6 IL SEE VOTITSDIIII OII A.- SThEL WORKS. trrAmasiaßD IN 1845. ANDEIISON & WOODS, _ . mAziorAcTrasse ow / BEST REIFINXE OASI' STEEL Of even description.. A.lsoi. best 10111 . 16i' 6erinen Ploa and ipiiitg,' Steel. CORNER R0513-IdialflSST AV/IftrlE,Pltts. With. Ps. sulenl4l 1111A1411, 1111111 & PARKIN. GZITEILO, PAUTNIRB WIC. METCALF: REUBEN'arum.% etz9. w..,BABst. CLIA9.,PABXIIi, Bimetal. PiftTirrat3.l: king, --- CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, Itatuß, BARB & row, OF Na, 10 — Liberty street, rrinausaft, re fel4:d4B DUQUESNE WORKS. COLEMAN, ItAiM &. 00 bLuinfacturers o 1 - raoN, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS, niugvEsnir., L ~Z.AND JUNIATA; • PLAT BAR, BOUND AND SQUARE IRON. BAND, Hour, SHEET AND TANK IRON, BOILER ES AND HEADS, OUARD EO N ' DEAR and DROPPER BARB Fueilaz ~eirrrzit smut, CYLINDB W AN u PLAT RAIL, for HA R R O W CIROWBARS,WEDGES & TEETH, :TIRING , _PLOW J. ND CULTIVATOR STEEL, Ei TE EL WINGS AND MOULDS cut to pattern. STEEL TIRES, STEEL suerrnie, A., B. CH, BUGGY and 'WAGON SPRINGS end NAILS OUT NAILS AND arum. • Fitst d Warranted. eafiti am 0 torintiss A trWORIES. Sixteenth and Allegheny and 11 Water Street. Pittsburgh. asla9 _ . SUEFFAIELD STIAIL=VIFORKE4 MM011& 00., - FITTSWURGI3.- ---- 4,lLanuisetn.ren or 4n*rtdesertption of Stags, aamw c. AND r/.Awir 51"1“.M 115, ASLI3I3T Tillitoki“ act WirthOugh, 83 Water andloo First Ste. I.3LACK DIAMOND , STEEL WORKS. 'AUK, BROTIEER & CO., Manatactarers of all descrtpattma of 619MMn3" ince and Warehouse, TECIRTIEVI, THIRTY *I.BeT andIIIABOLD STRESTS, Prrrsßvseiff. :BRASS FOUNDERS. . ICRY, BIER , ....... ....... GRJETrntSIBLEIC H. KENRTSIER & CO., -auccLsB.olwTo =I • • JOUN WI. COOPER & CO., Bell - and' Brass Fdunders. ;ivAkiliTitsras 'WADI TBOMPTIX TO OBDEB. Viable -and. Gny. yon . Figipgs, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, &OTTLII,BII I I7I AND CIRCE YLLIEB Au. GiAinii*ATTEnri. 110bItYNY I ' Bragg-Mork of eval ,descapp* for Steam, War and ()% ILLNUFACTUBJERS or J. Y. COOPER E cols linpoved rßalancelheel Steam f Pump Agents for Dreyfiutv Patent Oil ere, the beet in the Market. °see and Works, corner Thirteenth and Pike treats, ste26 A r k l eadij?•B4. ANCP • Corner Liberty snet sad Plttpbtkribb, , BRASS FOUNDERS AND IRON And 'AGENTS to L. S. STEAM I'VMF AND BLOWN iaorr,. ~4~ SEIM . RsIUSBN T. Trustees are now oreDaree M grant an - leO BSS. s tor , the use of the LLX.88i1A.11617.2i rap- 0388.' . The i:Warier quality imparted to goad iron, the great improvement in inferior Iron. and the x sducwitost. commend it to Mt manufacturers of iron. Parties Wishing in i{ieit Ciaibtati APPIII4II , el AMEkt SPEER • • • ,• AnOrllel for the Tmstera.• F.ooias and. Smatiliq 9W{ "smith avenue. I Par ties interested 'are invited 'tis the illißligeSil,WOßlM where the mls au now in successful operation. , tellid67 NOVELTY '' ORKS. prrrsunisia. ' NOVELTY ''ORK.S. - FouvAid A. 1883. ,ADAMS . al. 130. acuturOst;tusifi• Ice•• .1! = STONE STANDARDaIfAIBBANK SPAT.; .19a) PLATT9O I itAD 00u1AFJ18.,, S CAL S /0310 J isisegalltenit c ar .F.; t. ). a a c t . 4 Latatie ROBIEES kith Elys, , , rissabsaramisiparinv..- J. WNW, • NIA RIO • •:•••• *ye.« s 1 let SIAM 4111 71 IWINT-& LUTZ, 46j AB itfitAti •*: 1 1 •ORIPIAME TAI:,CARVE.**I ilieghenyja ,ll a 4 te co n If °v at rals st sax 9a __Bonite• X io , " 11-4 z5 • ‘g. BOLE\Bc CO., _ := • ; ON POW Is3lei'and-Diquesse St., oLis Tits POI-1M) \ Engine Builders, Foutrers and • • - - Machinists. \ usiinuettre eTWIDIONT MON= and STA. TIONABY 1:N011111. 8 , of all aim Arial attention to our nen STATION . OIL WICLL SNOLLDL AND DATABLE BOlLNlr_of li-k~power. . CABTINGS,_of every kind, made tborder &tour Foundry, on TMIBD STREET below Market. RIGS for 011 W , SUAPIIN6 PIILLLYS, HANGERS, ROWE andTOBA.OOOI3Ws e and IRON TOLIAOOO PENSEEM cis B e n d to order, at um • . . INDUSTRIAL- WORKS/ 711111 t 2g on the Allegheny River, near the Point, FlTTranntell, PA. • All orders promptly Ailed. TAY RI among F ORT PITT' BOILER, Willi 11,3111 TANK WOURS. CARROLL at SNYDER, • - ' • KANtr7AO7I:OIIO/13 07. • TUBULAR, DOUBLE-ILIUM • TUBULAR, ME-BOE AND CYLINDER STEAM BOLL- I OIL STILLS AND OIL TANA& 1M1NE2044 BRIOECRING- ANG ASH P/1.... 1 411, O SETTLING PANS; SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS: • • STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS : AND IRON BRIDGES: - - PRISON DOORS AND COAL BRUTES (Mee mid Warehouse, eornor Second, Third, Short and Liborty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa. gr Orden seat toy above address will be rometly attended mh7:les WM. BAJRNMIL I L & CO. ) BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOB. SO. MI, Sit AND 116 NOM BT. Having secured • large yard and furnished it with the meet approved machinery, we are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOM BES. m a dee best manner, C himn eys equal to any in the country. Breeching, Tire Beds, Steam Pipes,' Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Balt Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agita tars, .Bettlllic Pans, Boller Irros,JirtdAVlr. OM= Taos, and MP IRLDUZI439I=II Of BsZa•g. got - Bewaring done On enoriest notice. 1•5:cli - JAI= Y. suusu....-...........c0mr50 D. BRUSH :TARED M. BRUSH & SON, iLI2WrACTUDIDB or Steam Boilers; Oil Stills, Tanks. MOM IEO1 0 1 WORILACI. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, ato. i..BBADLEIT fit CO., NO. SO _WOOD STREET, . , Manufacturers of the greatest Tarlety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, TO BE 7013 ND. • In our assortment will be found all the LATEST PATTARNS AND IMPROVEMENTS, and the reputation of our Stoves is such that any one in want ot a good article should purchase found those manufactured by us, as they will be the most durable as well as-economical. Would call uarticular attention to our new VOLCANO STOVE, for churches; halls ana stores. Over 600 sold in three monies. Intended for Vr ith or with out casing. All who have tlEed them pronounce them superior to any other and far cheaper. Send for Catalogue and Price List. SUP, MMUS & CO., _ NEANUTACTUBSRS OF IVUT TAMMY 01 ISM CoirranWaiie BOSTON COOHENG BANGB, " THE 'FIERY FURNACE," 70E WLENNNG BUILDINGS. THE NEW ANTI-DUST 0001alie STOVE, ..REGULATOR." COLUMBIA COOL STOVE , U`AIerPAT 'tliNt R E cnn4AV , wi REF LECTOR„ORATES,tree from dirt and dui; GRATE FRONTS . PEND M. *O6 and - *OB Libertr Street; t 5e215171131g TIBPA. COOS STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL it CO.'S „ Briummvoria oct;:tri. Wirranted to Only Bate er *oast se sell owl other Store 1n the Unto& BISSELL` 00. 