0 ViEtsbutlitt elvdtt ( 'JOE JONES.. . ~ ' Don't you remember lame :Sally, doe Jortee, - l' 1 'I I Lime Sally, whose u•sse was so brow brown. Who looked . Ake a clam if you - gave her a smile II ' • And went into fit at your frown In the old goose-pond in the orchard. Joe Jonesi Where the goslings are learning to swim. II _ I pantAnethere d 'Jolly by mistake went Oshin tounembled wet, in. windy day, I: , -Under windsms bruph fence, Joe Jotes, • 11 That at the faot of the hill, 'l'Ogetber we've seen the old-camel go round, 1 Grinding cider.at AppletOu's na la : • 1 The mill wheel is oven wood now, Joe Jones. Tbe rafter fell on to a cow, And the weasels azd'rsts that crawl ronnd as you gaze, ~/ . - Are the lords of the cider 411.11n0w. ." . • Don't you remember the pip pen. Joe Jones, ' Which stood on the path to the barn? grow on And the shirt-button trees,where they the boughs. Which we sewed on our l jackete with Teri? The p 1 pen has gone to decay. Joe Jones, And the lightning the tree overcome: • And down where the onions and carrots once grew. Grow thistles as big as your thumb., IDon't yon remember the school, Joe Jones? I ' . And the master who wore tbe old 'wig? eAndth o shady nook by the crook of the brook. ld I'• Where we played with Aunt Catharines pig? 2dlce live inthe master's wig, Joe Jones, The brook with the crook le now dry— I And the boys and the girls that were playmates • then, Have all grown up ever so high: _ —...----------- STATE ITEM. MAD dogs still prevail in Philadelphia. EDWIN FORREST will be in Brie Nov ember Bth and 9th. I VENANGO crrx is, entirely free.from ,debt, and has a balance in the treasury. \ROBERT REEVE, an aged citizen of Perry county, died suddenly Monday of last week, while perusing a letter. WILLIAM artroaTzu (of Jesse) of Ty rone, Perry county, last week killed a , catamount nearly three feet in length. ERIE is much exercised over the opera- I lions of incendiaries, and the Caned is I • urged to increase the reward o_Ared for their apprehension. , • 1 THE anti•TeMperance men ?if Erie claim the decrease of Gov. ‘ Geaty's ma . jority in that city is due to their efforts. The decrease is 350. i 1 THE United American clianics in Perry county will parade at ticcannon on the 28d.. Harnsburg Cou ells have, been invited io participate. OIL CITY having been report $lOO,- I l t - 000 in debt, the Times denies th fact, and states that the debt, includin that for school buildings, is less than $4 ,006. GEORGE SuaxgE, of . Etamilt n :town ship, Monroe - county, was recently , I found dead in the woods neari his resi- ' dence, death having been cause by palsy. his age was sixty years. I TEE Commissioners of .Ere county, from 1862 to 1864, issued *p to the amount of $227,275, of whi the Audi tors have destroyed up toAate $203,775, leaving-$23,000 outstanding: i CONTRACTORS on the Pittsburgh and I Connellsville Railroad are' being put to much expense and trouble by persons starting groggeries in the vicinity of the road, causing the laborers to neglect their work. , ALDERMAN BILL MCMHLIIII, of IPhila delphia,.was arrested on the 14th on the affidavit - of a prominent ge tleman, who stated that - while conversing ith a friend on the sidewalk he was at ked by the Alderman without provocati n Of cause. IN Washington borough, n the even ing of the 12m, Mr.. John A old was in stantly killed by being st ck in the breast, - with a stone, thrown by some one of a number of intoxicated white persons engaged in pursuing and stoning colored -men through the street. • TIME in the shops of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company has b‘en reduced to nine hours each day, exdept Saturday, when the shops are closed in the after noon. The employees, therefore, ac tually work but five dayt (fifty hours) per week. The working force is also to be reduced ten per cent. , A SHORT time since Charles Wesley Megary, of Milroy, while at work in a saw-mill in Clearfield county, had his leg dreadfully crushed by,a log rolling . upon it, and owing to wantof