6. sTiliaLAsooluak iTTSWEIGH p STEEL STABIAIkIEp IN 48413:.. ANDERSON /I, WOODS; DELT REFINED CAST STEEL Of every description. Also, best , unied Spring Steel colsE44s.oes,s:Np .9:VElFV,Allitts btrrst,2 Ps.' -s.:. an16:11.11- MI BAR & PEEN. 111116;i1 GlartiteL PAISTIIERS . . . 311.ETCA.LF. ' S. MILLER, GEO. W. BAER, 1 C R HAS. P N ARKIN. smut. reunnin-s. KIER, CRESCENT STEEL lan6itlts, MLLES, BARR & PARKIN, OFFICE, No. 139 Liberty street, PITTSBURGH. PA. fel4:d4S DUQUESNE WORKS. OOMM, BAIA( & 00. Yanufacturera at .ERON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS, - DIICKTESBE, L X AND XIUNIATALI • FLAT BAR, BOUND Aim SQUARE IRON; BAND HOOP SHEET AND TANS IRON, BOMA PL ATVS AND HEADS, GUARD IRON _DRAG and DROPPER RARE. IKON ELANGSr; CUTTER BARS, CYLINDER S' ARIA FLAT RAIL for Coal Roads. CRowaaEs;wßDGEs HARROW TEETH, aPRING, W I N O S CULTIVATOR.STEEL. =FEL WINGS AND MOULDS eta to pattern. STEEL TIRES, STEEL SHAFTING, A. B.t RILL. COACH, BUGGY and W AGON BERINGS — and ELKS cur irsu,s AND SPIEJD3. ill,tioods Brat -Cog and Wartanted; OFFICES AND WORKS. Hinteenta. Street and Allegheny RiTelre • wad qr Water StrartiPittetalrell Eine B IiEF irk ELD " EEL w4 4 t. BIM% NIMIOK & 00., PITTSBITIMI. PA.. lifentifectarers of every description of CAST ANA) GERUN STEEL,. aAtim - 1111"41119% ffy.d. :G L AND cir a L foWe c fn r _ , Warehouse, 83 Water andl.oo First Sta. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. rAtt:Ks BILOTHER & CO., Yana'laturers of all descriptions of erximmmai, . 01les and Warehouse, THISTIZTH, THIRTY ILEUM and BAILED/1) tITILICSTS, BRASS I,'QIINDBItE3. ZINST BUM, 6tra2AYTI3:IIIBCH. HENRY BIER . & CO., SUCCUBOSS TO :OEN M. 000 ran & 00, Bell and Brass Founders. CilffiVINGS bun,. rsoiermvx •To ohm leantGAT- irou f •littkigsp• 414 • szt,alsoun J100711.` :C3O6S, Brea Work et every: itesorAptiou for 'Steam, Water "and 011, ILASIIPACTITAUCREI el J .3kt . cI,OPER Liappliyed Balant6Wheel'lteihr 'Pump. dgeno.ofri!,*.iiiool".:rizeoht 00- - . P 9 i47 61 1 1 ; ketatiti.o o3 . (11r.F/41,-4)lkil Wirn't TUlrterOb anaTlke• tre - • . ft A 'IMAPAIO Ittee ar 111E 4 E; Cap= 411!xiy,,Gyeet awl ThLreireekinf. • . BROS I FOUNDERS AND IRO!I PIPE.FITTFRSr *pa 'AG GLI cuatssolsr• -,a r clrs BTEAltPuasra ",- utiig:WOluKs. pi D . , ....,-, DE, -S-- SI • a ' -- •, ! -.; - e't oBo43ei 4 lHY d. 1 180.000 feet its tech Clear Plank; 1 011,000 feet 131, inch Common Plank: 118,000 feet].) 1 sad A lath Oak; -. r -40.0.:. ft. . la r and 3 Inch PoPinr: „i i 2;j% I ~.. tent sy Scantling: -- IU. l'. feet rY Y el l ow Pine Boards; 100.000 feet Hemlock Scantling. i \ 803.000 feet No. .1 18 inch liagtna4 Stan- CI 8100.000 Illoi.el1841g88b1111611; sewed; i 60.000• No. 116-incb Shingles, shaved: ~1110,000 Tire BMW. - vs- P 1 4 000 Fire Tile.elltrs74 ll4, - x • 1 lOO Tons Vire Clay; Allso. i Lliaw Mill Lumbe,r _lmitate and Cedar MOIL d all articles iiialkasktie4iiiiand and for sale by ALEXANDER. PATTER ON. Yards— No. 181 Rebecca street and. corner gsf Preble and HIMMta streets, bixtlsltglealLlSlOny, late bor ough of Manchester. .., ap:6 N OVELTT W9/tICS. ' . D....- ; • Finless. omra"ttrtrailcsr. • - 0 - The 'trustees are nowlre_ sAre.4 toirant licen se tor the usenl Shes PILO MICOrtaIIs tref,t emelt "6 7 =1.1so.,..W.andthe sedum cosh.cwinnsend it to all manusacturers of Parties Wishins to use it can obtain licenses bi sapiiing'to JAMES P. SPEER , • AttorAtelpilhe Trustees. WOMB 1. =a a. En r iglishis Boxing. oeK /oath avenue: Par -interested • are Phisitp#,, to Idea the SHOis 14 Ba.wwltit WORKS. wnere the noes@ is SlOw suceelistni operation. tea:d67 Pi r r iairße ,!L Cs ft!: .i. - NOVELTX Pounded A. D. ISM DTKZE . 