewing *firm at $1,1134. Sugar, 134401444 c for common to prime Cuba. Provisions dull and in. Wive. Mew pork nominal at 131,60® 111,65. Lard-dull at 1654tg217c. Dry salt 'ad shoulders nominal at 11@i1,40. Freights quiet and steady; 4c for W".riey, tio mita and 744 e for wheat to Buffalo. -Bead pts for the past 24 hours: 6,774 bbls flour, 72,148 bash wheat, 47,145 bushels Oorn4 65,762 bush oats, 1.763 bush rye, 16,070 bush barley,. 8.6241 bingo. Ship. Meats: 6.700 bbls 110 U/, 01.642 Modish; 'wheat, 97,103 bash corn. 6,073-bush onto. lit,(MO bush rye. 2,3:21 bosh barley, 6,836 BOBS- Loins, October 21.-7obscoo steady andatrong. Cotton quiet; middling 24c. Hemp very firm: undressed $1,40, and dressed $2,15@2,20. Flour dull, very weak and nominally unchanged; super fine 0,60, 5,75a4,85, double extra $5,2644 5,50, treble extra Kw, and fancy !KW@ 7,00. Wheat; fall scarce. - at full prima, and low Wades slow and heavy; No. 8 , I. l l , g fr2 B l °' d ' l ' l 2 $ 3=05 ,NI?1.0.1 1 9 re 11,12E01,15, N 0.2 white $1,1061,15. Corn firm; mixed In bulk 75% sacked 81@;82c, choice yellow 850. Oats firmer at 42(41a in bulk, and 48@500 sacked. Barley lb. good demand for choke at $1.4501,50 for spring. Rye dull and levf at 7541411780 for prime to choice. Whisky steady and firm at 11,15. Pork dull at 130030,50. Dry salt masts lower. Bacon easier; shoulders 17(1417Sc.plear aides 20g207ic.. Lard dull and nothing doing, except small order lota at 173,ic for tlerce,and 190 for keg. Groceries quiet and un changed.- Reoelpts: 4,403 Mils dour, 21,445 bus wheat, 2,510 bus corn, 10,246 bus oohs, 2,148 btu rye, 9,989 bus barley, 1,016 hogs. Crisomeavr, October 2l.—Flour dull; family $5.50@5,75. Wheat dull. neglect.. edimdeffared al 51,104171.15. but no sales. COril dull; ear 8.5 e, white 90c. Oars dull far Nos-. 1 and 2, White 55€5,58c. Ry )3c ma r and sold at 90.2,95 c. Cotton unchangd and dull at 2530. Tenanto dull bat unchanged. with sales of 180 [Md. at $8,60 to ra,4o. Wkialty arm and In good demand at $1,15. Mesa Pork neglected aud held at.isi. Lard dun at 17 q®l7lict. Bulk meats nominal and unchanged; shoulders 15c, aides 180. Bacon dud; shoulders 16%0. sides UN@ 19 ;c: no vales of any consequence. Green met. are In good demand, at 14015 c, but held !AM nigher. Butter un changedi fresh. 80@Si°. Ego 25c. Cheese 173.; t 011330, the Uttar • rate for PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZIM: - 'FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 22, 1889 factory. Oroonriee are in good demand at full rates. No change In oil; Linseed 'O6/4/13.a. Petroleum 31@.t3c. Lard otl 111,13(31.1,3f. (odd /30 buying. CLSVELAIt D. October 21.—Floor doll and prima have a downward tendency. Wheat market dull No. 1 rod winter opened at 3L1.5 and declined to 1414 cloaed heavy, ,I,14; No. 2 offeredatlll.l2 withoot Rates. Corn market firm the demand moderato, No:2 trilled 8.40 No. 2 do at KL. Oats quiet and dull held at lie ,r No. 1 State. Rye quiet and nom inal at 95c6a51,00 for No. 1,00 c for No. 2. Barley quiet and nominal at a range of gL2o@fl,3o for State and Canada. Pot miaow market steady and unchanged, ruined at 2840 for prime light straw to white 20@129 1 ,4c, for straw white, small 2@3c advance. Crude held at g 6,65. ToLkno, October 21.—F,our dull. Wheat dull and 16320 lower, with No. I white Michigan at 11,20. regular Stiehl ' gen 11,07, ember 11,07. No. I red 51,12.4 61,13,and No 2do 51,00. Corn 2c lower, with No. I al-76c, and Michigan at 75e, Oats vary dull, with 41c bid for No. 1, but held et Co Freights dull at 45510 c. Receipts-900 bide flour, 10,855 bush wheat, 7,240 bush corn, 7,500 bush onto, 1,180 bush rso, IWO bunt, barley. Ship ments-6 06.5 bbls flour, 6,800 Mush wheat, 6,000 bush corn, 3,500 bush oats, 1,543 bush rya. Put LA ilat.rlllA, October 21.—Flom In fair demand, western extra family at 50,44®7,518. What held firmly; west ern red at 111,42Q/1,45. Ilya steady at 111,10. torn dull; mixed western at 111,01®1,02. Oats dull. Petroleum Arm: crude at' I% and refined at 32jj,c. Pro visionaae. 111 .ng slowly. MOSS Pork steady at 12.25®32,75. Lard at I7N© 154 Whieky quiet at 51,21@1,23 for wood bound end 51,04 for Iron bound. LOIMITILLN Oat. 21.-13a:wing quiet and Arta at 27 1 4 . 0. Cotton Inactive; mid. dlinifs 265. Flour—low grades lower; superfine 11,20. Urocories quiet and no changed. Leaf tobacco quiet and afeadyl sales at 172; tohlesoo $41,80@)24. Provi. lona quiet and steady. Mess pork 131,75. Bacon—shoulders 17 1 4 e; cleat rilss 20l c clear sides 204 e Lard ltNe. Hogs— slaughtering was inaugurated to day and but) head were killed; they are roll ing at $.949,E41. Whisky steady at $1,15. I,WAtIiESII. October 21.—Plonr In fair demand and price. unchanged. Wheat quiet, at 11,06 for No. 1 and 09n for No. 2. Oata quiet and easier, at Ito for No. 2, torn firm, at 7&c for No. 3. Rye steady, at 780 for No. 1. Barley nominal. Grain freights quiet and nomi nally unchanged. Recelpts-3,000 bide flour, 1211,000 bush wheat, 3,000 bush oats. Shlpmenta-6,000 bbls flour, 82,000 bush wheat. BALTIIIOIIg, October 21.—Flour but quotations unchanged. W beat doll: red $1.40€01,50. Corn dull: white 11,1o(gi 1,12. Oata dull et AliCartlea. Rye 111,10(D 412. Mesa pork firmer at 330. Boom quiet: aides '554ig121c; *boulders 17i4c. Lard quiet at 183i(4)19c. Whisky quiet at 11,, 6 31ca421. CIIICAOO, October 21.