MEI= Ell El V i TUART 3 .B EXTRA SYRUPS The floc st Bolden Syritp made just re celved at.d for sale, by the barrel or yahoo. by oe2 JNO. A. BENSIIA.W. O 1110USEKEEPERS.-10 bbls PURE CIDER. VINEGAn. I ur years old, warranted to ktep pi( k les, received and for sale, by the gallon or barrel, by • JNO. A. REN , FIAW, oe4 Co mer Liberty and Ninth streets. NOTICE -LOST Oi STOLE*.— Cenltleate No 27 for f rty• shares of the leapi'al 5 , del: of thr EUREKA FIRE AND MA RINE IN , UttANCN: COMPANY OF. PITTS BURGH, Issued to me May 30, 1860. The pub lic are exntiont.d sgainsl purdbaslag said cert.lll - I hare aopttid for a new one I. R. CANFIV.D. PITTSB.1:11611, Cctober 1., 1869. oc4 p 47 EXECUTOR'S N 0 TICE.— wuereas letters testatitentary on the es tate of H. ROBB.ON, dtelased. haring been to the undersiirneil by the Register of Al:egheny county, all nersqns Indebted To said estate are hereby notified lb make immediate payment, and those havinietlalms against said estate wilt present them, Lilly anther rented. for s.ttlement. B. ROISISON. R. A. R , oBISOikr. ROritstm oc2 r26-S CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE, ALLEGHENY CITY, Yd., Oct. 2, 1b69. I N OTICE.—The assessment for GRADING and PAVING of SAW . MILL ALLEY, from Plne street to the Coke Ovens; alio, for grading JEFFEBSoN STREET, from Shields alley to Monterey street: are now 'ready for examination and can be seen at the office of the City Engineer until OCTOBER 11, 1869, when theyllvid be placed in the hands of the City Treasurer for collection. CR&RLES CZWM Grand Convocation of Presb3terians. OPENING OF THE OVSTER SELSON. JACOB B. HUBLEY, 27 and »9 F ourth avenue, Begs. to Inform lt:s numerals patrons and Zrlends, and visitors to tll e;ty. in ons,quente of the largely inereas.,el ilem old fore or:fort:011e dining ne nos jus• added two additional rooms for their aecommodatl. n. Pinner a , :d other Inc Is will I , e farnisb , .l to order. In ars': ci is's cl., with :di the dr It ca ete a of the ..,ear oar, setved • by actin ire waiters. Pure Ice crt trot's. choice catifectionor3 and fanev cakes Fuoplied to order. Parties, i7eddmgs • Festivals, and Meals for special cc cos:ohs. flirty:4lrd as canal n silo t every rect:sil.l point. equal to the tr.ost approv. ed• Eastern Slo allay. 01,.•her4 h O stern In ere , ys'yle de sired..wi h other erasonable relishes, prepared to salt tip , . most f4st• epicaers. 43/-The attention of visitors to the Meeting of he American Board of Com missioners of Porcign !missions, cora ,nieneing Tuesday next; and the public *generally, is resoyetfully called to the foregoing arragements for their com fort. BILLIARDS, (KUNZ'S BUILDING;) 68 Eynithfield Street, -(Formerly occupied by 'obn Kennedy,) has been le.ased for a term of 3 ears by GEORGE R. BENNETT, And Fitted Up in the Best Manner. FIVE NEW TABLES Have been placed In the :;'BILLIARD HALL. The Bar is Stocked WITH THE BEST OF LIQUORS AND CIGARS 'FATAL rilEt. .10 _IE New Goods ! New Goods ! MA °RUE& CARLISLE'S No. 27 Fifth Avenue, Nr.w DRESS TRIMMINGS, FRINGES, GIMPS AND BUTTONE NPW bA4EI AND BOW RIBBONS THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN HATS. NEW STLYKS E;MBRoIDERIES. NOVELTIES IN LACE GOODS GLOVES AND HOSIERY A complete assortment for Fall MERINO kND WOOL Shirts and. Drawers, ALL HINDS AND SIZES. ZEPHYRS. RA.LMORAL AND FANCY . YARN. KNIT SHAWLS, CLOAK HOOPS. NUTII.)NB AND FANCY GOODS. Merchants at d Deals rs supplied at low prices MAORUM & CARLISLE, No. 27' FIFTH AVENUE. TIM SIAM MIGAZINE. A MONTHLY of Reoreatlon and Instruction. Profusely 1 1•ustrated. Edited - by Rev. T 00111.113 GUTHRIE. L.D. Just Isened, THE OCTOBER NUMBER. com mencing a New Volume. CONTENtirii. I. EPISODES OP AN OB,CUHE LIVE. Being Experiences .n the Tower Ham eta. Part I By a CtJPATE. bOlEit ' HARVEST THOUGHTS. By Rev J. 0. DYKES. 