1 No. 285 Liberty Street; Ws° on kind and fa sal% - r•atoß , STOI7IB, EL6:7lllToffilh Eltij lard Avenue WE. FITT . Fr. Eox & CO'S O. BUILDERS! ..A., 500.000 feet Dry Pine Board_ .s. ' 150,000 feet 19 inch Clear P in up. $15,000 fees 19 Inch Common P 95,01)011 , 35)rj / and Slack Oalsti e 95,000 ft. 1,49,S Mid 3 Inch Poplar: 10.000 feet- ry (polar Scatling; 3 . o.ooeygge , ey cum Pine Boards; 100,0001ee.t Hemlock Scantling. - 4 .._ _ s,os:ooo.thetlio. 115 inch Saginall nig. , les. 900. , . , to. 1 15-11$015hingles, Samedt iIIIN gles, stared% N 1, 500 'Fire Brick; 1,000 Fire Tile. 100 Tons Fire Clay; Also, Saw ?dill Lumber, Loam , and Cedar Posts. and ail articles in the line on hand and for side ist_ALIZekTIREIt RATT9IIIION_. Yards— No. 15 , P•BebeMs street and corner of Treble and Juniata streets, 131=1; wardsAllegheal. late :B bor. ongh of ktanchester. 7 - ap GLA63., OUTLIERY. LUMBER. 100 woo,wo • 'NEW: GICIODS; FINE VASES, CEUTA. aTEA ritfir4. OUT 011 PB, 141°/CING 63 11ge stook of ; SILVER PLATED GOODS of 231 descriptions. 477 ,4 Cell end examine our good*, feel astiellea we one seed rau to bsu it ed. iree:':1111121)' 'tt CO. Q-Mb' t fl 1_(!(q, PITTS..,BURGI3 G.A41711: FRIDAY OCIOBER 8, 1869 W. J ANDERSON, ....... H. A. PRITTOOLE. • - NONONGIIIELI - FOEIDRY, W. L ANDERSON & CO., Mannfacinrers of IRON HOUSE FRONTS. WINDOW LINTELS and SILLS, and Castings of all Descriptions. Special attention paid to ARCILITECTII- E) l i r civrmes and to Castings for Window s ',Roust s. orrncr. IND FOLICDRI—NO. 150 WATER STREET. Pittsburgh. Pa. HMV FORT PITT ' FONDRY\ COIPANY OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, 'Engines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery,- Nail Machines Be torts, and Castings genera lly. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and Salallama Strada, 17LNT S WARDO PITTSIBIIIieII, PA. WILLIAM SMITH, 31anufacturer of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE 74511 GAB AND WATER WOIDDII. Hy Pipes are all east Invariablyln sits, in drf wad, and 1$ feet lengths. Also, tall smeary:atilt of general Castings for Gm and Water Works. _ I would also call tIIe oltteation of Boporlntend eats of ess Works to Ls wake of sirruaTs. DUQUESNE FORGE. WILL= BIBIER, (Successor to JOS. P. HAIGH & C 0.,) Has facilities co•extensive' with • the leading Forges In the East , and is prepared to promptly and satisfactorily sit all orders for STEA3IBOLT !SHAFTS, CRANKS, PISTON BUD?, LLVILR3, PITMAN JAMS. WRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES, LOCOSIOTIVIC FRAMES, together with every description of EiIiA.P.E WORK. Office and Porte, Corner of Dwinesne Way and first Stree apich4o ROBEMSON, RE.# itro CO., Successors to BOantsox, MINIS a WILLIES, . . WASHINGTON W ORKS , FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, . .' Manetscatirers of Bost sad Stationary Steam in. raNast Engines, Mill Machinery, Sleazing, , Castings - of all descriptions: Oil Tanks aziTi Ms. Boiler and Sheet Irma Work. Office,' No. lA, corner First and Smithfield Streets. • Agents for OIFIARD'S PATENT INJECTOR for feedln j Boilers. all zis3 • -- THOMAS CARLIN &CIL, YonOn Ward /miry and Ratline Work' 541141)IIBRY BT., ALLEGHENY CITY. Pa.. lianutscturers of Ststionary and Portable Steam Engines, ennui, Pulleys, .illmfting,. Grist d w Mil Work, Bonier Kin and Machine Castings, Grate Bam Weights, WWin Boxes, Be. Build to order and have onlandEnginee of ail sizes. . mr14:116 AntoND OIL moms& H. M. LOIN & CO., Office, DLLZELL WARING AND. ILO Of Commission Xenhants Ind Brokers ill 'Petroleum and, its Products, DALZELLI BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY PHTLADZI.PELL ADDB.ISS, Boom 17, Chamber of 0 , 139 SOUTH tii,COND sTuasT TACK. BUOTREBS, COIMION \,MERCHANTS, AND DELIAB3 IV Petroleum and Its; Products, Manua OfIctZZLIAI MIIILDEMes earner of Duquesne Waysnd Irwin streets. PhiladVphis 1111f0WAVITIF !Yrs 1101:VAP • „• e ECLIPSE PE ROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT W.l C. TiTEDDIA 464111%6r00m of bibricitlng Sr, High Tesfßurning Oils, IleilpN 1141c0Ad , AX 1 st 0 0, Mande great-I:est -without change; reasins limpid at lowest temperatures. gpocial Oil for tropical climates or hot weather. LireaOgivetri MIN 110,ehltsalt aboge, Dim 1101 11.11_¢ ,IPIADIDS*I-11 Oiler Adapted foe mga Ivied. , • ' Spindle 011, Wool; Ileted•L10 1011, O WC II. Tanne lp rs , Iltuff•!Bennp_le , Ark liallsbAuff 011, 10eisollue, - Hotness 00. ipagggigglaw. ABHOR VARNISH to preserve Britlii Iron Work and Machinery from Rust. These products , are manufecdtirld -tinier Dr. Tweddle•spatenurperhested novo tt Vac ono. '/ he Lubrics g Oils are almost 94orleas, perfectly pure, anti. and mostly 110 1 nul• orod. stands high temperature imolai:zed, and s remain pid OMR extreme sold, TneNafiroad Oils aten andare in constant 1254 On • many of the principal Railroads. ilimpils_Aen be ezammed and orders left at VIA , wOl./D 'BTBSEIr. Works at Bbarpsburg Bridge. iiivriiiT COMMON " siatichi Mona Wodal• ~ • , — IT - 1 ,, % r •14 Allegkillire . * OtWelt COMM. irerill"11."11.1 TVAT . V °. i t t , , inagpollt A , ,stilsarill MeV 4 1 1 " Visadi cra V D ii 461 :0 1 . "4:1%. ia M. neafahall 111 irMIOSIT 413 4 4 " 9 " - IMERICAN BAWL, ' v.... ; NO. 80 FOURTH A I TTA II PITTSBIIRG. CASH CAPITAL ••• • • II .1100 Stockholders Individually Lia le. DANK OF DISOOITNT AND DZI9 SIT. JOHN FLOYD WM. PLO D, President. Cashier. DISICTORI. Thos. K. Marshall, 1 Jobn K. Murtland, Wm. T. Shannon, i Archibald Wallace, Junes W. Arrott, • Jas. D. Melly, Chu. B. Leech Wm. Floyd. John Floyd, This Bank le now fully organized and r to do a general Banking bugness. jelok4B FIFTH INEN'pE B Of Pittsburgh Is now open for Diseonnt.i Depositaan Banking Business. Any sum reeelyed from One Dollar u Interest at the rate of six per ceal time deposits OILS. Dliquesne Way. Pittsburgh. Pa. sToprio. DLTSICTOI I9 ED. DIIIIRIBGE. W. P• WET). AN. W; $• IBMS. • FRANI. )41313ERT W. C• ROBERTSON', HENRY MEYER, DLN. KINZER. 1). sf. ARBOR, EMIL POERSTEL• • ED. DITHRIDDEt President. F. F. ISCIFF.NCIE. Caihier. CITY BANK. 112 Fifth - Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL, 15100,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. MEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Bought and sold. and when desired remitted to Europe. Collections made on all( the principal points of the United States and Canana. • DoWirticis lIIMS/LN, Presieent. JAMES MCCABI. Vice President. W. N; MOBOAx., Cashier. DIRECTORS. D. Ihmsen. James McCabe, Thomas Rourke, Hugh Keating. J. Dunlevy. Jr., Teren e Campbell, Patrick Eane, James beam, . Chas. B. Barr,H.A. errogle, Jno.Jos.Hermann, Thom s Barnes, rjel:ls JOS. M. GAZZAIif, Solicitor. .m.swwwwwwg THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO Of Pittsbur Incorporated by the Legislature • nil, January 24, 1887. For the of Bonds and other Securities, Go Silver Flate. Books. Records. 