Eitinut Gaytts. PESNSTLVINLi LESULLTURE. The Noininations for 1569. SENATE. Dtmlerat. PHILADELPHIA. • 1 Alai: J. lamoud. ALLEGHENY. /owls Howaro. Hall Pat: sou. HEAVEN AND WASHING N. 1. B. Ratan, Film ail B gger. BEDFORD, FULTON •ND SO RSET• Ed. Scull. Hiram F May. 61!IESTER. DELAWARE AND RIO GOMEHY• R. 'Jones Brooke,, Owen Jo es. NORTIIUMREELAND. COLUMBIA. NTOUR AND SULLIVAN. Thomas al ftr.t. I C. Eu Lew. DAUPHIN AND LEDANO. • David Mumma, . , Repubtfean W. Watt, M. Whltmoyer, CARBON, MONEO 6 AND WAINE. ----- J. H. Brodhead. WESTMORELAND, 'FAYETTE AND GREENE J. H. Vancoorhea. A. A. Furman. LANCASTER. chael Mal lne :W. H. Eagle. ?sails Billingfelt, :John B• Waq'fa, NV;tERIGN. FRANKLIN AND VENANGO liarThon Allen. - - ASSEMBLY. Bepublieau ' PHILADT.LPH - .A.. • Districts. Distric's. 1. L: B. Thomas. 1. Samuel Goodall, 2 George slexwell, 2. Hearne McG• wan, - - Wm. Gillingham, 4. Wm. Eniott. • 3. Samuel Josephs, 5. Jos. B. McCammon, 1. Louis Govatt, 6. Robert Graham, 5. E. G. Carlin, 7. Robt Johnson, John I. Rogers. . 8. Jas. V. etokes, 6. John F. Mooney, 9. Jas. Berry. 7. John el. moan, • ' 10. VI W. Davis. 8. - - 11. Wm. N. Bunn, S. Pamnel Dailey, 12. Alex. Adaire. 10. Thos. J. Gram. 13 Joseph A. Gess, 11. Clue. S. Gray, 14. John Cloud. -Henry Whim. 15. Adam Albright, 12 D•niel Foster, 16 M. Rung, 13. litchael Mullen, 17. Watson Comly, John Foesyth, 18. James Miller, 14. R. IL. Miller. 15. kdward Chadwick, 16. gobt. Wlldey. 17. C. J. Reterlek. 18 Samuel Laverty. ADAMS. A. B. Dlll ALLEGHENY. John Woiford knee S. Humphreys, ,- John P. Helsel. Alexander 3.hilar, James H. Stewart, Josepn W.ltoa. Rooert H. Roach, Jau.es Tay] Jr, Joseph H. Irwin. r. s. N WillT.e. . Josepn LoSnli, sr., Jt.ha H. Kerr, John K. ISasur.r. I= M. M. Steele. - - WASHINGTON AND DEANE - It. William C. Sburlock, Wm. David•on. 4 1 ‘ whew J. Buffington, John B. Mcßride, Harvey J. Tankirs, J. ti. Wataer. BEDFORD, FELTON AND SOMERSET. J. H. Longnecker, Jos:ph B- Noble. F. S. Long, Tv:mai Sipe. BEERS. Jeremiah S. T xier, Henry Brobet. Cbari-s Meleher. A. T U. Stiles . , dorm S• Tryon, H. H. swam, BLAIR. Joseph Robinson, 'Hobert C. Galbraith BR&PFORD AND SuLuvAx; ' John F. Cham itttrlaln, Reim Rockwell. Jae.• R. Webb, BUCKS.. Juges Ftinton, Joshua Beane. Enron A. W 'Mame. b. t , lictilreur BUTLER, LAWRENCE AND lIERCE.R. G. W. McCracken, ' • Z. A. %heeler, ) -- --- Alex. Leslie. I. CAMBRIA. F. M. Flinegan. 1 Jan Porter. CAR ON AND NONROS. N. D. Fowler. Wesley B. Leonard. =EI James L. Coburn, Jacob G. Meyer. C\IIL6TER. , • James C. Roberts, \ Jones McCiees, Jo, epft C. %tern, J.lin Todd. Abe/. Datlington. - ./casts. Pierson •• 0,21 , 4702 f AND L. W. Crawford, B. Armstrong. • cosuintil. ANt. --- George icott. CRAWFORD. n. J. D. Gin. I 'Henry UCHDP.BLAND. John B. Lehrlig. DAUPHIN'. Henry C. Jams F• W. Ames, D. Kimmel J s. F. Knipe, . Wm. tsaker. DELAWARE.' er. Percipher Baker. A. C. Smith. John E. Parson Thomas V- Coo C. 0. Bowmar6 D. is. McCreary /AtiTTE 5.35. Bally. CL T. B. Echnatterly, ARFIELD AND FOREST. ,Daniel Black. : AN SLID AND FERRY. - ilght. Geo. W. Skinner. M. Wzn. C. 31r$ dense L. Canis En= John Rogers. Joseph Sedgevrick. HUNTINGDON, JVNIATA AND MIFFLIN. John N. Swoole, Htury J. Mc Meer, T. i.ialcCoy. A bratnim Itoittr. • INDIA A AND WESTMORELAN4 David 13.31ars 1, K. H. McCormick, A. M. Fuiton. John Latta. Jacob F. Krep J. Bierer. ssrpratsox AND cLesi,cor., P. H. Shannon' H. B. /frown. yLLANCASTER. k., Jos: M' R'a'te. John Saobr,. I lieu. 'P. aaulti. Jacobs. ItaKer. Lzaarcor. - • 'lager. John Early. Laturcny. Ab•abam God: Adam C. m.ein E. B. Herr. Jobb Wile • Jerome B. De Jas. tt. byzWentr L. 1321:111 IMEEEE! S. W. Keene, 1). L. O'Neil', .N. li. Wrestle) 'NG. SNTDEE AND ur J J. 11eugtr. 12 '- wndi•wH.Dl id. Wn2.11. DM. lIONTGONERY. Geo. Coray, John F. Mac3i Hen'y Wilson bon, Imo Tbkodore Eli ThotasiCbu Win. O. Herr Esebbarli, ./ehn J 4 li • NOF.THAMPTON. Samna Bolles Ifravld Eng.em ORTLIC,MBERLANp. s I, Hobt.. Monts. Barone H. Bu D. Vebb DAV , Henry C. Wo Tbos. Royer, Daniel W: La rIKE AND WATSE• I Wm. H. Dim rorrza AND TIOOA. Ell Beach, B. B. Strang, J. B. h Iles, eCIIVTLKILL: dohs Parker. J ames Ew a , Wloiaor, J. Irvin JJ. 'Weber • I . r.' W , . 617604711 A NMIL AND' WYOiIING, Almon P. Ste b ens. J• ll!flusenbury, harvey Tyler, James Belly. • vs. ANGq D 7.A.8U1N. • • J. D: 3f cJunkto. 'John P. McKinley. Charlso.W....xime t 4..,Lniher (treen.- , = • Yinl • Jae)b B. Wallace,' 'Giorne Jaoh . l3yers, A. F. Porter. . hjun ,• , Nrrsszcs.—The Indlin ' Archipelago is the cone of co once to bear of t e nutmeg. It, grows on trees, whiC at the age of- seven years, and continue to bare for many years, like our appits. 'From flowering tb the ripening of. the fruit is about seven months. The average pro duct of a tree in full bearing is five pounds of nutmegs and one quarter pounds of .• ace. The harvest is 'from September • December, but a small har vest is •• t e in May and June. - The mace is an i •• perfect covering for the nut megs(not th • busk). The mace is!flattened by, the ban • a and laid on mats to dry iv the sun. . fterward it is dried by coal fires, and • : ked" fot exportation. The nutmegs are ~. ore dift3cult to dry They are dried by t ealone forseveral lnonths, like smokin : meat,. although without much smolt-. When thoroughly dried they are pac : ed in tight casks, lined, and smoked. FOREIGN NEWS AND RUM& Two Polish ladies were recently whip ped savagely, at the Warsaw police office. Letters written by Langiewiez were found in their possesion, and the Governor. Ge neral of Poland ordered them to be flogged as a warning to the other correspondents of the famous leader of the insurrection of 1863. Despite the pain inflicted on these poor ladies, they did not utter a single cry. One of them, however,the Countess Drynatzks fai n ted away after she received the thirtieth stroke. Tam AM - ESTI recently' granted by the Emperor Napoleon 111, it is asserted, was devised as a trap to ensnare the more prominent political offenders now in exile. Ledru Rollin, in a letter published in the Paris journals, states that immediately after the amnesty was signed, an order was sent to the seaports of France to ar- rest him on his arrival from England, and to hold him in prison until his alleged ac complices could be brought back from Cayenne. Ledru Rollin says that he pre fers exile to the prospect of an indefinite imprisonment in a French jaiL The Paris journals; in, commenting on this letter, express the Opinion that the Imps. rial Government sheuld answer these charges. Democrat THE HanvEs'r in England for 1869, ac cording to an ,experienced correspondent of the London Times, will prove more profitable to the farmer than it was in 1868. It is asserted that the large sums expended last year on artificial foods have this year been saved, and that the increased stock of sheep has yielded augumented profits, the wool having fully maintained its price, while the price of store lambs is thirty per cent, over that of last year. One remark able circumstance mentioned respecting food produce is the greath disparity be tween the price of bread and butcher's meat. The four pound loaf sells at 7d, and beef and mutton at 11d. per pound, the former being intrinsically ff f greater value than the latter.- This state of affairs, it is asserted, is an anomaly which cannot long exist, and it is contended that, in all probability, bread will slightly advance, and meat get lower in price, as it is only reasonable to suppose that, if the short supply of fattening food last year increa sed the price of meat, the abundant sup ply of this year will cause a correspond ing reduction. —Governor Page has appointed Chas. Pomeroy Button, of Burlington, as a delegate to represent Vermont at the National Commercial . Convention at • Louisville next month. —The stock of the Mississippi and Tennessee Railroad belonging to the city of Memphis, amounting to three hundred thousand shares,-was yesterday sold to F. T. Lacey, agent of the Missis sippi railroad, for 540,000. —At Racine, Wis., in May last, Mrs Hawley. a widow, suddenly disappear ed. On Sunday her body was discovered hid in a sack, her shawl over it, under a bridge near the city. Her skull was badly fractured. She waa evidently murdered. —Capt. John. Waterhouse. Master of the brig Minerva of Portland, is charged with throwing overboard and drowning John Fitzgerald, off Cape Elizabeth, in April last. He has been bound over in 16,1100. The Mate was also bound in #5,000 on the same charge, —An application is to be made -to the Canadian Parliament for the charter of a company to build a tunnel under the Detroit river to connect the Great West. ern Railway with the Michigan Central Railroad, and to secure to ' thr, railroads terminating either in Windsor or Detroit the use of the same on fair terms. —S. Turner, who has been elected Speaker of the Virginia Legislature. is a lawyer about sixty years old, and one of the drat advocates of the reconstruction aete in the State. He was an old Whig, and changed to a Douglas Democrat in 1860. and was shortly after defeated as the Union candidate for the Legislature. —A case has been brought in the United !states District Court, at St. Louis, against ex•Govenor Fletcher and Bascomb Montgomery, by Mr. Berry Freeman, for personal violence and the destruction of his printing office, in De. camber, 1866, at the time Montgomery was in command of the State militia in Lafayette county, and of whom Freeman claims fifty thousand dollars. —At Minerva, Ohio, on Tuesday an enthusiastic Republican mass meeting was held. The procession was two miles long, and there is estimated to have been five thousand persons present. Senator Sherman made, as stated, one of the best speeches ever heard from him. Mr. Sam. Galloway did himself and the cause ample justice. There is no apathy, here. Ali is right for Hayes.ln the Sandy Valley. —ln Judge MeCrinn's Court, N. Y., on Tuesday, a man named Tallier appeared and said that nearly two weeks ago he cacao to that city from- Minnesota with his wife and three children, and on his arrival he sent them to a boarding house while he remained at the depot to attend to his baggage. On receiving the baggage be proceeded to the boarding house, but heard that his family were not titers, and after searching the city eight days for them, ne found that they had been convicted of petty larceny and untie) the penitentiary for three months. Judge McCann immediately ordered the pro friction of the parties in court. —Stewart, the burglar who murdered John Willis in his house in Detroit, on the night of September 16th, was brought before the Recorder yesterday for trial. The court room was packed with spectators. The prisoner was strongly guarded to prevent .any at tempt to seize him: After reading the complaint to the pi isoner, to the aston ishment of everybody, he plead guilty to the charge of murder in the first degree, and immediately afterwards was son tenced to solitary confinement in the State prlidon for life. The result sur prises all. Up to the time of the trial the prisoner stoutly-denied his guilt. THE corner stone of a monument to the memory of Dayid M. Lyle, late Chief Engineer of the Philadelphia Fire Department; was laid in the Old Oaks Cemetery in that city on Monday. CASH • INSURANCE COMPANY. BUILDING, No. Its Fifth Avelino. , second Moor, Pirrastritalt, PA. Capital All Paid trp. Dinainalta. N. J. Bjglery. jr, iCapt.77.l3gmay, Can't Wailsee,l4. M. Hartman. lA. Chambers, Jake Hill, I S. id 'Clurkan. Ju. kL. Malley. Nkomo S mith , Jno.S. Willoek, ROBERT H. SING President. Jitro. P. Vke Preldent. JOB. 7'. JOHNSTON, BeesgiarY. I Capt. N.J. (MOE. Hein Agent. Insures on liberal • ll'erma on all Fire and Marine Blabs. ap2:ge7 BRIEF NEWS ITEM. INSURANCE. ,r.1,170.13.,1;74,9T,i,..,59 . 407 - . E . :i : :- ! y41: 7 ! AY; • pgrOpe -; I 746 A AMUSEIMINTI3.' g" NEW -111PINBA Benefit of the brilliant and accomplished a 0! re se, MAST MITCHELL ALBAUGH Who will be assisted by the t dented artiste. J. W. ALBAUGH, , FRIDAY EVENING, Oc•ober Bib. 1869, will be presented a new play. dramatized from Dickens , world renowned 'tore , . entitled OUR MUTUAL FRIEND; Or, Found Drowned 11, fella Wllfer Mary Mltch•ll Albaugh. dbn Roktstaith J• Aluaugn. Saturday afternoon. eleauab Matinee. Saturday et•ening. benefit of Mr J. W. A lbangb. 11..nnav evening. Mr. JOS. PROCTOR. arPITTSBURGH THEATRE. H. W. WILLIAMe. Sole Lease.:—Lt• dies' Matinee at SIS o'clock. mile. De Vera, gilie. Drain and all tne stars appearing. Admits- Mon to Matinee,2s cents. T -oleht—A OH BAT BILL including the in-lo•dransa entitled The Boltalre of the Heath. . Ladles' Matinee every Wednesday and hater. 40. Admission to Matinee. 513 ce tgrACADERILY OF MUSIC. PAREPA ROSA. Grand English Opera. SIX NIGHTS ONLY AND A MATINEE. W 11 be given by the celebrated PAREPA. ROSE ENGLISH OPERA COMPANY, comprising the best and most popular artistes on the English and American stager. A full and efficient Cho rus and Grand Orchestra. • OPENING NIGHT, BIONDAY, OCT. 18 rut' particulus in future advertisements. oni pitir FIFTH AVENUE HALL. No. 65 Filth avenue, opposite the Opera House, Pittsbargh, Pa., is the coolest and asst desirable place of resorte. Liquors can be had at this place Pare and Good ! The Billiard Boom are on the ground door in the rear. SPECIAL NOTICES. Mr" SCHENCK'S PIIERIONIC SYRI,P,__ SEAWEED TONIC 'AND MANDRAKE PILLS will cure Consumption, Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, if taken accord ing to directions. They are all three to be taken at the same time. They cleanse the stomach, re lax the livor and put itito work; then the appetite becomes good; the food digests and makes good blood; the patient begins togrow i n flesh; the diseased matter ripens Into the lungs, and the patient outgrows the disease and gets well. This is the only way to cure consumption. To these three medicines Dr. J. li. Schenck, of Philadelphia. owes his unrivaled success In the treatment of pulmonary Consumption. The Put monic Syrup ripens the morbid matter in the lungs, nature throws it off by an easy expectora tion. for when the phlegm or matter is ripe a alight cough will throw It oil. and the patient has rest sad the lungs begin to heal. T. do this, toe Seaweed lonic and Mandrake Pills must be ire ely used to cleanse tke stomach and liver. so that the Palmonic Syrup and the food will make good blood. Schenck's Mandrake Plus act upon the liver, • removinr all obstructions , relax the dusts of the gall blad der, the bile starts freely. and the liver Is soon relieved: the stools will show what the Pills can do; nothing has ever been invented ex cept calomel (*deadly poison which Is very dan gerous to use unless with great care.) that will unlock the gall bladder and start the secretions of the liver like Schenck's Mandrake Pills. Liver Complaint la one of the most prominent taupe. of Consumption. Schenck's Seaweed Tonle is a gentle stimulant and alterative. and the alkali In the Seaweed, •which this preparation is made of, assists the stomach to tnrow out the gastric Mee to dissolve the food with the Ptutnonlc Syrup, audit is made tato good blood Without fermentation or souring In the tomach • • The' great reason why physicians do not cure Consumption is, they try to do too much; they give medicine to stop the cough. to stop chills, to stop night sweats, hectic fever. and by so doing they derange the whole digestive gassers. lock ing up the secretions, and eventually the patient sinks and dies. Dr. Schenck, in his treatment, does not try to stop &cough. night sweats, chills or fever. Be. move the eausv, and they will all stop of their own accord. No one can be cured of Consump tion,Liver CoComplaint. Dycpepsia. Catarrh, Canker. Ulcerated t hroat, unless the liver and stomata are made healthy. If a person nu consuption, of bonne the ungs in some way are diseued, either tuberela, abcesses, bronchial irritation , pleura adhesion, or the lungs are • mass of inflammation and fait decaying. In such cases what must be done It Is not only the lungs that are wasting. but it Is the whole body. The stomach and liver harelOst their power to make blood out of toad. Now tne only chance is to tate Dr. Schenck's three medi cines, which will tiring up a tone to the stomach. the patient will begin to want food, it will digest easily and make good blood; then the patient be gins to gain In flesh. and as soon as the body be gins to grow,/ the lungs commence to heal up. and the patient gets litany and well. ' This is the only way to cure Consumption. When there is no lung disease and only Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, bettenek`a Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills are suMelent, without the. Pultnonic•Syrup. Take the Mandrake Pills freely in a,l billions complaints, as they are Der. fectly harmless. Dr. Schenck. who has enjoyed uninterrupted health for many years past, and now weighs SIMI pounds. was wasted away to a mere skeleton, in the very last stage of Pulmonary Consumption, hi. physicians having pronounced his case hope less and abandoned him to his fate. He was cured by the aforesaid user lanes, and since his recove ry many thousands similarly "Meted have used Dr. Schenck is preparation with the same re markable success.' gull directions accompany each, making it not absolutelynecessary to per 'tonally see Dr. Se.benck, unless patients wish their longs examined, and for this purpose he is professionally at his Principal once, Philadel phia, every bsturday,_where all letters for advice must be addressed. He Is also professionally at No. 39 Bond ,street. New York, every other Tuesday, and at No. as Hanover street, Boston, other Wednesday. He gives advice free, but for a thorough examination with his Respi romaer the price lett". Oniee hours at each city from 9 A. N. to 3 P. x. Price of the Pulmontc Syrupand Seaweed Ton ic each $1.50 per bottle. or IL 80 a half dozen. Mandrake Pills SID cents a box. Tor sale by all drnitrUts. WrIS:I6I43T IrgrDOCTOR WHITTIER CON TINUES TO TREAT —ALL PRIVATE DISHABES. That numerous class of cases resulting from. self-.abuse, producing un • manliness, nerimus debility, Irritability. emit.- ttonse seminal- emissions, and finally im potency permanently cured. Persons &Mitt ed with delicate. intricate and long +tend lug constitutional complaints are politelyin sited to call for consultation, which costs nothing. Experience, the best of teachers, has enabled him to perfect remedies at once efficient, safe, permanent. and which In most cases can be used without hindrance to businesit. Medicines pre' pared in the establishment, which embraces of fice, reception and wafting swims; also, boarding find sleeping apartments for patients requiring da•ly personal attention, and vapor and Chemi cal baths, thus concentrating the famed mineral springs. No matter who have failed, state your case. Read what he says in Eta pamphlet of fifty Pages. sent to any addreu for two stamps in seal ed enve.ope. Thousands of cases treated Kann. ally, at office and all over the country._ Consul. union free, personally or by math Office co. 9 Wylie street (near Court House ) _ Pittsburgh, Pa. Hours 9 A. to S P. Sundays 13 3. to A P. x. Pamphlet sent to any address for two at um pl. farBATCHELOWS fl u DIE. -This splendid Hair Dye is the best In the World: the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, Tells= ble,lnstantaneous; no disappointment; no ri diculous tints; remedies the ill effects of bad dyewinvigorates and leaves the Hair soft and' be/tut:fol. - Iliad; or braltra. Bold pl ie dyl Dtugglste and Perfumerr and properly • at Batche lor@ Wig I . :No. l 6 and street. Hew Pork. •-• gar THE. BEAL, ESSAYS FOR YOU N MEN, who baVe fallen into sicking habits. and ow desire a higher life, and a better MANHOOD, itl; certain mean s '. of relief for , the afflicted. Bent In sealed letter enrslopet, free of charge. Address. HOWARD AntIOCIATILIN. Box P, Philadelphia, Penna. seigiittn. ditlf SEIZETINGi3 AND sexnfia., H 0,., ANCSOR • COTTON MILLS. •prTICI3.I3I7EttaQ. ataatlisalwiti of HIATT msannt 13142 LION? Ammon won MAGNOLIA 4 11tV1R1rTTW6Mit A WTI lIIATTT7Odi, p i ELTING. MATHER AND OEM BELTING Also. Gum racking, Bose. Gasketa, &e. al. ways on hand and foe sale, weolesale or retail , . try J. & If. P ll lLLIrle. sal 186 and MI Meth Street. TIENDERSON J.& BROTHERS, iii $lBB Liberty greet. Dealer* to Drugs, and Patent Medicines. Was POi IrrrcAL. REPUBLICAN NEET, Friday, October Bth, AT O'CLOCK. AT BISMARK 'HOTEL, • On CHESTNUT STREET. Fourth 71, Alio* 'belly, Will be a'deessed by Gen. WM. BLAKELY. J. J. BIEBENECK. Esq., Col. JOHN GLENN. By order Committee on Itecengs and Speakers: IarREPUBLICAN MEETING AT , CLINTON, IN FINDLEY- TOWNSHIP, . ON Saturday, October 9th, At 731; P. 11. 'WM be addressed by 1 - Hon. R. B. CARNAHAN, Col. T. M. BAYNE. By order of the Committee on Meetings and Speakers. 007 EgrREPUBLICAN MEETING ON Friday, October Stb, at 71.2 P. M. 1 , 11 Borough of Mount Washi gton. Will be addressed by Col. T. N. BAYNE, W. C. MORELASD. Esq. By order Committee on Meetings and 6 oer REPUBLICAN MEETING AT NATRONA. ON Saturday, October 9th, 4869, AT T O'CLOCK P. 31., Will be addressed by A. BLAKELY, Esq., H. H. McCORMICK, Esq. By order of the Committee on Meetin Speakers. far REPUBLICAN MEET] AT THE STONE TAVE ON THE WASHINGTON PIKE, IN II BOROUGH, • • On Saturday, October 9th, 1869, At Ts P. N. Will be sddrested by . P. C. SHANNON, Esq., Hon. THOMAS HOWARD, J. E. McKELVET, Esq., Br order of Committee on Meetings and Speakers. oxt rgrIIEPUBLICAN MEETING AT WRIGHT'S HOTEL, WOODVILLE, UN THE WASHINGTON ROAD, On Monday, October At TSi o'clock, P. N. Will be addressed by A. M. BROWN. Esq,. • Col. T. M. BA.Y.NE, 3. E. WEELVEI. By order of Committee on Meetings Le. ocr. arREPUBLICAN MEETING AT 'FISHER'S CROVE, IS FRANKLIN TOWNMIP, ON Saturday, October 9th. At A o'clock r. u. Will be addressed b 7 W. C. MORELAND. rig.. JOHN H. KERR Fag., • JOSIAH COHEN, Ebq. By order Committee on Meetings and Speak ers. ocs tGEORGE EMRICH, INDErENDENT CANDIDATE EMI MAYO* OF ALLEOHENY CITY. cc6:pW arINDEPENDENT REPUB. LICAN CANDIDATB, ?or Alderman of the Third ward, COL, I. D. EGAN. cTS;p47 INDEPENDENT TEMPER. INCE CANDIDATE. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. ISAIAH DICKEY. 1110:112 LOAN. MONEY TJ LOAN.-$2O 000 to loan on Bond mid Mortgage in large or small amounts, THOMAS . PETTY, Bill, Bond and Real E No. 179 Sm 3. . 59 \\Bargains Bargains ,Bargaills Bargains Bargains Bargains Bargains\ I Bargains Bargains Bargains bargains Bargains r. W. 33.&1t33. 59 MARKE FirNOTICICB—"2I ,I th," i5 . r, 0 , 4 49. w o w, upoundi?, "Boarding," etc., no U exceeding FOUR LINES, so* be inserted .iri . these columns once tor TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; cash addf• tional line FIVE CERT& - I I WANTED—HELP.—AT EN. PLUMENT O.FYICA_Xo. "I Bt. Cab Street, BOYB WILLS and LiTip for efferent of all kinds of _employment. Peremta wanting help Wean- elm be innolto4 on short notice... W A NT E D .-110ABDING.-A v Large Second Story 'FRONT BOO!!. snit. able for a veatl•man ans wire or single gentle' men. with board. at N 0.167 Forrth avenue. kOST.—On the. St. Clair Street tinep_enelon Bridge r or Federal Street, a D PEN AND PENuIL. A llberat reward wlll be evat It returned to No. 12 Stockton Avenue. All. • benv TO LET. • MO LET WITH BOARDING.- A_ Two Front Esoms. Location the most de 'treble in the city, 1S& North avenue, Alhighest, City'. TO LET—ROOM.—A Well fin: !shed second story front room, tultable for one Or .two Yonne. gentlemen, No. 33 Moth . Street, slate Hind.) TO LE T A Second Story ROOM, suitable for two single gentlemen or gentleman and lady, at No. 18 Wylie street. .TO-LET--ROOllll—A furnished • Itocim,sultable for one ortwo' single gentle men; Tema reasonable. .lunulre at 113 Second/ arenoe. ' • NNNI TOR SALE.—One • Two / Horse Spring Wagon, suitable for/a gardener, brewer or glass works. fine Covered Ambulance. 500 empty Peeking Barrebvfor glen ware. 600 emptyW arehouse, Whisky Barrels, _ 2 Apply at No. 82 Derrah a reef, opposite the Pearl Allegheny.' • ' ocfifiS6 JOHN DTX.R. =ll volt SALE. - One Two gorse A.: Team for Waist Thirty-State Mt. Paw Eli!. ./ DUFF, CHILCOAT JP. Co, F -- OR SALE.-SOUTH AVENUE RESIDENCE: Altegheny City. Lot is 211 FOB by 130 to a 20 feet alley: house contains 11 rooms.-good cellars, gas teronyhout and tintsh..d in good oroer. Apply to CROFT & PHILLIPS, Real Estate Agents. No 130 Fourth Avenue. rj OR klALE.—Business stand 11 on Chestnut street, Allegheny City, has been -need as a bakery and confectionary for a number of years, and Is now occupied as suck with a good custom. Thls Is an opening seldom offered, and a practical an can do a number one business. Terms easy and satisfactory reasons for selling• Apply to CLUFT t PHILLIk'S,No. 139 Fourth avenue. Ie and oc7 FOR SALE.-LOOK HERE !- CHEAP FARM one =lie trom a Station on toe C, Jt P. R. H., In Jefferson county. Ohio, c.mtaining 190 acres AT ONLY $35 net acre: good imorovements, good water, underlaid with coal. and In a' good neighborhood. 3lnsr BZ SOLD. Terms'easy. If yon want a cheap firm home don't tall to call fowl at the, Heal 'Estate* adice of CROFT A PHILLIPS, No. 139 Fourth avenue. ED ,lON FOR BALL-FRUIT FARM and ROHE. contaluingl3 acres, 10 miles from the city limits and 4 miles from a Station on the A. V. 8.-It.; good house. stable. to I 31 an acre In grapes. All kinds of fruits. from a currant to an *pct.. The improvements and fruits are womb all that Is ;Liked for the property 6 serer underlaid with c , al; et - err acre tlliablet sell toast to any ID the UNITED STATES. Apply to CRIWT & PHILLIPS. - Real Estate Agents, No. 139 Fourth Avenue. you. SALEr-41110P ON NORM ANENVE, ALLEM:iII-NY CITY, PA.— ne butiding, 38z10 feet is being used by Jas. Godfrey & Co. as a manfacturing establishment, On. of the members of the Arm wishing to retire from business on account of poor hcalth. we bare decided to close out thispart of the bust. nest t a bargain. Also good will of Steam Pow • (5 to 10 hone power.) tools and =chine ebinery; would make a good wagon maker shot): lot 130r100 feet—on 5 :years lease. For further particulars Inquire at No. 41( Ohio street, Alit , gbeny. Pa. lsn e rt AN ACRE WILL PUR• ejte_g CHASE a destrahle Farm of 100 acres lu Columbiana county, Otdo. 4 miles fromEnon Station. P., I. W. &C. B. R. Can work livery foot of the land by mschlnery; all second bottom land; comfortable Improvements, good water. &.c. Thlt 'property is located In what might be called the Garden of Eastern 01110. Land around this sells for $lOO per acre. Cannot fall to please t. good farmer. Terms easy. A p_ply to CEOPT & PHILLIPS, ' ocl No. 139 Fourth avenue. FOR SALE-10—ACIIES, LESS or more,' in Plum township, Allegheny contr. Allegheny Valley It. A. runs through it. Two hundred yards from station; Frame house 01 six rooms. And good stable. and all other ne cessary out-buildings: orchard of 100 bearing fruit tries; of all kinds; good garlen, grape ar bor. and geoseberries and cures , ts; 405.004/ worth of rock, quarry opened; will snit for rest deuces or manufacturing establishments: coal under wife place: good Indications of oil; deepest • er and best landing on the river; all well fenced. Inquire of A. B. KERB, on the premises. FOR BILE.—A_ desirable resi s: deuce on Prospect St. near Butler St., s sth ward; lot 19x.110 feet. Alto, a due large, first class eTOBE .RO , IM and DWELLING of 5 rooms and goad cellar on Butler St.. 17th ward. An excellent stand for busiooss; lot 212x150 feet. A DOUBLE BUICK DWELLING on 41st 0r.,17th watd: lot Sfax.looyeet on A. V. R. R. Aso a number of Rouses and Lots from ESN up to 810,000. A leo, GREAT BARGAIN'S IN BLOOMFIELD. 16th ward; lots 90x137 feet for $692. Ten years to pay. Two years allowed for Arst peva 'Anent wa,en the person wants to build Inquire of D. U. WILLIAMS. Real Estate and Insurance Agent, Butler 6t. 17th ward, opposl.e rt. Johms Episcopal church . . oca•pat SALE. . . "IDITSE AND LOT, No. 54 James street; Rouse, new frame. contains 7 rooms and store room; also Frame Sboo on rear of lot; shop 17x , 518 the ,lut is 90 by 100 feet; la a splendid place lbr a grocer, baker or butcher; will be sold cheap. 2 BLOUSES AND LOTS fronting on Pleasant valley P. R. R.; houses each contain 5 rooms; It:Troll by 200 feet 2 Houses and Lots on Fleming street; 4lots on obinson Road. seventh Ward. HOUbE AND LUT in Salem. Ohio; 6 acres of ground In Reserve township; A lots on Irreemont street. Other Houses and Lots In good localities. Inquire of )T. WHITMORE. Real Estate Agent, corner Ohio and Sandusky street, Ailegheny. PERSONAL.—AII persons seek- INH or Investsnents in Real lits tate, will save time, trouble and money by prop. curing • cony of the ':ELTTSBURGEI REAL EsTATE REGISTER. It is given away fitt.atll or will be sent by mall rnlcE toranyTegnestixrin Persons cannot tall to get suited-out of tbelarge list it .containe. CROFT PHILLIPS, .PnO. Ushers and Real Estate Agents, No, 139 Young avenue. ate Broker, tbffeld street. AR ZEE & CO., A RKE T STREET. \ Poplins, 11\ \ Prints, n Flannels, n Delattis, n lil 13 [uslins t Everythin Ft. Cet CIO*. STREET. WANTS. LOST. FOR SALE Shawls, Cloak*, Arabs, Aterltioes, Alpacas, Blankets, Ki-POlt ..- 0.41 X. .g o OR SALE—PROPERTY. ri 0ta281131 feet, traded, only, ssoo— per year. 4 lots 24x138 feet. 8400— 1100 per Ttir. 1/Cot 115.:1519 feet, $5150; Reed street. Frame house of 3 rooms, lot 2 , 1x100 filet; 0n1Y41.100. houseof rooms, bath room and stable; 22x100—58,800. 2 three storied brick houses oa Pultonetreet. each Sp,. 800. 8 nve roomed preeted brick houses ffnely finished, new; lot 60x1001 rwu 'auk houses , pumps and hydrants, all tor 84,000. New two roomed and cellar brick Louse, lot )11t1x100' 41,- 400-8600 cash and 8100 per Year; t god seven roomed house and lot 24x280 feet, .- 800. and easy terms. 8 reputed frame house, lot 24x60, 81,500-4500 cub and calan-eln and 8 years. 2 lois on Wylie street .24x80; 1980. clot on Wylie street 27f ix $1.600. 1.1 tots on Centre avenue 22hx125: 8900 each. 150 feet .front on Centre avenue by 128 feet deep, will divide to snit. Blots on Centre avenue from $3OO to 1800. The abOve property is well located and within 10 to Ili minutes walk of the Court Hciuse, and on t e New Central Pusenler R. R. 20 acres on Western Penna. Hadroad. 4 miles frdm the city. 20 scree on pan Handle Railroad, 4 miles from city, New 6 room frame house 1 mile from Court House. '225 acres litssonri land. • Persons &airbus to purchase a borne or make an Investment. and those wishing to Nell, please call on or address. MeCLUNG k RAINBOW. lu3o Nos. 195 197 and 199 Centre avenue. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE E RV AL EbTATE I THE CITY OF AL GHENY. By virtue of an ,order of the Orphans' Court of Allegheny county, the undirsigned. as Trustee ender 'the will of Esther litock ton, decd. will offer at Public Sale.,OM THE PREMISES, on FRIDAY, the sth dy of October next, at 10 o'clock 4. 8., a Lot , OF liiktuUND belonging to the estate of said dece dent, situate on Stockton avenue, near Beaver street, fronting B 3 feet on Stockton avenue and preserving the same width back toward Water street.'s distance oi 140 feet. - - Terms of nale—One-tbird of the purchase money cash on condi mat on of sale. the balance in two equal annual payments, secured by bond and mortgage of the put chaser. For further information. enquire of . - • THOS. B. UPDLKE, Trastee. No. 209 Beaver Avenue, Allegheny, FA teLS:o47 AT PRIVATE SALE—VALA— IT Brx LOT OF GROUNH situate on the north•east corner of Stockton avenue and Beave St., Allegheny city, fronting 31 feet on Stockton avenue. preserving the same width along Beaver street 140 feet; thence along Beaver street 100 feet, preserving a width of 80 feet to Water street, on which Is erected a two.story frame dwelling house, and being the late residence of Esther Stockton, dec'd. This property . fronts on the Allegneny Park. and tor beauty of location and surroundings cannot be excelled. For terms of late and further information, enquire of THOMAS B. lIPME.ir, Ho. 209 Beaver Avenue. I= HOBOKEN" STATION PROPERTY FOR SALE. This beautiful situation cannot be surpassed for private residences In any direction, so elose 'to both cities, being only eight miles up the Western Pennsylvania Ballroad. Any person de siring Information about this Property can obtain it by calling at the office of the IRON CITY MU TUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. 