111. MY ►tOTHEB'3 KNEE. A Poem. By Bev. JOHN Moues Lt. LL.D. Illustrated. IV. THE BaINBOW. A Poem. By Bev. JOHN MONSELL, LL.D. Illustrated. V. BIINDAId ON THE CONTINENT. By the ED.rrost.l yI..MIRD OF JOY. A. Poem. By Rev. HENRY DOITNION - . Illustrated. YLI. ON THE .MIRACLES #)F OUR LORD. IstrOductlon. 1. Turning the Water Into Wine. By GEORGE MACDONALO. LC. D. Illustrated VIII. THE COMPANIONS OF ST. PAUL. BARNABAS. By ..lottsr 8. HOWSON, D. D. Ulu s IX. UPWARD GLANCES. Recent Revels. tious in Astronomy. No. I. By Rev. C. Turren• Ann. X IMMORTALITY BROUGHT TO LIGHT. A. Poem. By A. L. WADING. Illustrated. XI. Tor. STRUGGLE IN FERRARA.. Chap ters I. and 11. By WILLIAM HILBERT. With Pour Illustrations. XII. HOW TO STUDY THE OLD TESTA MENT. T. e Departure from Egypt. By W. LINDSAY ALA:CANDI:II. D.l). . Xil. TH t•OhTBAIT OR CHARITY. AS PRESENTED BY BT. PAUL. By WILLIAM HANNA. D.D. Illustrated. XIV. QUESTIONS WHICH ARE ALWAYS TURNING UP. I. Ihe Spirit of yellglons Fac . zon. By Rev. Prof. WILLIAM MILLIGAN. ! For sale by all Polodlcal Dealers. TERMS. OF THE SUNDAY MAGAZINE. Yearly Subscription, $3.50. Single Number, .30 cents. - CLTB . RAMS, per annum—Two Copies for 16.163; Three Copies for s9; Drive Copies for 14, Ten Copies _for 625. THE SUNDAY MAGAZINE and LIPPINCOTT'S 'MAGAztxa, to one address $6.50 per annum. SPECIMEN NUMBERS mailed to any address on receipt of 25 cents. Subscribers will pl ass be careful to give their Tostothce address in ,u 7 l. A FULL risoseitcrus. with Premium List, will be mailed on application. Address J. A. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Ptiblishers, H 5 AND 717 HAMM ST., PHILA. oc2:sm r,IIVSPAPEII FREE.-Coal Miners; and per.ons desiring. I 'Western meiand others, can is area spiel t r i rili Panel rt ixx POE BIZ norms by _NM name and Postotnee address fiardaer, 11Wm* to GAIADNEB OU 31 RNAL :nsIS THE BOY WHALER The Young Rovers, THE ROST EXCITING SEA STORY EVER PUBLISHED, Commenced This Week in No. 49 NEW YORK WEEKLY, Now Ready. THE BOY WHALER Was wrltteu expressly for the NEW YORK WEE I KLY, By Leon Lewis, Author of "The 'r firer Ship "The Wat..r Wolf. , "The Boy Magi ciao, " etc. THE BOY WHALER, Now Ready In No. 4.9 of the NEW YORK WEEKLY, Cottalns the most VIVI4I des^rlptlons of strange adventures on land anti sea, In most of which the City F.nrfneer THE BOY WHALER, Takes a prothinPnt part. and by his daring deeds proves tamst.lf toe personinvation of juvenile bravery. Every boy should read the eXCaltlg 'story of THE BOY WHALER, Whi h isinst commenced In No. 49 of the NEW YORK WEEKLY. And every young woman also Lhould read THE BOY. WHALER, • IN THE NEW YORK WEEKLY, For the female mind will he enrapthred with the lovely heroine, ihe charming i IL] hAIVItENCE, who shares the fortunes and trials of THE BOY WHALER, The current Issue (No. *9) of the Greatest Story and Sketch Pa per in the World, ThE NEW YORK WEEKLY, Eibonhl be purchased ky parpnta and read to their utaldien for the great tory 91 THE BOY WHALER, Shows that although