II 11 II littslaut ass is NEW PUBLICATIONS. MENTAL PHILOSOPHY; embracing the three departments of the Intellect, Sensibilities and Wilt By Thomas C. Upham ' D. D. In two volumes. Pub lished by Harper & Brothers, New York. Dr. Upham very clearly demonstrated his ability, when this work was first pub lished, to discus's the subject of "Mental' Philosophy." After careful revision, and the addition of new Matter, the work is ieproduced in an improved form. In ese days of book making, i pecially xt books, much stress is pla ed upon the intelligent arrangement . of its parts, .: i s() that students may readily co prehend the drift of the author. Here we have combined the excellencies of simplicity and naturalness of style, and harmonyin the, arrangement of the - various topics. For the general student the work pos sesses attractive features, as well as • for a text book in our schools. It is divided into three departments, the Intellect, Sen sibilities, and 'Will, and students of all classes contemplating professional life will find examples of inductive reasoning. The author represents the work as being Electic in its character, and is not eiciu sively in the interest of any of the great Philosophical' Schools, though it presents the .claims of all. We can heartily corn: mend the work as one worthy ..of being introduced into educational Institutions, and to enrich any person's library. It is beautifully printed, and reflects credit on the publishers. 1 SCRIPTURE MANtr.sr, or Religious E xercises for the Morning and Eyenini of each month. .. ' a THE S ABBATH SCHOOL MANUAL for each Sabbath in the year. By N. C. Brooks, LL. D., President of the Baltimore Female College. Published by Clan ton, Remsen it Haffelfinger, Philadel phia. For sale by S. A. Clarke de Co., Pittsburgh. ~ : The first named is designed for acade mies, schools, and private families., The exercises are so arranged as to present the great thndamental truths of Christian , ity. Each day's exercises contains a se lection of hymns, followed with quo : tations from Scripture and prayer. This 1 book is calculated to do good and inter est Bible readers. The Sabbath School _i . Menial is arranged much upon the same plan as the former. The form of clues ., 'Vous and answers, between teachers [ and scholars, "is a commendable feature. -f Dr. ~ I Brooks is well qualified to get up works of this kind, for his practical knowledge of the wants of students. i / ONE PooRGIRL: The Story of Thousands. i liti pp W hi l eo rt tt Sikes. Published by J. B. dc Co., Philadelphia. For 3 vale by. R. S. Davis 6c Co., Pittsburgh. :!. It is very easy to guess the character of this work, as it portrays a class ofper. sons and scenes that stain society and are cancerous spots in large inties. In the deliniation of such subjects, the author -,'; perhaps is justified in the use of the means he has employed to secure information and t • write intelligently, and yet there are ob jections to presenting such phases of hu- Elan society. The story itself contains thrilling episodes, which cannot fail to interest and touch , our better natures. i j The chapters headed, "From Heysinger's il Journal," may be read separately from i , the story, and with interest, too. 1 . CAROLINA., THE HOTEL-HEEFER's DAUGHTER. By Mrs. M. E. Berry. Published by the American Tract So -1 : elety, Boston, For sale by S. R. Davis Jr Co., Pittsburgh. 1 • , In this volume we have illustrated moral courage and a firm, determination to, do right. The story is one of thrilling in '.; terest and presertis the central character, 1 Carolina, in a beautiful light. Besides the development of moral power, the book is a valuable adjunct to advance the tern'- ; perance cease. It is an excellent book for the family circle, and Is also suitable `; for the Sunday School library, especially Mission Schools. THE STORY OF CyRIL RIVERS, and what . i he learned at College. Published by the American Tract Society, Boston. For sale by S. A. Clarke do Co., Pitts ' l i burgh. • . Lessons are inculcated in this book that iare of value to young men starting out to receive a collegiate education. It pre ' i Bents the various phases of college life, the shoals and pits that hedge his pathway, 1 and by wliich.many a promising young I man has injured his character—frequent• i ly irretrievably. The story of :Cyril Rivers ought to do good, and iloubtleis . I will accomplish the end in view by the 4 writer, namely, to illustrate the .;dangers I of college life apart fiorn the grace of ‘,, 1 God. 1 GEORGE ELlarS NOVELS. ' TM+ Mill on 1 the Floss. Felix Holt. • Library Edi . i tion. Published by 'Harper 'it Bro thers, New York. : 1 On receipt , of ' the first "volume of this ' I edition of George Ellot's .works, we ex { pressed our astonishment that the series, : 1 so elegantly gotten np, could be furnished at the mareplouslrlow Price of seventy five,: cents per volume. The