.I : . :-.-,.:;.;',,,,, ~ - _ 4, - ;•":4,:.: -, :5,,.,;`:. - • Bi ~:e . ,~. M ;~~;~ fz; t ' 1 10 El 4414ffsbutt. Os. Arr. AND SIIBUItBAN. , 9Ararrra 1 fOmsw Jit gae city ibr as dal or al mkt for :Ireents per '4 rap,er:quolua : 3 mi. - 11ispellsiiiti igsin rammed his duties, tihasite! 111pleiusent sojourn in lfast.- - atLeit.•;69 pair Log on Roberta Mord Arae ',bean nearly completed, and gle ;•-•,ll l l.Pre end now tooting laid on lt. ~ - ( Ciarieltted.—Justleo Barter yearerday ".. eionunltted John Zlnime=w3 to(jall for ;- thirtz dare on • charge of =plumy. Tl= ettentlon of parties 4 late a.good gulag 'Mu& - called :it4.o Win ad/radii/ewe= ender L held Of `dforfilale..” • , • . '• 3 ihiiiilayliiquersentrag.4Yeiterdal tirol -.4ll4xel•keeens bow Troy tilli were Mo. Mayor Wale: - charged with seal= orecuulay .. ... • Tint gave ball ter -• ' . ....-.7- gluitir, on Second av *-41Oloosir was* few oaks since torn .- down by nothasodali has been repaired. 7 t !had to now In gobd , girder, to the great sooiltweol Cothoutn andliouteho travel Koals Womb , Ilbematlcei bans Justice-Barter, yoga , alining Miro= Malden with as: so end biatery. Padden was' ittresteid 7::15114 hatn to the !Adores oillos where ?I* low was cotoproinlard. 111APalt AtuVltlittsl7.—Jaisies Richey tofonnotlon . before Joarleo , l3‘ll,- .;My.,yelitentrY.-chntyllii Michaelt3hol -. hen , with. amok istdi 'battery. He artiyitt that MO wontried but irrolotoroWl ..ilthh the przwieranib4:lllol6 - Bariblit vim bon tko owe wen compose:We& Maw* a 1144:-alletillatn' nasals' dtade cattihattgeTnateit3disbury, yeadardee, 1.-'obartrinirEd. Maths with- assault and 'l•Roldtat* - Itlyaa alleged th at she amused ','"ihad .beat;: Cud., abused deponent's" ron. Betas wu arrested and held to tall for bla apPikenoteeld,goiart. 161_014:10lIttS,40611 Seaway 010611 Make raturetwere returned before ',Abe Savor yesterday rorzalllng lkiaaran Sandia% Hillierat appeerson Saturday ',lo l 4Pldd 566 penalty of 11$0 lbr alike of. Moe. kturamons were billed la both ..IGstrectlan.—lisbart McAdams was efeetwiOosumMrolit In the 14th Wars", ; etm 0160tIon , im . the. I2tti, Laving re• oohed the highest number of votes. As tea reagens woro published, Mr. Mali Antis seemed tobselseasd, ran the flit. rrb,,urect* - ,, Alketteir ?Wile trteght on the Penn. webenla /load wtU not take afflot • .:-Noveraber lat. Imbed of October MM. Mimes Yortnerly intended. Thla notice will. doubtleen he Interes --SIP the oil men, although lt le intend. .: edtbir the public generally. 'S . Pckse Enteipme.—Tbe sllmb dit:44o•AllegbenY Valley Railroad has been Ili:ceased within the ,peel few days by the addition 'of • nee twenty ton • switching 4boosertive • from the yaw poagp Locomalte Work" located to the • Wei Allegheny. Anotharof the __:laine d allstenalons mi l be placed on the i p itlad g Wee Katie Pial.-Batatrday. night, .c ?Akio sallied, John Shansi% proprietor of tat saloon on Middle etreet, 'attempted to elect tharlealr Bach Nm the premlace, '•:. ° .whisti be was stabbed lute milt. sight cheek by _ hie opponent: 'Alderman '4201; " - yrdaY _oommltfee•llech'• far :Vial, on oath of Mullets, for Smelt and • • • . • vipobeing laid o h o NYwahlegtortedrere ontneciing , With-the twin pipe.from the upper twain . on-Redibrd ,avenuoi in order mo d rd o f to supply' of wirer •to thente • of 'tlfat locality, who are frequantkejeft ; • dridlore M 'water in coneequence of the tarp .amenht required •to impply:the • ••/Wridalinusts Railroad Rampant. . Olds Ittundef.-44srk Pipes msde eatotibetortf Jadloeftaltsbuty. Tee. :01,1W;d1W10 1 WHM 1 7 111 Wn itaa6114. With .sissult sad battery."-It aiveius Oath, dethadants andApsoseestos mese ZateCtesdaTheadef," altoasetrf littepute Whstdostou . stresti' tarudagtotet, where. It in Welted. the' -prosecutor vas beach and abased by_ defendants. The • : _pl . „llrerereitestell' and bad for . '• latieet hipMettinettm—Sliteenth street " 1 11) Weed and now tromed to treeeL ,Wil: - . low street free teen paired from Fortieth 41to-"lfattrirrili street, and was opendl . 4;to Us eatorday; One square of Rl ' lie from Tannehill to Althorn ~ .,atreett, was tinlahed and ..opened to the .r=ayerrunday t ; 3 7,47:ty t ,,,v,,,,,,„., timalltnan free ti '"o44l/11,0'9r teazel fka ' Pg* l ir , - s -.llrieteeL-The mssoei era 4 7: 41219 4 1 rei *agall ' It i ' d t be %Ire !ed, • - dlet;yltb: the Jimmy of a coat end vest. - ;argued arVai Birth resides at the Sol : • - --:fit=".. l " 4- was leltr and dun P ine. the seeenerier 110 1 ,43 1 kt' allegtd =dlh%).rocettd toot.ths-artt ea coed. A:A:warrant was heated hisUreat.. SS. - , , ;Woute.not realm —Three whit; leedealers• [folding •to the Flrat roardiU soma. warejuktramathy az Informer. who, alter threateultus - to return View. proposed AO corn prowl* I:gm:dealers would pry blot each.. - ,.Thwydeelleed Atehaiarlbutelo tele way; soil Ip - Order outhr btifibeh__Wl4 rose .0f..,the,1181001 Polietrllum "" an s aodyameday they trantio &Woe,' --; odlee and paid /50 each.. • . agtha.—Tbe Pete. t do. • ",".; 11(actable logiltgls adatn diti. l 2lt e ar y Fatley iae - tlaZreinete* -- ecrire teativities. Budges thug(' %Mb threatening- t r o - wale bar. a Immue( and tiro /oath* ane har k• and canna fika iiemaaning kind th • • Lamb nted w ith the .roa d. which reraltedth the ari idargari!!..! "Elm b 44 'a • - ; i'::;'l4-illiiiilikdilp•ttemanitiit;;;,oo Santa, , 45.