proper ,surgical attendance in season,lamputauon of the - limb became necessau, but the injured man soon died from the effects of the op. eration. Tan DeDIOCHHIC toughs showed in strong force at the meeting of the Return Judges in Philadelphia on the 15th, and finding no "Rade' to mash, they set to work pounding eachi other. Finally a Republican appeared, was instantly assailed, struck on thl i head, punched in the ribs and then 1, - iea aside to make room for another victim. No arrests. TUESDAY night ofd last week, Owen Feeney, employed byithe Min Rill Rad road Company, as signal man, e and living with his family in the signal tower on Broad Mountain, in kShuylkill county, was burned to death, with his wife and two children. About rednight, while the family was buried in profound slumber, iorn some cause unknown the house caught fire from below. The smoke . awakened the wife, who. arousing her husband and sister, told them_ the house was on fire. Mr. Feeney rose, and on opening a door leading down stairs, the flames came in vast volume into the , room, enveloping the family, except the sister, who sprang, from the second story of the tower. The father. mother. and their two little ones were consumed so completely that nothing but the bones Of Mr. F., his wife and their eldest child were found next morning—not a vestige of the youngest, an infant, could be dis covered. THEY have had another Brooks case in Philadelphia Patrick Morley, in the employ of the government, and under the orders of the Collector of Revenue, was attacked on Thursday of last week on the street, by three men, who beat him terri bly about• the head and face with rakes. Finally one of them stabbed him deep in the back with a thatcher knite, and was I about to plunge the weapon into him 1 , : tigain, when Morley, by this time wen t nigh exhausted, managed to elude his IJ murderous L assailants. ' A missile - sent 'after, him was well aimed, striking him on the back part of the head and knock ing him to the paventent senseless and. bleeding, the would-be assassins leaving him tothe care of any one who saw fit to carry him away,wbile they retreated. The police stood idle, as if in colleague with. or fearful of performing their duty At arresting, the parties to the outrage. At a late hour in the night ~the "detect ive" force had succeeded in arresting but one of the supposed guilty parties, no less a personage than Owen McCartney, pro prietor of the whisky distillery where officer Morley was stationed at the time the attack on him was commenced. The injured,man's condition was !evad ed se precarious. . . I \ h I\ \ ~17+1".11111912113861's"-----.--------- _ —______ GENERAL liEl'i S. man4S-Inader-successful European novelty, and exemplifies a woman's right A. COLORED 31asonid lodge has been • and ability to blow. - . organized at Belleville, Illinois. I • ' Mrs. Sewn , Sinno*s is - said ta be still THE "lightning train" makes but one more enchanting this year than last. stop between Albany and New York, at I She is now p aying at the Fifth Avenue Poughkeepsie.. i I theatre in N w-York. • - -- „..._, IT is rumored that the Vanderbilt party I Mu. JOSE, H JEFFERSON, a main; not has obtained control of the Lake Shore !unknown to. fame, was in Buffalo last Railroad, which caused the stock to rise 1 week playing a not altogether obscure to 91. _‘ _,_ I play called Rip Xan Winkle. A. TAN-YARD, buried for at least 150 I Ruston says that an unpublished opera, years, 'was brought to light at Paterson , called Joan of. Arc, has been discovered last week,- by some workmen digging a ' among some papers of Moira and will sewer. . _ail, be brought out shortly at Venice. e p as s ed of the "oldest inhabitants” I A. D.IRING, composer, 'named Garzill, has passed sway. Mr. Johnson Brown, h a s produced a new opera entitled Mies: of Madison county, Ind., died on thelOth sandro Stradella, in spite of the famous inst. at theage of 109 years. ,I work of the same name by Flotow.. A 'WOMAN in, New Bedford, Conn., re.f REDENsTEIN, the pianist, has corn. 1 cently drew*. dead body of her infant posed a cantata entitled "The we h r of in its little carriage, i to an undertalter'S 1 Babel. " The confusion suppose T d o tohave shop in that city, to have it - measured for . existed there cduld be expressed better 1 a coffin. I ! by a novice upon the piano. - ' -- ..--------------____ -..., . MB. ALDEN, the inventor of the IV•se EGBERT F. TEN EYCK;an actor at the \ WATER. PIPES. shoe improvement and other agricalt ral Grand Opera House in New York, was i T 011115SNST TOPS implements, was recently caught in the arrested on Wednesday night and held to I 1 machineiy co s . his shop at Utica and literally bail in $2,000 to anawer a charge of forg-!! cutto pies I log army paymasters checks. THE great counterfeit ten dollar green- I THE King of Bavaria refuses for ph to,pg he y back may be detected by its inferior fur the gorgeous scenery procured length and width; also by the absence of 1 production of Wagner's Rhein gold at a small dot after the word "United" in . Munich end the reat composer ot music "United States." ! for his eat A DECISION has been rendered in favor I grief- . -, of the city ot Rochester, and against the I THE New York circus is back in New Commercial Bank of .Rochester, N. 1 ! Y., 1 York again, and the papers there speak of in the matter of a claim for the , repay- . I the various members of that _ company meat of $50,000 tax levied on bonds. I summer. The ho mails themse lve little Mes popularlville ere in the \ s lad is not THE Boston city government used up 1 dead yet, althOugh he has been imperilled 176 bottles of champagne wine, besidee almost nightly, ever since. bottles of stronger liquid, and 1,490 ci- I gars, at a cost of over $2,000, in cols-' AUTOGRAPHS of 'Weber, including a brating the landing of the French cable at , complete partition of an aria belonging Doakry. . I to the opera - "Oberon l " compOsed ex 1- THE Red Stockings base ball club, of Pressly for the famous Engl ish tenor ;,ham,Bra are Nanounced for sale in Dresden. Cincinnati, arrived home from the Pacific They are part of the estate of Herr Gust, coast on Saturday. Californians called a lately deceased amateur. them the "Bloody Calves-" To day they play a game with the celebrated Athletics, I -..........- of. Philadelphia: , I 1• EDWARD IL HOPKINS, a man sixty seven years of age, residing in Cincin nsti, a few days ago attempted to cut his throat with a pocketknife. He was for merly Chief of Police of the city and had recently suffered much frOin illness. Holum C. Partoris,' a Boston mer chant, committed suicide in Northfield, Mass., recently. • He telegraphed for his wifo-And nephew to follow him on the next train from Boston, and shot himself in his brother's barn before their arri al. .1 A CALCULATION has been made that enough rain fell in Rensselaer and ft. ny counties, N. Y., on Sunday and Mon day of last week, to supply every man, won= and child Upon the face of the earth - with two and a half gallons of water per day for a year. A LADY Wnlking on the street in Ro chester, New York, brit week, discover ed her dress to' be on fire, and before it could be" extinguished by several gentle men who flew to her succor, quite a large portion of an over-skirt was burned. The fire was thought to have been communi cated by some , careless smoker. THE Western States are remarkable;for snakes the present year. The KilboUrn . City (Wis.) Mirror has an accorint of the killing, by citizens of that place, of forty- nine rattlesnakes, which had sought refuge under a large stone. Eight of these snakes were four feet long each and had reached the age of between five and seven ea yrs. • GENERAL BUTTERFIELD declares that he has discovered that the gold ring . were tapping the telegraph wires during the I gold panic. They have been tapping them ever since, he says, and have used the information thus obtained'to forward their interests in Wall street. The names of those concerned will be given to the press within a few days. A