work Is printed Ori white paper, clear text, : robed in hancisomn.green , morriico -,clothb , and _ tastily. illistrated. The : lovers of this . , charming writer-will have s fine opportu . ' xlity to enrich that ; library: with this cap ital, edition. The timnfor, criticising the merits of these ,novels is past, and the raced of praise haii been awarded to the au thor. These well known publishers! an. • nounce that they have paid a large Bum of gold for the privilege of publishing the ~. works of the author. , THE HISTORY OFTINDENNIS. By W. M. Thackeray. Published by Harper dc _ Bros., New York. - A -This 61.11, pamphlet - edition of Thacke. ay's works is furnished et the low price . _ of 75 cents: ,It is :elegantly printed and profusely illustrated.. ._ No one need , be, told of the merits of " Pendennis." It is a rare piece of satirical writing. The Snob of tbe Period A - N. Y., letter says: It is a fact which seems to be quite well established,, that Fisk, Jr., made several millions of dol lars during those days of panic.' If „one wants to know how he squanders a .$109,- 000 or so per dayitis only necesary to pay. a visit to the Erie building on Twenty third street, the gorgeous marble •Op era House. Without the presence of Messrs. Fisk and Jay Gould it is an astounding pile of extravagance. With their attrac tions added it is too magnificent for any thing. One ascends wide staircasesmon ogramed with E.R. in braes (appropriate), perambulates over plush mats gorgeously ornamented with scarlet, lettered" Erie, sits in brown Russia leather chairs decked with more monogratiis on the back—gilt this time. A bewildering confusion of grbund glass and brilliant velvet carpets glitters about, a soft sleepy light falls through blue and gilt curtains upon the heads, bald - and'Otherwise, of an army of clerks. Elegantly frescoed ceilings stim ulate a heaven of nymphs, locomotives and very pink dolphins. Tnree stories are filled with offices(there is an office for every thing and every body connected with Erie to the porter), and all are fitted up in the same extravagant style, with rosewood and ebony woodwork, ' veltet carpets and monograms. Through an elaborately carved door we step from the ante-room into the private offices. The center one belongs to Mr. 'Fisk, and like an the rest, is magnificent in 'velvet, rosewood,-chocolate and gilt wall paper, library tables, glass and more monograms. Mr. Fisk's rosy lace, graceful nose, and blonde mustache, are occasionally bend ing over his desk, which is planted upon a raised dais, elegantly carpeted- Beside his throne is a rosewood cylinder, at the top of which ; are arranged a dozen or more ivory knobs, connecting with bells in nearly every office in the building. At one side is the Secretary's room, wherein repose gorgeous paintings of the ferry boats belonging to the company, and a highly colored production, repre senting Mr. Fisk, Mr. Gould and Pres!, dent Grant, mounted upon a wicked look ing locomotive,,and careering along at full speed. Thy are holding on for dear lite—pudgy little 'Fisk managing his steed with an inspired expression in his very small eyes. Here he eite; a slender little man, with black hair and whiskers, just touched with gray, sharp eyes, and a ner. vous, restless expression. In one corner is a little rosewood telegraph office, re joicing in three wires, one of which ends in Fisk's banking office on Broad street, one in Washington, and one in Jersey City. A minature machine constantly receives and registers the price of stocks, brought by a special wire from the Ex change. - In the basement is a printing office at which all the Opera House programmes, steamboat bills, etc., are printed. Above are several bath rooms, and a barber shop expensively fitted up and monogramed, for the use of the clerks of the establish ment. In the; third story is a kitchen, delicately neat in all its appliances, down to the French cook in his white cap and apron and monograms. Here are cooked the meals which are served in the private restaurant 'below to Fisk, Gould, and their attaches. All the clerks eat in the building, but pay for their meals as at a public restaurant. Mr. Fisk bass beauti ful little monogramed dining room of his own. ' which is never shown to anybody.' It is here that he entertains his fair theat rical friends rwhen their labors are over in the theater below. Thoroughly stocked wine and fruit cellars and any number of umb and the other kind of waiters, with more monograms, complete the culinary arrangements of this railway building. Mounting through the center is a Herring safe, seven stories high, and defended by gratings, doors, and monograms without number. A b ack staircase leads to Mr. Fiske private box in the theater, and over all floats the gorgeouness of uncounted monograms, which are pet whims of Mr. Fisk's. This gentleman is not very ami able to inquiring