‘ afrowdlts 'Wattle tonit sfonongele JOhul Atabl isa tint unen bir . ~tiontaitcrouing.the Jan icive , c came .00201111 -_winGAPtrleadi woftFt..,...MUCnuLla_•! W401401101r Orr II or:. , tio . sttoctjapir ;to - * Yin to - Ect kw:t n i t ~E=lptniziprisr.lxicauskeogreaded - 1 2 1.' , „frispd, whlOh - -MallonlbY ••+- upstati end tonsequeoUr-ra acid 'them the row. them, end bok them to Zustloo .:Birkitesc,ittlo!4 - and they tri3rebeld 114. •-••.11b,11.,111C-Lectuts.-Tekriorrenir olibt Ainerfaui Josh ; -.l4lllpaph will open t , ho cowls of !actor" tralt.' 4 7,A ll gto ille- I EO I . I I I Ir.A ''cliscourso au mat onggentio tooloo.Mllk = Of 6. under tits, rotator proontattoL, Twlll e dputitioes dilmolop low =elm/ Pm?, -;:=7lgrb li c? jbf ,r=romble t bey Peatitto ;-.4lbirlsirtigoacolusbnoeconi chethip,fteeite beterseal owe of Kr•MI teewbßon9end sualikeut. The milk hexiiiirkevatuniel end deemeged )11340taltiti.,Theoceapent. Me r . MOM" aftrad wren, in. jedeurenfiluull one other ethabeakettb7, 0,./r3Wn_SutPt the taw& eh* • 4.. A-4 THE COURTS. Oyer and Tertalivie:-.Jrudges Mellon and Sume—Trial 'of Joan Grimm for the Mantes of -Mom Mumeths—Afetted stabs Courts—Welustuus Court—Csanty Courts. lidOiroxr, October la —ln the Court of 1 Oyer and Terminer the case of the Coro- monweidth vs. John Grb:o,. indicted for the murder of James Shorelln, was called. The Commonwealth is repro. , awned by District Attorney Pearson, T. M. Marshall and BL Swartswelder, Eggs and P. H. Mother W. C. Moreland, and' ' Wm. Owens. Ealla., appear for the do. , 1 feintatt. A pleanf not guilty was enter. ed, attar which the work Of empanaling I a jury won commenced. " ' • mieroair or T OAFS. The defendant is a yo nd mania ut triunity-three years of and wprat Morehead's rolling ml ,On tbenveidng of the 11th of Baptism he called at the house of Joseph Gant on this l e rszkii. town road, near tie" lee Shovelin, who worked at Ellits WO and board ed AGent'a. It appaer that thcrs wee s bad -feeling on ty re tt of Mhgelitt dgahiat thadeftbdan :thatibe,Shovo anliea had the bjea made : of e=s t. hi 4i, was to ascertain the ca of the 11l feel- 1 lug referred to. He Blasylin in the kitchen; Owl bad been lb there but a few momenta when a difficulty arose batwings ; them, during whicd the fatal shot was died Iflatint four o'clock the last juror was obtained, after which the ease wesopened byjdr. Bwanzwelder, who, in detailing -the Acts to the Jury, stated that it would bet proved by the Commonwealth, per. linPui that 'ate anlmoaity existed mn the past of the primmer, who Sought the of chiseseed "armed, dnd with' the avowed palpate alining him. Dr. W. it. Daly betided that he at , tended the deceased, and described the wounds which pp:Wheal death. 3fra✓aas Grunt, with whom the de ceased boarded, related the dreams:snm of the - altercation". at tier house before and after the alleged murder, and essay d • statement to the efface that likely the pistol was accidentally discharged When the parties wipe min bolts" at. ber residence. In cross examination - she stated that she did not think the men were well acquainted,. with each other. The Whir, she befievd,einia about a deg, for Grimm's dog attacked' Elhoeolin one de?, when the latter remarkedbe would kill the animal and Its owner. ' These are the material points of the ease, though considerstdo evidence wan adduced. The farther hearing of the isle will be resumed at 7 o'clock this morning. . aspremeikras;rof toduiyaglvatda The 13nprome Med .of Pennsylvania estivened it 10 tifolcicliyesterthry morn ing in the Supremo Omni ZOOM in this city. Prelgali4l:32loJutiee Thompson and addges 'Heed, Agnew, etharawtxxi and Williams. . . Geo. H. ChrWy, on motion of James Paean, lager. Sherman, of 17enango. comity, and 'William McNair, on motion of A. B. ideCarnsuat were admitted and qualified to ;cradle. The lid of aloes horn Erie, Crawford,: Vowing% Median, Jefferson and Forest: counties was called over. Ward vs. Moon, Crawford ociniity,. Brown's Execa6o _appeal, CAW county, odntintled. Blood vs. Lippencott & Co., 'Jefferson county, non pros. entered. libilientsyt appeal. VenanipS county, now pros. nog vv. Garrison, Jefferson county, nos proa. Good* Pool, et el., aldribra County. eon pro*. Carrier At Baum Ti. Brookville Bank, leffersonoonnty, aft pros. • Inn* vs.lismberton, Ventunroconnty, =omitted by A. Blakelyfor plaintiff in error and J. D. . Canitll6 Tomumnd vs. Prissy. Esq., eta ,Crawford ixduiddr.; Argued -. b W. le, for pdan dff iriervor; y no reply contra. Valiance Central. & Duck Creek Gil in. vs. UM% kit Ye:inane* , cattoly. Argued by A. B. MoCalmot thr plaintiff In error, and by C. L. Boswell andD. W. Belle* emirs. Nell vs. colwekl,Jeiffenon **Woven tinned. U. Cireait Court-4 My? McCandless. w hionnAir, October JA—ln the cam of J. B. Bryan; le. Fisher Wavle d oa, a bin la equity, ankles for en ininanction egainddefendant for an alleged Wring °mat or a drilling Ars for oil wells, • preliminary Injunction was granted. ..Mosame, Oct. 111.