—Cattle in good demand at 1404,75 for roam 15,2E47 for light to good fleshy chipping beevea. Hoge active, torn mie 100 higher at 118,60 (90,2.5 for common and light; 1 2 ,40(92.46 for fair to medium; 12,75@1n for good to coulee, and 11010®10,:0 for extra. Momenta, October 21.—Ootton weak at receipts 895 bales; exporta 102. ' Floor nochanged. °ern; old PAM new 65®90c. Hay PM. Bran $24. Pork 1136.60. Lard ID!i@glo Bacon steady, with shoulders at 173:e, and aide. 21% 7 , Sr. Louts, October 21.—Cattle active and steady at 214@i5c for common le prime, and 6®015( for choice. Hoge in g od demand; regular packing has not «couilinced, but there Is miroething do ing; calm at 110.54•10 grow October 21.—Hogs are in demon,' at 19,60 to 810,25, and fur all No vember they are **losable at 19,50. end for Mat half of December $9; not man y offering. Darnorr, October 2L—Flour: demand active at /6,5006.75. Wheat quiet and' weak; extra white at ll.= Nu. I do. at $1,1.5; regular at $1,60; amber at $1,121.,. Otte at 47@,48c. Barley Mtn at PLO per rental. =I Naw Time, October 21.—The market for mast classes is quiet and deprosved, yet we have but few changee to be olo aerved In prima to-day. The Utica 10-4, bleached abeetlnga reduced in price from 70c to 6113 . the the 0 4 do of same make from 03 L. [Was,. RIVEtt NEWS The river math:lnes to recede slowly with about 27 inchee In the channel. Weather cloudy and raw with indica. none about equally favorable for rain or miow. Barometer woe going down at I v. or., and the mercury indicated do. The Belle arrived from Parkersburg on Wednesday ovedniao, mud do,* again yesterday morning, with a olg tesseenger trip, and all toe freight ehe could take on the water. ethe was re ported aground at Were House at moon. The New dtato arrived from Wheel ing yesterday, after sparring ammo three hours at Watts House. She departs again to day. The Glendale continues to make en. gagementa and is receiving for St.. Louis, and the same is true of the Messenger, for New Orleans. The Kato Putnam has beea thoroughly repaired and nicely repainted, and is In excellent nondltion (or business. —Capt. John L. Rhode:, left Cincin nati for Pitteburgh on Tuesday. —Cuptaln J. C. Sinnott has chartered the H. 8. Turner at FM Loule for the 'Bayou Kara trade. —The Belleveruou from Pittsburgh, and Great Republle for St. Louts, left New Orleans on Tuesday. —The aale of the steamer Mollie Able, under deed of trust, took plaoe at St. Lout, on Monday. She wan bid in for her trustees for $12,000 —The Cora S. and bargee are reported hard aground at Shawnee town. The Lawrence le aground at Walker's and considerably out of the channel. —Capt. J. Lawrence Carter has &s -eamed command of the Leonidas and she will commence loading at Cincin nati for New Orgasm alter the Arms (film —Capt. Alex Halliday has chartered the Jennie Howell to Captain C. C. Pickett, to take the place of the J. ti. Blackford In the Opoloasas trade, while the latter repairs. —Captain H. W. Smith, 'President of the Memphis & St. Louis Packet Com pany. has contracted with the /Cowards, at Jeffersonville, for a 1,000 ton teat, 270 feet long. 42 feet beam, and feet hold. See is to be very tine and fast. —St. -Lords exchange 'of 'Wednesday report as foilows: Steady rain all last nigh. and very heavy snow storm all the forenoon today, extending very gener ally North and Wiley which will be likely tO raise the upper Weenie BOW e• what. —A EIL Louis dLepatch tinder date of Tuesday: The recent accident to the W. R. Arthur wax canoed by an attempt to run the steamer through row to gred haste, she being also heavily freighted et the same time. The damage to the Com monwealth. recently stranded at the His Island, is not very groat. —We clip the following from the CM elnnatl of Wednesday: The Joo W. Garrett, bound for New Orleans, with Mar barges In tow, when near Sedamaville, yesterday morning, unfbr• tunataly broke one of her hog chains. She returned to the city, and was hauled out on the Marine Ways at 10:30 A. M., and rtmairod, and launched al 2 P. X.• departing for New Orleans again during the afternoon, In perfect repair. Thin is quick work. —We have beard moms complaint by our stoamboatmen In regard to the con duct of Mr. Lockhart, Superintendent of the canal at Louisville. It Is said that he Isowner of a warehouse near the bank of the canal, and that he permits boats to lay In the locks a autliclent time to ra colas freight (cement, &a.) from hie warehouse, and that, too, when other boats are awaiting their turn to be locked through. ITa has the whole mat ter In his own hands, it la said, and abuses his power.—Cin. Gazelle. —Mr. Roberto, one of the aurveyora of the Northern Railroad, In speaking of the livers leased on the route, anym Clerk's Fork of the Columbia is a noble stream, from seven hundred to ono thou. sand feet In whittnend having even at Its lowest stages an Immense volume of water. It leas large vs the Chlo between Pittsburgh and Wheeling, but tun more tbdn six 'times the water flow. The Flathead river, one of Its main branches, Is from five hundred to seven hundred feet wide, with a volume of water, at its lowestsUigeotore than three times that of the Obfo at low water. RIVER PACKETS VICWIBILTIRG. NNW ONLEAIIII. -VintaiParis Alrit re gig t ENPULCANIS-Theottatoo Wtrat i g a; 'a za , ;,* OIL • on am n.... tcratarrbun, Awn,. STEIANSBIPS TO LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN. TEXIDERAN MAIL STILEREOIPI Obalag Ono.Thelau Mon t.m{naoelebraLcel