E BIOTICE.Ite*: H. Heigh . land tiartiet will' preach 1s eiraee ettan Chilton on .to morrow (dabbltha at half part seven o clock. Subject:. other In Israel." se!la tree to all: atty.' godites.-Dapton • rust' *yen :n Chan Tna GRACE .:;RIEFORRED , CHURCH nor iiir - .4ami 'Arne: and Weheter avenue. Tblivehnreb will be opened !or fart., lac divine I aervee TO-hIoRRJW - Wandi.ll).l /QM. 1031 o'cloa A. K. The pubtie are In- Ylted at nd. _ THE FIRST strnionisr OIRIRCH,(RaiI road btree near Depot,) - Nrw linuarrolt. Pa. IC F.'CROWYLIZE, Pastor. ;reaching EVIZRY SABBATH.' at IQ3 A. ' and P. Public .cordlallslzrdta. CIIIII::ErtiC OP,ALII 2 4 IIUGRAnit 1 6.1 sine service I nth 'Church auk TO MORROW at halt•patt ten olt,loat Wiq half- out seven o'clOck P• M: ' I • • . . farr I Its T.- "EVAIVOttICAL nti . e,,;air, %Err e r ut N MRROR, teve LAIRD c eld street.. Rey. P. - , rtigo o ri - i fie k rvlcee TO-MORROW MORNINti at 12_ o•el oc k. tunday. sotool ate Orr 11311' 1 AN CHURCH 'Or PITTSBURGH, W. 8. Bra actor, meets, stattnlty, in NEVILLE HALL, corner of Liberty and Fourth streets. ServiCes avert Lord!s Day at .1.03a:n. m. and T) The pu 4 blie are ardlally Invited. -; • wrilts ' HIM Pi •CM.IBCII. corner Beaver street and Montgomery avenue, Allegheny CityJoBEPH XlNG:Pastor. Preseldrus TO•MOBBDSV, (Lord's Day.) at 1104 A. st: sad .14 r. 31. • Beata eallrely tree and a cordial Invitation to all. /1 I • ggrrIR'ST , MEICHODIST OEUECJI. • PITTH AVENUE. *tote Smithfield stn. et. The pastor, ALhEANDER CLAIM; will _preach 7 t..2.10n.8.0W et 10:30. A. 7d.. , and at 7:30. .k. ' rrecteeets and welcome to strangers. trATIVFIISALIST CHURCH, tal+ Rev. W. W°rintVA. 3 1;R E B t i r at t it a tfar lift . t Ngl i g; EVERY SU .NOAY at /OM A. N and 7 P. at. Seats tree and a welcome to ad. Sunday school Sunday evening, October 171 h, Mr. Van De mark will glee the first at a &ilea of leeturts to the young. Subject: *;Young America." WMESSIAH EVAiIiGIELICAL I LUTHERAN criumat, Meneral :syn od.) 2; nth istreet, e. J. P.'W. WrIICIChN -00.0.8, raotor. rreaehhg . TO-MOUROW. at 10)/ A at. and 73 r. a. handily School at 9 Y. Lecture and Prayer Meeting WaLINESDAY EVENLAGS. Friends of the eongregatlim p nbll: cordially Invited. Beats tree.' • .2.- . • DIVIDEND :IVOTICE.—The . - Direitors of the Bliarosbarg and Law renceville Bridge . Company have this day de clared!! dividend of , • Nu* rigsmEzirr. • iorthe last six Months,' payable at the office of thegreasurer Sharpshurg forthwith, Jzio. uzED. Treasurer. • atram i sauud;oct. i. 18(9. " 0c13071 lag"THE' BOARD ' OF DEBEC. iISSI r TOES of tn€o- COLUMBIA OlL evil PAlrr t 3 day ee'elared a dividend of . ' FIVE PER CENT. - : Ideal St ock, payable Monday. lgth i nit. S' ' • A. P. Mee MEW. S ec' : GIIi Cie . l.. /3, 1869. • oeitp79 , r = On the C 1;M ilarlijST 'OUT: roi:co ll 47. l 4 B ersO'r E eVh. zrztesiii. tie. .None at, goem, done ad pleasant. tufts cure Sold by JOHNSON, P OLLOW.CY 6; COWDEN. "NroTter. —The , utdersigned A.:11 Executors and t