—The list of Grand Jurors was called over. the foreman will be appointed and the charge of the (Mart delleeted Wednesday morn On Indian of J. P. Penny, ol=t . ros and W. A. Lewis ware duly qualified end admitted to practice. MAX. laaT:..T.Oll-411X li the trial Hsi tbr tho prosiait term, faelndlog doll, etiminal andbaakraptq I mem V. la. bairels of *leaky - owned by RI. S. J. Mileage:. •• ea. li barrels of dbAlled spirits to by ft. ft I. 4 yoaa. es. Atel-neanothst eL o la. City Oli Works. o ea. Abel Bennett, et aL ea. Wade Musiptcto, et al. - va. - MW. Moiler. et al. " vra. Same. " ea. Baum. " -W TX. prelterf ofm. Hartman. All, SO narrate' of &Mlle& rite owned by WU; .Tolation & 00. - u ea. Brewery. of Beorp F.lneken. ass et al. va. CWilsh es.arventer si. 0 ...vs. . • , "Ig. Rol% Wory,l4ol. " Pitiabmnli a Ponnellevllle toad, vii.MrikAiselbilaimiakoni. w Beat, allow 176'.21X1 Ws OUZO@ Stem. ' vs. istob" grown. %11. lends spirits, owned by um. F. • ..Stattckeager. vs. 1,000 bola Eager beer et al, be. longing toGatliabfteldla. • a 5.1,600 dO. 'do. Id ate owned by Ween West Peons. Balllnid U vs. Ai c i ty barrel% owned by J. CIIII.II9NAL OASES. U. Illuvy Rtbacto. 0 - Robert Woods etel. , Ahdlg. .Z.:Drake et al. Same._ " • " .WM. Campbell et al. 'JatoesAnzehy... '.4a.WOUDIPST. , Jglitts AdlmY - " Metzllougb. • " Michael letoC'ullongh.. Ina G, Boyle. • Same. • Mani. Jee, iblegraw.. • Mat !degrade'. Same. . a . 11 Ws. 11011. - " *Bab% li, Anderson., .Lowther. - • - Isl. - A!Plllabery. .HolowskleClint. 4 •-• -ameziturrar. -•-• '2lleasnet Co..vs, Britton. - • VinlY Crawford et al. es. Born s. Jukeep M al. ve. Jenkins. Mai at Co. Garrison et al,•ye. Fisher. Ballo; vs; Connelly. thfoMee& Welsh yrt!A-0413:". • , • Clark vs.Rebb. ' Sykes & lb. et al. TO Maroble7.. .---IfeLanahan Bard. •;. • Smith et al. es. Wieder:um et al. Slirlyelk&Cb. - ye. Dram r. McKee vs_ TroxeU__ . _ Barnes n. Ake & Co. seigel a Co. Ye. Webtu Mn en al. ye. floowden. ?' • Routs Atkins & Co. vs. Karim • Solomon InS,llllls. . Way TS: Atherton.Peclesita AON vs. nafttrua. • Klee &Sm. vs. Dunn A • }Coate * rtoekizitei al. ve. J. K. Smith. Meier ie.:Weld& Keeler. / 3 mali aiu o• 'minx. Discrica. Caerairedipe,Mbitpairleez Mornay.. October ML—A. J. Steel ,... Fln Malt sat CO. AM/ 0 i to. recover pue chaae manes on a %Wm MUM fbr do. The Mall noma& teudeoul 127 Plelotlff. IWO'S Pb! ,ll, * Folloetna are the ofciai totals of rho lalr In thtrulavOr ?OD t**.ea 79031 vat fir the several ...catnip Draw ea. en: Action in Mom, mo p for.. m oo D r pr o perty In et officers doslemated, the return clerks poi 4ctri 014. • having tut ?loudly thully complete; Iftbe mae mocaTs; clmilluPt their count: r2 Oll o T r 'n' d . ve!dl et P r ll TAIMOII=O. t 'am Pm • .Theeph•F. Denniaton, - James Tlbby John T. &tar, Ao• - !Mu rotrrer . 1 1 1 ,0 41 !5e.. , Oa ' pennlatona 6,43 •." intaiamrr ton °P CO UB T 8 "Pate TV: en BteSlXll.Taril3ioll3lNO:t" =- Joseph bronze. 11 Martin for use ea. aaobter W. T. Parley. D.: - 12,41:6 85 Parker *Paul ea. Martin ciaL 4d Friend Sin meta. OlnktsasiMaigi • ' " itibOUDlol. 10 ckwdou Threat& B. R. ib; Thos H. Ettinger, B_ 181 6 An eminuior d 11 4.!. 1 .1 -11 • ° ' Q. mocuuoth. -•- - Pew *Co.' . 6,525 107 Hnckemteta ». ios,N4s;sv P. st.w.Att , B. , • 11 . 3 9 /1 r 12 .4 . : 4 3. an - B. B. Qtr • : • .Twiettlilir any; Orlando Re thirtolie b[olmAT, 1%-`rxinarlOpialtk ;. Melinda. slinity!,,, titteiy. • minima Moot • Indicted Mee* . *MI utt e r o y e 4123 topd eighidriiisii sentandi 56P6.5". le tine or one dollar noaMot priamt. lion. Atone Mcvattle.R.. Tb4oel.#tr-*;":thatanit'o,Mtelieir,bi g, halal, C/0101,01 0. li. Ig; ,010 ,FIU Nlintt9rP•ri"” ; "•!rr7. 2lBs P . Appearal • UY -10/ - atop. Ando. ' °-111 1 3mlg• .I*4l EM !M mut El tort Wass placed on trial. The Jury rt. tamed a verdict not stillty. TRIAL LIST SREATFESDLY. Noi 315. Om. vs. Henry Bitten% 2 auses. 440. " Charles Seely. ' ' " SU. u Jahn Sitensararth.. " " Edward Lavelle. Md. John Frank. 319. J. M. Robßaer. "- 347. Jacob Belsaall. ": ado. Henry Gantaehey. : IJST YOB IVEIIiTESDAY. 512.. Com. vs. Charles F. Good. afte. Com. we. Edward Barrett. et al. 385. Com. ye. Roger Brooke. sos. Com. vs. F. E. GoodelL 4100. COM. Ss Robert Ifeaston. ill.. Com. vs. Oeo. M. Morrison and JR.. Robinson. 354. Com. ve. Predmick Hedekon.3 rases, Jacob Mainhart, Sas. Hudspeth. 410. Com. va..John A. McGraw. 429. Com. vs. Thomas ElulUtah. 430. Com. vs. James Smith. 421. Com. vs.Vm. C. Rafferty. o)titmon Pleas-.l44dge Sterritt. IIOND/x. October 16.—Young dal. vs. McKee. Action on a prommistary note. IVAIXdirl for. plaintiff In the sum of OE 80. In the cue of Gmy sect Shaffer re. Wolf. motion (or a new trial. 'Fulton'/ executors vs. Miller, owner Who stesmboatl"Bay laity." Action on *book amount. Juror withdrawn and plaintiff takes a non.suit. Odd Fellows' Hall Association vs. E. Walker. Action of trover sod coo l Version. Jury ont. Carl vs. Porto executors. Execution attachment. On trial. TRIAR LIIIT POR TOILPDAY. IV.. Schneider ye. P. C. h S. L. hal tosd 41 2. 121. Jarl4 vs. Snyder. • 130. Little vs. Wilson. A 134 Brady vs. Fisher. 134. Hadrieb we. Hatch, et al. 138. Campbell vs. Clara, ei ox. 131. Friend va.olnbauseo. 134. Sbaterirm.flbater. 129. Citvdl vs. Olbson's administrators. 