I elitt,*qt.apiti, EDUCATIONAL. Allegheny Board of Regular Monthly Meeting, A regular monthly meeting of the Board of School Controllers of Allegheny City was held yesterday, Oct. sth, 1869. The meeting was organized by calling Mr. John tr. Barr to the chair, in the ab sence of tha President, and was opened with prayer by Mr. Eaton. The roll was called by Secretary Francis, when the following gentlemen answered to their names: Meters. John 11. Barr, S. Barker, Frederick( Beckart, Wm. Brown, Moses Borland Joaeph Chadwick, H. M. Dunlap, L.H. Eaton, R. B. Francis, Arthur Hobn, Fred. Haney, R. Kallock, Robert ]e a, James Lockhart, H. W. Minnemeypr, George Moul, Wm. Mussler, Simon Mcßoberts, George McConnell, Nat. McClinton. Wm. Oakley, D. L. Patterson, Robert Pitcairn, Francis Torrence, Win. F. Trimble, Robert White. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. The reports of the several Visiting Committees were then called for and given. The Committee from the Second Ward asked for an additional teacher of the primary. grade for same ward. On motion, the request was granted. The Committee from the Fifth Ward reported-"the election of Miss Fannie Hugglewood, as teacher in the primary department, and asked that said election be confirmed. On motion, the election was confirmed. The report from the Sixth Ward showed the schools to be in a favorable condition, and the. Committee reported the election of Miss Smith, as teacher in the primary department, and also an assistant teacher in the might school. On motion the election Was confirmed. On motion of Mr. Lea the Secretary and President were directed to certify war rants for the payment of salaries at the close of each month, and not require the teachers to wait until the Board should take action on the monthly pay rolls. Mr. Lea, Chairman of the Special Com mittee relative to the Mute School, re• ported that he had been absent from the city, and consequently had not called the Committee together. SECRETARY'S REPORT The following is the report of the Sec retary, showing :Igo number of scholars and average attendance for the month of September: No. Enrolled. Av. Attend'ce. 638 543 1,208 1.013 1.530 1 097 1,055 885 751 • 612 753 597 414 351 178 153 161 104 First ward Second ward ... Third ward..... Fourth ward.... Filth ward Sixth ward Seventh w.rd.. Eighth ward.... Colored Schoo,B Total '6.494 SALARIES PAID The Secretary . reported ,that salaries had been paid to teachers to the amount of $6,179.00. On motion of Mr. Eaton, an ft dditional teacher was allowed to the Fifth ward. Mr. Kollock offered a resolution re questing the County Superintendent of Cotninon Schools to visit the city schirols and make an extensive report to the Board of Controllers. Adopted. Mr. Lockhart offered a resolution changing Miss Renwick from the primary to the grammar department, in the Sec ond ward. Adopted. Mr. Eaton moved that the Board pub lish an annual report of the transactions of, the Board during the present year. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Eaton. the matter of making the annual report was referred to the Committee on Printing, in con junction with the Secretary. Mr. Mont presented a resolution fixing the salaries of Principals having six or more assistants at $1,400, and all Princi pals having from three to five assistants at $1,200. Mr. Mossier moved to lay the resolu tion on the table when the yeas and nays were called with the following re sult: yeas, 10, nays, 15. The question recurred on the origi nal resolution. While the question was pending it was discovered that there was no quorum in in the house, and the Board adjourned. Continental. Mr. Holtzheimer, proprietor of the Continental, next door below the Post Office, Fifth avenue, makes It a cardinal principle in the management of his pop ular establishment to be always up to the times, whether in the fitting or fur nishing of the Continental or the bill "of fare with which his patrons are daily favored. Ae a result, the success which attends his efforts to please are in the highest degree satisfactory to all, both patrons and proprietor. The incredulous should visit the establishment and form an opinion from ocular demonstration. The Ladles of the two cities are in• formed that Allis .134rtholomew, an ac complished artist, has opened rooms at 65 Federal street, Allegheny, on the second floor, where plain and ornamental hair work is made or repaired; also la dies' hair dressing done in approved , style at the sh3p or at their residences. Baggage S mas hers. A gentleman just returned from a trip to Omaha with his 'family, reports his trunks stripped of coverings, smashed, stove' in, and well nigh ruined. Last year he made a tour of eleven thousand miles over the whole of Europe with the same trunks, and on arriving back in New :York,they showed but little signs_ of ..wear and tear. At onepoint in the west, on his Omaha trip, be saw tivo of his trunks hurled down to the depot , platform .ccoift the top of a pile ten feetlifgh: - • This gent.ettranits:experienee is that of all others who ;repel in the United States; It is simply , oqtrageons, The rough and.m inous handling tozwhicb baggage is sub jetted on nearly all.the. `routes of travel: One might infer that • baggage. masters were in, league witlitrunk makers, ree,eiv.. lug a per tentage for all the havoc,. and milli they . occasicinetr."ameng luggag. They certainly act tis.if they enjoyed 'a :carte bfanche from their euiploYers to treat all - baggage allotted to'their care as so much lumber or Mils. "Massachussettelaskytar passed' a law to check thie.tWes of ;4:Mirage, and we call upon our next Legislature to give us a similar enactment, and thenvlien the, law is once en the statute , books let it be.rig. idly -enforced. - 7 . 