visitors. He stands pugnaciously with his nose in the air and his hands in his pockets 9 and disposed to be decidedly snubby. Especially when asked how much this monogramatic and velvety magnificence cost, and where the money came from. Tarr. landowners "keep down the Irish" In Ireland by a very simple Pro cess—that of raising the rent of the land upon every available excuse; The daughter of a very thrifty fanner who paid the largest rent in the parish, bought a cheap silk dress, and the lady of the land, while out riding, saw her ',with it on, and asked the footman if he knew who she was. "Yes, your ladyship," replies the lackey, a'she's Peter McCar thy's daughter, who lives two miles from --." Her ladyship said nothing, but when she-arrived at House she sent for the agent of her ;lord's estates, and inquired what rent Peter McCarthy, of ---, was paying. The attentive agent promptly replied £2los. per acre, the very highest, as the land nt pretty good. "Increase it to £3," responded her ladyship. "But it is not worth it," responded the agent.' "It must be when he can afford to put a silk dress upon his daughter," replied her ladyship. And the rent was raised, to the ruin of the farmer. Tint Canker. CoomEs.—The Particu lars of the plan for the introduction of Coolie laboreys into Louisiana have re. cently been made public. The employ. era must pay the laborers monthly wages, amounting to $8 gold or $lO currency. They must also advance $l5O for thopay meat of the passage, money and two months' wages of each Cootie. The, ones. tion has been raised whether the planters will be able to raise $B,OOO for, every twenty hands, at the same time running' the risk of the Coolie not working.: it% however, believed. that the funds will . - be forthcoming, and that a large number of Coolies will soon be at work. Ann SWEET POTATOES FRUIT on GRAIN it— The novel" question whether, sweet potatoes are fruit or grain came up in the internal revenue , office at Washing ton the other day.. The question came up from Virginia, where these potatoes are being used to mauufacture whiskey. If they are regarded as fruit, the product of distillation by small factors would be exempt. If held to be grsdn, the full`tax would be due. The Commissioner deci. ded that tor theoPUTPOse of dietliadon the vegetable was'grairt. Pri PW/R6)l ErE= :NOTICTB3. e . - . . 7, :r : )i • : : '' i !IRONIC BYRIS?L _. ' .1:. . WILE 9 ' TONIC' :AND PILLS will cure Consumption. Et brl eriTomplaint and i spepsim•if taken accord . lug to directions. Th :.), are all three to be taken at the same time. The cleanse the stomach. re lax the livor and put 11l . work;then the appetite becomes good,• the foul digests and makes good blood; the Indian' be to grow in flesh; the , r ' diseased matter ripe into the lungs, and the patient outgrows the and gets well. This is the only-way to cure resumption. • To these three medic es Dr. J. H. Schenck, of .Philadelphia, owes his unrivaled success In- the treatment of pulmona Consumption.' The Pul- Monte Syrup ripen' thi morbid - matter in the lung& nature throws it ff by an easy expectora- Mon, ibr 'when the phi gm or matter is ripe a slight cough will throw it off, and the patient has rest and the lungs begin to heal. T. do this, the Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills must be freely used to cleanse the stomach and liver. so that the Pulmonic Syrup and the food will makegood blood. • Schenck's Mandrake Pills act upon the liver, removing all obstructions, relax the duets of the gall bladder, the bile starts freely, and the liver is soon relieved; the stools will show what the Pills can do; nothing has ever been invented ex cept calomel (a deadly poison . witch is very dan gerous to use unless with great care.) that will unlock the gall bladder and start the secretions of the liver like Schenck's Mandrake Pills. LiverCommalnt Is one of the most prominent - Muses' of Consumption. Schenck's Seaweed Tonic is a gentle , stimulant and alterative. and the alkali in the Seaweed, which this preparation is made ot, Heists the stomach to t w - unt the gastric juice to dieseßve the food wit the Pulmonlc Syrup, and it is made into good Wood withflut fermentation or souring in the stomach- The great reason why' physicians do not cure Consumption le, they try to do too much; they give medicine to stop the cough. to stop chille,to stop night sweats, hectic fever, and by so doing they derange the whole digestive powers, lock ing up the secretions, god eventually the patient sinks and dies. . . Dr. Schenck, in his treatment, does not try to stop a cough, night. sweats, chills or fever. He move the cause and they will all stop of their own accord.' No one can be cured of Consum lion, • Liver Complaint. Dyspepoirs. Caton - Canker, Ulcerated Throat, unless the liter an stomach are made healthy. • If a person. Jill consumption, of course the tinge in some