0 atllt a i.tt4. 11.4 . bit. t . slj, el - .- 4.: , - •1•:-.-4.;' ,•:.....:,..„.. • i.......i. , ..,„:„... . ~, .. I TIIE Sllt IS' . ER . ' . 8 . IN 2 8 SUNK" * ; ~_ .. , L 2 t ; ...; ' .. :.. 9_llabei, Eon 011 Oli GbOf t non. bod. dots the mttutrippostr, ' 2 -I fity word bath made the basso d le.t store Of rock and earth, and prsctous ore. Good metal we receive frOm Thee. Help us to use it bouestlY. • Yor 0 od tam country as 'tts s fl:, '... - .L. - 2COr lErvirolludis_w_o etd.tritr: - . -- - / --- . 7 .. • i Thy word sud, _reds:snug love i ~. ,Bett4itthail otiltil tit ore snail pro ve Christ Is a mime or wealth uutol s , t4 , . 1 -fllfitftitialf-kiiver - tram OA g 1 diM , c , : ,-,- t , WI, b fees God ii th. c eep - - a.... , t. Qs ~..... tuvbest and wort Ds him aiset: • - • Ile'folfows thrlst with alt uir 4 Irv. - 1 "..Andlacts the Christian Mime s s rt: . , . -flu toiiu li the roluir , s piotniude .t riight :::. .o,trisuips shine od andtaidemir t r i ight, ', , ::i Th I f ordvatil , may,thy word dine. Itiodgh krfs,aa4tottlloef,), s shine. : i •':: ;In- ,- ....i• • --; , NE WS : ' (Angie - ; t• • 41 • '"A.•)ityrKt.olitnititik ptettyl ,chanati, thitt week ; for , Sheridt .NINETY T,WO by the Cincinnati Board- of fr=:r thouiand copies or Byrn works' .were sold Athe i trade.sale in,liew York ),st, month: . • ; Clay niatitrbas lad-the Nicolson inent for•lottryters,[and the wood-49 yet 'rhowti no inditatiens , of decay. ^ ' . TALlAY:retuaeols dt tivacuat biate, oliVueidity.-nigbt't by , - a ball, l discovery. of America by( ()olnurihnis, ' ANDREW PAut,,tobactonist , of,Cleve land; is ender elitist charged with setting , his place on fire to get ipsolnsurance. ' CINCL.NTNAirT expended $O, per day on. each •of the ,sixteen.,:.C9uncilmen from Philadelphia = who :visited that city last THE total receipts for the St. Louis Fair Association,#uring the past week, were $66,100, Over $lO,OOO in excess of last year, APPLES are dull at ten cents per bushel in Crawford tounty, lnd.vand reaches go ale* at twelve cents per bushel in the , . same county: - - .' • TEE Red,"Stockings, of Cincinnati,. AP to September:oth; had played 44games, and•made_l,l777 runs to their opponents' 509, an•aterage of 89 to - • ,JAcon_,Srtasex.En and son were 'brought to Cleveland last week, charged with circulating bogus, five cent pieces. and colnmitted to await the action of : the :United States Court-, : A REDJ.OII was prevalent on Friday last that the mncn talked - of duel bet Ween Col. Mosby . and Col. Boyd, military " Sheriff of V Fauquier county, a.., took place;and that both were slightly'wounded -TEE night that Mr. , Touhey, of the St. Louis Journal of Coorneroi was droivned . in Lake St.,Clair, the foreman of the of ' • and'the fond:lan's wife` simultaneous ly &tainted that they - saw hiai floating in IM 4gftil• • , 1...., "waiting Cistcretwamias one g woman", outside , of a concert saloon. She is to be seen daily in the middle -of the street at the intersection of Plum and Longworth streets, waiting and watching for one who will never return. Mils. Eniiipi).sn diod very suddenly In Cincinnati, ii 'few days,-Agoa_oers:. orillage—tfings. The notabTE: , clr cumstanee about the case is that no warn• lug symptoms of weakness of the lungs had been eiperienced by the deceased Tn Chicago Post denies:that the frost has materially injured the corn in Illinoia„ and it thinks that there is now titi'iopin to doubt that the-corn crop of , the year is by ,odds the most bountiful , ever produced in `this country; and that the quality of the gtainU tinusually g00d.