II El 1 . 1'i15:10..*:•.:.. Ott, • THE DARKENED NURSERY. There's inoM elle - ugh in the nurriery now 'TIM! crowded a I ttle before For when the crib in the corner at .. The rockers came close to the door: But the light was swt•et and tht• air was Anti the room was filled with chet r, soft. For we all were chained to the spot By the voice of th e baby dear. - Where is the sunshine—where is the noise? Where are the playthings gone? What ihall I do with my empty arms' , Sittlugelone, alone? , -- - ••••• .--.- • -- •li, What shall Ido with the enoty crib? . i Where shall Ines his chair? /trust the dartihg little one's clothes come doien Oh, let me leave them there: Nay. fold them nu softly and pat them by, Life is htdier through this pato: Lly up the ctrrisge—check the deep sigh, .Take up life's duties again: Tillrthe face fully toward Heaven and God; Hsweet peace shall keep thee still: Bowlow before Him, Miming Ms rod. . -nnnllll murmer, love—" Just as God will." GENFSAL NEWS. - LOUISVILLE grand juries are endeavor ing to suppress gambling in that city. A. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE for colored youth is to be organized in Wasbington City. : Trim Woman's Hospital in New York recently received a donation of $BO,OOO from an unknown source. THE International Union of Locomo ttve Firemen, in session in Cincinnati several days last week, adjourned to meet Sept. 1, 1870, at Philadelphia: THE rector of Memorial church, West port," Conn., was horse-whipped in the street last week, by a Mr. Ketchum. Family difficulty was the cause. A. T. STEwART has sold twenty shawls this season worth $2,000 each. and one worth $5,700. One woman ran rip a bill of $20,000 at his store in two Months. THE wholesale clothing trade of Cincin- Mid was greater during the past month than ever before in the history.of that city. The increase is due to the South ern trade.. "Tr "Tr !us been decided in a Brooklyn. court that a citizen is not bound by law to assist a policeman in arresting a man unless the officer has a warrant from a competent, court. THE machinery, tools and fixtures of the late Spencer Repeating Rifle Company, Of Boston, were sold at auction last week, the total proceeds of the sale reach ingithout $138,000. ' Tau freshmen outnumber the sophs at Middletown, Coma., the present term, more than two to. one, are stout, robust felloWs, and their wish not to be "hazed" is scrupulously respected. Trur, organ of Arehbishop Purcell, of Chicinnati, declares that "it will be a glorious day for Catholics in this country When, under the blows of justice and mo rality, our school system , will be shivered to pieces." „Timm were received in Sacramento, on the 19th ult., by railroad, 10,000 dozen eggs. They can be carried thither and sold at fifty cents per dozen which is ten cents less than is charged for the Cali fornia article. PETER DE LARTY. a colored lothario, was married a few days ago in Cincin nati. IJpon the wedding night a select company ,of his "old flames" dragged him from his nuptial couch, and gave him a terrible cowhiding. • D. Wirsoi.;, - baggage master on the Lafayette and Indiana Radioed, while collecting fares from the passengers on the roofs of the cars, was killed at a bridge near Indianapolis, having neglected to stoop as the train approached. A FOIIIIDLING in Columbus, Ohio, bad a card attached to it, on which was written: "Compliments of Lucille to 'Darling,' and requests him to accept this little pres ent, as a token of herdntinued remem brance of him. In gr haste." WILLIAM TRACT is the name of an es timable keeper who has just been dis missed from a Yorkshire insane asylum because when it was his duty to give a patient a warm bath he deputed the task to two lunatics, who boiled the man to death. ON Saturday night of last week Mr.i. Mary George, of Lexington, Richland county, Ohio, committed suicide by jump ing into a cistern, having arisen from her bed without arousing her husband. She was highly iespected, and leaves three children, the youngest a babe. Coitsiononz Vanderbilt replied "II don't know" to every question ot a Wld re porter, sent