PITTSBURGH IRON MARRET, OFFICE OP PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, FRIDAY, October 8, 1869. The metal market has been rather stronger this week, and with an in creased demand and only moderate re. ceipts. Prices, although unchanged, com pared with last week, are nevertheless tending upward. All the mills are re ported as being in full blast, and, as might be expected, it requires a consid erable quantity of metal to keep them supplied; and t4e fact that pretty large shipments are being made from our western furna -a to Wheeling, Ports mouth and Cin nnati, tends to limit the arrivals here, a. 4 prevents any accum mutation of k. Following is the report of sales: I A THRAC ITE. 100 tune No; 1 oundry , 41.00 cash 20 " No. 1 do 1 44.004 mos 20 " No. 1 .. . ... 43.50 4 mos 10 " No. 1 do 43 00 4 mos 10 4, No. 1 do 42 00 4 mos • 10 •4 4 No. 1 do ............ . 42.00 cash 40 .44 No. 2 do 39.24 10 " No. 2 do 40.00 460 d mos 100 4, Chick7es Forge 40 50 'cash 10 1, Mottled Neutral ' 3.5 50 4 mos 10 i 4 do do 35.00 4 mos , 10 4, No. 1 Fdy Neutral... 44 00 4 mos 50 4, No. 3C. S. 39.00 4 mos 50 4, No. 3 Neutral Forge 40.00 4 mos 200 " do do d0... 4 40.00 4 MO3 50 " do do 00...--40 00 4 mos 130 1, Medium Forge 38.00 6 mos 75 4, Common Forge 36.50 5 mos 100 " Neutral, Medium Brand 38.00 6 mos 100 " Neutral Rivorite 39.00 6 mos Penner 120 tons Mediu m Pennsylva nia Forge $45.00 6 mos 299 " ?.Tedium Pennsylva • ,nia Forge 130 " Hanging Rock in lots. ...... $46@48 cash © 4 mos 100 1, Juniata.. 45 Ou 6 mos BITUMINOUS COAL SMELTED FROM LAKE SUPE ORE. 200 tons Grey Fing RIOR e at Fur nace 815.00 4 mos 4, 250 4, do on City Wharf 37 50 4 mos 160 Good Mottled d 0... 36450 4 mos 110 " Common Close Gray • - and M0tt1ed....... 36.00 6 mos 350 " White and Mottled 36.00 6 mos 60 " Go3d Clear White..... 36.00 6 mos 100 44, Grey Forge—from Yard 500 " 1 Common Close Gray and Mottled at 1 Furnace 33.00 4 mos 300 " '!Medium Gray at , Furnace.. ...... ...... 34.50 4 mos 100 44 ,Close 'Gray—and [ Mottled from Wharf 36.00 6 mos 250 • 44 'White and Mottled , from Wharf......... 36.00 6 mos 200 41 Gray. Forge—to ar- rive 37.50 5 mos 100 '' Grey Forge and Mix ture with Native Ore. 38.00 5 mos 600 tuns Close Gray and Mot *4-1" tied to go North..... 50 tuns Open Gray Foundry • for yard 39.004 mos7o tuns Open Gray Foundry for yard 39.00 4 mos 80 tuns'Mottled and white... 35.50 4 mos 500 ' " White P. T. 100 4, Neutral Forge 37.50 6 mos 300 " Red Short • , 30.00 4 mos BLOO ' ILLS 25 44 Juniata 10 1, do. 10 " do 10 . 4 • Slabs NNE Min MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. • NEW Voltz, October B. Cotton heavy - : and lower; sales 3,100 bales at 2734 4 c for middling uplands. Flour: receipts were 4,277 bbls; market steady for low grades • and dull'and declining for other descrip : Cons; sales 9,700 bbls at 15,6055,75 for superfine State and western; $5,9056,50, extra State: 0,9056,50, extra western; 86,- I 4556,65, white wheat extra; 15.9556,50, R. H. O.; $6,25®7, extra St. Louis; 87@9, good choice do., closing dull. Rye Flour • quiet; sales 250 tibia at 84,75@6,10. Corn Meal in fair request; 50_bbIs Jersey, 15,40 456, and Southern 18 delivered. Whisky . firmer, with sales 400' bbls western at •• .$1,20®1,22 free. Receipts 18,615 bush wheat; dull. heavy and lc lower, with • • sales 47,000 bush at 11,15 for common No, 3 spring, 11.43 for mixed western, 81,435 3,45 for winter Virginia , amber western, 41,46 for amber and 81,4951,51 for amber Tennessee. Rye quiet, with • sales 700 bush State at 11,22. Barley dull, with sales 7,500 bush Canada West to arrive at about 11,45. Barley malt quiet. Receipts corn 2,177 bus, dull and heavy, sales of 49,000 bus at 80 4(95c for unsound mixed western, 98c@ 41,05 for sound do, #1,0951,12 for western yellow, 81,0351,11 for white western. Receipts oats 7,651 bushels, dull and heavy; sales of 82,000 bus at 61463340 for new southern and western closing. Rice quiet and steady; sales of 50 tierces Carolina at 83 4 4@8y,c. Coffee: Rio firm; • • sales 385 bags private terms, other kinds dull. Sugar is moderately active; sales of 750 hhda Porto Rico _ 1135 fIJ/2Mc; sales of 100 boxes Havana at 12)ic. Molasses firmer add more active; Muscovado 565580. Hops quiet, 10520 c for American. Petroleum firm, 17c for crude, 32c for refined. Linseed oil quiet, 81,1,07 in casks. Spirits turpentine •,' firmer, 485490. Pork quiet and steady; sales of ..500 has; 830,75(4)31 for mess, closing at 830,75 cash; 1)1(1826527 for prime, and 829@29,50 for prime mess. Beef steady; sales of 130 bbla at_ 16(516,13 for new plain mess; and 112,00 17 for new extra mess . , iset. ,so Sales, of 75 Ms. 818® beef 826. Cut Hams • meats dull. Bales of 90 pkgB. ; .I.4xe@ 1534 c. for shoulders, 'and 17c.19c. for hams Middles quiet and unchanged; : *0 boxes at 1 8,W,c®1734c. for Cumberland cut, and 170. for Bellies. Lard Steady , and quiet; sales of 800 tierces at 16X05 180. for steam, and 18518 N from kettle rendered. Butter firm at 2005300. Ohio Chew) firm at 14c517 for freights; Liver : pool nominal: - --• Lateat-=Flcair, timed dull without deci ded change. Wheat ,dull, heavy and lc lower, with shippers generally: holding offifor still lower .prices 6, Rye' dull and heavy at 81,12@1,18 'for. new and old western. Oath dolt and heavy at ill® 4f2yic for western. Coro heavy at 98c@ 11,04. for sound mixed western. Pork quiet at /1.30,75@31 for mees.., Beef nom inally unchanzed. Cut quiet and firm. Bacon Ann with.lituited business. Lard steady at-17X®18O for fair to prime steam. Eggs quiet without decided 4hange. Cmosuo, October B .—Exchange 1-10 premium. Freights quiet and steady. at _previous rates, with engagements at -6% - for wheat and for corn to Buffalo. Flour In good shipping and local demand, ehlefly for medium grades, with sales at 44,2734@fi for • spring extras, 12,50®4 for Spring superfine, $4,25@4,50 for unsound spring, extras. Wheat tolerably active for No. 2 to fill shorts, at a decline of 2 00, - with sales 'at 11,02@1,04% cash; closing 5t $ 1 ,02@1,02 x , fcir future . delivery; ,the same grade sold at 111,02@1,06, seller the ; 1 ,04,:a1,05 . Moller. •laitt'. half I 11 10 nth• and $1,0241.0N, fo i e No- I Tauber; on 'Change *i,02@1 , 05 • was i Paid, seller the outtreandrl,o2X®o4 seller last half; other .grades quiet; No. 1 sold at $1,07©1,10; after 'Change the market was dull and unsettled at $1,023; cash for No. 2, and $1,0234@1,03 seller for October. Corn in better demand, but 11!..i©1130 lower, closing at 643 @64%c cash and 65c seller last half for future delivery; there were sales at 6434@66c seller the month, 671568 c buyer do, 65(0530 seller last half the month; canal Cain afloat, quiet during aftornoon sales 63;4. geller October 63, seller last half. Oats fair, speculative and shipping den: and prices weak 38Xi@)39% for No. 2, closing 383{ cash and seller month. Rye active but lower 78g(d)79 for No. 2.1 Barley dull inactive No. 2, closed nomi nally 120@122. Highwines firmer and is higher, closing firm 113 for wooden bound provisions quiet easier. Mess 82 @)32 25. Lard 17X@18, -- Dry salted shoulders 143414 y tor future delivery. Mesa Pork quotable at 626 25@526.50 sel ler January. Cattle dull 8399®6550. Butchers stook and feeding cattle, $5873i @1675 light to Enid Shipping. Beeves Hogs in full supply and dutlat deline of 15@20 and sB26asB for common, s9lo@ 935 fair to medium 945©985 good to choice, Receipts 6,665 Flour. 83.610 Wheat. 60,290 Corn. 53,346 Oats. good Rye 8,560 Barley. 5,211 Hogs. shipments 6,688 Flour. 53,790 Wheat. 131,962 Corn. 54.927 Oats. 24970 Rye. 2403 Barley. 8,166 Hogs. ST. Louis, October 8 . -Tobacco steady and unchanged. Cotton; nothing doing. Hemp steady and firm; undressed $185; hackled tow $137 per ton. Flour dull, with business small; superfine $1,60(4) 4,80, extra $4,85@5,00, double extra 65,25 (4)5,50, treble extra $5,75@6,00. choice and fami1y.86,50®7,75. Wheat firm and in' fair demand; N 0.2 staring 90©95c,N0. 1 $l, No. 2 red fall $1,06©1,08. No. 1 do. $1,15©1,16, choice red $1,200125. Corn unchanged; mixed in bulk 72. d, choice yellow sacked 85c, and choice white 90© 91c. Oats higher at 45c in bulk, and 50@ 52c for sacked. Barley firm for best qualities; prime lowa spring 81,00, Min nesota $1,35@1,40, choice fall 61,88. Rye dull at 82@83c. • Whisky easier at 81.15: Groceries quiet and unchanged. Provis ions dull. Mess Pork 632 Nothing do ing in dry salted meats. Bacon steady and very firm; shoulders 16,.f@17c, clear rib sides 20 1 / s , clear sides 21 1 ,!.@;2034c. Sugar cured hams 2334 c. Lard quiet at 18c for tierce and 2013 for keg. Receipts: 9,092 bbls flour, 30.735 bus wheat, 6,000 bus corn, 23,412 brie oats, 11,133 bus bar ley, 1,980 bus rye. TOLEDO. October 8.-Flour dull and heavy. Wheat closed dull and lc lower, with No. 1 white Michigan at 61,25, reg ular $1,09 amber $l,lO, No. 1 red $l,lO. No. 2 do $1,1034, and No. 3 do - 151,04© 1,05. Corn 2c lower and.dull, with No. 1 at 72c, and No. 2at 70c. Oats quiet, with No. lat 46c, and No. 2 at 45c. Freights firm at 434@10c to Buffalo and Oswego. Receipts-4,500 bbls flour, 34,000 bush wheat, 16,000 bush corn, 7,80 bush oats, 300 bush rye, 6,300 bush barley. Shipments--4,100 bbls flour, 63,000 bush wheat, 11,000 bush corn, 1,500 bush rye, MILWAUKEE, October 8.-Flour Quiet and steady: choice spring extraless,l2© 5,25. Wheat unsettled; 61,083‘ for No. 1 and 11,02 for No, 2. Oats steady at 400 for No. 2. Corn steady at 69c for No. 2. Rye quiet and unchanged. Barley dull and unchanged. Grain Freights quiet and unchange d. Receipts: 4,000 bbls flour, 111,000 bus wheat, 40,000 bus oats. Shipments: 60u bbls flour, 202,000 bus wheat, 14,000 bus oats. "" - LOUISVILLE, October 8.-Baggingquiet at 273@28c. Cotton quiet at 25c. Flour weak: superfine at r 4,75. Grain and groceries quiet and unchanged. Leaf tobacco quiet and steady; sales 61 Janis at $ 3 ,90@13,75. Whisky at 11,15. Pro visions quiet and firm. Pork at $32. Bacon. shoulders' at 17c; clear rib at 2034 c; clear aides at 20: 1 .0. Lard at 19c. CLEVELAND, October 8.-Flour steady. Wheat: No. 1 red $1,16 bid and 8 , 1,17 asked, No. 2do $1,14. Core: 80c bid and 85c Naked. Oats held at 48@49c. Rye held at 913@940. Petroleum: refined held at 28c for prime light straw to white, 2811 @29c for standard white In large lots; re tail lots 2@3c higher; crude held at 16,45. BALTIMORE. October 8.-Flour steady and quiet. Wheat firmer at $1,47®1,50. Corn white sold at 61,08(4)1,10; prime yel low, $1,05 for western. Oats dull at 55@ 60e. Rye firm at $1,10@1.20. Whisky firmer and steady with a fair demand at 81,20®1,21. Provisions unchanged. MEstritis ' October :8.-Cotton quiet a 24X; receipts, 1,359; exports, 1,351; weeks • receipts, 6,921 ; exports,4,l3l. Stock, 58. Hay, 24X. Bran, fte. Pork, 34c, dull. Lard, 200©21.e. Bacon firmer; sholders, 18c; aides, 211.5®213;c. DETROIT, 'October 8- -Flour; receipts 500 bble; market gictive; choke 66.50(4 6,7.5. Wheat more active and lower rates, extra white $1,24©1,25,, No. 1 do $1,131 regular 51,06, amber 61,06. Corn 80@8.3e. Oats 43@44c. 44.00 5 inos 37.50 4 mos Mg .495.00 6 mos ...,96.00 6 mos .. 95.00 6 mos .. 95.00 60 d Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK October B.—The rapid de• cline in the price of New York Mills mualins to 210 has stimulated the de. mend and caused a reduction in the price of other goods. In accordance thereto Wamsutta Bleaches] Shirting is now re duced to 20c; market for all cotton goods is in fact rather languid and depressed, yet there has been an increased smithy at the concession. Prints, which appa rently were scarce and firm a iahort while since, are ample now and depress. ed enough. Amoslteag prints are stilling at 120 less 2 per cent., Gloucester 1234 c, Lancaster 12Xc, American bagel' 42X0. Stark A 95c, and &leo 40c. estozes gray and faded Hair • to its ORIGINAL COLOR, removes Dandrutr; CURES ALL DISEASES OF THE ScALF 3 , Prevents BALDNESS, and makes the hate grow Soft, Glossy ind l Luxurianr. , 11.00 std $1,50 per Soule . Fouls is a lea Pep* Bete 4 Frepared by SEWARD, BENTLEY' ACHENEY, Dmggists. Butßilo. 13114' by all Druggists. . Wholesale Agents-13011WARTZ & HAZLETT TORN PECK, ORNAMENTAL P NAIR WOBBEEN AND PED , BI3IfEB, No. b 3 Market street, Plttstrz Alwaten nand, 111 genera stkortment of. Lap to• Gentlemen'', dies' GIS BANDS FIGS. rkza. SOXLPS,.*IIARD OBAINS; Basal:rams, sc. 4W...4 '2W Prlee la WO. will be pea for B Aw HAbf. --, Ladles and Gentlemen's Nair Outlaw e•ei 111014 • ' .' :, . ~ • * el 11:it riEGEL, , , Api___ • ems Oittter with 1 111:.:11 31:831311:0140m71.401140 too: g g N it e;s3 . 0 4:72 $snit, ,•, f -tINCINNATI ANA LOIIIBVILLE. - _ FOB CINCINNATI and_g ai i= j4 LOUISVILLE.—The Paellas-m=6lmm. fellir , r steamer . , 111OLLIlf. EBERT... .. . Capt. G. W. ?BERT. Clerk 11,- Prflimed. will leave for the anon and Iniermedlate.ports on SATURDAY. 9th Um. For fro hewer passafteltprivon boom or to ae23 PLUM. .t t.;14.441Nu WOOD, Agenta. • von WIFEELING..figra A• MARiETTA PAREEnSBURU AND CiNCINNkri. Leaves Pittsburgh EVE RYiIIATCRDAY. IA ti. ' The swift and aur a Matthaei Steamer BT. MARYS, T. C. S HENRY, Commander. wilt leve as announce above. . ' . Tor Irleight or Passage mg, cm board or to ,: . FLACK 44 coLuNowooD, or .. COLLLNEI & BARNES, Agent,. N. 11: --No Freight reetilved alter II A.n. se i ;..___._._.......m..1111 e''LIVIgIIPOOL AND IT s in.•_ • : • ' ••• • , ' , . 'Airjt,tI4STOWN• TEE INISSAN MAIL STEAMS/UPS Numbs:l4 sixteen Arst-clus vessels. =on themtlaueleltruitall / :./. 01TY O P PARth. OITT OP ANTI:a-Et? Mr( or spowF, orry: OP BALTI.IIOIII4 Curt( OP GO/MON. • Etatunt.nvzsr tiATUNDAY, from Pler 41, Berth Inver, New York. Tor misuse or farther lufwatittott .Dais to.: .• . • ' ' ' "IWO' AINGHAN, .Ir.. .. 113 ShEITrEIPIALD ESTE/MT. Pittsburgh. • s . xtratn. Riasucrtz. ELIXIR WILL Draft/411A. krtint.tuos X4=3 wrz.z. 0062/Ts insic-1'; l't Depotf Ifirikallislux ,tr s.4.llomlottle. 130inark• X. •ailmaitAl.L ihutcsuo, 4144811 b: vrbotti ll '-ibla tNiso. 4.! LILLY, LA11,"11 1111011 PITTSBURGH GA RlViiit NEWS. The river continues to recede slowly at this point with four feet in the channel. Weather continues clear and pleasant— Mercury at 4 P. 3t. 66 in shade. • • !The Mollie Ebert arrived frbm Cincin• nati on Thursday night. • The New State, from Wheeling, ar rived and departed as usual. , The Salle departed for Cincinnati about 2 oclock yesterday, with an excellent ' trip, having all the freight she could take on the water, including 500 bbls refined oil. 100 bbls residium and 31 hhd* tallow. Pilots—Nick and James Whitten. Tbe Belle, Capt. H. H. Sholes, in the regulare packet for Parkersburg to-day /Baying at noon. The Mollie Ebert, Capt. G. W. Ebert, with the veteran Standish. Peppard in the office, is the regular packet for Cin cinnati to-day leaving promptly at noon. The Mollie is in all respects a No. 1 boat, and otters superior accommodations to passengers. The Kate Putnam is still undergoing repairs; she is being placed in good con dition for the fall and winter campaign. k own J. G. Saint, an old River and well- Allegheny and Ohio - boat-. man, but who for some time past Las been farming, near Salem, (Ohio,) was here the other day, on 'a Visit to his brother. —The Great Republic will leave Cairo for New Orleans to-day. —The Bellevernon, Pittsburgh to New Orleans, passed Louisville on Wednes day. Shouse's'United St boat Greenback, is at Higginsportates, snag. out snags. taking —The damaged cargo of the steamer Wauauita was sold at auction, on Tues. day, at Alemphis. —The Selma papers report the Ala. bama River very low, and navigation almost suspended. —The roustabouts on the Memphis levee now 'get fifty cents an hour for their labor. Deck hands down there get 1, 4 60 per month. —Captain S. J. Ball, lately of the Peter Balen, has purchased one-fourth of the good sidewheel steamer Viola Belle, and will command her. —Mr. Jack Chambers writes from Lit tle Rock that he has taken charge of the office on the steamer Edinburgh, in the Arkansas river trade. - -L-The hull of the old steamer Alice V., having beau thoroughly calked allover, was hunched from the yard of Stuart Co., Madiscin, Monday morning. —Joseph Smith, Jr., a well-known coal - Merchant of Cincinnati has put.. chased one-fourth of the St. Charles at the rate of $17.000 for the entire boat. —The new steamer Grand Era leaves Louisville for New Orleans between the 10th and 12:h instant. Mr. Jas. Kerr, jun., lately of the Great Republic, takes charge of her office, and will edit the Grand Era Torchlight. —.Ur. W. T. Robinson, clown in Noyes' Crescent City Circus, was mar ried on Sunday night last, to Miss Aae. tine P. Martin, sister to Mrs. C. W. Noyes. The ceremony was performed on board the steamer New Yor, by Rev. F. M. Van Trease, Methodist k min ister, of St. Louis. —The Ironton (Ohio) Journal says: Active measures, and practical, too, are on foot rbr the removal of Dusenbury's dam on Guyan river. Liberal subscrip tions are being made for the purpose at Guvandotte and along the river. Toe removal of this dam will open navigation to Logan C. Li. a large portion of the year. • —The Mooney case was once more in court yesterday, assuming the exact position that we always have stated it , would come to, namely: that the defend ant was prosecuting for that which he could not prove. He, or his advisers, got anew idea in their bead, and that. was to withdraw the criminal prosecu tion, or rather persecution, to enable him, the Persecutor, to go before a •civil court and take the chances of getting damages without having the case tested In a criminal court. He got beat at his own, game, and it went to trial and the defendant discluirged.--.57. Louis —We clip the following - front the Cin elicit:lml • Esquier, of Thursday: A case wail before the .Superior Court of this city veste.day. involving the insurance the J. P. Webb, which was sunk on the falls over a year ago. Tbe insurance was attached at the instance of J. R. Vaughn and others to satisfy a claim against Captain K. S. Lancaster, her owner. Mrs. Mary Lancaster, wife of Captain LanCaster, brought suit to re• cover the insurance, claiming to have owned the boat, having purchased it with 13er own imam' The question i n was ownership of the buat. The'Court held that a wife's property in the possession of her husband ,becomes his property in the eyes of the law, and Judgment was given for the defendants. RIVER PACKETS. vir MANSUR°. NEW OR LE ANIL - - VOD MEMPHIS AND 12 r i da t NEW WlLLANS—Thestvante MESSENEIsR ........ ...... Capt. Jame DLO. N", Wilt leave for the above and intermediate pore on Mat rho.. . • gen tit - IMF/ST & SWANEY, /LACK COLLING WOOD, Agent,. Ao 'WHEDLING AND CINCINNATI. STEAMSHIPS TTEi; • SATURDAIi CC D LAIPORTS BY AD. - . . CLEVELAND AND r/IMUROP.KAU, Boer) October 8.-1 c a blooms, Nitpick & Co; 1 do shingles, S , W H Martin; 3 cars rye. Exchange Na Bank; 3 do do, W J Meek; 3 do lake a parlor ore, Zug & Co; 3 dodo, Chess, Smyth & Co; 6do . l al4llo do, McKnight, Porter & Co; 3 do gray warm ore, Shoenberger, Blair & Co; 100 tar bbls, Lockhart, Frew & Co;- 120 bbls sand, Dithridge & Son; Sp 'ska oats, Scott & Gisal; 52 hbli oil, J Spear; 8 cars lake superior ore, McKnight dr Co; 10 do blooms,4 Moorhead; 12 bbla cullett, Cunningham & J; 15bxs cheese, J Daub; 5 taxa tobacco, J Tailor, 2 cases cigars. E Wormser & Co: 55 bbls flour, J. M Montgomery; 10 bbls flour, J Gregg; 10 do do, J T Wray & Co; 17 eke oats,- J & W Fairley; 150 oil bbis, CA Worrocstle; 79 aka oats, Robb & He ron; 50 aka oats, 19 bbls apples, W H G aff & Co; 2 tubs cheese,4 A Graff; 13 b•la apples, Brug german; 22 bbls & O'charcoßrien; al, award' Era & gs, Frazier &M; 22 PITTSBURGH, CIN NATI AND ST. Louis RAILROAD, Oe ober 8.-21 bga oats, Jackson & D; 2 bb Beggs, S Coopar: 1 car. oats, D R EDerron; 20 bales cotton, Holmes, Bell & Co; 2 do do, Eagle Cotton Mills; 2 cars wheat, W M Jones; 5 do rye, Robb & Herron; 2 .o barley, J M Carson; 100 bbls flour Seghtnyer; & Vosktunp; 22 bgs seed; W Knox; 35 - bgs wheat, Meanor & Harper; / bbl molasses, E Heazleton; 0 bgs barley, 2 do wool, Smith & Co; 2 . bls eggs, M W Rankin; 28 has wheat ,3 do rye, F Schield: 1 bbl eggs, W 13 Graff; 15 bxs to bacco, Lindsay & Meth:l.e; 20 tcs lard, Watt, Lang & Co: 25 b a tobacco, Ar. buckles & Co; 8 tcs Iran a, F Sellers & .t Co; 159 b4s rye, 1 car .o, W J Meek; 1 car oats, J de W Fairlec; 1 car scrap Iron, J Kelley; 100 bbls /I..ur, Watt Lang & Co. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RILILROA.D, OC• .ober 8.-2 cars metal, McAuight, Porter & Co; 1 do do, John Alooraead; rye, Grp ear corn, Robb & Herron; sks rye, Gra ham dt Marshall; 4U sks oa s J Crothers; 56 sks wheat, W McKee i!k,' Co; 23 sks rye, .168 do oats, 3 bbis flaiseed, 46 bgs wheat, Scott & Gisal; 2 car stone, Hen derson & Mackin; 1 do do, P Brough; 44 bgs oats, M Aurentz; 1 .b 1 eggs, W H Kirkpatrick; 60 bbls ref of , H Koehler & Co; 3 bbla onions, H R-a Jr; 11 sks rags, McCullough, Smith - Co; 2 rolls leather, Seibert & Berg; 4 bis onions, 2 sks rags, Orr; 'W Knox & 1 c:r grain,J Meek; I do D LRey . olds. PlTrammoia, FORT W YNR & Car -OAOO RAILROAD, Octobe, 8.-67 cases shipstuff, J B Campbell; 10 bbls flour, Dan Wallace: 100 do do, o ..ner; 20 bast cheese, Knox & Orr; 35 bbl oil, Bevmer Bauman & Co; 100 bas gra . •s,'l2 sks po tatoes, Woodworth & Davi..n; 199 sits oats, Bricker & Co; 1 car wheat, J S Liggett it Co; 100 bbls flour Watt Lang & Co; 185 bdis paper. R C Christy; 57 sks raga, Godfrey & Clatk; 9 bas cheese, A J Kerr; 32 do do, H Ricicil:; 230 do do, J Braden; 2 bole whisky Littell & Mechling; 1 car staves, W : astings. ALLEGHENY STATION, Oc ober &-100 bbls flour. J B McKee; 72 bi. es, Stuck roth & Hare; 1 car rye, J R odes & Co; .2 cars metal, Lewis Bailey & Daizell; 21 mks oats, H Braden; 10 oz brooms, Chas Schaller; 1 car metal, Lindsay & AlcCutcheon; 2do do, Graff B & Co; 4 rolls leather, Graham & Spa. gler; 4 cars wetal Pittsburgh Iron and Forge Co; Ido do, Spang & Co; 1 car barley, M deil & ; Hemphill; 1g c 1 do coopera ar e, ' . ala & R; 1 Wo do, JCo M I y dlings; R Knox & Son; 100 bbls flour, Ripley & 13eckert: 10 bbla, 40 sks flour, S C Mc- Masters; 1 ear wheat Ken. edy Bro. COMMISSION MISER ET.ANTIB V4TAIIJLI SUED BY RIMY, 161111. W. N. GORMLI WHOLESALE OR No. 271 Liberty St ; (OUISCMT OPP. EAGLII .HOTSI..) . 1 P1T'1t31311.711,013 sa :»c W. C. ARMSTRONG, suct...or to Fetzer it Ansitront, P RODUCE.OINUMUON MTIS Ptak 313 MARKET STREET. MEANOR tr. RARP'ER. FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 329 Liberty Street. PITToriIUICGH, PA. Sr•Coosleaments solicited. 167 Krens .. . ... . JAS. r. mamas", EIL 19:111.TaLICRT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AXD DEAI42III /IT FLOM, GRAIN, SEEDS,MILL 733 D, 1.c., 849 Liberty ht., Pittsburgh, zi y 24: WI No ISTAILLI .. . .. ........ ISTUZ/So 81 ( EELE & SON, annnsission Merchants. AND DILALLBEI J FLOVR. GERAINT, VELEXPa as), No. 91 OHIO BTRZIA near Eut. Coounon, ALLZGEZNY MIT. PA. L. J . BLANOBIAJU Wholesale and Retail Groom at)18:35N0..3915 PENN StREET; • • T ITTLE. RURD ter.' /PATI'ON g Wholesaie Grocers, Commliilon Merchants and Dealerdan Produce!' Iflour„,-rnaeon, Cheese( FM, Carbon and Lard 011, Iron, Nall., Olaet, Cotton Yarns' and. all .P.itsburgb%Muriracturea generally, 1111 and 1/4 • u.M/ND • STRICE.T, Pittsburg/I.r • • • . • gong 2. notigh..arivr.frrOtre7...mig.4.` u QHN .14, HOUSE &BROIL, a. *lessors' t 6 JOHN I. 130175 E . 430.. Wh p ole e . s ter of ale Grocers Lead, Commission. lterchstita. Cur rigabasid and Water Streets Pittsburgh . . §Joint suirroN. ...................... rraLlaci. HIPTON &WALLACEWhI e• SAW: ROOERS-AND PROD 11XX 8. No. 6 ELICTH STRUT. 1i,L2a58 , , 2,000,000 ,49648 OF OROICrE LANDS FOR 8= ; Union Pacifleltailcoad Companb • LUTZ= Drnmos, Lyi ng await the lite Of thelT • $l9OO To p 6,00 PEE Am,' And on • CAZDIT 97?,1/911,1EXASA. Fat farther path:taws, Mal% • SOWS-P. /DMIVIJARICtrw • 06!iiii0iiiner, *lasi' Or 4 11110 /1 1 •16116 - * . ' ratii..:•l:: )1111'4X.1111.11:1/1.,._.. NMi I OBERP:ggl€O3,4 l -,, Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and Molasses. Porto Mica, Cuba and English Island Sagan. fiNew o /Ork, Philadelphia and Baltitnore RE, ned do. Golden Drips, Loverings, B Adams' and Long Leland Syrup+runils, Stuart's;. Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Molasses. and Oo Young lon H g ys Teas on. . w Japan, I w, eial,. Ontipowder Carolina and Bangoin Rice. Java, Lagnayra and to Coffees. Tobacco, ;Lard 011, Fish , Nails, Glass, Soaps. Cotton Tarns, &v, constantly on hand. lA. 6 T ' 1 CER :t, Fine Brandies,Wines and Segal, of Rhenish, Moselle, and Sparkling Hock Wines Hassel & Co.. to bottles. Spuktne Iloselle, Schonberg and Johannia. burg, Bockheinter. Burgundy, fie. Brandenburg & Freres' Fine Olne 011. do do °Clarets, hummed in bottles. do -do-- - White...Wiser; in bottles. M. Won t & Sons' Sparkling Catawba. 'Fine old sherrg, Madeira and Port Wines. - • • - Free Old Mononganela Bye Whiskies.pure. do Very Superior Old scotch do do. ps s• - Sole Agents for Moet & Chandon's Grand peri Verze aL nay and Seller Champagne. Brandies ofoor ow* selection -and warranted. .110.d43 MI L AT EST_ OII 4 . IITRIKEr. • . . Lnixiiry • - • gcos - orr . - /I: A.ND • To secure evert banded Jost- PHII2 MAIM les. justcome anti see what splendid bargains are ()Certain the gor , aeons stock of Spring and Summer Clothes just' Prepared and exhibited to the public by G". TRAintatiLLN. The flilleirt introit' to been o wnett man who en j oys ti, neatly dressed! we snit Cif new turumer Clothes which fit him so comfortably. as hot' to abridge the freedom °flits motion.. Sigh clothes are to be bad at t.S-C. Thartgamstriy; To practice RoosOlit.; OWL spend Vetilt sums • oftti , nev where extorUonate peopte charge fancy, prices for uneatisfectoty clothing t at come and gel the worth of every dollar yon emend, at 5. C. Tit aCZ USIAIC litrat Thank of the treest sort practiced every day, and all Ilay. at the Big No.. it clothing Hall. There the people bring their cub, arid there they get th eir clothes.. Every man :reek. buy at all times. Trade tremendetts jug' Snow at the Big No. it Clothing Halt c ocsa • nutsuitsfo4 T HEr PRSOISRS.T Stwintali sults tor gfi worth BRO. • . • Skating park suits for eILS worth 593.; 500 sults, linen. at RAI 50 each wortb - 45. . • Black cults fbr star worth SAO. ' Boys' sults for g 3 worth $lO. end C l great many more too zustuerona to aten-. Con. Cal early and aecure your bargains. as we have bat a few days 'MOH; Remember Big No. 11 Stith street. • TRU/EMIL' • i I 11. Ali, ' IrCOYEalf .. ................. 4. A. XID3WIC .... 'II.' M.' - McCOWAN aleo 1 . 3 -, t:... . ''''Boulevaril Pavers,"' --I ~;.. oince, R - 9 , 5 46,0414 ii SIVALLEfiIik2M l l:lnters left. kr...lazy= ilimis, , r I tUtartlit r ProtoptlY attended so. Pim" Ili domranukcallAirs j inill ',: Tsailap. Drives. Me. Wareantefkakallierchtties cotieet and itildii,.; • RareeEncse —Max. Mo,attead, /.40n & tlbotb, Rody r anersbnOivm. Peek, 'Asnies,N.:Losig Bon, lisroor A McKee. Anderson , ' 4 Maxwell, Aiken a Campbell. Isaadt'rthr. ~ ~ • Jr11:4110 , J : I R ~SA.DA:I:I~ PURIFIES THE BLOOD.' `1 )O BALI BY DEUBBISTB_BI7ERYWHBEG4' . •‘, L - rI A L . „‘ .0 , • MAUL uswsaa Watelista , 4 , 4 17 4‘t44q44 alasq MEM' siedier uoz! 1.1 rbrISCELLANEOU& PAM GOLD LOAN Messrs. DABNEY, BRUN & CO., .5 Exchange Plat; and L 8. JESUP & CO, Pine Street, K. F., offer for sale the Bonds of the Kansas Pacific Railway. These Bonds pay seven per cent. in Bald ; hare thirty years to run; are Free from Government Taxation ; are seenreq by a Land. Grant of Three Million Acres of the Finest Lands in Kansas and Colorado. n addition to this special gm'nt the Com any also owns Three Millions of Acre n Kansas, which are being rapidly sold to evelop the country and improve the roa They are a first mortgage upon the extension of the road from Sheridan, Hansae, to Denver, Colorado. The road in operation 437 - miles long, upon which. it is also a mor gage, NOW EARNS RAE THAN ENOUGH HET INCOME TOJAY THE 'INTEREST ON THE- NEW LOIN. There is no better security in the market—this being in some respects better than Government Se eurities. PRINCIPAL AND INTMEST PAYABLE IN COLD, Price 9'6, and awn Interest, in Currency. Pamphlets, Map and Circulars furnished on application We have a fall supply of the above Bonds on hand and for sale, and we take came in recommending them as a rer reliable and perfectly safe invistmen McCLEAN & NO. 73 Fourth Avenue. Pittsbur g h, Pa I= WILLI/131.1111LLER goof Noe. 221 and 223 Liberty Street. Corner of Irwin, now offer to she tirade atlow figures, strictly ALSO, IMPORTERS OP VA. D E:MARKir ' . 4 I, j '. rum' ifirt—tiin%fri : FI, • ,:r ^ RE.. r !',, , . . • ' _ _ C ff 3 ..l . lV_G E OF t -- ' ALLEGE/ZINO? rexamy RAILROAD, I THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OIL REGIONS Wagtail:l' CFLANGE OF CARS. On and after MONDAY, Sept. 20, 1609, TWO THROUGH TRAINS DAILY (except Sunday) will leave Pittsborgl Depot, corner of Elev enth and Pike atrcetz, for Franklin, OH City,HoZ foto, and all nolnte to t? e 011 Regions. DiLEAPS 11711,1ninG.S. 'LIMIT IF rim 011711411" Day Ex 7:00 a rolDay Ex 3:15 p tot Ex ...• 7:35 pro Nicht Ex 6:33 a m Ist Holton... 6:40 a m In Milton.. 6:2.5 pla 2d 1du1t0n...11:50 a m 2d Milton... M: 10 na 3 4 tHalton... 3:00 pm 34 Halton— 2:10 ip in 4th Hulton..ll:ti 0p m Ith Button. 7:30p m Freeport Ac. 5:145 a, m soda Works. 7:30 aIS Soda Works.- 8:30 pm Rreeport AC 6:111p In Bradps BAt 3115 p m riurya BAc 10:05 a m Chung..,,... LIM plE,Ctiorch.....—. /0:10 an Express trains stop only at princ.pal points, Accommodation rains stop at aN,stati ins J. J. L.A.WILMNCX., satin lap't. THOMAS M. ZINO. Ann. buiPt. L EIIENNSYLVAImum NIA CENTRAL BAIL AD. On and after 11 P. 31., Sunday AUGUR! 29th, 15159, Tllll, II will arrive at and gepart from the. tlnion Depot. corner of Waaningsaa and Liberty streets, as, follows: . . , ~... Asstias. , . '` I ZWlPart• i".t.5 t L - ezien . ". ... . 11flit t a i : itilt i g.7. ' 1111 um Wall's No. L. 15 510 anal Wall's -No. s.. 6:3oam CBrintonAcc , n. 7:50 am, Mail Train'. .... 5:10 am incinnati. 2.. 905 ansißra - kaAs No Ilk •10 pas Ex.8:25 am:C.:lndult Ex. :20 Johnstown Ac 1020 aln!Wall's No. 2.. 11:35 a pm m B ra' la Ac Nol 7:00 patrJohnatown Ac.4:05 pm Pitts b Ils Ex. 12:40 pal l Bra'ke Ac pm 8: Wa ls 's N prsal :so pn.Phila.Express3: 2opm i WalPs o. 3.. 305 par. Bralss AcNo !I 9:55 pm. Wall's No. 4.. 8:05 PZII Wall's No. 4. 5:50 pmt Fast Line ..... 7:30 pm. Way Passn'r . 10:2O pm ..Wall's No. 5.. 11:00 um *These trains make close connection at Harris burg for Baltimore. The Church Train leaves Walla Station every kunday at 9:05 L. rt.,- reaching Pittsburgh at 10:t.5 a. m. Re turning, leaves ttsburgh at 12:50 p. m. and - arrives at Walla Station at 2:10 p. rn. * Cincinnati Express and Pacific ves daily. Ali Othe7 MI MS daily exceptSu nd ay For further information apply to .- vg. B. BECKWITH, Agent. TkePennsylvaniaßallroad Company will not as sune any risk forßaggage. except for wearing ap parel, and limit their responsilalltv to One HUD.. died Dollars In rains. All Baggage exceeding tt at amount In value will be kof the owner. unless taken be special contr a ct au3o G E General SuDWARD H.lrna.aum _ perintendent, Altoona, - pa,. E S - Ir E It N-angsm W PENNSYLVANIA RA-LROAD.—On and after. August 29.15695:he Pussenger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Fri road will' arrive at and depart from tie Feder3lStraet Depot, Allegheny CI ty. as follows: Arrive. Springd'e - No 16:40 Mall . . . ,-K ' itin: . ,- . 611110 SIM Freeport No. 1 8:20a m' Freeport . No. 1 9:20a re ih F.xpress 10:a In i Sharpb`g Not 11:20 p an srpti'g No.l m ! 1:20 40 p Express 2:20 pM. Freeport N. 24:05p rn§pringd'e No 1 3:10 pm Rail .. . ...... 5:50 ptn !Freeport 0.25:20 pm Spring . d'e . NO 26:20 p mlSuringd'e No 2 6:30 PIE Above trains Mil daily except SundaY: CiThe Chnrch Train le.treo Allegheny Junction. ty CuMay.la 740 a. nt., reaching AlleghellY at 9:50 a. in. Retuning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:30 p, m, and arrive at AlleAkenyaund tion at 3:40 p. tn. ' ConatirrArtax Twangs--Yon sale' in packages of Twenty, between Allegheny City, Chestnut street. Herr's. 'Bennett, Pine Crdek Etna and Sharpsburg and good on . ly . on the trains stopping at Stations specinedon twaets.- The trains leaving Allegtieey City at 7:00 a. au , "zashe direct connettion at Freeport with Wa lker's line of Stages for Butler atid Elannabstown, Through' tickets 21185, be parchased at the Office. No. list. Clair street, near the Suspension Bridge. Pittsbur, h,.and at the Depot, Aflegheny. . . POP ftrtherinfotination apply to_ . , . JAMES LEFFERTS, Agent .- _. Federal Street Depot. 'The Weitein rennsylvarda Railroad win tot assume any risk for Baggage, except .Ibr wearing apparel, and limit their responsiby to 0118 Hundred Dollars in' . value. All baggage ex ceeding tiiiiiitipount In value willbe at UM risk Of - the'owner, unless ,- .alren by special contract. EDWARD H. WILL IA an3o General annerintendent. Altoon a , Pa. _ _ R l #W. g a nRd44,CIR ;;;;61116111gigt1411.7416149H-git, eli FromAugnst 309 41869, trains will leave trona and arrive at the Union Depot, north side, pitta. burgh city time. se - fellows: Letni. , I Amite. Chicago Ex... .51:013 a =lel:Mum Ex../4:13 am ErEi 4_Ygn Ex.7:2Ba =Pacific Ez... 7:83 am ie Wh_"831•16:28 a a I Wheeling Ex 10:48a M hago Mai1..6:58 4 MI C.& St. U. Ex 708 Is re Past Line. ~.8:48 a m,C lu'goEx&,lll3:2lll I ne C. & liflOg Ex 123 pm; Chicago Ext. 2:38 p m !Erie & Tg'n Exs:llBp m W'e &Erle Ex4:3B a ILI Ci• & Wh'g Ex 6 :39D 81 - Daparrfrons Allegheny., Arrsrs la .4//maeny. Bea , r Falls Ac.9:08 a m!LPetsdale Ac.. 853 am Leetsdale " 10:03 aso 'Rea•r Palls " B:9Bam • " 11:58 am. New Castle "10:23 am Rochester " 2:93 psn :- Enon , •• 9:13 ant Enon •• .3:58 pm;Leetsda/e "/48pre. - Leetsdale Ac0.5:13 pm ,l3e,a'r Palle . • •11:43 pm Bea'rPaßs •• .6:13 pm; Leetsdale " 4:33 ran Leetsdale " 10:43P tat " " 7 : 23 Tale Oaks Buss- . 'Pair .osks Sun day Church. I:L3 Dm I