8c 00. immuFartworif illYwroNs BARD.OI.BIIIBANK 8 NIT. ANT) PLATFOTANDRAvAZU9WINTLIt SOALESt "fu P raced l'atept 'alocri: &cnel Latches. a aint Mat 00)111E1 OP 1. BUT BM r pig flaArf piworr & BRATT, r". ABOSITZOTIDLIL AND ORPWIE*T4L - Wirienislnt, • iTTEneny,Ta. — A lure Asforgoent . of NEWEL Mal and BALLEMENA isonstanuy on be*. NAVA Af all descrip As. done . 1 .1 • I -- ENtarditikiiiommts, y 'I Oir: Point Allej and Duquesne fits, INLsias POIIIT,) Zioctineh' Itititats, 'Winders mid Machinists: • Mannfactare STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all Ozer. Special atiention invited - to nurnewSTATION ART OIL.,VTELIfENGMEF AND. PORTABLE BOILER,,of 15-horsespower. • CASTINGS, of every kind, made to order &tour Foundry, on THIRD STREET, below Market... RIGS for 011 Wells, SHAFTING, _PULLEYS.. HANGERS,HOUSEandTURACED fSCREWEI and IRON TOE ADCOPRISSES, on hand and Irked* to order, atthe • "-- - INDUSTrAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheni River, near the Point, PITTSBURGH, mir AU order, promptly Ailed. TRY VS. r pß 7 • BOILER, STILL MI TfK WOILitS. CARROLL & S YDER, irAzturavrousis or Timmas. riotrztx-rveran VIDOLAD, E TLEN.-BOX AND CYLINDNIA MAY BOIL OIL sTmus AND OIL T CHIMNEYS, BISHXOI3INEf iI aI /1101 PANIN FIZTT E IALIIG PASS. BALT' YANA AND CON.. DNIMPIAL =NAN IVPII 134.501[1!Mia1l AND 130 N asmeas• pawl; D 0 0 .138 AND COAL SEUTBI --•- . puree and Warchous CORlier Second, Third, Short add Lt lltrmds, PITTSBURGH. PL , 11r i ggermli vie above address wile ; W MID itt i pa. Sailig i with the Milo any me Fire El i Conde ee tore, } ttl Pine 4 nd ant B Iler: Bell RI 61 - STOVES, CASTINGS, &o, BRADLEY £ CO.; • • .110.110 WOOD STROH, 11anulheturers of the greatest variety of L • • Coo, Parlor sad Heating Staves, •• TO 01 7001iD Id our assortment irtil be found all the LwrieT PATTe ENS AND lIIPROVAII.Er. To, and the repntation of our Stores is such that any: one In Want of a good artiele should - purchase none but those manufactured by 111, as they will be found thentost•durable as well as econonacal. ,Would call particular attention to ourneWt VoLCAN. , 5 VE. i . a for churches, hallsuna stores. Over 500 ..4 ern In three moutns. Intended for with or with out the superior to any other and far . cheaper. Send for estate: e and Price List. • • e3O, 11101,1111613.4% , 00., ( IitAXIMACTIMXBA OP XVIAT 'Wain 0." -ENTCII O IiTIEIe OSTON coos...pip. RANGE, 4 7 PER FIERY, FURNACE," . • 101 l waio*Qßutunlres• - , THE NE * ALN,i i-irirsi bowthieeirovz, \ 'Zi e riFfottgL.W9Ve t t c° l l BA T ASTIE itqatsaT l P&AN. 1 = 42 ieli+ B P. F L" . , 4114 * , • , I 2 P O e!g4. 2 0 S ' /AUTO Streets 4 ses:Ta 7., , z' .• -1 . i:- 1 1TTT5131313 4 311. PA, prrrosinamilia. COOk STOVES. , Bus rilidid co. s ' 808 B.ITILIf •0 US COAL. .01: 4. i '' •4 4 :• 7 , • - r l.f . ' '2 T:L'; f: 's r Warranted to Cie:, , Bale or Bonet as 11 a any othe;3 ,TO in the Union. '' 7, ' •isi ::' - 4:00: . ::: 4, .. '-.N0.. 2815 . 1 - Abertv Street.' ~:---- - c. 7 , : :,• T r ~ ~1 7 )-7, LOO Mtait MM', ISlei ... . ... ' ' - ' rik.ELOßBTointa, ~) • ,_- , . .• 2 i , ... 