f ' . _ ''''....,;-' .;_.; ,r.., ~\+- ---,- ~-.. • ---:% ' Thelma ' , littera, . ' 41w PENNlmmiiiso th.t4 - „, , , - , , t . - , .._, .1.41.. ,--)-I * -; .- •,-- ..: . _ _ 1--, 11 - . ,✓ _.,,.....-, , , • i . '; \ • „ .2 .1 • ' t" ;7 3 1 r,- . \ • ' .1 . . 7 ri) , ... . , Iwr ,i,...... -. .: , t ,, .: , --4. -- r - _ I I 1 41 t Offite, L847:7-136 FlttlTA:nue i .' L : '---- ' / ..., <•k—',. -71.7 d, 7'.' \\S. ~." 1 . -^•• \\ \ Am ... \- - .i l \ li l . - Z t L P. krilintaw , : . l -, 413111JW111a - 1..' I 1 4 %P. Roma, .4 40 x. p ILEED, i '`' ' • • , i • . /DI AND rIIONUILTOtp• ,• MS . q' . ~ exams o Tun niu,v. kmAdermr... ........ ....„ .... 00 Tr corieiti wed. .. IN's! . ~. itte! - .losburgit gaii,Di Pitztozzusi at Antweip. Och:b4tased: In New Tort yesterday as rooritar NESS AND BOWE% Hamm Kosithorthe veteran German novelist: died the other day at Wiesbaden, at, anadnricedrge. Anstria, * at the advice of , lives almost exclualve.l ly owedk sad egga. Tamirkina, who murdered the %Met tatplly a=4113, Wear Pails, is a young man of ty t tro, of almost boyhil ap. Pt 14 . 1 1 1 9, ikastaszaVe was the Viceroy of Egypt, daring his *Mourn at Vichy. that ta hadto to the Emperor Napol=lb loan k ii ltwo hundred anellity frau% • +VE - '7,41 • liffilitikaus as it may seas. Is gen eraly asserted at Bt. Petersburg that the Czar, who is known to Ism hard --`prigs Scstsa_flir Pusidan,w l 4 2l o (wouLY) to IL 'it ° Pe'/ 1 3. 1 , 201 1;; ,- ••••`-"- .s3Lasittkloorsica is in Paris, wpm*, publication of the -Omelet° 'edition ofikernorel, and of a new I work, la widthalias ridicules the fcdbfes of the EmProsEugezue. Tim Empreas Bugged; it k Pitt, in tend+tomit tbb Sultan, thcf_occulon of birbiala to Constantinople, to vedette 1 cit 7 Virrusalem end the - other „holy raft Takathie, to the Christian great I pw' r eran Whim the 'Viceroy of Egypt was so jperesiyorily summoned to Constantino. , pie tribe Sultan, be telegraphed to Park - and Lisidoa, asking the Governments of, France and England to guarantee hie =wady in cue he should visit the Capital. PAzimi, King -Joachim Nurat's old ' hoOsernait, who Sas present at the toccatiod of his royal master, and after ward languished for three years ins Nea politan dungeon, died, recently at an ad vanced in a sehill village near Agar.- do, on thilsland of,Corsics, Where the descendants of King Murat had provided a comfortable home for tdm.' Asour three months previous to his ldeathAdate-Benve, the French Acade mician and fentlieton writer, was asked by a lady friend of his to visit a cele brated Parisian fortuneteller. lie laugh ingly consented, and When he appeared Wore the fortune-teller, ho asked him in a loCniar MUM .Tell me, my friend, what age I shall reach?" The fortune elk+ gravely replied that his days were .04 and that he would die before Year's Day. Sainte-Bove left the house in the same goal humor in which be hid CoMe• but his friend could hardly restrain harikari, and leisured her corn pinks UM the believed In the fortune talky' prophecy. Sainte•Beuve himself relakedkida adventure at the next soiree which Inns: • •• , ar7 scene was witnessed s dits Thursday, September 80, aftus of the jury in the cue of 'Abe Ilbalan. The correspond ent of /risk Times telegrardis on Tbstallay'night: "One of the furcois, Mr. Jackson, who was understood to ha gaziodcrutlbr a conviction, was easel , by am* whilenn his way home &Om Cost. lie took refuge in the barrack!, and IMO of the skates thrown struck . sentry. The Judges, on leaving the court la their carriage for their lodgings, weratibilai argiadled, notwithstanding the aeon that accompanied them. There was loud hooting, stones wem thrown, and one of the carriage windows was brohien. ;giro polka Oarpd with fizell. *aside ask palet , the mob." Toi Emperor Nicholas or Ruda, it it weal, /mown, was a sworn enitny of duels. One day his Adjutant,jcil on his brasiOssieloa the Czar, andimplored him to geljtt, ifina. parmusdon to fight a duel. The ifoldleres harehly naiad to grant his request., "But, you Majerty," exclaim ed thb , Atutant "darairlagly. "I am alighted; must fi ght a duel." The „..„ (WM ni t Isle brow and asked what he „I:CUMn: adversarribis slapped my 600113 , 11 e Mem= ot El large number of parsons " Follow me," said the Czar,,hmOcally. Ile stepped with' the Adjialantlyinto an adjoining. room,_wbere the whole tout bicippmO to be &seem. bled,Vilibenlhe Czar was In the middle a the porn, he . took the Adjutant by Fifkle y aild kissed the cheek which his ...1 hair struck. "Go In peace," akid. 'Gist; have kissed away your = =MI El VIZI .~ ~ .'~ i ;' ~ a .. ~~: + 4 I • t 4 •• • ~., :i~ M '.l ;...* I •24•:' A • -- '.fl: . :. , '.•, t :.'.:'• '` ,.- ',l - ; -- .•.. - . ! :. .. : *- .. . t; - :.' ...,F.i.;.::!0::.'*.r1. 1 1 -Y•3 '' )P-. A• 4:, ;:: '...4rt.10 14 .., • • 4 -. 2 , ., • , : - : 4 ':.• , : , ..4 -., , ,gW:‘::. 1 4 , ,,, , , , , - - • 04:.- - --.... N.t: , • - • . •,', 4 -.-4.!.:..i,', 1.1 :,%t .4.•.-.-‘;.- . ; • --,,, • g ,k ..'. ;.4 , -;=7 , .: •,,,, g •=. , g - - 4,: , •t. ::-• -.J .P .; :,,,•, , 41 .. .if:t':-..-.:i:.':1: . . tt . :,,, ' 4 . , : 41, 1 - .$ 'Z ' S, 7 3 ,: . :: ' • . 4. : .. 1. ! • 4 1 .."... Csrisa :sr • 4.: • A •• • , Q ; , 0 ; •; •"2 _ _ _ . sM!== !official will Jeff Dais be hBl texithetesali:-1 .-, infaAceure : : • AlWtAltexas—Cler are. chalsewd--qr: TAW • 1. is &Piled ogadi s Polished us wtigil _VIA*" cit 7. -Ws two rums swalt!Awn .., amid limfigho—Ar 1- 7 1.,. e the let. 1112 missed- wake li k e ler Ht seannoir, , Askftv 4 • . . aTass, sir. Is tbirsiikitmr the maw" sarklirs; annk,ns sbribanded Nipper • elder; . Ar_rnmissn sstranomlail prize in *mei issa t trf44 - scalace of 4 .l3silay's nee soasloestalcraw ores racker's election. —BliZscleipiii4 . ~eeusaws, French tar , mil purple istokirilistrasy.kse all Its /*MIA the Atiiiiisima tot Pe tiraiiggbly posbid in - iiitiditetk4 b a t *hell you.age ki a "1410110 IS there. Gyeawwwcnted the nomination for - tomlittelletto inn being suggested .faz nnetT9 lB tbereee ander th e Ben. Tour prokalnank" fault; of modern dnionne la that the wawa give the scene litNtifigelgfortll44. wawa toil. Hon: G. Et; Con that he eve Ida new book of treeiebi•ibii :t 00t 7 4. ":* /fit" , • . kg: Of:(, - tit''' 1 . , 1141 r -S" 'Lehner° pure,ljer and therefore now but 00,1=11am:ow it, they, being sass ,' twin. fared 'bait 11 -Fringe. Is - qj n ital as a' weww numbs to-thik tom 13tatee Come,.rathev, suallarn better.- 7 : 2 4 . '.rot eed ' tkode::.the with the head:oft deer she shot therd: Med, a ;fad • woman to a t stookes deer.- , A Mamma 'aqges the atenniat. the stemma of Capzet newa , pipet* heath'-the (Octr that every' pm and Tomah' the tow)* taken e Parer, for gm: otaperee nothx; in which they are Pnb*thed 141 4= u 4 i. outVilend t Of who has got tired of the prevailing - lea latehort Anon, rectutlY" horrified Rue friends by dechirMgibig AtuftrOtdd pet an cid to herself. She subsetptentrY uf4dsbred, totheir great relief; that ahe amyl:taint to resume tpet "Ong tail."^ A Yannwrown (Catateeticut) police man, w ho _ was telving- - earsfabbriated dividmd he hid pieta up on the street to the Matto:lleum the , Othertight, made a misstep and tumbled into a newer em anations leaving" Only Uwe* of his had fn eight. The inebriated, , initead of laving the r nilicerr.to •hie !Ate. shouted biota/ tbr bela "'" to come andlielp the g-4 pitmen otiLl ZUWili _ _ lIBE ;';" • , El .T~y `. 7_Y. ES e ... . . , i . t , . r , . ... ....: ~--e-------:, , ,....,,,.. ,-, ~ . , ~Thomay, _ „ 1 -1„,,, ic. i.;ireni ~ 4-.,. • , „. . --tr o g ezieci ~,_, . "g o ofituri. : ...: .F. 1 .••• . rtadqlg ad. r o a'd i n. .,the fields and le" been ' dirourr:" , Two vowed for eating U ol ...