rustees. under tne last otal andtett anent. cf JAMES. biAttSHA.I.I.., de. coated; hereby Ore notice that their office for the settlement or th. bustnese of the estate Is at the "Frialln Fott Arr. , ' corner of Ran Road and blineteelatu streets.' JA MEd 114,RALI eI.L. Jr., ,MAKE LV. WATSDA I ' 1 OS. M IdAIt.tHA.LL. Executors ac. Pittsburgh, Oct. 15, 18439: oct6:d w i niatot r. nous, Nowa prtEro um- COME motrEß Dr- - -deeds for all the States. No.. 1 149 Fourth Avenue. PITITIETBeiII, FA. I \ Prom}it attention min be , given to the taking. Of Depositions. When a Commissioner eertilies :tinder. ills Offleial. seal t' , at an instru-, saint of, writing has- been - executed before him; it 'km be used 9r reeardf d any other State wittionir.urther anthentlcation, ocie A IIOTHIEIII VERY FINE A 8 BORTMEST OF .L ' es' Gold:WatChes, • Jetst received, Fe pikes from • • ~,,1 11111 TrPOLLARS,APWARDS...—: LEASTviceare lioiLWlln 2 the skeet WATkEttei Fos MONEY attar boaawlir th e el r. Please' 4611 end examine them forrourselFes a WATTLES & ,81344wirS: firm:swseribig,~ r_ • Abdineniltllllo:l Street: OPER.' , ; II - RAIPS r ANT! :ARABS:, -A ; ltodsonts Misortnt.nt, „ .! JAMES .PHEIAVS f ~ C else Lniie.,.7.-----, - .P., cs, ... . . ; , 1 ,, — ,. Fear The Cheapest Orgaiiircirvelie wittier, •, ,:, ..: , - '', lithe .J.r.:1;,„ .: . 1 3 tit rt i E.T 1 1 l o‘', Ito N. ..2.' ,r f , ~ t , . , tl i i A relendid'etock personally jet/lane. -L , eOTr jait received vie forage , s fietztzers , ' x i , gqi, 110 .4 , , • • Ali Wood, i Civet. , r. Oct Pl 4, AMY P3F...44,lsure#,4rtpout, • r , :; 1:14.1rx Parole:fee' •:•• 13... i.;;; 'AN ELECTION W014.-EL I ,f 1 Imacener4Lar3.titopfitsk-wilu. ELOUtla t •On mONW.M doy of November next. betweeesbe be 145 md. Ea jr.5. , Tar total 41211100 Of the ethekbeldeflFWV be held tekMtl 4 Xoyember clOck 1 . 1 1 - 0 10 J. y . l i • p r ,-• oeii:re•sa' 191, ' • • • 'DEPORT OF THE•CONDITION AA" OF .2•BE' e .11111111 -NATIONAL BANK i of Plitsbur i f tt, at•tke close of business, October • • RESOI.IIIOEB. ' Loans and/Diem:into $ 1137,800 11 ,11.1. S. Bonds to secure 'Ursula .. Lion u 404.300 :Due frhila Approved Banks ----- Duelies, Y0rk. 31,93143 e from other A ational Banks 43,11051, Due from, other Banks and Real Astute 4599697 45,317 58 Furniture anu Fixtures 2.318143 • -- Expenses 6 90713 48,355 77 • 7a.xes • • 5 23369 Exchanges for Clearing Rouse 53480 St Remittances, Checks slid Revenue' titamps... ...... —.31374 92 National Bank Notes 4479 Fractional Currencl 1.22974 Legal TenilerNotes 123„150u 3 rer Cent. Certincistes.... 7540000 -- -.-290,132 22 11.678,868 au LIABILITI3I3. Capital StOok $500,000 00 ourpina Fund $ 06.1351 38 Diaconal, aad interest 38 81179 Premium and Itxtbange... 2,012773 Profit and Lon 10,78040 - --184,83 35 ctroilatlon_.... • ' • 38 e,780 00 Individual Depo.lt, ;103,18188 Due National/inka 83.68/ "Due other isanka and Bankua,.. t . ... . . .... . ... 22,47818 Divldendaa 068,323 15npaid - WO 00 John 8.. LivingttOne. C: 1 1h1 0 : L i e rtit ir6 abn , Niatunil Bant of Pittlibn b Abut :the %bop o. 'gatemen:lo true tra l o Y I be r atl r f mt knowledj e and' °the: LLvirresro nb 1.0 - r r tht ofoteft 'worn beion me lgk dv r t:oseltt&. H. Ia tt c.iss;l olD. Notary Yahttr. .IllH IDPotoris - W..JLLVILE, jft., oclikple REPORT OW TUE .CONDI. TION OP THE /CRS? NAT 101 s AL BANK, Sarah, at the clone of banana; Oak 9, .1.899 itEsotatins. ,Iseaus and DlLeounts - $ l ,/4et9ff9 55 United Stateaßonds to ucute : • eulation 490,990' oo ottit, Stocks. Bonds de 12,111.9 50 Due. nou , ftedeemLLE andlitr• • *ale Agents 979:999 111 - Duefto6nbtherNational sante.. ,a 9, 593 07 Doe Dom otsef Das. ks and Saws- • eH - 0,054 04 13ankltuf tienee...:. 31.1100 00 Current? xpenses 955 03 _cob items, lig ligia o o 4 l , . 14.5y9 3" hange for leaving H0u5e....49,9 011 Bills of other 'National Banks.— • . Its 3,13 013 „Fru-Monet -,<.:erteney. Including ... • Rieke ........ ....... . . 8.5119 Sfr 51.1155 us Legal Tendtr. Zi mei /90,000410 Telietrpercent,Vestneatea ' ' 50,000 00 , . FM MIMI =I - --- . - - -- , LIABILITIES.. -- • -- *- 2,853;7X8 00 ... _ • •-• • valuta! Stock 'imld la .5 . 00,000 00 Surplus land • -• 51 51.043 .8 3 Nat. book clra.ulitlou outstsuth ' Inv ' • 350,000 00 Individual Depo.lts ' 933.X44 SS :Due Natkrual Banks 175,079513 Due to other if Siuks Ana Santurs. 11.400, 96 SPATE OP PENNSYLVA 60 NIA, ' CoinliTy I ~ • L ..D. rcu Ir. (Ashler of he First erational Huai, no solemnly swear %oat the. aboye-suite meet is ;roe,. to the beer or my kno rt Ledite and - JULIA D. SCULL:I, Cashier. rabsitylbed and *wort' before me this I6W day of actoper, 1809. • . • B:BAUTH. lrotar y Public. Correct—Attest, • 8.11. 1 4A.15i • • • • AIOXANDER SPICER, Dlrectopr. • NpilICH. • Kati, 87 einiBESIDENCE `AT AUCTION,' 0 'BMW aiituOra, 9t,i:Aronday, °doer 18t/4 -At two doelocir, will be sold on the premises, that Very. clesiraMe property. N 0.43 Beecthstreet,Al • 1 ,43 9:lt. / T he lot it 40 by 100 feet to,an alley. Th Vonse iisneat, substantial twoostory ;tressed clelroxit,"containing 11 rooms. It has slate venlbute, spacious hall, high celUngr,zoar., ties. marble Wash stands. hot ; ancl,ctold • ,w ,r, Turnsee t fine gas fixtures. closets., bath. ran '''&o . Also; wash-house; stable Mid' car- Iniktums: 'All' drainage 'ls led to the main .seurtim: It IS, In short, a ebMplete hones, and .worthy the especial attention of 1111 n• want of a tomb bunko: in 'a good. iocalltyl 'The aireet is pnverl'ind li a besuUrnr• thbringhtare to the Part, :A thorough insPeetioh Or she totinises, 'Prior to the', ale, IS Invited: L s' Tonna liberal. LEGISIATIE. 0431 No. /3 9 . 7 ederallitree‘Allegneny City . -• • ;tia. )19011 prOd I • e ;lux of 10 !mooting • LOVICii4OO, :t bbl tate. , `;titirreoonlitillints Isissa "Atm ll 7.r.ittadtvitroa_ . !A seitofe r Infest. t wasnartediagut-10 fmui• tere an mok, /,o t.d -s ,it aIAM Dl £'po... i • ' aNE A .!,; GOO • Porsta_..A.li MI S , . - EllE BATES & BELL Will open th week Prints, Ginghams, Cassimeres, Blankets, Flannels, WateTroofs, Cloaking Cloths, Linen Goods. 