The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 04, 1869, Image 8

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mal susuirsa;
The Fourth Time,—Nato, for the fon#h
time, prevented the proposed match ,
game between - the OlymPhic and At
ltuatic Base Ball Clubs Saturday after-
Mayor's Glum—There were twenty
one lodgers in the lock-up Saturday
night, slxicharged with disorderly con
duct, fourteen with drunkenness and
one with vagrancy. Eleven paid flues
and ten were committed to jail.
. ,
Aquatic—The* race on Saturday be
tween the picked crews of the Eagle nd
Vigilant Engine 'Companies. a
lower Monongahela course was won by
the latter crow, they coming in about
four len Iths ahead. .•
Room for Reut.—:3 furnished rot
fronting on Wylie street, will be let to
one 'or two gentlemen with or without
board. The location is the most desir.
able on this street. Reference required.
Call,at No. 91 Wylie street for pantie
Monongahela City, Washington count ,
Pa.,-October I.—There was an exciti g
"cotest among all first-clase Sewing M -
chines. The WEED Machine took t e
highest prize, and American
Button -ho e
The Lady' Agent for Mark Twain's 1 t
book—“ The Innocents Abroad." desires
us to say that at the end of this week
she haves to be able to supply those out
side of her subscription lists who have
desired to obtain th's popular, inauctive
and amusing work.
Reserved Seats fur Ladies.—At the
grand mass meeting to be held to-night
at City Hall reserved seats will' be set
apart for ladies. Gentlemen need. have
no hesitation in taking ladies the
m ample accomodations have
been p r ovided for them.
Postponed.—The third exhibition of
the S:ereoscoptico Panorama of ',Bun
yan's pilgrim's Progress" will take
place this evening at the Keystone Rink.
Readers who wish to spend a few hours
pleasantly, and with profit should be in
Drowned..—Thomas Kennedy, employ
ed On a steamboat lying a Marine
Ways. below Teniperancevi t the lle. fell
overboard and was drowned. Friday night.
Coroner Clawson held an inquest, and
the jury returned a verdict of " acci
dental drowning."
g 13roliten.—Baturday night Mr. Da
vid DicGuinn, a resident of the First
ward, Allegheny, while getting off the
front platform of a street cifir,
missed his footing mid fell with his right
leg under- the car. The wheels passed
over it before he could extricate himself,
and broke it in two places. He received
medical attention at his residence.
Personal.—ltr. B., a ripe
scholar, sound thinker and able orator
has accepted an invitation from the Re
publican County Executive Comndttee
to address public meetings to be held
this week. He is a representative of the
true Irish Republican party of the North
and a faithful exponent of correct politi-
W .rinci ,lea. •
Runaway Accident. —Mr. James
was thrown from his buggy at the cor
ner of Anderson street and Church ave
nue Allegheny, yesterday afternoon,
during the running away of his horse at
tached to the vehicle. His injuries are
of a painful character but not serious.
The horse continued in its flight, demol
ishing the buggy and finally being se
cured in the twelfth ward, this city.
Felonious Assautt.—A.n officer from
New Brighton arrived in this citryester
day in search of John Smith, who, it is
alleged,' committed a felonious assault
and battery on Thomas Stanford, by
striking him several times on the hea
with an axe, inflicting Injuries which
is feared will prove fatal. The ,offense
was committed on a boat lying at the
New Brighton wharf.
Pleasant Surprise.
Rev. C. A. Dickey recently called from
the Fourth 11. P. Church, Allegheny, to
the pastorate of the First Presbyterian
Church, St. Louis, was very pleasantly
stirprised upon arrival at his destination,
aftouipanied by his family, last week,
to find the parsonage refurnished
thropghout in an elegant manner, and
his parishioners in possession, to extend
biro a cordial welcome to his new bald
labor. The company sat down to a b
tiful repast, followed by social chat and
intercourse, when pastor and people had
an opportunity of becoming better. ac
quainted. Such evidences of kindly
feeling are pleasant to record.
City Expenditures.
The expenditures for running the city
government for the month of September,
according to the report of the City Con
troller, amounted to $61,973.09, as fol.
lows :
interett . ..... ....
Printing . ........... . .
Pay roll.?.
Bilis a the month
ra tit ees er W, F or r its at .
necono district. .. : .....
7 b ird Wrist ..........
Engineer& dep nt
, ,
Blatnond markets .. , ... ... ......
Monongahela wharf, per pay
roll .................. 180 EA
Balance 'on ;hiving ..... . ........ ' PA
---- , fig) 3:, i
- - • 363 8
1..53 80
Allegheny Wha•.....