to interview him,adding to his last repetition, "You can't get anything out of me. I suppose -(walking 'away) that it is a combination of darned thieves - to put money in their pocket." AT San Antonio, Texas, on the 18th • ult., a boy named Buchanan, sixteen years old, was arrested for horse stealing, bat when taken he was identified as the same boy who murdered a man named Hennessey, in Kansas, some time ago, and for whom a reward of one thousand dol lars was offered. AT Marysville, Ohio, last week, Mrs. Jagera, engaged at her work in another part of her house, heard tier child scream • suddenly, and hastening to the room where sue left it, she saw a large black snake, with head erect and menacing at titude, making its way into the room. It - was but a little distance from the child, anti evidently meant to attack, but was itself attacked and;killed. 'Flavor, 'divorces were mated at the August term of .the. Court.df • Common Pleas, at Mansfield; . Ohio, (Richland county); The Herald, published- there, thinks this "another alight evidence that Mansfield is rapidly assenting . Metropol . Ran proportions," - and 'eXpects soon to hear the crir,on the trains pasibig through that place, "Iganifiel4;,,twenty _minute, for divorees:r aa say Is . now. the case ntinastialViK 4! • , , l&ns.:Orrzwoonnat is the sole rit'oPri .: eter of; the; largesv Getman r daily news. • ' paper in they city of 'New York. *any years agolher" husband'ied; leaving,: her ge family ;of children and a small pSPer,. She wePt..eara y to, work,at nce, attending herself .$O, all the details of the Oficevand she now controls every ' rich and‘powerful journal: She drives to her office in the' , morning; looks afterits multitudinous affairs, and' returns to her elegant honte at three o'elorik intim after . A. CERTA IN aster newspaper, in Georgia praises the efficiency of the postmof the city; The latter repudiates the flattery, and says that it is only for the purpose of 2liducing the poittnaster to wink at the' violation' of, the postcffice laws by the edi . tor. The card of the postmaster, in a • rival newspaper, concludes by saying that the editor, "knowing his own price to be 6 very low indeed, has undertaken to buy -----------7 -- _ his peace with ring-bnued flattery, and proposes to throw himself in, just to make. good measure. The offer is de clined." IT is stated that negotiations are now in progress between the friends of the Chicago Baptist Theological Senainary and the owners of the great Hengsten berg Library, of 12,000 rare works on Biblical, theological subjects, Old Testa ment archeology, geography, history, etc., for the purchase of this.valuable col lection of books. This library is prob ably the most complete of the kind in the world, and would be a v gteat acquisi tion here. The refusal o it has been given f0r.0,000 in curr cy. All that now remains to be done s to raise the money, which will, no d übt, soon be effected. A PARIS corresponden describes .a sweet thing in sleeve.bu tons: "One gold button, as large as a small cheese. i ts plate, is covered with c ystal, under which is the rouge et no t roulette; e the other, its companion, co unr crystal cover three dice; - touch of the nail sets a little hook goi g, and round turns the roulette discin icon with the other button, which, when touched, also sets one of the dice leaping summersaults: when both stop the die on one cuff shows a number, and either rouge or noir stands at the hook. In this mner gentlemen can gamble in railway gains, in bed, at the cafe, anywhere." II ... Ai Illinois notary üblic, commis sioned in 1853, for four ears, continued to act until 1886, when e died, his com mission not having be renewed. In 1859 he took the ackno ledgment of a deed, which, being sent o the Secretary of State, that officer refu ed to attach a certificate that the d was an acting notary, &c., for the teas that the nota ry's con:ulsion had ex ed by limita tion,v and not being rene ed he (the ii. Se cretary) could not certify o official acts in 1859. The Governor an tamed this de cis!on, and also expresse grave doubts if the sureties of the note could be held responsible for his acts a ter the expira tion of the term of four ears for which he was appointed. A GERMAN named U and committed suicide at Bolivar, Tue awes county, Ohio, last week, uder t e following cir cumstances: He had stol some boards out of the school hoes ; was arrested, bound over, confessed and was fined twenty-five dollars. He sold his house and bought in Canton. Subsequently repented this step, and tried to buy his Bolivar house back, but the purchaser re. fused to sell. Uhland was very gloomy about the matter and declared that he would not leave his. old house until he was carried away. On Thursday he went into his carpenter shop and was heard to pray loudly. The report of a gun startled them outside, who, upon entering, found him dead. He had placed the gun so that with a stick he could reach the trigger, and the ball passed directly down into the top of his head. L . STATE POLITICS. - TIOGA proposes to haye a Republican majority of 3,000 this year. Tan true Democrat is the man who carries out the principles of Democracy. Tan Press says: The Republicans of Philadelphia are going to answer this fall the disputed question as to "who struck Billy Patterson." TWENTY. ONE 'Republican meetings are to be held in Lancaster county - during October. The County Committee is very energetic there this year. Tar. New York Sun says that Geary will carry Pennsylvania this fall by 10,000 majority; The canvass is aiding the Re publican ticket every day. Fawn dollars and ninety cents is the amount of taxes paid by Asa Packr,who is reported to be worth twenty millions. The poor man pays the taxes for him. Tan doubts about our honesty to pay our national debt are costing the country $30,000,000 a year in extra interest. These doubts are caused by the Demo cratic repudiationists. • • Tan man who is too careless to go and see that his name is on the list of vote's, in time, doesn't deserve to have a vote. We hope no Republican will find himself disfranchised by his own negligence. A GRAND mass meeting into be held in Beaver, on Tuesday, October sth, and Senator Scott and Messrs. Grow and Swope are to be the speakers. Op the evening of the same day the same gentle. men will speak in New Brighton. THE Democratic papers fly at the head of filch . columns "For Governor,.Asa Packer. of Carbon county," an then they declare that be does not live there at all, but that his home is in Philadelphia. Why can't they tell the truth I—Lebanon Courier. Joss W. GEARY, the brave soldier. or Packer, the rebel millionaire, must be our Governor for the next three years. Can loyal men hesitate whom to chose? Vote for the man who fought his coma try's battles, and periled his life for the the Union. , L. W. C.RANYFOED ifs the Republican candidate for Assembly in the - McKean district. and James H. Webb has been nominated ' for Assembly by , the Republi cans of the Bradford district, in. place of Mr. Ackley, who w as killed in a railway co llision- • 1 Tan Pottsvill Miner's Journal' says: Packer will fall or. lamely in the coal regions where he's, best known. The bone and sinew of. our popUlation repu diate the grasping monopolist who owes his -immense wealth. to the labor of, the workingmen; he oppressed. OR the 7th of Aigtist last the Republi cans of Huntingdon; county voted'On the " Crawford County System," but until lain week the return was' kept a "secret. The Republican; hoWever;`ixas Unearthed it, and it appears . that she system was carried by a vote of 91 for to ;138 against. ' • Tan Democratic party of Pennsylve, ea in Convention assembled, inlBoo. refiolvedthat in the event of the. separa. tion of the South from the North . it was the duty of the Keystone . State to follow her Southern sistersl No wonder Chair. man Mutchler wants the past . forgotten. Tau Harri,f3butg Telegraph says: Every knave and scoundrel in the country is opposed to:.the Registry. Law. Every honest voter_ thanks. God for its whole some provisions. We heard a prominent Democrat declare that "Geary could easi ly be defeated if it was not ,for that d.....d Registry Latol" Win does not the Democratic State Central Committee furnish the people of Penniylvania with the record of Cyrus L. Pershing? His voteigin the Legisla ture during the war, .1111 all measures looking to the support of our soldiers in PITTSBURGH.. GAZETTE: MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1869, tile tie* could proVe instructive ,read-,. log to layalmen. Tnsi Chambersburg Repository says that the Democratic aspirants for the Con gressional nomination next fall are taking time by the forelock. There are-already . in the field F fr oomh that district viz: B. Wm. B. Stenger, fte Valley ' Spirit, . Meyers, of ihe Harrisburg Patriot, and Alexander Coffrotli, an ex.M. O. Thus far Stenger is ahead. AN exchange says - the CoPferheads are busy at secret work. They are canvass- ing every ddstrict in the county, and ex: pent to get out their full Note - . They Writ they are catching the Republicans nap• ping, and are already congratulating each other on their expected gain. Republi cans, will you sleep while the enemy are working for your overthrow ? WE desire it to be distinctly under stood, in the remotest corners of the State, as it is known at his home, that the Dem °cretin candidate for Gdvernor of Penn sylvania, was in the closest sympathy with the peace or secession wing of the Northern Democracy during the war; t the was one of those who rejoiced in t, o r r ie d e e . feats and mourned over our Lvic- Lxtrimsz, the location of the celebrat ecoffee-pot naturalization machine, is not prospering under the rule of Demo cracy. While for four years past, ender aßepublican State government, the as sessinent'of State taxes in this county has been diminished nearly five-fold, the as. sessment of county taxes has regularly doubled, trebled, and quadrupled the levy of 1860. ,- Tux Republicans of Mercer were never so active in a political campaign as 'now. No less then twenty-seven township meetings are advertised to take place ' in the county within the next ten days. A. meeting is to be held in Mercer county, on Tuesday, October 9th, at which'pon. John Scott, Hon. W. W. Ketchum, Col. T. M. Bayne and H. Bucher Swope, Esq., are announced to be the speakers! THE Clearfield Journal says: We are reliably informed that $5,000 have been sent to Clearfield by the Mutchler State Committee, for distribution among the faithful. Every Democrat who doesn't get his share of 'the funds will get cheated. If they don't keep a sharp lookout the whole "pile" will be divided among the Clearfield "ring." Now is the time to call for it—before the election. After you vote you will get no money. THE G. A. 11. post at Erie are prepar ing fora grand entertainment the com ing winter. Din Joscrn KAHICWEILER has sold the Carlisle Sulphur Springs to Col. Omit, of Harrisburg, for $3,000. Tux Welsh Congregationalists of Penn pylvania held their annual convention a Ebensburg, Cambria county, last week. EDWARD Buns, charged with the mur der of George Settlemoyer, in Summer hill township, Cambria county, has been admitted to bail in the sum of 115,000. SOLVSIOR McCullough, Esq,, formerly of Cambria county, and a well known canal and railroad contractor, died in LanCaster on the 24th ult., aged 82 years. Cravrun county boasts of a large lass over whose head but thirteen summer suns have rolled, who weih 240 pounds. The Republican attests thestatement, having seen "the scales and the damsel on them." Jom M. WarrEnna, residing in White Pine county, Nevada. recently sent to his mother, Mrs. M. Whitehill, of Hookstown, Beaver county, a silver brick of the value of $120.'76 specie. He's "brick" of a boy. Mr. L. N. FLYNT, a well known insu rance agent in Erie, stooped down to pat a little dog in Gil itmtle ore's miline ju mry ped at store, when the ugly l whelp and bit a piece out of Mr. Flynt's under lip, making a painful wound and an ugly mutilation. RECENTLY, while an excavation was being made on the highway which crosses the East Diamond, in Waterford, Erie county, tfle remains of a human being were found which are supposed to he those bu r ied rench soldier who must have been there about one