7 !1 4 .:2_ 71 9 12 t/iiir l a i ' ll ialLnd all r* , ' , '- - 1 - r" -cooKING - ELAwins. ice. ILI ~' 1i 1 T ataiItiA9DMISECTIA alarm= o. co., 4..T-lER MAKERS ZET IRON WORKERS, 11% ll* AND seyrsrN -• • • a large yard loid furnisted It est approved machinery we are pre anufacture every description of BOlL best manner, and - wilimAted - e.Onal to • thecountry. , chime Breeching, Steam . Pipes, Locomot.ve Boilers, s, Salt Pans, Tangs, Oil Stills, /Leta, . • Pans, Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar so manufacturers of BarnMlPs rat e: isf SOO on gnoratit nottelf.' t: I it. ED M. BIiT9H & SON, Iiat2II37A.CMULa4 Belle's, on \stills, Taub._ sidirr moitwont, AU. strietviaittatnirgle, PO. CET. THE agsT. irRitIMPH, - L1114113111R. MI NEW - GOODS. FINE • VASES, NEW STYLES, DlEDs r litoo 'EMT OIFYB, VOICING SETS, It vi • I EiIi9ER PLATMII4IIOODS of all deioristiont. -•. • ' Call and CIIIIIIIIIS Gods, and we to • eiVe r IL E. - BREED & 00. r-PrrTSKROB 13AZETTEil MONDAY - OCTOBEt 18 ; 1869. FPI:WM% MACnEMBTEL W, -J ANDERSON, H. A. FREYVOGIAL MONONGIIIELI FOIINDIIY 9 W. J. ANDERSON & CO., Manufacturers of AEON HOUSE FRONTS, WINDOW LINTELS and SILLS, and Castings of all Descriptions. sr Special _attention paid to AP.CHITECTH RAL CASTINGS and to Castings for Window Glass Rousts OFFICK ,ND FOL N DRY-1S O. 150 WATER STREET, Pittsburgh. Pa, KNAP FORT PITT F9UNDRY COYPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PIMSBURGH I PA. llrEngines, Boning Mill Ma. chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. - owner varron and smith:um ssrsou, WERTH WARD.) PIT sl343vittan, v.S. WILLIAM SMITH, nzanufaeturor or OAST IRON BOWL PIPE FOB OILS AND WATER WORKS. ll san LW a t i r i eggis u g ai nv . ar=iz a rits. in dmi of general Castings for Gas and Water Worts. , r would also can the .etention of_An_parintentl ante Of Gas Works to a..y make of sswilTlS. -, DIIQUESNE FORGE, --I \ " 11A.ll IWILIMI, (Sue. , r to JOS. P. 1111611 A C 0.,) Ru !Wes co extensive with the leading Forges in the Eaat, an oldenpared to promptly and sat factortly till all Jo:STEAMBOAT SHAY 'CRANKS, PISTON ROD+, LEVERS, Paid N' IAMS,WRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES, LOCO OTIVE FRAMES, together witb every description of SHAPE WORE. Odice and Porta Cornet of Duquesne Way and Tirst Street. apl4 MO RosorsoN, BEA & Co., Successor. to ,1101MMICCe. KIM I MiLldest. Iff . - Z :0 s ' GTON WOILBE4 FOU DERS AND SACHINISTS,PIMBIAGISI Man timers of Boat and Stationary Steam Em ir: ' ; 11 6 1 14tV:tall idli d i elr i ti nerl .'orrafi and 8 i Boiler and Sheet Iron Wort. _ _ Oat* o. IN, COMM sad Eindtaaeld Streets. Agents for GIFIARD'S PATENT INJECTOR for Seeding Boiler& jail rtel OMAS CARLLY & CO., TT Fourth Ward !sundry and Machine Work', shospuszy ST., ALLEGHENY CITY. PA.. Maiefactrz i re of fitattet r O y and Portable O t t i egt 14:(11104 Work, Rotting Di and Machine Castles', Orate Bars. Weigats, !Aw s n Boxes et Ac. 4:114 tO order sal lute .. on NW Ended all .(11 :OILS:: • D OND OIL WORRY. H. M. LONC & CO., Oat, DA ' LZELL BUILDING, s tale Duquesne Way. Pittsburgh. P . ; 405 RAND RING, Cope:lesion Merchants and Brokers la petrol run and its Produ cts, DAIEI.I.I BLocK, puguEsita war, 1 PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS. Boom 17, Chamber or Commerce, , $.3.0 3 SOUTH[ SECOND STREET. IVA NEU:OTHERS,- 1 ' ' 00t IA .. lON MMICHAIM g _ - -/LID DEALERS IN Petro eum and its Products, . „ , , ; • , ' Pittsburgh Ofice—DALZELL,B BUILDING. Mather Of Unguents Way and Irwin street.. , Philadelphia OMpe-4/17 WALNUT ST. tpl.wid ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY, HERBERT W. C. TWEDDLE, 4 4 31Wrt , A t l i TII14°1! f 7, ' ili , Lhblicating k High Test Barnlogolls. maws. 109114, 1 1 Aittreili‘,:v - -- Stands great ithat `without Tittiettilyis Limpid at lownskternpitna S pecialoll or tropical °Man or bat 'weather. Locomotive. Engine, Machin a, Shop, Wi lgLU " Va s* SawPlaslas Kill Oth On., d Width speed. _ . , i Spindle - 021, - Wirs ta ßE= SOM. 011, Tmaillaiarai 0 'WI,' T, . ins kiNlarlestsir I 11..martry.