way are diseased, either tubercles, abceeses, bronchial Irritation, pleura adhesion, or the lungs are a mass of inflammation and last decaying. In such cases what must be done? it is not only the lunge mat are wasting, but It le. the whale body. ' The stomach and liver haveloet their viewer Somata blood out et fo•41. Now the only chance is to tase Dr. Schenck'e three medi eines. which will bring up a tone to the stomach, the patient will begin to want food, it will digest easily and make good blood; then the patient be gins to gain inflesh, and as soon as the body be gins to grow, the lungs commence to heal up, and the patient gets fleshy and well. This is tee onlv way to cure Consumption. When there is no lung disease and only Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, Schenck's Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills are sufficient, without the Pulmonio Syrup. Take the Mandrake Pills freely in all billions complaints, as they are oar featly harmless. Dr. Schenck, who has enjoyed uninterrepted . health for many years past, and now weighs 225 pounds. was wasted away to a mere skeleton, in the very last stage of Pulmonary Consumption, his physicians having pronounced his case hope less and abandoned him to his fate. He was cured by the aforesaid mea Mines, and since his recove .urm. ara e t r h c enta r d r e e r a n t ;l .a l t . i ar o l a y r i rlieg e have a wed markable success. Full directions accompany each, making It not absolutely necessary to per sonaly see Dr. Schenck, unless 'patients wish their lunge examined, and for this purpose be ii zfessionally at his Principal Office, Philadel p a, every Saturday where all letters for advice ass be addressed. He is also professionally at No. 32 Bond street. New York, every other Tuesaay, and at No. 35 Hanover street, Boston, every other Wednesday: lie gives advice free, but for a thorough examination with till Reter rometer the price is IP. Dame hours at each city from 9 A. sr. to 3 e. K. Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Ton ic each 31.50 per bottle, or $1.50 a half dozen. Mandrake Pills 25 cents a box. For sale by all dm. - Is. uorllnial.d air Ia"DOCTOR WHITTIER CON. TINUES TO TREAT ALL PRIVATE DISEASES. That numerous clam of eases resulting from self-abuse, producing an nervous debility, Irritability, erup tions: seminal emissions, and finally im potency' permanently cured. Persons nand lagmilli delicate, - intricate and long nand lug constltuttenaloomplaints are politely/netted to call for consultation, which coots nothing. Experience, the best of teachers. has enabled him to perfect remedies at once efficient, safe, permanent, and which in most cases can be used without hindrance to business. Medicines pre- Pared Mlle establishment, which embraces W aco, reception and waiting rooms; also, Warding anti sleeping apartments for patients requiring dilly personal attention, and vapor and chml cal baths, thus concentrating the limed mineral springs: No matter who haee failed, state your case. Read what be says In EU pamphlet of 11fty pages, sent to any address for two stamps In sail ed cave P ope. Thousands of cases treated annu allT, at office and all over the country, floury:- moon free, personally or by mall. Idler NO. 9 Wylie street, (near Court House) Pittsburgh, Pa. Hoare 9 A. H. to 8 P. M. Sundays IS xi.' to ti P. H.Pamphlet sent to any address forte Stamps. iIgrBATCHELOWS HAM DYE. rplendld Hair Dye is the berths the world: the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, rens ble, instantaneous; no disappointment; no ri diculous tints; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes Invigorates and leaves the Hale soft and beautiful. abaci or browns. Bald by all Druggists and Perfumers; and properly applied at Batche lor's Wig rectory. Na. 16 Bond street. New York. my2l3t3 THE HEALING POOL, MAYS POE YOUNG MEN, who bare Wien into vicious habits, and now desire &blither life, and a better MAN HOOD, with certain means of relief for the afflicted. Bent in sealed letter eneeloper, free of charge. Address. HOWARBI AtBOCIATIoN, Box Y, Philadelphia, Penns. seVilm.dgg FALL STOCK OF 'I • tiIEN & BOYS' CLOTHING Now Receiving jby GRAY & LOGAN'S, No, 47 SIXTH STREET, sel7 LATE ST. OLAIR. MERCHANT TAI P. MI'.AXLIDI_AIE, FASBIOPIABEI MERCHANT TAILOR, Keeps constantly on hand Clothe, Cassinaeres du.l Vesting& Also, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. No. 93 1-2 Smithfield Street, PITTSBURGH, '!/1.. 10Y•Gent , s Clothing made to order in the latest glee. seB;nall NEW FALL GOODS. p • I. splendid new stock of CLOTHS, 6.9l4l9rlliEßESt &C., Just received by UZZlitlr sea: Mara:int 73'llmitheeld street. NOTICE TO FLOUR DEALERS AND CONSTIMERS.—We are Dow recelv olo; of 40,000 bushels cueing selected WHITE AND AMBER AND- T NESSEE WHEAT, purchased In Gibson, P e. -Green and Morgan counties, Indiana. 