Canttngent Wand . . . ... . ....
Clty property-balance on hut
t.on Houses
lire Alarm' and Yollce - Ttle•
graph ..........................
Itoada-41.est dlstrlct ... tO
for sewer
Second difitnet 62 54
Third .dLitlict.." 9 033 00
4, 009
1 231
, 23 1437 14
'23.600 00
' i
Farveys.... .... " .....
. Total .. . ... ....
Coroner Clawiton held an inquest Bat
twiny, on the body. of John AnlierbaCh,
-who died suddenly, Friday evening.'
T he gee-fled,,t .APPearso , Tesidefs
cellar pring alleY. Third Ward, -
legheny4 which he find rented about a
week since from . Mi. Wall. and whic h
vas totally'. unfit for human bb
itation,l in , consequence of datnp
nese and 'Went of proper ventilation.
Saturday I,preceding. his death Audeir
back, wtto was about \ forty years of age,
was seen going into his,honse, but noth
ing was seen of him SnrulaY and Monday,
when the neighbere became uneasy and
determined to_ illSreSitiPLOIX matter.
The door. was .proken .open &tile tia.
fortunate man wand ly i n g i on & pile
of stravr in , the corner the room,
almost suffocated by the smoke end foul
air in the cellar. He was rem oved to
the home of a neighbor and a ysietan
sent for, but his case was st,hopetess one,
and he ezpirea Friday evening. The
jury Den& that WI -came to . ' hi d eath
from exposure and inhaling coaloke
and other poisonowt fumes. On searrh
ing his_den in gold and greenbacks
Were found. ' -
Primary Elections 'in - Allegtieny—The
Mayorality-4. P. Callow Picnninated
—Directors of the Poor—Ward ',fond
widow. • .
The 'Republican primary elections to
nominate a candidate for Mayor, Mem
bers of Council, School Directors and the
several ward J3fficers, was held on Satur
day. The vote, owing to the heavy rain
which fell during the afternoon, was an
exceedingly small one. For Mayor there
were 3,551 votes cast, of which A. P.
Callow received a majority over his com
petitor, Mayor Drum, of 686. The Re
turn Judges will meet at the Select Coun
cil Chamber at two o'clock to-day, to
count the votes. -
The vote in the several wards is as
First ward
i bird Sec
—l4'irt Prtcluct..
• • ond • • • •
Iroctth—Ftretnd - Precinct
‘• eco • •
Eighth .......... :.....,.
Callow's majolity
Mr. George Gerst, candidate for Dire°.
tor of the Poor of the City, had no oppo
sition, and was unanimously nominated.
The following nominations were made
for Councils - :
FIRST W.kunSelect Council—H. M.
Long. Common Council—Alex Hanna
and W. P. Hunker.
SECOND—Select Council—J. W. Hall.
Common Council—Alfred Slack, Robert
Taggart, Jos. Ashworth.
THlRD—Select Council—A.H. Englisn.
In the second precinct the vote for Com
mon u
Council (for to sod:
Otto Krebs, 176; Nicholasnominate Voegt )
ly, to
Thomas Brown, 164; Samuel Hastings,
161; Goo. were 191; A. W, Erwin,
42. We nable to obtain the first
precinct, and consequently cannot say
who is nominated for Common Council.
FOURTH—Select Council—John Me.
graw*, 462' J. S. '
Slagle 136. Common
Council—(four to elect) H McNeil, * 435,
Lewis Moul,' 397; R. C. 287; W.
Vitiate, 205;_ J. Smith, 236; W. Gilmore, *
393; J. B. Dalzell, * 736. Those marked
with a star are nominated.
FlFTH—Select Council— Alexander
Patterson. Common Council—S. S. D.
Thompson and James Gilleland.
SixTu.—Select Council—C. A. Hotch
kiss, 59; Thomas Jones 75: L. Peterson, *
142. Common. Council—J. H. Grenist,
138; Henry Warner, * 252; Wm. Rowbot
tom 158:,_ Those marked with aster are
We were unable to obtain the names
of the School Directors nominated 111
several of the wards.
SECOND Wer.D—C. W. Benny and L.
H. Eaton.
THIRD—John U. rr and E. E. .
FOURTH—S. Barke ßa r, R. RollockSwift and
W. Brown.
FIFTH—C. B. Shea and W. M. Claney.
and Nominations ,
Primary, meetings were held by the
Republicans in several of the wards in
this city on Saturday, to nominate can
didates for Councils and ward officers•
Following is the result in the wards
named •
The following names were suggested
at a meeting held Saturday night at the
ward' school house. The time fixed for
the election is this evening between four
and seven o'clock .