virtue may for a time be un able to cope villainly, it will In the el:L.l'l.e triumphant. NEW YORK - WEEKLY Takes pleasul'e i¢ preseutlug to the public the great story of THE , BOY WHALER For It 15 undoubtedly the masterpiece of Us author, and Was written expressly for the • N EW YORK WEEKLY. BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! Eve ry boy who delights to isad of daring deed and thrilling adventures will linger in atitulra Lion over tile story of THE BOY WHALER, Now ready in No. 49 of the NEW YORK WEEKLY, And for sae by Every sews Agtiat id the - Country..' PRICE Ex CENTS nit Con. Don't Forget to Buy NO. 49 NEW YO RK WE E KLY, Which c.ntatn6 the. commencement of THE BOY WHALER. oU-y~•un F ATTRACTIVE COMPLETE Colored Silks, Irish Poplins, French Poplins, BATES & BELL'S• se29:mWr ALPERT & KOHLER, Manufacturers and Dealers In BOOTS, BRORB AND GAITERS, No. 38 Market street, Pitts btrgb. Pa. • Particular attention given to Custom Work. We beg leave to direct the attention of the public to the fact that we are now prepared to manufacture • Boots scd Shoes for persons troubled with Corns, Bunions or delormed feet, under the personal superasion of our Mr. AL PERT, formerly of Allegheny City, wbo will be pleased to see his old customers again. We have adopted Mr. Alpert's mode of measuring the foot, by which we can be safe in warranting easy and comfortable Boot. and shoes for the tender eat feet. Give us atrial and be convinced. ALPERT & ROEMER, aull•cal 38 Market street Pittsburgh. Pa. FOR WEDDING PRESENTS GO TO WATTLES & SBEAFER'& Tpey are receiving a very fine assortment or Solid Silver and Plated Ware SUITABLE FOR WEDDING . PRESENTS, Which whit be sold low 101 NIFT/1 ALVENVEs : GH GAZEI fE MONDAY, - 0 OR THE OF THE young hero, THE MEM Price& AND i.ASSORTIENTS - OF _ LE3 ♦bore Smithfield Street. OFFERED WILL I A M FEDERAL STREET, WATERPROOF CLOTH At Si 1-2 Cents, WATERPROOF CLOTH AT 81.00. ALL WOOL WHITE BLANKETS, FULL SIZE At $3,50 a Pair. At (3 1-4 Cents, FAIR LINEN TOWELING. At 12 1-2 Cents, EXTRA WIDE TOWELING. At 12 1-2) Cents, Good Canton Flannel. ALL THE por-u CI P" up 3E-I WiIOI 1 SM 1. 1. INDERSON & SONS, Book- and Job Printers, 67 AND . 69, FIFTH AVENUE, Dispatch Building, Pittsburgh. extra rounu of Typ. aid Preii 1 , ,r the HAVIL2,t xecutlou PAPER BOOKS, . Would reshectfu:ly solicit the Datrowge of the leicts traterulry. Those who favor us with their orders, eau rely on having them done NEATA.,Y, and AT THE TIME AGREED ON. All Kinds of ELECTION PRINTINC PROMPTLY EXECUTED. set:7:o9 S ECURITY AND (,COMFORT for the traveling ccmmunity. J. B. HARRIS Safety Fire Jacket, Car Heater and .TIOPER.ITOR. 'For Smoke and Rot Air Flues, dispensing vigil the use of stoves sod tires In or about the PaF Ben lifer or Baggage Cars, with the attachment to graduate the heat to any temperature that may be desired without tee possibility of tiring the car or cars to which the Jacket mar be attached. Having obtained of the United ditties Letters Patent for a Safety Jacket,' which Is warranted to resist the most\ Intense heat that may be ap plied to it In tae position and purpose for which It Is Intended. It is a sure protection from accidents by fire, originating from defective flues or where Iron pipes are used as conductors fur smoke or heat. It is applicable to all piping that may become overheated. and Is warranted to give perfect sat isfaction where wood or other combustible