13 Valuables of all descriptions, und. and for the renting of Slices in its vaults. Building and Office: .iro. S 3 FOURTH .1 PIITSBERGH, P tEr.6IDENT-WILLIAM FRILL VICt PBESIDYNT-HENRY LL DIRECTORS: WM. PHILLIPS, JAMES Il HFNRY LLOTD, BYRON 1 WILLIAM REA, :JOS.. S. M -W 31 WILLIAM yoR,,GEoRGE F: CURTIS 6, HUSSEY S EC R F. VV RTARE S ABONIS H ND TREA O S. d. • QM BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, PrrT13331711,011, PA.., SUCCassoas TO HANII/14 HART CO MUM= IN Exchange, (Join, Coupons, Asa partlettler attenti sal on pale to the purchase sad e ot COVERNBSENT BONDS. . BI WA Drafte on London. rayi:sa TRMIESIIEN'S NATIONAL BANK, ,Wood St., corner Second Avenue. BRIDLEY, President, CYRUS CUM, Jr.,,Cashier. Interest paid on Deposits. Gold, Coupons, Bonds and . Stocks bought sod sold. d&T WINES. LIQUORS, &o. SCFIMIDT & FRIDAY, IMPOSTERS or WINES, BRA WHOLES PURE 'R 409 P nave NOS. Cor. Sloven JOSEPH S FINCH & CO., . Nos. 155.1- ,, .159.191.193 and 198 1 NTRBT 8 BUT. PITTEIBMIAM • amylase 07 Copper Dist& Pure Bre Whiskeys Also, dealers is YOBSIGN WIN sad LI. QUOBIL HOPE, de. mblLas3 TRADE MARK. DITEDGE'S FIRM - PII,OOP L • amp CHIMNEYS. LEI :11VGAIL—,10 barrels Sadtopenniont. st W&TT, LAN& & Sad dos Wood stmt. 4:3-OLD, SEGUE AND COUPONS Bought at .15Fighest Priccs. H. B. HERTZ, Banker E Rtr. Wood and Fifth Street& N. HOLMES & SONS, reparsd 57 Market Street, NB PlTTrri9l3l7ll,ol3, PA. Oollectioas niade on all the priacipal polite o the United litotes and Canada,. Generil Stoeks,Bonds and other Seenritiee 136IIGHT AND BOLD ON OONNISSION, ,wards. . vild on Particular lit1:411t1011 paid to tha pzrehua sad sale of P rated States Securities sahal IMES T 1 BRADY & Co. Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., 13 AL P4T 31EL 3E 11. IS, GOVERNIENT SECURITIES, SOLD, SILVIS LND COUPONS, Jar Monrket yru ed . l on Government Bonds at owest maes Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and (TOLD. !t Pennsylya safe-keeping i~Ellittanigt etayttt. !d and Sliver amonds and r guarantee ,urglar-proo 'E.TUE, (Ey Tele graph to the Pittsburgh Gsgeue.l • NEW Yonn, October 7, 1569. The redemption of the three per cent certificates by the Assistant Treasurer at this price for September and thus far in October amounts to two Millions. The legal tender reserve has been drawn upon for this amount, but it is stated that the Secretary may order the return of these legal tenders to reserve at any mo ment. The Gold Room had an executive ses sion to considar the report of the Com mittee instructed to devise a plan for the Clearing House. This report was pub• lished on Tuesday last. At the opening of the session, a motion was made to lay the report on the table, to which a substitute was then offered, and carried, to suspend action on the whole subject for one week. This substitute was carried on the strength of the representatiowns of the Gold Exchange Bank that they ere entirely solvent and had their capital intact; that in a few days they would be able to r esume busine:s and then intend ed to propose an entire reorganization of the Bank, with new directors and officers and an entire change of administration; that they were willing, if the Gold Rcom. so desired, to the bankin ness, which hadabandon always been objeg busi- ction able to members of the Board, and confine the business of the Bank exclusively to clearances of gold for the memners of the Room. A lively discus sion' followed on the proper method of declaring members failed or suspended, so as not to interfere with the injunctions now in force. It was finally decided that allpersons having unsettled contrac ts out standing are requested .to refrain from dealing in the Room. The New York Central and Hudson River stockholders will vote on the question of consolidation Novemiier Ist. Some of the large hold ers are already sending in proxies to the Committee on Consolidation. Nothing is publicly known in regard to the terms of consolidation. • The Governing Committee of the New , York Exchange notified that body this morning that they have resolved to con test the legality of the various injunc tions serve on the , res training its officers froth d enforcing Board rules against its . members. - The creditors of Lockwood & Co. held a meeting to day at two o'clock. Directors of Lake Shore and Michigan Southern R. R. took a recess until threer.or. for the purpose of enabling part of their number to confer with the creditors of LoCkwood & Co., and ascertain if possible the ex - - tent of the loss of the company by their failure. Nothing important occurred at this informal meeting, and at three o'clock the Lake Shots directors resumed their . . A is before the Board insession substanc p e to Issue two millions on seven per cent. sinking fund convertible bonds, to meet immedi ate liabilities of the Company, mote espe cialldy to.take up the Wabash stock fall inue On 18 inst. The Directors are g still in the session th , and nothing fur her has transpired in regard to the financial condition of the road. , Money easy at 6©7 per cent. on call. Sterling quiet and steady at 5%©9% per cent. Gold opened at 131%, touched 132 and closed at isivAtsui. Carrying Pates are s@i2 per cent. to flat. GOVernmente are Ligher,closing steady: Coupons of 1881, 119%4119%; do. '62, 120%®120%. do. '64, 119%01119%; do. '65, 119%@1:2 0 ; new do. irvaus; '67,115; do. '6B, 11730)118. Ten•Forlies 109%. Currency 108®105%,. The Sub• Treasurer bought $1,000,000 at 115 80-100@116 07-100, and also 5153,500 to represent the accumulated interest of the Striking Fund at 116 07-100®116 09.100. State Bonds steady: Miasouris, 85%; old Tennessees, 62; do. new 53%; old Virginias, 52: do. new, 52%; old /'Torth Carolinas, 47%; do. nets, 42. SPeolat Tax Bonds, 44%. Stocks generally steady but dull: 25; Western Canton, 51; Cumberland, Union, 36%; Quicksilver, MO Mari= Bi 4; do. preferred. 14%; FaCiflo 68%1 'Bipress; 's4y‘; Wells, 25; American, 32; , United States, 54; Merchants, 9i; - New York Cent. ral, 1748 ; V.arlete, /23; Muds= BENNETT, • PAINTER, )RI3ISON, LA.t.as 'DIES, GIN, &O LE DIA.LISS IX WHISKIES, NN STREET. emoved to AND 888 PENN, =ME E 53 FINANCIAL. (Successors 03. JON'ES & C 0..) BUY AND BELL ALL MINDB 01 ON MOST 7AVORLBLE TERMS Interest Allowed on Deposits. JAMBS T. BRADT & CO. FINANCE AND TRADE. , i River, 157%; Reading, 95%; Erie, 32%; do preferred . 