Select Council-James Littell. -
Commou Cocit-three log nomi
nated), Wm. .Herron, John H. Hare,
Wm. A. Tomlinson, John W. Haney,
James Verner„., Wm. C. Smythe, Jacob
ISclwol Directora-(two to be nomi
nated), M. Whitmore and Thomas W.
Alderman -John P. Hornish and James
Donaldson. -
A meeting of the Republicans of the
Sixth Ward, was held Saturday evening
at the Ann Street School Rouse for the
purpose of _suggesting candidates for
nomination for Ward offices. The meet
ing organized by calling Mr. John A.
Sergeant to the. Chair, and Mr. F. P.
Case Secretary.
The following names were then sug
Select Council-Samuelliorrow; (no op
permmon Council, (four to nominate)-
Barclay Preston, Joseph Caskey, Thomas
T. Ewen% Richard Kuowison, John_ B.
Mulholland, Henry Meyer and Reuben J.
Judge of Election John
to nominate
Edward Dithridge, Flinn and
mon Jones.
In s, -(one to nominate) -John
Jones, Renry-E. White and Sam'l Grier.
Return Inap'etor (one to nominate)-
_Daniel J. Neil, c
Daniel Linderman.
School Directora---John A. Sergeant, F:
P. Cage, Philip Grade.
Constub/e-Seth Wilmot, Bennett Lake.
On motion of Mr. John Flinn It Was
decided that the primary election be
held by the regular Republican election
board, and that no votes but those of
registered Republicans be accepted.
Mr. Neil offered the following:
Resolved, That the Republicansof this
Republican stick
et support the Whole
Republican tick nominated, State,
county and ward, and that they will use
every means to elect our candidate for
County -Coiximisidoner, Chauncey Bost
wick, as well as all other candidatbs.
Carried unanimously.
Thursday next, between th hours of
four to 5e17814 was lifted alt the time for
the primary election.' Adjourned;
Select Couned-(orie to nominate-J,
M. Heidi,'
Keliew,* Mt"
ConinuM ou nciir-(three to nominate)
-H. W. Oliver, Jr.,' 262; Henry Herr.
146; Wm. J. Moorhead, * 161; A. G. Mo.
Candlegs. * 181. nominate)-
James Directors -(two to nominate)-.
James M. Sleeth, * 191; Wm. Mars, 118;
M. X. Moorhead.* 281.
Alderman-One to nominates) -George
Norris,* 196: F. J. ilauCk, 78.
&lett COURtil-David McClelland.
Comnum Council-J. Erastns DicKel
vey, Thos. Rosewell, Jr, W. H. Berger,
T. W. Welsh, J. M. Mackrell.
Alderman-*Sarnuel C.lLeWls.
Constable-a P. Nelson,
School Directors-Robert Cummins,
John Welsh.
Judge of Etections--Thos, G. Smythe.
Inspector of EteCtiOMSJ. F.-Rivers.
Return Inapector -13. J. Rowe.
Select Council-4one to be =nominated)
Z, Wainwright,* 1103; John B. Bell, 98.
Common Council-(.Andrew to nominate)
thrist.'Miller,* 177; Scott,* 204;
- -.* 166; Thomas S. Mitch.
16; Wm.
James W.
$ 4448
au 75
018,044 75
. lrit; 14
1.947 78
2,081 62 • -
1,345 55 - •
1,639 GO
1.943 Zi
1 317 .4
.01,973 49
CfalltibeW 776f-lohd IC.`ls6:ittf-Seniir
Herr, 69. - • '
School Direefors.---(two to nOunnate)—
G. 19 - . Gardner, Sr.,* 217; JoaeplOilitch
ell,* 211; E. S. Hanna, 175.
Those marked with a star weremorni
D.... CA L
. 1i . : 16
196 3VI
1r.3 2 3 7
Eighteenth Ward 'Nominations.
The following ticket was nominated by
the Repuolicane of- the Eighteenth ward
on Saturday night: -
Select Council—David Kirk.
Common Council—Andrew Lyons,
Christian Seibert.
• School Directors—William Francis,
George Littlefield, Henty Williams, Geo.
Judge of Elections—John Herron.
Inspector—S. S. Sample.
Constable—John Moreland.
Nineteenth Ward Nominations.
At a primary election of the Republi
cans of the Nineteenth ward, held Satur
day afternoon, October 2d, the following
officers were nominated :
Select Council—Robert Dickson.
Common Council—R. H. Negley, Oliver
Alderman—C. C. Atkinson.
Constable—Josiah Myers.
School Directors—G. G. Negley, R. A.
Judoe of Elections—T. J. Black.
Inspectors of Elections.—James E.
Rodgers, Thos Kennedy. -
Return inspectors—Thos. McCombs, Cl.
Sixth Ward, Allegheny. --Saturday
evening a large meeting of Republicans
was held in Motheral's Hall, Sixth Ward,
Allegheny. Geri. Wm. Blakeley pre
sided,_with the usual list of Vice Presi
dents and Secretaries. Addregsee were
made by Hon. Thomas Howard and B.
F. Lucas, E9g.
the County
with cheers for the County and State
There will be a meeting of the Repub
lican Vigilance 'Committee of the Tenth
(old Fifth) . ward held at the Lamb Hotel,
corner of Penn and Fifteenth streets, on
Monday evening, October 4th 1869. A
full attendance i 5 desired as busineo of
importance will bebrought it.
By order of the Pbresident.
Meeting' at Ltbrary.—A. meetintz of the
Union Republican voters of Snowden
township was held at Murphy's store,
Library, on Saturday evening. Harry
Wadsworth presided and W. S. McClure
officiated as Secretary. Hou. Thomas
Howard and John H. Kerr, Esq., ad
dressed the meeting.
For Council.—W.C. Smythe, Esq., the
accomplished City Editor of the Divatch
is a candidate for Common Council from
the Fouth Ward, subject to the decision
of the Republican Primary meeting
which takes place to -day.
A Caudidate.—Mr. John P. Hornish, a
very excellent and worthy citizen of the
Fourth ward, Pittsburgh, is a candidate
for the office of Alderman. If chosen
he will make a clever and honest ma
• istrate.
A Canaidate.--Mr. Charles Ranch, of
the Second ward, will be a candidate for
Common Council, subject to the decision.
of the regular Republican primary meet
ing. The rumor that he had withdrawn
is the result of a misunderstanding.
Meeting at NV asningtoa.—The Repub.
licans of Washington. hold a
grand mass meeting in the Court House
this evening. Hon. Bucher Swope and
other distinguished speakers will ad
dress the meeting,
A Card from David Kirk, Esq.
the Temperance and Reform meeting in
the Twelfth ward, on Friday evening, a
new speaker was introduced, after the
Rev. Mr. Kerr and myself had spokerf,-
who denounced the Republican party
and its nominees in a manner altogether
unwarranted and totally at variance
with the ideas of every member of the
Temperance Reform Executive Com
mittee, who take issue on the Commis
sioner question alone, and that on moral
and religious grounds, and because they
consider reform to be necessary in that
The speaker referred to the notnina•
tion of John W. Kerr, Esq., for the As
sembly, and denounced it as one that was
&disgrace to the party. I was called off
by some gentlemen at the time, and did
not hear o all his remarks. Had I heard
them I would have promptly stopped
him and contradicted his assertions and
disavowed personally, and also on be
halt of the committee, any 'sympathy
with his sentiments.
As is well known, I was called upon
unexpectedly by my associates in theoil
trade the day before the Convention met
for the use of my name as a candidate for
the Assembly, which was granted. It
was used in the Convention in direct op
position to Mr. Kerr as a candidate from
the "Between the River District." Had
I known Mr. Kerr then as I do now, I
would not have permitted my name to
have been need against him. I have be
come acquainted with him since, and
find him to be a gentleman and a
scholar, and one in every way better qual
ified to represent the city of Pittsburgh
in the Assembly than myself. I rejoice
that he was successful, and instead of
pis nomination being a disgrace to the
arty I consider it an eminently proper
one, and one that s an honor to the Re
publican party. I shall do what I can as
a true Republican to elect him and all
his associates on the ticket, with the ex
ception of the candidate for Commission
er, who I do not consider to be the nomi
nee of the party, but one placed there by
trickery and fraud, in direct violation of
the rules and regulations of ths Repitb
Bean party. • DAVID RIRIE.
. Dancing Academy.
Those wishing to become proficient in
the art of "tripping the light fantas
tic toe," have excellent advantages offer
ed them at present at Prof. Cowper's
Dancing Academy, No. 51 Fifth avenue,
oposite the old theatre. The days of
tu p t ton are Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Masters and misses at 3 o'clock P. 31.,
gentlemen's class at 3 : o'clock in the ev
ening. Prof. Cowper is an experieno•
ed teacher, and renders entire satisfac
tion. • ww:M.: 2w.
Public Bale of Lett iD Breed's Grove.
—A most attractive salein this bilautitul
suburban portioupf Allegheny rill 040
Rise tiTsesdas,.sth • lust.,.t 8 o'clock.
There will be lots of 24 by 150 feet, a
quarter acre, half acre, and one acre
each. The position and beautiful
scenery obtainable are unsurpassed iu
this vicinity. partculars can be had
at the office of the auctioneer. Mr. A.
Leggate, 169 Federal street, Allegheny.
Real Estate.—Bee advertisement of
McClung & Rainbow, Real Estate and
Insurance Agents, 195, 197 and 199. Cen
tre avenue. tf.
Country Flannels and blankets- - new
goods--at Bates & .8011%
Quarter Bessions=lFull Bench.
SATURDAY, October 2.—The, following
business Was transacted :
Daniel McCoyand John Jones, boys,
who were convicted of larceny, were
each sentenced to the Work House for
one month.
George Meyers and W. W. Wilson
convicted of,:assault and battery, were
each sentenced to pay a fine of thirty
dollars and costs.
John Boyd, found guilty of burglary,
was sentenced to undergo one year's im.
prisonment in the Penitentiary.
James Muteneyer, convicted of assault
and battery. was sentenced t
costs and a tine alive dollars. o pay the
Wm. Chandler, charged with larceny,
and who was granted a new trial, was
released on his own recognizince.
John Manning, charged with bigamy
was granted a new trial.
A motion for a new trial was granted
in the case of Christian Sahuler.
Evan Reese was before the Court on a
charge of desertion preferred bp s his wife.
Be was directed to pay twdollars
rt of his wife
per month towards the suppo
and to enter his own recognizance for the
faithful performance of the order.
No. 254 Corn. vs. Thomas Whittaker.
•• 121 •• ,•• Thomas White.
" 217 •• " Thomas Boots.
•• 211 •' •• James Furgueon.
•• 98 " " Richard Bennett.
1 . 116 •• ' 1 Christian Micheal.
•• 118 •• 4, John Ryland.
•• 219 •• •• JohrrGraham.
•• - 221 .• •• Wm. Thompson.
253 " Wm. Moore and Chas.
No. 308 Corn. vs. Sam" Prilgrlm, et al.
8 cases.'
•• 365 •• •• John Crogan and D.
Gilmore, 3 cases.
•• 74 •• •• John Wintinger.
•' 214 1, '• Thomas Hack.
. 1 269 •• •• James Cltisky et al.
In 259 " IS Jacob Matter. •
•• 246 .• Cath. Beck.
‘' 261 ••, •• Wm. Waidler.
•• 268' •• • 1 - John Rentz and Chas.
, F. Good.
•• 270 .• •• Allen Taylor et a/.
No. 210 Corn. vs. H. W. Behrhorst.
.• 130 •• 1 . George Warner.
44 284 ,g John A. Miller.
286 41 Henry Vierheller
1, 305 •• •• Jessie Rollie tit Jerre
•• 250 •• •• George Cagle.
•• 258 •• •• Charles Mullen.
807 1 . •• Benj. Mears,
357 ' • •• Sarah• Mitchell alias
•• 264 "
" George Shaff.
•• 410 " •• C. D. Brigham, et al.
Common Pleai;—.Judges Mellon a
Sa:rtmina.y, October2.—A final order
was made granting the charter' of incor
poration for the Columbia Fire Company
of Allegheny city.
An application was made for a charter
for the German Christian Sick Aid So
ciety of Pittsburgh. The usual prolimi
nary order was made.
District Court—Judges Hampton and
Kirk patricit.
SATURDAY, October 2.—The argument
list wail taken up, and among other busi
ness transact was the. confirming
absolutely of the report or the viewers
on the opening of Webster street,
geoond Ward, Allegheny. •
Be Beautiful.
• - -
If you desire beauty you should use
Bagan's Magnolia Balm.
It gives a soft, reftued, satin-like tex
ture to the Complexion, removes Rough
ness, Redness, Blotches, Sunburn, Tan,
dm-, and adds a tinge of Pearly Bloom to
the plainest feature*. It brings the
Bloom of Youth to thei fading cheek and
changes the rusticCeiluntry Girl into a
Fashionable City Bell/.
In the use of the Magnolia Balm lies
NCI Lady
the true secret of Beauty.
ned complain of her Complexion who
will invest 75 cents in this delightful ar
Lyon's Kathairon is the best Hair
Dressing use.
The Purest and sweetest _Cod Livtr
Oil in the world, mandfactured trout
fresh, healthy livers, upon the sea shore;
it is perfectly pure and swee. Patients
who have once taken it can take none
other. Ask for "Hazard Ca
y swelPe
Cod Liver Oil," manufactured b Cas
well, Hazard ‘t. Co., New York Sold by
all druggists.
The 'Ladles of the two cities are in
formed that Miss. Bartholomew, an ac
complished artist, has opened rooms
65 Federal streets Allegheny, on the
second floor, where plain and ornamental
hair work fis made or rePaired; also la
dies' hair dressing done in approved
style at the shop or at their residences.
Black Silks, evening silks, white al
pacas, and evening dress goods of all
kinds at Bates dr Bell's.
New Goode and new styles at Batas di
_ ,
Maa Alpacas and mourning goods - at
Bates & Bell's.
Wool sittasvls. long SUM square, fancy
Arabs, of all varieties, at Sates dr. Bell's.
Another Coal Pit Accident--Four Per
sons Fail a Distance of One Hundred
I By Telcirapb to the Pittsotrati eaietta.i
CHICAGO, October 2.—A horrible acci
dent,ocourred at the ,Gardner coal Mine;
at Gardner; 111.,last evening, at about 8
o'clock, as four persons sere descending
the coal ellen. The wire hoisting
rope broke, and the, men fell, with
the • cage neon which •• they were
standing a distance of 180.feei.Ae the bot
tom of thirshaft. Great' excitement pre
vailed among the mineas and citizen/I of
the town. .As Boon as the' fact. becathe
known tmmediate steps were . taken • to
descend the Mal% to, the relief thusof..
foram:. lifter _the ietadts- e
the other cage wee . lowered and
the mangled • Men' were brought
up. Strange to say none were
killed outright, though all had bones
broken. One, a lad of about ttfteen years,
has since died, and two others are sup
osed to be beyond recovery.
p No sada.
factory theory has yet: been advanced
for the cause of the accident.
.A opeolot to therlideraphils.ztvtd ancli e
froin Grenada, Mississippi, e
says Judg
Dent, in his soeech there, , onSaturdaY,
in reply.tbGen.',Alocirn,- said president
Grant was in favor of his election, and
had,toldititu that tie hoped ha-would be
elected. He contended that the colored
people were not indebted to theecame Repub
licans for their freedom, as it b a
war necessity to free them, and the right
of vote had , bean. given- them in order
that the Radicals might work but their
r econstruction measures to suit them
selves, and , not for any - levo for them. -
The Excitement Abated.--Order Out of
Confusion" Sha,a)?' FirMs—Postmas.
ter Crsswell. Visits the Gold Room and
Sates a Briet *peach.
NEW Youtc, - October 2.—The ineffi
ciency of the Gold Exchange Bank, as a
clearing house for transactions in gold,
has brought out many new plans.
The Gold Room this morning, in ex
ecutive session, passed the following
Resolved, That a committee of nine be
appointed to ascertain whether it is
practicable and desirable to organize a
clearing department as a function of the
Exchange for clearing contracts in gold
made by and between members of the
Board, and to report the plan:
It was currently reported - in the Gold
Room that Paleston, Raymond & Co. had
flailed, and that their liabilities were
heavy. The report arose from the an
nouncement of that firm, in a letter to
the President of the Stock Exchange e-
that their temporary suspension was n
cessary, and requesting the mem
bers having unsettled transactions,-
to send in a statement of their
accounts. This is to facilitate In
balancing their books, left in a terribly
tingled state by the alleged defaulting
cashier, J. W.:Sanderson, who is not at
the office today. They state that no
approximate estimate of their losses
be ascertained, but believe themes]
able to meet all, and in a short time
resume their business.
Adams, Kimball & Modr e
d, also an
nounced themselves suspe but can
not give a correct estimate of their lia
bilities. The probability -is they are
heavy. They have no unsettled transac
tions in the street, and their failure is
caused ny losses in both stocks and gold,
the principal losses being in the former.
The World states that Commodore
Vanderbilt has not sold a dollar's worth
of New York Central stock this fall, but
on the contrary, has been a constant
buyer, even through the panic, and has
assisted his friends to an amount of two
and a half millions of dollars. Re bor
rowed ten millions of , an English firm,
applying it to sustaining the Central and
Hudson. The story that be has bought
seventy thousand shares of the Lake
Shore is untrue.
Reports as to the condition of Lock
wood it Co. are unfavorable, but there
no means of ascertaining their truth
falsit until Monday, when the Directors
of the y
Lake Shore Company held a meet
ing. at which it e ms expected thefailure relations
of 'that Compy with the of
Lockwood & Co. will be made known.
Mr. Legrand Lockwood has tendered
his resignation as a treasnrer of the
Company, and on Monday his successor
will be chosen.
The Post has the best authority for
stating that the Barings had no connec
tion with the -late government transac
tions. It also says Duncan & Sher manld
entire sales of gold during the go
frenzy were only 8200,000, all in the regu
lar course of their exchange business.
The World gives tree following as sn
opinion expressed yesterday by A. T.
Stewart: “I disapproved of the policy
of selling gold and purchasing -bonds
with the proceeds, believing, as I do, it
will never lead us, as it is probably
meant to lead us, to specie payments.
Such a policy would not lead us to
such a result inten years—no, nor in a
hundred. The purchase of bonds with
gold gives the speculators the means to
carry on their operations. This policy is
unquestionabl of great benefit to those
who have no m e s of their own, while
solvent men will entirely oppose this
policy. It will be approved'of by those
who are shaky."
Postmaster General Cresawell visited
the Stock Exchange this morning and in
brief, spoke as follows thank you
gentlemen for your cordial reception,
and I am happy to see that the conflict is
toers ver n ow
and the brightprospect which mat
t wear. Therep sp
is nothing that the
Government can do for the interest of
the merchants and bankers that will not
be done."
There were some further gold settle
ments among brokers to-day, but there
seems to be a bitch, with a few of the lar
ger houses. There is a growing chiefly
Cha s the large contracts will be chiefly
closed up on Monday or Tuesday. It is
believed the offer mado by Heath
& Co. to -day to Bettie their con
tracts at 135 and pay the difference
between that and the actual figure in the
contract with checks duly received at
the Gold Exchange Bank, will be very
generally accepted.
The directors of the R. I. B. R., have
declared a semi-annual dividend of 33i
per cent.
The Bank_ statement is the moat fa'vor
the e gain i exhibnit
legal wad
reserve beige for a long
theav y ime past,
n .
The suit brought by the Erie Railway .
Company against the Union Bank, and
others, to restrain the sale of Cleveland
and Pittsburgh Railroad stock and
Toledo and Wabash stock has been
withdrawn, and an order to that effect
entered this morning.
Latest Chicago Sensation—lilan Boxed
up in a Bride, IN titre he is supposed
to have Remained Five Years.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh tiazette.l
CHICAGO, October S.—This forenoon
the workmen engaged in excavating
and effecting improvements at the east
end of Randolph street bridge, discover
ed the remains of a man boxed up, as it
werein, the woodwor of the bridge some
ten feet beneathk
the latter. De
eeased had all decomposed. lothing
on. and was in a very con
dition. Some persons conjecture that
the deceased has been in the spot
where he was found about four years;
while many are of the opinion that four
months will cover Op the time. Up to
half past two o'clock the remains had
not been removed, but the Coroner has
taken steps in that direction. The dis
covery of the remains • created the
greatest excitement, and an immense
crowd of people has been collected at
the bridge since the body was found.
There is no possible way for the man to
have got in the narrow space by
dent, and it is highly probable that the
deceased had been murdered and" put
there. In order to do this, one . - of the
boavy planks must have been taken off
on either side.
4.„.C,ailfornla Items,
Lev Tetevapa to the rittobargei Casette.)
gineers SAN FROMM°, October 2.—The
of the Mem and Elpasse
Railroad have commenpcehis d
operations at
Ban Diego.
Epperson, President of the Memphis
Road, has ratified the contract of Colonel
bedgariok,'agent oft the San Diego &Gila
Railroad Company, for the consolidation
-of the stook and land of the two compan
les in consideration of half a million dol
lars to be paid to the Ban Diego Road,
the stockholders of the lattef receiving
the stock of the consolidated compan
to y.
The Grand Lodge of the fitoigh
Pythias, of ()alai:tints, have organized
eight subordinate lodges. •
The Grand Lodge of Good Templars,
the the Orphan
yesterday, dedicated
Rouse at Valllgo. It is a fine building
having a good location, and will accom
modate three hundred childiren.
Veneto—Men and Ammunition Aboard
—Volunteers-in Abundance—Hot for
i By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh2ti azette.le
- '
KEY WEST, October. The
expedition, four hundred strong, under
command of General Cristo, that left
levy Yorkon Monday morning at five
o'clock on the steamer Alabama, safely
ran the forts and two revenue cutters,
and arrived on the Florida coast this
morning. She was joined off the Port by
the Cuban privateers, Lillian and Teaser,
on board of which were sixteen hundred
men under General Goicouria, with ten
thousand . Remington and Winchester
rifles, five hundred sabres and twenty
, pieces of artillery, ranging from six to
twenty-four pounders.
Another body of men under command
of Generals Stoedman and Magruder are
now at a Gulf g on a third
vessel for the commonm rendezvous off the
Cuban coast.
The Lillian and Teaser, with two thou
sand men, about seventy officers, and a
considerable quantity of arms and am
munition, sailed for Cuba last .night.
They will be joined at sea_by the priva
teers Hornet and Cuba, carrying fifteen
guns each, some of which are one hun
dred pounders. These four .vessels will
escort the expedition to its final destina
tion. The Hornet Will cruise about the
island, and the others will go to sea in
search of Spanish merchantmenan
Volunteering is very brisk along the
whole Gulf and already five thou
and men area w aitwiing transportation.
gg titteen Mr' Items.
I.By Telegraph to tne Plttahnrgh Gazette.)
CINCINNATI. October 2.-11 has rained
steady since ncnn, with a prospect of its
continuance all night. Thermometer
stood 38 at noon.
new and dangerous counterfeit ten
dollar greenback has just appeared.
The business .of Ilarndens Express
Office, of this city, will hereafter be done
at the office of the Adams F.xpress Com
The press of this city, and others, have
raised nearly $2,000 as a testimonial to
the family of George Branett, the veteran
reporter of the Enquirer, lately deceased.
Political Matters in Texas.
try Telegraph to the Plttsbafgh Glic.tte • 1
GALVESTON, October 2.—Provisional
Governor Pease sent in his resignation
yesterd'ay, and will take the stamp for
Hamilton. The action of General Rey
nolds and the administration regarding
Texan affairs will cause twenty more
Republican speakers to the field for
the Hamilton ticket. Preparations are
being made for a orand Hamilton
demonstration here to-morrow.
sTEVENBON-BiatTON-on Tuesday even
ing, Sept. 39th, at the residence et the bride's
parents, Shady Side, by the Rev. W. T. Beatty.
Mr. ALEN. S. STEVF.NSON, of Allegl toy
City, and Miss ADA BARTON, second daughter
of John Barton, Esq. •
HAMILTON—LOOITS—At the residence of
the bride's parents, Allegheny City. Thursday,
Sept. 30, Rev. J. MILTON )3A.MCLTON-to Miss -
JULIA. A. L 00 1 ,05. ,
GORDON—At lita late residence, No. 1831 -
North avenue, Allegheny. on Saohath mornirig,
the 3d Wet.. at 7 , t o'clock, SAMZEI. GORDON,
in the 56th year of his age.
The friends of .the family are reap , cthilly
vit.d to attend the funeial neitTITASDAY MOEN
I 1141 at. 1.034 o'clock.
ttrl4K, n. COFFINS of all kinds,CHAYIEB -,
OLO and ery description of Funeral Rai.
lashing' oods furnished. Booms open dam and
ntebt- Carriages tarnished for city Merida 11,
01.00 each. .
itspiras-ncss—Rev.David Nen, D.D., fle tscob
W. Jacobus, D. D. Thoutat Eldsg. FrC• ,
h Miner. Elm
.LES 61 . PFAEBLEINi it)slo
AVENIII. Allegheny MY. where their COir
ROOMS r.. e c,onstantly supplied re,sl slid
imitation Rosewood. MshogunY shd • W32 7 lth
Coasts. st prices c arying from. SA to s elo. Boa*
dies preusred tor Luttrment. 'Fleur and GeV
:Inge's ftniched: also, •11 lands uf Sio
Goods, tf required. °Zee open seal thoefe, del
T.TlSlYEarr*JblialtiSi. - -
250. 424 PENN smarm'.
C arrlo ges for Funerals,. 113.0 Q Each.
hment aatn r7e
&CO* F
ate 3. and sit Fnnerallons.
~ ; NE = ~' Gt3OD
Having just returned from the
splendid sto ck of
Watches,- Jewelry. hilverumirev
I am now prepared to 'Direr them at grealli re
dnced prices. Call and examine before Pte"
_ ;
chasing elsewhere.
W. G. Dtrfirsaiiril ,
Jeweller. NO. .56 Fifth Avenue,
tin.M; . Opposite 'Masonic Hall.
Caner of Penn and Sixth Street%
Bell and Brass FounderS,
Made Promptly -to Order ,
Made and ICept, on Hand.
rroprietors and Bisnofictosen of
J. M. Cootter'slmproved Balance 7 heel
Cor.rith audyaliroadStreets•
rzrzmuses, PA.