The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 18, 1869, Image 3

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DienCE OP PlTTsßustorit GAZETTE, i
SATURDAY, October, 16, 1869. S
illitets tiViarket has been somewhat ex
cited during, the week which has just
closed, and esimPareii with last week
prices are higher, then bout bout a..,g low •
er to-day than yesterr.i Y. i The most ini
portant and noticable .-
nt of the week
was the notification by hfi
Railroad Company 01 - 1 a s ivance in
• . I
freight, to take effect on f--
~,d E ft fxr Mon
day next, of fifty-five {vnts per be., as
we remarked yesterday, this tva.3
1 , .
not wholly unexpectedi though it IS
claimed by the trade thSi the" notice was
unu'ually brief, only fdr,ty.eight hours,.
:- , -
and, besides, there are 'tlicse who think
the advance most too steep. 1 The great.
objection, however, appears to be in
"regard to the very short notice, as it has
unsettled, and, temporarily lit may be,
scippled the business and placed many of
our refiners and dealers in an embaras
ing position.
As noticed in our last report, the ten
dency of the advance in freights will be to
advance relined and depress crude,and al
ready the latter has , been affected as Inti
mated. Some operators , are of the
-opinion that the advance In freights will
cripple the business here during the bal
ance of the season; but as the advance
:seems to have been general, and is not
-confined to -this place alone, we are in
hopes that it will not turn out so badly
,-.assoine have been led to believe.
Receipts Crude this week, 22,611 bbls;
last week, 20,746; from January let to
-date, 692,097; same time last year, 907,-
•960. Exports: relined this week, 16,260;
last week, 7,379; Januery Ist to date;
432,188; same time last year, 548,148;
Bales this week, 58,000 - last week, 3,800
Sale 2,000 bbls until December Ist, a;
143,;. Spot or seller this month, 143/
,:®I4X; seller all 1869, 14y0 buyer, 15 j 1
Market quiet and a little weak with
drooping tendency.
Sale December, at 323‘,; 500 each, No
• Vember and December. at 3231: and 1,00
buyer all year ' at- 33y,. The abov
prices, compared with those of yester
day, show a dcline of y e of a cent, but all
the close this vening the market was
firther, and t ere were no sellers at
these quotations! .
Eclipse Winter, Lubricating, 0iL..... 40e
Eclipse Railroad Axle 85t
Eclipse Machinery . - - . ,75c
Eclipse. Spindle ~.. 80c
Stella Works 160, .on account G. S.'
Thomas; Patterson & Neahousa 50;
Eclipse Oil Works 153, on account J. R.
Dulor; Liberty Oil-Works 330, on ac
count Pool Bro; Waring King 400 do.,
Pool Bro; ,Natiorl9l Ref. Co. 987 on ac
count J. ihiunball & Co. Crystal Oil
Works, 332,10 n account Fisher Bro; Vista
Oil-Works 323, do; account Fisher Bro;
B. - W." Morgan 4 Co. 480, - on account
Owston & SowersoJas. Wilkins 160, on
-account Philadelphia & Boston Pet. Co.;
Holdsbip & Co. 480, on account Fisher .
Bro.; Spray Oil Vilorks,24o.
Total 5,072 bbls
orr. swirfEn is az BT A. V. B. a.
- Keystone 01 Works 197 bbls refined
to Warden, Frew
~it Co., Philadelphia.
McKelvy &. Bro 4 304 bbls ref. oil to,
W. P. LOgan tic - Brp., Philadelphia.
- Citizen Oil Cci4. 520 bbls refined to
Tack Bros., Philadelphia: -
.: Standard Oil Co., 299 bbls - refined to
- Warden, Frew ,t Co., Philadelphia.
, Lyons & Co., 234 bbls refined to W.
P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia.
J. C. Kirkpatilek dr. Co., 99 bble to
• War i ng,,Kink& Co., Philadelphia.
, • Braun dr aguer 316 bbls refined to
Waring, King & Co o Philadelphia.
Forsyth & BrC. '* , 156 bbls refined to
Warden, Frew dr COT, Philadelphia.
; Lockhart, Frew & Co. 56 bbls tar to
Libby & Clark, New York.
.; Lockhart; Frew & Co. 633 bbls refined
. t o Warden, Frew &C 0.,• Phila.
Fawcett. lA. & 5.246 bbls refined to W.
F. Logan k Piro4 . Philadelphia.
Total shlpttientsaletined
Total shiptnentsitar
ctn. • sErrmEtersxEn WEST PENNA. It r.
5, . , Montzheliner, fKoehler & Co. 537--bbls
tC? Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia.
IHoldship & Co., 354 bbls ref. oil -to
: lit , ,'aring, King '& Co., Philadelphia.
...•C. D. Miller 117 bbls refined oil to
' ;Waring. King dr Co., Philadelphia.
Total Refined. ..1 ...- ........... .... II 008
Brookin Ballentine & Co, 51 bbls ref.
to Warden, Frew& Co., Philadelphia.
NEw YPatc, October' 16.—COtton firm,
with sales pf 2,600 bales at 264 c for mid
tiling uplands. Floar, receipts of 11,414
barrels. flour 5010 c betteron lo* grades
with salesof'\6 s ,soo barrels at 15,7505,85
for superfine 'lo westein, 0,9006,50
for'ettra State, 15, 1 30000 for extra west
ern, 16,55,07,00 for white wheat extra,
for - R. H:O., 16,2507,00 for
extra St! Louis, 17,0608,50 for good
thous d64.closing quiet. Rye flour in
fair request, with sales of 450 barrels at
$4,7556,15. Corn meal dull. Whisky
dull so $1,70 for weateno and 11,2001,204
free. Receipts of wheat, 654,040 bushels;
wheat 102 c better,and quiet, and clotting
heavy, with sided , of 43,000 bushels at
11,38,g1,42 fOr inferior to fair No.