hundred and twenty years ago. Os Monday of last week .Miss Bridget Markham, while sitting at her work. stand in the house of Mr. F. B. And rews, at Bhamburg, Venango county, accidentally upset the lamp by the light of which she was sewing. Falling upon the floor, it broke and set fire to the carpet, , and from thence the flames were communicated to her clothing. In her fright the unfortunate girl ran out of the house, screaming frantically for help, but before assistance could be rendered she was terribly burned, and died the next morning. ON the 21st ult., a man named Roach stole two horses from the stable of Man full & Ross, contractors on the Pittsburgh and Connellsville Railroad, four miles from Ohio Pile Falls. Mrs. Manfull, who had observed the theft, and who was threatened with violence by Roach, notified her husband, and pursuit was at once made, Mr. Manfull and hie part ner, Mr. Ross, overtook Roach near Cretans, in Somerset county. Seeing he was mimeo, Roach .tied the horse to a fence, took refuge in an old house, and prepared for a fight. He looked out of a window, Seemingly prepared for a ShOt at his puratiers,'when Mr . /WIND ' dis charged hp, revolver at him, the, .ball taking eat; in his breast and cawing bis death next day. Mr. Mania gave him self up to the authorities - and 'Mr. Boss was arrested as accessory 'to the homi cide. , • , .. : , • ': - Tun Bile conference of the M. R. Church meet at ,Franklin' Veziango county, on Wednesday of last week to hold its 34th annual session. ThiCtont i ferenoe embraces the counties :` of Erie; Crawfbrd, Mercer, Yining°, Ciro - aid parts;of Lawrente, Butler and,„ Pennsylvania, and in Ohio: Ataa . 'III Trumbull, Lake, , Geauga; Portary a n d.,__ in parts of Cayuga and Summit; • 1145 ° Chautauqua,. and parts ,of Cattaregua counties in New York. At the last , con ference Were. were reported 260 pastors, 870 lay preachers ” tul4 about 88,000 church members: also', 322 . Sunday schools, • bnving 11. membership of over 42,000 teackers and scholars. Thee Conference owned 887 churches and 148 parsonages valued at a million and a. half dollars. ' The aggre gate salaries paid the pastors was sls s e 805, and the contribution of the churches to the Bible and other societies was about $29,000. STATE ITEMS. SELF - LABELtNG Fit UTT-C AN POP. vi lr uGHT, PITTSBURGH, PA.' • _ _ _ We are now prepared to supply 'Rupert' and Potter. It Is perfect, simple. and as Cheap as the plain top, having the 'names of the various Prato stamped upon the.cover, radiating from the center. and an Index orpolnter stamped upon the top of the can. It is Clearly, Distinctly and Permanently ~BFT.FT)~ by merely placing the name of the fruit the cut contains opposite the pointer and sealing in the customary manner. No preserver of fruit or good housekeeper will use any other after once seeing t. , PIPES. CIitSINEIFTOPS. sfko; WATER PIPES, ORIDINEIT TOPS ♦ large assortment. HENRY H. COLLIVIS, "y11:h87 Avenne,near Smithfield St TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, &O. FALL OPENING. EINE O.I3ORTMENT OF ARAB SHAWLS, In Plaid and Roman Striped Ruffled Collars and Cuffs, The New Bailor Collar, Bilk Fringes, Satin Trimmings, Bilk Class Buttons. In all the Newest Patterns. MISSES PINE WOOL CAPS AND SAME An Elgant assoitonrit just receivtd Bair and Jute Switches, Balmoral and Plaid hosiery, Wool half hose, Shirts and Drawers, TOR TALL AND WINTER WEAR. YARN, A Full Supply of All Hinds HEAVY PLAID FLANNELS, M.ACRU3I, GLYDE & CO., 78 & 80 Market Street. sell 3 JITST OPENED JOSEPH HORNE & CO. EXTRA QUALITIES ARAB SHAWLS, STRIPED AND taCOTCEI FLAW. ALL SHADEf.• Reyersed Satin Pleating, Tait Latest Novelty In Dress Trimming.. Quilled Satin Trimming, Gimps, Frlnes }gain and Plaid Hercule Braid', 11 1 , !Sik, Clatin and Velvet Buttons, Scotch Plaid Glass Buttons, -L Biot ma anda and ColoreGirdld Vele s• et v Ribbons Merino and Wool Underwear In all Oleo and dpalltles. Child'• Merino Orates, Ladle,' lderlro Skirts, BoulLvarde Pelt Ulna HOSIERY• An Unsurpassed Auortmcnt Merino sod Wool Binned, Fleeced Cotton. Plain Merino, Tartan. • Pa Wan Striped, VICTORIA AM) STIART CASHMERE HOSE, in all sizes. Oen' s• Half Hose In Wool. Merino and Super Stout C otto AT'VERY LOWEST PRICES. 77 and 79 MARKET STREET It 30 ASSESSMENTS. orncr. 07 CITY ENGINEER & SURVEYO, PITTSBURGH, OCL. 2,1609. f DIOTICE.—The assessment for • Grading, Paying and Curbing of FORBIN BET. from Chr s twit to Magee street, is now ready for examination, mid can be teen at thts othce until W EON Ed OAT, October 13th. when it will be returned to the City Treasurer's orace for eoliection. 0b2:05 H. .1. MOORE. City Enalneer ____ IaTICE CITY Pxolleaals aliD ISURVEYoxt. - Pittsburgti, Oct. 3.1869. 1 114-OTICE.--Tll6 Assessment for stadia': and paidna Locust alley from Fur oh to Forty.firet stre now ready for ex amination. wait vim be s e en at stile wilco until WILDNESDAY. Octo Tread ' sB69. When it will be sent LOW LI T olllce for col , lectlon oc1:1;01 H. J. 1100111.. City Engineer. OPTICS OP CITY ENGlNltinScrairsTOß, rirrssonatx, Sept. 28. 1869. 5 aIbNOTICE.--The assessment for _G ra ding, Paving and onrblug BEECH EY from Pride to Miltenberger street,ls Dow ready tbr exandaation, and can be seen at this office tmttl PIHDAY. October Stb, when It will be retameDle ILe City... Treasurer's once for Col. lectlon• se':o100 :TENIFERSON fiTREET.-TEIE V *undersigned. apooluted Viewers to assess cleavages and bootees !or opening Jefferson street. s econd w ard, 'Weibel:li, nott tee preut- Isas on , ORDAY., October 9th 1149, at SI feoloen •r. W. to .Atton4 to the. (tunes of our ap protmeut. B. , strGIIENNES. - • • JAMES OISAISAnt. 4egastrlo.2 l, • ANDBMW DAVIDSON. iDTICE TO VLOIIIII DEALERS ,A. 1413 CoNsfIRIERS.—We are now reeeia ne 40.000 bushels direfully selected ayp AND AMBER. ND . T&NNSB.IItr. wmg* , num/land in 01 son. flake, Breen snit , K organ counties,. In fans, This -lot of Wiles; is tile very best ts be round and cannot be surpassd by any In tbe United ?Antes. _ we hav ealso finished our Improvements In Machinery. Bolting Cloths and Cooling Rooms: and are DOW prepared to Punish Abe best flour We have made for ten years at prices that defy CednpetitlOn on the same grades oi flour. R. T. iranagivir,Dir'& BRO.. Pearl. Steam Kill. Allegheny. , • . • Be .tember3.3. 1869. • . ... WIIIt! FLOUR!- FLOUR! _, IitISNRINYTA Beatty ruyern,. 415stiblil. Legal ene, I bbls Ha ta. 361/ Vittiotuo, 110 bbls rin mit Milts 970 bbis 1 . 411.R0., 580 Mils Bed River. 133 bbls May .i . ANT, wrsonansils twns. SOO Mar verstde, 905 bbl White Star, 500 Dine siLTlLOA__rands Spring Wheat flour. WD,mSN WREATRAMILY WLOUR. Vitg•Mlib of Npringileid. Ohio. Pride of the West, Depot Mills. *Glen, A. Panignik Mi ll s Ringleader and Drown, choice IR. Loeb. for We lower alien can be brought from the West. WATT. LANG 3 00., Jrn al* and 174 Wood street. u - t - 4 • z 8 cei 4=5 0 • ; C•P •pf •ori ow to ;1; z 03 °= wl4 o C:1 ;si 4z 2 . 0 Z 4 f.T 44/ t j g <1 41 "g •%0 0 0 • t WIL tao Z ',ll g, M a 0 P 4 rA ock z o' 6 74 I=3 to% z .04 CIRR I BIeCANDLESS a, CO., LIU Warns. Carr at,C 1 r...) WFIOLZBALZ MALI= IN Foreign ad Domestic Dry Goods, No. 94 WOOD STREET. Third door abort Diamond one • :I: IMOH. PA. pnoposekm 11l be received at the office of the under signed until SATURDAY. Octob•r lad. 9 A. for farnisbing 350 of Hold's ImProved Indirect rs. and itt Inc up the same for warming the new parts of the AArgbeny County Jail. Further inloimation given a. our office. 5004;15 BARR Sr. MOSFR. pitOPOSALS Lumber, Bricks, Slate, Glass Sr. Copper. Sealed proposals will be received at this Ar senal untlllo A 3.1. on TU85112:57, October sth, 1869. for furnishing 80,000 feet White Pine Flo oring. best quality, 1" by 6 inches by 12, 44, 16 and 18 feet long. 96.000 feet White Pine tinrathiag Boards /3 4 by 8 incries by 14. 