The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 04, 1869, Image 4

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f4tlittgliuto . .64'ittt,
?ZNITNAN,RIKED &CO„Proprietors.
Editors Aria Proprietors.
0117 ICE:
Of Pittsburgh, Allegheny ai►d• Alle
gheny Coaxal!. I I •
Beenls--Dotty.. lainnt. Weaklyti Wuktp,l
year.q.o o ; 0neye574 2 • 60 SingieCOPT—s
One month 75; Six mos.. 1.50 5 cokiemotch 145
By the week 15Tbzee moo 7 510 e todkent ls
Worn esarlet.ll and on.
1110NDAT, OCT. 4, 1869.1
TERAstaism—loS. F. DENNIsTON.
=GUMMI—JOSEPH Er, cul - .
WS PRINT on the inside pages of
this morning's GezETTE--Second Page:
Poetry, "The Darkened liTursery," Gen
eral News, Stats Politics, State Dons.
Third and Sixth Finance and
Trade, Markets, Imports, River News.
Seventh page: New t Publications, Per
sonal, Foreign News and Ramon,
Amusements. •
tr. B. Bortps at Fiankfort,
FRllioLzmi at Antwerp, 364 T.
GOLD closed in New York Saturday
at 12n.
Let none of our friends forget the
Republican rally to be held ; this evening
at City Hall,. at which Senator Join;
Scorr and other distinguished Speakers
present to address their fellow
citizens on the important issues Of the
hour. Ample arrangements for th\e ac
commodation of ladies have heen made,
and it is hoped that the meeting will
prove the most encouraging and i:arnor
able of the campaign.
MEI' are figuring up, at Washington,
a Republican majority in Pennsylvanis.
A full vote next week will furnish figures
vastly more reliable. And we shall have
IT Is said that the Methodist Book
scandal, which first appeared in the N. Y.
Times, was the immediate cause for the
recent severance of. Mr. Bigelow's edi•
torial connection with that journal.
Tnn Chicago Journal expresses great
confidence that the frosts have as yet
done no injury to the corn crop of the
Northwest, which is likely to be the
largest in quantity, and in quality one of
the best ever produced in this country,
SO MAIM candidates offer for the Sena
torial places from Virginia, that the elec
tion is likely to be deferred until after the
final admission of the State. That little
circumstance would make a great hole in
our - Attorney General's logic.
TIIB - ARCTIC researches of Captain
Hayes have settled the question that Sir.
Joha Franklin was the first actually to
solve the problem of the North- Vest Pas-
sage. Having, on previous voyages from
the West, sailed Eastward as far as Cape
Herschell, 4 the Westward Expedition
which resulted fatally, penetrated beyond
that point and so completed the chain of
communication. A late navigator, Cap
tain McClure, in the Investigateir,lived
to achieve the same success and to receive
the reward therefor.
A so ,c.i.Luan Cuban privateer has
found the open seas. The Hornet is a
fast sailing, well.manned' and heavily
. stPamship, and threatens serious
mischief to the Spanish commerce. She
is legally no privateer, but simply a pirate
be so regarded in, every port
and by every flag in the world
except those of Mexico, the only
power which haw recognized the belliger
ency of the insurgents. She has enc•
cessfvely slipped through the fingers of
our own authorities at Philadelphia and
-New-York, and of the British authorities
at Halifax, going - finally to sea from
Ina latter port It is thus fortunate that
Jri.gland and Spain , cannot - turn the
Alabama tables upon us. But our own
obligatiOns of international duty toward
Spain, nevertheless, - are-not thereby re
leased. bar navy' 'should be forthwith
instructed to capture this pirate, after her
first overt. set, and bring her into our
ports for adiu4C 3ll Cl l - - 8 00,- 4 3 can settle
the question with England as she sees At.
Northiimberland district the
Democ:rati3'are running two candidates
for Senatoi, - both claiming to be regular,
with about equal show: These are Mr.