2 spring, $1,5301;54 'for winter red and
amber , westerne. 41,53 - tor amber
• Tennessee, /1,55 for amber State, $1,48
for 'winter. red lilinoie, /1;55 for white
Dbio, 1)1,58 for white Michigan, and $1,65
•• @1,70 Jor choice white State. Rye a
-had e firmer, with sales,4soo bus: State
~ at 11,22. Barley quiff!, - with sales of
4,00016uS Canada 'West at $ 1,55. Parley,
Malt quiet. Clorii; l 'reiteltits •of 2,400 bus;
opened lc bettr anthclosed dull with•the
advance lost;.eales-ef44,0110-bus, at'
s. (1,10 for libel:faint Pitged 4fifltera,• 11;12
01,17-for sound do., includlng.2o;ooo bus
mixed. western to. arrive• next week•at
$1,12, Oats; receires4 .87,170 bus; , active.
and lo better, .Writ h..sales of-52,000 lons irt
630660 Tor nosy, southern, !western' and
State. Rice,quiet. ',Coffee quiet. • Snier:
firm, with,saleS of 850 hhda Cuba at 114 ,
0 , 12413,1- Molasses - Petroleum".
• Off firm, at,l74yc .for crude, and 32%3.
'for refined.. Hope, quiet at 12@200 for
American::Lcati.:ter; hem
, look sole iittier:at. 30031, Buenos Ayres
and•illo Grande:light and middle Weight.",
Wool 'quiet anll l .llrni,.With pow
• pounds at 450536' for, domestic fleece; 33
. quo= for unwashed; 49(041fe fOr'palled;
and 5734 c for tObbed., ; Linseed ti ll quiet.
at $101;02 in assts.- Pork •steady and
• quiet, with at $31®31V25'
for maim; closing at i $3l fnasir, , /28;50
026,25 for -prime, and:427,1300 . 28fer.
Prime Mess; 0180250, bble new,rpetifkael
ler - .:first loaf >: Deeember, at If VE6
Beef - .100 hb,U,
• s 6 @itsltii'4l l 3 IllittrOPV^ . 4 , V?@ ll 3 Boll br
newiaxtraitne a;• Beef •liamaqelerfnMek•
of 85!.bbliiinf11130;6;!`gritileaff(iteidyJ;
I.2sle'kageo,n ac: 1.4114015413! for •
shoulders ari 17@190 for tame. Mid-
dies firm and in fair demand; sales of 130
boxes, at 163 ac for . Cumberland cut and
17®17%®17%c for ice cured; also, sales
of 350 boxes of - Cumberland cut for De-
Camber and - January on private terms.
Lard lower; sales of 450 tierces, at 17®
17%c for steam and 18®18Xo for kettle
rendered. Butter - firm at 20®33c for
Ohio. Cheese firm at 16®18c. ' Sheath
ing Copper steady at $32.-"- Ingot
Copper firmer, with a better tde
mend at $23. Lake Superior pig iron
quiet and drooping at $38®42 for Scotch,
and 538®41 for American; bar quiet at
$B5 for relined English and. American;
sheet dull at sll®l2 in gold for P.ussia.
Nails very firt,n at la‘c for cut; 16y0 for
clinch, and 25E/ 30c for horaeAhde. Spir
its turpentine dull at I 45%®4tiqe.
Freights to Uverpeol firmer; freight
room scr,rce; rates decided ly firmer at
734 g,sci for wheat per stea .
Latest. Ale9hol $2,3714 2,40. Flour
closed quiet and Unchanged. Wheat
very :lull at yesterday's' price; the ad.
vance id freight'and promise of early re
sumption of canal naa }gadn have a de
pressing effect. Rye quiet and unchang-.
eli, Oats firm at 64®66c. ' Corn lower
and dull: $1,10@1,15 for sound western.
Pork quiet\ and steady at 310 for mess.
Beef quiet and unchanged; cut meats
and bacon limited request and unchang
ed. Lard dull-at 17eg®173;c for fair to
prime steam. Eggs steady at 29®31a.
CurcAelo„ October 16.—Eastern- Ex
change at par to 1.10 per ceut. premium
selling, and at par to 140 per cent. off
buying. Flour ' firm at $4,25456, for
spring extra. Wheat firth and buoyant,
with sales No. 1 at $l,OB and No. . 2 at
51,04%; closing at 81,03' for No. 2; this
afternoon the market was quiet at $1,02
1,02 X, seller October for N 0.2. Corn
opened•firm at 67;‘®68 for No. 2; closed
weaker and quiet at 66®66%; rejected
firmer at 64®65c; this afternoon the mar
ket was quiet at 6535®66c' for No. 2; sel
ler Oct. Oats IA ®%e higtter,sales No. 2 at
1935 ®4ON; closing at 40®403/ 4 c. Bye
fairly active and firmer, witu sales NO, 1
at 80®8055c; No. 2 at 76®786; rejected at
70®71; closing at 78e for No. 2. Barley
opened dull and steady at $1,16 for No. 2,
seller the month; the price subsequently
advanced and closed with buyers at
$1,21. Highwines steady and more ac
tive; sales at $1,12, closing unchanged.
Sugar, 13%®15c for common to prime
Cuba. Mess Pork a shade firmer; sales
at 831®31,50, cash, and. $26,37 1 ,,5 ®26,50,
seller January. Lard steady and quiet
at 17®173(,c. Dry Salted Shoulders 1435
®l43;c. Rough Sides) 17c. Sweet
Pickled Hams 17c. Freights quiet and
a. shade higher. Receipts for the past ,
twenty.four hours-5,960 bbls flour, 88.-
867 bush wheat, 32,485 'With corn, 34,278
bush oats, 5,342 bush rye, 17,142 bush
barley 4,494 head hogs. Shipments
-7,567 b ble flour; 91,473 bush wheat, 93,733
bush corn, 88,221 bush oats, 5,502 bush
rye, 3,583 bush barley, 4.128 head hogs. .
Latest—At open Board in the after
noon the grain market was quiet, but
prices firmer and a shade higher,than at
the close of 'Change; N 0.2 spring wheat
dull at 51,02%®1,03 cash and seller the
month; closing at outride. Corn moder
ately active at 65% ®66c seller the month.
In other grains there
,was no movement;
in the evening wheat closed at 51,02,
seller the month, and seller November
at $1,0231-®1,03. Corn closed with sellers
at 68c. Freights and , provisions -nomi
nally unchanged.
Sr. Louis, October 16.—Tobacco quiet
and inactive. Cotton quiet at 24c. Hemp
firm with sales undressed at 111,50. Flour
dull and prices favor buyers; superfine
$4,50®4,75, extra $1,90®5,75, double ex
tra 55,50®6,50, treble extra 55,75®6,25,
lancy brands $6,50®7,60. \Wheat more
active and firm, sales No. 2 spring at 90
®93c, No. 2 red fall $1,03®1,06, No. 2 do.