56; Michigan Central, 120 teMichigan Southern, 84%; Illinois Cen al, 1V.%; Pittsburgh, 94; Northwestern 71%; do preferred, 84%; Cleveland, C lumbus and Cincinnati, 73%; Roc Island, 106%; St. Pau1,68%; dopreferre , 81%; Wabash, 55; do preferred, 71; 'Fo Wayne,Bs; Terre Haute, 30; do pr - ferred, 54%; Chicago and Alton, 137; d Preferred, 137; Ohio and MinissipPl, 271 ; St. Joseph, 107; Dubuque. 108. Boston prices—Copper Falls, 7; Frank , lin, 10; Hecht, 60. 1 OFFICE or TTSBURGH atzETTE, Tau Pl rtsney, October 7, 1869. S Quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 131%; Silver, 125; Eighty one's, 119%; Five Twenties, 1862, 120; do 1864, 119%; do 1.865, 119%; do 1865, Consols, 117%; do 1867, 118; do 1868, 118; Ten Forties, 107%; New York Central; 174%; Erie, 132%; Reading, 95%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, 85; Ohio & Ddisissippi, 127%; Michigan Southern, 84%: Cleve iland & 'Pittsburgh, 94; Chicago t 'Rock Island, 106; Chicago & North Western, 713%; Chica d go & North Western Com ' Preferred, 84%; Aams pany, 64; Merchants Union Express, 109%; Pacific Mail, —; Western Union Telegraph Company, 36%; American Ex press Company 32%. EXCHANGE, Large. Small. London, per £ 46,50 86,60 Paris. per frane...... ......... 27 28 Berlin. dialer 98 99 Frankfort, florins 57 58 —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady & Co. Gold: • 131%; United States Sixes, 1881, 1193 i; Five-Twenties; 1862, 120; do. 1864, 119%; do. 1865,119%; Ten-Forties, 109; Fice-Twentles, Janu ary and July, 1865, 117%: do. do. 1867, ) 118; do. do. 1868. 118; Due Com pounds, —; Union Pacific Railroad, SO; Central do, do, 99; Cy. Feeble, I 108; Lake Superiors, 96. IZZI PITTSBURGH DIARKETS. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GA.ZETTE, TECESDAY, October 6, 1809. The markets in it- general way, are devoid of anything really new or im portant. Business generally is dull, at least the majority of our merchants and manufacturers are complaining, though the growling is more in regard to the very small margins than the volume of • business; as there is no outlet from this place, no chance to ship east, in con sequence of the discrimination made against Pittsburgh by her - railroads, the demand for almost everything is restricted entirely to supplying the wants of the local trade, and the com petition for this is an strong that opera tors are obliged to work on small mar gins, or do nothing. We are in hopes, however, that there are better days in store for Pittsburgh, and that she will not always be in her present unfortu nate condition7-when she will be placed on an equal footing in regard to • railroad facilities, with other cities west of here. APPLES—The receipts have fallen off considerably within the past week or two, and with a reduced supply, the market especially for the better grades, is stronger; we now quote at $1,60@3 per bbl for common to prime. ASHES—Steady but unchanged- 4 ® for Soda, and i 9 for Pearls. • BUTTER—Prime to choice roll is in demand, and we can report sales at 33 to 35. Common butter is plenty and