mate rial may be placed in close proximity thereto, all now ready to apply my invention to stores, dwellings, factories, ships„ steamboats, railroad Cars, etc. V. herev-e pipes as conductors are made dangerous by being overheated sud secu rity desired, I will send on application right to manufacture or use the above Invention. Also Territorial rights to such as may wish to engage - In rteUting Privileges either by State or county. J. 13. BARRIS. Ofllce at the "NE PLUS ULTRA PAINT WORKS." corner of Morris street and the Alle gheny Valley Railroad, 'twelfth ward. Pitts barge, Pa. Jy18:1Mel FOR SALE. ;sear the Borough ot Freedom, Beaver county, and 3 minutes walk from station on Ft. Wayne aad Chicago Railroad. a small FAIIYI of 516 acres with - 200 fruit trees and more than 1110 grape: vines, ad bearing and of choicest varie ties; a three story Frame house with 10 rooms, large Barn ?cc. This propel ty Is o ff ered at a bargain. Parties who want to secure a handy garden farm. accessible to the city, will do well to examine this property, as a chance like this, to get a cheap and comfortable home, Is seldom offered to a man with limited means. For particulars inquire at SI Grant Street, first floor, sea TUSTIN At KLEE. ELEGANT PAPER - HANGINGS. Enameled Wall Papers le plain tints imper vious to soot and smoke. Vermillion grounds with gold and inlaid figures. EMBOSSED VEL VETS, INDIA TABESTRY, GREEK PANELS stamped and printed gold. Newly imported and not to be found elsewhere In the country. For sale at W. P. MARSHALL'S NEW WALL PAPER STORE, 191 Liberty Street. ESTABLISHED 1825. H. I.IIOBY ALBZBY HUSBY. H. }TIGHT dr. CO., Importers and dealers In China, Glass & Oueensware, Pine Plated Ware, Table Cutlery, Castors, Walters and Brittonea Ware. No. 189 LIBERTY STREET, • 1/15 - W doors above Sixth street, (late fit. Clair.) t. 11,—elass Ware engraved to order on short notice. • au3B:a3o nEMEDIT-100 bible Louisville 7 4,./ ItydrlKlD3 CMOS% al2 J J. B Mile by . O.IINIMILD NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THIS DAY SEMPLE'S No. 180 and 182 ALLEGHENY 01711 EXTRA BARGAINS IN New Dress Gopds, New Shawls and Skirts Housekeeping Dry Goods Ladies', Gents and Children's EADERIVEAR AND HOSIER Special Attention Directed to BLANKETS, MAR BARGAINS DAY AND rt], PROCLAMATION. -• City of Allegheny, as: 1, SiMON DRUM. Mayor In and Tor the City of Allegheny. do issue this, try' Proclamation, that on tile tifiCOND TL1i1)...1 OF OCTOBER, A. D. 1S61), being the 11ith day of the month, the freemen of said city. qualitied to vote for members of the House of Representatives of this ontinonwt Mill. will Inert at their several places of bottling the elections In their reipectlve wards and elect by lialiot tne following members of .t.elret and Common Conan lls toget tier who one pers.wi to serve as Maror for two years, and one pl-rbon to serve as Director of the Poor fur three earn. Toe elector; or the Flit Ward of the City of Allc li. ut, to meet st t..c Puldic School from, to sato tear I. a lid e .7c one Illelllll, r I Select Colt cif and ten members of Common Council, Toe electors of the Ward of the City of A leKl:cnc to meet at the Public :: , ellOOl House in said Ward, and elect one - member of Select Coun cil and liree me in th ri of Common Council. the elec tors of the Third Ward, of trie C ty of Allerfilenv, to meet at the Public School House in the dist precinct and at the house