worms:tale in one of the railroad shops at'Atlanta, Ga., persistently said he had had a revelation that he should die at 12 o'cloci,on the' 12th. and at his request a fellow-workman promised to toll the bell of the works at that hour. The day and the hour came; the man dressed himself in his best and lay down upon his bed to await the speedy coming of the dread messenger; the solemn note of bell was sounded, ut the man did not die. . ON the Genesee Valley Railroad, N. Y., on Sunday week, a band-car, on which were four men and one woman, was coming down from ficottssille, and on.a curve met a locomotive. Seeing that a collision was inevitable, the men on the car jumped off; but one of them MIR seized the woman who was sitting on the forward end, ;vith her, feet hang ing over the edge of the platform and, threw her down the embankment. None of the patties were seriously hurt. l Wheeling, last week, Thomas Tin gle, a young man, went into a drug store, purchased a pound of laudanum, tepresenting it to be for the firm in whose emplov.he was, and while the bill for it was being made out, he adroitly managed to extract the cork from the battle and swallow about two ounces of the contends. Antidotes and a stomach pump were promptly administered, and the young man's life saved. He was then turned over to the care of his rela tives at Columbus, Ohio, CUES AND NOTES - - LISZT has three oratorios under way at once now. I . - ) • MouLAccui and her ballet troupe are in Buffalo this week. PATTI, while singing at Homburg re cently, lost her voice and had to take a rest. • • , TAMBERLIII, the tenor of the Spanish revolution, will sing in Madrid againthis winter. . + i . Gouziou is hard at work , on - a new opera, taking Corneille's Poiyeucte as a subject. 1 , $40,000 in gohl is the price that Nillseu is to receive for singing for two months in England. ' , • .. DRESDEN utterly refused to tolerate Offenbach's Via Porisiennne, and it had to be taken off the boards. EDWIN. BOOTEE is playing at the Wal nut street theatre in Philadelphia, and has his usual immense audiences. Mozart's suberfloete Was brought out i., in Vienna re ently with twenty thousand florins wort of new. scenery. Tait Mendelasohn Quiritette Club is about to start upon a tour to Chicago. Miss Jennie Bask is tho 'dualist. MRS. ANN S. STEPHENS:has written a. new comedy, 'which ,is I shortly to be brought out at . Laura Keene's theatre in Philadelphia.', , A.si ' whole Orchestra of woolen with a PIT'ISRL2:II OCTOBER 1,9 1 1869, Nzw Yonz Homeopathists are raising. funds to build a monument to the late Dr. Gram. A BOY of thirteen, livit(g in . Modena, Michigan, weighs two hundred and two and a half pounds. DR. SNIAIIEL LUCKEY, a well-known Methodit minister, died at his' residence in Nochester, N. Y., last week, at the age of sixty-five Tears. Ar old fellow named Hazlett, of Medi- 1 na, Michigan, who has lived for fifty-live i years in a state of single•blessedness, 1 3lr. Extra Ilc avy Gray Twilled Flannels. has niN k ried an immature maiden named Celia 'iver, twelve years old. . --- ' FRANKLIN PIERCE was the fourteenth Wl • LL. OPEN ON MONDAY, President of the 'United States..• There i are fourteen letters in his name, and, the i A LARGE STOCK OF first letters ot the christian and surname being F and P, stand for fourteenth pres ident. ' ! k. theHoNsa.tiEwanaw.lArtrinotiMsecPoir itensporse„l,Cniteartkiveos,f rites from Switzerland, that LI• health s improved. He will return to Amer-- I a inn the steamer Russia, which leaves ovember G:h. THERE seems to be no doubt that the o-called Lord Hubert Leroy Ainsley, who married Miss Lilly Martin,' a rich and beautitul belle of Staten Island, is an' impostor. The father of the bride gave herlloo,ooo as a wedding present. ' THE city editor of the Chicago Post makes the following acknowledgment 1 among his "personals:" The . editor of this column acknowledges the receipt this morning, from the authorized source. ot a personal item of the masculine Per (suasion, weighing nine pounds." I