Buckalew, late United States Senator,
and Mr. Chalfant, the editor of a news
paper at Danville. The Republicans
hare nominated Mr. Whitmoyer, of Co.
umbia county, with what chances, if
any, it is hard to tell at this distance.
The district is composed of Columbia,
Montour, Northumberland and Sullivan
counties, and polled, last year, a Demo.
cratic majority of 3,097.
Mr. Buekaleyr has all the Democratic
newspapers on his side except Mr. Chal
fant's. How far this circumstance may
be taken as an index to popular opinion
in the party, we shall not undertake to
determine. But it is clear that the hind
most of their candidates, if both remain
in the field, must poll a respectable num
ber of votes, or Mr. Whitmoyer will
certainly be defeated. Fortunately, the
Republican majority in the next Senate
will not depend on his election.
IT is a fact worthy of runark that the
Dpmocracy of the western section of the
State, and indeed, we think, of the entire
Commonwealth, have in the present cam
paign thus far failed to hold a single pub
lic meeting, conducting their part of the
canvass in a quiet and undemonstrative
manner. This course .they hope will
win, but it seems that they are particular
ly distrustful' of the people, since no open
avowal of their policy or principles dare
be made. The simple truth is that they
are ashamed to be found occupying the
same old positions in which they have so
often been stormed and defeated, and from
which they have never dared to make a
progressive step. Their silent campaign,
with its mysterious dark lantern pro
ceedings, certainly presents a striking
contrast - witla the open and fearless course
of the Republicans, who are everywhere
aroused to the impOrtance of the issues in
volved in the canvass, and who are anx
ous to proclaim to the whole world the
principles they have espoused.
LAST wrsx tlie Delaware, LackaWan
na and Western Railroad Company re
sumed its monthly sales of coal at auc
tion. Ninety thousand tons were sold,
in lots, and at low prices, lump bringing
only $5.12 and smaller sizes in propor
tion, but none exceeding $6.50. Of course
these are wholesale rates, and retail
prices, to compensate for handling and
loss by abrasion, with the addition of
profits, must be at least $1 higher, and
perhaps $2. This decline sustains abun
dantly the assurances given by the lead
ing coal companies during the
about coal two :months ago, when they
offered to contract at $7 for winter deliv
This falling off in prices, while it suits
consumers exactly, does not, gratify
the miners. The point Of depression is
nearly reached at which "the basis" pro
vides for a strike with a view to sending
up prices, by diminishing the supply. In
the Mahanoy district, Schuylkill county,
the miners in nearly all the collieries have
actually struck, demanding an advance of
fifty per cent., which it is clear enough
the employers cannot concede, unless the
price of coal shall advance. Negotiations
are progressing between the operators and
miners, but we do not see any probability
,pf their coming to an aereement.
The New York Tribune has no choice
between the opposing tickets in Texas
and Mississippi; and it insists that the
Federal Administration shall indicate
none. Why ? Because that journal ap
prehends that the XVth Article would
thereby be endangered. The Tribune
may dismiss its own sense of anxious re
sponsibility in the premises. The people
of those two States have themselves
drawn the lines of discrimination clear
and sharp.
Every Republican in Texas supports
the Davis ticket, and every rebel—no
matter whether he calls himself Democrat
or Conservative—will vote the ticket just'
set in the field by a convention of opposi
tion editors. The Hamilton movement has
gone up; or all that is left of it means noth
ing else but the disruption of the Republi
can party of the State. Does the Tribune
supposethat with the defeat of Davis the
Article would be ratified, except .for the
fact that no , reconstruction is otherwise
possible? It is true that either party, if suc
cessful, must ratify that proposition, but
is it nothing to secure the control of the
State government in sound Republican
hands? And,. shall the President deny
the legitimate influence of the Federal
government against a murderous faction
of which. Gen. Reynolds has exposed the
true character to the world, and which,
in all these loyal States, finds not one to
defend it except the editor of the Tribune}
We have a report that the Administra•
don's avowal of sympathy with the Davis
ticket so stirs up the local pugnacity that
twenty more Republican speakers are to
take the. field 'for the Hamilton , ticket.