404,300 00 12.140 82 r . rrrsParlom IIe m..... AZSTTEI • SAlllfflyE- -OCM,BER dig r 4869 Is ' ; ss. a ---g - VNTIEL NEWII.ADVIEIRTISErffiI AD I .._ ............, BY .... . . . FRESH • . . I ' ' " - STOCK! . W SE' ~ .. ,• 4 3 11 . a - C 4 s. i N 32 ). , . 1 ,:1111EN' ISATEW: - - '. x' , 1 anl - 6. , ' '1 . I s, Iv - - , i..... - .)Ns 8 , •41 •, • eig, , BILLIE. LIE SAF . - • Scarf a complete stock of ndkerchf • ,ckings a Adiea, Ch Underwt fete Glare( :Dress goods, Balmoral . . Merinos , . . Hoop $ k 25 Plaids 2F , 1 . 1 ( Shawls, ; , IA i i ' I . • Cloaks, . 1I , i WI . .. Mourning Goods ' ~ 1. V f I 1 S ilks 1 I I t 1 . 1 , . Fanc Arabs. ,i , 1 IREPORT OF THE CONDITION OF IHE ALLEOHENY NATIONAL 4.611 at close of business, Saturday, October 9th, 1869: RESOURCES. Loin; and Discounts • 741,877 87 .overdrafts 0,751 UU United States Ronde to secure Circulation 500,000 00 Other swag. Bonds and Mort,.- gages 1 53,007 IQ Due from Redeeming and Re serve Agent l' 108,484 41 Due from other .Nst , l Banks 1 36,505 03 Due from other Banks one Ban ' kers 2.773 36 Banking Houle 39.. s 3.25 Other Real Estate 39,713 Si. Current Xxpetuses 8,907 34 Taxes paid 4,993 93 Exebauges tor Clearing House.. 09,593 14 Checks on Banks and Bankers not In Clearing House •.,, 29.371 33 Bills o:other Na.lonal Banks., 2.897 1110 Rills of btate Banks 1,115 00 Fractional Currency, the-siding Nickels 1,093 03 Coin 6.50 Legal Tenuer No,rs 161,949 00 U Per Cent. Certificates 30,411,0 00 ------- • $1,814,335 47 _ ' LIABILITIES. Capita' Stock paid an $ 800 . 000 00 Surplus Fund 131,9165 bit Exchange 1.937 17 Interest 19,978 BS National Bank Circulation on.- atsridlog.' .—. ..... . . State Bank Circulation outstand ing 4.329 00 Individual Deposits. 678,239 99 Du. to National Banks 15.299 44 Due toothier Banks and klaiteni. . 3,349 49 Dividends Unpaid 7e,650 50 ------ .. • • $1,914,539 47 State of Pennsylvania. U. County of Alleghe ny. Bank ,ist sweare Allegheny Rational do so l e mnlythat till 4801 re state , . meat Is true to the best of my knowledge and be. lief. W. McOANDLESS, Alum. listhler. - Subscribed and sworn before me this 19th day of October, 1869. 8. SMITH, Notary Public. Correct—A , test: J. W. COOK. I It. P. SktYTH. Directors. •••____ J. McIII.XINO, _ 0c16:p86 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Merchants aid Isuudidarera National Bask. OfPlitsbaurbPa.. at Om close of Mulneu, °etc: bet 9th, 1669. Loans and Disco s URRES nts O CES. Over drafts 5807,994 08 7,00( 98 17. 8. Bonds to secure Clrculatlos 800,000 00 17.8. Bonds aad Seen:Wes on hand 10.110510 either titicks.Sends and /tortes. 17.84786. Due from Redeeming and EC- t serve Areits.- • • 35,270 30 Due mem other Aatioina Backs—. /08.577 96 Sllse from other Banks 4 Bankers. 31,004 81 imkins House.. ..... .. ... . . 7?,59Q 30 lament imputes "... a '2140 16 Taxis* Paid I 5 ,651 04 Cash Items Illicdn ding t Unmet... 4 18,7954* Exchanges ror tbe Cita Ing ;lowa 45.0,7 s Bats of other:lath:mat Banks .. ... 