„,.. ozaticoa vrHisIMMIA, the-fe11 P349, 1 A. Timms one dy e liejleavored to ondoretiMtteraerero end a of , s Matte irc*, end veld; ririgullre verb ii gargailbr of the ns. tore -of -receiving sztette, fte ,, p eter i s heetett. , Now; whit f drte• do?""The boyspoising szrament,whh the grayest eouswitioce imsginetierittlted: I'doret, loon anima he Atsie!ta th e chap wet bit ntm.. r. ~ • EMI ,e4.a , ,r."! -. . AL • led by the aasorsnoe that tho financial condition of the State Government is per fectly hollthful. In - reference to the published state. meets that the Government hm last 17.000 orllB,ooo by error at the Govern- Ment Printing Office In printing the pub lic document known as lkimmerclal Re lations, Inquiry in the proper quarters show, that the km, which amounts, to only .1' *fel ra ndr e d dollars, was prouint aratutted by the employers In nilt, and Wm/meetly the Government will lose nothing by the error. chrlattat i iltudonary Convention—Ma ' adtue • adorn, and Orphan' Home— Dead Body Eoundz-Negro Conley fte- Ratted-Alb Case Talon to the Ho prune Court. [ B 7 TYWIMItiIi to the • ttlabumb Oszetla.) Loutsvimm, October I9.—The Ameri can Christian Ittlainettary Society met In Convention to day. The attennance of delegatea was very large. Brother B. hi. Blahop, of tedoinnatt, presided; and J. C. Beynokts, of Illtnols, oinclated ea temporary Secretary. lames Cholla', of lowa, made an elo. anent addresa. The cornerstone of the new Masonic Widows' and Orphans' Home was laid to-day amid the pelting avow-storm, with imposing ceremonies. A dead body, aupposed to be that of Cornelius Barret, of Cincinnati, was found floating in the river about thirty miles below the city to-day. The case of Jno: Conley, the negro who was sentenced to be hung by the Mate Circuit Court some months ago for the murder of George lime. another negro. was taken before the US, District Court to-day on a writ of error, it being claimed that the State , :oit a r nojarlsdiction. Judge Ballard re d Conley to the State authoritl r execution. He held the opinion ChM the State Courts bad Pall juriaMotkanin the case, and that he found no ergo n the record of the State ()amt. He further held that if both Courts had /jurisdiction, that Conley going to - Wel before the State courts could not S 7 O W appeal to the United States Court. nley's counsel prwra an appeal to the I uprema Court of the United-States, and themes will -be taken and tried there in Jarnlarl. the wiftetitue Conley wilt be . reetiftioil Quill after the decitics tif thefittpropne ()ohm CHICAGO. , Meet! of Governors—Admiral Darra gh '•g et a gag—The Captain Ore tar Teleinkati • ittePlttabalabOsaette.l Cp.ICADO. Oc DA—The Governors W/Dititeln, hilonaso pd lowa will meet at Portage City, Wiscons to-mor low, where delegates from the cities' of that and other States will assemble M discuss and devise measures for GC °Porting of navigation Irani Lake Ml ppt gad • Grotor Sty to the river through Cho Par and W amps _ rivers. Mm. Malachi Klntifiy, of A.rods, mix inatantly' biirnini to death onifintraday by the explosion of a kerosene lamp. .Edwin .Boner, of Princeville, 111., .+a prominent lawyer, was tomd dead in 'a field maven adios from him hems yesivo day." 'lie I. supposed to have died of ap. pIeXY. A. Stook Exchange has been organized la title on'', and It will be opened for .biudnew about the let'proximo. Theta done . atie D, IL Denton, President; chrbstlan Wahl, Vice. President; Itlcharda, Secretary; Jaw E. Tyler, Trewahrer: • Admired Farragot, who too won took vantage of returning strength, ever. taxed himself yesterday, and in oonse. Tun= pawed a very yoor night. To-day he lereating more, comfortably. 401411 .At ibont live O'clock this morning, as tboslstrater 13beboggan was coming In; and iblissbont a mile north of the pier on this aids of the crib, she ran Into thetwg Preston 13zanlef, tdnktng the hit ter Immediately, and drowning the sap tale; (+after Chute. .I . 4ealstatare—lenatarial NOOIIII ilass--Eleettos. of tlattal States Senates, Xiteirsiata tas Pittstuess essetts.) _Liner Tome, October 19.-.4%. - Blehmond :dispatch of last night says: The nom. inaeleme by the onus give general sat lifaction, u melee from the - Worth side and the debar frierhtbillioniff, and Are s& happy compromise of the extreme of both faraidiereif.tlefi ATilkier praty4thie ragfealdt&rand' the 33knerberais. Judge W. Johnston it a' omesra of General Joseph E. Johnston. acnklisi never been In poUtiad Ufa previous to his appoint ment to a Julgestup, which be now holdisby appointment of Gen. Canby. Uraneress two yens ago removed Us political disabilities, and be will there. fore not be required 'to, take the teat oath. These nominations, without a shadow of dreibtovilEW confirmed by a vote of Legislature to•toortow. That body will than adjourn until" the'State 'is admitted. Oot. 19.—1 n the Houma this Imunlng ' the resolution 'Maths to -the 'recent elections in the North,introdtteett yens:day, was tabled. ' - A Joint reaoletkm was offered, , weesup ?lasing Congress toerant a general am. nasty In the manner presented !anchor. th4d of the Fourteenth Amendment. Tito manikin was referred. National Capital Connentli—triall to tho rittsbunatiwu.l.3 BT. LOOM, Oettiber W.—Delegate* to ~.- tisa . Nalional Capita Conventionhaveas , rived frau thapion, Moak rows, Pita: . syloiilli;,Onithh Indians, LOU Keilitiold: ' Aid[alliet ~4 4 1 ; undo, Missonif, and a lam* nu=w• are az. peeled on the morning trains • The Cow 1/Ildiun , plaullielu he-folly:attended; and to biotin of the imputiuitesor .held to ,:: the West.;` • - aluvankaMltteifippoliited br the Irish Emigration Oenuetukin, siountly held In this city, hare published en' add*** in 'telethon to the objects end puma* of ,Altis*dlletha ' and ap fo* pallinthe be g for nefit WV* out the plea adopted by the Mare r zne Eleded,lie Cauada—GaaErat Eteady - tau ditheleda•t-. , '. . . isiaketearaekto W rid/mush dasshat • f•Totowroomobrettp. , ,,2 The gunboat ?awe Alinab-ntationed ,nt Goodrich, 6i4 been Owed ht reititx . itate& genteel. 9rdvi were ~teeevett night area. ' wimp Two= Bldg billowy o pewee& truWediately to Geodtletukt!nnin the PritlCO Alfred. Wuhan of the battery haft here thls naorhisla: tv.r. rz.9 Atipporte•d" that the lantana hey* GM and' nattingoO,O gunboat cu sp the ufinnbatih to du tidechlet to wns on the "War, leasehenoe this to nievinnont hy the esetitttlet . itutharttlee. TELEI OHIO tußtfrioN. asides:up totairiiiiiidsliiiiwus I VostrwassiOciotsof 3 4 -1 11i rearm aid the minuet fissile :at received _. . Ale Rerthllaui 10/09504r, .In this VAT.' ti. fe w' not atelshil. The ns. milt.' will b ut - s-swiltsw vital. Mr.li. D. don, cittigunio; :figarii it 1 4:1 - tbr iniora. 43... gy m, 44.. Eel faim:Pwadisisto, , u,-_ , ..01205.: ElspiCikasij 1,1V.46711.. - 73sSr.Lftdids. illairsisaillisliaisidS gasssad:ths ,Fassitcre• ?Wham ass)stitr.:-. 2...1 , 14) . CH - A.,P;-1??...f _ • ' - lINE Riga raukat CORRECRTD. tiotagvlLLn VIRGINIA. Sr. LOUIS. =I IM rz.t r'~-- „~ -. ~. ~~~, NEW YORK CITY 'tintneti to the kltdb_tirglipalette.i .N mit Yffillf,'October 10, 1869. thor Hyacinthe, nays the Tribune es It to be understand that he to sk Roman Catholic. He hail never he eayv, an ultra-montane, to not and never will be; but ha docile. 