Mn. SMITH LoNOSTREET, a relative of he rebel general of that name, and Mrs. Gildersleeve, the well known authoress, were married in New York- city, last week. The wedding was brilliant and a great number of literary people were present, among others Horace Greeley, who appeared in strong clothes, thus de scribed: 'Tail coat, kids, white cravat, dancing pumps, a rose in his button hole, a boquet in his band, and fairly drench ed with patchouli. Of course, he' created animmense sensation when he' kissed the bride." Extraordinary Case. In Bane county, 111., an indictment has been found against Rev. Isaad B. Smith, for the drowning of his wife in th early part of June last. The facts are‘thus related: At the time stated, Mr. Smith, with his wife, drove in his buggy to attend a ministers' meeting, and in the,evening started for the house of hia brother-in-law, about two miles from Elgin. About 9i o'clock he reached the house, in considerable excitement, ask ing i f wife was there, arid saying that his buggy bad been overturned in cross- Ing - s small stream, he and his wife being thrown out, and as he had not been able to fi nd his wife, after getting out himself, supposed she might have gone on to the house and lets him. H ong said urther, that his horse was very headstrg, and when he saw water, would I go ) into it, no matter haw hard you might try to turn him—Mr. Smith thus accounting for the overturning of the buggy. He gave de tailed accounts of the accident to different persons, alleged to be contradictory in important particulars, and this, with the fact of the horse having been found standing still in the water, with the buggy resting on the aids 43n two wheels, and the body bf, the wo. onl ten. feet - distat, led to investigation. It also leaked, n out, after Mrs. Smith had been 'buried, that there I was $3,000 insurance on her life, which fact fri r. Smith had concealed from her end M s. Ha also denied there wae ... .arz more insurance on her life, but closer in vestigation showing a further accident in surance of $6,000, he admitted his un truthfulness, 'saying he had concealed the tact through the advice of his father, in order to avoid "tall;.'.' , After 'considera ble time, the whisperings assumed such a form that .the matter was thoroughly canvassed, and the reverend gentleman was believed to haver had some agency in bringlng about .the 'accident. Public . oOnion in Kane county Is,. however, veky nanch divided, the millister' , . frirt..l: , being very earnest in their ittiv,)... lc) 01., his innocence.' Dr. J. Shugart, of tire. i Northwestern Life Insurance Oomph-. of Milwaukee, who paid the lite poYe2, - , says he has known Mr. Smith since hi, early , boyhood, , atPrinceton, gives him an excellent charadter for morality, and says he was a prof?" ge of Owen Love joy,r and enioyed the friendship of Abra ntl ha Lincoln. - It.remains for the trial to tam he facts in this' rearaikable and dis til:, hig cave' PFILSONAL. `SETI LABELING FRITIT-CAN - TOP COLLINS & Wlll - 01 - IT ; PITTSBURGH, PA; • We are tiovr prepared to supply Tlnners and rotters. It Is perfect, ample. and as cheap as the plain_ top. having the names of the various Mita stamped upon the cover, rullatlng from the center. and an index or pointer 'tamped ingot the top of the can. . . . 1 it Illi Clearly, Distinctly and Permanently T.4.&33E.TiErI. - by merely placing the name of the fruit - the can contains opposite the pointer and sealing in the customary manner. No preserver of fruit or good housekeeper will nee any other after once seeing t. inZ5 • IPES. CHIMNEY TOPS. &C. A large aaortmera. ' RENTtY B. COLLIYS, em14:1237 Id Avennemear Smithfield St DRY GOODS WEER GI 1-2 c. nem Corded Brown Poplin, cheap at Si, • G 2 1-1 Silk Finish Black Alpacas; great bargains; worth Si 1-2 c. 37 1-2 c. Mixed Poplins, worth (II 1-3 c. Black Silks cbcaii, Empress Cloth cheap. Black Poplins cheap. ONE HONORED NEW ARAB SH /OWLS. 25e. IlearT Plaid Flannels, 25r, Hum Whitt Haunch. Ucary Red Nandi. Sacques, Wraps, Walliing,Coats, BROADWAY JACKETS, All new Styles at very Low Prices PAISLEY SHAWLS. 