'lbis , lot Whe i 4k:si 'United very best to be found and 'cannot be used by any in the Metes. We ve also finished our fmorcrvernents in IdoclanerS. Rolling Cloths and Cooing Booms, and are now prepared to .furnish the best flour we have made for ten years at Prices that defy competition on the same grades of flour., IL T. KENNEDY 13110.4 Pearl /Remain% Allegheny. September 13, 1069. LOUR! FLOURS rf1,01:114.! MINNESOTA BAILEES 71,0131113.'.• 4130 Ws. Leg Tender. 367 bola Ha fis,,t6l bbls ltrmine,lTO bbl. Summit Milu 440bbla Mona Co.',•stH) bbl. .Red River. 133 tadallgay 08010VW113003313313 FLOURS. ,; 560 bbli Eiveralde, bbis White Stai;'6oo . bbls traticta s brands_Spring W heat /lour. • • WINTER , WHEAT FAMILY ffLoug. City Mill orHpringfteld. Ohio, Pride of the wett4a Depot Mills, Hannon :A, Paragon Mind Ringidader and Crown, choke 84 Louie., ror sale lower than can be brought It mo West; - WAI"Re CO., iggi !tad 174W00d Street: REpwiTirch MATELEIR AND -MN BELTING AUK, , GUM ragklege BOON Gaskets. Joh, sk; ways oil land sad tot sale, wholesale or retatl44 , • J. r 11.•Plt1L14Ps. SO sad AS ffist6Mad& TI . .40K MA.; isak ' ORB. FLOUR. PRMOSAI4 OrrtOs or TEN COOKROLIAR Or ;: ALLEM/tar COTT/M. 4. A Pittsburgh, October 1869. OTIC E. TO :COAL BIER - CHANlV.—Sealed u rroi)osals wi ll be re ce vtd 'at this office mn 'the Alst inclu sive. for furnishing to Alleghen'y _county TEN THOUSAND BUSHELS OF 13 MAR CIIANFABLE COAL. free from slack Ando/rt, to be delivered at the entrance to the Court House and Jail on Fifth avenue and Boss street. and in such quantities as the Commissioners Or their agent may direct. until the Whole shall have been. delivered. Payments to be made in warrants drawn on the County Treasurer, what the contract shall have been completed. By direction of Conuty_Committioners. • HENRY LAMBERT. CoBTBoLLx.R. 0c12:p69 pROPOSALS Will be received at tile Engineer's oftiOe of the PITTS bURGIi AND CONNn... bVILLE RAIL ROAD COMPANY in PlTllibliiiGH or CUM BERL AND 4 until the let of November,'lB69. inclusive, for SUPPLYING' THE CROSS TIES for the entire line of abtut 85 mi es of tote roe d from II ear Connellsville to near Cumberland • The length of each C , 056 tie will be 8 feet between square ends. Thickness 7 Richer, and flattened on two opposite sid• s to not less than 7 Inches tearing F urface, out of wand: and clear of bark, watch wilt be shaved ...E. Kind of timber White Oak, Rock 07 or I Chestnut. sound and free Mom • shake or other defects. Places of deli thin on the road., and notmore thin half a mile apart, where thfr, ground will permit access and room for piling. which will be done la alternate cross layers about 100 in each pie. Propesers who cannot deliver at the intervals named may state the place at which they would deliver, and quanti ties at each place. The number per mile will be 2:11111. and whole number about 5110,000, in. eluding those for side tracks. Timber to be cut when the sap is ont, and delivery .to tbe com mence(' on or before'Jannary Ist, 1870, and continued until all deliver. d; as follows, viz: For the first 10 miles from either end of the road rear Connellsville or Cumberland, on or before May Ist, 1870, for each succeeding 10 miles to ward the middle of the roan one month later, or cr. the let of June. July, atigustand September. 1870, until the whole. number are delivered. Monthly estimstes of Cross Ilea delivered on the road will .be given, four-fifths of the contract Trice of which will be paid, and the remaining tint at the completion cef the contract. BENJ. 11. LATROBE, Lhlef Bngineer. 0c7.p~-iIIs: t-- °incr. 4:ir cm . Emma= t ...Pittsburgh. mt. #3, 1869. NOTICE TO CONII4IIACTORL— _ SEALED PROPOSALS, for Gip construction of a public sewer on Forty-eighth street, from the Allegheny river to Butler street, and for the grading paving and curbing of l'orty•third street from Butler to Pearson's Line, and fbrthe grading, paving and curbing of Greenough street from Try street to Iron alley—will be received at his oflice until Tuesday, October 19th, 1869. at 3;1.. it. No bids will be received unless made out on the proper blanks. Bpecilications and blanks for bidding can be had at this °nice. . oc6:l= ?PROPOSALS • 11l be received ge the office of the under signed until SATURDAY. October 25, 0 w . 31.. for furnishing 350 of tiold' a Improved Indirect Itadiag:rs, and St' lug up the same for warming tLe new parts of the Ailegheny County-Jail. Farther lutuimatlon given a, our office. it O:j I 5 BAIL & 310SYR. LEGAL niIPHANS' COURT SALE.—By kf virtue of an 511,1 order of the Orphans' Vourt of Allegheny Col nt ' , I wilt expose at public sale, on the premises on Thursday, 28th Day of October, 1869, At 10 o'clock S. it., the following described real estate betel/zing to the estate of • • oup-id Car •mlehael. deed, to-wit: All those TWO Wilt OR PIP CES 0 • GR9UND Ina plan of lots NM out by George Breed and being parts of OUT LOT NO. 233 in the Reserve tr•et. Terms of sale: One-third cub In.hand on the conormation of sale, and delivery Of deed. the balance In one and two years, secured by bond and mortgage on the I.nd—the purchaser to pay lot the bond and mortgage. FLll3lllfia. A dm , r, eum tratamenio annex°. 