104. Eirp vs. Critter). EDUCATIONAL. Scott Township Teachers , Institute. Pursuant to adjournment, thi. Insti tute convened at nine A. on Saturday at school room No. 111, Miss L R ?Sadie len, instructor. There was quite a large :attendance of pupils, teachers, director's and sk;:actstors present, ampng whom Prof..ere Douglass and Hunt, who ' take • lively interest in educational affairs, and are constant In their attend ance at the Imditutes. The forenoon was dernted to the raga. lar routine 01 school exercises, conduct ed by the teacher. The recitations were. good, the order unexceptionable, and the Interest maniftsted by the pupils In their studies very commendable. The fore. noon session was concluded with short addressee by teachers and others who were present as visitors. Mitch Vdd ad vice was given, and some very appropre. ate and suggestive incident's were nar rated by the different speakers, bat the undue quantity will doubtless pre , chide the possibility of its being remembered. Aftbr3 Ito hour spent in social Converse during which ample pus. doe bad dean done the viands prepared by the ladies, the meeting Mu railed to order by the President. the exercises of the alternddli 'sere opened by • class drill in education conducted by - Prot. S. J. O. &urea. This exercises. ;was Inter. eating and called forth numerous and suggestive remarks on the 'MIMS methods of reattibZ This win followed by a discussion on the following question: "Is it necessary that that/shoring men as a Maas should be educated" The question was opened by Prof. Wm. Sturgeon, of Lebanon,-In a well timed and eloquent speeds, In which he pictured all the glowing bean. nee connected with an educated 111 k. The Wppodtlon was then opened by . M. hiellillough, of Mansfield, who proceeded at once to show the growing necessity of a greater animal of manual labor and less brain work. The question became Inlervallug and was warmly discussed on both aides. Aft essay wax then read by Miss Lisle Sztedigfhlri entitled .!!.Our Indoor.. to Society. The performance walsa good one and did credit to the young lady's literary talents. After the transaction of some business of minor importance the Institute ad. loomed, to meet at school room No. 2, commonly known as Eicrubgrass School, S. .1 . 0. Storms instructor, on Saturday, October 80th, at which time a large audi ence and Interesting minded' are MUM. pated. Coroner's Inquest. The adjourned inquest relative to the 'death of Mrs. Annie Moore and her grandchild, Annie Johnson, =a held by Tatramer Clawson at his Ohs yeetenlay al Several witneises were examined =at rive to character of the somsed, Geo Lards Johnson, a driver for Mr. Held. brewer, Allegheny, who It ms alleged caused the death of deceased by driving I over them =Monday. hid week, Mary Fidler, a girl In the employ of Mr. Driller,* Italoon keeper, witnessed the socident,ond exculpated the driver of the vehicle - from the acmosation of fast driving., Haney Gould Ustllled that the child visa 11170 for few minutes sal oon etrphe lentil/Wu, the I sal keeper alluded to, deposed that the *Mad and the habit of serving Mot with bee that be Was driving slowly on the occasion In question. The delnitionof " feet delving ' by this witness was "As fad as a horns can wet I Sebastian Hard, bruployer at the &revised him an excellent charaeteri sa ise Se , sobriety and carefulness in the d of his do ri es. Hsui7 er, e follow-workman of Johnson's, sim spoke Melly of Its at. tentlon to Medalist.- Hp eseured mark, to the eirea that Johnlstms horse ergs ynitng IMO flighty.- and that probe= bly on thUraccettnt MO seeldent emir- Philip ' Adrian gave similar testimony,: AlbertSteehle, _a taveMkeeleril irs. t. I whom Johnson warded Mt rim , exctilltated,hint for Mr, VW: uk.: mummer reeklissabfaltin . Atter the Beaifnk qt the &derby the injury adjourned id the 'jsitr and -bid an, tact.= with the prisoner. On being; cautioned' by - the Coroner is to the tug.' propriety of hie wield= to boar Soy from biro whi ch would inculpate; him, Johnson stated that the accident. =tar saki e#tal t that - one of Me i snitch arove was emit; that , he did not perceive the females on the . track until within - a few feet of them, and that he was extremely sorry for , being in one sense of the word aceessoly. to their death. Resumed visibly slim twit and spoke With bediterttbeiland tee 4. Mg. He Is a Prussian, about twenty years of age , The jurors Meng a verdict in Mop' dance with the facts adduced, and drew the attention of "the powers that be" to the rucassalty of -stringently enforcing the city ordinance which has reference to "farintis &Ming." titoMoidienJ Otausunent. We take it that the vote of the people has determined only that the Monument shall be located mew wAere In the Abe. gheny Park. The partlettlar apt to the Park on which It shall:stand has not been edited. We know., the. opinion, La general that It should stand upon Petal navy UHL We submit to the Cbmmlttee who are to di the &tact location that the money provided la not sufficient to defray the coat of a monument large enough , for the aitiltbst's 1125.000 structure would necessarily be so small that when Yet upon the hill the contributerw anollho visitors would be forced to regard It as • hillure,rits