'pare la any reason for identifying, montanlatu with the Catholic 'oh. He indulges the firm hope , the oeuncil on to com monly ;Dated, eOusolldatic the lillre-mon• " Moodie and rionotitute them the .1 of the (Amain but that on -. contrary it will leave the wide open foe those who, like tell, have been 'throughout life devoted eh mapionn of it tnore conattuotion of the Catholie doe os, and who, In partioulat, have do ied the entire harmony between the nation religion. end the great achieve its of 'thee ninoteouth century. The ng basis of his religious belief, on ..ch he dwells:With particular em , pis, Is tfur better hi.the divinity of fist, In the' inratratteti 'of the Hatt. tTr e, and the eeeettenee` or the Chris .tran cirttlr.ation of the nineteenth fen. tory. HYadtath has no need programme Vale here. He has emaa to •4eo and study, this . rsparary.• Atter being here a few taw eleaVe„ or Monthly, Ito may go to Mai 'Helmand"). Vermeil, or may not. He derdree raft. A mill has been lay ed inviting the State behalt of woman's suffrage, to be represented in a Delegate Convention at !Cleveland, licrvember 24th and 25th; delegutut not to exceed the roarktbstr of the Congressicinal Delegation towpath suite respectively.' The call slenedir a William Lloyd 41ar risrm,, - . hfacUP bull,. d Chtlia Ward' 11 e Abby Kelly, George W. Curtis,Mott, ilenry_Ward Beecher, errett timithildicy Stone, An- Minato Brown, Gee. Mary, A. Liviirmore, Grace Greenwood, and aeventy.dve others. representing nearly every State In the Union. M. filenlate, Superintendent of Public Instruction of this State, died suddenly at Oneida. Pero - Hyacinthe, Who keeps as quiet e, possible, le to be waited on to-morrow by a deputation of the Clergy of Rostov, for the purpose of tendering him a reception there. He called at Gen. Dix 's house to day, but the General was out of the city, and subsequently on the French Consul. The Mow of New Tuck will take no ection until alter the deputation from llosion has tie. eertalnot the Fore's Intentions. Most of them are in favor of expressing the sympathy. (or Father Hyacinthe, on the ground that he represents In himself a great principle of ecclesimUcal liberty. They are to call attention to his antecedents as the great Cath olic priest, and hie opposition to the Ecumenical Cclnnull, next Sunday, in their various churches. It in maid Fa ther Hecker, of the Pautiet Fathom, Is to have an interview with Father Hyacinthe to Morrow, and that he will use hie priestly offices to have him restored to Ws former status in the Church. _ . The 'rip officials nay this afternoon ttioNnrktriett employed In the Buffalo she resumed work to day, and the fdrili la now substantially over. The argument on the recent injuno- thin of lea of gold commenced to day. Mr. Jo n, Receiver of the Gold Ea change Ran .-has withdrawn, in a card, the personalities contained In his speech sgainat Unger tt. Co., and arrangements are to roll progress for an tomcat/10 ad natment-of A meeting or the provision dealers will be hel d nt Produ. Exchange on Thtireeet, .n ll ' the Purnose of op-ape:al i rig with th e Veniago'Pork Associa• non, and the trade goneraliy, relative co 'Ole manntacturies' tgtt Imposed onlbe bushiest of hog Gutting and curing. Private &Mem from Madrid statethal the Captain ormerat,or ihrearately sent an 'urgent no:Art(OMM 'Madrid 00,8133• went for two trilliketrfliffehl. but no teak informed - to . rejtik.-41rat the fiparonh Tretutury We. empty, and that hereafter he must raise to .I.7pbui itself the tummy required for dnilitaxy and political pur paws. Spain wilt lurnlah troops, bet Cuba must supply-thectuth. llYtuter's Alta-ut.Courler. By Telegraph to the gittaltorth t3►aette.] ..felpktudrigun, -Ootriber 19,41 snowed IkETPrritlelit;TlV:nearly Tbden. - tire forenoon .to-day. An Inch of snow covered the ground at one time, but It adrawarda disappeared. ST. LOMB, October 19.—A violent avow storm sot In-at. Bt:' Louis about coven o'clock Tuesday morning, and continued until noon. - Although the mow melted quite fast, there is now about three Inches on the ground: The storm came from the" North,.' where it' began -last nTght, and has prevailed in Illinois and blinsourl. CLPICINRA77, October 19.—1 t oom meneed :mowing at half-Past II o'clock this morning. and continued till three. The fall was light and melted as It fell. LounwiLlw, October 19.—A violent snow datin s commenced about 11:30 this morning and continued until about 1 o'clock in the Afternoon. The flakes meted tletidlOhoulietops It is abcnit thee:elf:ahem deep. The weather W.:light is cloudy and cold. pilAMlOMiti;l.l. , l:l —The body of J. P. Gallagher. Secre tary of the Stinelphleßoat Club, drowned ten days ranee, was reemrirod yesterday. —Rt. Rev. Sheep Ryan; of BMW% left for Rome yesterday, to attend the Rettmenleral Connell. '-The Masonic banquet at.,the Rink In Cleyekind,,, butt evening, vivo a grand aHaR.' The arrangements were complete and everything passed offhltiatiantly. —John Dingiey, while crossing the river at Oil City, Pa, Saturday eveping last, In it skiff, with two companions, waa dreamed near the Vonango City -bridge. ' —A fetter seceltddht Will:York, from thaa Peabody, state. that be had a very plesaantlmyagcrttitogland, and that his bealttrlitlatrut the mama sta,whau ho left the United States,' —The New School Presbyterian Synod of Pa., sesemblmrhult night at. New York. The Rev. Dr. Crowell, of Wil mington. Del., was chosen liioderator for the °getting ; , The Now York - Herald's Washing ton, dispatch says: President Grant has dented having held any, correaptiodence with M. Prignet, relative to a'in from the Botheohilds, and did not remember to have ever hold any conversation with that gentleman On •Thel subject. tic& IrKhatanding the President's statement, it 14 &fact that M. Priquet.was here; that he laingled with prominent government Ofllciale*sod that :her was acommoanlep , by flotratlfouche de Carel], a member Of a French Hone of Deputies, with whom he left on baturday for ,France. The whole effete Ise mysteritirie.' While It may be true that no correspondence has .taken place between the President and M. Prlquorsittere thiktuestiof reasonkr. believe thattherels some proposition of theg kind alluded to before the 1:i/overt:- meth-though the exact nature of It can zokhorbeeaptalued. . • ;':444lftlonal . lllaacts by - Teleplay b. • ~ virtifeakohloteher.lo..—Floarnaglected. t firms NO .1 Chicago and . Dillwan , tad held at f1,12®1,17 , respectively; sales cie &060 bush Wean' Bay Shore at 1141.6;CO.mItrotcywInter 4E40. corn. • aaortadr - Iferband; Wee of 25;000 1 • 79 503801,ter.-eound, Oats firm: 06,000 bush western - 4034. Rye nominal. BarieY ualcdof it cm Otutatliaut • and t, , rio do; at,lo. Perk dull at mai kribaumt lard' nifist .111 c; Idgift whim beid'at about ,16. store Levi on Monday faxtruthAwitsat 11,600 , bush; 40,4 Xetf...91 1 W.A 0 0 00 ..t- ..P4 l7 f'"; tr2r h oow.i Nur...o2saaterns tkg j ober, loWer, =a for - Or= receipts 8,681 Was; export.: to raencat I,le4tales, to Bremen Veal halm coast wise gear •Iraleir Flour' Battey 16.66® 6,0535,115 for superfine, eat t.aosdouble I;tatikakt. fkirstkllliTt.3i.l-1430011 snit lower, prime VI. Pork toweritnews 134,8ac0n reader, .I.Bl4@aligaiga f tbr abouidara, °tear rib and - clear aides. Sugar: Vault hew "camtrillagal , Rdtl:at. 1334 c.• iffolsases:_ablßsbew sold it 51,85. Gold 1214.4. Sterling not. New York eight ex. haw yi@la percent. discount OltatM-9411,, largo 94 tali wit'uttla done to the grain mar tots end prices were „nearly nominal. Wheat doll, at 51.01, seller the month, and - 01,4ficafki/0 0 . tairi - Ncessasber. Cam firm but extremely &all. at 118g® '•PAII 4I O4 -4 004 0 47. 1 1 141 11e, lee thu montb,,,and 42e, cash. Pmts. cotta wain . Fluatitivey, - the - .evening.: Wheat . cloned at 111,033 i, Npatri.. bet, t 0. 10 3: COrkeu 3 3s@efbi; ClA.Minino4Oct. 19.—;Beef 9atile4:2ah• cep* 4 74 tusaltifolaittraitilliatlitdjdi Brat qualley IOW: , second quality El QOM third inallq ' ' l l 3 (4l o . 