% : ' ,- .v OAley. Station,on the Marietta Railroad; liiit, week, x • B. McCiimoh, a lawyer. of .Cincinnati, was cowhided iby, a, Mr. Ehersole„: The cause of the castiga,, tion was a,st,ieruent said to have been '? • Made by ,31cClytnon that Ebersole's father ~ "liad cheated;.the,; county in a. real estate' . • transeettoit, , . t ~ :,,.--,..--, -. • , • LizrevS.ronn . said at the 'Woman's Con -Vention in Chicago ::'. "Some mean Tow-, 'iris say if women 'vote they should tight. : MoW, she would 'flak, who !milli" r life • when the soldier is born' The m is .: his, quarterniaster until. he -le caps le of ‘ ; finding his own rations." , - .. - ; SAID' a male advocate of woman'tt' " right's: "When Tam am in a crowdedi car,. and when a lady comes in, Ttliink it is the dttty of some'other man, to get up and -, give her . his seat. I lookaround the car to see if any man in the crowd looks like making a move in that direction, and . • whitrl see-them all - keep their seats I . ' hide my face 'behind a newspaper and : blush for bay sex," ' ; , ' - -_, ;ITO= which. has heretofore been un . • known in that, vicinity, haa made .it ap pesuiince among some of the corn fields in Rentncky. , - Itenterathe stock either at the top or bottom and: bores , Its i course ' •, through, killing everai men, were, putting forth their united effort s to lift on end li , hogs heads of, sugar in the IlieWgan:l Central freight dept. when - be bade them get out 1-oftlie'Way, and with no, great apparent effcirt graspedlhe chines and turned , 'up thelil4ge weight Soritethieg being said In.Aegard to his strength, be then. took a keg . ,otritdis - aid held it out at- arms' lingth, grasping the chines at either er.d. With one hand he seized and moved a 'dray several feet, and with both hands car.' lied it completely, around.. A box of tin, about as muchhas an ordinary man could carry, be held ;'out at full- length above,rtis "head,' and shobldered a barrel of flour ei easily as a boy7eptild shoulder a smell piece of wood. EMI 'etr t re , Cite: I,;llausati. ere issued ' it eidth last • :NERAINAL: Cnicauo has mounted letter carriers. . Ex.-Sgenrianv ara*.vrait has returned to Washington, with his health much Im proved.' • TER earnings of the Central Pacific railroad for September were $597,590, Mostly Miss Ow°, whose heart Sprague smashed alt to piecea, has got $lO,OOO of her verdict money. • Wu. LONSTIN' , one bf the oldest print ers in the Uulted'States, died on the 4th inst. at Lehanon;Ghlo. , • ,:.A LARGE force of woilimen have been put upon the California and Oregon road, both at Marysville and Portland.. AFrains on the 'Virginia and Truckee railroaa have been amicably settled. The >Chinamen have commenced work again. . . SENATOR. POMEROY has been elected preaident of the Woman'a.Suffi - age Asso siation of the District of Columbia. All the rest of the officers are A. ;mazes of Limington, Me., lost a gold' chain in 1837, and supposed it was stol6y from him.. A few weeks since he found it while ploughing a pitce of land. Trim ' largest yield We have heard of this season is 144'bushels of oats raised on an acre ofland by Thomas Frauley of the town of Somerset, St. Croix county, Wis. THE news that Father Father Hyacinth has; embarked for the United States is cre ating a great sensation among people who are especially:concerned in religious con troyersy. A TENPERANCE ,lecturer has started -trona Kanatirwith the declared intention of walking to Augusta, Me., delivering a lecture .ou tcmperance. every:evening 11110 on his way. ' ;Riga; AIiGELEKA rongsrity, a lady who ' , has entered upon her second century, led the grand march in a ball given In Cin cinnati on Monday evening by the Italian Catholic Renevolent Society. Mits. tYscx. 108- years old, drew her pension in Nashville on Friday. She is At sprightly old girl, and. thinks she will be able to •make her regular calls on the ~ P ension Agent for twenty or thirty years .yet REcosstsucrios has not destroyed 'the Southern . appetite for fashion. A lady, fainted on the Streets of Mobile the other day,and investigation proved that her malady was produced from tight lac ing. ' THElnsband of Agatha States, prima donna, followed her to the Academy of Music,New. York, the other day, pistol in han, and:ordered her not to sing. An injunction silenced him and she went on 'with her song. WEEN Gough first started as a lecturer, it is stated, he used to drown the audience with tears by telling how his father died with “snalx, ' though the old gent , was even then looking down appreciatively from the gallery. , THERE is a disease called inland yellow fever, or “Addson feverp • prevailing in the vicinity of Columbus, Miss., that is quite fatal. It has all, or nearly all, the characteristics of the Gulf yellow fever, terminating with black vomit. Tim editor - of the Union City (Rich.) Rogister tecently convened with Mrs. Phebe Myers, -aged 103 years. She is exceedingly -active for one so'old, is Mother of thirteen children, is able to walk alone, and knits her own stockings. FOURTEM months ago, it is reported, Dr. Livtagstona was seed at Lake Tau , fiertYika, ,by -an Arab. The reeport is douotless a hoax, for Azater` weren't; In fashion fourteen months agel ' Makers of Livingstone items will ,do _ well to pay , more attention'to the prdbabilitleo. A 'WITT 11114cr Llut. Wheeler, sent t 6 explore the , ,great deiert, county 'of Colorado and south of White. Pines,, re ports its arrlvalli after severe trouble, at Muddy river fifty . miles • 'south 6f the month. of the Rio The party will return by the most westerly line and reach White Pine the Ist of November. Cor.. FILAITK - L. linoanns,of Shawnae. town, 111„ has presented to the State Geer logical Departments tooth of some huge animal, probably , , a mastodon. The , tooth is eiglitinclies long by four wide. I A. card attached 1.0 it reads as follows! - "Thislooth; with 'Others, and some POW - Otis 'Of It akull'aita jewbOne, was , vll foundon the edge.of,the Ohio ilver, in a . rqingtitireetir fifiairneetesvu,lll.2, • at ex- I trim° low. water. In the:lmonth of Septemi, ber, 180.0 Weight. when found, 6 that f 3 oz.; weightsnowi dl lbarl2 oz.. Present ,to thelGoaldgical =Museum • of Illinois by,. Col. F. L. Ilboades.”"' "A 'iiacitliJoions...,thietieritered the church of Trinity, at New loxna.laat meek. under -,prete t xt) of wor. Shipping. apd when alone Is-the building he lost am time •In breaking open the say cristy and-belpintiiiniself to ilia/sacred vessels, He succeeded In carrying off three • citilictiiiritalheil --respectivelyVeit, s7rend 44Q,' i d arge Allier dish, Nalred'aftoo4lidtbide.altar *Abs. The 4nteflwinApperotly,nso dceiili3engagek PokvJrtiNilfslkilee4Aktlle.oll4Ll4 ifingipyr, JiatelybtfOre the robbery, that he con- PITTSBURGH j GAZETTE::,, Ceded' both: iace and head, in hands. refilsterirtg it a difficult matte nu a n as s er i bi S dse igtitlait, the ' &nob LE X Clisse, of Chatham, Mass., wnsiOff, Minot's ledge, a loud noise- was heard: by I the fishermen on , board, resembling' , the \bellowing Of a tidl, which'startled_ the 'men; but in it Sew: : .. moments ,their -1 fright vies increased - on seeing ffielr-vessel, i of eighty tuns burthen, suddenly lifted up in the No ater somesix feet, and as - quick; fly let , fall ,again. Who bellowing ise 0 `first heard lwas.ltontinticd, when it lib shied. -The vessel, towtaserrwas f Told to have , sustained no damage, and after farther consideration it . was. ascertained that the strange comniotion. wati'cs.USed by a finback whale. Some of Olean:whales havetecently_been seen in the bay. .1 Ii is curious to • notice upon, what ap- Oaredt;triftei3 great;pommerciel interests may - tern: When hair powder went out oil fashion h ai lee f a century or more ago, there were n Ca few bankruptcies in con 86:pence. I the ladies :were to - take it into theft. he 'to ',discard the ' present arrangement wires which support their f skirts, a grea -deal of machinery, coo triv,ed for th manufacture of the flat -w, ire,: and for 'other' P contrivance s neces sark-tollie pt p roce ss of-giving vin. - bell-ss to our belief, ould be thrown out of gear. What would tiliTone with the skirts on 1 hand t..:la b a d to say. We have seen vines framed to run over them; bat there I would be au. oversupply , even of such ornamental gardening. , 1: The I British ~Court, when court fetes Were in T fashion, more than• once relieved depressed trade in certain branches, by balls or fetes, at - which the articles suffer - Ina from want of ,demand were directed to be2Woin. The ribbon trade went sadly clown when the small hats for ladies first came in, as - thefe was no place for puffs of ribbon on the new hats. Nowribbons are at a premium again, for some that we see worn for , belts and sashes, look as wide as silks for dresses. But the most marked 1 Incident in manufactures has been caused "by the passion of young men and old for coarse woolens, "Cheviots." and Ameri can imitations. They certainl3 make up into very sensible business suits. In consequence of the demand, low grade American wools, of - the mend and even third class, have crept up into com petition in price with'the superfine. The late war introduced woolen fabrics into much wider use than they ever were be fore: It'-will be.a_pity if wool does not keep its place. It is said to be more healthy than cotton or linen, and at any rate should never have been so much dia. used as it was down to 1660. But fashions change constantly. Fine cloths, they say. are.comiug up again. There will be one advantage in this. The "million", will be more cheaply clad. when fashion takes its tax frozil the low grade.s. But we do hope our business men will, at least in business hours, still retain the serviceable suits which look as if "they meant business." Let the fitness of things be consulted. ' Tae lirigla of teattletnatea. The attachment of the. Red Indian abo rigines to this famous reptile is proverb ial; among nearly all the tribes, even at this present day. It is seldom disturbed, but is designated by, the endearing name of grandfather. It is rehordeVhowever, by I.he early ' historians, that When one tribe desired to challenge another to corn bat they were in the habit of sending into the midst of their enemy-the skin of a , rattlesnake., whereby it would appear to have been employed as an emblem of revenge. And as for the origin of the rattlesnake, the old men among the Che rokees relate a legend to the following effect: A irery beautiful young man, with a white, lace • wrapped in a white robe, once Made his appearance in thetrnation, and commanded them to abandon all their old customs and festivals and to adopt,a new religion. He made use of thesoftest language, and everything he did proved him to be . a good' man. It CO hapened, however, ' that he, could Mike no friends among them, and the med icine men of the nation ,conspired 'to take his life. In many waYi did they try to do this—by lashing him, -con serpents, and by giving him poison, bat were always unsuccessful. But in process of time the deed was accomplish ed, and in the following manner: It was known that the good, stranger was in the 'habit of daily visiting a certain spring for tbesurpose of quenching his thirst and bathing. his body. In view of this fact: the magicians made a : very beautiful war chest, inlaaid with mud shells, and decti rated With rattlee, and this chest they of fered to the Great Spirit, with the prayer that he would teach them how to.destroy the stranger. In answer to the, prayer, a venomous snake was created and care fully ; hidden under a leaf by, the side of the spring. The stranger. aatisual, Came there to drink, was bitten, by the intake, and perished. The Cherokee nation then fell in love with the , snake, and having asked the Great Spirit to distinguish it by some peculiar mark from all the other snakes in the world, he complied by transferring to 14 bodY the rattles which had made ;the cheetrof saerigOeliorrintical to the ear and - so beautiful to theme. OsetUsUons of Railway Trains. Sir Charles Fox states' 'hit opinion' that; the' oscillation of ritilWar trains, nipre espe,claily at high.velocities,,progucr Ixg what is ordinarily called`."gauge cow: cuEsion," is caused in very creakmeasuro by the Itse of wheels, the tires ,of which are portions of cones- instead 'of cylin ders. It is well known to engineers that' the tires of railway wheels are genera* coned to Ent inelinatioi of ()Odin twenty:* iAt considered that these l'i'er, * 6o olll4 ";.' tricedity Mr. George StephensO l o,iin'the iexpectatlon,of facilitating t*hc,;,pasSage of - vehibles round curves by their 04gAing themselves through their, israrious ame ,ters to-Ahe different lengths or the two ' ; rails on which they were rurnitigv i ! This' !,howeder',• is not the case Its , pntritice.i adVaintsie-le found bYtitise in , conkerwheels in paving `imid ' rpfMta',oot,cfros i l-Pla straight lines;l3ir CharlishasOonatructed TtlimeTds, 0 00.141440 g tihittital lin the rolling atoek;of t which he ;has -ttle 'parted from the used- form of wheel,, End has used only cylindiieet-ones," and he has ,beetv , gratitled-*ith the •sadsfactory reports of the:ateadilfeesof ttaireptiPiltd with Went: ' •- . prize money fthiciodlifirO l ihe sail: ion:Farragtit's tleot ' - 7,ihirgitipstecY capinrO, .of Otto is an - t, .;upinced, has'llept re4tie4A-__° °4l°ol 'o Blotter to take testlmop y u - sA pion st,z o l. Mt to Vie_lioad , of GetAlei , : i The COP.: WmiQrsort it;44,keltephowill'llle,..hts re port in about throe monlls. Fadden and Trade, :EDNESDAY. OCTOBER - 13, 1869. , SELF LABELIN,G7". -1, " I: FRU.II -CA IN TOP 4 : ;yv: R 5 COLLINS. '- , PI;r41 1113 :-RG 1 4; P-a-;!;!