M Y T 111 itrAki 1: :a A BM Li X. dottlNl XVIMIVIAASILIAY, i kom Pier 411. North 11Thit. AY SO New Tort. for mama., or Ilarthat lattaxasilal W WILMS EIROHAJL, Jr.. 148 lIIILITIMELD BTS/Ll7. iltuepturk. seirtleTiS BY 11,111BOAD. GINSIMAND LAM Prietwaraeti Mari no to October 21-1 car pipe, J H &CB Uncle; 100 bbl,. dour, D Wallace; 2 ears pig Iron, Ninnek dr Co: Lnt ekn wut. 47 do ryr, tiraham M; 1 car rye, Ales Moore: I du brick, I 21 Pennock; 2 do I, 8 ore, Everson, Freston tit Cu; 3 do iron ore, Bradys Bond Iron Co; 3 do iron ore, Shouriberger, B k Co; 2do L B ore, Mc- Knight, P.O LY."; 2do do, Zug Co: 2do McKnight et Co; 2 du lumber, W VI Rlg don R Co; I do potatoes, Volgt, Mahood dr Co; 5 hide abouldem, Drape dr It: 13 drum. lobaroo, Preteneld Brut; 10 bola peas, Li Lippincott; 25 eases tobaroo, W;2O do do, Johnson Jc vin; 40 do do, 10 kge pearl barley, W 1111,1 eire 11 Ca; 9 Wit , scrap iron, Brown & Co, 2:17 eke barley, Buie tt Ewing; hi rolls leather, Albright .0 14; 60 tolls brooms, C B Spear; 12 bble apples, Head et Metzger; 34 bate wheat. W Weleh Go; 311 eke mill food, H Schnelbach & (An I car barley, .1 Canon; 2 eases nude., Hoffman, H A co; ..utp bble applee, s eks dried apples, Wst IT& Co; 9 du do, H Rea Jr; 96 eke oath, Bricker .0 Ce; 10 bble eweet potatoes, S David; :83 do ap ples, 4 do sweet potatoes, Vangorder tit 14; &I do do, W J Steel ,k Boo; 10 Use rheeim,ll bbleapplea, 2 do ems, H Rid dle; IS bble apples, 4 ktrs butter, Wood. worth ,I; 1); 156 eke mill feed, J norring. ton; 2 can hay, 1/ 11 Allortou; IS eks wool, W Baker Jr; 10 bbls salt, 3 eon I; Mon; b dodo, M k It Weleh; 2 hhdis tobacco, R Ni" °rimier; a kegs washers, Lewis, (1 dt P. PIVIIBITELO H. FORT WAYNE Q Om -0•410 RAILROAD, October 21,-8 t a m, corm Dan Wallace; 10 eke festflent, laamh Dickey 1 Co; 17 eke dried hull, Samuel Dovol; 2 care corn, Scolt & Slash 34 bdla broom handles, W Mardorf; 2110 Able floor, Elhomaker 0 Langenbeltn; 100 do do, 1 car barley, Culp & Shepard; bdla fens e% 51 McWhlnney & 0.1 bon cheese, A H Kirkpatrick &Ca; 84 do do, Ei Reran & Co; lb eke rage, God troy & Clark; 10 bge buckwheal flour, J A Renshaw; 93 bdle carriage hard ware, Hare /a firm 2 bble whisky, J Ad ler & Co 20 do higher/nee, S Megriakart 1 Co; 50 bide flour, Segthmyer t Va. ksum (JO do du, J M Montgomery; 3 pkg oil, U A Colley; 5 do do, Harries & Kwing; 3 kgs lard, W H Graff & Co; 1 car corn, linchcook, McCreary A Co. PITTNEIUTIOLI, CINCINNATI AND BT. MILS RAI I•klOA OCl r clbet 21.-1 Wile nOILMI, Kennedy, Cbilde A Ocu 15 belie heel, Andrew dr W; 110 eke oats, Ham Flood, 5 ban tle, Perk it Co; 1 do borne, 13111 & Bro; leer man, J etchnapo; 1 do do, Soule @ ti; 2 do corn, A Moon,: 4 do mason, lieatinge &L, 1 do do, J Painter @ Son; 25 bee March, L J Blanchard; 11.10 bbl. houri Scalonyer @ V; 4 bbde lobar on, A Schaub; 3 bble liquor, R C Lyon.; 51 caddy. tablet - x.O. T J Blankroore; 10 cases mdse. Camtield @ K, 2s page rtarrh, J Porterfield; an ben starch, A rbuck leo a Cu; SO do do, Megtnyer ,t V; 25 do do, Caulfield @ Co; 2010 bbl, Your, Sitomalrer En do do, J M Mont gomery; 0 osddye totwou, ti Hero; 5Ms goinse, W H Howard; / cask beef, 2 to seueeeire, F Sellers; 1 lot Iran, A Ackley. A LLNOMICAT VAl.Lnr ItaUL*DAu. Or, lobar 21.-40 bbls tar, Lockhart, F & Co; 2 cars bridge Iron, Keystone Bridge Co: 15 sks buckwheat flour, E ttearloton; HO •kx wbest, Jri Liggett & Co; I oar metal, Rees, Graff & Dud; 2 corms poultry, J Blanchard; :Wroth. osper, R C Christy; 2 bbl. eggs, W H Kirkpatrick & Co; 2 bdln pelts, J Hammett .t Co; I car met. al, Ora[(, Byers & ca; Ido do, known A Co; I do time, P L Reynolds; 4 bzerbut ter, 5 bbls onions, Head Metr4r.. ALLEMIANY bITATION. °mob, 21.- 511/ riga, lead, Ileytner, Itauman A Co; I ear mill toed, 1 do unto, Knox A Mn; 19 doz broom., Motor Wu; CI do do, J A Thompson; 4 pkge butter, 2 blue eggs, II Lens; 2., bides, Iyappe .5 WeLae; 1 Car lAndsay A Siooutobepn; al bides, A d;.l t i roe t singe r; 1 car stavoa. R►lye H.Olaarteloll; 1 do barley, (100 IiooIIo; Inn Obis dour. (leo 44... art; 3 do barley, J Rhodes:CO bbls cement, J liptlegralL lO bbls apples, F Owens. SPEOULL NOTICES W" EICEPENceni PULIKONIC hilLl KEA WISER Tlthilr AND ILANDBAIth PILLS will cans Consult:math, I.lves etimpletht 11 Wt. Oc 00, d" In gdirections. They ye all three to be tales at the mime Woe. They Mesta. the iitomach re. lay the. Ile . nolcit acir . k.. ; l.lx d a „ ti r l k es e. opellte blood: I ee.)blood: led patient begins to grove to limb: the diseased matte? Mahe Into th e lungs, and the outgrows the fflieette andimlawet! a unite ,. 7.lllthlawelt. of c petitionary Consreitd.l:o. ' A I :Y*I ' - 0001 c ripens the morbid matter la the ,ungs, nature tbs.:nest( of/ by ha ea.) exprcuarve thos, for alien the phlegm or • rr h ripe •• elle cough will thro. 11 offs and the a...thee •e•tasid the lungs begth to heal. redo telt, the ...red loam nod Itarittrate Pills must be Orrery hied to eleasse the stomach .0.1 liver. so that the Pulnionic leyrap and the food maltemeel blood. riche., 'a Mandrake Pill. eat upon the liver. removing all obstructions. relax the duets of ilta gall Madder. the idle start. freed,. end the liter Is won relieved: he stools will show what the hilts can do: nothi ha• ever twee Invented en curt calomel In dea dly-.. ant. ls er, don . Reran. to a. ante. a.. Ch../ th at will , - nnloelt the null bladder and start the imenettons of Use ilwer lite lichancllntadrake rtus. ,Ati•ril of Consumpti rj on. eithenth .