$1,10®1,15, choice 51,30, No. 2 white $1,07
®l,lO, No. 1 do. sl,2e. Corn very dull at
be®B2 for mixed, 85c for choice yellow,
88®95c far good to choice white. Oats
dull and lower at 433,®440 in bulk, 47®
50c in sacks. Barley steady for the
best grades, but low qualities are
neglected, and difficult to sell;
lowa spring sold at 55®75c; good
to fancy Minnesota 51,30®1,60; choice
fall .1,80. Rye heavy at 80®82o for
Prime. Whisky steady at 81.15. Gro
ceries quiet and unchanged. Pork dull
and heavy at 531,25. Dry Salt Meats;
sales on orders at 15%cfor shoulders,
18re for clear rib aides, and 190 for clear
8144. Bacon firm, with salee , "on orders
at 17;4c for shoulders, 203‘c for clear rib
sides, and 20,%c for clear aides. Lard
ery little doing; small sales choice in
ball barrels and kegs at 19®1035c. Cat-
tle in fair supply with a moderate de.
mend at 235 ®5%0. Hogs active and
firm at B®loe. 'Receipts-4,300 bbls flour;
23,000 bush wheat, 19,700 - bush corn, 28,-
460 bush oats; 8,900 bush barley, 10,300
,hneh rye, 350 hogs.
1 Cirscinsavi, Oct. Oct, 16.---cJotton dull;
middling 25c. Tobacco dull and no sali , s.
Whisky in moderate demand at 5t,15.
Flour steady; family 55,50&5.75. Wheat
in good demand; red 11,10®1,16. Corn
steady at 90c. Oats . dull; No. 2 48z; No.
1 51(952.c: white 54 ®ssc. , Rye steady at
-900 for No. 1, except light. Barley g 1,60
for fall. Mess pork dull and the prices
are nominal at 530. Lard• dull at 1734®
17140. "Bulk meats—none offering. Ba
con dui% shoulders 17e: clear rib clear
sidet 20e. Batter Ann at 30@35C- Cheeee
16%®17c for Western Reserve. Eggs
firm at 20a. Linseed oil dull at 97®98c.
Lard oil steady at $l,BO. Sugar steady
and in fair demand; raw 13% @lee. Cof
fee firm at 2035®,2535c. Seed unchanged;
clover 12®12%0 per pound; timothy 53.60
Q 3,60 per oustieb 0014.130 buying. Ex
change dull.
BVFFALO, October 16.—Recelpta: 111000
bbls flour 50,,000 bus wheat, 30,000 bus
corn 25,000 bus oats, 6,000 bas barley,
10,000 bus rye. Shipments: 119,000 bus
wheat, 148.000 btis oats. Frelehtst• 23®
24c for wheat,- 200 for corn; and 120 for
oats ,to New York. , Flour; a local de
n-mid only. ,Wbeat better,with vilest/
13,000 bus No; 2 51.11Walikee Club at 51,14,
16,009 bue do. at $1,1607t§00. bus NO. 3419-
at $1,03®1,12. 1 Cora stea dy,tifi with small
lots selling at - 77®80c. ".„Oatn.fair'de
mend, With sales of 60,009 bed at 40e.
Eye negleeteri. !Barley quiet:isit i vialei
'of 20,000fbue: Canadian, by samples ,at'
Si, 18 in:store; one olecholee Canadian at
.11,25,delivered to cars. Higbvithea none
ink at 51,16©1.19 ~ liasa - /PorkLdnili at
; 3 ?i!..P3rol..tinaao 18e. ;,•01. •,. .:;:i: 7": i , '
loineyntar, 'October: 16.—Bagging is
quiet Ant firm at ,22®27,140.! Cotton: dull
andlnominal at 24y,0 for middling. Flour
in mbderate demand atKZ& for: super
' doe: Grain quiet - Wheat at $l,lO for
red,' and.lyl,ls for ,Wltitet;•• Corn ,in ,hulk
900. • • OMR, bee, / -- Bye 90e; OrtverleX in
good. demand4-pritne 'New Orleans Sager
14e. Prime New ' Orleans - Pdelasses ?Sc,
Prime Rio Coffee 26Mci Ham-firm at 621
"on leyee. •.Lettf Tobacco-quiet but steady!
sales Of.63plilicis at prices ranging4riem
$7,70@11,75. Prcivialima:quiet Malkin—
I Mats PcV $ 3 4 76 4 ; WO o k9 l lPiet at#l,l6
CLEVELAND,for rawee
October 16.-41 . 0tir market
quiet and dreier; city made 'sells at 5$
for treble"extra white, 57 for double , extra
.amber, 56,50 for double extra red Arbiter,
.26 for extre'red*lnteri'ooutitti , n4ild'obt,
'x57.25®7,60 for double extra white; 's6®
6,75 for double extra led "and amber, $6
gi6,75 for Amin's) extra 'spring Wheat
.No. 1 red 5t;18.: - Corril No:' 2 430 C; ' Oats
470. - Wttiolentin . relined' ' helduat' '26 1 44 '
,'for ptini6 light strawy whltei pai2o3o.
‘lor standard white in large lout, end . 49t0:
.ihgbetin . tetall 'lote;scrndel 18 : bead' :at .
- ,50. Li:CLIJ,L
PHILADELPHIA, October 16.—Flour 13
__:, • 1..3.- 4 .•
itt,4AZE"Mtv-AkION-IWir-A1)0TOBEIt -18 i 880:
very dull; extras 56Q8,25,' spring wheat
extra family $6,25, Ohio d0.,f8050@;25.
Wheat active ; sales of 26,00 0 bush west
ern red at $1,40, Pennsylvania 51,43, Rye
advanced; sales of 10500 bush Pennsyi
vadin at $l,lO. Corn active, with sales of
40,000 bush mixed western at 51@1,05.
Oats dull at 67®58c. PrOvisionli inactive.
Mesa Pork, at $32,25®33. Liard 18;‘c.
Petroleum dosed less active, at 22c for
crude, 32540 on spot, and 33c, all October,
for zefined. Whisky held at 61,28®1,27.