inadequate - expreuldn of Ithe reverence everywhere 'felt kw... the , memory or our ' fallen brave& 'Vo -1 lees the fund can be increased to 1 $ 5 O OO or #ll4ooo,the hill sits should bet abandoned and the monument erected at Someellglble ' Barely the Hill Is a Lit site only for • atruetnro of great alsewhlCLl would se. pear large When seen - from the many Instant points of view to which it would be esoosed and recognised by citizens or strangenlid outwits &public andnotenlr taken for a private tnenrodal. WO sug. gest therefore dm, thealte onoe mention. ed in :the eAksrre In the center:lg East ,Coultrion. at the point crossed ,by Ohio street, is greatly preferable to' the Hill ,for a Monument casting less thin PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : TUESDAY, - : C • Z.lv, TRUE E003031T Great Bargains In Ladles Fors at Wm. Fleming it Co..S Vi tudesaie and Bn tall Emporium. 1f... 139 Wood surest. Ladies out this ant and keep It fur re ference. It will save you money and It will serve ea a finger pout to direct you into the pathway of economy. or what it the same tltlng, Into the extenalve and first class ladies' for empiirkirn of Win. Fleming h Qs, No. 139 Wood street.. Them yen will find one qf the larimet and finest aseortilletild at ladle§ flirt e'rer offered in this market, embracing all the latest and most fashianable styles of Cloaks, Berthas, Sacquee, Coffers, Ea. gents., Boa, and Muffs, made In nape. ' tier style of the beet qualities of Hud son Bay Sable, Miuk Sable, Marian and Pere= Lamb. Beeman Pitch, Sibe flan Squirrel, Water Mink, and black and brown Sables. The immensity of the trade, both wholesale and retail, transacted by this hottao enables the pfo pitettite lo secure very decided advan tages over smaller houses in the pqrc.hase and selection of goods, and monitioer affords them opportunity to sail their goode at' from fifteen to twenty-live per pent below the prices of their neighbor*. Retail purchasers should make epecial note of the latter fact. AMiTEtEII IMPORTANT PEATURC. Another important feature le the man. agemoht of the stralm of the house. nu. sinew a conducted in a fair and upright mann r, and such rules as the following En rl ly enforced end under no cir• con]e nee can they be deviated from t } L ll good. are warranted to prove to the p rcbaser what they are represented to be ell . bought.. 2. clerk or milathah ill permitted to e any false repreaentation to se cure w sale. Ail are instructed to truth• fully inform purchaser. as to the nature, grade and quality of fur,, of their merita and demerits so far sa Is known to the trade. . . . a. All aisitera are made welcome, and goods are shown with pleasure to shy whd may call, whether dooiftn to perches° or not. No trotible to °hoer geode la made the motto of the both°. It to by such ruled end by liberal deal ing that this old and reliable house bee drawn to Itself • trade of such eiceeii• thirty large proportldus, as to make It merit the proud Piece of leading the en. tiro dello. We have eptlCl3d Hitllerto of the liner grades of furs, but it must not be taken for granted that the lesser or cheerier gradm of ladles' and tutees& furs hare no representation to the large Gawk; to the contrary the Item In that quality tlf goodotte full Ana complete and afford incellent variety tbr 81adly emettlad. 8d Itkewteo irWisontlenibp'd 81814 or rrhijldi a large duck to held. In oondluelob, for ancthiug In the for due go to 139 Wood street. Attnereutenta. NEW OPERA tioumm--li 6 peculiarly nofortucale that Our city ham been xis- ed In the seine week by two rite& Eng isa Opals trodpea, Inasmuch as th; mime upport swan:lad both would have been concentrated on either had they come separately. Howaver, we hope there WILL be a mineral revival In mualcal matters daring the brief meson inaugurated. and that both troupes wilhave successful gagemepta. If the O pera House be not , crowded wits fullest capacity every night of the present week, we shall be sadly disappointed, for no sweet and charming itongresia ismore worthy cordial greeting from a refined and cultivated poople than Übe Caroline RlO:dugs Bernard. She d flipotltion of iho tri umphs ahe has hitherto madatned In this .• . city, and worthy the hearty recognition of those allati she b.do the beaten of the American people, having contributed more thane woman's share towards de- ',eloping In this country a taste for the Lino arts, a love for cringe, and a r = l for all that Is noble and eleva. To her, more than any other, Is doe the credit of popularising the English Opera—ln truth, we might May, she In- . troduced It In this country, and atrug- gled, slnghshanded, to secure its place on the boards. The company with her cahnbinee .a'splendid array of genuine talent and went, and their Interpreta tions have everywhere been received with entbaturissed. Ight hi a. ha .111 be preeented;with Caroline Melange ausietraeg in. I...eine part, metal by a full vomnany and or chestra. Wednesday evening.the “Eice beau= Old." in which the splendid tenor, Mr. Henry Weigh s _ will make his debts! in Pittsburgh. Thursday "Fr. Dlnvols," Friday `Tenet" and Saturday The Crown of Demands." On Satur day dherttotin • faehionstile opals mail. nee will