-011.€ g 114114)riZtia ~. „fa ri s e 1 - 105431i1031 i c.ff s tiSag ji = r fami Ran. la rogiaeta ate tosatalontwal matt Jar. Twed ejetent bylippnitesoBl%tensi a yea. per. 'LIM ithbricatlag Vim gre on ulna. pertain, pure uniform. eau Mast Wit °Tod. , a nd II Inthieleperature nee iolsrotag ragas limpid duringextrailald. 0 Bwreat OW atit Mk WI, *stare ockipr r i les can-. be . I , De exii.. 041 ,orders left at, 7 _WIND STREET... ET, Otte at Shaw gosbeni Bridge, ,/- STONIII. \ WEST tommoN_ ~ , .IF 41.. i tr s'l ili • • ...% r v . srf . f .t ~ Jiaolsine&ono Worm , ' . , i ~...,. . , •Tlithithwest corner ... 4 West Oolinenh :t tllESsie 0 "•"` , Mitigetifv,EVVlllTEMlC.iit d,c'u RaSe on hand or'epage.enAs s it.sketiqllearik 9 1141 Tr Bt lf e eld . 7 10 is lIT lift a Cs. reics. 0 ittiremesarma. Prim reasosable FEINA FINAROULL. TRAMMIEN4S NATIONAt BANK, Wood St., corner second . Avenue. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS flotd, Coupons; Bonds and Stocks BOUGHT AND SOLD. A. IittADLF.Y, President, CYRUS CLARKE, Jr., CsShier. AMERICAN BANE. NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. CABII CAPITAL 5200.00 0 Stockholders Individually Liable. BABE Or DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN FLOYD - FLOY6. President. Cashier. DiszcTo,l9. Thos. M. Marshall, John I!. Moorland, Wm. T. Shasmon, Archibald Wallace, antes W. Arrott, Jas. D. Kelly, Chas. B. Leech, Was. Floyd. John Irlord, This Bank is now fully to elok43do a general Banking t aV s z s ed and prepared. FIFTH AVENUE BANK Of Pittsburgh, Is now open for Discouht, Depositoand General Banking Business. Any sum received from One Dollar upwards. Interest at the rate of six per cent. paid on time depos.ts. DiniciOns: , ED. THITIBIEGE. W. P. WETMAN. W. H. SIMS. FRANS KEMEBT, W. C. ROBERTSON, HENRY MEYER, DAN. .KINZER. POE IP. M. ARMOR, EMIL RTEL. ED. DiTHRIDGE, President. F. F. SCHENCK. Cashier. CITY BANK. 112 Fifth Street,Pittsbtirgh, PIO - • CAPITAL, 1100.000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. OTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Bought and sold, and when desired remitted to Europe. Collections made on all the principal Points of the United States and Canada. Downricit trtmes.e. President. JANIS MCCAHL Vice W. N. iliotioaar. Cashier. DIPSCTOna. D. Thmien. James IteCibe, Thomas Rourke, Hugh Keating. J. Dunlevi. Jr., Terence Campbell. Patrick Kane, James Phelan Chas. B. Barr, H.A.Frereore, Jno.Jos.llermann. Thomas Barnes, Jel:ts GA.ZZLY, Solicitor. • ' THE SAFE DEPOSIT CODIFAITY Of Pittsburgh. Incorporated by tha Legislature of Peensylya.._ nil, January . AS, 1661. for the safe-k aping i of Bonds and other Securities, Gold and Ryer, Silver Plate, Books, Records. Dlamon and Valuables of all descriptions, under guarantee, and ror the renting of Safes In its burglar-proof vaulte. Building and Meet Jiro. S 3 FOURTH arEXUE, . . PriIIoBEIIGH, PA. PRISIDX,NT . -WILLIAM PHILLIPS. VICE PagetMour — ilkNßY LLOYD. - DIHICCIVES: i WM. PHILLIPS, 'JAMES I. BE K 1 SRI - LLOYD, ; BYRON H. PAMIR WILLIAM