0C7:D60.5u•7 ALLEGHENY COUNTY. 88:-In the Orphans' Court In and for said county. In the matter of the estate of JOSEPH A. BUTT, dec`d. No. 33, September Term, 1860. And now, to-wit, heptember 18th, 1869, on motion of Brown & taxable, Attorneys fur ac countants; the Court appoints i. E. 31eKELTY, rag*. Auditor, o audit the account and make distribution of funds In Vaud, of administrator. BY THE COURT. From the Record,) Attest: A. HILANDS, tlerk. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Auditor wilt attend to the duties of the above appointment at his office, No. 91 Grant street. Pittsburgh. Pa., on WEDNESDAT,' the 20th day of Otrober, A. D. 1869. at the hour of 3 o'clock r. at. of said day. at which time ant place thoge interested may. attend. se24to7a.r J. E. McKELV • . Auditor. NOTlCE.—Letters testitmenta= ltY on the estate or R. ROBISON. dec'd.. have been granteu to the undersigned by the Register of Allegheny county, all persnns in debted to said estate are fterebr notified to make pmnient and tease litvfng claims against the est.te are requested to present them for payment without delay. 8 itsl'L K. RO BISON QUINCY A. Roßisok, se3tnn-s , Executors, Ise. 155 Liberty bt. VECUTOR 9 I4 NOTICE .112,4 Whereas. letters testamentary on the estate or ALEX. McCONAiltiY, deed, late of East Deer tow:ship. Ailezheny county, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned by the Register of said county, all persons having chime against said estate are requested, to present them duly authenticated for settlement, and those indebted to said estate will make Immediate payment. - , • • Wit. V. EVANh. EXeCUtOr• TARLIMTIC, ?opt. 114. 1869, 5e25:074 PROFESSIONAL. a W. D 9 CAMP, • ATTORNEY Ofdce, No. 1: burgh, (former Lowrie,) win District Court Courts of Atte Dons in most o WM. B. ,ND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. • 7 FOURTH AVENITE,. - Iy occupied by Hob. Walter, H. aloe In the •11. S. Circuit and h n n hSa un e y napdmnd c al lthoe ; the adjacent counties. ja29:d73 NEEPERi • D EX-OFFICIO JUSTICE. 01 THE PEACE. 0 FFI CE., 1 1 89 " FIFTH AVENUE. Special attention given to conveyancing.and collections Deeds. Bonds and Mortgages draws up, and all legal MUMMA attended to promptly and accurately. ' • . ALDERMAN SAMUEL IncXLILSTERS, Ex-Oillcio Justice of the Peace and Police Mag. trate. Office, _EIRANT STREET, opposite the Cathedral,. PITTBBURGH, PA. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgment', Depositions, and all - Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. " table t i OH_ A. STRAIN,- . idr-4103EiRMIA.N, pu i l k.orrici _lLlGlß a-usTL soxr ATIC. nips PEA= ARM ICE Tm cades,lllll FIFTH STREET, opposite the Os , thedral. Pittsburgh. Fs. Deedn.Donds, Mori. gages. Acknowledgments Mori. Depositions end all Legs .Busineu executed with Promptness and dispatch. . _ ASSESSMENTS. = Winos or MIT Brannon( Ann Sunveron, I Pittsburgh, yet..e, 19.. I. 86 , . I4TOTICE,7 The aigieshmenthir. graing. Paving - and curving F 4 rm. Millet m 'hirti.th to 'i hirty•third • etr•tt, le' now -reit. y until TtteSDA.V. Octob e r lotti. arben $t will be returned to the City Wreaaurer's tidiee for collection • COl:pat.: . City Nuginetr. KEYSTONE POTTERY. S 316 KIER UN, - Nannfactozers o (irtr3swAllZ. BRISTOL wearrate.. omewasill Warehouse. 368 LIBERTY ESTBEET. SEIPAU Orden orolninlY attended • TORN PECK t ._ ORNAMENTAL RAIR WOBlan &ND mamma, 83 Market street, Pittsbursb. • Abss%rn babe rem assortment of It dies , 41814._ OIIBIA; _Q_antl i mas -, BO Oumtki 0 ggr i t i r cub ertU _be FtseB lerabw - ;- Ladles tied '3entleteen's Sit.oll d'ae Ili the 'mato" 'mono. - • eel 'rJikIROK CITY. KRAL IRE INSLIAIiCE COI Of. Pennsylvania. Office, 75 Federal St., Allegheny City. DIRECTORSa Hon. JAMES L. SItAHAM. Rev. J. B. CLABII,). D.. Capt. R. ROBINSON, - Rev. A. E. BELL,_D.D_. Bev. IL NEnBIT, D.D.. W. A. SEED Cash ier Allegheny Trust Co. JACOB RU___ ,BH Real Estate Agent, SIMON DRUM, Mayor of Allegheny. C. W. BENNY, Hatter, A. 8. BELL,Attorney. at-Law, D. L. PA.TTERSON, Lumber Merchant, D. /MOGEN, Insurance Agent. Capt. ROUT. ROBINSON_. President. Rev. J. D. CLARK, D. D., Vice President, JACOB RUSH, Secretary, C. W. DENNY. Treasurer. M. IP. WHITE, liznicAL DANffL SWOGER, fieng Agent. This is seams comvanY.tonducted on the mutual Principle, each policy holder receiving an equal share of the profits of the Company. p o li c i e s will be issued on all the different plans of Life Insurance, and being conducted on an economi cal basis will afford a safe investment to each policy holder, and thereby retain the money at home to encourage home industry. mb29:03 pENNSIELVANLI INSURANCE COMPANY Of PITTISRUREINI OFFICE. No. 161WW_OOD STREET, BANE OP COMM:CRC% This is a Rome, Company. and insures against lass Dv Fire exclusively. • LIZONARD_AL'PRX Preeiderd. 