OaliEGO, October 16.—Flour unchanged:
sales of 2,5C0 bbls. Wheat dull, but
market better; sales of 1,500 bush fed
Ohio at $1,300. Corn firm: sales of 4,200
bush No. 2 at 83g84c. Barley steady;
sales of 28,r00 bush up lake Canada at
$1,25 and 7,500 prime Bay Quinte at $1,34.
Rye inactive. Canal frieghts: wheat 2ec
and barley .1.6. 1 , , c to New York. Lake
import€: 4.400 hush wheat, 01,800 barley,
6,goorye, 900 etas. Canal exports: 17,500
bush wheat, 4,t,: 1 0 barley.
BALIDIORE, Oett;lJer Ill.—Flour very
active and sales ,heays - ; we t ern super
fine at $3,50; extra at $5,756 ,50; family
at 57@7,25, Wheat steady; red at 31,45
@1,50; good at .51,35@1,40. ti Corn firm;
white at 81,10@1,17; western and yel
low at 11,02®1,08. Oata.dull , at 5.(2,60c.
Rye dull at $1,10@1.12. Men pork quiet.
Bacon. It m; rib sides at 204 c; clear rib
at 21cf .alders at 17y,'@1734c; hams at
24(gi25c. 1. quiet at 1834@19c. Whisky;
good feelin:, sales at $1,20©1,21.
MILWAII October 18.—Flouriet;
choice lowa and Minnesota 5 5,25 (5,50.
Wheat weak at $l,OB for No. 1 and 51,02
for No. 2. S Is firm at 400 for No. 2.
Corn firm at 71% for No. 2. Rye in fair
demand at 78c or No. 1. Barley nomi
nal. Grain freig • steady at 634igi1254c
to Buffalo and Oswe: Receipts-4,000
bbla flour '117,000 bus • wheat, 7,000 bush
oats. Ship:dents-3,000 bbla flour, 108,-
000 bush wheat, 11,000 bush oats, 6,011
bush corn.
TOLEDO, Otober 18.—Flour quiet.
Wheat active and 3 to 40 better, with
sales of No. 2 white Wabash at $1,22, No.
1 white Michigan al, $1,28, regular do.
at $412. amber 1,12 to $1,13. No. 1 red at
$l,lB, No. 2 do. $1,14, and No. 3 do. $1,05.
Corn quiet and 4o better, with sales of
No. lat 82c. Oats steady; No. 1 47c and
No. 2
,45c. Freights 4% and 93yc to Buf•
falo and Oswego.
NEW ORLEANS, OCt. 16 —Cotton firm
and in fair demand; middling 25c; sales
3,500, receipts 4,733. exports to Havre
2,178, coastwise 1,235 bales. Flour 50c
lower. Corn lower; white $1,55. Oats
50c. Hay lower at $29. Mess pork $33,50.
Molasses re-Wiled 65g$8c; others un
changed. Gold - 12234. Sterling 4034.
..New York sight % discount.
Mr.srmis, October.l6.--Cotton Arm and
unchaliged at 2.4@2430; •receipts, 1,116
bales; exliorts; 943 bales. Flour dull
and unchanged. Corn: white $l.OB, yel
low $l,OO. Oats 500. Hay $27@28. Bran
$23,50. Pork $23,40. Lard '20(21c. Ba
con steady; Shoulders 17%c and sides
NASHINLLE, October 16.—Cotton;
ordinary 223. c; low middlings 21;5c.
Alleatf„red $1,05; amber $l,lOl white
$1,15@1,25. Corn $1,15. Oats 60c. Bar-
ley $1,25. Rye $l. Flour ss@ii for super
to fancy. Bacon; aides 20c; hanks 20c.
and shoulders 17@20c. Lard 20c.
CHICAGO, October 16.—Cattle dull at
$3,75@5,27 for common cows and light
steers. Hogs steady, firm and fairly ac
tive at /8,25 for stockers, f9,00G9,41 for
fair to medium, $9,50®9,80 for good to
choice,. and $ 1tr,25 for extra.
Dry Goole Market.
NEw York, October 16. Market
rather inert and depressed for moat
classesa of good, especially for lm ported
stuff. Cambric., adapted for ladies wear •
are offered at comptratively verb
low rates,. from 2.5 c and upwards. Do
mestic cottons are also depressed, al-
though not quotably lower. Some
make of brown goods are already very
low, as for instance, the i Lawrence D,
which sell at 14%, and the F which sell
at 12%c; the Atlantic L and the Pacific
Lare are also very cheap at 1234, and so
are 'Atlantic A at 1530. and Pacific A
extra, at 15c. Indian head 1534 c. August
A at 1435 c, extra A 1234 c and Lacena E
1215 c, as well as Garner t Co. new style
of aide band prints, which A.. T. Stewart
& Co. are offering at 10%c, while agents
price Is one shilling. Paver cambrica and
linen crashes are alsa otlered at reduced
nAOO RIOLROAD. October 16.-1 car rye,
J Meek; 1,000 pigs lead, B L Pahne
stock& Co; 5 bole brandy, Jos 8 Finch &
Co; 24 bbls peas, Bruggerman &O'Brien;
5 bales hops, J J Springer; 20 bbla cran
berries, 34 eke rye, 66 do cern. Henry
Reit Jr: 43 tes hams, J H Parker; 24 Phis
peas, yoigt, Mahood dr. Co; s'bbis spirits
Shipton & Wallace; 2 bbliThilcohol,li
Mackeown; 5 bills gin, I.Sitle dr. Mech
ling; 5 cars corn, 0 II Allertom 2 - do do,
Culp & Shepard; 2do do,_ Dan Wallace:
2do do,' Bricker &- Co; To barley, C
Bowers; 7 do rye, Robb & iHerron; 200
eke flour, Sam Lindsay Jitr& Co; 1 car
barley, S Rhodes & Co; 2 do - do, Smith &
Co; 2 cars corn, Scott & Glsal4l2 tee lard,-
sdo hams, 30 bbls lard oil,f Sellers &
Co; ,1 car millfeed, H M Henderson; 100
bbla dour, Shornaker & Lahgebheiw: 44
bats cheese, N J Braden; 1 ear lumber,
Jos Myers & Son; 50 bxs cheese. Head dt -
Metzger; 220 bdls shingles; Dilworth,
Porter & Co: 328 has cheese, owner.; 35
hgs rye. W J Meek; 39 bdia handles,-'W
Mardorf. .