6o .; 10beeo end averlytir , l,4ol4' way :Aida ioljamod gualtritA 0 , 6.46; 41 440 1 '4 00 Owl( 'at fl~ teimvsOoliitier I.44.oilddlluip Wlawksedl4os;:iiidier ill andw 1.20r -- :-Vorn - 41,14 , ...- , .Bye !Buoy , - 1: 4 111100150; , . FattribilatitiCituues; dup.loiaitopq.Bitton Tables' 20aildioid.: 1 4firtWin0 64 .. *?# l 4 tl2o ' sins,,l PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1869 SECOND £lllllOl FOUR O'CLOCK, .4..11 NEWS BY CABLE. Government Regain! , therpan. ish Insurrection. as Squelch- ed, although Pic/cautions to Guard against new outbreaks are Continued—intercepted Documents—The Spanish In surrectioii the work of Cu ban Insurgents—No Change in the'Pieneh Ministry. [By Telex rape lei the rlttaballe dueth3.l IZZM MADRICO. 00t.Ober 10.—The Govern 'mint regards the Republican insurrtx, Con as at an end, although precautions to guard agalcust any now outbreaks aro continued. The conspiracy, having for Its object the surrender of the barracks at San Mater to the Insurgent., was discovered and thwarted by the Government. The captain of the garrison. who is eald to be a leader of the conspiracy, wail arrested. The Republican insurrection Is consid ered almost at en end. Previona to the final attack on Valencia the Government ibroeeheat litany. killed Iwd wounded in akirtniduta with the Insurgents. The Opinion if ationale assorts that an • underatandioreilata betweenahmansur gent. here and In Cuba. The Cubans are to moist thetpubleami in Spain with money, and w en the itepubboht established, the independence of Cuba wilt be rocsgmited. „ ltetetra, 19.—The Mario De La safari's° publishes five important dome. manta intercepted on their pa*ago through thelaland, whien7irtrue proves that the Republican rising in Spain lathe work °film Cuban insurgents. An idditlonal detachment of troops was to-day sent to the seat of war. Twen ty rebels have presented themaelvas to the Spanish authorities at Cienfbegae, and asked for pardon. FRANCE. PAIIIS, October 19.—The strike of mer chant clerks continues. Places of busi ness will be openod to-morrow, notwith• standing the etrikw A committee of ithareholders otthe French Cable Company have forbidden .projected distribution of jive thousand shares to the founder. of the enterprise. They have waked to examine the ex penses and atrium generally of the com pany. The Jeered/ Opt dal tantalum the fol lowing oppolntmentig Marshal Basaine, Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Guard; Gen. De Failly. Commander-in- Chief of Third Army Corps, headyuar• ten at Nancy, vice Revalue. It is officially denied that there I. any foundation for the rumors of change in the ministry. The ministerial council la assembled at Compiegne to deliberate on a project of law deoutles. Bancel, Simon, Ferry and Pellotan at tended the meeting of the opposition member. of the Wrps Legialatlf yester day, in order to explain their recent con. duct. Radical Journals attack the manifesto edol, by.antrinceling. At a publio meettng of ultra Radicals last night eame Deputim to the Corps Legialatlff were Insulted and roughly handled by the crowd. The Emperor has written, a very Rat. tering letter to Prince Charles; of Ron. manta, n-the oractudon of hk, marriage. It is rumored that ttie switchmen-on the lines of railroad centering In Paris aro Grim:Listens general atrike___, The nwpratuniareterinfirllinie to bold - terrrsigaitst their emplbyers. Over one thousand clerks are eugaged In the movement. EMIMM!1!MI!! LON DON, OCtober Bl—Evesing —The weather•tormy. Console o.i. Ameni ietn eeeulities quiet. 11 vieterenty bond.: •dlet is 2.. du, ,Guis S:.: Ten forties 76%. Erie. :AIX; 1.111.nut595; At lectlo end Great Western Zs. • PAWS, October 19.•'— Boone fist. Reacts 71f. 12a. LIVERPOOL. Odeber 19.—Cotton mar ket middling upland. 12;.4G 12lle; ; salsa 12,01X1 ' bale. California riffle wheat at lts. 8d; roost pus for the teat three day. mere 2.5,- 099 quarters, of which 20.c00 quarters Were American; red western No. 2 9a. sd. Western Firs* 24.6,1. Coro, mixed, 29a. Id. Oats Se. 6d. Pees 44. 6d. Park UOS. Beef 863. Lard 72. (Meese 67a. Bsoon 65e. Bd. illphits of PetroleUrn Onchaog ed. Turpentine 27. Lormaisr, ()scriber ;19.—Tallow 47e. Sugar 39. and Amer, Calcutta Linseed 61. 9d. AITWERP, October 19. Petroleum quiet at 593 if. - Tiarne, October 19, , Cotton quiet and eteady at 157 afloat. OINCINN.&TI.I Gen. !bridge !,ctheianatt—lie Malin a !Speech Apiiroving Preitkleut Grant'. Co ble In the Resent Gold Combination. MY Selene/A SO the Pltteherylh OW . , Ate./ CINCIfIIitATI, October in.—At the olme of 'Change to-day, (len. H. Woolbridge, of N. Y., - being preeenton his way home from the Louisville Convention' address ed the Chamber. Re gave .an interest ing account of the LouievilleConvention, stating that It wee nett:l:slings Charac ter, embracing delegate from every , State In the Union. Tho General stated rhatthe meet protracting, sentiments In tise'Convention eras t4i:thepplale deb ehotild be paid salt viressiipnbated when contracted, end that t.e South had been Impoverished by the rebellion, and the unanimous opinion of the Con. vetttion was that iabe 'should be allied by the General Government, on or to be enabled to deirelope the vast na tural resources of thit section; and to' WA end the "Convention, he stated, was deoldedig in favor of placing the water line of communication: between the Ohlo and Atlantic. the reconstructed levees on the IfilsalaslppL and to give aid toting stern lines-project between the Southern ports of Europe, and to aid In the constructices . . of another l tranacontinentil railway. The General closed by alluding to the recent combination to rise the pries of gold in New York, and said, "Immortal bpnor and renown should' be forever awarded to the President of the United States for her recent patriotic and stm cessful efforts to protect ear commerce and• the great industreal maims in. all. . sections of the country." U. S. Government vs. William Her rho, loseph-ft. Boston end H. P. Lame Campbeth " distillery near Dayton charge, removing spirits from bonded ' warehouse. of distilleries contrary to law. Said diegliery weaburned In Atoll led. The books shoat that .It contained threw Inniddarand twenty' barrel* of whisky, and the Government claims all but twenty barrels. The case le still let pagreelL (By Irclegropb to the ruubsio okrettl.l united'Atatea , seinuov.A , srota—A. a Cannot be Elected. NASHVILLE. October; .19.—S vote for United Metes Senator Was taken in the . Legislittire today, restating ia Inflows: Beetsa—iohnson, WathrldtpbB; Man,; S. EIV/o{l. 1. Soave—.l . l4lali* ta; BM. ridge 21; Fletcher, -ISt i'llten.ll; Brown. 7; Emergt:ChiliMn- Drown, lh Nelson, Total for Johnson, 48; Eth ridge, 29. It Is beLhendlltatijOhtinon ceStinot pollinote than 47 votes, and that he Will hseventually defestaL The.Grand-Eacunpment 'at and 'Wand'Lodge of Tentiabite. ado 1 session in this thy. the &MOW.l6o o 4l4o=it 40 the carr,hignet of the edn pro. viSons..l ll .Bhe Oonstlintion was tabled,on the grOund.that such resolution Was,not within the preview of the Senate's now 0 114 81 0011: Se& SMOOT; theed Weill I 0 an eleallon for - United' States Ellituller, and elected Lieutenant Ckvertuor Lewis ter Melons Win,' and ludger,JMMW. 81shoston for the short term, The. Went. _Republican imutlidaterei Alemander Sherpa and -.L. H. Ctuendler. rectelvoVrthe votes pt Aar friend. TIM eleellott: WU mad* Dy.aidtint TOO IVIIII theezooption ottkrrps-Winlii - Jueizakezi.VOTotiOir Matifiutd:Pb* son • —The blur:mat = Elliott Praactent arliarTard Maim, alty,took. Vlaiaoestardat la ;kik FP* thelpiamaiarar flavenbor Olialta3burofilcera and alampl, al:tha • Callega;- ItliataV great isaadaf latacalualapliaatom Yea Page my. rm.. on 41mtddir•paurrgwi'Lmair lottnitdosid at the of . - ttio approicb loth* rim bildge,OSP:eo eiletty side; M. is 000.4 tr busdrao,mur,,TOW litnome swelbe„ - .. grct ; ; ind.. It e = "1.43:-..r.!..:1,-.,:2::-f4-gfr,l:, Ems MM ECCLESIASTICAL.. United Pritsbiterlan trnodsr Pittsburgh of the Retiring 1110erator— Election or Dlonerator for th Present EZIII2 Tue Synod of Pittsburgh, ha connee ion with the G. nergl Ao•omdly of the L'ulted Preebytenne Church, anemone ed I.s annual seir-liim, In the lieound tell Presbyterian Church, (Res. T. H. Hanna., PAster, Stxth !Menne, lOt even I ng. heti past seven o'dicolg Rev. J ‘. Catn ',bell, of Peri., Wathlncton county Pa., the Moderator for the pest year, qeended the pulpit slid gave out the ono hundredth Pastel, in long metre, which was sung by the large audience with good allost. • After atoning, Rev. D. R. Kennedy led in prayer. Mr. Campbell then preached a sermon on "Church Union," which we give In full, as follow.: Tear—lsaiah, 52: B.