REA, qOS. S. M(lsinsi)N. W/LLIAM URT . LY IS ki HI N, .SSEYORGE BLAulg s C. BECIMABT AND TszAsunss: S. F. VON SUSI:HORST au4901e7 hUT, CAIIGHEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, . (Vorlwr Third and W?od Streets, rrinCS3l3ll7so3o6 PA*, IItIOCIAZOBB TO 'Luisa. HART a ce..) amiss Eachange, Coin, Coupons, Aid partlenly ittantlos told to the traiehas. and sale of GOVERNMENT PONDS, sight Drafts on London. rsvl:sia DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. NO. 65 FOLIIITI3 STIIIIIIT: ,—. _. G _, ' • CHARTEED IM 1883. ' AIIIISTS . 3 '9,803,431 33 Qpen daily; ROM 9' o'clock A. tr,to 3 o'clock V. 111,.. c and SATURDAY EVENINGS. from May tat to November lst, from Vto IP o'clociy and from November Ist to May Ist, from ato el o'clock. ' ` ' " P. Deposit* rdelved ot ail sum* of not 'less than ONN DOI. AR and a dividend "of the prodts declared tWIcC a year, in June and December. Interest hatlsten declared seml•annually in June apd December since the Bank was organised. at the tate oral; per cent. A year. Interest,if not drawls out, is p l ac ed to I a, credit et te depositor as principal, and bears t § same int'Arest,tromthe• 'lst days pf. June and' Deceinber.tanipounding twice a year, without ixsaubling the depositor to call, or even'lO present 0140001 t; ; At this rate money will double to less than twelell Tears. •• • z _. ~, Books copulating the smarter,' optAws, Rules liiid Regulation*, furnished •gratlii,. on tippIIMPLI •, oaAttheolliee. •. • ,: SORGE AL811y,11..., ', • ' .• PfiT/iii ' 2., ~ ..., r..... J. 1 119" lizzI P I r r51 '._ .. - • John G. Packoreri,, , , •A. , M. Poilook,• M. D., Beni/ Pt fahnestock.. Robert Robb, _ James %Idiom', , _John 11. Gituenberlit. James hicY, Janus Biddle& • James E. . Meeds. .: Alexander . Spear.::` . Issaold. Pennock, Christian Yeager. , i.:•'. - ;17 i• - • , :t Tauctsxe: W. J. Anderson, .. - • !Übe:TO:Leta:eta 1 . oCalvitl Adams, Henry J. Lynch. • • John. C. Gtodley,' . , Peter A. Medeirs, II • George Black. John. Marshall.: __ • • : • Hill purigwin. Walter P. Maratusu, • Alonzo A. Carrier; John B. MeTedden, r . Chart. Cotton, '. David llcCandlets, 4 John.• vans. -. IL W. I•llvere ' ' • - John ~ Gillespie. - . Ormsby Phillips.; .•• • 'William 3.,lisavene lienryL. Rtnacralts - . 7 . • Peter H. Hunker, , 'Wm.( E; Schmerta„ •" Richard lials, , z . Alexander Undies, • • James 1). Kelwo. • WIWI= Vial ro ligig. •' ' Tsir.A.struira—CHA LES A. COL TUB. : 1 SactorrAni—J.S.llE,B B. 1). ME6DII. . RADE MARK. MIBRIDGE'LL E: Crg' ru%r dl 1.7 7jr. ' ‘l. EBEEMI FINANCIAL. SILVER AND COUPONS Bought at Highest Prices. PH. B. lIIRTZ, janhier Con Wood and Fifth Streets. M HOLMES SONS, • • 3a.a.1 4 :4335301 2 1.1it5. 5 . WI Market Street s Pri"r'ESZVELGin, , - Collection, made on all the prlnelpal points of the United 13tetee and Canedu. Stocks,Bondsandother Securities sopesTAND I sOLD ON -OokEUINNON. Putkular attention paid to the purchase and iate of ted States Securities. • slew. oc9•DIF JAMES T 1 Bey 86 CO, girt-woos os. JONES * 00..) Corner Fourth and Wood Sta., .436 .I\7' 33E. 3EIL. ES, / BUT AND BELL ALL RODS 01 GOVRRNIENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SEVER AND COUPONS, ON Non FAVORABLE TERNS. -, Nir Interest Allowed on Deposits. 10 . 