43. C. BOYCE, Vice President. ROBERT PATRICK, Treasurer. /MOH MoILEIRRY. Secretary. . . . Leonard Walter. - - tieorge_Wibuns, 0. C. Scale, Reck. W. Evans, Robert Patrick, J. C. Lappe, Jacob Painter, J. C. Views, Josiah Ring, . John Voegtley, Jae. H. Boykin'', A. Amnion. Henry Sproul, _ IPMENITinif 3 • • AGAINST LOSS ST FIFIA. FRANKLUiIiSURANCE CO.OF PHILADELPHIA, 017/1CP.,4111i 411 OBESTITUT BT.,near 8214 ranZOTO • Mules A. Samba, Mordecai nd. B. LOrdal Sam ' Tobiasuel Warm% • Dlsaac avid S. Brawn, Urant, , _ Jacob B. aM Edward Dale. EDW. C. DALE. Vice President. W. O. ISTl , G T Eff i llre E n t ai nx , tern. Borth West, turner Third and Wood Streets. inb.29:wls H. 1.'3100M City Engiueer CASH INSURANCE COMPANY. PHELAN'S BUILDING.. xo. SA Filth &Mille, Second Floor, PITTSBURGH, PA. Capital All I"aidT.Tp. DIRECTORS. N. J. Bigler, TH.W.Oliver, Jr, ICapt.M.Balleys Dan , ' Wallace, !S. H. Hartman. A. Chambers, ThomasHUl, 15. 15 , Clerkan. iJaa. M. Bailey. Smith. ;Jtto.S. ' ROBERT H. HIND, President. JNO. F. JENNINGS, Vice President.. JOS. T. JOHNSTON, Secretary. Capt. R. J. GRACE. Gen'l Lost. Insures on Liberal Terms on all Fire and Marine Risks. api:ser , • NIKESTERN EITSVILANCE COM. PANT OF PITTSBURGH. EXANDER NIMIOR, President. WM P. WERILERT. Secretary. CAP'T. GEORGE NEELD, General Agent. Omce, 911 Water street, Eipang * Co.'s Ware. house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will Luzure against all lOnds of Fire and Ma rine Risks. A home Institution, managed by Di rectors who are 'well known to the community, and who art determined by promptness and Met , silty to maintain the character which they have assumed, as catering the best protection to tiOait who desire to be insured. Alexander Magas R. /Oiler, Jr., James McAuley. ? Alexander Speer. kAndrew dale% David M. Long, D. ndasen. NATIONAL 'INSURANCE COMPANY. ear. Federal St. and Diamond, Allegheny, BUILDING. Office,' In the SECOND NATIONAL BANE . W. W. MARTIN, Presiden JOHN BROWN,_Jn., Vice President, JAMES Z. STILVINSON. Secretary. DDLICTOILS: John A. Myler, IJas. Lockhart.lJOl. Myers, Jas.L.Graham. Robert Lea, C. C. Batle Jon. Brown,Jr. ' George Gerst, (Jacob hoppl o.H3PWllliasesiJno. Thompson J. MeNaugher. PEOPLES' INSIIRANCE COM. mum, N. No CON.NILB WOOD s rIiPTH ST& L lime CardPanirotakig Fire and Marine Mike John Wart, Wm. Phillips, John E. Parks, C. H. Loy. itWm.Nan Birk. James D; Verner i WM. MILL JJOHNWATT.I , W. F. 431ARDNP, A l it,l L LEGME N Ilt INSURANCE 00htlfAHY OF PITTSBURGH. • • '•• 0 OE, No. ST PLITH STREET, BANE BLOM. Insures against all kinds , of Fire and Karina Bilks. JOHN rawni. JR.. President. , .T. J. HOSKIESON, Vice President,. O. O. DONNELL,__Secretary. CAPT. WH. LEAH, General Agent. DIBEOTOBS: • JO l llll Irwin, Jr., H. L. Pahnestoek T. J. Hoskin son. W. H. Everson; 0. 0. Hussey, Robert H. Davis,l Harvey Childs, , Francis Sellers, _ - Charles Hays, Slant. J. T.llltockdalts Capt. Wm. Lean. T. H. Nivill. ROBERT 11, PATTERSON & CO, court= or • Seventh Avenue and Liberty St., prrrintalGu l ra. Will on Saturday. Jul/ 3 / 4 1 4 1 E 69 . and on each succeeding Saturday,. hold an Auction Sale_of . , • . . NM ORSES, CARRIAGES, And everything a9Dertfia a tt — thetorse. • Parties dealing to sell will please leave their notice of conatgement on or berore Tlranday of each week in order for.edvertlalog.; rrompt at tention and good care will beglyen.all Block left foreale. JOHN H. STEWART* Aictioneer. IyZB mss • , , JOHN H. BTIWIAT' liirATTIRSOS: ROU'r. IL puk r rriiTiir ClOntlP 3 4# 4 :# l V.4 4 Eii i COB. BBVEI9TB BEAU' Rom h~ 4 I BARB & MOSE% .; AIt43II,ITPCTIE% "EDIT HOLIES A33001/LTION; wattanses; Nos. 11 and 4 St. Clair strestJ rittitinsirk, ria ttpeettal 'Matta givetrirthe Aer t .111124 %Whir of 000117"' . aptitits ista mita 0 sumpures • • - -• • INSIMUNCTII.- Joan B. NeCraills Chas. J. Clarke, William 8. Evans, Joseph Kirkpatrick. Php Benser. Wm. Morrison. noZ7 DESISTOBO: Capt. John L. RhoadJ, tsau2nel P. Surlier, Charles Arbuckle, Jared M. Brash, Wm F. Lm iart . Samuel/II resident. President. Secrete ry. LIVERY STABLES. BUGGIES WAGONS; ARONITEIOTS. AmumpSisit ialf a NEW Awnknotisr» BEWRIPIT and cele brated andoopular dun, , ht but one of the . ._ Mr. JOSEPH kltocTea, TRIDAY EVENING, 0 0. , 5er 18th, 1809_, Shiers great historical play of DAMON .AND PYTID.o„ . Damon 'loser, Proctor • To conclude with the ever popular.., ROB ROY. Bob Boy 7 Proctor Matture on Saturday Turtday F v..titutr. , 'ctober 19th, the celebrated RICHINGS ENGLISH OPEBK. IarIPITTSBERGH THEATRE. H. W. WILLIAMS. Sole Lesee —First appearance of axles eIISIE STAKE, htl'e. DRUM, ETIGT/HE F. GORMAN. SIM EVA. - ENT, lin , . Di NA.Mlie. E ER-E, and all the great ',OTItitTY CONSof.IDATICH. Friday beat tit of Mile: DE YERE• Ladles' Matinee every Wednesday and Satur day. Admiesion to Matinee, ldEl cents. lACADEMY OF 111111S1v.