—The watchmen shall lift up the voice: with the voice together elicit they ming; for they Ninth ace eye to eve, when the Lunn shall bring again Zion. "What advantage then bath thattlewl Or what, profit la there of cloctuncialont Much every war chiefly bee:anew that unto them were oommitted• tholeracles of God," is the Apostle's deiterlPCOn of the high trust reposed ' in thoslllturch under the former dispensation. •••••' In the morning of the new economy we have thie emphatic language: , Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Fatin i xd of a the Son. and its Holy Ghost, chink theta to observe all things w ver. I have commanded you, and iOl I am with you always, even unto theentof the • world. Ambit." Under this commission, and trusting in this promised pretence, the Church is to-day engaged in her great wort, and moving, oft - to her high destiny. In oharetetee, the Apostle describes the Church AB the church of the living God, the pillar and the ground of thetruth, and in demise to make all men ace what la the leaps:Mtn of the mystery, which from the begin ning of the world bath been hid to God, who created all things by Jesus Christ, to the intent that' now unto the prima. polities and powers In heavonly-phuma might be known, by the Church, the manifold wisdom of God. To the Church, then, lwoommltted the truth to preeorve end publish abroad: "By the truth the world Is to be Man- cipated and eanotltiod.—The truth shall make you free—Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth." From an early period the church his torian boa been under the, necessity of recording much that, beytutd doubt, was, the result of human frailty and impel , Section. Low estimate of the trtith— doccrutes that clashed with other mad the Word of tiod. Human amtdtionasphlog to high positions by amanita theoluirch. richhtuas and ojivielons that merred the beauty of the Church. deetarlaribum greedy and remorselesa, that wasted to owlet , * strife the Church's Dower, and brought reproach on her good name. That these things are wrong and must oeue, In abundantly evident. There le nothliut to be wished for more devoutly, than the coming of that light that will chase away the darkness that broods over the lionrcti. The out-pouring of the spirit theism lightens the minds of ruen,and loads them Into all truth,—that ushers in the happy day of unity and unanimity of the !stipple of tiod,— that glorious day 'when all Over the world Zion's watchman shell lift op the voice; with the 'coke together obeli they sing, f ordeyaball lee, eye to eye, when ale L shalt bring again Zion. We propose briefly to inquire: let. - blow church union 13 to be accom plished. The Lord Omit bring again Zion. 2nd. Notice some things connected with true union. lei. The •,...arrewie, . • the . the only plat orm or heals upon which the Church can ho oohed, was to meet the divine approvaL Any other I.lllioll is not meltable. Union is a result rather than a mean. or cause. Then ...Mt of the removal of those things that now are unseemly in the Church, and not the cause or means by which ulnae evils are to be remedied. Men miry en much dmire anion of ferent sects as a means to tome desired end, that they may be ready to insert in their creed sentiments not clearly, or/Rot at all, contained In the word of God, end thOt. ca withezie for lite, eye the ant.: brriminenee to mare human shibboleths that they to to the truths 04_111Tille rave (Jo the other hand, and *bit le far more common, to effect organic union men may be willies virtually-to Ignoregrsat fundamental truths, or to shade them so deeply In unnertain verbiage that wt. Ri1110.2 Impoodhle to tell exactly what sre the doctrines believed:Skid taught. Forgetting the solemn command to teach all things whatsoever I have com uteuded you, some are wiling and others are urged with nal. own Importunity to leave at least parts of the truth untaught by the Church, and ho who is not willing to soli the truth for the sake of union is snathmatlaed as the narrow minded bigot Ire enemy of man, of the Church and of God. A small Church. that as • church, teachers all Jnings Whatsoever that Christ has coat. manded,la far better than • largo Church, built upon the principlasof compromise, tesching,mallburch,onlyauch fewthlngs as all believe-partsof the whole truth contending earnestly for the faith that the manta now agreoln believing, leaving all , other truth to be published by the few individuals who here and there may take • loftier position for truth and for God: and thus, in well doing, are com pelled to mat reproach upon the chards In whose name they -have gone forth; for it Is ahame to coy church when the testimony of an indi vidual is clearer and fuller thin the tee timony of the Church. Compromise not only (flay abut OD In darkness the truth, but may become the inlet for error Into the Church. Who will dare assert that men are not as likely In compronahlingto yield up precious truth, as to yield up those things that are of purely human origin -mete prejudice? Compromising is not the appropriate function of the Church. ...The vary Idea of compromise indicates deviation from a straight line, and where will t h e di vergence terminate? The (Unction of , the Church Is strictly ad ministratlye,poe. sensing no more power of oomnromise than any other merely executive officer. The Church ta not at liberty, has no right, to believe just what she pleases, nor to teach only those things abe may elect- Her obligation binds her, as in dividuals are bound, to believe the re. reeled truth and nothing. else; to teach all the revealed truth; no More no lees. Tried by the tent of practical asps. rienos, the plan of oomprunialng, as a plan of uniting different denominations of Christians, proms quite se objection able as we might .fixpetit, looking at it merely in tifoUghtOf theory. I believe the nufthrinp.ef .Christ Ware penal: that MOTU!. tenches this dootrine. You - deny both positively and believe and teach accordingly. But,. for sake of union, let us compMudee. You-believe and toadies you CAM right, rind L will do thorium, onlylet us have union, and be balled one church: The church that sou' on this • principle Anna? in this thing. (nib , differs in the price -from the church that anti indulgenCee. 