/: Ire are boir - prepired to suhplyfiluters end Potteri. - 4 is Ogjea,tglihPle; Cheap as thb 2 . plairo tog. names of UM mulls Pratte tam nee e corer. radlitirut trout ttetenler.Vad aratider or pointer named Wok the top of the can.. •. . • •• • • • ;:•• pisanetly lutd reipanently ' • . • by me isiy„iiaataie saw, ,otibe !rat the eat cortatni opposl the_ pointer bud selling to the edstomiry man r. Ico preserver of fruit or good housekeeper will use ass: other atter 01100: PIPES, CIEWANEY TOPS. &o, : i7;tITER PIPES, yy , 011116NEY Tors A faze, assort:lldt. 1p14:147 ' Id kvenne,nesi Smittifeld St. DRY GOODS. W]EIEIK. ! 62.,1.2c. Heavy Corded Brown, Poplin, cheap 111,61. , - 62 14c 4.4 Silk Finish Black Alpacas gieat, bargains; worth S 7 1-2 e. ' 37,1-'2e. Mixed Poplins, worth. 621-2 c Black Silks cheap. Empress Cloth cheap. Bloc 4 Poplins cheap ONE HUNDRED NEW ARAB SHAWLS. !ic.. Henry Plaid Flannels. 25c, Meaty Vhite Flannels. 15e. Hem Red Flannels. 31e. Extra Heavy Gray Twilled Flanne WILL OPEN ON MONDAY, A. LARGE STOCK OF ".. , Sacques I 'raps. Wa)king Coats, • . DES ax•WAY ..7ACIETS. All new Styles at very Low Fried . P°:.4L:.IS.L EY SHAWL S BM BARGAINS IN THE CITY WHITEiLANKETS . P. -4 ALL WOO 83.50 TO 15.00. A. BARGAIN". r 12Se• 600 D 25c. YARD WIDE FEATHER. TIEELVG. Vs. . GARDNER, N 0.69 .111tOrk€4 Street, Watt Corner Market and Fourth. 00:Tvis . Air - E ca . , ci,D writ 0 0:3 Et b o4 e ,4 to 2 z E . 4 1:4 04 its I to 14- +iR 0 - ai E 4 i=i ig: Gl2 <4 4 g Ag ci2 • ' 4l w P 4 g". ISt ri E.' tr 0 4 1 5 co g o v/ 0 I=l MP 0: 1 4 z 5 ; '7 ' '4l Irate MCCANDLESS &AV*, ‘.:l rate Wiliam. CUT 100..1 WEI.OLIOSAIX DEALIMIS Ul ' , Foreign and , Domestie Dry •fleetly 11* WOOD ISTIOLT. 7f h Pl PT 11 , gArr?"4l,W,l4aarßeic. WitlifK.tatagoits,gca, " Stkl -- AitinaT ar:FAIDAY ', 1 , • . ~.•;., ..„..,.., • -,1; , i i .-. . ..... ' . ..1 11114 BRATiDIES;:: , .GIN k , ON -', '. h .ifielinsaniki.a tokittlin is • 'llltE 'RYE ' WHISKIES; , •,-r • . 'sl - , Eck( r. t'.il ~ ~ , . ~! , J •, ' : -:`, ~ . '. ' 1 " fps rEprzir STREET - :- /rove Removed to , ....-,. ilfolli 3114 1 AND•886 PENN I Car: , lasTanih !IV, (formerly Canal.) ,Tosten , 8. FINE* ta, CM, 1 , " edp.: ~ ,,: t c. - ; ,q.• , . :I',- ___,.., •.. '' 11 41 4 41. 0 1 6 11 171 MON :114INS 011011 Peg Alt. d zingiVAITUalM, -MMUS.% . ". , - ( ..-1 0001 1- vhPf• 'rilsll.lMerattatial OS? 1): - e i . j.* . INlPlPo4' , Mitillet l Pla b e SOL_TFAIIIW moo, ageism lagiOltirlatlrwurtsi itvosn, alallh 410* IF ALT ilii-rl - 9E1..4% DE. - New Goods 1 ; New Goods! RENRy 8. coLLnza. MAXIM MMINGS, NOTIONS, 40. ^711.. AT 0 .1"11 11 ct CARLISLE'S .4.2trograil' :Fifth , Avenues- NxW TERM Sfe TR7 3.1 FRINGE*, 131.167P5 AND 810'110165 -NCR' NASH n BOW R18R4 1 3 111 E LATEST '3IOVELT 13r SATS. NEW BTLTES ItBRuIPERT)I3.. .NOTELTIVSIN,LApE GOODS. I= IiOVES - AND HQSIERY, A. complete ,ssalrtmoit toe Fal;. MEarNO kat #9OL: Shirts and :Drawers, ALL KINDS AND 1617;E5. ZEPHYRS , BAT 31.0DRAL AND FANCY YARN, SNIT sHAArr..e. -oLomr.g.Houvs. 