• ...a...4 Toole la •tle stimulant and alter..., and thealtaL the the Seaweed. which this preparation Is madeol. the stomach loth.. cot the swarth lake to the food with the Puononle hero V. sod It le made 1010 awed h nod without fermentation or eorthing In the stomach. . - The g Mat mason Irby phystelans do not aunt Consumption Se, they try to do ton scud.; they M medicine to shop the cualgh. to stop stop derma. ts, bah d ige st ives pews, ults{ they the whole lock ing up the secret:ow, and eventually the pwlent sinks sad diva. • Dr. &beady 1,1 ala r.reatineal, does not trt to motfo • 0.060 n, alga sa d l lomat& eta.all or Poo-, ne- e the m lacy will stop of their own accord.. No Oct Ma I,e cured of Consum er V i, °P.Urn,=ql.l. D7rPciele. Le Catania, feat, trullee rr sea 11441.640 are made healtlle. •• . . If a ;wroth two consumption, of tubercle. oars in sow. way are diseased, Hitter bronchial Irritation, pleura adl3.Bkm, or the lungs are avows of hthanunation and fast decay lug. In sorb new what must be dower It IS sot oh!, the longs that sre wasting. but It Is the whole body. The stomachd Byer have Iced their n girer to make blood Oct uct sr rod. Now the only ce la to lath Ltr. Sehenck's three mall eine. *di bring up a tone to the st the patient veil) begin to want fowl, it I.llrertge easily and make 'pod biocd, then tb. patient be. gins to gain ht elesh. and as soon w the body be gins to grow, the lunge cannenetwe to heal ap, atie the patient gets leaky and well. nth Is the our, way to cure onentogtlon. %Theo there Is Du Mug disease and only Lieu Cocesdatnt and tenewpala, lichmeth's Scavreed Tonic and Mandrake phis are soMelent, wltboat the Pultdonic Syrup. Take the Mandrake Pills freelyail Complatnta, aa they are new. ft. f.g? b i=ek ' , who ham enjoyed atelaterrnMwe health for wady years past, and sow welghs MSS named. was wwied sway to a Oleilf thelmon, M the very trat stage of Paishusary Cuswaseption, hl. physicians having pronohnmd hle Cite ha p . Toes sad abaarlowed honk, kb fate. lie waamthed by the aforesaid me, loom, wed slow Ws weaver n many thrums& Medla', algathed have used sebeemice preparaUbn with the mune rce warkable snows. Full emotions accompany cash, waking it not absolutely romemary to per. wealth see Dr. Schenck...a:dew patients with their lungs examined, andlor this jperpcoe be ts phdemiousily at hts Principal Dike. Ptilladelr Oda, every Saturday, where all letters foradvios must be addreweed. lie le Mao prokeelonally at No. 3/1 Bond strveL New Tort, even other Tuesday, and at N. 33 Hanover .tent, Boston. every other Wednesday. He glees adele. but lor thorough examinsUon with hla Mes !. remAter the price .11{5. 011100 boars at each City Bpi. 4 a. Lto p r. n. Price of the i'ultstonle Ettreop utd detputed Tone eseb.l.6o per bottle. or $1.60 • Pon duet, Mandrake VII I• $, cents • box. rot ode by •11 esrtnete. rag - DOCTOR WiIITTIEB TIN [MB TO TREAT ALL Piti — TlF; DISRASIOS. That name.= classf vases resulting from self - abuse, producing an - maeliness, dataiihy. irritibility. era/O -h/mu *ming/ missions. and enaily tuderacy pcneenent. enrol. Pernams ardict eal with de11... Intricate and long twat]. oonstitotioeal complaint.. are politely In •lis4 to call for conaultation, which costs nothing, /experience, the beatt of teachah hue enabled him to perfect remedies at on. used permanent. and which In most ca.. coo 60 used witbont blnairance tratsinesa. Medimees one wad in the establishment, artalch embraces a ge, reception and wilds{ rooms; also, boar Sad aleeping apartments for mamma ralring daily personal attention, and rapor and ch mF cal baths, thus concentratiag flumed mineral goings. lio matter who bale failed, au. your s oap. head what be wayetn hiriapidat of any pages, ID 557 whims for taro stamps amt . en Yilon. ,opc. Thousand. of arairetraued mama 011Ofiee end an over tho mum.. Consoie frec, personally or by m o lt . Mew No. 9 W71.1e amt. (near Coon House) 1)00.6• h. Pa. Rusin 9A. at. to e. beetle. IN N. to is r. 0. Pamphlet inat to any add.sa for two damps. sin IarDATEDELOWSILtiII DIE. Teta spackle Hato Die le the bulb, leo ~4: Ile only tree sad perfect Dye; eervoee .; b. Sareetiseeoes: elooPPeSse S. sw Weaken Untsi . mseer . s tu u mu of aad gera6=l overawes. 8•14 g Drstmowe ..3vrlnVirt V. 'lntr M'a .41,• 1 0: Tat sorada • larrille BEAMING IPOOL,-- EIVUTeI rua YOURS MiN, who him fallen Into vicious habits, ond now mem.. hub., life, And • • bother NAI4IIOOII, with certain MM. of relief for the whined. Sent lo wal_ed let mealtime, ftee of chary, Addww. IRMA'S kwittelft MN. Box 1. Plitladelphis. Penni. setfoam-d6/ ar JUST 0113 T. • 'CHESNEY PECTOBAI. T6/I`}l "r oc cods, ...into, Bore Thrown. sod Bronchi tis. Nona as good, none as planet, none cure es quick. Bold by JOHNW)N, HOLLOW AT a COWDEN, Philadelphia. A PPLE have a fnU wand:neat of Any'. P.l.M.Cunt , t wi n s mnnionni, widen I Invite WI to nail and ma them Wed. Tha PAR2111(1. CORING AND SLIM DU MACHINED, tikes only throe tarns o the east w pun. eon. and odor an ordinary dwd „pie, It Will Dlr. Wtibeni Bilatig .ring Dried Appl math blither gates sliced wish this melded. than Isbell Vetartered by the asortrueut of Lightning & Turn Table Apple Paters. for III& wboleale sad 141•11. by JAMES SOWN. N 2.186 WOOD STREET. 