, 'ROAD October 16 —I car rye..4lex Moore;
2 cars iron ore. Bryan & Caughey; 2do
lake superior ore, McKnight
.& C"; 2do
do, Zug & Co; 2 do do, Everson, Preston
& Co; do billets, Park 1340's & Co; Ido
scrap lron, Mullin & M; I \do Oats, "W 0
Miller: 13 eke oats, F 0 Craighead; - 7
rags, Godfrey dz Clark; 310 •kka. 5 bblis
pearl barley, Rinehart &ISt 10 do pearl
barley. Arbuckles S. Co;' .59 aks rye, MC.
tic A; 39 do oats, W Welsh. dr. CO: 15 1lBsea
tobacco, Jll Llppencott; 10 .do do, J K
`Smith & Co.
.1 car llimber, A.O Taggart; John
anz; 250 plgs s laid, T H Nevin dr. Ct 3
bbls A Kirk; 349 gallons stonewareV,
'Becklield & Niehouse; 83 ski:l.o6m, 53 do'
'barley, ROBO deEVeing;• 2. cars *heat; W
McKee & Co; 1 car feed.gippley•&, Beck.
ert; 1 car cooperage. J MiHemphlU; 2 do
millfeed, R KnqA & Soul 1 do barley, lid.
Weil & Son; 8 bgqi potables ' ,Jas
len; 113 eke barley, Smith .C Cc,; . l pig
hay M Steel & Son; 1 car metai,.Graff,
Bennett. & Co. • • •
ALLlsciazny ViraasYi Fair. AD; 00.
tober-16.-6 cars railroad iron,J B
tingtelni3 cars oil bbis, Braun tic Wag•
ner; Oaks. Scott .l car
grain, Spencer dz McKay; ,50 „I:obi* tar.
Leo Oppenhelm; 15 do Oil, LI - Sly 4 Coi 2.
,care Coal; 'Coleman, CO.,
- -
v'A L V AZB Iti It'llatlll'ltEPiCE•
Ythr.tu PROPltlfttr.: FOR sESttLIII:--111,
feet front un Forty-Fourth street lov 1114' feet
deep on an alley, .well bull Family Mauston of
portico:mtaltqball;.-iallttli lros , ft, Mash room ant
.eellar, lorgo garden, variety. (Cola; traits and
•graptroilu•ia, , War- Itkatioti , \ pleasant and.
uealthy. Wlll , bo Aold 4 galr and on reit
imitable terms. , tapply try. , i., .- •
, tit avpntia.
i ,r .iid y: 1 r: ii) % -€1.71;i9.U.91,11 •
...11 .4t, so sst4;,,
EIFAVOTAProOk lit ' ' "= '
Utaxtriettchateqesirs , Sweets.ficzwed tide
• 14441itstr,Ri.brithatlauttlioriii 'AWL:Sv the
Enmity Grocery store of
Corner Liberty and Ninth Ste.
he river, we regret to state, is again
rec - = tug at this point with 34 inches
in the channel by the marks last even
ingi Weather yesterday was warm and
pleSsant, although cloudy and overcast
at times, with every appearance of rain.
bleigury at 2P. M. was up to E,9 in the
The Belle, from Parkershurgh, ar
rived and departed on jaturday, with a
good trip each way. 11
The Mollie Ebert, frob
due; last evenle - g, and w
found in por; this mo ,
probatly depart for
to Morrow
The Glendale is loadi
and the Messentter for
will leave on the first r
The Kate Putnam wi
for 'buainess.
Ilsewhere this morning appears the
business card of F. Rephan A: Co. sue•
cessors to Morrow S. Barnhill and Mot . -
row& Blair, proprietors of the O'Hara
Boller Works. We can . commend thi:
new firm to steamboatmen as fully
worthy a large share of their business
patrOnage. The senior of the firm has
had a quarter of century of experience
in the business. and thoroughly under
standsl, in all its departments. Pa
tronage an be no where else• better or
more worthily bestowed to secure satis
—The Maggie Hays left St. Louis for
Pittsburgh on Friday.
—The Tahlequah has resumed her reg
ular trips In the New Orleans and Oua
chita trade, under Captain J. IV Blanks.
—The Bellevernon arrived at NeW Or-
leans on Thursday, and the Mary Bay
age left there the same day for Pitts
—The Importer arrived at New - r
leans recently from Arkansas rivitr,
with, amomr, other articles, 624 bales of
col ton.
—The R. E Lee, on her last trip. car
ried into New Orleans the largest frelght
of the season-3,091 bales cotton and
3,692 sks ,cotton-seed.
—The Lorena arrived at hlemphis on
Thursday and the Glasgow left there the
same day for Cincinnati, with, among
other items, 000 bales cotton.
—Willis Johnston, clerk of the Pitts
burgh lit Zanesville packet, Julia No. 2,
was married at Marietta on Thursday, to
Miss Rite Booth, daughter of Capt.
Horatio Booth of that place. •
The wreck of the steamer Phantom,
which is not so much damaged 'from the
annihilation of the boiler as it was at
drat suPposed. is \to be sold at 'public
auction on Thursday, October 21.
—John Nelson. mate of the Sam. Hale
and another river man, named Win. Bit:
ber, had a rough-and-tumble on the
levee at Memphis, on Monday last. Nel
son came,out tirst best, and .had to pay
live dollars for the fun to ou-traged
—The annken ooalboat at the foot of
New Richmond bar, and a snag opposite
Chllo, nine feet through at the roots,
and fifty.tlve feet long, which has been
a- terror to steamboatmen `for twenty
years, have been taken out of the river
by the United States snagboat Green
—lt is said that James Fisk, Jr., con
templates building a steamer (to run be
tween New York and Albany) 600 feet
long, 60 feet beam, wit a 150 inch cylin
der, which, when com leted, will over
top any steamer in th world in size and
magnificence. The tis to leave New
York at eight o'cloc - in the morning
and return the same e ening.