'NOTIONS AND • FANCY 6OUDS.' Diqrchants.an Dealt. rs supplied of loWDrices. . . 111kOltirld & CAtILISLE i NO. 27 FIFTH ANEI4UE. TALL OPENING. FL'NE I,I3BOSTiIEIIT OF ARAB SHAWLS, In Void and Roman Striped. Ruffled Collars and Cuffs, The New Bailin' Collar, Silk Fringes, , • Satin Trimmings, • Silk Clan Buttons. In all the Newest Patterns. - KISSES PINE 'WOOL EIPS AND SACQUES, An el snt assortment lust received Hai l and Jute Switches, Balmoral and Plald Hosiery, Wool Hall Hose, Shirts and Drawers, FOR FALL AND WINTER !num YARN, A Full Supply of All Hinds. HEAVY PLAID *LANIIELS, , MAILUM, GLYDE 45z CO., 78 & 80 Market Street. vial - - ST OPENED BY • jos= gam .& 10. rani, QUALM E 8 ARAB SHAWLS, IN STRIPED AND SCOTCH PLAIT). ALL dHAD.E? Iteyers . ed Satin Pleativg, Tko Lateat Novelty in Dress Trinustint. Qatlled,Satin TrimialUg. Gimps, Trwels, riniu awl latd Fermate triads, tun. Satin and Velvet Buttons, SCCenn Giaas Buttons, '• Butek and Colored Velvet Ribbons. • Lams and Silk Girdles. Merino and Wool Underwear. In Ali sizes and analittes. . Child's Merino Dreasee, Ladies , Merino Skirts, , . Boulavarde Felt Skirts HOSIERY. An rnsurpssaed Assortment Mera Fleecedool Ribbed, otton, - Plain Merino. Tartan. Ps bleu Strited_ VICTORIA AND bTUART CAS MERE HOBE, in all sizes. Gents' Hall Hone in Wool . Merino and Super Stout Cotton, , • AT 'VERT LOWEST PPICES. 771 and 79 MARKET STREET "90 WALL PAPERS. LEG&IVT PAPER HANGINGS. Enameled Wall Papers In_plaln tints Imper vious to soot inlaidme. Vermillion grounds with_golo and figures. EN tiOSAIID Ve.i.- VICTo INDIA TAPESTRY . pANILEI stamped and orbited gold. • • Newly Imported and not to be found elsewhere in the country. For sale etc • m MVO:" A TNS NEW' WALL 1: TAPER STORE, ;Liberty Street . DECORATI I NS—ln Wood,. Mittll and Vresee Imitations Par Walls size CeWass of Dlunig Rooms. Hills, ' &e., at O. 101' Market street. • •• • • yd • , ~• JOSEP.II. L. 11170EUL9 & BED. , , irttPED GOLD'PAPERS'fo scartgrs. mt, No.loT•Mastet 'duet. • JO:I4Di, aueng, -it Bib. tz, L : 2.2 u,i; k ij:.lol):(Auw LabSiliBELL & lAttptioli'iCtitrort I 1 La. I • • tiro ii - Estirriamt is d 1 1.0 . 4 4 4 4 4 4 " 111 P;i 1 gAVX XBD . XIIN attlaiin ~ .. i.: -11;t :; ~ o: 'ANCHOR LWD AND tf ROCK THE ,134EY, 1812 t .. .•jet; ;:F`~ '~6_ EARNEST'S PATENTaRre *OLD ONLY z , ;•; zEmoN : do SEISE.' '-' usiroxnurtli, • rc 1.10:10;e.•?7,..1 • niv . ,) .- Nov .0a !bad a uaaaaraseat O a w ra. Ori pOisiousbeik ELEGANT CARP The latest and most beantlink designs eves shown In TAPESTRY OR BODY ~BRUSSE~•~=• T :rec , i4vee b 7. direet tm;tortat!on; frqm Enc. -rand. : - 131=3..T.TGI:JET'S Of lie latest styles in large quantities. OLIM "' & co 23 *nth CARPETS , NEW FALL STOCK. Oil Cloths, Window Shades DEUGGS"I'S. DRUGGET SQUARES, Ingrain Carpets, At. the Lowest Prices Ever Offered IMARD, ROSE & CO.. 21 FIFTII ATENIrE. sels4/T . • NEW FALL STOCK CA:R-Pi4.Ts The First in the Market THE CHEAP EST CHOION,PATTEaIiIa Two;plY itnd Three-ply CHEAP INGRAIN, CARPETE TEE FINEST LINE OF BODY BRUSSELS Ever Ofibred in Pittsburgh Balm time and money by buying from , EcIABLAND & COME!