Very likely! Drawing lines straight
and sharp, in the midst of so much pre
vious confusion, usually results in un
masking a large. amount of pretension,
and Texan Republicanism will be the
purer and stronger for the weeding which
this report indicates. Whether, the cause
of sincere. Unionism is, for the moment,
to gain or to lose thereby, its permanent
and effective advantMe demands that the
discriminations - be fearlessly made and
4dhered to without flinching. Hamilton
and his "twenty or more Republican','
advocates will, in due time, report them-
NTT' . 614 M - GAZE= MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1869.
selves at the end of their march within
the opposition lines, and it is a loss. of
time, and trifling with the situation, to
attempt to purchase their adhesion to a
sincere Republicanism at a price which
would permanently bankrupt the party.
So in Mississippi. Ratificationis also
an indispensable condition there, which
neither party can or will disregard. Gen.
Alcorn, heading the Union ticket, declares
that an opnosition triumph "would sweep
away all the results of peace, order and
prosperity which have so far attended the
restoration of civil government in the
State." He stands with his Convention,
upon the broadest platform of equal
rights. Against him and his ticket,. the
party of murderers who are working for
a Ku-klux victory, and whom the
Tribune begs the President to let alone,.
are straining every effort to create a reign
of terror in order to overawe the polls.
Gen. Ames reports, since last March,
thirty-two murders, thirteen deadly as
saults and as many other flagrant outrages
—the perpetrators, every man of them,
the rebel lambs whose sweet voices the
Tribune begs for the new Article.
It' the Tribune had had its crotchety
way, and no condition precedent, in the
reconstruction act, existed to tie the hands
of its dear friends who control the Vir
ginia Legislature, how muck ratification
would the Article there receive?
This New 'York journal scolds the
folly of the Administration in rendering
a tardy support, or any support at all, to
the Stokes. wing in Tennessee, declaring
that it should have "exacted a pledge,
from the rebels enfranchised by Senter,
that they would ratify the Article." This
is a crowning exhibition of the Tribune's
ignorance and presumption. Every rebel
in the new Tennessee Legislature stands
already pledeed, from every stump and
In every platform of the late campaign,
to ratify that Article, and the pledge is
worth no more than that would have been
which the Tribune proposes—not even
the paper it covered or the breatk for its
Out upon such politics! Let us be
thankful that we have a more sensible
and practical Republicanism at the White
.House than in Printing House Square.
The President heeds, and accords with,
the universal .lemand of a loyal nation
that the only party of liberty,peace and
equality in the South Shall never vainly
ask the effective countenance of a Re
publican Administration. The XVth Ar
ticle lit() be secured at last by resolute
and downright work, under a flag which
is not to be mistaken, and not by the
timid, vacillating and point-no-point pol
icy of finesse which the Trisune blindly
clings to.:
LB} Tekgrayli to the Vittsbt:rgh Gazttle.l
NEW Tints, October 3. 1369
The Times asserts positively that not
withstanding the dot ial of the fact by
Marshal Barlow, the steamer Alabama,
under command of Captain Ltmeburne,
left the port last Sunday evening for Cuba,
carrying several hundred men and an
extensive supply of munitions for
the Cuban revolutionary army. Her
armament consisted of thirteen pieces
of heavy ordnance, two thousand
Remington rifles, and a large amount of
piOwder and ordnance stores. Exactly
five hundred and thirteen men, among
whom were one hundred and sixty-eight
of the disastrous Whitney expedition,
which was seized at Gardiner's Island
last summer, took passage on her. The
steamer Entrupe has not yet gone to sea.
The brig B. F. Nash was recently sus•
pected of having concealed arms' on
board, but a thorough search proved; it
to be a false report.
The steamer Cuba, formerly the Hor
net, is reported to have been off Barngate
on Thusday last. She was seen about
five, p. in. by a pilot who returned
here yesterday, who spoke her. He de
scribes her as being ender sail with
banked fires, evidently saving coal. She
was steering S. S. E. Her commander,
Captain Higgins, was formerly In the
United States Navy, but during the war
forsook his command, and become a
Confederate officer."