7 DREFf4 Impart.. and retail dealer lo FIEND terI.A.TIADIVELIVAG *ODIN% VISITING. PARTY AND BUSINESS CAIRO ERGRAITN4I, MONOWLAJES, *NAB. ILIATINATING. for Ordmaersples br mad recelveprompisitentlon. &rad . 1.033 , MAPLE 9IIGAIL-10 barrels 14NO 00,11 - I1( . : y . TRADESIIEN'S NATIONAL BANK Wood Si, corner Second Avenue. INTIBIEST PAID ON DEPOSITS Hold, Coupons, Bonds and Works BOUGHT AND SOLD. SHADLEY. Proodolout. CTSLUS CLARK E, er., N. Boutuas & SONS, i 33.aavir.31Erus, 57 Market Street, Pr/. 1 ...w.uuziocati, VA. Oolleellas made a all the practval Doted. Of the Utited paten au Caadas. Stocks,Bonds end other Securities BOUGHT AND WLD ON OUBLILTIZION. ewe' atteltaol paid so the parthaso mot We el gaited States Securities. gaited HART, CAIJOHEW & Co., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Owner Therd and Wood Street', VI2 - FSl3l:Titta i_l, i.Ja.., 130001:65OHJS TV ELL3/11k, HART • 00..$ D. YRS 11 Exchange, Coin, Coupons, Amel Partloam snealloa pal 4 14, Um Mebane and W, of GOVERNMENT BONDS. Might Drafts on London. =man FIFTH AVENUE BANK Of Pittsburgh, Is non epee for Ineronet, Dep.liand General Dank Ina Hasler., An sum renePred from One Dena, Ia:P.MAY. Intereat at the rate of rlx per cent. pall en Mee Jeponts. ID. DITHRIPUE. W. P WZYMAN. W. H e 11.110.. ►RANK rIEBE.KT W.. R.ORICRITN , N. HENRY MEYER. DAN. KINZER. 1.. IC ARMOR. ED. DITHRIDDE, President. I :11= CITY BANK. 112 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Ps. I=l ITOCIOOLDERS INDIVIDUILLY LIIBLL lIITERPST PAID ON DEPOSITS. I=I2III3ETZEM &need sad add. sad when &steed remitted to Europe. , :olleettons made on all the prindipal ,Ints of the United Ptates and Cass An. Inpststcs [nuns, President. Jame M.C.A.a. Vice President. W. N. Mandan. Cashing. f== 111.0 Irrailne. J. Ihrnlevy, Jr., Tcrettee Vampbal. tri e j="6. no.Jos. Henn.. Ilbernaa GAZZ,M, 801.13.0 r. THE SAFE DEPOSIT COVENT cki---rattsburgh. unorponned I.ln Leas[nen of Peossyna on.. Janony S 4. ISO?. for the eale-IneNoc of Soon• soo other eneonana. 0020 and Stner. 811vvr Pia.. liuvls. Records. Diamond* lad =I nod rot Lee realang or Sated La Ile tangier-Met •salts. lielldlng and Utacs Xo. ti 3 FOURTII rE.VUE, I 21=2! 1 . ....5t5 . r -WILLIAM PHILLIPS. Vws Plmssanr—PlsHitY LLOYD ••• • - . PHILLIPS, /ARTA I. Benirt - r. HSNILT 1.1.0'D, STROH H PAINTRIL, WILLIAM MIA. Jus.H SoRILISoN, WILLIAM H. 1.1 . 015, GEORSHE BLAI.R, CURTIS U. HUSSEY. Mr.a. - Aurrikar Ay. Txtwstras.a. K. 1, PUN OUNNIIOILIT ••121:1.1 DOLLAR SAVINGS RANH. NO. 65 FOIIHTEI STREET 131=1 MUIETIP Open dally, from 9 o'clock to 3 o'clock r. a,. and ISATVIII/AY NVIENINOIL fmr• "409.1;..ri =TEM o'clock. oignoutzrirtredmral nor„!: - ember. deterred twice • year. In June and December. Interest has been donated wenal-annually In June and December since Me Bask wan organised. at the rata of .10 per cent. • rem. Interesk If not draws out. la plated to the oil. of the dapnaltor am principal...ld bears the {t amne erest fronithe 11 days of June o ut compoandlnar twice • year, without trpma t" let. " reirl: t rUlthlZr.W doable b lem than twelve Tears Ducks con I.lmCharter. 117-Laws, bales and ficatilatled vat* Ms applies. los at Us waft. ParmD.lrr—saunas ALBEtta. John O. Backofen. A. IC Pollock. X. D. De*. r. ratmestocts Hobert Itutib, James Henlinan. John H. Shoenberger James Iln.laley. James ntlidle. James H. H. Needs. Alexander Speer. Isaac M. Pennock. Christian Yeager. rioterl C. Loomis' Heart J. I.yerb. Yet.. A. Madeira, John Marshall. ?4%! ' k m c;LlA::, Dal Id MeCandleeh H. W.. , llver. Ormsby Chllllps, He 111. W. g. Selmer.. Alexander nadir!, While's Vas Kirk. 1.11:8 CVLTUN. It. D. MEMOS. Wm. J. Andsloon, Calvin Adams, John C. Dwain/. a.onfn slant, 11111 Stns . /I.la Alonso A. Carrier, etrarlesA. Colton, John Maass, John J. William S. Haven. It reins H. Honker. ichard thqs, Jamm D. Welly. 1 laisas AAAA on A m JAM • PACIFIC RAILWAY GOLD LOIN. Ileum DABNEY, MORGAN k Cl., Exchange Place, and N. 1. JERI k CO., Pine Urea, N. 1., offer for 'ale the Bondi of the LULU Pacific [enemy These Beads pay seven per eta Lia Bold ; have thirty yam to roe; are Vito from Government Tarattou ; an snared by a Land Grant of Iltrea lillioa Gera df the Finest Lands in Inning and Colorado. n addition to thhi special grant the Ws paay also awn Moo Illllion of /eras hi jaw, wind ore beliig nyldlizold to Iffelep the country me Improve the road. 'Boy to glint muting. upon lb enteuilon 0 1 the rood from teridan, Isms, to Dotatr, Colorado. to road In operation, ITinllez long, upon which lib the a mart. gige,NOW futitill IMO THU BROOCH MET locum TO PLY TILE 'mugs? OM TEE NEW LOttl. Mere Is no better 'u t ility is the tenet—thli being In same mats betUr than Government Se- unties. filligenli lIID INTERIM PAYLBLE uI COLI. hied 96, and aton ed Intrrat,ln Citency. Pnaphlets, Bepi and Circalarg Ittnliked on applkettoL We have a eapply et the. Men Bondi en hand Ind fee ule, and we take pleasure In neehtmendlng them as a veil angle ald'peeectly safe investment. 84, atealtals 1t pll „ Na.' 1D roarth Avenue. wise Plttnbsurgb. Pa. EL S Lima: nadir of iffighta . Iteasons, ro_sma ANIMUS, Maws* i ej&JOHtil ariZIL. Dwain Piktatrtrib F!‘"Liras. GEO. mcargurz..rinwl7. 1411.