1rE N zad o r z a r rel l . on Government Bonds at Order's executed for Um _Paramus and Salo of STOOKS, BONDS and SOLD. JAMES T. BRADY & CO. gittsburgij etaytts. FrN.ACBAND TRADE), ONDAY, October 18, 1869. § Orrick O PITTSBURGH I GAZETTE,? The gene al impression in regard to, the recent ld excitement is that ma nipulations of the gold market are out of the question, and it:is generally conceded that the market, if left alone by . the Government, will rule about 130 for. some time to come, although there are indications pointing to lower gold. The future course of the premium is de. pending on the outstanding short in terest, which, if small will lease plenty of room for a decline, but if a large un covered interest flxists, rapid Midas- Lions may follow, and 137 would not be too high A poiut at which the present owners of gold' would aim. Government .honds are inactive, changing .scarcely g per cent. for the whole week. From the, large offerings to the Government it may be fairly supposed, however, that`-lower quota tions would ensue. • ------•.,_ Stocks are strong and have advanced ma more active money market, twit eating that a certain short interest ex ists; 'valet' after covering will produce a dal!, heavy feelinein all shares. The receipts, however, of some of the Western roads are falling behind those of other years. Unless the canal navi. gation should prove unfavorable for a late season, little prospect . exists for raising the receipts of Western roads, while expenses remain as before. Business dull andbeyond the supply of the day nothing doing. - Money.:':' ••• ; commands from 10 to 15 per , cent., accorifing to the grade of , the se ' curity. .. Quotations : as received by Ph. R. -;Mena: Gold, 1804; Silver, 125; Eighty one's, -119 34 ; Five Twenties; '1862, 120 g; do ' 1884, 11934; no 1865, 11934;.d0 1866, Consols, 117%; ao /867. 117%; do 1868, 117%; Ten Forties, 108 g; New ~ York Central, 18134; Erie, 131; Read/tat, 9534; Pittaburgh.• Fort Wayne .t Chicago Railroad ; ' 8134; Ohio & Idisissippi,,l27; Michigan' . botitherri, ' 9034; Cleve land ~ & • Pittsburgh, 99g; • 'Meade a Hock* Island, }OW; Chicago & North Wester:a; 71%1 Chicagolt North Western Pretstred, lAN; Adams Express Com \panT—;i p t iii. ..* L arts . . U4desonterßEznin Union • Telegraph' Company, Big; American Ex. prese COPAOIIoY 84 34. EXollaeCini:: Largo. &natl. London, Very £ ~.........18,40 116;50 Publ.: per franc-.... . . ... -.. 20 , 2734 Berlin,,thaier - '. 96 9734 Franklin% ins .. 5634 . 674 , 117 Tetepseb:to the Pltuhurge Guette,l , . , Nrat_YoEtc,' ObtOber . 16,1869. ' ' ''Eventl -' 9 fl BY So to show a.c4seget, in the speculative apirit in tbeStliek l 4 4. auntie.. :A large' rise in :Central'' and Hudson River occasioned much diecua; sion. : It 1s ettgniite& to :,the belief that, the breaks in'ainuthi"nomot be repaired ii seasowto bring all• the grain at . But. , ialo to Newl:Yerk, by ewalier.l - A itisnuak "bull" movement in steaks wAI the re.' snit , of this advance...A committee of Lake Shore directors . had ~ a sm.' Dion. today, but made po report. Otte „of them 'is ... of . . the opinion. that, the OomPany won't lose over :Alf a. million dollars by the ;Lockwood failure. The vieditora of the Gold Exchange batik. have determined the best .course.la to steep all matters in dispute out of court. • Some sellers of the:three percent. - cer=. 01104 es at a'pietnium were unable to 484 liver to,day, 'owing to the scarcity of Retell lifeenMoke,• Which command g per cent' , premium. Money active at 840 7 per cent..? , , • The bank statement is uneitiectedly fai torable..,The.bankstiold , ppwdgoti 1 300,000*0f lkrtfditibliby lihtive the leg 2J4 at I rtmer v e ~ ,J,Ai niy - 7 4248„8,37,88111;,de_.? gi2,211.,60.