A member of the firm of Lockwood St
Co., denies, upon authority; the rumor
that the liabilities of their house ap
proach anywhere near the sum motioned
—between twenty and thirty millions' of
dollars—while their losses have not yet
been fully developed. It is positively
asserted they are not Involved to half
this extent. 4
It is proposed by some members of the
Gold Board Exchange to commence at
once the work of weeding out the "lame
ducks" in the Board.
The rules whieh were suspended by
the Gold Exchange on Thursday will go
into operation on Monday, unless further
suspended by the Exchange. Should
the rules be enforced on Monday, parties
who have failed to make settlements will
be liable to have their gold sold out, and
will also be liable to fines for their delin
Yesterday morning the French steam
er Villa de Paris tooiCon board twenty
two•French Canadians for Rome. They
are the third division of Papal recruits.
Several Canadian priests accompany
them. These new recruits are to replace
those Zonnves whose term of service has
A special despatch from Fernandina,
Florida, yesterday, states that the yes
eels of the Cuban expedition had sailed
before Marshal Barlow 'a despatch to de
tain them was received. Two hundred
recruits for the Cuban army arrived
there yesterday from Macon, Ga.
An American revenue cutter, 'and
three Spanish gun boats, are off Cedar
Keys on the look out for Cuban rein
A New Orleans special of yesterday
report's that the steamship Lillian left
Pass a' L'outre early yesterday morning
for Florida ports. The steamer Teaser
is still there., with no preparations for
A Washington special states that the
Government has not decided to take any
action in the case of the Cuban privateer
Hornet, of Cdba, nor is it probable she
will' be interfered with, unless she com
mits seine depredations` "on AtnericAn
commerce. The Administration takes
the view that tinder the-cirotinustanose,
the Hornet cannot be oonmdered strictly'
a pirate, and the United States is not
bound to attempt her capture.
(By Telegraph to the rittsburzla Gazette.?
WASHINGTON, October 3, 1369.
As comments have been made in the
newspapers affecting the Administration
in connection with the recent gold panic,
and much Interest Is felt on the subject,
the Washington agent of the Associated
Press to-night called upon the Presi
dent to ascertain whether there
was any foundation for the insin
uation, or direct charges against the
administration. The President con
versed with the utmost frankness on the
subject, and said he had not thought
proper to publicly contradict the state
ments concerning himself, as he
had done nothing whatever to
influence the money • market, or
to afford any advantges to pri
vate parties. While in New York he
had many voluntary advisers, but he re
peatedly said to them that the Adminis
tration always held itself in a position to
act as it seemed best, and free to make
any changes of policy for the public
interest. In the course of the conversa
tion he stated that while on the eve of
going to Newport, Jas. Fisk, Jr. came
on board the steamer at New York and
'said to the President that Gould had
sent him down to esk that he would pri
vately give them a little intimation as to
'what the Administration was going to do,
on the financial question. He replied
that the giving of such-information
would not be fair, and asked Fisk wheth
er he did not think so himself. Fisk ad
mitted that it would not be fair. The
President then informed him that when
ever the Administration was going to
change its action or policy, the Secretary
of the Treasury would give notice
through the newspapers, as usual, so
that all might at the same time know
what it was, thus excluding any possible
charge of favoritism. On the morning of
the pauic Secretary Boutw3ll coniniuni
cated the state of affairs in New York,
when the President said: 'Sell five mill
ions gold." The Secretary replied he had
come for the purpose of suggesting the
sale of three millions. The idea of selling
gold thus appearing to be in the
mind of each at the same time. A few
minutes thereafter an order was tele
graphed to New York to sail four millions
gold. It may be repeated that the Presi
dent had informed no one of the purpose
of the administration on financial sub
jects, and the same remark is equally
true of the Secretary of the Treasury.
The correspondence between C. H.
Mallory a Co., owners of the steamspip
Euterpe, and the Secretary of State, is
furnished for publication. Under date of
dew York, October Ist,
.the owners ad
dressed Secretary Fish stating that the
Euterpe bad been chartered to Jose
Pesant, to load with artillery for Havana,
and that they were informed by rumor
that a priveteer is waitingollSandv Hook
to intercept the steamer, and asking in
that event, what protection they would
have from the United States Govern
Secretary Fish, in reply, states that
while a convoy cannot . be given to the
vessel, the United States will, if a vessel
carrying their flag is imolested on- the
high seas, use all their power to punish
the offenders, and to prdvent a repetition
of the offence.
Letters from Cuba received here-yes
terday confirm previous accounts of the
insubordination and treachery in the ;
Cuban army. Gen. CeSpedes and Gen. ;
()aesada are untiring in their endeavors
to harmonize the conflicting elements,
but without success. The Americans .
are anxious to get away. They report
every promise made them before leaving
New York has been violated, and the
representations of the state of affairs on
the island are equally- false. The
Americans who have I escaped de
scribe the condition of their 'comrades
sal the most piteous. They are compelled
to take the front in all contests, and
receive no quarter from the Spaniards.
The wounded, who-In exigency of bat
tle, are loft upon the field are invariably
murdered. To this is to be added
the almost daily assassinations
of their comrades by those whose icicle.
pendence and liberty they were induced
to volunteer to assist in securing.
Several engagements have taken place,
in all of which the Spaniards have been
defeated, and in each of which the Amer
icana have lost largely. These fights are
stated to have been unimportant in their
results as affecting the conclusion of the
The steel importers had an interview
with Secretary Bontwell yesterday, and
represented that their business was &If
fering,on account of the action of the
American Consul at Sheffield in refusing
to certify their - invoices, and they asked
an investigation of the charges preferred
by manufacture's in this country. Sec
retary Bontwell said the latter should
be investigated, and
the meantime
they might pay increased duties under
protest until a decision could be made.
Three colored men attempted to take
seats in the dress circle of the National
Theatre to-night, and when politely re
quested to go to the place assigned to
colored persons, refused to leave the
dress circle unless compelled to do so by
the officers of the house. They then left
under compulsion of his order, no phys
ical force being used; and it is supposed
the question of the rights of negroes, un
der the recent corporation law relating
to places of amusement, will now be
Commissioner Delano to-day decided
th'it tobacco prepared by the processes
generally employed in the manufacture
of chewing tobacoo, using as sweetening
licorice, or sweetened materials, is liable
to 3. -tax. of thirty-two cents under what
evf3r name used.
• -
Receipts fractional currency for the
week, 1995 of ,000; shipments, $893,287;
amount destroyed, $1'76,950; total
tional bank circulatiob, 5299,818,715, na
Amos Kendall has been ill for several
weeks ." Dr. Dt ater, his physician, says
be cannot recover.
Heavy Robbery.
(B, Telegraph to the Plttebergb Guette .3
CEUCAGO, October S.—Yesterday after
noon between one and two o'clock some
person entered the- Banking House of
Cark & Ullman, No. 84 Clark 7 street,
went behind • tho counter, entered
the vault, and took therefrom a
trunk containing securities amount
to one hundred and twenty-five
thousand dollars, consisting of prom
isory notes, Chamber of Commerce
stock, Chicago Dock Company stook,
Comercial Bank stock, &c., the property
of J. P. Brooks. The robbery was not
discovered until some two hdurs after.
Fortunately none of the property taken
cah be made available to the robbe.r
—The 110001181011 . of J. Blatt dr, Son of
Y.; stook brokers, was announced
The "Review" on Spanish-American Af
fairs—The Paraguayans Badiy Defeat
ed—Prussia despatches war vessels, to
''the Antilles—Empress Eugenia arriv
ed at Venice—French Chambers tolie
Convoked—Slckles' Note not Recall..
ea—Humane Treatment for Cuban
Prisoners—Prince Napoleon's Letter—
Liberal Ideas at the Ecumenical Conn.
[By Teleiraih to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
PARIS, October 2.—lt is estimated that
the loss by fire among the shipping at
Bordeaux will reach, one million francs.