of tieerae Gertt lu the Stel,llll precinct, In sal i Ward. and one member -of Select Council and four members or common Council. Thwelectors or the Fourth V. Cite of Atte tflomy. to meet at the Public School - House In the nrst precinct. and at the boos. of Mr. Gor don In the second precl. c •• In said Ward,and elect One member of Select Council and four members of Common Council. The electors of ,the . Fiftb ward. City of Alle ghenv. to meet aCtne PubPc School House lu said iVard,aud elect one membe- of Select Coon ctt two members of Common I ounrll. Le electors of the Sixth Ward. City of Alle gheitY, will meet In the Public School Hotite In salt! Ward. and elect one memb -r of Select Coun cil wad two members of Common Council. The ele ccors of the Seventh ward. City of Alle gheny, will nett at the ho act of Lutz A NI - slz in sold ward, and elect one member or Select Coun cil and two members of Common CO ,, UC.U. he electors of the Eighth Ward. Cl yof Alle gheny', trill meet at the Public School lionae In said Ward. and elect one no mner of Select Coun cil awl two no mttera of Common Con cit. In testimony I have beYeurito set my hand and seal or the said City of All, alteny. title Isth day of hy ptember, A. EL 1809. SEMOS DRUM, Mayor. ie:•9:p4 ROCK THE BABY IN. EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. BOLD ONLY BY • LEMON & WEISE. Practical Furniture Manufacturers ) &e n 118 VOII7IITI-31A.171E11111:M. Where mss, be timid a Fill assortment. of Far. or. Chamber and Kitchen Furniture. dell B. Y. it'COWAti J. B. IVE.OWN. R. M. McCoIVAN & CO., Boulevard Pavers, Office, No. 65 OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY. Orders left at GAZETTE OFFICE, PittebUigh, prompt!! attended to. Pave Sidewalks, Cellars, Taal Yards, Drives, *c. Warranted against chsnges of heat and cold. RELTZEINCES —MEE. Mo „ rhead, nl Lyo Shorb. 4E Body Patterson. Wm. Park, es N. Long & , Son, Hartley & McKee, Andtrson's & Maxwell, Aiken & Campoell. Isaac Craig. jyI6:mZEI G EO. B. MILTENBERGER, SOLE AGENT FOR KEDEIIVE RELIABLE WATER FILTER No. 230 - Pena Street, HIL LYON, * &tabu: of Weights and Meanies, Ofilee—No. if FOURTH AVENUE, Pittsburgh. Capt. JOHN MEMNER, Deputy, Pittsburgh Market. Lieut. 080. B. MCNULTY, Deputy, Alle gheny Market. KEYSTONE POTTERY, Q M. KIER & CO., •a• Mannacturers o Quarasswaux. paurroz. wafts as. office and Warehouse, 363 LIBERTY STREET /WAD order' nrometly attended to. STILIT DIIILL—Came to the residence of tho undersigned. on Wednes- day, September 29th, a LARGE DARK BROWN MULE, MARE. The ower Is requested to come after her, pay charges and take her away. B. MUTH, HA Smitelleld street OFFICE or THE PITTSINJUGLI Gas COMPANY, PITTSBURGH, °debar LINGO. ; TAR.—On and after this date and until further notice, the price of Coal Tar wilt he TWO DOLLALS PZIt BABEL. • By orderof the Board of Trustees . . elzpl9 W • IifeCLIELL AND, Treasurer. 101711 AL,lante V V elerreianit 'White Lime; SOO Ws Eastern 40 4 tbi tale b 7 EMANUEL% OEER 4, 1869. New Oassimeres. OF EVERY DESCRIPTBN. FLANNELS. PITTSBUIIGII, PA, POLITICAL. Csr - TWENTY-FIRST WARD.- - The Republicans of the TWENTY FIRST WARD will meet at their WIGWAM, next TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3th, at 7 o'clock P. M., for till nomination of ward olllcera. EcEry one is requested to attend. oc2:pfa PETER. KLESIAN. Chm'n, PRIMARY ELECTION RepublicanßTH WARD.