1 11 BEST BABG AINS IN THE HITE BLANKETS 11-4 ALL WOOL, •••, 63.50 TO 0.00. .A.BAIRMIN 12?:c• G0..t.) TICKING. 25e. YARITWID.y. FEXTYIER TICKING E. R. GARDNER, N 0.69 - narket Street, \Vol Corner Market and Fourth. oc9:True., zi i 5 - Z 4 st , 41 5 cza3o s A: F i. =g li gi .12 U 1 '°' ZZ t=s l t a E 4 A tt 4 z Pa ic .4 rli : cn I •eci a jopig. E-4 pm 13:3 GI on .t 4 itt i 1 iT3 = ro2 mg r 4 pl P:1 o-. 4 ; A E- 4 T 62 SA ra ;.1 F l i , c:. g o o 0 6 0 ,4 ~1 2 ma 0 7 .4 1 f 4 1 Mei. di ; 4; 4 r i A of Fa - , 03 to% p 4 Z I• 4 IN 4 ^ McCANDLESS & CO., ‘..J (Late Wilson, Carr I C 0..) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign cud Domestic Dry Goods, No. u 4 WOOD STREST. 'Mad door above DimondMyth PITTbSITAGEL rAa WINES. LIQUORS, &o. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, WINES, BRANDIES, DIN, & WIWILOAILE DEALEUS za ~PURE HIE WHISKIES, 409 P.l1 1 1 STREET.. 7 zoave *moved* to NOS. 364 AND BS6 PENN, (In% Eleventh St. (formerly Canal.) jol4.Epii & CO., D( ps. 1155.1117,1149,191; 193 amid 193, r . Ilan BMX% PITTEIBITRea.- a:savvier:was _ .- Copp Dbdilleil Pan - Rye Willo l %. Wm. duals la •74:11131601-11 151113 4voss.. )5191% aa. • 14116a11i,' TALISIMINGS, NOTIONS, *O. TRADE. kijia-k-NT CARPETS: -) " New Gobas! \ tezt End-most beautiful designs ever New Goodq! LT TAPESTRY OR 11ACRtil& CARLISLE'SI, No. 27 Fifth Avenue, Nv.V7 DRESS TRIMMINGS , GIMPS AND ' BUTTONS NSW sASH AND BOW RIBBONS IHS LATEST NOVELTIES IN BATS. NEW STLYES EMBROIDEEIkS• NOVELTIES teur. DiGOODS GLOVES AND HOSIERY. Shirts 'and Drawers, ZEPHYRS, BALMORAL AND' FANCY YARN, KS CT SHAWLS, CLOAKS HOODS, NOTIONt. AND F GOODS. Merchants and Dealt - rs supplied at low prices MAORUM & CARLISLE, NO. 27 JOSEPH HORNE & CO. ARAB SHAWL,', IN BTRIPED AND AScus. ms PLAID . ALL t3HDE The Latest Novelty in Dress Trimming. , Quilled Satin Trimming, Fntinen, Ylalu and ?laid Hercule Braids, bilk, bean end Velvet Buttons, o Plaid Wass Button!, l'i.C.S'cmct and Colored Velvet Ribbons, Lama and Silk thrdles. zapouTz,ns or A complete urn-Meta for Fall MERINO .&111) WOOL ALL KINDS AND siZES. FIFTH AVENUE. '4l-11143r, OPENED BY EXTRA QUALITIES Reversed Satin Pleating, Merino and Wool Underwear. In all size. 6110 Child's Merino Drersea, Ladles' Slerino Sklrte,l Boultvardd Felt. Sl:lrs HOSIER"Y.~ . . An Unsurpassed Assortment • Merino and Wool Ribbed, Fleeced Cotton, • Plain Merino, . . Tartan. Ea: Islam Striped. VVITORIA AND STUART CASHMERE HOSE, In all sizes. Gents' Half Hose in Wool, Merino and iinper Stout C ottonT VERYA LOWEST PRICES• 77 and 79 MARKET STRE.a. 5o1:, MERCHANT TAILORS. FALL STOCK OF MEN & BOYS' CLOTHING,. Sow Receiving by GRAY & LOUAN'S, N 0.47 SIXTH STREET, LATE ST. CLAM. 607 p. 31'.A3E1,13 1 -4 10, FASHIONABLE' • MERCHANT TAILOR, Bteps constantly on hand ' I Cloths, Cassinteres and VSStings. Also, GEN V.:PATEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. No. 93 1-2 Smithfield Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. /ErGent's Clothing made to,order in ttg 3 l,a r y 3 t stylcs2 : __ -. NEW FALL GOODS. splendid new stock of CLOTHS, GASS/MERE% ,80., Just received try MOULT 43: Mere:mat Tailor. 7$ Smithfield street. IVERY STABLES. ROiERT II fATTERSON &CO CORNER OF _ Seventh Avenue and Liberty`St., PITTSBURGH, PS. Wlll on Saturday. July 31st. 1869. an • on each succeeding Saturday, holdan Auction Sale of 1 HORSES - CARRIAGES, BUGGIES • WAGoNs, And everything aPPertaining to the Horse. Parties, deal• ing to sell will please leave their notice of consignment on or before Thursday of each week In order for advertising. Prompt at tenUon and good etre will be given all Stock left tousle. - JOHN H. STEWART, Auctioneer. • trZ•m6o JOHN U. BTIVIALST. ...... 