-'150016,1211;1329;010i decreaW $1,11.4.456,1.•tu1ati0nt'4111,217,11.11i in. 'crease, '188,189. Deposita, 1178,810118r1ie.. . =I crease, $571,439. - Legal Tenders, 853,2':9,.. 504; decrease, 81,211,916. Sterling quiet at 9®9%. Gold quiet and steady; opened at 130 and closed at isoxogisoy,. Carrying rates 3 7 4@6 per cent. At the National Exchange r 25,. 000 of gold was sold out under the rule at 130 for account of Sihron• Wormser. Exports for the week were :1,010,513. Gavernments steady. Conpons-of 'Bl, 19%,®20; do '62, 261;®20%; do '64, 19%® 19%; do '6,5, 10}4519%. do. new, 17%W 17%; do '67, - 17%g17%; do. '6B, 17%: 10 4G's, 103%61083; currency 6s, 1073;0103. \ State bonds dull; Missonris, 863: old Tennessees, 601.; new do., 64!,4; old Vir giniatc, 49; new do , 50; L011191£11:13 levee 6's, 6334: a's, 83; 1 .;; old North. Carolinas, 47; new do.; 403.w01d South Carolinas, 65. Stocks higher, but closed dull and un-' settled: Canton, 50r-Cumberland, 2634; Western Union 36; Quicksilver, 12%; Mariposa, 8; do. preferred. 16% Pacific Mail 5634; Water P-wer, 1434: Hartford & Erie, 17; Adams Wells & Fargo, 22%; •Arne . • N. Y. Central, IS3 _ sem 165%; Readi prerd, 1.81 Alichig isran Southern, 91%; - 133%; Pittsburgh, 100%; Northwente.-, 72%; do. preferred, 84% 8 ; C. C. & C., 74; R. 1., 107%; St. Paul, 67; do. prerd, 81; Wabash, 63%; do. prerd, 75; Terre Haute, 3034; do. preferred, 58;;• Chicago and Alton, 1433 4 ; Ohio and Ma sissippi, 27%. Mining Shares dull. Boston Prices unchanged. Sub-Treasury balance 89,996,088. I'm ports of the week—dry goods, 81,319,456; general merchandize, 121418,333. PITTSBURGH BARRET • , Orricrs c•IP Prrrsztraou G a, i SATURDAY, OCIDDer, 15 169. S Business generally has teen dull du-. ring the past week or two.l and it must be confessed that the indications 'at pre sent for anyi immediate improvement, are not encouraging. It is true trade should be go&I at this particular season of the year, particularly' the flour and grain business, but with no outlet, no , chance for our merchants to sell or make consignments to the east, they are oblig ed to restrict their operations very ma- • terially in consequence. . As we noticed the other day, an effort is being made to have this _difficulty fairly and ateeiably adjusted, and it is , earnestly hoped that it will be success ful. A correspondence has been opened up with the proper officers of the Penn. Sylvania ,fitallroad,! :and a; committee appointed to take charge of the matter in behalf of Pittsburgh, and s it is possible that a satisfactorarrangement may be . y k:td perfected by whic oar merchants will be greatly bonen , and the business interests of the cititnaterially advanced. We understand that ,no reduction is asked on grain, flour and feed etc. etc. bought in the west and sold ' egain in this market; but after it arrives a d it is found more advantageous to obi on fur ther east, it is asked and claim that it should be taken at the throe h rate. from whatever point it was o ginallyshipped, l shipped, and' thus enable Pitts urgh to i l completawith the went. That ' certain ly a fair and reasonable demi d; and we cannot see bow the r ailroadlcompany can well refuse to comply with it. If. Ihis was done the shipments of the articles referred to, as - well as many others, would be largely increased, and the already large revenue received by the Pennsylvania Central Company from Pittsburgh