— Fowl. ONLY.—WEDNES DAY, THURSDAY. FRI]) !...Y AND SATUR DAY. MTOBER 13, 14. 15 and 16. ALLEN, PETTINGILL, DELEELANTY 4 kiENGLER'S SENSATION MINSTRELS, ComPrang mere Genuine Tal , nt than ever befare concentrated in one organization. JOriN NY ALLEN, CHARLEY PETTINGILL and DFLED ANTY and HENGLFR, the four GREATEST COMMEDIANS IN THE WORLD! Assisted by a full and efllcient ORCHESTRA ANA VOOAL COWS Parquette and Dress flircle 75c. Family Circle SOC. Gallery 45c. Doors open at 7, to commence at S o'clock. Seats s , eurod at W. A. Glidenfenney's Book Store, 48 mirth avenue. erNEW OPER& 110 USE. RICHINGS' GRAND ENGLISH OPERA. CAROLINE RICHINOS BERNARD Directress. FIVF NIGHTS ONLY, CO3LRENCING esday, °atelier 19th', The Re atoire for the Five Nights is as follows: Tues y—.M.AhuTHA, . • Wed esday—BOHEMIAN GIRL. Thur sy—Pßo. DiAVOLO, Friday—FAUcT_ Saturday—CßOWN DlAmospit. Admission $1 00; Reserved Orchestra. $1 Reserved 'Slurp:Lena and Drees Circle, $1 25: Gallery: 25 cents. ' Box Sheet now open at the Box Office. where seatse may be reserved for the entire engagement. GRAND ARNE OF THE REPUBLIC. THE LE IMRE COMMITTEE OF Hays Post No. 3 Announce 'inane:Lents with the following .well known Lecturers: JOSH Bi Hon. JUSTIN kteCARTHY, Rev. E. P• ROE. Mrs. ELIZABETH CADY STANTON, Miss SATE JOHN H itita E _ Mrs. FRANCES E. CARTER, (Recitations) O. C. COFFIN. ("Carleton" of the Boston Journal ) The course will be "inaugurated on THURS DAY EVENING, October 21st, by the celebrat ed humorist JOSH. BILLINGS, who will delver his Lecture entitled MILS. Beason tickets can be procured unt'l the even ing nr October 21stb. at the Mastro store of Mel lor & Hoene. and itarr,Snake & BuetUer. Price Two Dollars. ocii:sop WACADEPIIIf OF MUSI C - • PAREPA ROSA Grand English Opra, Carl Ross, C. D. Elis d; Co., riopeetors and Directors. D. de-Nive Business *iinsger. SIX NIGHTS ONLY AND A MATINEE OPENING NIGHT, MONDAY, OCT. .18. First appearance In Grand Opera (ln I"l;ts burgb)of DIME. PIREPA ROSA.. In Ylotow's charming and popular °pets, in five acts, t biRB.THA. • MARTHA, MADAME PAREPA. ROSA • In her unrivaled role of - L &DV HARRIET. or MARTHA. With Hrs. SEGUIN', Messrs CASIM.E. CAMP BELL. SEGUIN. a cast unorecents,d in English Opera- THE GREAT ENGLISH FAIIIICENE Will he given complete for toe first, t' e in Pitts- = burgn, repnesentbsg all the details ind incidents of an ENGLISH COUNTRY FAIR. Pronounced by the New York press a "scenic tri umph seldom witnessed i Grand Opera." and wilful) was recelvs d on its representatibn at the French Theatre with the greatest enthusiasm The Costumes and Properties for this Oct era are still:sly new, and were menufactursd under the careful Buttery' lon of Mr. C. D. Hess, at a cost of several Thousano Dollars. • Tu.sday- (for the er-t time in Pittsburgh) THE PURITAN'S BATGHTe.R. Wednesday— Join'. Debut of the young successful PI ima t'ouna Soma.. Miss ROSE HEBSEE And the young tal ented Swedish Tenor, Mr. H. NoRD obOM. THE BOHEMIAN GlItL. Thursday-(First . time)Tlll3, BLACK DOMINO. Friday—Benolit _ of Mute. PAREPA ROSA, MARIT ANA. MA RI. TAN Saturday—Last night, IL TROYAa TORE. saturdly—Grand Gala Matinee. • ' Admis•lon rsserve d seats SL/30; Family CircleOc; Gallery 25c. - .Reserded heats. for any night. f r o sale at ber &Bro.'s Music Store, 129 WI/Ota isTREET.. • 0c14:p71 • Or'FlF'l 7 ll AVENUE No. 05 plithsvenue, opposite the Opera nove..i'lltsbargh. - Pa. , Is the coolest and most desirable place of resort°. Liquors can be had at this place Pure and lird._The Billiard Boors. areas the ground floor In the rear. B LLIA.Ia DS, (KUNWS BUILDING;) 68 , Sinithfield .StreOt (Formerly occupied by lan S. Kennedy,) has been leased for a term of years by - GEORGE H. BENNETT, And Fitted Up in the Best Manner. WILLIAM] DODDS, Manigen FIVE NEW TABLES Have been placed to the BILLIARD HALL. The Bar is Stocked In WITH THE DE;LIQUORS AND, CIGARS. AtXtP , ERT, dtKOHLICR, Mannhietaiers ad Dealers in BObTB. SRO= Ariv JESAITERS,t lifo XS Market •ttreet,•Pittic b trah..ra ' • • - • Penicillin' 'tient:tam given to..CusuchiVerk. we , beg4eamr tine. the 'attention of t he public pa, the het that leer are now prepazed to • =snafu:We Boats aid Shoes for persons, troubled with' Borns,,'BuMons. or deformed feet, under tke personal superi felon of our atr.-.A.L.' MST, former or mierthear ow. who will ba pleased - •We have adopted Hr. Alpert's mode of maiming the filer, by which we can besafe warranting easy and comfortable Boot , and ehoes for , the trader eat feet. -61,e us a trial and be convinced. ALPERT A IiOHLEB. - &mama 3B 'Juba street. Pitteburgb, Pa IL, - cuttzr witt, He.p.,keide,, iippg.fxuANT T.4xwxg. A ro: 53sisimartad ,senutt 7. , II Joseph Prectoi•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers