ADVERT wam:rs. arttEARTEDLIt DIVIDEND —FIRST ri S.TIONAL RANK OP PITTS BURGH.(Iate Pittsburgh Trust Company.)The Dlrectore of this bank have this day declared a dividend of THREE PER C EST, on the.canltal stock out of the profits of the last six montri,. DaYable for. hwith, free of all government tax. oct:p4ii • J, D. SOULLY. C ..hier. IarATTENTION, : • . - - •11 • SECOND:,4,RD 1 The =embers ofthe'.E.iecon4 Ward March:rig Corps will met at . I WILKINS HALL % TB I EVENING} At 7 o'clock - sharp, for parad .- By order of I oc6 JNO. F, far ACADEMY OF MUSIC. P AREPA ROSA. Grand. English Opera. SIX NIGHTS ONLY AND A MATINEE. Will be given by the celebrated PAREPA ROSA. RtaiLtha OPER& COSIPA.NY, comprislng the best and most popular artistes on the English and American stages. A full and efficient Cho rus and Brand Orchestra. OPENING NIGHT, MONDAY, OCT. 18 Full particulars In future advertisements. oc2 rtiritiv - s RESTAURANT r There will be a - rat class dinner to.d ay and from this day on at BURN'S RESTAURANT, corner of Smithfltld street and Sixth avenue. We always keep tue :best the market .01,rds. Also d y baarders taken on their own time. Breakfas., from 6 V., 103 i. and Ironer from 11 to 513 a, and Sapper front sto S o'clock. ocC 10111[BERT Sr: EONS' 1 P.J• i t REAL ESTATE P EPORTER. Containing a list of Hollsell, Lotsland Farms, Sc , for sale. A copy eta be Orocureil altaTis at their office. 39 Sixth Aceeee. STOLEN. - $lOO REWARD.- stolen f:om the subscriber. one mile on the real' lending from Columbiana to New Lisbon, (nu:, on Oct. Ist, •_ TWO 3 YDAIt OLD HORSES, Near 1.6 hnds hi dar bay color, soul sbod all I round: On Is curd on ebboth hind legs and bait short M•re, Tad and Mane dark. Tim) other's Mang and Tall is thin, and has a mall white spot ! cos the nose. reward of On will be pelt; the recovery I of the horses, and $5O add tional for the •ppre heuslon of the thieves. a ny' luforstisto n can be addressed to the,undersigned at I:olumb sus, 0. AUG. MILLER, E. NICHOLS. MIM OFFICE OF CITY Elg GINE= * AND ECEVEYOI4, t Pittsburgh. 04t. 6, 1869. OTICE TO CONTRACTORS.- . , SEAMED PROPOSALS far the mmstruction of , a publieliewer on Porty-eighth street, from the Allegheny river to Batter street, and for the grading - -`pacing and 'curbing' of Torts , third street from Butler to Pearson's Line, and for the grading, paving and cuestrie of Greenough street • from Try street to Iron a; ley—will be received at his office until Tuesday, October 19th, 1809, at 3;ls. 31. No bids will be received unless made out on the proper blanks. Specifications 'and blanks for bidding can be had . at this Mike. • H. MOOSE, - 'ocG:ps . l • City Engineer. A B. OF C. FOR 'F. If. • BOOKS. BOOKS. t. . .. Delegates and ethers attending the meeting of the - - - fA. - B. OF C. FOR F. .1g i Are Invited to visit our store during their etay. if they desire to purchase we min offer them a Full Assortment of Books . I In every Dapartmedt of Literature. Sunday School Books and Sunday Literature . Requisites; Theorwrical and Beilgiors Books. Blanc Booki 1 and Stationery, Ac., etc. Dr. Amierson's Work on Foreign)idirsions for sale. -Liberal diecounts offered• -R. S. DAVIS & CO., 193 Liberty Street, FOOT OF SIXTH AVENUE. IMi ]Fxturr J„Ekrts, The old and reliable A. & D. H. cH4LMHERS, UNION FRUIT JAR, _ . . With tin cover mei wire fastening. Cheapest F . sad beat to th teiuket. . OFF SETT - GLASS JARS, With cork ahxlr, sad. for,sala by A. & D.