Dispatches received to-day announce
the arrival of the Empress Eugenie at
The Ministers have decided to convoke
the Chambers on the Bth of November.
It is said that four Ministers will reign,
and that 011ivier, Legris, Tolponet and
Schnieder will succeed them.
PARIS, October 3—Prince Napoleon has
written a letter to Col. Benton Chainan,
and other Americans residing , in Lon
don, thanking them for their address
congratulating him for his liberal speech
In the Senate. The Prince reminds them
of the bonds which have always united
France and America. and continues:
The present position bears resemblance
to that at the close of the last•century.
France seeks to found a liberal demo
cracy at the moment when America
emerges from a gigantic struggle
for the destruction of slavery,
which dishonored the republic. The
methods of France and America are
dilferent,but the end is the same. Consti•
tutional liberty established in France
will place the political sentiments of
France and America in as complete ac
cord as their interests already are."
In conclusion, the Prince thanked his
American friends for having perceived
in his speech moderate, liberal and
democratic sentiments, which alone can
secure the end at which they aim—the
alliance of the Empire with liberty.
Nearly all the journals express dissat
isfaction at the tact that the Chambers
have not been immediately assembled.
The Palrie contradicts a report that the
French troops are to . retire from Rome
•on the 15th of November. .• :
The Figaro says M. Dupauloup, Bishop
of Orleans, will defend his liberal ideas
before the Ecnualnical Connell, and that
fifty American Bishops will give him
their support.
The Journal Offieial announces that
the Senate and Corps Legislatif have been
convoked to meet on the 29th ot Novem
Late advices have been received from
Buenos Ayres. It seenas.that President
Lopez, in evacuating Asura, removed
everything, including his guns, during
the pursuit, •
Thirty thousand allies had attacked
three thousand Paraguayans. The latter
fought desperately, the engagement last
ing six hours. The Paraguayans lost
2,500 men, and all their archives and
IMlyrne, Ireltvid, October 2.—'rwen•
ty-eight Catholics and eight Protestants
have been committed for trial for alleged
complicity in the riot of August 7th.
Right Rev. Samuel Waldegrave, Bish
op of Carlisle, died to-day, aged 52.
"'"PArtrs, October 3.—Advices fromiPara
guayan sources represent that the losses
of the Brazilians in their 'late battles
amount io S,OOO men. President Lopez
retired to the Grand Cordeilla, and
thence to Acauaza, where he had in ad
vance prepared new positions for his
forces. The allies were preparing to with
draw from Paraguay, but weuld leave
a few troops behind to support tke Pro
t visional Government established at
I Asuncion.
- -
The Argentine government has al-
ready recalled its contingent to the allied
army In Paraguay.
The Buenos Ayres journals accuse the
Brazilians of assassinating their prison
Losoo'N, October 2.—The potato crop
of England will fall short of an average
of half a crop. In Cumberland it is dia.:
.. -
Col. SRI has been appointed Governor
of New Foundland.
- _
LONDON, October 2. —The Saturday
Review has an article on the relation be
tween Spain and the United States. The
writer says the announcement that the
Washington Government approves the
communication of Sickles to the Spanish'
Government is only partially intelligible,
as long as the terms of that despatch are
unknown. So also is the annoucement
that America had no intention to Inter
vene, and was only prompted by human
ity. It is certain the Spaniards consider
the subject concerns themselves alone,
- and if the government prosecutes the
contest with energy and success, no fac
tion will openly oppose its measures.
Referring to Senator Sumner, the same
paper says: "The American statesman.
in publicly foretelling the dimember
went of the British empire, is probably
not aware that he said anything uncivil,"
MADRID, October 3.—The note of Gen.
Sickles to the Spanish Government in re
gard to Cuba has not been withdrawn.
A circular is puplished in the official
Gazette instructing the Captain General
of Cuba to treat the rebel prisoners with
humanity and to deal with their offences
through the ordinary tribunals, and urg
ing him at the same time to push forward
reforms in the administration of that
The liberals generally opposed the ele
vation of the Duke of Oenoa to the
throne of Spain.
MADRID, October 3.—Telegraphic com
munication between Madrid and the
Southern provinces is interrupted. It is
believed that a Republican insurrection
is in progress.
The equipment of a fleet for Cnba is
pushed forward with great energy at
Cadiz. Light artillery for special service
and needle guns are to be sent out.
LONDON, October p.—ln view of the
complication between the United States
and Spain, the Prussian Government
have despatched vessels of war to the
VIENNA, October 2,—lt is officially eta.
ted that the Anstrian•Ohinese treaty was
ell ned at Tientzin recently.
LONDON, October 2.—The steamers
Java City, of Baltimore, and Europe,
from New York, have•arrived out.
LONDON. October 2, P, 44.--Consols for
money 98, for account 93®93 1 ,. Ameri
can securities quiet and steady: Five
twenty bonds, '6sa, 84; '67s, 83: do. 'Ms,
84j(, Ten.ibrties. 76. '62s at Frankfort
are dull at 87%. Edell 24; Illinois 0414;
Atlantic and great Western 27%. Stocks
steady. •
Paws, October ,2.—Boarse. flat. Itentes
71!. 22c.
Livsr.rooi, October 2.—Cotton market
quiet, middling Uplands 12 1 /0. Orleans
12%5; sales were 9,000 bales: California
white wheat 103 Bd.; red western 9a 4d@
9s sd. Western Flour 245. Corn: mixed
29s 6d. Oats 3s 6d. Peas 41s 6d. Pork
110. Beef 87s. Lard 745. Cheese 645.
Bacon 65s Sd. Spirits Petroleum Sd, re
lined 13s 9d.
LONDON', October Z. Tallow 47s afloat.
Sugar firmer at 28s 6d@2Bs 9d.
lia.vax, October 2.—Cotton quiet at
142 francs.
PARIS, October 2.—Evening.—Bonree
closed flat.
ANTWERP, October 2Evening.—Pe
treleum quiet.
HAVRE, October 2—.Ercning.—Cotton
closed active at a decline; sales on spot at
14134 f; afloat at 13734 f.
FRANKFORT, October 2—Five-Twenties,
S 7
The Late Disaster at Indianapolis.
CBS Teiegrarh to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
INDIANAPOLIS, October 3.—The
oner gives the number of killed at the
Fair grounds on Friday, including two
wounded that have • since died, at
twenty. There is still one body at
Weaver's undertaker's office not recog
nized, and the head and some fragments
.of flesh of another.
John Loring, of Franklin, Ind., died at
the City Hospital yesterday, and„J. A.
-McVey, from the country, near this city,
at the Stirgical Institute today.
One of the bodies at Weaver's is sup
posed to be that of Jno. Slack, from Rob
Roy, Ind.
Nine of the dead were buried here to=
day. Two or three more of the wounded
are in a very critical condition and will
probably not recover.
As near as can be ascertained, between
fifty and sixty we're wounded.
The coroner's jury is still in session,
taking evidence, but will not probably
render a verdict for several days.
It has-been definitely ascertained that
there were no females killed, except one
girl, Miss .Dawson, twelve years old.
Several ladles were badly scalded. and
three of them are still at the hospital.
Earthquake in Utah
[ y Telegraph to the Pittsburgh. Gailitte•J
Sr. Louis, October 3.—A dispatch from
Fillmore, Utah, dated the Ist, says at ten
minutes to seven o'clock this evening a
violent shock of earthquake was felt. It
passed from south to north apparently in
a due line. The State House rocked and
trembled for live or ten seconds,
then the shock gradually collapsed
to it trembling, and distant rumb
ling was heard. 'ln the dwelling
houses in the city the windows, doors
and cupboard furniture rattled and
shook. It is said to be the most violent
shock that has been felt in this part of
Utah since the first settlement. The
shock and trembling altogether lasted
two minutes.