dull. CRANBERRIES—Sates of prime east ern cultitated at $10,00®12,00 per bbl. CHESTNUTS—New crop sold yester day at $l2 per bushel, but this figure will not long be sustained, CARBON OlL—There is still consid erable inquiry both from the West and South, and standard brands may be • 'voted Ai, 2.8®2834 for round lots, and 9, (930 in a retail way. • CHEESE—SaIes Hamburg at 15; Fac tory at'7l6; and Goshen at 17 ®lB. • EGGS—Sales of fresh packed at V, and • market firmer. FEATELEBDuII; quoted at 80@85 cents to the trade, and the usual advance for small lots in store. FLOUR—Is dull and weak with a drooping tendency though unchanged..; We continue to quote good. to choice winter wheat brands at $6,50®7,00. GRAlN—Wheat is not arriving very freely, though the demand is only mod erate, the mills being pretty well stocked; we continue to uote at $1,25® 1,30. Oats dull and droo q ping; sales at 45 to arrive, buyer furnishing sacks; sales on platform at 48@50, and in store at 51® 52. Rye continues dull and, buyers gen erally anticipate lower prices; we con tinue to quote at $1,05®1,08. The stock ; of corn in this market is almost ex hausted, though there is not much iqury for it; may be quoted at $l,OO en track and wharf, and $1,05 in store and There is little or no Barley. oering, the market is firmer, though, so far as we can learn, there is no disposition, as yet, to psyany advance; we continue to quote at $1,93®1,30 for prime Spring and' Fall. HA Y—May be fairly quoted from country wagons at $15@20 per tun, for common to strictly prime timothy. HEMP Very dull; $205 per ton. HUSKS—SaIes at 2%@3 ctsper pound. LlME—Sales of Cleveland white lime at $1,75 per bbl. LARD OlL—Extra No. 1, at $1,48®1,45, and No. 2, at 11.05®1,08. ONIONS—SaIes at $2,50®3 1 00 per bbl, the outside figure for choicel PROVISIONS—Firm with'it good job bing demand, but unchanged. Should ers, 16X; Clear Ribbed Sides, 2035; Clear Go, 21; Ribbed, 20; plain Sugar Cured Hams, 23. Lard; in tirces, 20; in half bbla, 20X in kegs 21. Mess Pork, 133,50. , POULTRY --Sales of chickens at 55 to 65 cents per pair, according to size. POTATOES—SaIes of- prime Jersey sweets at $5,00@5, 25 per bbl—mmtly at PP , - SEED—Flaxseed in "demand, and the mills are paying 112,20@2,25. smau sales of timothy seed at 44,25@4,50. No demand for clover seed. _ SALT —le firmer with sales of car load lots at 41,85 per bbl. STRAW—SoId in Allegheny market at 112 per ton. NEW Yons, October 7.—AS the money market has eased up s little we notice a corresponding. improvement in dry goods, still it is difficult to move goods unless at a concession in prices. The most noticeable feature in the cotton goods market to-day is the reduction made by jobbers in the price of New York mills muslins to 210 per yard. The Cornmonwealth X goods are down to 7%, Portsmouth to 2,1 K, liletbune Ato 8, Dwight N to 14, andl do Z to 13c. , • Lot:m.l7ll,LE, October 7.—Bagging firm at,2734. Flour firm; superfine at ts. Grain Quiet; red wbeat, no white, 51.15. Cora in bulk— at 850. Oats do, at 50e. Bye. at . 900. Lerif-Tobaceo quiet; sales 107 hbds; bids rangod from $6,90@b3,78: Provialons.firsm . Mess• Fork at $1314. - :Bs, con: shoulders 17e, clear rib at 2A%tyan d olearsides atlo%, 'Lard at 19c. Sigh. wines at // 1 11 z Dry Goods Market.