- 1 ~ '• - slijari) Izi:Mli.ClM:l.4l:9l CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS. n Street . BOLLMAN & BACIALEY. el.! Roll, blid I aotlnx.. Sc. W. J ANI.2.It6UN. .11 w. P VOGLE. MONONG.IIIEI,I FOUNDRY, W. J. ANDERSON & Ham/fa...en of (MON 11. ►HUNT(, WINI , t)W LINTEL, and ell.L" and Castings of all Descriptions. Masa HOU... 01,1.1 Yot4 out -No. 160 if' ATKR PTILKKT. Pittsburgh, P.. KNIP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY OFFICE ARID womas. TWELFTH STREET, PITISBVRGH, PA. FlTEngines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail • Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORN.. OmmulMw.lUmm/limallmwsmftmiMk% OCIME^ZEI / . 1 . 1T1'tf2117140 II , PA. WILLIAM SMITH, Bl.anufaeturor at OAST IRAN BOWL PIPE I=l lay Roes are all can lavarlabtyla Vdr, aad 1.2 feet langtha. Alas, ton aaaertremat ot general Castings Itor Has mid Water Work% I Fold Woo tall Um vlorallos OS Baoertately4 outs of Oes Worts to 6.1 U. of ILLTINCITL DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLIAM MEM, (9tpoesoor to JOS. P. HAIBH t C 0.,) Has fecLltleecreextenetth tette the leadthg Forge. It the Meet, sad Is prepared to prosyddy thd sattareetortly 111 all order. for trrithgEßOAT SHAFTIII, CNA N Kg, MIMI!! ROD., LEVILtht.. PITMAN JANUS, W MOTS, ItAILIIOAD AXLES: Lth:)o/1011 FILAIILS, together with aver, desortpthom or !SHATZ WORK. Moe and Form Comer et Doormat Way tad Pint Etna. apth deg) ROBINSON, SEA A. CO., glameoloni fo Boate3o7. Mims a IVASEIMMITIDN WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, MIMING& Mantretzuors of Hoot mad evukatral Bades. •tulliast Istria., kill vi Mach • , Curlews tal • . 17170 0 4 2/kr.tectrau rim ..a isausaseks — lnuf for 011PAYLLYS EATTOFT 121.7V71132 Hollers. Jall:r6l THOMAS CARLIN a Co., Poartl Ward Foundry and Radial larks, IIAPIDIMEY BT.. ALLIaiIIENT CITY. PA. Illaantkotarers or StrAkoorn .ad Pollak!seta= .ad at.l rm..... C.1.F.. ShanMg, (hist r KM Work, koUl MU and - Machine (f2,O=X:B- B Zr.t. Ante raa wrlroof STOVES, CASTINGS, &o. A. BRADLEY & CO.. NO. 50 WOOD STRUT, sw.a.t.,m,. of flu molar& varifhy of Cook, Parlor and Heating Rom, = In our amassment nil! be founds!! the LATICOT rArrtrtsn AND IaIPISOVIthIgIaTit, and the Imputation of oar Stoves /a such that an,one In want of good erttele should purchase bone Mt tome manufactured by us. aa tbey will be found the most derma. 55 Cell mato/sliest. Would call oartleular attention to our new VOLCANO ISTOL for churches, It:boomtown:A Ovem IWO sold to three months. Intended for with or arllaw out casing. All who hare used them pronounce bendeperim to any other *ad far cheaper. for Catalogue and Pelee Las, J. OMIT, /MOUS it CO., 1111IMPAILCITM1111 OP STIIT r•avrr am 19 . 1 24 :20117 - Meli e BOSTON 'COOKING RANGE, "THE FIERY FURNACE," PO n WAD Bou.DtmiL, PHI NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING !Troy'''. ••ELLOOLATOIL" (NNANMI3I/. WOK PANT (Cincinnati rattail() Pt/WIABIA g NT HANOI CAST MON MANSLM WILLMAN'S ISALICTOUATNN,Prea trona Amami GUATI 71(0. Ik6 206 and 20S Liberty Street. ' - eclS:7l7 PITISSINSBI3, GOOK STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELILL & CO.'S TRIUMPH. SOB BITUMINOUS IMAM. Warranted to Wok, Bake or Boast al MI ea any other 'Mote la the Delon; `BISSELL & 00., No. 986 Liberty Street. &boo on han IST d aa V tor aals, 0123, 1114.11270 tIItATZ 7.A2PICIVDII3O/. Mt/multi filM Jta. OILS DLISIOND OIL WORKS, N. M. LONG & CO., Ones. DALEZIAL BVILDING, fen Duo.ma Way. PlttSbaril4 Pe. WARING AIID WING, 02INIattbA llacWn aW amkan petrojella t and Its Product', DWELL.' BLOCK, DUQUEIWE WAY, PIITLADILYMA ADDRIZA. room 17, amisber of Onsesserce, W SOUTH MOUND STRUT. WIN TWA BROTHERS, COMMISSION Malt" IIID IMAM= 13 Petroleum and its Products, Litimbers UWas—DALIKLyai SIILLIWWW. =Wet Dataeana Way and Irwin Maga. MawleJpalla Marl= WALNUT W. againaa ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT R. C. MUM, MAXIMO:TUB= OP Lubricating & High Test Burning Mk irenpuo itailiono emu• on. Wpgantrest bi timpaistarenrogalV i irr trowdeeldtmates or bat ...ether. Leresaketlvirl6aolias, S ao whop Willemtbarom Saw sielllll . _ KXIII OLls.' s ' i t= oll.Tasers . 118 . 1 111gsampla ilLaneems OIL irseriabre. _Amos MOS hat weft sad X e as Thum irdiaav ei laaatOcisrail imilz y Dr. =g at re d alams=* putestil Dan, 1.1.1 and. masa &alga temparalarel Olt aTh ==.l.la elm= oa Mi M al l9" orerie l T, on. ; STIIEIL WORKS Forrrsmunen STEEL WORKS. 13TABLIBLIED IN Itl4S. ANDFRBON & WOODS, YA NVIA,TVKNIIR or 11111 ST UEFWED CAST STEEL Of rver, derstrlptivn. Alto, beat Wined Gramm Plow and Sprig Stool. MILNER LOANS AND FIRST APLHUE.PItU• ning h. 1 . .. 1M116:[141 MILIABR BARR & PARKIN. rArnfanfl: (1117. 3 1 1 AITA Z . Pfrrxr.a-11. Y. KIER. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, KILLER, BABE & PARKIN, OFFICE, No, ii 9 Librrty Ural, PIT IBUEUR. PA. fc14,11.1.11 nuqUESICE WORKS. JDLEMAN, RAMA & CO. 13!!=iEll BON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINCS, 01304111ESBIE, L X AND JUNIATA. FLAT RAN, ROUND •ND ISQU &RE IRON, SAND, HOOP, MEN? AND TANK IRON, BOILER MATADI AND MILA BOARD IRON, _ DRAG and DIIL:O%M MANOR.: CUTTER RABA, 01 LAM VALI FLAT RAIL, f* Coal Rood. • CROW Et * RS, WRDO ICS* HARROW TRETE, PILING, PLOW •LND CULTIVATOR ISTRIL. Ink. 'Tips AIR , x o „tozi.patA.Wojet TACO. OUDOT and 19 LOON HPEISMIS sad OW /JAILS AND SPINES. ill Goods First Class sad Warranted. OrrICID3 AND WQRKB. daternith Street aad AlDpgh..7 Haves. wad TT Watdr, Street. Plittabargh. nes iftEFFIELD &TEEL WORK& UNGER, NIMJOK & 00., ==3! Ilanufactorere of every desertption ;AST AND_ GERMAN STEEL, MILL W or ZIAM. E 1.1.1.. ♦FU PLATPUHM BPSINOB, • iLlti, mut. TIHH. •a.. I arehomoe. 83 Water awl 100 Ftrat 13ta. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. ?ARK, BROTHER. & CO., Naantacturers of all deuertrioas al SEPIWICEICEI6 0. .4 TAIRTITYII. SHIM MIXT .d RAILOOAD ISTIISXTO, ENGINES, BOILERS, O'HARA Elpal F. BasPHAN & CO., alanufaeterrok or t;TRAII BOILERS, "IL TANKS. BTILIA, AG ITAI ottS. SALT PASO. GArrOMETNRs. SINT. - MING PAIN. PRISON THNJEA CHIMNEYS. 81L11.316N /INN BEDS. A.. Car. of Strand Avenue and Litarty Bt.. PITTSBURGH. PA. Netodrtna duos rump(). Orders sent to the •tofs addrro aid Ise promptly attended M. P. Ita PH A N. formerly lasnaaer at CARROLL • oN YUEN, 0r.JA:092 UGH M. BOLE & CO:, Coe. Pend Alley and Menem ESL, (NW .an Poirr.) Engine Builders, Founders and diachinists liatodaetwe er/WAYLBOAW LNOILELS sad STA rliciel&Mad“alffteereent.2welh; OIL WELL ENGINE &ND POSTABLE ' CAM ' rIS.of arz_ltba_,_d . nuidelooteter Wow below Merkel. r"""bo°' THIRD '' lM • hite,rtrw HAß ris, EMI ..... O tt Wella, 8 NVMHOITISZaatITORAGWOMELEWhehIe OBAMO MEMEL az Mad WEI nada to order. at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, heating ea the Allegheny Sim, *ear the rata; I=l:=s"M R All orders promptly AIWA TAT R. FouT rirr BOMB, STILL AND TAM WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, INANUTACIVILIM os Tlnsw.A.R, DOUNI.L-TLIDLD TUNDLA.E. SIEDBOX AND MANDRIL STEAM BUM yIL !TILLS AND OIL TAMAN_ uHua BRZSCHINO ANDANN, SETTLING PAM, SALT PANS MOON. Rlseze:n; grizAm MTS. eAsumsrass AND MON HRLD6I2I. naming pod= AND max. sEnnza Seaga ens A earner Mama, Think Short end Wmarqr prirraneutqa, Pa. 014611 net to tee above Wren [SU Co lenntly atioadoo to. & CO., :•- : Z AND BURET IRON lATORRXRII, N. soots. ss Axe Be YU BT. !Dates seeared • yard saS Denstsbod tits art pond ab tntomfbetaresserydeserl of . M. KM In tnn beat mune; and entrrantad sqsal to saymade tit tbsosantry. •! Brseettng, Itre Beds, Want Pip.., &diem Condensers, Balt Pans, Tasks, Otl tals, APls tos, Ben tlng Pam Boner tron,= . Bsa Y u sd sole autnellbetarers eat rs. clans on sinartset motto& hikal MN= It. 1141111--,--......1:1111311ID 11D= JARED M. DRUM & coal BO= Boilers. Oil Stills, Taub. BUZ= MOO WOO:L*0. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. BRASS FOUNDERM HENRY BIER & CO., 110CCZEN113 TO ZORN EL 000P1 & CO., Bell and Brass Foanders. BRASS CA,STISIDIS NADI PILONITLT TO OUDIDL Meade and Guy Iron Fittings, GAS PIPS AND TUBING, 1101711,11,11111fi111D 9IECI ALL GLOBE PATTERN. MON' 1- 05 - 41X:1110 1 0, Itraaa Watt el awl daserfpUto far Steam, Water and OM auurmarearas or a. IL worse • are impend fielence-Wheel , Man hump. Agents for Dirgfue Patent ere, the be in the Market: Ogee sad Worts. comer Thirtocoth sad Iflts trouts. '^ stal ATFOOD & IfIcCAMEL Corner Liberty street ind Tt!ird kraus, Pittsburgh. Ps.. BRASS FOUNDERS AND IRON PIPE 111111$, AAA AIDENTS Gr A. A. 11ANDLNON ft. 0011 =AM YD'S AND BLORtirS. IRON WORKS. ELESILIESEN tPUNS& risTralitees am mew prigrog loins& Dees mg for aims* the " .ry ,qatnErN is ral"' 31246 Mario( gma h i ne ntl.agoiat as Interior Ina, aid us Waco. ooltocamead It loth tataftearm rt as . l w %wriablzg to sae It OA ObtailablNlUM JAMES R. SPEEIiL Mien*, Pr tie 4, MielL 1 ask 1 1 1 * ~WI BekW.S. Nod aterute4 are knelterl le Mit Slit USULNIMAGEiI ROJllll3.luhatil Um roam ft WWI° "Mai 2 " . "Prn l 4 o .k • mar . .Easormaiimaim mar . tor RAILROADS rENNSTILVA-alcilme NIA C71771.AL hAIL i l l It and atter dunday4llM 11911. 1.61. Tieu • arrive al and from tbe Union Depot. earner lut and Liberty Wreath, as follows: • Anoint 1,99./7. Mall Train. .1:110 •Day last .. 148 as •Paile ... VMS am Wall.. No. 90 am N.H.' No. I csom Krintonloen 7.50 am Mall 7ra15.... sae UM Wall's No. 2 V•O3 am Bralitta No 1.1110 pm f.lobbanati 11:213 am Chula% In. 111:1011. IrratTe s N k o ' t 1 7 " 14 EI.III 110 pm Malls An ?kg ht;6o.. ti•VIPs VerilllON ' t Bra Ls AnNo I 0 OS no Wall's No. 4..11305th0 wawa Ne. 4 D:5O pm "'Vast L.h.-...Atipm Way Flaser 10•310 p. Wall's Ito.l. HMO •Theee [nuns male close connorthriat ha (or 'eau.. Walla _WOWS panda, at 0.05 m., wbblif mos= 10:115 at He owning, 1..... Pllda /SOU p. m. and arrives at Walla Staldall OS V:10 p. ra. 'C ala:1 Ith - pitho and Pulite Zapeomihmi dans. nthee truths daily crcepi For further Information apply to W. H. 1171'9W179 AM*. 71e Pennspeantailallroad Chary 491 ma am. nine thy dal Rd Vaughn, thee Ow inmatIZOIP• panri, and Ihnii their A lt IVY so Om ISM. Omit thillara va/ue. Alt flaggy, th. amount mine out ai Abe rift ol li a elver, veley taten td spina, I contract EDWARD V. WI2 ?aim% alai General datertnthadent. Altimans BWE ST EttFiringillus PENNITTLVANIA ROALL —On and alter naval 1 4./10114.011 Pawnee r 'Maim on the Western Panneytagis Rah rand wft arrtre at and depart Trim He Pedro I Meat Delia. Allegheny LUNY Atileser Arrive. Daorle . 10:40 a vs Nhapb's Nollll o. 40 an B an barpoM . 2lo. I I:10 p WN/ p Praporl No. 71:06 p rollicringd'e No 340 pis 9.11. . 