would be very materially in creased. APPLES—The receipts continue light -and with a reduced supply , the market is tirm and prices well sustained, rang ing from $2,00@3,50 per bbl. - ASHES—Steady but unchanged-4@ 41/. for Soda, and 9 for Pearls. BUTTER—Is in rather better supply, and the market is, easier, though , prices are unchanged--prime to choice Roll; CHESTNUTS—Have etill further .de dined and we now quote' at f6,00@6,50 per bushel. , -_- - CHEESE—Is steady' with regular job bing sales at 15@l8 cte—the outside lig ure for prime New "York Goshen. CARBON ..OlL—Standard brands 28g @29 for roupd lots; and So@i3r in a retail way. CRANBERRIES—SaIes ._,_ of ' choice eastern cultivated at 811,.50®12 per bbl. DRIED FRUIT —Apples ate quoted'_ at 9®lo,ctin.per pound,. and Peaches at.. 10. fits. for bright 'quarters, -and 14c for - - bright halves._EGGS—Ffri and higher, with: sales of fresh packed at 25@2.6. FEATHERS-Tpulip,quoted_ at 80@85 cents to the trade, and,the nanabadvarice for small lotsin. stcire.., . -2- . . . L.. FLOURContinties - dnit ihatigh tin changed. As there is no chance to ship "east, share isa stro4 cOmpetition fordo. cal trade, and, as a . consequence.: mar gins, are very, niucti reduced. Western Winter Wheat bianda are still being • sold,in store-: at .116,25@6,75, for s fair to, choice. There is ;little. or no Spring, Wheat flour here, and not much inquiry, for it. 1. , GRAlN—Wh'eat ;is quiet- and un Changed; sales ißed at V 1,25, and White at 51,56, Barley comes forward slowly, and this tends somewhat to • stiffen the • market,'as malsters and brewers are get. . dog 'restless and feel likelaying in stocks. quotations may be fairly given at 51,25 ® s. 111,85, for fair to choice. Rye is in good ; supply and dull ' - './.,tt but few buyens above 21,00, , though prole penna. and Ohio Rye cannot be,,_bought, as, „yet, be. low 111,05. Sale of some 6,000 bushels' -: western itiported at gllOO. Qats quiet told unchanged, 47@48, on, track, and•so • to 52 in store. - - .Corn is gutted at 95 for mixed :.. I d 'Wafer prime Yellow—usual advance for small iota in store. - HAT—Salsa from country ,wagons At .. g15a23......mpet1y at 111.5@20. • , BUSKII-144es at 2M(43 ets pox paturi. -: LIMB' ' plea or Cieveltlno Whito,llnle at 62@ 2, 2 . 1 ! - bbl. I ' !AND!) ' ' Eitra Igo. 1, at /1145@1,48 ,and No. 2,_at /1.0552/1,08., -. , • , _.. • , ONIONS—SaIes at $2,504g34 4 ) per bbl; . `the oittaide pure fur choice._ - ' „Izt .. POTATOES--Sales Pe Ch . 'Blows at 50 editor bitsbel: ,,, Jersey weets t. stave de=n ' °lined. to 54,50. per bbi. : • PROVISIONS—Marke steady- with ,g W continued, fairjobbi . , demand hilt races unchanged. eit iv.quotiat should ere ati7Mr7l‘;, Clew; Pdb d Bldg's, 29X; Meal do, -21; .Ribbed; - ge, Piallr'Sulkar Cured Rams, M. 1 .; Lard, in tierces ; 20; in - ' half bbisi 20)i in, kegs 21. , Mess Pork, ;,133.50..;'- •,_=.tr.t . POULTRY—SaIes of chickens at 55 to 65 centsper pair, according' to size. ' snow Seed is dull and we now qutite,ht .$4,00(42,4.25 , .2 Ilaisstad: , la winoted at 112,25@,2,40, No 'movement in SALT—Is drudir, With: sales _of Our , load lots at )11,94 per bbl. _ STRA.NV:-1111M . C . iniAlleglienis. - ifigri ,-,,,, at $l2 per ton., i ..., Pa , , - .. , _---1--,- Dea.itorty Oetober- - -Itt —Fhmr-aesive et 85,E etaah reatalMegeirealw Iv . bble.. , W heat airbohr .bneerinerhtt. ea :white:o4ll,W Ncil 1 drilitas,:_\ret ( $l,O7®l;OS, and amber 81.124 Oats 4,, Sa4le#lweak4f2-per-10( 1 !,