11.PASTSIISOS., ROM Us PATTERSON & yalirraiar. AND I CObINIISSXON STABLES'', Cp, BERNIE MEER & LIBERTY ET. PITTSMIROB, av26:lit EfF,EITIN GS AND BATTIATO. HOW,S, DELL & CO.; ANCHOR COTTON MILLS. erritissvaca Q. • itspziatitsvirs of EILLVZ SODIUM sad weal amm Lan MEAGINOIAL lareliCrry Callt - AND .BAVITNIII. ictournts. - CfiATZEIt 4111111 GO SS InfLTINGI Mao, Gum Packing, liose. Gaskeph ite.. al. ways im hand mu to? Ws, urtrlesale or retaG.try Stottllo4l4=4 CARPETS, 3MECUSSEI 2 Just reeelved ( by diriet importation and. xxEctrarmorcallis Of the latest styles In laige quantltlef. OLIVER .MCCLECTOCII k co. 23 Fifth Avenue. CARPETS. , NEW FALL sToqi Oil Cloths, Window Shades, DRUGGETS. DKUGGET SQUARES, Ing+in. Carpets, At the Lowest' Prices Ever Offered. BOYBO, ROSE t CO., .11 FIFTH AVENUE. selS.d&T NEW FALL STOCK.. CARPETS; The First in the Market AND THIE CHEA'P EST. . CHOICE PATTERNS Two-ply and Three-ply CHEAP CARPETS.. THE rnmsT Luzz or BODY BRUSSELS Ever Oirered in Pittsburgh.- Save time and money by buying from 31eFaLL.M) 'No. 71 and 73 'FIFTH AVENITS, an2s:d aT NEW 'CARPETSt , EAESII..DI,YORTATION Paicbased by our ~lrdE MoCallum from mann: VELVETS - , BRUSSELS, Tapestry Brussels, TEE FINEST Assortment ever offered in Pittsburg ALSO, A. FINE STOCK OF THREETLYS, INORMS, COMMON CARPET A FINE ABSOLT3CENT OF Well Seasoned Oil Glotll6 BROS.. Jfo. 51 FIFTH COAL AND COWL_ COAL* COAL!! COALM DICKSON, STEWART 16 CO., y i lving removed their Once to NO. 567 LIBERTY STREET, (Lately Cits Floor x 11) SECOND MOOS. Are now krAp_ared to Dullish rood TOIJ9HIO. MUSKY lAndr, NUT amt. ORBLA.CK, at the lowest morket price. All orders left at their oboe, or addressed to them woe& the mail, will be attended W oromottv. EDUCATIONAL..[ EGAB AV INSTITUTE, 1521 C, i l nd 1529 SPRUCE STREET, Philadelphia. Pa. ENtiLIBM AND FRENCH. idr Young Ladles and bltsses, Boarding and Day will reopen on MONDAY. Septe - o ber 20. FRENCH. is. the language of the family, and la constantly spoken in the Ins D titute 'B . MADAME ERVILLY. T ItB Principal. DR. WEITIVIER ri r ONTINVES TO TREAT ALL t'.l VrtThte 2stee:itealaStigbeitikclill S PI lireirtertien' ill tZnkee!gles:dard'ea:o7.=,tlFelitttulfg from self-abuse or other causes, and - width produces some of the following effects, as blotcnes. bodilY weakness. Indig a stion. consumption. aversion tO soctety -unmanliness, dread of future events, l o ss of ;oetoory. Indolence, nocturnal emission% • s od amity so prostrating the sexual system its to render marriage unsatisfactory, and therefor* imprudent, are permar,ently cured. Persons af. mood with these or any other delimit& intricate or long standing constitutional com latest should give the Doctor a trial; he never fails. - • A particular attentionsiren to all Female com plaints, 'Ancor:hes. or Whites. :natione,o o Falling Inflame pral . Amnahoon MeeorrWagia, Dyscell. . . norrhoes, and eV-rally or Barrenness, are treat. ed with the greatest success. It is self-evident that a physic! sai.who confine* himself eXchtsively to the study of a certain clean • of diseases and treats thousands of cases every year must acquire greater skill in that 'pectin? than one In general practice. • . The Doctor publishes a medical prop e let 'o art y pages that gives a full exposition nere and private diseates,th at can be had free at adlell or-by mall for. two stamps In sealed envelopes. level senlencebtintthligatitics,txtion to the at. il dl e ur n'ature e ot the& compisints. determine the ?re. Tits establishMeLits e irrtatnir ten ,Itianb. a. rooms. is central. yt n it 11 1101101111-111 1 1 110 visit QS city, the Doc 4 opinion tan be ob. tune I by giving &written statementef the Csse, and medicines can be forwarded by mail or ex.., press. In some Magnets. however, a personal examination is absolutely necesitary. while In other* daily personal attention is reqt !red, mad for the accommodation t f such Patients there are amirtments connected with thatloe that are pro. elfish irttti every requleltS. is_ ealculat.o to trastriss.tejeo__,plee:clAptirLeinaksg_t lier= ble Doctor.. awnlaboratary. snorer ids personal Illedleal pamphlets at °Zee as. rssefor. WI stomPa. AID Matterwho failed, read read mum he sayi t L ii rs. to 11 -. WI 14 10 Sr. • 1:19 IRAN VMS. 1 WIZ , • MI Necon4 Floors• AND