§. No. 71 and 13 31FTEE AVENUE, nu=nd&T (Second Floor's. NEW - CARPETS: ERESII . I3IPORTATION Purchased bir cur Mr. B. IdoCallum from menu flCulrers is Sarope. • VELVETS, BRUSSELS, Tapestry Brussels &c. THE FINEST Assortment ever offered in Pittsburgh ALSO..A.TINEATOCE OF COMMON:-CARPETS ASSOMIENTOF Well Seasoned Oil Olodw It'CILIAVAI BROS., '; AV. 51 FIFTH .I ' telo COAL AND COICE. COALS COAL!: C 0,11,111 DICKSON, ft/WART' & • Havinremosed their Ocoee to O. 667 LIBERTY EV.lllEit, Mutely City Maur 11.111)880OITD 3 CLOOS. ire now LUMP to "foralsh _vod YOUGHIO,' elliStrY 1.13W' NUT 00AL 01113LACTS. th! lowest worker, tee. - - Alt orders le at their ofil.; or sddressed t. them through the mall, inn be attended to BDUOATIONAL. fIiFIEGAVIALY iNSTITIJTE, .11.621; kj and 1629 SPRUCE STREET, Philadelphia' , Pa. ENDLISII AND TRENCH. For Yonne Ladies and Misses, Boarding and Day Pupils will reopen on, -MONDAY.l3epten ber 20,1 PIiMEI Mla the :language otile g sm u T , an d t: constantly spoken in the institute. __ - • MADAM& D I HEETTLLY. Principal. jyZkrrEiS DR. - IVEMEEIZ OTINVES -. TO TREAT Atil . private titmice% Syphilis in all its forms, el c . dicesseN, and . the edema of mercury arkl CompLetely eradicated; Spermatturhea or Semi', 1 nei, Wealmele sad qmpotency,• - resniUng front self- a buse other i causes, and,.which produce, '.. some of the foll Owing effects, as blotches, bodye, „weakness. indigestion, consumption. aversion t 4 -:: coelety.f onsuudiness: dread:of :future: events; 1053 01 Melcory. indolecce, noctUrnal esione.: entracte/1y solirastrating Um' seknal system as ic, render Marrilllie - UnlittlittOtini - ind ± -therelon:. Imprudent are pernisceniz. cured,, -Persons at- Illeg ii 7citt these , L or muoth er delicate, ittricuti,, or standing constitn mud complaint shoulc, ,_ tired:as Doctor a trial; , he never Mails. „ .., . A %Articular attention [Wen to 3119%1°41e corn' 'plabata, Dencorrhea or Whites, ifolling k - Inftarci• - • Mallon or 'Ulceration of the Womb; eavatitis - : prtiritia. Amenorrhoea. lifenorritagla,. Dysmen• -,:- torrhoes, and bteMity or Barretness, are treat.;; ed with the r.eaMn success._ = 't lila self•evit eat - Ibn spill - ileitis who eoutine..° himself exclusively, to.the study of *certain tisk'. 4.. dieases and treats thousands of cases ever';” Omit teonlre greater am ta that- specialty ^; cnelit general practice: - • . . - -.•_. he Doctor publishes a medical 'D111:1111111et Cr; -, Zty pages that gives a lull exposition of venerea.: 7 and , private dtleasai,lb at can be had free at MSc; , or larptall tar, .two stamps, in male% envelopes Mve . sentence contains lust:nation co the af 1 -ilic ;and enabling them to done: mine the pre. - cisematare of - t.lr complaints. , . .• • J ..ak:stablislunent, , compris i ng ten ample Is central . •Wten It Islnot cOnventent Cc , ' AIL •llts. the ' Doett:ls opinion can be 0t0.i..: tone a hvcdvlng &written statement, of the casei - ;',. and medielnascan be forwarded by. mail or ex:...:-• press.. In some instances, however. a pemons , examination i IS - • absolutely necosery,-. *hue t c •_.-: oilier* dallyperconal attention Is rem !red, anCv. fOrlite secomModation c finch Patients there arf...',•• • amir=enie connected with the °Seethe% are _ . ..w e d mut every "'mutate .thxt.is calculated M ;•-• promote • xmioVell Includlng , ,,MedicAted vapor. 'liatbS. All %Mons ere. pre In the. DcaricrUldrit boratoly.muter -his nal an—_ , - , h i rAt. track De,. "Ir sos ' r 0 - 9 9 r viWhityd , _ , ''' Iblledi Iwo ic cos .-± rhu iz ta k til it. to SP. sic. c) o. 9 '= ANC Witt lii ir u ih) 9 ',.• =I r • r U. OEM H P II II 01? FELD AND