'The compromise...plan seems tp,lose . sight of - the ' complicated mechanism of the perfect Christian: f the - wole 'body joined together o and compacted by that -which , everyjoins ibpplleth, rwerlooting the fact. that "alt Sonpture is_giveri • by inspiration of God, and I. profitable for doctrine, for reproof, Ibr correction in rightsommtso that the man of Clod *Lay be • parlettAboroughlW fu r nished Mitoell - good woritVe • roma , ful of theseimportant truths, the Spirit of promise has carried •• its a goodly dbiattoe into the,unexplored re. glen ()remanded tititterind rion-essairtial truths. • When. this perplexing region shall have been' properly surveyed and mapped, with essential truth' hod tonic essential truth, eta Planted in its ap propriate Color, may we not I= itan niredy expect - soon to • sae a Use of t venaland mortal " • Gather nom intoshg.Churettiad all it well, MIS the Cathello' hied" In - the Mir century, and - perhaPlit is the samenven yet. Bring, alt .men to °briar wait the rilatingulabing feature, of -Yrotestintient lotus reformation of,the 16th oniony, sod Ws Central idea of the Bible: The spirit of ~compromise .Makes, .bringing men into the church. and .10 Ibis and the uniting of the &undue, of more importance than. the belief of a large amount off that' Seriptorir truth which God deelares b)' 4 sTeallitilt- to W. it to. utsiN' bmt trietresti' The .power OM.. craft of expo, Inettai. and "the energies Hof etxmaany , have United the] rfbross.andwitleintany specie. lly manifest working otthe Spirh of God, to/reboot to Wog, into 'one or. garde union'4,Cou minhdem MAO mem:them Lem'. than , a gancration , ,sm Vt . oodles exiMpetsi . eCthlir great Axel. ritude .N..Unfeslett flMr tanners, ;slid as the festers. ,the anblotortheatiter:.uPto the dnabanger. wasinsenbed the einrenant.liosdaidp,of Adam and ofCbriet.•'•;4,ro the :other : Wu. -nor the &ger= ef. W iii - hack. ,nor the ViNtOOrdtaldeit. (se kintetnect by the church*. to ..tzde, cant.. flry) art the syMbol of their - -falth. - - Now: they poems tifdtridiVdositholW . aro*: Wined by lb* sione eanyession of MN. 'Pelargerandabsl44lo4l4l*usgitshil•z ~..._. —..„.._ . 'lc unmentioned. Read carefully the In. I • 1 beri pti Ai on this pinur and ground of the truth; !steering this witneee for and, I and tell, If yob min, what es their faith j and whet wilt' be their teaching on these i important and vital di;ctrines,that a few j year. ago Instilled a rupture. Take the iimeinbersi wide and ask them, and the j answer may be a. diverse as the two I dettrines, and high will be eccleeleeti• i eativ cort , ge, for the ~ entifeesion is believed by each party to teach their peculiar view, end the ehoner eastorldrou, will. his too plain no the don t:sue ol the heedetilp of Adam and Christ. to possibly be mistaken le po. Iltely bowed out from the high place which, until now, it has always occupied in the !subordinate standards of ail who claimed the name of ()slew:oaths Presby terians. The unity of use Spirit and the t b i n i n i u g f h peacci eet , hereaft iwa Lr i erer solemnly and sore edd b ij and earnestly recommending silence IN regerde the peed division and controver ay. and If there le honor in men, every man entering that Union must be silent on the past controversy. The litereure.of the church meat be carefully examined by a arneot committee, and all reference to the unhappy separation care. frilly excluded. We dwell thus minutely on this example of minute:Ube for two reafrone. At, To chow that tills popular plan of raw, by compromise, by abridgedd,. and leas definite subordin ate standar ds, sustained by reason Ed ex pedlency and economy; to show that this plan le utterly inantlicient, ern plan of Church union, to produce that true and glorious union when Zion's watch men shall Mt up the voice, with the voice together shall alng, slid Isbell see eye to eye. 2d. Because we are poluted at, Wuxi, ridiculed and stigmatized - ea one-idea men, bigoted and opposed tour:done! the Churches, became we will not agree to go into a union bawd , on such unstable principles, and, as we believe, so far short of the high position the Church should occupy. If (he Important subject of Psalmody was satleiactorlly anJusted, atilPin every one of the proposed bases or Church union there are deliniencies, principles and dogmas that render it ins yowl bie for us honestly to adopt them as toque of Church =ion. Our history shown that we are Arm and untiring, liniment and devoted friend. of the union of the Churches. The Aersoci , ate Reformed Church wellborn of union,. When the term union was not so popular , as it is to-day, we were designated as the I "Union Church." _ . . Tan years ego the United Presbyterian Church wee formed by a happy and pros perous union, founded on principles, clearly and positively stated; and today we are happy to rind moms of our, then, moat unpopular principles, clearly recog nized as the truth of thxl, and others feat rising to the same position. We are the devolpd frtencta and ad.:testes of tribe union& all the people or bled to one or ganic body; but trout union on unscrip. tura! principles, or on negative, non aeriptural principles, we respectfully beg to be excused. . For those' churekee about to form a union we have high regard. The sound theology of the Old School die S outhful energy and malting persever. Ance of the New School, must etudienge thudretkm and respect. if the energy and enthusiastic love of human liberty of the New are made to tingle along every nerve, and mightily pervade every fibre of the Old School, truly it will be as life friar the dead. If the leaven of truth of the Old School leavens the whole lump of the New, surely man will be none the worm*, and Ood not lees glori: tied. Such will be the came if God's blessing rums upon their union. One fundamental wrong In the plans of Church union promised at this time, lies, (as we suppose), in the Church pro- heeding too much as though the Church's ling duty was to take care of the Church. le Mateo? Rath., -,•. this the t • • • • e . • u y of the Church le to take care of the truth, and tiod proposes to take rare of the Church. will butld my Church and the gates or hell shall not prevail %pained it. Teach them to observe all thing. whatsoever I have commended you, and to I am with you always, even until the eud of the world." The union which the ticripturea con template is not one born of mares plans or wisdom. When brings again Zinn, thee nowt. union. Christ is one: truth is one. Au the Churches are brought closer to Christ they are brought closer together. When they helleve the truth, -thoE wilt believe alike. When honest mef believe alike, there will be union and unanimity. Without :tootle.. of faith omen ie a farce, for how can two walk together except they be agreed. Tours Is no power but the pow er of God that -can oo control men's minds, and enlighten their eyes, as to make .bembf one faith.fiere it is emphat ,coily, true, not by might, nor by power, hut by my oplrit, with the Lord. The only eutticient and sure ground of the Churches hope for union rests in this, " There shall oome forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and the spirit of the Lord sha ll rest upon him, the Wet of wisdom and un derstanding" tho spirit of council and might, theaplzit of knowledge and of the fear of the rard." By these mighty Powers vested In the King and Read Of Lion, a mighty revolution is to Lake place. What now distracts and di vides the church is to be destroyed, until the wolf also shall dwell with the lamb and the leopard shall Ile down with the kith - and tne calf and the young lion and the falling together, and a little child shall lead them , and the cow and the Lear shall feed, and their young ones shall lie down together, and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. ••• • . This brings as to notice, In the second place, some of thews results of God bringing Zion. lit. Those division that now mar the beady and hinder the we• tuition of the Church, are almost all sin ful so far an men are concerned in them. riot so far as God Is concerned. are they not providential