—Arrangements for the entertainment
of the delegates of the Commercial Con
vention at Louisville, are about com
pleted. The programme mentions a grand
concert, a banquet and a steamboat ex
cursion. A grand procession two miles
long, embracing every trade, will be one
of the features on the opening day. Ex-
President Millard Fillmore, who will
preside, is to be tendered a public recep
—Omaha dispatches says intelligence
from the expedition under General Dun-
can, who, with the fifth cavalry, left
Fort McPherson about ten days ago for
the _Republican river, state that he
troops surprised a camp of. fifty-ix
lodges on Sunday, and drove them
away capturing a large quantity of sup
plies and camp equipage. The Indians
lost one killed and several wounded.
One of the:truest and most suggestive idea
can be obtained from the caption at the head
of this art:cle; for of all diseases which Impair
human health and abortat human nre, none are
more prevalent than those which affect the lungs
and pulmonary tissues. 'Whether we regard lung
diseases In the; light of a merelysllght cough,
which is but the forerunner of a more serious
malady. or as a deep lesion corroding and dis-
et:dying the pulmonary structure, it- is always
pregnant with evil and foreboding of dlsaster.
In no class of maladies should the physician or
the friends and family of the patient be more
seriously forewarned than in those of the lungs,
for it is in them that early and efilelent treat-
ment is most desirable, and It is then that danger
can be warded off and a cure effected. In DR.
KEYSER'S LUNG CURE you have a medicine
of the greatest value in all these conditions. An
alterative, a tonic, a 'nutrient and resolvent,
succoring nature and sustaining the recupera.
tive powers of the system, Its beautiful work-
Sags, In harmony with the regular functions, can
be readily observed by the use of one or two bot-
ties: will soon break no the chain of morbid
aintrathies that disturb the harmonious work-
inns of the animal economy. The Interacting
cough, the painful respiration, itie sputum
&treated with blood, will soon give blue to the
normal and proper workings of health and vigor.
An aggregated experience of over thir i ty years
has enabled Dr. geyser, In the compounding of
his LUNG CUBE, to give new hope to the con
sumptive invalid and at the same time speedy
relief in those now prevalelt, catarrhal and
throat affections; so distressing in their effects
and so almost certainly fatal in their tendencies,
unless cured by some appropriate remedy. DR.
KEISER'S LUNG CURE Is so thorough and ef.
Solent, that any one who hue ever used It, will
never be without It in the house. It will often
cure when everything else fails, and in simple
cases will cure oftentimes in a few days.
. The attention of patients, as well as medical
men. is respectfully invited to this, new and
valuable addition to the pharmacy of the coma-
DR. KEYSER may be Consulted every day
trail 1 o'clock P. M. at his Great Medicine Store,
161 Liberty street, and from 4 to 8 and I to 9
at idatit.
To repair the inroads made upon the physical
strength by the heated term which has closed
with September. The vitality that has been
oozing through the pores In the form of perspi
ration, for the last three months, requires to be
replaced; as a preparative to the cold season
which makes such disastrous havoc with relaxed
and untor.ed sytems. The reverse of vigor with
which the stoutest - nun commences _the Summer
campaign is drained out of him at Its close, and
unless by some means he acquires anew stock of
yam energy wherewith to encounter the shock
of a colder season, he may droop and wither like
he falling leaves whose life -jukes are exhausted.
If It is thus with the strong, how mach more per
liens Is the condit'on of the weak and ailing.
Their reason must suggest to them. more forcibly
than these printed winds, the necessity for in
vigoration, and the world have decided, after an
experience of nearly a quarter of a century, that
such reetorative properties as arenot possessed
by any other tonic and alternative preparation
thatxistence The importance of resorting to
HUMAN ateciiirok at ibis etitieal seaso as
vinous as the light of day, Let all R hodesireto
escape an attack of chille and fever, brlions re
mittent fever, dysentery• dlarrhosa, dYllPePala,
'rheumatism, hypochondria, or any other of the
diseases of which the gall season is the jprolite
parent, . have recourse promptly to thincele
brated preventiye an 4 restorative,