- H. CHAMBERS, 111 WATER STREW. oc.s.lpts: - - - El Fon W,EDHINS.IiPAENTS WATTLES & SHEAVES'S They are receiving a very fliiiiissortrent of Silver and Plated- Ware SUITABLE FOR WEI:TU.IG FEESZETS, Which still be cold Tow 101 .FIFTH AVE/CLIEs, BILLIARDH= . 4 (KI7I3IZIIIVVILDIZIGg ) 68 Smithfield Street; , . (Formerly occupied by - -TOM S. Kermedy,) bus been leased for a term of ylara by GEORGE H. BENNETT, . And Fitted Up in the-Best Manner. - •' 1 FIVE NEW. TABLES •:, • • ,Have been placed in the •;' BILLIARD HALL The ,Bar 14 SUmked ; • ; WITH THIE \ BEST' :OF LIQUORS AND . CIGARS. BAsKET WlLLows.—Soo bas in store; lor gala by - • ItSALLH DICKEY : & PO, tIIP.--50 bates Kentucky H nosh to store stitiarAvite Dls b CK.EY & estacD.tor upirlaverers*use.. to arrive ra.l. for salety . DICRIET tt o" KtirSt"4l, re ' °rill"' &Lilt DICKEY, Mo. rtIENEIIIf=4OO lAinfe gruadbarengewat J. B. wiMr Arivi3ims=wrs MRLES ANSTRONG, • DEW= IN Youghiogheny and Connelsville Coal, .• . , - And Nletinfacturt r of COAL, SLACK •AND DFSILPHURIZED COKE. OFFICE AND. YAND,,.. corner Butlei and Norton street. Liberty and Ci_vmer streets, Ninth ward; a so Second street, Eighth wa-d, nod at foot of Ross street. P. & v. R. B. Depot, Second ward. • Orders left at either of, th. above office), or ad • dress to me through Pittsburgh P. V., ntlt re• care prom t at:tent: c u. -Darer to whom lam suyplying: Dummy, Wells & m • Smith. Union iron Mills, S. o. Fow ler pt. C 0.., nteph. neon & Wesel' & Co., Gr.ff& Hokin, Alex Bradley, Park Bro• & Co, Park. ItcCuray ,tlCo 4 Reese. Graff & Dull. Wm. M. Faber A l en.J. B. LyoC 0 ., James Itibrshall & Co.. Alen. McKee & C., Unon De pot motet. Connellseille B. 8., Pennsylvania R. D., Allegheny Valit y R. E. UNTEU, Capt AN OLD ESTABLISHED CONFECTIONERY IN A NEW PLACE. F. A. !HERSH & BROTHER • Have removed their estab:ishment to their new and elegant premises, • No. 24 Sixth Street,. (late St. - Wive they will offer to their frienAs and custo mers the finest assortment of CONFECTION: 4 , FRENCH CANDIES AND CAKES, their own make. Air ri elPirant and commodious saloon will be found up stairs, where the hest of tee t;reains, fresh Oysters, In al , stiles, aq well as Cakes. Tea. Coffee and Chocolate. will I'm served in the promptest manner, at their old rates. oraitiat THE BOY THE MOST EXCITING SEA STORY ErER PUBLISHED, Commenced This Week in No. 49 NEW YORK 7EEKLY, Now Rea.dy - . THE BOY wp.a.r.,En. Was written expre sly for the NEW YORK WEEKLY, By Lieolt i Anter of ."Th. !liver IShip " "The Water Wolf," "The Bo' Ravels:l," etc. . THE BOY HALER I WHALER . Ready in lip: 49 of the NEWYORK WEEKLY,I Conteina the most vivid descriptions of strange adventures on land and see, inmost o(whiett the young hero, • 'THE BOY. _HALER, Tates a prominent part. and by his daring deeds proves timesif tee personification of Juvenile bravery. Everyboy should read the exciting story of - C=MI Above.. mlthtteld Street HALER ; The Young Rovers, OF THEI THE BOY 'WHALER, Lf IL %just commenced In No. 49 or the - NEW YORK,WEEKLY, And every young woman also thoUld . resil THE BOY WHALER, IN TEES NEW YORK WEEKLY, Far the Parnale mind will be enraptured with the loyeiy heroine , he eh/Vining LILY I.AWILXNC.6, who Share! the fortunee and Wait of THE BOY W.HALER,' Tbe current lane (No. 49) of the Greatest Story and Sketch Pa per in the World, NEW YORK WEEKLY, Bbonld.b• 'purchased by paroits and read Witten' children for the great ,tory Of • THE BOY WHALER, - Bb.. that although virtue may for a time be nn• able to cope vtllalnly, it will in the end rLe triumphant. THE - NEW YORK WEEKLY Tikes pleasure In presenting to the publia the great story of THE BOY WHALER. POr it anddotey the masterpiece of its author. was written expressly for the ' NEW YORK WEEKLY. BOYS! BOYS!, BOYS EYE ry noywho dellghte to mid of dined need' and thrilling adventures,will linger in , admirs• ton over the story of , • THE BOY:WHALER Now ready In No. 49 °Vibe NEW YORK WEEKLY, And for sale by Evert; New* Agent In the Country.• • pBZtfE stx.otrra ISIV COPY. • Donn Forget!o'llivi NO. 49 • Or: NEW YORkWERICLY, Wblch c.ntalns the commencement of ' :THE BOY WHALER. oci-p2O-mwr • I‘ .- .-INl*RtilN._.',& itINS . . ..::-Book;ind.,Job.rinters; 67 AND 69 FIFTH AVENUE, Dispatch Building, Pittsburgh Hering extra litre founts of Types, 'tad Pica facilitiesl for the litsi.PlD, execution of . . t ;PAPER : BOOKS, - . Would .respeciAilly, solicit the ii!it.ronege °fib! l n t a t i l loa4oT us With their. orders; Can rel 7. on baying tim . einAp?w,3„3.lLATLY,,,and . , t AT THE TIME AGREED ON All Kinds of ELECTION PRINTING rxwirTiix , EXECUTED. •XRESHI SHAD RECEIVED , daily at SEDIJAMIN PULTREnd *gonnigg Stand N0. 4f1 Diamond Market.. .fittg, burgh, and at the Twin City. Allegheny City, Corner of [lido and federal sb•ftts. Oaa be ihad all kinds Sea_l_and Shad. lasatt,:tioddsh. saddott.apod ZeL Also, , large Moues of White, Late 'TishOSalamon, Miran& Herring and Maras w ; Trout, whbD ambles us to sell at thelnwiist market _prioss t wholesale or retail. - fo y ers (I/ Fresh irith to an ass out; a *visa wrap 'Pox 1 1.144 1 - . : Oak , .T.E,:- ; GAM ..;::4:,W PITTS NEW ADVEIE, tWptyI.INTEI. EXTRA 13 At 25 Cents, BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS Double Width, Heavy White , Country Blanket?: , At 12.1-2 Cent GOOD. STYLE DARi'DELAINES" Ileavy Country Flannel At 50 Cents, ALL WOOL DOUBLE WIDTH Bright Plaid Poplins. D a E WILLIAM FEDERAL STREET, ATTRACTIVE COMPLETE Colored Silks, Irish Poplins, Fren''eh tPoplins, BATES & BELL'S• A PPLE P . ',I.IIERS.--I:haye . a . 0 . 01 1. full asto . rtmene of Apple Paring.Corinaand Slicing lifachinesoshichtl Mtt*all tocalfanel see them tried. The ,P. 1.111140, CORllia AND St.ICIA6 MACHINSS, takes only three turns o the crank to pare; cere, and slice an ordinary axed apple. D, will Pate without slicing or curia/required. • • . Dried Apples sell Mach higher when sliced with this machine than when quartered by the old e Also, a g lflit assortment of• ' Lightning & Turn Table Apple Parers. 7oraale..wholerple and Retail, by JAMES BOW?' g N 0.186 WOOD STREET suit • _ ESTABLISHED 1529. .11.. lIIPSY ...... ALBSIIT 11103137.• H. HIGHT' & CO. • importers and dealers In . „ China, & 'Oueentiware, Pine Plated. Ware, 'Table Cutlery, Castors, Walters and Brlttami Ware. • No. 189 LIBERTY STREET, • few doors above Sixth street, (late St, GILIr.) 31. B.—Glass Ware engraved to order short notice. - au28:1450 H. LYON, - • beater of Weights and Imam, Oillce-240. PotIRTEI svrzuz; Pittibursh. Oat. JOHN sissangx ! , Deputy, zitkaparga • Lieut. GZO. S. MeGOLTY. Deputy, "Alla khan, Market. _ • IVOTICELOST OIi•,STOLEN.