0 13,1/14 VO l'netlonal Currency. t. tincladia • Nickel i i 1,6513 coc Legal Tender Is ot-s 1 160.413 00 a Per CentslCiukgimig 1 45.080 00 1- - • ' , 52, 935,788 59 , ttinm $ , 935, 788 59 CapitalStocilt pain in b s , 800,900 00 urplus Fund 931.311 9.4 EDUconnt ... sa . I ........ , , 4,378 80 xchange5....,........ .... i .f....... 1/.190 sks National Bank OhMltiatlon Out. • - Stateßank Circ ulatio ; Outstand 624.214 Io i /7.708 00 Individual Deposits ... ..;,...... 601.iggig $4 Due to National Ran k s ... , 44,733 ya• Due to other Banks snit tinker& 890 41 STATE OF PEN N SYLVANI A, / 33.1333,768 59 COalt77 OF a ttatuntnY. - . ,J . • ' • • I. JOHN sourr. , /x..Caahler of the meicb ants and Manufacturers National Ranks do solemn'? sear that the above statemant Is true to-the best My knowledge and bellef_. , - - JOHN ouorrar „ Cashier. Putmetibed and sworn to before me this 1511/ day of October, 1889. , JCL+, swim:um. Correct—Attests Notary SIMI c. HENRY LLOYD. - ROBT.H.HARTLET, ' Director., I. • R.. SOLLMAN. i seu•DBs IN/LEN.— $lOO REwAgik— Stolen from the subscriber. one milir'-ori the' mad ead Mt ing f w rom Columbiana to Ne Idaboni, Ohlo, on . Ist, ' • TWO 3 TEAR OLD nOnins, round;B hands/ash, dark bay coler,ind-rhod all ; one!. curbed on bath bind lira and to short Mane, Tail and mane dark. TO other's Yule and lan Is thin, and 644 60mi11...bite spot oa the 1101 Fr • , r - A raw:watt $5O wilt be paid fir tha riecivigy cif the horses, and $5O add I Coast for tha'appre. iletisioul of the thieves. Any informal' en be addreeled tr. th e Underlined n t;olpro sna. O. - AUG-, MILCE • • ic5:857 ' ' ' ' E. NICHOLS X. X. .15 1 0c5WAhr...•. ........ . . .....4, 76 lIVOWN. B.' It. 31CCETWAN4:Ma'', 49 7 1 Boulevard 'Pave ' ' . ra, ~ . ...,...,- \ Officer No. 66 oine.ffr., ,arlii a Orders left at QAXI7I7I OrnCll, I l lstaitir Piave att499 tti 44_ ~ Piave/ 14 wore, /2112 ir iv Dries. at. Warrantlid ettiVEIV ld, 1 Roar It 2, .. Ellart sr ge, Anderson's in di OssOPOSII. QM/. I 041111* NEW ,A.DVERTZEURBIE NEW DESIRABLII GOODS 111 7-'.O.DA.Y WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Na 180 - n 4 1182 hderel. Street, ladles' ansl 4411drons' HATS, 'BONNETS. RIBBONS &FLOWERS, WIDE SASH RIBBONS, Silk ' Scarfs • wind Ties. Handkerchiefs and Collars, • Stockings and Gloves. -Ladies, Children's and lilen's Underwear. Felt ' Gored atria, • Balmoral . Skirts, Hoop Skirts and Corsets, 25c. Shirting Flannel, 25c. Fine Alpaca, 64c. Linen Towelling, 121 c. Wide Towelling, 25c. Feather Ticking, $3 a Pair---Grey Blankets. MEW GOODS tf risr P77.I3CVASED, A W'lLL'l44i:saM DERAL STREET, A. 1. ANDERSON & SONS 9 Book and Job Printers, 67 AND 69 FLEVII AVENUE, Dispatch Building, Pittsburgh. 