—The New Albany Conunercia, says:
It looks very much, like the continued
legal pursuit of Captain Josiah Murray
is a sortof "set up" affair. Captain M. is
a gentleman who has ever borne an ex
cellent reputation, and that he would be
guilty of burglary or , any other crime,
no one who knows him will be inclined
to believe. Yesterday he gave bond for
his appearance to answer an indictment
in the Criminal Court for burglary. 1
—A St. Louis dispatch under date of
Thursday says: A new company has
been organized, for the purpose of run
ning a line of steamers between Savan
nah and St. Paul, to be called the Mer
chant& Star Line, with Captain Hutchi
son as manager. The company have
bought the Countess, Dexter and O. S.
Weeks. of the People's 'Line. This is
etippoiled by some to be a flank Move.
went on the part of the 'White Collar
Company, but there does not: seem to be
any evidence to that effect. =
--Oa the_ 6th Inst. the steamboat
Daniel Drew left Albany at 1t:25 a, xt.
with'a paisenger Ilst of over Oct people,
and arrived at Desbrosses street. New
York at 5:57. The Drew. made. all the
landings usual to tbe route, which fact
drew 'from her actual time three fourths',
of an • hour for the tide - was high and
wore than the ordinary time required to
enact them. Deduct the forty-five min
utes from the full- time, and her actual
running time is less , than six hours—
better than twenty-four miles to the
hour. On the 7th. the seine - vessel was
timed on her -run frail Yonkers to
Thirty-fourth street, xteeu miles, and
she completed the Istance in thirty
two Minutes. No a ial preparation
was: made r for the pe fort:statics of these
Yeats. , :
• Myer and Weather:.
MY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh klazette,l
Lo ISVILLE, October 16.--River falling
Moyne with 2 feet 2 inches In canal. A'
beau white frOat with thin lee latt night.
'V r igg i at
tiEVITOBL RANS-wlte ate ame
ItSaitlitla ...... —Capt. User:,
Wilt lease for the ahoy and Interniedlate ports
t •
a A V otittiirsi .t s
sew FL CI K A CrIL .110 i `44 0 4 10. A gentlL
.11'OR CINCINN TI trndiaZo ,
i LOUISVILLE.—T .0 tine pas
sang, r steamer
moLute, EBERT Cahl. 6. IV. EBERT,
Cleric S. Poppard, attn. to MD1103;1110100 arid
In •ermedlate ports on 8 IUI DAY. 113th inst.
'For irt-Isht or passage apply on board dr to
L 1 :1 PLZjI
FNOR 1! BERLlNG;adir m a
Ittiattit't rA,PARKEA§BUIiti.
Leaves ?Manure' EVERY IIATURDA.Y. /X N.
Vie twit% and sopntb . Sitiewneel Steamer ST..
gl MCI'S. T. C. EIWVIINSIC, Comitutnder. will
leave as announced &novel,— • • • . • •
For fulled or Psssagh apply on board, or to ~
COLLINS ..I,llAliblES, 'Agents.
N. ' B.—No Freight received afar it A. se. se
7.9 ;;i_):,sjz
mo uvattrrobt:AND
Ntuniimmit ithrteett , lixit=oliis vessels,' saiaoig
to. m tilie calebriaed,,- ,•, • , , ... ~-_,, ~li P
CITY OPIELNA i k , ; ' CITY 07 A.l4l'N Mc?,
cunt:pp:am , / PITT ita_PAIATOI(II3i.i
- Maine 'NSEXkLY; BAMULUAIri , .MIO 41 1 i1L1 11 1.:
I.4,rth ruyet; Now York. Tor tumults or fkrt,ber
E S :f: A A LI
L 1 8 111.1 D NY A. £ T
No. 271 Libert4Street, -
se :sqs
'll doubtless be
[ling. She will
inciatiatl again
W. C. Ag., , DISTRONG,
to F j etz,r S Armstrong,
g- for St. Louis,
.w Orleans, and
soon be ready
So. 329 Liberty Street.
/fir Conslintnen l ts solicited. se7
rzarsa KEIL .
349 Liberty NU, Pittsburgh,
Commifsion Merchants,
AND DZ.4.1.3715 IN
Fri..011:111, mot
No. 91 OHIO BTHEEI, near Haat Comae:.
Wholesale and Retail Grocers,
Wholeiale limners, Commission Merchant,
na Dealers in Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese,
. Carbon and Lard 011, Iron, Nails, Wass;
Co:ton Yarns and all f".tsburgh Manufactures
generally, ns and 114 ne.COND STREET,
JOHN 1. BOUM—EDW. H. 11011111.
JOHN I. 110ILTSE &BliloB., Sue
censors to JOHN I. HOUSE & CO., Whole
sap Grocers and Commission Merchants, Cor
ner of Smithfield and Water Streets: Pittsburgh.
fat2. Ne. 6 &XTB STREET. Pittsburgh.
&change Place, and N. K. JESUP & CO.,
Pine Street, N. T., offer for sale the
Bonds of _the Kansas Pacific Railway.
These Beads pay seven per cent, in Gold;
ace thirty years , to run; are Free from
i \
ocernment Taxation ; a secured by a
and Grant of Three Mill on Acres of the
Finest Lands in Kansas and Colorado.
In addition to this special grant the Coml.
any also owns Three Millions of heir
in lianas, which an being rapidly told to
erelop the country and i6prove the road.
They are a first mortgage upon the extension
of the road. fromSleridan, Kansas, to
Benner, Colorado. Th road in operatioil,
437 miles long, upon which it is also a mot -
gage, NOW EARNS, 310 p ENOUGH
ON TEE N W LOAN. There is no better
security in the mar •rt--tilis bring in
MIME Mint s bettF th i n Government Se
PHARE IN GOLD. Prite 96, and acorn
ed Interest, in Currency. Pamphlets, Naps
and Circulars furnished on application.
We have a full supply of the above
Bath on I:nnd anti for sale, and ire take
pleasan in ritOMMell l ing them as a very
reliable and perfectly afe investment.
S. Mer, AN & CO.,
No. 73 ourth Avenue.
ants Pittsburgh Pa.
SECURITY A C O MFORTfur the traveling commurilty.
. J. B. HAIL
Safely, rili3 Jacket G'ar :Beater and
,• aIOPERaI Taft . .
• - •
For Smoke and, Hot Air Fines, dispensinfrwith
the use of etoves sna Sees Di orubold t berm ten ,
le r or Baggage care" with the, attachment to
graduate the beat to any temperature that may
be desired without th possibility Of tiring the
car or cars to which she ' e-
Jae ket may be attached.