bo held—. Many choice mats re. main unsold end the box nboet reunite open at the office of the Opera Clouse. Ptrtanutenx TUSATIIJI6—JI large an. Mance assembled at the Pittsburgh Theatre last night to whams the Ora. entertainment giCen by the Rouen troops cifgpruipant, ‘4ll2es yielder end daring Gists so greadtilly execu ted, have claimed the admiration of all who have witnessed them. They will appear at the Old Drury every evening this week sad at the Wednesday and Saturday matinees. Tits Psucra Rees Er:1,14,3h °hitt, —The Parepa Rasa grand Roglieb Opera Company commenced their anon lesson at the , Academy of Wale last evening before an audience aa 'dnethigniahed as ' appreciative. The edifice wee literally thronged long berme the- hour antionn , wet for the opening. Thikbelog the drat Appearance of the prima Meeks In grand apeman Pidabungb, the eventha. been looked forward to with no little degree . of Interest. The opera selected for the occasion was ' Plomar's • chancing and F e=r one, in, fire sets, entitled " in which Madame Parepa of comae tuelidas the chief character. that of Lady Harriet, or Martha. Her role wpgl unrivalled, and the coat Judi atonal, seleCted.' "Martha." like the vaat,' •ciajority of English dramas, la 'banded en a eerie. Of leaprobilbiziroulat• stancee,yet withal when Wien on tidl SUMO In Pik! ^ tpatiner convert Ito the aturlarY a degree of truthfulness which obliterates any tendency tear:Um It la' a story at lowa In Meanie.. where Martha, cottainbf a Certain Lord Tradrut (iar. H. Begian.) Pg m vailx uPan the latter, a liar mild eater/ tei lierthlt her with liar mild Ilauey(idrs.r.. Sequin) to Instill:ls Martinmu fair. At tEtwerfainq even lb the profane day, in the agricultural ablred €3l Eh:mimed. the servants Yeuly,..easemblev either to hate anew orenjOy a beaten of conviviality. Her relative reluctantly conseuda to the request, alter which the lady and her Maid teak 'the, edema of barter and fee. Itchy. Hero they eitgago to sweet Mar. tha,lionel, afterwards Earl of Derby, (Mr. Castle) acid Nancy, Planket, (MY. ti. C, Campbell)) e wealthyoung far. mar. After thoroughly en joying the hoax both smape from their employers' residence, at .midaiglit, meet sub's fralently. taidlegallied, Red afteradedifess don of reciprocal admiration are event. natty married., ' tdr:Flotow.thesathor al this dramatic effort exhibits in bp text a certain bur.. Wag fres. Nape .end: - ~.piettirmartieneu painting tota big iterierlr and ble figure; very granetub • Me labrilllantipacasion. idly fail et friiiiorinilshiwlng brightness§ blended in .the, Inherit eccupcsare. lie 'bows a deep 'and shame love of the beautiful In nature, and has the readiest fismity of expressing this by imagine. limpid by word. Parent Rosa gives to the warthog, of, this exaMciattent a force' of Coloring end depth of feeling, which fails not to Impress the bearers with its variety; vivacity, magical felicity an living presentment of character. We have' acid that the Prima Donna in her ann. , veiled rote of Lady Harriet was sustain. od by au (Melina coat, It might be said without a shadeof flattery that they, too, are very fairsniratna. Mr. Castle sa mile ea , personally et typo of. Ermtlek thanhooT, addecttu which his clear, met. tow.voice Is Intl ; of tenderness and feel. leg, and blends exquisitely and henna Measly with the liquid and thrilling ophie, of Parma, Will In Puede. This was so marked as to tie the signal for an ovation, la.thelr electing of the immor. lel bird of Erin's.. Last ROM of tiam. mar." fib sweetly_ rendered were the lines: • , 110350 Nu rse•bvibllg, • lo are bi lVdtr:4l l 4 s , and such earnestness did they exhibit In look - and {vesture, thus reading, as it were, toe soul of the lamented Moore, Wet st perfect 'toren of applause was the result, and an encore accorded. The orate" scene which has been pronounced by the NeW Yorirpress as a , roente tri umph seldom witnessed in the Grand Op era.! been exhibited in New York under more snob:lona air ouguttancess than at the Pittsburgh Ma dero, of .610sleL • Herein' representation was rtweired with no enthusiasm, nor did litaerit any' 'llhel.throitors,' , ..tinn. tars," and npsues" were to lit-favored a °Ditetimiciti atalP Owls:sits • could Wit - Willingly be gathered among the igodirr. , ,. end , .Am the Quirrat t Inside . -slur • other • ibutale potties. of thet.ulilsges," they, notwithstanding the mysteries of the green-ecnm.sesmen with three: . middy eXcepliktnae fir 21 0 moved from s would .lesd ns to bellows 311 - ey appear This opera: although under tie Wwlire resespment of Mr.-Henry Jack. whoseeon wnL ea= much ee"cr in the abseuxot minor alittoluttlutlar Tpq PonxialesCwoMlssany instance susniew without taste, and tied Weber her ! riedly adjustrilAblis artfalllflrStreloil tholrellbet; and eotlrely anntbllstlng the susirlloquy .or: one lady. who narrowly eseseeer behind the.wings without log bee skirt owtt.belwards.. bir.John Daluly;z the; properly 'rosier, might have remembered'-ttut!' it tem flatten eat eggilindtonertintralcia , ,are . not the only ertleles(Reposed 01-ate fair lu Sow! land, ; whalwrwe stnotior of *3* aPt.7ed-in4b6'Ebgniglnwarleta: orstla Id& vf . sy,o 41ntinir Sul (rater,. .;.:. N _ ' ' ;:.':::.'x:.:lasi:i3t.3~«:,-.w~^,w`.:{~~"~y'Wy,'i'E'..