--; (Q7ertlacste=Yo6_ lEtt 417 for forty sha D rec of the caphatanicir. of the zUlth F I RE AN VA- .. BINtC iNt.UZA.II.OII-th.a1e.4. 1 . 1 ' UP. PITTS. 'BURGH, Issued ome May art:-11460. 'The pub -40108 gikutlo4,4lgatinf f.pyrtdietut certlll - :Lustre apppt a fti ne i r . _ue__ D•NFIZI.D. firPlrrlitinoll, Octiikei 1.,10369 oce.pe7 pIEWSPAIPEINtv: JFRIE E:-4130til .• Kinerg, anti pert.rne degrinx airier= cuteoind otrirresn b Went ir per PIM Ne ostofte ll aaa list,W AI B ` Rtj UndarelkWrow NEW AS OR O 0 Nos. 180 IPrioes AND ASSORTMENTS 1 OF AT isgSPAY : ,. O.CTOBEIt wmmpE; ARGAINS, At 61-4 Cents, . DARE. CALICOE Heavy Wool Cass! At 87-1-2 Cents, WATERPROOF Ch Table Linens and Napkins. AT 61.00, WATERPROOF CLOTH, GOOD QIISLITY TALENT OF S H A AV L s AIN SEMPLE'S and 182 ALLEGHENY CITY POLITICAL., CgrGEORGE EMRICH, ISDErENDENT C.CpIDATE Yolk MAYOR OF ALLEGHENY. CITY. cc6:ol fgr'INDEPENDENT REPUB LICAN CANDIDATE, For Al-term:tau of the Third ward COL. J. D. DOAN. 0c.6.07 , IarTWENTT=FIRST WARD.- The Republicans of the TtfENTY. FIRST WARD- will meet at then WIGWAM. next TUESDAY. OCTOBER sth, at 1' o'clock. r. sr.. for th 9 notatnation of ward obaceir. rcery one is requested 4o attend. oe-141 - PET IIII, R StEMAN. Chm'n, LOAN. L0AN.71120 000 to loan on Pond Inn! ortgage In large or small amounts, UMW , K. PETTY, BM, Bond and Real Estate, Broker No. 119 Smltbiteld street Grand Convocation of Presh3terians. OPENING OF THE OYSTER SEASON. JACOB B. HUBLEY, 27 and 29 Fourth avenue, Begs to inform Ws numerous patrons and friends, and visitors to the city. in • onsequence of tee largely increased demand torcusnfortahle dining tic lilies. nu pups' added two additional rooms for their accommodation. Pinner and other me, Is will be tarnished to order. in erst ciao • yle, with all the delicacies of the !lemon, served be atten Ire waiters. Pure ice creams, irnl s. choice confectionary and fancy cakes supplied to order. Parties, Weddings. Festivals,. and Meals for special cc casious. furnished sr esual n sho.t notice. to every ere. sibl I pant. equal to the most approv• ed lia.tern style, Moaday. October 4 bAZitsters in even . 'lle de sired. will other vasenahle relishes, prepared to suit th• most testi :Mi.% epicures. sarThe attentioit , bf visitors: talks Meeting of the American Board of Com mlssioners or.Poreign almsione, cont. mewing Tueidarnext; achtthe pnb‘ie generally, is respectfully called to the foregoing arragements for their com fort. CITY EN Ax LIWITINT Cnr NOTICE.—Th GRADING and ALLEY, from Plna al also, for grading JR! Bb elds alley to Monte for .examination and of the City Engineer a when the7l win be pia City Treasurer fox col! • Co clp3l RED AND . passim OL' CHUTES and ETICir ,factured si 2C0.309 delphts. Ps. aempa ► RAID WOE • • ►' AND PLESIPAPra. No 53 'Market street, ttsbultb. j !Limit= band, a_general uaortment 05 La dies' GB, BANDS, CURLS; gentlemen" WlGat v __ _PK.ES. SCALPS. GUARD CHAIN BRAIMItsTIL Le. 1431._11 ..g9pd - Pries GC will Am glean fol HAW GA.m Ladles' and Gentlemen's Hall Getting On lv VISA eo44•t martnrr„ oti . h OTICE.—Vte ave admitted J. W. COOK so a Member of on/ atm, to date front Atirtst lst,•ltsB9. seV:op , TBAlf MOLE .- Came to . the S . residence of lbss „undersigned. en . Wedneer day.' September 2944 Lkltelb DA.RIC BROWN MUM; El#BlC. Tb a owner ls requested to come Ott ?e r r. 'Pai' - charges and take her away. B. 'AU is* bladtudelditteet ' a'EO. B. lIIILTENBERGEBi .4 "" BOLE AGENT' IPOEL mama RELIABLE WATER - FILTER Nops SIN Pion fltrew ,drd r_r. .. . , .co4444,isteurael. WO*. Norton 004 tor Iltl:CLOOPX0* 1869: far'GRAND REPUBLICAN .MASS MEETING AT CITY HALL, On Wednesday, October 6th, 1869, At Vi o'clock P. V. Will be add•eased by Hon. KAMM: OALLOWAY. or ouzo. Turn out Campaign and Geary Clubs ! JOHN S. LA-11SM, Chairman. J. S. EIIGUtiON. Secretary. oc4 me e it .. 1,,11 IarGRAND RALLY IN SEVEN TEENTH WARD. There will he a grand rally of Republicans held on FOURTT•YOURTH STREET, sa Thursday ETenlng, October 7th, Will address the meetinc. . The 2lxth Ward Marching Club have been incited sand will at tend. 0c6:p53 IirREPUBLICA.N MEETING UAUTMAN HOUSE, WOODS' RUN, Wednesday,Oct.6th, at 71-2 p.m Will be addressed by MILES . S. HUMPHREYS Eul., A. M• BROWN, Esq., Col. T. M. BAYNE By order Committee on Meetings and Speak arREPUIIIICAN MEETING DIAMOND, ALLLEOHI2iY CITY, On Thursday, October:7, 11. At 73i P. M. Will be addressed by Hon. R. B. CARNAIIAM, Maj. WM. FREW, Hon. BOBT. MeKNIGHT. Committee on Mectinga and Speakers, J. S. FERGCSON. JOHN S. LAIIIIIH. ocs • Secretary- Chairman. WREPIIBLICAN MEETING AT FISHER'S CROVE, IN FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP, ON Saturday, October .9th At 'A o'clock. P. sr. Will be addressed by W. O. MORELAND, Esq., JOHN H. SEER, Etq., JOSIAH COHEN,. ?sq. By order Coramittee on Meetings and Speak 1 ere• oCS arREPUBLICAN MEETING BAKERSTOWN; ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6 At 5 o'clock P. 31. - 4111 be address: d by B. F. LUCAS. Esq., H. H. MeCORMICK, Esq.. S. F. FULTON, Esq., T. C• CAMPBELL, Esq. By order of Committee on Meetings and. Speakers•. WRIEPUBLICAN MEETING On 'Thursday Evening, October 7 NEW TEXAS, IN PLUM TOWNSHIP, Will be addressed by ; - Col: T. 31. BAYNE, , A. 31. BROWN, Esq., Col: JOHN GLENN. By oider j of the Committee on Meetings and 'Speakers. ocs M"'BEPVIILICAN MEETING AT THE STONE TAVEVIIN:. - ON THE WASHINGTON PIKE, IN BOROUGH, On Siturday, October 9th, 1869, At ri P. 3t. Will be addressed by C. SHANNON, Esq., - Hon. THOMAS HOWARD, J. E. MdEELVET, Esq.. By order of the Committee on Meetings and Speakers. 10 -- R - EPVIILIC'EN'NEETDIG (oiNtswe °mot. 1 rf, rA., Uct. tr. 1b69. Le- asaessment lor iL.e ANING of SAW MILL i et to the , Coke Ovens; ElißuN' STREET. twin rey , streett are now ready, el; tpe seen st the °Mee tff OCTOBER IY, 1869, e a - .i n the hands of the I talon. ARLES DiVIS. CRT Rnalneer FIRE Buick Y TEMPERING MA MAKER'I4 TOOLS mann- . South Flab street, 111.11 IL P. MILtER • - .",dHIiBS. PlTTerstrikalt. , Pl. POLITICAL. At 7S r. If WM. C. MORELLND, J. H. KERR. EEq., AT THE OLD In McClure township, on IN THE At 1S O'CLOCK, AT WRIGHT'S HOTEL, WOODVILLS, UN Tan WASHINGTON ROAD. On Monday, October 11th, At VI o'clock, 1.. es Win be siddresseitby A. M.. BROWN, Esq,. • Col. T. M. BAYNE, J. S. 31.11.ELVEI, Esq. By order of Committee on Meetings &c. oes 1 NDEPENDENT TEMPES. LIME. CANDIDATE. • FOR COUNTY . COMMISSIONER. ISAIAH',.DICKEY. J. W. BAR 56..tilATt**. Bargains Bargains /UM;a ine. aargains liamtins Bargains PaMMus Bargains Bargains Bargains Bargebxs Bargains 1 1217. '23.IaLIELIEC 59tatlantE a . . _ ®'NOTICES—"To.Let," "For Sale," 4, Lost," U Wants," "Found," "Boarding," &C., not exceeding POUR LINES; wilt be inserted in these columns once for TWENTYFIVE CENTS; each addi tional line'FlVE CENTS.' WANTED- -HELP WANTED,—A, BUY 12 to 15 Tears of age to aaalat In a Grocery Stoic in ;heap. Adarets C. A.. Allegheny. WiNTED-.-HELP.---AT EN= PLOTILENT OFFICE., No. 1 St. Clair Street, 13011 , GIRLS and MEN, lor different kinds of employment. ?emus wanting help of all kinds. :can TA ann , lied cm short notice. WANTS. WANTED .---DOARDIVG.--A Large Seeond Story FRONT ROOM, snit mabelne f w iath r board, an No. e 1 wsi Foa r th genuntle- LOST. luiOST.—On the St. Clair Street isnspcniton -Bridge, •••.t. Yederal Street, a D PEN AND PENCIL. A liberal reward will be givrn ttreturned to No. 151 Stockton Avenue. Allegheny City. . TO LET. TO LET WITH BOARDING.- 1. Two !toot Itonnis. Location the moat tie• tumble in the city, 181 North avenue, lalogheny City. MO ET--1300.151.-A fin- A.. Ished second sto , y front room, suitable (or one or two young gentlemen, No• 33 Ninth. street, elite Hand.) mo LET . A Fecond Story ROOM, suitable for two mingle gentlemtn or gentlemen and lady, at Is o• IS Wylie street. oc s est 'FO-LET.-1100M--A furnished A Itoom.auttable for one or two alnel- gentle men. 'reline reasonable Inquire at 793 Second avenue. FOR SALE. FOR; SALE.--One Two orse Teaii for sale at Thirty-St:la St. Saw Mill. DUPE'. CHILCOLT & FOll. SALE.-SOUTH AVENUE. RESTDENCR. Altegbeny City. Lot-is 28 feet by 150 to a 20 feet alley; house contains 11 rooms. good Cellars. gas taronehout and finish. el- In good order. Apply to CROFT es;PHLLLIPS, 14.wl Vatate A.enta. No 1 39 Wonrth Aven'e. 23ALL.E.--Business stand on Chestnut street. Allegheny City, has win used as a bakery and confectiousry - for a number of years, and is now occupied as such with a good custom. This is an opening seldom oficred, and a practical man can do & number one business. Terms easy and satisfactory reasons for selltur Apply to CLOFT ds PHILLIES,No. 139 Fourth avenue. £2).. j. i 1 i . i a - - - - - CHEAP FARR one mile from a Station on toe C, & P. 11. it.. In Jefferson county. Ohio, c 'wattling 140 acres AT CLVI.T $35 Der awe: good Imrrovements, good water, underlaid with coal, and In a good neighborhood. MUST SOLD. Terms easy. If you-want a cheap ram home don't Sall to call goon at tit' , Held Estate ()Dice of CROFT & PHILLIPS, So. - 1.30 Fourth avenue. VOll. NALL—FRUIT FARM and ROME, containing 13 urea, 10mtles front tne city limits and 4 miles (too. a ?station on the A. V. R. R.; good house. stable. &C S. an acre in gr.pes. Ail kinds or fruits. from a currant io an apel.. The' improvements and fruits are worth all that is asked for the property;_B acres underlaid • -with everr acre tiliiible: soil IVID t•TATES. Aprarto . gM I FP,SG ID I T I P HLIT u VP Real Estate Agents, No. 129 vuurth - Avenue. • tpult - mALE.—milor Ur NOBTH l' ANT LLEGAINY CITY, PA.— Tne building, 38140 feet is being used by Jae. Godfrey & Co. as a manfacturing ratabdshment. One of the members of She firm wishing to retire from business on account of poor health. we have decided to close out this part of the bust nets I a bargain. Also good whi of :item Pow r (5 - to 10 horse. power.) tools and machlu• el:Oilers'; would mates good wagon maker shop; lot 60x100 feet, on 5 year. 