chastheigents, and with all their Mudding weight will real upon the Church until aho is brought to unfeigned repentance and thorough rehormation: ••If his children forsake my law, aiod walk not, in my Judgments; if they break my Male Mem, and keep pot my commandments; then will visit their transgressions with the rod, sod their Iniquity with stripes" The premmption of men in building • tower whose tbp might reach unto hea ven, brought down on them fearful conheion and confounding of Babel. What ' confusion and confounding may we expect to be visited on the sinning presumptions eons of God? Who can animate the presumption rep. resented on the title-page of every creed? Who but the Ornament One knows the =gent of sin symbolized by, the meta prefix to the term Church, to designate the different denominations ? Yet often men are. almost es. tenacious for these names as they are for tee Inscription of truth upon their banners. Hence shoat all that MIMI dos, or can do, in tide stale of affairs, Is to increase and intindly sec tarianism: The day when God shall bring again Zion will fully realize the Prophet's "talon ' when from every quarter will be heard mourning like the ramming of Hadadrimmon, In the Valley of Me. geddon. When Clod thugs again Zion. we will have„ unity of faith; they shall see efo to d. Understanding this to mean either seeing clearly, or seeing alike the result must be unity of faith. • for if under the Hatt of tbe Sonia the troth is seen clearly by all, the re. suiting faith must be one. We are often told that ,men's minds are en die ferently constituted that unity of belief la lutrossible, and If en roust welt till mew see' ed.Me, onion will never some. Me elm only Unite by agreedfig to differ; d by granting liberal" forbearance' where we cannot see alike.' That often there • is • a _difittimoe,i. a opinion ildliodo tolPottaiii-419edinee, among those of Mecums communion. Tothemo we answer; There may be • differeocasof faith that . woold not lad& • rupture, that KW would' tie 'dostrttalve clement to introduce An cam --of laming • Onion destim. In' the drat case error would aka .in the church manly • by tolearation, bailor no right.tbere,. She fares lot • alone lout •yen 'Nora the ' Wheal. In the.. , other. muse yon will make erarlawful. a pew of the truth, youplam tares with the wheat. 2,1. Inoue bear •In mind that thermion whleb•we plead lathe union the prophets saw in vietne,the=ca t e rb which our hawed Saviour Payed y—ine unites of all the peopleaf Sp 4 on the faa of the whole earth—oa the mere.lanion of two or three dennontationsio feed the , pride crams, end Inteestry.frie spirh. end power of seeteriandwn. - Sorely Ir would not War :a think' tn; - cattalo to you that , this Teeple of Gall should see alike. .t Ittagsra nneonverted men who are to be brought to oneneall-Of tette but the tdi*Shonsbe Chorth. this h:ldlefierr'or - .ndshhor mask thin the work of biloidnlC theta ono by one. Item Saturn's darlosiliks air. allow Ugh* 416' *bo eag bbin total' bibs& rata hes been brovaggbhieossamen ma trees snaking,: toe esood to bope..end The theory. of ildf:Oulinh' , ,inenheet :that the uhurchrif, sheentects peaceand . -bsrinciarimualuraiPilY delkand Imity of faith, and be essisilck edit nothing leas. lof ~.•4haiddekho_palkOtlibireidiere'-wis:. camped - anitM4a4 of ale sot unUt - ehe church hate her Welts *tut qintel.*:adadts: this Grecian tores'ihells on deifies , reochlizw.; 1 4 1 P. -8 1 / 0 1 ; 00:.10“,40...11.1044;* EMI . ,~...ft:S .., ~, ';I Church darn been nourished into power the bosom of the Church. Buy the truth and sell It not. No, not even for union, for the price will be contemned. Contend earnestly far the faith once de. II wired to the saints. This is the King's highway back to where there la one fold, us there in but one shepherd. The wispom that Is from above le limit pure, then peaceable. The third end bust result we shall mention is spontaneous,: universal joy. Thy watchmen shall lift up the anise, with the voice together shall they sing. The Jny of union is often toned down by steep anxiety an to how other Christians will look upon our union, or by assumed Indifference abou what others may think or say.. When God brings again Zion, the voices of the watchmen will tuarnseniotinsiT mlcgle as though there was but one voice. With one faith, one hope, one aim, one desire, their voices will Join In a song or praise sweet as the eon g of an angel, and hearts as the Amen of the Heavenly haat. The songs of praise of to-day are selected and • prepared on (lit- ferent principle., and differ widely In ' the !sentiments they express. With one exception, they are the' property of the sects, and made to meet the sectarian wants. When the cburcß becomes ono there will be no IlliCatalitj , for such books se praise books, teem= they arenot Catholic, they must perish. In that day will be known in the church, and by tile. church, the manifold wisdom of God, as pre. rented In the various style' of cam= tlon to he tepee in the Scriptures some pane were made to read, others to be song. Not that . we for a moment sup• pose that all the poetical parts of the Bible were designed for wings of prates. Home poets are not adapted to be tong, Or • designed to be. Other portiOns of Bible retry, that was sting ab,the Mme of its composition, -seems as though it then firthilm4 its Maigned work, as a song of praise, and aver after was to be need cc many other pieces of poetry found in the Scriptures. or we have in a book, that we all claim as not only Inspired in all its pate, bat inspired as a complate book. Around this book lied has placed the Cherubim.. wed the flaming sword to chard It as well from additions as from mutilations. Tried° thin Bible we find another book perfectly unique: it Is all votary and such style of poetry as to convince even a modern commentator that It was made to be sung, not to be 'read. This Book of Prabse forma a part of that Bible that we must not allow to be changed. This Book of Praise is not only Inspired In all itsParte In every song, hot as we firm ly believe, inspired as a Book of Praise, and tf so, it is as letdtimately the Book of Praise as Genesis Le the Book of Genesis, and the same logic that admits another book of praise to stand alongside or to take the place of thle book of praise. wW admit another book of true Genesis to stand alongeide, or to taketheplitoeofthe book of Genesis we have In the Bible. The book of praise contained. In the Bible to not a book of models of tongs of praise, like the ..Lords Prayer in a model of prayer, alter which the promised - spirit of prayer, helping our infirmities with groaning,. unutterable, we are to frame oar prayers: they are complete finished songs of maize. In the day when God brings again Zion, the man of GorLerho heal "all Scrip tures given by ineldratlon of God," will find that he has all that is necessary that the man of God may be thoroughly far nished unto every good work: Learn' from what as been said: L Union must oornedireCtAy from Gbd, not froM glowing descriptions of union from conventions and resolutions. 