~ CRUSHED TO DEATH. Horrible Accident th Allfgbeny —Man i[ute~ in %fin: Yesterday afternoon another fatal acci- dent occurred in Alleigheny,which makes the third to the lilt In leas than a week. a party of men ware engaged digging a well at the rear of a new house in teAuse of erection on Ohio, claw to Sandusky street. One of thorn. Rudolph Hecken !ostler, was at the bottom of the well, tWenty.fite feet doWn, *hen a Docket full, of dirt Was hauled up. By some accident, at the DIA the IMAM became dlaengaged from the wind. laws roue, and fell back tap the excavation, striking Ileckeruniller on the head and felling him under. neath the weight. Immediately others of the workmen deseernded and lifted the dirt and helot away when it Was found that the head of the nufbrittnate man had been crushed In, producing lubtant !hutch. Thb accident occurred about five o'clock. The dbeeleteek Was about forty years of age, unmarried ,till boarded at &honey's, corner of Perry and Chestnut streets, Fourth ward. The remains were removed to the boarding house, whore Alderman Donaldson held an Inquest. A verdict was rendered In accordance with the fade violas guesses. r Viotti the Health Beeertet.) By thinferrn—wehMdersiand those die eases peculiar to females, such is ob structions, Irreghlarldee, °imitation; de rangefflehisry immddstatione, and disor ders which are so common, and Which exercise such a powerful le finance in the destrnelltin of female health. It la ail-Important that the phrtielarl [ should be sue ~^ discriminate clos el y [ between these affectlfiel, as ts-Ane of them [ are directly opposite In their nature., and oath requiree a specific treatment differ rut from the other, I mlatake In which would be dangerous and perhaps' ISIAL That tile urine in these dis Orders Is of [ fi peltulLar dharattet and quality, °eery physician of elperlence in title , tkay knows, and can at once perorate the Ml ferenad between these matinee and dea -1 denote& And in treating these oornpisinie hially, tie must Ivor keep in mind these idstbdlegilial difference; Ind prescribe inch remMlei as edit check ult the ai -1 cassivaor rotators the diminished Mere- Ilona;. remove the nor old °auditions, and reinvigorate the whole system. -The Rood effects of this kind of treat ment till be observed in very short time, and as a general thing the patient reenters entirely in tep Weeks, We haft) Mid litihdreds tit Well Ohere the good &bets of otlr .retnedlfie atee observable In a very few weeks. The dull, languid expression of the eyes be gan to disapper, the dark.colored circle beneath them gradually lessened, the skin became more natural, the complex ion Improved, the appetite returned, the e length increased, the palpitationcessed, the nervousness wore off, itte shortness of breath became lees troublesome, the putted floe was no longer observed, and the disposition became less Irritable and [ more cheerful, mud the general health entinily restored. Many of these changes are among the first sighs of Improvement after com mencing the treatment. Afflicted women, brighten yottt hopes and try our remedies. Mr daily practical observations enable us to determine the precise condlti ens of the system to every Dale, and to pro scribe the appropriate remedy In every disease. L. °trout:is, n• it., tag Grant meet, Pittsburgh. Ettraet trail! a Letter heal Santa eats. • • • • We had wandered for many hours through tangled forests of Tropi cal shreds and trees, scene of them emit- ting a most delicious and Invigorating odor, When we suddenly came upon • large and well cultinted plantation, In the centre of which were severaFtudid• loge. Entering these we found them to be the "prep bones," Wilk Au, where the sugar cane in crushed for the mane; facture of St. tiro!: Rum. Over 100 Coolies wore al work, and the smell from the florttenthig vale was very es. biliariting Slid pleasant. We were shown through the entire establishment, and 1-. owl that all the Rum bore produced was shroprd to ra,.........a. H. Drake ei Co., Now York, to be mole into wet. celebrated PutsrinsTtort Stress& The peculiar good effects of this Ruin—which Is the purest and bon In the world—are well known. Not a single ease of Dys pepsia, Fever and Ague, Consumption, or any such disease can be found on tbm island, (except Of InVallde come(here for their health, and they are almost always cured). lkdabitted with Callanya Bark, Oast:mina, and other Important Ingredl• tints, this Rum becomes FLA:newer firriltine, sad =rely no finer Tonle and general, Family Ilemody was ever seen. The edinblhatlon of these bitters was first filar tund here many yenrs Rao, and all the NIIITOI /WENT by PLANTA TION liirrxne, and say "there is nothing like IL" Judging by the robust health of the witnesses, I am certain their testi mony is true. N. S. T. bl.s.curoLtA W./mint:AM= 4) the heel imported Germsh pad sold at ha l the Plias Vie Late J. M. Batafield, Esc We yesterday briefly announced the deith of onr well known fellow citizen, Jades M. Daroldtold, Of the firm of .1. H. Burchfield'ln. iffy gnats maze chants, which took Omit, at hie realdellOe. ShoMeld alrent, Allegheny, on Sunday evening. 