1 . Having extra large fou execu t ionpee, end Prest facUltlee Tor the RAPID or PAPER BOORS, Would respectfully wlicltthe patronage of the V • Those tri , or us with thefr orders, can rely on having them done NEA.T.LY, and AT THE TIME AGREED ON AU Kinds of ELECTION PRIN .P 1 1 , 0211.1:"T.LY EBE • 1)07:cois Alit OLD ESTABLISHED COISIFECI'IONEELY IN A NEW PLACE. iltlEllBll & BBOTAEg llssiktents4ed their estabilsbnient to their new sild'elekant premises. No. 24 . Sixth Street, - . Dalai% Mir.) , Where Dike irlD offeit6 their Irienos and custo mers Abe num assortment of CoNlritUTlONli, FRENCH DANDLES AND CASES, their own Si/Min elegant and commodious saloonvrlllbe found AP stars. whore the _best of AGO ureaml, rassiwysters i tn al woke, as well at Oakes. Tea. Coffee and Dbocolate. will be served In the promptest mannvr. at their al. rates. octbpsl • - . 3P1111.7./% 1 tarAlEts, The old and getialate 1 . A. dr. D. H..CHAMBERS' 'UNION !RUM JAR, With osier and wire fastening. Cheapest and bump tho *whet. , OFF SETT GLASS JARS, ‘- With CV*, In stock and'fbr sal• bi- D. H. CHAMBERS, 117 WATER writtlET., eentots fIAILL AND SEE China Sets, Parlan Statuetts, Vases and Iran ontitcles. now opening tee the Trade, at 13CECtale aG No. 189-LIBERTraTAT. hN. B.—A large. suortment cr llne White ratilte t Ware ker age UWI use alirey. on and. I cm? TiAticim surpniftki'i•i,lLL :. ,li tilde or fresh lake fish are received daily a eul. Mark e t, , relprss , _popular dab stand; - No. Id Diamond e l'lttsburgh. euil ,tiles Tialn City litstd. Allegheny City. corner or,/ edrral and Vida 'streets. Our, lonit'experlenet in the buslitees ens les us :outwit yttave eel r s drat class article , and eau sell bite Pie Salmon. Hen n ! , Black lists stud W ite'Pered lat very IsorrindM. Wye' %Macs% ivre will insert a dile Drtlele. Wholesale or reaatli•_'4ll. ordure idled r oll iPtai• • z . " '' I' I GEO a NIMPENBERGEB, ri, , .'• ,' . tiorx Aciva svit ..,titosnifitniz *Alia nzEi Itotslael Pavia str•st, I ' I T'` 4 ,'''- - z.: .rrrrsgw4;i:P ~..gmbr..: INghla and II • easues VtalinairiveaVra .14, '. LtramJi• 1161916, TX,. DARICALIir Mot p FE ALLEGHENY CITY. Bargains in Nos. 180 INC TED. A .Z .1 Alrmi 41L13. Ida ,1 =I NEW! . . GOODS AND POPULAR BARGAINS TI, -DAY,, imam& SEMPLE'S, Nos: `lBO and 182 " - Federal Street, AX4AGELENY CITY. LARGE ASSORTiENT ARAB sirilaisp mins AND NEW WOMEN . GOODS, DRESS GOODS Latest Styles & Fabrics Heavy White Country. Blankets, Barred Country Flannels—Extra gcod, Heavy Bed Coverlets-111ra. ct DARE CALICOES, 31-3 * 6 6 . - rs 12 1-2 ct GOOD MITALEN, 12 1-2 ct CAIV . TON FLANNEL, 87 1-2 ct. WATERPROOF CLOTH. $1 WATERPROOF 'CLOTH. Large Additions of Goods. OFFERED AT LOWEST : !1d& ANT) IEt,ETAIL. s. - gi-m.r.L E?B and 182 ALLEGHENY "CITY. RAMIiLET'S T -PARLOR No. 22 Fifth Avenue I FULL STOCK Of All the Na Styles AND OAPS OP T E SEASON. au= GOO The subsoil stock of h Jr Is now receiving In stern &large (etically sealed goods of V i a 11 selected toe s - destelass ta ealLatteeitke Wide . 4 _ FAVORITE TOIL The bat In the inirket; also s • utiannonthinew Cerra,; elp- - e trade.. sad va • 4gCOOKE'S, • Sardine& Fruit Alpanksw . - • Plaalppla and Strawberries, . - • • • • .serke's den redo, P 4 ain:llFM tbejersetel 4:mirror oar tern trade and Warranted. to Otte satisfaction la the trial. Yam!' es and Dealers supplied- by the ease wholesale priceltry, arc A iiiitrallAW. , . • .'