2. Union is to 'be sought it n oar banded knees, with hearts bled because of the nn • • == _ 7wely to the truth ea It is revealed in the bariptures, for God is in the truth and ufth the truth. Ife hen Ephraim and Judah are Drought together on the truth, then Ephraim shalt not en vy Judah and Judah shall nut vex Ephraim,,, Finally, Tot us be zealous for the truth. The tide le flawing In the direction of difference to the truth. It may require effort to stem the oifirrent, but remember popular applause ts, flats. !Troth and God are unchanging. Ann sermon the congregation sang a part of the one hundred and second psalm, commencing, Tboo shall &else,. anti mere, Ylt Thoula Mount Zloy s ball exteod Ur. r.stupbell then constituted. UM I Send 6 . ye Reid, the Stated Clerk.. called ' the roll, when it appeared there wag a good representation of member, from the preehytedes of Monongahela, Chartiers, Frankfort, Westmoreland, Oonemaugh and Big Bprlng. The first thing In order then was the election of a Moderator Ihr:the present year. The following gentlemen were nominated for the 1.081U013: Bova. J. 0. Boyd, .1. B. Johnston, and D. W. Carson. Mr. Boyd was elected on the second ballot, and on taking the chair Welly returned thanks for the honor conferred. Synod then adjourned to meet this morning at able o'clock, Rev. J. W. McFarland concluding by prayer. =l2 rLLLT—YCANiO Hi —[ n 0191. t•, Muth. Tneettay, October 19, 1999, by the Et. 119, John B. Aettoot. D. D., JOHN J. HALEY and ADA M. MeSNIGHT. both et Atleyheny City. Proceed. • .- QUIOO-IMUCAWCHEIP.On Tuesday °eta. beselgth. 1189, at the vetbleace rot the bride's pare W. booth avenue, ,Pltubary,h, by Bey. V. •. Nobte. atitsted by Her. A. 0. Rockwell. J. TRILILWAN QUTI.IO sod Mae JIMA BRUCE. LOCHSI3.IO.I of Plttaboysh. No cents. COl2 BAII.IZ—Cto If coda y, October IBM, all otel.ok e. atiltES J..wtfo of Um lots Robert Beale, to the 513.1 year of bee me. Tao funeral stall take plsce front the mediums other brothel . ..ln-law, to cninten township TO. DOT. October SOM. at SI o'clock.. The Monde the Wally are respectinlly Invited to attend- BOICITZLEU—tin seadavetsht, October 1111.11, at o'clock. CSAIXII7. Illeoenid son or u..beta and the Me *WPM. ' neumetor• Mod 111 years. She towiral will take plans ro-DriT at ID from Ms mother's residence, Lawrence MIENiMSaI • lalteit Tees.lay morning. October 19t.11, E.1.,KA.50R.1. V. II.ITCHI(J..G. and 117 Tb foneral tote place TIM APTIM.IfOOk at 11.0 o'clock, from the molder.: Of km oisters. 36 Nmlibkold ctrcelf 17NliERTAHEW3, E ALEX. LIKEN EN= TAXIS. 110,__166 MIRTH STIMS r .001 VA of .. blaila.=ol subtag . oaMliarZnesaL %tocargopins dririsc Vont. Cl m ardage e yfurstabod Oar city tumoral IS MOO ta ltatrassaroso—Rers David Neer. D.D., Het.... W. Jacobs!, LAP.. Thorns* ism& lass Joao. Itlllor. Lou & PEEIBLEIA 1781. se li t ia" mairms grap u rzwy rya bc.."=.ot tr. whertar v ia.. KOUlla ia•Coutaaw.pipppA wo g liedtallon Brined•wths WIMP c l i t " for tinmiont. anne x rtutigrarA,Wi ll " la :"= 01.111. and sled. • JOSEPH . NEW& • , vranzawrammes. yra.4s4 ergs imam:. Carriages, Are .1114nirala- sum, soma. VAr WORE& JEWELRY, OPERA GLASSES FOR BALE OR HIRE. W. 0 . innumara's. ZAIMIX' AND OrtICIAL AT9RH, I/9 AVIZWCIE. ' , OC , n OVI7OIIUO itYCillUaLlat ,_,P484: - :s': JOHN, M. 'COOPER & Bell and Brim Founders, 'ENOII3, Losomnits EtLuitank ES ..Trtpfo -Prompts", to (mar , . • ;BARBITICAsETWf J• 'made and Kei 4,s *- 11 aluz rm.1.4....141kaitecun.,g4- J.3l.47oppeslmmvipituaillitil • ~;; tiarkAtt ii*xixts' ;taw' , Prawkintsatavitaisivetii 0113V4 EMS ME NUMBER NEW ADVEN 1: 31 _ . 1417'IKE ONLY . 6 iIgtIABLE , Via% !cm- DYISPRPVIA ME SziOWBART' S GMAT itHicitIC N AN DIMPE1111.& PIUS and PINK TILER TAR CUE I 6 ate a Mai , e sad lanai!. hie eat.< fog drapepals la Its moat aggravated torso, and 110114111ge. gg.holr lowrotwadlag. 'Der pen tram the octet Wale organ ternbla Mega.. agal azalinich. forever. They iim. any" spat/ nag Weritsulhezir than tongue can tel Teel. ars Awed Mr cabs tlaituseat _daspasas• a aqdn hopelera eases, when Teary knows mean* o f ma of d fsllo r. capita or (iglighatiOn Ogia gists{ weir paten-sang pow. • OR. WIRRARTIR , PINE TREE. T AR (MEDIAL nl5 the vital principle of the , Ploo TM. tIO - Ulan be a meaner proem, IS the elletUlialem el the tar. 01 4 . el Its tt t ateas 7t amtleesoootns . the a j to i rnt=g " thde , blated sots. It ,purtls end corium the Woad, the Impels from the trans the mum- Boa welch terofulatment on the tmege. 1541.. Man the Amen or phlegm Bade/ UoPe-ktiestk .P/Monet the Imp. 14,1thallets principle acts epee Ilea trans el surhate -et the lenge sad. Outlet, pelunnthes to nett diseatiettrr i ti, STMT. nth e .alfdttlair lithutatio . the Is neon or rout ori el see uthemeent,thd It te offered lb the allteted. - hlth 'the, et Paßl_flka a.utrenee of us poen tat,ettra the ttg 2411000 a. It the patient bee ametoothefdela Tel r xtplergre . a 7 .00 r 7 la ' ther u AList tao Buraeldits.. !Areal:amp Blind mad matins gegatft-USSICS Dipthertm .a medicate:pert holdloottemorable eolleatete diatoms. derotes hl. mtlre Wee tents ease.. mules or pathath at the tam pular. Asecel• meet with alto are threenmeattltut phnleasee of notneette. where serrlca r. --it,o4rag.r,.::,t4o.Cd""plqattther Melte tlom me country. Lettere frammlty pan of the nantry., esklog, edetee..ll7 be promptly a. dotstenoutly teepee dtat to. NlficentoOMPthina,tlthalentott take the shape MA yrs ea poerrOirre4 oannit. Pelee& PitaberVe Amerketh PlitSulaWriß% 41 a ma. nor by 11.111 on ereelotor hake. id ee of itten . ' VI en Tree Ur Gen 11.111.09 a ok. or mis s predate. nit hY Mem. All mam... ebeeldloneddrenell L.Q. O vassaiurs.vs. D. NO. 33S NORTH SECOND Brigir. ItAllEtrut."s . ci nr " E. W. retollym 'P.-mem P. . O of no.: 1915. en I Vint IS TO GIVE SOTICE that 011 tdo *520 darer Wolter, A. D. talk arrant Is Bsalmeptep Ina men agalms the i n et -BUBB NeattN.„ of Allelhee7 In the Omit( of Allettheitv, ge t Meta at Proneytraelsorbe hae bees selimad a Bank rupt ere Itie pee petitions that the Bement of' any debts AO dearer; of any progeny Woos. Ins to Oa th Bankrupt at to Ithe or foride err.. and the ...fee of any neeparty bytdm lb. blddem by taw; that isiteettea of thetneXers of the veld Bamkropm tb prone spelt Debts sad aeon ohti 00 MOM DMllOOeO Of Ms WSW. MB be bete a • tioort et. Bantesotay. to be ' holden u the ollmottlea BMW , 8.. 93 Di. ~.4.2mt,ruaborgh. before NAN BASOBIt_t. oGtU. I. Iterthal. at IthetieMitek.. DiSUAD Wile DAY. -- LIPPINCOTT'SLMAGAZINE. THE NOVEMBER NMEBEIR. Bob Two Ewe Foll-PaO , Eigortigs,. coxr.ustao - • SIXTEEN INTERESTING GIII7ICLES,. irirror Bale atoll the Root rota "treoe-Sgorre. Yearly gobeeriptlons, $4. IgnAls lagrobOrt, is ' grlgtet•L PRZlGUY—itottogthers or LOOP cows llatartne ror 1969. from Jall. means 14, the elsoeseeregseat War. Treloneva otorrongr M crate to tor poM egarlot oaf ea DOOR 06.90, go tbo Alava. for 1.619. betters Ude A , Asia Derregoer Lt. ' Lloougeott's lleetrote. vitt tragraahet , trrper untat; witk Good Wor6gi..for tee Young. 6650. Beirut Nousta. with Prgrogrelll.lst. mat to any wart,.tree. on toreltD.Ma ter" 'BIIPRINE COURT EMI= PENNSYLVANIA. Law Books, Legal Stationery, OS_AL.I..L. IE trirns. lorialtb7 KAY & COMPANY, 65 Wood 'Sfreet. bff %/Vs.i • • . osowriami:Vtrarzitt3Ar. *MAT anJET ERSUN STREET. • • , t.redord, By the Select - and Combos Cortnethe of the uto or rilirabeny. That Lane J eT in the reread ward, be opened Won Oa err: : Wrier re Jeff emote street. 'and tbat W. rt 0034.' JainES MINDEN and NOSES BURL AND. Dea bolder. be fled, the, are berate appointed ern to •leetand auras the damages and Omit. la aerenfanee with the PrerDialie of litr beret ♦nuiebirt aPoreven May Irk A. Da VIOL and that the Clerks et Councils =WI llama( truth .9l44"'''"ar CITY opALLtsanisr... October' Mb, 1.09. We de hereby certify Oat the tbregoind - la'a tree grVe ra ' o7t,oWeidertAteVr th =at b i stated mecum. bent tra Timed ST. Um Mb lasi. J. IL 0.141.7._ Clark etSelerkeoaWOßTH. ncil. , • R. DIL oriin , Clerk of Comainnvenollll.• AN ORDINANCE Caindataleig Carroll strobt. the Pr0321043r 113PaPla Itlon of am a. 3a a oraeasral tas4 amend rip ale A ka ant Oman. ,rA a aar,V4W ognet a Y harem aaissaaat duets et eta Stra v(41a.11 par lon orCarra.l. =La. line la knell' alloy be