16 and 18 f4et long. 95.000 felt White Pine Joists 2)f, bi 5 incaes, and 16 f , et long 20.000 feet White Pine Joists op 4 inches, and 16 feet long. All lumber to be of good entirely free from large or loose snot.. sari, shakes. splits and rot, and all to be deilveted at site of shops at this Arsenal before thlic.ose of navigation In 1869. Proposals will be made per thousand feet. boar d mersure. and will state whether the lum ber will be delivered on cars or wagons. SEALED PROPOSALS will also 13? ncelvfd at this Arsenal until 10 A. M. on WEDNEBD follow- October 20th, 1869, for furatitting tat follow- En City Engineer. FLOUR. elm t PROPOSAL FOR lug materta's: Anout 1 100,000 Bricks for floor arches. All bricks must be of the best quality. Bound and well burnt. Samples 'will be turnisheil with the bids. Proposals will be made per thourand bricks. delivered at site of chops, at this Arsenal. and will state whether cra cars or wagon-. De.lc ery.to commence by Ist of May. ISTO. and all to be delivered before August Ist. 1810. • ALSO. for furnishing and_prittlr. g on ID mortar with copper nails , about 600 square (of 100 square feet) BOOT SLATING. - f he slate must be of the bestquallty. Samples of different sizes andss caneties or will be furnished and separate propols made f each. Proposal' will be made per square (of 100 square feett) of Fisting exposed when put on the roof. no extra allowance to be made fur edges or. waste in ratting. The Untied* States to rUrttlsll - labor and no =aerial, excepting sand and lime fur the mortar. • Tr e root to be laid so that less than one-third of the length of each slate shall be exposed to the either: and all laid within sixty daysafter the roof shall have been made ready for slating. . ALSO FOR GLASS. 000 lights ST by 13' Inches. 1.400 lights a IBS by inches. 1,000 lights SICIS by 1312 inches. • 3SO llghta SITS by 13s inches. 1100 tights AB 13:yiches. The glass to be of best quality of window glass. double thickness, clear, out of wind, free from blisters. waves and stains. Samples will be fur nished with the proposals. Separate proposals will be made per 1001Ights of each canety. delivered in cars at the site of shops at Rock Island Arsenal, all to be delivered before May let. 1570. ALSO. PCB. COPPER GUTTERS AND SPOUT' I'l t). About 1.370 lineal feet of Gutters made of 'beets. 4 fret wide. About MO lineal feet of Valley Gutters, made of sheets 9 feet 8 inches wide About 920 lineal feet of Itidge Corer made of. sheets A feet wide. About 160 lineal feet Of sluihings fbr igabies tirade of sheets 1 foot 8 Incises wide. About 7A6 lineal feet of Dowutponts 4 inches indlameter. The copper to be of the best quality, No. 18 (or Sib - lbs. per square foot) mil to be made up and placed in position In the mannerto be pre• scribed by the Commanding Gfecer of Hock Is land Arsenal. The work to commence within 10 days - aVer notification that the roof ts made ready. r ronolotts wil unitedde per lineal foot of each variety. The buttes to furnish no labor or material. remits desirous to make proposals for these InVerisle Inf ormatio n see all e aWints and 04t/111 all necessary by epplying at this Arse . nal. The llntted States reserves the Tight to reject any or all bids. or parts of WO. not oeemed sat isfactory, and to duplicate within one year any contract, that may be made in conformity wan thls advertisement. A prOpostlS will be made In duplicate and in detail addressed to the Commanding Odlcer , Inca Island Arsenal, and endorsed "Proposals for furnishing tmiteODMANrials.l" . J. R, Lt. Colonel Ordnance, Bit. T Brig. Oen. U. S. A., Commanding. Roes Island Arsenal, September 22, 1.1039. st,>;:o9o MERCHANT TAILORS. FALL STOCK •OF MEN & BOYS' CLOTBING, Now Receiving by ' GRAY & lOGIALVS, No. 47 SIXTH STREET, ier ; LATE BT. CLAM. 31'..A.14.33 1 r , 1R , - resrm.Nianz MERCHANT TAILOR, Eteps eonstaialif on hand GUMS, eaBsimeres and Vesting& AIso,GENTLEMMS rausrsam GOODS; No. 93 1-2 Smithfield Stieet, PITTSBUSGH. PA. `Gent's Clothing tirade to order In iheavies latest - • • D VEO, TAM. GOODS. ' A aglandid new stook of ' bre 0 TES; 6414.11fitraist‘ fe a, gnat renew" lieredustrl Taos. Ti Bmltbileid itrest. . Eiiiinze,BELL it, cco4 ANCHOR' COTTON errrentnit6 U. Yana fulmars of 1131V1 MEDIIIII sad LIGET ANCHOIit AND MAGNOLIA ANVXTLItrkS AND BATTINtI. ELEGANT dARPETS. The latest and most bessitifhl designs ever stiown In TAPESTRY OR BODY BRUSSELS. Just rceeised by direct importation from Eng- 3COI=L Ti" GMT Of the latest styl es in large gnantitless OUTER McCLINTOCK • & CO. 23 Fifth Avenue. OC2 CARPETS. NEW FALL STOCK. Oil Cloths, Window Shades, DRIIGGETS. DRUGGET SQUARES, Ingrain Carpets, At the Lowest Prices Ever Offered. BOYARD, ROSE & CO., FIFTH. AVENUE. EelB:d&M NEW FALL STOCK• CARPETS, The First in the Market THE CHEAPEST. - and Three-ply. CHEAP INGRAIN CARPETS. BODY BRUSSELS Ever Offered In Plttoburghw Bave time and money by buying from No. 11 and V 3 IP,IF= 407/503, stLZ:diT NEW CARPETS! MESH IMPORTATION lartehttbutolpyr. 