.. ~• .59. R] ottl:p7o sii`'eats. El I;l ‘ ri r idl " nargiOns Ba gain Bilrgains , • Bargains Tr,: I.l'illaig&iiiiii ilanains irg. ..araeattl4 imiumalag tz; If "UiZria 14,41 emum2l2t ► 9 • )4 1 :• 4 • --AT Ear PLOTICENT 0111 N0..1 St. • •• et,l BOlrb elima " 4 7. —for, =area as 6f - 412 0 1 071 tent. ns tufts. b • all kinds cab be eueNted en short notice. WANTED. •-• HORT RAND - rupmg.—pbopoitrlDll7 tactibt private ly in ten easy lessons. wlthnnt wok*. bra Wu , 1110. Adoiteit "Shorthancy , e & . irnzvmce. r, t t ; WANTE 4.l 6 ltuiing • *lnnen Toon:return-the old tellable hiCCLEL- L/AIG PLA NINO MACHINE DUMB. patent. edAurrust ditt, ISMS. All ,o'her Sutton and Blast Pans used fbr eOnveritg shaving and dust from wood working machinery !son infr;pgetnent on the above. STORY A PARKER, Proprietors of Tengsr. viola. CKEZ & DOINLASS, Agent of Alleithear County. Odle* toner of Penn and Thirty-third Streets. . . . iy ANTE. 1 ~- 0 1‘vro Gdol - Tin nets tO work on assorted wire and two for obnlng, at • - • . .; ..t i . ' 4.MXICIC & UAW 'MOM% ) .No. 98 Ohio street. fAllesheny. City. Pa. BOARDB OA RDING.Boarding can, be ING. - Boarding obtained at 1519 Second avenue, at the fol lowing rates: ft, nms with tire, $5,80 per week; without tire, $B,OO. UTANTED.-TO BUY. --A. GOOD IPtCOND WAND PIANO.: dress A. GLENN.'ISB Ridge street, Al l egh e ny,' s______tatlng where and when led:mama, can be seen.. ANTED.—A Good • Nurse, kind and attentive to children; will and a pleasiat situation in a small family. ripply at 65 Beaver street. AnegnenY City. "Mr ANTED :--1041.1DIVGe-A I Large &Ton 5407 FRONT ROOM, imit able for geetl.man and wife or -Single gentle men, With board. at No. 157 Fourth-avenue. . icOST.--ffli the St. Cla rtStreet e H u s Onston - Brilbrerte , Federal Street, a LD PEN AND PEN-,. A Itheriti reward 1 , 111 be etv.n - If returned to Vo. 1N Stockton Avenue, Allegheny GUY.- , Ta`LET.• • •• 0 P ont T—ltOONlfi.' One or two - Rooms . , forntthed. • Apnll at 60 Logan treet, Pittsburgh. To' LET WITH ` BOARDING,- 'A. Tiro P'rort No , lns. Loci:lmi the ' , rondo. slrable 1n the city, 18 t• North avenue, Allegheny Cirr.'fr • • LET-ROODL-A 'shed second story front room ,sultsble for one or two young &title:men, No. '.33 Ninth street. nate Nand.) O LET.—A" Fecond. gtery ROONomllatble for two - angle gentlemen or gentleman and lady, at lib. 18 Wylie street. FOR SitE. 41. 1 1 0,1 N. .4.110 F ° R SAL'Er-RARE cEtANcr.. To close a partnership. WARE HOUSE. Ens:994nd 98 Third avenue, .34: Iket front and 8: feet deep; four stories high. For terms a ply to , . - cl4' p 76 _. .. ..____. OR "SALE.—One - Ttvo Horse S at yreii pring sawn, suitable !or a gardener, rer or glass works, o.e rroVered Ambulance. . 800 empty Park tog Barrelt for glass ware. 600 empty. Virtil ky Barp.ls. i v , - - street„ "Volt SALE.