—AL a meeting of the cloz.tis of the Fourth ward, I'lits burgh. held at the school house on Tuesday even. lug, S±pt. 28th. le‘was Resolved, That the Fri ma_u Election for ward offic.fs te held at the SCHOOL HOUSE. on „MONDAY EVENING. o OCTOBER 4th, between the licurs of 4 and 8 0c23 'clock. J. D. OWENS. Ci'alrman. W'MASS MEETING OF THE FRIENDS', OF TEMPERANCE AND REFORM and the Independent Voters cf Aqe gheny, county, at CITY HALL. on TUESDAY: October 6th, at o'clock P. x. The Commis• stoners of Allegheny county, the lawyers and leaders of the Republican and Democratic par tie?, the rank and file of all parties, and every citizen who wishes to understand the questions inyoeved In the election of County Commissioner are Incited to be present. The meeting will be addressed by Col. J. B. Clark, David Kirk, Esq., and S. T. Kennedy. ' se3n:pl3 ATTENTION, Executive Committee and Vigilance Committees. The tcem ,, ers of' the Republican Executive Committee io• Alleyheny County, are requested to meet at 11 o'ciock A M., on TUESDAY.° c toter rith, at CITY HALL. A full meeting Is dekfred. At the same time and place, the Chairmen of the Republican Vigilance Committees of the dif ferent districts throughout the county, and as many members of each of said Vigilance Corn• mlttees as can attend, are earnestly requested and expected to be present. Business of great importance will he before the meeting. and it Is hoped that every Committee man, and every Chairman of Vigilance Commit tees, together with as many members of Vigi lance Coma lttees as can attend will be on baud. By order of the Commit tee. W.S. FURTIANCE, Chairman. WALTER S. 3feCUNE . :, Col. (4EO IVIoRGAN,. ISeeretarles. rgrGRAND REPUBLICAN MASS MEETING AT CITY HALL . • On Monday, October 4th, At o'clock. The meeting will be addressed by Hon.. JOHN . SCOTT, U. S. SENATOR FROM' PENNSYLVANIA. Hon. H. BUCHER SWOPE,. Hon. G. A: GROW. Campaign. Geary and Glee Clubs are earnestly invitee' to attend. Turn out trt.tnasee to welcome these able and eloquent sp.akero- JOHN S ,A.MBIE, Chairman. J. S. FEEiGUSON. Secretary. et3o:cit arGRA.ND REPUBLICAN MASS MEETING AT CITY# HALL, On, Wednesday, October 6th, .1869, At TS o'clock P. se . . be'addressed by Hon. SAMIJEL GALLOWAY. 'OF OHIO. Turn out Camp , iirn and Geary Clubs : JOHN S. LAMBIE, Chairman. J. S. FERGUSON, Secretary. oc4 IZO'''BEPUBLICAN MEETING AT THE HOUSE OF J. M. SCHLESSMAN On the Waspington Pike, la Union Tp.. Qn Monday Evening, October 4th, At 7' 2 o'clock. The m , ettngwlll be addrelsed by W. C. MOREL ANO. MILES n. W S. 3ICCUNE. Esq. A Glee Club from Tempensnceellle will be In attendance. By order of Committee on Speakers and Meet ings. sE39:p9 INDEPENDENT TEMPER. ANCE CANDIDATIC. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. ISAIAH DICKEY. ans:ne, LOAN. MONEY T 4) LOAN.-$2O 000 to loan on Band and Mortgage 1n large or small amounts, THOMAS ff. PETTY, 8111, Bond ardßeal Estate Broker, No. 179 Smithfield 'Greet RED AND FIRE BR ICH PRESSES, CLAY TEMPERINU MA- CHINES and BRICK MAKER'S TOOLS mann- factured st No. 309 South Fifth street, StUrs- elphla, Pa TORN PEC : PHAIR WOR " 83 Market street. Always on dies , WIGS R AN wute,__TOPklCB. BRACELETZ. de. will be given for Ladles , and Genii In the nestig', manna ORNAMENTAL ittabo • ANrib. D PERFUMER, 2.c. eneral assortment of La, ' CURLS; DontSemen's lALPS, *WARD CHAINS, ..,,r i tsr Prlce In cub 51Mii0E11 OTICE.-W 1 have admitted J. W. COOK A member of our firm, to date from August, la 1669. es= HESS, SMITH & CO 3 Ctr 1311 gB Cheap Merin Cheap Bilge, I Cheap Po Cheap A paces, Cheap Linens, CheaP erashe Cheap Flamm Cheap Has Cheap De Cheap C I) *i ar. 59 WANTEID—RELP.---AT EM. PLOYMENT OPFICM E N o. Clair Street, BOYS GIRLS and , fo r dtterent kinds of employment. Persons wanting help of all kinds can be sturlled on abort notice. WANTED. --A, good SINGER SEWING - MACHIE to exchange for Dressing Bureaus, or Bureau and Washstand. Ynoulre at 1. 1 1 Worth Avenue. 41legheny. L _ OST.—On the St. Clair Street Suspension Bridge, or Federal. Street, a G9LD PEN AND PENCIL. A liberal reward Rill te glrrn If returned to No. 12 Stockton Avenue. Alb-irbenv City. FOUND—On Wednesday mom- ING, twos leliesrleton's yore, in the Di amond. a POCKET BOOK, containm,g a sum of m•me , , which the ner can hate by calling at this ~ ince and describing the money and pocket ok. TO LET. TO -LET--RO OM A furnished Room.sultab7e for one or two sin,ie gentle men. Te 12113 reasonable Inquire at 113 Second avenue. • BALE.—One-halfF O R of a valuable PATENT housesennvni. A. Email article used In all A chance for a k a active young - man With a few hundred dollars Address PATENT. Postoftlee Box 690. _ _ _ 'von SALE.--SOUTEI AVENUE .12 RESIDENCE. Altegheny City. Lot Is 28 feet by 150 to a 20 feet alley: house contains 11 rooms, good cellars. gas toronzhout and finished In good orcer. Apply to CROFT PHILLIPS, Hem VetntA AP.TIIS, NO 1 39 Vonrth Ayen,e. - Dolt SALE.—Rnsinesa stand _22 on Chestnut street, Allegheny City, has t been used as a bakery a 1 confectionary fora k .. number of years, and Is w occupied as such Willi a good custom. This san opening seldom offered, and a practical ma can do a number one business. Terms easy and satisfactory reasons for selling— Apply to CLIJF &, PHILLIrr3,No. 139 Fourth avenue- FOR SALE .— LOON HERE 1,..a2 , ..a2 CHEAP FARM . one mile from a Station on I v ttte C, t P. R. H., in Je .rson county, Ohlo, cmiaining 110 acres Pr 0 LY *JS net acre: Wood Imrrovements , good wa er, underlaid with coat. and In a good neith ..rhood. .Ilusr BE SOLD. Terms easy. If you ant a cheap firm home don't tan to call too at thN Heal Estate °dice of ChOFT & PHILLIP., No. 139 Fourth avenue. VOlt : 1 41...t.--EltUl" FARM and HOME. containing 13 a. res. 1d mites from the cite limits and 4 miles from a Station on the A. V. R. R.; good house. stale, &c ; S an acre in gripes. Ail kinds or fruits from a currant •o an apple. The Imnroveme is and fruits are worth all that is asked for th • propel ty; ft acres underlaid with c , at; every are; soli ma , l r lo a an i r i tly p r . ..m t iz t ) , ;( t d a TE t _VIK 7 t o o . 139 Mullah Avenue. kat- s "' Ali ACRE "ILL PER calve, CHASE a desirabl: Farm of 100 acres Columbiana county. Onto 4- miles from Enon. •:tatiou. P.. P. %V. S. C. R. Can work crery loot of thc land t yme chlnery: all second bettcm land; 'comfortable Improwmtnts. good water. &c. This property is lceateit In what mlent he called the Garden of Eastern Ohio. Land around this sell for +lOO per acre. Cannot fall to please a good farmer. Terms easy. A poly to CROPT PHILLIPS, No. 139 Feu rth.p.venue. Volt SALE.—..SHOP ON NORTH ..A2 ASEN U ALEGIinNY CITY. by Jas. building. 