75 Federal street; Allegheny. Lots from one-half acre to eve acres: also. small lots to salt par. Chasers. There Is a good iocstion or a mastufae turing establishment, between the Railroad and Allegheny river. WA: n2B - VOll BALE.—A Very Desirable • Iltdr T Ot LAND, containing about 46 acres, situate within Age miles of the city and about two minutes walk fr.= Ingram Station of the Panhandle Railroad; has a front of about one-third of s mile on Cbsqlers Creek; all capa ble of being cultivated. being rich bottom land and admirable adapted to being laid out intd lots of from *to 5 acres or less. limed home, orch ard and well of water on the premises. Terms easy. Apply to B. MeLAIN A CO. 5e.22 No. 104 Fourth A.v.enne. LIVERY' STABLES. ROBERT EL PATTE I BSON & GO„ CORNER. .OF Seventh Avenue and Liberty St, PIT . TSDI72OII. PIL Will on Satitrday. July 31st, 1869. and on each anteceding Saturday, hold an Auction Sate of HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, And everything appertaining to the Horse. Parties desbing to sell will please leave their notice of consignment on or before Thursday of each week in order for advertising. Prompt at tention and good case will be given alt Stock left fortale. JOHN H. STEWART, Auctioneer. tyn3,m6.5 JOll3 11. STZWJLTIT. ...... ...HOST. A. PATTTILSO2i. ROST. H. PArrERSON- bc. C 0... 1.41 , 7Enir. SAM M &ND *loj , 1.% I ki - z-1( 9 )11Kil 1110i2ii OR. SEVEITE AVENUE & LIBERTY 13T. PITTSEUUGU, PJL MYMI:b4 WALL PAPERS. ELEGANT " PAPER HANGINGS. Enameled Wall Pipers in plain tints lmper ♦ions to soot and smoke. Vermillion grounds with gold and inlaid figures. E SOSsED VEL VETS, INDIA TAPESTRY, USERS PANELS stamped and printed gold. Newly Imported and net tobe found elsewhere In the country.- For sale at W. P. BLUELSEIALL'S NEW WALL PAPER STORE, 191 Liberty- Street. DECORATIONS --In Wood, Marble and Fresco Imitations for Wa lls ana CeIRAs. of Dining Boom. Halls, de., at No. 107 Market street. 012 ' JOSEPH ELIII74HES & BRO. • § ra TAIIPED GOLD PAPEILS for e.,artors. %t No.lol Market, street. JOSEYEL B. HUGH& & BRO. PRO OLILIYLELTI ON. City of, ep • , , I, SIMON 'DEUX Mayer In and for the City of Alleghenv, do taste this. ay Proclamation. . that on the SECOND TITMIDs Y OP OM ofiEtt, A. 1). 1869, being _the Ligth day of the month.. the freemen of said qtiallned to vote for members of the House of Boepresentatives of this Commonwealth,. will meet at their several places of holding the elections in.their respective wards and elect by ballot toe following members of Select and Common Councils, togetner vita one Person to serve as Mayor for two years, and one Perim* to ai4Ve an Ifirector of the L'oor for three y ears. Toe electors of the First Ward of the City of Alto heal, to meet at toe Public School 11°11.491n laid Ward, and e ein 0130 3121100er r Select Goan cli and two members of Common Council. Toe electors of the Second Ward of the City of Allegheny to meet at the Ptiblla School House In said Ward. and electotos member of Select Conn. ell and litres members of Common Council, Ihe electors ef the Thtrd Ward, of the C trot Allegheny, to meet at th e- Public School House In tLe first precinct and a; the house of Oft rge Gent in• the Samna precinct In said Ward. and elect one member of Select ' Council and four membe ra 6f Common Connell. The electors of the Fourth Ward. City of Alle gheny. to Meet 'at the Public. School House la the ;asst preelnot, sad at the house of Ur. or. don In the second precise; in Bald Ward,and elect one member of Select Connell and font member, , of Cowmen Council. • The electors of the rifth ward, City of dile ghen.y, to Meer at toe Public School Rouse In I said Ward, and elect one membe- of seleat Cotta 01l and two members of Common t ounell. the electors- of the Sixth War City of All ghetto. will meet in the Publ.° aohool House said Ward, and elect one memb r of Select Coun all and two members of Common Council. . The electors of the Seventh ward, Castor Alle ShenY, will meet at the boeße of Luta g Wale said wend, and eleet one member or,belect Coen- ell and 300 Members of Common Connell. The elee tors of the Eighth Ward. CPy of Alla. ahem meet at the,Pnblle School House In said weed, end elect one member of Select.Conto ell and two members of Common Council. - - In testknony There hereunto set my haw; and seal of the said City or Allegheny, this 118th day of September, A. 11. /869. . . SLMON DRUM, Mayor. 12:1 .