—LOOK HERE RAPtru PARK one rune ITN!" a B;ation on the C. .t P. R. it. In Jefferson county. Ohio. contalnhon /110 ICTEI AT ONLY $35 - oer acre: good fur rosements. good water, underbid with coal, and In a good telabborhooo. Mogi' Bs • Terra!' easy.' Ityou. want Velseau ft= borne don't -Intl to call soon at th , - }test Estate once of ell OPT & PHILLIPS, .ti 0.1.39 Fourth avenue. 'filO" R B,4ILE.—A, desirable red s: donee on .Frw , Port St: near Butler St., 16th ward; lot ..79x110 tort. LAlso. a ant/kris, Int Class ,IsTOBE, lONJM and DWltl,Ltri te of 5 rooms sad good cellar on Butler St., 17n ward. An les cells et stand for buslnou; lot it 4x150 feet. , =- A DOUBLE UNICA oWELLINFron 41st tit.' 11rils ward: loae6.:loojeet ok - AVV. R. R. Also a number of Houses and Lots from $B5O up to 10,000.- Also, GREAT BARGAINS IN BLOOMFIELD. 16th ward ; lot* 210:137 feet for OURS. Ten years to pay. Thes ;ears allowed ,for....trst nay-. ment woen the perso n wants to build Inquires of D. 11. W./ALIa.MA. ltatad lainratiCe Agent, , Batterett, 17tb ward. o rt....johns EpLseopal church. I ^c4141 Voll'iliALE=-10'ArHEW LESS atit y . Al l i re lfMt l iitiVfliiii:e4 el i g hen ! l Two hundre and from station. Yrame n noili Ilillirlll=4ld,irood stabler and an other no. zertdri. Ildinds; Orchard of 1002iear fruit tri es, of a ll kinds; 'good garden. irpie a i r. . bor. and maeberrles and cane. us; s*3 000 • • *lnlet item opened: satt Oir red. dences or. minetut - erlng establishments; coal tinder Mitt*: Idabel • rood Indications of oll.• deepest water and best landing Oil the river; an :ell totee4l.•••Tecretre of .4. B. •• 1 14118ton the premises. c ' astle ifIALLE'OP TAU/AIME FOAL =TATE IN THE CITY OF AL. Ey elrpfe o an order 'of the 'Orphans' Clorirk Aaegiteny tonl& `thvirodarslgned, as Tr coder the n ill of Esther Stock ton,- deo , d, lent offer at Public Bale. ON October n Yefd PREMBES, on FRIDAY, the Sib day tit ext, at 10 frefock -- A. -- m; LOr Or 10011 V ltniriat bedob on ir st lf&to eke ittal. of Bald dace. auluse ton avenue. neat Bearer law; frontrogllo 'feet on Stockton revenue sod preserrins the same wloth, hack toward iWater street" s distance of 140 feet. Memo of- ftlale , One-thlrd of rhe• - purchase money cult ootfarmit'on - of vale: Chi , balance In two eqn4 Annual parmeate, seamed end mongage of the purchaser. For farther Infbrmatkra, enOtflre VIM= 'l r rKetee, - so, siftiteavei Avenne, Allegheny, Pa. selllfoe ZEE & CO ET.REET. an MI =SI 0n CioakS i , , Lyr,„4.:,tt• Arabs: . On I'irr „TTl7' f.) if; I 43..aa yserria .. ,b OW BlTidrNYe: ...17$4i Z. j r,P l ll Ol / 1 2 'l. an Llfl ©a _ yr, ZfOiisL —fi qtuffet U /br &All" &gu s t , ' t di r n g si tt fsp ot i n d t r r i•Boarcifryyr floe ereee2dini ,P0TTE.1.7.2V4 be iliserkd ehise_leolumna ditce for TWENTY -PM CEN2ISI, eat/Cada , . tiona• Una FM '0 af W.AiNMIw HELP. MM Lost . ~:.1 : Efecand ;story front rdotre, inn:date.. opening on baloniy. En. eat 18 Wylie street. ELI EfFSILDSON 96 and 98 Third 'arcane: Shaw tl • vs it. forge w ittn. L . 21