'Hie detrailed came to Pitts burgh aunty years agd. Led emitted a piles as saleataan in the drygoods store of Samuel Semple, where he remained for several years, making an extended sod numetous sequalotenes. Hs saber. quenir rphy In the same capacity with ult tiro., and In with Mr. Murphy, wild tookturn him into rinetablp, ureter firm name of Murphy Barchaeld./The Wake memo taw of she firm refired ant the damaged for many years conducted - -Abe Mt- Moos alone, at the corner ~ of Lennon Avelino and Market strcet; until he gold tint to C. H. Love dt Ox. • After • year's tetinusybe sgairenn time business on Market street. an the of hie death bad • tint-ela n on Stith ay. enuo. In his toughens dealings he was i; rid!) honorable and upright. and none of our beldame men enjorbigher repu tations for honesty and pfality. He wss an elder In Dr. Swint. Presbyterian Church for over eighteen years and Su perintendent of the Sabbath School for sit yews. His found will take place this afternoon at two o'clock, from the First Presbyterlan Church, Allwheny, whore the scholars of the Sabbath School will • asaemble to pay, in Common with other friends,.the last sad tribute to hie thothory, went to Bonsegeegleg. Finney, win not long since for sook single blessideas and Joined the mike of the Benediets, went to house keeping theotherdsy. To:do bow. eirdt, required.sotne straMr on Tim's part, am be was short of funds. Ile man aged in this wise: Ingratiating himself Imo the graces of Mrs. Catharine Smith, he. succeeded la renting "apartments" from her and also borrowlngenonghfar enure to decorate the same: This method flourished yrell. enough radii the rent Mine dtie, when Tim suddenly got him self Into difficulties by refusing to pay the rector give Up the rpm= and fund - tare. In this quandary Mrs. Smith @oug legal advice frOm Aldermti. 111 thou ht Yesterday, That Official hi an oug Do ht Tim to terms, and he agreed to re op the apartments and pay the rent us, in consideration' of , which a charge of ler deny as bailee , which had been entered spinal him was not-prosecuted. . Elegant Annisetaant. - Yte night school In the Allston school house,Penn street, was the scene of.an exulting episode a few evenings sirce. Jacob Richter and John Kramer. two youths about . seventeen Jean of age, spend, . During the 0011110 of-the even. ing, Richter had occasion =o 1110111 (way from, his sea, and upon- Returning mat down as usual: not, However, on tbewat. but upon the point of • penknife, which Kramer had laid there. Al a result, he received a severe and painful wound, which hal since kept hlm -in bed. Yew tads) , be was for the tint time in four days enabled to snore abOuti when be repaired to the .ollioe of Alderman Koenig and lodged. Inhumation against his mischievous companion for malicious mbridvf Warrant issued. The Purest .and sweeten Cod ...User Oil in the world, manufactured:o= fresh, healthy:llTel* open ate les ohm% it la perreetly 'ere eels awed. Patients who Wearies taken it emu take none other. Oak thr "Hazard and ChurwellW Cod Liver Oil," thanuthetured by Ca& well, Hazard & Ock., Fero, York : Hold by drotailsta: Y. trdta 'WM pleoso•, realealtria -their raTeldie 'resorts for errant :candles and tselee, lounges; routed:: and oreruh slam& end extra tine cream Con bons, at 1111 Federal:street Allegheny . 13117. GeorgoinearBo.' - - . . . Bea Ectnue.—boo carollingince, of McClurg-dc'Buluborr. Haul EMMA' and Instusuce agouti, 193. 197 and 09, OM. tro . . . - . . . (aef(root La To[ g t ) tongs .92 wu ktat i " om 1 1C ;Ir. &am A . 1 ; air P ro "11 ?1, lt stMsb , g, 34nu . An g VOZWIVairi r tZ'a:VeVP' , L; FOR SaftWiL rB&L PROPERTY. e lots 952131 feet,RheltA. 0017 POO-. per seat. • lot 9111:1M• fem. 6600- 5100 pet Tat. 1 lot 81.1119 hmt, WWI Ise. skeet. prime house o 3 pony, lot 1141100 (del: May IL/00. Ryles house of loom, ba th room anduhis, 922.100-31.11.1. 9 &rope brickstoned looses ea altos) street. ea. 119, 500. nags... premed brick books Dotty ddlaliod. fle•: lot 60,100 T•s, hrkk hooka pumps .6 hydriata, all for scpoo. He. tam rootord cellar brisk hods pst 9.100:81.• 400-6600 cub .6 'UM per kat. Good sown roomed bd., and los 4140960 600..1 ease •terma. 6 room. frame hook, lot 111.60, 51,100-4300 mh sod maims , to afrd 11 are. IS ark on Wy de streeall4.llo_ 66950 e 11.71. Wylk street )110s 4Bilto.rAgmrtttrat..l,l 0.0 49r2 100 1.,,.., loeZed eld telM 1 The 0 to /9 thldokyrra of Courlleum. and oil s I New lamtral 11.0. SO acres on Western Pennon adilroad, mlles from thm sky, 180 am es on Pau 11.‘Us Railroad. • mile. from city. he+ 6 poom frame hosse I oak frtml Coors 110.• 4185 scral 9iaoonrl laud Ve — rainlrd - .;reitnt to novas.. a home or matt call an or a iIIT(STEMMI. and abase adshlns to tell. Plan. ddreaa riscluNo A RAINBOW. anTl Not. 196 199 asel 199 Carden mans. HOBOKEN" BTATIONI PROPERIV FOE SALE ft. !coolant oltaatloa eansot be armored to, wirato roaleveus to any direction, so elan to bolt' clam hulas oar eighth % , , Z , Western rennatrulla Itallrood. Aa 00. 11.105 Informatlon about tOlsoroourtouottotalo Il by alllag at We aloe of the WWI CITY 3,,7AM nallat AL LIFO allgit CalltrAttr. 11 eta area, Allegheny. Lou Moo cra•-ball re to des way: Moto .loan lots to roll pa.