313Colltun from =Mr- VELVETS, BRUSSELS, - Tapestry Brussels, &c., THE FINEST Assortment ever offered in Pittsbnrgl;.. ALSO. A PINE STOCK. Or THREE-PLI'S, INGRAINS, COMMON CARPETS A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Well Seasoned Oil Cloths. M'CILLI3I. BROS., .10b. 51. FIFTH' .41.1rEXVISs EMI COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! DICKSON, STEWART & CO., NO. 567 LIBERTY STREET, a.mely City Flour )1111) 8100 ND IWO& are now prepared to furnlsli good TOUGH:IO. -. EllEilt NY LIIBLP, MIT COAL OBBLACI., at UM lowest, morket price. • " All orders let at their oflee or addressed to ; them' through tha mall. wilf be attended to emulous. elduleraN MIES, QINGEBLY & CLIMES, Successon Qto ono. Y. SCSOCHarant CO., PRACTICAL IXIIIOOIIAPTCIRS. The only Ste= Lithorranlde /Establishment West of tte Mountains. ,aness -Cards, Letter Reads. Bonds. Labele,,Clnte- ars, Show Verdi, Diplomas. Portratte Views, Certificates of De. mains Invitation owls, ft.. Nos. TS sad TR Third street, Plttaburek. . .• . • . • DR.‘.I473.MMER cONTINITES TO - TREAT ALL private , diseases, Syphiffe in all Its fbrms, all u nary diseases an ame effects •of mercury are cometely ersdicated; Opermacarebea or B, ff , nal W eakness and impotency, resulting frOM self-abuse or other causes, and -which produces acme of the following effects, as blctcnes; bodily wea riless. ladigestion, consumption. aversion** ~ society. unioalliaess. dread of" future gyms% loss or memory, indolence. nocturnal emission% and dually so ptestratia the sexnal system as 10 render marriage ansatishiCtor7, and therefore Imprudent, are perartuently cared: Persona a% lined with these or ay other dedi catee, 'atrial& or long standing constitetional complaint o'ool9 give the Doctor a trig; he never falls. • e particuiar attention given to ail Female ectm. plaints, Leucorrhea or Whites. Falling, lanais. nation or _Dice/a 'll of the Womb, °Tunis, prurltts, Amenorrhoea. Ilmorritagia, Drama• norrhoes. and bterility or Barrancas, are tea% ed with the greatest SUOMI& - .• , __,_., It Is self-evident that a pbyglela who con fines himself exclusively to the study of a certain class of diseases and treats thousands of cases every mar must acquire greater skill in that aeciaiiiF than one in general practice. • _ The Doctor publishes a medical pamp hlet of Mr pages that gives it tell exposition of venereal liala private diseases, that can be had ern atolls* or by mail for two *tempi, In sealed velopm. livery sentence contains instruction tO - the sr. glicta, and enabling them to determine the pre. else nature of their complaints. The establishment, comprising ten Wale rooms ? central . When it is not convenient to visit e city, the Doctor's opinion can be oh. table by giving a written statement of the ease, and' medielnet can be forwarded by mail or es. press. In sums .Instanees however, a personal examination is absolutely necessary. while Le others dallypersousi attention is refit fired, and for the accommodation c f such patients these an T r a n w e itVge n r a y ec rrig i 11 .l a t e ggrer - Including medicated t v m tc) tiths°.teAll, recovery , siptions are prepared !tithe Doctor's own laboratOrY, under his personal su pervision. Medical pamphlets at once free, or by mall for two stamps. No matter who have failed, read what be says. Hoot's 9 a.m. to 8 P,M. BundlLys; 12 K. to SIP. M. Mice, No. 9 WY1.12. ST.P.P.ET, (neat Court }douse ,) 'Pittsburgh, r, MEI IMEI CHOICE PAT TEENS THE FINEST LINE OF 31c.FARLAND & COLLINS, W€cend Flom). AND COAL AND COSE. Ravin/ remoiod their Onion to EA~4=~~Z~~:sr~_~a~:~_~