'este. For farther particulars I...qvire at - No: 41.0h1J street, gbentp•Pa. . $65 m AN ACRE WILL PUR- I mesa ' a d••sli•able W ILL of 100 acres I. Columbiana county. 0110 4 miles from Eton. Station. P.. F. W. I el. IL IL ..Can work every soot of the laud I y chlnery; ail second nottem land; comfortable 'roomy. nti, stood water, &c. - This nroperte Is knat.zd In what mlunt be cat ed the Garden Pf Eastern Ohio - Land around this sell . for $1.01) per acre. Cannot fail to 'please &good farmer. • Terms easy. A poly to CHOPP & PHILLIPS, -^ ocl lin. 789 Fourth avenue. I'OR SALE-10 AcBES, LESS or more,. in Plum township, Allegheny..; contv. Allegheny Valle 7 B.E. runs through it. Two hundred yards from station. Frame hottie 01 six rooms. and good stable .iind all other cessary out-buildings; orchard of 100 bearing fruit tries, of all kinds; good garden, grape ar bor, and gooseberries . and curra. ts; $05.000 worth of rock, quarry opened; will snit for real denote or manutactming. estabilatimentst coal nnder entire place. good indications of oil; deepest water and best landing on the rixer; all. well fenced. Intinlre of KER on the premises. &lon SALE.--A desirable rest.* f"-s: deuce on Proepect et. near Bu sth wad; lot 111x.110 ieet. Also. a fine large, left class &TONE ROO/1 and DWELLiBIeb ..ot 5 rooms and good cellar on Butler St., 17th ward. 1 An excellent stand for bitalass; lot 9 lx1.50; feet. • •A DOUBLE BRICK DWILLLIN9 on 41str• • ,; St., 11. h ward; lot 852100jeet on A. V. R. E. Also a number of .. Houses and Lots from 7959 up to $lO,OOO. - - - • Also, GREAT BARGAINS IN BLOOMFIELD. 19th ward; lots 110z137, feel for: $692.• Ten years to pay Two years allowed' for first pair- • " went wuen tbe person wants to Meld Inquire of D. S. WIALIIOII3. Beal Est ate widlnintranee Agent, Butler et., 17th ward, opposhe t t Jobns Episcopal church. . - cc 4 pal VOR SAILE; - ' e '. •• - OMR .ANLI LOT., No.: 54 Mimes .streeti - ;' House, new - frstne, contains 7 rooms and sre room; also Frame Shoo On rear of lot: 'lion 171 28 feet: the" lot 1. 20 by 100 feet; is a splendid plice,fora green?, baker or: buteber;. wilt besold chea 11p. A 01P.ES AND LOTS, frontlng on ,Pf r easant Valley P. U. IL: Insusestacit oontalnA ooms; ' ~. lo*s see l 7 by 200 ieet l Houses rnd LOU on Flentlng attgeti A lots , on Robinson Road. etvent h Ward.- ' , HOUtE AN D,,LiFF la i n Mae; 6 Asses of A ground In Reserve township, lots on Freemont street. Other Houses.and bobs In gOod localities. inquire of 31. WILITNOWE. ' Real Estate Agent, eereeriPhtts• aae,Aattemakl , street, Allegheny. - . . , t- - .. ~.* . ~ PEBSONAL.—AII persons Seek. IN° HOMES, or investments in' Beak le- tate, will save time, troubikand pioeff toi_pro enring_.a hotly or the itPIWBRUMUM Eitaterz REGLSTER." ltisgivenawaYaitaTla or +III be. eent by mall PREZ to SZY rellttattNg Ito I Persons cannot tall to Le : Atoned out or the large list it contains. CROFT & PHILLIPs._ Pupa Ushers and Rut LIMN Alente, 110.23 rourth' avenue. . - Krlia:'(::C'to; illa ME T STREET. Cloaks, Arabs, BM 11. Prints, ME i07E4103 00170,"' • - T iSTittZT; EMI ithawle, ,ItterU4)a ) :„.:, AlipacEUi;* Blankets; Pop Mis, Flannels, Dela/Ault Dinslias,' EveiltlgnSi y ;4;t, 7: 4I ,•,::', • ~,; ~I ;jt'. = BM