0:110 p nva& N 0.111410 Bf eprtioni •e No 6:10 p Bain MNo Mai 818 Above mans run ally excea w inday. Thu Chora Train lava bery A =" evert Maley st 4140 a. City at 1780 m. Beterning, lawn City at 1:110 P. and snag AllegYaWX Non at 3:40 p. m. Contanatvon Ttogrre—Por ate Ea of Twenty, between Allegheny_ CIO, nova Herrn Bennett, ?Me Crea. UM and !Lamar/ and d ir=lthe tratul Weicplig The oallonving Allegan City 114_1440 In. make Meet connecUott t onaWlita No lteArasfslbrb.Eletlerend No. 1 ALCULIAveeI, near the ihtlrugeh ib il= Maar. h, and as the Depot. shay. tor father ladirratton apply to JAMB LEITIEBTS, Federal BIaveS A ISL The Western Pennsylvania Railroad pot arma nay r a tt= E artixg=t for waarttel n erre4 Lo a oltam vain . All bUni .. az egip, tots anisent Taa ollla Billßeg Um owner, alum taken try speao onstregr e IC/WA ale tlearal BunmintenßD EL dent. • - liMilllllllll .W AE ar rtt i l o W.and CLILANtiiTata IAT Pram August 30th, lade. teat= ertlllemate= assi arrive al to. tins= Depot. ear= eldealata , balsa Sl=l, as tollase: • alleate Is—AI:011a to Chlease liaa Erie Yen Is.1:118 aea ?setae 15... Vs= sgm c CL .rne * it ' s Line. ~.8:414, • re fuel•goitstllo3lllS I • CL • =Wits 1.413 pla,Cleadaed it 7_4 M. al Chicago Ex.. 1:311 pal; Zee Yd'altet:•••• W , e•Erle es• Cl. &Int Letalbje I D ZreZrAtt:TH3 e r n; ILatsdale Ad i .. 6:// Le.e!:dale Itt i V Dew,. Salle :42 eaa Soebester E:10/1 .• e= a. Ince " ..3:511p Leetsdale "LS:tll== Leetaiale II pm , &Vends " Mt/ peg EteerFalls " .0:13 pm! Leetsdale " Re Leetsdale " 10:41Ie " Taill pis ' Fah Oats doe- Sale Oaks Ben dav Church. 1:13 to to! day übsteh. sae as /0- LIP p. et. r. 999. 99 9 , 4sus. air 7:23 o. 9. CelesSe *stew • ante= esti. P. IL ITEM J. FL IIeCIILLOWIL Gettl. Pas. • Steam% Agee*. &au. 'ltaaages au= CINCINNATI • 1.4.11718 HALLWAY.. • PAS HANDLE ROUTE. MANDL ti 7 TENK.-0. ud attar Ismumr. Atirewt. Slo, 1269, valas will Imre and mans *I the trakum Depn, am Ibtlaw: /Wks. hall ...... SOIL es.111:031p al. ...... 5•53.. m. -Vas m Express 1:43 D,wa . Mixed A. 11J1MI. m. 11:113 p.m. MeDonald'a .2.: 11 4. TV s & a. Meabern•P.l. , a:53 p. m. a.a. MaDonaMit r em. P.25:53 p. p. ban• Train.. IP:511p. m. 43118. IP. " Another Mains will ram sally. &Mary eIaSIN. ad. The 5:53 a. m. Train metes dam WM -sga-titans al Newark Pr lapemille. S Gene A co ., SCVGL, W. W. CABISVIZIpt'Destan, ("LI ; ME OF anion L'l TI SZLEGIMINT VALLEY TOR ONLY DIRECT `ROUTE TO TEE OIL ILVOIONE WITHOUT CHANGE OP CAME On and altar MONDAY ; Oept. 10,11/09. TWO THBOOOH TII,LIZIB DAILY (roars Bombs) will leave Pituburgt Drool, roomer of lelov• air,•4l, fbr Froxialth,oll ITOrMO Oka ao4 all manta ert Oa Oil Weems. MIPS IITTERITAGIL IX Day Ex T:00 s w Day Ex.... r .X._ WOO T:3.0 pat/Meg Fa SPOII w L t Holton... 6:110 a at Lt 11:Hs pa Ste Holton—II:30 aol 44 Holton.— VOW. or 3d Horton— s:oopin 34 LW.* 4th H0150n..1190 orAttli Haltom. 1:709W Pompon Ac. II:15 . m ,e,o4aWorts.. 140 • W Bodo Works. et.3o p m:Frenoort Au &Up 'CgancYtk...!.,,.._ AD t(i l o 3 1: ' IX ' , 1 1. - fg B A. itn:: Eapresa worn a s too only:a4 _prroaPar DONTAr Aocoroararstlon rarns slop it SO 'Ulla. J. J. LAWELNero clearl Imp". THOMAS N. K.LNli..Airto ups. T tr i anaffit °op/studs VI Li, Oa =a after TUMID" W4=4% lade, Val. Irtli trrtle at and Dc canter et Einar arel Water streak al Depesal. Atrihne. Kanto sadlYaaa Untos• own. 7klo a. E. g Mara& eesportAeoodt`a 11.101).a. N. N. L io and nova Unths. 3:00 r. 10t Wit& Weld Plalrioa Aaaai'd 4:30 X. faf a. Bn4da.v...twoma v.. 6:1114.. N. ..1410 P.M Fled ke. taMetztt.lo4l/1. PPM 6 =Woma. Helm% Ireltr. lot tialata apply to 11. w. B. MOUT. Itapotoraradanu S TAU ii/LI GIBEMiI UNION PACIFIC BARNA/ Eastern IMrhion. rk. mutual? Lao mem aaLlLl NW /Tara,* Lite CasSto ar If Colorado Nevada. California . Utah, Wasbingiss• New Blealoo, Idaho. Oregon. Arizona Two Waal tea. Masa Liao sad eel and Bt. Joe 201100.4 Item Steitee7. io• .t I...reorel. Topeka 004 Waaaire ." = eta,. for &lir gate to Yews. AM ISTAN 1% txpitarrolagi T th 4; LUIZ 07 OVAILLAND XLII. , Allikk MACH= FOB .. zsiznVitaig Reim La AND All Points in the Ter/Unlit* And with SANDEE9O2III TES-WItY MP of COACHES her lort_UnbEets Elm Albatotenthe. Seals PA aatt DI palatal IA AO sou sad fors Moloch NVlth the masa itedneose of 201:64/ stelPtleht, ottO the _hsitsessoate. with uwisalble~..f . rnaioll hum tL westentrsale. no: WV aaeqoalled raellll7es tae of ft =irt.P.S":intth. Tendpc oft. the Volta Mates end Confides AL told an .or rIt o IUrAL7 marm ase FACIE • AZDZII3OIIII. erg Mcpenstestbin J. 11. WEXIIIT6II. Mown' ►ne•el ta47Y al • 2,000,000 ACUI° o: °HOWE LANDS FOR BALE. ST ?HSI Union Pacific Railroad Company, WiTMECII /MIISM. 37las atom glut Wm of tbelr cord. BS - R,OO To ram PER sum as • CTIZOIT OP PIV Par tanker particulars, maws. ihs.onditrimi ;j LratU Or CRAM N. LAMBORN. levy CO., ' J. a HARRIS Safety Fire Jacket, Oar Heater AM .fformalfrois. For tartar. aid Hot LW Ploe.laaplaidajortall the Woof Worn and afro le Or about tba t . ger or o aN Lamy 'Mb slus stlaskaaat tho boat to arty temperature Umtata, 6a ddeed without Mt posaltallay Of= oar crows to obleb auto be nova obtatard of Matted -Loma issues to. a.Sataty .Theleetoralett warra WtN so resist she Inott tarebto bras that no bolo.' a Ur It fa Ufa poollos and parDooollol. itr`mht ylctactlon &oat aecltlettilra.. .. ' sl.7 Rom. defbeitr Sawa op.:lr.' be rape. aro abed at soadaeldrs for molts ea Is-La appUaahlb to that alaY_.__boattlial • overheat whoa. ba warranto wove Pw° amis 'mbar= wood or our. oessasollaw maw Oak W lo blatad la eto.e oroxisarty sitenao. I so aoW ready to apply may laytualootO= dtralllam : taatottea. advs. stsarabooa,' cars. as bi to Wises/ Wpm as condacdora airs mode sumo... Wag Orrarballed Noy gty ablated. 1. a rea o ali baufaraase or m ath. abory " V=Yo. Teostionot flot.to to nob Is ow 'nab Loonies In sclitag marMjse. allot z istase i r s em. :Vatkp wartai. - tuns VILV FPc_dU7Mil •:SOYELTY WORM& - - rinymied.A• tai. szi;:zia wertire:a Twartwo.Ntlermaso. ' A our:sok'. EN