Having obtained of the United States letters
Patent for a, safety Jacket, which Is warranted
to resist the .moat -intenic heat that may be ap.:
piled to It In toe position and purpose for which
itis intended, , , --_; :. -. , • _;•
' It Is a snre Protection from 'accidents by fire,
originating frChn defective hoes or where him
pipes - are used as conductors for smoke or heat.
• It, is .appllcable to. all' piping that may become'
overheated, and Is warranted to give perfect sat
isfaction where wood. Or other coinhosttbltmate•
Hat may be placed in close proximity tffereto,
I se now.ready to apply\my Invention to stores,
dwellings, , factories, ship's '
' steamboats, railroad.
ears, C. Iliflierevrr pipe as• conductors are
glade sagerous by being verheated and seen.
rity de ,red. I . will send o application right to
mann tnre•at use the a v e invention. Also
Territorial rims to each as may wish to engage
in ailing privileges either ty tide or count .
a_. H. NA
liar 011 the at the "SE PLUS ULTRA PAIN'?
WORKS." corner of Morris street and. the All
O !.
en, .Valley Railroad, 'Twelfth ward. Pitt
purge. Pa. JylB:ln36
89 Market, street. Plitebirrib:
AiwaWndoi_Eoneral assortment of
.41#320 • tRIRLIP Gunnel:dews
Wle or Es, bCAIXI3, (31TA
BRA° *a; Int VA Mee tub
be /117C11 On RA. LT
-; 1 4-..Ates. , End 'OeutlemeW, 13 n
Roir =smog p;, cone
A. the tiantestomartp.r. • L - Opt
) 4,4
MAPLE SUGAIL-40 bairels
on coneignmeel at WATT, LAM) & Ct)'3
and 174 Wood-street.
~.1.1.13. N. 111C/11112.
No. 711543 PENN STREET.
OOn and after 510NDAY Ser t. AG, 1650 TWO'
will leave Pittsburgl Depo:, corner of Elev.
enth and Pike stree(s.fcr Frantlln, 0U City, Bit-
Salo. and 401 no:nts in e 011 Regions.
Day Ex 7:00 atr Day Ex
Night Ex.... 7:33 pm „Night Ex -6: 555 pin
Ist Hulton:.. 0;40 a m Itt flulton... 6:15 p m
lid an. 4gHnlfon... 5:50a m
34 Linann,.. 6:00 pn. 2:LO GID
Ith Elalton.,11:1 OpW• Itl. n. 7-30 p m
Teep9rt AC. 7:30 a m
SD4a Work!... 6:130 report. 6:15 r 13:1
8ra..1F • 5 13 Ac :3.03 pn. Pri.•:Vs Ac 1 0 1:V3 aIC .... 1:00 nni',C1e:T:11.4..... 10:10am
Lia:Grea.:*.Ta:l:s twit 01111:
- 711011A.5 M. ILINek, AsVt. lanpn.
rOAENNSYLVA-=, .11111M1-Ifilrt
NIA cENTBAL - runiam -- Amcimar - . 7 . 4 1,
D. On and aster 11 P.N.. z , naday AUGUST
%%11. 1569. Trai• s set..l arrive at and depart
from • the Um ion Depot, turn., of wmu:s e/ ton
and Libor., streets. as follows , .
Arrive. " . -
Rail Train.... 1:20 wa o'llay It:Trees 12:30 am
Fast 14ne,•Pact1c vex... 7:41 am
Wall's No. 1:. 6 20 am. Wail's No. 1.. 6:30 am
3rintonAcc'n. 7:5O"Sm Mali Trait: 8:10 am
Wall's No. 2.. 9:05 am: Bra•ksat No 1.5 Iti pm
Cincinnati Ex .8:25 am Cincin'ti Es. 12:30 pm
Johnstown Ac 1020 am Wall's No. '2.. 11:35 am
Brats Ac Nol 7:00 pm'Johnstown Ac.4:05 pm
Pittsb"h Ex• 12:411 pre!Bra"ks Ae No: 6:90 pm
Phila. Expresslllo pm; Phila. Express 3:50 pea
Wail , ' No. 3...1:50pm' Wall's No. 3.. 3.05 pm
Bia'ks AcNo 2 9:55 pm; Wall's No. 4.. 13:04 me
Wall's No. 4. 5:50 miy•Fast Line. ...•7:30 pre,
Way Passn'r 10:20 pro, WalPs It o. 51. 11:90 tan
*These trains make close connection at Harris
burg for Baltimore.
The Church Train leaves Walls Station every
Sunday at 9:05 a. in., reaching Pittsburgh at
10025 a. in. Re turning. leayes Pittsburgh at
12:50 p. M. and arrives at Walls Station at
2:10p, te. _
Cinclunati Express and Pacldc Expresaleat i
daily. All ciao? trains daily except Sunday. r
For farther intor apply_ to
The Pennsylvanlaßaltroad Comparly will not aa
arame any rish ibrßa.egage, except for wearing-ate.
pare!, and limit their responsibility to One Huy,
Bred Dollars In rattle. All Baggage exceeding
Cat amount in value will be at the risk of the
owner, an'ess taken by sp,Nlai contract.
an 32 General, Superinradent. Altoona. pa.l
RA-LROAD.-4.1n and after August 29,1869, a
Passenger Trains on the Western Penitsyl &-
Rai road will arrive at and depart from tra.
Feder, 1 Street Depot, Allegheny follows:
Aeries. Depart,
Elpringd'e No16:40 a m.i1a11...... ... 6629 al&
Freeport Nin o. 18:90 a reepurt Vo. 1 9:90a in
Express ' 10:40 a tc, Sharpb'gNol 11:20 am
Sharpb'g No.11:20 p m;Expres - 2:20 p ra
Freeport N0.44:05 pm.hp - .ingd'e No 1 3:10 p
Mali • '5:50 p ci, Freeport N0.75:20 p
Spring , Pe No 26:20 n m Springd'e No 26:30 p
Above trains ran daily except Sunday.
The Church* Train leaven Allegheny Junction
even Sunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny
Clip at 9:50 a. in. Returning, leaves Allegheny
City at 190 p. M. and write at Allegheny Jute
tion at 3:40 p. In.