3S x7 Ofeet is 'being used by Jas. Godfrey & Co. as a manfactnring establishment. One of the members of the flrwishing to retire from business on account o poor health, we it have decided to close out th s part of the busi ness t a 'bargain. Also go I will of Steam Pow r (3-to 10 borer power ) tools and Machin elsinerv: would make a good wagon maker short; lot 60i100 feet. on 5 year= leate. For fttrther particulars it.quire at No. 41- tibia street, Alto- gneny. Pa. FOR SALE-10 AcRES, LESS or more,l Valle,, township, Allegheny couty. All R. 11.1 rues through it. Two hundred yards from station. Frame house of six rooms. and good stable. and all other ne cessary out-bu tidings: orchard lot 100 bearing fruit trees, of all kinds; good garden, grape ar bor, and geoseberrles-and curra. ts; 445.000 worth of rock, quarry opened; will suit for rest dences or manufacturing establishments; coal `• under entire place; good Indications of oil; - deepest water and best landing on the river; all well fenced. Inquire of A. B. SEIM on the premises. VOR SALE.—A. d esirable real denceon Prospect st.ear Butler St, t sth ward; lot 75/xllO feet. Also, a fine layse, first class STORE BOOM and DWELLINO of 5 Poems and good cellar on Butler St.. 17th ward. An eacell.nt stand for lanslnass; lot 511x130 feet. A DOUBLE BRICE DWELLING on 41st St., 17th ward; lot 85'100 feet on A.V. B. R. Also a number of Houses and Lots from $B5O up to $lO,OOO. Also, GREAT. BiII:MATES IN BLOOMFIELD. 10th ward; lots 20x.137 feet for $602. Ten years to pay. Two years allowed for first pay ment woen ttc person wants to nand. Inquire of D. 5. WIALI CRS, Real IfstateAnd Insurance- Agent, Butler ot., 17th ward, opposte tt.Johns Episcopal church. ce4 p3l FM SALE. • HOUSE D LOT, No. 54 Tames street; House. new frsme. contains 7 rooms and store room; also Frame Shop on rear of lot; shop 17x 28 feet; the lot 1. 20 by 100 feet; is a splendid place for a grocer, baker or butcher; will be sot/ heap. riOl7:'ES AND LOTS fronting on Pleasant Valley P. ft. It.: bosses each contain 6 roomy; lots are 17 by 200 feet 2 Hmises and Lots on Fleming street; 4 lots on Robinson Road. reventh HOUSE AND LOT In Salem. Ohio; 6 aeres or ground In Reserve townsh ID t. 2 lots on Freemont street. Other Houses and Lots in good localities.. Inquire of S. P. MILLER M. WHITMORE. Real Estate Agent, corner Ohio and Sandualry street. Allegheny. DERSONAL.—AII persons seek , • L 1103IES, or investments In Real Ea tate. will save time, trouble and money by_pro curing_ a copy of the “PITTSBUIttiIff NEAL ESTATE NE6ISTEtt." It is given awaynitATUl or will be Eent by mall razz to any requesting It. Perform cannot WI to get suited oat of the list it contains. CROFT & PRILLIPU, Pno llahers and Real Estate Agents, No, 139 Fourth avenue. ARK ER ' S xi „vs Cheap Shawls. Cheap Cloaks, Cheap - Blankets, =II I 'no, imaines, : licos, G CHEAP AT 3EL MOM cb OCYISO. T STREET. Eg 16. 0— .NOTICES--"To-Let," "For Sale," " Lo st , ""Wants,"“Found,""Boarding," &c., not exceeding FOUR LINES, will be inserted in these columns once for TWENTY-F./VT CENTS; eath addi /lona/ /file F 2 E CENTS. • WANTED-HELP IVANTED.-A GOOD PHOTO- GRAPHE ft, to rent a tit w suite of routtis built expressly for a first C 11.1. 1, PhO. ogranh Gal lery. for further Information apply at No. 175 Wood street. Pltuburgh, pa. 1- ANTED,—A 1301/ 12 to 15 Wyelra of age to asstst In a Grocery Store In Allegheny. Adoreas C. A.. Allegheny. _ _ WANTS. LOST. FOUND FOR SALE Cheap Suits, Cheap drabs, Cheap- Quilts, Cheap Towels, Cheap Shirt Fronts, Cheap Randk'ft, Cheap Hosiery, r • Cheap Gloves, Ig