4 'We -, 'lrtive seen that through.- the efforts of one man, very much of the cruelty hitherto practiced upon 'dumbhiates has 'been; checked in this city. Let a few of the sufferers bring the law (once passed)to bear upon' the rascals who rein our baggage, and it will soon put a stop to the business. Not only aisesac7inießg airdZrear York,' but -all the States in. the.,,p Union should have tigiinst bkgage Brushing. noz,oSTou,,PQINT. A Queer Town—Who Lives There and What They be. rrrom the Quincy Wills, August '.7.) Promontory Point, on the Union Pa cific Railroad, must be a queer " city;" in fact, must be a lovely village in which to dwell. The following description, taken from :a letter written some days ago by a gentleman at the Point, to a friend in this city, induces us to think that the Point must 'certainly, without doubt, be a healthy locality. It would not suit us; fluids appear to be entirely too scarce: However, we give the description of the place as written by a gentleman who is "than," and knows all about it: "We have about foui hundred inhab itants, consisting and made up of men and women who , gain a livelihood by close attention to the following branches of business: Railroad men, telegraphers, grocery men, saloon-keepers, restaurant keepers, cheap clothing establishments, Chinamen, Indians, dogs, horse-thieves, confidence men and gamblers. The town is built almost entirely of canvas tents, &c. The nearest water to us is nine miles. ' bring what we use here in tanks on flat cars; get plenty of everything we wont to eat, and all kinds of fruit and vegetables daily from California. So you see that on that score we are very well provided for; bat for the balance I can't say as muc h; yet, as the boy said, • It's better than thunder,' and not much either. "The country around here is the most dreary desert, parched up alkali and sage brush place you ever saw—very hot through the day, but cool at night. Forty miles east of here is the great Salt Lake Valley, rather.a fine country and full of Mormoms, who hate and despise a Gen tile worse than the poison; but if ever the two companies settle their difficulties, and get the junction permanently estab lished anywhere in the valley. they will have to come to time. It would not be such a bad place to I live anywhere in the valley, but here, 0 Lord, deliver us ! We live in hopes that it won't be long until we will be moved from here. Last week we had a man shot here, and another stabbed, and the same day a prize fight, and now, while I write, the 'bruisers' and 'fancy' , are congreuated across the street, and are having another fight for one hundred dollars aside. The contestants for the prize are two gen tlemen (?) whO rejoice in the euphoni ous titles of 'Horse Thief Joe' and 'Smoky Hill Jack.' They are fighting in a large tent. Admission $1,50. Front seats reserved for ladies (?). I . can tell every time one of them gets in a 'winder' from the shoulder, or 'goes to grass,' by the shouts and yells that arise from their admiring audience. You ought to be here to see the gamblers 'go for' the pas sengers with three-carte monte and otber nice little games. Yesterday one fellow lost $1,300 before he found out it was not a square game he was playing. Oh, its nice out here." EMI A paper was read at a recent meeting of the National Reform Union, held at Man chester, England, giving a statement of the public debt, and the amount per =pi t,: in gold dollars, and correcting the fig ures for the United States to the date of the latest return, in the following toble: t3aited States $2,475.962,660 $63 50 (arca; Britain 8.995,158 250 1= 50 Prance 2, 833.44:0, 11b5 74 70 Russial, 372.723, 850 17 77 Austria - 1,344,825,3 W 36 10 1.121.. ... . ....... .. ... . 1,057. 518 490 47 08 844.678,355 51 12 iro a lland 403.963.995 BM 46 Turkey ........ ........ ...... 345,711,250 977 Portugal .214. 652 360 - 4933 k'rusala (186 O) 310,615,1r:0 891 Brazil 153.811.445 15'3, Bavaria 148,346.355 3083 Belgium 125, 0. 145 7:5 14 Denmark 74,312 3.15 4409 (*recto 70,000,1.00 63 bl Sweden 20.574,4(0 5 00 Chill 14,667.925 875 orway 9 270,7b5 5 45 There are thas two countries which have a greater debt than the United States, viz: Great Britain and France,and four in which the debt is greater per head than with us, viz: Great Britain, Hol land, France's= Greece. There is this important difference in our favor, that out debt is rapidly diminishing, promising to be extinguished within a generation, while the debts of most other countries are increasing annually. Then, too, ex ertion either of muscle or brain, and the use of money, are paid for so much more liberally in the United States than in Eu rope, that the proportion of individual debt to the average annual earnings Is very much less within than in those coun tries having a smaller per capita debt. OUR young readers will find much in tereat and pleasure in the following expe: iment for changing the color of flowers: Fake a teaspoonful of flour of sulphur, place it in an old saucer and set fire to - it with a common match. When it gets fairly burning, take some high.colored fidwer—double ones are the best—and hold it above.% at such a distance as to prevent its being burnt by the flames of the sulphur, and the tips of the petals will be changed into another color; for in stance, a doable purple dahlia will have the petals tipped with white, or a double red one will become tipped with yellow, and if the flower is expoded long enough, the whole flower will become changed in color. Care must be had not to inhale the fumes of the sulphur, nor should it be done in the house, for it may fade the color' of the cfirtairui. papethangings, or furniture, besides filling the house with unpleasant lames. Iddr.TH.3W. TUE latest fabrication from Cuba has been about the battle off; Los Tunas. The Spaniards reported a great victory there; with theusands engaged. The Cubans, to be even with the Spaniards, reported that they gained the victory. It now ap pears that there was no battle at all, al though the forces engaged, the number of killed and wounded and the incidents of the'fight were stated with great- ml. nnteness. This is another warning to 'believe 'very, little that may be told about MADAME DETCHELLES Is said to have been the chief loser by Eugenie giving up her Eastern trip. ,She makes that lady's bonnets, and had got up for Her Majesty a real lova of a bonnet, which she called "the Oriental bonnet," and she had ordered thbusands of them,,for the Parisian ladies, who never feel irippy unlesitbey can Imitate the costume worn by the Empress. The Oriental bonnet will now be a complete failure, And Ma. *dame Deschelles will lose a large amount of money In consequence. —The ease-of the so•oalled pflvidher Cuba came up foritrial at Wilmington, N. 0., yesterday, 'and after argument, was postponed till the ilth inst., twalitiw Government time to procure witnesses. GAzATTEktipliwawriggoP National Debts. SPEOULLEINOI7QES. 6-; SCHENCK'S, L PELHONIC BYELP. SEAWEED ; TONIC AND MANDRAKE PILLS' will'cure Consumption, Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, if.taken accord- Ing to directions. They are all three to be taken at the 'tune time. They cleanse the stomach. Yet lax the 'lvor and put lUto work; then the appetite becomes good; the feted digests and makes good blood; the paUent begins to _grow in flesh; the diseased matter ripens into the lungs, and the patient outgrows the disease and gets well. This is the only way to cure consumption. To these three medicines Dr. J. H. Schenck, of Philadelphia. owes his unrivaled success in the treatment of palm:mazy Consumptdon. The Pal monk Syrup ripens the morbid - matter in the Dings, nature threws it off by an easy expectora tion, for when the phlegm or .matter Is ripe a slight cough will throw it off. and the patient has rest aid the lungs begin to heal. To do this, the Seaweed '/ordc and Mandrake PllL must be freely used to cleanse the stomach and liver, so that the Pulmonic Syrup and the 'food will make good blood. Schenck's Mandrake Pills act upon the liver, removing all obstructions. relax the dusts of the gall bladder, the bile starts freely. and the liver is soon relieved; the stools will show what the Pills can do; nothing has ever bee a Invented ex . cept calomel (a deadly po'son wbich Is very dan gerous LO use un.ess with great care.) WI will unlock the gall bladder and start the s ecr e t ion of the liver like Schenck's Mandrake Pills. Liver Complaint id one of the most pre mlnent 3auses of Consumption. Schenck's Seaweed Tonle is a gentle st,mniaat and alterative. and the alkali in the Seaweed, which this preparation Is made of. ass sts the stomach to throw out the gastric Juice to dissolve the food with the Pugmonlc Syrup, and it is made into good b. ood without fermentation or souring in the stomach. The great reason why physicians do not cure Consumption is, they try to do too much; they give medicine to stop the cough, to stop chills, to stop night streets, hectic, fever and by so doing they derange the whole digestive powers, lock.- Mg up the secretions, and eventually the patient sinks and dies. . . Dr. Schenck, in his treatment, does not try to stop a cough, night sweats, chills or fever. Re move the cause, and tkey will all stop of their own accord. No one can be cured of Coasump tion, Liver Complaint. Dycpepsis , Catarrh, Canker, Dlcerated - Throat, miles. the liver and stomach are made healthy. If a person has consumption, of course the sings In some way are diseased, either tubercles, abcesses, bronchial irritation, pleura adhesion. or the lungs are a mass of Inflammation and fast decaying. In suckeases what must be done? It is not only the humors bat are wasting. bat it is the whole body. The stomach and liver havelost theirower to make, blood out at d. Now tile only c hance is to tate Dr. Schenck's three medi cines, which will bring up a tone to the stomach, the patient will begin to want food, It will digest easily and make good blood; then the rettlent be gins to gain In flesh. and as soon as the body be gins to grow, the lungs commence to heal net, and the patient gets fleshy and well. I This the only way to cure Consumption. When there is no lung - disease and only Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, Schenck's Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills are sufficient, without the Pulmonic Syrup. Take the Mandrake Pills freely in ail bUllous complaints, as they are per fectly harmless. Dr. Schenck, who has enjoyed uninterrupted health for many years past, and now weighs 223 pounds. was wasted away to a mere skeleton. In the very last stage of Pulmonary Consumption, hi. phyacians having pronounced his' case hope less and abandoned him to his fate. He was cured by the aforesaid mec Mines, and since his recove ry many thousands similarly &filleted , have used Dr. Schenck's preparation with the same re merkable success. Full directions accompany each. making It not absolutely necessary to per sonally see Dr. Schenck, unless patients wish their lungs examined, and for thisimrpose he Is professionally at his Principal OMce. Philadel phia, every Saturday where &Metiers for advice must be addressed. ' He la also profess'onaily et No. 34 Bond street. New York. every other Tuesday, and at No. 35 Hanover street, Boston , every other Wednesday. lie gives advice free, but for a thorough examination with lhis Rear& rometer the price is 93. Ocoee hours at each city from 9 A. al. to 3 P. Price of the Pnimonic Syrup and Seaweed Ton -- ner bottle. or 97,50 a bale lc each ``l. 50 per bottle 47750 t' Calf dozen. Mandrake Pills SS cents a box. For sale bp all druggists. invl9:lsl-ddr IarDOCTOR WHITTIER CON TINUES TO TREAT ALL PRIVATE DISEASES. That numerous 'class of cases resulting from self - abuse, producing on. manliness, nervous debility, Irritability, erup tions, seminal emissions, and finally im potency permanently cured. Persons afflict ed - will delicate. Intricate and long riand- Ing constitutional complaints are politely Invited to call for consultation, which costs nothing. Experience, the best of teachers. has enabled him to perfect remedies at once efficient, safe, wannt. and which in most cues can be used ithouthindrance to business. Medicines pro pared !tithe establishment, which embraces of fice, reception and waiting rooms; also, ooarding Ana sleeping apartments for patients requiring daily personal attention,-end vapor and chemi cal baths, thus concentrating the tamed mineral springs. No matter who have failed. state your case. Bead what he says In L'is pamphlet of fifty Pages, sent to say address for two stamps In seal ed enve ope. Thousands of cases treated annu ally, at 'office and all over the country. Censul tarion tree, personally or . by mail. , Office No. 9 Wylie street, (near Court House) Pittsburgh, Pa. Hours 9 A. 511. to 8 r. x. Sundays 1.9 gt. to 2r, x. Pamphlet sent to any address for two stamps. ap2 ar'EATCHELOWS HAIR DYE.' This rplendid Halr Dye is the bestir: the world: the only true and perfect Dye; barmless, reLta• ble, .instantaneons; no disappointment; no rt. dicsnoas tints; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes: Invigorates and leaves the Halr soft and beautiful. blast or Orme. Bold by allDrugglits and Peril:Liners; analiroperly appned at Batche- Ines Wig Factors% 24'.. 1.13 fond street. New York. m 021462 IgrTIIE ft E POOL.- ESSAYS POR YOU MEN, who have fallen into vicious habits. and now emu re a higher life, and a better MAN HOOD, with certain means of relief for the afflicted. bent la sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Addm ss: HOWARD AsSOCIATION, Box P, Philadelphia, Penna. aeffliam.d & LIVERY STABLES. ROBERT H. PATTERSON & COl, CORNER OP Seventh Avenue and Liberty St., PITTSBURGH, Pd Will on Saturday, July 31st, 1869. and on each succeeding Saturday, hold an Auction Salo of HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, And everything appertain:nit VI the Home. Parties dealing to reli will please leave their notice of consignment on or before Thursday of each week In order for advertising. Prompt at tention and good care will be given all Stock left ramie. JOHN H. STEWART, Auctioneer. - jy2B.ni6es JOHN R. EITZWAST ROST. 11.PATTIESON. ROST. H. PATTERSON & CO„ 1441...1LE. Arm CONBUSSION STABLES' COB. BRUNT)! AVENUE & LIBBILTI BT. PITTSBURGH, P. FLOUR. NOTICE Tl:t _FLOUR DEALERS AND CONSUMER.—We are mow redly -1n• slot of 40,000 bushels carefully selected WHITE_ AND MIMES. AND TENNESSEE WHEAT. purchased in Gibson. Pane. Breen and Morgan, counties, 'lndiana. This lot of Wheat ls tbe'verr beet t •be found and cannot be snrpassed by Any In the United Steles. '! , We 'have also nabbed our improvement, in Machinery. Bolting Cloths and Cooling ESPEns. and are now prepared to furnish the best Flour we have Made for ten years at prices that defy Competition on the same grades of gout'. • , . • ILENNMICIIf . ; Pearl Steaml[fll. Allegheny. September 13, 1869. • FLOUR: FLOUR I FLOUR XINNNSO7B- HAREM ?LOURS. 480 bbl.. Legal Tender. 387 Ws Ha Ha. 567 bbla Rgininecl7o tibia tinmenit.Mills 370 bbla Winona Co.. 580 bbl. Red Itiver. 133 bbis May Day. CHOICE WISCONSIN FLOURS. 560 bbl. Riverside. 883 bbl. Wbitelltar, 800 bbl. vations brands Spring W beat flour. ~W INTEII WHEAT ring ,; City Mill of Springfield. Ohio, Pride of the West, Depot Mills, Mullion A. Paragon Mills Ringleader and ()town, choice St. Lou!.; eor sale lower than can be brought front the Wollt. WATT. LANG & CO.. 021 , LIE and,l74 Wood Street. 10tEILITJX6r • . ATIIiM:: ANNA, 'I2IIIiTING Allo.lattnl rafting. I Gaskets; ' 10. may. On hand auction sale, areoleasiii or tail. by J. & H. rHILLIrra. 1.3 AO and A 9 Sixth duvet. • 711 ti c: o PROPOSAZA. e........"Nee.we.reenrowywNreie s ere.lowww.• prnca OP cm: almiriziarAft 808 PitUlmrsh. Oat. 6. 18 voTicE TO CONTRACT AA 13ELVED PROPOSALS for the Cons of &public sewer on Forty-eighth stre ' tbe - Allegbeny riyer to Butler street, so grading paving and curbing of To street from Butler to Pearson's Line; an gradins. Diving and curbing of areenou from Try street to Iron alley—will be re Lis office Until Tuesday, October lath. I s i (i RV. sr. No bids will be received unless m on the :Toper blanks. Spelt/Arai ons and for bidding Can' be bad at Otis o ce.- - H. J. MOO City Eng 0c4:p52 pROPOSA LS FOR Lumber, Bricks, Slate, Glass & C Sealed proposals will be . received at renal until 10 A M. on TUESDAY, Octot 1809, for furnishing 80,000 feet White Plne Fluor 1,4 by &Inches by 12, 44, 16 a 95,000 feet White Pine brt.l by S incues by 14.,10 and IS 1••• 95,000 feet White Pine Joist , and 16 Pet long. : • 90,000 feet White Tine Joist and 16 feat long; All lumber to be of good qual front large or loose knots,. sai and rot, and all to be delivered at thbs Arsenal before the c.oee 1889 Proposals will be made per board mersure, and will state her will be delivered on cars or SEALED PROPOSALS wilt al this Arsenal until 10 A. N. on October 20th, 1809, for Danis] lug materia's: A oont 1.100,000 Bricks for lla4Or arches. All bricks must be of the bee quality, sound and well burnt. Samples will be tarnished with Os bids. .. i Proposals-wi I be rAade per tlfonsand bricks. delivered at si e of shops, at Mk Arsenal, and will state wit ther 09 cars or wairon,. De.lv ery to oomme eby Ist of May . 1570 . and all to be delivered fore August Ist. 1870. ALSO, for cashing and potting on in mortar with copper ils, about 600 squares (of 00 square feet) R OF SLATING. Toe slate m tbe of the best quality. Sam lea of di ff erent al es and varieties will be furnls ed and separate roposals made for each. i t Proposals vs 11 be made per square toll 6 square feett) o rlstingexposed when put on the roof, no extra Allowance to be made for edgesior waste in cuttl g. The United States to tura h no labor and o material, excepting sand a d lime for the. mortar. Tie roof to be laid so that less than one-tht 4 of the length leach slate shall be exposed tot • weather. and 11 laid within sixty days &Ger roof shall hav been made ready for slating. ALSO NOR GLASS. Inches. 1.400 !Ish% 27 by 1341nches. • lights YIN by 13l.; Inches. 1,900 00 s 963 by 13l.„, Inches. 33(11Ightpt 27 , , by 13.4 inches. MOO itahts 95 o. 134 inches. '. The glass to be of beet quality of window Alas double thickness, clear, out of wind, free fro •• blisters, waveS and stains. Samples will be f .1 nished with top proposals. Separate proposals will be made per 1000ght, of each variety. (*livered is cars at lb.* site o shops at Sore Island Arsenal, all to be delivere. before May Ist. 1810. ALSO, Fell COPPER GUTTERS AND SPOUT _ IN tt. About 7.370 'meal feet of dotter' made o sheets, 4 feet wide. About 510 lineal feet of Valley Gutters, made of sheets 2 feet 8 inches wide About 040 lineal feet of Ridge Cover made of sheets 2 feet wide. About 180-lineal feet of @lust:Ongs for gab:es made of sheets 1 foot 8 inches wide. About 745 lineal feet of DowaSpouts 4 Inches In diameter. The copper to be 'of the best nualliv Na. 18 (or Ulna lbs. per square foot) and Cu be made on, and placed in position in .the manner be pre scribed by the Commanding officer of ock is land Arsenal. The work to commence Ittunlo days steer notification that the roof Is ade ready. -Proposals will be made per line fo tof each variety. The United States to f ruts no Labor or meter's). I Persons dextrous to make proposals for t ese materials can see al the drawinas and *rain all necessary information by applying at t Is Arse nal. The United States reserves the righ to reject any or all bids. or parts of bids. not del med eat lsfactory, and to duplicate within one year , any contract that may , be made la confo ity wits this advertisement. At protocols tehl be made In dant! detail, addressed to the Comruandl Ittek le:and Arsenal, and endorsed "Proposals Mr furnishing (materials, T ROOM Lt.:Colonel Ordnance. list . (Sen. Comte Rock la Arsenal, September 22, se :090 pIIPPOSALS 'N'ill be received at the office of the tut • signed until SATURDAY. October 2d. 9 SL: A l for farztisbins 350 or Gold's Imp ove built Radtat la. and Ulna. up the sun • for warn: tl.e, new parte of the Allerheu ty J Further into' mattou given a. our Office , se.upts .. , II & MOSS ASSESSMENTS. . . , 1 , .0.A.0e N . 0771C1 OF CITY ENGINIIIR a &TAFT, OR, 1 PITTSBURG% OM 2, 18 ; 2 . 1 - i XOTICE.—The assessment for erdA l / 1 3 11. Paying and Curbing of FORBES ERE. from Chestnut to Magee street. is now ready for examined 11, and can be teem at this office until W E,D NES DAY, Ootooer 13th. when it will bt returned to the City Treastwer's office for nnileCtiOn. 1 0C11:p25 A.. 1. 12002 E. Clty Nualneer. , UPTICE CITY 7 VIINZIM AND sl7lCVNrait, 1 - Pittsburgh, Oct. *. 1889. TO OTICE.—The Assessment for _ rvoung and paving Le Cl 3 st alley from Fur _ th to Futty•first street ls now ready for ex amination. and can be seen at this orrice until WEDNEBDitr. October 13th, 1869. when It will be sent to the tilty Treasurer's °Mee fur eel lection , 0c2:0.6 - Tr. Ji MOORE, Cal , Entrlneer. Orrict OF (Iry ENGINDKR AND Busirzroß, Prrrsatacw, sept. 28, 1889. 1 NNOTICE.—The assessment for Grading; Paring and Curbing BEECH ALLEY from Pride to Miltenberger street.is now ready for examination, and can be seen at this office until FRIDAY. October Bth, when It will be returned to the City Treasurer's office for col lection. H. J. MOORE. City Engineer se2S:o100 JEFFERSON STREET.—TRE undersigned, appointed Viewers to Assess amasses and benefit tor opening Jefferson street, Second ward. Allegheny. will meet on tee prem ises on S A.TORD AY. October 9tb 1669, at II o'clock- P. Y. to attend to the d uties of our ap pointment. S. W. McGIIINNESS, JAMES GRAHAM, ANDREW DAVIDiON..' 5e23:066-2w WALL PAPERS. • ELEGANT • PAPER HANGINGS. , Enameled Wall Papers in tints imper vious' to soot and smote. Ve llllon grounds withgold and Inlaid figures. BOSSED Vet L. VETS - , INDIA TAPASIE.Ii, UREEK PANELS stamped and Drinted gold . Newly Imported and not to be found elsewhere In the country. For sale at , W. P. M.A.RBBIA.LL'S NEW WALL PAPER STORE, 191 ~ZiPeily &s..eat. „.. sell DIE C TJI ON B—ln Wood s Marble .1111 a .IPrescp_ Imitations for Walla ana ettlings of Dining Booms. HAW, Ro., at No.:10T Minket street. • JOSEPH R. IttleHltl3 BRO.. §TA , OPED GOLD PAVEIEtIi , rap t.eztors. %tm No.lol Market street. , . JusEPH R., kiII:MSC.. a , BB°, LEGAL. STATE OF 'MA R K. De IterbT , zpottary hay- B. bean granted VI Ile *Dove aratata. a.l peraons .ttay clalpts4agatnill dt•mrlll4,prgaent t h em to me for payment . , and Ltiosti 41auted tv laid Itsta , amillimiltanallaent tome. . 44 ...IL APWO. W BDS,Execiator. 171. 38 OOd sweat, Pltteliargh.!" 44:30:912:T11 44 '4.. z 4,.: ii AA DMINIMTKATOR 9 O -NOTICE; —Letters of Atatnittistratisn basin,' been granted tothe a el:imbibe eon the bu t t e o r J - AidEs WI L deo'o. late 01 becond ward.leihet by City ail persons intik:nen toast:testate eri: re/ nested to make immediate payment. and thou &eine claims will ptesent,lneya propet•lati. t enticated for settlement. MARTHA WIZAVER.' •. . • Or 'GE%D. A , COO/LEANsiministratrtr, , 0c54,16 40 (Irani ra Pittsbnrge. I EDUCATIONAL. . IiEGASIT ItliirS fiTE - itiiii ) and INSS SPRUCE B R ET rhuadtptaa. Li ' ' Pa. . ENOLISH , AND. , , NC.... YU'. oasts Ladles a nd:t t a h lcs. .Board i ind I-Dunay Pork 4. will e r , O AON g DV. Scrubber SO. constantly s ookn a int g h a Instiruh.,. py, and ..) RADA , :, wszlivitax. • jl2O:y5RB Principal." 1; , , f°, 4849 f4T- THEIRON- • • EMU WE INERANCI CO. • Of Pennsylvania. • Office 75 Federal St., Allegheny City. DIRECTORS it • Hon. JAMBS L. GRAHAM, Rey. J. B. CLARK D. D.. ' Re Ca B B ELL BON - Rev. B.REEDBIT, LLD.. W. A. Cultism Allegheer Train 00 . JACOB RU ,SH Real Estate Agent, BDION DRUM. Mayor of Allegheny, C. W. BEMS Y, Hatter. A. 8. BELL, Attorney.at-Law., ri D. L. PATTERSON', Lumber Merthant, D. SWOGER, Insurance Agent. Capt . ROBT. ROBINSON. Preaident. Rev.J. B. Cr.& RK,D. D., Vice President, JACOB RUSH, Secretary, C. W. RENNY. Treasurer. B. W. WHITE, lditniCAL DANIEL SWOGER, Genq Agent. _ This is a borne company, conducted on the mutual principle, each policy bolder receiving an equal share of the profits of the Company. Policies will be issued on all the different plans of Life Insurance, and being conducted on an economi cal basis will afford a safe investment to each . policy holder, and thereby retain the money at home to encourage home Industry. tch2hßlS pENNSYLVANILI i neer. ''PPer• I. Ar .er sth, ng. best ,nd 1d fee thing Bo let long. uallty, long. de 13 AXby 5 netes, 23i.by4 ashes, ly free spitts sows ton In feet. ty. entITI shakes. a• one o lof arrlits INSURANCE COMPANY OF PIIIISBURSNI , 0? COM MEN CE 01 ICE, No. 167MW_OOD STREET. BANE E This is a Home Company, and Insurea *Labia loss by lire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOYLIC_Yice President. ROBERT PATRICK, Treasnirer.. MOIR MeELHENY. Secretary. • DEILICT088: Leonard Walter. George WlisOn, 0. C. Boyle, boo. W Evans, Robert Patrick, J. o. LiT r. pe. Jacob Painter, J. C. Ple er, Josiah King, John Voentley, Jas. H. Hopkins, A. Ammon. Henri BProni. honsandl ether th agons. be r. eelved at ED.N.END 'bag toe follow- INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRZ FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO.OF PHILADELPHIA. OPTICE,43I & 4$Y OHEASTAIIT BT.,near fiEl. Charles iP, Bunker, Mordecai/1.-Louis' Tobias uel Gra Wagner, Davi dhaac S. Brown, Samnt. L Jacob B. Smith, Edwar d. Dale, George W. Richards. George Pales. CHARLES G. BAN ERG. President. EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. W. C. STRICLE, Secretary,p_ro tem. J. GARDNER COPFLN, A GES! North West corner Third and Wood Streets. riaal):wle WESTEIIN INSUUANCE CORI• PANT OF PITTSBURGH. ALXICANDICE NIMIOX, President. P_._P,RXRBERT. Secretary. T. GEORGE NEELDe4lenerlil Agent. ee, 99 Water street, Spent oo.'s Wart. house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will inzure against all - kinds of Fire and Me rine Risks. A home Institution, managed by Di rectors who are well known . to. the community, aid who are determined by promptness and liber ality to maintain the character which they have assumed. as oift= best protection to those who desire Sobs Alexander Nbelek, Joan B. 'McCune, B. Miller, Jr., Chas. J. Clarke, James McAule y, William S. &rani, Alexander Speer, Joseph Kirkpatrick, Aldrew /kale°, Pb=p Reymer, David M. Long, Wm. Morrison, D Dimsen. nor INSURANCE COMPANY. PHELPS 1317ILDING, No. NA Fifth ATS 11110: Second Floor, PITTSBURGH, PA. Capital All Paid Up. DIRECTORS. N. J. B 1 ley, I H.W.oliver, jr, Copt.N.Bal ley. Dann Wallace, IS. H. Hartman, ;A. Chambers, Jake Hill, S. M , Clurkan. !Jas. M. !Salley, Thomas Smith, Jno.S. , ROBERT H. KING, President. JNO. Y. JENNINGS, Vice President: ; JOS. T. JOHNSTON, SectetetT. ' Capt. B. J. GRACE, Gan'! Agent. Imam on Liberal Terms on all Fire and Marino Risks. !ate an i g urn AN 13 U. . and In 1569 ard:ol7 NATIONAL " INSURANCE 'COMPANY. Cor. Federal AL and, Dianiond Allegheny, omob. In 'shit azdo*ro . miTuniAr. =sat 6UILDINB.' ' • • • W. W. MARTl:3l,PresidenU JOHN BROWN. JR., Vice President. JAMES Z. STRVENSON. Secretary. • DEBACTOES: John A. Mule; !Jas. .Locthart. Joe; Myers, Jas L.Graham. 'Robert Lea, C. C. Boyle. Jae. Brown,Jr. George Clem ;Jacob Kopp, 0.11 P William% lJno. - ThompsonlJ. McNangher. are pEOPLEIP INI9IJILINCE COM. PANT. • • onnae. a. s. CONNER WOOD • 711TH 8113. ♦ Home Oempanntaklagrire and Marine Blake, • macrons: wm. rumps; Capt. John L. Eh°ads, aohn Watt, Samuel P. Shriver, John E. Parks,_ Charles Arbttekla, Capt. James Miller, Jared M. Brush, Wm. Van Kirk, WM F._Latig, James D. Verner Samael •Ma=ckstrt WM. PHlLLlPik r iresident. JOHN WATT_,_ President. W.' P. GARDNER, !Meseta ty. CAPT. JAS. DORDON. General Azent. gaiLLEGAIEBY INSURANCE COMPANY OP PITTBESHIGH. ICE.No. STPIPTH BTREET,RANK BLOC*. Insures against all kinds of lire and Hating . MaksJOHN IRWIN. Ju.. Presldeal. T. J. HOSKIRSON, Vice President. 0. G. DONNEL Secretary. CAPT. W. DEAR. General Agent. Trivia, PcinOrons: Jr B. L. Pahnestock J og BOsklu .. son, W. H. Everson, C. G. Hassey. - Hobert H. Davls,l Harvey Francis dollars. Charlea Rays, - Cat. 4.T.lBtoekdale. Cant. Wm. Deem. T. H. bevin. BREETINGB AND BATTING. HOLMES, BELL & CO., ANCHOR COTTON MILLS. errrersvaa El: Kaufmann of RUNT =DIEM as•ILIONI Ammons AND EACINOLIA, it PUTTY" GM Wll INA QEctrninev :AND COMFORT _for the traveling community. .1,11: HARRIS Safety Fire Jacket, Car Heater and MODER4TOR. , Nor Smoke and Hot Ai; Pines, dispensing with the use of staves Ind fires fn or about the Parson ge r or Baggaire Cars, with the attachment to graduate -•Ure ; heat to any temperature tbas may be desired without tie _possiby of flriu the Oar or cars to which the Jacket may be attached Flaring obtained of the United etates. Letter; Patent fur .a..defety Jsoket, which is warranted to _resist the most intense heat that may be 14). meted -to.ic.nsie position and purpose for 'which It is intended. . It is sere protection from accidents by hie. originating' riven defective • flues or where iron toipes are need oandnotoril for smoke or heat. It is applicable to all , piping that may become overheated, and is viarranted to give perfect sat. isfaction where - wood or other combustible mate. MAT be placed in close: proximity thereto. I ail now ready to appl my invention to stores, dwellings. factories ,. sh ips, steamboats, railroad ears, he. Wherev.r pipes as conductors are made dangerous by being overheated and secu rity desired, I.wU seed on application righL: manufacture or use Vol above invention. Territorial rights Menet as may wish to engage la selling PriVileges either y litate or comae:, .(hilice at the "in PtCd ULTRA PAINT WORKS." corner of Moab - street and the Alla port's. Valley it a tiro a d , , Twelfth ward.. PIM. Pa.Sy :Mae MI 'Et.OI(2Og4AX).A.LAISI . YOB 13ALit ,Br DBUaWurs B • .• donbleitll7' • MBI:OU.NCE. DISZOTOBS ~118'6M3 ArdiNgl#l4 l U. ggrNEly 111.41!11111MJS1p. , Last night but two of the popular artistes, Kalil' MITCHELL .itLBACOH Apto J. W. A LBLIIGII. THURSDAY EVENING. Oc:. ober sth. 1869, dist time bore of an entirely new sensational d.aina, entitled LIFE 111 THE STREETS; Or the 91cislitucles of an Orange Girl. John Weyer J W. Albarigh. Jane tirterson Mary Mitchell Albaugli. ' To cenclude with the petite comedy, A PAY AFTER THE WED uING. Col. Fri elove J. W..Alnaugh. Lade Freelove Mary Mttehell Albaugh. Saturday afternoon. Alt:laugh Matinee. igrPITTEIBITRGH THEATRE. W. WILLIAMS. Bole Leste...—Lt • dies" Matinee at o'clock. Mlle. De V ere, le II e. Drain and all the stars appearing. Admle. Mon to Matinee,2rs cents. T. -night—A GREAT BILL, Including , the ratio-drama entitled The Soltaire of the Heath. Ladles' Matinee every Wednesday and Satur day. Admission to 'Matinee, MEI ceels: Iig"ACADEMY OF MUSIC. PAREPA ROSA. Grand English Opera. SIT NIGHTS ONLY AND A MATINEE. Will be !riven by the celebrated PAREPA. ROSA. lENGLICII OPERA COMPANY, comprising the best and most popular artistes on the Mulish and American stages. A fall and efficient Cho rus and Grand Orchestra. OPENING , NIGHT, MONDAY, OCT. 18. ' Full particulars in future advertisements. cic?. IarFIFTH AVENUE HALL. No. 65111th avenue. Opposite the Opera House, Pittsburgh, Pa., Is the coolest and moat desirable place of resorte. Liquors can be had at this place Pure and (3ood. The Billiard Rooms , are on the ground door in the rear. FOR SALE. FOR SALE—PROPERTY. S lots 25.'131 feet, graded, only $5OO- FOR per year. 4 lota 24x132 feet. $4OO - $lOO per vvar. 1 lot 25x129 feet, • $501.1; steed street. Frame bottle of 3 rooms, lot 24x100 feet; only $l,lOO. Brick house of 7 rooms, bath room and stable; 221100-$1,500. 11 three storied brick houses on Innen street, each $2.- 600. A Soya roomed pressed brick houses finely finished, new; lot 69x100 Two b^ick houses, pumps and hydrants, all tor $4,000. New two roomed and cellar brick house, lot 20{100; $l,- 400-$6OO cash and 9100 per Year. Good seven roomed house and lot 24x260 feet, - 112,- 500. and east. terms. 6 roomed frame house, lot 24x60, $1,500-4500 cash and balan^e in 1 and 2 nano. 2 lots on Wylie street 24x80; $950. hot on Wylie street 276x1515: $1.500. 11Iots on Centre avenue 2913“125; $9OO each. 150 feet front on Centre avenue by •126 feet deep. will divide to snit. 6 lots on Ce s tre avenue from $3OO to $9OO. The above property 1.1% well located and within 10 to 12 minutes walk of the Court House, and on t , e New Central Passenger It. R. 20 acres on Western Penna. Railroad, 4 miles from.3he city. 20 aces on Pan Handle Railroad, 4 tulles from city, New 6 room frame house 1 mile from Court Ho e." 225 acres Missouri land. Persons d. siring to purchase a home or make an investment, and those wishln to sell, please call on or address. McCLUNG•A RAINBOW. au3o Nos. 195 197 and 199_Centre avenue. ipI7IPUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE 3 .. A L ESTATE IN THE. CITY OF, AL GHENY. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court' of Allegheny county, the undersigned, as Trustee ender the will of Esther stock ton...dec'd. will offer at__ Public Sale. ON THE PREMISES, on FRIDAY , the tith day of October next, at 10 o'clock A. 11., a LOr OF Etit.uUND belonging to the estate of said dece dent, s'tu,te on ntockton avenue, near Beaver street, fronting 23 feet on Stockton avenue and preserving the .same wiuth back toward Water street, a distance oi 140 feet. , Terms of enle—One•tbird of •he purchase Pinney cash on' cone , mat on of sale. the , balance in two equal annual payments,, secured by bond and mortgage of the put chaser. For further in'ortnatlon. enquire of T Hon. B. UPLORE, Trustee, . No. 209 Beaver Avenue, Allegheny, Pa. 5e157047 AT PII/VATE, SALEVALITA- A-16 BLit LOT OF GROUND situate on the north-east corner of Stockton avenue and Beaver St.. Allegheny el; fronting 37 feet on Stockton avenue, preserving the Caine width along Beaver street 140 feet; thence along Beaver street 100 feet,' preserving a width of 00 feet to Water street, on which is erected a two.story frame dwelling house, and being the late residence of Esther Stockton, dec , d. This property fronts on the Allegheny Park, and lor beauty of location and surroundings cannot be excelled. For terms of Site and further information, enquire of THOMAS B. 'UPDIKE, 80. 209 Beaver .Avenue. MEM HOBOKEN!' STATION PROPERTY FOR SALE. This beautifal situation cannot be sarpaszed for private residences in any direction, so eloso to both 'cities, being only eight miles, op the Western Pennsylvania Railroad. Any person as. siring information about thianropertv can obtain it by calling at the office of the IRON CITY MU TUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. 76 Federal street, Allegheny. Lots from one-half acre to five *crest-also, small lots to snit pur. chasers. There Is a gOOO location or a manatee shrine establishment, between the Railroad and Allegheny river. auifens3 FORSALE.—A Very Desirable. TEA.' T OF LAND, containing about 45 acres, situate within lace miles of the city and about two minufes walk from 'crrant Station of the Panhandle Railroad; has a front of about one-third of a Eine on Clia , tiers Creek; all capa ble of being cultivated. tieing rich bottom land and admirably auapted to being laid out Into lots of from 4to 5 acres or leas. email house, orch ard and well of Water on the premises. Terms. easy. Apply to B. IneLAIN A CO. lent ' 10.104 Fourth Avenue. ARCHITECTS. BARB & MOSER, AJEICIUTWCTS, 7*VIT HOME ASSOCIATION BUILDING% Boa. I and S. Clair street;- Pittatmralt. Pa. Special attention given' to the designing =it betiding of coma , • - HOUSES and MEW 0 PROCLAMATION. CIO of Alifetherers . See " - I, SIMON DRUM. Mayor in and for the City of Allegheny, do issue this, Try Proclamation, that on the SECOND TIIRSDaY OP OCTOBER., A. D. 1E69. being the 111th' day of the month. the freemen of sate city, qualided to vote for members' of the Homo of Representatives of this youtmonweatth. Will meet at their several places of, bottling the elections In their respective wards and elect by ,ballot tne following members of Select and Comtnem Connell', togetner wits one Person to serve as Mayor- for two years, 'and one person to serve as Director of the L'oor for three years. . - Tne electors 'of the First Ward of the City of Alb -how, to meet at toe Tullio School House In said Ward, and elect, OEM memtkr lf Select Conn ell and two members of Common Commit.' Tee electors of the Second Ward of the City Of Alleeny to meet at the l 'ubltc School House in said W ard. and elect One m .. ember of Select Conn cii at ': twee members Of common Council. The elostoreet theThtrd Ward, of the C ty of Allegheny, to meet at the Priblia School House In the JIM precinct and at the house or (leers° Hetet in she seobroisweeltics, Id We Ward. and eleetLehe i member. of Itelent;eoftnell ehd four , worm ra OfCommon Council. _ . • The electors of the Fourth Ward City ot'Alle eheny.• to -twilit ar the nano- Sc hool House in the -utile, Precinct, riiii AS the house of Mr. Vox* don In the second . O re elect Instill .Werd, and elect one member of Pelee Unman and lour Members Of Common Connell . , .: ,___, ~ • . ,The electors of the. Flith ward. My Alle. piny. tO meet it toe rubllo Sob 00l Hui e In sald ward, and elect one membd. of Select Coon. ell arid two membere of on 4 onnell. , lb* elector* of the xth. Ward, City of Alic e= gbenv..will mere in • S t Public Sthool House In said Ward...and elect , one Inenils. I' of Select Coun cil and two members of, Commot.Connell.,.. The electors of,ltto Stye nth ward. -City_ of A.lle eherry. will meet alv he ho.ioe .of 'Lutz &-Wig Is in ealdward, and elect bnemomberof Select Collie, ell and two members of Common, primal. The electors' of the. Eighth Ward. CPT of Alto gboor..wilLatieet at. the Public &hoed House In said Ward, and elect, one rremoor of Select Conn. ebre d e intouriyullbli: oft)h I Ttreelo..., yr i t tied Sind Nestor. the Asia City Of, Allegtrent, snis 115th day of September, A. D. 1809. . .---,,. -- f w:' -- '.• :.. '' : : ' ;:i i. : . 'Olt OX-Dittria; lie 104 --- ~ in E=l