CoblrwrAsio3 TICKSTS--For sale in packages
at Twenty,between Allegheny City, Chestnut
street. Hers, Bennett, irine Creek, Etna and
Sharpsbnra and good only, on the trains stopping
at Stations specified on tictets. •
The trains leaving Allegheny City at 7:00 a.
ea. make direct connection at Freeport withWala
ker's line of Stages for Butler and Hannabstewn,
Though tickets may be purchased at the Off.ce„
No. ISt. Clair street, near the Suspensionßridge.
Pittsbtu'ah, and at the Depot, Allegheny.
Per further information apply to •
- - - '' Federal Street Dept.t.
i r: Western Pennsylvania Railroad wi ll not
as ume any risk for Baggage, except forswearing
al- r , 1,. and limit their responsibility to Cm
hiundi ed Dollars in yaloe. All baggage 'ex
ceeding this amount Intel= wllibe at the rt. of
the owner, unless taken by special contract.
i l
l at3o General Superintendent, Altoona. .
3 1 , L.
§§B.G . H, I , OI . I7WAYNE & CHICAGO '
From August 30th. 1869, trains will leave from
and arrive at the Upton Depot. north side. l'ltts.
burgh viti o, ! , :me. ad fallowri
, Arrive.
Chicago Ex....2:08 a m Chicago Ex..39:13 a EL
Erie & EgxEx.7:2lla in; t.e Mile Ex:, 7:X3 a m
el. & NY'h g &1'16:o 8 a m Wheeling Ex 10:484 m
Chicago MAIL .6:58 a m' C. .183.1.. Ex 7:08.p m
Fast Line. ~.8:48 a Ea ,Clit'goEx&lll3:4lB t i&
Cl. it Wh'g Ex-1:7.3 pu. Cleveland Ex 3:38v m
'Chicago 'Ex,- 1:38 pm • Erie & Tien Exs:sBpm
W'e & Eller-VI:38 V ir.'Cl. & Wh'g Ex6:3l3p m
Departfrom Alleglleny., Ampe to A/legate:v.
Beer Yana Ac.9:08 a in'Le•etsdal et .c..6:33 am
Leetsdale •• 10:03 a re; Bea'r Falls `• 8:28 am
" 11:58 a m New Castle "10:23 am
Rochester '• Si :A 3pm Enon .. '9:13 us
Leon " .3:58 pm. Leetsdale "12:4F02.
Leetsdale Am.5:13 pm lieer Rana .. 11:113 pan
Beerralls " .6:13 pm, Leetsdale " 4:33 got
Leetsdale "
\ /11: 4 111plv:_ •• • " 7:93 pm Fair Oaks Sun- .. 1 Fair Oaks,Burn- •
day Church. 1:13 pm! day uharch. 9:111&12.
/VW 1:38 p. m. Chicago Expreu leases daily./
S.- 7:23v. m. Chicago Ex_ press arrives did*.
Gent. rm. A.Ticket Agent. Gent. Hang er: &MO, .
CHANCRE OP T131E.--Qa and after SUNDA r e
August 29 3 _1869, trains will leave and antra LS
the Union Dern, as follows: - - _
.V! part. Anise,
Hail 51:054. m. 13:05 p Inc
Fast ...... :53°a. ni.-7:08•p: ter
Express.. . . .... 143 p. m. 1:13 a. m.
?axed skc' . l! . -5:2 , 3 m. '9:53 p.tia.
McDonald's AcOl.No.l 11:38 a. m. 7.1313 a. 7 / 1 .
Steubenville Aaeommod. 3153 p. M. ' 9:48 a.m.
McDonald's Aec'n, No. 25-53 n. m.. .3:11a p. m.
Wandavehnrch Train.. 19:58 v. m. ' 9:fY a."lnir.
id' 143. r. Jt. , Mon Will leave tiatly. •
11:03 x. -tratn":wlll arrive dai ly.. All thrr trains will mei SandayalZendo
ed. The 8:53 a. El.' Trait makes close con
nections at Newark kr Zanesvill F e. ,
• General Ticket Age, t, Colaratili,..o. •
W: W.:CARD, F., non.; Deovimi, Glue, _
Anil... _ , „ _
On and after TUFS.DAY,- So ember, llts a
18n4, trains will irrlze at and depart from UM
Depot corner of Grant sad Water streets, se
Arrival. -
Marl to and from tinton
town K.. 6:00 P. t 4
McKeesport Accolkdt'n 11:00 A. K. 51:123 P.
at. to and from Unt'n.. 3:00 r. u. 10:10 A. Ng
West Newton Accomod 4:30 P. M. 6:33 A. ala
Braddock's Accorodt'n. 0213 P. at. '1230 Y.ll
Night Ac. toMcli 'sport.lo 230 P. it. 6:43 .14114
Smsday Clinton Train to •
and from West Newton 1:00 P. K. 10:0!1 A.
!or tickets apply , to • - -
E-31,.• RAYMOND, Agent
W. B. STOUT Bupertntendent. • non . •
Eastern Division.
The sHuarzsr 'AtiM MOST MIII /An
ttUur/to tom the lut to al poleta
Colorado - Nevada,
California Utah,
New Mexico, Ida Etol
Two Trains leave State Una and Leave mkt.*
tally LSnadayyaexceppted.lentheatrrvaiutwane
of Fume Railroad nrona t. Lout a, and
bat and St. Joe Railroad (rein Quincy, connect.
in at Lawrence, Topeka . and Wamego crib
etas ea for all points in Hansa.. At end et.
track west of , Et! worth with the lIICITIgro
MIENNIELL34Aiir 3r..A.3F.1ng
All 'l/ 6 0intS In. the Territories,
of•COACHES for Fort Union, Bent ' s Fort,
Albneneroce. ,Banta Ye, and 114 points /Me
sons and New Mexico.
With the reoen additions of roiling , stem
and. eitripmelitc.' and th e - arrangements' nakin
with responsible Overland Transportation .Llstng
from its western termites, this road now odors
unequalled. facilitles fok: the.transraisslos
freight' to the War West.
Tickets for We. as All the prindpa:' Oflotel tit
the United States and Canadss
Be sure and ask or ticket. via:TBIZ $110U•
• ' • ' - 1,..AXM1LW341144 i •
•6I .eral Superunetittei
.1. 11, WEBSTER,
late 'Preutilt and Tle et AV)